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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1883)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEETHUKSDAl MAY 24 \ The Daily Bee. OMAHA. . . Thursday Morning , May 24. LOOAb JOKH1VITIBB , George Barker , the father of the man John Martin , who vrai fatally "hot on Sunday night ixt a saloon in South Omaha , arrived from Chicago last ev nln with a brother of the deaeaced and will leave for home with the remains this afternoon. He did cot know thathis son was married , and being a hard working man of limited meant , will probably not bo able to take hli wife and child home with him. When asked as to whether he would begin a suit against the Schrotei under the Slo- cumb law for damage * , on the child's ac count , he ld be should leave that to bo done by the friends In Omaha who were interested In them. He explained the son'd change of name by saying that in correspondence the young man's mail was often mlssent and lost , as there WAS on- other John baker in town , who had re sided here for some time , and generally got the mail first , A warrant was last evening issued fo a hock driver , on the charge of assault and battery on another man In the same busi ness. It soema that the two had had n difficulty together , and subsequently mat at a saloon , where the witness treated sev eral frlenda and left the defendant , who was standing by , out in the cold. They afterward mat outside , and the man who felt slighted by the other went for him , and struck him over the head , which led to the filing of the complaint. McKelvy , the popular ccntro fielder of the U. P. baseball nine , has recently re ceived Home very flittering offers from the Si. Louis club to play with them this sea- eon. Mac , however , stolidly refuses all overtures , and will continue to please the putrorn of the national game in Omaha through the season , where his excellent playing is fully appreciated. Work has commenced on the base ball ground on St. Mary's avenue , aud will be completed In time for the Introductory game on Decoration Day with the St. Louis club. This slto li a great Improve ment on the old one , and it is hoped will add greatly to ths interest in the game In the city. The Paiton hotel opened an elegant parlor ine-cream saloon last evening , in the room west of the main entrance , opening on Farnam itrett It is fitted up In uperb style , In keeping with the rest of the home. In winter It will bo trans formed Into an oyster saloon. Seveial rare exotics wore received by thi Pjxton yesterday , and will be added to the decorations of the office , Among other things was a magnificent cactus In full bloom , with a score or more of crim son flowers , each aa large as a tumbler. The eky became overcast with clouds irly lait evcnlrg end the rain began to fall about ten o'clock , There was alia n etlll breeze blowing and it threatened tc bow Omaha up to-day to the visitors nl her worst. Paragraph 2 , Orders No. 48 , dated al Fort Niobrara , Neb , . May 7,188.1. direct In ; Second Lieutenant J. V. S. Paddock , Fifth cavalry , to proceed to Omaha , Neb. and return to Fort Niobrara , is confirmed , Jnc. M. Harris , father of Mrs. F. 0 Taj lor , of this city , died at Burlington Iowa , on the 19th Inst , , aged 71 yean , Only two marriage licenses were isiuoi by the county judge darlntt the past sevci day * . What is the matter ! Tom Mulvlhlll , the manager of th Atobtson theater , has purchased the bll posting busiccu of T. F. Lyons in thi city. The meeting of the Wonvn's Christ tan Tempo-ance union will be hold Taunt day evening at3 o'clock at the Y. M. 0 A. rooms.- The Saratoga Union Sunday choo held locUble lait ovenlcg at the come of Twenty-third street and Garfield ave one. The renowcad Swedish Lady Quar lette will give an entertainment at th opera house to-night. Tickets , CO am 75 cents. As aa evidence of the growth of th city it may be stated that tbo nssesamen of one addition this year is 800.000 , whic three years ago was 93,000. Th * colored base bull nine of this clt ] known aa the ' 'Black Stockings , " went t Flaitsinoutb yesteiday to play the clu at that city. We are requested to Itqulre why It 1 that as good gutter bridged are not put i on Thirteenth street as on Fourtecntt They are of atone on the latter street an wood on the former. Mr. and Mis. Crawford desire to ex tend their heartfelt thanks to their' frienc who so kindly assisted them In their lal bereavement In the lots of a loving daugl ter , Miss LIda Crawford , The city marshal has tenovated nn vefurnlahed the manhal'a office in the Oit ' hall building , and it looks very nttractb and neat , New paper , a new lounge an tber articles of luxury have been prc Tided. Tided.The \ The oommluionera have named thi part of military road running frorn tli Deif and Dumb Institute to Cumbg strei "Institute boulevwd. " It will , it it ei peeled , become a favoiltedrive at some fi tnro day. -Little Will Nugent , while playln with a companion yesterday on Tent atreot and Capitol avenue g t Into n aquae ble and tha boy bit hltn on the head li Hiding a ( scalp wound two Inches lonf Dr. Hertzinan rewedup the wound. The standing committee to n clva applications for admlulcn t T the Home of U e KrVndle * * itn Mrs. 0. M. Dlnftnore , 10 3 Otpit" ! avi nne ; Mrs. Fuller , city uii si jnary , 81 ; t enth and Farnam ; Mm. M If , Oailetoi 12CS Howard street ; Mrs. A M. flame1 208 Nineteenth s'.rtet ; Mrs. M. K. MM ter , Dcdge and Fonitetnth streets. The burglar * raided thi resldenr * < Cbrii. Miller , on Eighteenth street ai Bellevue read. Tha entire family w ' hloroformtd , and about tW takes fro ) Mr. MUJai'f elotkw. Tbt/ alt * brok. t * that a perron who saw tha burglars reoog- ntzed one of them as a neighbor of the Miller * . Mr. Snell , who llvoi in the next honse to the Millers , was visited , but woke up and drove the burglars ofT , Treasurer Buck yesterdiy perfected the third bond that has been required of him since bis election , He first prepared one to the Omaha school district , when it was concluded that the bond should run U Douglas county , and another one was fixed up In accordance with tint require ment. Then the new school board came fa and raised the amount of the bond from SIOO.COO to 8150,000 , so that the work had to be done over again. Mr , Buck hopes this will be the Uit on ? for thi * season. AM ARCHITECT'S ' AMGER , A Member of the School Board Given the Bounce , Ha Piles a Complaint Against His Two Assailants , There was qalto n lively acono in Urolghton block laat evening , at the office of the Cloven Bros , , archltoott. It looms that Mr. 0. Spcoht , a member - bor of tbo school board and ouo of the building committee , wns Invited to aomo up to tha room ia question last ovonlng , and want , taking with him Mr. Henry Llvescy , also a mem ber of the board. There had boon a dlspato a week oreo oo ago In regard to the piano and upecificatlonu for the now shool house on Loavonworth and Seven teenth streets , which had been sac- cesofnlly competed for by Oluven Bros. Specht nnd Llvesey , both of whom are practical builders , had fig nrod out the cost of snob a building as wan proposed , which had benn o'li- mated by the architects at $10,000 They fnnnd that the coat would bo nearer $23,009 and so Informed the architects , who , U is claimed snpg atcd that the plans bo reduced , whloi the member * of the board would not con sent to. In the matter 'of masonry alone , which was estimated by the architects at $6,000 , Mr. Speoht claims that It could not bo built foi loss than $9,000. Last night when the call was made the dispute came up and finally , ni rumor goes , ono of the brothers pro posed to fire Mr. Specht out of thi room and this was done , ho bolnj thrown across the hall , striking hii head on the wall opposite. Mr. Speoht at onoo wont and filed i complaint lu Judge Bjneko's conr charging Charles and August Olovpi with assault and battery and they wil bo arrested this morning , The affilr created conriderable ex oltomont as the firm had always stoec high in favor with the board and thel action la liable to spoil their chance in the future. Never Give Up. If you ate suffering with low nnd de pretssrl spirits , tors of appetite , genera debility , disordered blood , weak oonstltti tlon , headache , ornny disease of u biliou nature , by all means procure a bottle c Klectiia Hitlers. You will bo surprlie to tee the rapid improvement that wl ! follow ; you will ba inspired with naw lift strength and activity will return ; pain an misery will cease , and henceforth , you wl rfjolco In the pral e of Kloctrlo'Bitten Bold at fifty cent * a bottle by O. F. Goo : man , A MAN MILLINER. A Now Shuffla In tbo Oorfldenc Game. The first confidence game thnt hi been played of late was reported la evening , the victim being from soir eastern state and on his way west. Ho was a young man , and at tl hotel where ho was stopping mad the acquaintance of a pleasant folio who bo a milliner wnoha been hero purchasing goods. Ti two ( trolled out together yostordn and the milliner asked the young mi for a loan of fifty dollars , to inako part payment on his goods , oftarln for security to tarn ever the rcolj to him. At the corner cf Fourteenth an Douglas the two mot a woman wb stopped the man milliner and told hii that bis goods had boon taken to tb depot and were all right , except on ease which was broken , and ought 1 bo fixed. Upon thin ho told his f riot from the east that ho wonld have I hurry dowa and sue to the matte and borrowing all ho had , which wi is $21 , told him to mi > et him nt tl depot and ho would fie It up wll him. Ho baa not baon mat as ye > and U is probable that ho will not b and his eastern victim is loft to tl extent above mentioned , A. F. & A. M. St. John's Lodge No. 25 , will me In special communication Thnredi id evening for work in the M. M. deure Visiting brethren are fraternally I 'y vltod. JAB. B. HKUNKH. Master. re * 2leal Eatato Transfers. The following deeds were filed f rioord in the county clerk's ' offi May 22 , reported for THE BKB 1 Amos' real estate agency : Wm. H James , master contract , O. W. Smith , n. I of sw. i sooth 9-1C-10 , ? 1. H. ( ) . Jones , Q. 0. , to J. W. Pa dock part of sw. bco. 27-10-12. $1 E Humphrey and wife and Oordol rhclps and husband to Win. EJp port of sw. of nw. sec. 15-15-1 - 5550. bl S. Wright to 0. G. Domlnick , d , lots 7 and 8 , block 400 , lot 7 , bid 2-t , R Wright to A. L. Wright , w. r k 1 , block 50 , lot 0 , block 1C8 , $ Hulrn i f I. 8hull to M. P. Sulti " block 3 , Shnll'a adi $500 , ' A Or ftt Difcovary. That Is dally t iiiRinp joy to tha hon of thonaatuU r > y tavlDR many of their di .r net from an "irly gruve. Truly ii 1 rClng'4 N v Disojvary fir oonsnmptli D' ' ouih , colds , Mthui * , bronohltlf , bay < M , lo s uf Yntce , tickling in the thro . U > > * ln in tha side and chtst , or any dtsei of ths thitvt and Hingi , a pocitlvo ci ItOd inaraatMd. IrUl botlii at O.F , G Od ma1 ! dn state , XflssjfkkiK. SHEAR FREEBOOTERS. The Elda of Two Handroa East ern Editors to the "Wild " West , The Gate City Prepares to Qroot the Brainy Brethren in Good Style. And Stuff lliMU with Statistics Andsofurth. The excursion of eastern editors , which left Chicago at noon Tuesday , for tbo coast , will arrive in this city by a special train at 1:30 : p , m. to-day. Taey corns 200 strong , and repre sent nearly alt the eastern and middle iiUtca , and the Canadian provinces. They are tbo guests of the 0. , B , & Q , railway , whoso hospitalities wont extended to them aomo time ago. Their firit objective point was the city of Plattamonth , which place they reached laat night. Ooubcll BloOa will ba vlsltod this morning aud Omaha thtu afternoon. Thu matter of a reception to thi visitors in Omaha wai taken in hand by our board of trade , the connty juuimlasloners joining hands witu thorn , though leaving the general munagoment < f the effilr to tha former body , by whom thu following commit , teen were appointed : On R.'caption Mayor Ohnso , Pres ident of Council W. J Btkcr , IVesl. dent Board County Ojinumsloucrrj F. W Ojrll'i , editors cf the dully pnopra Edw. Rosowntcr , Dr. Miller , Fred Nye.On On Eiter'alnraent President Good man , Vice President J. A. WakHliold , Max Meyer , H. O. Clark , 0 S. Chato , of the board of trade. On Oarrisgea G M. Unlngor , Max Meyor. Oo Finance Thomas Gibson , M. Hellman. On General Arrangements 0. F. Goodman , H G Clark , Thoa. Gibson. The committed on arrangements will go to the transfer to moof. the excursion party aud oacort them across and usher them into .the Gate City of the west. On arriving here thny will ba taken to the Grind Pacific Hotel , whore dinner will be served , and at 2 o'clock wll ) be met at the Pjxton with car riages nnd driven to the principal points < f interest about the city. Supper will be taken at the Paxtor and Millard hotel * and the excursion ists will leave at 11 F M . by a apeola train , over the B. & M , 'for Denver. The following is a complete list ci the excursionists as obtained from thi letters received at the B. & M. head quarters in this city : A. Iilst of the Visitors. MKW TOKK. News , Attics K D LVoinbfr. Journal , Dunkirk , II U Jarvi * . lutolllgcnccr , Gloverville , W E Leanini ana J K Leaning , Journal and Herald , Springvillc , W V Blakely. Rural luzstte , Flatbnsh , L I. , U J Eg glotton. Independent , Mohawk , K II Doolittlo. Journal , Dunkirk , L ) Jnrvia. CONNEOIICCV. Houiatonto K y , New Milford , M L Dei ban. d- Review , Nangatuck , J K Baal. Observer , New Brltian , R ! Vance. Herald. West Winstead , J H Vail and ] U Hallack. NEW JEnSKT , : e Times , Oamden , George S Merrill , MAINE. Maine Farmer , Augusta , J II Manly , its st Dsmocrat , Oakland , C B Ludwl * . MontgomerUn , Rockville , W B Green. 10 MASBAOHCaiTra. Record , Amherst , J E Williams. Record , Chelsea , F E Gray. Mirror , Mxlden. H U Gray. Monitor , Fall River. W S Robertson. < 1i urnal , Ltwrence , P S wee rev. Eoterpriie , Leomlniter , F X Boutwell. Advertlier. Marlboro , Pioneer , Hndaot Herald , Scltua'e , S B Pratt. Free Ptcsp , Plymouth , D W r iiiirarrf. IU Uompendlnn , Uxbrldce , F K Whitman VIIIMONT. Reporter , Springfield , 1' W Stiles. PENNSYLVANIA. Bontagsbote , Allegheny , J K Joos. Call , Altoona , M Alexander. Watchman , Hellefonto , R G Meek , 10m Republican , Bloouibbrp. . J 0 Brown. m Ssntlool , Canton , A W O ak. to Times. Oocbrantown , U A Bell. 10 Advertiser , Erie , not selected yet. to Hun , Attooni , not selected vet. Democrat , Greeushurg , A B Kline , A1 \ id Kline. tot Argus , Urenaburer , J M Ltlrd. t , I'rugrerp , Greenville , A D Gillesp'e. as News , HuntingdonRuxh Lln-Uay - both Uemccrat , Jnhnstotvr , I , D Woodruff. Advertiser , L rav < vHli > , G o tjinlth. th Republican. , McCcnnell vil1e , J G Ove : 'i ' Reoord , McK-eaport , .T B Scott. 10 , Journal. McVeytun , E Onrad. ho Sontiuel , Mlfll utowu , B F Schwtlr. Herald , Mllleisbnrp , J B Saad. Kcho. Mt Holly Spring * , R M Early. Watchman , Netvton > llamilton , b E Mo : rison. let Sun , North East , Ii B Cutbman , Advertiser , North Et , uotjet eeleotti Timis , I'tttkeraburg , not yet ( elected. 10 Critic , PitUburR , Chan T Slldell. " . Htrald Shamokill. W H M Own. Reoord , Summit Hill. J M M ley. v > zUe , St. Mnr8 , W G MoV n. Times , Union City , V G McLean , Laader. Watcrford. A V Moaes. or ONTAUIO. Conservator , Uratninun , A F Campbell , ce Tribune , Harriaton , Jno Hohertson. byte Star , IIistlDiM , 1 > M Howard. Advertiser. Pdtrolii U Herring , Standard , Fort I'erry , K teen uree Pr'as , Shulturn , ( J II Poarson. end Timer , St. Thoma ! " , A MoE ohern. Kevlow , St Thorns , W G Murdoclc. d- I'ost , Thornld , W W nn . - Observer. Tilsonhuru. W S Lw. I'elesraph , Wellnnd , N H Colouok. IU Oanndlnn Farmer , WollsuJYos. . HOWM. 3 , , Windsor , T M White. NOVA HCOTIA , w. rUindealer , New Glargow , W D Tanlo : INDIANA. Uevlew. Anderson , T 1 H 'rh. Reporter , Brookaton , C 0 French , American , Urookvllle , W X Green , Independent. Clay City. Wm. Travis. ur , Herald , Columbia City , J li McDonald , Kxamlner , Gcnnrnvlllt , J M Democrat , Cjrydon , Gno K Gwartney. Newr , Crawfotdivllle , O H I5owcn. Gazette , Dunkirk , J A Uorilen , Courier. Elkhart , M Hardy. aai Sentinel , Ft. Wayne. 0 T Melablmer. News , Ft Wavne. nun * not given yet. Dr. Giiflttr , Ft. Wayne , Gee W Lunt. OD , Herald , OaUestoo , not uelected jet. fe- . Herald. Garratt , O J Powell , .at , New * , Huntiogtoo , W TCuUalL aw Journal ( drainage ) , Indianapolis , J J tie. Bllllnpby. Kl- Indliaa BapMtt , i K iterprie , Knor , JAG irner. Ltader , Litayotte , F K D McGinley. Democrat , Li Grange , H A Drant. Standard , La Grange , It U Iteonlclr. Ilerald-Cbroblcle , L * Porte , W E Beat , lianner , Lezonlor. U M Marshal , Democrat , Muncle. M L Klrkwood , Indaprndent , Nnblcsvllle. W II Boiwell. Journal , Nortb Manchester , li Hopkins , Tlmen. Olford , JPCarr. San , Portland , li S Gray. Commercial , Portland , E .T Mnrih. Recorder , lining Sun. F J Waldo. lUuner , Uiokport , J E Wolff. Rfgliter , S inth Mend , A D F * tt. Tribune , Siutb Bind , Manning Recurs. Scbf > l Journal , Vaiparclio , Prof W F Courier , Wabaib , LoLlno. News , Wanen , not yet delected , TTnlon , Warsaw , A Wooley. Prew , Waynetown , not yet Delected. Democrat , Winnlmac , F B Thom i. Journal , Winnlinao , M U Ingrain. OHIO. ( iizsttf , AVron , 'Oarnon Lake. Standard. Alliance , P J Garrlton. Telegraph , Ashtabula. J Re-d , jr , Star , B'Rnchflnter ' , N F Snvder. Forum , Bucyrun , J F Williston , ( } az ttp , Coatlond , John Jnhnion. Journal , Dayton , W D Blckam , Time' . Ddfi nce , F J Sp d. Herald , DeUfenrr , D K Flannagan. Herald , Dslphos , 0 M T-.lou. Avalanche , Telt ) , W O Kn pp. Messenger , Fremont , K B Smith. I're'F , Gerinsntown. J J Antrim. Democrat. Lima , W H Tlmmons. Advocate , L-mdnrvllte , H B Ca e. Ohio Liber.Mantfielil. ! . H 0 Foulfc. Kcrald Munstield , Oen U Harn. G izette , Medinv J H Green. inpmident , Now Lexington , not yet Ohio Patriot , Jmv LUbon. W. S Potts. Democrat , Now Philadelphia , C H Ma- thfju a. It-flection , Norwalk , F D WioVham. \'tfn \ > , Oak Harbor Geo. Gnsliae. Journal , Pomeroy , Ohm West. Jr urnal Sumlnskv , Amos Layman. Hegldtfr , S niltiQk < , name not given , Ilrrnld , Tiffin , K 1) Hnbhsrd. Arlvirtlfer. Tflin , J M Myew. Am ri'an , Toledo , G H Tonner. Telegram , Toledo. J G Bnttelle. News , Urbane , W H Gribble. MICHIGAN , Sun , Fort Gratia * , ,1m E Srr.illr. . Ar itf , Ann Arbnr. W O Duty. Nnwr , Au Sable , J 1C Fatrchlld. Times Hnrrl'villp. J K Falrchild. I'rps' , B v Oitv , E T Bnnnott. Trlkunr , Bav CMy. W W Kllner. Lumh rtnan'a Gazstto , Bay City , F I Wuntover. TVi Vatrio e , Hay City. H G Pccand. G iz'rttn. Hollfivue , G M Perry. Kra , Berrlen SprinK" . Fred MeOomber. Record , Buchanan , J G Holmes. Hepublic-n , Oh lntte , Jcnn'fl ' A Hague Her ild. Grand Haven , D II Kedz'e. ' News-Journal , Grand Haven. J G Lee. Homo Enterprise , Concord , T S Eunge ford. New , Concord , Howard Whetmore. Advertiser and Mercury , Conatantlne , I G Hall. Journul , Corenna , S H McCarty. nerd , Deerfidd , O E Hawkins. Reporter. Dund f , H Euabroad. Globe , Flint , F S A'drich. ' Leader , GrAnd Rapids , name mot givei yet. Republican , Unwell. T F Kershaw. Star , Jackson , M W Tarbox. News. Laning bur ( ? . J O Stone. Times , Mtlford , J H Morrison. Monitor , Mt. Clemlni , F E Nellis. Enterpriae , Mt. V nn nt , J R Doughty Mall , Muskeron , O E Hllbourn. Chruniclo , Muskecon , name not given. 'News , Nashville , Omrn S'rnnif. ' R'publioMi , Nflwsygc , E V Shaw. Herald , Paw Pw , I W Vnn F psem. Free Press and Chronicle , Paw Paw , E 1 Blackmnn. Reporter , Port Sinllac. J A Hoidclns. Newa , Port Auittn , .1 H Hall. Timeis Port Huron , L A Sherman. Herald , Q-iinoy , Genrpn R Pood. Ob rver , Rome , C A Waterbury. .Tourn l , Sturgls. N J Packard. Republican , St. Jo-ph , Wm RIcarby. Newr , St Joseph , T T Robinson. Herald , West Branch , Jity Allen. Forum , WhltehM1 , E J Sulth. Journal , White Pigeon , H J Carr. Commercial , Ypsllaotl , nnme not given. YjsllantlaD , Yysilanti , P W Carpenter. Tie Coming Excursion- Citizens having oarrlagoa are n quested to report at 2 p. m. , Thuri day , May 24'h , In front of the Paxto | hotel , to drive the visiting editoi aronud onr olty.G. G. W. LlNINQER , MAX MEYEE , Com. for Board of Trade. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The gretteflt medical wonder of tl world. Warranted to speedily cure Burn Bruises , Cults Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fevi Soreo , Cancers , File * . Chilblains , Corn Tetter , Cbauped Uands , and all skin era ] tlons , guaranteed to cure in every insUno or money refunded , 25 cents per tox. For eale by 0. F. Goodman. THE SOCIAL ART CLUB. Opening of Their Exhibition In K < dick's Block. The Social Art olub , ono of the mo ; praiseworthy Institutions in the ch ; and also ono which ia constantly grov ing in favor with our best peopli opened Its exhibition yesterday i thnlr rooms In Rodlck'n block. ThU clnb wax formed for the pu pose of promoting the taste for fit art among our cldzans , and to 01 ( courage and asalst those interested 1 snah matters to a higher education i thin Important social branch. Too two npaolouj rooms are fille with choice specimens of work , aada adjdlnlnR room , kindly placed at the dlaporal by the board of trade , occupied ai a refreshment roor d , nhero the most dollclons lee croatr ctkoand strawberries are dlipensoi showing that in this department ] tl ladles are aa highly trained as ! handling the brush , the needle or tl knife. The honra at which the rooms w ! bo open to visitors will be from 10 m. to 10 p. m. , and a committee < ladles will bo present at all times show and explain the work whit adorns the walla , tables and cases. The comuiitteo In charge laat nlgl consisted of Mra. Qdorqe I. Gilba ntid Mrs. Dr , R 0. Moore , and tl BEE reporter wtia very courteously r ceivod and shown tha various attra T tlve features uf the display , which would require moro epace than ? have at our command to doscrlbo completely as it deserves , bnt whli Is most meritorious throughout. The exhibition will last until Frldi night at 10 o'clock. B rlglit'iIHfrnf r. DUbrtci , Kldai Liver or Urinary Dlseana Have no fear of any of these d ! eases if yon nso Hop Bitters , aa th will prevent and euro tbo worst cast oven when you have been made wet by some great puffod-up pretend ouro. Tboie of Sore Throat , Ho r > rne 1 or "Ukl W onld , " ahou'il uae Baowi'a [ TBO BM. Tha cffct li xtraordina ; t parWcalarly wktn itMd by ala ( n a A RAPE REVENGED. Emil Peppercorn Meets a Felon's Fate , And the State will Support the School Teacher for a 1 erm. The criminal docket of the Waih- ngton county court was taken up by ndgo Neville at Blair on Monday nd the great case of the term was icard on Tuesday , when Emll Pep percorn was CONVICTED CV RAPX > y the jury after twenty minutes' de- iberatlon. The faots in this case are iretty familiar to the public , having > oen published both at the time of the elopement nnd subsequently repeated when both parties were captured at St. Louis. Peppercorn was a cchool and music teacher lhiti at Fr. Oalhoua , and his victim wan Mary Fmhui , the thirteen pear-old daughter of a highly roipict blu aad wull-to-do farmer of the same Icotlity , having resided there kwenty-alz years. Peppercorn was iudlcUd at the fall term on two cotiLlalz ; rape , aud as sanll with intent to commit rape Offing to a defect in the Impinnuhug of the grtiud jury the indictment wan quaabtd but a now ori.o was found by THE MAY OUANU JOKY. On the trial the defu' > m ) wis ropro- aoutud by Ballard and \Vilton , while District Attorney Godwin WHB isolated in the prottcutlon byludgo litldwln. The trial lasted from 0 o'clock in thu morning to 9 o'clock in the evening , whim the casu was eont to the jury by Jndgo Nuvllle , nnd a verdict of guilty returned within twenty minutes , on the first count , which WAS rapo. The trial was an Intensely lutert sting one , nd the court house was crowded with spectators. MAY Fiiunt , the principal witness for the prosecu tion , told her story In such a manner that the truth seemed evident to every listener. She stated that on the night of the 18th of February , 1882 , when her parents had gone to the dying bed of n brother , Peppercorn , who was her uncle and school teacher , was stop ping for the night at their house. Shu retired at 8:30 : with her little brother , an elder brother and the hired man sleeping up stairs. She was AWAKENED AX UIDNIOHT from B sound sleep by a man being in the room , who had already accom pllshed his hellish design. She re pulsed him and saw as he left that it was Peppercorn. A few weeks later , in April , she was attending a private school at his house and was doing chores in the absence of his wife. Hero a violent and successful attack was ugsiri made , and eho was after ward told that in iho future she must submit to his withes , or her parents would learn the fiota aud treat her cruelly. Soon she found heraelf inn delicate condition and BECAME FRianTKNKD , and Etill terrorized by his throats ol her parents' cruelty , consented to elope with him to Ss Louie , The defense offered no ex. planatlon of the midnight seen or of the school room E flair Peppercorn awore that sie came to his room willingly , aud that she wrote bimfond loiters. That at St. Lonh Q dhe went with him to the jail anc ( a gave him a rlne Inscribed with hei Initials , as a pledge of her affectiot and cn'istancd. In his argument Judge Bildwin , alluding to the lattoi incident told the prisoner that thi itlzons of Washington county Tronic > e ot let him wear that ring anothe : ight. Br TDK PROMISE HADE GOOD. p. At the conclusion of the trial i e , knot of men gathered together am etermlnod that the ring , which wa annttngly exhibited by rho prisoner hould be taken away. Oaa of then was sent to him with a mcisaago tha 'Jndga Bildwln wanted that ring.1 fi ? he prisoner saw the ominous signs o it atorm and handed It ever without i word. After the verdict , the prisoner wa emanded to jail and sentence wll lot bo passed until next Saturday ? ho penalty provided by the atututc or this crime la from three to twont ; yeara IN THE STATE'S PRISON. r- The elopement took place on th r10 13 > h dny of July 1882 , and the chili ! was born In January aud la now beln In cared for by May'a mother. > The chili In nlfe is living with her parents and 1 welland kindly cared for. She ia aali id o bo very beautiful , her yonthfo in .Mumptlon of matronly rosponslblllt ; ilr lavlngdevelopodher Into well rounder la proportions and added , although n , a terrible cost to her naturally qi > i : ! and intelligent nature. She Is avengei at laat and no doubt the villain wh ruined her homo will get a sever lu sentence as he deserves to. tie 111 n. n.of to toh : h ht rt ho Do you . want n pure , bloom 10U Ing Complexion \ If so , . U few nppirculious or Hngan'f IVU as 3LVG 6LLV ILiLH will grat ch il'y you to your heart's -con tout. It tlocs away with Sal loivncss , llcdiicss , Pimples Ulotchcs , nnd all diseases am imperfections of the skin. I ev overcomes tlio Hushed appear nnco of heat , fatigue and ox Isuy citomoiit. It makes a lady o uy"t T1U11TY appear but TWE "t TY ; and so natural , gradual rse and perfect aft its effects that ft is impossible to dotcc { . application. IDR AL for Infants and Children. What Rlvcs our Children rosy chocks , CaBtorlftproniof cs Digestion 'What cures their ferers , makes thorn sloop : and overcomes .flatulency , Coustipa- tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , nnd When tables fret and err by turns , Fcvcrishncss. It insures health and What cures their colic , Vllta their worms , natural Bleep , without morphine. Whnt quickly BOUT Stomach , Colda , " CoKtoria Is BO well adapted to Children that I recommend U as superior to nny prescription Farewell then to Morphine Syrups , known to me. " li. A. ARCHEII , M. I ) . , Castor Oil and Paregoric , and 82 Portland ATC. , Brooklyn , K. Y. CENTAUR LINIMENT-au absolute euro for Kliouma- tisin , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. The most Powerful and Pene trating Pain-relieving and Healing Remedy known to man. SPECIAL NOTICES. tlTQP IALC wl I POSITIVELY not beln tartedunless paid In advance. MC * E < ' T > LONThc Om hi sulnss rank MON'EV I pnp rid tomiko lr . 01 Onuhft city or t cuilas c unity re > 1 otko nt current ratcio InUrett. N i-jflum Minn'Rid. fet ( ONKYTO LOAN Cull a * . LnwoWco cf P. L. M Thomrn , rnom P , Crtltfhrj n Block. Loaned on ihattol proforty by J. MONI1Y , No 21R South 14th street 22n.lmot . ' 'NfY ' LOANrDfn cliattcl M' Doom 7 Union IMocV : . BSI Imoj HELP WANTED. ANTED F'r-t ' cl on enlilntt maker /Ml- W ilr < m"C. B. 8" Dec O3cc ; , 013-24 } DA g o < \ g\rl \ for . W at 1013 Dcdge St. t22 23J On inlnter anil 1 pla'tfter at W 12C6Do'K S5. 024 23J - ' . K Blnh m WASTED-OltUtopftsk'rult. 010,231 Twenty men. II , MANNWEI- WANTKD 1 nlployiiicnt A goal llth St. re&r F.rnaai. OJ3-21I - n tlnnern tl > to Fremnnt , WANTED-T Neb. . Apply at Le , Fr.'eland ' Co 1108 & lllOlItrccy-t ' 014-20 VilBteltn. hdp at Ht York WANTEu tmi'dke'y. Go-d wags * ikld. Thcsa "linlnf lur'Ltr Inioraatlon cn ( ddrcu Mt § MaryUctlray , Frtaont , Web. 627-21 ANTED Good MiT n . r'rl ' io do gfner l W towcwork 25'OSt. } ( > > ' < ) Ave. 6lB-S4t or ok M eoipur'i Kesuurant , 1518 Dodge St M-UI AN ' ED Good wilt-r. Morcban dialog W h 1 anil restaurant lloJ i"arr tn St. C03-24 { "L soocl bwber at enc . Ai'dresi WANTED Saatu-ann , Schuyler , Nob. 60229 ANTEr > -lining rcoinlmm'.dlateljat fie Occidental Hotel. 60t ( W ANTED Hume glr. . luqulrj 1318 Farnim St C03-2S Afirnt c n 3laundie sat 'ho ' City W Hotel. 9-245 WA' TED Agoo1 girl forprfneral wsrk | i a email fvi lly Rt Pine Itld o Agency. Call at 217 N. 10th street. CSS"23 $ Cooks , illnln loom glr'snnd per- WANTED c al h u o maid , at 217 N. 10 h treet. Placoa Bupplied freo. 6E9231 WANTED 1 wo good reliable rren to canvua ands-H incd ) , Henly emyloyrue't , p-iod piy. Call 421 south 10th strict. 50'3 { wants to meet "C' C 401-S08 ANTED-Girl to wait on tible. Inqu're at W St. ( hiflcsllotel. 554-tf A dining room girl at the Crelgh WANTED . 315-tt SITUATIONS WANTED , AV > TED Py a vounfrran from trie eist , w with good habit ] and r oomendation , a pNtl | nIn * wholesale or retail grc e-y store. Addreii 1. N. Vf , Bll office. 6.'B-24 > - ltd ) dea'rej a situation M WANTED-A houseke D r or 'amlly 'famstrcsi. Beat of r terencti glvn. No o'ij ' ctlon < ti Icavlrg city. Addrtu Mn. H. P. Harris , Council blurts , Iowa. May23-3t "ITTAliTKD By yourg man ot good hablfri VV and rec mroenrtatlon p < % s'tlon In re l e - late office cluk er booh-k ecer. WeJl acquain ted with the busln ! i. Addreu "U. II , W , " D i offie. MO 23J M'8OtLLANEr > 'in WANTS. TlTANTZf * To buy ft hire a che p hone for W three months. Inquire at f , V. Ooperj , 413 f. 14th St WANTED A fnrnls ed hall to r < n , stat'ne ' term * , prr quar'rr or U months , for one night Io a week. Addrrsi llox 519. 007-25) ) - H II ii ful blood lii h fitter WANTKU-To Howard street. ES32 ! § WANTfD-TO eich ngeaNo. 1 f tm In Ne braska for a good * ra d'nre we 1 Ircate-1 lu thec'ty. REYNOLLS & HOTTER . 6)8 ) Ot FOR PENT HOUSES AND LOTS. ° IR RENT Hou'6 with five rooms , good re F pair , nice ; an ) Rent ? ? n pormo-th. 817-20 JOHN W. BELL , nruggto = . "ITI R RENT Cottajo of th'tc room , Twenty- JD th'rd rd Leiverworth. $11 per rronth. tnqnltett 012 S SevenUanth bt 1I211I "T OR RENT T 3 c.ittage . txcellurt repair. JO LtaTtnwtrth nndSouih ave uo } 2 anu23. Mo AGUK , 810-tf opposite P. O. IVOR RFNT Two furilih > d rr unfurrl < hcd JO roomi. Miuon tit. netitttn 22d and 23d 8 a. Cll 24J UKNT-Two rornn furnished or unfurn ished with baud SulUbln for man und wife or 'otlniflo gentlemen. N. E. u.rner 17th tnd Clark. 03'2-JII KENT 4 roi us , new a"d pleatant , near FOR Cars , 'icrn s $9. PIT month. Fmill qulot fimi y prc'erred. P. W , UOE , King St. beiw ecn Charles and Howard. 670-kUt HOR 11BST KarnUhod parlcr ind bed icom , ! tin llocr , L'JiaCallfoiulastreit. 631 20t T70R RENT Nice fu-ntsned room with board. P M dernlmpioiemeats , kLd tkblo board. No. 1718 DadirK i treat. _ 6SO-26 ( Tl-RREN'T-O ttige fasts'doof 17lh street , JO t t Cap'.tolavtutieatdDarenport , 81800. 5C9-21 _ 8 LEHMAN. UOR REST Ntwcr'ck s' re andsfrontroo-'s J1 j . W , cirnerof 10th and Webster St. Ap l > ly S Jonn hcrth o < Store 640-24J irOll 1H\T Ono plca'o t front loom at 105 L' north IStli street. 5JM3 ! Fall UENT-Oonier cf i ni ort. Inqu'ra ' IttlO Ut-venport ttrut. 4B3-tf | , > OUKiN li itorj hauso 6 rooms roitheut f IJ corurr 18th and CUtk. Enfjul.-j of Wm Klcr- , tca.t U DE EV t STONE. 474 VH t | 1U LET One or two riOics , with beard IBOI JL I a'I'O'nUstrort. S638 I T7KR ) I.KST One PUno , one new orraji. reu- J } ocabl * tetmt. Hope's Uuulo Uall. 3UMn\ REST Two nlc larrt itwdllnri. No. 1 KR . RKYHOlDB MOTf H. ITC-lm TT URNlflllKD rooms and boati. Modern eon- J < veairaett , 111 * Dedn HreellSBOJtmltf * ij , F. "UIOIl UENT Fine upright piano , One Kim 8Autt l.iOKHALK Two lot * , no rornoInHhlnn's S acdltlon , with K'oil ( on o and flia'lo tro R around s me , ( or STOOoeh. iLiiul.cctllrliOON he. 1510 DouglnsSt. 018 ' 'C 1JOK SAtK OIlEXCHANaE-Inip'ovfd farms S. in tlllnrl' , low.i , W neons n. Dakota and Mchrs a , ali hupnvcd a-.d tinlmptotod rcl- docce prarrrty In this city. I'rlii and ( rims io ni tporchaer < . E. L. MO US & CO. 677-20 1 ! J Capital Av. . , Omaka , ob. SALE Vosc Piano. FOR - , C. J. OANAN. HAIiK-A houai ami lot on Davenport FOR etreflt , too most dci-lrablo pait o ( tonn. Good 6 room house , pantry , c'oeef , clttrrf , well nt- l ! e and all iruncceiary ou'ho srs The l"t aboandj with fruit Ir e and shrubbery. Will only sell ( or ca h. Address or apoly f ) M S. M rtlrottch , Vco office or E. L. MoraCo. . , 1622 Capitol avenuo. 671-lm T710R SALE Side Bar buggy nearly ro-v , 1224 JJ FarnamSt. 653--U SALECHr-AP A tewoiet in carriage. FOX I a < got to ra'sa monry. . Inquire at Ccok's warchoute , 13th street , between Dodge aud Capitol avtnue. 150-2 * ' SALE I offer the furrlturx und 1'ase ot F'R lira-dOen'ral Hotel , at Nebraska Ity , for tale. Brick building , u odero bu'ld Forty- eight r'cms rind Italy nfw fur lture. Al'In ' flrst-cl s order with a good trade UbllhJ. For particulars cpply to E. 8ETMOUH , Proprietor. 38 23 Nebratka City , Neb. SALE T room home and barn , twn full FOR lots ninety Improved. Fine location. Sooth Omaha. V3000. MKS , 355-lma I50G Fainam. IpOR SALE II'use and lot , 0 retina , good ds- C tern , out-buildings , ftc. largn lot , nrar town $2,200. REYNOLDS & HOTTER. 177-lmo "TJIOn dALlA first eluvi becond hand rihutoa _ iJ Call at 1319 Harnoy St. 8B7-H FOR SALE Flax mill machinery con'IsHng of biako , 2 dU'tets , boatfr , plfker , preee , 4c. Canvtorti eUher r , ttcdor green ttockalfO9baft- Ing , pullloi und bel'.ln.T for drying theaboie , alioone 35 H. P. engine with boiler , emnko- ftick nJ 3l fixture- > p'ctj. Addrcv WILL. IAM TAir Charles Cltv IOWR. 295-3mI j OH 8AI.F Water power ptlst mill , Inq' ' ! of EJ. Bn.e , vvavtrlj.Neo. 34 SALE Old newspapers la large and small % \ FOH lutltles at this otllcc. tf riOKSAI.E-rhicton. U. . rhilllps , 1207 ' arnam. Jb 198 Im _ _ EOR SALEOnc 2J aero lot , near town , $1,200. 176-1U1 of ( rood brick. $8.TO per Thousand it PLENTY ChlmneybrlcksCT.OOporthousacd. ff . Ulateru brick (5.00 , to close bualnn * ' . J ' 1ORENZODAHBLK , One block pouth of 15th aud Uellirue road , 150-lmoI [ 70S SMX Fourgocdlota , one half mile from C p stofflcChciip , civ > y terms. " ' " ' 178-lin Bt" T710R SALE A flrft-ola-s second hand top bug- JD By. Call at 1310 llaincy street , 397-tt B1NUB ton > one procnrinK rre t- l-.ticlatf ikuition. Address , slevly work , bee olllte. C'J1-Z4 ' SKXi.CO to loveit with fcr'l-cs In tome paying t Addrcoa "Euitka" office. 62021 . _ . . mure 10 years old Mri'cJ IJB' nlcht fiou the stihle cf Krull II > z&Co. , lllfl Tcu2l > H t The Lbote reward nlll Del a dfor thv rcturi of siroe * 001-24 STRAYED A dirk red row , strdgtitborrw , ono being a trifle thai ter than Uoctli r , \caiacld. . < 3irrl l a bell. Pjeabe rctimi t N. W car. lOtnandllaruo. 5n--.0 § - celebrated fortune t'llcr In Gern an and I-HE English , 414 south 12ti ttroit , bctwren How ard QiiJ Harcoy. 6SO-J3 } YEt' A largo cow , rtrab c-lcr. brtrded. ' W'onrlifh hip OorlO jcarscU. 1 Itase ( end word to 12lh mid Center St. ANni.K SVAN80N. 503-25 * It KL'UiNTO 111staurant , Humphrey k Co. , JDKL'UiNTO ; , Loard $360 inrwo k. ilay4-lm EDWARD KUMIL MAG1BTKR OF PALMYSTEUT AND CONDT TIONAL1ST , 498 Tenth street , between Karaam and Harney. Will , with tbo old of guardian spirits , obtain for anv one a glance of > hej ? . % > < i and present , tnd nn cirtaln conditions In tbcTh' ' . ' tare. Boots and Shoes made to order. I'trfeol Absolutely Pur ThU powder never varies. A marvel of pa rily tronrtli and wholoMiutneee. Von eocBo al u than the orpio&ry k'ads. and cannot he oU ! cotnpttrtlon witli th naHlUkit of Uw ttt b rt 4 T 3oW Hew TMBI