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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1883)
i'S s iffs. 3 , f > i. i.I. I. / THE DAILY BEE-TnUJEvSDAY MAY 24. HARKNESS BRO'S , * f- - ' m ml' f * * * * * * mmm * * mm * mmmm * * iii * * * i * ! ! ' + DRY GOODS & CARPET HOUSE. Have the Largest Stook and Choicest Patterns of CARPETS ! Ever to the City , and at than ever offered in this vicinity , 3DO 3STOT TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING , HARKNESS BRO'S , i 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. The following are tbe time ) of arrival and de parture of train ) from the local dept > . Tnr the tralng start from the ( Juloti Pi ( Ac depot about ton mimttes culler than lio'ow ' suteil , and arrlTo at the tiopot nbout tea minutes later. Trains on paol Hutu and K. U , run on 0 icago time , a bait hour faster than local. Wabasb trains run on St. Louli time , twenty nilnutea foster thai loca' . U , 1 > . and Lincoln trains run oa Council Bluflj time. OHIOAOO , BOCK ISLAND AMD PACIF10. Depart. Arrhe. Atlantic Kxt..520pm I Pacific Ex.9:18am : Ex and Mall * . .925 a m Ei and Mall' . . OSS p m D. Molnca ac.7:15 : a m | lies Molncsnc.4:40 : p m CUICAOO , BDKUHCrON AND QDIKOT. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf. . . 5:35 : pm ' Pacific Ex.9:20am : Holland Ex.9iOnm : Holland Ei'.7:00pm : N. Y. Ex 620pm Neb & KM Ki..0:10 : a m OI1IOAQO AND NORTUWBSIRttN. Depart Arrive. Atlantic Exf. . .8:15 : p m I PacWo Ext. . . .0:15 : a m Mall and Ex:20am ! ) : Mall and Ex.6:15 : pm Accom ( Sat. ) . .5:50 : p m | Accom. ( Mon..l:45 : p m KANSAS cirr , si. joi AMD COUNCIL BLurra. Depart. Arrive. Mall and Ex..0:55am : I Express , .fi:35pm : Exprai. . . , . , 8:25 : p m | Hill aad Ei..Cl pro union rAcina. Dtput. Arrive. 30 a. . Overland St..4:00 : p. tn. Lincoln 1 . .11:90a. : p > . 3envorEx..8:00 : a.m , Denver Ex..7:00p. : m. Local Ex 6:30 : a. ci. Local Ex 7:25 a. m. " Ex 9ORtt. : m. Emigrant..530 p. m. " Ex P.-OOa. m. WABAHU , sr. LOUUI AMD rACmO. Depart. Arrive. Mail and Ex. . 0:45 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p m Cannon Boll. . 4:50 : p m | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m 81001 CITY AMD PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive. or Bloux Clty.7:55 a m Frm Sioux C'y.G O p m or FortNlobrara. Frm Fort Mlobrara , Neb * 7S5am Neb * oao For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8JH > a m CHICAGO. MII.WAUKSH AMD 8T. PAUL. Leave Council Bluffs. Arrives Council Bluffs. Mall and Ex.9SO a m I Mall and Ex.6:55 : pm Atlantic Ex.5:15 | : p m | Atlantic Ex.9:10 | : a m CHICAGO , U1LWAOKKR AMD 8T. PAUL. Reaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha. M > B.nd Ex. . * 7:15 : a m I Pacific Ex . [ 0:45 : a m /.Uantlo ET. . | 3K : ) pm | Mall and Ex.7-25pm " "Except Sundays , f Except Saturdays. ( Except Mondays. I Dally. Council Blufia & Omaha Street R. B. Leave Council Uluffs. Leave Omaha. B a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 11 am , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 1 11 am , tpm , 2pm , 3 p m , 4 p m , 5 p m , C p m. | m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 0 p m. Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at B 0 clock a. in. , and run reipilariy during the day , 11 , 2 4 , 5 and 0 o'clock , and run to city time ; CHMHBURLMTON&UINGI ) , ( ] OFFICE OP FRniOHT AGENT , ) OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLurrs , May 12 , ' 83. f Arrangements hive been made for the Loading in Chicago Daily Of one or more cars with MERCHANDISE SOLID CONSIGNED TO PARTIES IK COUNCIL BLUFFS. These cars will oome through to destination without stopping. Quick time Is theraby issued. Pleuaorder ysu goods via 0. B. & Q , It. H. A. B. WEST , GENERAL AGENT. MBS , . J. HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bro 4Jw . Council Blnffn Q-O H. R. : dONES rou THE Dbuglns Vapor Stoves The best and simplest In the world. Also for ' 74 Gasoline Stoves. Nebraska Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , NEB. Capital , - - - - $250,000 JAS.B. TJEARTWELL , President. A. L. CLARKE. VIce-Prctldent. K. a WKBSTKR , Treasurer 0. P. WEBSTEK , Caihltr. DIREOTORS. Samuel Alexander Oswald'OlIver. A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Webster * Oeo. H Pratt , Jaa. a Heartwell , D. M.lIcElHlnney. First Mortgage Loans a Speoialt ) This Company furnishes a permanent , boms institution where School Bond sand other legally Issued Municipal soccrltle to Nebraska can bs be negotiated on the most favorable terms Loons made on Improved farm In all well settled countlea of the state through responsible local coriMpondaots , SHOES & ARCTICS. ' 10,000 OASES / , , * / Including etnndarda and grades to S match , are offered totho jobbing trade at leas than manufacturers' prices by ' FIELD , THAYEB & 00- , 170 Concrtti Strost , DO if ON. Ua189dl3i SHORT LINE -OP THK- O3ECXO.A.C3-O , Milwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY I now running Ita FAST EXPRESS TRAINS from OMAHA AND COUNCIL 'BLUM ' WITH Pullman's Mapiflcent Sleepers -AND THE- Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING [ EAST TO CHIOAGO'IMILWAU KEF. Oi to nv polntjbcyond ; 01 IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUI , OR MINNEAPOLIS' Take the BEST ROUTE , tbt OMcago , Milwaukeo&St.PaulR'y Ticket office located In Paxtoi Hotel , at cornet Faiuain and Fourteenth etrceta and at U. P. De pot and at Mlllard Ilotel , Omaha. jarSee Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , Qcnoral Atrent. 0. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. MEHKILL , A. V. n. CARPENTER , OenrralManotrer. General Posu. Agent. LABK , OEO. H. UEAVFORD. OoncxlSnrl. lAsa'tOro ' > a. Arc NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. OF LANDS WITHIN THE OfcoB and Missouri Reservation IN THE STATES OF KE3RA8KA AND KAaSAB. U.MTID STATUS LAND Orricii , i BRATRICK , K.b , April 30th , U83. i By the direction ol tbe Hon. Secrctar of thi nttrlor , the U. S. Land Othce at Beatrice , In the State of Nebraska , will be open on Thursday , the 31st Day of May , 1883 , at 10 o'clock , a. m. For the purpose of recelrlng application to pur chieo the remainder of the Unda of the Otoe am Missouri reservation , In the itatcg of Ncbrask andKane&a. The lands will be Bold only to persons whc shall within throe months from the date of thoii applica'lona make a permanent settlement upon tnn same , and each application must be aceom < panled by aa afflcUVlt aa erld nco of good fait n this respect Tbe lands will ba sold to th highest reiponri bit bidder , at net less than th * appraised ralue , In 80 acre tracts , and DO one person will be al owed to purchase more than 160 aerei , eieepl to cases of fractional ezce ( oontlruous thereto where the survey of township aid section line * could not be ma le to conform to tha benndary lines of the rescriation , In which rase the exess not exceeding 10 acres , may bo added to the 180 acres. The teims of sale are aa follows : One quarter In cash , to become due and paya ble at the explrafon of three months from the date of filing application ; one quarter In on year ; ono quarter In two years ; one quarter li hice years from the date of sale , with Intrresi at the rate of 5 per centum per annum ; but li ewe of default In the first or cain payment , thi person thus defaulting eba'l forfeit absolutely hi rlsht to the tract for the purpose of which he hi applied. No land * will be sold upon which improve ment * we found belonging to Indians aa reported by the appraisers In their schedule of their ap praUmcnt. The sale will be subject to ipproral by thi Secretary of the Interior , and will be contlnnei from day to day at Beatrice , un'll the lands ar disposed of. A Hat ol the lands , with the appraised value of each tract , will bo found on file at the district land office at Beatrice. II. W. PARKEIl Register , 9to31 W. II bOMKHS , IlecelTor. Are acknowledged to bo the best by all who have put them to a practical test. ADAPTED TO COKE OR WOOD , .MANUFAOTTJBED BY Buck's Stove Co. , 8AINT LOUIS. | PIERGY & BRADFORD. BOLK AGENTS FOB OMAHA rf ( COUNCIL BLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOOAL NEWS FLYING DUST. The Second Day of the Ootmoil Bluffs Meeting. Mattie K. Wins the BluUfa Oity Oup Stake , The Hotel Fnrie Tnhon by Startle Homo Speedy Up art. The tocond day of the mooting at the driving park wan far from a pleas ant ono. The aky irna reasonably olosr , bat the wind blow strong and the track and grounds were BO dry that the dost whirled la cloacta , blindIng - Ing poop'o ' and horses , and the ullft brocE9 spoiled the uttnl spnrta of speed on the homo slrotoh , the wind being cqnaro agatnat the horses. The attendance wan tome larger than on the previous day , bet atlll not what It shou'd ' hwd boon and not what the attractions ofTjrod and the mooting merited. There wore moro present from oat of the city , and the proportion of vlsltora to those of onr homo people was rather to the discredit of the city. The Juvenile baud as on the pre vious day , enlivened the crowd with muslo between heats and races , and the melodious voices of the wheel of fortune man and the pool-solid were hoard as usual. The wind furnished enough power to ran the wheel itself , and it draw almostaa largo a crowd as the track. The first event was THE HALF-MILE DABB , for the Blail Olty cap stake and $200 , for two year-old * , The starters , In the position ! assigned , were : Mattie K , Josle , Dora Dillon , Satupaon , Lora Mitchell and Llgglns. The start was a neat one atd the race fairly ran. The horses bunched closely along the whole distance , and a lively struggle was made as they approached the wlro. Mattlo K , though having a broken bridle , and no bit in her mouth , crowded to the front and won the race by a half neck , Llgglns taking second , all the others In a olosobauoh. THE HOTEL PUESE. The next was the running race for 10 Hotel parse , $400 , all ages , a mile nd repeat. The starters were placed s follows : Flanders , Wm. RIalkey , iansas Olty ; Startle , 0. E LiFovre , Denver ; Find Out , P. H. Bailer , liver City , Kas. ; Governor Garce- pn , Jesse 0. Crowell , Atchlaon , Kas. ; ffio H , 0. F. Armotrong , Mobile , la. la.Thoro There was much delay in getting a end-off , but not so much monotony as sual. Find Oat kept np his antics , ofnalng to do much of any thing ox- opt kicking , Effio H was ficec or bad starting , and when t last they got 08 Find Oat rofusec o coma np , and was taken to the sta- ilo. Flanders led off and kept to the rent , with Startle bringing np thi ear , but by the finish of the mile , a Handera passed under the wlro first startle was a good second , while Effic I , who took third , was closely followe < > y Governor Uorcelon. Tirao , 1:46 : which was far better than was ex peotod , in view of the strong wind am iloud of dust. The second mile was very prettily ran , and caused really the firat ont mrat of enthusiasm and excltomen on the part of the crowd. Fiandor and Startle kept neck to neck , but o : ho homestretch Startle pushed enough ihead to pass under the wlro winner , Glanders second , Effia H third , and Governor Garcelon fourth , Time , " 4CI. Tne third mile proved an exciting contest between Startle and Flanders , and was finely run , it being nook and neck until the third quarter when startle got a length the start , and for : ho first time daylight showed between ; hem. On the finish Startle came un der the wire about the same distance ahead , without the touch of whip or ipur , winning the heat and raco. Time , 1:47. : Startle showed himself ay far the best horse , having no mon- tey shines or capers but Rotting right down to business and staying there. THE 2:40 : RACE. In the 2:40 : class there wore five en tries , but A. Roberts , of Omaha , drew tils Dan Allen , ho having gone a little lame , and M. E. MoHonry , of Davou- port , drew his Birdie S. This left three 'starters : Rocky Mountain Tom , Gas Morton , Dorchester , Neb. ; Oreepy , Holly & Carlisle , Denver ; and Calamity , Howe & Co. , Den ver. Oroepy got the pole , Rocky Mountain Tom second and Calamity third. The first heat promised to bo very neatly trotted , it being close between Creepy , who slightly led , and Rooky Mountain Tom , who evidently had the heat until the home stretch , when Creepy crowded Rooky Mountain Tom , who broke , giving Oroepy the heat , Rocky Mountain Tom second , and Calamity third. Time , 2:37. : The second heat was rather prettily but tamely trottedthe horses jigging through In the same order a ; they fin ished In the provlons boat , Creepy winning the heat in 2:41 : , with Rooky Mountain Tom coming- easily as second , and Calamity third. The third heat was but a repetition of the'seoond , and proved quite tame , Creepy winning the heat and race In 2:42 : , Rooky Mountain Tom second , and Calamity third. TO-DAY'S KAOEH. The programme for to-day Is as fol lows : Race No. 9 , Running , Purse $203 , all ages. 1st , $150 ; 2d , $50 ; one mlle dish. lUce No. 10. Running. Merchants' purse , all BROS , $350. 1st , $230 ; 2d , $100 ; 1) mlle dash. Race No. II. Trottlm ? . 2:25 : chug. Club purse , $500. 1st , $300 ; 2J , $125 ; 3d , $7G. $7G.Raco No. 12. Paolntr. 2:20 : cUss. Club purse , $500 , 1st , $303 ; 2 ] , $125 ; 3d , $75. $75.Tho The entries are : " ' * 2:25 : CLASS. O. R. Clark , Madison , Wla , , b , m. Kitty Fisher , ( formerly Nellie C ) , Law Glenn , Alt. I'lcwint , ! . , b. g. Bin Soup. It , O. Tamer , Jt > nes\lllo. Wli. , r , m , Dutch Girl. Holly A. Carlisle , Denver , Col , , cb. m , Ada Paul. PAOINO 1UCE. Din Amleraan , Koblnion , Km. , b. p. Tom Shonmakor. O. A. Thompson , Wintered , la , , b , m. Uelle Mfthone. George \Vlsner , Council Bluff * , br , g , Gary O v n. J. S , Taylor , Winteraot , ! . , b. g , Cy clone. The Mile Dwh-D. N , Arbuckle , Princeton , Mo , Wlldfellow ; Uolly & Gktlltle , Denver , Aletta ) P. H. liutler , Silver Lake , Kan. , Flndout : Wm , Mel- key , Kttnmtj City , llosallnd ; W. 1) . Jen nings , Moberly , Mo. , Itutn : O. 0. L fo- er , Drnvrr , KorthUnd ; Ir * Planter , Xmncll UlufTn , Dawn of Day. " Running Race , for Merchants' Punt- lolly itO.uUsle , Denver , Mnry S. ; J , 11. /lore , aibley , Iow , Auroleus : K irleston & Pishoi , Shcnandoah. Colonel Hepburn ; Viu. Hrady , PeorU. William U ; William ilotric , Cleopatra , III , , Tubal 0 ln , A true Iron modlclno , bonoGolal t > bo young as well as the old who suf- or from dyspepsia , etc , , Is Brown's ran Bitters. Conclusions of the Court. At the district court yesterday , In ho oaaoof Fuman vs the olty of Avon - n , the plaintiff nras awarded damages f ouo dollar. Ho does not care for bo dollar , but Avooa cares for the osts. The habeas corpus case of R L. Calkins vs. the state of Iowa , was ont back to the Mills county justice f thopbaco. The case of Herman vs. Jadd was Ivon to the jury yesterday afternoon , tid last evening ntcloelng the lawyers were laboring to collect damages from J Winchester and others for Wm. xllson. Don't be Alarmed t Brlght's disease , Diabetes , or any laeaso of the kidneys , liver or urlna- y organs , as Hop Bitters will eor- aluly and lastingly cure yon , and it Is ho only thing that will. The Shonfla of tha State. Yesterday morning aboutten o'clock hero was an Informal meeting of the sheriff. ) ' convention at the Ogdcn House. As only half of those expected od had reached the city , an adjourn ment was had until 8 o'clock In the waning. The president , Sheriff M. Barr , of Mabusku county , and D. A , [ < \irrell , of Mills county , secretary and treasurer , were present. The programme of the convention will be arranged by Sheriff F&rrell , of Mahsska , Palmer , of Montgomery , Mid Mlddloton , of Harrison , and will bo of Interest , not only to the sherIff Iff ) themselves , bat all who are Invited to attend , So far a a large majority of those who have reported are accom panted by their wives. The following Is a list of those who arrived daring yesterday morning , most of whom attended the races during the day : A D Thomas. Adams ; H H Palmer , Montgomery ; C A Cook , deputy sheriff Woodfcury ; J S Hendrle , ex-sheriff , Mills , J W Jacobs , Kookuk ; W U J ohniou , Page J O Sniff. Mitrion ; D A Haggard , Kea < suth ; A ] j Scott , Clark ; Jag. Walker , Mouonn ; Wiley Mlddleton , Harrison , D McDonald , Woodbury ; M Barr , Mahaalca D A Fatroll , Mills ; J H Landls , Lucas W W Hartinnn , Muscatlnc ; S 8 Webb , Boone ; G Herding , Plymouth ; 1111 Mil ler. Noble county , Minn. ; F A Eastman Irta ; E Trimble , Warren ; M Blanchard , Union ; S F Miller , Monroe ; Theo. Gait tar , Pottawattamio ; James Jones , Craw ford , i Open for work , Pryor'a BEE Job Printing Oflieo , 7 Pearl street. Young man or wuman , If you wr.n big money for a small amount , take L certificate In the Marriage Fund Mut ual Trust Asaccl&tion , Cedar Rapids , Iowa. COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL BLUTFS MABKXT. WUKAT No. 2 spring , 85c ; No. 3,70 rejected 55c ; stood demand. CORN There h not enough com comlnu in to make a market ; dealers paying 36c ; rejected corn Chicago , SUJc ; new mixed. 55 : ; white corn , 53o , The receipts of com are light. OATS Scarce and in good dtmand ; 85. HAT 6 00@7 CO per ton. 35 per bale. RYK 40@45c ; light supply. CORN MEAL 125 per 100 pounds , WOOD Good supply ; prices at yards , C00@600. COAL Delivered , hard , 1100 per ton ; soft. 5 60 per ton. Burma Good butter scarce and In fair demand at 25W35c ; creamery , 35c. Eoos Ready sale and plenty at 10@llo per down. LABD Falrbank's. wholesaling at 18 o. POULTBT Firm ; dealers paying 13o per pound for turkeys and lOo for chickens. VEGETABLES Potatoes , 60c ; onions , 50c ; cabbages , 30@40o per dozen : apples , 2 50 @ 3 60 per barrel. City flour from 1 GO to 3 40. BBOOMB 2 00@3 00 per dozen. STOCK , CATTLE 3 00@8 50 ; calves 600@S50. Hoes Market for hogs quiet , oa the packing houaes are closing ; shippers are paying 6 00 to 6 75. THE BAD AND WURTHLB83 Are never imitated or counterfeited , This is especially trno of a family modlclno , and It Is positive proof that the remedy imitated is of the highest value. As soon as It had boon tested and proved by the whole world that Hop Bitters woa the purest , best and moat valuable family medicine on toarth many Imitations sprung np and bogon to eteal the notfccs In which the press and people of the country had expressed the merits of IT. B , , and in every way trying to induce suf fering invalids to nso their stall In stead , oxfootlng to make money on the credit and good name of U. B. Many others started nostrums pat up in similar style to H. B. , with vari ously devised names In which the word "Ho ; ) " oa "Hops" were used In away to induce people to believe they were the same as Hop Bitters. All such pretended remedies or cures , no matter what their style or name is and especially those with the word "Hop" or Hops in their name or in any way connected with them or tholr nam o , are Imitations or counterfeit Beware of thorn. Teach none o them. Using nothing but genuine Hop Bittern with a bnuoh or cluster of green Hops on the white label. Trust nothing else , Druggists and dealers are warred against dealing In imlta- tons or counterfeits' One of the subnt ntlal Inttltutions lathe Marriage Fund Mutual Trutt Aisocwtion , of Cedar llapldi , Iowa. Legnlly organ ized , officered and managed by reliable men. Kvery unmarried person ihould have a certificate In this association , It It asplendU Inveatment. Wrlto fur circu' law. Good ftgenU wanted. CORNING NEWS. CorroponJenco of The no COUNISO , I * . , .May 22-Tio whole eastern part of the county has boon In a st to of Intense oxaltotnont slnoo tha murder of John Hldlngor by Robert Parigo , whloh happened on the 7lh of the present month. Porlgo hai had his preliminary elimination and has boea bound over to the dlitrlot oonrt for raurdor In the second degree , and his ball has boon fixed at $600 , which ho has so far failed to give. His pre liminary examination was hold before John W. Blxby , J. P. , ln Corning , and ho wis ably defended by two prominent attorneys of this bar. The difficulty which resulted in the shootIng - Ing was all about a dog whloh Porlgo claimed as his and Hldlngor also claimed as his. Perlgo wont over to the homo of the decoaaod on the morn ing of the shooting after the dog , and Hldlngor refused to lot him have it. Porlgo tied a rope to the dog and then Hldlngor started towards him with a pitchfork and followed him for abont 200 yards and to a wlro fence , and as Porlgo was getting over thofonoo Hldlngor hit him with the fork and knocked him down when Perlgo palled a revolver and shot him twice , from which ho died. Public opinion is divided as to who was to blomo. On the 10th Dolph Robinson , who was with some other men seining In the river near Carbon , In this coun ty , was drowned , and his body has not been found yet. Men are dragging the river all the time , but the water has boon so high it was hard work. Yesterday morning Simon Bender , of this place , shot a hole through his foot , making a dangerous sud an ugly wound , and this evening the dcctors think that It will have to bo ampu tated. It was caused by carelessness. So far this spring the weather has not boon favorable for corn planting , and many of the farmers are beoum leg discouraged. Much of the seed planted was bad , and will have to bo planted over again. A great deal of the seed corn used hero came from Nebraska , as most all of that saved here wan so injured that It would not grow. This morning a largo timber , which the workmen wore removing from anew now building , fell and struck Pat Djnahno on the back Injuring him In ternally to each an extent that ho will probably die. NEXT. OOHNINO , May 22 , 1883. Honford'i Aoid Photphnto. 1NDIOE8TION FROM OVKUWOKK. Dn , DANIEL T. NELSON , Ohica- oo , aaja : "I find It a pleasant and valuable remedy In indigestion , par tlonlarly in overworked men. " We notice the Marriage Fund Mutual Trust Association , of Cedar Rapid * , Iowa , highly spoken of by the lending papers , You should secure a certlficati at once. Write fur circulars and uppli cations. SOME FLORIDA PRODUOTH. The Pest of Fleas , Tlclie. Snattes and uthor Lively Creatures. A. Florida letter say a : Moro feared just now by the traveler in Florida thin the Indians are her insuotu. In some seasons the flea Is onmlpreoon and innumerable. Ho Is recognize in polite society. Ticks abound 1 : the cattle pastures. They consist eon on India-rubber Back attached to i small cork-screw head , which latte they insert under your cuticle an through which they draft your pre cious oanguinous fluid into the sack. You are apprised of ono's presence by suddenly fooling a protuberance ai largo as a buckshot , occasioned by tin extension of the sack. Yon attomp to prag It off , but succeed only it polling the body away , after whlcl you can dig out the head at your lots uro with your huntlng-knlfcr Th red bag Is to bo found on nearly ai the hunting grounds , near fres water , exactly where you doslro t encamp , and Is very apt to appear 1 a uwarm when ho comes , 1 canno describe him , as I have never subjooto him to mioroscnplo examination. Ti the nkked eye ho has the appearanc of a light prick from the point of i very fine noadle. He barrows entire ly under the cuticle. The poison Is saro la Its action , the Irritation is in sufferable , and the general result Is aero . ere u large as a half dollar , whloh will resist oaro for weeks. Jiggers exist in some localities. They gen erally Insinuate themselves between the fingers and toes and deposit an egg , from whloh Is hatched a worm that In many cases , In addition to great pain , causes serious lameness and Inconvenience . Mosquitoes'af ter the 1st of May , become a terrible pest- They are of the small black variety , exceedingly poisonous , como In clouds , and make life unendurable in some localities. Bat the worst of all , to hunter or fisherman , Is the sand fly. He comes all at oner , and his name is legion. Yon are banting on the sea beaoh , among the man groves and palmettos , er anchored In a bay or oat in ono of the keys , when the brocza suddenly dies out. A cobweb - web of fire falls upon forehead , cheeks , neck and honhs , and fills np your eyes , ears , nootrlls and mouth. Blind , breathless , sere and suffering , there Is nothing for It but to surrender at once and ran or row for your life. They are Infinltosmal black goats , resem bling those whloh are the pests of the Lake Superior forests , and are so light that the smallest breath of the breeze Is sufficient to relieve you of them , otherwise they would render some re- goons uninhabitable. During several years' rambling in Flerlda I have mot but ono serpent a poor little moccasin running away with a minnow at the Lake Polnsott landing , and bolng whipped to death by a half-dozen grown men. On that occasion I oympathlzad with the snake On another , a rattlesnake ran over my foot when my attention was otherwise diverted , bat was soon by my comoan- lonn. He treated mo politely. I re ciprocated and did not hunt him , There are said to bo numbers of black and mllksnakes , which are inoffensive , bat it la not likely that there is on the average ono poisonous reptile to five square miles In Florida. Accident ! sometimes result , however , from In cautiousness of tholr presence. QA gentleman at Fort Meyers stopped enl of his house upon a dark night IBS' ' February , was stricken by a rattier , and died next day , The burning o the woods and gran Annually by the oattlo men has pretty nearly exter minated them , Oa the rarely frequented streams and swamps of South Florida alligators are still very numerous , and Inorodl bio stories are told of tholr slzo. They are harralois and gamoloss as logs.nnc are rarely molested except by north ern visitors , Gophers abound every where In the sand hills. They are laud tortoises , whoso shells are some times a foot In diameter and fourteen or fifteen Inches In length , who bur row In the ground , and tholr holes are troublesome to a rapid rider through the wooda. The goper Is cdlblo , and Is said to stow up pretty nearly ns well as the diamond-backed terrapin. The green turtle abounds in Indian river , and the turtle crawl of St. Luce a closed stockade pen sot In three foot foot of water Is rarely without thirty or forty paddling Inmates. They are shipped alive hence to Jacksonville and thence to Now York. Qaall are very abundant , as are Knglian snipe ; wild turkeys are found In the huntIng - Ing range. Door are abundant , but after the early portion of winter are extremely shy. The Indians lying about St. Lnco , watting for the Jacksonville schooner , slaughter them in Daoombor for their hides In great numbers and drlvo thorn toward the thick hummock. They are scarcely half so largo as the northern door , bat the venison Is much moro tender and delicate. JJjars are killed daring the summer In num bers along the sea beach , whore they wander in search of turtle eggs. Wild oats arc common , of both the black and spotted varieties. Every settled neighborhood has Its panther , or "tlggor , " which makes havoo mnongst the nogs and calves. An old fellow ranges about St. Luce that has pretty nearly cleaned ont nil the pork along ton miles of the river. A few even ings ago ho drove the dogs at a farm house just below us under the dwell ing and responded to the cilcs of a sick child so well that wo might have mistaken his utterance for that of human being. WOMAN'S Having been troubled for many yean with kidney disease , with severe pains in my back and limbs my ankles at times were badly swollen I was advised to go to the hospital for treatment , which I did ou the advice of a friend , but found no relief , at least only cf a temporary nature , and I had given np nil hope of a euro until my hunband was advised t'i wo Hunt's Rem edy by a friend who uad used It and been cured of n sovnro case of dropiy nnd kid ney trouble. I procured A bottle , and had not used one-half of the bottle before I be gan to be better , no pain In the back , nm the swelling of my limbs commenced to go down , and my appetite was much bettor fur I had bocomu so bad that all I ate dls tressed mo very much. It was really dys pepsla. combined with the other troubles , nucl I nave used four bottles , and nm abli to do my work and attend to householc duties which before had been a burden tome mo , and I oin only thnnk Hunt's Kumodv for the health and happiness which I now enjoy , and esteem it n great privilege enc duty to give you this letter In behalf of nr many suffering lady friends in Boston am the country , and can cnly cay In conclu sion that if you once try it you will be convinced UR I wn > . oven agnlntt my on will , that Hunt's Remedy is indeed a wo mnn'd friend. Yon are at liberty to mo this for the ! benefit if you so choono. Respectfully yourn , Miw WM. GHAT , Hotel Goldsmith. 1410 Tremont Street Boston , April 25 , 1843. A DAGQAQE MASTER'S PRIUGE.i Mr. H. UAUNT , bnggagt-maater on East ern Railroad , says : "I have need Hunt's Remedy , the grea kidney and llvor medicine , in my fauill for months. It was rcconr mended by frlem In Portsmouth who liivo been cured u kidney troubles , nnd I find it just an re resented and worth its weight iu gold. Al wlfo is using It for dyspepsia , nnd hna in proved so rapidly that I cheerfully indors it aa family medicine of real merit , an I would not be without It.1' April 27 , 1883. ALL TIME , Biz vein old , ilrcd by Almont , he by Alexan der Abdtllah. Dim , On Time , by War Danco. Alee the Standard-bred Stallion ORIENTAL , Three rears oldslr d by Almont Lightning , by Almont dam. KEli'MJITCENTm ' Four years old , 2:11 : , by Beliorial , Beliorial WM by Aleiander's Abdallah. Will make the season at my place on 20th St. , two blocks west of Or en Slreet on , at 13 * 00 each. Mares not proving In foil can ke returned - ed nextieason fit * of charge , The money must be pMd Invariably In advance. For further par ticular * sou or addrus ED. REED , m 3-eod m&e 1m Omaha , Neb. K JTAIJUHUKU IBM. IIDE QPIUNQ ATTAOnMENT-NOT PATENI ED. A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING AEBIAGB FACTORY 1(00 and Hll Dodge Strcat , angV-mo6m OMAHA , NIB. MAVERIOK NATIONAL BANK. Cor , Water and Congress Streets. CAPITAL , - - 8400.0OO STJUPLUH , - - 8 1 OO.OOU TrnnsactB a general Banking bualneua , lie- oeivea the accounta of Banks , Bankers and others. Draws Foreign Exchange and makes Oable Tranafera In Europe and Tel * egraphlo Tranafera of Money throughout the United States , Buys and nelU Gov ernment and other Investment Securities , and executes any'bunlnesa for its Corre * opondenta iu the line cf Banking. ADA P. POTTEF President. J. J. EDDY , Oathler. J. W. WORK , A 't Caihler. m&th-me PEIISONAL "I'arts of the human boilj putarxeu , develnjxxl and strengthened , " an InUroutlnf advert'wment ' Ion ; run In out . In reply to ir * ) lrlou we will say thai - Eper. no evidence ( f humbUK about this Ou the cooUary , the advertlitcn air very hluhly In- dorwd laierixtedpenoasmay get sealed clr oitlan rlvlnf Ul porikwUrs , rlrln ? all portico Ian , by addxMninir Eri Uad&l Oo , . F. 0. 618. nofl 4g N. Tt-Ulo Kf < n . . p'j ' > nc.l l < f the ttrAln or f , 'I ? illltlfB < VOl ( < rJKhfwort : , o r o- . iMm'iMnti an1 ! ut t tor ? brill n < rtr taf , Hop HltUM M ) a t Hor9 < If jcmMjroni ml | mirerl.-uf .ntratt * JLV il ctlon or tll lpnl tllin ) It TOUM tf/IL- Her. 01 lBiri , old of I * outff , TU eruii jrr > ronrh ttb or Unmilili I Jnir it tTifi _ l > . titic , rely on H O pjB lttor * . uinat a.i MV wfunetir you frcl from * i' ihii jour j fm f , uf K fl a . * ) * -1 tiM clcftntlr.ff , ton f ! > diip M Uiat oUCn HIST or fttltntilMlri . I h vAt > o nrreieTit9 1 I Urk tlmclr taa < $ * Hop HcpSHtow ltt r * . Pfviid , Jtldnfi Onl. O oruHmiftffowt- ! -n fwcloto of tt > ' fo wiM na IrrttifA- NiinU. ttood , HOP Ida care lot Mwr ot nrn'M > drafcnoM. . UM at uptdu , will li Ton tableau , IT curtdlfyouUM auoatkti. Hop Bltt rj jplw f k n J NEVER ill it mny nvcyour FAIL llfo. ft hn aved hun- d rod 0 An excellent Tonlo and Appe * tizerof fxiulsltn n vor , linn ) tha wlioln world over. Ouro * liytpc [ > - MA. NrnnupncM , HcatJAchu , lie * Mlltjr. KMornmJ ARUO , Dlnrrhcr * nmlall ill ontrr > o ( the HlfteHIro OrnniiJ. II Imparts a ( Idleloui fU or to Rl < ui of chntiipaKnG. Irinunnjo , mnin , itnc ! nil drinks. Try It , Tha ( tenulno Angostura Ditteri I" nindo by Dr. J. u. It. SmiiHT.VSovii. 8 M by all Drug , glit * , Urocennncl Liquor Uctlcm J. W. WUPPERMAN , Sole Agent , ( 51 Broadway , H , Y. PILE OINTMENT $ 50 o " * . : ECJBOX XO OINTMENT 26 I > H j * . XVTXl'S Fever and Agno Tonlo Cordial. . .1 00 rECXZKTO-'Et STANDARD LIVER PILLS. . . 2 25 SURE ODKE FOB CORNS 25 ( Warranted or money refunded. ) FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Manufactured by W. J. Whltehouso , 003 North Oth St. Omaha Neb. D " ' SPECIFIC SWIFT'S CURES SCROFULA. ' SPECIFIC SWIFT'S CURES ULCERS. ' SPECIFIC SWIFT'S CURES CATARRH. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Q CURES SOREQ SWIFT'S SPECIFIC O ODRE8BOILO SWIFT'S ' SPECIFIC Q CURES ERUPTIONQ ' SPECIFIC SWIFT'S CURES ECZEMA , ' SPECIFIC SWIFT'S CURES RHEUMATISM. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC W REMOVES ALL TAINT. SPECIFIC IS THE GREAT BLOOtt REMEDY OF THE AGE. Write for full particulars to SWIFT SPECIFIC 00 , . Atlanta.Ga . , SOLD BY" ALL DRUQQISrS. $1 to 81-75 nor Bottlo- DR. WHITTIER. 17 Bt Ohsu-leaBt , 82M.OUIB Mo. A REOULAB ORADDATK of two inedlc * aoll ge8has been longer engaged In tbe treat ment of OIIRONIO , NERVOUS. SKIN AND ILOOD Diseases than any other physician In 81. iQUls as city papers show and all old resident * now. Consultation fits and Invited. When U is Inconvenient to visit the city for treatment , medicines can be sent by mall or express every where. Curable cases guaranteed ; where douM xlsto It Is frankly staled. Call 01 write. Nerrona prostration , Debility , Mental .nd . Physical Weakness , Mercurial md ther affections of Throat. Bkln and Bone * Hood Impurities ) and Blood Poisoning , Bkln AflooUonj. Old Sorea and Uleeri , jnpedimenta to Marriage , Ubeumatlan , 'lies. Special attention to cumea from iTer-workedAotn. HURUIOAL OA8K8 eoelve Bpcclafllrttcntlon. Diseases arising rom Imprudetfce , KioemeB , Indulgences ! MBBIABEESsts n/rr-r-n-n * ? , who } ' ° ° t , why , . . . * * * * l. causes , consequent * ! and curs. Sealed ( or 2So postage or stampt. Authorlicd by the stito to treat Cbronlc.Nervou ] and Private dis eases , A'thma , Epilepsy , Rheu matism , Pll , Taio | Wurm , Urin ary aud Bkln Disease * , Hrewn , WIAKNMS ( nlzht losses ) SBIUIL DKBILITT ( Ices ol sexual power ) Etc. Curesguar anteed or money refunded. Ghargrsloir. Thou sands of cases cured. No Injurious nnxllclnet used No detention from business. All medi cines furnished even to patlenU at a distance , Consultation free ahd conlldentlal call or write. Age and experience are Important. A BOO for xith sexrs Illustrated and circulars of other things sent staled for two So stomps. FKEK DOCTOR STEINHARTS ESSENCE OF LIFE. FOR OLD AHD YOCNO , MAU AMD Faam. Weak llcinciry , Loss of Brain Power , Prostration Weakness and general Loeu of Power. It repairs itrciiRhthens the enfeebled brain and rcetores mirprlaing tone and to vltfor the exhausted or- pns. The experience of thousands proven It to bo an Invaluable remedy. Price , JI.OO a bottle , or six or W. for sale by all drupels , or eeni secure _ from . . observation . _ _ on receipt of price bv T C-l..l. p. O. BJJ .J Q Rt' DOCTOR STEINHART'S SUPIPOSlTORiES ! The Great Popular Remedy for Piles. Bare cure for Blind , Bleeding & Itching f And all forms of Hcmorrholdal Tumors. Thoeo Srrrosrrouu act direct' ' ? m > on ths coatai of the Blood Vessels , and by their astrtnwnl eBecta gently force the blood from thu iwollsn tumors , andby making the coats of the velnj Ktrong , prevent their refilling , and hence a radi cal euro la sure to follpw tholr ui . , Pike. IS cenU a box. For sale bV al drupirlstil. or ssnf by 'of price , ' "