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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1883)
JDA1L ) BEEOOUJSbiiBLUFFS . IOWA THURSDAY MAS' 24 The Daily Bee. Thursday Morning , May 24. IUBSOIUPTIOH BATKS ! yCtrrltf , - - - - - Wcenta _ _ per we k. 7 Mall 110.00 pec TMI. , * I Ofllco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near itxulway. BEADY FOR BUSINESS. An Announcement of Bpoclnl Inter- eat to Those Wishing Fine Job Worlc. , i P. M. Pryor has opened In oonnoo- tlon with Tnx BJCB office In Council BlafFj , a complete job printing catab- llihmont , nd la now prepared to fill orders In that line promptly and satis factorily. All of the proses end ma * torlal are entirely now , and the aoloo- tlon has boon made with great care , It being the Intention to make a specialty of com mercial printing , giving the latoat styles and as fine workmanship aa can bo had anywhere In this part of the land. Satisfaction la guaranteed , both In quality of work and in prices. Mr. Pryor has for two years boon connect ed with 8. T. Walker & Go. , of this city , and bos already won a reputation hero on niao work. Call and exam * Ino the material and facilities and learn prlcea. MINOR MENTION. Sea Joseph Keller1 ! opting styles. Additional local on seventh pMfe. Oloio np shop thla afternoon and take In tbo races. The water works company la fenc ing Ita Glen avenue reservoir. o Poola on the races are being sold nightly at the Ogden honao. The board of equalization li ntlll \lk \ patting In nightly work on the books. Ben Hogan atlll drawa crowda to hear him talk , He atrlkoa from the ahonldor. Isn't it about time that Council Blnffi had another spasm in favor of the electric light ? There are a good many small houses being built in the city and yet the de mand la far from being knot. To-day the poatoffice will be closed from 1 to 6 o'clock p. m. But tbe carriers trill make tholr collections as usual. The etono reservoir of the water works has been sodded. The job wop fiulihod laat evening , To-day the work of Hulng it will be commenced. The register of the Hotel do Fields yesterday morning showed but throe now arrivals : Ed. Chamberlain , drnnk ; 0 , Dauton , lodging for one , and George Gleaebary , profane langu age on the streets. Charles Nicholson , against whom t complaint for disturbing the peace was entered some tlmo ago , has arranged to plead guilty this morning rathe ; than fight the case. Blok , the man who so badly slashei his brother-in-law Fiahlro with i razir yesterday , waived oxamlnatloi and was sent back to jail to await th action of the grand jury. His violin Is in a fair way to recover. Bayllsi park never looked mor beautiful than now , but Falrmouu park Is the gem for fine natural scenery ry , and every one who vlslttt the olt ; should take a drlvo through It , The sorlbes lu the reporter ! atani were placed uudor the usual obliga tlons yesterday to Jack Poregoy fo keeping the boys well supplied wit cigars from the stock of Peregoy < ! Moore. , Mrs. Ira Smith , widow of the forme popular clerk of the Ogdou house , wh died about two yeara ago of small poz , is about to be married to a prom ; nont citizen of lloono. At least a ays rumor supposed to bo authcntli The Nonpareil Is wonderfully nfral that nome ono will find out that Gout : ell BlntTa has a now evening paper , an that TUB BEE offloo lu Council Bind has now presses and material fora jo department. The poor old grand mother , realizing her dotage some what , trios to ignore the enterprise c young blood. Tabur college has started a neat 11 tlo paper , which ought to take big rank at once among the college paper The collt'ireseems to bo thrlvlui President Brooks , on his Ust trip oas la tho-lntorost of that institution , si cured over $15,000 , making the tot receipts for the college from bonovc lent sources during the college ye | 22. 00. The justices of the peace shon take duo notice of a decision made 1 Judge Aylosworth yesterday , ai keep their books as well as thomselv \ posted. An Ir junction was asked f to keep a justice from issuing an tx ( cutlon on a judgment , because tl justice had neglected to enter t judgment on hta book aa required 1 law. After deliberating over tl matter f sr several days Judge Aylo worth has granted the Injunction ) The coirclty ol' convictions In pi portion to the number of orlruiu CMOS brought before the justices the peace in the city is quite notice b'e. ' It seems that every potty cou plaint , growing nut of. some uefghb : r hood j angle over the division fence made the excuse for some warrant b 5 Ing lesned , until the costs .for can which amount to nothing exceed ' big odds the costs in oases whore appears nome real offjuBO has bo committed. More care should be c ercised In granting warrants , if t Interests of taxpayer ! are to ba oc suited , to lay nothing of the ropnt Uon of the scorci of people Involve and who from the prevalence of i qulttala are evidently Innocent. Low Prlooi on Hardware. Da "V * Wright , 604 Broadway , A Grand Kick. There la n grand kick among the expressmen who are carrying passen gers to and from the fair grounds. They are on the war path became the managers of the Driving park will not permit them to enter the grounds at any prioo , nor will they lot 'the Hordlcs enter , though the proprietor offered 82 per day for the privilege ; while , on the other hand , aomo carriages , which arc such In name , but not iu fact , some of thorn belt'g almost superannuated in appearance , are allowed to enter at $1.50 a day. The management seoma to have drawn the line between car riages and express wagonn , and classed the Hordics with the latter. Home of the express wagons which are ( hut out are much better vehicles than soma3 of the carriages which are ad mlttod. The complaint could hove been avoided , if the common carrlom of all kinds wore kept outside , or eleo all the common carriers given some position inside. The "ont " are naturally crying out against the favor itism ahowu the "ins,1 * Grand opening of elegant oil paint ings at the nrt gallery of S , D. Rehne , In the Do Vol block , Norch Main street. Homer , the China-man , 23 Main at. The beat tlmo made at the centen nial wna by the Wnber piano. 95J nut of A posslblo 96. None , llko it. Go to Mueller's Music Hall , and BOO thorn. Ho haa th largest and finest atock In the west. Closing Up. An arrangement haa been entered into among the business mon by which the banks , wholesale honseo and many of the retail houses are to close thin afternoon , in order that all may attend the races , the programme for to-day being ouo of the host if the whole meeting Up to last evening about 75 of the principal business houses of the city had signed au agreement to oloao. Parties desiring bargains in now and secind hand farnlturn should call and examine Howe & Sou's largo atock at 303 Broadway. Oirpota , FurnitureFixtures , cheap , at Mandpl'o. Don't fall to drop In at Bliss' and see tholr new styles and the genera ! display. It la a treat , especially to the ladiea. Qulll-Drtvera Oomtnr. The 350 aaatern edltora who are enjoying joying a western excursion are ex peeled here thla morning at 10:45 : They will remain here several hours and will bo Invited to take In the races It la unfortunate that no formal recap tion haa been arranged for , as the ciij thereby misses an excellent opportn nlty for creating a favorable luipros- slon on thousands of eastern roadori of newspapers. Lot tha citizens wel oomo the wrltera heartily. For bargains in Lamps , Glaeaware Crockery , etc , , go to 23 Mala street W. S. Homer. The finest line of Oil and Gasolln Stoves In the city. Do Vol & Wright 504 Broadway. Parties desiring bargains In no' and acoond-hand furniture ahonl examine Howe & Sou's large steel 333 Broadway. DUR Out of tne DuKouts. That part of the city In which th dugouta are located ought to have justice ahop of Ita own , to attend < the numerous caaoa which are coi tlnnally arising among the donlzct there. t Anotnor case haa como to the f ron In which a young man name Mowmdu haa boon arrested , togothc with a much older woman name Pfccobo Emlng , who la the mother c sic or novon children , and who hi booomo ao Infatuated with the youn man aa to cleave to him without go ting the necessary permit. The psi were arrested yesterday and brongl before J nation Abbott , who continue the case until the 2Gth , the accuse giving their own bail in theanm of § a each , which glvea thorn a chance I leave the city. George Witting , who figured coi spiououily lu another dugout casi was sent to jail yesterday by Jnatli Sohnris for being drunk and dis ml Ing the peace. Iron in a colorless etiUo and Pett vlau bark , combined with well know aromatloa , make Brown's Iron Blttu the boat modiclnu known. Refrigerators cheap , Dj Vol Wright , 604 Broadway. _ Lndlos , go and see the latest alyli In French Pattern Hats to-day Our New Lioau turn improvement C Investigation into the matter co vlnoos us that one of the most cquit bio , reasonable and feasible plans building houses is that proposed ai in operation by the Mercantile Loa Trust and Improvement Company this city. By investing in shares this institution , which is backed 1 some of our best and most roll at business mon , it becomes possible ai comparatively oaay for a man of mo orate means to secure u cqmfortat homo for himself and family. In ta ing a certain number of shares , at certain monthly payment , In a ft years a man can own a hoc of his own for about the stuns ho pays nnnlhly for rent. \ believe the Mercantile Loan and Trt company , by organizing and openi up for business , having filled a lo felt want In Council Blufla. Tin plans and system of ioann will be the most careful sorntlny and oxn en ( nation , and wo have no hesitancy pronouncing them reasonable a it equitable , and backed by gontlcm itm of honor and integrity. Aa the oo r- pauy exists It becomes at once an r10 stltution of value and credit to c n- city and those who desire bom na Their president la T. A. Klrklat vice president , Judge Poake ; s rotary , I. P. . Beery ; treasurer , C Beebe , and their office Is In the b ment of Bhngart'i and MoMaho ol new block , corner Fink atenae i PMllltCWt. PBBbONAbJ 8. II. Graves , of England } I. II. Debar , Arlicna ; Fred , A , lienfou , nnd N , T. L , U , Howe , Chicago ; tl. K. Fletcher , Mln- oeapollfi } P , H. Colllnt , St. LouiiV. . M. Hamilton , cf Rtolne , were among the guests from dldfront parti * f the world who met at the Ogden yesterday , John U , Lunch , of Philadelphia , who sells any number of 6ne shoos , had his sample trunks repaired at tbe Ogden yes terday. He told bow many thousand del lars' worth of tamples ho bad , bnt assured hli audience that tbe houie be represented had plenty more in stock , Mr. Louie Hlocumb , of Brooklyn , N , 7 , , arrived in the city yesterday for a brief vlilt to bis couilo , II. E. Seaman. He Intends - tends in a few days to push oa and tee more of the great weit. Silly , of Glen wood , came up to the racei yesterday with a four-in-hand. John Y. Stone , D. L. Helnichelmer , ex-Sheriff and others of Glenwood'a Ilenty , promt- ncnts cams with him , A. P. Crmier , edl'or ' otTbe Avoea Her ald , the same one who went to Dakota , recently , took la provisions at the Pacific , took In the racns and took a friend over to maba In the evening. P. W. Ksone , O. W. Carver and W. P. Davarell , well known In Perala , Inw , left their adopted heath for the direct * cf tlie fllHlfs and the room of the 1'ncIDo bnutc. W. O. Flit-worth , of Avooa , took din- ncr at the O/den. He knew bettor than to go to the Pacific , where two hungry ed itors from this city were stopping. J. C. Adamr , editor of The Avoca Her. nld , wai seen hanging aronnd the kitchen at the Pacific home , yesterday , trying to dodge the proprietor * . Charge it. M. A Mead , of Cincinnati , ono of the fjUleit and most popular salesmen nn the road , unpacked a lot of sample ? of ladle * . ' fine shoes at the Ogden yenterday. John Templeton. chief of the fire de partment , wail reported je'terday ns some what better. It la hoped that bo will speedily et on his feet again. James Wulker , Charles Lagaman and Thomas Sbi > y , of Omaha , were among the many who came over from the twin siiter and restored at the Pacific. Frank II. Lawrence , of Racine , WJs. , was among thoee who snrvived tbe torna do and came weit. He registered at the Pacific. Jrhu Ledwlcb , a veil known attorney , of Avoca , wanted to Interview Judge Reed , and roomed at tbe Pacific , J. H. Colburn , of Boston , a popular representative of a gents' famishing houee , made his headquarters at the Ogden. Dr. J. E. Dnnbttr , a successful ocoullet , called at THE BIB office yeaterdar and showed some Interesting curiosities. D. L. Helnschelmer and D. A. H rrell , of Olenwood , oamo to tbe city and found quarters at the O den yesterday. Dr. U. Christian , of Module , found nc patients but was very patient while wait Ing for dinner at the Pacific. F. U. Webster , of Sidney , Iowa , pick ed his teeth at the Pacific while waiting for the hour of opening court , Charles A. Oroney , editor of the Clarin da Herald , was viewing the racea yeitor- daylfrom the newspaper stand. Among the gents from Dot Molnes whi stopped at the Ogtlen were M. Wells , M King and Steve K. Gate. X. W. Hlbbard , O. A. Walker and E. A Borer , well known In Missouri Valley , Is , stopped at the Ogden. W. H. Jagger , of Dennlson , was on th streets yeiterday , and found acoommod * 0 tlon ) at the Ogden. 0. H. Holmes , a prominent bntlnes 0 man of Magnolia , Iowa , was at the Pacifi with bis wife yesterday. Mr. Thomas Maloney , of Missouri Yal ley , brother of William Maloney , is In tb city for a brief visit. E. R. Parmelee , formerly with Tb Harlan Herald , wai taking In the Bluff nt the races ye&terday * John Winter and L. Sellgsmao , tw guests from the Piccnlx city of Chlcngc diued ntthe Ogden. T. M. Marey on 1 wife hava gona to Tc peka , Kan. , on a thort visit to friends an relatives there. S. S. Webb and lady , of Boone , lowi were In the city yesterday , nnd stopped c the Ogden. DAVB Bowunn came from across th Muddy yesterday to see the tport at th track. A. P. Cramer , of The Avooa Horde was in the city yesterday attending th races , M. F. Gray , J. P. Macro and W. E Iloper , of Chicago , registered at tie Pucifi yesterday. . 0. O. Stewart and brother , represent ID a big St. Joe liquor house , were at the Vc Ifio. Ifio.Mr Mr , Harris , of The Farragnt News , among those who ore enjojing the rases. F. M. Reoh and daughter , of Shenai doab , were In the city yeiterday. F. M. Gallup and J. J. Shaw , of Neol put up at tbe Pacific yetleiday. Henry D. Hess and A. W. Watermai of Ulenwood , are at the Ogden. Mark Blanohard and lady , of Creutoi were registered at the Ogden. Dr. Montgomery is attending the mod oal convention at Lincoln , Ex-SherllT Perry Reed , was In the cil yesterday. Commercial job printing , finoi styles nnd rpasoiwWo rates , at Pryor BEK Job Oflho , 7 Pearl street. Bliss' Summer Opening to-day. CARPETS. VUit O&sady and Orontt's exclnsU Carpet House. ar n- Dr. West , Dentist , 14 Pearl strci nIn id Pernnpa Fatal. un Yesterday forenoon a man name unn n J. W. Williams while at work on Ha rlson street mot with an aocldei which may prove fatal. He was ham ling a road scraper , when by ion quick jump of the horses the sorapi ol. was thrown over onto him , one hand ie- striking Him BO as to cause intern a'n hernia. Dr. Bellinger waa called nd I attend the mta and found the lujurli ' l quite alarming , J. N. OA8ADY. F. H. ORCUTT. GASADY & ORGUTT , 502 BUOADWAY , = COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. EXCLUSIVE CARPET STORE. Only one in the City. Stock now Complete , Mail Orders Solicited. OASADY & OROUTT , 502 BrnndwAjr. Bulk and Barrel Lime , AND PDHTLAND CEMENT , MICHIGAN PLtVSTER , HAIR AND SEWER PIPE. IlarJ and Soft Cca'a Lowest 1'ilce. No. 31 Pearl Street Ccnncll Bluffa. SPRING MEETING lonncil Bluffs Driving Park Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and Frijay May , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25. FOUR RACER EACH DAY. $7,000.00 Mile Track. E.Unlnn Pic'flc ' will sell rjund trip ttcketi from Omtha for H , Including admission. p clfu dum my rMn l ( ves each e > en iw at 7 o'c'ock to nccom date thCM tttendlng ricei. NUGENT & MEE.OHANT TAILORS , rst-cInssTGoods and the Best of Worknianshif : Guaranteed. Noa. 7 and 9 Main Street , . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. IflHN RF fl GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 18 Mnlu Street aud 17 Pearl Street. I R T ! ARK RiDRUGGISTS. . Preserlotiona com 1 ponndod at all bourn 1PC Broadway MAX IViOHN } " " * -wuo . , wuoHotel,217& 219 MalnS J. M BARSTOW M. D OFFICE : . , . mi Cor. 5th St. and 5tb Ave nn 1 r UfUITC OFFKJE : Oor. Mainland 6th , up-stalra. Residence , G09 Willow Avenue. N CPU I IDT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , Office over American Express. LIVERY AND FEED. WILL CON IRACT S. S. WAGNER , for funerals at reasonable rates , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & CO , GASH BUYERS , Who esale bultfr , tgti , poultry and fruit. Ship to us. Draft by return taall 118 Broadway A DICDOC NEW BOOT AND SHOE SIORE , . IV I IL si U bi Cor. Main and First avenue. PETHYBRiDCE & HERBEBTZ. S C-A/siTU CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Cor. 7th and CP vHvllirii Broadway. Finns nnd upecificatlona furnished W. W. SHERMAN.n FNEHARNESS brln a p tronnge. 124 Main street. MEROHAJST TAILOR , Artistio Work and Reasonable Onarges. 872 Broadway. | FURNITURE , STOVES and &ftfti Household Supplies , 303 Broadway. ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Jacies Block. LINDT & HART , Practices in etata and federal courts. MRS. S. J. BROWN. ICE TEONERY ORKAM , 21C Broadway. AJSD OONFEO r * IC DT S f * II Mntm'f Fine Fnrnlturo.Upliolntary goods EOTft > lll < X UUij Curtains and Window Shadoa , 309 B'way. And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Sor- eroign.'Prop. , P.J.Montgomery , M. D. , Phy. HADV VETERINARY SURGEON , Office UMrilj Bray'a stable , No. 12 Scott street. I - .an.nv. . raoAp , 8th St. , between Gth and 7th Avenne. PR WIN I ARflflTT JnUe o * > ? Peao0. Notary Public and General Conveyancer , 415 B'way DClfEZ&C UilllCC SMITH & NORTON , Broadway , opp. Now ntfaUnC illUJOCj Opera House. Refitted. 1 , $1.50 per day. ntC PAV S. TAQQaCS CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS UC UHI OC UHCOCL , Corner Sixth street and Avenne G. JLJ AI MV NEW AND SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD . II. nLIVII , GOODS BOUGHT AND SULD. 212 Broadwav. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOT1CK. Special adveitUomtnla , sac Loit , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the ow rate ol TEN CENTS PER LINK for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINK for each subeoqnent Insertion. Leave fcdv erttsom * at our office , No. T Pearl Street , near Ki Jtdway , 3t Wants. ANTED Two flr > t disi panta maVen , at W J xph Iltl er , 81U Droailway. "ITTANTKD Krerybody In Council lilufli to W to take TUB Dim , iO conta per week , de llrered by cwrlcn. Office , No T Peul Street , near Broadway. For Bale and Bent BEES In pketatti o ! a hundred at lie 0 a packa at TUB Bis offlw , Mo. T Pwrl T OST Longr morocco po ket book , aomewbtre J j between Excalilor machine worki , Omaha , and Council Blufl'e Ironwork ! C. B , Under plM0 * ntnra to J. V. HuuMftd , P. OVERTON , DFALKK IN Hard Wood , Yel'ow Fine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and Red C'dar Pll'nf ' , Co Mr Telegraph I'olcg and Fence 1'onU , Oak D incnslou otufl , DMilge Mat-rial cf all Uad > , at UcU nick I'dcej. A Specialty In WOOD AND COAL for brick jard purposca , A lu'l ' luppljr cfvrood and coal nlway < on hind t yarn , 80J and SOI Main itreet. Office , COS Ftrtl avenue , betHMn Main and Peirl ktrtcts MQRHAN , EELLEB & 00 , , - The nneat quality a d Unreet ttock west ol Chicago ol M ooden and UeUUo Oaaee. Call * at tended to at all hour * . We iUfr competition i quality ol roodi or price * . Our Mr .Morgan DM terroaMUUueraker tor forty Jer and thor oughly unoentaiiili bla rHiaivKa. Wanroomi , 811 lWaw y. UHIK LSTEIUNO In all Ih bnnclMi DTocnpliy UUnded to tin earp a-la lot * * o MOionquln * . iSI ( pU Ma att w - Z. T..LINDSEY & OO. 412 Broadway , Council Bluffi , 1 TrkTOA West Side Square , 01arlnda/1OWA < . S. TERWILLIGER , DECORATOR AND DEALER IN FANCY 31 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. DUQUETTE , GUIBERI & CO. , ( Succoaeors to EF.B Bs DUQUETTE ) 16 and 18 Pearl-st. , Council BliuTs , la. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEA.LERS IN GROGERIESPROVISI03 , BOOTS&SHOES , Drafts on Back of Ireland , Dublin , for ealo. 343 Broadway , Council Bluffs. L G. BRAGKETT , 224 and 226 Broadway. BOOKS , TOYS AND NOVELTIES , Greatest Variety in the City. No stranger should fall to visit my store rooms. R. S. COLE & CO. , MANDFACTUKEIIS AND DEALERS IN ALL THE MOST IMPnoVKD KINDS OP LIGHTNING RODS & ORNAMENT ! Also Wood and Iron PUMPS. Wood Tubing tt'd Gas Pipe and Pumn fixtures , for both Woo anl Iron Pumr . Order * will receive pcompt attention. No. 601 South Main Street , COUNdL 1JLUFFS , IOWA. flB-eod-tS Broadway Steam Laundry ! T24 WEST BROADWAY , A. C. LARSON ProprietcLj LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. JOHN R. MARTIN , PLUMBER , GAS AND SIEAM FITTER Has n fffll line of Bath Tubs , Sinks , Boilers. Brass nnd Lead Goods , Lead and Iron Pipes and fittings. Jobbing promptly attended to , 1'lmt-olftsa work gnarantred. NO. 11 PEARL STRKET , - . COUNCIL BLUFFS. TITLE ABSTRACT G FFIGE. J. 'W. 13 C * XT X 3Et ] Jto O < O > - Lauds and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AMU CONVEYANCERS. OUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA CRISTOW HOUSE , . PROPRIETOR. 215 , 217 and 219 south Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . . IOWA. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , WINTHERLICH BRO'S , Iron & Brass Foundry Cor. Gth Street and llth Avenue , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. f. D. IDUUNOaON , I. L.BnOOiaT. A. W.BTBin President Vlce-Pree't. Catbler. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Bluffs. Organized under the lawa ol tbe SUIe ol Iowa PaldnpcaptUl I 7E.OOC iuthoilied capital. . . > . . SCO.OOC Interest paid on tlina depoMti. Drafts Issued on tbe principal cities ol tbe United Btato * and Europe. Special tttcntlou given to collecttoci nd coiroipondenco with prompt retnrui. DIBRCTOES. J.D.EdmnndBOn , E. L. Hbuart , .W.Wallace , J. W , Rodfer , A. W. Street. rno . omou. w n. K. rctn. OFFICES & PUSH , Coiincil Blufs , la. Established , - - 1866 DM ! N U ronlfii a i IBS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , ( Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST. Graduate ol Blectropathlo Institution , Phlla delphla , Ptnna. Ofllco Cor , Broadway & Glenn Avo. COUNCIL BLUPF8 , IOWA. The treatment ol all dloouss &nd palntal Ocultlcs { xculbr ta females a ( poclaliy W. R. VAUGHAN : JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. * * \ Omaha and Council Bluffs Real Estate & Collection Agency , n Odd Follow block , over Savings' X. . XX. WUOLU11B BBUU U PROMPT OABH PAID , Xo