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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1883)
THIS DAlLf BjfiK-TflUR8iAY KAY 24 The Nebraska National Bank , Of Omaha , N b. Fold up Capital , - - 525O.OOO. DIltGOTOBS : R. JOnXSON , Pro IJent , ol StwIe.aJobnwn fc Co. A. E. TOUZAL1N , Tlci Prctldent , ol 0. B. & Q. R. H , , Dotton , W. V. MOHSE , ol W..V. Uorso * Co. JOHN 9. COLLINS , ot 0. II. A J. 8. Collins. M. WOOLWOIUU , Counsellor & Attorney at Law. Law.REED , of Byron Reed & Co. W. YATES , Caihler , Uta Cuhler ol the Flnt Natlonil Bank oi Omaha , and connected with the active management ot that Bank line * Its orgunltatlon In 1(03. . Oruio ( or bualnoM April 87th , 1882 , with th Urffcst capltalot any Bank In Nebra ka. COLLKCTIO.IS recclro ipncUl attention and char , f e lowest obtainable here or elsewhere. IXTSRRST allowed en time deposits upon favor able term ) aad upon accounts bf banks and bank * n. n.FORIIOH Ticruxoi , Oorcrnment Bonds and County and City Sfcurltles b ) ughe > nd s > ld. It la prepared ( o do a genertl bankluK buslneis n all Its d t lli , and In < ha treatment of cu-toin- ers will pursue the moat liberal poliy conilsten with safa JT. W. KODEFER. Broker. Stockr , Uonils , Commercial Paper and all other Good aecuritlts dca't ' In Itocui 4 , No. 28 Pearl St , , Council BluQd , la. FIHANGE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. pcclftl Dispatch to Tux liis. NEW YOBK , May 23. Money 2J@3 per cent. Prime Mercantile Paper-5 (3 ( G per cent. Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills ctondy at 4 84 } ; demand , 4 Eb'J. Governments ho&vy and generally J per cent lower. The atook mtrlcet ruled stronger through out the day. Tha result of the day's busi ness was an advance of J@2J per cent on the whole Use , the market closing at nbout the highest prices of the day for every thing. The extreme advance in Oeutral P cific was 2J per cent to 75 , from which it reacted to 74g ; in Union Pacific , 1 per cent to 03 | ; in Chicago , Burlington & Qaincy , lg per ceat to 123 ; in Oregon & Transcontinental , li per cent to 82 ; in St. Paul & Omaha , 1J per cent to 415J. QOVKUNIIKNTS. Yesterday. To-day B' 103JJ 103i 5' lOitf 102 * 4l'i ? Gonpons 113i 113J 4i U9i ll'J * Pilfh3' § of ' 95 127 1274 BONDS. Central Pacific firsts 114 } 114J Erie seconds 971 972 Lehigh & Wilkesbarro 101 104 s Louisiana consols 05 6ijj Missouri 6's 1124 1124 St. Joseph 110 110 * St , Paul & Sioux City firsts. . 112 * 112 Tennessee 6's S9j 39j I. do new 89 394 . Teiaa & Pacific land grant * . . CL 61 * do K. G. div. . . . 81J 82 Union Pacific 1st mortgage..114 1151 do land grants . .107J 107i do siuking fund..110 lli ( Virginia G'fl 35 35 do consolaG's 87 87 do deferred 109 9 8100KB. Adams Express 12C 131 Allegheny 'Central 1154 Ht > i Alton & Terra Haute C ! ) & 70 do pfd. . . . 92i 93 I.'V American Express 92 93 Bad. , GoJar Rapids & North. 80 80 Canada Southern Gr4 015 O. , St. L. & P 19J 2i do pfd 5 i 574 Central Pacific 72 | 74 j Ohoaapeake & Ohio 19 do 1st pfd. . . 29 VM do 3d pfd. . . 214 Chicago & Alton 131 $ do pfd 140 140 Obi. , Burl. & Quincy 1211 123 Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 80 81 Oln. , Sand. & Cleveland 87 37 Clove. , CoL & Cincinnati. . . . 67i G7 'V Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 109 110 'VS Del. , Lack. & Western 12JZ 12li Denver & Rio Grande 4Gj 4GJ Brie S4 ? S5 [ . do pfd. . . 795 784 But Tennessee 8J Oi " do preferred 181 18 : Fort Wayne & Chicago 132 | 132 Hannibal & tit. Joseph 42 42 do pfd. 94 911 Harlem 195 194 Houston & Texas Central. . . . 68 7 < i Illinois Central 142J 143 Ind. , Bloom. & Western 27 28 Kansas & Texas 281 28) ) Lake Erie k Western 261 27 Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . li 8 | losj Louisville 4 Nashville 48 | 48 Louisv. , New Alb. & Chicago G4 55 M.&L.lstDfJ 10 10 . , do do 2d pfd 5 5 Memphis & Charleston 40 41 Michigan Central U2J 93J Memphis & St. Louis 25 20J do pfd f.l 65 ? Missouri Pacific 101J 1025 Mobile&Ohio 14 14 Morrla& Essex 23J 125 Naehvillo & Chattanooga 5-1 62 New Jersey Central 771 783 Norfolk &W 39 * 40 Northern Pacific 48 § 4UJ do pfd Sa , 8i4 ( Northwestern 1 94 130 do pfd 148 ' 148J New York Central 120J 121fi Ohio Central 10 Ilia Ohio & Mississippi 321 32 do pfd..100 100 Ontario & Western 25 J 203 Oregon Transcontinental 81 } 82J Pacific Mail 4l | 42jj Panama 98 98 Peorla , Decatnr & Evansr. . . 169 173 Plttaburg & Cleveland 130 130 Pullman Palace Car 1261 127 Reading 121 63J Rook Island. . . . ; 121 ? 12aJ St. Louis & San Fran 31 ? 315 do pfd f > 2j 53 do lit ptd 964 97 Bt. Paul & Milwaukee 101 * 102J do pfd. . . . 118 119 Bt Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 1244 124 Bt. Paul & Omaha 4)5 ) 46 d ' pfd. 1023 10J4 Texas & Pacific 359 864 Union Pacific 92i 93 United States Express 67 CO Wabash , Bt. L. & Pacific. . . . 252 27 do pfd. 4l2 42i Wells , Forgo & Oo. Express.123 124 Western Union Telegraph. . . 81 g 82S Homostake 15 15 Ontario 25 25 Quicksilver 74 74 do t > fd J8 38 South Pacific fi , Bntro 21 21 FOREIGN FINANCE. Special Dispatch to Tin Dn. LONDON MONEY. LONDON , May 23. Pennsylvania Central , 159J ; New York Central , 123J ; Erle.J354 ; Res-Hog , 127J. PBODUOB & PftOVIBIONtf. BpedU Dtip4tcbM to Tni Bn. OHIOAQO. CHICAGO , May 23. Flour Market quiet and unchanged. Wheat Market unsettled * nd lower regular , 1 09i for M y ; 1 092 for Jun c oiprinir , 93o ; No. 2 red winter , 11V4. Oorn Mtrket unuttled anlowniMJo for Mb Md Ifajj Oli9 2o for Jut for July ; 63J for August ; C8o for September ; C2o lor the your. Oats Market easier ; 41 o for c hj 41 | @ 411o for Mav41Jo ; for Juno ; 411o fur July ; 31go fnr August ; 32ja ) for the year , Hye Market tirui at GJ4o. B rley Marks : dull aud noinin l at 80o. 80o.Flax Flax Seed Market quiet at 1 42. Pork In fair demand , but at lower rat : 19 10@19 15 for cash nd May ; 19 12@ld 15 fur June ; 19 30 for July ; -174(0-19 ( 60 for August ! 19 624@1'J ' 05 for September ; 17 30 lor the year. L td In fair demand , but at lower ratw ; 11 05 for cash and May ; 11 70 © 11 724 for Juno ; 11 60@11 824 for July ; 11 6511 074 forAuguit ; 11 CO for Sep tember ; 10 67i@10 70 for ttio year. Hulk MoU lu fair deuinudj bhoul- dero , R 00 ; ibort rib ? , 10 00 ; short clear , 1080. Butttr Market quiet and weak ; cream eries , 15@20c ; dairy , 12@18a. Eggs -Market Bteady wiih a fair de mand 164@17o. Whisky Market steady and un- chiuged. Freights Coin to Bullalo , 2s. CALL BOABD. Wheat-Market Irregular and fairly Motive ; declined 3 for Juue ; ad vanced o for July , August and Septem ber. ber.Corn Corn Active and a shade higher ; 65JJ luae ; advanced J ) tor July , AuKun ami SepKmber. Ojta Murkit active and firm ; advanced : o for May. Pork Market active but lower ; 19 074 for June ; 19 25 for July ; 19 42&19 45 for August. LtrdIn fair demand ; Co lower for Sjp- omber. NCW TOBK. NKW YOKK , Mny 23. Flour Market dull ; good to choice , 4 05@7 00 ; extra Ohli110 ® 075. Market opened l@8o bettor , afterwards loot the advnuuo , lull ol ! } @ . } c , clobiuif strong ; ungraded rod , 1 00gjl ( V\ \ ) ; o. 3 red , 117J delivered ; eteutnor No , ' rod , 1 16 ; No. U red , 1 191(31 ( 19 in ele vator ; ungraded white , 1 U7@l 2J ; No. 2 do , 1 Oi-'ic ; Nn. 1 white , 'J.600 bu , sold t 1 13&1 U'i ; No. 2 red , May , sales 72,000 bu at 1 I 1@110 | , closing nt 1 194 ; Juno sales , COO.UUO bu at 1 19)1 ) 2lJ , cluolne nt 1191 ; July sales , It9d,000 tm at 1 21g@l 2JJ , ojosiug at 1 i' ' ; Augint Baloi < , lo7 > ' , OJOou ut 1224@1 28 , closing at 1 221 ; September snlng , l,4tOOJO bu at 1234Q51 21 J , closing at 124 Coin Market opened j@Q | ] higher , forwards - orwards ruled weaker , reaotvd fj ( 8' , ami clo > ed Htronger ; uneradcd , r > S@Ooi ; ; Nn. 3 > 3aG3.o ( ; ntoamur , 6t4@65ic ; No. 2 , G5 @ i Jc ; i ) d Nn 2 , 66 ] in elevator ; No , 12 May. GlJ@03.Jc , closing at GJc ; June , 64i gt > 5lc , cluiiug ut GJC ; July , C01@tJC , cIOKing at C64c ; Augu t , 67gC 5684o , closing at GSo ; Sopterubei , C9@C94 , oloeing ut C93. Oats M-trkot i@4lower , and falny active ; mixed weatcrn , 484@52c ; white western , 574@63c , E < g Western fresh , higher and firm at 18lH4o. I'ork Market firm ; new mess , 20124 ® 20 25. Lard Market * te dy , prime steam , 11 85 c ish ; June , 11 SOW 11 80 ; , luly , 11 85 © 119 , ! ; August , 11 77@11 81 ; September , 11 70@li 74. Butter Market dull and weak. Cheese Market stronger. 8T. LOOIB. ST. Louis , May 23.-Flour Market steady and unchanged. Wheat Market bicher and active ; clossd weak ; No. 2 red fall , 1131134 | for oath ; 1 ISJttl 144 for June ; 1 13 ® 1149 closing ui 113J for July ; 1 123 ® 1 148 , closing at 1 IHtf for August ; 1 14g'a ' > 115g. olo'ltigut 1 HJ for Saptumber ; 1 Hi @ 1 13J , clo-ini' nt 112g for the year ; No. 3 red fall 1 OG@108 old. Corn-Market dull ; 6H514o for cash ; 51Sra61Jo for June ; 53gC < z.53J ) for July ; 515i41 for AUJJU t ; 56j for Saptem- ber ; 47 ( 547ii for the year. Oitn Murkot very slow ; 42J for cash ; J 422o tor Jua ; 41@41Ji for July. ityoMarket firmer t 53 ® 9a bid. Barley -Markei dull ; 55s75o. ( Corn Meal Market Bteady at 200 ® 265Butter Butter Market steady and unchanged. Eifgs Murket lower ; 15@154o. WnlekvMarket uteady at 1 14. Pork Market lower ; jobbing , 19 75. Bulk Meats Market dull and lower ; long clear. 10 40 ; short rib , 10 50 ; short clear , 10 75. Hacon Market dull ; long clear , 1115 ; short rib , 11 25 ; short clear , 11 60. L rd Muriel quiet ; small lots , 1115 A FTEBNOON BoABD. Wheat Market excited and higher ; 114 fur June ; 114 § for July ; 1114 } for August ; 115J for September ; 1 i3J for the year. Corn Market steady ; 514o for June ; 53jfor July ; G4Jo forAuguit ; 46 c for the year. Oats Market dull ; nothing done. TOLEDO. TOL DO , May 23 Wheat Market steady ; No. 2 rei winter , 1134 for cash and M y ; 113 for June ; 1 15J fur July and August ; I 17 for September ; 118 for October ; 1 134 for the year. Corn Miket steady ; No. 2. E8Ji for cash and May ; 59o held for Juuu ; GOo tor July O Ha Market quiet ; No 2 , 43o. BOABD CLOSED Wheat Market easier ; Nn t ! red winter , 1 14 held for cash ; 1 131 bid for Mi.y ; 1134 bid for June ; 115i fcr July ; 115J bid for Au- Runt ; 1 164 hid for Septemnor ; 1 17J for October ; l K'4 bid for the year. Corn Market easier ; No. 2 , 53J3 fnr cuali ; f8i bid for May and Juue ; 59Jo bid for July ; 61o i > eked for August. Oau Alurkot dull and nominal. KANSAS CITY , KANBAH CUT , May 23. Wheat No. 2 red tall , 94ohid or cmh ; 94Jo for June ; 96j for Ju'y ' ; 92Jo for the year. C > rn M krkft "toady ; 43j for oath ; 43\c \ for June ; 45Jj for.Tuly. OatH Market Blow ; 40o bid for cash ; otion . LIVEBUOOI. . LiVKitrooL , May 23. Wheat , not much doiiig ; Cilifornit declined Iri ; win ter , 8) .Od@9j21 ; spring. 8i6d@9i ; Nn. 2 C lforniu ! , Uild@9i2i ; do No. 1 , 9 3 @ 9j7d. Flour H @llsGd. Curn Dull ; 6 8J. LIVE STCCK 9p cUl D9jiobes ! to Tni Bu. OIUCAOO. CHIOAQO , May 23The Drovers' Joar- nal reprtn * a ( ollown : Hogg Weak and Inwer ; bacon hogs nteadv ; nil others 5f3)10a ) lower ; mlxtd , 6 80fe7 15 ; heavy.7 20S7 60 ; light , 6 90 ® 7 30 ; skip" . 3 4D,0 40 ; closed weak. Ctkttln Mtt'koc for shinning cittlo weik ; lOo lower ; ex rt , 0 10@6 35 ; good to cboive fihipiiing , 5 80@6 1U ; common to fair , C 15(8r ( ; > 75. Sheep Moderately active and prlcin firm ; common to fair , 375@150 ; good , 5 60 ; choice , 5 75. 75.BT. BT. LOUIH. ST. Loois , May 23 Cattle Supply Ur ; e , with a Rood iiropnrlion of heavy shipping Bte rc , which were eluw aud low. er at 5 80(26 ( L'j ; light to fair nicer * tnail.r. at 5 25@5 75 ; common , 4 75S ( > 5 :0j good cows and heifer * , 4 60@6 00 ; gr sj Texans , 4 2 ) ( a5 ! 00. Sheep Quiet inquirv and chiefly local ; fair to good muttons , 3 75@4 50 : nrltna to oioice , 4 C0@5 TO ; T xaus , 3 25@4 60 ; spring Iambi , 2 25@3 50. Hogs Market dull , lower and weak ; llpht , 6 80@7 00 ; rough to good packloif , C 50@7 15 ; butchers to fancy , 7 15@7 35. KANSAS .OITI. KANBAB CITI. Muy 3. The Commer cial Indicator this afternoon reports as follows : Cattle Market lower and weak ; ship ping steers , I O75' l,400 pounds. 520 ® 6 8ll ; cows.3 60@4 76. Hogs Market lowar and weaV , at 6 70 @ 7 25 ; moatly C 85@7 05. Sheep-Steady ; 0 < S pound averages 4 15 NK1T TOBK. Nxw Your , Mar 33.-Th Droyew Journal Bureau ttpotiti -DaU Md lovw ; axtnaM , 90 @ 7 05 , ner cwt. , live weight ; Rfnrrrtl miff , 6 44g6 ( 90 ; 11 car loadi of light dlitlllery. fed stcerf , 6 SO ; exporters used 25 oar loads. Sheep Firmer nod la higher ; spring Iambi 4 < j higher ; common to prime clipped sheep old At660 700 per owt. ; south ern spring lambs 7 50@8 50. Ho ? * Dull and lower for 1 ye hogs ; 7 20@7 CO per owt. for corn-ftd , TBAPPIO , Bp dM Dlir lchw to Jin Un. FLODB AND OBAINF , OHIOAQO , May 23. Heoeipti and ship ments of flour and grain for the past 24 bourn have been as follows : Receipts. Shlp'tn. Flour-barrel 12.000 160 Wheat bushels 29.000 29.000 Corn " 142,000 160,000 Oats " 84,000 133000 Rye " 14,000 4,100 Barley- " 13,100 4.600 BT. Louis , May -Receipts aud shipments of flour and grain for the past 48 hours have been as follows : Uoceliits , flhio'tn. Flour-bbla 6.100 5,000 Wheat bunhels 27 000 3,000 Oorn " 69,000 Oatb " 31.COO 2,000 Rye- " Barley " l.UCO NEW YOBK , May 23. Receipts and hlpmonts of ( lour aud grain for the past 4 hours have boon as follow * : Receipts Sho'tf. Flour-bbls 21,550 COCO Wheat bunhbl 220,000 36 610 Corn " 73.000 2J.R40 OaU- " . . .12J.500 CiO ( KANSAS CITT , J lay 23' Receipts aud hlpmeuts oi graiu for the past U4 loura have boon us follows : Roo'ts. Shio'tfl. Wheat , buohel 3.000 9,000 Corn " 121X.O 13.000 Oats- " OatsTOLEDO TOLEDO , May 23. Receipts and ship- nents of flour and grain for the past 21 louts have been as follows : Rvc'U Shlpm'ts. Wheat 19,000 S.tiOO Corn 21,000 O.OCO LIVE HTOOK , ST. LODIS , May 23. Hocelpta nail hipments nf live stock for the pant 24 loura have been as follows : Rro'ts. Shlpm'ta. Hogs l 8000 1,500 Oattlo 3,500 C50 Sheep GO 150 NEW YORK , May 23. Receipts nnd hipments of live stock for the pnet 24 tours have been as follows : Reo'ts Ship'ts heveo 3,2iO Quarters beef . . . . 'arcaaeen ' of mutton . . . . Sheep , 4100 . . . . Hogs 5,600 . . . . OWCAOD. May 23 , Receipt and ship ments ot live stock for the past ! M lourn hare been as follows : Roe ts. Bhlpm'tx. Hogs 17,000 700 Cattle G.600 2,100 Sheep 1,000 KANSAS OUT , Hey 23. Receipts nnd shipments of live stock for the past 24 lours have been as follow * : Reo'ts. Bhlpm'ts. ! attle 1,700 Hogs C.OUO . . . . Sheep 100 . . . . MERCHANDISE ] , Special Dl patchtfl to Till Bun. NKW YOBK , May 23 Sugar -Mar- cnt quiet ; retins'i , nteudier ; standard A , ] ; granulated , 8 3 16@8Jc. Molasses Market steady , with a fair demai.d . ; iS. O. , 3tl@682. Rice Market firm ; domestic , 5@7o. Petroleum Market dull ; united , 101i { , TAOW ! ! Market firm and fairly active at75-lGg83. ( Itosin Market Bteady. Turpentine Market firm. OMAHA MAlCKlilTS. Prioci. OrriOE or Tni OKAHA Bni , 1 Wednesday Evening , May 23 J Toe followlnis are the only changes re ported to-day : drain. WHEAT.-Cash No. 2 , 92o ; cash No. 3 , 754o ; rejected. GSo. BARLF.Y.-Cash No. 2 , C8o ; No , S , 423. 423.RYE RYE Cash , 48o. OOKN-Now mixed , 88e , OATS 880. SEEDS-Blue gresa seed , 125@150 ; t'mothy seed , 2 10@2 25 ; red clover seed , 9 00 ; white clover seed. 13 00 ; millet seed , 100 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard grass seed , 2 60. Produce. POTATOES 2i50o per nushel , ONIONS Old 20c per bushel. BUTTER -Choice country , 15@20c , EGGS Krenh , IGc. HONEY Oallforaia , perlb. 21. APPLES Per barrel. ? 2 25 ( 4 00. ORANGES California , 2 75 ; Messina. 4 085 ( ! 00 LEMONS-85 0 < V 5 BO pnr box. STR UVBKIUUES 20@253 per quart. BEANS Navy per bushel , 2 60is2 ( 75 Live Stock. OA-TTLE-Fatstoers , 8 > 00@5 50. FAT COWS -S37r @ 400. nOUR-S8 25 675. SHEEP-SI 50@5 00. Flour and MlllstuiT * . Beit winti.r whunt- 00@3 73. Second quality winter wheat 275@325. Be t spring wheat 2 60 @ 2 7i . Second quality spring wboit 2 40@2&0. Bran , pir ton 1000. Chopped Feed , per ton 18 00. Poultry. CHICKENS Live per doz. , § 100 ® 450. DrcHseil. perlb. , 15c. DUOKS-Dre ed. per lb. , 15o. TURKEYS-17c. Orocora Llat CANNED GOODS OyUers , ( Qtand- ! ) , per case , 3 70@390 ; strawber- rieo , 2 lb , per coae , 2 40 , rasp berries , 2 Hi , per ease , S 50. Dam sons , 2 It , per case , 2 45 , Bartlett pears per case , 240. Whortleberries porcRSB,275. Egg plutus,2 Ib perc . ol ! 90 ; Green gagos,2 lb per case , 2 90 ; do choice , , Ib per case i 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case 4 00 < 45 75. Poaches , 2 tb per case. 8 00 ; do 8 lb , cose , 4 004 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 tt , per case.260 ; do pie , 6 H > , per dozen. 3 30. ' LA.RD Omiha Hefinlnin Co. : Tierces , 121o ; 40 and 50-lb cans , IJgs ; 20-lb cans , I2c ; 10-lb ualls , aorow top , lV8j 6-lb do , 2 = ! 3 lb do , 13c. KICK Louisiana prime to choice , 7S'3i 8n : fair. 7 74c ; Patma , CJc. " , FISH . No 1 mackerel . , half brla , 7 60 . ; vo. 1 umckerel. luta , I 00 ; family mock- ' erel , half brb , 5 25 ; family mackerel , kits , 85c ; No. 1 white fiuh , half brla , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits , 1 05 SyuUP-aUndsrd Com. , 33s , bbls. ; Htand-mi do , U gallon ke n , 61 95 ; Stan dard do , 4 gallon kegs , 81 75. SOU A In lb papern , frf.SO per case ; kec oda 21e. NEW PICKLES-Medlum , In barrele $700 ; do in half bbls. 4 00 ; small * , In bblu 900 do , lu hslfbbU , 500 ; gherkins. In bbls 1100 ; do , In half bbls , 6 00. TEAS .Ounjuwder | , good , 45 < 2 > 55 ; Obolco , 60@75o ; Imporiil , good , 40@46o ; O- lea CO7Bc ; Young Hyson , Rood , gG(2 ( 5'Jo ' ; choice , 65c@81 00 ; Japan Nat Laaf ! . . . . . _ . , ' D A T. .U a/\nn r J. f\ ; oed , iong , ROPE SlasJ. i ineh"Vnd\larger , llo jjinch , HAcj iluch , 12o. WOODENWARB-lVo hoop paili 1 75 ; three hoop palls , a 00. Tubs , No 1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer wuhbourds , 1 85 Double Crown 2 00 : WellbuokeU. 350 , LEAD-Bar , B BO APS Klrk'i Savon Imperial. 845 Kirk's tattnot , S 60 ; Kirk's stiudard , 8 75 Klrk'i white Uuiilan , 6 25j Kirk1 Kntooi. , 1U Klik's PrilrU QOMO , (100 ( JkMX iO ) Klrk'i POTASH Pennsylvania oans , 4 case , n case , 8 85 ; Babbitt's Ball 2 doc. In oaso. 1 90 ; Anchor Bail 2 dox In CMO 1 60. PKANUTB Roasted , eholoo , red Ton. noesoe , lOoper lb ; fancy white , 10 Jo porlb ; w white Virginia raw , 10o | toasted 2kc. 2kc.OANDLE8 Boxwi , 40 lbsir , 16fc | 8 . 6Joj bcxei 40 lb . , 16 ot. , 6 * . 16Jc , MATCHEb-Per caddleT 9oo | round , a < w. * " 10 : square , OOMM , 96 40. COFFEES-Ordlnary grades , 3J@93 ; air , 10@104o ; good , 10 lto ; urlmc , 114 ( a ) 1 2o : strictly prime , 12@124c ; chnlce. la @ 134c ; fancy green and yellow. UfailSc ; old government Javii , 20i@26 : ; Levcrioi ? ' * roantcd , 14 } c ; Arbnckle's rotited , 14 4c ; iIcLaughlin'i XXXX roasted , 144c ; I in. tatlonJava , 164C l8io. VINEGAR New York apple , 10c ; Ohio apple , 13o. BALT. Dr y loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ash- oin , In sao ks , 8 50 ; bbln dalrr CO. 5s , H 60 BOaARB PowdcreJ , lOlo : Cut loaf , OJc ; Granulated. 94c ; Confectioners' A , Jo ; Standard Extr C , 8gc ; Extra 0 , 40 ; medium yellow , 8&c & ; dark yellow , "Jc. STARCH. Pear ) , . Com Starch , 9Ji | KicelslcrQloas , , n t Oorn. 8s MKAT8 Hams per Ib. , 14c : bacon per lb. , 14oj clear side bacon per lb. , 11 Jc ; ry Mlt tides perlb. , 10Jobacon ; nhouldera : ) or Ib. 9Jo ; tierce lard i > or lb , ; lljs. BPIOKS. Pepper , 21) ) Alluulo * , 19 : Clovof , 80 ; Cassia , 24. OliKKHH Full Oeom , 14ji | Part Bhlm , llo. LYE American , 3 40) ) Qrcenwleb , 343 ; Vestom , 2 7B North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' ' jro , 4 GFi ; Jewell lyu , 276. FEKD-Jobblng prlce > , Chop feed 1.60 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran , Oo l > cr 100 Ibs. HOMINY NOW is BO per bi > i. Dry Qoooi. BROWN OOTTONS-Atlantlo A , 8Je ; Avplcton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , He ; Hoot , ti-F , 8Jo ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Oabot W. ' o ; Cnlttonango A , G c ; Ureat Kails E , icj ITooMor , Gjc : Honest Width 80 , In- Ian Head A , 80 ; Indian RUudard A , Sc ; Indian Orchard d.v. . , GJj ; I.awronco jL.GJc ; Mystic river , 7Jo ; 1'unuot A , 8jo | ; o ; Utlca 0 , 5Jo ; Wachueott B , 7tfj ; do A , ici do B 48. 190. FINK BROWN OOTTONS-Allandale -4 ; 7jcj Alligator 8-1 , So ; Ar ylo 4-4 , 7 < { c ; Atlantic LL , GJc ; Bndger State X 4-4 , G&o & ; lennington O 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S , 4-1 , ( ifcco ndinn Orchard AA 9-R , 8Jc ; I ncotila O 9 , Sic ; Lehlgh E 1-4 , Uic ; Popporell N 0 , 7c ; do O & ! , 71o ; do R 30 , 7jc | ; do K 39 , Jo , Vocasset 0 4-4 , 7 c ; Wauwuita 4-1 SoBLEACHED BLEACHED COTTONS Androfeog irln L 4-4,9JcBlackstonoAA ; Irr.porinl 85c ; o do half blenched 4-4.9o ; Cabot 4-4,8j | ; ridolity4.4 , 9JcFrult ; of thoLoom,91 ; do MLbric4.4,12icjdoWntorTwlst,10icLioat ; ? fall ? Q , 9c ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c | /onMlalo. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12jo ; Now forh Mlila , 12jo ; Poquot A.lOcj Popperel \T U TwUlo , 12Joj Pocahontaa 4-4 , 9Jo ; ? ocasset 44 , 8io | Utlca , lloi Wamsutta 0 X X , 124o. DUCKS Colored } Albany K brown. > o ; do 0 , drab , Xloj do XX strlpon and ilolds , 12ip ; do XXX brown and drab , tripos and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy , .Br9o : uuswick brown , Sic ; Chariot fanojr 2Jo ; do extra heavy , 20oj Kail River irown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A own IHnt Nooonaet A brown. 15o TIOKlflUB Amoskeag A U A 82 _ Jc ; do XX blue 82 , 18Jcj Arrowanoa , ) Jo ; Claremont B B.lSJo : Oonestoga'ia ; ra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , Ilia Lewiston a SO , 15c ; Mlnnehaha 4-4 , SOc ; Omega oupor extra 4-4. 28c ; Pearl River 82.16 c ; Put nam x blue strijio , 12o ; Shctucket 8 lOic ; do SS 12o : Yooman'r blue 29 , 9o DENIMS. Amoskeak , bluonnd bronn LGic ; Andover DD blue , ICJc ; ArllngX iluo Scotch , 18Jc ; Concord 000 , blue aw Drown. 12&c ; do AAA , do do 1SJ ; do XXto do do 14Jo Haymaker's blue imd brown , 94o ; Mystlo River DD stripe , lGo ; 1'oiirl River , blue and brown , IGcj UnoaaviUo , ' : lno and brown , ' HJc , OAMBRIOa Barnard , Oio > Kddystonc inlnp , 24 Inch double tauo , S\c ; Garner A rlnzoil , PJc ; Manhattan glove fininh , 52o Newport do 6c ; do glazed , 5Jo | Po'inot do io : Lbckwood kid Unish Go , CORSET JEANS Amorfi 3ojAndron coggln satteon 8gc ; Clarondcu , GJoCones ; oXca sattoens , 7Jcj Hallowol. , 80 ; In li Orchard 74o ; Narr > gnn ett , Improved , 8Jr. Popperlll K tt e. . 34o ! Uookport , 7Jo PRINTS-Aliens , CJj ; Amerioan , BJcj Arnold , 7c ; Berwick. 4 jo ; Coobeoo , 7u ; Oonostoga. GJo ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnell , 6J@7c ; Eddystone. 7o ; Oloncoater , Go ; Harmony , 5Jo ; Knickerbocker , OJc ; Mor rl ao D. 7c ; Mystlo , 5Jo ; Spracnes. Go ; Southbrldge , 6c ; do , Glughams , 7o | Marl boro. 5Jo ; Oriental 64c. aiNQUAMS-Amtskeag , 9Jc | Argylr , lOlu ; Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 7io ; Highlana , 7Jc ; Kenilwortb , 9Jc | Pluo- kett. 9lci Sussex , 8c. > OOTTONADES Abbervllle 13Jo Agate , 20o ; American , lie ; Artlslan , 20o ; Cairo D and T , ISJc ; Clarka D and T1 17Jc ; Deccan Co. stripes D and T.lGo ; Key stone , 13Jc ) Nantuokot. 19o ; _ Nonpareil 16c ; Ocean D and T , 134a ; Royal , 164 ' Sussex , 12o ; Tioca , 12 | > c ; Waohunett shirt In f checks , 12Jc ; du , Nankin , 124c ; York. plain Nankin. 12Jo ; do , chocks , etrlpM and fnncv. 12Jc ; do. 8 oz 20o. SHEETINGS Androscognln 10-4,27Jo ! do 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental O 42 , lie , Fruitlof the Loom 10-4 , 27ii New York mills98 , S5o ; do 78 , SOc ; do 68. 22Jo , Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Pequot 1C-4 , 28Jc , do 74 , 19o do . 49 , 16c ; Popperell 90 , 2'Jc- . do 67 , 21cdo ; 67 , 18o ; Utlca 96 , 36o ; do 58,2340) ) do 48. 17o , DRUGS AND OHKMIOA LHcld , Carbolic , SOc ; Acid , Tartarlo , C5ot Balaam Oopabia , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Sassafras , per Ib , 133 | Calomel , per lb , 75c ) Cloahunl'lin , per oz , 81 10 | Chloroform , per lb. OOj ] Dover's powdero , per Ib , 1)1 23 | Epsom Salts , per lb , 3c ; Glycerine , pare pe r bl , Sdo ) Load , Acetate , par lb , 22c Oil , Castor , No. 1. per ml , f26 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gnl , 6115 , Oil , Olive , per gal. 81 50 ; Oil. Origanum , fiOj Opium , 8.r 10 ; Quinine P. 4 W. & R. & 8. , par oz , 81 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per lb el 76 ; Salacin , per oz. 40c : Sulphate o Morphine , per or , 83 86) ) Sulpnur Hoar per Ib , 4ct Strvchnlno. tier cz , 81 < & , Paints Oils und VarnlihM OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 12c ; 150 * headlight , per gillon , 14o : 176 * headlight , per gallon. 19c ; 150s Water White , 18c ; linseed , raw , per pallon , 69 ; linseed , boilo'i ' , per gallon , GOc ; lard , winter strd , per Kal , [ on , 95 ; No. 1 , 85c ; . No. 2 , 76c ; custor. XXX. per gallon , 1 30 ; No. S , 1 20 ; sweet' per gallon , 85oj iiporui , W. B. , per gallon , 1 76 ; fish , W. B , , per gallon , 7fic ; uoatsfoot- extra , per gallon , 90c ; No. 1 , 76c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 16r , golden machine , No. 1 , per eallon , S5c ; No , 2 30 ; sperm , signal , per gallon , SOc ; turpentine pontine , per gallon , GBCJ naptba , 81' , po- gallon , 18o ; G4' , 17o PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P , P. . 60 ; white lead , St. Louis , pare , &i < : \ I arsellles green , 1 to 6 Ib cann , 20c French zinc , irioea real , I2o ; Freucli rlnc , red seal , lie ; Kronch zinc , in varninh af > t , 20o : French rinoe , In oil runt ICe ; Raw aad burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 10a ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOo : vandyke brown , K refined lampblack. 12o ; coach blaok and ; l ory black , IGc ; drop blat k , 16a ; Prnsuian blue , SOc ; nltram ritblue , 18o | nbix me green , L. M , k D , , lOjiblind and shutter Krcen , L. M. & D. , 1C : ; Paris green , \Kc ; Indian red , I5o : Vouetlan red , Oo ) Tuocir dre , 22c ; Amerlosn Vermilion , I' , & P. , 18o ; chrome yellow , L. , M , , 0. & D O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre. Iff ) patent dryer , 8c ; graining colors ; light o k , dark oac. walnnt. chestnut and &sh 15c. Dry Paints White lead , 8c ; French ilno , lOot Par T/hltoing 2ic ; whiting gliders , IJo ; biting couvl , llo ; lampblack German , town , 14o ; limpblack , ordinary , 10c | Prufl. slon blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vaudyke Lvown , 8o | nmbor , burnt , 4a ) nmber , raw 4oslenna ; , burn t , 4c ; denna , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 25o | Paris green com' ' 20o ; chrome green , N , Y. ' 20o ) chrom green K , , 12o ; vermllllon , Eng. , 70c ; vei million , America , 18o ; Indlau red , lOc ro e pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cokusoto 21oi Tenetlan red Am , , lo ; rel lead , " chrome yellow , genuine , aOo hromi r low , K. , 12o ; oohre , roobtlli 8a | oebn ochr , AnuietA , 3e ipanlsh brown , 2k. ) Prinoe'i mineral So. VARNISIIES-Barrela per gallon Furniture , extra , $1 10 : furniture , No. 1 81) ) coach , extra , $140) ) oaeh , No , 1 , 81 20) ) Damar , extra , SI 76 ; apan , 70oa ) - phaltum , extra , 85c ; sheila W 60 | bard oil finish , 81 80. 80.Hides Hides , Fur * , Etc * IIIDHS < > rcen bntonor' * hldu , 6J ® 7c cured GJ@rifl | hides , green salt , dry flint , sound , 1218c ) dry call and kip , 12@14c ; dry salt hides , found , 10llcj green calf. wt. 8 o 16 DM. . ll12c ; green calf , wt , under 8 It * , per skin , 60c | green tx > lt , 60@81 26 ; green lamb skin * , 81 25160i damaged hides , two-third raU , out scored and one grub , classed two- tLlrds rat , ) branded hides 10 per cent , off Coon skin * , No. 1 , 46o ; No. 2 , SOo ) No. 1 20j ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , SOo ) No. 2 16c ; No. 3,16o ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , , GOc ) No , 2 , 26o. Skunk , No. 1 , bfie | Gfic ) short itrlpo , 40pj narrow strlpei broad strlp , lOc. Tallow 7c , Leather. Oak sole , 880 to 42o ; hemlock sole , 18o to S5o | hemlock kip , SOo to 100 ; runner , G6o to 80o ; hemlock oalf , 860 to 120 ; hem lock upper , 23c to 2Go ; oak npper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to C 60 ; calf kid , 82 < a > 3fi < v Groisen kid , 2 60 to 2 76 ; oak kip , 80o to 1 00) ) oak calf. 1 20 to 1 80 ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 6C | French oalf , 1 26 to 3 00 : run- setts. 6 60 to 7 60 ; linings , 0 00 to 10 60 ; toppings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 35o ; pcbblo 0 , D. Morocco , 860) ) simonj 2 fO to MOO. HARNEBS-No I ar oak , 42o | No 2 do , 3 c ; Nc. 1 Ohio oak. 880 ; No , 2 do , 35ot No. I Mllwankr-e , 87o ) No. 2do S4c. Lumbar. WIlOLtSALB. Wo quote lumber , latn and shingles on cam nt Omaha at the following prices ) JOIST AND SCANTLING 10 ft. and nndcr , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 60. TIMBERS 18 ft. and under. 822 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 6 ! ) | K ft , S23 60 , 22 ft. , 820 60 ; 24 ft. 820 60. lfBNOING-No. 1 , 4 and G In. , (24 00 ; No. ? . 522 HO. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common board * ) , 82(1 ( 00 ; No. 2. 818 00. LIME For barrel , $1 25) ) bulk per nus- 35o ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaster bbl , J'J 60. Hair per bu , fiOo. Tarred felt 100 Ibs. ? S 50 Htrnw board , 93 60. Heavy Hardware Lilt. Iron , rate * , (2 8'J ; plow ntuel , ipoolal Witt , 7o ; crucllilc , Kc ; npocial or GormauGc ; i t tool do. IBfcia ) wagon spokes , sot , 233 00 ; hulMi , per nrt , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed iry. 1 10 ; tonguoK , each , 70 ( tBI > o ; axles , each , 75o ; square nutii , per Ib , 7llc ; wiuihoro , per lb. 8Jl ) e ; rivets , per lb , lie ; cell chum , pei lb , G@12c ; inallnablc , So ; ron wodgen , 605 crowbars , Oo harrow oeth , 4o ; nprlti tool , 7t$8cj Bnrdnn'c < r who < iH. r , 21Bunion's ; ' muleahocH , G 25. BAUBKD WIRK-Iu car lots , 7o @ 0 per 100. NAILS lUtoa. 10 to OOtf , 3 10. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot. 82.10. ) rientul Powder , kegs , 80.40) ) do. , hal cogs. $3.48 : do. , quarter kngs , 81.88 ; Blast ug , keite , 83.35 : FU.IO , per 100 feet 60a. COAL Cumberland blaoksmltb , 812 ; Morris Run BloHsbnrg , 812 ; Whltebreast urnp , 94 60) ) Whltobrooit nut. 84 60 ; Iowa nmp , 84 60 ; Iowa out 94 60 ; Rock Spring , 7700 ; Anthracite , 811 60@12 00 ; Canon "llty , $7 00 per ton. Horcet and Mules. Extra draft horses , 8176. to 225. | Com mon drait hones , 8100. to 160. t Extra arm horses , 8110 , to 126 , ; Common io good ( arm horsir , 890 to 8100. ) Extra ] lngn , ( GO. to 76.1 Common plugs , 820. to 840. MULES. ( Ettra ) , V125. to 160. ) good , 1100. to 149 , ; fair , 876. to 100. ) common , 860. to 75. Liquors. ALCOHOL 188 proof. S 26 p r wine allen ; extra California spirits. If 8 proof , 25 per nronf gallon ; triple refinwl spirits 187 proof , 1 23 per proof willun ; ro-dl'tlllod wbiskloB , 1 00@1 60 ; line blended 1 50 © J 60 ; Kentucky bourbonr , 200@7 00 : Ken- ; uoky and P nn ylvanln rycn , 2 00n7 ( 00. BRANDIKS-Iroported , ? G 00010 CO ) liomcotlo 1 404 00. GINS Irtnortod , 4 60QU 00)lomestlo. ) . 1 40n33 ( 00 , RUMS Imported , 4 M6 00 ; Now England. 2 00044 00 ; doirjoiUo. 1 60 < i.3 60 PKAOH AND APPLE BRANDY- 17n4 oo. OHAMPAGNK8 Imnnrtod per cone , 28 00$34 00 ; Amtt\i \ a , per eu * , 12 00(9 ( IfiOO , TobncooB. FTNE OUT Commcin , 20@30o ; good , 4n@GOoj Rove Loaf , 70c ; Prumlum , G5c ; Diamond Crown , EC : ; Sweet Sixteau , 47o. 47o.SMOKING0. SMOKING-0. S. , 20o ; Muikovy , 21c ; Durham , If oz. 40c ; Durham , 8 oz , 50c ; Durham. 4 oz , 62o ; Durham , 2 oz. 55-j Seal of North Curolino , 1G or. , 42c ; Heal of North Cimllnft , Soz 4tc ; Saal of North Carolina , 4 oz , 4Gi ; Seal of North Carolina lina , 2 ozI8o ; O. K Durham , 4 or. 28c ; 0 , K. Durham. 2 rz , 30 ; ; Undo Ned , i'e , 24o ; Tom and Jerry. V8c. PLUG TOBACCO -Climax. 60 ; Bui- lion 50 ; HorxRihne , 48 ; St'nr 48 ; Rudy , 44 ; Heieey'v , 48 ; Blaclc , S8@40. Wool. Merino nnwathed , light , 14)16o ) | hcn'y ia@16o | m dlnm unwashed , light , 18(220 ( : waahfld , oholm , 32o ; fair , SOo ) tub and washed , 28c ; buiry , black and ootted wool 2@6n lesf. All Irou pruparntlona blacken the tooth , oonntlpato the bowels , and give hoadaoho with ona oxoeptlon , that la Brown'u Iron Rlttprti. 8LAVPN'S ' YOSKM1TK OOLONGE Mndo from the wild floworn of th FAII KAMKII YOSEMITE VALLEY It In the most fragrant. of pnrfamo Manufaoturud by H. B. Slavon , bun Francisco , * 'or aalo in Omaha b W. .f WhlMinniin nnd Knntmrrl BroH rf. MUTKII 1 > UT UNT1T1.KII WOA1AN. [ from Uie Dontoa lilobt. } tum. Edltort f Tb * beT li a eood llkentn of Un. I.jdl * t rial un , of Lynn , Mui. , who bor all other hunun b ln4 Hijr b truthf oily ullad tba "Dcu- Friend of Wominj nom * of her comipondenti lorotocill her. Sb i Kilotuljr detoted to her work , which U the outoonl ( a. Uf itudy , and U obuged to keep til Ud ( ulxUnU , to help her aniwerthe larce corrcipondeo4 hlch dally poun In upon her , each boating IU tpecd irden of lufrerlnff , or joy at rtleaiefrom It. IU Tgotable Comjuund U a medicine for eood and nV rll purpoKi. I bara personally laTintlgUod It ai' nullified of the truth of this. On account of Iti proTcn raerlta. It tt re > mn iid ) dlirOBCrlt > nlbythobciitpliy > lclani In the countrj no gayii I4H worki Uko a charm and aavei mud On. H will cure entirely too wont form of falllrf f the uterus , lyucorrhcuo , Irrecular * nd | > alnf 'cnstruatlunall Ovarian Trouble * , InRammatlon ad Jccratlon , rioodlngi , all DliplacrmrnU and the col Kjurnt i'lnal voakncia , and U eipocU.'y ' adapted I teCliacKOOf Ufo. " It pcrrni'ntea orcry portion of tb ryrftm , and BIT * w life and rigor. U remove * falntncu , flik'ulcnc ) wtroyi all rratlnx fur itlmuUnti , and rcllevei weak tM of the itomach. It curea IlloatlnK , II iuUchM krroui I'natratlon , Genural Debility , 31i > rpliw > neu frprcMlunandlndUviitlon. That feeling c * lx rln | DwncauBlng | ln.wolcbt and liackache , la alwayi ( rmancntly cured by lt u e. It will at all time * , aw odirallclrcunu < Unn , act Inuarinony with the Ui kat forcrm the f irnato ryttenu It com ouly ( L | < cr lioltle or > li for (3. , and U toll b . le namei of many who hare L en rcitond to port e < talth l > y tba wia of tlie Vrgetaijla Compound , cacb btalnod ty wUrtturtng lira. P. with itamp tee nplj \ her homa In Lynn , Man. for Kidnty Complaint of either MI tills coopoondl uurpawxl ai abundant teitlruonlali ibow. "Mm. I1tkh im'i < IJTerI > lUt"iayioru wrlt r1 "ai t IU uorlJ for the cure of Ooutipatlni ind Torpidity of the llrcr. Bar Bico , womlnn In It * ipecial Ua * and Ud tal iniponnd In IU topuUrity. nocl her ai an jli it of Kenr k M * ! Io K o4 Io othonk ( X fo A. fombtnatton of JHr toxtda of Iron , J'cruoiai * Jlar/t amlJ'hotplionuin n jxilntabla form , for Debility. fo of Arm * . titerrogtrattonof Vital &EV.A.I.UOBUS Wrltca : Aftnr n thorough trial of the CRON TONIO. I take pleosuro ' In statins1 that I have boon 'iconalderll moot. . Vcnolltod by ita n moat excellent remedy for nsr > . Minlatorn nnd Pub- the debilitated vital forces. UoSpoakera will find It of Uio irroatest value where n , Tonlola neces sary. I recommend it as a rcllnblo remedial Rffont , possoBBlntr un doubted nutrltlvo and roatoratlvo proportios. Ay. , tVI. 2 , 1SS3. nimiD B7 XEB DR. BARTER MEDICINE CO. , 913 IT. UAH ST. , CT. tOUU , . \t ' . _ . - > 1.5B-3 Q 7.- s-ea-s" 05 < c's ! "D o o I &s O03SJ&c's < * * * 3 O03SJ& I o-S .6 . ui ( I til HENEY LEHMANN , JOBBER OP \ \ / Vv AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. IMS FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA : D > events JL. set setPOWER POWER AND HAND HOC Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MUTING UA01HNIHT , nKLTiNo. nosK , nKABB Ann IRON nrriMao nr PAOKINO , AT WnOLEHALB AND UKTAIL. ! ? ALLADAY WIHD-MILLS CHURCH AHD SCHOOL BELLS ( lor. Far n am and lOt.h Streets Omaha , Neb. OITTt PLANING MILLS. MANUFAOTURICRS OT Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. First-do * * facilities for the Manufacture of all kinds of Mouldings , Finning o matching * > SX [ > oialty. Orrlern from the country will be promptly executed. ll romnmnlofttfonn to A. MOVER. Proprietor The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and ail descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE INTBK WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low an any Eastern Manufacturer and Df aler , Pianos and O'ga s Bold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID st ck of Bteinway , Chickermer , Knabe , VOFO & Son's Pi anos , and otbt r makes. Also Glough & Warren Sterling Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see usjbefore [ purchasing.1 MAX MEYER & BRO. ; MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW C\3E3 A Large Stock always on Hand. KUNUVACrURKR 0 ? GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c. TBIRTXKHTH STREET , . . t . OMAHA , NU