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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1883)
THE DAILY BEE-THURSDAY MAY 24 The Secret of the universal success of Brown's Iron Bitters is sim ply this : It is the best Iron preparation ever made ; is compounded on thoroughly scientific , chemical an/ / medicinal principles , and does just what is claimed for it no more and no less. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood , it reaches every part of the system , healing , purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. 79 Dearborn Are. , Chicago , NOT. 7. I have been a great sufferer from A very weak ttomach , heartburn , and dyspepsia In Its worst form. Nearly CTeryUiIne I ale gave me tlutreii , and 1 could eat but little. I har. trledeTerythingrecommcndedhra taVen the prcicrlptloiu of a doien phyilelani , but cot no relief until I took Ilrown' Iron Dltten , I feel none of the old trouble ! , and am a new man. I am getting much f itronger , and feel fint-rate. I am railroad engineer , and now maVa my trips regularly. I can not nay too much In praise of your wonder * ful medicine. D. C. MACK. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS docs not contain whiskey or alcohol , and will not blacken the teeth , or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia , indi gestion , heartburn , sleep lessness , dizziness , nervous debility , weakness , &c. TJ only Brown'a Iron Wtter made by Brown Chemical Co. , Baltimore. Crossed red lines and trade-mark ou wrapper. Every Corset -warranted satis- " Victory to Its wearer In every way , or tlio money will l > o refunded by the person from whom It was bought. , h only Cornet pronounced by our Iradlntr phyMcUnj tat Injurious to thn wcarnr. amlemlorMxllijr UdlM u Ok * "muttcomfortable ana perfect fittingOortot T I riUCESbr Mall. I'ottaga Paldl errlne. 1.6O. Helr.AdJu.tlnaI.D9 ( extra braT ? ) B.OO. Nar.lnr , tlSO rrlno ( One roulll ) 8.00 , l > ar cB BLIrt-Snpportlne , tl.fiO , t tale by leading Itctall Dealer * irerrwher * . OUIOAOO OUKSKT CO. , CUlcago , PU GOLD UKDAT. , , PASIS , 1BT8 , BAKER'S - GHOCOLATES Jlaltr'i rnmtiim CToroIn/ , the beit preparation of pltln chocolate for tarn * lly uie. JlnUr * ! llnafcut Cocoa , from which the CICMS of oil hti beta remored.etilly digested anil idmlrtbly adapted for Inrallih Ua/ttr'i yaiulta Chocolate , ai a drink or eaten u con fectionery Is a delicious article t highly recommended by tourists. Hain't Jlroma , Innlutblo as a diet fur chll- dnn. Qtraun Svtit Chocolati , a mott txctllent article for families. Sold by tirocen ererynhere. \V. D AKX2R & CO * Donktrter , Matt. Send 81 , M , S3 , or 5 for a nniuplo ro- SANDY tall box by Kxi > reMM , of the best cnntllcH In America , put up IB elegant boxen , and strictly pure. Suita ble for iircncntH. Kx press chargcri llffht. Itcfcra ttt nil ClUca- 3ANDY BO. Try It once. AddrcsH , C. P. GUNTHER Confectioner , Chlcnco Kflt inwrn' ' ' * S CljftflKSiiEiEfiivflj ) TtK ICHtITUIIL009 TX uictiTivi roncti THEtrtTKHnWHItNl = LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.thl Reminiscences of tlio Man Who Introduced DOT. Sprague to Kate Ohaio , A Room With a History. Clereland LetUr. "Did yon know that it was In this town that Kato Ohaso and Governor Sprague first mot ) " caked Col. Dick Parsons , toying Idly with an alter * dinner cigar , as wo sat to-day In the easy library of his homo on tProaf oot street. "Yes , sir , I Introduced them my self , and they fell In love with osch other right off. It waa at the tlmo of the unveiling of the Perry monument down In the park , early in the war. Governor Ohaso and his family always stopped at my house when in Cleve land , and Kato was ialtlng as then. Over there , " pointing to a leather- covered easy chair In the corner , "Is whore Governor Ohaio uied to sit , In thn same chair and on the same spot , and the room overhead ho mod to occupy. We have always called It the governor's room , It was In that chair that ho decided to accept the chief justiceship. lie came here ono night and wo talked It all over , the reasons for and against his acceptance. I thought he ought to take It. Wo ait up late , bat before ho wont to bed his decision was reached , and the next day In this room he wrote oat his acceptance. Garfield oamo hero the second day after his nomination. Heat at In the governor's ohalr for an hearer or two fctlkiag about the nomination , and feeling pretty blue that day. Then he opened hla mall , and ana - ' a lot of dispatches irom that table. "About Ktto Ohaio ? Oh , yes. Well , the Perry ceremonies lasted over several daya , ending with a ball at the Kennard house. My wife and Kato and I drove down In my car riage. Wo had barely entered the hall when wo met Spragno. I presented him to the ladies. Ho and Kate wont off together , and for the rest of the evening whenever wo saw ono of them wo wore pretty nnro to BOO the other. It was a caao of mutual and Instant Infatuation. Rhode Island had Bent a deputation to aharo In the colobra- tlon , because Parsons , of my family , by the way , and who was Parry's right hand man In the Canton the lako.vras a Rhode Islander. Sprague waa attend ed by his fall fltaff and a governor's guard of about 100 , with a fine band of mnalo. They made a gorgeous dis play and stunning Impression. Ho waa the only man in black clothes In the whole party , and being young and handsome and splendidly surrounded , he seemed exactly Baited to Kate's brilliancy and beauty , for aho was not only the most brilliant girl , bat the ' most brilliant woman I .over met , Her vivacious mnnuor and graceful figure , clear complexion , chestnut hair , aud expressive eyes commanded everyone's admiration. So waa It a wonder they took to each other ? I remember very well how , when it was getting late that nlghtand wo wanted to go homo , Kato oamo over to as with Sprague and persuaded as to stay longer , I bellovo > ho celebration ended with the ball , I can't .member whether Sprague laif * * l hero before ho left i"'ltyomo , bat in any ovcnt ho went to , 'dhlnR tori the next win tor. Kato was .ing there. They mot again , and Ithln a year of their Introduction were married. I bellovo that menu- hlle Sprague became Interested in a widow who afterward married here nd lived In the big housn on Euclid ivonao now owned by thn Union club. Bat when Spragao andKato mot again ho old flume was fanned , bo forgot .ho widow , and a wedding soon fol owed. They oamo here on their ridal trip , and of coarse had the ovornor's room , I "I don't know mach ot the early period of their married life , because eon after the wedding I wont as con- ul to Rio Jenolro and didn't hoar about them. But some years before publicity was given to their relations Kate's friends knew that it had been hasty and mistaken marriage. Sprague dissipated habits , however varied , were not all that made them unhappy. The truth was that they were not of congenial temperament or dis position. Ai far back as 1878 or 1870 Kate Informed me that tholr relations for two years had been of the molt distant character , and long before that they had ceased to be at tractive to each other. It was sad in deed that ono so well fitted to make [ home a paradise should have found It a purgatory , and while all her friends deplored the misfortune It was bat natural that wo should have boeugrat- Ificd when at last the certainty ip peared of her release from a mlsmatod alliance. The mistake was discovered and the end foreshadowed long before Oonkllng appeared upon the iceno In any capacity. " The Action of the Heart. Edinburgh Rovleir. As with each stroke the heart pro < jeots Bomothlng like six ouncta of blood Into the conduits of the system , and as It does so some 70 times every minute and 4,200 times In an boar , this Implies that It does the same thing 100,800 tlmos in 24 hours , 20,000.000 times In a year , and moro than 2COO- 000,000 times In a life of 70 yoars. The mechanical force that is exerted at oaoh stroke amounts to a pressure of 13 pounds upon the entire charge of blood that has to bo pressed onward through the branching network of ves sels. According to the lowoat ostl- l mate that has boon made , this gives an exertion of foroo that would beta adequate , In another form of applica tion , to lift 120 tons one foot high every ery 24 hours. Yet the pieces of living mechaniim that is called npon to a-f this , and do it without a panso for ! threescore years and ton without being Itiolf worn out by the cilort , nth a email bundle of flesh that rarely weighs moro than eleven ounces. It Is in the nature of the case , also , It must'bo remembered , that this llttlo ! vital machine cannot , bo at any tlmo stopped for repair. If It gets oat of order It ranit bo set right-as it runs. To stop the boating of the heart for more than the briefest Interval , would bo to change life Into death , The narrative of what medical science has done to penetrate Into the secret ! of this dellcsto force < pump , 10 jealously guarded from the Intrnilcn ot the eye that It cannot oven be looked Into un til Its ictlon has ceased , nevertheless , [ isalonghlstoryjof wonders. I/ means of the spygmograph a writing style attached , to the wrlat by a srstom of lovers and springs the puleo Is made to record actual autographs of cjrdiao and vascular derangement. Llfo In an Arizona Mining Cnmp. Frcra a Wcman'ii frUate Litter to Chicago Ttlbunt. If yon could see mo now ! What contracts there are in life ; Indeed , half the world do not know bow the other half live. Hero wo are in a llt tlo mud hot , the floor of earth and the wallu of mud bricks , The roof is of shingles , but spaces between permit the wind to enter aud play round the cabin in gusts. A rough bed of wood stands In one corner with a wlra mat tress ; over that are spread A buffalo robe and some blankets. Upon this bed we sleep. There Is n rude fireplace whereon barn brightly mosquito logr. Two desks and seine camp-stools com plete the list of furniture. The washstand Is unique a pleoo of cao- tns stump , with a broad ahlnglo for the top , on which rests a tin basin. BJXOI with shelves nailed In ornament the walli andstrvo for dretilng tables , cloiots , oto. Wo take our meals In a tent. The cook is Chinese , of coarse , and very good meals ho servos us much bettor than are obtained atsome railway atatlons. This Is a wild , plo- tureique spot , on a high plateau , sur rounded by mountain peaks , looking down npon either aide into deep gnloher. The country about Is devoid of verdnre the "sorab" , except rues- quite and chaparal , and a pjcnllar species of cacti , resembling aontlnols standing about as they do , solitary shafts , with occasional arms. Some of them look almost human , an oxcresonoo forming a sort of head , and branches like arms protruding at about the distance from the head that arms shonld grow. They are very weird In the atarllght. The qnecr-looklrJg Mexicans ono moots with the broad-brlmmod , - som brero , and blonketa about the shoul ders , recall to mind the dandles of the play , and involuntarily one's heartbeats boats quick with fear at the mooting. Every now and then the thud of dis tant blasting almost makes ono 1m- nglno a battle nfar. Daring the day I tramp over the hills , ana ; at night watch for the beautiful sunset which floods the ky and mountains "with purple and red. " Nowhere on earth are moro startling effects produced by clond and atmosphere than here In the wilds of Arizona. Stubborn Railroad Worlc. Salt Ltko Tribune. The Central PaclGo railroad com pany IB just now engaged In about as tough & little plooo of road building as It over engaged In einco the days when ( t commenced to how down the hills and to exalt the valleys for the track on this side of Oolfax. They are building the line north from Redding - ding in California to the Oregon bor der , about ICO milea. It is said their engineers estimate that the grading alone will cost $80,000 per mllo. They have two rangeu to cross , and ono is the northern backbone of the big Sierras. It is no child's play , surely , to lay a smooth track over that route I but It must bo done in order to glvo San Fraucleco and Portland direct 0e 0I awlft land connection , and the trade between the two cltlca is something so tremondoui now that It Is tlmo that a par t of It was withdrawn to a land route. Thou , too , when the North ern Pacific shall bo finished , great many people will want to go by that route , and will want all-rail connec tions with Sin Frnucitco. Again , without the completion of the rend , Iho Chicago merchants would , on the completion of the Northern road , find markets In Oregon clear down to the California line , .and In the interest of San Fran- oiioo the connection of the link be tween Redding and the southern ter minus of the Oregon & California road must bo mado. When completed it will bo a charming region to ride through. The road will ran right at the foot of old Shasta ; It will cross some of the most beautiful rivers in the world , particularly the MoOload , and will pus through a forest of mightier timber than ever a railroad penetrated before. Sugar pines six , seven and eight feet In diameter and 800 feet in height are ae thick aa blackberries along the route for miles , With the road com pleted there will be lively rivalry be tween the land and the sea in the car rying trade. From San Francisco to Portland , by railroad , the distance . will bo about 6GO miles. The steam- era that they have in the trade be tween the two oltloa make the Toy- ago now in forty-eight hours In good weather ; probably the trains will not shorten thli moro than fifteen hears , which weald be no object so far as freight- lag Is concerned , The passenger business will mostly go to thucars , for there Is only now and then a person who desires to cross the Columbia Bar just for the pleasure of the journey. The Central Pacific people have per formed things which have made moro nolso than the opening of this road will , but they have never given any bettor exhibition of sturdy courage and pluck than the opening of this road will present. A Splendid Remedy for ImnB Die * Dr. Ilobt , Newton , late President of the Eclectic College of the City ol New York , and formerly of Cincinnati , Ohio , used DB. WM. HALL'S UALHAiivery extensively In hla practice , aa many of his patients , now living , and reatored to health by the use of this Invaluable medicine , can amply testify lie always said that BO gooil n remedy ought not to be considered merely aa n patent medlcide. but that It ought to be prescribed freely by every physician as a sovereign remedy In all cases of Lang dlieasea. It U a sure euro for Consump tion , and has co equal for all pectoral com. plaint , . Groeley and Rum. Bill nye. When I visit Greoley I am asked over and over again aa the practical worklnga'of woman suffrage In Wyom ing , and when I go back to Wyoming I am asked how prohibition works In Qreeloy , Ool. By tolling varied nnd pleasing lies about both I manage to have a good deal of fun , and also keep the two elements on the anxious seatThere There are two slopes to both ques tions , and some day when I get time I and have convalesced a little more , I' ' am going to write a largo book on thoio two matters. At present I just want to say a word about the colony which bears the natno cf The Tribune philosopher and nestles so lovingly at the chilly feet of the Rocky moun tains. As I write. Grooloy Is appar ently an oasts In the detort. It looki likes a fertile Island dropped down from huaven in a boundless stretch of buffalo grass , sigo hens and cunning llttlo prairie dogs. And yet yon could not come hero as a Btrangcrnnd with in the colonial barbed wire fence pro cure a bite of oolrl rum If you were preeldont of the United States with a rattleenako bite as largo as an caster ogc concealed on his person. You can , however , become ao-1 qnalntod , If yon are of a social na ture and keep your eyes open. I do not Bay this because I have been thirsty these few past weeks and just dropped on the game , aa Arlitotlo would say , bat jast to prove that mon are llko boys , and when you tell them they can't have any particular thing , that is the thing they are apt to desire - sire with a feverish yearn. That is why the thlrstfal man in Maine drinks from the gas fixture ; why the Kansas drlnklst gets his ont cf a rain water barrel , and why other miracles too numerous to mention are performed. Whisky is moro bulky and annoy ing to carry about In the coat tall pocket than a ping of tobacco , bat there have been oases where it was successfully. I was shown yesterday a llttlo corner that would hold ilx or eight bushels. It was la the wash room of a hotel , and was about half fall. So were the , men who came there , for before night the entire place was filled with empty whlnk-y bottles of every size , shape and amoll. The llttlo fat bottle with the odor of gin and livery stable was there , and the largo flat bottle that you get at Evans , four miles away , generally filled with Bomothing that tastes llko tincture of capsicum , spirits of am- monla , and lingering death Is also represented In this great congrees of cosmopolitan bottles sucked dry and the cork gnawed half np. When I came to Groeloy , I waa still following the course of treatment pre scribed by my Liramte City physician , and with the rest , I was raquirod to force down three adult doses of brandy per day. Ho used to taste the pre scription at tlmos to Bee If It had been properly compounded. Shortly after my arrival here I ran ont oi this rem edy and asked a friend to go and got the bottle refilled. He was a man who was not familiar with Greeley in its moisture producing capacity , and ho was nnablo to procure the demon In the town for love or wealth. The druggist oven did not keep it , and al though ho met crowds oi mon with tears In their eyes and breath like a veteran bung starter , he had to go to Evans for the required opiate. Thin I me externally now on the vagrant dog ' who cornea to mo to be fondled and who goes away with hla hair off. Cen tral Colorado is fall of partially bald dogs who have wiped their wet , cold noses on mo , not wisely bat too well. If Tan Are Rained In health from any came , especially from the use of any of the thousand nostrums that promise so largely , with long fictitious testimonial ! , have no fear. Resort to Hop Bittern at onoo , and In a short tfcioyou will have the most robust andibloomlng health III. JSai. f TADOB KNOCKED OUT OF TIME Nlght-Shlrta Which Leave tha Ex- Benator'a In the Shade. The Albany Exfrtn snya that Sir Charles Fall field made a harried jour ney to Now York last week. "I took him to the train and placed him in charge of the conductor , " oaid Oapt. John Elmondorf , hla partner , on the afternoon of his departure , adding : "I think ho will bo perfectly safe. " I happened In Sir Charles' room the af , ternoon before ho went away. Two well-known men about town had jast departed , and the host was busily engaged arranging bis dlsarranaod eel * laret. "I w a just going to lie down a bit , " said Mr. Falrohlid , with his languid effailvenosB , "bat do come In , please , " Tie convonation happened to drift toward the aettlng sun , and I said : "So gorgeous a room and 10 grand a bed ought te have , aa past of Itself , one of Senator Tabor's night shirts which cost 9350 each , ' , "Shonld It , Indeed ] " replied Sir Charles , IdI theagh a trifle nettled , "I guess I have u fine night ihlrts as can be had , " and with this he got down on all fours and disappeared under his golden bedstead. Presently he emerged , lomewhat red in the face , but bearing a brown box , Bach as ladles pat their seal sacqnes In. He opened it caaofnlly , revealing a soft silken covering. This he tenderly re moved , and there bunt upon the sight of the beholder two night shirts of marvelous make. They wore of the finest linen , ana were Burronnded by the most delicate of laces. The Falrfiold monogram waa embroidered on a dainty pocket , which fretted the breast andjthe sof teat fluting made fine the nook and yoke. The garments exhaled the perfumes of Arabia , and appeared too precious and bewitching to touch. "Yon weartheae ? " I Inquired. "Of course I do , " ho answered , proudly. That 'night I had a dream , and the next day at touch , when Sir Charles passed the table whore I sat , I stopped him and said : "I can't get ont of my mind the magnificence of these night shirts. " Ho sat down in the opposite chair , placed hla chin upon his hand thoughtfully , a far-away look came Into hla eyes , and , shaking hla head gently but seriously , he replied : "Yes , they're voty beautiful ; but you ought to BOO my drawers. " SKILL IN TUB WORKSHOP To do good work the mechanic must ve good health. If long hours of con finement In cloeo rooms have enfee ! bled his hand or dimmed hla sight , lot him at once , and before oomo or ganic trouble appears , take plenty srof Hop Bitten. His system will bo ro- juvouatcd , his nerves strengthened . , his Bight become clear , and the whole constitution bo built up to a higher working condition , The Maverick ' National' Bank of Boston draws foreign exchange , buys and sells Government and other In vestment securities , and transacts any business for Us correspondents In the line of bonking , m&th-mo CATARRH Hold Ccld' , Wat'ry Pljrharjcs f om ( he Now and Fycs. It nglnir No'sei In the He d , Nervous He.dacha and Fever Irmtantly rrll red. Choking mucuii dl'lodgcd , membrane cleansed and healed , breath sweetened until , taste and heating Mi'orc d , and ravages cScrkcd. Ccuirb , Hrrnchltls , Droppings Into the Thrott , 1'alns In theChcsit > yfpet.siaWasting of ttreogth aad Flcth. lots of Sleep , tie , , cur d. One ( bottle of Kadlcal Cure , o o box Catatrbal Solvent and one Dr. Sanforcl'i Itha'cr , In one pacing' , of all drugg sir , for $1. Ask ( or SAN- roRD'B RADICAL Cum , apuredlsl'llatlniol ' Witch Ha > el , Ant Pine , I a. Fir. MarigoldClever Clogs - s ran , etc. . Forrxn DRUG AND CIIKMIC.U * Co , lioiton , _ / ! i | a , _ For Iho relief and preven- CvuLI/V / > tlrn. the In.Unt It Is applied \ VOLTAICMheumUIsm , Neuralgia , vYUI ; / > //8cUtll'j Coughs , ColdsWeak V" B k' Stomach and Bowels , . - Bbcotlng Palm , NumbneM , - Hysteria , Female Pains , Pal- - - - - piut'on ' , Djspeptla , Liver Cnmpl.lnt , lilillous Fever , Malaria anil Kplilemln , us COI > ' INS' MASTERS , ( an K f ctrlc Fattery combined with a Poroua Platter ) and authat pain. 25c Erervwber * . k&Th SIOUX FALLS Jasper Stone ( INCORPORATED ] I ITh's Company Is now prepared for to receive orders SIOUX FALLS JASPER STONE FOR Building-Purposes , | And will make fitrures on round lota for piOmpt do'.lvcry. The Company la shipping PAVING BLOCKS | To both Chicago and Omaha , and solicits corns * pondence aud orders from contractors en1 gaged In paying streets In any of tb I Westom O.tles. I TESTIMONIALSJ EupsniNTiKDFNT'a , Chicago , West Divis ion Hallway , Cfilcago , December 6 , 1882. B , Elwcl ) , President Sioux Falls Water Power Com- pany. Dear Sir I have received from jour com- piny > > Ince October 1 , 18S2 , about 100 car 'lotds of granite paving blocks and have laid them be- tween the rails of our street railway tracki In the heart of the city. I have boon using navlog ma1 terlal In this city for m ny years , and I take plea sure In raving thit In uiy opinion the grnlto y are . . form , and IB far as I have bicnableto Judge , are poa- trssed ol M durable feature as any material that haa ever ben offered or laid In 'he city. . Yours , JAS. K. LAKE. ICopy. ] ST. Lot'is , March 22 , 1833. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This Is to certify that 1 have examine J a piece of granite taken from the Sioux Falls Granite Quarries , and , ID my opinion , It Is the best stone for street paviugr I have teen In Amtrlca. ( Signed ) HENUY FLAD , .Prea. Board Public provementa. Stone for Paving Purposes And any pcrsn Interested In euch Improvements will tlnd U grca Iy to hla odvantage to communicate with us. Wo invite CORRESPONDENCE ON THE SUBJECT. The general managcmint and supervision of the company's bualneea la no-v In'the haads of Wm. HcUalo. Address your letters to A. G. SENEY , Proildent of the J.sper Stone Co. ml'm&t-tf CORNICE WORKS' ' ! Iron and Slate Booting , 0. SPEOHT , Proprietor. 1111 Douglas Sfc. - Omaha , Hob JUNtrrAOTUBEB 0V GALVANIZED Iron Cornices I DORMER WINDOWS , FINIALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , Specht'a Patent Metallic Skylight Patent , Adjusted Hatchet Bar and Bracket Shelving , I am the peneral agent for the above line of goodi. j - _ "l IRON FENCING , OrestlnRH. Balustrades. Verandas , Iron Bank Railings , Window Blinds , Cel lar Guards ; also GENERAL AGENT FOR PEERSON & EILL PATENT IN' SIDE BLIND. JOHN STADLES , JERQUE SCHAMP , President. Vice 1WI. W. S. DEISHEN , See. aud Treas. THE NEBRASKA HAMACTURING CO O Lincoln , Neb. MANUFAOURERS OP Corn Planter ! . Harrow * , Farm Rollers , Bulky Rakes Ducket t levntl , K rVlndmll s. We are prepared to do Job work and manufac turing for other parties , Addiess all ordeis to the NEBRASKA MANUFACTURING CO , Lincoln , .Nob. DUFRENE& 'MENDELSSHON fc ARCHITECTS fcI ! I .REMOVED TO Omaha National Bank Building , Genius EewariM , OB , The Story of the Sowing Maohluo ! A [ handsome little pamphlet , blue and gold cover with numerous engravings , will be GIVEN AWAY I to an iy adult person calling lor It , at any branch or lub-otQc * ol th.e Singer Manulicturlnjf Com pany , or "rill bo sent by mall , poit-pald , to any perton Ih Ing at a d ttance from our office. The Singer Manufacturing Oo I Principal Office , .84 Union Square NEW YORK. STEELE , JJHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , ana All Grocers' Supplies. A Fall Line of the Best Brands of OIGARS AMD IAMACTURED TOBACCO. for BBHWOOD BAILS AND LAIDN & BAND POWDER CD -DEALERS IN- HALL'S ' SAFE AND LOCK Fire and Burglar X * O O 33E S , , O 1020 Farnham Street , PERFECTION IN HEATING AND BAKING Is only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges. ; WITH WIRS ItAUZE OVER DOORS , For sale by ROGERS & -SOJ3S lall-mfca FREDERIC GOAL The only Coal mined west of the Mississippi River that is equ in quality to the ROCK SPRING COAL. THE OH LY IOWA GOAL That will stock for a year without slacking or ahrlnklng. Pronounced by all the leading brick men In Western Iowa HO the very beat coal for burning brick ever need in the West. EUREKA COAL AND MINING CO. , Frederic , Monroe Co. , Iowa. \ MANUFACTURER OF FINE . BUCGIES , CARRIAGES & SPRING WAGONS , My Repository is Constantly filled - lth a Select Stock. Beat taotory. 3 , W , Cor. iom ana uapnoi Avenue , m 2 ni&a-lv WILLIAM SNYDER , 1 MANUFACTURED 0 ? V 9 jl First-Glass Fainting and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Dono. 1321 and 1323 Harney Street , corner Fourteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. C. F. GOODMAN , DRUGGIST AND DEALER IN PAINTS.OILSVARNISHES And Window Glass. UAH A NEBRASKA , SALEM FLOUR. This Flour Is made at Salem , Richardson county , Neb. , In the combine roller and stone system. Wo give EXOLITUVE sale of our flour to ono firm In place. We have opened a branch at 1018 Oapltol avenue , Omaha. Write for Prices. WAI . FNTIMP RFPPY s lem or Omaha , N fc Address either V M L.CIN I ll i C Ob ncrrip mlMm M. Hellman & Co. WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. OMAHA , NEB. J. A. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , BASH , DOORS , BLIHDS , FOLDINGS , LI.V3E , CEMEK 3aTT. . k 1F B'3E13E& , 33TH7O..J MT8TATS AQKNf FOB UILWAUKKE CKM5NT COUPANTl Near Union Pacific - DepotOMAHA , SEB