Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1883, Image 1
/ ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE/ TWELFTH YflAE. OMAHA" NEB THURSDAY MORNING MAY 24 , 1883 % 319 With Monday Morning , May 21st. p. CO. WILL INAUGURATE THE SECOND WEEK OF THEIR COLOSSAL SALE OF A ON DOLLARS WORTH OF DESIRABLE MERCHANDISE From all the Leading Markets of the World to be offered by us over our retail Counters at the The most important event in the annals of the Dry Goods trade of the Western Country. OUR PAST EFFORTS SINK IWtQ INSIGNIFICANCE AS COMPARED WITH THIS GIGANTIC ENTERPRISE. FROM MANUFACTURER TO CONSUMER BI3EGT WITHOUT ANY INTERMEDIATE PROFIT- The announcement made by us one week ago , created , as we sun posed it would , and intended it should , a profound sensation in business and social circles. Realizing the unusual effort that we hiid put forth'to bring within the'reacli'of the'people of Nebras ka' the best values that they had ever known , we anticipated .a corresporidi-ng return , for never before in tlieir establishment has there been so much labor'as was put into the two'weeks previous to and in preparation for this sale. We iievejvlind any doubt the re sult. We knew it would be a GREAT SUCCESS -and1 would be the largest and most important sale of dry goods that we had ever attempted and car ried through. But we are free to confess that our most sanguine expectations have' been literally dwarfed into insignificance by the stupenduous results and almost incredible figure which our busi ness for the past week has real ized. We venture to assert that no house west of the great cities has ever , under the most favorable - ble circumstances , sold the .amount of goods at retail that were purchased at our establish ment last weok. ' For the second week , begin- .ning Monday , we propose to continue - tinue the excitement , and we of fer for your perusr.1 a list of bar gains in all departments , which no house in this country can match or approach. A great many lots which we offered last week have been sold , but we have drawn from OUE RESERVE STOO& other lots , equally cheap and de- eir.ible , to fill their places. We shall present in every department an unbroken line of great in ducements and attractions. We shall open on Monday several lots of goods that are really remarka- able bargains , and these goods will be offered very cheap. BUCK GRENADINES i We will offer our entire lot of supprb quality all Silks brocaded and Striped Satin Grenadines at half the cost of importation. COLORED" SILKS , Our entire wholesale and re tail stock of regular § 1 25 colored - -ored Dress Silks about 75 pieces , all desirable shades , will be sold without resnrve for 75 cts. 25 pieces beautiful colored Batin Ithadames to be sold at 56 cts , costs to manufacturer 85 cts. always retailed at $ I a yard. As a most desirable and un equalled bargain we shall offer our entire stoek , about 25 pieces of American colored Silks in n magnificent line of shades , our own assortment retailed hitherto .atl 50 a yard , to be closed dur ing this -ale at § 1 17 . It will be impossible to duplicate these goods at anyihing like thi i price SUMMER SILKS. ! 25 pieces summer Silks wortf from 75 cts to § I a yard , com prising pencil stripes , colorei checks , Louisenno checks , Glac < stripes , colored ground stripei .all offered at 65 cts. a yard. SPECIAL Remember these are not th . thin tissue paper Silks usuall ; Hold as leaders , but are all fin grain Silks and cannot b uphcated at any price. , S. F , Morse & Go BLACK Si IKS , As the greatest bargains ever offered in any line of Silks with in the past twenty-five (25) ( ) years and as one of the great leaders of our sale we shall open and sell one dress pattern to a customer ns long as they last. "VVe wish to distinctly state that the usual retail value of these goods as slated below are not in the least exaggerated or enlarged for the purpose of mis leading the public. 15 pieces fine quality Lyons Black Silks , 19 inches wide at 66 cts. , never before retailed nt less than § 1.00. 6 pieces very fine 21 inch Lyons Black Silks at $1 , never before retailed at less than $1.25. 18 pieces Guinet's extra fine quality Lyons Black Silks 2jJ inch wide to be sold at $1.25 , never before sold less than $1.75 14 pieces Alexander Girauds Lyons Black Silks 21 inch wide at $1.50 regular $2 25 quaility. 8 pieces Alexander Girauds Cashmere Princess Black Silks 24 inch wide $1,75 , magnificent goods and would bo cheap at $2.50. 10 pi'eces Bellon's 22 inch Cashmere Black Silk , Armure Mourning Silks , double faced mourning Rhadames , all al $1.90 , would be considered a bargain at $2.75. . 5 pieces Tappissier Frcres 25 inch grease proof Silks , warrant ed not to spot , break or grow shiney. and Guinet's Cashmere Itiche Silks , extra fine quality al 2.25 would be very cheap al $3.60. 25 pieces 24 inch Black Satin Rhadames and Mervilleux at $1.25 worth and sold at $2 yard. 20 pieces rich 24 inch Black Silks Damasse Brocades 60 cts. a yard worth $1.25. 10 pieces extra fine 21 inch Black Brocades at 75 cts. a yard never before offered at less than $1.50 a yard. 5 pieces lustrous Black Satins 20 inches wide at 95 cts , worth $1.50. 4 pieces 28 inch heavy Black Satins at $1.20 worth $2.2 > a yard ; these being an extra width aic -"cry great bargain. 25 pieces 21 in h rich Black Brocade Damasse atl 25 , worth f ullv $2 to $2 50 a yard. We have about 2200 yards of Bonet's , Ponson , KGiraud s and Gurnet's rich Black Silk Bro cades , in lengths of from 6 to 20 yards that \ve will sell at $175 and $2 per yard worth from $3 to $1 a yard. VELVETS. Our entire stock of Black Vel vets will be sold at 75cts. $1 60 ' and $2.25 worth double the price. Our entire stor-k of regular $2 50 colored Silk Velvet * all good colors , Myrtle. _ Mfirine , bronze , OliveNavy , Wine , Plum Seal , &c , , to 1)0 ) closed out during this sale at $1.95 per yard. Our wholesale stock of Blacl < and Colored Velveteens about Id pieces worth 75 cts. to $1.25 i yard , to lie closed out during thi > sale at 374 cts. 50 cti. and 65 cti a yard. OUR RESERVE STOCK , 1000 more lots and 50 ( packages in order in addition t < the innumerable bargains alread ; mentioned will be brought for ward as fast as the lots alread ; " I advertised are sold out. MS. P , Morse & Go Colored Dress Goods. 1720 yards Brocaded and Ax- mure Dress Goods , all now spring shades in 11,13,15 yard lengths at 7A fits a yard , worth 20. 2100 yards silk and wool mix tures , spring colorings , an ex cellent cloth , to Jbe closed during this sile at 10 cts a yard. The import duty alone on this lot was more thau the price we ask for these goods. 1.200French andEnglish fancy Dress Goods in all the new spring shades offered at 22 } cts. worth from 85 to 45 cts. 1276 yards double width , now color English Cashmere at 19 cts regular price 36 cts. 1000 yards all wool Black and Colored French Nun's Veiling during this sale will be sold at 18 cts. cost 25 cts. to import. 1300 yards double width Lu pin's Black and Colored French Nun's Veiling 42 cts. a yard would be very'cheap at 60 cts. 950 strictly all wool illumin ated French Beige , 40 inches wide to be sold at 374-cts , never sold under 60 cts. 1 700 yards 44 inch'black and white , blue and white , bronze , myrtle and other desirable shepard - ard checks , to be sold at 50 cts. a yard , were bought to sell at 90 cts. cts.2iiGO 2iiGO yards very line , all wool , French Cheviot Beiges at 60 cts. cost 95 cts. to import. 1900 yards , very fine , all wool illuminated shcpird check ? , cash mere delaine Beiges , and French twilled Foulles , 62 } cts. previous retail price $1.25. 69 pieces 44 inch Gilbert's spring styles flanne1 suitings 67icts , usual retail price § 1 00 to SI.25. 26 pieces very finest new finest all wool new spring pin checks , with pin head illuminated stripe , 50 cts. a yard cr\st § 1 50 to import , usual retail price § 175. 15 pieces superb quality cash mere foule pin head checks , in nil new spring colorings at 77- } cts , usual retail price , &l 10. 15 pieces best quality 32 inch all wool Jersey cloth in straw berry , navy , wine , &c. , 75 cts a yard , usual price $1.25. SILKliOSE Lot 1. Ladies spun silk hose all good colors , will bo sold during this sale at § 1 25 , regular 2 50 quality. Lot 2 , Our spring importation of fine quality pure silk Hose all desirable colors , regular § 4 5U quality , will be sold at 2 70. Lot 3. Our entire importation of very finest embroidered pure si'.x : hose , regular 5 DO quality to be sold at 300 Lot 4. Our entire importation of fancy openwork , Dcrbj ribbed and drop sketch OKI- broidered silk hose , usuel price 5 00 to 7 00 , will bo sold al 3 85. , 201) ) pieces Cambric Embroider ; at 12i uts , would bo cheap at 2i cts. 300 pieces wide and narrov fine muslin Embroideries at 31 cts a yard , worth 50 to 60 cts. PARASOLTEPARTMENT As an unequal bargain , we wil sell 200 Paragon frame , 20-incli double-faced twilled silk urn brellas at $2.95 each , wort ! # 5.00. In ordering include 25 for express. All have natuni handles. iIS. F. Morse & Go BLACK GOODS. 25 pieces 40 inch black draped Alma to be sold at 45 cts a yard , cost 621 cts , usuftl price 75 cts. 50 pieces 46 inch English black cashmere at 37 cts. that 60 cts to import. 40 42 inch " " pieces "Bon jour" French black- Cashmere during this sale at'GO " cts. a yard worth 75 eta. 20 pieces of 32 inch all wool fine "Albatross" cloth , will bo sold at 87Jcts , previous retail price 60cts. 18 pieces 46 inch finest quality black Nuns Neiling , during this sale 55 cts a yard , would be cheap at 90 cts. 22 pieces very finest quality 46 inch all wool biack French Gren adines or Lace Bunting , all new goods , 90 cts a yard , usual retail price $1.25. ( OTTON DEPARTMENT. Our stock in this department was bought nt the present low price the lowest known for years. 38-InouBLEACHID COTTONS 50 cases Maple Leaf , Fearless ' , Hercules , Cabot , bleached , Oi'cts never sold under 8 cts. 25 cases family , half bleached Langdon , & 9 cts , never sold under 12 * ct& tfutta , Wauregau , New York mills , &c , at 11 cts worth 12 cts at wholesale. 36 Inch BROWN 'COTTONS ' , 40 bales Fearless fine close Brown Cotton at 5 cts a ycrd. 25 bales Lake George and Windsor Brown Muslin at 5 cts. 20 bales Bennington , Sen Is land , Prescott , R. , c. , yard wide at 6 j cts , worth 9 cts. 20 bales very best Standard brown , heavy and fine Cotton at 7 never sold under 9 cts a yard. WIDE BROWN COTFOH , 5 cases Pembroke 9-4 Brown 20 cts. never sold under 27 cts. 5 cases Mohawk Valley 10-4 and Lockwood 9-4 botlMit 23 cts best value ever offered in Brown Cotton. WIDE BLEACHED COTTONS 5 cases Mohawk valley 9-4 bleached , 25 cts. worth 30 cts. 5 cases New York .and Warn- sutta linen finish , duck woven 10-4 sheeting at 30 cts , the best made and worth 50 cts. On an average our cotton goods are cheaper than cottons have been foi the past twenty-five years. LADIEOOSF , Lot 1. Ladies plain and fuic\ cotton hose in variety all re duced to 25 cts a pair. Lot 2. Twenty styles splendid quality Ladies solid color ant fancy striped hose at 35 cts some of these cost as high a. < 9.50 a dozen to import. Lot 3. Comprises a line o Ladies' French lisle hose fancy ribbed in black , wine , seal olive , &c. ( They wore intended to bo re tailed at $1 00 , but by specia arrangement with the maniifact urer who did not deliver then until too late for us , wo can sol them at 65 cts a pair. Lot 4. An elegant line o French litflo in pink , blue car dinal wine , &c'usual retai price $1 25 , during this sal 75 cts. ( 'Two lots comprising our entire tire spring importation of stripe and openwork lisle hose , nl goods that sold for $1 50 t 2 00 will bo marked down to 8 and 95 cts. S. F. loDse & G ( WHITE GOODS DEFT 500 pieces checked and striped Nainsook 8 cts per yard ; regular retail price 12-i cts. 400 pieces line chocked Nain seek 12i cts , regular 17 cts goods. 750 pieces extra fine chocked Nainsook , handsome styles , all this season's goods , at 15 cts. same as always retailed for 20 ct , 250 pieces extra line quality checked Nainsook at 17 cts. never retailed loss than 25 cts , 200 pieces very fine checked Nainsook in two numbers 25 cts , regular retail prices 33,4 and 37 cts. 100 pieces striped Nainsook 12 cts , regular retail price 17 cts. 125 pieces striped Nainsook , fine grade , 17 cts , former retail price 25 cts. 201) pieces white Victoria Lawns vcry _ tine weave , at 12. } cts , a bargain at 17 cts. 150 pieces line white Victoria Lawns 17 cts , a bargain at 25 cts. 125 pieces India Linens 17 cts close wholesale price 20 cts. 175 piecesjiuo India Linens , superior quality , 20 cts , regular retail price 30 cts. 200 pieces IiidiaLinens , super fine grade , 25 cts , regular retail price 37 cts. J 200 pieces spotted and figured muslins , 12 } cts , regular retail price 25 cts. 150 pieces spotted and figured muslins. 25 cts , regular retail price 40 cts. 175 pieces spotted and figured muslin 35 cts , a bargain at 50 cts. 450 pieces corded Pique at 5 cts , lowest price ever retailed hitherto 8 cts. 101)0 ) pieces lace check and stripe white Piques 10 ct.s , low est retail price over quoted 12 } cts. HOSE. Lot 1 , Ten styles children's fancy seamless Cotton Hose all sizes at 25 cts , have never sold under 50 cts. Lot 2. Fifteen styles of child ren's fancy Cotton Hose at 35 cts , not a pair in this lot over sold less than 50 cts , and from that up to 75 cts. Lot 3. A largo assortment of infants 3-4 lisle and cotton Hose that cost 50 cts to im port , will be sold at 25 cts. Our stock of Misses' lisle thread Hose , comprising all the desirable styles and the largest assortment shown in Omalui , is being offered at corresponding reductions. LACE CURTAINS. 200 pairs Scotch Lace Cur tains will bo sold at $2.40 a pjiir never before sold less than $3 50. 125 pairs Ecru Nothingham Lace Curtains will be sold at $5 50 , usual price 8 00. : 85 pairs best quality cream em bossed Nottingham Curtains at $7 50 cost 9 50 , sold before at $11. 100 pairs real Swiss Curtains a very great bargain at $6 00 a pair , worth $12. Our entire stock of fine Swiss Curtains and Nottingham Cur- tainnots'at ' about ono half pres ent marked prices. Nottingham Nets at 2c ( ) , 25c , 35c , 50i ! , worth double the price. CHILDREN'S ' STRAW HATS , i- We will open Monday morning 11 over 2,900 misses' children's UIK to boys' Sailor and Derby Strav 15 Hats at a uniform price of 25 ct each. These Hats are wortl from 60 cts to # 1.00. S , P. lorse & Go . Foster's lluni Kid , 3 hoole , $ .85 " " 7 " l'50 65 do u Courvoisier first qual ity oil ? button Kid Gloves , with emlmnuu'ed backs , will be sold at $1.75 n pair. All now shades , and usual price $2'75. Bear in mind that Courvoisier is the highest cost glove produced ahd will not again be sold at this price , which is less than cost of transportation. LINENS TOWELS , , , We caution hotel and restau rant keepers , and all prudent housewives to purchase in this department in much larger quan tities than usual as we do not an ticipate these prices will bo again made for years. 250 dozen unbleaccd twilled and plain bleached hack Towels , usual price $1 50 a dozen , will bo offered during this sale at 75 cts a dozen. 375 dozen various styles of buck and damask Towels not one of them worth less than $2 50 a dozen , will bo sold at $1.50 a dozen , " , 175 dozen fine bloachedpJi- ask and knotted fringe Hlk towels , will bo sold at 2(1 cts eulh worth 37i cts. DAMASK , 40 pieces loom dice Damask 56 and 58 inches , 20 cts per yard , regular price 37 } cts. 55 pieces /frirnslcy cream Dam ask 58 inches wide , in plain or Turkey-red border 37 } cts per yard , regular retail price 50 and 65 cts per yard. 100 pieces Barnsley cream Damask 58 inches plain or Tur key-red border 42 cts per yard ; former retail price 621 cts. 44 pieces Barnsby loom Dam ask , red net border 51) cts per yard , retailed during March sale at 62 J cts ; always before that al 75 cts per yard. 32 pieces white Scotch Damask 64 and 66 inches wide at 62 } cts per yard. 32 pieces white Scotch Damask 64 inches wide at 62 } cts per yd. 36 pieces white Scotch Damask 64 and 66 inches wide at 75 cts per yard. 29 pieces 58 and 60 inch Tur key-red Damask at 37i , regular retail price 50 cts. 10 pieces German Turkey-red I Damask 58 inches wide at 75 cts per yard ; regular retail price $1 50 pieces very best quality bleached German Satin Damask full 72 inches wide will be offer ed during this sale for $1 25 would cost 1 75 to import , would bo a great bargain at 2 00. SATINES. As one of the niatiy noticoabli bargains of this sale we will offo 60 pieces best American Satine at 15 cts a yard , worth 25. CORSETS. 126 dozen Bell's Corsets r $1.00 , worth $1.25. 50 dozen genuine C. P , Frenc Corsets at $1.35 , worth $2.00. 8. F. Horse and Go MEN'S 1-2 HOSE. Monday at 9 a. in. , we will offer a line nf about 125 dozen \fon's Balbriggan Half Hose , at $1.15 for six pairs. 75 dozen finest Cotton Half Hose , with fancy silk stripes , will jo sold at 37ic per pair. Never otailed before under 75c. The balance of our fancy Silk Half Hose , in all the good shades , will be closed out at $1.00 per pair. Never sold under $2.50. 20 dozen purest and best heavy Embroidered Silk Half Hose , worth $5.00 n pair , will bo sold it $2.95. These are the best silk lioae imported and all nice new colors , including black and fancy- stripes. MUSLIN UNDERWR. Monday morning we will make 13 prices in this department : Drawers , 25c , 40c , 75c , ifil.OO. Chemise , 45c , 50c , 75c , $1,25. Night Gowns , $1.00. § 1.25. $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.00. These prices will be about one- half actual retail value. LISLE THREAD UNDERWR. 20 dozen Ladies' Lis'e ' Thread Vests at 75c. previous price $1.25. 80 dozen Ladies'.Fiue .English Lisle Vests at1.50 , were bought to sell for 3.00. 10 dozen Ladies' Silk Vests will be sold at 4.15 each. Cheap at 6.00. Timely Suggestions AND RULES OF THE SALE. As the rush for these goods will be entirely without prece dent , we would consider it a persona sona/ / favor if all who can make it convenient to do so , will come between 8 and 10 o'clock a. m. , so to divide , as far as possible , the business through the day. This suggestion is of the utmost im portance. Please heed it , all who , can. can.We have engaged a large extra force of salesmen and have made , every provision human fore thought can suggest , but ask , in. advance , public indulgence for any annoyances that may arise. We have instituted and carried through successfully n great many largo and important sales , but have never attempted anything of gigantic proportions , or one which is fraught with so many benefits to the public. The follovving are a few rules which wo found necessary to adopt during the sale , and we think it best to mention them , as thev are directly contrary to-our usual custom. , llomember , however , that they will only hold during the salet , and are only adopted in the in terests of the public to facilitate business. First Be careful in making your purchases a.s no exchanges will be allowed. Second No allowance will bo made on any kind of goods. No Samples will bo cut over the counter , wo should , of course , bo most happy to send them by mail when requested , but to secure goods our patrons at a distance ought to have some resident in Omaha to make a selection or rely on us to do so. As our shipping department will bo tried to its utmost capa city , and although we shall make at every eilort to deliver on time , wo would respectfully' request that customers will take small parcels themselves. r8. | F , Horse & Go.