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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1883)
TEE DAILY BEErOESL > A , A EIL 10 1883 That is what a great many people arc doing. They don't know just what is the matter , but they have a combination of pains and aches , and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is BROWN'S IRON ' BITTERS , and this by rapid and thorough assimilation . with the blood purifies and enriches it , and rich , strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues , drives out disease and gives health and strength. This is why BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will cure kidney and liver diseases , consumption , rheumatism , neuralgia , dyspepsia , mala ria , intermittent fevers , &c. 90 } S. Paca St. , Ihllimore. Nov. jB.lSSl. I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia , and for several weeks could cat nothing and was growing weaker every day. I tried Brown's Iron Bitters , and am happy to wy I now have a good appetite , and am getting stronger. Jos. McCA\i Ltv. ' BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is not a drink and docs not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious ef fects. Get the genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations , lll. * * * OM1 UUtHf Prxldenl. Vice Piti'l W. 8. Dmnu , Bee. and TtMf. THE NEBRASKA MANUFACTURING 00 Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Oorn Planter B HrrrowB.Farm Rollori Hnlky Hay Battee , Btumot aioyatlne W * u prep 'ied to do Job woik and manotel taring ( oi other p tltt. Addioutl ordert 0 U HKBRAIKA MANUFACTURING CO' ' Send SI , 92 , 93 , or 85 fox * n Hnuiplu retail - tail box by KxprcHH , of the lieMt rnnillcH iu America , put up In elegant boxoH. and Ntrlctly pare. Sulta- lie for proMpntm. Kx- ? rrN * clmrjfpH lljclit liefer * to all Chlcn RO. Try It once. C. P. UUNTHER Confectioner , Chicago BALL CORSETS Every Coriot Is warranted Balls * iictorj to Ita wearer lu every way , , or tbo money will bo refunded by tbo porsoQ f rom wlioni It wai bougtit. U onl70or ttpronounc il by par iMcllna iy lrt M iMt Inlurlout to thoweaivr , anil rnflorwxMir lullni u ( ft. nuMtoamforubla ana perfect attiUK Oontt n * . 1.60. al ( ilra heoyy ) 9.00. Nurtn , 'r tr lnii ( Bne roullt ) 8.00. BUIrt-ljuppiJrtlii , 1.60. JT r ! by IcadtDB llrtall Utnlen cr ry her . OUIUAQO COllSliT OU , , CUlO KO , UL. TONIC couJoumimsoF REMEDY ff $ & POM HOOT , PRICKLY STIMULAHT * 3M.tmu : mrjcc. APCftFCCT SYSTIM RtMDYXTOR ikOITHIHCTIIIIIITkl OISUTIVI FOIICII UUICIIHt IIVIHAHO miUTKNflWNIIMOV t THI MRS. COUGAR'S CONTEST Indiana's Most Delegated Oase A. Review of the Suit Whlcl Has Occupied the Legal Lights of Lafayette for Eleven Weeks And tfa * Record * of the Frinolpali Special to the Cblr KO Iler IJ. TiArAYXTTK , Ind. , April 0. Afto ; eleven weeks of pcraistont lltlgatiot the celebrated dander Bult of Mr Helen M. Goagar against Ohlpf of Po llco Captain Harry Mandlor is drag glng Itself toward an end. Thi eleven weeks have uncovered a mnltl tado of sins and laid bare to tbo sonsa tionaLworlda career of social intlmacj between Mrs. Cougar and Ojtptalr Wallace which they have ondeavoroc to show was qnlto proper in ever ] respect. The case baa boon In course so long ) and snch a multitude of wit nesses have boon examined , that It li little wonder the onttido world hai lost trace of Ita details and ia at sea si far as the main Issues of the case an concerned. The Qougar scandal hac a quiet birth , and there Is little doub but that It would have died long age had It not boon for the persistency o Otptalu Wallace in agitating the verj tubject that ho should have loft se verely alone to die aleng with thi other sewer scandals with which overj city Is a filleted. Mrs. Helen M. Gen gar la a little lady of the blonde typp , forty years old , a wife bnt not mother , and was married by the well known attorney , John D. Gougar. She was a toaohor In the public aohooli In her younger days , ana it was not until six or seven years ago that any publicity waa atUohed to her name. Somewhat of a literary turn , and with a woman's Htrong ambition , she had bnt a U to of the sweets of notoriety , which developed into a craving thirst for more. She began with her news paper articled to appease the mnnla for popularity and distinction. 'This , In time , was followed by her activity in the really remarkable temperance re vival that swept the oily five years ago , and over ton thousand ot Us people ple donned the blue. Growing out of that temperance campaign was an or ganization known as the B no Ribbon club , and In this Mrs. Gougar and Otptaln Wallace joined forces , and were the acknowledged leaders of the society. Boon thereafter she and the brilliant captain organized a Parlor club for literary work. She assumed decided views on woman's suffrage , became a convert , then a determined advocate , and finally an Indefatigable worker in that peculiar channel. Cap tain Wallace likewise entered heartily into tha suffrage movement , and was known throughout Indiana as a formidable champion of the cause. Ho Is a member of one of the oldest families of the Wabash valley , and hat a lovely wife and four boantlfnl chil dren all girls. His venerable and good mother resides with him. This much is by way if Introduction to the scandal chapter which baa stirred out "Ittlo city as It waa never stirred bc- oro. Captain Wi llaoo was the nominee f the republicans for state senator , "bo campaign of last fall was ex remely exoltlnp , and the aubmlssloc if the amendments was ono of thi Isiaes. Ono of tbo strongest anp porters of Captain Wallace wa thi Women's Ohrlatlen Temperanoi Union , of which Mrs. Gougar waa i member. Upon nor return from No ' raika , wheresho had made five weeks canrais In the In erest of women's sut 'rag ' , she entered at once Into thi work , ot the campaign at homo am mtdo qnlto a number of speeches Erory tflfjrt posiiblo for a woman ti make waa mad by her la favor of thi aptaln's election. Hoop skirts am rhliky proved the Gibraltar of thi 'opnblloans ' in this county. The cap atn was defeated , and old Tippo lanoo , for the Grat time In the momur ; f the present generation , ovorcam republican majority of 500 and son democrat to the senate by a major , ly f lets than 100. There wai much talk during the campaign abou Oiptaln Wallace and Mrs. Onugar All sorts of rumora were afloat- snoh an extent that Jndg Gregory snore on the stand 'It was llko a him treat. " The election passed away ind many of its aches and pains wor healed in a few wetks. It was no rue , however , with Mrs. Gougar Smarting under the defeat cf he avorlto candidate and the rebuke t emalo mfTfogo and prohibition , oh wrote a ctnatig , scathing loader in he paper , ovit her own luliiilp , and gav t to the cl\y \ for mental misticatlo : kbout a wetk after the election. I his she doa't ' blows right and lef upon three men , prominent ropubll onus , who dll not support Wallace These men iho attacked In a mannc that fired thilr blood and filled tb very air with bitter dpnunclatlon fo the writer , Too article waa copied 1 the 8 and ay Tunes , .November. . , 19t and severely condemned. ' It create a prodigious iemtlon. Not a wore however , was sati , In the Time * aboc 0 ptaln Wallace. To t paper wu yer friendly to him , ind , Indeed , went t the extent of lopportlng W llaoe , a though its editor * are as uloan-cc democrats aa can be fonnl on Hooslc ground. Uuuday night , Nov. 10 , waa a oo < hut pleasant and clear , bright nigh Tno police had mot at headquatte and dispersed to their beats. Cap Mandlor , th * quiet Ohlef of Polio whom Mrs. G .ug r called the "duU barber , " waa walking along on Colnr bla street about 8 o'clock , and In tl Immediate vicinity of OipUln Wallace i dice. Uo met Charles Poooko , nl soon abruptly loft and wont east < Columb a street. In the course ol low minutes ho returned and Infori ed Muidler that ho had soon a mi and woman comlog toward them. Th turned suddenly and retraced the stops , Porcko following and mootli them cor 0 h and F > rrvievetal iqum away , "They were W-illioa and Mi Googtr , " ho said , and If they wou remain and watch for them , be w qnlto sure they would return and go Wallace's cflloe , Poooko believing th that was evidently their destlnatlo The/ waited on the oppoilte side the street and true to Poocke'a oc jeotnre.the lady and gentleman retui ed , and , theoout being clear , enter the bail and went up Wallao'e sU way. Cariosity prompted them to watch for the return of the pair , and , to nso Mandlor'sown word * , "I watted and waited until I got stnolc , " and it waa not until the holy midnight hont that they emerged from the stairway aid went west on Columbia , whl e Mandlor hastily followed , Ho over took them at the corner of South and Fourth streets , and , in the full glare of a street lamp , said to the gentle man : "Oiptaln Wallace. Captain , I know I couldn't bo mistaken.0 That night , before dispersing to thelt homes , Captain Mandlor said to the Marshal , and ono or two others who know of the escapade , that on acoonnt of the Captain's family they should say nothing about it. They agreed to this , and wont to their homes. On Monday morning , at or before 8 o'clock , Captain Wallace called at the office of Dr. Ingersoll and told him ho had Information that charges would bo preferred against thorn ( Wallace and Mrs. Gougar ) In the police court , and ho desired lugorsoll to go to the mayor and have the proceedings stopped. Ingorsoll Immediately did o , and Mayor McGlnley loft his bed of sickness and wont to the police court. Ho first approached Denny Sullivan , the marshal , but Sullivan said ho knew nothing. ] Then ho called Mandlor aside and said to him , "What about this Gougar and Wallace affah ? " Tbo chief of police wu amazed- dumbfounded. "How , In the name of God , do yon know anything about It ? " said he , bnt ho refused to tell McGlnley a word in explanation unless ho would explain the source of his information. His honor then related the occurrence of that morning , of Wallace's visit to Ingorsoll and of the latter'a call on him ( McGlnloj ) Mandlor then re peated to him substantially the story of the night before , and assured Mo- Glnloy that ho did not want a word said about It out of respect to the family and the hitherto good name of Captain Wallace. Tae mayor re- parted to Ingersoll and ho to Wallace. Tno story was given circulation proba bly more by McGinley than any one else. Ho was peculiarly situated. Mandlor was an ofiioor , made so by McGlnloy'a deciding voto. Mrs. Gon- gar was an old and intimate friend of Mayor Mo3lnloy and family. If the chief of rolloo had done wrong , MJ- Glnloy felt It hla duty to depose him Inatanter. Hones he deemed it neces sary to investigate the transaction of November 19 ; h , and thus , doubtless , It leaked ont , and ore a week had passed Captain Wallace's friends , hearing It , carried the story to him , and then , as if to add fuel to a slow fire , the Captain began to circulate it himself. Soon it reached the street , and there , taken up by the thousand tongues of Dime Ru mor , spread like wildfire and was the all-absorbing theme of talk Captain Wallace , finding bo could not prevail upon Mandlor and Poock to make a retraction , astonished the Hoosler world by Instituting a suit in Mrs. Gongar'a name against the chief of polloo for wicked and milicious slander , In that ho uttered fatso and wicked words about Mrs. Gnutrar to her damage In the turn of $10,000. Mrs. Gougar'a counsel are 11 P. and J. 0 Davidson , Wilson & Adams , II. P. DHart , W. D. Wallace and John D. Gougar , while Mandler is defended by d'ffroth ' & Stuart , B. W. Langdon and J. F. McHugb. Mand ler , ia hla answer to the complaint dmltted the speaking of the words , mt says they are true , and in mltlga- ion of damages sayi that It waa gen- rally rumored In the city of Lifa- otto that Mrs. Godgar waa an adnl- ereas. It is believed that her attorney't bought they could confine the evi dence to the single transaction of No- ember 19 , but m this they were most iltterly disappointed. The court al > owed testimony that would show an dnltorons disposition , andtho defense tave given ovldonco of frequent moo- ngs ; shown Mrs. Gougar and the gal- ant captain on trains at different Imos and places ; shown a stroll al Battle Ground ont into the woods Captain Wallace going to and comloj 'rom the Gougar residence at almost ill hours of tbo day ; shown them It Chicago together ; at Acton camj meeting , near Indianapolis ; on thi rain west as Djnvlllo , 111 ; shown hem going to his office during the ight , and many other alleged clan * estlne meeting ) . To review the estimony of 300 witnesses , covorlnf t period oi nearly three months , is i atk that will not now bo attempted Argument commenced in this cole 'iratod oauio on Monday afternoon ind has during Us progress attracted argo audiences , hundreds being on iblo to gain admission. It la belolvec ho jury will disagree. * Ten years ago the name of Lydli E Plnkham was scarcely known out' > ldo of her native state. To-day It li a household word all over tbo oontl nent and many who road the soculai and religious journals have bocomi 'amlllar ' with the face that shines oi horn with a modest confidence , it which wo read the trnth that "Noth ng 111 can dwell In such a temple. " OQUISTOPHBB'B DUNES. Tbo Bool Remains of Chrtutophe Columbus Discovered in Ban Domingo A ejurlouB titory. In thoPlttsburg Commercial Qizett of Monday an article was published I reference to a glass tomb for the dm of Christopher Columbus , for whlc Attorbnry & Co , of that city were t make a design. A reporter mot Mi J. 0. Jamison , a well known cltlret who has traveled extensively and wli ncsaod many strange sights In qu-3c climes. In a conversation that fo lowed It appeared that Mr. Jamiso could tell an Interesting story aboi the great discoverer. Ho had bee present at one scene In the drama an was conversant with the biitory an the tribulations through whiah Ui corpse had passed , and upon solicit ! tlou cave the following aoaonnt of tl diipoilon of Columbus' remains , id said : "History tells us that the remah of Columbus are burled in Havani Cuba. This f ot wai never dliputc until a few days sgo , when the dUooi ery waa made that they- are stl In the Island of Ban DomlngtV I wi on that Island about that tltta. an know tbe fact * bearing upon UuYs sul jot , wnloh I will state as briefly as lUBllblf. "Christopher Golombtn dlod and wai burled In Spain in l&TG His son , Dan Di-go , died in 1520 In the oar 153G the remains cf Columbus , nd his son were removed to the island f San Domingo and interred In the irinulpal cathedral In that city. "Daring the past 3CO years that sland has been one continued fcenoof evolution and bloodshed. Few , If ny , records of the government have > een preserved. All history or writ- en record of passing events these many yturs hava been lost or cartied way. Taa population baa sank into gnorance , poverty and superstition , nd all knowledge of past history be- amo traditional , existing only In the minds of the people. Yet they never est sight of the fact that S in Dom- ngo city was the last resting place of Jolnmbus. "Iheyhad forgotten that his son , ) on Diego , was also burled with him under the altar of the cathedra1. So when Spain relinquished control of ho Island and came to remove tbe re mains of Columbus to Havana , the * ot had been forgotten that two x > dles were deposited there ( Columbus nd his son ) , so that when the disinter nent was made by the Spanish author- tloi , they , through mistake , took up ho remains of the son and , with a great deal of pomp and ceremony , juried them at Havana as the remains f the dlsooverer of America. "Tho mistake was not discovered nntil 1878 , It became necessary to make sumo alterations in the old alhedral , and the workmen came upon load box. which , being opened and xamlned ; was found tn ba tbo trno emains of Christopher C jlnmbna from bo Inscriptions on the box and hit lame ou a silver nlato on the usldocf the lid. The domlnlcan uthorities at once summoned all the osldent consuls to examine it , who rave it as their opinion that the box ontalnod the remains tf Caristophor 'jlumbns. ' The box was then closed , nd each consul put his seal upon it , t was then transferred to the bishop f the cathedral for his safe keeping. "In , January , 1879 , an Italian war easel' arrived In DJrt with instrno- ions from tbo Italian government to nvestlgato the matter , aa Columbus was a ratlvo of Italy. The several annuls were summoned to break their eals and open the box toi ffird oppor- unity for the fulleit Investigation. ly invitation of the United States omul I was present and made a per onal inspection of the box and re mains , had the silver plato on which 10 name of Christopher Columbus ras engraved ( la Spanish ) in my lands. The two holes In it corro pond with the two in the lid f the box , the rivets having Iven away. The box is about Ixteon Inches long and about Ight or ten Inches tqaaro , and made ntlrely of heavy sheet lead , and bore marks of great ago. The remain * had 11 mouldered Into dust. When we onaldor that Columbus had been bur- ed thirty years before his remains were removed to San Domingo , a box f that size would be sufficiently large o hold all that remained of the body. "Tho Italian naval officers were fioroughly convinced that the re mains were really those of the great avlgator , and so reported to their overnment. As for my own Impres- ions , I have not the least doubt ! hreo months' sojourn on the Island ; ave me every opportunity to Inquire nto the matter. Tradition has It that when the Spaniards came to remove he remalni to 0 aba a sly old monk mrposely pointed ont the location hat led them to take up the remains f the son Instead of those of Ohrlsto- iher Columbus. lop Bitter * are the Purest and Beat Bitten Ever Made. They are compounded from Hops , Malt , Buohn , Mandrake and Dando- ion , the oldest , best , and most valu able modicinea in the world and con tain all the best and moat curative iropertles of all other remedies , being ho eroatest Blood Purifier , Livei Regulator and Life and Health Bos < onug Agon't on earth. No disease 01 11-healtb can possibly long exist where heso Bitters are used , so varied anc lerfect are their operations. They give new life and vigor to the aged and infirm. To all whoso em iloytnonts cause irregularities of the 'owelsor urinary organs , or whore quire anpetizar , Tonic and mile stimulant- , Hop Bitters are Invaluable icing highly curative , toulo and stlm ulating , without intoxicating No msttor what your feelings 01 symptoms are , what the disease or all m < jnt Is , use Hop Bitters. Dou' < wail until yon are sick , bnt if you onlj eel bad or miserable , nso H p Bitten at onco. It may aavo your life. Hun drcd hsvo been a ved by so doing , 50 will be paid for a case they wll not euro or help. D.I not suffer or let your friends snf 'er , bnt use and nrgo them to use Hoj Bitten. Remember , Hop Bitters is no vllo drugged , drunken nostrum , but thi Purest and Best Medicine ever made the "Invalid's Friend and Hope , " anc no person or family should be wlthou them Try the Bitten to-day. LIST Of LETTERS Remaining In Post office daring the wee ! ending April 7 , 1883. QENTUUIBM. Allison F Andenon J Anderson H Buell O Bennett T Bebrcnds B M Bunnell K A B .yd JV Buiewell J L Blermtn R J Bidolet M Bojn II Umber U OtrrJ OUtkeOJ O , neJW Corblshley A E Colllni J W Carpenter V Carmlre W DinaheyT DivlsV U.vel J W Dile ? E DiUntyMP DurinnTO i : < bett I ) W Kogg E O Kiioher ( J Frsntr 0 A Flttgerald J G ndrf nlt B Oerey A Gro" W A Ouldeo O E Urohtlny F OirvlnS House J II lUytaJl ! HUli A HaMg U Hlhner W Hrvlngton F 0 II w td J Jenolnnii.T A Jekromle * T Itokion F JohnitonOS J ooba < n W Ketcham T Kr tichoier E Kwtiup U Kramer O K nde J Kelly J P LUCM V O Lylle J A I DK J Ltwicn T Lewis B Moore J Melan W L McClouse W L W Moebn J Maiktl J W B MejhuiMr Mnlen L Me'iler O McDonnell A B MnrthaJ Molotyr * E McGregor 3 Neweomb II B N UoaT Hilton N O F Ua A FriUnMi J A Pliant J L Pettenon S P Picketing B Pitta H Kobinsnn Mr Kononie P II Hitter Jf Keller J Koblmohn Li Refer A Smith R StJohnJ Blvord J 0 tilcnott N Scovlll M A Sohn W Y Shuck W SeheJ Bwetman II M Turner W A Tropa A Tempt A W Thoma J Verhelsh 0 Wllliama T J WlDRVl.t J Willlami J W WtrdeO W.lkerA ' Woocott [ U M Wlllitmi F W Williams Mr WldlDg Q Winqalat J . LADIEH1 LIST. Austin Mn 8 Andenon Mils 0 Alnnoow Mrs K Bedlent Miss L Buck Mra J E Curtis Mn M Camp Mn W Crosby Mn J Doyle Mri J Duncan Mrs W U I ) w fiu Mrs M S Deg n Mra M F (2) ( ) Krera Miss A K unhart L Knlnger MIM M Kriaz-1 Mn M Uuetc K Orcorer Mn M Gray Mils M lloneson K Uow Mn B Hollrasn Miss K Harte M i D Haoge Mls L IlatbawftV Miss 0 Jones Miss M Johnaon Sirs F B Johnson Mn 0 C Jen-en Mrs L Kane Mlsn. Klog Mn Le Mb * L j k trcm Miss A E Larson Mr < O jorenz M Lovingi-ton Mrs A Morl.rty Miss M J Mock Mrs A B letoalf A V Mtgulra MUs A rl.therMiasF Murray Mni E kelson Mrs M Olson Miu K 'elts M J 1'ettereon A Ryan A KntuellMrsF ecslons Mrs A Hw neon Miss H 0 wenson Mias B (2) ( ) Sbepatd L iwanson MUs J Sonthwortb Miss M 'rlmmer Mrs A Walsh M Wells Miss A Walters Mils H Tnos F. HALL Postmaster. For Oonghi and Throat Dltorderi 10 BROWN'S BHONCHIAL TBOOOHES. Have never chaDRed my uilnd reapeotlnf hem from the first , except I think yet > etter of that which I began by thinking well of. " Rev. Henry Ward Bttchcr. Sole nly in box Pricees. 25 centt. WOMAN CAN HEALTH OF WO PATHIZEWT THE.HOPE WOMAN. RACE 3&V& ? & & tf .YDIA E. PINKHAM'S VE&ETABLB COMPOUND. Sore Car * for all FEtnAIE WEAK NESSES , Including Leacorrhcca , Ir > reirnliur and Painful menstruation , Inflammation and Ulccrnllon of the Womb , Flooding , PRO LAPSUS UTERI , Arc. VFleaiant to the taste , eOcadou * and ImmedUl Its effect. Hlsftgrrathclpln prcgcancr , and r res pain during labor and at rcjrnlir period * . rnrsicuja tsE IT AID rnisccioi rr FEXZLT. CVFoa ALLWEAixissia of thAKcneratlra oreaz either sex , It U second to no rcmed j that b a ere ; n before the public | and for all djeasec of U BKXTS It li the QnataA RtiMdt < n On World. T-KIDNET COMPLAINTS of Either 8e Find Great Relief In IU Use. T.THIA E.riNKHASl'8 BLOOD PUlUm U enullrata orerr TCSIIKO of Human from t ) uod , at the same time will srli" tone and rtrcngth i AimarrellonslnreittltiaBtheCompoun tVDoth the Compound and Blood runfler are pr nd at t3J and 23S Weetern Arenne , Ljnn , Itai lea of cither , (1. Bix bottlM for $5. The Comp < l tent by m&U In the form of pUK or of loxcngei ) /celpt of price , $1 per box for either. Mm. HnV\ el ; answers aU letter * of Inquiry. Endow Sq amp. Seni for pamphlet. Mention tAU raptr. lyT.TUU B. Pixnux's Lnm Pni re Oon Ci is , niiloumeH and Torpidity of the Llrer. ( S evLi U-Sold by all DrnccUU.C * ( K CORNICE- WORKS ! Iron and Slate Booting , 0. SPKOHT , . - Proprietor. 1111 Doughs St. - Omaha , Keb UANUFACTOKEB or GALVANIZED Iron Cornices DORMER WINDOWS , FIN1ALS Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , Specht'a Patent MetallloSkyllght ] Patent Adjusted Hatchet Bar and Bracket Hhelvine. I am the ceneral Rent for tbe above line of goods. IRON FENCING , [ JrestlnRB , Balustrades , Verandas , Ire Bank UalllnKa , Window Blind ? , Cel lar Guurds ; alno GENERAL AGENT FOR PEERbON & FJLL PATENT IN SIDE BLIND. Are acknowledged to be tb best by all who-hive put thei to a nraotical test. ADAPTED TO HARD ' & SOFT GOAI COKE OE WOOD. MANUrAOTUBED BY Buck's Stove Co , SAINT LOUIS. PIEKCY A BR4HFOKE BOLK AQEKTS FOR OMAHA DUFRENE& DUFRENE&MENDELSSHOf MENDELSSHOf ARCHITECTS REMOVED TO Omaha lattonal Bank STEELE , JdHHSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Growers' Supplies. \ A Fall Line of the Best Brands of mm m MAMACTUEED TOBACCO. IgentB for ESNWOOD HAILS AND LAI LIN ft BAND POWDER GO. -DEALERS IN HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Prj3 Z. O O 1020 Farnham Street , ANHEUSER-BUSGH Brewing , Association , CELEBRATED KEG & BOTTLED BEER , THIS EXCELLENT BEER SPEAKS FOR ITSELF , Orders from any part of the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped : All Our Goods arc Blade to the Standard of our Guarantee. GEORGE HENNING , Bole Agent for Omaha and the West. Office Comer 13th and Harney OMAHA CORNICE WORKS. RUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors. Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers ' MANUFACTURERS OF Ornamental UalvanM It on Cornices , Iron Sky tfgat ? , Etc. 310 South TwMfth . Street , OMAHA , NfiB. -me. PERFECTION HEATING < VAHD BAiCiMG la only attained by using Stoves and Ranges.3 WITH WIBE IfAIfilE OV81i DOORS , For eala by ROGERS & MORGAN & CHAPMAN , WHOLESALE t2l3 Farnam St. . BOLLN & SIEVER8. I H. BOLLN& CO. , 1609 Douglas Streot. | Cor. 16th and California St. OMAHA SEED DEPOTS. HENRY BOLLN&CO U Tobicughk to tHs city fiom < ho firmi rt L\nlred'h k Bon'i , PhlU'elpbla , aod J mei U. Thar- born 0 . , Now Yor , the IJITJIJ t ttock otQan'ea md field 8 < cdj vir Imported toiort ( o Ihit city , khit wbtcb arc gHiarantewl to be ( fish and tiue to tbe nunt. Prices will also be ae low as any Besponsible Dealer can Make. ra r HENRY BOLLN & CO. A. M. CLARK , Painter&PaperHanger SIBHWBim&DKDOBATQL WHOLESALE ft RETAIL WALL PAPEK 1 Window BMflBB CORNICES CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Paints , 011 & Bmshos. im South 14th Street OMAHA - - NRRUAHKA BROOM AND BRUSH WORKS. Cor. oi Fifteenth and Pacific Streets , R. E , COPSON & CO. , Proprietor ! . Will commence operation * about April 1 ; m26-mito 1m