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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1883)
THE DAILY BSS-OMAPA TUESDAY APSIL 10' A combination of Pro. tojclile of Iron , JVnirian Jtark and J'Aot/i/ionw in a jxilittable foni1'ot JtbHty. { Lois of An- tile , .TrotfrarJon of Vital 2'otcrrt it it intHtpenaa- ble , BEV. A. I. HOBB3 Writes : Afler n thorough trial of the IRON TONIO , I take pleasure In statins that I have been tsronUj .onofltod by its ILDDD n. most excellent remedy use. ministers and Pub- , the debilitated vital forces. llo Speakers will find It 1\ of the frreatest value \ where n Tonic is nocos * ory. I recommend It aa a reliable remedial airenti possessing un doubted nutritive and restorative proportion. nnniDBJ TM DR. BARTER , MEDICINE co. , sw IT. MAK cr. , ex. LOWO. xSslsfa . $ a " BS - § | . aL * i * * u O T ) L wssissfl Sltl t5r aS2 z , ° - % _ i § . : ! I- Ia a | oS z * 8iiHl3iia Ed-3 I-jSSA1 .jSrt a ' - fSS'-ec 2 5Wyfl.Mi3 ! ? 2S ! | | SSi | ° ii-i a 2 Jfii2SjjJa9 § W 8gOi | qi S itili ! tiJ s-s * 4J S tnp O H HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF " \ \ / Vv AND WINDOW SHADES 18 FARM OMAHA The Oldest Wholesale and THE LEADING Retail JEWELRYHOU8E MUSIC HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here IN THE WEST I General for the find all novelties in SILVER Agents Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARE. CLOCKS , Organs manufacturec. Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as the Latest , Most Artistic , any MeiternManufaotnrer and Dialer , . . and Choicest. Selections in Pianos and 0 Ray's sold PRECIOUS STONES and for cnsh or installmeutt at Botto"m Pr . " ' CPS. / all of FIHE descriptions tfck * , A SPLENDID , of WATCHES at as Low Prices * i. _ : 'J v ' 1 mili'i , ces as is compatible with Enabe , Vose & Son's * Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , andothtr makes. and see our Elegant New Also Ciough & Wan ' en Sterling Imperial. * 8mith Store Tower Building , , American Organs , &c. Do comer llth and Farnham not fail 'o see us before Streets purchasing.1 MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW CASES. A Large Stock always on Hand. HAS TS2 iiEST STOCK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PRICES liPOBUNT IMPROVEMENTS Have now been finished in our store , mak ing it the largest and most complete HJM FURNITURE HOUSE In the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , One Exclusively lor the use of Passengers , These immense warerooms - rooms three stores , are 66 leet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei shown. shown.All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first flooi and go through the building and inspect the stock- CHAS. SKIVERICK , 206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Om ha J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALBB IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BUM , MOLDINGS , LIME , GEMEH WRATB AQKMC FOB MILWAtJKKB OXU1HI OOMPIHTI Near Union Pacific DepotOMAHAHB Sfcr' YELLOWSTONE ! PARK. Mr , Hatch' * Visit to Europe Tno Crvt- lle-Qraelog Business. St.l'nul HptcUl to Olobc-Dtmccrat , Harry F , Dougliu , pott trader nt Fort Yfttce , who IB Interested with Hafus Hatch and Air. llobart In the Yellowstone Park Improvement Kchomo , ban been In tlio city , and says Mr. Hatch is In Europe to place $1COOCOO of bonds of the company. "Yon don't want thn million for the Improvements , do yon ? " "Tho park Improvements are not the moat Important matters In con- ucotion with the scheme. Wo pro * pose to go into the business of raising cattle on Q very extensive scalo. " "Aro yon to grar.o them In the parkl" "What nouBonso that ! . The ques tion WM neyor broached. Wo might aa well have tried to got a patent on grazing grounds at Niagara to have eooght to tnko cattle into the park , Wo never arked , nor wished for such permission. " "Where are yonr grounds to bo ? " "That la not settled yet. You may Bay pooitlvuly , however , and I wish yon wonld to sot at rest the foolish til arm forever , that the Idea of pastur age in the park was never even thought of. V o have regarded the Union Pacific opposed to ns. Secre tary Teller was absent when the arti cles wore signed , bnt ho was cognizant of every step In the matter , and was In accord with his assistant. " "What about the charga of game decimation ? " "I only know that wo contracted with certain parties to provide our workmen in the park with meat. Wo are not supposed to act In the capacity of police. The government has a park constabulary , and if the contraotora unlawfully destroyed game It was their business to put a stop to it. Wo don't rant to charge oxcteslvo rates , but ave a right to make a fair profit on ur outlay , and the extreme shortness if the eeasou is to bo considered. I on't honestly believe there is much money in the hotel , guido and boating > rlvlloges. The cattle hurda will In- nro the profits. The big hotel at tlunmoth Hot Spring will bo ready iy the time the herders want it. " The Doctor' * Endorsement- Dr. W. D. Wright , Clnclmutl , 0. , jenda the subjoined professional endorse. ment : "I have prescribed DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THK LUNGS n a great cumboi of cases and always ? ith success. Quo case In particular was iven up by several physicians who had oen called In for consultation with my ielf , The patient bad all the symptoms if confirmed consumption cold night weats , bectlo fever , harassing cough , etc. Ie commenced imimdlately to get better nrt w s Boon restored to hU usual health , alsi found DR. WM HALL'S BAL. .All FOR THE LUNGS the most vulu- jble expectorant for breaking up dlstrexH * .OK coughs and colds that I haye ever used. " 31'dweodlw Tbo Coming Oruzo. Inclnnatt Timoa-Star. Speaking of art reminds mo of a alk the other day of a representative f a forclga house that makes a epo- laity of household art novelties. "What la the latest craze ! " I In- ulrod. "Ob , brass and old Iron. In a year his country will bo wild over old iron nd brass' decorations for the homo , 'ho ' factories of Germany , Franco , nd Switzerland are now making up > heao things , which will begin to pour n about next fall. " "What are they1 "Evorthlng you can think of. Hat acka made of mnskoto ; centre tables with the legs made of swords ; old ; uns out down for table logs ; card re- elvers , cabinets , brackets , and man- el ornaments to look as If they were made of old Implements of war. Old "ron and brass Is to be the next rage n this lino. " Did She Die ? "No ; she lingered and Buffered elonp , pining away all the time for earn , the doctors doing her no good ; nd at last was cured by this Hop Bit ters the papers say BO much about. Indeed 1 Indeed ! how thankful wo ihonld be for that medicine. " A Battle in the dross. rom the Auitln Dispatch. A fight between a rattlesnake and a ilack snake WM recently witnessed near Fort Worth. Toe black anakc brood the fighting , gliding around In iwif t'circlea while the rattlesnake lay oiled. The circles grew smaller , and he rattlesnake appeared confused aa he black snake drew closer. His rattles ceased to give out their usual harp sound , and his head dropped at f vertigo was seizing him. The blacli make aelzedby a lightning movement , the rattler by the throat , and , winding about him , the two rolled ovti together. In a few moments thi rattlesnake ceased to breatho. An f x < amlnatlon of the dond body of the rattlesnake revealed a fracture of the spine aa complete ai if done by a blow with a olnb. The rattlesnake moaonroc five foot and three Inches. A Life Raving Service. Mr. M. E. Allison , Hutchison , Kan. Saved hli life by a simple Trial Bottle o Dr. King's New Discovery , for Gonsump tion. which caused him to procure a lam bottle that completely cured him , whet Doctors , change of climate and everythlni else had failed. Aithma , Bronchitis , Se vere Coughs , and all Throat and Lung dls eases , it la gutranteed to cure , Trial bottles free at 0. F. Goodman * drag store. Largo size , $1. i aprl 2-eod&w li An Assault on tuo Beef Business Chicago Tribune , The managers and general frolgh agents of the roads running east fron this city will meet at Commleslono Hoore'a oQlco for the purpose of con slderlng the proposition of advanclnj the ratea on dressed beef , which wa referred to them by a late meeting o the joint executive committee In Net York. At present the dressed bee rate IB GO per cent above the cattl rates , which is about aa much as th business can stand. The roads , hon over , which are doing but little of th drecsod berf business seem to bo jeal oua of the large business being don by some of their competitors , an therefore want the dressed beef rat made ao high aa to virtually drive tha kind of business out of the market The movement la largely In the Intei eat of those roads and managers it tereated in stock yards , u the droase beef business is rapidly assuming lar diminish the live itock buslneu. It 1 not hollered that the movement whlo la being made to Increase the rates on dressed boif to prohibit figures will bo suoceanful. The roadi now doing the bulk of that business will otronously oppose it , and threaten to leave the east bound pool if it Is carried out They say they cmld not posnibly stand an advance in drosaed beef raloa , ss they have made contracts at the pat ent rates that cannot bo abrogated , and which will require them several months to carry out. WASHINGTON , D. 0 , \ May 15 , 1880. / QRNTLKMKN Having been a sutler- or for a long time from nervous pros tratlon and general debility , I was advi'tid to try Hop Blttors I have taken ono bottle , and 1 have been rapidly getting better over since , and I think it the best medicine I over used , I am now gaiuli'g strength and oppetlto , which WAS nil gone , and I was in despair until I tried your Hit ters , I am now well , nblo to go nbout and do my own work , lloforo taking It , I was completely ; > rn trtvtod MKS. MARYSTUAUT. Stivtosmnn , Philadelphia Tltms. Missouri has a red-hondod and hope fnl statpMutn. Hla iinmo is VWt , and ho is a United States senator. He ls > sure the democrats will cmy tlui country and oloot a president In 1831 Consequently ho is making nrrunuo mouts to move upon the nutlotml cap ital. Do does not appear , however , to have taken into account the demo cratic capacity for blunders during IK xt winter. Ho also BCOIUS to have luat eight of the destructive power of Mr , Wattoraun. Money for the Uumnrriod. One of the most solid and Biibatntlal Institutions in this country U the jlnr. rlagti Fuml and Mutual Trust Association , of Cedar Rtplds , Iiiwa. They are onin- ized umior the laws of lowii , and heir of. facers nud directors are among the lending and most pri miucnt business men o Cedar Rauide. l > ery unmarried person should have a cortlticate In this association. It ia a splendid investment , as safe as government bond. You can just as well have a good sum of money to commence married life on na not. A large number ol members have boon paid off , receiving ncr 800 per cent on their Investment.Vrito for circulars fully detailing the plan , which is the finest known. Do not postpone It. Good ngeutn wanted , Mention whore you saw this notion. f6-3in. A Train for Expresu Matter Only. Iludalo Kxprcfw , For some time American Express company have boon trying to get faster transportation facilities between Now York , Buffalo and the west. The fast mall and express train on thn Central known as No. 19 , which loft New York at 8:50 : p m. , was a heavy train , and almost 'tlwajs ' was rery late in roach- log this city. A now arrangement hits boon ordered by Superintendent Touooy , taking t ( T-ot April I ! . ] ! j- this arrangement train No. 19 on the New York Central is divided. Ono section , leaving Now York at 8:45 : p , m , will consist wholly of mail care. The other pootlon , to bo known ns train No. 11 , lenvoa New York fifteen niln utoa ahead of the mall train , and IB made up wholly ol express care. Tnls train to bo known OB the "special American express , " IB , wo believe , the firtit fuat train over run in this country for pure ly oxprocs purpnsoe. It vill leave Now York at 8UO : p. m. , ntnpplnt ; at 1'onghkoepsie , Albany , Utlcu , llonif and Syracufio , which ia roiiolind hi 5 a. m. From Syracuse to BulTifo tliu aohcrlulo time la as follows : Lyons ti- ; 07 ; Rochester , 7C5 : ; BaUviu , 8:17 : ; Bulfilo , 9:20 : a. m. No other stops are made. This train will have the same right aa regular passenger trains , and will run dally , Mondays oxcopted. At Albany It takes a Boston car from Boston and Albany that left Boston at 3 p , m. , thna giving very quick time between Boston and Buffalo , With , these new mall and exprosi tralna , now local arrangemonti have boon mad" . For eomo time past the ' west-bound mail and express matter over the Like Sborc has boon transferred at Eist Buffalo Yesterday morning both the "now trains ran into the Exchange atroel depot. The express special broughl eight cars , two having been dropped aj Rochester. The transfer Is made It the depot yard before the mall gotnln , At 9.50 a. m. It left over the Lak < Shore , having one car for St. Lonla one for Chicago , and two for Olpvo land , Cincinnati and the south. Bj aides the fast time to be made by thi Amercan express train , it will be at especially advantageous train for Nov York ahlppeis , for it leavea New York about two hours Inter thun any othei train bringing express ruaUer. Perish able freight can bo received from oys ter boats , etc. , and dairy prcdnoti shlpDod at night and landed in Bnffali early the next ninrnlng. Gentle Women Who want glossy , luxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair must use LYON'S KATHAIHON. Thia elegant , cheap article nhvnys makes the llafr prow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes muidnifT and itching , male OH the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kuthairon. NOTICE TO CATTLE MEN. 0 1,000 , HEAD OF YOUNG OATTL1 0d 0e e FOR SALE. it | COD Head ot Yearling Stoeri mJ Heiftrt , COO Heul ol Two ytu-old BUiri , tnd 100 ntd ol Two-year-old Heifer Then cit'le arc alt good , itrtlftbt , thrifteUl mo tly erndcd cattle , ror w ) < all lov tber or I loU ta lull the purchiMr * . ror farther parti nlara call on er addrei * M. t. PotUr , Warirl Ilrown eoucty , Iowa. Ai-lm A PEW BARGAINS Houses LOTS , Farms , Lands- BV 15th&Douglas St. HOUSES AND LUTS , fJJNo. I ! > Full ot tul no * house , ftfroomi , two below and ono up Hairs. KIjht foot colling below and t oven abe > o. llrlck foundation , collar , etc , A bargain , tdOO No. 18 Largo two itory house , 10 rooms , two largo collars. gno < l oil ami , barn , etc. , on \Vt ( inter and ! M ttrcct , eo.OUO. No 17 Lot fioxlHS fctt , new IIOHBO of two rooms brick ( emulation 1UO barrel cistern , on llninllton strcot near Poor UlaruCoinontJ' p. No. 1C Homo auil lot on 17th near Cla k St. house 6 room , etc 31 WO. No 1&- House of 3 rooms nil lo on Plorco St nuar WliSIMU No. 2t Now hounoof 7 ro corner lot , half mlle nut of Turntable truct can on Sau ilorsbt. { 1000 No. ft Hotiflo of eight earn etc. lot Vacant Lots. No. 252 Two lull lota on 10th Btrtwt tana Ih * tit. 91GOO. Nn.3M Twenty Ovo lota In Parkcri addition Just north of the end of red etroot car line t400 each BOB } terms. No.330 Four lotion Delaware Bt. near Ham- corn park , ( CM ) . No. 831 Ono half lot on South avenue , neat St. Mary'i avenue , | 5M > . No. 340 Eighteen (18) ( ) lob ) on 21nt , 32nd , 23rd andSaunderaitrcot , near Grace , 1600 each , and on eisytermi. No , 348 Six beautiful realdencelota on Cather ine itreet , near Haoicom park. (4fiOO. Twelve beautiful rcsldcnco Iota on Hamilton street , near end of old streetcar track ; high and lightly , $3(0 to 1700. Several aero and half acra corn ota on Cum- Ing , Durt abd California itreet * Lowe's too- end addition and Park PlaceAcademy ol Bacrod Heart. Loti in "Procpect Place" on Hamilton and Charlea street , juit went of the end of lied Street Cart lack ana Convent of the Bisters of Poor Clare , ono and one half mlle from poatofflco , and ono mile f rom U. P. shops , 1150 to 1500 each , only fi per cent down and 6 pt r cent per month Lota la Lcwo's addition one half mlle west ol end of lied Street Car track near Uonront of Poor Clare Sisters In Shlnn'a addition , 1126 to (300 each , and on very easy terms. LoU In Horbacb'i lit and Znd addition ) , Shlnn'e , Park Place , Lowo'i 2nd addition , lUitan's Lake's , Nelson's , lunscom Place , llodlck'i ad ditions , etc. . eto. Loti In "Credit Fonder addition" lust one- quarter mile Bouth-cait of Union Pacific and 0. andM. K. K.depotot260to l1600eacn , very easy tenor. Business Lots. Tnroo good builnosi lota on Dodge nearllith itreet , 21x120 fiut each , 11,600 each , orH.WOfor all.eaey terms. Two good bunlnesa lots on Farnam itreot , 83z 00 feet each , with frame buildings theronrenting ( or about toCO per year each ; price H,25o each. 44x132 feet ou Karnam near 10th street , cornet 812.000 Splendid Warehouse lot on Union Paclffo right of way , north of track and east of Nail Works being 133 feet north f'ontago on Maion street , by about 100 foot weit frontara on 18th it. Farmi ft-d wild landi In Uouglai , Sarpy , Dodge , Waenlngton , Curt , Wayne , Stanton , and other good counties In eastern Nebrwk a for tale. TaxM paid , rents collected , and money loaned on Improved cl'v and country proj erty al low rate * of Inteiett. BEMIS' NEWI'OITY MAP'FOUR FEET .WIDE AND SEVEN FEET LONG , WITH EVERY ADDITION - TION RECORDED OR OONTEM- PLATED UP TO DATE. "OFFI- OIAL MAP OFjlTHE OITY. " EAOH. $5.00 CEO. P , BEMIS , Real Estate Agency , 16th and Douglas iuelo Broooli Loading Shot Duns , from S5 to 918 , * Double Brooch Loading Shot dims , from $18 to $75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Buns , From 86 to S25,1 Fishing Tackoi , Base Balls and all kinds of Fanoy Goods , Full Stook of Show Oases Always on hand , Imported and Key West Cigars a large line of Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and ev. . rything re quired in a first-class Cigar , Tobacco and. Notion Store , Cigars from $15 per 3,000 upwards Sender or Price List and Samples DEWEY & STONE PIT r "DMT ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B FRENCH & CO , A R P ETSIIGROCERIES MANUFAOTUUEn OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c. THIRTEENTH STREET , OMAHA , NEB & On Long Time Small Payments AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. \ . IIOSI'E , Jit , , 1519 Dotfce , Omaha , o BUGGY AND SPRiHC-WACON MANUFACTURED. HORSE HOEING GENERAL BLAGESMITHXNQ 315 FKtoonthBtroot , between Harnoy and F m sa. W. F. STOETZEL , Sells the Best COOKING STOVES. In the City , HARDWARE , i w 510 South Tenth Street : GEORGE HEIMROD , The Leading 16th Street : Sells at Bottom Prices. Fresh Lettuce , Fresh Radishes Pie Plant , Green Peas , Cucumbers , Oranges , Bananas , Lemons , Apples. LANDRETH'S GARDEN & FIELD SEEDS. GEO. HEIMROD , 613 North Sixteenth Street *