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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1883)
' I- THE OAlLf KJ&J& : WEJDNESDAVPHIL 4 The Daily Bee. Wednesday Morning , April 4 Weather Report , ( the following observations were Uke : at the sirno moment of time at the sUtlon mentioned ) WAR Dr.r't U , 8 BIOIUL Sxinci , \ OUAIIA , Apilia , ( i : p. m. ) ( LOOALi The mercury h on the up grade. News WAS received y cater Joy of tin death , In Austin , Tox. , of Hurry Sloven BOD , a young man who ban boon conueutod with the Omaha paper ) AS a coinponlloi for some yearn , off and on , Ifa went ti Texas D few weeks ngo for the Lcn fit nj hi ) health , but the eflort proved unavftl ! < ing. He was much roipeoteci by the print1 Ing cratt In thl city. Henry Hornbergai' < i horse ran awa > last evening from la front of his plucc throwing him out on the ground , but for. innately without doing serious Injury , Alter wheeling about and dashing down ai I far as Ilubermann'a , the animal wat caught. caught.A A blgh board fence is being put around the school house at 17th and Ouster streets , Street Commissioner Ford WM badlj pounded and bitten Monday In a row or the street. The I'hllomnthean club concetl this evening will bo a rare muslcil taut. | The remains of the late William Ton hey wars' ' yesterday forwarded by ex < press to XHtawa , Canada- I The funeral ot tbo late Mrs , Fred Dollone toolc place yeatorday froir Bt. Hhllqmona , nnd was very largely at , 4k-l * * * ( * tended. , 1 The acknowledged'"Richelieu" on tb ( American stage to-day U Lawrence Bar rott. ; lie opens his engagement at Uoyd'i night , A little live-yoar-old son of Mr. G U , Knapp , of tbe Sixth ward , WM rui over by a team nnd had his loft lei badly crushed. A private social party will bq given Ii Lytlo block Friday evening by the mom bora of I'rofesstir Ilolphroj' danolni Bchool. Oeo. W. llomau , B , F. Troxell nni Judge Tburston bagged 2G8 ducks and i indhill crane , besides other gutno in on days shooting last week. Neat nnd tatty Job Printing at Festuoi'i Mr. John D. Grant , foreman of th beet asphalt paving in this city , was pri anted Monday with a handsome bab carriage by John A Crolgbton. Hood , the man who robbed the regl tered mall and after his arrest escaped b jumping from thn train near Syracuse , hi been arrested by Deputy U. 8. Marshi Gulp. - Major Croft of tbe Club House hi secured the tervlcou of Prof. Diamond tt katUt , with a quantity ot roller skat ' to entertain his friends , ladles and gentl men. Tbe Major has a fine floor to pri tloo on and patent brake * famished fi sudden stoppages. There was a full attendance at tl tMotlng In the Baptist church Mondi evening. A great Interest was manlfiste There waa a mooting lost evening , charge of Mr. Ben Hogap , the reform pugllUt. The police Monday hauled In to plain drunks and one dinturber of t peace. Yeeterday another Intoxlcnt individual wai taken In from the thi ward and also a man charged with boat ! his board bill at some boarding ho"use. Tbe teamsters will bold their rrgul meeting at Tlroll Hall , April tth at 7 p. m. All union teamston are request to be present , us builness of Importance to bo transacted. M , Murphy , socretai A very pleassnt surptlso party v given to Capt. J. 8 , .Wood nnd wife Saturday evening at their residence Capitol avenue and Twenty-fifth stre It was their fifteenth wedding annlvorsi and a large number of bandiome pieee were received. Monday a few ot Mitk Kittle I Hugh's frlondi assembled at bar resldoi on 17th street. They all spent a TI pleasant evening and were grandly enl talned by vocal tnutlb from Mlsi K. I Hugh , Fannlo MoNaughton , Mr. J , Ml and H , Blair , tbo great tenor singer. All lovers ot good music will be g to boar th'at arrangements are being m to have the celebrated pianist , Miss Ly B. Harrii , of Chicago , 111 , giro a eerie ; recitals In this city. This talented yet lady U'spoken of with tbe highest pri by Chicago papen , and wherever she been heard she hai produced n moit ! ' able Impression. Full particulars will announced as soon as the arrangements comp'eted , of packages of the. I rnond dyeu have been oold withoti tingle complaint. Every where i are the favorlto Dree. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , 0 ] HA , NEB. Tablets supplied with the boat market ailorda. The traveling pa claim they got better acoommodatl and more general satisfaction h than at any other honso in Oma Kato , fig per day. _ anqgltfm It fa more economical to 1 LOUIE'S SALAD DBKSSINO than II to make a dressing ; besldea this , II mjide of better materials iban yon i , buy at the atorea. Everybody llket Oonf Die in tn e B ouee. ' . 'Hough on ItaU " 01 earn oqi n roache * , bed bogr , fllw , u * bhlpinunki gopben. 'l&o' THE CITY ELECTION , Qol , Champion S , Oliaso tlu Next Mayor , With Beneke for Police Judge , and Buck for Treasurer. AQaietElrotlonnndalifRht Vote The city election , which began yes terday , progressed very quietly all day. The weather was most favorable , a clear sky , i bright sunshine , a warm atmoiphoro making It very pleasant for all who were obliged tc bain attendance. The crowd at the polls was not great oxoopt In the Third ward , where most interest seemed tc bo manifested. The great contest In nil wards soomrd to bo over the office of mayor and at 3 p. m. it was prott } generally conceded that iiuck would bo elected treasurer and Bjneko police judgo. The pull between Gan. Savage and Col. Ghana waa a cloao ono , the friends of each claiming a nnro victory. The candidates for the council nnd school board had about nn equal short so far as could be i ssortalnod , the num ber of "scratched/ tickets being very large. It was ' said at noon that not 100 straight tickets would be voted in the olty. There Boomed to bo llttlo or no opposition to the school bonds and sewer bonds , both of which will probably bo carried. There wtro four tickets in the field straight re publican , straight democratic , and two tickets headed "Worklngmon and Mechanics. " A number of bogus tickets wcro out , which will no doubt complicate matters In the final count , owing to the provisions of the now election law. SECOND WAno. In this ward only 221 votes "had boon east up to 1 o'clock p. m. , and it was claimed that Chase had a majority of two to ono. The word had about 000 voters last year , but the roglstra- tlon was light this spring There wat no opposition hero to cither school 01 sewer bonds. As In all the othoi 'wards a conplo of notaries were pros out to Bwoar In non-registered voters , nrni WARD , c At 1:30 : p. m. 413 votes ha'd boer cast , aad Chaio and Back were bott thought to bo largely in the load , thi latter being much further ahead o Bolln than Ohaso was of Savage. ' BIXTU WARD. In the Sixth ward at 3 p. m. 'Ohasi was'reporlod far nhond of Savage am Bolln ahead of Bao'k. "Tho ' votln | was very/ light and but little1 intoros 'manifested ' at the poll ? . Tumi ) WAnn. ' At 2:30 p. m. 415 votes had booi polled , about two-.thlrda of the outir registered voto. It was claimed tha the democrats were ahead two to ono " FOURTH WAHD , Four hundred and twonty-olgh votes polled at 2:45 : p. m. For ni hour and a half the voting had boa very lively indeed. Gen. Savage * friends olalmka majority for him. FIUBT WAllD. ' In this ward 460 votes had boo : cast up to 2:30 : p. ra. out of about 79 registered votes. It waa olalmad the Col , Ohaso would go out of the war with 300 majority. At 1 o'clock last night the followiu returns had boon received : FOlt UAYOU Ohaso First ward 127 rn j > rlri Second ward 411 , Third ward 39S Fourth ward 132 , Filth ward 401 Sixth ward 325. Savage Second ward 320 , Thlr ward 352 , Fourth ward 43G , FJft ward 438 , Sixth ward 330. Foil TBEARCREU. Bolln Second ward 201. Fourt ward 221 , Sixth ward 285 Bnck-Sooond ward 445. Fonrt ward 444 , Sixth ward 371. J % KOE POLICE JODniS. Uawos Sooond ward 103 , Fourl ward 147 , Sl th ward 210. Bmnko Sooond ward 571 , Four ! ward 511 , Sixth ward 443. FOR COUNUILEAN. The figures so for as they are I show that Knnfmann , Hasnall , He field , Murphy and probably Woo worth are nlooted , leaving the six man in donb1 , and MoNamara like to win , Sewer bondn and school appropri tlon are both carried with scarcely ni opposition. S L EVEN'S YOSEXIITE OOLONC Made from tbn wild flowers o ( t FAit KAMEI ) Y03KMITE VALLl It is the moat frngrnnt of porfun Manufactured by El B Slavon , S Francisco Furaalu In Ooinha by 1 U > -Whltohousa wid Kmumrd Br B- Be : \Vlitn Fooplo exchanga iaoi greetings , couvlvlalty Ii uromoted b ) 7f KlasB ot ' 'Hub I'nuoh. " This admiral f prepared punch , Impromptu , Is 0- either with water or lemonade. Keplen 0Dt your sideboard with It. Seal Batate Tnvnaforo. id The following deeds were filed le rooord in the county clerk's oil * March 29 , roportoi for THE BEE Amen' real estate agency. W. R. Holllday and wlfo to Liz 10 DB Mttlondrze , w. d. , paiccl sen. 7 , 10$50. . . ' ' II. Allen and wlfo to A. 0. Bo be quigt , w. d. , w. 55 feet of lot 5 , bli re 342-82.325. John Dainty and wife to NI Peterson , V. d. , lot 2 , block 43 , FI aa once ? 50. a J. Smith and wlfo to S A. Good oy w. d. . Iota 2 nnd 3 , block 53. Florci 8250. Matilda Lytto to Win. A. Pnxt q. o d. 320 ncroB , ceo. 3S ( , 1C , fie VEx. . of . 0. Monell to W. P. G lla ley , w. d. lol 7 nnd 8 , Omaha B. D S A ; 81.570. re W. F. Gualey to G. M. Hltchoo a. w. d. lots 7 and 8 , Omaha B. & A ; $1,570. 0. H. King and wlfo to U D. I Oarthy , w. d. parcel of see 17 , 13 : $200. The following list of transfers real estate were filed In the oem olork'B office , March 31 : W.Reynolds and wile to.R , Twaddell , w d , parcel leotlon 33 , l'J800. ; D. L. ThomM and wlf * to E. Walker , w d. In * 9 , block 90 , anl lo 18. block ! )5 ) ; 8iO 55 .Frank P. flurd and wife to J. H Boonstra , w d lot 8 , Godfrey's sud < division of block "D" Selnn's 1st ad ditlcn. $450 L II. Tuttlo.jr. , to A. H. Fitch w d , lot 30 , Tnttlo'ssubdivision ; $500 A. A. Sannders nnd wife to 0. K Pot kins , trnstoe , w d , parcel seotloi 8 , 1510 ; $850. O. B. Buldon and wlfo to A. A Sjundors , w d , parcel section 8 , 15,1' ' $500. CITY COUNUL A. Short and Unimportant Meet ing Last Night. At the regular mooting of the olt council last night there were preion Mtsirs : Baker , Behm , Oorby , Dun ham , Herman , Lboder , Tnrano an President pro tern Knufmann. After roll call a motion was made t diapenco with the reading of tha joui nal. Lost. The journal was road and approved Mr , Baker moved to suspend th regular order of business nnd take n the appropriation ordinance. H offered u resolution ; That Messrs Danhom , Baker an Kanffmana bo appointed a commltto to got from the olty attorney a wrltto : opinion as to the date on which th canvan of the vote of the city ehoul bo mado. Carried. The commlttoo on fire reported th ralo of the two horses belonging to th department for $102.75 Adopted. A number of papers were placad o file. file.Tho The application and bond of W. G Mclnod & Co. for license ns dral layera waa approved. The appropriation ordinance for th month of March was taken up an passed. The council then adjourned. THE OLD STORY. A * Traveler Fleeced Oat of Fort. ] Seven1 Dollars , I A. .Street Oar Driver Robbe of tbe Same Amount. After a short period of relief froi the operations of confidence men , pretty slick game was played yosto day , the result of which was that "sucker" or "toudeif mt" wan floooi out of a $40 watch and $7 50 In casl Thn man came in on the east bone train with n companion , on ronto 1 Denver. In strolling about town , 1 mot on Homey street a man who vri going in the same direction. The later tor waa an extonnivo stock shipper , ar had three annual passes over tl Union Pacific , whlcn ho proposed I allow the "tendorfool" and his friot to share with him. While they wo : talking a third party , ropr smiting himself as the Unlc Pacific freight a eut , came fo ward and demanded the charges on consignment of hardware. Aft walking down to the depot the con donee man borrowed thn $7 50 r quired to pay his charges and al asked the loan ot greony's watch time himself In going to the frelg ! honso and return , so that ho shon not miss the train , Bath requoj were granted and of course that w the last the tourist saw of his nc found acquaintance. It is nnnecoasa to state that ho did not got'his paaa either. As thla game has been su coasfully renewed it Is likely It will tried again especially aa t'ravol h boon so greatly on the Increase of lal T1IE BlttEBX CAR1 DRIVER. A street Jo r driver , residing < Onmlng street , was yesterday robb of about $40 , taken-from his trunk homo when no ono was about. JOHN H. EROK Has the largest assortment of Ran ( and Cook Steve , Barb Fence Wi ; all of which you can buy cheaper th any place jn town at G15 and 617 10th street. m27-mo-tl FOR SALE. A drugstore m western lowe , poi htlou about 3 509 , atock from SG , ( to $8,010 , sales $18,009 per auuu n ouly two drag stores In the town f largo country trade. Inqulro of Fro Rigors , Millard Helot drucr store n r A Surveying Party Returned. William Boal , a United States s voyor , came Into Omaha yestw y from a prolonged trip In the w < il Daring hU ubsenca , which has tended over a period of over months , this gentleman hai had varied and Interesting exporter Ho waa one of a government snry Ing party of twelve who have b doing government topographical w In the west for some time past. ' lo outfit left some plsco InYycni hat fall and since that time have b making a thorough survey of lauds in Wyoming not included in government grants to the Union cIGo rallrond , Daring the time tl were out they wont through E canyon in Utah and made a compj map of that whole region , which h otto has not been doun except by railroad Iteolf. Mr. Bsal speaks the hlgheot terms cf the magnlfic coenery along the canyon and B that a poraon cannot comprehend magnificent proportions unless ho c It himself. The Maverick National 15nk of I ton draws foreign exchange , bays i elU Oovernmunt and other invi mont EoaurltlUa , andtrnnnnctsanyt Its correspondents In the ] of banking. nutth-i COOPER WAGONS have arrived. ' Practical experle demonstrates and proves them cheapest la tha market for i service. For aale at F. D. OooriR & Oo'i HASTINGS' MURDERERS. Their Oonfossion llemovas All Doubt as to Their Identity , They Sleep Sunday Night in the Pen The Feeling at Eastinga. ' The Lincoln Journal of to-day con tains the following particulars of the late tragedy at Hastings ; On Sunday Sheriff QjorgeT. Hutoh- inaon , of Adams county , brought down from Hustings Fred Ingrain , John Bibcock and Jim Groan , who ere no- ODsod of the murder of Oaah M. Mil- lot. There were taken out to the pen- Itontlaty , where they spent Sunday afternoon and night , and wore taken back to Hastings yestnrcUy by the sheriff and his deputy The coroner's Inquebt is not yet completed , and the prisoncro were ultnply brought down for nufo keeping , as it wa feared they might faro badly at the haudn of the excited populace if they remained h. Haotlnga. TUB moors OP TUEIU OOILT There It no longer any room foi doubt that the prisoners are the guilt } pattlo ? . The clue which led to thoii arrest was a calico maek which ono ol thorn dropped near the BCODO of the tragedy , and which hadonoa boon the cover of a stand it ) Green's room & ! the hotel. The cover had been rules ing for a day or two , but a chamber maid swore to'tho mask aa a part o : the missing covor. After tht > y were arrested they -won kept separate. They failed utterly t < account for themselves at the time tin killing-was done. The officers then by putting together what they knov of the affair , convinced ono of thi prisoners that ono of the others mus have a confession , and thinking tha the gatno was up , and in the hope tha ho might benefit himself by a confos slon , ho tola what ho knew of tin affair. This confession was used sno ceHsfullyon the others and a prott ] clear exposition of the affair was ob tainod. THK CONVESHIOK. According to the confessions madi the object of the mnrdorera was rob bory. Green and Babcock both confessed fessod to having been concealed , bn say that Ingram fired the fatal shot Ingram also confesses to having beei ooncernod. He has not fully admit ted that ho did thoshootlng , but say , that If ho did do it ho was so oxolte < that ho did not know what ho wai about. The others say ho had his pistol tel In his left hand and as Millet started to run , ho fired after him wit ! that hand. TUB riuaoNERH. The prisoners are rather young men none of them appearing to bo eve twenty-five years old. Ingram , whi did the shooting Is the oldest In ap pear an co. He is about five foot olgh or nlrio inches In height and rathe heavily built , lie has a red face will heavy jaws and thick lips , and wear a rod mustache. His pantaloons wor stuck in his boots , and his hair un combed , and hq presented the appeal ance of a rough , brutal character. H has not been in Hastings long at time , but has been migrating botwee there and some point in Kansas. Th other two have been in Hastings for year or two , and the three have latel been working together at well dlgglnj Bibcock is a younger looking mar about the same height , but of slighte build , and not a bad looking charade on the whole. Ho wears a llgl colored moustache , and would nc attract notice in a crowd by h appearance. Gteon , from whoso room the mas found was taken , la a alight bull smoothfaced young fqllow , who doi not look to bo more than twonty-twi He has a reckless sort of a devil m care look , but does not look partloi larly like a man of criminal impulse ' 'Ho Is old in sin , although young ; yean , " said a Hastlcgj gentleman a reporter "and I believe ho is tl ono who did all the planning. THE PEELING AT HASTINGS. Although most of the particulars < the confession had beoa telegraph * to Lincoln they were not madu know at Hastineu. Sheriff Hntchlnooi when interrogated as to the feeling i Hastings said that there was no coi sldorabio demonstration there vrh < ho loft with the prisoners. "Ti people were not certain , " said I "that they were the murderers , whl < acocuata in some degree for their qoi behavior. " ' Another gentlemtn , who spent r day Sunday at Hastings , said that e : cltemont ran high there and the tr gody waa the principal topic of co vorsatlon. He thought , howovo thi\t the sentiment in favor of lync ing the prisoners had subsided sin their confession , which makes It tolc erably certain that they will rccel their just deserts. There is some difieronco of oplnii as to the probability of violence i the pirt of the Hastings peop'.o. 0 ; gentleman who had known the pr ; o.y . oners for a long time and Is con versa ! yan with all the particulars , remarked an ho boarded the train ; ' "Somo of the rk think there will bo no trouble wl the people , but I think there will lie some hanging , myolf. " \ICT1M , on THEICT1M bo Dr. Millet , the nr fortunate vlotl bo of tbo ruffians , died i'tlday night ai 'a- ' was burled Bunds } . His romal 'ay were followed to the grave by a lar 10 procession of irlends and neighbai te later advicoa from the Millet UK teh. doreru are that lynching was avoid bo by tUo sheriff leaving the train a in holding the prlsonora at Harvai ut The coroner came to that point , ai y took their testimony. All three oc Its fc2sed. The object was robbery. I OS gram denies the shooting , and says was one of the others. 18id FOR SALE. id A new aide-bar , end spring top bt it- gy , made by Snyder and took fii is * prito at the state fair last fall ; nov no used and will bo sold low. Apply Western Newspaper Union , cor. 12 and Donelas st. f ebS8m&etf ce Army Ordero. be The commanding 'officer Fort Lai mle , Wyo. , will send Sergeant Jam Carroll , company 0 , Seventh Infant ) to Fort DouglM , UUb , with Instn tlons to report to the commandl officer therefor for duty us second o'n ' s hospital steward , Paragraph , a.oclnl orders No. i ! ! ) , current eorlm from ibcru hoadquar- tore , fr/ ' > tlni < Ichvn i ur tncQ to Cap tain It. H , iUiiiittttmiiiiy MfthcavMrf , is roroby amended tn nllow to Uko effect M y 10 , 1883 First Lieuteuiut Guy Howard , Twelfth Infanty , A. D. 0. , wi'l ' pro- Cfod to Forts Cameron , Utah , and Hall , Idaho , on public bnslnoca. Hav ing complied with the instcuotlocii rr- coivod from the department command' or , ho will return to bis proper station , thoi'O headquarter ? . Corporal H. W. Gordon , company K , Ninth Infantry , having compiled with instructions contained in para graph 7 , spddal orders No. 23 , cur rent hurios , from these headquarters , will totnrn tn his ntntlon , Fort Mo KlnnoyV. . T. Private Frodoiick M. Sohulzo , reenlisted - enlisted at Fart Ooiahu , Neb , la aa- signed to light battery D , Fifth ar tillery. In compliance with instruction ! from hosdquiutorp [ of the army , nd- 'utant general's rflici' , Washington , D. 1 , December 'JO , 188'- , the pnsto ol 'orts ' Cameron , Uah and Hull , Iduho , 111 bo discontinued on the lit of Maj 883Tho The iroopa comprising the preeenl arrlaonoof thoao posts will be plaotc n route by rail for Fort Douglas , Jtftb , and on arrival reported to thi ommaudlag dlllojr thereof , All public stores , not otherwise dl < oeed ot in Instructions from them oadnnarterf , will bo transferred t ( 'ort Dnnglaa , and the buildings at the etta sold by the quartermaster's de- initmant. Until the mnvo is finally consnm mated , a commissioned officer as A , A. Q M , and suffiolent guard , will b < " jft ut each post to protect governmonl rnporty until moved or sold. The chiefs of the several staff do artmonts at these headquarters will ako the necosaary action aa far ai heir respective departments are con ernod. * "I consider St. Jacobs Oil an ex client ramedy , and ono that ough xjrtalnly to find ita way into ever ; ' ousohold , " says Hon. Peter Bowe Iherlff ct New York City. Young man or woman , If you want bi money for a small nmonnt , Insure in th Marriage Fund and Mutual Trust Asboci ition , Oedar Raplrlg , Iowa. f5.3ffl SANS GEREMONIE. 'hey ' Soli Their Last Party o the Season , A Royal Repast Set Up at thi Millard. The Millard parlors , corridors am inlng hall wora brilliantly aglow wit ! [ ght last night , on the occasion of th aat party of the season given by th ana Ceromonfo club , the fifth of th erles. About fifty yonng ladies and gentle men wore present , includiug the f ol owing : Messrs. Burnett , Sue , Orary , Mi ! ard , Douel , Thorp , Johnson , Foatei Carrier , Mnir , Morgan , Bsach , Bjggi Darling , Rogers , Barker , Tousoj Klmball , Cnnsa and Wilbur. Misses MoUorinlck , Tompklnt Chambers , Morgan , Kioibal ) , Shoari Doane , Bonsai , McCurdy , Paddocli Fnnko , Lake , Knight , J. Knlghl L mb , Ooncdon , O'Rallly , Colllm Oonwell and Funke. The Musical Union orchestra fm nlshod their choicest music for the ot oasion and every thing passed off In th finest style imaginable. The supper by "mine host Shears waa the finest pf the kind ever see In the olty. The tables , which wei sot in the ordinary , were loaded wit delicacies , but the feature which al traoUd the greatest attention was th game in season. There were tw dishes , 'Teal" and "Oat VBB back" duck , with center dish of Mallard , a In plumage , and without donbt tti moat ' unique acd ploaolug table dc cor'atlons ever seen in the city. Ti beauty uf the diahes waa that tr , game was built upon a foundation < qually delicate and Rubitantlal chai actor , so that the whole could be ci down with tbe knife and raten. The evening was ptenod raout plea antly , the company dlnpersing uboi 1 o'clock. It in probably the last oil parly of the eetiaon. PILLS SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER Zxias of Appetite , Bowola costive. Fain In the Head , with a dull sen- atlon In the back part , Fain under the Shoulder blade , fullness ) after eatingwith a disinclination to ex ertion of body or mind , Irritability of temper , Low spirits , with a feel- Injr of aavimr neglected eomoduty. Weariness , Dizziness. Fluttering , at the heart , Dots before tha eyes , Yel low Skin , Headache generally over tbe right eye , Restlesaness , with fit ful dreams , highly colored Urine , and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'.S riLI.S are especially nilnptril to aucli citiei , one dose er- fccta ncli a clinnue arfeelluB to ostiiiiUh the uflerrr. llioyliicrcnie the Appetite , anil cnnit the body lo'l'nke ou i'lrili , thus ihoiy loin Ii noiirUhril , nnd b > their Tonic Action on the lliKeitlveOrKniii.JtcK1 ular HlnolH are produced. 1'rleo 25 ci'UU _ U.t Bliirrnv St. , IV. Y. _ GIUT Hxtn \VmsKFns chnnpo to a QLOSSI ULACK by n ulimlii oppllcatton < > ( tliH DYK. I Imparts a naturnl color , ActrilnAtnntnntMiUi IT. Bold tiy DiinrulsUorK ut byuanrui > ut rccclptor..Sl.OO. OFFICE , : I5 31 Olllt AY ST. , W. Dr. TtTT'3 > UM' I. fViln.M Mor illom lpU UI U a ll d t UH. in nUU U SPECIAL NOTICES , T8PECIAL8 wl POSITIVELY not bi lerted unleu paid In advance. There are letters at thU of lie i for the ( B. G. . A M. T. . A. L , tt. , O. iL. AMO ment. O..Fred Baker. F. . G. , G. H. , K. , Mrt. Dupont , II. W. , Hlo. , J. U. I J. G. F. , M. . L. M. , P. T. 8. & Co. , T. , 8. if. , B. atf. , 8. T. , a W. L. , M , . Wife of TT Y. Agt. , WF. P. , M.T. , XI , X 3. The Omaha Savings Dank l ow propirul t > tt ) * oa'is on OmnhA fl ) o' Doiul n Uouuty > A. rj , OC. 3E3 tw r * . AtOnrrenl H.unol Intirn-t J ) SO OOMMUHU.M CllAll'll'.I ) I * ,1 ONK.Y TO t/OAN-CMI at Uw olhceof U. 1. 1V1 ThoirM room BCrelxhton Ulock. OHES'-I/M-ed on ilm'til t ro city tiy J. M T lien' t ) , No 2l o < u Ii 14th uticct OCO Irool " " lJ > KY TO LOAN At s'plr ' centi ShrlfjrV R'tl Kat to nd Loan Agency , , oppomts poitofflee. _ ' > TBT-tf LOANKU-On chattel . . . . , MONKV Block , cor. 13.h and Karn.m < 2l-aprlb ; HELP WANTED. Olrl for home norV I > smtll ( am WANTED at No. 1 Crtlnhtjn b'cck ' Ii morning. 7CP 9 ANTKD-Iilnlcsrroomulrl at ft ! 7 Onpllo 7 : i 'J- _ ) Kltclifn lr at Maui und'oTd. rnni's llcitaurant UoJ.oS . hctntcn Hll andlGthSti. 7i93 ] - da it bnVtr. Roul wssij WANTED-Flrst 0V HAUSIXEIl 762-3l Itambuij ; lima ANTLIi A tir t-clmH wtftora fho Ilnrnl ; Btirct Uealuuratit. WANTHO A gltl In n small f unlly f" honso toik. Apply < . K C'jrotrC nee amlL 2nd bt. 55 3 } A KOid clrl for Rino'al house work tit 1615 Chtcag3 street- . 750 a Two men ot KCod addniH to can WANTKD gia t. Steady employ moi t good men Call -121 S. 10th > t. 74251 TT7"AN7KO A nc t ulr for KCneril houseworl YV Uuit bo Kocd cook , woaLcr fttd Ironoi Mr * . II. rut\ls , 23d aid at. Mary's avenue. 747-7 Aglil to do ccnertl housework WANTED 20th ! > . . < < St. Mary's avenue 707-85 WANTED ti hotfl cock , woman preferred Apply or rddrcBi Central City Hotel Con alCltyNcbra-ka , 707-6 [ TTANTED A Rlrl who undcrstmda r-ouse VV o kSOr . 23rd 7013t WANTED i ( toedgirl forgeneialhousewor at 1720 CasM St 721-35 WANTED-0 tl for general hcusowork. Ar P y W. T. CUrk 22nd and Douglas 731-3 ANTED Ti at s and lab 11 era. H. MANN W WEILEIUHli SU 714-3 } I ED Ajjlrl lo Jo iroiur-il Iiouio worl WAN In family ol threo. Oood uagoi paid t vool cook , nather and Itoocr. 2llu lit ney til 727-3 } A Kl'l to watt on thi table , an a j\y , at the l.ccidentil Hotel , 6JO-tt WANTKD A compet'nt iflrl for gvtcn hnisewotk. Apply at 1310 Uavenuirt Ht ie . 13h at d 14th iiefercncea required. 73-tf pi UIDK BOCK , Nth aka , wants a lutnl'ui \JC \ dealer and shoe nuker The right men ca nd good locations. MANY UIIZENd. 7853' An experle ced bakir. Perm ; WANTED and jood vt.K't. A : liessD. LOWMAN , Haitlnt , " , Neb. 575 6i SITUATIONS WANTED , WANTED Situation by Young iran who not afrall ol work , In grocery ( tore , or i toy kind rf work. Underntanda care of horac \ddrecs Sidney Payne , 1D18 Dodge St. 750 WANTED Hy country elrl situation In pr into family , want ) to attend college In clt .ncl will ork bilance ot her time for her board \ddru9 ! "No Ho" Bee office. d li-ti WANTED Fmp'oym nt hy a rood man ar wile ILMANNWEILEKllthSL ylO- ! MISCELLANEOUS WANTS A few persons to Instruct In boo WANTED tltautlon furulahed or no pa ] Ca 1 at 1212Ilarney St. J. B. Smith. 772-t * WANTED BOO privy \aults , sinks , and ccs pools to cleia with sinltary cleaner St lufactlonguaranteid. J. M.HUITU. 7 71-1 mot Lock Box 422 , Omat a. \ \ ; ANTED Unfurnished rcom wlthla 10 mil VV ut B wal < ot U. P depot. With or vtlthoi ioard. Address "I , " P. 0. box 033. 743 4 { AN1KD A few table boarders at J011 Fa mm at 712 3 } -E ervbdy sutlerlnn' with toot WANTED , t > nil at 1421 Farnam ttre and Ijocural fiee f charge by Homo's Eectr Belt. 613-lrn FOR bENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. PARLOR And board. Model convoulonces , 1810 Bodge 're > t. 480-10 pORU M Nlco furntihed room 8 B corn ! lltrt and Cats. 7 6S | BUST Kurnlthed rromsiultableforro FOR , at 1619 Farnam Street S 60 Ct REST Hou eon N.W tproer cf l0th ! ai FOR sta , apply next door. 753-tf RENT House on south 8tb near Hicko FOR lot Inquire at 318 son'h IOU St. 7C3 A nicely furnished frontpailor aid bed roe .fi ti gentleman and wife w th no cMldre kO.d hoard wlthla a block 1713Chlcigo St. 7 00 ; hENT Nnwiottagis , 10th and H cko FOR Aptly J. I * . V.OM 1612 louth Bill. O LKT A nice furnlihed room with plan JL all 0 ether looms ltilU ! > edge St. C5i-9t KENT A store 20x00 In Balcombe bio FOR lUh n'.rcct. 737 Sit HT. A D. IIALCOMDK. RENT 'wo rooms a d kitchen , 3 clo cell FOlt i r at corner 13th and ( JiUornU sire Inquire at 008 N 13th Biro.t. 7(8-71 { 7 > OR RfcNT'htKl room wllh bay wl I' dow and boaid , il.ilein Imiiitntmcnts , 17 Oiige street. 7IH-7H RENT KurnUtud rcom 1811 WV ter8 FOR 16th atd 17td St. 700-91 "niOR RENT Houses and lots at phthtra JJ Bell's. Rentflureau , opposite I'ostcllli TnORRENT Furn'ihed ' an ! unfarn'shed rofi I1 midirn ciL > enlcnr > , gjcd location , U 7i7-fl' mOLET-One room wllh board , lEOSCollfon J. street. la RENT-Blo-im crttaje 412 N. 54th FOR and Uunt 216 . U'h ct. 719-3 ] RENT Housi with e rooms. Inqu ! FOR weit corner llthand JoniB 715-3) ) -TI OUSES FOt KENT 69C-tf McCAGUE , Oppoiltl Pcst'fflcc , I70R RE.NT-Thiee , nicely furnt hed 1000 Jj wllh o : without boirJ , a > . 1S18 Jackson St 671 41 _ R&Nf House of 7 room * . Also hoi FOR noim. tsomh a\ecuo > nd Le vcnwor' Inquliu Wtbttrn Cornice Wo'kt , 1110 Doug truct -IS OV- : [ 71011 RENT Fine upr'ght piano , floe Kl L ballorK > n , 1519 Dodge ctrcot. 61MJ A. HOSPE.Jr RENT 25 bousoi , i ! to HI rooms , at 3 FOR per month Shrlver's Rant bureau , i po ] te poet odlco. 708-t RENT Two double itorca , gullible FOR house , grtccry , butcher , or ulcx sttuatnl o as to command a freed firmer tree Inqulnof Mri. F. Langn , S. W Cor. 13th a Jackscn 8U. 8CO-lm FOR SALE. BALE Auotot hea y alnglo harocs FOR N 18th stre t. 774-71 T7 < OK HALE nouse and lot on Douglas stre Lot oa 27th , near Farnam Street , | tk . UeCAUUE , 76IU- Oppo lt roBtofflc * 'TTlOa ' SaLE-A pair ot heavy draught mul Jj Inquire at 11W South Kthstreet. C81- 77IOU BALK StTtraJ hou OB leavd grour JD McOAOUE , Opposite rntofflc * . rooms for mle vcrychrap. Ap. HOUSEot.l plat DaUwIn and II hm coratr ( Vh fin.l . Jacrtonttreet , 1 8 'it I710U S M.K Thr biilMInK' now tu LSe tor the JL1 Child'Ho'plltl on Dodge Simt , oir\e 17th Apcl at tbe He jpltal until Friday , April 5. "pi INIINU UlTICi KOR5ALB "ilou lihln * taper In a > oun nil groxl y town In EM- tern Nclrstka. Addrets U H. liee OIllcc. & 0 < tAJ.y Orn quarter rctlcn land In Rl non - on c > u ty , AI n > < n ot tht b > ( t ci farinn n Hurl county , oue m > lu fr in ( Icrmin Ma-Ion. Also lot dirt M r < hulullnif Ills ) F < rn mB'rcct. Al o tor palavr trad > > fir DouijliB coit' tr proper ty , 40 acici In Ma 01 couuty. Illlnoli. inquire of H. Q. CLARK ; JJ786 _ ' SALK Qenertl stock of m'rrh ndlte and FOR ll'lrtf , wllo'ftted In thriving town , 22i llesfrom Llnroln. P optrty north fthout $0,000. SatlHfa tory rca ooa lor selling giftu. Addrom "F. 11. " Opi hIke. . 677-7 _ SALK New houae , 12 rooms. 8 closet * , FOR , nn'ii * fO per mm th , one-third corner I it $ MO. Au * liouiG room , narret , M2x40. cellar , cUI > rnnnd well , lot 5 xOfl frr K2,700 , 2 houie , 4 toiiti" each , cclUr. c Kttr.i , well and nta IP , IjtSixl ! , $ ? ,7CO. .XII wlllun 6 I > 1 cks Of podoltice. Inquire Jxo. 003 North 13th Street. 5790 } IOU HALE OH RENT VOSB PUno. F 523- . ( C. J. CANAN. Two housca 3rntm8 tnJCrcoma. I701BMjE ROO'l cllari , bird and I oft nntrr , full lot , on utn 23rd street , within two blocks ) cfSi. Mary' vcnu" . It quire on the prcmhcr , o. 841 loutti 23d H reel. 522 2w | T" K1IIS' Now Map ol Omnha , liut completed and fj reiily for delivery at 85 each. la 1 ( cot wide by 7 'cot lonz. Lar' of Omalu c\or pub ! OttUlal map ol tbe city. See column. SALK Qua Iioreo , iln lo wagon and bar FOR ; . 1 Cooper wa < on. CHARLTON BROS. , : ! ! 7-t ( .101 N. 16th St. CIIKAr Choice unimproved bu - Inisj lota on Fatcaui , Doufclte , and Dodge itrcela. D W1S A SNYDER , Real Agente , llO-eod-tl 1605 Farnam St. FORRENT Apply at once. BRICKYARD needed to run It on hand. Superior clay. Also house on yard It wanted. LORENZO DIDDLE , Yard IBth ttrect , 2 blocks eouth ot Bellevue road , 2SO-lmt TpOR dALE A Bret clacg tecond hand phaeton J Call at 1810 HarneyBt. 897-tf SALK Pockets mapa ot Nebruka 200 FOR . For bargains In Uomha City Improved and unimproved property , call on Wm. F , Shrl- vor , Ko l Ettate Agent , opposite poetofflce. 7G9-tl Real Esl ate Bargains , SALK On monthly payments , 11 hcusos FOR lots 850 to Sl.GCO Cornsr lot aad cctuge , Davcnporl street , 81.C50. 2 nooses and lotr , notrotrcet car ( rack , etch WOO.Onehalt One-halt lot near St. Mara cnue , $375. Vacant lots , monthly Inetn liuenti. 320 acres , 14 lies Heat KiOpei acre. " " ' * ' * " 120 1 320 " 4 " 315 " > 0 " 3 " fr-mrlt\,84EOO. 170 " 7 " t om city , $ J,000. 3-10 acre tracts near birracm , each $550. Choice rcsldeucu 1 tt a d bouais and lots In all parts city on ca < y tcrnn. SHKIVER & BELL , C64-31 Opposite Toitofflce. Bargains in Seal Esta'e. Cottige and lull It on lO'.h street , near Lear- nwoith , J2.VCO. 44 foot tr nticeoi Fatnam ttrect. Improved bri k $20.000. A builnca lot on Douglas street , $1,000. ICOtoot frantage on Dodge street , $1,350. McCAGUE , C95t ( Opposite I'otottca. AMES , FARNAM STREET. 7 ROOM HOUSE , NEW , LOT CC x42 , ALL CONVENIENCES , FINE LOCATION , ON STREET CAR LINE. EASY TERMS , S3600. 5ROOM COTTAGE , HALFBLOOK FROM STREET OARS , NEW , IN EXCELLENT ORDER , $1800. VERY DESIRABLE RESI- DENOE LOTS ON STREET OAR LINE ON EASY TERMS. PRICES § 400 10 8700. AMES , 775 tf .1500 FARNAM A/\ Howard to the finder cf a valise lost In JU'rdrlrlng tiom North-wf to'nlepol aloot ; 1 ihSt to Foil Omaha. A'd ets F. T Antrew UhocUon between Ca Ifo'nU & Webster. 751-St JU-v Olaenmidwife ura uatel at Stock , MM Instil lit lot midwifery , ttetldenco 24 Leavcnw r'hS 761-61 B8. IIA > SiN , Mldwlle , h s removed from M Oth and Jackson to vIGth and lUrcy 8ts. Bl iwltl be recelvid until April GUADINO mmvlnit about 4,0 < IO yard < of eartb trim lot N. W. nr. 18th and Painam stree s. Contractor tu s.-ll tbe dirt. 653j3 T. W. T. R1CPARD3 , WILT/ take children of my age give them a mothers care for a liberal compensation. Addiees Y. Z. Bee office 3C8-lmo T ADIK3 wishing a qule' place duilnjr confine | _ J ment , with nurse will address W , B. Bee office. 3C9-lraot O EXCHANGE for city nr-jKirty In Oaaha , JL teu tlrst-clan Improved farms A'eo ' 1600 head o'shejp f'r pale Co < respond wlih N. C , chr atlan < n , Maciamento , Neb. nr9-lm EDWAKDKUJSHL MAQISTER OF PAL1IYSTKRY AND CONDT TIONALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam and Ilarney. Will , with i be old ol Kiiardlan solrlta , obtain for any one a glance of the past and present , nd on curtain conditions In tbe fa. turo. Boots and Shoes nvul to order. Perfect ettlafuctlon vuarant ed. IN HOT "WATER DONT BE SKEPTICAL. REASON TlfAOHES AND EXPhRIE OK CONFIRMS THATTnr. - > it's'1olta rT r ) ntIS AN IM'AL- UAUU F0 ANV AND ALL DI80RDKRS OF TIIKJIEMKDYKIOMACII , LIVRR AND bOW. ELS A'lEASl'OU KULINAOLASScfHOT WATER i v RY > OKNINO.BEKOBE EATING IS NOT ONLY EXTREUELY BENEFICIAL , B T A PROTECTION AGAINST DISEASE WQIOU N ' ONK OAN AFFORD TO DI3UE- OARH. FIR BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. N. B-ln taking SELTZER APERIENT In hot water , wait until the effervescence has entirely ceasrd. The water ihould te hot not tepid or lukewarm. POWDER Absolutely Pure. than the orplnary kinds and cannot Dk competition * lth the muUltnde of v u t' i weight , alum orph/nphAU powder - 3oUc - RoTahBuuiii York. "