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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1883)
J'HE DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY APRIL 4 OTJZLSTOIX , -PROPRIETOR OF = PALACE MUSIC HALL ! Headquarters for the justly Celebrated WEBER PIANOS , now approved and used by afl first-class Artists. WESTER COTTAGE AND BURDETTE ORGANS. Importer and dealer in'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , such as Violin Guitars , Accordeons , Music Boxes , Italian Strings , Etc. , , Etc. Also a full line of IMITJSIO IBOOIKIS. lULTJSlO BIRDIE IRS -A-ZtsTID SZBCIBIEJT 3VCTJSIO Fancy Goods , Oh i Id rens'Carriages , Velocipedes , Bycicles , Carts and Wagons. To make room for new stock will sell at EXTRA LOW FIGURES FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. Good Organs at $50 and upward. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Monthly Payments , Orders solicited Address , J. MUELLER , Council Bluffs , Iowa. LANGTRY WAVES Latest styles from iho east , in Lanotry Waves and Reversible Laa Frlzzoa at MRS. .7. J. GOOD'S , 29 Main street , opposite post cilice. FOTODRY. W1NTHERLICH BROS. , Are now ready to contract ( or small castings oi e\ery description In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. Special attention la called to the ( act that the metals arc melted in CRUCIBLKS which gives the Very best castings , . Burning Brands FOR DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACKERS - ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. , Aa well aa Cattle Brands ARE NICELY EXECUTED. Works : Corner Blith street and Eleventh avenue , COUNCIL BLUFKS , IOWA. W. R. VAUGHAN. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Omaha and Council Bluffs Real Eatato & .Collection Agency. n Odd Follow a block , over Savings' 1 n3 tj COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME LTABLE. CniCldO , BOCEJSLARD AND FACITIO. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext..620pm I Pacific Ext..9:15 : a m Ex and Mall.925am Ex and Mall.6:55pm : D. Molnes ac.7:15 a m | Dos Molnesac.4:40 : p m CHICAGO , BDRLtNOTON AND QilNOY. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext..530 pm Pacific Ext..920am Hall and Ex.9:20 : am Mall and Ex'.T.-OOpm N.T. Ex 4KXpm Neb & Has Ei..8:20 : a m CUIC10O AND HOBTIIWISTCKN. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf..6:15pm : I Pacific Cxt..9:15am : Hall and Ex.920 a m Mall and Ex . .GlB : p m Aecom ( Sat.550 p m | Accom. ( Mon..l:45 p m KANSAS CITY , ST. 'OB AND OOITOCII. BUJPF8. Depart. Arrive. Malland Ex..9Mam I ExprcM..6.50pm . . . . . . .JilOpm IMJlavl Ex..6'15pra UHJOM rAcino. Diput ArriTe. OrerUnd Ejc.1130 a. m. OYtrlanl x .4:00 : p.m- Lincoln Ex..1130 a. an. Denver Ex. . . . SDOn.m , Denver Ex..7:00 p. . Local Ex 830 a. m. IxicalKx 7:25 : a. m. " Ex 9.05a.m. Emigrant..620p. m. " Ex r-OOa-m. WABABD , BT. LOUIS AND PACtRO. Depart Arrive , llall and Ex. . 9:45 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 430 p m Cannon Call. . 4"H : ) p ra | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m SIOUX CUT AND PACItPIO. Depart. Arrive. For Sioux Olty.7:55ain : Frm Sioux 'y.6JO p m For FortNlobra.a Fnn Fort Nlobrara , Neb * 7Man : > Neb 'e Opin For St. Paul..7:40pm : From fit. Paul..8:50 : a m CHICAGO , MILWiUKKB AND BT. PAUL. Iioavo Council Binds. Arrlvcg Council Dlufla. Mall and Ex.920am I Mall and Ex.fl.Mpm Atlantic Ex.5:15 | : p in ] Atlantic Ex . .10:10 : a m CUICAOO , UILWAUKItl AND ST. PAUL. Loaves Omaha. Arrhcs at Omaha. Mall anil Ex.7:15ara : I Paclllc Ex 10:45 : am Atlantic EY.3:4Qpm | : [ Malland Cx.7-25pm Except Sundays. tExcept Saturdays. ( Except Monday * . 'Dally. Council Blufru Ss Omaha Street B. R. Leave Council Bluffs. Leave Omaha. 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 8 a in , 9 a m , 10 a m , 11am , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 a m , 1 pm , 2p m , 3 p m , 4 p m , 5 p in , 6 p m. m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p in. Street cars run halt hourly to the Union Pacific Depot. On Sunday the cars \ > cgin their trips at 9 o clock n. m. , and run regularly during the day at 9 , 11 , 5 4 , 5 and G o'clock , and run to city time ; MBS fi. J. HILTON M D , . . , , , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ZZ2 av OonnolllBlafft , I , P. BBMOXDSOB , . L. SuTJOAXT. 1. W. STBltt President. Tlce-Pret't Caehler. CITIZEN BANK Of Council Bl Organlx d mnder the lawt of the State oi Iowa Paid up capital I TB.OOJ AuthorUed casual.- . SOO.oOfl Interest paU an time deposits. Drafts Issued on the principal clttet ol ( be United States and Europe. Special attention Riven to collection ! and correspondence with prompt returnt DiaiOTOU J. D. Edmnndaon , K. L. BhuK rt , J . W. Wallace , J. W. Rodfer , I. W Cr. > > MAYERIBK RATIONAL BiNK. Cor , Water and Congreit Streets. - * 100,000 Transacts a'general Banking business. IU ceivea the accounts of Banks , Bankers and others. Draws Foreign Exchange and makes Cable Transfers In Europe and Tel egraphlo Transfers of Mo&ey throughout the United States. Buys and sells Gov ernment and other Investment Securities and executes any business for ita Corre tpondentt In the line of Banking. ASA P. POTTER. PretlderO. J. J. EDDY , Oathler. J. W. WORK , Att't.OMhler. JUU-Bt Is the old Favorite Jana - FOB CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And.all Poluti E it anttnouth-Eaitl ' THELINKCOMPRiaES1 Nearly 1,000 mllca. Solid Smooth Steel Traek 11 connections Rre mvlo In UNION DhPOTQ has a National Repntatton at being tht r e t Through Car Line , and la nnlveriallt needed to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Half ad In the world for all classes of travel. and you will find traveling a loxurj Inatead of a discomfort. Through Tlcketa via rhu Celebrated Lint sa o at all offices In the Went. All Information about Rates o Fare , BleeplL , Oar Acocmmodatlona , Time Tables , Ac. , will I ehaerf ally given by applylnlnir to Id Tlce-Piea't A Gon. Htnagei.Chtcagn PEROIVAL LOWELL , Oen. Paaaenror Agt. Ohletgo j W. J. DAVBNPOBT , Oen. Agent , Oonncll Dtntft. II. P. DCKLL. Ticket | Arl. | < O' SHORT LINE or THE lilwankee & St , Paul RAILWAY Is now running Ita FAST EXPEES3 TRAINS from OMAIIA AND COUNCIL 'BLUFFS ' WITH Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers AND THK- Finest Dining Oars in the World IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO OHIO A GO * MILWAUKEE. Or to anv point bovond ; or IF YOU ARE GOIHG NORTH To ' BT. PATH , OR MIHIVEAFOLIB Take the BEST ROUTE , the Chicago , Milwaukee &St , Paul R'y Ticket office located In Paxtoi UoUl , at corner Farnarn anoFourteenth street * and at U , P , De pot and al MUIard Hotel , Omaha. tfBto Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Airent. Q. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. B. 8. MERRILL , A. V. U. CARPENTER , General Manager. General Pan. Agent J. T. CLARK , GEO. H. IIEAFFORD , General Sup't As't Don M. Aern GRATEFDL-COMTORTraa OOOiJA BREAKFAST , "By a thorough knowledge of the natural luni vhlch govern the operation ! of digestion am nutrition , and by a careful application of Ihi Ine properties of well-srlected Cocoa , Mr , Eppl baa provided our breakfiat tablet with i delicately flavored beverage which may tivo M many heavy doctors' till * It It by the Jndlclool nse of tuch articles erf diet that a conatltatiot may be gradually built up until stronir enootl ta leatit every tendency to dlaeate. Uundredi of tattle maladlet are floating around ni lead ] to Utack wherever there la a weak point. Hi may escape many a fatal shift by keeping oar telve * well fortified with pure blood and a prop illy Banrlah d frame. " Civil tterrlce Guttte. lUd clmply with boding water or milk Bo d a tint lv ( J-lb and Ib ) , by Otaeai , labtled JAMBS HPPB ft OO. , MI it lr London. COUNCIL BLUFFS ADDII ION AL LOO AL NEWS The License Question. Mayor Bowman , Aldermen Selden- .opt , Wood and Elchor ivro deserving of all honor for their noble contest against the redact Ion of saloon licenses. The men who have the best saloora are not anxious to have the city filled with a lot of whisky shanties * Wo liopo thb aldermen will stand firm Mjainst any reduction. COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL BLUFFS MARKET. Corrected dally by J. Y. Fuller , mer chandise broker , buyer and shipper of grain and provisions , 39 Pearl street. WHEAT -No. 2 spring , 70o ; No. 3,63 ; rejected 50c ; tcood demand. CORN Dealers paying 333 ; rejected corn Chicago. 45o ; new mixed. 48c ; white corn , 85c. The receipts of corn are light , OATS Scarce and in good demand ; 35. HAY 4 00@C 00 per ton. RYE 10c ; light supply , CORN MEAL 1 25per 100 pounds. WOOD Good supplyv prices all yards , 5 00@6 00. COAL Delivered , hard , 1100 per ton ; soft. E 50 per ton. BuTTJtn Plenty and In fair demand ; 25c ; creamery , 80c. Eoas-Ready sale and plenty at 13o per dozen. LABD Falrbank's. wholesaling at 13c. POULTRY Firm ; dealers paying 13o per pound for turkeys and lOo for chickens. VEGETABLES Potatoes , 45c ; onions , IJOc ; cabbages , 30@40o per dozen ; apples , 2 60 @ 3 50 per barrel. City flour from 1 CO to 3 40. BBOOMB 2 00@3 00 per dozen , BTOOK. CATTLE 3 00 ® 3 50 ; calves 500@750. Hoas Market for hogs quiet , as the packing houses are closing ; shippers are paving 5 GO to C 50. The grain dealers ara paving good prices for corn. Farmers can ? et from 33 to 35o now and farmers will do well to take advantage of these prices. The dealer * continue to pay these prices , notwithstanding a marked decline at al the other points. .ETNA IN ERUPTION. Tho'Flory ( Mountain Which Has Excited - cited Wonder and Awe In All ( Recorded Time. The cable nowo ha s it that the gloat volcano of Sicily , Mt. vEttia , has again opouod its throat and belchoc forth devouring flame , the eruption being aoo'jtnpanled by an earthquake which has destroyed several houses. The dispatch la provoking ! ? meegor , but there IB enough of it to sugqoul the horrors of the event. The fiery mountain and ita geographical belongings - ings occupy an iramonso territory , oighty-Bt-vun mllen iu oircumter- once. But lying beyond these limits have not been far enough away to escape u vial ! from the burning lava. All aronnc tholovr r hfllt of th mountain group , of which . -K-na is the chief are clut tered to TUB and vllnpon , orohurdo , vineyards and olive groves. 'IVo de composed lava furnlahoo a rich soil In which all forms of vogotnblo life flour ish with the minimum of uttuntion from the former. It is for this ra- son that the Sicilian farmers , undis mayed by the possible danger which may come upon them at a moment without warning , pursue their calling hero , a further Inducement being the delicious climate. Higher up on the mountain is a bolt six or uovon mllbs wide of foroot in which are found cork troeu , with chestnut , pine , oak and other varieties , all of great size. Hero , toola fine pasturage. Sill higher up id the region of eternal ice abdanow , wherb no7egtation'ls fount bat"whWubpHo | the reglona.below with'tbe''aeoaed moisture , andjrher ( may bo' bar vetted toe for the Use ol ' the people' In the villages. From the month on the summit of 'the moun tain which la In fact a series of vol canoes , 'eomo of which have from time added their flames tp those of their chief there rise continually clouds 01 sulphurous smoke , while deep grnmb- llngs suggest the seething commotion going oil in its depths. The record of the eruptions from this dovil'a furnaaa is long. Th firal entry is dated 700 years or so B 0 , The succeeding itoma note recurrences of this purgative effort of nature al varying intervals , sometimes of two hundred years. It was in the year 13 B. 0. that there occurred an erup tion and earthquake , which was be lieved to portend the death of Cajier , who , indeed was noon after slain it thecapltol. In 1109 A D the city Catania wrjj destroyed , with 15,000 persons , by one of the most disastrous ernptionn , with an accompanying earthqutks yet recorded. Occasion ally it has happened that thomountaln Itself has snllored from Ita own doings , the fitmlng month of the orator having wallowed huge portion * of the cone , thus rodaclug the height of the aaez. la 1809 there wu an eruption in which OaUnla WM over whelmed by tbo fiery cascade. The stream was estimated to bn fifteen miles long and two or throe miles wide , and its flow continued for eight weeks. Again , In lUOit , Cantanla was shaken to the ground , and 18 000 people wore destroyed by an eruption and earth quake , whleh did not. cea&o until fifty cities and towns in Sicily and 60,000 ; o 100,000 inhabitant wore BViopt 'rom existence. The record shows an increase in the frequency of the eruptions within the last three or four centuries , probably bocauao there has been a greater care taken In noting the events and pre serving whatever registry war made , rather than because of an actual in crease in the number. Although sovonty-nino eruptions have boon duly noted , the latest in the list being dated In 18G8. The volcano , whether quiescent or In action , has boon justly cillod "famous , " "immense , " "ter rible , " and has excited wonder and awe in all recorded time. REMEMBER THIS. If yon are sick Hop Bitters surely aid Nature 1" making yon neil when all else fails. If you are costive or dyspeptic , or are suffering from any of the numer ous diseases of the stomach or bowels , it is your own fault if yon remain ill , for Hop Bittora are a sovereign remedy in all snob complaints. If you are wasting away with any form of Kidney disease , stop tempting Death this moment , and turn for a euro to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible slnknoss Nervousness , yon will find n "BalminGilead"in tho-UHO of Hop Bitters. If yon are a frequenter or a resi dent of a miasmatic district , barricade your system against the scourge of all conntriea malaria , epidemic , bilious and intermittent fevers by the nse of Hop Bitters. If you have rough , pimple or sal low akin , bad breath , pains and aches , and feel miserable generally , Hop Bitters will give yon fair skin , rich blood , and sweetest breath , health and comfort. In short they cure all diseases of the stomch , Bowels , Blood , Liver , Nerves , Kidneys , Bright's Disease. $50o will bo paid for a case they wil not cure or help. That poor , bedridden , invalid wife , is tor mother , or daughter , can bo made the picture of health , by a few bottles of Hop Biltors , coating but a triflo. Will yon lot thorn Buffer ? The host preparation of Iron a doc tor can proscribe Is Brown's Iron Bit ters , because it aoos not injure the teeth as other iron medicines will. A KlBNDISi PLOP. An Unsuccessful Attempt to Destroy tbo Lafllu& Buna Works Dls-3 covered Gravels in tbo Cake. NEW YOKK , March 3D. What la thought to have bnon a deliberate plot to plow up the Liilln & Hand powder works , at Slngaok , Passaln county , N. J , near thu Mountain Yiow station on the Dalawato , Liokairauna & Weotorn railroad , was discovered on Wednesday hi time to prevent the demolition of the buildings and the probable loss of several lives. The works consist of a number of small buildings , connected by a tramway. The ingredients of the powder are ground eeparatoly , and thou sent tc bo mixed , and the mixture pressed into largje cakes in the "wheolhonso.1 These are taken to the corning-mlll , where they are broken into' Inmrji. The lumps are , In dllTarent buildings further on , granulated Into the re quired sizes and finished. The discovery of Wednesday wan made by an employe named Kelly , who , aa ono of the cakes was about tc be soot to the aorulng-mill , noticed a pebble in it. This is a source of dan ger carefully avoided , as the contact of the flint with the iron broakoro in the ccrnlug mill is certain to produce a spark. Kally removed part of the cake and found a handful of gravel in it. Suspicion was aroused , and the works wore at once stopped. It seemed certain that the gravel ranit have boon put into the cake by do- slign , as thoru was so largo a quantity of it , and that It must have boon put in at the wheolhonso whore it could bo safely done , as the pressure there Is not sufficient to cause sparks. The motive ascribed by thoeo who suspect a deliberate attempt to blow the works up is jealously on the part of some of the older hands towards some new men , powdormakors 'Of ex perience from Ohio , who had been put In place of some discharged workmen , The old hands who remained did netlike like thb. The Ohio men point to the fact that moat of their number were employed about the cornlng-mlll , vher * tbo explosion would naturally tab * place. The facts wore kept very quiet for two days. An investigation Is In progress , with a vlow to appre hending the supposed conspirator or conspirators. The lost explosion at the Lilltn & Rind powder works was In December , 1882 , when throe em ployes wore killed. Its cause has c /cr been ascertained. Butter Exports. Dispatches from Washington state that reports of the bureau of statistics show a very marked decrease oi experts - ports of butter. Comparing the ex ports for the ton months ending on February 28 , 1883 , with those of the corresponding ton months of the pre vious year , It appears that the amount exported fell from near 10,000,000 : ounds to about 7,600,000 Donuds. The New York Commercial 15 allot In says ; There was reason to suppose that oven of this diminished quantity a considerable portion was really Imita tion butter , and this , of course , makes the foreign outlet for the product during the period named shrink oven Into still more Insignificant proper tlons. As shown a few days ago , this unfortunate result is clearly duo to the mistaken policy of the producers in keeping back their stocks at a period when every reasonable effort should have boon made to keep business in motion. With the still oxjsting an tagonlsm to western ladle-worked which woi created a couple of seasons ago and inability to find a margin at the prices asked for.bottor goods , shippers pors have lot American butter severely alone during the past season ; and while the shipments within a week or two have increased a trifle , It is only because an Immense ahrlnkago on value has induced a few ventures In this lino. OI what may bo called fairly useful butter for the export trade holders have become free sellers for about half the price they askoc originally , and at 38 ] per cent loss than could probably have boon ob talned ; while stock on which the deterioration In quality la greater has sold by the ton at 10@llo. and there is more loft seeking a market. A steady marketing of goods fresh from the churn at a fair average price would unquestionably have averted In great meaiare the disastrous condition of affairs now current , ai well as given a serious blow to the nalo of substi tutes. Will producers hood the les son ) Money for the Unmarried. One of the most solid and substntla institutions in this country Is the jlar rlage Huml and Mutual Trust Association , of Cedar Haplds , Iowa. They are organ Ized uuilor the laws of Iowa , and heir of ficers and directory nre among the loading and moat prominent business men o Oedai Hnulds. Kvory unmarried person shoulc have a certllicitn In this weoclntlon. It Is a splendid Investment , aa safe rat government Load. You can Juntas wcl have a good sum of money to commence married life on at ) not. A large number o members have been paid off , receiving over 300 per cant on their lavoetmont.Vrito for circulars fully detailing the plan , which is the finest known. Do not postpone it Good gent wanted. Mention where you saw this notioH. f5-Jm. ! A Uig Novadu Wildcat. On Sunday night last , as Dante Tyur and Dill Dye were etrolllngabou a mile from their home , nanr Wallace Calavoras county , they hoard thol dogs making a nolau a shor distance away. On reaching the scone of the trouble tlu y found that the dogs hod treed n monstrous wildcat The cat seemed to feel quite secure and it stretched itself at full lougtl along ono of the branches of the tree and turned Its half sleepy looking eyes on the dogs beneath. Tyor got his shot-gun loaded with buckshot aa quickly as powlblu , and blaring away , knocked the wildcat off the limb to the ground. A. terrible fight at once ensued between the animal and the besiegers. It soon vanquished the dogs , and then started for the younf men. Tyer was just as quick as the cat. Ho had but ono charge in his gun , and he know ho must put that whore It would do the most good , As the cat made a spring Tyer Qrod , kill ing the Infuriated animal. The cat weighed a hundred pounds. It was 24 inches In height acd 4 feet in length , and measured 38 Ineh'esaround the body. jTirKlnlaCUy Chronicle. Thn IDnotor'i Endorsement. Dr. W. 1) . Wright , Clnclnn tl , O. , sends the pubjolned profetfclnnnl endorio- ment : "I have pre-crlbod DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM I'ORTHK LUNGS in a great numbei cf canes uud always with euccena. Oue can ) In particular was given up'by several phyelcUns who bad been called In for consultation with my self. The patient had all the symptoms of confirmed consumption cold night sweat * , hectic fever , harosalng cough , etc. He commenced imuitdlittely to get better and Wfli soon restored to hli luual health , I also found DU. WM HALL'S UAL- BALI FOll TIIK LUNGS the most valuable - able expectorant for breaking up distress ing coughs and colds that I have eVer aied. " 31.deodlw A friend to the rich and poor. A medicine that strengthens and heals , ii Brown' * Iron Bitten. Rejoice , rejoice , "Ho Is nllvo Again , " "Wat Lost , but It Found. " Under data of July 0,1882 , Mr , K.B Jright of Windsor Locks Conn' , writes a. ilaln modest narrative , which , from IU very simplicity , has tbo true ring of fine old , Ho says : "My father Is using Hunt's Kemody and corns to bo improving , In fact , ho Is very much bettor than he has been for a long imo. Ho had been tapped three times. Fho first time they got from him sixteen quarts of water , the second tlmo thirteen | u rU , and fully as much moro the third Imo , and ho would constantly fill up Again every time after ho had been tapped , until 10 commenced utlni ; Hunt's Kemody , which acted like magic In hit case , as he jcgun to Improve at once , and now his watery accumulation passes away through .ho secretions naturally , and ho has none of that swelling or filling up which was so fre quent before the functions of the kidneys were restored by the use of Hunt's Rem edy , Ho fa a well-known citizen of this place and has always boon in business here , " Again he writes , Nov. 27 , 1882 , "I beg most cheerfully and truthfully to staU , in regard to Hunt's Bomody , that Ita use WAS the saving of my father's life , I spoke to you in my previous letter In re gard to his being tapped three times. Is the most remarkable case that has over been heard of In this section. For a man of his ape ( sixty years ) It Is a most remarkable - able cure. Ho Imd been unable to attend to his business moro than a year , and was given up by the doctorri. "Tho first bottle of Hunt's Ilemody that he use ! gave Instant relief. He bos used in all seven bottle ) , and continues to use it whenever ho feels drowsy nr sluggish , and It affords instant relief. He is now atten ding to his regular business , and has been several mouths. I am perfectly willing that you should publish this letter , as we thoroughly bellere that father's life was saved by using Hunt's Kemody ; and these facts given above may bo a benefit to oth ers suffering In like manner from diieasei or inaction of the Kidneys and Liver. " Vo notice the Marriage Fund , Mutua Trust Association , of Cedar llaplds. Iowa , highly spoken of In many of the ieadlnj papers of the state. "Money for the Un married" hoods their advertisement in another column of this paper. fS-Sm A Skin of Beauty It Joy Fore r. DR. T FELIX GOTJRAtJD'S Oriental Dream or Magical Boau- tifler , ei Tan. Plmplei Ftcoklct , pro pa ra tion 11 pro perly inot'e Accept no counterfeit of similar name. The dlstlngutahid Dr. L. A , Bayre , said to a lady of the IIAUT ON ( a jntlcnl ) : "As you ladles will \ > o them , I recommend 'O urtud's Cream' aa the least harmful of all the Skin preparations. " Ono bottle will lust six months , using It every day. Alno t'oudro Jub. tllo removes tupcrlluous hair without Injury to the bklu. IllMK. H IJ. T. GOURAUD , So'e prop. , 48 Bond 8t , , N * Y. For a to by all Drurglsta and Fancy Goods Doalera throughout the United Btatoa , Canada and Kurop . jtdTilowaro of bane Imitations. $1,000 reward for arrest and proof of any ono selling the tamo. J I4.woow-me 2t ew-6m DE HENDERSON A rfjiuUr gradual , in modi Ine. Over 1 C09 It C03 Wy " ( l1tt St , \ oars' practice i : KA SAS OITV : , MO In Chicago. Authorized by the itite ti troa ChronlcNcr < ou and Private dla canon , A ihuia EpIVpty , Itbeu matlim , Vlin , Taue W rm , Urln rya d Skin Ulwiscs , UIMINIL 'WKARNIWS ' ( nlthl losses ) Stiuii , DBBIUTY , ( lots of texuai power ) Etc. Cures ituar antecd or money reluudud , C' ' ri , ' n lo , Thou tanda of cues cured. No Injurious medicines uted No deteUlon from builncw. Al > n ell clnes furnlahe 1 een to patient * at a dlttance Consultation free ahd co iddiintlal call or write Age andeiperlenceare Importtut A DUOK to both texts IIIustrat d and clroilais of oih r thlmrs nt teiUJ for two 3c ktampt. FREE DR. WHITTIER , B17 St Churl * * St. BT. X.OUIB IXa A REGULAR GRADUATE ol two medic * eoll > been longer engaged In the treat ment of OHllONIO , NKB7OUB. SKIN ANC DLOOD Dlteaeoa than any other phi tlclan In Bl Louis aa city papers show and all old resident know. Coneultatlon free and Invited. When I It Inconvenient to visit the city for treatment modldncn can bo tent by null or exproeg every where. Carable CMet ( faaraateed ; where deut exlttH It It frankly utatod. Call or write. Nervaofl prostration , Debility. Mentn > uJ 1'hyaloal Wealtnesa , Mercurial anc other , ftllectlotm _ _ _ . of Throat. Hit I a and Hopes" Blood Impuritlea and Blood 1'oUoulnx Hliln Affections , Old Borea and UloeTt" IinpedlmenU to Marriage. ItheumatlanT I'lles. Bpeclal attention to panes frou over-worked brain. BUKUIOAL OA8KE reoalve special attention. Diseases arlalnt from Impru'lenoe , Kiooasea , inilnlgenoei MARRI A . ( I elptjwhomtymar ; . 7 > "no n r no' , why , ' " * * JUatlFJEJ. caua t. conteauenoii tad can. Beal d for 28o potUgi or lUmpt. CURES SCROFULA , do. SORES , do. ULCERS , do. BOILS , do. ERUPTIONS , do. CATARRH , do. ECZEMA , do. RHEUMATISM , do. SKIN DISEASES , do. BLOOD DISEASES , SWIFT'S SPECIFIC REMOVES ALL TAINT , HEREDITARY OK 07IIERWIHE. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC IS THE GREAT KLOODKEMEIW OF THE AOK. WrIUfor full particular' , and little book MCI- ica to the Unfortunate Suffering. " W-ll.OOU Reward will ho paid to any Dhemlat who will find , on anal ) tls of 100 bottles of 8. S. S. , ono pnrtlcto of Mercury , Iodide of Potassium , or other Mineral tubatanco. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Proprietors , Atlanta. Qa. Price of Small Slio , 9 1,00 Large Size 1.78 BOLD DY ALL DHUOOtSTS. COL. L. T. FOSTER. i lYonngitown , Ohio , May 10 , IBS * . TO * 0. J. KIHDAU , * Co. I had a Tory vain * bit Hamblotonlan cell thatlprliod very highly , ht had a large bone iptvln on ono Joint and I tmall one on th * other which made him very lam ; Ihad him under the charge of two etei. ( nary surgeons which failed lo core him. I wai one day reading the Advertisement of Kendalll Spavin Care In Iho Chicago Expro , I determined lonce to try It and got ourdrogglits hori l tend for It , and they ordered three bottles ; I took all and I thought I would give It a thorough trial. I used It according to directions and tht fourth day the colt oeatod to be lame and tht lamp * have dltappeared , I used bnt one boltlt and the colt'e limbs are at tree ol lompt andt i tmooth as any horse In th ttate He It entlri- ly ouitd.r The cure wan to remarkable that havfllottwoof njy neighbors have the teual Ing two bottlMnbo are now nslnglt Vnv tMipnaUaQy , L , T. rOSTEH lind lot Uiunutiv jiicuiar giving poaUIri pioof Pile tl. All Urnifjfldi b ve II or cat getttforvou. Dr. U. J Kendall ft Cot. Pro- nrlotan * . Rnoibnnct ftllr , VI. BOLD PY < * r.i , oh ttif ll > t tlnM.i'nli. n you * * itntto fcvftlf HOP "nUttr * If yini r j Tiry o rlea ol tlnirf > , nil ' , 'Hj"Mlt1' uvo'b rilT on HooRoitturi. W.o < tn yonvrr. whenever 1 ou fn I . trial jour Mcin t nroi ! ' . V I , , f I > i Jld t'HIIlMt.H , till. rtlKRW itiuit oilxr" . .inor tliiiulutln * / ) * it * u J4ir iT ' ra > I LJ t f irah'r ' a i. . Jlllni , illU'UlO Ik U kUClOth ( if ti fomac/i ( onrft. tloorl. ttOP iiltfcurr ' tot tiKrornmxl drut'unntur. Uit > O OptUXU YOD will lie fur Jlf inuuie ; nuooUoi. Bf Hop lltt r Oolloydrcj pi/ weak und Iow > rilrlUdtr7 NEVER Ciraulu. lit It may nvc your FAIL ! life. It hat aved hun dredir [ JtToit < ,0 l. .DOCTOR SUPPOSITORIES ! The Great Popular UqmoJy tor Pllei. Bare cure forBllnd , Blnodlng&ItobingF And alf forma of Hemnrrhodal | Tumpn , Theae BqnesrroJUiii ; act directly upon tht coat * of the Blood Vessels , and by their aitrlngenl effect * gently fore * the blood from the iwollin tumors , andby making the coaU of the velni ttrong , prevent their refilling , and hence a radi cal cure Is sure to follow their u j. Price , TB cents a boi. For sale b alldnwgltt * . or sent by DOCTOR STETNIIART'S ESSENCE OF LIFE. FOR OLD AND YOUNO , Hits IND FRUILI. It laaauro , prompt and ellcctual romeds or digestion. D > tipepiila , InUrmlttent Fe\c , Want of AiiK | > tlte , Nenoiu Debility In all lUStagei JJ cak Memory , Lowi of Drain Power , Prostration. tVuiKncna ami Kvnural Luna of Power , It repalrt nerront waste , tojmenatcs the faded Intellect itrrriKlitheni the enfeebled brain and restore ! turprls nif t-ine and vigor to the exhausted or < L-ana. The uxH > rlcnce of thousands proves It to bo an Imaluablarcrnwly. Price , 31.00 a bottle. or tlx or * 5. For Kiloby all , or sen lucure from observation on receipt of price bv Dr. Stolttlia.P. . O. Box 240O 8t L.nnl Ain. PERSONAIj "Parts of the human bed nranteJ , devolopSl and itrengtneDed , " etc Ii an InUretrtlns adrert roent loog run In'ou. piror. In reply to .nqu-riet - wo wlU sti thl Uiere oo evidence ( humbug about th" ihe contrary , the advertrs ! a ? very high Joreed Interesied peoont nay get teafed culart giving all parilcuUra , glvlnV Jl J lart , by addr dn Krle MeiucklOc. . P 0' 018. nuSaloN. Y.-Toledo * , , Bi '