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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1883)
THE DAILf BBri-OMAHA WEDlSESDA ? JANUARY 17 . 'he Nebraska National Bank Of OmMha , Nob. tfalcl up Capital , - - - - 8350.000 DIKEOTOBS t R. JOHNSON , l'ie lJentofBto . , JohnMa A Co. . E. TOUZAL1N , Ylct Frcddent , of 0. , B. & Q R. 11. , llOTton. If. V. JIOIISK , of W , V. Mono ft 00. , OHN S. COLLINS , of 0 , 11. & J. S. Collins. M. WOULWOUTH , Counsellor 8 Attorney-- Law. S. HKF.D.oI Bjrron Kwd & Oo. W. YATKS , Owhlcr , lat Cwhler of the first National Bank of Oumha , ami conrn > tted with the ctlo nuiUKctuent of that lUnlt elnce It * In 1SC3. huslnowi April 27 , 18S2 , with Ihi t capital of any bank In Nebrmka. receive spi clat attention and ch r yet lono-'t obtainable lurn ur elsewhere. iHTKKnar allowed on tlmo deposits upon favoi > blo Vjtucfi and upon nccounW of lnk and liinV r . FORKIOH KXCIUKQII , Government Bonds , nf County and 01 y securities bought and Bold. It Is ( iroparod to do a general IwnKlri ? bufllcon In all 111 Jot ills , uJ In tlio treatment of custom ers will pursue the moat liberal policy cotislctonl affbanklnr FIHANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. Special Dispatch to Tin DUE. Niw YOBK , Junnory 16. r Money3@ G percent , cloalni ? ottered at 2 per coot. Prime Mercantile Taper 5i < gfiJ per cent. Sterling Exchange Banker * ' bilLs iU ly at $4.82 ; demand , $4 8G Produce exports for the week , 57,007- 000. Governments Weak. Ihe stock market developed more strength than yesterday. There was a gradual upwud movement of prices with out even any fractional reaction , and although the tdvanco was not large , and the vuliune of business comparatively small , theio was apparently a more confi dent feeling. The stock market was ntrong daring tbo last hour of buoineae , and for thatmitter throughout the day. There wu scarcely a fiao'.ionnl reaction through out the entire day. la the last hour pricea advanced J@ } per cent for so stocks , but for most of them were quiet and firm at the highest pricc.sof the dv. The net result of the day's buamesi wa < an important increase in the volnme of ' / business aud an advance in prices of from ' ( i to 22 per cent. aOVKBNM&NTS. Ycalcrdiy. To-day. 3'a 103i 103 } 6'a lO.'t lr-4 4Va Coupons 118 | 113' 4's ' 1U > J 1193 I' ' Pacif : : O'B of 189b 11:9 : 129 BONDS. Ooatral Pacific first * 1134 113J Erie uocouda 9G.J 97 LehJKh & Wilkesbarro 104 j 10 I Louisiana consols Vi'i ' < i MlMouri G's HOj 1,0 St. Juneiih U94 ] ( ! St , Paul & Sioux City firsts. 11 ? ; 113 ; Tennenuon G'a 43 41 do new 41 41 Toxad & Pacific land grants. , fill f > 8j do K. O. div. . . . Hi c5 Unbn Pacific 1st mortgage. . 113113 § do land grants..119J lla ' ( do sinking fund. . 119 119 Virginia G'H 3" > 35 do consols 6's 55 55 do deferred 13 12 j STOCKS. Adams Express 131 133 Allegheny Central 112 112 i Alton & Terre Haute M4 51J / do pfd. . . . f3 9J ' American Express 91 91 Burl. , Cedar Kapida & North. 82 82 Canada Southern 67 J 07J fi Col. , Ciu. & Ind. Central..10H 101J $ Central Pacific 1818 8r > i Chesapeake & Ohio 22 } -24 do 1st pfd. . . 33 * 33A do 2d pfd. . . 25 21 $ Chicago & Alton 13G ISGj do pfd 140 140 Ohl. , Burl. & Quincy 124J. 121g Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 79 79 Oin. , S.nd. & Cleveland 49 4'J Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 78J 79 Delaware & Hudson c'/Aal. . . . 107 10S Del. , Lack. & Western 1254' 1273 Denver & Kio Grande 45j 14bg iiJ T ' Erie 4i'i 4U $ do pfd 82 , 82 | Eftft Tennessee ! > . , ' ! U do preferred 17t 174 Fort Wayne & Chicago 1KG ISti Hannibal it St. Joseph 41 4. > do pfd. . . fcO 7 * > Heriem 19G llltl Hcustonit Texas Central. . , . 75 71 ! Illinois Central 145i' 140J Ind. , Bloom. & Western 83i 31 Knmas& Texas 33 34 Lake Krio & Western 31i Hli Lnko bhoro & MioLigan So. . , llIJ ! 113 , , Louli\llla It Nftbhvifle 5 8 TiGJ ' ' Loul ' . , New Alb. & Chic vo M ) 02 Mart-lta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 10 10 do do 2d pfd 5J 6J JIernrhia& * Charlooton 47 ? 48J Mich'pft" ' Central 98 USJ Micneanolis & St. Louia. . . . 2sl 2Hi do pfd. G4J GH Missouri PaclBo 103 ( 102,5 , Mobilo&Ohio 118 119 f Manhattan Beach 122 lU'J i , Morrfj&Esflox GO Gl | 3 New Jersey Central 71i 731 l > Nashville & Cliattanooga 48& 48 Northurn Pacific < 8J 49 do pfd gr. } 8.W f North-veetoro 134J 131 | tlo pfd 148 * 14SS New York Coatral 1271 17 ; ) Ohio Central ISj 13j Ohio & MUiaslppi 31 III * do pfd 90 90 j Ontario ft Western 27 2GJ Oregon Transcontinental , . . . . 85 .Hoj ) Paciuo Moil 4IS 42 Panama 1G7 1G7 Peoria , Decatur & Evanav. . . " 7 2GJ ' "ittsburg A Cleveland 1392 140 Pullman Palace Oar 123J 121 Keadlni ; C5 SGi Kocc ! Inland 12.jl 12jJ Ht. Louis & San Fran 33 33 do pfd. . . . 51 51 do 1st pfd 99 92 } St. Paul ft Milwaukee Vm 1071 do pfd.,121i 12lj ! St. Pan ) , Minn. & Manitoba 143 14311 Bt. Paul & Omaha 02 B2J dj pfd lilt 111 Texas ft Pacific 4i'J 11 Union Pacific 101 10l { United States Exprexs CO 03 Wabaab , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 35i MJ do pfd. & | J 55 , ' Wells , Fargo & Co. Express. 125 125 V/ustcrn Union Telegraph. . . 83i 83 < CariboH 1 ? 1 ? Control Arizona j J-J Excelblor 1 1 Homcatnko 18 18 ( Little Pittaburs 1 1 Ontario 31V .HJ Quicksilver 8 8 do pfd 38 3(1 ( Boblnvm 1 1 BllverCliff V South P-idao 9 10 Standard Gi lil Butro i J 01Tere < l fKx. Intoreat. : Aaked. IlKx. Dividend. _ FOKIUQN FINANCE. Special Dispatch to Tun Hits. LONDON , LONDON , January 1G. 5 p. m. Con. sols , money , 1 01 7-1G ; console , account , * United S'r.t w Bone ! * Xew5'a cxtendac United States Railroad Securities- Illinois Central , 160 } ; PcDinylvinl Cen tral , C7J ; New York Centra * , 131J ; Krte , 41J , Amount ol bullion gone In , 19,000. PRODUCE ! & PRO VISIONS. Special DlipAtchd to Tin ( In. OHICAI10. CHICAGO , Jantiuy 10 Vl ur-Mir > ket steml ) ; common to cholcr ( t > nnn wheat * , 3 60@5 60 ; coinuum to fancy Minnesota. 4 00(26 ( 1 0 : p/itentu / , 6 fX3@ " 00 ; winter wheatf , 4 50@5 f > 0 ; xmithem Illinois. I r > nft5fOia.tiiu1n , 4 fi@riio. ( Wneut Quto' : regular , lMc for.Tnnuary ! "SJ'a'JSVo ' I r F" nmry ; UUjfalWii t , r March ! 1 05oUO ( fi 3 f ir Mn > ; Xo 2 Chi- oio | wprlig , 'JifalHjc for ovh ; nut snine is reiuhr ; No , 3 Culcjgo spring , 85. ; bo. 2 red win cr , 1)13 ) * Corn Sir miter mill Irrccn'nr ' ; 02i@C2Jc br cash sail Juinmrj ; f > iii)5rjjj ) for Ke runrj ; nij ) for Mftrnh ; . fiJOffnio for May. Oils Inner ; MSo fnruli ; SfljJ I for Titminry ; Stijc lor Fcbnury and iMarcli ; JSJj for Ma , . liio Firmer ; ( > 0 < ? COlc. Uuley Pirintti ; Su'o. Vax Seed liarket dull ; 1 i7J in store. I'urlc Ixiwcr : 17 F7V < ai7 40 for cih and .1 muarv : 17 47Jsl ( ? fin fur 1'Vbruarj ; 17 C"J@17 70 for Miirchl" ; S0@17 8 ' for Aprii ; 8 00 bid for M j : 18 10@1H 12J for Jim ) . Lartt Livrpr ; 10 G2J(210 ( C'i for cit > h and Jammt ; lO " 2J@Ui7t" > inr Kebuary ; 10 Bi 01087 } for March : 10 OL'i@109J for April ; II Or. . ® ll 07J for May. Hulk iMeata In Mr demand ; ) -houlder- , G CO ; short ribs , J 05 ; short clear , 0 30 , Uuttor Steady ; croimory , 25@3t ' ! dairy , KOOIJ to fancy , 23 < a,33e Etfgs Firmer ; 2tia27o. ( Whisky SU-ady ; 1 10. CALL UOAIID. Wheat Strone n > J ilgher f xcept .liiuuiy regular ; l > HJi bid 'or .luuuarj ; 5)3Jo ) for Febiuary ; 1 OOJ lor Alarcn ; 107 fur.Nlay. Corn Active , firm and hiehe ; G2Ja for January ; f Go forFebruarj ; 54Jaf rM rcb ; 50 0 for May. O ta Active , firm nnd higher ; 372c f r Jnuunrj : 37Sc for February ; 37 o fur March ; 39io lor May. 1'nrk Uemiind fair and pricp higher ; 17574@17 GO for Kobruarj ; 17 77j for .March ; 17 U2J@17 UJ for April ; 18 05 ® 18 07J L rd-Hi.her ; 10 75@10 77J for Ktb. ruarv ; 10 74or March ; 10 J74 for April ; HC74@U10forMBj. NE.V YORK. N w YORK. January Hi Floor Firmer ; superfine state and wnatern , 3 40@3 SO ; common to good extra , 3 7"-l ( 40 ; good to ch ilce , 4 r > 0@7 00 ; white wheat , extra , G 25@7 US ; ex' Ohio , 3 80@G fiO ; St. Louin. : i 80J ( 75 : MicneMutn patent pro- co'c , 5 G0@7 GO. Wheat Opened weak , hut afterwards lecatuo firmer and advanced l@lo clus- eg firm ; No. 2 Bprinc , nominal ; bard Hprltig , 1 2unRrAded : red , SSBU 10 ; No. } red , 1 l. @l 10 ] ; uteamcr No. 2 red , 1 0H ! ; NoJ. red , 1 1VJ@1 14fc N . 1 red , 1 ISfml 1UJ ; unrfiadel white , 1 05@1 1G ; steamer No. 2 white , 01 Ja ; No. 1 white , 10,100' bushels P'ld at 112 ; No. 2 red 'or .Fnnuary. I'.lj.COO buaheln sold at 1 12S@l l i. iloMug at 113 ; do for Fobru-ry , GUJ.OOO bn-hols sold nt 1 131 © ' 131 , elortngat 114 ; do. for March , blS.COU bushp's ' sold at 1 15J@1 1GJ , olnn ng at 1 Hig ; do. for April. 128,000 bushels Hol < 4 wr 1 177-10 ® ! IS J , cluBlm } itllHJ ; do. fir M \ , 723,000 bu-heis aold M 1 17'1 , 1 ! " , closing at 1 1 ! Corn Uttsh gr.idej I'o Jc higher ; options ipenod weak , hut aiterwnnls advanced I@4P closinif otront ; ; ungraded. ( i3@71c ; No : t. G faG , ; stwamer , itSGI n : No. - ' , G7i ( , bV8o iu elevator ; old I\i' . 2 , 70o in uteviuor ; No. 2 for January , G74fel7Jc ! , oloHinir nt G7JJ ; do. for t'ohriuiy , ll ) j ( fGyi : closing ut G7ic ; do. for March , GJfe GGjo , closing at Cu 1 ; do. for April , closing at Gtijc ; do. for May , , cloaiug at Goic. aw @pj belter nnd fairly active ; nined western , 44@47c ; white western , Hay Quiet , but firm ; G5o. KgkTH Fresh weutern , firm for choice , 9c. 1'ork Active and firm ; IS 5C@18 75. Beef Quiet , but steady ; 18 1 0@18 25 Cut MeuU Dull aud weali ; long clear middles , 9 37J. Lard Stronger ; prime Bteam , 11 00 © 11 05. Butter Dull and drooping ; lG@40c. Cheese Quiet , but turn ; wt stern flit , 7@13ic. RT. LOUIS. ST. Louis , January 10. Flour Quiet ; familr , 4 10@4 95 ; choice , 4 G0o)4 ( ) 70 ; fancy , 4 85 10. WW-liigher ; No. 2 red fall , 1 014 @l 01J for onah : 1 01 @ 1 02 for Januiry ; 1 Ollal 02 j f jr February ; 1 03J@1 04 f > r March ; 1 0i > @l C5 | for April ; I Otij@l | 074 for Muy ; No. 3 lull. ! Uc. Com Higher nnd fairly active ; 4S@48io 'or cash ; 484@ ' < 8e for February ; 4yjc for March ; 50Jpi50 ( o for May. Oata Hither und inactive ; ? .Si@38io for ca h ; iSjo for January ; 48J@ 18io for'May. Kye Jligher ; C7 'o. linrley Iteadj ; Gu@85c. ISut'er Steady ; creamery,3G@10c ; dairy , Steady ; 21@22c. Whisky Stead } ; 114. Pork -Market dull uml easier ; 17 25 for xh ; 17 Hi bid for March ; 17 GO bid for M iy. Hulk Meals Mnrkol easier ; lung clear , i feO ; short ribs , h hj ; short clear , 9 25. Bacon Market uull ; short rib , 10 23 ; short clear , 10 5ft. Imd Nominully , 10 37J. AtTKitNOON ] 5oAll ) U'hoit CxcIted nnd hlKbar ; 1 023l 02J for February ; O 'igl Oj for March ; 107f a > \ OS for May. Corn Firm and active ; 48ic for Janu ary : 49@49ia for February ; 5Ugo for March ; Jfc 51o for May. Oats Strong and higher ; 38i@393 for January ; S.Sjo for February ; f hj@39c for May. KANSAS OUT. KANSAS CITY , January 1(5 ( Wheat- Steady ; No. 2 red , 834@8Gc for cash ; 85c bid for Fobrnary ; S5Jo bid for March , Corn Weak ; 40jo for cash ; lie bid for February ; 414 < 3 bid for March ; 43o bid for Mar. Oats Firmer ; 33e for cash. Butter Quiet ; ISj for good roll ; 20@21e for dairy. Egge Unchanged 21c. _ LIVE BTOOK Special KayatchM to Tin E . CIIIOAQO. OHIOAOO , January 10. Tha Drovers' Journal roprts OH follows : Ho s Market slow and weak at 510c decline ; quality of ofTericgi peed : miied. 85@G 35 ; heavy , G 15@G 85 ; light , 5 75 ® 35 ; skips , 4 00@5 10 ; conelderablo unsold. Cattle Moderately acti\e ; priced about eteiul > ; qmllty noor ; prime , G 00@G 30 ; good to choice shlppinc , 5 30M5 90 ; com- mnn to fair , 4 10@4 90 ; butchers' steady at 2 25@4 15 ; stnckora and feeders slow and steady at 3 15 ® I 45 , Sheen Oood to prime In modnrats sup ply and good demand at 1 75taJ5 75 ; com mon to medium dull nnd weak at.125@ 1 10 ; very weak rnd closed dull with n large number unfold. BT. LOUI3. Br. Loun. January 10. Cattle -Market weak ; qutlity rather poor and movement slow ; prices not quotably lower , however ; exports , r > 60(30 ( 00 ; good to cholco shipping - ping , 4 "Jfe5 JO ; light shlpplnjr. I 25 ® 4 75 : common t'j fair butcher * , 2 75@3 0 ; good to cboico do , 375(2,4 ( 50 ; etcetera and feeders , 3 50@ t 25. Sheep Market ' [ ulet , with a downward tendency , but not qiviUbly lower ; fair to fancy heavy , 1 00@5 50. lioya Market opened weak , but clo ecl stronKj l ht , 5 OOfeG CO ; packlrfg , G OOfe CiO ; butchers' to extra , G20gG ( 35. KAN'HAH CITT , KANSAH CITT , Januiry 10. The Live Stock Indicator re | > oit : Cittls Mirket steady ; native steers o 1,050 to 1,275 pounds sold at 1 001 40 stocltew and feeders , SCOgl 15 ; cowa , 2 J ! (3,3 75. H"g Lower and weak , ranging nt 5 SO @G 35 , with the bulk of lra at G 00(20 ( 2V Sheep Sieariys muttoua averaging SO pound * to d at 3 30. MHROBANDIdE. Spodat DltpatckM to Till Bit. NEW TORR , Nsw YOUK , January 1C Coffee Quiet ; IU ) cargoes quoted at Gl@9o. Snitar Dull ; f lr to goodrehulng quoted at f ) 470. lll ) l neo Qiilpti NPW Orloann , 40ffGlc ; Porto lUco , 4053c ; Kngllsh Island * , 40 © .Ulco-Demand alr ud market firm ; domestio , 5-i@7 ; Ilmig > on , 2Jc in bon < Petnilenm Murket dull ; United , 91 jc ; crude , OJg,73c ( : refinwl 7i@7fi3 , Tidluw Uriu : 81f28p. * i-Stcady ; 1 G0 ( l 67J. Ttirpentlnn .Market dull ud weakB2Jc. ; Laad Quirtcommon ; , 4 70 ; refined , 4 .Hi ) . LONDON. LeNIN , Jnnutry 1G. Petroleum , refined - ' -1 " " ' fined1 - Silili8 tnrper tine 38 9d@39j. WOOL , . ) p cUl Dlfi > tch t J Tun MIL 1ICHTON. BOSTON , , T nu rjr 1GThe demand for wool continues te iy and | rice * ire tin * chanvedUhloand ; ( IVnn vlv nlBU , S8@40a for X ; 40l'2o fnr XX ) 42i@45o for chnlce XX iidauove XXXMltnlg n nd WU- o > ueln In moderaia aemiml tt 37@S < f ir X ; comhlng and delaine quiet M 45@4Ga for fine delaine ; 4G@4Hj fur fine and No. 1 o tubing ; unwathod wool remain without change and continue to eell at n wide ran e of i rlcon A to the qu&llty and cou- dition , the principal buslueuR being in a range of 'J" > @ 3.'o for line and nudiuia grades C llornia ( wool ii in fIr demand and pricei unchangad ; pulled wool § , 4L'J IS ) for choice nastern nnd Maine supers , 25 g40o for common and good. Foreign wools quiet with no Bkles of any mporUnce. TBAPPIO. Spodkl Dliptcho to TUB nil. rLOUB AND QRA1NB. OHIOAQO , January 10. Receipts and shlpinouts of flour and grain for the past 24 hours have been as follows : llecelutn. Shlp'tn. Flour-bbls 14,000 19,000 Wheat bushels 32 000 39,000 lorn " 102,000 1GCOO Oats " 51000 llM.OtiO Kye " 9,500 3.GOO Barley- " 41,000 41,000 NEW YORK , January 16. Receipts and Hhipicents of ilour and grain for thu pust 21 hours have been as follows : Kocelpts Shp'ta. Flour-bbls 45,000 fi.OCO Wheat buahols 71,000 Corn " : t',0 < )0 52000 Data " 29,750 5GO ST. Louis , January 1C. - Receipts and ithiptnenU of Hour and grain for the past 24 hourn have been as follows : llcceiptn. Shlo'tn. Flour bbla 5,000 8,000 Wheat biuhbU 57,000 S.OOO lorn " 70.000 G9.000 Oata- " 13.00 ! ) HJM- " 2.001 1,0,0 Barley- " 8iOO KANHAS CITT , January 1(5 ( Keoelpts md shipments of grain for the past 24 iourti hate been as follows : Rco'ta. Ship'ts. Wheat , bunhels 22,000 2G.COO lorn " 41,000 52X ( > 0 LIV1C HTOCK. CuiOARO , January 1C. Receipts and shipmenU of live stock for the past 24 tours have been as follows : Reo'ts. Shipm'ts. Hogs 58.000 2,000 Cattle 17,000 2,300 Sheep 0,500 1,100 ST. Louis , January 10. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the past 24 bourn huvo boon as follows : Rco'ts. Shipm'ts. Hogs 5,500 1,000 Cattle 1,100 200 Sheep 1.4CO 150 KANSAS Cur , January 1C , Receipts and shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Reo'te. Shipm'ts. Hogs 8,8'.0 Cattle 903 Bheop 400 OMAHA MAKKETB. Wholcealo Friooi. OrioE or TUB OMAHA B c. \ Tuefday Evening , January IS J The only changes reported In the mar ket to-day are an follows : Bleached cotton declined i@lo. Carbon oil declined JCIc. White lead advanced Ic. Local Groin DoiillURO. WHEAT.- Cash No. 2 , SOo ; cvli No 3 , G74c ; rejected , 41c. BARLEY. Cash No. 2 , G9o ; No. 8 , 39e. 39e.RYK RYK Cash , 4Gs. NEW CORNI5o. . OATS-SSc. SEEDS Flax seed 9Go per bn. Produce And Provlilont POTATOES 50@55o per bushel. ONIONS 30@Gia ! per bushel. BUTTEKChoice country , 20@25c. KHGS 2.rffliGo. ) ( ! IKJNKY Oaliforaia. perlb , 21. APPLES Per barrel , S2 75@3 25. OYSTKUS-Booth's nud Plait's select oyster ? , lOc1 Standard , 30 ; modiuina , 23 , FLORIDA OUANJES-85 50. LEMONSSI 25ffl4 W ) per box. DEANS' Navy per busliel , 2 75@3 00. CHICKENS IL'o perlb. TURKEYS-13@15o per pound. Qrooera' Llat CANNED GOODS Oyntorn , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 94 00 ; do 1 Ir , ( Flold'a ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , 210 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 40 , raspberries , 2 Ib , per ease , 3 30. Dam. on > , 2 Ib , per cane , 2 45. Bartlett pears per case , 243 , Whortleberries per cose,275. Egg plums,2 tt percuie.a 90 ; Green gages,2 Ib ner case , 2 00 ; do choice , , Ib ( > or cane 4 50. Piue Applea , 2 Ib , per cunt 4 00@6 75 , Peaches , 2 Ib per eatte , 3 00 ; do 3 Ib , ease , 4 004 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 tt , per cave,230 ; do pie. 6 Ib , per dozen. 2 30 , Fli'JUR JobbluR prices , Jack Frost St. LouU winter ) 83.90 per 100 Ibs. ; To. neka Patent Kansas , 8.1.85 : Minnohaha. alinnPHota Patent , ? 3.70 ; Shawnee Fancy winter ? 3.10 ; Eagle. XXXX winter , 33.00 ; Triumph spring , bent , C2.80 ; Chris- lian'n Buprli tlve , 3.50 ; bran , per ton , fcK.OO ; chupjied feed. 828.X ( ) ; Queen Bee Ilour , pir mv L325 ; Nellie blye , per sack 29fl.baGARS baGARS Powdered. lOJo ; Cut lonf , lOic ; Gruuulated , 9JcBConfoctionerB' ; A , 9o ; Standard Krtru O. Stfc ; Extra C , 80 ; medium yellow , 74c ; dark y llow , 71 o. MEATS Hams per Ib. , 12Je ; BHlacon per Ib. , 13c ; clear side bacon per Ib. , lie ; dry salt ( Ides perlb. , 9Jc ; dry salt shoul. dersiHsrlb , 9j ; bacon ohouldcrs per Ib , , 8Jc ; tierce lard per Ib. , lie. m'lOKH.-Peppcr , 21j Alljplce , , I \i \i oo Nntme < f8' 81 ° ° ; .Oabsia,2 L\RD OmahaRefinlningCo. : Tierces. Ills ; 19 and 50-lb cans , ll o ; L'0-lb cann 12Jo ; 10-lb palla , ncrew top , 12c ; ,6-lb do , llSc ; 3 Hi do , 12Jc. RICE Louisiana prime to cholce5i@ ? 7j ; fair , Gc)7o ( ) ; Patma , Gic. riSII-No. 1 mackerel , half brli , 0 75 ; No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack- prel , half brLi , 4 75 ; family mackerel , klta. 85c ; No. 1 white full , half brls , G 00 ; No. j SYRUP-Standard Com. , 33c , bbli. ; Standard do , 4 i gallon kegs , $170 ; .Stan dard do , 4 gallon kegi , 81 55. UOF'B C. Rio , talr. lOJo ; Rio. good lie ; [ nltnt to choice , IU to 12o ; Old KOV'I Ja ; y/iQUlc , ! Mocha , 28io ; Arbookle' . , ISJc. OUEESH-FuU Cream , 14c | Part Skim , lOjo. LYE American , 8 8r ! Greenwich , 8 40 ; Western , 3 76 ; North Star , 2 00) ) Lowln' ye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 Ib. FEED-Jobblng prices , Chop food $1.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , (1.40 ; bran , "Oo per 100 Ibs. HOMINY Now , 84 21 per bbl. SODA In Ib paper * , $3 per co ; keg oda , 2 c. NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrel * $700 ; do in half bills , OOsamalU , In bbU 900 do , in halfbbls. 600 ; ghcrklnn , In bbbj. 11 00 ; do , In half bbls , G 00. tJTAKCH. Pearl , 46o ; Silver Glow 8o ; Corn Starch , 8Jo | KxcelsIorQlow , c ; Corn , 7ic. TEAS .uunpowder , go d , 45@55 ; Oholcc , G0@75o ; Imperial , good , 40 < fe45c ; Ib-Joc , 60i$7&c ( ; Young Hyson , good , 3G < 3 iOc ; choice , G5cfA81 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , J5c ; Japan , choice , 60@76o ; Oolong , pod , J5@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce. 40@t > C ; Souchong , * ood. 35(3 ( IOc ; cholco. 85c ( > 15c. KOPK Slual , ) > Inr-h and larger , lOSe ; inch , lie ; i Inch , 11Jo. WOODKNWAKK Two hoop pallf , 1 7n ; three hoop palls , 3 00. Turn , No. 1 , 8 60 ; Pioneer w&suboftrda , 1 85 Double Uruwn290 ; vYollbucketK , 3 tX ) . LKAD Bar. 81 < 55. M VINEGAR Pure rpple extra , IGcs mre apple , 13c ; Prunaini ? uure aunlo , IGo SALT. Dray loatu , per bbl , 1 66 ; Ann- on , In ao ks , 3 CO ; bbU dairy 60 , 5s , 8 50 BOAPS--Kirk' * Savon Imperial , 845 ; Kirk-a i tln t , 8 GO ; Klrk'a utandard. ! l 75 ; Kirk' , white ttusaUn , T > 25i KirkV Kutoc , a 16 Klrk'a Prairie Queen , [ 100 cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia uot. , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , * cane , n caao , S 85 ; Babb'tt'o ' Ball , 2 dot. In case , . 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In CMC 1 DO. PEANUTS Roasttd , choice , rod Tennessee - nossee , lOo per Ib ; fancy white , lOJc per Hi ; aw white Virginia raw , 10o ; roasted , .20. .20.OANDLEaBoxea , 40 lbaUX IBIc ; HS ojc ; bi x 40 Ilia. , 1C at. , Ce , 16Jo. i\lATCHES Per catldlo , 96u | round , i&Boa , 8H 10 ; iqunro , cacns , 90 40. Dry Ooodi. BHOWN COTTONS Atlantic. A , 8ic ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot ! FF , 8Jc ; Buckeye LL. 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , Tic ; Chltteuontro A , fiic ; Ureat Fnlls 1C , 8lc ; Hooaier. GO : Honest Width , 8Jo. In- liaii Head A , SJc ; Indian Standard A , " c ; Indian Orcliard d. w. , flic ; Lawrence L , 7c ; Myrtle Hiver , 7o ; Pcquot A , 8Jc ; Shawinut LL , 7c ; Utlca O , 6i ; Wucliun- ott B , 7lc ; do A , 8io ; do E 48,12Jo ; Wol- cott BB , 8io. FINE BUOWN OO1TONS Allendalo W ; 7iu ; Alligator B-4 , ! 5c ; Argyle 1-4 , 7Jc ; Atlantic LL , GJc ; Badger Stnto X 4-1 , 7c ; iennington O 4-4 , G jo ; Buckeye S. 1-4 , Gdfc Indian Orchard AA 9-8. Blcj Lnoonl , O 39 , 84s ; LehMi E 4-4 , 94c ; Ixjnwlale 4-1. too ; Popperoll N 80 , 7c ; do O S3 , 71c ; do H < 6 7Jc ; do E 89 , 8io ; Pooasset 0 4-4 , 7o ; WaniButta 4-4 18o BLEACHED COTTONS AndroKxig rfu L 4-l,9icBlackBtonoAA Imperial bjc ; ! o do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,1 ! ; Fidelity4-4 , gjcjFrult of thuLoom,9J. do cnn.brio4-J,12iodoWntcrTwist,10ic ; , jie ! t ! , Jljc ; Indian llnadehrunk 4-1 , lVc : ; Lonfauie. IOc ; do c.nn'oric 37 , 12Jc ; New York Mill * . 12Jo ; Peauot A,10o ; Poppi'rol G TwillH , 124o : PocahoutoH 4-1 , 9Je ; ? ocaKBct 4-4 , 8lo ; Utlca , lie ; Wauitultn 0 X X. 124c. UbOKS Colored ) Alhuny K lirowu , 8c ; do O , dral , lit : do .0. atripca nt > J ilniilfl , 121o ; do XXX brown and drab , triKH [ ) and I'lnidfl , 12sc ; Arlington fancy , _ Pc ; Brunswick brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fnnoy .2J.c ; do eztrn heavy , 20c ; Full Ulver > rown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indlaua A irnwo Ul < " Nououoot A brown. Ific TlUKliMU Ainouke.ii ; A O A S3 .9c ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; , lie ; Clarcmont B B , 161o ; Conmtogt , ex ra , 17ic : Hamilton D , lljo Lewiston < \ V ) , 15o ; Mimiehtiha 4-1. 20o ; OmoRO super extra 4-4 , 2fic ; Pearl River 32. IGlc ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Mhotucltot S lOJc ; do S3 12o ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o DKNIM8 , Amoakeak , blue and bronu ICJc ; Andover DD blue , Ifiic ; ArlingX jluo Scotch , ISJo ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown. 12Jcdo ( AAA , do do 13J ; do XXto do do 144o Hayroakor's blue and brown. 9Jc ; Mystic Kivor DD stripe , IGJo ; Pearl Ifiver , blue and brown , IGoj UncAavillc , blue and browu. 14 0. OAiaUlIOS Banianl , Sic ; EMdystont lining. 24 inch double face , 8)c ; Uarnor jlazod , FJc ; Manhattan Klove finish , l'/o Newport do Go ; do glazoa , 5 o | Pequot do 5c : Ijockwood kid finish Go , COHSET JEANS Amory , 8oAndroB ooggin aattoon 8Jc ; Clarendcn , GjcConna ; o-tga satteens , 71cj Hallowel , 80 ; In&di Orchard 7Jo ; Narr ganaettIinprovedo Popperill sattoen 94n ; llockport , 7Jo , PRINTS -Aliens , GJo : American , 6io ; Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , 4Vc ; Cocheco , 7c ; ConcKtoga. GJo ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnoll , BJ@7c ; Eddystone , 7c ; Gloucester , 6c ; Harmony , 5Jc ; Kuickerboeker , GJo ; Mor ri ao D. 7c ; Mystic , 5c ; Spra'uea , Gv ; Southbridge , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marlboro bore , Me ; Oriental G4c. GINGHAMS AmHkeag. . 12io ! ; kcai ; dross 9J ; Argyle , lUo ; Atlantln , 9c ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; Highland , 74o ; Koullworth , Sic ; Finn kett , lOic ) Sun osi , 8c COTTONADES Abbervllle ISJo AentoXc ; American , lie ; Arllelan , ! 0c ; Cairo D anil T , TCic ; Clarion D nnd T , 17Jo ; Doccan Co , stripes D and T , IGc ; Koy- stouo , 13Jc ; Nantucket , 19c ; Nouparoil , IGo ; Onoan D and T , 134o : Royal , IGi ) Sussex , 12o ; Tioga. 124c ; Wachiwett nlrt- ! In ? sbecks , 12ic ; do , Nr.nkln , 12Jo ; York. plalu N nkln. 12ic ; do , checks , Htripca and fitncy. 124r ; do. 8 oz 20c. SHEETING3-Audro9COgilnlO-4J74o ! ! do 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C 42 , llo , Fruit ot the Loom 10-J , 27i ; New York mllls98 , 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; do 6 , a2Je , Pombrjko 10-1 , , 2oc ; Peqtiotlf.4 , 281c , do 74 , 19o do 49 , 16c ; Peppcrell 90 , 29o ; do G7 , 21cdo57 ; , 18cUWca ; 'JO , 3Gc ; do 58 , Uiio ! do 48. 17c. Palnti Oils end Vtrnlihoi OILS 110" carbon , per gallon , 12io ; 150 * headlight , per gkllon , UJn ; 175' headlight , per gallon , I9a ; 150' Water White , 18c ; .llnreed , raw , per pallou , 61 ; linecod , boiled , per gallon , file ; lard , winlor tr' < 1 , portal , Inn , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 760 ; castor , XXX , p gallon , 1 25 ; No. 3 , 1 20 ; nwoel , gallon. 85c ; sperm , W. D , per gallon * Jer ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 76c ; No , 1 , 65c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , IKc , golden machine , No , 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No , 2 , SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tur pentine , per gallon , G5c ; nuptha , 74 * , per gallon , 18o : 61' , 17o PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. . GJc ; white load , St. Lonln , pure , GJo ; Marseille * green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c French zinc , giaen real , 12c ; French xlno , red seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish luwt , 20o : French zinoe , In oil wwt 15c ; Raw and burnt nmber , 1 tb cans 12o ; raw auc : burnt Slonna , 18o : Vandyke brown , refined lampblack. 12c ; coach black and l"ory black , IGc ; drop bla < It , IGc ; Prunaian blue , 80c ; ultramarine bice , 18c ; chrv < rue green , L. M. & D. , 14cbllnd ; and shutter green , L. M , & I ) . , Me ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian red , 15c : Yenetlan red. 9c ; TnscAD drt , , 22c ; American Vermlllod , LAP. , 18oj chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 11 ; patenl dryer , 80 ; graining colors : light oak , dark oak. walnut , * beatnnt nnd ash 15o. Dry D lnti White lead , 7Jc { French ino. lOci Pari whitelng 24o ; whiting glldcra , Ijc ; vihitlng com'l , lie ; lauinbkek Germantown - town , 14o ; hmpblack , onliiiary , IOc ; Prus sian blue , 55o ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke Ivown , 8cj umber , burnt , 43 ; umber , raw 4csionna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4a Paris green genuine , 25c ; Paris green com1 20c ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20o ; chrom green K. , 1'Jc ; vnnulllion , L. * . , 70c ; vermillion million , America , l < ! c ; Indlau red , lOo rene pink , 14r ; Venetian road , Cokunoso 2 Jo ; veuetkn red Am , , Ijc ; rol lead , 7io chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hromo yol low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rocbelle 3c ; ochre French. 2jjo ; ochre , American , 2o Winter mmoral. 2Jc ; lehled brown. 24o op.MiIuh brown. 240 ; Prince's mineral 3c VARNISHES-BarreU. per gallon Furniture , extra , 31 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , extra , 81 40 ; each , No , 1 81 20 ; l amar , extra , 81 75 ; upan , 70oan- ; phaltum , extra , 85o ; aholla 83 DO ) bard oil finlub , 81 30. Heavy H rdw rt List , Iron , ratea , 83 10 ; plow ate l , east , 7c ; crucIb So ; special or Gcrman.Go ; cast tool do. 16(3120 ( t gen wkM , net , 2 2i@3 ! 00 ; hubs , i > or act , 1 25 ; felloes , tawtxl dry , 1 40 ; tong\ios , each , 70@85c ; rtiles , each , 76a ; square nuU , per Ib , 7@llo ; washer * , per Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; cell chain , per Ib , 6@l2c ; malleable , So ; Iron wedgce , Go ; crowburn , Go ; harrow teeth , 4o ; horseshoes , per keg , 6 00 ; spring stool. 7@Hc ; Burden's hortcuhoos , 6 50 ; Burden's mulc.ihocs , 0 60 SHOT.-ahot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 32.10 , Oriental Powder , kegs , ? G.40 ; do. , bal kngs. 88.48 ; do. , riuartor kfgf , il.88 ; Blast Ing , kegs. 8.136 ! Fuse , t > er 100 feet 60o. UAUBEDWIRE-Iu car lot * , 8 25 ® ? ' ! " ' per 100 ; In less than car lota. H7 , ( ti 9 75 ucr 10i. NAILS Rates. 10 to C.0t' , 425. Hlatii UI , Eta. HIDES 'jrrean butcher's hldo , 6 7Jc cured 7j'@So ; hides , green salt , part cured 7 chldE ; > i > ,74cdry ; Mint , sound , 13@14c ; dn calf and kip , 12dl4c ( ; dry salt h.dcs.iiouml . , 10@llo ; green ciUf , wt , 8 to ID Ibn. . ll$12o ( , green calf , wt , under 8 UNI , per skin , Mo ) ) creon poltn , 60gi81 ( 25 ; green lamb skins , $1 2S1 50 : damngod bldea , two-third rate , cut scored and UUP grub , olaaned two tUnis rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent , Jll Coon skint , No. 1. 45o ; No. 2 , SOo ; No. 1 ' . ; No 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 3Jc ; No. 2 15c ; No. 8 , 16c : No. 4 , 5o. Fox , , t o ; No. 2 , 250. Skunk , No. 1 , b2no | Wicj short stripe , 40oj narrow atrlpco broad stripe. lOo. Tallow 7c. Leatnor Oak sole , 880 to 42o ; hemlock sole , 38o to 35c ; hemlock kip. SOo to 100 ; runner , G.Vj to SOo ; hemlock calf , 85o to 1 0 ; hem- look upper , 2Ilo to 2Gc ; oak upper , 24c ; alllKBtcr. 4 00 to B 60 ; calf kid , S2@Hfto ; Greiaen kid , 2 50 to 2 76 ; oak kip , 80a to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French kip , HO to 1 6C ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- totts. 5 50 to 7 60 ; linings. G 00 to 10 60 ; ropplng * . 9 W to 10 50 ; B , L. Morocco , 30o to 35o ; pebble O , D. Morocco , 85o ; Riruon ; 3 f < 3 to 8 00. HARNESS-No 1 star oak , 12c ; No 3 do , Ji'Jo ; N. 1 Ohio oak , 880 ; No. 2 do , H5o ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No , 2 do Sic. Hone * und Mules. The market la brink And all grades ant selling well at n ( light advance In uilcos , The demand for good horses exceeds the upply comiidciraoly. Prices range as fol- Flue alnfle ; ( trho , 8160 , to 300 , j Extra draft hornoB , 8176. to 225. ; Common draft horvca , BHK ) . to 150 , ; Extra fann horaes , 8110. to 125. ; Common M good farm hornca 890. to $100. ; Exti-a plugts 800. to 75. ; Common nliiRn , tf'-'O. to 80. MULES. 15 to 15J himdH ( cxcra ) , S125. to 150. ; 114 to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ; 11 to 114 hands , ? 75. to 100 , | 184 to 14 hands , &l > 0. to 76 Lumber. Wo quote lumber , lain und shlnglca on : cars atOumha at the following prlcon : JOIST AND SOANTLINO-IO ft. and nndor , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , SM ! 50. TIMBERS 10 ft. and under , 822 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 50 ; 1C ft , $2.H 50. 22 ft. , 32G 50 ; 2t ft. 826 50. FB.NC1MJ No. 1 , 4 und 0 In. , 824 00 ; No. 2 , S2U ( ' 0. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ccmmon boardi ) . t2 > ) 00 ; No. 2. 81800. LlAlK 1'or barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per ona- Oc ; Ceii.ont , bbl , 2 25 Iowa jilastor , ilil , 3U iO. H.iir per bu. 40o. Tarred elt 100 Ibn , 83 50. .Straw board , f.S 60. COAL Oumborlniid blackniuitli , C12 ; Morris Run Bloimburg , C12 | Whltobroawt ump , ' > J5 1 0 ; Whiloliroiwt uut. $ ! i 50 ; Iowa ump , $5 DO : low nat 5riO ; HooV Rurlne tVutbrucito , 310 5t@110l ; Colorado , 300. DRU H AND CHEM1OA LS.icld , 3nrbolic , 60u ; Acid , Tartnrlo , GOo ; Balsam Jopabia , per Ib , 70c ; BarV. SanimfiaH , per b , Mi ) Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Clnchouldia , iur oz , 91 15 : Chloroform , per Ib. 100 ; Jovur's powdtirs , per Ib , 81 40 ; iSpauu. jidto , per 11) , Sic ; Glycerine , pure , pe hi , 31c ; Loud , Acetate , per Ib , 22c Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , 1 20 ; Oil , Cantor , No. 3 , per gal , 8110 , Oil , Olive , per vn$1 \ 50 ; OH , Origanum , 50 ; Opium , 4 7.5 ; Quinine P. & W. & R. & 8. . ier ( if , $2 Do ; , Iodide , per Ib 5175 ; Salucm , per 07 , 40o ; Sulphate o Morphine , j > cr ur , $3 85 ; Bulpnur Hour ; > er Ib , 4c ; Strychnine , oar at , 91 d5 , Liquor * . ALCOHOL Ib ? proof. 2 25 per wine > llon ; extra California spirit * . 187 proof , > -w. per proof gallon ; triple rotinod npirita 187 proof , 128 per proof Kollon ; re-distillec wtiskiea , 1 001 50 ; fine blended , 1 50@ 3 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ken. tuckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00 , BRANDIES Imported , (8 001GOO ; domestic 1 404 Oil. GINS Imported , \ C00 00 ; domoatlo , J/RUM3 Imported , 4 60@0 00 ; Now Bnglanil. 2 00(2)1 ( ) 00 ; domoutio. 1 M3 CO PEACH AND Al'PLK BRANDY 1 75i44 ( 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per cane , 23GO < f'M OjAmerlua , O&HO , 1200 ® IfiOO. CLARETS nr case , 4 50@lfl 00 WINES Rti no wine , per cose , 6 2 00 : Oatnvba , pur case , 4 00o7 ( } 00 , Olam na rooaccoi. FINK OUT In ualU. Hurd to Beit 75c ; d'oldeu Threacf , fOc ; Fountain , 80c , Knvorlto , G5c ; Rocky Mountain , GOc Funny , OCo ; DuiHy , COc. In tin loll C'ntlinu 0. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib 63c ; Lori Ul'trd'e Tignr , GOc ; Dlarrjon < l Crown , 660. SMOKING All pride-Common , 25to 33c. Gr.iuulatod Blackwella Durham , K oz Hie ; Duki H Durham , 1G oz , 4Gc ; 8oM in oil , DDo ; Vex T ail ( ibc. Wonl. Merino IIUWKM ed , light , 14(2)16c ( " ; boavy.c , ( SjliUno ; uiudlum unwafthod"light , 18@20 wafihed , oboico , 82c ; fair , SOc ; tub-dlnp aud w , , 23cj hurry , blaokund ooLtod wool ? (2iGo ( loir Huunot aud Libnrnl. Whi'ii tlio Hops In caoh bottle o Hop liittorR ( at thu prenunt price SI.25 per Ib ) cent mnro than a bottli Is sold far , balden the ether coatl ; modiciiuB , und the quality nnd price &ro kept the BBino , wo think it is honoat and Ilburul in the propulotora and'no onu should complain , or bu ; or use worthless nluff , or cheating bogus Imitations ) bocuueo the price ii less. * IIumanityra f-roat hope for thi ( aturotla nlotio to bo realized In 1m proved conditions of matrimony , What n profound obligation dons tlili faot Involve ! Those who roalixo the roaponslbility onn hardly do botte than take advice from Mrs. Lydia K I'lnkham whose wonderful rcmodle for the euro of all discasen peculiar to iromon are BO justly celebrated. Sonc for riHtnphlot. EUROPEAN HOTEL , The mc t contrallr loctteil hotel In the cltj HoomtTtSf ? l.OO , f 1 Mam ] t2.COpi.rdiy. Kir i C' > M HeaUuriiut connected wit th hot HURST. - - Prop. Fourth cil ' * ) atrocta. HAS BEEN PROVED Tu | tURESl CURB for KIDNEY DISEASES. * Io ii lama back or n disordered urtne indicate > lmt you arc nvlotiraP THK DOU NOT1IE8ITATK | u o KIDNKY-WOHT t tl incodrus2l't r commtMidlt ) ami It will pecdlly ovcroome the dlieuo and restore " lie althy action to all Uioureani , cc toyourHoxiuohiuip Ln and wMtkneucg , KJDNKV.WOUT U un.ur- oMftd.uitwllI act promptly and lately. Either Box. Inoontlnenoo , retention of urine , brick diut or ropy depoulu , and dull drag King patiuallipoedlly yield tolbiour. Uve power. ( II ) ' BILI ) 1JY ALL EBUOalflTB. Frloo 11. IDNEYWOJRT BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES , BUGGIES opairiu in all Branohnp " 9 " T SS5nCTcS IIT A. M. CLARK , 4 Painter&PaperHanger' SIGN WRITER & DKGflRATOB. I ALK & RETAIL WALL PAPER ! Window Slides anil Onrtains , OOIINIOKS OURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & Brushes. 107 South 14th Htroot AHA , - NEBRASKA WILLIAM SNYDER , MANUFACTUuKH Off CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , Firs-Olass 'Paining ' ; and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done Harnoy. Cor14th. . Om h Ghas. Shiverick , 1206.1208 AND 1210 FAR MAM ST. FURNITURE Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers , AND EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE FORNITORE&UP HOLSTERY TRADE , OMAHA , NEB. The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections m PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets TUB LEADING IUSSG HOUSF IN TDK WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Chickering , Knabe , Voso & Son's Pi anon , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing1. MAX MEYER & BRQ. , A Large Stock always on Hand. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTER SI HOTEL HOTEL ? . PROPRIKTOHS TOWN ? ARLINOrON. J. O. MclNTIRC , Llnco'n , Neb , WEATHERLY HOUSE , A. Q. WEATHERLY , Manning , Iowa. | REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. C. REYNOLDS , Coon Ifapldi , ow .J 8ARATOQA HOTEL , J. 0. OTELLINIUS Mllford , Nob. MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE Nth COMMERCIAL HOTEL ' , JOHN HANNAN StromiburK N HALL HOUSE , A. W.HALU Loulivllle t OITY HOTEL. CHENEY &COLARK , Blair , No . ] COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. G. MEAD.9 Nyllgh , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL E.8EYMOUR | , Nabra kaOltyNll ] | ) MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Water.N COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , H rdy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Clreenurood , Neb ) COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnda , low * UNO'8 HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Nob' EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. 0. HACKNEY , Aihland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , Nab MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. ORUUB , Qulde Rood , N . SUMMIT HOUSE , 8WAN & DECKER Oretton , IB. HOUSTON HOUSE , CEO. OALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. K. WALKEP , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. DURQEBB , Neola , lal OITY HOTEL , Dl A. LLIAMS , Harlan It , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQO , Oornlnz , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.IL. AVERY , Otanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL Q. W , BURK. BurllnztonJurntlon , I COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dlnnchard , la. PARK8 HOTEL , T. M. PARK , Bhenandoah la , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld Oily , Neb DAQNELL HOUSE , OHAS. DAQNELL , OolleKoOprlnK * , I * . COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKINSHOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , Ii , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Orove.lla COMMERCIAL HOUSE D , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Diceola , Neb , DOUQLAR HOUSE. J. Q. DUNHAM , Olarkt , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J , T. QUEEN. Deri ford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. ULAOK& SON , Maryivllle Mo NORFOLK JUNOTIONHOUBE A. T POTTER , Norfolk Junction Ntto WINOLOW HOUSE Q McOARTY , Beward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. n. JONES. Aurour Neu. OIIOZIEIt HOUSE O. R. OROZ'ER , Sidney , Neb , AVOOA EATING HOUSE D. W ROOKriOLD. Avoca la. FunhMa CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK. Red Oak * J K. FOSTER HOUSE Oapt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewlt , la. A Htr l. WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER , Qrltwold , la. DEPOT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la < r LUBK HOUSE. J A. LUSK , LoK n , la. D. A a rn r. DOW CITY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , DowOlta.ia AQQER HOUSE , JAQQRR& SON , Denlton , U , HA.UMON HOUBK , TAMA 01TV , IA , , Harmon & Keales , Prop ,