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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1882)
THE DAlLi" BEE-OMAHA PutSDAJr , AUGUST 22 . ' 882 STEELE , JJHN80N & CO. , AND JOBBERS IN rFlour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Boat Brands of mm MD TOBAOOO , iROllts lor HEHWOOD NAILS AND LAFUN & RAND FDWDEB CO. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WUOLKSALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMEH M-8TATB AQENt TOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY ! Near Union Pacific Deuot , - - OMAHA Iff ? Sk.IW30 POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING IIAOHINERY , BELTINO , 1108E , HliAHS AND IRON FITTINGS FIFE , BTRA PACKING , AT V/UOLE3ALK AND RETAIL HALLADAY.WIHD-JVIILLS GHURflH AHO SCHOOL SELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. Omaha Steam Laundry. The only Laundry in Nebraska that is supplied with complete mnchinory lor Laundry work. Send your orders l > v mail or express GOTTI1EIMER , GODFREY & CO. , 1207 Fiirnhnm Street. WHOLESALE - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DHALEU N Wail Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Nteh. Manufactured by They mnko a epoclalty of COOKING STOVES , and have thin jcarphved In the market niof the MOVT KCONOMiU ANU M 1ST SA'ISKACTUUV STOVKSovcr inade. They make liotti Plain and extension top , and guarantor all their goods The agcnta ( or the company aro. PIERCY & BRADFORD , - DEALKttS JN - Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters 3VC jCBL. KT S ? 3E1 DC. , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 1211 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND BT . " l-i " Mining and Milling Company. Working Capital' Capital H ck , 11.000,004 Far Value ol Bhuea , STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DB. ) . I. TII01IA8 , President , Cummlni i Wyoming , WM. K. TILTON , Vlce-Presldent , Cammlna. Wyoming K. N. HAftWOOD , SecreUry , Cammlns , Wyoming , A. O. LUNN , Trcururcr , Oammlai , IWyomln Dr. J. I. Tbomu. Loult Ulller W. S. Bramel. A , O. Dunn. N. Ilanrood , tfrancli Leaveni. Deo. II. I L wll Zolman. Dr. J , 0. Walking. ( m OEO ( VT. KENDALL , Authorlnl A/oat ( or Salt ot Block ! B P Onalit , OUINAMEN AS MASONS. But Not Allowed to Enter Ledge Hooms Here Coromonlos Sotuowimt i-lmllrxr N w Ynrk Sti. | Altlioitgh it nmy not bu , known , the Chninrupii of thia cit ; hnvo inslituUd n Masonic ledge , Ol ncrcriil nccusiona inoitibors of the Chinese ledge hnvo Bom'lit to frntorn izu with nil'in bias < f utlior Mnaolii lodges , but on tivcry occasion h > vt boon npnlat'd The Chinnnuin \ ere coiisidert'd tnumbers ot n clandustino lodgp , and an such not worthy of no tico. The Chinuso ledge is leaa thai two yoara old , but it now hna 1108 nunnbiTs. Itn forinntioii wna duu Inrguly to the ( Torts of Deputy Shor ilF L'ont Leo nnd the Chinese interpreter proter , .Jean Bitptiata , nidod by uight other Ohinnniun ICSK publicly knovri tlmn thuy. It is fairly well understood now , however , by students of Mnsonic rit- unlistn , thut thuro is n grnnd ledge ol Masons in the Celestial empire , nnd that the ttnpnror , M well ns his irrnnt s crotnry , who did the honors to Gen , Grant , and lately introduced the lirst telegraph line into Ctiitia , with mnny others nbiiut the court , ar < > Maaotis. As to just how near the ritual adop. ted hy the grand lodpo cornea to the vitusl in vtiguu among Mnaona in the United Status , and how and when Muse ry WHS introduced into China there is great diversity of opinion Some authorities incline to the belief that Uu ritual adopted by the Chinese was one used by eastern Masons at the botnnning of the present century. Another authority Bays that Free masonry has becotno widespread , nnd publications of a Masonic character are bandied nbour , so loosely , that it is not difficult for anyone ono to beconio familiar with the secrets , and his inference based on that. Other authorities than that Chinamen have boon inittu ted into Masonic lodges in the east and in tliu coureo of time have fallen out of them , and thus used thuir experiences and knowledge to n good account in forming lodges in their own country. Those who have this opinion & imt n grout deal on the imitative tativo faculty ot the celestial , rather than on a well balanced , retentive memory. If such bo the case , Free Masons wo ild expect to find a simi larity of siu'iia , symbols nnd forms in the lodgea f the Chint'su , rather than in the words or names of the officers. The lodgu in tins city WHS inutitntvd hy rcqurat from the grand lodyo of Cilifiirnm , which got UH charter from ttio grand ledge in China. Lodges are established in towns wherever ihuro is H considerable gathnring of Cinnamon. In Havana they are nil inoroua In Chicago and St. Louia it is thought that there is ono ench , if nut mote. In the principal cities ol California there ure ninny. The mttator who organized the lodi/e in this city , under authority from the jrand lodge , IB Yung Uin Til. lie is now absent from the city , having been in the western states on busmcHD forever over thrto months. In the meantime the deputy master acts. Yung Ilung Til was choaen maater for a second term , it is Bukl , because no member had jot becoinu so familiar as ho with the mysteries of Masonry. The lodge has now arrived at that period when the members believe that they , can do better by enlarging their accomoda- tions. There is not room enough , the officers say , for the largo number that come to the lodgo-room , and there is a desire t ) secure soinu largo house in Mott street , but there is notio tu bo had. Property in that neighborhood is leased to Chinamen , but no pirt of it is largo enough to accommodate the lodgo. Jean Buptistu , the interpreter , says that ceremonies in the lodge uru almost similar to those in lodges of other masons in the city. Ho does not know wherein they differ except possibly in the naming of the officers. It is in the by-laws of the Chinese ledge tint curiosity ia urousud. There was u time in this country whan it was supposed by non-Masons thut ono Mason was supposed to do almost any thing that another abked him to do A consideration of the by laws of the Chinebo will go a great way to make that supposition good , A Chinese Mason luust do ull in liin power to lielp a brother Mason. Ho must not stabliah u laundry within two blocks of a brother , and must diasuado every other Chinaman from doing so , Ir do should bo so unfortunate as to fail in business , ho must bo helped nnd put on his feet. If non-Masons crowd : iim , they must bo talked to nnd requested to wait the coining of Qotior times for the pay- nont of their claims. Should ; hey still persist , payment is made by wealthy member , or out of the ledge : unds. No ono has been known to bo rocr ant in this trust , If n China man who is n Mason should stub or otherwise assault another Chinaman who is also a Mason , everything in Jioir power should bo done by the ncmbora of the ledge to tide over the difficulty and uecuru the release of the Chimunan , The largo force of China- nun that asked permission of Justice \ilbruth to speak with the naaailantof Gum Wah and his wife , some timu ago , had no other motive than to mow his standing in China , and whether he was a Mason. Should n Chinese Mason owe a jrothcr Mason any sum , he must not sue in the courts for the recovery of hat sum , but ho must put the matter n the hands of the Arbitration com mittee of the lodgo. If the creditor nsista on prompt payment , and the debtor has it not , then he is to receive t from the ledge , The latter courao uvs seldom beet , resorted to , Chinuso Masonry Inculcates among its tnuin- jers tooling of kindness , goodness and fraternity. It ia not alone a Ma sonic by-law , but it is n general con sideration with Chinamen , that they iclp ono another. The OhinoHo Mason nust believe ina God , the same ua a 3hriatian. All of the 303 nro mom- > era of some church. Moat of them are Methodiata , but there are Presby terians , Episcopalians and I3aptlsta among thorn. Baptista did not know it for a fact hat the highest court officials of China ire Masona. Ho had only hoard of t , but to his mind it was ono indica- ion of the prot-roaa made by Chris- lanity. A favor might have been or- ended to the emperor's court officials. The lodge has lost only two members jy death. Wong Gong was burled 'rom GO Oliver street with great funeral pomp on August 1C , 1881. Like honors were extended to Dck Kook of Division ntrcot in the latter } > nrt of April Inat. With tlio burial rites of their country Iwvo been em bodied tome rites inatitutod by Ma sonry. A feature of the Chineeo Ma- iin'e funeral Is n bras * band nnd n bind cf tom-toms. Another is the cooked nu'iiis , Another 11 the utrow- ing of bita of nhito paper over the ground to ward elf evil spirits , who are supposed to bo very curious , nnd will pick up the papers nnd thus bo kept from following the load. Thuro nro other ceremonies nt tliu funerals , but they have nut at tracted inoro than pasting notice. The bodies Chiimmnn not Maiona nro sim ply buried. Ucsides paying funeral expanses , the ledge puts naido n cer tain amount tor the onpport of n widow , children , or relatives relying for miu'ntmmiict ) upon the deceased rtson. They ulso nond word to tliu frio'uls in China of the disKsitiot | of the remains , nnd care for his eflecta , if ho has any , under Ihn eye of the [ itiblio adminiMrntor'fl nllicu , Don't Throw np the Spango When BiilTo IDK Immunity nro < minting the hnrr > rH of dyspepsia , ItulUeHl 11 , or nprToiis anil Rfiiornl deliilitv , they nro too often Inclined to throw up the sporiKO nnd tC'lKii thctunclvo * to fntc. Wo PAV , don't doit. Tnko HuitDoct lUootv llrrrxitti , the inifnlllii ) ; remedy. ricu fl. WAUOO NOTES. Corrcsiwndcnco nt Tim UKK. WAHUO , Nob. , August 19. The formal institute is now in session here under the management of Superinton- lent Yandoman. Vour correspondent , upon entering ho court room in which the institute s being hold , the other day , wits con- routed on all aides by sclioolmarms. Bchoolmnrma to the right of him , Bchoolnmrma to the left of him , school- narms in front of him volleyed and hundercd their technical knowledge if sciences , arts and iams , and riihl ; in rout sat the superintendent , with a mile on his countenance liku n poor nan's luaao , i o , from ( i-ar to ( yeur. Jpon taking an inventory of the situ ation wo found Professors Ymidemnn , Sinter , Hell , ami Mrs. lltirtch nnd Miss Utmo , of Wulioo , Mrs. Jirigga , leo Miss Emma Simma , of Dodge county , Miss McGlashon , of Hum- > oldt , nnd Prof. Thompson , ol Lin coln , acting as instrne.tora and it school ) f ono li nnd red of S Hinders county oncherd being titui ht. Sautidurs county , for four years mw , has he'd ' the front rank in in- titnto work in the state , nnd proposes o hold its position. The nchool board > f Wuhoo have made the following elections of teachers for the coming rear : Ex County Superintendent , ' S. Smith , principal ; Misa E 11 lose , grammar school ; Mrs. Filiuld , econd intermediate ; Mrs. Kurtch , irst intermediate ; Miss Mamie Alox- nder , second primary ; Misa llattio Iwnael , Beemid primary. lion AI. L5 lleesu lus rotuned from he Denver exposition , and is now on- ; agud in repairing his fences. Hon. 0 0 White was up to Wnhoo few divyii ago , looking after his cor als. More politics after our conven- ion , which meets two weeks from to day. T. O. F. . Proof Poltlve , Wo have the MI out poiitivo n < l cnnyinc- ng prunf that THOMAS' Ki.Kormu On , 1a mst efTectual spucitio for bodily imirf. In maea of rliHtiuiatiuin tud neuralgia it gives ustant relief. aui ; 2-lw The Secret of the universal success of Brown's Iron Bitters is sim ply this : It is the best Iron preparation ever made ; is compounded on thoroughly scientific , chemical and medicinal principles , and does just what is claimed for it no more and no less. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood , it reaches every part of the system , healing , purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. 73 Dearborn Ave. , Chicago , Nov. j. I lure been a luffercr from a very wcakstoniach , heartburn , ami dyspepsia In its worst form. Nearly everything I ate gave me disticsi , anil 1 could cat but Hide. I lure tried evcrythtngrecommcii Jed , have taken the prescription * of a doicn jjliyjlchuu , | jutot no relief until I took Drown' * Iron Hitters , 1 feel none of the old troubles , and am a new man , I am Retting much atrongcr , and feel first-rate , I urn si railroad engineer , and riotr nuke my trip * regularly. I can not ny too much In praise of your wnndcr * ful medicine. D. C. HACK. BROWN'S IRON BITTKRS does not contain whiskey or alcohol , and will not blacken the teeth , or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia , indi gestion , heartburn , sleep lessness , dizziness , nervous debility , weakness , &c. Use only Brown'i Iron I5llter made ) -y ) ! rown Chemical Co. , Jlaltimore , Crossed ted lines ud tra4e.rn.vk on wrjj > l r. McOARTHY&BURKE , General 'i/nportakors , 18 14TII ST. , liETWKKN FAUN AM AND DOUGLAS. Motalic , Wood and Cloth Covered GASKETS , COFFINS , ROBES , SHROUDS , OUAPK. ETC. , onatoetly 011 hand. Orders fr < in the coun. try bulicited , and.'premntly attended to. 100,000 TIMKEH-SPRING VEHICLES MOW IN USE. They i > tirpt < fl nit other for c y tilling , style .lid They nro for sale hy nil Lending Cur iflRo Builders nnd Dealers throughout the country. SPRINGS , GEAR1 & BODIES I"or mlo by Henry Timken , Patentee andntilldrr of Fine OmUe a , OP I Jl-flm MTAnMSIIKl ) 1S5S. SlUr.Sl'lUNO AITACIIMKNT NOT 1'ATENT KD. A. J. SIMPSON , LKADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1100 ml Itll DoJk'C Strcot , nng 7-ino Oin OMAHA , NKII. For iiiirt"rof | iicciilurj nr inoro Ilostotlcr'ii Staunch It itir * l-fts li'cii the ro'Ktiln f pec lie firlmllite-tiou.ilysiH'iwIa , lcr n l ngne , n lo | ' ) } icil * t nun. liver rini | > l lit nml ottot ill ra rnnd In li I'll Hint cnivtha Irill ) In dor i > ( l li > nutlio no motim lica'-li ' ni < 1 ftri'i Kill tu-tor.tlu' It cutiti I'rt'ta n tumlu ev ti ) nu- iinlnr" ( lit jniul tuintalria and coiufoita the ac-ilnn'i li.llrm Fur Kilo by all Ilnijn.'l tH and Dca'cM Sioux iMy ffl racifio THE sious orrx ROUTE Runs Solid Trikln lliroagh fratr Council Dlutto to St. Paul Without Oh njo Time , Only 17 Hour * SLOlO MlLKa"rilK R1IOBTEQ ROUT1 COUNCIL BLUFFS TO 8T. PAUL , MINNBAPOLIH and all points In Northern Iow . Mlnno v.l nd D koU. , Thin line la equipped with the Improved Wontlnghoueo Automatic Air-brake and Ullli Plktform Courier nil Dnflor : anil for 8FKKU. aAFKTT AND COMFOBT In unnriiiwiod. Pullman Palace Bleeping Cat run through WITHOUT C11ANOK between Kan siiCltyand til. Paul , via Council Dlutfi and Blouz City. Trains leave Union Pacific Ttunslor at Conii ell IlluRu , at 7:36 : p. m. dally on arrival ol Kanui City , 8t Joseph and Council ItluITi train fron Iho South. Arilvlnc itHioui City 11:36 : p. m. > ml at tbe New Union Depot at at. Paul at ISSt : noon. TEN IIOUKS 1H ADVANCE Of ANT OTUKB BOUTK. dTKemcmber tn taklriK the bloux City Ron ! you got a ThrnuKli Train. Tbu Hliortent Line the Quickest Tlmo nnd n Ocmfortalilo Hide In th Throiik'ti Cora botworn COUNCIL IILUI'KH AND HT. PAUL. KSraao tint your Tickets load via the "flloo ) City and I'aclllu lullroaj n. WATTLKH , . K. BUCHANAN finnorlntciidont. Gen' i'a a. A enl P. K. KOIllNbON , Awi'l Oen'l Pain. A t UlBNOurl Valley a. W. E. DAVIH. BoiithwnDtorn 1 HEAT YOTJR HOUSES O & FURNACES IN THE WORLD. IIV EIOHARDS N.BOYMTON & CO CHICAGO , ILLS. Kmhody now 1H82 I | \U'ncna. . llor , praotloiil ' " " " . Cunt loua to ko pin Sruir ; U.w lost fuel ; * "H i < inoi-o iu t ami a larger voliuini ol jiuro nil' tlun any ( urttacii nmHo Hold by 1'IKIICKV ft UUADFOIU.Omaha , Nub Jy2l'dSm 1HB KLNUALL PLAITING IACHIE DBESS-PKBRS' BOMPAHIOH , It pUlU rom l-.3ol a n Inch to vtdth In tbe coarmjut lolU or flnt t Bl ki It rtooa all klmls and ttyloi olilaltlng In Die. No lady that does her own droiw-rnaklni ; cat ifford tn do without one ta nice plaiting li 'lover nut ol fashion , II m > un It aolU Itsell , Toi Circulars or Agent's terinu addreil OONGAR & 00. , lienius fiewaraed , ( Mt , The Story of tlio Sowing Maoliine , A handaomo little pampUliit , blue and gold core witb numerous enicrarlni ; * , will bo GIVEN AWAY to ny aunlt ponon calling forlt , at any branch or eut-olllco ol Tlio 81nc r Manufacturlnir Oem < panv , or will be ( tout l > j mall , poll paid , to any pcrton living at a dlitanc * from our offlcei The Slngor Mannfaotnrlng Do , , Principal Office , ! ) i Dnlon Bcjuarc , NKW YORK , n palataMa form , Jim anlufirfnnratlannftrp tlint trill nnt blntlrn th trrtlia flinraetrrlnlleof , nthrp 1ratftrrjtnrnttnnjt , .IMI.N inmjiirr. Too ol 13i : jrnr * In tnflioit"l rjayn i < iiml nothing tn ( d n thn n ralu that ! ) -C 17 HinT- ? ' " IJrtN T'"i 'I"1- I" " " " I Nijnnrn iTontntllon , I rm/il Plswuiof ! , Ilj-iixim.i. [ and IrnDnrrr. liM o > n.llv' < " ! " ' tnelil l.lln | Tprl < < i timixlj h ln mjluiniKmiilnwimowonilPrfnlniri1 ConMthn hive Ipnlllnl i < nm > > ' nntrm tpm. . ml tihHrlam hm lolil | tothl Croat unil Incompnrnlilcrpm Aj. 1 prracnl llni ( > ref tra s tomtj lrcn | > reii rahon mvlij ln rt.fnrh A roimwiml iwHii. llAnTrn'f InoiToviol | nc. fpfnily In nt vn1 < " lln Ull'll'UTHAMI'I I .HIMSvanh ATC . .St. lontf. MMN _ IT.SPth , IN1 177/Trrjt rnforln lJ > _ TTT . g * * * * * * * * * 1 * J n ii iMi i yr > rw ' .MimB < i * j IM IIMI MMU j natural h , ninklnff\ U appHrabtr tn ( Irtirrfitl IMillltjf , Jx > 1 Of ; lt > t > f- \ % J'oirrr * cinl ImfmtrnerJ _ _ MANUFACTURED BY THE DK , HARTER MKDICINE CO. . 213 ft. MAIN ST. , ST , LOUIS. Jjll X CEID&aO , , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware EHonse II08 AND IIIO HARNEY STREET. OMAHA NEB. IROTIH : & Wholesale Lumber , JTo , 1408 Faraliam Straet maha , Net DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOFtLS HOTELS. PKOl'ItrKTOHS TOWNP ARLINQTON. J. Q. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb. WEATHERLY HOUSE , fA. O. WEATHERLY , Manning , lown REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. C. REYNOLDS , Coon Rnplds , lown. SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. STELLINIUS Mllford , Neo , MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS BROWNSVILLE Neb OOMMEROIAL HOTEL" JOHN HANNAH , StromiburK N HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loulivllla CITY HOTCL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. G. MEAD , NellKh , Neb > GRAND CENTRAL E. SEYMOUR , Nobraika Clty.'Nnb MISSOURI PACIFIC HQTEU , P. L. THORP , Weeping Water.Ncr COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hnrdy , Nob. GREENWOOD HOUSE , SV.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb ) COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. OTOREY. Olarlndo , low * CNO'O HOTEL , E. L. CNO , Eremont , feb1 EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. D. HAOKNEY , Ashland , Keb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVCLL , Atkinson , N'eb , MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUUt ) , Gutda Recd , Na . SUMMIT HOUSE , OVVAM ? < DECKER , Oreston , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , UEO. CALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la. WALKER HOUBE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S. BURGESS , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl A , W LLIAMB , Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINGO , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.'L. AVERY , Stanton , MERCHANTS HOI CL J , W. BOULWARE , Burlington Juritlon , M OOMMEROIAL HOTEL. B'nnchard ' , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Blionandoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HF.NRY Dnyld City , Neb OAQNELL HOUSE , OHAS. BAGNELL , College Springe , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , VM. LUTTON , Vlllltca , la. JUDKIN8HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUBE B , F. STEARNS , Odobolt la woooa HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Osceola , Neb. DOU1LAO HOUSE. J. 8. DUNHAM. Olarki , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. GDEEN , Bedford la. ARLINQTON HOUSE , J. M ; BLACK & SON , Marytvllle Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb WINSLOW HOUSE a. MCCARTY , Beward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONEB , Auroar Nab. CROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZ'ER , Sidney , Neb. AVOOA EATING HOUSE D. W. ROOKriOLD. Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak FOSTER HOUSE Oapt JOHN FOSTER , Lewis WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER. Grltwol DEPOT HOTEL , O L. CHAPMAN , DunUp , la. n LUSK HOUBE. J A. LUSK Logan , la DOW CITY HOUSE , W. H , MORTO-1. Dow City. la. JAGGER HOUSE , jAaarn& SON , Donlton , lo , FOR CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEW YORK.BOSTON , And all Poluti Eatt nndOouth-Eait. Nearly 4 , UTO mile * , Bollil Hmooth Steel Track ! All counectlona nro inodo In UNION DtPOTS . haa a National Itopntatlon 9 l'cln < the orent Through Oar Line , and la universally oncuded to lie the FINCbT EQUIPPED Kail road In the world ( or nil clanson nf travel , Try It and you will flnd travullni ; a Itixurj natuod of a dlucomfort , Throuith TickotBilik rhls Celebrated Line (01 Halo at nil ntllcra In the Went All Intoimatlon about Kutoao Knro , Hloenlng Car AcovmuioJatloim , Tlino Talilou , &c. , will tf cheerfully lvnn hy niplylntni | ; to T. J. POTTER , 2d Vleo-ITci-'t & Don. ManaK rChtcago , PERCIVAL LOWELU ( Jen. I'aiucuvur Agt. Chicago , W , J. DAVKNI'OUT , ( Jon Airunt , Council Illutfu. II. P. 1 UKLL , Ticket AKt , QDiaha morn-od ly FAST TIME I In goln ; Eul take tbe UMcagoft Northwest- Tialni | ra\o Omaha 3-)0 ; ) p , m. and 7:40 : a. m. For lull Inforniitl n call on 11,1' . UKUKL. Ticket Aguiit Hihand Kan am ntf. , J. I1BI.L , ( J P Hallway Depot , orat JAMKaT. CLAUK , d'cnural Aifuiit tUU" , 1 0 > 1 OUUAMT , Prtiuldent. Vlco Piei't. W , H. DjitaiiiE. Sec. and Tieoa. THE NEBRASKA MMUEiCTURHfB 00 Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Uorn PlanterH , Hrrrows.Farm Rollora Hulky Huy lialiod , Buctcot Klovatlng Wlaumillu , &o ' We prepared to do Job work audinauufao ne the | iaitloo , Mean a order * NEU11A8KA MANUFAOTUIUNQ 00. Lincoln. N 1 C J3 IMPERISHABLE PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's Best P > r TOILET , BATH and I ARDKERCHIEF. 1880. SHQffnj.l $ E. KANSAS CITY , 3t , Joe & Council Bluffs I * fill CULT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THK EAST Prom Omabaand the Wosfc. A tralng leave D It M. Depot , Omaha : Neb , No change ol cars between Oman * and at. and but onu between OUAHA tad NKW YOJIK . Daily Passenger Trams I11CQIMO ALL KAITJHN AHD WEOTKHN C1T1E * Trtth LEEI OIIAKQES and IN ADVANCKcJ OTIIRU LUJKR. entire line U equlpiwd with Palaoa Sloeplng Curit. P > Jaca bay OoxclUM , 1111 d'l Safety PUtwno and Coupler , and tbe ceiebnled Wcatmijiioiuo Air-brake. r.VBct that jou ticket readi VIA &AHSAB orrv , ar. JOSKPII & COUNCIL BLUiva ua loid , via Ht. Jcioph and Gi. Louie. Tlckctt for Bale at all coupon utitlona In | k vTexl. J. F. BAHNAUD , 0. DAWEfl , Ooo. Supt. , El. Jownh , J * | A Ute 1'aoa. and Ticket Agt. , St. Joseph , Ho , 'AMDT BOKDUC , Ticket Agent , W. J.DAVinrOBT , Orrnral Afout | , < oviai OB W ft tl. II ll ] t Of ycaroi'i1 ! ! tu jiiTfrtt inctlon. IMJenlrcnioiiililen-KUntcrchiinufiitilp o OrlllCf , ri'iKl rl < t 'if biirnem liuU' ii'jicli l le New 4ln V'll" 11'M-iif r on tu < o . XewNiilVlyKcinlr. . V Summer uno theeo Htovu , These celebrated etovea for sale by Piercy & Bradford Omaha , Neb , 9 1m MORGAN PARK- MILITARY ACADEMY , A Christian Family School for BOJI Pmparea lorColloco , Sfientlflj Bchool or Biuine&j. Bend to Oapt , ED , N. KIRK TALGOTT. Principal. Morrgon Park , Cook Co. , 111. , UtMlQw fl