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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAIL Y TWELFTH YEAR OMAHA NEB. , MONDAY MOENJNO , Al'Gl'ST 21 , WS2 54. J. IPOUNCIIiG ON PORT SAID , DfoIselBy Effectually Pulls tlio Wool Over tlio Eyes of tlia Enemy , Saturday's Ruse Results in the Capture of the Remaining Canal Towns. iBands of Street Arabs Routed by the P/annes and Many Captured. The Brilliancy of the Maneuvre "Overshadows the History of Modern Warfare. " The SkirmiBhiuK at Ramleb , ol Oourae , Ends In a Victory for the British. Countless Numbers of the Ene my Killed , While the Lat ter Escape Unhurt. The Turkish Plan for Joinl Operations Rejected by Dufferin. if DeLesseps Vigorously Attacks 'f ' the Invaders and Spills Much Ink. All Tmffio on tlio Canal Stoppot by Brltluli Gunboati. Another Emaciated Crew Returni from Northern lee Flolela. Spoilal Dlipatchca to Tun Unit. CAFIU1UKQ T1IK CANAL. LONDON , August 20. The Ewten telegraph company auiioui cea Urn Port Said was occupied at IJ o'clocl this morning by the English forces At 2:30 : o'clock this afturnoon earth works had been thrown up between the European and Arab quarter of tin town. Seventeen transports and fivi men-of-war are at Port Said and Ad miral Seymour and Gen. Sir Game Wolsoluy are botlt there. This morning Ismailia also waa oo cupied by the British , and the robe troops were driven from Nofick. Thi \ British have possession of the tele Waph line from Port Said to Suez. a POET SAID OCCUPIED. A dispatch from Port said dated 1 a. m. , any a : Sailors are landing am disarm : ng the natiy.cs , who offer ni rosistanoa. Serorol tnmnporta am men-of-war are anchored hero and i fleet numbering seven is coming In The gunboats Dee and Don have on tercd the canal. It ia said Rear Ad miral Hewitt has stopped canal traffic LANDING THE CABLE. Ponx SAID , August 20. The Brit ish admiral commanding hero ha granted permission to land the shop end of the cable , which has hithort < been worked from on board the ehi ] John Ponder. The German gunboa Kabiuht has returned to 'Alexandria TUB KHEDIVE'S TOWEH RE-ESTAULISUED The occupying force numbers sis hundred. Two hundred and fift ; Egyptians soldiers wore diearmei without resistonco. The govormnon of the khedive has boon reinstated The commanders of the Euyptiai troops are prisoners in the ollicea o the canal company , and their tolegrap ! office is occupied by the British. THE CANAL HAS HEEN CLOSED to merchant vessels and the dredge in it have been seized , The bombard inent of the Ghuinilch fortification vill probably take place to-day. Th French dispatch boat Asia left then yesterday to take the place of tin corvitto Forbin at Suez. The Forbii has gone to Maasowak to protpc French subjects there. The Britisl man-of-war Tounnatino entered tin canal this morning together with tin gunboat Dee and cleared for action. THE FKENCUMAN'S FUJIY. IHMAILIA , August 20. Do Lossopi wrote Rear Admiral Hewitt jesterdaj as follows : "It is said that Bridal troopa will land on the banks of Sue ; canal. I appeal to your honor as t British admiral that vessels to which according to the by-laws of the com pany , wo cannot refuse pilots , bo no employed for the purpose , in violatioi of the neutrality of canal which ha boon secured by the sultan's firm at and the recent declarations of mari time powers , " Da Lessens , in another loiter , says "Tho British admiral has inforraoe the chief transit agent of the cana company that in consequence of hii instructions from the British government mont ho will prohibit the entry inU the canal until further orders , of al vessels , oven the canal company1 ! boats , and that In case of need ho wil resort to force to prevent such on trance. The admiral hoa furthei placed an armed gunboat at the entrance trance to the canal , I protest aguina this act of violation and spoliation , " ore ? o THE JUIONT. ALEXANDIUA , August 20. The troops landed from the transport : which arrived to-day were immediately atoly sent to the front. There waa i reconnoisanco in force this afternoot at 4 o'clock along the Mahmoudicl canal by the Thirty-eighth , Forty ninth , Seventy-fifth and Seventy ninth regiments. The enemy kop within his entrenchments , tiring u shell at the British advance , but then were no casualties , A. XUBE , LONDON , August 20. A dispatcl from Alexandria to llouttes says : Tin intention to bombard Aboukir , whiol was oilicially announced Friday , wai cither n ruse or was abandoned at the ast moment. The fleet and trans- ) ort * went to Aboukir Saturday after- loon , but at 10:150 : o'clock nt night quietly atenmod eastward , leaving the Achilles and tire other vessels in Aboukir bay. Thcso are this morn- ng still anchored in the bay , south of Solson Island , from which point they control the railway to ll > sottn , but the coast from Aboukir to Ilosotta shows no t\yn nf any landing having ; > oen made. The white flag is atill lying on Aboukir forts. AN OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. LONDON , August 21. Hear Admiral ooking , commanding at I'ort Said , reports : Pont SAID , August 20th , 7 A M. "Wo have made all our nrrnngo- menU yostvrdny for the advance. Commander l-Mwnrds , with the boats of the squadron , during this night oc cupied the canal , taking possession ot the droJges , b.rgcs , otc , and also oc cupied Knntara. Before dnrlinht Cantnin occupied Port Said and Captain Fit ? .Roy , of the Invinc ible , hold Ismaili.1. All wont well and there was no difficulty. Cuptnin Fi'zHoy shelled the enemy out of Nefick. Commander Kuns was slightly injured Telegraphic communication with Knntarn and Ismailia has been restoicd. Tliroo hundred nnd forty maiincs nro on bo.rd the gunboat Dee , ready to bo sent to reinforce Captain Fitz Roy. Ono ship is ashore n the canal , but the vessels can pass. The ships with Admiral Seymour nnd nnd General Sir Garnet Wolsoloy OD bonrd are in sight. " From this it would nopear that the occupations were effected by naval forccn before the arrival < f transports. A later telegram from Port Said saya the troopship Serapia and some ol the guuboata have already entered the canal with troops. " A SKIllMISU. ALEXANDRIA , Auguat 20. In the skirmish yesterday the Egyptians fireei Shrapnel shollo ineffectually nt nr outpost of the Jtarty-aixth infantrj numbering 300 , who were occupying temporarily an entrenchment. Tht Ei/yijtian infantry then advanced tc within about 800 yards. Thcp wore comicg from Kalr El Dwar. Some cavalry nho appeared from the direction - tion of Aboukir. The Egyptian lines were most irregular nnd some of the men apparently unarmed. ALL 11UIKT AT CAIKO. ALEXANDUIA , August 10. Advicet from Cairo report all quiet there tc the 10th inst. KEPI IN THE DARK. It appears that the generals com manding the brigades wore not in formed of the intended movement on Port Snid. Major Gen. Sir Edward Hoinloy hod been ordered to support the bombardment of Aboukir forts by a flank attack1 from llamloh and wan unaware ot the real plans until hi opened this morning seated orders he had received. SILENCING THE ItEUS. 'Tho roconnoisance by the armed iiwf mido thin oitnrnnnn drew firt from the Egyptian 15 centimetre Krupp gun , but the aim was bad , The British 40-poundora on tbo trair replied and silenced the enemy. The fortifications at Ramloh are being strengthened by Arab laborers. THE ATTACK ON AllABI. LONDON. August 20. The exchange telegraph saye : Dispatches fron Alexnndria report that Arabi Pasha'i entrenchments will bo attacked Mon day morning at 0 o'clock. A HEUEL UUHE. LONDON , August 20. The Dailj Telegraph has the following from Alexandria : Within the last few dayt one of Arabi Pasha's cllicora visited Fort Moka and proposed to surrender with a largo body of men. Ho prom ised to return Monday nnd mukc known the decision of his men as tc whether or not ; they would accept the terms otTered. It is behoved tliie proposition of the ollieers was only a ruse. Spmo English officers thought they noticed Europeans directing the enemy during the skirmish yesterday , The distance between our outposts and the emony'a entrenchment was about 2000 yards. It wai discovered that Arabi Pasha has deep cuttings well in advance of his entrenchments A person ot position in Alexandria , aup posed to bo French , has been arrested on the charge of communicating witli Arabi P.islm and aunt on board a gun boat. yiltlNO IN THE DISTANCE. ALEXANDUIA , August 20. The secret - cret of the destination of the first division nnd ironclads was well kept until Sunday. The general opinion that Aboukir will bo bombarded is now an open secret. War vessels have all gene to Port Said. The Second battullion Highland light in fantry and First bitttallion ot Irish fusiliers have landed from troop shipe Franco and Arab , respectively , and proceeded to Ramloh to join General Allison's division. Heavy firing is now going on at Run lull. The firing ia distinctly hoard hero. There has been numerous cases of sui. stroke among the troops recently. AROUND THE MODTIl. POUT 8 Am , August 20. The iron clads Inflexible , Tomorairo , Argin- court , Monarch , Penelope , two gun boats and twelve troop ships are still lying in the harbor off hero. The marines and sallora occupy the town. The fleet is about at the entrance of the canal , BACKED BY BAYONETS , LONDON , August 20.--Tho Dailj News has the following from Port Said ; Tlio Kgpptian soldiers are do ing duty with the police in the town , which is perfectly quiet , The kho- divo's government has addressed the Egyptian troops , tolling them those who were tor the khedive could re main and would not bo molested , but thosn who were for Arabi Pasha had batter go and seek him , Two officers , well known partisans of Arabi Pasha , have been arrested and sent on board a roasel of the'fleet. Tlio commandei of the Egyptian troops , a fanatic ol the worst class , who has been acting as vice governor , has escaped to Fort Gherail with 120 soldiers. Arabi Pa 's governor lott for Ismail ia three daya ago , FAILED TO AOREE. LONDON , August 20. A dispatch from Constantinople says : Lord Duflorin , in an interview with Said Pasha nnd Asym Pnsha , declared lu was unnblo to accept the Turkish pro posal for n military convention oven in their now form. Snid Pasha nnc Asym Pasha are understood to be strongly in favor of an understanding with Enqland. The Turkish proposal ia ns follows ; First , An Kngliali general shall lx attached to the Turkish camp to f cilitnto the intorchnnno of commutii cations between the Turko and tin British. Second , The mou'iivrra ol English nnd Turkish forces ahull mu tunlly bo ctrried out in such n man iu > r as to avoid the interference of tin one with the other. Third , That tin date shall bo fixed for the ovncuatioi of Egypt by the English forces. THAT REIIKI. I'llOCLAMATION. The sultan is understood to bo mon averse thnn over to the issuance of i proclamation gainst Arnbi Pasha nnc the acceptance of the proposal for i military convention. The fnunticn party are for the moment cntiruly ii the ascendant. The growing sym p.ithy of the people here with Arab Pasha is daily causing inorenaei anxiety. Several arrests have nlrcadj been made of persons too ntroiigl ; outspoken in their support of Anibi Inflammatory religious punching ha been prevalent in the moequns , no toriously in that of St. Sophia durini rnmazan , or annual Mulmimnodai lent , which is now being observed. A PROTEST. PARIS , Auijust 20. At n mootinj of the Suez canal company held hen to-day , resolutions were passed do daring it ia the duty of the compnni co uphold the claims already m.ido it : favor of the neutrality of the cana and to oppose all warlike meaauroi taken by England , acting in her oa sumcd character as the supporter o the khodivo. The resolutions stati that the company's concussion cnnno bo disturbed uvon by the sultan , aiu that the company rosorvea to itsol the right to claim , baforo a compoton tribunal , compensation from Englnni eventually. A OOOD WORD KOR THE ENEMY. ALEXANDRIA , August 21. The roc onnoissancu made this afternoon aoom to show that the enemy's urtillery UIK infantry have boon weakened sine yesterday , but their big guns are aid iu position. The khedive watched tin prouress of the skirmish yestordn ; from n villa within range of thi enemy's honvy guno. The roconnoia sanco proves the excellence of Arab Pasha n earthworks nnd the accurac ; of the fire of his artillery. Reports from the interior shbw * hti Arabi Pasha is making tlio entire pop ulation labor on din earthworks. Ill declares that Kafr El Dvvar shall bo ANOTHER PLEVNA. The British cavalry were confusei from restlessness of horses. About I o'clock in the evening the Britisl ironclad train sent out a car wi'b i 40-pounder detached and sent abou forty yards in advance of the ongini and fired two shells upon the Egyp tiaiiB , who endeavored to execute i flanking movement. The 40 pounder after this movement was frustrated fired towards Kafr El Dvar. Tin Egyptians replied with n shell , whicl burst between the train and engine The train , then retired , firing during the trip. Another shell exploded nea : the train butweon the rails. The trait finally retired without damage. Thi British infan.ry meanwhile fired fron the entrenchments , causing great Jos to the Egyptian cavalry , estimated a 300. The fighting ceased at sunset CONFIRMATORY. LONDON , August 20 A dispatch ti Lloyds from Port Said , say : Entr ; into the Suez canal is forbidden by tin English at both unds of the canal. A 81'Y IN CAMl' . Information from headquarters stat that a prominent person has booi discovered to bo iu'conatunt coinnm nication with the rebels , Ho will bi arrested and confined on board tin Egyptian man-of-war. Itisroportoi that the person referred to is Ilassai Pacha , Choroi minister of Nukfs. ARRESTED. The arrest of the person montioncc as having been in constant communi cation with the rebels , was made thi morning. THE AMERICAN CONSUL ASSAULTED. Mr. Long , the American consul , wo attacked yesterday inaido of the Ga barrigate , by about forty native , Sol diera arrived ana dispersed the crowd The ringleadcra of the assaulting part ; was arrested. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS- 5 } > c.m Dispatch to 'J IIB Urn. 1'OLE HUNTERS TICKED UP. LONDON , August 20. The atonmo Hopi ) , commanded by Sir Allot Young , 0. B. , which left hero in Juin last , in search of the crow of tin steamer Eira , > > as arrived at Peter head with the entire crew of that vos sol. The Hope picked them up ii Matotsehin Straits , Nova Zambia , 01 the third of August , having lost the ! ship off Franz Josef land , and jour neyed in bo its to the atraiti through the ice. Leigh Smith , com manderof the Eira expedition , give the following accounts of its exper ionco. "On July 13th 1881 , wo utoamoe through a pack of ice and ten day later sighted Franz Josef land , Wi proceeded toward Cpo Ludlow , whicl waa close to the pack , to the north ward. On August 2nd wo went u ] Nightingale Sound and thence t < Kira harbor , and erected a storehouse On the 10th wo started oist to loot for the Jeannette , but were unable t ( pass Beront Hook , On August 21a the Eira got nipped butweon a lam nee and a pack of ice , ono tnilo oa of Capo Flora , and aanlr before wi were able to aavo many stores , Wi built a hut on Capo Flora of tur and stones and covered with Bails Wo wintered there and during th whole time no signs of scurvy ap peared. Twenty-nine walrus tani thirty-six boars were killed nnd oaten. Wo loft Capo Flora Juno 21 , 1882 , in four boats , nnd sailed eighty miles without ereing any ice , nnd rcnchod Nova Xombla August 2. When the Eirn was nipped the look rained no rapidly thnt in two hours after It had boon discovered it wna necessary to abandon the ship. Hsrdly liiul tlio last man loft the vocsul when the ice cased nnd iho Eirn rapidly sank. A tent w.\s first erected on the ice nnd the house waa subsequently built. " All the boats of the Kirn were saved , Most of tlio crow < n\vcd BOHIO clothes nnd bedding , For sixteen nights tlio crow slept in a tent , from which they wcro nt times almost float ed out by the rain. Notes. The fitluR hcinl in tlio direction ol Aboukir S ituidtty nftcinnon wn tlio Brit- ( ah twcWo toiiKuna nlonK the MnhntooJIob cnnnl , In n inivnto loiter Ucnr Admtrnl Nich olson ni Alt xntiilrlii Uiniitn that liu threat- cncil tu return tire U the Itayplinns fired on hU rn cln , nnd alto Hint ho cheered on the KuglMi. Oporto Olio Tiorrllyan , chief eecrelnry for Iroliiiul , Hpcnldne nt Iionilondcrry Snl- u day , cnld the Irinh Koverunieut wore bcRitiulnjj lo feel n nen'o ot hope , nlimut c'jululoace , to wlilclt they were Btr nncr ( at HID dark huur whan they commenced Lord Mtyor ; Duwsou , In a loiter In wlilch lie encloncd ton poutiila townrd pay. ilK GrnyVtiuc , sayn ho Is i rapnred totnkc nil lcnnl etcpi an n member of tlio court which Bcntcnceil tJrny to ovlncn his want of coticurreiico In IU notion. It la Hinted thatI'I ' rl Spencer , lord lieutenant [ of Ire 1 md , has received mthnrity to ucl as lu see * tit In llio case of Gray. It Ufrenerallj ntlcialciltlmt | Ur y wl'l ' shortly bo released - leased . A letter from tlio pojio to the Irish lil 1i < ops , dated AiiRiiHt 1st , l | iubllalied In Rome. Ills ho | IBB cxnret-soa his pro found rrcret that tranimtlUy hm not beet rostcro I m Ireland'and that murders con tinue to bo committed , nil I eayn the Irlih people by following the ndvlce of thu pre- Ihtes , may hnpo for alleviation of the i IE from which they RutTer. A iiut cause musl lie upheld by just incitnn. The latter CUD- cluijpa by exprpHslng the hope thnl tin Engll-h government will do jnetlco to the eqcttablo cHinm of IrMi people , remembering < bering that thu pacU'icatiouof Irelitud con tributes ) un element of truuquillty in the whole empire. A Po.iort Floodoil. Spcc'al D epitch tu TUR DRB. ST. Louis , Aiigust 20. The Ho- publican's Dallas special says ; Pas- aengors by the TexiH & Pucifio rail road report 0116 of the heaviest rulne over known , continuing three daye und niuhts without intermission , stop ped falling inVest Texas last night. In some plnces the plains , where tra dition says it ucjver rains , have the ap pearance of a sea and the rainfall ia estimated at six foot. The flooded seel ion begins near Abilene and ex tends west for nearly 300 miles ; in cluding the country from Brazes to Pccos rivers. , Miles of track of the Texas & Pacific road hns boon' dam aged and in abveral places serious washouts have dconrrod. Four miles of track ! west of Abilene were washed away and traina rannot cross. Trans fers have to bo made in ono rpot , Four hundred yards of track and orn- bankmout & * < \ washed a toy rj/ilx-all have to bo entirely rebuilt. Great drifts of dead prairie dogs are piled in the rubbish. Thous ands of them have been drowned and thousands more can bo soon struggling in the water. On those pluiim the waters from such a flood l\ow \ southward and the only channels to carry them away nro the Brazes and the Colorado , Oonclio and Pecos rivers and their small tributaries. Conapquontly it will bo several dayn brtforo the lands bocoino dry again The great washout referred to was iho work of n water spout between Abilene lone nnd Sweet water A similar ono is said to have occurred near Van- horn , nearly six hundred miles west of Dallas , and seriously damaged the Southern Pacilict track in southeastern Arizona. It will take several days to repair the Texas Pacific's tr.ick. It ia feared that izroat loan of life and stock have occurred. Striking Coal Minors. Special Dispatch to Tilt HKI. CuMiiERLAND , August 20. A squad of the Consolidation company's im ported miners from Elkhart were sent to Pompoy Smash this evening to smother the fire in the Astor mines located there. On their arrival they were attacked by a largo body of strikers and driven back to their bar racks , Fire arms were used freely by both parties , but BO far us learned no ono was injured. Information was received hero late this evening that a largo number of strikers from the vicinity of Frostburg would go to LunaconiiiK to-night and prevent thu minerfl of George Urcok Goal nnd Iron company and Now Central company from going to work Monday morning. The sheriff , having been notified , hua made preparations to moot any inter- ferono > of this nature , A Prize Flight lii CUlcauo. Special Dlupaich to TIIK Dm. OHICAUO , August 20 , - Charloa Hart and Goo. aliaa "Plug" Martin fought n prize light for $500 u side at day light this morning , in the presence of u largo crowd of roughs , who bad assembled back of a large lumberyard nt the mouth of the river , whoru police hover patrol , though within ton minutes walk of the heart of the city , The pugilists are a couple of local middle-weightaof coiisidorubloacionco. The fight lasted ten rounds in forty- five minutes , ll.irt won the first knock down , first blood and the fight , Martin waa badly punished , A Luirloss Act. Special DlepaUh lo run UKI. NEW Your , August 20 , A lottoi from Havana atatca that the Ameri can schooner Dauntless was searched , on the llth inat. , by armed uni formed men , who were in quest of t delinquent Spanish sailor. Tno search ing party had no authority to bet at it did and the subject is to bo invest ! ' gated. Cottou iu Texas. Special Dlipatch to.Tii * HII. ST. Louis , August August 20 , Th ( secretary nf iho Mi reliant * ' exchange at Dallas , Toxaa , in making a roporl of the cotton crop In northern Toxai Tlio rains hnvo been excessive Mnco the 3 h of July nnd tlio grown' hm been kept sonking wet. The ro suit has boon luxuriant plants nt UK expense of actual cotton , Boll worm ! have nppparod in fifteen countiui heard from , nnd prolnbly prevails it nil the rost. The damage by the worn cnnnot bo definitely stated yet , bill the general opinion ia U will bo coriom nnd the condition of cotton U retgnrd I'd B critical throughout thu acotioi mentioned. Nlcliolnou'n Denial , Spccltl Dkp ci ra to u * llm. WASIUNOTON , August 10 , lUmi Admiral Nicholson , commanding the Kimipeiin nUtion , hns written n private vato letter to n promlnontolllcpr of tin navy department in which ho tnkes oo ctftion to deny the statement that when the boinburdtnont of Aloxnmlni bcgitn lin notified the Egyptians i they fired on nny of his vessels hi would return the firo. Ho also denies nies the ntntcmont that nfter the i\C' tion ho stenmud nrotmd thu Englinl tloet nnd cheered the vessels upoi their work , THK MISSISSIPPI IMPROVKMr.NT. The select cominittou of the houti of repreaentntivo.i to oxnmino tin work in progress on thu application foi appropriation , etc. , for the improve inent of the MiesUaipp ! river intoiu to chnrtur euitnblu vussuls nnd prococc down the river from C.iiro to Nuv Orluuiis , thence to the jetties nt tin south paafi , stopping nt such plncoa n : will nid the ineniborn in protccutini the work to which they are assigned The work of the committee will bog it about tlio middle of November. WASHINOTON , Auuust 20. A tele gram froniGovornorRoberts , of Texas was received at the treasury depart inent stating the nufidring conditim of those sick with yellow fovor. IVe thousand persons in Browusvilla an out of employment on account of tin quarantine and requesting nid. Act' ' ing Secretary French replied that tin department would take charge of tin hospitals and quarantine nt all suit able stations if the governor desired it hut that thu alnto of Tuxna must sup port all persons not in the hospital If tlio governor accedes to this view the surgeon general and the marini hospital service will at once munta : into hia services and pay the guard at the proper points to prevent ogre a from Brownsville , and will , througl ono of his surgeons , take charge o the hospital nrrangomonta. Surgeoi General Hamilton hns already m.idi arrangements by which hospital tonti have been sent to Memphis , and in structions have boon given to the surgeon goon of the services there to proccoe at once , on receiving ordura , t ( Brownsville and tnko charge of tin yellow fever district. A Circus Wreck. Special Dlepikh to Till Ilita. CAIRO , 111. , August20. . TW. 0 Coup's circus loft here at 4 this morn ing in two sections. When betwcor Tunnel Hill nnd Now Burnsidp , 4' miles north of this city , the engine o the occond flection ran into the passenger songor ooajli.on tkjrtrear of the froigh train , completely domulUhlnp ; tin coach , killing three drivers and wound ing 25 or 30 others. They were goinr down grade from Tunnel Hill , tht first section being heavily loader while the latter section was rathoi light. The second train was runnmt fast at the time of the accident. The stock and cars ahead of the coach _ ir the first section and roar of the ongint in the second section escaped unhurt , Relief trains with physiciann wore sent to the acono of the wreck. { Swindling the Fool Moil- Special Ulopatch to Inn Unit. NBYT YORK , August 20 The Tiraci prints un interesting story of mi in gunious scheme , by which n syndicati of telegraph operators connected will ; the Mutual Union nnd American Rap pid Telegraph , for several wooki swindled the pool Boilers nt Hunter Point , Long Island. Connection : were made between the companion lines from the race course to the ofiici near the pool roomn , and as soon na i becaino evident which horse woule .win n dispatch won sent anmo 10 min utea in ndvanco of the oflicial result In the meantime ono of the con f odor utea would invest heavily on the win nor. The syndicate arc reported ti have won n largo sum before tin schema was discovered. Iron Worlfora. Special Dlnpatcli t Tin licit. SriiiNdi'iKLi ) , 111. , Augimt 20. Th proprietora of the rolling mills huv notified the men to resume work u the old prices and in cane of rofuon nil atrikern will bo discharged am their places permanently filled will new men. A reasonable time will b given the mon for deliberation. Th strikers on Iho ubovo notice hold i meeting to-day and appointed a committee mittoo to confer with the ollicials to morrow. A Frightful Crime. Special ll ) ] > itcli to'liiH ! ! . AHHLAND , Ills. , August 20. A midnight lust night six men forcoi an emtranco to Eli Cox's house fiv miles north of thu city , and sucurci $40 in money. Upon the refusal o the old man to reveal the suppoaoi hiding place for a largo sum , the rol bora hung him up three times , an < then burned hia feet and hands in horrible manner. The robbora the loft the promises. Buck from the Park Special OUpatch to Tim Mr. * , DILLON , Montana , August 10 - G , W , Lininger , wife and duughtoi R. Allen , wife and daughter , 11. C Clark and Dr. 0. S. Wood returne from thu park las evening , all wel M , M. Marshall , wife and others ai expected here from the park t' morrow night. Wo leave for Sa Lake this evening. A r Ul Uhot. Bpcdil Diipatcli to Tint UKH. OIIIOAOO , August 19. Vm. Xino , newsboy , had a quarrel with a youn man named Herman Burling , and she and killed him this morning. Til nowflboy clatina that Burling threa encd to kill him with n store and ho merely shot to scare htm off. ADVICE TO ABUAM. How the Chief Htnr lioutor Worried About tbo Forrunllon ol Gur- HolQ'd Unblnut. \VA6ittNUTON , August 20. Moro of Dowoy'a letters to Untfiolel were pub- Itthod to-dny. Ono of them urges the appointment of ( lov. Routt of Colorado , ns poslmnstor fjoncral. The following are extract * from thu letters elntod February 2 1 , 1881. Hon. Jan-cs A eiirlltUI , Mentor. MY UBAU OKSKIIAI , : Oonornl Ar thur over lust night from Wna- ington nnd I hnd n conference of sov- crnl IIOIUH with him , He informed mo tlint Bliino nnd hia political ml- luironta were very much provoked nt what they called my interference , nnnioly , bccnuso I had suggested with ninny others the niuiio of .Kulgo Fol- ; nr for secretary of the treasury. Gen- crnl Arthur says ho had iiovor heard such n bu/.z nnd disturbance of fooling art there hns boon among the Blivitu people , lie furthermore snya thnt Elkins , noting no doubt for Blnlno , it talking very noisily ngninst the aolco- tion of Judge Folger , bccnuso ho wne n tool ot mine. The disappointment manifested by this fooling in Washing ton is great and I think therefore tlint this manifest ntiou of bitterness ia a tiling of which you should take liucd and I write what I have aaid to vou more than once , that neither Blnino nor nny other nmbitioua mnn should hnvo control of the grout placoa in your cabinet. If Blaine is to bo nindo secretary of stnto nnd n protege of his secretary ot the treasury nnd mother secretary of importance ) , I ! mvo great fcnra that the ndministra- Lion would grontly Bailer , with nn oven chnnco that disaster would follow , u the near future. I do not > ylsh o any an unkind thine ; of Blaine , ilthough ho is charged with the ro- sposibility for the must unkind things said of mo within the Innt week , nnd the moil untruthful nnd malignant ever ultorodby mnn. If what General Arthur hns hoard is true , it ia clear as daylight to my mind that ho expects to hnvo his friend in the treasury do- pnrtmnnt ; another friend either in the postollicu or the interior , nnd that through them nnd by them ho intends to do ono or two things ) either to mnko your administration a campaign ground for his own nspirationa , or he Imi Homo other object no less danger ous to the party in view. I cannot bring myself to believe thnt Blaine h in the aliito of mind ho ia reported to bo , nnd I sincerely trust thnt General Arthur has been misinformed. I any to you thnt [ or your administration und the republican party nnd for the oountry the appointment of Judge Folger to the treasury department , is the most important ono you have to deal with. Your failure to appoint liim , it sooina to mo , will bo n monumental mental mistake of your administra tion. I believe the republican party of the country think well of Blaine , and I think hia selection ns the head of your cabinet ia a wiao ono , but Blaine ia not in a position to , bo the chief of tho'cabinotiftnjl then , dictate the other important places in it , and what is of more importance , you are not in a position to allow him to do it. A Wroob. Scorial D'spatch to Tin Urn. NKW YORK , August Ifl. It is re ported at the Blonhrim thnt an Eng lish steamer , from Nassau to Balizo , was lost on Elonthara. All the pas- aengirs were saved. _ , Tnunol Accident. Special Dlnpitcli to TUB Dun. Ni'.w YORK , August XO. An acci dent occurrred on the New York aide of the Hudson river tunuel this ufter- noon by * ho blowing out of n bulk- liead. No person injured but the will bo delayed several days. Sulaido. Special DlapaUli tulim KK , DuNLAi1 , Iowa , August 20. At hit residence in this place , Sunday morning - ing , August 20th , Nod O'Brien , or old resident , uuimdod by hanging. A HERO'S WIDOW. Tuo Wife of John Brown of Hnrpor't U'orry Puanoa Through Omauev Among the passengers brought ir from the west yesterday by Pullmni Conductor Sam Minion , waa an oil lady , whoso iiaino has recently beet revised by the press of thia ontin country after rcating in compaiativ * obscurity for years , Thia wua noni other than the wife of John Brown the hero of Harper's Ferry nnd om of the greatest friends the colorec race over had , Mrs , Brown iu a quiet looking modcHtly dressed old lady , who car ries her sixty yoara of lifo reimurknblj wull. Her homo at pruienl is Ht , Clair county , California , though il was for many yoara in Hurnboll county. She resides there with hoi daughter nnd son-in-law , but aho hai three other children in that state , out son and two daughters , Theao an her own children , and her four stej children , who reside in Ohio , aho ii now on lie-r way to visit. Mrn. Brown is making her first VIBII east for eighteen years , Imviiig crossoi the plains with ox teams in 1801 , several oral yoara bofora the completion o the Union Pacific route. Her rola lives in Ohio live at PuUin-Bay antl Akron , und after paying them a vidil , aha will return to her homo in tin Golden State. _ _ For Bronchial , Asthmatic , nnd Pul monary Complaints "Browu'a Bron chial Troches" manifest remarkabl curative properties. Like all othu meritorious articles , they are frc quontly imitated , and those purchua ing should be euro to obtain th genuine. d&wlt WANTED. A good iecond-han bicycle. Address box X. Contn City , Nob. 10-31 AN ORGAN OUT OF GERE. The Charitably-Disposed Grow ing Tired of the Tuno- lees Crank , Politlcnl nnd Pecuniary Uu- dorourrotta Destroying Its UsofAiluear. Belief from tlio Xiogliilntnro Nocoii- imry Tor Itii Snlvntlon. OouRroasionnl Asplrnuta Multiplying. } orrcni < onilDiico ol Tint llm. LIM'OI.N , Nob. , August 19. To-dny a the data sot for the republican pri maries , nnd while thcro nro no indic.v : ions of n reel-hot fight , much dissat isfaction exists nt the course nlfairn nxvo taken , Aa uiiiial , the rnilronda info taken up all the inma known to defeat legitimate issues , In temper- mice wnrda they nro howling prohlbi- lonists and in whinky wards they are 'or ' the "straight goods" nnd almost anything to cover up with. The Stnto Tournnl company hnvo BOHIO old stnt- utcs , so culled , tlint nro wofully done ip , nnel they nro raising heaven nnd earth to BCCUIO n legislative ticket that will secure n letgislntivo endorsement if their Icgnl ( ? ) monstrosity , nnd to , hus throw discredit upon the correct edition nbly edited by Hon. Guy A. Jrown. The railroad company are doinir everything to "plenao Gore" md Gcro is doing all ho jn to gtvo jiiiy Brown's book a black oyo. The Tribune Prlutinc ; company are doing n grout mnount of job work , which would otherwise go to The Toiirnal , nnd nro consequently an eyesore - sere to the railroad organ. The ghostly Gore is n silent backer of Church Howe' , nnd nbout the only ono in the town or county , llowo as sisted them once in securing the 'unions $8,000 atonl , nnd now ho ox- locta to got his reward. But ho wont , riiu congressional delegation from , his county will bo nominally for "Dear Galoy , " but renlly for Judge Weaver , who ia the "coming man , " without n doubt. There is a strong under current for Tom Majors. The indications nro that Tom will hnvo Gigo to start with , nnd will b < s followed closely by other counties. Weaver counts on Iliahardaon nud Pawnee , nnd will bo aocond choice ) of Johnson and Lnn- cnstar. Just where Saundore will go ia doubtful. Its a "pig in a poko" yet , lowovor. On the utato officers it ia dificult to ell who will get the Lancaster dolega- , ion. I think no ono will get it eolid , I3urr , for attorney general may ba it , 3ut Roggon will bo without following. Willard , for treasurer , will stand a good show to have a few of thorn irobttbly half. NBTTAitK. 1 TELEGRAPH NOTES. The turtfl rommtiilon will sit at Cleve land August 31at , Detroit September lit , Indianapolis 2d. Cincinnati 4th and Gth , Louiuvlllo Gtb , Chicago 7th to Oth. Senator Hill , of Georgia , wan buried at Atlanta , Saturday afternoon. The funeral uscort consisted of thu Atlanta bar and congressional commlttecH with a long Hoe of cnrilagi-g , Fully 20.000 people nsnem- hied on lliu streets to view ttio procession. At Anoka , Minn. , Friday night , the north-hound pameuger train on tlio Mani toba road struck a carriage containing William Huckott , ISanpar Coal , Florence Parker and Miss LIHIe Dawiion , wh.i were nil Instantly killed and Ihelr bodlen terrl- hly mangled. The < fliclals of the Chicago , Rock Is land & 1'bclfio railroad have I-aucd a Bchedule reducing the passenger tariff not only to all the competitive points in lown , mentioned In the Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy Hchedulo , hut the following as well : To Canon , SH : Davenport , $5 20 ; Hook Inland , -r > 15 ; Mollne , $5 10 ; Mils- catino , 80 05 ; 1'ellu , $11 CO ; Sigotirney $8. The loss liy the burning of the Dowllng & I'eok piano factory , In Now York , Sat urday mornln ? , in $200,000. Fifteen hun dred pianos , in process of manufacture , were burned. Pour hundred mon nro thrown oul of work , Two men were badly Rcaldod , and four others received iujurle * Lhat may prove fatal. Definite ntcpa have been taken to estnb- Hun u Sp mlsh-Ainerican nnd Mexican ox. change in Si. Loulu , nnd hecduarter8 | will ho opened about Iho middle of tidxl month. Numerous applicatl un for uiumbenhin have already been received , nnd all large western und several eastern oitlea will ho rt-nrenontcd by aotno of their heaviest man ufacturing conceniB. Among Iho HulMcriptlons recently re ceived for Iho Unrfield memorlul hospital are the following : Win , Windom , $100 ; prrulilent of llaytl , $100 ; minister of state of Huytl , Slffii. Th contriljutloua from llayti were accompanied hylettersfrxpress- Ing Bympalhy wilh the pr-Ject f erecting the memorial hospital. President Arthur hau glvon $200. N. C , liirch , editor of the State Journal at Jelfowou Ity , Mo . puiilhihoii n card to the republican , naylnx that since the chairman nud Kecretary of the state onrn- mltUe nan determined lo prevent the call ing of Iho utato convention , he asks all re- [ iiililicanB who favor one to send him their names and liu will rail the con mention , if nt their meeting on the 21th the stale com- mltteodonot do to. The Utah commissioners nrrired iu Salt Lake City on Friday night and were given a reoapllon by the cltUeiu nt the McKenzlo parlors Walker' house. The In * opera recep tion wai attended l > y nil clauses and was imlte Informal. The Mormon church has employed four leading firms of Salt Lake to defend Itie county otlielala who are soon lo lose their positions under the new law , jiving Governor Murray power to appoint by rea-jon of the Augmt election lapsing , caused l > y the falluro of the commUilon to arrive and pUce the ii-achinery of election in motion under the Kdiuumia law. feu thousand dollars was put up by the clmrtli to fight the new law. Tito Freiia ut'Trlp. SH > ca ! ! Dbiutch to Till UXK. NEW YOUK , August 10. President Arthur is visiting General Hancock to-dny. NBW YOKK , Auguat 20. President Arthur wont riding thia afternoon with James 0 , Hood , hia former secre tary , nud waa visited by Secretary Chandler and others. 'IV