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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 16 1808 o. o , OOUK : AC GO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Cenncll lllurTg , Iowa , WHOLESALE FLOUR HOUSE , General Agent * tor the Celebrated 11111 : ) ot H. D. Ki h A Co. , Oolilcn Kagle Flour Losvonwoith KannMand Queen Boo Mlll , Sioux Fails , Dakota. Hctercncc , Smith A Ctlttcndcn , Council UlulTji , la. EC. IE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F FIGE. * TmJWm tu C& TiJ' 3C 3E& Jfl &S Cf O Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. aiONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. i i i yv i > C3/1 'i'TvT" 15 Worth Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Ready-fitted uppers,1 In call skin and ktp. Oak and ItcmlocU SOLE LEATHER , KDii al ooda appertaining to the shoe tr.ulo. Oo d gold M cheap as In the I'&at. IBS , mm HIV IELIIERY STORE FOR STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. . Council Bluffs la That never require crimping , at Hr . J. J. Howl's Ilalr Btoro , at prices never before touchcJ by any other hair dealer. Also a lull line ol switches , etc. , atyroatly reduced pilcus. Alee gold , 8lUcr and colored netsVa > co mvlo from Ivilcs' own hair. Do net ( all to tall bolero purchulug elsewhere. All goods warranted as represented. MH8. J. J GO01) , 29 Main Btrcoi , Council Dluds , Iowa. Bethesda BATIIEBHOUSEI At Bryant's Spring , Cor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Plain , Medicated , V > per , Kloclrlc , I'lungo , Doucb , Shower , Hot and Cold Baths. Com petent ii ale and female i.urncn and attendants always on hand , and the bent ot rate and atten tion given patrons. Special att ntinn jrli on to batnlnj ; children. ln\cstlatlonaud | patronage solicited DR. A. H STUDLUY & Co. , 100 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studley : Triatmeut of chronic diseases maden sptchtty. REMOVED without the CAIDffiS "rawing ol blood or use of knllo. Cures limp dlscaacs , Fits , Scrofula , Lhcr Com- D ° a ! . k f.fiiotTD wr h - T II Wl Fl R X tlsm , Fc\cr and Mercur- I U III U n O lttl Boro9i Erysipelas. Salt nhcum , Scald lie id , CUatrh , weak , Inflamed and granulated Ej es , crofulous Ulcers nnd Female - male Disease of all kinds. AUo Kidney and Tenerlal diseases. Hemorrhoids or 1'ilea cured money refunded. All diseases treated upon thoprlnclplooMefrot- able reform , without the use ol mercurial pois ons or the knife. Electro Vapor or Medicated Baths , furnished who desire them. Hernia or Hupture radically cured by the use the Elastic belt Truss and Plaster , which has superior In the world. CONSULTATION FREE- OALL ON OK ADDRESS Drs , E , Rice ana F , C , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ia. LIVERY , Feed and Sale tables , 18 North First Street , Bouquet's old stand , Council DUiffn , Iowa. WILLAUD SMITH. I'rop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting Physician and Surgeon , Ollico ftiidrisIdcncoOlfi Willow a\ouuo , Coun- el Ulufla , loHtt. SINTON & WfiST. DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , Oeunoil Bluffs. Eitractln and filling a epochlty. Flret-clasH work guaranteed , DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Pearl Street , IIoun , 0 a. m. to , " 2. , and 2 p. m. , lo B p , m , Ueildonco , 120 "linncrott Htreet. Telephonic connection with Central otllce. F. T. SEYBERT , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA. Office No. 5 , Eyeroti Block , Broad way , over A. Louie's Iteatauraut , fetats Restaurant J , A. BOSS , Proprietor. Corner Broadway . .nd Fourth Streets , Good accommodations , good fare and cour teous treatment. S. E. MAXON , xco x acv xi a a * . Office over savings bank. OOUNOIii BLUFFS , Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W , 0. Jamc , In connection with his law and solUctlou bualnew buys and telli real estate. Persona wUhlnu to buy fi sell city property call at hit office , over Uushnoll'i book itore , Pearl Itreet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice oi the Peace and Notary Public. 4l6Broadway , Council Bluffs Deedi andmort aiwjdrawn > nd acknowl ged WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET RTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Price Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs ; - - - Iowa IRS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , . Medical Electrician * t AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate ot Elcctropathlc Institution , Phila delphia , fount. Oico Dor , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IO\VA. The treatment nt all dlsoapoa and pnlnful dlf- fleultlcs peculiar to li-ipalm a epccl tlty. J. G. TIPTQN , Attorneys Counsellor , Office o\cr First National RankCouncil niulla. loua. Will uractlco In tno etatii andfei1cial Game and Poultry , Can always be found a B. DANEHY1" , 133 Upper Itroadwuy JKO.JAYFKA1NEY , . Justice of the Peace , 014 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. W B. MAYES , Loans andRealEstate , Proprietor ot ahstracta of Pottawattamle county , Olllco corner of Ilroadway and Main aircett , Oiimcll lllnffa , Iowa. JOHN STEINER , M. D , , ( DouUcher Artt. ) COB. BROADWAY AND 7TU ST. Council BlufFa. i/lgeaaca of womenjind children a apaclalty. TJ , MONTBDMBEY , M7 D , , FllEE DlSI'ENSAUY EVKHY SATUUIJAY. Office In Everett'i block , Pearl troct. Ken ) ] dence Ck8 Fourth Btreet. Ofllce hour * from B to 2 a. in , , 2 to 4 aud 7 08 p.m. Council luff * F. G. CLARK , PRACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl qppoalte the poatofflco. One of the oldest ptalltlonen In Council UluflJ. Batla Ufactlon guaranteed In all cases DE. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH Ult. CHAKLKS DECTKKN. Office over drui etore , 414 Droidway , Council Bluff * , low a. Al dlwaiui of the eye and car trciUxl under the ruoit approi cd method and all cured iruara JOHN LINDT , ATTORNEY'-AT-IAW. ' Will ractlce In all 8t t and Utltci Stale CoutU A PliAQUB OP SNAKES. Form Latida Infested WHu the Vcc omoua Crontures-Somo Son- eonablo Snake LHoraturo. I'hlbddphla Times. Thuro nro scores of oraclca of Chca tor county , but not one of them cm account for the extraordinary mini beef of snakes that infest that part of th atnto this year. Copperhead ; , viper and black-snakoa nro as numerous a blackberries , and , what ia most re nmtknblo , they at once attack inatoai of retreating from these who disttir them. Formany joars the cnuntr ; for miles around the falls of Frunci Crook , and oven across the Montqom cry county line , has boon infostci with vouomous rjptiles , and in soma cases death has resulted from their nt tacks. For weeks past scores of farmers go to their work armed with ohotguns So numerous are the enakoa along the banks of French crook that ihero are many places through which no native could bo induced to walk at night. Ol the farm of David Schweilor the snakes were so numerous that his hur vest hands refused to work , and six o them left in a body , and the proprie tor of the farm shot cloven black snakes , five copperheads and three viperu on his plantation ono Sunday morning in July. A rocky little ravine that makoa in to French Crook a short distance below low the Dig Cluster Pike has loii } , boon known s a great reaort foi snakes , and on Thursday last S.unuc Lowry and three other men inradcc' the place and dug n hole live feet deep in what was believed to bo the center of the dun. Bctoro the hole was finished Lowry shot 13 snake * , five oi which were copperheads. Ton pounds of ginut powder were then sunk in the hole and after being wall tamped the pit was filled up and the fuse lighted. Tons of rock and earth were thrown up , and the debris was covered will ) writhing pieces of reptiles that had been killed. It is believed that moro than a hundred black snakes , copper- lioads , highland vipers and water snakes were killed by the explosion Sin co wheat harvest began S.unue Elliott of South Coventry townshii : ma killed [ 18 ( makes , mostly copper- leads , on his farm , and still the place is ao infes od that it is not safe to cross it unarmed. Ono day last week , when Mr. Elliott was harvesting oats , 10 disturbed a huge blucksnake. Accustomed as ho is to meeting snakes unexpectedly , the great size of this one startled him , and ho ran for his uhotgun. The reptile at once gave chase , but Mr. Elliott succeeded it reaching the gun and mounting n mi Fonca buforu the snake got up. Whei tno snake came to the fence i raisi'd itself to reach Mr. Elli > tt , vtlu then shot and killed it. This snak'o is said to have been five feet nine inches long and thicker than arm. arm.In rocky places in Coventry town- nhip it is no uncommon thing to see 20 or 30 copperheads , each from two to two and a half feet long , basking in the sun and showing liuht when up preached by man. G. R. Miahler liad a field of wheat to harvest am the reaper decapitated eovnn snakes in cutting two swathes around the field. The number of snakes fright pried the horses so that it was found impossible to drive thorn up to the standing grain. The grain had to bo cradled , but the two farm hands who did it exacted double wages for the work on account of the snakos. When : ho uncut groin was reduced to ubout lialf an aero it was aliyo with snakes nd the workmen killed 17 in leas than an hour. John Miller has killed 20 copperheads and blackanakos oi : his : .trm in Coventry township this fiurn- im-r and the plaou iu still infested. D > y after day John Housoman'fl young poultry disappeared and never came back. Ho could not account for t until last Friday , when hearing an unuBual fluttering ina young tin key coop ho ran there and aaw n bluck- anako , about three feet long , erawl out of the CJOP with u young turkey in its ncuth. The snake dropped the bird on the ground , and , to Mr. House man's astonishment , went buck into ho coop In the meantime three * much larger anakea , which were oiled ifitr by , inndo u rush for the corpnii of ho little turkey. There was another hitter in the coop , and out came the nmiill snake on the ground , Tno little inako , which wa just nblo to wriggle tself between the slats of the coop , was evidently catching n supper for the BiiakcB , vvhic i were tro big to Bquoczn their way into the hutch llr. Houseman killed two of the snakes , und the others made oil' to ward a clumb of titnln-r two or three uindred yards behind the barn , The nan followed and saw thorn disappear n a hollow aycamoro log. On the following morning Mr. Joust man poured coal oil over ono end of the log and set fire to it , limiting himself at the other end with a * shot-gan , in- ending to kill the snakes when they were driven out. lie did not have to rait long , for ten minutes after the ire was started u hugo snake came niching out of the tree trunk. The mntor fired and killed it , and did tin- same for another reptile that appeared moment lator. That emptied his run , and ho was not prepared for vhat followed almost instantly , when > ig snaken and little makes , blacksnakes - snakes , copperheads , und vipers loured out of the log in a stream that airly made his hair raise , The ; round for many yards around was iterally covered with crawling rop- ilos , a dozen of which charged on the learly petrified Houseman , This irought him to his senses , and ho nado a bee line for homo. The armor declares that there were moro han a hundred snakes in that log , and ho feels like kicking himself be cause ho did not fire the log at bo h ends and in the middle. One of the nako < that ho killed ho says was ex actly six foot long. The London IJaucot. The ' , London Lancet" ayu : "ilany n ifo has been Haved by the mortlo < urauo of he tuffurer" and many a Ufa lua l.ecn aved by taVtn ) ; SrilLNQ lil.o.-isoii In cave of hillluUB fevtr , liKiJt'estlon or liver ci in- jluiut ) . 1'rlco CO ctntu , trial bottle * 10 cents. Kd-lw Barbed 'Vlro fntoroats , In the discussion of the tax roduc- ion bill in the senate Mr. Hock road ho following special to the Now York lorald : Mr. Hoar's principal constituent ia ho Washburn & Moon Manufuctur- ng company , whoso great iron .vorks are at Worcester , where , Mr , Hoar lives , and for whoso interests , M i well known to the members of bat ) houses , ho has sedulously cared , Al though this com piny makes oven kind of wire work , its chief produc for the last years has boon barbci fence wire and wire bands for b.tlinf cotton nnd hay The r < w nuterin used by the company in the turo of those articles is siccl wire rods , which , as the law now stands , are sub joctto n duty of 30 per cent ad vale rom , The McKinley bill , which is tin basis of the senate's amendment lo tin house revenue bill , proposed to raist the duty on stool wire rods to iH conli a pound , which would bo about 1'JC per cent instead of 30 , nn now. It it also proposed t-j raisa the duly on cotton nnd Imy bands. When the Mclvmley proposition appeared in tin souato in. the form of au amendment to the rtvonuo bill it is n suggestive fact that the duly on bands was raised , while the duty on wire rode wan lift unchanged lit HO per cent Thu it will bo seen that Mr. IloarV f.vvorito constituents gets the bjuvlit of an increased duly on their product , while their raw material is still pro- curably by thorn at a ratn which is utterly unprotcctivo. The interests of thu Washburn it Moon company- Mr. Hoar's constituents were thus [ guarded ac both ends. The enormous yaluo of this little attention tto their interests will bo scon when it is known hat the Washburn & Moon company will produce Una year nt least -tO 000 : ona of barbed fencp wire , aim that whole consumption is estimated at east ( ! 0COO tons in all , for which , as owners of the patojts they got n roy alty of § 12 CO per ton in addition to ho enormous profits incident to got- .ing their raw material at 30 per cent duty and sol ing it m the form of wire iroductod by n 75 per cent duty. Tins s the price which the farmers of the country are paying to Mr. Hoar's constituents ; and this explains why oven the proposition to reduce the ; atin" all around only 10 per cent was so stoutly resisted by Mr. Hoar , be cause it would only reduce the raw naterial which this company buys 3 : > er cent , while it would tnko 7 ] per ent off the finished product , which .hoy sell to the farmers. This is an other case like that of the Bessemer steel works , where the profits to the capitalist a are made , by n cunninu arrangement of the tarifl' , so great ihat they exceed the whole amount earned by the norkmnn engaged in it. No Such Won ! ns Fail. "I have wed your SPIIINQ HI.OSSOM for dynpeii i , heailncno , indcouailimti u , and find it nan dime me a great deal of good , I ahull recommend It to mv frlendn. "llKNin UtSIUOl.KTTI , "May 24th. DO Main -it. , Uulnvlo. " Price M coats , trial jmttloa 10 cents. Kolfer Snubbod. Ualtlruoro American ( hep. ) . It was a terrible snub that the house of representatives administered on Tuesday by intentionally omitting the resolution of compliment to the speaker that is usually passed on thu eve of adjournment. The custom has the sanction of many years of ob servance , and is in itself a courteous expression of the fact that , however bitterly party contests may have raged during the session , the 'speaker lias endeavored to bo just to all mom- burs. For this reason it lioa been the practice for the resolution to bo of- ered from the minority aide nf the IOUPO , nnd it was kept up oven during ; ho otnbitterod days of the slavery contest , the war und the roconatruc- , ion poiiud. Moreover , it was not a neaninglosa and empty honor , for to Bjnlcp , Orr , Ponnington , Grow , Col- 'ox , IJInine , Kurr and llind.ill are nc- oio'vludgod to have been dignified and mpartial in their ndimnmrr < ition of their high office. But , Mr. Kin for has ( resented so sharp a to thorn ; hat the common compliment would uvo been u burloEquu in his case ; und , accordingly , Mr. Iljbuson vainly endeavor-eft to porsu.ido any meiiibiir o aubinit the resolution which it is to jo prusumad ho had proparud in bo- lalf of his protege in the cliuir. Pur * laps they nro too thick-aUlimod to 'eel thin H vere rebuke , but tlio uublio can eaaily unduratund thut it waa al- n oat tantamont to u vote of con demnation Speaker ICtiifor. Jluswor'l Can you find u cane of Hright'a Oiseaso of the Kidnoyn , Diabutcs , Ur- n.try or Liver Complaints tlui * is cur- nblo , that liop Bittern has not or can- tot cure ? Ask your neighbor if they can. Won Slng'd Furallv. 'tT York Special tv Clila u TIIIICJ. With Sing , who ncjtitly arrived 'rom China , kaopa n laundry in the laaemontof No. 231 Sixth avenue. Ilia wife i > ) a nntivo of ( Jiirm , and the couple have two children , both born n China , the oldest bmrig 5 years of 1140 and the youngcnt 3 yenra. It in leliovcd that Wah Sing la the only Jliiimman iu Now York who has u Ohiiieso wife with him , and that his children are the only children of Jnineee parentage on both fiidoi in ho city. Wah Sing lives with his amity in a single upirtnient. Wah Sing was visited recently by a re- xirtor. Ho was taking u nap , and VUH awakened by his wife after HIO md asked the reporter , wonuii-liko , ' \Vhut for you wanteo him ? " and re- : eived a satisfactory answer. Wuh jing uppeand from behind a purti- ion , followed by his child ran , The children were chubby-faced , and hewed no signs of shyness. They tuvo high cheek bones , scant oyo- irows , black eyes , coarse black hair , Idt noses and dark complexions , Their mir was shaved from the front parts ot their heads and their hair was gath ered in queues , Wah Sing saiu they were both girls. They were drcwsed n looso-iilling white frocks , with short leovea and pink aprons. Wah Sing aid ho intended sending the children o school when they were older , that hey might learn "Engloso.1' Thuro was little about Mrs , Wah ling except hur voice to indicate that ho was a woman. She was dressed n a tunic of dark blue material , with OODU fitting , square-cut trousers of ho same nutenul. She were shoes with thick felt Boles. Her features roro of the ordinary Chinese typo , ilrs. Wah Sing it said to bo a model vifo. Itovo Your When your friend or nu'ghbor in labor- ni ; under b < xiily allllctluu , indlgettlun , ilillouHDeuo , cona'iputlon , canned by 1m- mrity ot blooil , or dUordeNof the kl Uieya ir liver , don't fall to recommend lit imoiK ILOOD llniKiw , a sure and afe remedy , Itnprovomonta In Ona The introduction of the nloctrio ligfil has had the effect of stimulating in ventive talent in the direction cf im proving pas-burners. An incnmleccnt light is now produced bv a lamp re- cotitly brought out in England , and which is thus dcscrbcd : Broadly stat edthis light may bo said to bo a Itun- sen burner with n gauze cap over it , in that the light is the result of thn combustion of gas and of nir in com bination. The details , however , nro considerably modified nnd improved as against the ordinary lUiuaen burner. In the first place , part of the nir is supplied to the now light under prcs > sure , and this induces a current which supplies the remainder ; and , in the next place , the fUme is surroun ded by , or rather absorbed into , n plat inum wire gnu/.e , the combination producing n remarkably brilliant in- cuulosceiit light. The burner consists of two pipes ono for the supply of ir nt n pressure sulllciont to balance n BUY inch column of water , nnd the other for the gas , which ia conducted from the muter in thoordinary way. On the top of the burner is n cap about two inches high and galf an inch in diame ter , formed ( if platinum wire gauze of very line niesit. The nir under prca- sure is delivered from an inner tube , opening into u largo ono near the top of the burner , witu nn opening at its lower end. When the nir is turned on an induced upper current is produced , and gas being admitted nt the eamo time , the two combtnn and pass into the platinum cao. Up in the mixture being ignited , the c.ip in n few seconds ends gives forth a brilliant incande- cent glow of high illuminating powor. The combined nir and ua.s is so aott d upon by the intense heat of the wire C tuzj that perfect combustion is elfco ted ( us shown by the perfectly clean condition of a polished silver pinto af ter having been hold over the burner until it was highly houtod ) , n brilliant light , accompanied by only n moder ate amount of licut , being the result. The light is poifuctly steady , of great penetrative power , nnd is stated tu cost much less than that produced by the ordinary gas burner nnd with pure jns. Popularity THOMAS' Ki.Kcnuo On/ has obtained great popularity , troiu its Intrinsic vnluu an n toliiblo nieniuino , in curing hotr c- in'BH , and all irritations nf the throat , din- c.i-en of the cho't , etc. L'or tliuao it is nn iiiuomtmralilti pulnioiilc. lld-lw Unrly Plowing for Wheat. Wo are glad to note that the num ber of farmers who break the wheat ground just aa soon us they can got the Imrvustcd grain threshed or into the barn is rapidly growing. Last year the Into sown wheat made an ex cellent yield , the late fall and early winter favoring growth. It will not be safe for the slow coaches to buso a rule of action on that exceptional full nnd wintir. Nine yearj out of tun it will bo found thut ho who plows early will do it at less coat nnd reap a heavier crop than ho who takes it easy and says there is time enough for wheat. The extremely wet weather of the first six months of this year han made the ground very hard , nnd already nome fanners are complaining that their land is hard to plow. If wo should have a few days of dry , hot weather , the farmer will need throe horses to do what now two can do. In breaking wheat lund , when the clods dry quickly under u hot nun , the roller und harrow will muko little impres aion. Lot the plowing for wheat and barley bo done us soon us possible and rolled down. If boiween this and the middle ot September the ground can bo harrowed often enough to keep down all wucdu and promote nprout- ng of volunteer grain , the nhancua for a liutuleomo wheat crop will bo in- cumeed. Early plowing for wliont and birley is to be encouraged , beoa-ieo it onabks the farmer to hotter clean hin land The wouda which upring up after hur- vuat will have the scuds 110 far ad vanced by the last of Angimt or first ol September , it not disturbed , as to scod thu l nd and nmlfo a crop of wood a doubly uuro noxcsoauon. A iiolid scud bud ia of liriit import ation in making u good crop of wheat. On top of this sued bud wo want a porftct mulch of well pulverized noil. Tina v/oll worked eurfnuo ooil has boon CDiichcd by the action of the sunlight und ntiiionphere , or huat nnd moisture , which have produced thu chemical aauon rtquisito to the pre paration of plant food. The old theory of fallow has been improved upon by the modern indth- odn of complete piilvori/.ition of the soil where the rootleta are to feud. Mollon-iKwti or firmneea of the enil ay do ( ib'uined ovun ut a lute plow- g , if Iho weather favors , But oven thun wo havt ) only one of the eondi- tiotiH of n perfect oeed bed , Thuro is a curtuin compactness of soil which favors the reudiuat capillary action. Them is , too , mioli n course condition , that quickly dries because hero can bo little or nn oapill.iry no tion to counteract gravity. And such o the condition of the cued bed on re- jontly plowed land. When on such 11 need bud the wheat germinates and hrowa out the line roots they perish for want of pasture , or from Huddun changes from dry to wet or cold to hot. Uniformity of tempanduro und moisture - uro can best bo eecurud by n need bed eng prepared and frequently surface walked On such u seed bud wo na turally expect the moat uniform L'rowth , and experience has demon strated that thu expectation is well founded. S200.00 EEWAED Will bo paid for the detection and con viction cf any peroon nulling or dealIng - Ing in any hot-ua , counterfoil or imiU. tion TJoi * llnTKiw , oapuciully liittora or prepurutions with the word Ilor or Ilora in thulr naino or connected therewith , thai ia intended to iniBlead and cheat the public , or any propira * ion put in uny form , protondinj- hu Jio naino an IIov liirmiu. The Ken- uino huvo a cluuter of OKKHN lloi'.s [ notioo this ) printed on the wlnto Inbol , and are the purest and beet invdicino on earth , especially for Kid- jioy , Liver and Norvouu Dinuases. lu- ! ware of all others , und of all pretended formulas or recipes of Ilor IhrrKiih publiahud in papora or for aule , aa they arc frauds and uwindles.Yho - over deals in any but the genuine will bo proaooutcd , lloi * DITTKKV Mra. . Co. -m.T , To the Consumers of Carriages & Buggies I have a cnmpleta stock of all the Latis1 ; Styles of Cirri ges , Pnaetons and Ope a and Top Buggies , Consisting of Tne Celebrated firewater Bids Bar , The Haralin Side Bar , The Whitney Side Bar , and The Mullhalland Spring. The Dexter Queen Buggy and Phaeton Ah- ) the Old Rel able ullipnc Spring Buggies and Phaetons. They are til male o thdbest ina erials , aud un der my own supervision. I should be pleased to have those desirous of pur chasing to eal and examine tay stock. I will guar antee satisfaction and warrant all work. H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE A > iD RETAIL DEALERS IN 'LACKilMIA , LEfflGH , BLOSSBUE& AND ALL COALS ! , 101 CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Blevont.b Avenu" , Council Rluflfo p. T. MAYNE ! o. E. MAYNE COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Boat of Brooms Constantly on Hand. The Hlghent Murket Price Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley IBIROOIM : PartioB Wishing to Sell Broom Corn'.Will Flense Bond Sample. & OO- JAMES FRANEY , Tailor U72 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Aluayakfepi oiihaiidtliblliio.ta ortiiiuiitofrniit rial for Kentlemeri'awtar , batlsfictloiigunraiiocd ( S3C5 l' > r all kinds oJ I'ANOY OOUi/a / , ucli an Laces , Emliroiileries.Laflies'UDderffear of all description * . Alifo liandunrUilu'ii ' , both In ellk and linen , lioau of all Kindt , thread , pint , nooilloa. itc. We hope the laulou will call and BOO our stock of goaili at 63U Uroadttay btforo toh ( { vUowhero. STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors. ThlilaunJiy liin Jumljouii oniM | for liunl' nu.K , and w aroiiiw pripiri'd lo do laindry vork of all kind ) inl iutfi itiiu wi'Iafiictlon A jpeclalty ma lo ol Unit work , auth an oolUra , utti , fluu hlrU , etc Wo want vvorybojy to Kivouia trial , LARSON & ANDKHSON. 1 , D BIIMUNUSOV , B. L.HIIUUART. A W VTKXKT , 1'rjililcnt. Ylcu-l'rm't. t'abhliir. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Blaffn. Organized under Iho I aw * of the tttato of Iowa , I'ald up capital 9 76,0 0 Authorlzid coplial 00000 In'ereit paid on tlma dopoalt * . DrafU limed on the prlnuiptl eitlo of thu United btaten aud Kuropv. Hjjotlal attrritlo'i uUuu lo collection * and uxrcep mdenca with prompt ruturuv. DIKKCTOK0. J | ) . ftlumndtoti , K L. l-huirart , J , T. Hart , W. W W..IUCO . , JV llodler , I. A Ml hr , A.V , Htrott , Jj7dU BUDO'S LAUNDRY. On Avenue B , No , 1902. ( NKiK UKUAUWAY. ) Clotlics gathered up and delivered promptly. Best of SatiBfaotion GuarantooJ. Loit Clotlut undo goad , N 0 BETTER LAONDKY WEST OF OHIOAGO. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANGING , KALSOMININB AND GR&ININff , Shop Corner Broadway aad Soott St HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS : IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Cigars and Tob icco. i'resh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. . 12 MAIN ST. , Council Bluffa. Ouo of the hedt g-cond-claii Hoteb lo the Wwt U Iho BROADWAY HOTEL. A. K UHt WN , 1'roprUtor , Hoa. 631 and 68d llrotdtray , ouncll UluH , Iow * . Tiblo nupjillcJ with tbu bent the market af ford * . (1 od room * and HrBt-cIaiu bed * . Torn * \ cry reaaoualilo. UNION AVENUE HOTEL 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. 0. Gerspacher & Son. CLASS HOTEL AT HKASONABLK FltlCU * . TUANHIKNTa ACCOMMOUATKO HOTEL FOH BALK. QOOI ) UKABONS FOB