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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1882)
,1 , * THE OMAHA DAILY -M. JL JL J& - v _ > JLV JLJL Jfc Jaa. . L JA. J9 > - X JL JR.-ML-u JL TWELFTH YEAR. OMAHA NEB. , THURSDAY MORNING , AUGUST 17 , 18o2 5) ) . HEIRHROD ( Successors to Fred Lang. ) Wo are now prepared with our now stock to offer BARGAINS in the following goods : Laundry Soaps , Canned Oysters , , * Fine Crackers , c Fine Extracts , t Butter and Eggs. > Wo can assure the public that wo can show the very choicest butter and eggs the country can produce. Wo ro- ooivo daily , both , in largo quantities. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS Wo invite to come and ( ? ivo us a call. Wo know it will bo to their advantage - vantage , as wo sell CHEAP and keep always the beet stock of the STANDARD CALIFORNIA GAMED & DRIED FRUITS. We can challenno tlio World , as we daily receive the very beat proofs that SCHUYLER NEVER FAILS. As it rrmkfls the LIGHTEST and WHITEST BUEAD. Wo also invite all that deairo a rood cup of Coffee or Tea to our stock. \ Juat'receivod a lot of 0. G. JAVA , COSTA RICA , RIO , GUATEMALA , ' ' ' and MOCHA , Wo can show early picked > i"Vv -IS Yama-Jhiro , Japan Young Hyson , Japan Oolong , Fine English Breakfast Souchong and Congou. All of these Teas wo can recommend to bo pure of any poisonous colora , as we pay special attention to thu branch of business. Wo have also received a largo lot of Jellies and Preserves in 10 and 25 pound pail , nnd wo pro- poao to sell thorn CHEAP. Thin ia the best chance TO BUY THESE GOODS Families that may wish pure Clef of the purest quality , should not fail to give us a call. This wo Utoly added to our buaincss , and wo keep no other but the purest brands of these goods , which wo only sell for medical purpo ses. In addition wo keep the purest CALIFORNIA CLARETS , ANGELICA , SHERRY , AND PORT WINES , Boots & Shoes Wo haye as largo a stock as can bo fcund in this city , both for Ladies' Children and Gents' , which wo sell a JOfconablo prices. Heimrod & Dormann Corner 13th and Jackson \ "THERE'S THE RUB. " Shall tlio Infiflol Horde Hurl Turk Against Turk , and QolMo tbo Spoils ? A Modification of the Conun drum that Worries the Sultan. Arabi Sesdy to Turn Over Hie Army to Any Turkieh Officer. Wolsoley Takes a Glass and J3piea the Enemy From Afar. A Goaerol OvorknullHg of Plans fey the Qrtmt Commander. Republican Idooa Spreading In Spain - Other Matters. Special DUpntches to Tim Dm. ' ANOIHKU SKIUMI81I. AtsxxNDKiA , August 1C. An en ounter butweon the British mounted patrol and a party of COO Bedouins oc- lurrcd this"morning ne > ar llmnloy , and Ivo of the latter were killed. ' WDLSELEY'S PROCLAMATION. Gen. Sir Garnet Wolsoloy , with the authority of the khedive , has issued a ) roolamation to the people of E P * cprosonting the solo object of .the British' to bo to restore the authority of the khodivo. It says oil peaceful inhabitants will bo Viudly treated , moequeft will bo respected nnd all sup plies paid for. Gen. Wolsoloy adds hat ho will bo glad to receive all chipfa who nro disposed to assist in suppressing the rebellion. WANT TO SUIlUKNDEll. AIVEXANMUA , Aunust 10. The bo- lief'in ' iho hopelessness of thu struggle in nprruding among the Ejyptians. The British commander at Moks has received overtures for the _ surrender of'tho entire infantry battalion , if they can obtain favorable terms. WOLSELBY IN COMMAND. ALEXANDRIA , August 10. Wolso loy hold a conference to-day with Ad miral , Seymour and all tbo general * . Uo subsequently vieitod thu khtdivo. This afternoon Wolsoloy will inspect. , ho Ramloli position. THE CANAL SAFK. LONDON , August 10. All appro- iensions regarding the safety ol the Suez canal having boon removed , bus iness in the insurance of ships against war risks bas , ceased. THE KHEDIVE'S CABINET. ALEXANDRIA , Aug. 10. The khedive dive yesterday sent a telegram to Nice , requesting the presence of Riaz Pasha at the palace. Riaz Pasha expected to sail from Maraa illes to morrow and hoped to form a combi nation ministry under the leadership of Ohorif Pasha and Riaz Pasha , the whole to bo under the presidency of the khedive. Omar Pasha will probably - ably retain the post of minister of war , with Osmun Pasha as commander in chief of the army. CONOT.ATULATINOT1IE SULTAN. CONSTANTINOPLE , August 10. The report that the Uloraas deposed the sultan is untruo. On the contrary the sultan at the feast of Baorom yester day received several congratulatory tolegrairs from Cairo and other parts of Egypt. THE CANAL. PARIS , August 10. Officers here of the Suez canal company state that after the English troops had taken possession of the water works at Suez , Victor DeLessops proceeded thither and effected a aatiflfactory understand ing with Rear Admiral Howott in re lation to the duties imposed by the laws allirming the neutrality of the canal , after which ho wont to Port Said to effect a similar agreement with Roar Admiral Hoskins. AFFAI118 AT THE FRONT. ALEXANDRIA , August 1C. Major General Allison held a consultation to-day with General Wolsloy , the re sult of which is that the former will return to the local command of the Uritiuh troops pending present de liberations of the conference. General Wolsley to-day inspected the military positions at Ramleh and surveyed the country around from the tower of the water works. A heavy mirage obscured the view beyond Arabi's first line of entrenchments. General Wolsloy presided at the the council nf war to-day. The transport Calabria narrowly scaped wrecking in the harbor , the rudder chain having broken crossing the bar. The water supply is sufficient to lost several hours. The flagship Inconstant arrived inside - side the bar. The Duke of Oonuaupht , Sir Edward - ward Mallet , British consul general hero , and General Wolsloy , visited the khedive. A party of Arabs destroyed the pump at Ramloh station last night. The soldiers of the Forty-ninth regi ment to-day extinguished a fire , be lieved to be incendiary , behind the ruins of Seiginia palace. The native police looked on , but rendered no assistance. CAUSE OF DELAY , CONSTANTINOPLE , August 16. It is stated in Turkish circles that the hes itation in issuing the proclamation against Arabi Pasha is owing to the fact that a telegram was rccdivod from him five daya ago expressing his readi ness to submit to the authority of the caliph , but stating ho could nut leave his soldiers without a head until the arrival of Turkish troops in Egypt , when he would instantly hand over his command to the Turkish general. The millUry convention is still unset tled for the same reason. DOWN WITH MONARCHIES. . MADRID , August 16. The spirit oi the peasantry is becoming strongly so cialistic in province * noted since Mio revolution of 1808 for republican in clination in their large towns. The I'reRS says the state of Affairs in Andn- usia is serious and n quires n prompt remedy. All relief doled out by the government in Andalusia , Estrcma- lara , Galicla , Araion and Catalonia ms proved unavailing. Several acts of brigandage nro reported i > oar 3rauda. EN01NEP.R MKLVILU : . ST. PKTKKHDURO , August 10 En- ; inecr Melville and Seamen Kinder- nan and .Noros , survivors of the Jeannette , will to-day arrive from Moscow , when they will meet a grand reception. AN ALl'lNK ACCIDENT. GENEVA , August 1C. An English man and two quidos fell over a preci pice while attempting to ascend Mont Blanc , nnd were instantly killed. FROTHING FIRE BATERS. The Forlorn Disciples of T. J. Howl for Office in IOWA. Their Principal Mouthplooo Pack * Hi * Grip for More Con genial CllmoB. cclil Dispatch to Tun DIM MAIWUALLTOWN , Ia. , August 1C. The democratic convention mot this uftertioou with John P. Irish ns per manent chairman , who male n strong ipccch condemning the past course of the republican party. At the close of liis speech , the committee on resolu tions not being able to report , the convention proceeded to the nomina tion of officers. T. O. Walker was nominated for secretary of stnto by acclamation ; John Foley , { roasuror ; Win. Thompson , auditor ; J. II. Brom- merman , attorney general ; H. F. Bonorden , clurk of the supreme court ; Ihnrlcs E , Bronson , judge of the supreme premo court. The platform adopted favors reform in the civil nun-ice mid denounces the extortion of money from ofllco hoMnra to corrupt and control elections ; do- nonncua the uxtrikVaunnco of the re publican piny and demands reduction [ > f taxes ; declares the existing protec tive UritF an outrageous scheme of plunder and a violation of the demo cratic principle of right and justice ; tenders sympathy of tho' ' democratic party to the oppressed of all nut ions , I re U ml especially , in her present struggle to uUftin her freedom. The following waj unanimously adopted : WiiEUEts'our chairman , Hon. Jno. P. Irish , is about to leave the atato for California ; Resolved , That the democracy of Iowa will always remember the valua bio services of Jno. P. Irish , and wherever ho goes , their best wishes attend him. Other resolutions referred to state matters. Adjourned. ' " . " BBTIiER'S "CONQUEST. APlrotlcal Craft Purchaaettln Halifax. bpecitl Dispatch to Tun 1I . HALIFAX , August JO. The recent purchase of the schooner Conquest , 20 years old , by Gen. Butler , of Boston , has created much comment , nnd many surmises are made relative to the ob ject of the ownor. The vessel sailed yesterday. The Chrouiclo says , as her clearance states , she is bound for Port Crockett , said to bo in Madagas car , a long voyage for so small a ves sel , and the secrecy with which the whole enterprise has boon gotten up makes it seem 'not improbable that that port ia not her destination. As far as we have boon able to learn it appears enquiries for a British bottom tom of suitable dimensions had been made for some time past by Capt. F. Farr , of Gloucester , a gentleman well , known for the prominent part ho took in the late war of our southern neigh bors. Failing to find a suitable ves sel flying the British flag .in American waters , Capt. Farr despatched an agent to Canada , where at last in Halifax the required article wes found in the schooner Conquest , a gloomy , black , piratical looking craft. An ex traordinary high price was paid for her. her.Tho The bulwarks of the vessel are well fitted to hide small guns , with which our observations lead us to beliovosho will bo mounted. Cnptalji Tarr was hero the past two weeks , and superin tended the alterations that have boon made in the vcasol to suit her for the peculiar trio , what ever it may provo to bo. Lurgo quantities of stores , safllciont for 30 or forty men for nine months , em barked on the Conquest , notwith standing that only two boys , besides the captain nnd mate , tmilod in her from this port. The departure of twenty sea fat ing men to tlio east by land conveyance withtnj a few day * leads to the impression that the Mad agascar bound vessel is not going to sea light-handed. Added to what wo have said , the fact that arms and am munition arrived by the last Boston steamer consigned to the projectors of thia enterprise , a not unnalural fool ing is felt that Capt. Tarr , either for himself , or more probably for Gen. Butler , is engaged in an undartaking that will bearing watching , and the outcome of which may bo looked for ward to with seine interoat. The Cattle Fever. Special DUpatcb to Tils UIK. CHICAGO , August 10 , J. II. Sanders - dors , member of the United States cattle commission , says for the month ending July 15th , Chicago received nearly 80,000 head of Texan cattle , a greater number than ever before in the sarno length of tiraox They were mostly slaughtered and these not killed were kept apart from the do mestic cattle and are not likely to in fect them with the Texas cattle fever this year , * although eastern breeders who have not learned how to deal with the disease are troubled with it. San ders thinks the cattle fever in the east is from cattle shipped north from southern states east of Texas while the cattle are afflicted with Texas fever. FEE-ROCIOUS PHILLIPIGS. Tlio Speeches of Star Route Lawyers ia Belialf of Tli ir Clients , Fee-Bill Efforts to Throw the Burden of Crltno on the Government , * > The LRWjera ? | f the 'JfroRoury at Iiugfjerlieada On a Ques tion of Authority. Appointment of Director * of the Garflold Moaamont Baiuur. Various Matters Irom the Kntlonnl Capital. Pprn'tl Dlnpatch to Til * Bur. WASHINOTOW , Aug. 10. Carpenter of counsel for defense in the star route case resumed argument to-day , Ho wont on to dwell upon the impor tance of the star- route service , char acterizing it ns the forerunner of the rail way sj stem of the country , conlonn- inijit was necessary for the public good , and declaring the allegations to the contrary in the iudiotniunt were false hoods from bpRiiliiing to end. Kcrrha3 said "Tho nlabderouatobgiiohadgoMo oat with words'spoken that am to ihrow doubt on "your ( the jury1 * ) in tegrity. " If that meant anything it neant that in norno way or other the defendants had .corrupted n portion of the jury. Senator Dorsoy had faced death in a thousand farms upon the jftttlo field , but he had uot ; ho courage tof approach n jury with any dishonorable proposition , [ f slanderous tongues had gona forth it must have ROHO ' from the prosecu tion , if from anywhere , nnd now the jury was asked to- wash its chivvaotpr in perjury in order to clean tlio atniu which the prosecution hud thrown upon it. In concluding C.trpantor eatd : "Whon I rSmembor , us a mut ter of popular history , tliut all these charges wore bruited in the nowopa- pora of a great political party durum i heated campaign two years before this indictment waa found ; when I re member they wore canvassed by the press on ono aide nnd explained or do- tiii'd by the other ; when I romoiaher the attempt to fconncct thu Iftto presi dent of the UnUud States witli the very transaction j o which thin iut'iot- niuiit rufurn ; whfcu I tonjuinbjiIlia proud position , my client occu pied as n purty'leader , I cannot but bo reminded ot the ovanoscout charno- tor of everything earthly. I need not remind you that in the near f ututo wo must all leave , and prior to leaving there will como a ! moment when mem ory will unlock all clasps , and will turn over , p go by pa < ? o , every act of our lives. May you have the con solation in that supreme hour to cull to mind that uuawed by popular clamor , unshaken by prejudice , defy- iug-tho yowor oi the government , that you diBchargedyuur duty and ren dered , in accordance with the testi mony in this case , a verdict of not guilty. Jclf. Chandler was next counsel for the defense ( and especially Brady ) to address the jury. Beginning in a low voice , ho gradually warmed up to his subject , and received the closest at tention from ovary occupant of the crowded oourfroom. . In support ot the proposition of law , Chandler was about to road from the decision run- dtred by the court in the early part of the case when Morriok , under the im pression ho was about to quotu from oomo other authority and thus argue law to the jury , objected. Tnis gave rise to quite a heated controversy , participated in by the court and Mcr- rick and Chandler , the last named contending that counsel had no right to judge what kind of argument ho should make to judge nnd jury. He believed it was tlio constitutional right of the defendant that the jury should pass upon every question of law nnd fact in i ho case , and ho thought he could establish that by high authority. He was not willing , however , to of fend the sensibilities of the court. Judge Wylio replied that the court had no sensibility about it , but that if it were decided that the jury should judge both of law and fact , the court might as well withdraw. The jury , lie said , had n right to render a gen eral verdict , but it must take law from the court. Chandler : "On that question I like to bo heard , " court : "You can bo hoard hero- after. " Chandler : "Wo propose to aak in struction from your honor that in this case the jury is judge of law and fact , and it is far from , not being a respectable - able proportion. " The court : "Very well : I will hoar you on your proposition. " Chandler thun quoted from thn decision - cision of the court to which Morrlck had at first objected , and continuing lie impressed upon the minds of the jury the necessity of a verdict of ac quittal when the mnocenceof [ the great majority of the defendants thrust it self upon their convictions. When , ho said , the prosocutiun asks you , in the dying throes of the government case , to convict two or three men , I want you to recollect there is no con spiracy charged against two or throo. Conspiracy must bo proved against ill or none. The court : "Court has not naid the jury must convict all or none , " "Horrick : "The court has said just the contrary , " Chandler retorted : "Morrick must have road the record with an indited retina and inflamed eye to nave como to that conclusion. " Continuing his argument ho said the foundation of the conspiracy wai laid in the allegation in the indictment of the mutual interests of all parties in all contracts. It united the defen dants in criminal individuality in al these contracts. The prosecution claimed that oonipiraojr originated in innocent partnership , and" from that took upon itself n criminal form , The court inquired whether it had not been held in many cases thntnomo nllopod conspirators inlcht bo con victed nnd others acquitted. Chandler : "It has , and I will indi cate the dintinctlon between these cnocs and this. " The court : "So long as there nro to bo convicted , the government my fail in all others. If the jury nro satis fied two nro conspirators conviction is proper , though the charge in the in dictment is ngainst thorn and many others. That is my impression ; I may bo wrong about it. " Chandler : "That is where conspir acy is described to ombrtvca tire ns well as nil. You may indict n man for stealing n horse nnd you need not provo the color of the horao , but if indict him for stealing n red horse with n white nose , you must provo that the horse ho stole * was n red horse with n white nose. Now they have described this con spiracy. They have described it by its subject matter and by names of individuals interested in this subject matter. They cannot tear themselves nwny from the description They have elected to describe this con spiracy in a particular way , and having no elected they must stand or fall by that description. " The court : "If the jury are of the opinion that whatever money wna paid olllcora of the government wns paid by separate members of the defense in their separata characters , without regard to any conspiracy , there is nbaonco of nny proof of conspiraoy. Out that is not the echoino ot the prosecution. It in the converse of hat ; that though tlioso parties were ovorally interested in contracto , yet liny entered into a conspiracy by vliich they made common causa for ho purpose of securing the oxpodi- ion. ' Uliaudlor : "That is the achomo ex actly.1' CXmrt ; "Dj I understand you to contend that , if conspiracy should bo limui 113 to sumo of thoiu contracts , uul otlmra nhould not bo embraced in hu tormaof coiispiiiwy , there could bo 10 uoiivio'ioil" ' Clinudlui : "I do contend that ext t thing that the omiB | > ir.hoy must > o proved ns laid , or it fnlla to uieoua. In illustration of the proposition that t was incumbent on the prosecution , o provo thnt the government had ) 'eon injured by the expedition of utar routes , I will put a hypothetic\1 ca&o , o the court. Suppoio ho had bribed n public nlliour to pi : n u just claim , [ admit ho would bo liublo to indlct- nont for bribery , M would nlno be the ifllcur , but doou the court hold Hint ; hey coulu bo couvicti'd under indict niont for coi npinicy to defraud the United States ? " The cotirc said ho would leave it to Merriok to answer that question. Morrick suggested that Chandler should have an opportunity to think river his question , and the court ad journed. CAPITAL NOTES. A. POINT ON IMIMHTKD OOODH. WASHINGTON , August 10 , Solicitor Raynor , of the treasury , decides that freight on imported goods consigned to an inland city can only bo collected at the point pf destination. Ho holds ihaitha collector at the port of ar rival has no right to demand payment of freight charges. I'OBLIO SUllVEVH. Out of the appropriation of150,000 'or surveying public lands , Acting Jommlsalonor Harrison has appor tioned § 340,000 among the surveying districts. The not provides that $00- )00 ) of the hggregato bo reserved 'or examination of surveys mndo and .ho department reserved the remain- ng $10,000 for emergencies. A QUESTION OV AUTII01UTY. There seems to bo a conflict of ppin- on between Judge Riyiior , solicitor if the treasury and Judge Lawrence , irsb comptroller of t'io ' treasury , as : o who is the law officer or legal ad viser of the treasury department. In lis annual report of December laat to ; ho secretary , Comptroller Lawrence said , "I am the law officer of the do > mrtmont. " Some weeks since the question of an account against thu { ovornmont wmrroforrod by the sec retary of the war to the attorney gen eral for an opinion upon the legality of the claim , and the latter gave an niiicial opinion in favor of the claimo , i ) Hed upon hla construction of the law. The ca o wont before Comptrol ler Lawrence as the proper accounting jllloor , to state the account between thu government and the claimant , The comptroller filed nn opinion , in which ho took isauo with thu attorney general upon the point of law involved , The socrutary of the tronsury referred the matter to the Kolicitor of the troaanry , and ho has given an opinion in which ho nays , "I conclude to conform to the views expressed in the official opinion of the attorney general , I do not understand that thu first comptroller has any authority to expound law after a suit has buou instituted or intorfnro in the manage ment of suits brought upon nooounts as nUuod by himself , The first comptroller is dimply an accounting officer. Ho has power and authority to pass upon the law of accounts , so far a it is applioablo in the statement of the same and ntriklng of balances thereon , After stating an account It which I admit ho is Independent o ! all other official functionaries , it is the business and duty of the solicitor to bring suit on the account as thus stated by the comptroller , but the at torney general , as the head of the de partment of justice , may bo regarded us having control and direction on suits brought on behalf of the government mont , " TUB LIQHT 1UTTBUIKH. To insure to these possessing mor < soldierly qualities and regimentn esprit the appointment to so favorite and distinguished an arm ot the ser vice as the light batteries , an office ; who has not served with hla regiment continuously ( including accumulative loaves ) for at least the previous two years will not bo considered eligible for detail to light batteries. Exoep tiona will only bo m do by special or lor of the secretary of war and whore ircumttauccs attending the absence sf thu officer ao not indicate n dcsiro o avoid the performance of ordinary cgimontal nnd company duty. TUB MONUMRNT. PA in. The board of direction for tlio > acaar industrial and art exposition in ho rotunda of thn capital , under the nuspiccs of the Society of the Army of ho Cumberland , for the benefit of the Urfiohl monument , have organized. Thn board of direction includes the > resident of the oonato and Speaker voifor , General Sheridan , Justices Inrlnn , Matthews and Woods , and Oolonol Ilockwoll. John W. Thomp son has boon designated president of .ho board , and General Swaim treas urer , F. T. Wilson corresponding sec- rotaay , and T. K. Sailor , J. S. [ { ollingsworth andjSV. Irwin , assistant corresponding secretaries. The board will enter on its work at once. Those losiring epaco , or otherwise desiring .o aid the enterprise , should address lohn W. Thompson , president of the .lie board. It is expected people from all parts of the country will join n pushing the exposition to a splon- lid success. Scant or Hill llond. S | > ccl l DI p tch to Tin UXR. ATLANTA , Qa. , Aug. 10. Senator Jill sank rapidly during the latter wrt of the Might , nnd it waa pvidont .hat his cud woo near. His wife and amily were gathered around his bed ido when death came , Five hours joforo his death , Senator Hill sighed or n hypordormio injection of mar- ihino which was administered. Ho vaa conscious all the time but could not epcnk. Shortly after 0 o'clock ho > loscd Ills eyes and died without n romor. The funeral will bo hold Friday. Ilia death causes universal aorrow. ( TIIK FUNKKAL. WARIUNIITON , August 10. Sonatora itiuar , Mor un , Book and Saulsbury accompanied by Col. Sliced , usaiatant lostiniuitor of the senate , leave to- norrow morning for Atlanta , to at- end the funeral of Senator Hill. The funeral will occur Saturday to * Herd ample liino to thono at a die unco to rencli Atlanta. Still Wormi. Spoclnl DUpatch to I'll * llKX. OuiuAno , August 10. The plan iddpted by the distillers in conven tion provides for restricting the pro duction to 40 per cent , of the dmtil- erion represented , tliuoapncity of those n the former assoclvtiun to bo reck oned as before ; if now ones , to bo fixed by n committee , jf 40 per cent. . > f the production duos not supply the trade of any is to bo allowed : o buy the capacity from other distil- ory at the rate of 15 cents per bushel. If the trade demand ? an in crease or decrease in the production , , h t it bo made at a future meeting. The agreement is to go into effect September 1 , for ono year. The as- neastnont is at the rate of $1 00 on each bushel of capacity levied an a guarantee of good faith. Tlio Bankers' Convention. Special Ulijmtch to Tim D i. SAIIATOOA , August 10. The Ban tors' association began their annual session to-day. The is much larger than over boforo. com- irininp representatives from all BOO- "ions of the country. The conclusion of Orosvenor re garding the proportion of business lone by merchants and brokers , about loliday times , as evidenced by the clearing house figures , was aomowhat diacusiod. A letter was presented rom II. H. English , Palgravo , Lon don , enclosing a statement showing an important move in English bank- ng consequent upon the failure of the city of Glasgow and west of England > anks. Edmund' * Bonofloonco. Special Dispatch to TIIK DUB. BUULINOTON , Vt. , August 10. Senator Edmun'Js has given $5,000 or the endowment of a room at Mary etcher's hospital for the UBO ol roung female patients in memory ol lor lately deceased daughter. Toxav Doiporndooi. Bpcria ! Dltpatcli to Tun Dxr. DALLAH , Texas , August 10. Three roung men of respectable families , mmod Walter Claycomb , Henry At- cir.son and Joseph Napier , who have jooii suspected of being connected with Bovoral train robborion daring .ho past year , have boon stealing stock , shooting into houses , nnd com mitting other liiwlcsa acln in Bosquo county for the past few days , and making theiiHolvoa terrors , o the people. Yesterday they robbed Overtoil's country store , and then sot it on fire and rode away , Tlio building WIIB destroyed. Ab iut midnight they arrived at the furm homo of J. Nowhall , routed dim out of bed , made him give thorn a bottla of whisky , then they con cluded that they would ravieh his daughter , a yomiK woman 19 youra old , whereupon the old man wont into tlio house , immediately re appearing with a double bar reled shot-gun and opened lira on the desperadoes , wounding ono ol them and killing one of their horses. They then stole ono of Nowhall's horses and placing their wounded companion on It rode away. A strong posse of citizens are in pursuit of the gang. In the melee at Nowhall's the old man was ( hot in the log and severely voroly wounded , Daio Ball. gpec'dl ' Dlipatcboi to Tun OKI. PHOVIDKNUB , August 10. Providence donco l'J , Detroit 4 , TKOY , N. Y. , August 10. Treys 2 Chioiigos 1. < WOHCEHTEU , Mass. , August 1C. The umpire in to-day's Worcester Cleveland game , after declaring "n game" on account ; of rain and Jeavin the grounds , declared the game for foiled to the Clovelands on the grouiu that the Worcestors had refused t play when ho called "play" after h had called time , on account of rain , BOSTON. August 10 , No game , o nsoount of rain , DUBLIN UP. ho Tyrant's ' Last Decree Creates Tremendous Excitement in Ireland , Arrest and Sontenoo of Ex- Mayor Gray , Editor of The Frooman'a Journal. Liberty of Proas ard Speech Practically Ended by the Repression Act. The Bravest Loaders of the Race Subdued by British Bayonets. 'amoll nndDilloa TendftrodWiftt ! Iioft of the Freedom of the City. 'bo ' O'Connoll Demonstration Prinl clpal Foaturoa of tbo Pro cession. D ! ) atchoi to Tun Enn. A SENSATIONAL 8CKNB. DUIILIN , August 10 , E. Dwyer 3roy , member of parliament nnd pro- iriotor of the Freeman's Journal , wno o-dny sentenced t.a three montha' nn- msanmont and i'500 line for con- empt of court in publishing a letter of O'ltrion , the editor of the United "roland , accusing ono of the jury which jonvictod Francis Ames of murder , Tohn Doloufijhty.of being drunk on the light previous to the day on which this verdict was given , d an article commenting- horoon. O'Brien nnd Davitt wore put out of court. Groy , after being entoncod , wag handed over to the ustody of the city coroner. Tlio lat er evinced nninu reluctance to t ko hargo of him , but thu jud o called upon him to do Ins duty. The coro- lor , whono intervention wns necessary jocnuao Groy is high shorilfof the city f Dublin , then convoyed the prisoner o Hichmond prison. Groy , at the xpirution of his term , must find surc- iea himself for 5,000 pounds , nnd wo others of 2,000 pounds each. The decision of the court caused a great onoation. Groy was lord mayor of ) ublin for ' 80 , and was nominated n > ocond time for.81 , but declined the lomination. DUIILIN , August 10. The city hall was densely crowded to-day on the iccaaion of the presentation of the roedom of the city to Parnoll nnd Dillon. Storey , radical member of mrliamont for Sunder land and all the lomo rule members of parliament were present. Parnoll returning banks to the corporation for the free- lorn of the city , said in view of recent events , it was clear liberty of speech no ongor existed in Ireland. Ho and iis associates , however , would ako care to bring the subject before ho commons at the first opportunity , meanwhile the Irish party would icacoably continue to educate people o govern thomst-lvos , and would ad- vlso them to abcept whatever reform might bo offered them while pushing on toward legislative independence. In ndvisod the higher classes while hey yet had time to joinin ondoavor- ng to bnng about a bettor state of affairs , as the people could no longer olorato their present degradation. INDIGNATION 1U8INCI. DUIILIN , August 10. There is great jxcitomont on account of Groy'a son- ciico. Crowds are assembling around ho statue of O'Oonnoll , and speeches xproBoing indignation at the sentence are being mado. The judge refused .to adjourn the case to allow Groy to have counsel. TUB FOLLOWING TJIOOLAMATION , ignod by Mayor Dawson , and Par- mil , Dillon and Davitt , has boon is- luod : CITIZENS OF DUBLIN : Without of- -ring any comment Upon the sentence massed upon Hon. E. D ryor Groy , yo deem it our duty to invoke the people ple maintain calmness and dignified iomoanor. "Wo are expressing the wishes of Mr. Groy in counseling our lollow citizens to abstain from any gatherings in the streets that might load ; o a breach of peace. Wo require only calmness and temperance in the pres ent emergency. Hundreds hf thous ands of visitora kept the poaoo in Dub- in yesterday. Lat the citirons show- qual prudence and self control on tbis occasion. " Grey was removed to prison in a : arrago ! surrounded by hussars with , drawn sabrog. At the banquet to celebrate the presentation of the freedom of tho- iity to Parnoll and Dillon , there was. a largo attendance , The toast to the queen wua drunk with considerable enthusiasm , intermixed with hisses. OFF FOB LONDON. Messrs. Biggar , Shloln , T.P. O'Con nor , J. J. O'Kelly and Sexton , homo ulo in embers of parliament , attond- ng the celebrations , started for Lon don to support the motion of Oallau. nquiring into the sentence of Groy , which cornea up for debate in the com mons to-morrow , THE O'UONNKLL 1'IIOUES.SIOK. The prominent features in yester day's procession wera a largn number of banners designed as pike heads. Gilded over the name on the door of the land league oflioes waa the motto "It will riao again. " In front of tbo house was a red banner with a white orescent and three stars bearing the word "Arabi , " Some small chains attached to sticks , wore carried in the procession. O'Connell'a triumphal car , in which bo waa con veyed from lUcbraond. Bridewell in 1810 , woa and rcgildtid , and was object in the procession , * ; * hi bit ion ceremonies the , , i > tiunal anthem , was neb au * iTUo musical eeloctions comprised fir&t chorus , followed by Mend hymn of praise , "Creation , " and Haft- dnl'B "Hallelujah. " Fourteen hundred carmen mounted upon horses they or dinarily drive , marched four deep and. presented a soldierly appearance.