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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA PEIDAY AUGUST 11 , 188 The Daily Bee. Morumt , Aufj. 1C * Wont7ior Mopott. ( The follow ing obrervntiim- taken the name moment of time at all the stall' named , ) lir.\imir.KT , U , S. SIGNAL SKIV K , UMAHA , A UK. 10.1882. ( hlfip.m , KItcr 8ft 0 Inches atioto low water mark Otikbit , I feet II Inches Yankton ; Mlsilulpi 4 feet 7 Inches at Ii Crone , and 7 feet Inch % Dibuque. LOOAL BHBV1TIBS , Tl/o latest war is between two coal i oumiAnIcH | who are cutting price * on enc oilier in Omaha and Council Bluffs. The city lax levy for 1B82 In $7 ? 63t.CS. 63t.CS.The The Union Pacific b ml picnic c Saturday , nt Wahoo , will be n delighUi affair. affair.Tho The woik of Kradini ; the lot back i Strang'n block for Uie new onijlno houi wag liegnn yc t ( rdny. The county treasurer is still bui.y co Icctlng delinquent pcr.'onnl taxcn , and th next uiovo will bo to fend out the const : blc. There were UFO case * of dlslnrlmnc of the peace before .fuJgo ] ! cueko to-d.ij Ono paid A fine und th uthcr wa dl charged. O.'l' . McCarty , nstiilantgeneral tickc agent of the U. 1' . , is the recipient of n exquisitely carved mcersclmum pipe fron nfrirndln riilladdphla. The UtmglaH County ] ' 'air wnoclatloi will Rive their exhibition this fall fn con ticctlon with the Rtnto fuir. Artu-leu m.v be cnteicd for premiums iu both falrn. Theio will be twogamoi of bate bal tliti nftcrnoon : I'ho Union I'AslIic VB. the Council BlulTa , nnd the U. & M. ' , vs. Simlding'a nh o of Chicago. A Good Investment OrLCt-ry bus ness for mlo in a ( iecirablo and raiildh growing Ii cality iu South Omaha. 8atl < factory ieanona for telling will be given Address A. 15. , IIK ! ; ollico. A young mnn who WAD arrested f i Htenlinc a watch on the night ot July -III and CKcapeil from the county jail , wax ro nrrcBtod Wednesday for intoxication und sent up for ten daya. Sixty-one recriiitH from Jefferson bar- rackH , Jlo. , in charge of Captain G. H. Kvans , of the Tenth cavalry , went out on the noon train bound for Sidney , Ne braska. They are rmnlgued to the Fifth cavalry. A private gymnasium ban Lecn dtnrlod in this city which will supply a long-fell want. It is excellently fitted with every appliance that an nthleto could ( lexire. The instigators are Chat Morgan , president ; II. JI. Wells , managerj and Frank WaBserintiii ; treasurer. Ono of the moms in the City hall is utilized for that purpose. Marshal Augell and Henry Boltn re turned yesterday frrm Mound City , Kan , , uithout Peiiperkorn. They finally ran down the couple they neru nfter , but they were not the ones wanted , although strikingly ( dnil- hr In appearance , ago nnd other particu lars. Had not Mr. Uolln been along , the nmrshul would have brought them to Omaha sure. The many friendsof lion. S. 1C. Jack- HOU will learn with jogret of bin departure on noon train yeuterduy for Kvunston on business for the coHijuiny. Mr , Jackeon IH ono of the uldefct cmployea of the U. 1' , , having bctu hero with them for fourteen years , and for tome time pni < t having held the ponitlon cf foreman of the paahenger car department of tlio shops. Wcdnoi- day nLotit i fly of his old nhnpinatcti visited him at his rcaldenco in North Omaha , where complimentary speeches were ox. changed , Bongs sung and refrealuneuta en- joyed. TiiKliKK rojorter had the i > 'enniro rereutly of meeting a very pleaHint tile ( if gentlemen from Plattsmouth : MCSJW. V. II. Pottcnger , of the . & M. , P. K , Hutfner , the ngriculturnl implement mnn , and GeorgeII , Thompson , the archi tect. 'J ho first nainul gentleman In a genltiJ , Ho can imitate a brans band to the queen's taste. Members f IJeao n lodge , No , i ! i , I. O , O. V , , will please meet in llhrcry rooms at 7:15 : , Kiiday evening , for the purpose of viiltlng Omaha lodge No , 2 , in a body. Wylle C'legg , Secretary , A meeting -was ht-M Wednesday to complete arrangements for the gentle men's roadster * ' rac nt the Driving Park Saturday afternoon , -fo new cutrlus wo c made , KutrK-a will be cloned 1'rlduy even ing nt 7 o'clock , Messrs. Nash , Uruner , Cunningham and Ilornterger have inudo entries , Any parties wishing to attend the camp meeting to lie held at Dennett under the auspices of the Western Holiness association next week , can piocuro round trip certificated at one nud one-fourth fare by applying to Kev. J. W. Stewart , of the First M , K , church , thU city. Ifrank Ludiugton , one of the best known nnd popular resident * of the Sixth ward and the champion contractor of the Oregon bhort llntr.left yesterday for Little Wood Creek , I aho , with his entire family. ThU point Is about 32.r mile * from Ogdeu. Mr. hudingtou will un doubtedly reside in the far wett until the short Hue It complettd , Many friend * In Omaha wish him and family abundant iuo cess and prosperity In their now homo. One of the men at work on the new Academy of the Sacred Heart , came netr getting killed yetterd y morning , A hml. ful of t ricks fell from the top of the bui ding - ing and one of them struck the uiau on the bead , making a neveie gash in il and ttuti- tnlng him for n while. THE CAP SHEAF. An Enterprise that Lays On iiary Imitations in tlio Mo , Remarkable Record of Tfcr Ye my in Trndo. The Great Qtoiitry I'onnoof Pniti nnil The Conveniences and Fr.cllttlos tholr Now Quarters. Tlio past few yoara have brought Omafm morn than th * usual ahnro ircppcrily and have nocn improv ncnts made that tranoform our ci 'rom ix inodiocni froulior town to netropolls which la recognized nllov the Great Wcat as the city clcHtincd future to wield n gronter influom than any other in the tninu-Miasi aippi country. With ita constantly ii creasing railroad facilities , Omaha every year becoming moro in n pea lion to claim precedence in many r apccts to tlio great cities of the caa and to show her power over the van rich country , as justly tributary to hi as over were vassala to a princo. As the city has experienced this ui preccdoniod growth of wealth an business influence all classes of IK citizens have prospered and noti moro so than hur merchantswho hav worked hard to buifd up the trade and intend to do moi yet , and so conduct their bus IICBB as to cut off nil caster competition , the western denlci fast cliccuvcring that it is to their iti toresl to buy goods from thin poinl This had led to n necessity for mor convenient and commodious quartet for some of our firms , and thus to th building up mid beautifyiii ; our streets. Among the man ; handsome and imposing structure which stand an monuments to tin business success of their owners , uoni is moro uotuworlliy than the Hplt'iulu four-atory brick structure on Tentl street , recently completed mid occu pied by the well known firm of Pax ton & Galla 'liur , nholcnalo grocero They Iwvo now , without quos lion , the largest mid th < moot BUitablo grocery house ii the western country , and at tin oamo time iv building that for beauty , convenience and utility cannot b ( beaten by any similar institution ii Chicago or Now York. So say thust who know. It is the most Attractive night on Tenth otreut and covers a piece of ground 100 by 132 foot in sine. The approaches to the IIOUBO from the street , paved at pri vate ospenso , to the broad stone walk in front of the building hint at the convunienccn of the inte rior , but ono floor of which is visible ihrpugh the huge plato glana windows ivhich enclose the oflious and counting oem from the outer world. THE BBK reporter stuppcd in yea- orday and was gratiQpd by an inspoc- .ion pf the entire building and nemo- vhat _ ot the buDUicua transacted heroin , and no bettor subject could jossibly bo desired to enlarge upon at his Reason of the year. Once within -ho doors the reporter found himself n a spacious counting room , which iccunioa the full length front of the wilding , with the exception of a ton bob passage way for the city trade , teing about 40 by 00 foot in size. 7ho forcu engaged in the buying do > artmont are ullotod desks in the outh half of the room , while n ow of elegant and nttraotivo , ample caseo with broad glass doorc , ino the throe fides of tlio oppositu lalf. The two dopartmonta are cut if ! from the rear part of the house by light wood nnd glass pirtition , rhich given n full view of all the tran- actionsgoingon , yotnononf the usunl nttrruptions from bustle. Leaving the iflice and passing out into i-nst half of ho first lloor , the vast wareroom io ound filled with atawli's , sHgam , cof- ees , teas , tobaccos , etc. Turning to hr > right the numt important feature if the now grocery headquarters bo- omes appaiant , its location , fho propurty which in on Oth ulreot , north of the creasing if the U. P. whop tracka ia BO fixed hat ix tr.ick is run the full length of hu houth aitlf- , enabling the firm to lave goods delivered on the cars at heir HIOUA broad platform la con- truotod In re and truclii wore busy onvoying Uio incruhniiduo ficin u lumber of loaded ours into iho liouti * . \ti it would n few munUm ago have loon nccoRsary to b.nil tl'.Mn gui d up L'onth street , thn.ngh mud t.v , fi-r.t leop , a distuncD of tic r y H uiiki i' ' vill bo ouon that iu thit tiuo i a ; roat Burint ; of tniin ua Wil ts < > lonao , while tli y nui hun.-'o ' t'.r . . iniOB nn muii } I'cut'N ' aa \\liui t'uj ' < ioro up town , Thi > olllco or the tupping nnd 10 civing cleik ia i-onvoiiiuntly locattit list inside And the door opening out ui the platform which yivcs him con- onient acceso to the cats at any time. To ntill further f > iuililato matters horu ia the tmi foot entrance alluded o , on the northwest cornur of the oem and fully one hundred not away , which ia to acoommcdato he city trade , and which entirely void * all confusion and clashing with ho country elilmmmts , Near thia ntronco is a hand elevator for bring- UK down city goods nnd handling hat business entirely , while clear cross the room , near the shipping lork'a ofllco , is a llalo'a hydraulic ele- ator of gigantic size , which will arry loada of from 3,500 to1,000 lounds from the basement to the uurth iloor , as easy aa fulling off u 3R. It only takeH five loads ( o ex- iiuiat the contents of the heaviest jaded car. The gentleman who aided the icporter over the buildup wortod emphatically that it was the ' ( at elevator in use and "no taffy , " The basement room was next visited > y the reporter. Hero are kept all lip heavy goods , rope , nails , paper , ah , etc. , nnd in the great room , 88 y 120 feet , a year's rations for nn rmy could bo stored. It is n splendid asomontroom , well lighted nnd diy n chip. Another llight on the elevator und the second floor , proper , of the sii dimensions aa the basement , is fou to bo the rcceptsclo of fancy grocer and caao goods of all kind ) , grocerii notions and cigars. The latter t' nrticka have an apartment partition off for IhciDBolvoa , and another div ion enclosed n smaller rot in , in win the smaller articka are packed f shipment. The thi d floor is used for lig goodr , wooden and willow ware , cor ago , twine and bagging. In short n to go into de'ails too much the hou is stored . .cm turret to founJalu atone with goods of tlio various 1m handled by the firm and In SIM order that it is no wonder that tin are delighted with the clinngo fro their old quarter : on the HoUthon corner of 1'nrnam and Fifteen strcotr , The now homo just described w begun last fall , the foundations bcii laid during the early part of the wii tor. The idosian waa furnished 1 Dufrcsno and Mondoltsohn , the arch tccta , and it is certainly able to boi any amount of examination and the appear faultless , of tl managers ( aid to the report * that if ho had the house I build over again , now that i conveniences have been thorough ! tested ho would not alter it in a sing ! particular. Thia is something fo builders on earth over Bay. As all know , the linn doing businei in this house , Paxton and Gallagliei are as popular and widely known t any in this city or country nnywhon Altough they have now been in tli business just throe years , that bus ness , which was very largo from th start w/o four times greater last yea than during the year , rcachin the handsotno figure of over two mil lions of dollars. Thcro are seven t ten men constantly on the roai and twenty more employed in rospoi ; aiblo positions in the house , while rcsi dent brokers are kept all the time i : Now York , Chicago and St. Louis who watch the markets and are ii daily communication with the hous by telegraph. The territory covered by the sales men for Pnxton & Gallagher is half o this enormous farm of Undo Sam's embracing Nevada , Idaho , Utah. Montana , Wyoming , Colorado , Dv kola , Nebraska , Kansas , Westori Iowa , and all the country , in fact , west of the Missouri river. The firm is composed of Hon. Win. A. Paxton and Benjamin Gallagher , i'hu ' former , though not an active partner , ia really the motive power o ! iho great houso. Ilo ia known nl pver the western country and in ono of Nebraska's most popular , successful nnd wealthy men. Benjamin Gallagher , the active partner and general manager of the mat nnd important business ia well md favorably known as an enterprising uid successful business man , whosi ibility has been fully established by im twenty years work west of the Missouri. The buy ing is done under the super rision of Mr. llobort Easson , and the lounting-room is under the able man- of Mr. W. A. L. Gibbon. J'jth ' of thcao gentlemen received heir business education principally h. Jhicago , having boon idontiGod with urge houses there for many yearn. The house alms to do business on triotly business principles. They ookonly the best trade , men who nro harp buyers nud prompt pay , nnd hey guarantee to buyers bottom igurea in their trado. They ave introduced themselves to ho public most favorably in the past nd , having served their customers loncstly and well , wo predict for liuin in future an increased share of atronage , which is sure to bo mutual- 'f beneficial and satisfactory. "Woman's Trao Friend. A friend in need ia n friend indeed. Thia onucftii deny , especially when assistance la jwlored when one is uurtjly nflllctod with- Uoaso , more particularly those com- laintH and wonknonHcs so common to our jtnalo population. Every woman should now that Kloctrlo Bitters are woman's rue friend , and will positively restore her . ) health , even when nil other remedies UI. A Hlnglo trial always proves our as- : rtlon. They are pleasant to the taste , ml only COB ! fifty cents n bottle. Sold by I , F. uoodman Notice. The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex- oloior Hoof Pnint , " was patented May 1th , 1881 , nnd Jotters patent num- er 241 , 803. Any person found or nown to tamper with the manu. icturo of said paint will bo punish- d to the full extent of law. No per- on lina any authority whatever to aell ocoipla. HAWXUOUK & Duo. , Lancaster , Pn. WHAT BEFELL flRTJNSON. inotlior victim of th j Conlldenco UttinoArieut of the Blmrpor. On 'I'hurMluy lant n wyll-tu-lo block inn nauifd S. II. Bruncmi from Do oto , ljlUi county , Town , utriviclac tu > trnnktVr on his -.viy to Sun Krai.- ixt'o. Ifo il.iro got in with r.n uld nar h'i ? M J ctc d'i'd hlie 4i d ' i d l.JH hnir Btiunl n' ' v.jlhm - t bo ! gmy luiib tudi nn v.-nk nd j/uio / K.\o feivith us ru i-uhly ompi'imation lo hhid nrrlting , hi neat cwnpnpor num. Tl.o ttinnj.r in con- oraation with Druiuoi ) jioatcd him on lie unjutt bridge moiirpoly nnd In armed him that he ought to buy a okot across the river because 10 faro if paid pn the cars would o double the amount. Brun- in found out this was the uth nnd hia heart rather warmed lo io- new made acquaintance. Then ija'.n ho naw him in conversation ith two ladies , ono of whom ho re- resented as his daughter , and the idles' society naturally impressed irunson in the old man's favor , trango to say ho was informed that lie two ladies were going exactly to 10 same place Brunson was , nnd the ippory confidence man had to go to malm to BOO them safely on their ostward journey. Brunson'H ticket as only good to the Bluffs , nnd ho d to purchase n ticket to continue is journoy. Hearing this the 0 , M. lid he know where ho could got n ckot for thirty dollaj-s in Omaha id Brunson would save money by uying it. This , of course , wan iendly OB friendly as n glass of : uro lemonade to a country gal at a rous. The river won croisea and u nk ! up the .Tenth street boulevard commenced. Before reachine Paxt it Gallagher's mammoth wholes ; hou e a man c < ime running after t confidence man and told him the dies could not bo put on the tram u til a balance of thirty-six dollars paid. The old man pulled outachc for some seven hundred dollars yrhi the ptotendcd bngyago man said could not cswh. Then Bruiuon n appealed to. He had not the reqi site amount. Could ho loan $30 f twenty minutes ? Of coureo , ard handed out $40 , receiving back which made the loan $34 nut. T , sharper disappeared , and his twcn minutes only ended yesterday. E idently his idea of the eand in t hour-glass is not good. Brunson soi saw how ho had been taken in , ai feeling mad enough at himself to cht off the car of a cast iron dog , ho to Oflicor Donahue. The latter roquet cd him to keep mum , and cx < u ing n promise that ho wou atop hero on hia rotur from Glenwood , Iowa , whcro ho hi to go to replomish his putso , the c ; ficor awaited developments. Yc torday when the 'J o'clock damn came over Donahue nabbed his in : and Brunson arriving at the Ban time , immediately identified him the sharper. Ho acknowledged tl corn and wanted to settle , but w quietly settled in the county jail nwait n trial yesterday. Tl sharper is known by n dozen aliaec but yesterday he refused to give ni name. Ho is well known na a mini terial looking old follow , who is fr quently on the trains nnd can 1 readily recognized by n crippled ham An example Hhould bo made in th case that would cause the cheek of confidence man to blush as red as Juno cherry , if such a thiug is peas bio on this mundane sphere. Ttmt Husband of Mlno. Ia three times the man ho was b < fore ho began usinu' "Wells' Healt llencwer. $1. Druggists. PEHSONALi. C. P. Iddiogp , of North Plattc , is at t ! Millr.rd. J. U. Itocd , of Tckamali , is at tl II L. Gldloy , of Mnlveni , Iowa , ia i iho Crelgliton. Thoa. H. Mlllholland , of Now York , i lit the Creighton. Mrs. Lucy Smith and daughter , of Frt nont , are at the Millnrd. J. 1 * . Pailoy , of Council UlnH * , was a ho Metropolitan lust night. James P. Lobdull , who sells proprietar ; nediclnep , is at the Millnrd. Pinnk I. Evanc , representing tin American Refrigerator line , ia in the city John T. Palmer , Tom Watson , O. ] ) lildreth , M. L. Stcwait and Win. George U from the Lake I. ity , ore at the Ortigh on lioueo. James A. Campbell , a rising younp at > on.ey of Stanton , and a first-class gentle inn , leaves for home to-day , nfter Eovernl \aya \ in the city on business. Alex Street , of North Pintle ; J. K. Gil oui , of Kisicg ; 'l. M Hurd , of Wheele aunty , and Charles M. Clark , of 1'latts louth , are at the Metroplitan. James Myow , of Ogden ; J. II. Key' olds , of Wymore ; Hiram A , lluughton f Friend ; S. N. Stevenson , of St. P ul ' . E. White , of Plattsmouth ; George N 'ost , of York ; C. A. Dunn , of Nebraaki lity , andL. , , O. Dearborn , of Wayne , an t the llillard from Nebraska. Lot. IJrown , of Nebraska City , was ii swn Wednesday. Victor Vifquain , of Crete , was at thi JreiKhton yesterday. M. A. Motz leaves to-day for Nev fork to purchase stock. A. D. Chumberluin , of Cheyenne , wiu i the city yesterday on hia way home fron tart Nlobrara. 0. W. Sherman , editor of the Platts louth Journal , was in the city Wednee. ay attending the democratic caucus. Mift ) Maud Kendall and Mias Jet tie lurlbut have returned from Lincoln , rhcro they have been visiting friends. Mr. T. P. Lyon , city bill poster and iroprietor of the Millard hotel cigar stand , ift jesterdny for nn extended tii [ tirough Colorado. C. P. Allen , formerly of lied Cloud , but t present hailing from Milwaukee , wae i the city Wednesday en routn to Nortl .onp. Governor Hail , the newly appointed ovcruor of Wyoming territory , pasietl ii rough Omaha on the noon train , bound j Cheyenne to nutumo his gubernatorial Mice. Mice.Mies Mies Ella Kennedy , onu of Omaha'i lopulur young Indief , has gone lo Djnvoi 0 see tue expneiitlou. She will bo nbtenl bout n inonlh. Preston Wclf , formerly connected witli liu pi ulnr Ihunelt house , of Cincinnati , if the past two or three years with Pout- wer ! Not Young , nt Sully , and more re. ? ntly tiavcllng friight Qgcnt of the 'niuhn ' \ St , Puul road , H installed as one 1 tlie tegular force of clerks at the Mil- nd , He is well known to traveling n en iiroiighout the country , and will pioso n opular in hU new uphcrn ua ia the pro jdlng oiien. _ DIB D. iKNDIJKHT Jennie Mary , daughter of Mr. und Mrs , Lt-udbert , uiod ; 3 inontht nnd 1'J days. Puneral to-day at U p. in , , from the uldtnce on KlgliUenlh nnil Ciwa streeta .11 friends invited. A Vexed. Uleruyroan. I'ven the patience of Job would become xhnnated wore he a preacher nud cndeav * ring to interest hlu audience while they era keeping up an Incretixaut coughing laking it impossible fur him to be heard , 'ct , how \ery cosy can nil tliis be avoided y simply using Dr. King's New DIscovo- I' for Consumption , Coughs nnd Colds rial liuttl'ea given away at C , P. Good. LIU'S drug stern BASE BALL- bo Rivalry Between the U. P. and B & M. Dines. i Iho lUso 13111'Uttor ; In your issue of the 8th inst. under 10 head of "Base Ball Notes" you eny the patrons of base ball regret that io two games on Saturday next will .progress . at the same time , etc. , " id refer to the feeling existing be- reon the U , P. and B. & 1 , clubs. An outsider might with reason i why ( should any other than good fc ing exist between the clubs. Perhn an explanation may bo found for t existing state of affairs in the fact tl : the U. P , Athletic association waa i tabliahed with the expectation of hr ing a grand monopoly of the profits bo derived from base ball in Omali On thii bails a grinding policy w odopted in transactions with otli clubs , and n bulldozing tone used wi poor nsrfocintion.s and so > n vlnwii an offshoot of ono railro ; monopoly discriminate ntpui a tprout from another. Gompotitio sir , 13 the life of trade In base ball other business , and the B. t M , , b lieving this , organized their nacoci lion with the intention of making win , and , in the language of n fricn "deprecating violence in any form hnvp come into the field to share tl busineca with the U. P. , not recogni ing any riuht on their part to n in nopoly of Saturday or nny other di for basn ball , The B. & M. naka i the public a fair field and no favo they do not deserve , promising give as great attractions as the oth house ncrors the street. ANTI-MONOI'OLIST. Horsforil's Aold Pkosphnto nn Cooling Drinlt. Dr. M. H. Henry , Now York , say "Ii possesses claims as a beverage , b yond anything I know of in the fori of medicine , and in nervous diseases know of no preparation to equal it For Rent or Sale. A good hnusoi six rooms , in good repair , and lot , T x220 , on Fifteenth street , north i bridge. Rent , S1G.OO per month , Will sc for $800 00 , small cash payment , nn balance on monthly installments. Inquire at Newspaper Union , 12t and Howard. aug-4t-mo SLAVEN'S YOSEMITE COLOGN : Made from the wild flowers of tl : FAK FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEY it i the most fragrant ot perfutnoi Manufactured by H. B. Slnven , Sa Francisco. For Halo In Omaha by \ \ J. Whltchouso and Kcnnato Bros & Co. WANTED. A good soconu-hnii bicycle. Address box X , Contn City , Neb 10-3t The exhibition of the picturoi nt tl ] Y. M. C. A. , collected by llpn. Cha : IJewoy whl'o on his tour around the work will be Riven at the association rooms Pii day evening. Of the collection fifty hav Lecn nicely framed. Mr. Hospc hn kindly loaned to the JU-bociation a nuinbe if eascli for the occasion , which will ndi to the display x try iniicli. Thiro will b no charge for ndm'.siioa , nnd a very coi Jial invitation id given to nil. Bucklm'H Arnica Walvo. The BKST SALVK in the % vorld for Cut Bruises , Sores , Ulceru , Lnlt llheuia , F per Sorea , Tetter , Chopped llands , Chi blaini , Corns , and nil skin ernptiona , am positively curea yiles. It is guaranteed t < jive satiefactfon or money refunded I'rice , 2(5 cents per bor. For aalo .by 0 I" . Goodman FACTS ! The Missouri Pacific railway ia tin Short Line to all points in Texas aw iho Great Southwest. The elegance o ita trains between Omaha , Kansai 3ity and St. Louis cannot bo surpass } d , and for quick time and low rate : it stands at the head. For full ant reliable-information call at ticket office ser Farnam and 14th streets in Pax : on Hotel. G. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent. nug4-monwed&fri-ra&etf BOARD OF EDUCATION. Cho Election of the Renmlnlnc Toachora for 1882-3 Other Business. At the adjourned regular meeting > f the school board last evening then vore present Messrs. Anderson , Con joyer , Forpmon , Long , McShano nnc Points. Bresident Long notified the board hat complaints are made of the num- icr of houses of ill-fame located in the 'icinity of the Third ward school , and ho board will send in a memorial to ho city council , asking that they bo .bolishod. The committee on teachers and text > ouks made a report recommending ho election of the following teachers 0 fill vacancies : Jennie Stull , Clara Schlosinger , Fannie Wood , Caasic iohnllor ; also the following an teach- irs in the E'oventh and Contra street phool , but not to receive salaries un- il the school opens ; Mary Buchanan , Jaura Atkinson , Annie Quigloy. There was sumo sharp talk between rlcaars. Anderson and Ferguson ovci , resolution introduced l.i which Mr. Anderson considered that u personal .ttack was made on him and the res- lution wan referred back to the com- nittue from which it uame. A motion to proceed to ballot for ccretary was not eecondcd. On motion the board proceeded to allot tor supnrintoiidoti * of the pub ic Bchoolrt , with the following result ; KIHST HALLOT. ' [ o. Lane S 1 D. Hiue 1 leury M , James. ' . . . . . , II SECOND IULLOT. line , , ! 1 nmei .1 TIIIUD UALLOT. .ane , , 1 line 1 amen. , , , -1 Mr. James was declared duly elected. The superintendent's salary waa ixed at $3,000 a year. The board then nd'ournod. ! HE NEW SUPERINTENDENT. lo Cornea With the Blgbeat Kind ot Recommendations. The action of the board of education ist evening In raising the salary of the jpcrintendent of public tchools to 3,000 per annum , and the election of fr. Henry M. James as superintend- ut secures us a competent man for intposition for the ensuing year. As eery citizen in the tchools will ba nxious to know Bomo.'hiug of 10 character of the man who ; to assume such a responsible position in our midst , we take pier uro in publishing an extract from Iottorwritten by Andrew J. Ricko superintendent of public school Cleveland , Ohio , to Mr. Charles Co noycr , eocrotary of the Omaha boa : of education. Mr. Ilickoff says ! "Mr. J tunes has been asscciat < with mo fifteen jcara in the mating mcnt of the public schools of Clov land , the first year as principal of 01 of the schools , and since that time i nssistftiit superintendent for the Fir district , including one-half of the cit ; Ho now has more thnu 250 teachers i his district. Ho unites frankness , co diality , earnestness and purity of chn actor in an eminent degree , Ho reac ily wins the respect of all with whoi ho comeo in contact. Ilia exponent and native peed sense enable him t rnandgo disciplinary matters cffcctua ly yet without needless offense. H standardof excellence is high and h success in training those associate with him in a suboidinato ci pacity is admirable. Ho ia zraduato of Williams college , bi aid not cease to read an study when ho loft school. Perm mo to sum up in a word : In all tli qualities which go to make up n goo superintendent of schools ho is will out equal in every particular. I ca recommend him in unmeasured tcrmi Ho has been unanimously elected t : ontinuo in his present position. Hi knowledge of the best methods c teaching ia unquestioned. Ho will L a BUCCCBB in your schools , and you schools will be a great success undc him if you succeed in obtaining hi services. Should you employ Mi James I shall hold myself rosponaibl for his success. Kiduojr Complaint Cured- B. Turner , Rochester , N. Y. , writes : " have been for over n yearsubject toecrirm disorder of the kidneys , nnd often unnbl to attend to businen ; I procured you BUIIDOCK BLOOD Uirrniis nnd was relieve betnre half a bottla wn used , 1 intend t continue , as I feel confident that they wi ! entirely cure me. " I'rice 51.00. _ nug"-jlw I DOUGLaS , * ARCHITECT , CARPENTER , SOPEttlHIENDEKT Ac , nil klaJs o ! Job work dono. OLD BUILDINOS RIICONSTUUCTEU Now Imildin a cro teJ. Plats outl specifica tions nirnlihetl 1416 Haraay st , bat , 14tli&15tli ] > 14-0n _ _ SPECIAL PCTBES. NOTICE Advertisement To Lo a , t' or , Sal Loit , Found , Wunta Hoarding , &c. , will be fr * orted In llfl ccl-irana once ( or TEN CENT per line ; each Insertion , FIVKOENT , ff.t line. The Qrat luacrtinn never [ tnj tbi : IO LOAN MOhLY. ONBY IO LOAK Call at Law Otrce of V MONBY L. Vhoixu Hojrua Cickbton BlocS. &nZAAA LOAN-At 8 pet csntlc ' ' 4 ) \ } , \ } \ ) \ } tcicat In sumf.of $2,500 nn ( o , Icr S to B yean ) , on Crnt-claw ellv jirowity. BKMIH RSAI , EstAi r.d LOAI trr. ISth and DouclaH Sta HELP WANTED. AlvTEU A fin-t-ilifscnnvasecrtofrnclli W Iowa and cbrft-la. No letters answered rooms 6 aud 7 , Council Blufls. E-l ( In produce honeo , an able bodlfi WANTKD mnn , not alr.U of work. Apply conic : ith and Howard i > t. 12-11 WAf TEO Immcrthtoly , good laijy cook , nl thj Vienna Ccfloo Houjo , 408 lOCb etr.ct. Vt ANTKD-A cook onddlnlnf room girl at Oc WANTKD An cxp.rlencod girl far genera ! housework. Apply 610 ntiith 19th triet 100 men for railroad work. II WANTED Mannwellcr , euploymont ego k , lllh trcct , near Farnam. 903tt WANTFD Ten teams. Wanes 83.CO per day. Inquire U. Vlnojnt. at Florence Cut-off. 080-tf D-Ono Imodjeil men. Wages 81.7E WANT . y. Apply 'o llltcho'l ' Vim-cut , at Horence Cut-off , i Ino mil 8 north of Omaha. 905-tf At St. Charles hotel , two firjt WANTED _ class dining room glrla _ Dfl3-tf WANTED Boardci-H a' 110 Routh 13tli yV. Hoard ? l 00 ; klsofurnlsted rcom . Frank ) avl . _ 034-tf ANTf D A tlrst-claiu mi at took at tt.o at. Charles Hotel , lltrnty etnet. Apply on lie premlaua. OJltl riTANTED A Hrbt-cl'Si girl mu > t bo irood > V cook , washer Mid fionor , Wagw $100 cr nook , Inquiio r.t Leo , Fried & CJ'B , or a , ' , Ice ollleo. _ [ TTANTED 600 privy v u.t , ulnlis * nd ccta VV poola to clean with Binltary Vault ard Inlt Cleaner , tha beet In use. A. Kvrjia Co. , eal.lpnco 1206 Dodje Btrrot. Omaha _ CTT ANTED Two nr ilttc rooms m-t Ue fo YV I'hyelciai.B ollkc. Addrins 7)r. Vorlr tee office. SITUATIONS WANTED , [ 17 ANTED-Fy ay unz otati InaUan till , a VV situation as eler * In * * dry goods store or 3 ass'et ' In militncrv nnd dream atlng. ( Speaks liiB'lsh ) JiddrcBS A. P. lieoolBco.10 MICELLANEOUa WAMT8. _ _ [ TT-ANTKD-Clothcaof all KlnJa to clean and Y V renovate in the most approved ttyle. A. ! ' > ndonler , chemlit , 015 N. lUili ' , tl-10' [ TrANTKD-A gO'd ' fimlly horse. Weight VV about 1,100 pounds. Must bo sound and heap W. J. WtL iu ! > s , U92-IO cor. Rth and Fainam. l\J A.N J KD bout Auguet 16 , a ticusu of t or VV 6 rooms , on line of etrect railway profir- cd. Addrtss "ifoiifo "IleoOttlco. aul tf I-CIH CUT Hou ea AND U KD. 7\01l HUNT Furn'ulioil loom. Incjulroat the } Drugstore , cir. loth nod 1) ugas. C-tf OU KENT Furnished front roomswuth Ifth _ ' dtrrct , near Leaviiuvortli , 7-12 TlOrt RENT -IIouDD with 8 rooms Iu elegant . ripa'r , at Nc , 1309 Capitol nvenue , Alio U out 6 room ) at No. 1119 nth lOthttrect. _ JAMKHU. CHAI'MAN , 111M6 522 Soutn Uth ttreet , 7\OU RENT Three hniitai 1'cittr L. Thonw , ' room 8. Ciclgliton lllcck. Pj > ,3'i ! 70R RENT Office for rent , 317 south Thlr- : teentlitt. 13-tt W. D. WRIGHT. 71011 KENT A ono and one-half story house J with 8 rocmi and barn. City water. In- ulre 2i83 Davenport , bet , 4th and 25th street. 2-16 7IOR KKNT Hrlck store , -J M and 8 rooms above , on I'adtlo B'ncf , between fth und th. The location toy desirable f r Dm/ , utcber. lloticr | Qrocer , Kmiulro at tl. 'toll's 2th and Faruhiiu > trcUs. OD7--2 T10H RENT Two new house * , ! Cth Ch'ogo , J ilx rooms c ch. Inquire old J. RuddUat th and Chmtiiut streets. 003 tf 70R RENT > ew homo of eight rooms , ttrcct J cars , de Irtblo iiel bboiliuud , $30 O. H , allou , rooms , Union Ul'ck , B3J-10 710B REN i Cottage of ffur rooms , co ten- lent. O. II. 1U luu. room 5 , Union UlocV : , | 039-10 7UR RENT Three furntshfd rooiuitor hciuo- ; keeping ; tlso piano. 118 North 13th tit. . 955.10 > 7 < OR RE.Vr Lirgo rjom , mlth board d y } boariirl\eiilBOa CallforuU street. 18 tf 1710R RENT To rooroi'Mutabl ! for two or X1 lourg ntlemon , tt 8. W. corner ISth and California ttrett. 973 tf a10 RF.NT Roonrn furnished and nnfurnbhtd , ft a W. corner ofEfiund Howard st Rocrrs ate now ami cwmatid tine view of the rher. brlili ! . i Ifl.rtnt rallroad-i and Coniull lllutls. Dd9 tt IfVK KENT House.of 10 r oa.s , cor Chle go JL' anil 13th street MD-lf Pi R REN Four room cotUge , Urga lot south 17th , J U Wcltlang , 1M3 Far- iiam ttreet , 9i'5-tf "VrtCRLY turnlihcd front loom. Cill C07A N Xi lith atroet. )9sO-tf ) I710H RK.VT Ono neatly fmnl hcd roam , I ; prh I'o o ef at Join ! ) g imr.or , 1S13 w o ticct. 942-tt "TTIOR RENT - \ ploatant furnl'hoil ro'in for Jj otiotr two goutlemcn , Inqn'.ro M 191 Uixllfornli i trcot C50-tf TJlOtl IlNf-T n w dwellings ana two other JJ dnelllt gi In de lrablo tec llty , by McKoon I > o. 1BU PouiflK street 817-tf . / I ) room lor u-titltiinn with refer ' cnc , 1312 Uod e street bctworn 13th nnd \tt _ > 77-tf 1 nnLors f"r loa'8 nt * 25 ° ° Ppr ftnuum , c ch - Iv'T term of jeir , at "Oraniro Otovo I'lalu" edJ--InlnK Hamcoin P , rk on the we't , li\i minutes w > lk from s net cars Mo cy ran bo obtalnoil to build with , by persons leasing tliojo loll at regular rail's. JAME9F. MORfON , . _ " " promises , nib ' ISn P r natn Street VJ INK llUUAEi FOR KKNT Smtll and largo , JLl two to tnclvo roon g each ; one or two new ones with all modern conveniences. One of 12 rooms , snltablo for boarding and room rontlnir , 17lhandDoUKlaabts. HEMI3 , Aitent , Ia23-tf _ IBth and Douglas Sta. JIENT Furnlshol room with board ; PK modern Improvements , a few table t > o rdrn can ho accommodated , at 1718 liodgo street. CSl-tf I710R ltK > T A plovant furnished room on .1 ; th i first ( loir , ono block from street car , at 24(8 llarncy street. _ 01B-tt KENT Brick store. Irqulro at Drujr FOH , coiner 10th and Douglas ats. 620-tf TflOK KENT Hou o of 0 rooms , newly plas- ? tercd and p.lnted. f500 per month. North of 10th street brlilgo on 15 h street. Con. \enlcnt to fhopu Apply corner 12th aid How. ard street , New p per Union. _ 687-tt < RENT. Iwo new elegant houses. In quire at Peterson's Clothing B ore , near IT. P. Depot. _ MOh Hlild it iurii.iuou ino.-uo ov b > * t ibinW Eichtn < ; r > , N , K. cor , Iflth td fodj On BALE dTl SALK-A peed mare , harntfs and top busty , by W , W. Uobirta , Fort Oaiahi.B85tf B85-tf li1'1'top'fsU frr the purcha of the Mm nt House on N < rth llnrnuy stieo . bo. twccn 15ih and 18 h , will bo n-cciml at my stai o until August IDth. C. K GOODM. N. t T710U SALE Ilnuso 5 roonrs and corner lot 132 JJ feet squire , SltOO. Mcfague , opposite Voit ° "lce. 11)77- ) _ FOR SALE A five rcro tot and good house ono mlio north of Barrack" Inquire on premises or Oco. II I'otcraon , No tot , 10th itrcct. 047-lm * C. SORKNEON. HGUSn and lot for sslo. No 826 Uontana street , near Cum ! p. Inquire Clear store , corner 10th and Jackson htrectj. 85-a2D FOR SALE Hou-o and cjrnor lot , at J1.P60 , bargain. McCAHOC , oppo-ltu P. 0 fgltf T1WO story building for f ale at a bargain , to taled at north-t-as corner of 17th street , ind Capitol avo. Must bo n.ovcd on or before August 7th proximo. DKil U1 770-tf Agent , I5th r.t.d Donglas. ( IX IIKAUTIFUL 10TH EOxlEO feet each In O Haneiom I'lace on street car lino. Best lots n whole addition on very caiy tirmaand ot a treat barifain. UEMIS' a cnt , 16th nnd Douglas it "eta )15-tf _ Jl'LENUID I'hOl'EUTV Foil SALli At a O UAKIAIK , ono lariro brick hou e , nnd ono are frame house , with full lot on Casa near 15th trott. Flno chunco for luvcrtuient , rent fcr ? 70 > er munth. Cill for full particulars , on BEJI1S , B09tf FOR SALE. The Arlington House nOTEL First class ; all furnished. The only hotel u town. The cheapest property In the state , las all the traveling men. will bo sold cheap on cnrstomlt. Enquire of E. Fulle , proprietor. Arlington. Washington county. Neb. 683 tf I710R SALE Or will oicha go for Oinab * proC - C pony , an improved eec on of Innd adloln- ng a station on U. P. R. R. U. EUWIIAM , 1C1J 'arnham St. , Om&ha. 7iO 2cf tOU t'ALt , B 203tftOU B'TOll BALE The FOl'UliAlt HOTEL , known an the BOYS' HOME. This houce Is cen- rally locatedhaa south and cast front , and Is nrronndcd w th flno ehajo trees ; contains thirty Iceplng rooms , has Ice bouae. laundry , sample oem , Ac. Has a world reputation and a letter patroaago than many houses of twice Ita apacty. ! Prlco ? 5OCO. For particulars ad. robs , A. A. SAWDEY , Red Cloud , Keb. E5tf HAY At A. n. R udc/ ' Fend 21 BALE11 'TnrntiySt > 1'--f H MidOELLA. NIOUS. [ OST A U'-j'sdolIm n. Deliver to S Jor- U gen oii'sC'tirstorn , cor. 10th ani ! Jickfon , nd be liberally rcw , rJed. 10-lOf r OaT AJred a d gray Parrot eaiapcd from a _ j c&xuon Convent street. Any i rsjn return- ig tl.e same to Charles II Donald , on Farnam : rewt , w U bo u'tabiy rewarded. HEW ARC Stolen on August 6th , .wv , < ui dark.bay mare , CMals old , nd OEO bay horto w th Iwj while hind feet und hlto Btripo In face , 8 years ' 'Id. The abovp ri- ard will bopilil fur their return to Jolm Bigly - ly 3 ml cs south o Omaha , , noir U. c. rail- .ad tru.k. 9D8-U * "jTHAVE One Iron griv mare colt , tw ) years old , walka a lltt o atlll n front legs. Lib- ral reward for his reu > vcry Vvlll ba paid for y W. Vanderkrcck , nortlcas' corner llith and lasonstrcett- . 1)83 Stwlt _ MI'ECIAI. AGENTS for > ebraiha. Kansas and 5 SllSflcutl to represent the INDUSTRIAL 'FP ' ASSOCIATION of Indianapolis , Indiana , n'ch ' has stood the test of tlm , pats all losses i full ; strongly Indorsed by the hot Insurai co nthorl les ; tboiougUy establMitd , easily orLed , and h not on Iho co-operatl\o or old no plan. Liberal contracts made with tncr utlo agents at a compensation ot from two lOUBand to three thousand dollars per year ddrcs * INDU-Tll'AL ' LIFK ASSOCIATION , o. TO East Market street , Indianapolis , Ind. _ luly'28-lnio. 'Cl'tiAVbU One ul.lti . n.w. some red t/u neck. j siici chart 1 ornn , and ono ) liht ; red cow about : ven jcars old , rope around the r horns , Wcro jout to rave ciluu. Any inf'rmktion leading i their recovery will bo suitably rcutrdcd by U75-3' MKS , KOCH'S Saloon 10th sire t. AGI3TER OF PALM7BTKlUT AKD > COZiZ > ! IONAL1ST , 483 Ttntb Btrtt. t. Ittws n I'lrnm , idlUri&v. Will , with thu ! d cf gutrdl.r \\r\ti. \ \ \ obtain for any oftsujUaeu rt the r fl n > vteMiit , nnd on c-riam ccpoitlona In tbe f u i" ? Ucoto Atid Qhoe ) n ; do to jrdtr. Tcrf'x ' \ Ii Absolutely Pure. Ihli powder necr varle * . A marvel ot p . etrength and wholeeomeneaa. Moro econo ICA ) thua the ordinary kinds , and cannot b Id lo competition with tbe multitude c ! o ) t , short weight , alum or phosphate powderi donly in cans. Roril BAiiKO POWBIS Co. B Wi Bl. , Hew Vo k