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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1882)
\T THE DAILf BEE-OMAHA , AUGUST 11 , Ioi32 &OO The Only Exclusive holesale Hardware 31 T 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREE1 OMAHA . NEB. WHOLESALE - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONEF AMD DRAtiKR X Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. & Wholesale a Lumber , No. 1408 Farnham Street , malm , M. MOLINE STOVE Thoymalto a apcclalty ol COOKING STOVES , and have this j m rived . In the market make botli made. They ECONOMIC AND MOST SAUSFACTORYSTOVESmer nioJ the MOST . Plain and extension top , anil guarantee all their gooda. The agents fortbo company aro. PIEROY & BRADFORD , DEALERS IN 'fl fFurnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters IMC j8k. 3ST OP 3EB X. f3. ATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 1211 u- FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB PERFECTION IN ROASTING AND BAKING , is only attained by using Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIRE GAUZE OYEE DOORS , For ealo byj Y1ILTOM ROGERS & SONS. Jull-rn&oly DIRECTORY OF LEADSHG WESTERN HOTELP HOTELS. AHLINQTON. 8ARATOQA HOTEL , MARSH HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL HALL HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTE _ , GRAND CENTRAL MISSOURI PACIFIC HQTCL , COMMERCIAL HOUSE GREENWOOD HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , ENO'O HOTEL , EXCHANGE HOTEL , METROPOLITAN HOTCL , MORGAN HOUSE , OUMMIT HOUSE , HCUSTON HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , WALKER HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTCL , CITY HOTEL , PARK HOUSE , NEBRASKA HOTEL , MERCHANTS HOTEL COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARKS HOTEL , COMMERO AL HOTEL , BAQNELL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , JUDKIN8HOU8E , BALL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE WOODS HOUSE , DOUriLAS HOUSE , BEDFORD HOUSE ARLINGTON HOUSE , NORFOLK JUNCTION HOU8I WINSLOW HOUSE AURORA HOUSE CROZIER HOUSE AVOOA EATING HOUSE CENTRAL HOUSE FOSTER HOUSE WHITNEY HOUSE. DEPOT HOTEL , LU8K HOUSE. DOW CITY HOUSE , JAOQER HOUSE , PROPRIETORS J. G. MclNTIRE , J. 0. STELLINIUf ) E. MANS , JOHN HANNAN , A. W. HALL CHENEY & CLARK , J. Q. MEAD , * . . SCYMOUR. P. L. THORP. A. O. OAARPER , W. MAYFIELD , E. STOREY. H. L. END , O. D. HACKNEY , FRANK LOVELL , E. u cnuuo , OWAN & DECKER , QEO.CALPH , O.M.REYNOLDS , D. H. WALKER , 8. BURGESS , DI A. w LLIAMS , MRS. M. C , OUMMIHU8 , JJL. AVERY , J , W. BOULWARE , F. M. PARK , HENRY WILLS , OHA8. BAQNELL , rtM. LUTTON , FRANK WILKINSON , H. H , PERRY , B , F , STEARNS , JOHN EOKERT , J , 8. DUNHAM , J. T. GBEEN , J M , BLACK & SON , A. T. POTTER , a. MCCARTY , M , B. JONES , 0. R. OR07-ER - , D. W , ROCKriOLD , Lincoln , Net , Mllford , Neb. BROWNSVILLE Neb Stromiburic No Loulivlllo dlalr , Neb. NellRh , Nob. Nobratka Olty.'Nab Weeping Wator.No Hardy , Nob. Greenwood , ( tab ] Olarlnda , I own Fremont , Heb1 Ashland , Kcb Atklmoni Ntt ) , Quldq Rocn , rla , Orcilon. U. Exlro , la. Atlantic , la , Audubon , In , Neol , la. Harlan , la Corning , u , Otanton , Burllnirton Jurttlop , M Blsnchard , I * . Uhenandooh , la , Dayld City , Neb Colle.eBprlngi , II. Vllllica , l . MaUern , In , Ida Grove , la Odebolt , la Osceola , Neb , Clarkt , Neb , Bedford la , MarjsvllleMo Norfolk Junction Neb Oeward , Neb , Auroar Neb , Sidney , Neb , Avoca la. LOOKWOOD & SHATTUOK , Red Oak' Oapt. JOHN FOSTER , E , HAYMAKER , O. L. CHAPMAN , J A. LU8K , W. H. MORTOV , JAQQRR& BOH , Lewis a Grlswol Dunlap , la , Logan , la , Dow City , la , Denlion , la , SOUTHERN REPUBLIC ! K'ex'co to Build the Ro Across Tohuantfpeo. Coffee Culture in Ootiti America , DesccruUon oftlio ulna of Pnli quo T-o X'nllcnnlro President o n Very Poor Couutry. San Finn l co Chronicle. It is expected tlmt by the middle \ugust the Central railway will of on for trnlllc from Kl Pnso Dal Noi to the City of Ghihunhun. Work is nbout to bo begun on t railway frntn Guadnlttjnrn to Li Ohapnln. Thu JIuxicixn Knvcnmio has accepted thirty kilometers of t line between Altnta nnd CuHnnui. Tliu building of the railway acre the Isthmus of Tulmuntcpcc has bo for sonio time auaponded , and the co cession for this important work h been forfeited to the Mexican govor mont , winch hao , with the view of r commencing construction of this Hi aa a nntionnl work , appointed a cot nrisfllou of the moat talented enginoo of the country to examine the iathmi and report ns to the boat route m coat of completion. It is known I parties well informed that all the r sources of the government will 1 brought to boar on the early compl tlon of this important road , which regarded ao of vital importance to tl boat commercial interests of Moxic and will also bo a competitor for tl traffic which now passea over the Pai unm road. Already 122 miles of railroad hav been completed trom Laredo aoutl ward , nnd only 48 miles mores \vi bring the road to Monterey. On the Gliihunhua to El Paso di Norto division of the Central rai road 1,000 men arc nt present on ployed , ofyhom 1,000 are foroignoi i\nd 900 natives. The wages paid at 2 a day. There are many Biiporio omploycs , mostly Mexicans , [ rom § 3 to $ o a day. Guadalajara will soon hare n cit : uit street railway , which is no ) being actively pushed towards coin plntion. The Morolos railway , a Moxicai oad , has boon purchased by the Ver 3ruz Railway company , an Englisl : orpor.ition. Cotlbo In Central America. Costa llica bucan the cultivation o lotfoo in 1820. In 1830 the innnons racto of land to the south of tin Capital were sold on condition tha inly coffee trees would be planted Still the cultivation has only slowlj ixtended till recently. At preaen rom 250,000 to 300,000 quintals an initially exported. The soil of tin ountry is extreme } j fertile and tin Innate most fuvorn'jlo tor the coll'oi iliuit Labor and capital are wanting iul roada and means of transports ion in the interior are somewhat do ciont. Nicaragua began to grow coffee ir 848 , nnd now 4,500,000 pounds arc nnualiy exported. The extension ol ho industry is much retarded by the rant of labor and capital. Latolj ovf plantations have boon made nnr ho construction of a railway com icncod. The country is of unsur assod wealth , but its fields are do < orted , its forests silent und its liar ors empty. Salvador now ships 200,000 quintal ! nnually , a quantity which may be oublod within a few years. Until jcontly the cultivation was almost en- rely conlinod to the western part ol 10 republic , but it is now extending ) other districts. Honduras has so far scarcely grown nough cofl'eo to supply her own wants nd the article known as "Honduras" i in reality Guatemala. The govern- lent has passed a measure to exempt 11 coffee plantation ) ! trom taxation uring ton years , and it la believed 10 imports of the atato , amounting tc 500,000 piasters annually , may bo ivored by the cofluo exports within vo yeara. l'ivo ( millions of codec oes have boon planted. Guotamala , bathed by the two joane and possessing the magnificent srt of Santo Thomas do C.utillo , haH fertile soil and salubrious climate , ollco constitutes its staple product , id the shipments are now 280,702 nintals annually. Before 1855 very little was grown , pveral railway lines are now being irvoyod or in process of construction , When the railways now being con- ructod are finished , great improve- louts and extensions in the cultiva- on of cotl'oo in Mexico may be cpucted. The present export ia aput 4,000,000 pounds annually , lipped almost entirely to the United tuten , Thu culture W&B introduced 11828 , and is now carried on in the ates of Chiapas , Cohniu , Miohoacun , 'era Cnu , Tobasco , etc. Golinm ill'ao is well-known In all the mur als. The government mid planters o making every exertion in their ) wer to extend the cultivation and iprovu thu product , An agucul- society is fstnblmhod in the City ' Mexico , to which most of the antors belong , and a weekly paper is ibliehed in their interest. Tiio Rulua of fulonquo. "Thu timber growing on the aito of IP ancient city of Palenquu m being it for shipment abroad , und the pee 0 'jf the vicinity are clearing oil the mntry where the timber has boon it and burning it , BO as to prepare 10 land for cultivation. In this work 10 edifices and statues scattered over 1 area of many leagues have boon lamofully damaged or destroyed , It very much to be regretted that the tiles , which ulipiV the height to which 10 brilliant civilisation of the Tolteos 'ached , should bo threatened with imploto destruction , BO that in a few ; ara there will bo no traces of the agnificont Colhuacan , the Thebes of merica , as tlmt city hon boon BO tally called by the most illustrious avelers , " In view of _ the foregoing the govern- unt is taking measures for thu pros- vation of these ruins and relics of a > rmer and almost unknown clviliza- on , which have excited such onivor- 11 intoroat. General Noteu. President Barrios , of Guatemala , It man of parts , and worth 88,000,000. 'his individual wealth will give Prcai- dent Barries the ontrco to the "irclc.i , notwithstanding that ho re ; senta the poorest republic on oartl David AlcKollnr , a Scotch Ron man from New Zealand , has just tied on 250 000 acres of land , t chased by him at Sinta llosix , Mox about sixty miles from ftaglo Pi Ho is now negotiating for 100 , ncrcs more , adjoining his catato , i intends converting the whole inl vast sheep run , The council of Mexico have nccop n loan of § 1,800,000 from the c banks , for municipal improvements The Mexican Government propc to establish a navy at Maz.ktan. ) The recently discovered coal fie of the state of Puebla are bo worked very carefully. The coal of nn excellent quality nnd is bo mined extcnnlvoly. An American company has recoh a concession from the Mexican gi ornment for the oslallUhmont of line of light draught steamers to im gate the Mesola river , on the Pacil The Mexican government has scindod , all contracts for bring ! Italian emigrants to Mexico , whi measure hns been rendered neccssr by the undcsirablo class of omigrai already sent. The government 1 also retuaod permission to the difTi ont railway companies to employ 01 ueco labor in construction. A pure strengthening tonic , ft from whiskey nnd alcohol , cm dyspepsia , nnd similar diseases , tins never been equaled. Drowi Iron liittcrs. Fall of iv Monster Clock Weight. Sunday morning the worshipers 3t. Poler'o church , Troy , \\o\o \ stn loci by a heavy crush and the fallii > f piaster , lath , board ? , and oth naterials , some jumping nt the co : ilusion that the heavy tower hud fal in down. A regular panic OIIBIHM md what followed was exciting in tl txtremo. Men ran eigerly hero nil hpro , lookinir for a place of ogres hildron cried , women Bcrcamed , nn iinny of them fainted away , and w 01 u imminent danger of being troddc o death by the throng in their haul o get outside of the building. Who ho crash first came many of t ho congn ; ation started for the door , but ill iilo of dubris in the vestibule mud hem fancy that escape by that w. rould bo exceedingly dangerouo. At oruingly they returned and made fc ho window s , but w irn screens Imrre lioir \ siy to ( he street. A strang rlost from Ireland was con ucting the Borviceo , but when th nnic commenced lU-v. Father Luc en , formerly of this city , the paste f the church , \uth great presence e lind , ascended the pulpit und spok ncouragmgly to the people and trie ) culm them , as it wn pparcnt tlmt a panip woul usuo. Soon the people listoncd t im , and bein < ; naaured they wor ifor whcro they were than in nt mipting to get out doors , they sn own and quiet was again restored n examination was then made , whei was found that one of the ropes , no vcr an inch in diameter , that heli 10 bucket containing one of thu 800 Dund weights had broken , loting th cavy mass fall 75 feet down , back o 10 orgar. The rope had been in usi vonty yoirs , nnd had rotted by tinv id wear. Notwithstanding the au ienco was a largo ono , and tha ox toment great , no ono was seriously art. "Only Dyspepsia , Doctor , " said a tntlcnt U lorntthv. "Wh t would you haver * ld the oatBUrKOon "the plauno ? ' lixllgoitiuiila th < .irco of counllta niorlnl i.i t-H''H Check II rly with TAHIUNT'S Hitur/mi Ai KIIIFNT ami ca post onto It * urcHen atonicj aii'l 1U piolitbli ueciiucncoii. II lUL'kcloj. 301,1) 1JV ALL DRUaOIbTH ] BEAT YOUR HOUSES URNACES IN THE WORLD , MADB IJY IOHARDSOJBOYNTON , &OG CHICAGO , ILLS. Embody now 1882 linpr loracnls Mnr , aotloul fu ur. ; Cost loss to kotp Ii Icr , UtoloNN faolj will KIVU juoro 'o ' rl a larRur voluiuo of pnro ulr t""J rnaca inadu jcldbyI'JKKG'KY&IWAUFOIU.OniihaNou J > BI ilHm ror * a quarter ol & century or more HcntUUr'i juikch Ilittcrj I M l > ui the rel nliu fxicl9 ( rlndli { ( , tlondy | ifi > 8la , fe > cr andtguo , * Ion | ihnlcal Uimia , Iher tompltlnt and othoi urjeri , and hai hteu innit unpha Ically In i ted by medicine men v > a liialth acd ulitngti ) toriti\o. ItcountcracU a tendency to pro kturo deLty , and tUBtalni and comforta tin cxl and Infirm for ale by all Druyirliti and Uealcrd generally , ISJUBSS Abitroct tnd Rp t t t . JOHN L , MrCAOUK , oppO"It T < J OfBct w. n. nAr.Ti.KTf SIT nonth isth Archllocti. MKNUKLSIOHN , 14 Crr'cliton lllock. A. T. LAUOB Jf. . Uootn S. Cl l hton Dice ! lioott nd Oho * , JAMKS PtVINB vV CO. , f'nn Eeo } ( nd fchpM , A ROoJ kv ' 3i * work en h n > l. cornet ISOi nd lUrnor. fHON. KRICKi'O.N , P. R. cor. 14th nil Deng JOHN rORtUNATVS. > * > 10th rtri \nonulActurcs ta Oruer sooj ; w i > ( t iit'ccd. Hctnltlnr Jnno. LARUIMEn M nuf\ctat r. HIT Donrlw UoaVi , rtcws und tHMlonery. 1 I FHttKtlAVP 101 $ Fftrnhim Biteel tHitlfr nd Cggi. > " ( BANK * ' .rilROKDSI ! , lhi > olJt n. ftnJ tcUdln ti tiiw k ntftliiKicil 1378 Omkht. liarrla < ; ei nd rtona W gen , VU SXV"fU. 141h mul Uornov SlrccU. / . UA'niH1I iw > hlBhcftCA'h price lot lecc F inh m. I'nlnst no Ulli , KUUN , U CO. j rm clti , Ftni Tun 3 Ocxidi , Cor , Kin lonfil .treott T. I. WHITKUOUPK , Wholnuitc A HeUtl , l th a FIET.U , SOU North Slda Cnm\ng \ Sin TAUU. Umgytiit. inih tn.l Unvrinl BlrteU Uonntu , JH I'.VULVUIUniii Ulack Cor. llth A DoO g , Olvll Enjlncer nd Burveyort. UlDIinW HOJKWATKU , CrolKhUn Dloc fcwa eutujt.r .l8 uJ8o\vctHKC Sritemi Dry Uuvut Notion * . Ma. JOHN II. f. t KllMANN & CO. , > rt lori DO Oojtt&ruro. 1810 nJ till F r Mai itroet. . 0 JncwoW the boatn * nJ rhom Ar dB ronnary. " > ! WlCMWy nnve mr t th J > i-V oni Jov o nre. JilUN U01MKU 1SU Futnhtm Btieet ' U furlihMil hei Klh \ 1U iSHRLD UOt8iGro. Onflold.tth ( I F ruh i IJI.W HOIW ! , V II C iCIS FftmhMuS 3tAVr.N"S 1101 Kli , V bl on , lOthUl. K'lilhorn llocol Ou . IluncI Ctti itLoMomrart OKS1.IAL UKMTAOHAMT. MUll A. RYAN , ushtrtdl coi.itr llltl.i.i I ( .xtt o. K.iKt Ifcc.r > l ' r too Money. Si * " ( artlcm iln r niern nil Inut Kurd li > tlio U y , Hnuk or Month. Tt rms tot C r furuiiuro. 3 UUOKri , Mow kill otji.n I jltm ! rnrnltui < . loic-i , 1114 Dourfim. Ul hosl cuh tlc lu iot ojedi , , ! hn .ONHKU 13:9 Douri * tl Hns eondl fti ' rCB Wcr < . FSKOV 00. , tttl > < * . r liis l..rniwHl , Itnrrax .i Uiui'v , Ini > ( > i > ' < jn , 031c I'O KNy < > ii 10th K ; fift f t. A II _ Relrlctrittuti , Canltolu'n Patent. Oltcaro and 1 ub cco. mC , \ FIUTROUER , niatiultcturoin ol Ld WlioIoKXlo Uinlonl n Tobncroe , 1306 Douglas I V r.nHKjVy.Kw mmni ( rtnror H1B FfttnhRm Orockaiy. ItOB nonc'm.wt. ' . Q oiHlnii junk. H DKilTnOT.I ) , RiL-n nd MeUl. Lumbar Ulrno und Uemont. Oil tY i rni'r fitb > Bil PnugltB Bti uimpi end uiunwnre. t.O : NEU 1809 Dnmljn Bt. Hood V ile > y Merchant rullon , O. A. LlhDQUKST , T ot out most popular llcrch nt Tcllori Ii re I'lnn the UUMt il salons lor Spring > nil fiummo D3di fcr Ronlluinfu's near Qtyllih , durable il ir1cr < low aa over I'JOO Farnam itrot. _ Mllllnarr. Ub. O. A. niNGF.n. WholcMlo and KcUll , F n 1 Ooodn In Kreat > i Ioty , Zephyrs , Caril Doard * oilory , Cloxcj , Corocto , Ac. Chcnpcut Ilouai II o V.'mt. Purchaser ! ! m\o CO pur cent. Ordei ' Mull. 11B Flltoontli StrnHt _ Mour and Feed. 11AUA CITY IIILI . 8th and rarnbam Eil. praprlutom arocem. ilil liotweon Curulng and liar A UC3IIANK , Ooru SSdund Cumlne Btrcctl Hardwmo , Iron und Steel. JLAN It LANOWOUTJtY , Wboloule , 110 tot M ifttn Mruot A. HOUIKa corne 10th and California. Hurnna * . Qaddlet , fee. j. v ' ' < - { iP Utli at. lic > farnlUrney riorl.t. A. Douaghue , f lanto , cut f.oworo , c. N. W , cor. Ibth and DouplM btreoto. 00 To OHAIO'S Orocn Iloii9o ith mid Webster ftruot , foi lanttf , nonqucts , I'lowurn , Floral DonlKiis Sic. Uornlca VVorki. \.fie.n Ccrnlco Woiku , Manulactareri Ire > jfuko , Tin , Iron oiul I -to Hooding. Ordori nmau ) lofulltj piomjitly executed In tha bcii knncr. Victory unil Oltlco 1218 Ilariioy at. U. Hl'KUH f , "roprlotor. Iron Corulcog , Wlmlow Caps , etc. kiul lint nil In any part ol tbi imtrv , T , OINiUlLU i\B \ Thirteenth street U3mmli lon Merchant * . JOHN U. WIILltJ.UU Dodito Htrect. K. IlKKMJuU for ilcuills BOO large advorlllo nit In Itallv and WHekly. _ Clothing Knd Curnlthlna Qoo < I. KO U. PKTKHKOH. AIM Ilata , C pfl , ir > u9 ithnu and Cutlery 601 tj. 10th ttreet. i.'how Qate Manufuctory. | O , J.ILUB. . kimfictnror and Dcalsr ID all klnJi . o , Upright Vu : * , ti , 1017 Caai 81. Fit AN K L. QCIUIAKD , proprietor Omahi iuw Cum m&nuatnry ( , 818 Houth 16th ttroot it ec.'i LiftVtrmurth And Uarcy. All imutud ( lrtt-clni uvuu nr.u inwire. A HUIIMKSTKR , atJiii In dtovoa an Ti : < varo , and UannUcta Xln lloof < Qd ill kludt ol UullJIog Won. U Kcllow * ' hloc'x . ' Bt oed and Cheap UONNKR. 1UQ3 I > aH. M riKllI.V If AUKMANN , Ifia now brltk bl nk tin DoujjlM Etroel , bai | Dit optnod a moot tlcKant llocJ Hall. Hot Lunch ( rom 10 to 11 every day. , l | o r i J KAU10NKH 079 Uth Htreal KVANB , vniolooi'.a > i U Ketall Seed O ant iltlvatora Odd Kcllo Hall _ Photour pner . OKO. IIKYN , PROP. Grand Contra ) Gallery , 212 Blitcenth Etrect. ai Uaucnlc Hall. PUtt-cla * ) Work and Prompt M ifuarantoon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Plumbing , Qai and nte-m rUtln _ . W ( TAItvyftCO. , 21fl Ut.liot Farnhan d DouvUi Work prrnnp \ atttndc/1 to. P , 71T-l'ATItIGK , l nuicUa Street. 6lio btorei. illup l > aa 1120 yarohain it In ! IStli A Kit ; Phyalclnnt nrt Uurucani. . B. OIUnH , M D , , Room Ho t , Criliihtoi ock , Uth ritruot , P , B LKI8HNH1NO , tt. I ) . ! 80no ! Ulock. t IIAHT H n KymuJlUr npp no toiyici 1)11. L. U OH ADI ) y , : ull tand Aurlot. t ) , W 1Mb and rarnbam It Inline * n per rnlnu. TKNIIY A. KOSTKK8 111 Dodge BtiMt. * 8 cond Hand Store . ERKINB & LEAR , lilt Douglai Bt . New an icond Hand furniture , IIouM FurnlthloK Uoodl B. , boajbt and told on narrow rnarirlDl , THE JBLM MOUNTAIN G-OLX ) AND * * ' * ' < riM iUj MrwMM * rMv _ * M * | I tfOtfffHOMXSt w CHCntlMcon Mining and Milling Company. WorVlne Capital CaplUI S-ooV I1.000.C09 , Par Value o MS6 , STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BKAMBL MINING- DISTRICT , DR.'J. I. TUOMAS , Prcildont , Cummins Wjomtng , WM. K. TILTO.V , Vlco-Frcaldont , Cammlni , Wyoming K. N. 1IARWO01) , Becrttary , Cammlnj , Wjomlnu , A , O. I.UNN , Truanrar , Cummins , JWj'Qmlo Dr. J. t. IhttniM. Lonln Miller W. B. Hramel. A. O. Bnnn. M. Harwood. Francli L < > M cnt. Oco. H. Falo . Hwli Zolman. Dr. J. C. Walking. melt Cm ORO .W. i , A'lthirltalmt lit S\1o ol Sbokl ' n-n * . Omaha Steam Laundry. The only Laundry in Nebraska that is supplied with complete machinery tor Laundry work. Send your nrdurs by mail or nxnroso , GOTTHI2IMKR , OODFUEY * CO. . 1207 Farnlmm Street. THE ! 11PDLLEYS. . . E. M. MAXWELL , FREMONT , NEB. , EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOU THIS STATE. The following mlvnntngCH are lulmeil for thin 1'nlloy : IT IH HTKONOKK nml inoro uralilo , owliip : 1 , To the ntiKonoo nf nlirliiknKO trivlnn. 1 ! . To the tncroaaod iniui- orof urirn II. To the fnct Hint the ritu In much ntronpor than the cnit rlin , IT m KTTini 11A1.ANC1C1) . It IS MUCH I.KlllTKIt. IT H.VVI H 1IH1.TINO. IT IS ClIK.U'KIl. Then * i no dniigortif breakage in Imiulllti ) ; when tthlppril IOOHO. When shipped loose they to gonornllv nccoptoil na tlilnl-claii freight iintoul f flrut-claBH , ntui on the weight Is illy onu-hult that of c.iit I'lilloyii thu fright tiHtill further roiluceil. WK ntlAUANTEB IIK51 to porfonn cat lafnrtorlly miy work from the llglitcst to the heaviest. Bri.iT l'ui.ii\n : from 12 to IS nichcx diameter only. I'ulluyH of wKter fnca than 18-Inch uro provldod with two sots nrmi williout oxtrik mrgo. mrgo.Wo Hiipply onch Pulley with two Bot-sorows without extra -ALSO- Ipnt for Patent Hot Polished Shafting OUR CLAIMS. 'What wo claim for our PATENT HOT PoLiaiiED SHAKTINO la:1 Ifit. Tlmt It In round nml HtraiKht. iM , It ciui ho ncctiratoly rolled to any doslroJ Rnugo , ild. Tlmt ita euifpoo boltii ; composed of innKiipUo oxldo of Iron obviate ? any un- [ io tendency to ruat or t trnlah , while it at the simo time gives ono of the boat journal bonring mirfncoa over discovered. 4th. That it will not wnrp or Hprlng in key HCfttlug. nth. That It in made of the very beet of refined Block. jOTKor further pnrtlculnru , price Hat and discounts , Bend to E. M. 'MAXWELL S Foundry and Maohino Shop , Fremont Nob. OfDenlson , Crawfotd County , la. ON THE OUIOAo"oTt NORTH WESTERN E. R. Bank nnd Land Olllco J. A. MoHonry . , . HofUotinROr . President Crawford County Bank _ . General Merchandise Morgan onnoy i , J. Miller . . General Morohandiso . S. Plimpton . General Merchandise General Merchandise f. J. Gross ninn . [ rs. Stooclcs . Gonorul Morohandieo and Milltnory Groceries eo. C. Uray . L. II. Hondnoks . Qrocorioa Grocorloa . .1. Wheeler . ndaon Meade . Hoots and Shoca L. Goldoim . Clothing ullock & McAhron . Druga t Anderson . Drugs < , . Knaul . Drugs tyrant & Wilson . Hardware Hardware . O. Ivons . , B. Romans . Hardware and F.irm Implements 'night iVs Uohart . Vutm Implements Furnlturo . end Uros Stool . Furniture pplo & Peters . Harness Harness . SoiverH . Bulletin . 11. Keith . Review /rigloy Bros . unoy Bros . Mill , Grain , Agricultural Works and Foundry Lumber . II. Do Wolf . . P. Stocking . Lumber [ . Stone , . . . . . Lumber , Grain and Stock . Steam Elevator and Stock . K. Bensloy . Sproochor . . . . .Live Stock and Grain , McColl . Moat Market , Groceries and Stock . Jaggor House. & Son iiKKor . F. Casnaday . < . Commercial Uouso . H. Chovers . Moat Market , Pumps end Tniplomunta Btubbo . Meat Market trainingor & LOBSO . Jewelry , H. Clausiu . Jewelry . Books and Musical Inatrumonta . F. Oarr . . Barbora litchcock Bros k Barboc [ . Hawley . Dentist Dentist , II. Nichols . imiiiKor & Wright . Physiciana 1. W. Ilulmoa . Physician . Alex . Physician r. Emmu Corn wall . Iloinuipothio Physician onnor & Shaw . Law , I oan , Land and Abstroctora arrison & Roberts . Law , Loan , Land and Abstractors - II ubblo . Oroamory fin. Braddy . . . . Marshal iJJPEg igllAJBLE MW"r MW"rPERFUME , Tu'urray & Lanman's WflTER. Best for TOILET. BATH and i ANDKERCHIEF. B08K ST9VE , IX I lOIU'f * i iily * " 75,008 , Hro h UBS , viuti. Jel OrlUcf it-nil 11 ' W4P liurnvr * l | > 1Jelri"i ! Mr , Nbiv ( On Vulvill ri > ' r ou iw" N < ut V. A' wMiifityl i olr. Vf Butnmcr ii ail ttif all Kirn/I . . * lu < udlsnftll'Sfti'1 > ' * * Those celebrated atovca for sale by 1'lerty & Bradford , Umahft , Neb. 29 1m