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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1882)
HE OMAHA * DAILY BEE. TWELFTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , SATURDAY G , JULY In , 23. Ffh 9 ! PiM " " U * iE.1 & SON , Book Binders -AND- IV1AHUFACTURSS. OMAHA , NKB. Masazines of 8all kinds BOUND TO ORDER. Send for REDUCED price-list of Job Print ing. _ J. T. FESTflER , Importer of , and Dealer in Zither Stringy and Insic , 1102 Farnam St Omaha. Every Corset is warranted satis- laotory to Ita wearer in every way , or tbo money will bo refunded by tbo person ( rom -whom it was bougbt. The only Corset pronounced ty our leadlnp phynlclani not Injurloun to Iho wearer , andcndomstliy ladlra aa the ' uioot comtartalile and perfect IHtlnn Coruut ever y MaH.PoiUBOl'aldl Health I > r < - ervlne , # 1.00. Hclf-AdJu-tliiB , fl.SO Abdomlnul ( cxtralieuty ) * E.OO. Nurtlus , l.50 HeultU I'reiertlnir ( line roulll ) C8.00. 1'nruioa HLIrt-Nuppurtluv. lM.50. Famulo by Icudlnit llctull Ilrulcru oerjwherc. CUIUAGO COItaL'A' CO , , ChlcuKO , Ul. Jul'2cod& o ly Samuel C , Davis & Co , , 1-V- DRY GOODS IMPORTERS , Washington Avo. and Tiftli St. , ST. LOUIS , MO. LAKE FOREST U ; IVERSITY COLLEGE Tbreo courses ; open to bo.h . scxoi. AOADEMY Ch-slol and KnglUh Ol oj the bu'tof training lor co H 'eor but ncui. FBBHY II a LLSeminary for Vciing La-iUa. Un8uriaa wl In bcinty and heal hfiil. ne ol ultuttio. , and In extent c ( ihartaxuj oOercd tni thorongluicH ol training lit en , On Laku Jlkln 'in. Yair \ > et\M Rept mber 13,1832. Apply to PRE3T. GREGORY , LaKe Foreat. 111. SEYMOUR SCARED. AraM Oatsido Alexandria witl Nine Thousand MOD , Waiting for the British tc ' Land and Ho Will Gob ble Them Up. The Latter , However , Decline to Fill Their Part of the Programme. And. Are Awnitln" Inttriiotloui from the Homo Qoycru- mont , Tbo Egyptian Oommandor Recruiting His Army by Thousands. OCCUPYING EGYPT. National Associated I'rces , HEYMOUU AT TUB PALACE. AtKXAHDniA , July 14 , 8 a. in. Admiral Seymour has landed nnd taken possession of what remains ol the Haa El Tin palaco. Ho haa ofll- cially notified hia government of the occupation and sent the further in formation that ho has , for the protec tion of the paluca , disabled the guns of the batteries opposlto the palace , having spiked these too heavy to over throw. The guard of Admiral Sey mour at the Ran El Tin ia composed of u special body ot marinea. 8:25 : A. H Fires throughout the city are still burning with great fury. A CITY OP-KUINS. 9 A. st. Seymour- has put a body of marinea at work clearing the streets. The khedive waa brought ashore by Seymour and ia now lodged nt llaa-ol- Tin , protected by n guard of seven hundred marinea. Seymour pronounced the conduct of the ofEcara and men splendid be yond praise. 11 A. u. The fires ia nil parta of Alexandria nro burning nt this hour with increased fury and spreading rapidly. The city at thia hour appears to bo beyond all doubt doomed to ut ter destruction. Nothing can possibly aavo it. The flamea have hud their own way now for upward of aovonty- four houra. The burning city ia like a red hot furnace. The third part of the town ia burned over to almost its entire extent. MUTILATED BOmES OP CHRISTIANS. 11:15 : A. M. A corps of sailors de tached to clear the way through the atroota leading to the principal wharves , report finding bodies of chria- tiana and Europeans lying everywhere. Moat of them nro shockingly mutil ated and nearly all either charred or scorched. The sailors say iho massa cre must have been terrible beyond imagination. SEYMOUR'S mnuow ESCAPE. LONDON , July 14. A special cable dated Aloxondi" ! , 9:30 : a. an. , nays Admiral Seymour , under instructions af hlB government , made preparations to land avd occupy Alexandria in the interest of the khedive in order : o enable him to resume hia authority hero , and had selected a picked corps if 3,000 men to undertake the task. V. party of Egyptians engaged to scout he city in the interest of the khedive , lonvineed Seymour the plan would esult in the maaeacro of ho marines , aa Arab ! ia 3 securely intrenched with 9,000 men uat outside of the city , well officered nd provisioned , and would make every Hurt to prevent the landing of troops r to save the city from destruction. Ibymour , on receiving this statement rom the scouts determined to post- one permanently occupation till head ad received further instructions from } ogland nnd decided to confmu hia ecupation to the llaz-El-Tin palt.ce , nd hia efforts to protect the khodivo. THE EGYPTIAN COCK CUOWS. ALEXANDRIA , July 14. Arabi liy as 9,000 men outside the city to pro- out occupation. Seymour haa noti- cd Ilia government that ho can land nly 3,000 men , and that it would ripple the service of the fluot ; that ho as postponed landing , waiting for in- .ructions and reinforcements. Arabi Bey ia preaching thatEnyland m't fight on land , and points to Say- lour'a inability to occupy Alexandria i proof. Ilo says the European awera refuse to assist England , and lat England 1ms BO many internal publon that she cannot raise an army ithin a year. Arabi ia recruiting lousarida of Arabs , and tolls thu yptiana that there ia going to bo a rcat war and a great battle will bo mght soon. Ho Bays ho loat leaa ian a thousand during thu bombard , ent. THE KHEDIVE HKEDADDLEH. The fire has now reached the Arab- r ; n quarters. The French consulate aiding ia burned , Six bodies of assaered Eurnpeuna were found in i ruins. The marines now occupy o arsenal and custom house gato. saring a descent of Arabi the Kho- vo has gene nwuo on board the yacht mrkych , PAN 10 IN CAIUO. OAIKO , July 14 , A panic prevails 3m fear of masaacro on the arrival Arabi'a army. MEETING OK THETUH1UHU OADINKT , COKHTANTINOPLB , July 14. At a ocial meeting of the Turkish grand micil aoyoral influential members vised immediate armed Turkish . tervention in Egypt , Durrahman , imo minister , maintained that abi should now bo treated aa a bel ; also that it was useless to send i tiers to the khedive , as ho wan pow- Icua to execute them. IMPOTENT TEWFIK. ALEXANIWIA , July 14. The Khe- , -e , after consultation with Seymour , cidod it would bo safer to return to 3 fleet in view of the possible attack .Arabi'a troopa , The Khedive then turned aboard ono of the ships , ardod by 500 troopa. On arrival at once issued a proclamation ftd * ing the soldiers of Arab ! to disband , nnd empowering the British marine to shoot down nil rioters on thu street Ho calls on the people to return to th city , assuring them of British protoc tion. TWO THOUSAND COU1MK3. G r. M. The mnrincB patroling Hi city haa already reported finding th disfigured nnd burned corpses of tw thousand Europeans. Seymour has ordered CAtinonndinj over the city to scare off invaders The marines killed ono hundred Arab in street fights. Arabi'a corvette is anchored off I'or Said , and the British gunboat Iris just arrived , has anchored with he broadside opposite. Slngnlnr TrnniDs. National Ansoclntfd 1'resn , OHICACO , Juno 14. Two trampi who were run in by the police las night on general principles , in ordo that officers might become- familial with their faces , made the aingulai coiifcsiinn that on the 1st of September bor , 1876 , they were employed by t merchant in Stockholm , Sweden named Permit , to murder his mis tress named Dahlberg. They com < milted the crime , receiving five hundred < drod crowns from Perrialt. Gouornl Forolcn Navri * National Associated 1'rcns. DUBLIN , July 14. The cities ol Dublin , Cork , Limerick , Waterford , Kilkenny , Derry , Qalway nnd Drog. hoda and sixteen counties of Ireland have been proclaimed under the re pression act. Georgia Deviltry. National Associated l'ro s. CHATTANOOGA , Term. , July 1-1. At Red Clay , Georgia , yeatorday n man shot into n hut whom n colored man was sick with small pox. The man was wounded , the bouso took fire and the man burned to death. Firo. National AfBodatoJ Press. WAMPUM , Pa. , July 14. The flour ing mill of Diy Bros. & Co. were de stroyed by fire this morning. Loaa , 818,000 ; insurance , $5,000. Sponta- ueoua combustion caused it , Editor Drowned. National Afsocl.tocl 1'rcts. MILWAUKEE , July 14. Nowa ia re ceived hero that F. E. Pond , editor of the Turf , Field and Farm , of Now York , waa drowned in the Flambeau river , in northern Wisconain The report comes from the guide ivhom Sir. Pond engaged on fishing axcursionri , The Striking XVoiglit Mon. National Atwodated Prciu. NEW YOHK , July 14. The pros- lects of the atrikinc freight handlers a improving , Hundroda of Italians juit work to-day and joined the stnk- irs. Many othora will follow. Tba Eloyanth Ohio. Ittlonkl AuocUtsa I'nw. POIITSUOUTII , Ohio , July 14 John iV. McCormick , of Gallipolia , was lominatod for congress to-day by the ho republicans of the Eleventh dia- rict. Drownod. rational Associated Prtua. DETROIT , July 14. 0 , R. Footo , eller of the National bank , of South laven , and Misa Kitty Underwood , f Aurora , 111. , were drowned at iouth Haven last night while boating. Michigan's 'Wheat Crop. utlonal AuBOclatcd Prosn DETJIOIT , July 14. Crop reporta motived by the State Agricultural epartment shows the probable num- or of acroa of wheat harvoatod in lichigan thia yoir will reach 31,424 , 00 bushel ? , an average of eighteen id twenty-nine hundroths buahola or acre. The Hessian fly and other isects are reported in various parts : the state , which may slightly ro- nco the aggregate , Soiota Volley R R. itlcna ] AHiociatod I'raw. COLUMIIUS , Ohio , July 14. The ockholdcrs of the Sciota Valley rail- iad to-day , by unanimous vote , ; reed to increaflo the capital Block to i,000,000 , for the purpose of oxtond- g its line from Columbus , Ohio , to jrt Wayno. The Now York PostolUoo. tlonal Associated 1'rcBB. NEW YOUK , July 14. Truth Iiaa a spatch from Washington announc- g that the removal of Postmaster arson , of thia city , haa been decided i. Ilia probable Ruccossor is Geo. m Norto or Joel B. Erhardt. The Independent Wolfo- tlonal Associated Prean , READING , .luly 14 , lion , Cha0. S , olfo , the Jeador of the independent ) vumcnt , addreasod local indopond- ta this evening , Hu denied 0111- atlcully that the propositions undo thn regulars to the indnpcndenta ire identical with what thu indo- ndenta proposed , Ho declared that a propositions were not made in icority , but were a trick of the ri'gu- H to have the independents with- tw , tto that the machine could con- il everything. Zulu. rf , Field and Faun , July 7.1882. [ n placing thia elegantly bred young lliou ut the head of his farm , wo i inclinedto ) the belief that A. J , 1'op- ton , of Omaha , Neb , , has Bounded i kny.noto of success. Zulu ia the ( duct of Col. R. P. Popper's ostab- iment , South Elkhorn Farm uikfort , Ky. , in point of strength oud to iiono in the United i os. and ia by Harold , airo Maud S , , Noontide , Mattie O ra il , etc. , out of Misa Duvall , by Dil l's Mainbrino ; second dam by Pud- Burns , aon of Gruy Kagle ; tliird n by Davy Crockett. Duvall "a inbrino was by Mainbrino Chief , n by Imperial Glencoe ; second n by Blacknoso , son of Modoc. IH : ir Xulu in a bay , was foaled 1879 , I ia in form and nizo thoroughly lipped for a firat class stock homo I trotter , The farm of Mr. Pop- ton ia located near Omaha Douglas nty , and coueista of 1,200 acres , ALEXANDRIA IN ASHES Tlio Destruction of tlie Oit ; Oomploteil by iho Retreating - treating Rebels , The Loss of Property of Al Kinds Beyond Oomputn- tation in Dollars. Four Thouoiind Bodies Fount Among the Ruins of the City. A Variety of Conflicting Re porto Oonocrntntf Oporn- tiona in Egypt. The Troopn of Ar bi B y Said to Have Bntiro.y Do- ecrtsd Him. Tlio Klifxllvo Endo vor to Oatlici tlio Scattered of Power. * Thousands or Hungry Knocking1 at tlio Qntoy For tirub. N tloc llAwodatccl Prow , OFFICIAL STATS SUIXTS. LONDON , .luly 14. In tlio IIOIIBO of commons to-day Dilko stated efforts were' being made to disperse tlio mob in Alexandria , and that Arabi's where- nbouta were unknown , aa lie lied in boat on the canal. It wan also stated that Arabi'a troopa won : dispersing. A TOTAL num. A dispatch received i-.l 4 p. in. from Alexandria states that iho destruction of property by fire ia almost beyond comprehension. The city is totally ruined , but low of thu houses left , ntamling bciup fit to occupy. The loss of household property alone uill aggregate millions. y THE MIMSTRUS. - A-EXANDHiA , July 14. Ill nnsA'ur to the khedivo's summoiiK to the inin- iaturs , requesting the pri'Honca ot the council , all responded with the oxeep- coption of Arabi Pashu. ULOHINO TUB OANAL. In compliance with orders just re ceived from England the Suez canal will at once be closed at Port Said. TUB DEATH LIST. LONDON , July 14. "It is bclioved the total number of killed is four thousand. SoveraJJ perilous caught in act of pilfering , were shot. The Pin- lope with Roar Admiral Iloskins hau iouo to Port Said f Thu American squadron has returned to the inner harbor. . * ' * DKSEUTED. Two-tliirdo of hia troopa deserted : \rabi Boy during the bombardraont , ) thors have since loft or have with- Irawn to Kafradpway , the first ata- ion on the railway. Ramloh haa jeen surrounded with two regiments if cavalry and ono of infantry. THE MUCK OK LIKE. A party of armed soldiers entered ho khcdivo'fl apartments and declared hey had order * to kill him and burn ho palace. The khedive bought their ayalty with § 500 and n promise of lore. Ilo ia now safe with hia family n llaa El Tin palnce. Marino gun- era now occupy Fort Napoleon , com landing the city and protecting iinxll arms men on land. The Egyp- tan flag was hoisted over Muribout , ut on the assembling of the marines ; was hauled down. i-.OOUTS ON TIIK CANAL. LONDON , July 14 The financial jcrotary of the war ollico states that unboats have boon ordered to ac- Miipany British merchant vessels irongh the Suez canal , if deemed ecessary , WOLHKLKV. ALKXANDUIA , July 14. Sir Oarnot falBoloy is expected at Port Said on uuday. If Arab ! makes a stand at .osotta or D < tmanhour , Wolseloy will mio to Alexandria. The English and French consulates ere burned , alee almost all the Dimes on the Grand Square , Ono hundred and fifty marines hold 10 arsenal gate ; at the custom house ito there are 100 marines , with u gat- ig gun. DII'LOMAI'V AOAIN. ALEXANDRIA , July 14. Midnight lie diplomatists anj endeavoring with o khedive to form a ministruy that n , bo treated with. The khcdtvo ia imiiod a proclamation callini' upon o panic stricken people to return , OUAltDH. Sailora , including sixty from the inerican equadrons , have replaced o marines in guarding thn khodivo's lace , The marines have taken charge the gates of the town , where great sordor oxiats , Hundreds of rofu- os of all natipnalitiea are gathered ere , clamoring for food. The urn- ics suoply thorn with biscuit sent HII the fleet Huven hundred ma tes guard thu It'isettu gato. THE MAIN IIODY or AHAIII'S AUMV s gene to Damanhour. Three boat loads of people have en brought oil' , who have boon hid- IIJtlOIIT IIK8HJNH. LONDON , Juno 15It is bclioved in 11 informed circles to-night , that [ iht lion , John liright resigned in the cabinet owing to hia dissent m his colleagues on the Egyptian eation , \ light shock of earthquakn was t at Ardonf Switzerland , to-day. THE I'OHTK TO TAKK A HAND , Fho porto has deciced to aend troops Egypt if the question is not Bottled thu powers amic.tbly. Failures. AtocUtlonFailures. lonal I'rmu AtocUtlon Your , July 14 , There wore ono hundred and twenty-four failure in the United States report cd t Hradstreot during the past wcok , n increase of twonty-fivo over the prc cocdinu work , and thirty-four tnor than the corresponding week las year. The failures , too , were t : greater importance thnn for som time patt , SPOUTING. ft on l AomcUtcd 1'rww. SAUATOflA. HACKS. SAHATOUA , N. Y. , July 14 Fin race , purse $350 , all ages , mile , wa won by Adix Glonu , Lutoating second Perplex third ; time , lf)0. ) Second race , twcopaUkoa , tnilo nm Ovt futlongs , w a won by Ella War field , NftlUo looond , Louise Me WhlrUr third ; time 3:01. : Third moo , 1350 , all ages , three quarter * of a mll , wan won by Df > unt orer , Squtro Dtnco second , Antrlti thl dlUwl:58 : : | . Fourth rc , $1130 , all tigoa , Bolliuf allo-vauoop , mlle and n furlong , wai won by lloatuion , Mamlo Fields ROC end , Sun llickort third ; time 2:0it. : 11 ASK HALL. "PmLADKLHiu , Pn. , July 14. Ecllpie , of Loulivlllo , 4 ; Athlotica fi. Truyi r > ; PhiUdolphlaa II AttOnEltV rillZBt ? . OiiuiAoo , July 14 , The prizes ol Iho Notarial Archery association won ttwardod nt the Tr mont honno to nli'.ht , s folio w § : Grand team con tent foi R ! itloiium First , to OolUgc Uill club , Cincinnati ; aocond , ti Highland Park club , Chicago ; third , to Elton ( Ohio ) club ; fourth , to Brooklyn club ; fifth to North aide club , Cliicnco. Grand tunm contest for ladies First prip.o to College Hill club , Cincinnati ; second to Highland P.trk elub , Chi cago. A K.\ST TIAM. : Nuw YOUK , Juno IX In the match against time yesterday at Gentle- man's driving park , for § 1,000 a aide. Frnvk Work * ' team , Dick Swiveller and Eel ward , driven by John Murphy , trotted a mlle in 2llij : [ The boat previous time was 12:1UJ : " , nmdn by the anino team l.iat aeiiaon. riTTSIIUIlO 1IAUCS. PirrsmiKd , July 14. Fust race , fourth day of thn uotting mectini , ' , al'0 : chiaa , for 82,000irn won by Early ll'ioo , Driver "i-ciMid , William II. third , Li-ontiiio foiirili ; tnno , 2:21J : , 2:2H : ] , 2:2'J. : Sucond race , 2:25 pacing elasa , for 81,000 , wan won by lliy Jim , Prin- seaa necond , Felix third , Captain Jack Fourth , Eddlo D. fifth , IloHtravi-r jixth , Estollii Bovonth ; time , 2:21 : ? , IIUIOIITON 1IEAC1I UACEH. UiJACH , July 14. First : ace , 8200 , two year oldn , live fur- onga , Pilot first , Carrie G aooond ; imo 1 :05. : Second race , $21)0 , ono milo and a lurlong , Montiuik lirat , Traveller sec- jnd ; time 1G. : ; ! Third race , ? 300 , two miloi , M a- isso lirat , Baton Rogue accond : time J:3GJ. : Fourth race , $250 , handicap , milo loats , L. ] ) . Bpruguo first , Governor lump ton taking aecoml hunt and nonoy ; time 1:44J : , 1:40 : , 1:47J. : Fifth race , handicap , ono milo and , quarter over live hurdles , Innomar irat , Lille Muraon second ; time 2:20j. : CRIMINAL NEWS pedal Ul-pitch ta Tlio Dee. DKl'OT UOllllii : ) , ULVHSKH , Nob. , July 14. The do ot aafo at this place was blown ope is t night by unknown thievoa an bout $00 in money spirited atvay iiitranco wan obtained through 'indow. A MAHI.VH IMl'OHTEK , ntlonil Amoclated PrcHS. . NOIIFOLK , Va. , July 14.Capt. . W . .Johnson , the alleged muster of th ihooner .1. II , Morgan , reportoi iiinderod nil' the eiaatof Dalawan ith thu loss of ono sailor , ia beliovet i be an impostor. The polieo at inptod to arrest him to-day , but h icuped to Newport Nowa. Ho ia iid to have victimized parlios it erkloy. This in Ills fourth visit hero DCO 1807 , and ho has almost boor iprthonded each time , I'HHSKOUTION AND DEATH , I'lllLADhi.i'iliA , Pa. , July 14. iiiino Cunningham , n handeomo Diimn , aged 25 , was arranged ut the station this morning , charged ith leading an improper life , Hho dignantly denied the churyo , and sorted who belonged to a highly con : cted Now York family , The ma- strah ) neearluinod that thu ohargo is without foundation , The prone tor , Edward Ilastinga , was actuated ' personal animosity. She was dis- arged and left the court. After dking a few yards she foil dead. It assorted Hastings lianded horaomo- ing which she nto before leaving the ick. The coroner ia investigating. IT father's place of business in said bo in lieekinan street , Now York , Dostruotivo Tire * , llon l Awtoclklbd 1'itiat. NEW YOUK , July 14. Three dos- totivo fires , following each other in jid Huccession , this evening , eovero- taxed the ] > ewers of the fire depart * int. The first broke out at six Jock in Kennedy's cotton waro- lUBO , on Pearl , Whitehall and btono eels , containing cotton , hopa and > duce Among the losers were ibort "annohill .t Co. , ? 10,000 ; Into & Co. , 810,000 , and u largo nibor of produce and grain mttr- nits. The total loss ia $100,000 , ly insured. I'lio third fire broke out at 11 lock in the fivo-Btory buildings 250 1 217 1'earl and 18 and 20 OUF uet , occupied by lithographers and liters , Holbrook & CO.'H loss , ) ,000j Issley , D mbledtiy & Co. , ) ,000 ; Kmpiro Lithographing Co. , ) ,000 ; Win. Ksliurt & 0. . . , $20,009 ; llwell & Albortson , $10,000 ; Luwia Glover , ? 50,000. Total losa , $150- ) ; fully Insured. I'lio second fire broke out at 8:30 : , the nine story building 418 to 424 ishington street , llolbrook'a eoop lory. The whole building wua awopt away , Lisa on material am machinery , $250,000 ; on building $100,000. During the three fires the entire fin department , numbering 500 men were MII duty. The insurance ) on tin hint fire was not , ascertained. IViiTi.AND , Oregon , July 14. A fin last night destroyed nix blocks in Ool fax , Woshington territory , comprlsinj the entire bujitncss portion , Kitlmatot loss , $300,000 ; insurance , $200,000 AUt FIXED. ArrnnKomonta for. the Nobmska Edl torltil Bxcuralon Complotod. Mr. 0 M. Druse , secretary of the Nebraska press association , infornif the State Journal man that ho lint completed arrangements for the grand editorial oxcunlon to Denver , 1/oad- vile , Gunniion , Salt Lake , Idahe Springi , Ainirloan Fork , Hrtghain , Canon nnd other places of interest hi the llookleo. The excursion will leave Lincoln about 8 o'clock Tacwday evening , 18th , taking n spoclal car , which will oonrcy them to VMloy , where Ihoy will board the regular express train and proo * d to DertTor at th rate of forty mllM tver hour. The U. P , fnrnlihoB the party brand u w aloopcr , just from the ehopn , that will bo at their dlspotal during the round trip. It ia thought the party will cpviul about five da ; * in and about Duuvur , visiting Idaho Springs , Georgetown , Loadvillo aud other places ; then proceed to th * Gunniaon country , Salt Lake nnd neighboring towna. Mr. Druie aaya ho has paid particular attention for the care nnd comfort of thu quill dri vers , aud says if they don't traval llko the nabobs of California nnd Colorado on this trip , it will not bo his fault. ROBBI - S THE HAPIST. Dotcctlvo Norrlrt IdontllluH Ills Mnn mid Will Tuko Illm llomo. A brief account of the arrest of n man at the Hudson Ittver houoo in thla city 311 Wednesday cvenintr , on thu ohnrgc of rijiu , appeared jitter- day , with tlio aniiounci'inunt that Mr. J T. Norria , the Ohio detective , w.ia expected yesterday to identify the prisoner. Mr. Norria , on his arrival , wont to the county jail , where the prisoner was confined , and readily identified him us the man wanted , and cnva his true name as Milo llobbins. llubbins took his arrest good-naturedly , and admitted that ho was the man. He signed a waiver of nil formalities such : xs obtaining a requisition , etc. , con senting to accompany the detective voluntarily , and accordingly thu 3ouplo leave on the Kansas City train Lo-night for Springfield , .Ohio , the scone of hia crimo. Ilobbina is but 27 years old and hia k'ictim was eight years of ago. lie ia i ahocmakor by trade , and committed the atrocious crime in hia own shop , the little girl going in as a customer. Ho was caught in the not nnd would mvo boon lynched but for the fact hat tie ollicors smuggled him away rom the jail , and confined him in iho nsano cell at the poor farm , from vliich ho broke out by moans of a tail an hour later , Ilo was caught hrough hid correspondence. Ho had , largo number of stations , principally u Missouri and Texas , with a few in Nebraska and Iowa , numbered from to ! )2 ) inclusive , Omaha being No. ! ) and Denver the last on the list and , robably the point to which lip in- LMidcd going from here. Ho furnished ia folks with a copy of this list and rmveyud each now number to them in roundabout way for instance , riling , "I will bo in Omaha July Dili. " Ho would bo careful not to bo ere on the 29ih , but the folka knew lat the number of this station would o 20 , and when ho did come ho had uly to write them to address him at To. 29. Ho is a coo ) , cunning ful- iw , and the dotcctivo has some nubta aa to whether Judge Lynch ill not ait in hia cane on hia return , tor nil. Thu penalty ia lifo im * isoiiniont , PERSONAL , . ( J , W. K. Dorncy , of Krcmunt , was In u city yesterday. \V. li. Hirgeant , of Atclilnon , rfglotcrcil the Withnoll night. ! u'j ) | li. Slump , thu Idaho cattle man , In town , 0. V , ( joodwin , of Mnlvern , lima , in at ° a Withncll. \V. A , Ooborn , of Don Molncn , IK at thu t iiificld 11 N , V , CliainViorllii , K , Kitziilmiiinns and ° II , Harvey , of Crouton , Ta , , nro at thu .nfield. . Vlo IJIcrbower , of Hldnvy , In In town , Hun , Lorenzo Crounno , In at tlio With. 11. Jolonel A , Coclirnn , of Council lilulni , > s at thu Motropolitaii laut iiiKht , IVIllIum liudge , of Idaho , Ix at thu Met- ; HUn. ! | H. 13. K. U.ibooclf , of Beatrlco , in In ' i city , V. II. Hwnn anil Clmn. K. Anthony , i Wyoming cattle kliiK" , are at the tlmoll. " . M , Timelier , of I'l. Mlobrara , ia at Witlinell , ! uu , H , Smith aud J. W. Jennings , of .ttninoutli . , aru In thu city , aim . Vull , of I'.rt Jorvls , N. Y. , Is , liu Cuiifilild , , U. Hiuitli , sherlir ( .f Dea Molnoi , In In city on Imslneuu , J Ir Lymau I'Jarle , hldinotliorand child , " Haclne , Win. , aru at the Metropolitan. IS. Wilaon , of Auhlaud ; U. lilodgett , of Seward ; J , Jleni- and wife , of ( irand Inland ; S. Dunn , of Harvard ; H. 0 , Stryker , Uislug'u ; K , A , Stauloy , of Fremont , prominent Ncbraukuui nt th Metro. Itun , THE PICAYUNE POOL , A Railroad Cabal Prevents Fast ; Mails to the West , Poatofflco OlUoiala Still Ne- With the Wnbaah. The Hopubliunns Decide to Tackle Election Oases Next Week. 1 \ The Homo KrjooU the Bill ta Pny tlio Dootom of Garflold. Miscolliuipoua Mnttors From the Na tional Capital. CAPITA ! , HOTES. N tlon l AM clK < 1 I'rcwu. FAST MAIL. WAHIMHOTON , July 14. Pcalmas- tor Goner * ! Howe Mya the press woa mlsUkon ia the nnooncoment that rr ngemonti for the fwit mail be tween Now Ynik nd Ban Francisco h d b o completed , via Baltiinoro , Cincinnati , St. Lonli , Kanaaa City nd Denver. The mott that had boon ilone b the eaUbllihmtnt of a double daily aoiTice oret a portion of the route. The pool o dj e t of Ohi- yio refute to aocept ihe goveronient'a term * , bat it ia koped krtangomonta For the lorvtce * M udo with the ESrin nud Wnbeeh ajitoma. Dr. Ulok * pteeeuied Quitoau'a will in court to-day. BLBCTIOX UASM. The rapubll A ! the houio hare lotornilned to Uke my the election ijui's nrxt week , btfflnHlag wltlu Snialla ( oolof 4) ) e * * * Telllman , of South Cexollaa , * > n4 arte tkat the Alabama c * o , Smith e * ( * t Shelley. HTAH C'AHKH. Mr. Bliss states tki tbo CMO of star route No. 44,140 , from Uvloo City to lirtdgo crook , Orvgon , eo U < Ud to- lay , is the Iwt In whleh tkt yapcra liavo 'o bo examined. The court ad * journod until Monday. DILI , OHANDLEU URl'TUBHD. Secretary Chandler this evening cabled permUiinn to Meopper the itcamor Brooklyn at Rio Janeiro , but jxprcBscd surpnso that It bo noccs- lary , as the vessel was newly coppered. k year ago. OOWdKSSJS. National AnncUtal fnm KKNATB I'KOCSP.niNO.H. WABIIINOTON , July 14. The senate lasted a bill to prevent the payment f double peniioiu. Senator Beck occupied two houra u n speech opposing the internal ovouuo bill , M beginning at the rrong end , and declared the impost- ion of tbo polaroecopo burden , equal o 25 per cent , ihould bo taken off upar. The reading of the bill and nmond- icnta comuionood. Senator Beck proposed a reduction f tlio tax on manufactured tobacco to 0 cents. . . Pending action the senate wont into cocutivo suasion ; when the doors ponod , adjourned. HOUBE rilOCEEDINIIH. Mr , Blackburn niado a atrong ) oecli in opposition to the sonata nondmont appropriating $05,000 to ly the oxponsea of Garliold's illness , [ p said the doctors treatment was lind blundering. A vote was taken on the auiond- lent and it was rejected 77 to 83. Mr Taylor allured n bill to pay [ ra. Garliold ? 50,000 on account of 10 salary of the late president , loaa ly sums paid him aa salary. Passed ithout debate or division. A bill transferring private claims to 10 court of claims for investigation , report to congress whether they ould bo allowed , passed. This ia H discussed in April. The house then took rocosa until jht , the night session for ponsiun sea only. Houpa ut nightBosaion passed thirty- ; ht pension bills , including ono untiiig Mrs. General Ouster fifty llnra per month. FntUoatlons. tlonal Ansoclatuil Truss , WAHIIINOTON , D , 0. , Juno 15 , 1 n. ra. For the upper Mississippi and issmiri valleys , partly cloudy weatli- with local rains , lower pressure , lowed in the north and west por- IIB by winds shifting to colder rthwesterly and by rising barom. A Corroction. L'III ; BKI ; desires to correct certain temciits in the above account of i shooting Wednesday evening in ich Mr. Hamlln was the victim , itoad of Mr. Ilamlin being ono of i principals in the alTray , ho intor- od as peacemaker to save a friend 0 was u littlu'full from getting into ublo , and in this way brought upon nsolf the unprovoked attack of sh. Wo are credibly informed , t Mr. II , was not drinking at all , 1 that ho ia wholly blameless in this tier. This information reached us > Into for correction in this nrticlo AVEN'S YOSEMITE COLOGNE , -do from the wild llowors of the it KAMKI. YOSEMITE VALLEY , a the moat fragrant ot perfumes , inufacturcd by II. B. Slavon , Sin iiiuiaco. For Halo in Omaha byY. . Whitohouao and Kenimiu Bros. , CJo. Buoklm'8 Arnica Salve. ; 'ho UKST SALVK In the world for Cats lUeu , Sured , Uloora , bait llheum , Fa Horof , Tetter , Chaped | Hands , Chil IIIH , Curua , and all nklu eruptions , and itively cures -liles. It is guaranteed to e Butlafuctfon or money refunded. ce , 25 ceuU per box. For gale by .O , Uoodman : |