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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE -WEDNESDAY , JULY U 1882 \ / o. a. oooxc &c ao. \ COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City MarketCouncil Iluti ( , lo , WHOLESALE FLOUR HOUSE , General Agents ( or the Ctltl > r tcd Mills ol II. D. Ru h & Co. . Ooldcn K gle Flour , Le T nwoith Kanvi , nnd Queen Dee Mill ? . Sioux Full' , DakoU. Bflercncc. Smith k Ctittfnilcn , Council Hlnil < , la. j HI. E. WHOLESALE AND HETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COPMOII. BLUFFS. IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F F ICE. J.KT. . ty , Gfc TT 3C 3EC 33 Sc CJ O. Lands and Lots Bought and Sold , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW KATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS . IOWA. IBL 15 North Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IK SHOE FINDINGS. Rcidy-nttcd uppers , In calf ekln nnJ Up. Oik nucl Hemlock L-OLK LEATHKK , unJ oodi appertaining to the shoo trade. Oonla sold M chcnp us In the Kftst. flOMffl1 fflf MILLINERY STORE FOR STYLISH SPUING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S ' IIATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. - * - - - - Council Bluffs la. Tint notcr rcnulro crimping , nt Mre. J. J. ClooiVs Hair Store at prices never bcfcro touched liv ny other hair dealer. Also ft full line of snitches , etc. , ittiircatly reduced prlcea. Also gold , elhcr and colored neta Wo > cs inado from Udlea' own hilr. Do net fall to cnll before purchasing elsewhere. All irooiln warranted as rcpresontcd. la US. J. J. ROOD , 20 Main Btreci , Council BluHe , Iowa. BATIIM HOUSE ! At Bryant's Spring , Cor , Broadway and Unioii Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS. I'hln , Medicated , Vapor , Elecirle , I'lungo , Doucli , Shoucr , Hot and Cold lliths Com petent rralo and fcinilo uuri > 09 and uttcndants nlun > 3 on hand , and the boat of into and r.ttcn- lion ( ; i\eii jntruiiB. Special attention fjUcn to batlilnff children. Investigation aud patronage eollcltcdDR. . A. II STUDLEY & Co. , 100 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studlcy : Treatment of chronic diseases made a specialty. RCUOVED without the lira \\ini : of blood or 1130 of I hnlfo. Curca luntrdlacasuti , m VI ? Fits , Scrofula , Lhcr Com- . i ii P'alllt' Dropsy , Uheuuia- ' nn T IB M f ) R S tsm. | * ' < cr and Mercur- I U III U II U Ittlaorea , KrjelpclaP. Salt Khcum , Scald Head , Citairh , weak , tnllniued and granulated Ejcscrofulous Ulcurs and t'c- male Disease ) of all kinds. Alao Kidney and Vencrial dtseiao * . Hemorrhoids or Piles cured money refunded. All diseases treated upon thoprlnclpleof - able reform , without the use ol mercurial pois- ona or the knife. Electro Vapor or M-dicatod Baths , furnished ( Mho dcalro them. Hernia or Uupturo radically cured by the use the Elastic bolt Truss and I'hstcr , which haa euperlor In the world. CONSULTATION FREE- CALL O.V OR ADDRESS Drs , E , Rice and F , C , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. LIVERY , Feed and Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , Bouquet's old stand , Council liluuX Iowa. W1LLAUD SMITH. 1'rop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner of Hemcopathy , consulting Physician andSurgeon. Office and residence 016 Willow avenue , Coun- cl Plugs , loua. loua.W. W. K. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Ftreet , Oounoil Bluffs. Extracting an J filling a specialty , Firet-clas3 work guaranteed. DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Pearl Street. IIoui ) , 0 a. m. to 2. , nnJ 2 p. in. , to 6 p , in. Henldonce , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central olllco. F. T. SEYBERT M. D. . . , . . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , Ofllco No. D , Everett Block , Broad way , over A. Louio'a Restaurant. Merchants Eestaiirant J , A. BOSS , Proprietor. Corner Broadway and Fourth Streets. Oood accommodation ! ! , good fare and cour * tooua treatment. S. E. Office over savings bank , COUNOlLi BLUFFS , Iowa. , REAL ESTATE. /\V. C , Jamca , In connection with hla law and eolkctlon business buya and Bella real estate. Ptreona wishing to buy or Bell city property call at his office , over Buahnell'a book etore , Pearl itroct. . EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice ot the Peace and Notary Public. 4l6Broadway , Council Blyffs Deedt .andmortgigei drawn and tckaowl fgod -I WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Prices Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs ; - - - Iowa IRS , E , J , HARDING , I , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNEOOLOGMST. Graduate ol Elcctropilhlc Institution , Phila delphia , I'onna. Office Cor , Broadway & Glenn Avo. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment ot all diseases nnd pnlnful dl- ficultlca peculiar to toronlca o specialty. d. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , Offlco over First National Hank , Council Dlufla. Iowa. Will practice In the utatn and federal conn 3 Game and Poultry , Can always be found a D. DANEHY'3 , 130 Upper Hroadway JffO.JAYFRAINEY , Justice of tlie Peace , 314 DROADWAY , Oounoil Bluffs. - - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , Loans aMEealEstate , Proprietor of abstracts of Pottawattamlo county. Otllco corner of Uroadwuy and Jlaln elreett , 0 mncll lllulfH , Io q. JOHN STEINER , M. D. , ( DcuUchcr Arzt. ) ROOM 6 , EVERETT'S BLOCK , Council Bluffs. lacasoa ol women and children a epomalty. P , J , MONTGOMERY , M , D , , FllEB DlHI'E.VS.UlY KV1UIY 8ATUHDAY. OIHceln C > crctt'a block , Pearl trcct. Itcsi ; dcnco GfcS Fourth strott. OIHio hours from 9 to 2 a. m , , 2 to 4 aud 7 o B p , in. , Council Uuffd at Rnir . b. bLfUlKj PRACTJECAL DENTIST. Pearl ojiposlto the postofflco. Ono of the oldest practitioners In Council BluOa. Eatl * Ufactlon guaranteed In all cases DR. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH DK. CIIAULES DKKTKEN , Ortlcoo\cr drui ( tore , ill Ilroadway , Council Illulld , Iowa. Al dUta-it'j of the ojo and uar ted under thu modta | > uro\vd intthod , and all JOHN LIHDT , ATTORNEY'-'AT-IAW. ' Will practice la all State and United State ) Court a. Sptakj German LanKua . THE MABB WON. Reminiscence or n Qnmblor Who Hns Sworu OH. lUrtlorJ Times "I'vo quit gambUnc , " ft Hnrlfon niiui snid nt the trotting park , ns ho stood vrfttohing the pool-soiling. "How is that ? " Ida ft lend nskotl. "It don't p.iy unless you nro on th inside , nnd even then ono is Hnblo to bo cnueht trippinc. " "A burnt child dreads the fire , ' ventured the other. "No , not that , 1 am nhcnd on pun bling way nhond. But it isn't good way to got your money. Easy cpnio , o.xsy go. Oamblora nro some * times lluali , but oftcnor broke. One doesn't know the value of mnnoj when ho scoops it in by gambling. " "I suppose you hnvo had n taste ol both good nnd bad luck in your gam bling experience ? " the friend asked. "Yes , both kinds. I remember H case where I had n little of both. Per haps you remember , " ho continued , "tho race some years ngo in Boston between John Morgan and Dlackstono Belle. The Belle was a Boston horao , while the other was owned in NOT York , A friend told mo that was win , and advised mo to Inck him. The day the race was to come olfn couple of llnrlford friends and myself wont to Boston with well filled pockotbooka , intending to buck Morgan. When wo reached the park wo found the odds were 100 to 35 on Morgan , and wo didn't care to invest on the favorite nt those odds. A heat was trotted and the mare acted so bad ly that it waa evident that Morgan could have chut her out if ho had not been pulled by the driver. Then the betting was wild. Voices were heard in all directions shouting , 'Ton to on < ) on Morgan ! " 'A , hundred to tenon Morgan ! " 'A thousand to a hundred on Morgan ! " "I'lioao eddo were so big that , although wo came down from IJart- ford 10 back Morgan , wo agreed to take the odds , and each of us pooled in $500 , nnd I went forward with my § 1,000 to put it up on the mare. If anything should happen that she should win , wo could rake in $15,000 a snug little pile. I sang cut ' 100 to 1,000 on tlie mare ! " My friend who had gave mo the bolting point , and whom I nut before seen that day , heard my voice mid c.inio up and excitedly said : 'You nro n fool. Didn't I tell you to back Morgan' ! Ho ia booked to win , euro. ' "Thia bluffed mo off. It took all the pluck cut of mo , and I wmit back to the boyo and told them of it. With no money up wo lost all interest in the race and started for the city. Before - fore wo got thuro wo saw ; \ crowd gathered around a suburban hotel , and soon learned that a second heal had boon trotccd aad that the favorite had hurt himself and came near being distanced. And the result was thai the mare won the race , and wo bliinkod our luck at not being in on the $10,000 pot. "That was bad luck , but wo had gene to Boston to make something , and so wo went to bucking the tiger. We lost nil the money wo had except about $5 each , and wo put thia together and chanced it on a card and won. From thia point our luck turned. Ono of the party did all the playing , but wo ivoro all in for an equal share of the winnings. When wo loft for Hartford wo had doubled our pile ; but for all this wo felt sick to think wo didn't scoop in the $15 , 000. But such ia the luck of the gambler ! Aa I said nt the start , gambling doesn't pay. " Hope on , Hope Ever. No matter what the ailment may be , rheu matism , neuralgia , lameness , nstlimn , bronchitis if other treatment have fniled hope on ! pont once for THOSIAH' Ewo- THIC OIL. It will Becuro you immediate relief. jullO-dlw CHINESE PORk-BufoHERS. Son Francisco Caucasians Forced to Buy Meat from tbo Despised Mongols. Enn Francisco Chronicle. "Yes , sir ; wo have to .buy all our pork In Chinatown , " replied a promi iiont pork-packer and retailer yesterday day to the inquiry made by a reporter whether all the pork caton in this city was sold by Chinese. "You don't moan to say that all pork-butcliora nro obliged to go to Chinatown toobtain a supply of moat For their customers ? " "Yes , I do. Every pound of fresh pork sold in thia city comes from Ohinatown. Wo can't get it tiny where else. You'ro a reporter , ain't you ? " "Yes. " "Well , I want you to toll the whole truth about this business of ours. It is not properly understood by the pee ple. A wrong idea has boon given sut relative to our trade , and wo wish ; ho Chronicle would correct it. The tapers have spread the impression .lint Chinamen deal in live hogs , and control the market in Butchurto\vn. This is not thu case , us I will explain o you. " "Why , where do the Chinese get hold of the hogfl ? " "Thoy buy thorn in the slaughter louse ot white men. You never BOO a Chinaman handling a drove of hogs at ho cars or steamboats. Ho never gets lis hand upon n hog until it is killed , when the porker passes into hia pos session , and remains there until wo vhito dealers go after it in China- wn. " "Please explain more fully , " "The jobber Bolls his drove of hogs o ono of the principal hog-slaughter- era in Butchertown , They are allow ed to rest nnd recover after their jour ney from the country , nnd then Hold o the Chinamon , who kill and dross hem , and haul them off to Sacramento , nd Dupont stroeta , where they are dumped down in a pile until rnpialy cat up. Hero they nro divided. One lortion is preserved for the Chinese rado nnd the remainder is taken into jack yards , up-utaira rooms , or collars n Chinatown , to bo cooled off for sale o the white pooplo. " "Why don't you white men kill and landlo your own pork , as dealers in > ecf and mutton do ? " "Bocauso wo cannot compete with John Chinaman. Wo want that por- ion of the ho which John does not particularly care about keeping for lomo supply. Wo obtain the hams , ides , and loins that's all. The rest s kept to feed the thousands of voracious cious pork-caters in Chinatown. A 3Iuneso will not buy pork unless it is vartn and soft , with soiuo of the ani- nal heat in it , Ifo does not want it lard and iirm , like thia ono wo are cutting up. No , sir ; John wants hi meat warm nnd Hubby , hence the car cass must bo taken to Chinatown to bo cut up ns soon as U is killed There the head , shouklors , breast , feet and offal are cut oil * and sold to Chinese customers ; the hind-quarters nro carried up-stairs or down-stairs Mid hung up to cool. Wo send < > u men to Chinatonn at o a. m. to buy pork for the supply of our white cus tomers. " "Is not the Idea of eating moai which ha * cooled in the filthy close dens and smoky yards of Ohinatonu very ropublsivo to the people of seusi tlvo ( antes ? " "Yes , I have no doubt It is ; but people who eat pork must shut their eyes to the fnct that it comes from the heart of Chinatown. Wo pork deal era don't like it , but wo cannot liel [ ourselves. Wo pot two white mou to engage in the uusinoss in Butchor- town , and nil agreed not to pat rom/ tlio Chinese , They tried it n short time aud gave it up , and we had to 150 bnck to the Chinese again , " "What caused their failure ? " "Thoy could not dispose of the re fuse and otl'.U , which is cash to the Chinaman. Ho sells ovorythinu ; nothing { 3 wasted. He goto thu sun < ? price for shoulders as would be paid tor ham . The head , feet , gut-fat , and entr.tlis nro all good to John. Our white people will not buy any thing except loin , tenderloin , or chops. The hams nnd aides wo cure nt our packing-houses. There , you BOO that poor \unnnn with that ragged drosa and threadbare shawl ; she would turn up ler nose at n shoulder or , n pig's liead. She prefers to pay 20 cents a pound for tenderloin. No , sir ; our people have been educated up to de mand the best part of the hog or nothing , Wo could not sell that which the Chinaman cat sand prefer. " "How long has this purk trade been in the hands of Chinamen ? " "Ever since the gold mine excite- inont in 1850. They have alwnyo had it. I have boon in the business nearly twenty years , and they were in con trol when I opened out. " The reporter visited several pork dealers , nnd all gave the same version of the busincsi. All purchased pork to retail which had been cooled and cut up in Chinatown. A visit of in spection was made in several of the largest hog-slaughtering houses m Uutchortown , nnd they were found to bo in possession of Chinese pork butchers. On n clouerinvestigation of the cooling plncco in Chinntonii , the reporter discovered that the portions tions of the hogs designed fi r the supply of the white population were hanging , some In garrets , some in dark hallways , some upon racks elevated ono nbovo the other , in b.ick yards , exposed to the pestilential fumea of the filthiest alloys in that filthy qaartor. A vinit would moat certainly spoil the appetite of the most confirmed pork-loving epicurean roan , J.icoh JTnrtzolf , of Lancaster , N. Y. , Bays yout Sritixo BLOSSOM worhti well fur evcrj thing you recommend it ; mywlfifo and cliilcliou hnvo all uhod it , and ym can't find healthier family iuNcw York State. -Oct. 5 , 1880. 1u.HO dlw A Baby Son Lion. A baby sea lion was born nt thu Zoo ou Saturday. This mnkoa the fourth nnimal of this species ( Xnlopliua Californianuo ) brought into the world nt tins institution , but na yut 1'rof. Thompson , the supurintondunt , 1ms never auccodod in r.using one. The first pair of BOA lions over brought to the garden was in 1877 , they haying coino from aouthorn California , and the first calf waa born in 1878. The mother , however , waa in the last atgea of consumption , and died only n fo\v daya afterward , the calf surviving her but n wook. Another cow was then obtained , and in the fall of 1880 the second baby seal was born. The mother dying shortly of ulcuration of the ovaries , it was found impossible- to raise the youngster , which shufllod off within n week after its inn , and n third cow was procured , and another baby born Thursday , Juno 9 , 1881. This little follow lived some five or six months only , when he , too , turned up his toes , na it wore , and died. The same cow has now given birth to an other babe , and additional effort will bo iniido to raise it. Many eea lions have boon born in captivity , both hero and in other fresh wntor aquar iums , but the one by this same moth er in June , 1880 , was the first speci men known to have been conceived in captivity , The ono now at the Xoo is , ot course , the second example , which , the first now buin dead , makes it very valuable. In nil thooth- or cases mentioned , the cow has boon Fecundated before being captured , Horsford's Acid Phosjiliuto DH. 0. N. PILES , Portland , Me. , "Of all the samples ot medicine ont mo during the past dozen years it a the only ono I haveevur found which has become a iiecemnty in my > wn hoiiBohold. " jullOJ&wlw Mlnintc In Mexico. Major I. 0. Stafford , who haa ro- icntly returned from Kuuvo Leon , Mexico , has favored mo with an account of liia trip. In nnawer to juoatioim ho eaid : "My busincBH in Mexico was to make a personal In- 'oatigUicm of the mining district of illaudanu , better known as Manno Vojas , where the Anglo-Toxas Mining company of thia city , and of which 1 un treasurer , owns four good silver nines , and machinery there and un route to work the ores. There is no [ ueation about the mineral wealth of his district , as the records show that t was a rich silver producing region vhen worked by the Indiana and Spaniards nome two hundred years go. The ere are galena , carrying rom § 27 to g-100 of silver to the ton , nd copper , carrying 30 of silver and rom 8140 of gold to the ton. The 'opuclio , Moreno , Chihuahua and < "arandula mines , owned by our com- iany , are pronounced by our fjontral uporintendont , Mr. Frank J. Trapp , ; f liodio , Cal. , an valuable > iroportioa. Our con.pany IIUH full unlidonco in the district , and active . vork has already been inaugurated. Vo liavo ono improved water-back molter , cap icity of tv/olvo tons jier ay on the ground , now being erect- sd , which will bo ready for buxineai n thirty days , and four car-loads i/f machinery , now at San Antonio waiting completion of the Mexican lational road to Villaoclamu , which las n capacity of forty tons per day. Our general superintendent ha ? four shifts of men nt work cutting n now tunnel in our Copncho mine , which will give us abundance of orca within 200 feet. In fact , wo consider our enterprise a bonanza. Mexico , long impeded in her race for empire and success by revolution and war , but now n sister republic , extending to us a welcome hnnd in nil intornationnl ellbrts looking to mutual prosperity , is the long neglected land of promise as to variety of agricultural produc tion nnd mineral wealth , Centuries ago the gold-hunters of Spain sought her shares eagerly ns the world- famed ol dorado , and rich re wards in thu precious metals ncro sent to the mother country to excite Iho wonder of the Old World. Hut the frequent interruptions tions by marauding tribes of savngct nnd revolutions forced them from time to time to desist in their efforts until , 1812 , the general rising ngninst the Spaniards forced them to flee the country. Many of the mines worked by this race , from which millions of dollars worth of precious uietnls had been entombed , hnvo since rouminoit dormant , nnd yet , notwithstanding the extremely limited resources nt hand nnd poverty of enterprise , * ho product of Mexican mines , from 1818 to 1870 , was S-OS.OOO.OOO. . It was Humboldt's prediction tlmt the north ern portion of Mexico would yet sur pass those of the central nid ( suu'hcrn , rich as they wore. And this , bo it noted , is the part bordering on the llio ( .irnndo nnd now being girded by railroads. In Central Mexico and Nevada , the precious metals are found it grout depth , whilst in northern Mexico rich lodes are found cropping out on the surface. Thia is accounted for geologically by Humboldt by thu dip uf thu veins , the rich ere being found near the surface in the north , recedes with departure therefrom , thus showing the paying ores n thousand feet from the surface in thu former. Ward's history of Mexico says : I see enough in these records to warrant the supposition that the hitherto unexplored regions of north ern Mexico contain mineral treasures which are likely to make the future product of that country inlinitely ex ceed the amount that has hitherto boon drawn from the comparatively poorer districts of the south. An derson , in his "Silver Country , " re lates of Don Domingo Asmindi paying duty on a piece of virgin silver weigh ing 275 pounds , nnd of the king's nttornoy bringing suit for duty en several " nieces together weighing -1,01(0 ( pounds. .J. Itosa Brown , United Stntert mining commissioner , sayn : 1 have never seen such indication ) * o' " of inexhaustible wealth within so small an area. When wo tnko into consid eration the tudu appliances in u&u ai thu time for developing the mines and tlie reduction of thu ere therefor , we can best estimate the veins of precious metalo as of exceeding richness. With the use of the improved machinery and successful methods which science developed , what untold wealth muat thu future of Mexican minus unfold. 1 ho advnntngea of mining in north ern Mexico are incomparable. Deep snows , heavy roads or extreme rigor of climate nro unknown. A beautiful , balmy climate prevails , and the work of mining goes on uninterrupted the year round. Thu climate ia favorable - vorablo to health , thu miner scarcely over needing shelter. Living is cheap nnd labor cheaper than in any other mining district by ono-half. The sight of an Indian in Northern Mexico ia n rarity. The confidence of the people in their republic ia univer sal , removing all further necessity for revolution , and thu great desire for foreign capital nnd enterprise is such as to oiler n ready welcome to all lion cst adventurers. Since ( ho inaugura tion of our smelting works in this dis trict several Americans hnvo located , purchasing or lonsing mines ; until now there is quito nn excitement. We nro now purchasing ores for cash from the numerous minus in the district to sup ply our smelters until our own mines are developed. The people nro gen erous to n fault , nnd gladly welcome the enterprising Americanwliom they look to for the successful development of their mineral wealth. Nuovo Loon is the first frontier stnto of the republic of Mexico pene trated by thu steam horse. Palmer and Sullivan's Mexican National rail way is no running regular passenger trains to within a few miles of Yillul- dama , whore the smelting works nro located. Track laying is going on nt thu rate of one mile pur day. At thin rate , by thu firat of August , it will bo completed to Monterey , the capital of the atatu , nn the grading , culvurtn , otc. , aru completed ready for the truck to that point. Nuovu Loon i ono of thu moat prosperous Btntca in tlui republic , nnd its immense is now at our very door , und should have immediate nt- tontion nt the hands of enterprising Houston morchuntG.From what I saw I don't ' think much of that par- ion of Mexico as a furminu country except by irrigation but the positive evidence of her mineral wealth is visi ble on every hand , and hnr mineral production is going to bo far ahead of anything our own country has ever experienced. True to Iior TniNt Too much cannot bo Kalil of the over r.Hliful wife nnd mother , conittaiitly watching nnd caring for hur dear oticu , lover nof'lectlii ! ; a BIIKO | ! duly In their ho rn ! f. Wliun thuyaro iiHHniltid by dluonso , mil thtj Byntem uliouhl huvn a thorough ilotiiielnh'i the Btoiimch unil howolH regu- ated , blood pmilitil , and malarial poixon xteniihmtuu , BIU imi l know the that Hcctrio lilltcru ere the only aura remedy. L'hoyarotho best and purest ino.llcino In ho world nnd only coat fifty ccnta , Bold > y 0 , F. ( ioodiimn. IOWA ITEMS. A boat club has been organized in Ottumwa. Returning homo from DCS Molnes on the ni htof the -Uh , Goo. Crane nut Herman lilaclanan , and both bo ng under the influence of liquor they ot into a quarrel which raiultad in Jrano shooting HUckman through the ovrels and killing htm. Thu tcstimo- s conflicting na to whether Crauu was .ho assailant or acted i i self-defense. A Qer. > era Stampede. Never v/n tmch a rush mailu for any ) nif , ' btora an iu nuw nt 0. joiidinniiX ( or a Trial HoUlo of Dr. Kitifc-'H Now Uls- every for CimHumntion , Couglis nnd Julil ) . All porioiw alllktcdwith Authuia , ironchltlH , HoarHuneaii , Huveru Cunuhd , ur ny ulfcctloii of thu Tim at unit JJUIIK , an ( jet a Trial Uottlo of thia grout remedy rce , by , calling ; at ubuvu limned JJruy titoro To tlie Oonsuiners of Carriages < fe Buggies , I have a cDfflpbto stock of all the Latoafc Styles of C-irriagos , Phaetons and Opea and Top Bugg'es ' , Consisting of The Celebrated Brawster Side Bar , The Haralin Side Bar , The Whitney Side Bar , and The Mullhalland Spring. The Dexter Queeu Buggy and Phaeton Also the Old Reliable iCliptic Spring Buggies and Phaetons. They are all made or Ilia best ma'erials , and un der my own supervision , I should bo pleased to have those desirous of pur chasing to call and examine my stock. I will guar- antea satisfaction and warrant all work , H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , ( Successors to J , W , Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AND JIETAIL PEALEIIS IN LACKAIAMi , LEHIGH , BLOSSBUEU AND ALL CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Offlco No , 34 Penrl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Elovouth Avenue , Council Bluil'a. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Boat of Brooms Constantly on Hand. The Highest Market Price Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley Parties Wishing to Sell Broom Corn Will Please Bend Sample. CO. , Ono of the beat BiconJ-clasj llottla In the Went In thu BROADWAY HOTEL , A. K IlllHWN , l'roirlutor. | NOH. ( .31 and CSO llro.vlHnyCouncil llliifts.Iowi. Table mippllvd with thn best the market af- fordn. Good rooms nnd flrat-claga bodn. Terms very reaHOnablu , UNION AVENUE HOTEL. 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Gcrspacher & Son. KIHBT CLASH 110TKL AT IlKAHONAMLK PUIUKS. TllANHIKNTH ACCOMJ10IUTKI ) . 1101KL FOlt KALK. GOOD UKABONH FOIt HKI.MNO. STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors. Thia laundiy hag juut been opened for bnsl. nua , and Hoaronow prijiareil to do laundry v ork of all klnda und Kiurantto satlufactlon A bHiclaltyinado ] of llnu work , Much as collars , LUlfd , line thlrta , etc. VVu over > koJy to Kl > o ua a trial , LARSON & ANDERSON. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANGING , KALSOMINING AND GRAINING , Shop Corner Broadn ay and Scott St HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DI3ALER8 IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Bluffa. . I ) KIIMHMUiOV , B. L. HIIL'CMUT , A. W. MTIIKBT. 1'rjslduit. Viuo-rrcB' . CaBhler. CITIZENS BANK Of Con neil BluiT . Orgn'ilzcd under the lawa of thu State of Iowa , Paid upianltal 9 70,000 Authorized taplial 20U.UOO Inlcroat | utld on tlmo deposltH. Drafts Issued on the prlntipil cltloa of thu Unltod Htatoiand iuroii : | ) . bpoJal attention flvcn to collections and eorrtupjndenco with | ironit | returns. ClltrCTOIIH. J. 1) . IMiniiniUon , } ' .I. , fihiuart , J. T Hart , W.V. . Wtlluo , J \ \ ' Itodfor , I. A. ill Icr , A. W. Street , JyTdtf Sioux City A Pacific THE BIOUX OITY. ROUTB Ituna Holld Train Ibrou h from Oounoil Bluffs to St. Paul Without Uh ni 0 Time , Only 17 Hour * II IB THE BUOttTl 3 HOUTB raou OOUNOIL BLUFFS TO OT , PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTI1 OKBISHAUCU ind til points In Northern low * . lllnucKU tnd DihoU. Thli llnols equipped with the Improved Woetlnghcusa Auuimallo Alr-braVo mil Ullle 1'Utfoirn Coupler and JJufler : nnd toy HPKKD. BArKTY AND COUFOUT la unaurpubcd. Pullman Paltca bleorlnir C | tun through WITHOUT OH ANQK between Kan n City au j St. i'tul , vU Ccuuill Clu3a inJ Uiout City. Tralno knvo Union PaclOo Trtnifer ct COUL. ell DluCii , at 7:81 : p. m. dally on arrival of Kniius City , Bt Joseph und Council Illuffs tralu from the South. Arrltlngat flloux City 11:36 : p. m. , kcdnt the How Uulon Depot it Bt. Paul at JCO : noon. mi IIOUHS IN ADVANCE Of ANYtOTIIBU UOUTE. MTRomtimber In taking the Bloux City Kontt you Ketn Through Train. The HhortoJt Line , Iho QuIclicotTlme and a Comfortable Uldc in tbi 'i brcr.nh Cart botvt uvn COUNCIL ULUKFH AMD ST. PAUL. fjrSta that your Tlcltj read via Us "aloui City aud Prx-inoIUIIrou / B. V/AITLEH , , n. BUCHANAN Bui'CiliUnJaut. ' Gin' JPaw , AMI ( I' , K. l.OU.MjON , Aea't Oen'l I'Md. A 'l. , Hiaaourl Valley , la. W U. DAVIB , Bouthwc.tem A cnt , flonncl llliifii Iowa H EUROPEAN HOTEL , i Corner South and Locust StrooU. Esrxr. x otrxei avco. , J. H. HUKST , - - { Prop. Rooms , 75o , SI. 00 nnd$1.00 Per Day An cU'gant llcstaurant la connected with tbls hoiue , u here tueala are em eJ at rcasouablo jiricoa peon di ) and nlfc'bt , mlO-in