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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1882)
G THE DAILY BEE-COUISTC1L BLUFFS , IOWA WEDNESDAY , JULY 12 1885. IS The Daily Bee. council BLUFFS : Wednesday Morning , July 12 sunscniiTioK KATES : By C rrlcf , - - - - - 20 cent * per week - - - - - - UO.OO pel Year Office : No , 7 Pearl Street , Noai 0. K. MAVNB , JI n RcrCltyClrctiUtlon. H. W.TlLTON. City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS , SJicrrndcn nmkcn ii 1'on HAI.E. A frcnh milch cow will calf. Ii. W. A full line of putty gloves nnd flowen at Ul ! s' . The city council meet Again 111 ! evening. Store and dwelling for sale by Her/ man. ller/mnn in bound to close out. The engineer was yesterday mirvoyin ; tlio silo of tlio proposed opera liouno , nt tin the corner of Sixth and Hrondway. The ordinance covering Hcetiflcn of nl sorts went Into eiTcct yontorday. Great bargains in nil goodn nt Horz man's. Joseph Keller mnkcnjmlta.ln the lat' . out fitylos nt 310 I3roadwny , Mr. lllckii , living on Avenue 11 , hai lost a valuable mare , olthor Rlolon 01 strayed. There nro Hovoral unclaimed horses in tbo pound. i'ino line of menu' , boys land aide caddies at Sliorimn'fl , 121 8 Main. Millinery goods fifty cenla on thodul- &r at Hcrzinnri'H. Two plain drunliB , Alex Tuttle , onil C. V , Weaver , were yesterday' fined the regulation amount , Permit to wed was yesterday granted " \Vm. Gates , of Oakland , nnd Charlotte Hamilton , of Avoca. Shcrratlcn Is the boss photographer. The monthly report of the public library thows that out of 83 } boolcs din. trlbutod tiOri were works of fiction. Thlt is about the percentage which character izcs the rending clrcloH of other cltlcn. In the supreme court ycnlerday Mr , Knabu'H cnso WIIH again called up. Tin charge ngahiKt him wui cbargod to nnsivul with intent to kill , and the uxnininatloi set for tbiH afternoon. The case of the Stale vs. Allen KOH Is to come up In the supreme court tlii afternoon , but It la generally undeiitooi that Kong will bo let loose , the girl wh WM outraged being caused to dlxappeai lions would il'i well to leave , If h goto free again , as there in much fcelln ognlnot him. A woman with five children was n the Northwestern depot yesterday en rout for California , where she claimed her hue band was lying dangerously ill. Sh balled from Virginia , and buing out t fuoda rent two of her little boys out t beg for means to help her and liera througli The Milwnukeo & St. Paul compan Is preparing to put the finishing louche on Its line nnd ( or the building of n brie passenger depot nearly opposite the Chicago cage & Itock Island depot , and it froiith Jiouso opposite that of the Chicago , lur ling ton & Qulncy. The laying of the water pipes on Malt street bcgau yesterday. A trench woi dug In the center c.f the street finil , but I vwoa soon changed because that portion o the fllroot | g to bo used for > v aower. Tim trench had , therefore , to be filled up ngftln and the digging begun on one side. The old gentleman , Fitch , from Da kotn , who was confidencod out of all h bad , M76 , on Hominy evening , is ntlll I the city , trying to rnlao iiiouoy to get bacl homo niain , The cash ho had lost ho IB tended to use In taking n trip to Callforni to see his daughter , The following have been installed a the olDccrs of Council Itluffs Lodge No , H KnlghUof Pythias : Charles Sanderson 0. O.j John Smith , V. O. ; John Hmr mor , P. ; (3.V. ( . McCoy , M. A.j John I- Metenlf , K , of U. and 8. ; A. 11. Howe , M of K. ; G. M. Wasliburn , M. of 1' , ; Jonop Wesley , I , G.J Frank Faulkonbcrg , O. G An old German , who arrived over th Chicago & Hock Inland Monday nighi went to sleep on the platform , and whil Bleeping uomo one stole his gripsack. II found It yesterday morning near the dope broken open and its contents bcattert nbout , but no articleof value lost. II caused the nrrcst of n young Gorman ha ! ing from Denver , who was inoueylosi at hunting for work , and who also spent tl night at the depot. The evidence ugaln the boy was not very clear , and ho w turned loose. PERSONAL. lien Urowi ) , the well known St , Lei tourist is ngaln In the city. Ilov. James Lisle , of Glen wood , Ii called at TUB live ofllco yesterday. George T. Phelpe , of the Ogdcn hou U reported ad soinouhat better yeutonl.i W. K. Adams and wife , and Mrs. Coi hull , of Nollgh , Neb. , were in the city y terday. President J. A. McAfee , of Park c legu , Parksville , Mo. , wan among the ci ere at Tin IIK ! o'lHco yesterday , J. J. lludd uiniled yesterday all over ' cause an eight-pound boy had been adi to the household. The father U do : well. Uurlvivlcil As being ft certain cure for the worst foi of dyspepsia , indigestion , comtlpat ! impurity of blood , torpid liver , dUorde kluneyr , etc. , and us n medicine for ert catln - every speciea of humor , from an dinary pimple to the worst ulcer , Uriux HLOOD Mirrots stands unrivaled. I'i 81,00.j | jullO-dli CITY IOE ORKAM PARLOR A now stock of f ronch Oroam Conl tlanury just received at the fashiona Ice cream , fruit and confection emporium of Smith & McOuon , a cesBors to Erb & Duquette , 404 Bru way. Wanted A girl for general hou work , Apply , BEE oflice. SHIFTING THE SCHEME Tlio Now Mode of Collecting Licenses Under a Pro hibitory Ordinance , Tlio Iiiconito Now to TJO in the Fern of Forfeited Baud. There scorns to l > u much difficult ; oxporlouccd by the uldormoti and cit oflicialfl in arranging BO aa to colloc in licenses of saloons In view of th facl that the prohibitory amcndmon haa carried and the council hu passed H strictly prohibitory ord ! nance , and n penalty of $25 for encl and every violation. It was though that when this ordinance WAS passed the Balocmists would ngrcu to pluai quilty once a month nnd pay 825 , bu they would not do BO aa the plci would bo used against thorn hi tin a'ato courts. Then it waa decided t ( have thorn pay $25 into the treasury and ( jot a eiinplo receipt therefor. . Baying nothing about what the mono ] waa received for , it being understood however , that the city would lut those alone who paid , and would pronccuti those who did not pay. After thlo plan wna shown up in Tin : 15KM , there wore many objections to it on nil sides , Tlio oalooniBtc looked upon it aa a sort of blackmailIng - Ing process , the ordinance being the club with which they were threatened unloaa they slipped $25 into the treasury. The prohibitionists , on the othur hand , howled because the city council took thin underhanded way ol granting licenses , after pretending tu pass a prohibitory ordinance. Still another change haa boon made in the hope of doing away with the [ injections raised. It ia proposed tc ( lie complaints against every saloon man , and fix tiio bonds for appearance it $25 each , they to fail to appear , ind of course the bunds will bo for- Foiled , thus securing thelicenaoof $2C i month. Yesterday thrco auch casoa were bo- . tm , they being against Sam Ford , D. J. Frazier and Marvin White. Each dopoaitod $25 to appear to-morrow foi trial. It is sufo to say they will nol apuoar , and the $25 each will bo for felted and go into the treasury. Thus it ia thought that license * cat : bo collected and at thu name time r strictly prohibitory ordinance kept it : force. The greatobject of nuch no lion on the p.irt of the council seem.1 to ho to secure cash for the police fund. It in estimated that fully aixtj miloons will thus pay $25 a month ni $1)00 ) si year , making the handsome stun of $18,000 for the police fund. There have already forty-two saloot men paid in the $25 each , and it ! i expected the number will noon awol to at least sixty. DUNLAP DOINGS. Tlio Slnnora Robbing and thi Sulnttt Building Clturcbos. CorroMpondenco of TUB MEE. DUNLAV , Ia. , July 10. This pleas ant town ia now in a suitable "stow over the detection ad urrost of som young bloods who for some time pas have been to very 'good porsonn profit , engaged in the highly rospocta bio business of car breaking and rob bory. Two have boon arrested am are now in jail. They nro Bayan Christy , son of Dr. Christy , notorioui in local circles. Bayard ia nbout li yeura of ago , and was about a yea and a half ago guilty of breaking inti the atoro of Mr. Ettingcr in Dunlap and opening the safe , the combinatioi of which ho had previously obtained lie secured about $1 ( > 0 , but wai caught within mi hour , and th money waa recovered. In the hop that ho would reform , his trial fo oilunco and haa been deferred ho waa out on bail. The otho who haa been caged , ia nanny Uurdick , and in about 22 year Ho has been working on a tarm is well connected. A third chat actor Ned Iliokox , ia not yet caught It aooma that getting wind of troubl the boys nil skipped , but whil Chribty and Rurdiok took the trai for Chicago , Ilickox was sharp onoug to start by land and thus him curve his tracks. The boys were in tli habit of marking the oars loaded wit through freight then breaking in i\n ilundering at n convenient point hi ween Grand Junction and MIBSOU 'alloy. IScaidva thu thrco porsoi mined , it ia understood that certai ithor parties nro "spotted" aa ncoon ilices , and may presently Jhul then lOlvos "notorious , " On Sunday last , July 0 h , the no Mothodiat church in Uuulap , wi dodicatod. Rev. P. F. Ureoao , i Council lilull'i , preached the ucruui and conducted thu r.ctvicw , bning u aistod by Rev. Fk'tchir Hnnvn , II present pastor of the clmieli , Re .lames Lisle , Into naetur , but , imw Olomvood , lown , Ruv , 11 , S. Mills , the Congregational ehurch , itnd Re Mr. Delano , of the linptiat churc Dunlap , Thu moining wna rainy ni unpromiBing , yet the houao waa w filled. After the surinon , Mr. M. licwman , treasurer of the church , pi sonted n statement , showing that t entire property haa coat $5,100 , which sum $030 remained to bo pi vided for , Within half an hour t congregation had subscribed $1,01 making the work a complete succe , This church was began about t' years ago , during the pastorate Rov. Mr. Lisle. The building ia brick , 47 x00 foot , with a basomo room 30x40. The atylo of the bui ! ing is quite peculiar , buing model after the old Roman basilicas , givi the largest possible seating capactl NYlion the gallery is built the hoi will auat from 450 to 475 poraoi Though tlio church ia so far advanc that lO can bo used It is not ; finished , The basement is not Co' pletcd , thu tower la not built , nor thu gallery put in , When liuiul this will bo ono of the best cimrcl iu western lown , probably the v < beat , outsldo of Council Ululla. undertaking the building of eucli houBo the Methodists of Dunlap hi shown an almost boundless "faitl not only in God , but in the gonoroe of the public , and their work has b < BO can fully and satisfactorily maimj that the confldonco of thn public hai been maintained throughout , nnd ther < h n bright future before the Firs Molhodist Epiacnpal church of Dunlap OllHEUVKR. BfiLL AHEAD. J. Mueller ia still solo agent for tie Celebrated Cliickerint : Pianos , am they can only bo got through him IIo Bold a very fine ono to an Omahi party only ycatorday. MUNICIPAL MATTERS. The Dolnga or tuo City Kuthera li Council AbBomblcd. At the adjourned meeting of'tin city council , hold Monday night , Al dcrmon Shugart , Siedontopf , Gouldon and Kichor were present , nnd Mayo Bowman presided. A number of bills were presented amounting to nbout $300. They wen referred to the chairmen of the fire the finance , and the street committees with power to allow the same , tin committees to meet for that purposi yesterday morning. Marshal Tnrloy , N. II. White nne \V. J. Raymond signified their readi nces to accept the amount allowed bj the jury in the condemnation of thci : property for the extension of Ulul street. City Attorney Mayno reported thai the condemnation of the property foi an alloy between Bancroft and Mail sin eta would not bo completed before to-morrow. lion. Goorgp F. Wright rcqueatni the council to instruct the engineer te give the Milwaukee & St. I'nAil roae itn grade , so that it could run ita line ate. The city engineer waa so in * jtructed. Alderman Stodcntopf presented n resolution that the auditor draw at order for $1,100 , and place in the sherifFn hands in payment of the con demnation of the ICnabo property foi the extension ot 'Washington avenue , Adopted. The anmo aldornuui moved that the council moot na a committco of the whole Wednesday morning to confei with Conrad Oeiso with a view of ex.- tending Washington avcnuo through hia property. Adopted. Alderman Siedontopf moTcd that : i special comrnitteo bo _ appointed trj oxaminolnto the ndvisibilityof finish ing Union nvonuo and putting thu atreot from Union avenue to thi Union Pacific in passable condition. Alderman Shugart did not think il necessary as moat of the council hat ! examined the condition of affairs , am' it had boon about concluded thai there was no money to complete tin work , nil that could bo done TUB U plan out the lines anel throw up the dirt ixnel scrapers , BO an to make at : pnsBnblo road. The resolution waa withdrawn , i' ' being agreed that the committee 01 atreota would do this aa soon ns pea siblc. City Attorney Mayno called attention tion to the fact that the city onginoei wanted the counsel to take action ii regard to condemning land for tin right of way for the river levee. H thought it would not do to condonn enough for thu whole line , aa tha would leave no money to build th levy with IIo suggested tliat n mil only bo condemned at present. Aid. Shugart thought that a stri fifty foot wide would bo enough in otoad of ono n hundred feet wido. il moved that the city attorney and th city engineer bo instructed to procooi to condoms each width for a mile , niv then the city council could tnko it choice. Adopted. Aid. Siodontopf , of the special coin rnitteo , reported that they had dc cided it host to put an arched s'on culvert across the creek nt Mnrke atreot , and that thu committee though that bids woulel bo ready to preaon probably Wednesday night. Alderman Siodcntopf moved thn thu council meet Wednesday inornin to confer with Peter Jkehtelo in re gard to a market place. Adopted. Alderman Shugart called attentio to the fact that the poll tux collcctc could got no satisfaction of those i nnd about the transfer , they clnimin to bo residents of Omaha , and givin him evasive answers. Referred t city attorney to devise Homo way t enforce the collection. Alderman Siedoi it ipf reported tlu Park Policeman Jackson at the par muted sonio tool for trimming troei ) rderod. Hu also stated that Jsckso omplainod of having to ho on dut ar into the night sometimes , and tlu o wanted privilege for his son i eop n lemonade stand thore. Son : ibjcction was raiaed to such n pr < edent , nnd tlio matter deferred unt ho next meeting , The city engineer reported in n l to raising the tr.icl.s nnd tl bridge at the Chicago A Northwester r.ulwny , Mid nlao in roirixrd to tl nwtcrwnya at tlio 0 , 13. & Q An ordirmi'cu waa presented fixir hu ik ) [ : tax at ono dollar , nnd pn .ieling for the impounding of am logo , ivnd killing them after five da } the tax to bo paid before AugtiBt In I'ho ( irdiunncei wna papKod to u aucoi leading , nnel referred to the judicial committee. Alderman Eichor informed tl council that the city woiglnnaatcrcoi plained because wood vendors did n stand on the lota assigned for n mn kot place , near the court house. 1 could not dance all ever town to mot uro the wood. Referred to police coi mittoo. Adjournment was then taken un Wednesday night. Not Uvor-EnthualaBtlo. Even among the papers who profc to acquk'sco in the nomination Major Anderson there soema no grc amount of enthusiasm. The Ave Delta , for instance , feebly hoists 1 name and right under gives the fi lowing faint-hearted and plainti appeal ; \Vo have met the enemy and < nro theirs by one majority. Aa t majority hold their grip firmly a Maj. Anderson was nominated 1 congress in this district wo hoist 1 name nt the head of our columns only preferring the gentle reeiui that the boys bu easy on us aim c plain aomo things that to the un : Itiated may appear unnocccssary , T major's majority will probably not over 2,000. The Atlantic Telegraph holste I nnmo and then proceeds to thtimj him in the columns beneath. The Nonpareil haa not got uj enough enthusiasm yet to hoist it a all. all.Tho The Audubon Times more gener ously dovotea a column nnd n half tc sounding his praises , hut pcrhapi the explanation is found in the local col uniiis whcro it ii noted that E. II , Ivimball , the editor , haa secured t 81,200 poeitlon in Washington. . . i * i ' - TAKING IT EASY. The Frohlbltlonlata Having Won t Victory Scorned Inclined to Heel. The attempts to get up n ratifica tion and jubilee mooting over the ro- suits of the umcneimont election dc tiot seem to meet with great success. Ono auch meeting waa called for the Fourth of July night , but waa not aa larccly attended or ns enthusiastic ae was desired , nnd adjournment waa taken until last Monday evening. There was then asnumbled in Bloom & Nixon's hall not to exceed sixty persona , nnd many among these were many from the opposition camp , drawn thithrr by curiosity. The meeting - ing was very late in getting called to order , nnd in fact there waa more of the hounding enthusiasm which char acterized the work done during the campaign. It appeared that thu pro hibitionists had becoino natiaficd with the hard word they had done nnd the glorious victory they hnd won. Rav. Mr. Breseo presided at this nieotint ; , and nddrcsaea were made by himself , Rov. Mr. Lemon and Captain 1'rico. Thcao apoeches were oarncat , nnd firm in the expressions of the de termination to oe6 that the prohibi tory amendment was made of practical effect. The city council was severely criticized for ita action in passing a prohibitory ordinance , and then pro viding a sly schnmo for allowing wloona to run on the payment of $25 each. each.A A financial exhibit of the expenses ot the local campaign waa made , allowing that [ nbout $1,000 , had been expended , nnd the receipts hud not boon Bulliciunt by about $108. Among the expenses was $57 n week for pub lishing n temperance paper. 1'lana were talked over for raisin ; ? the amount necessary to cover this de ficiency. The executive ! committco reported in favor of holding n convention hero next Tuesday , for the purpose oi electing delegates to attend the state convention to bo hold nt Dea Moines on the 27th inat. The report was adopted. The tcmporanco workers were in vited to mcot Rev. Mr. Lemon at his study in the Baptist church next Fri day evening. Adjournment waa then taken. * n m Q fit nine : Ground. The following transfers of titlea are reported aa taken from the countj recor'da by J. W. Squire & Co. , ab stractors of title , real estate and loai ngonta , Council Bluffs : T. R. Mork to J. M. Palmer , lot 15 in block 7 , and lota 13 and 14 ii block 15 , Fleming & Davis' ndditioi to city , 225. L. Hammer to Peter Baston , lots [ nnd 4 in block 32' , Howard's ndditioi to city , $1,350. J. 0. Schiudor to A. S. Bryant , loti 0 10 , 18 , 11) and 20 in block 5 Pierce'a addition to city , $750 , S. D. Toboy to Henry O'Neill , iw < acres off o. side of o. i of w. A of n. o " " Jofn. o. . } , 2 , 75 , 40" , $125. C. Grnul to J. Mergon , undivided ; of lot 10 in block 9 ; Jackson's addtoioi to city , $2,200 , R Foxloy to C. Foxloy , lot 1 ii block 4 , Ilagg'a 1st addition to city $10. 11. V. Short to U. W. Bowen , lot ] in block 4 , Mullen's subdivision , city , $25. $25.P. . and J. S. MoWilliams to H. G Van Nesa , part of lot 1C in block 23 Nenlu , $1-10. J , D. Edmundfon to B. F , Clayton u. o. | , 24 , 75 , 41 , $1,000. J. Converse to E. B. Hoyvt , the a if. I of P. w. i , 3t , 77 , 39 , ? 40. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIA ! RQTiGES. NOTICII. SJHII al runcrtlicm-nu , euc i , Lout , Found , 'lo Loan , Tor Sa\o , To Hou .Vants , IJoarilinj. , cl . , ulll be Inmtv.l la th Mluinu ftt the low ruVj of VIJN OVlNTa 1'E , IMK for the Cr < i li vrtioi nml F1VK CUNT 't'.K LINK Icr i-m-h eubsc < | Uint Ineortlni Loik\o ailv crtUxMi.c'iiM at our allies , Mo. . 'mrl Ctrnct , nc-r l'riiail ' r.v. Wtinta. AX/"ANTED. A HI ii'loiiion wi h 00 to 8IX ( M to | oln tl'uudurtihir lua lafo , Buro ar ru | cctaMu bu > liu r . uj ai incut , j uj Inf u Uri ptolli. I'urtlsuUr. phen by mUrtmlui ; 11 , i li. , 1' O. boi7tll _ , Counc I lllullJ.Ja. \A/'A''Tr.I / ) A first-ilassliarber InuncdlaUl V V App'o to J. J. OooJ , Coui.dl liluUu , Ia , julylltf \\1 ANl'KbVoik ftt Unw mnklim or pin \V Hiwiiij , In lamiy , Terms , 75c per di Adilro 8 Ida .Mcl > ; miM , itox 14 , Council . Illull julylg.3t * A rANTED-llvurjliody In Council Bluffs I IV to takollin UBS , iO cenU pur week , il llvcrod by curlera. OlDco , No 7 I'carl 8trc ( near Broadway. " \\7"AN'TKD To buy 100 tons broom cor \V For jattlcuHra addrosa Council Dim Broom Factory , Council Dlnfls , lovta. 668-29tt For Sale nnd Rent IIKNT. Ailwolllnif houao ol five rout FOH block uoutliui' t ol Judge Jamea. J fteuuKli.yo. 4. 1'cnrlSt jyKM I70H SALK-A red lr h etterdfB ; , 1 fcarol U tliorouk-hlv Jftrd brikfii. will sell ihca Address B. 1' . O , b x 1012 , 0. B , Iowa. ' u1 } 3'lm 1011 HKNT Two front rooms , unfurnUhf very dcilrablo. Itqulro at Bee ottlcc. l..n. T.II KENT. UulurnUhod rooms , 631 Mi FOlt . leSl-lui SALB llcautilul residence lots , S ' each : iiothltiB down , nd * JiK.'tn-ontli on bj EX-UAYOIl VAUU1IAN TlLLAHBAP-Orc tnicces Cul anl i S new accwutcrten ami iixdrncni of plclui taicnln therwlUble gtUtlnu broiuido j > rocc I iuo KxwUior 0 Jltry 10.1 Main street. U. W. U l'ATTON-rbJ lcl n and Ocull D Can cure any caw of soroejen. It U 01 a matter of time , and can euro general y from thrco tc Ova wcoVn-lt m Ve * no dlff /nco bow long dlmscd ; Will ttralghten cr mod remote I'lyrcslnmi , ttc. , a e > es , operate loWt artificial eye * . Sclai attention to ' ' 4 VON : WANTING soroennoquiUty bro- J.\ earn teed van not U bv writing to 1' . T , MAYNK Ccuucll DluH < | fiHVE | OEM % SAVED AN FVSRY DOH AS tils frr.ufinlla UUE.r.rial DV BCY1KO YOOK GROCERIES AT TUB Boston Tea Go's ' Store , 16 Main St. and 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , THY IT AND Make Money,1 COUNCIL BLUFKT MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MNG AND SOTER AL MACHINERY OUlco and Works , Main Street , 30UNOIL , BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo giro special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , IIOISTERS AND 1ENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. 3ENERAL , REPAIR WORK vill receive prompt Attention , A general M- BOTtment ot Brass Qoods > Belting , Pioing , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foimtlry , Pig Iron , Coke , Coal , OHAS , HENDEIE , Presidant , STREET AND All Shippers nnd Travelers will find peed accommodation and reasonable charges. SOUTH MAIN STREET , OPPOSITE CRYSTAL DULL , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa HOLLAND & MILLER , " Proprietors. Eubber Hose , Iron and Leac Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings am Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Banoroft or ( Fourth Streets- ! J. M. PALMEK , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUETS. IOWA. The Star Bakery , HOWARD a HQBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Employ the beet Broad Baker In the West ; &U a choice Innd lor Cakca and Flea. Dread ilclUereil to all parts ol the clU. MAUIIER & ORAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY Hlcli Out Ghvaa , 31no French OUtati , Silver \Vure < Sc. , 810 llKOil'WAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW/ " IvJKS. ill J , hlb't'OK.M.D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 282 Broadxcnv Couiioll BlnE' . SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL H , Anderoan , - - Proprietor , 732 Lo < .TllroaJ ny. Talilo flupiilleil ullh the lieut the market al tordH Terms 43.CO and 8l.00perwo 'j. Trnuultt tLOOpcrdnv U ) . OfUCKR VT. 11. M. l'LE ' OfHOER & FUSE ! Council Bluffs , Ia , Established , - - 1851 oalcru In Foreign nnd Dou.ebtlc Exchant _ houi8 tcurltlf . _ _ iNFIRMARY'l T.J.CADT.IJ.J.S . , ( Late Veterinary Surgcou U. S. A. ) The Only Veterinary Surgeo in the Oity , OFFICE AT BLUE BARt UPPEE BROADWAY. REFERENCES : All ci the b < 8t 1'h ) s cl\ca In Council llluQa w eurroundlu country. "MES. J.lrBILLUPS7 I'ROPIUETOR OF RESTAURANT & EATING HOUS1 813 South M&lu Strttt , Council Dluflt. New houia uid n ly fitted up Inflrntcla it ) U , Meali it all hour * . Ic4 cream and leui o de v\ cry ceulng , FrulU ' d conlectlooorlt HARNESS , OBCUTT & GO. , Broadway , or , Fotirtli Street , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. IP CHIttKERINC AND WEBER PIANO , IP.A. Burdette and Western Col- .A. tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. Importer and Dealer in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of all kinds. Sheet Music one- third off. Agents wanted. O Correspondence solicited. J. MUELLER , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. K3&I 01 E3 Guarantees tlie Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 K& IKGOauSDjS B and Wfflo SraBtB , Oouncil Bluffs. Mirrors , Upholstery , Eepairing , Etc. , Wood and Metallic Coffins. No. 430 Broadway , Cbr. Bryant St. , Council Blufla , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 5S7 SOUTH mm STREET. THE BEST BREAD IN THE OITY. Kbno but firat-claso Bakers employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &o. , delivered toany part of the city. Onr Wafjona run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS . IN Hats , Caps > Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves * CHICAGO ; PRICES DUPLICATED , IE" . "B v Has For Sale , Town Lotb , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lando and a number or Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with \V. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - COUNFOILi BLUFS Bfew Styles Just. . Received. C2S-S2O. 11 Pearl Street , Conrzoll BluITs. C. A. BEGDE , W. RUNVAN , W. BEEEB. O. A. BEEBE & CO. , "Wholesale and Retail toilers Ui FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Irs , J , -letcalfe anil IISB Belle Lewis Are row ( itaHiij-ln all kliuleof ( a ry KOOIIV , tnrli ce Lactg , EmbrolOurlcB , Ladlca' Uadotuea of nil description } . AHo lianJuTchtds , both In till and linen , licetol all Klnde. tlirr.vl , pins , tucdlcs , ttc. . Wo hoi the laaica ulll ctl ! and eco oar block o ( pooda c 034 ISroniiway before go l g elsewhere. K. J. DAVIS , 13 PEARL fc Denier Iu ZEPHYRS , GERMAHTOWH AND FANCY YARNS of All KJzuls A Full X.luo of Canvnn , FeltN , Xm'broidory , Knittiiiu ; Stlltn nnd Sttimied Gootlg. Nicn Aii ortnent n ? A nil ! pg Plotarea ZT * 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS lOWt And SQUAEE CLARJHrA IOIA ,