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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1882)
I It ' THE DAILY JBEE : TUESDAY , JULY 11 1883. PERSONALITIES. The Scovillo family cun't keep any too quiet for tlio next year. Col. Inen ell lifts written n ploy. It would teem that even Peoria men have their weakness , Lieut. Uanenhowcr will lecture. This fate win reserved for him Instead of uofttli nt the North 1'ole. It appears that Mm. Ghristlancv Iswlll Ing to be on good terms with her hutbaml AS well AS with other men. Arahl Hey has written another letter. It begins to look M though Arahi Key was jvgyptinn for Theodore Tilton. Sitting Bull draws a pint of whisky per day as n government ration , and he has no quired ft regular army crook to his right elbow. General Schcnck Is spending the summer mor In Vermont , Persons with a tendency to play three aces should keep nway from Vermont. Private Dftlzcll announces that he h still running for congress In Ohio. Mr. Dalzell evidently mistakes a slow vak ! for a run. ColfAx flnyx ho nexer was no Imppyn * ulnco ho retired from politics. JIM rntiro- mcnt llkowlno added to the hap ) > inuss of thousands of others. The Mftlloy boys have been acquitted. They will bo remembered ns twotlry Roods denes whiun Jennie Cramer Induced to go buggy ridlug with her , Theodore Thomas acts at all times M if ho was about to ask n girl to dance with him , and didn't want her to think ho was very anxious about being refused. Sprague admits that ho made n mistake marrying the woman who wai recently granted n divorce. Ho thought she was one of the kind who never sass back. Uncle Charlie Gordon , of Shelby , Ala. , Sroudly showsaccrttficntoof his wn birth , atcd seventy-eight years agoand ( n cradle full of twins , burn to him within a few months. Mr. William T. Frye , an aged black smith of Portsmouth , N. ] { . , him Ixmtcn the anvil nnd blown the bellows , M ap prentice , j < mriioyman , and proprietor , in one shop 52 years , The llor. Joseph Cook Is lecturing In Austrnli.t. Kir. Cook will bo remem bered as a Bo-ton goutlonmn who gave the plan upon which the universe watt created Jbls Dcrftonnl endorsement. Prof. William J. Land , n chemist of \vido reputation , committed suicide In At * lantft , This was a second attempt. It Is regarded AS strange ho did not utillro his knowledge of chemistry to provide n imlnlees death , Instead of which lie used a razor and a pistol. The latest bulletins concerning Mr. Os car Wll o nro to the effect that T.xas has dubbed him "Colonel ; " that ho has appro priated for his "now" lecture the title 'The HOUHO Itcnutiful ; " und that ho will RO tn Ni-w York tu take passage for Japan on July-31. Tno Kansas City Times says that Dr. ] lichen , who lian been lectu ing on Jesse .laiiic'i abandoned his work because Frank James threatened to kill him if ho con tinued on the rostrum. There seems to bo no reason now why Frank should not be pardoned. At Uio ago of Sl ! , says mi Kngllsh jour nal , Mmo. NIlsHou feels dreadfully old , in elastic , and cleBilliiitomieo. according to the same authority , when the lady wat in America she appeared nt it fancy ball where n Tammany Had millionaire went up tn her and said : "I shall lay down 85,000 to kies , " " .No " just you , replied Chriitl- no ; "but anybody who pleases may klxti iny liond at tha rale of $100 a kisx , " In n few minutes her purse was ttuHod with bank notes. Airs. General Grant and Mrs , Senator Jjogan entered a railway train recently to find all the seats on the , shady side of the caroccupied. The former , reluctautto sit on the sunny side , remarked : "I wish Homo one would offer mo a on this side. " "Oh , they would , Mrs. Grant , if they knew who vou wore , " remarked the amiable Mrs. Logan. Those remarks caused considerable merriment among the few within ear-shot , but nouo of them Bocmod to know Mrs. Grant. J Mailing aBnUo , John Ifayes , Credit P. O , , says that for nine months he could not raise his hand to his head through lameness in the shoul der , but by the wo of Tn OMAR * KI.KOTIIIC OIL he was entirely cured. jullO-dlw WOMAN'S WUONGS. Extract From the ' 1th of July Atlaroas of O. It. Hall , Delivered at Herman. Speaking of woman suffrage , I have a profound rogurd for the ladies , and I Doliovo many of them arp abuaod and down-trodden. Their rights are denied them in many instances. Seine of them have drunken and brutal liua- lands. Others are overburdened with cares and responsibilities. Thou- Bauds of thoin , angelio creatures , toil all their life long in obscurity and hu miliation without a murmur. God bo merciful to such. If the ballot would help them they should possess it , I am unable to BOO wherein tiioy are to bo bonetitted by that condition of things. Politics are not refilling In their influence. Do the women expect to level up ? I fear the lovoliim would tend in the opposite direction. Since woman suffrage became n law in Wyoming , it has been my privilege tb bo there during two political cam paigns , and I must confess I saw very few rctlned Indies taking part in politics. They shunned the ballot-box as they would a leper. The other class were con eplcuous. and their brazen olfrontory appeared on every corner.Vho are the women that are clamoring for this measure ? Are they mothcra of fami lies , women of refinement and culturo'i Are they Christiana and do they pruc tico the Christian virtues ? Sumo of them are good and true , but the nm < jprity have Hung their domestic tela lions beneath their feet and have box- d their religion. I tell you my friends the only heaven on earth is in the charmed circle of n fond mothor'a homo. A mother's smile is God's sun- ohiuo lighting up the human heart. Her tears ore the tender dew drops of affection called to rescue an erring ono -it and eave u human soul , Who can measure the height , or depth , or ' / length , or breadth of a foiicl mother's love ? Sin cannot efface it , and only the grave can hide it. It is a fountuili of the croat deep that cannot bo broken up. Vain and thoughtless one ! spurn not thy mothor'a love. It is the next thing to God and the Angels , lie that lias known and felt a mother's love and cherishes it in his heart can not bo a bad man. I would rather live in the affections of my mother than dwell in an earthly paradise. God give mo strength to keep myself worthy of her pure affection. Few women can be much in public life and hold themselves above suspi cion , The public in corrupt and wo men are not incorruptible. The saf est place for a woman is at homo witli her family. Women who mingle .much in public pluces soon loie tliooo refined and delicate fuminino truces v- tliat command the esteem of honora ble men. Aa a rule they nro forward and bold , possessed of an overweening assurance and are without families. They have never tasted the real bliss of domestic \ifo. \ They prefer to mingle with the motley throng , dis- cusa politics In public plncea nnd wrangle in the parlor and the house of God oror their political proipccls. Lot mo mlmonish you young Indies to shun the field of politics. Kducato you reel VOB for the practical affairs of lifo. Strive to adorn your homos. Hccomo educators and tnouldora of tender and susceptible minds. Go into the house of God and loach the little children ns did our Savior. Prove youraelves worthy the attention of some noble young man and ho wjll surely find you out. Society will then stop up and take you by the hand and wish you joy and God will bless you. And you elderly and middle- aged Indies will < lo well to look upon politic ! ) ns n delusion nnd n snare. Your interests are safer ni n rule in the handa of your husbands , sons , fa thers or brothers , than In your own. The courts of justice will show more leniency to women than they will to men under the satno circumstances. Men everywhere do moro for women than they will for themselves or nny thing else on earth. They oven blow their own brains out for women or for the want of her foolish net. I ntn aware that there nro numbers hero , and many moro in the state , who will take issue with moon this suffrage question. But without entering into an elaborate discussion , I have brjofly expressed my honest convictions , and I am not hero to suit my text to the peculiar viowa of peculiar people. There are too many women in this country who arc breaking nway from the homo influences , from father and mother , husband and children , and all the tender tics that should bind them to those relations. Families are broken asunder , nnd these once happy circles are scattered never to meet on thia aide of the grnyo. Our courta nro lumbered with divorce suits and the social atmosphere is reeking with thia moral leprosy. Sin stalks nbout in defiance of law or morality. The bone nnd muscle , and brain of our country is largely coming from the foreign clement recently planted within her borders. Purify nnd make attractive your homo ? . * * * Trno to lior Xrunt * Ton much cannot ho Haiil of the ever fnltliful wife nrul mother , conttlitntly wntchini ; anil caring for her dear OUCH , never neglecting n mnglo duty in their bo- hnlf. When they nro aHsniluu by nnd the nystem uliou'd ' hnva n thorough clonnnhigf the ntomach null Ijowclu rcgu- liitctl , liloi cl nui Ilii d , mid malarial poiuon oxtermiimted , nho mimt know the that Klectrio llitlern arc tlio only suru remedy. Tlio > 'aro tliu bent , unit pureBt moiiiciuo in tlio world nml only coat fifty cunts. Sold by C. ] ' . ( lood.'iiaii. AN EX-CONVICT. A Bogus United HtiUon .Dotoctlvo Hla Latoat Exploits m Kansas [ indNobriialcn. Not long since a stranger appeared in the town of Odell , Nebraska , giving the name of James Shopler , and rep resenting himself aa n United States detective. Ho also claimed to bo the chairman of the committee having in charge the sale of the lands in the Otoo reservation , nnd entertained would-bo purchasers with statements ns to when the land would como into the market. Ilia principal occupation was hunting with his hounds and recounting his exploits aa n detective whenever ho could persuade anyone to listen. lie would frequently leave Odell for several days , making no pro vision for his pack of hounds during his absence. The doga were loft to prey upon the neighborhood for their support until they became an unbearable able nuisance. There waa oomo talk of making way with them , but Sliop- lor , hearing of it , made terrible threats against anyone who should injure the hounds , saying ho wauld burn their buildings and shoot them on sight. By that time the people began to mistrust that ho waa not what ho pretended tn bo , and ono of the citizens wrote to the choif of detectives regard ing him. The letter wis answered by J. J. Brooks , chief of the secret service of the government. Chief Brooks stated that James Shop ler had no connection with the secret service , but that he was an ox-convict of Joliet penitentiary. Enclosed was a photograph of the man , and u full description , giving the location of several gun-shot wounds on his per son. The picture and description Booms to correspond precisely with the Jamoa Sheplor of Odell , and there is every reason for believing that ho b the ox-convict. If they nro not the same , they uro certainly vorymuch aliko. J. M. Barnes , agent of the Otoo lands , Htatod that Hhepler waa in no way con nected with the sale of the lands , though he had boon there once or twice to hunt with hia hounds. Mean while Shelter , unaware that his record waa being searched , crossed over into Kansas in search of more exciting sport. Going to a fanner's house across the line from Odell he stated that he was a United States detective and was thi'ro to arrest n daughter of Isaac Ilollaway for passing counterfeit money. The young lady protested her innocence and at last tJliellyr said that the girl he wanted had a scar on the thigh and another on tlio breast. llo told her that if she wouid allow him to make nn examination and satisfy himself that she was not the ono he would not take her into custody. Kuther than be arrested and taken away , aa ho threatened to do the girl submitted lo him. The father of the young lady has followed the matter up , and says he will make Nebraska too warm for Shoplor , It ia to bo hoped ( hat Air. Ilollaway will bo able to punish the man who has heaped an indignity upon hia daughter , aa ho deserves ; but wo would much prefer that ho would not make Nebraska any warmer than it has been for the past two weeks. Krod. Amos , Tyler Street , Itochoater , writes ; " \ uur HI.OSHOM Is wonder' iull ; never u ed anything that acted newell well on the Uoweu , and nt the taina time was so free from the drastic properties of medicines usually Bold for th purpose , " I'rice K ) tents , trial bottles 10 cents. jullO-dlw ANTf-lIONOPOLY LEAGUE. lliui ineupcnaii | rolw for the antl-mouixjly Ita-ruu. ixnitalulnj ; ulatiuiuit of prlmlnla iif. hods of prixxtlure and Inttructloiuhow to orian- : lie , will l ut on application to 0. ' II. D. M. WELTY , ( Snoooimor to D. T. Mount. ) Manufacturer and Dealer In Saddlesi Harness , Whips , FANCY HOUSE CLOTHING Robes , Dusters and Turf Goods ol ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Aircntfor Jas. R. Hill & Co.'s CONCORD HARNESS "Tho Best in The World , " Order * Solicited , OMAHA , NEB mo ly Sionx City A Pacific THE SIOUX CITY ROUTE Runs ft Rnlld Train Through from Council Bluila to St. Paul Without Olmntje Time , Only 17 Hour * IT is UILS3 THE SIIOKTE3 KOUTB nan COUNCIL BLUFFS TO OT. PAUL , UINNBAPOLIB OULUTII OR BIBUAHOK and 1I points ID Northern Iowa. Ulnnest. ! * nd Dttiota. This lluo It eoulppod with the Improved WestlngtMUjo Automatic Alr-bnka ind Ulllo 1'Uttorm Coupler and HufTar : ami ( or HPKKD. SAFK7Y AND COMPORT li ansurp.viRcd. Pullman Palace Bleeping Car run through WITHOUT CHANGE between K n inCltyand tit. Paul , \U Council Bluffs n < J Bloux City. Trains leave Union Paclflc Transfer at Coati- ell Bluffs , at 7:35 : p. m. dally on arrival of Kaneat City. St Joseph and Council Bluffs train from the South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:86 : p. m. , ardat the New Union Depot at fit. Paul at 12:80 : noon. IKN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ASYiOTHKU ROUTB. fZTRcmombcr In lulling the sloux City Ronti you jet a Through Train. The Shortest Line , the Quickest Tlmo and a Ccmfortablu Hide In tbi Through Cnra between COUNCIL BLUFKS AND ST. PAUL. iarSeo ttiat your Tickoij riuJ via the "Blotn City and I'aclllo lUllrcal 1 3. WATTLKS , .R. BUCHANAN Huporlntomlont. Qcn'l Paiw.AROEt P. K. H01UNHON , Ain't Oci.'l . Poeg. Ag't , Missouri Valley , la. W. K. DAVIIU , Southwestern Aircnt. nouncl Illnf/s Iowa FAST TIME ! In going Eas take the b'Meago ' Mortliwestr ern Trains leave Omaha 3:40 : p. in. and 7:10 : a. m full Information call on U. P. DUEL , Tlcko gent , Uth and Karnlmtn Sts. J. DELL , U allway Depot , or at JAMK3 T. OtARK , Oo Agnni. Omili. Itl7mkn Genius Rewarded ; OR , The Story of the Sowing Machine , A handiomo little , pamphlet , bine and gold cove with numerous engravings , will be AWAY tot ny ituult poruon calling for It , at any branch or sub-olllcoof The Singer Manufacturing Oom. pany , or will bo sent by mall , post paid , to an ? person living at ft distance from our offices The Singer Manufacturing Co , , Principal Office , 34 Union Square , NEW YORK. .Ids roil CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEW YORK.BOSTON , And all Polutt Ea t tilldWouth-Eatt. TllKUNKCOMl'UlBKS Nearly 4,000 miles Solid Smooth Stool Tracki All connections ro made In UNION DtPOTS. t haa a National Kcpntatlon as bolni ; the rant Through Car Line , ami Is universally conceded to be the FINEST EQUIPPED Half road In the norld for nil classes uf trocl , Tiylt anjjou will UiiJ tra\ cling n Ituur ) Instead ot a illscomfort. Through Ticket * via rhls Celebrated Line for sale at all oillccjs In the Weat. All Information about Kates o Faro , Sleeping Car AcocmuioJatlous , Time Tables , &c. , will b cheerfully Klvcn by appljliilne to T. J. POTTER , 2d Vlce-l'ros't & Gen. Hiim PERCIVAU LOWELL , W.J.Uon Uon Agent , Conncll lUuffs. II. I' . UUKLU Ticket lAgt. ruorn-ed ly SELTZE Nature' * Sparkling Specific for Indlgentlon and UlliouMieM. the u itor vf the famous Seltzer Him , U duplli'tted in moment wl'h a spoonful Of 'UlllUMS tiKLTtKIt Al' KU.NT , Which I'Jilt. Ill * Ck ry \ luiblo dement of the German iprlng- The gioitcst phviUlaiK ol Europe pronounce - nounco that free gl > t of 1'roildcnca the uunt ( n- tciitil nil ktionn alterilUcn , and It/cm , , , , frt-ali and tUmliii ; i < now placed within the rrav ol itcry lutalld In the westtrn world. SOLD 11V ALL DHUOGISTd , "WINE OF OAHDUI" makes roi.v t tks uud ck-ar 'JL'JLdLXl Murray Iron forks Burlington Iowa , Soml Portnt > l Engines , FOR CREAMERIES fARM MILM , Printing Offices Ktc. , A Specialty The Largest Iron Working Establish inont in the State. JIANUFACTUHERS Of Steam Engines AND GENERAL MACHINERY. TIiQ Howard Automatic Gut-Off Steam Engine , Send for Circulars. m23-lm Ascnw tor the Llfo Times Km Tron.oboron .Written by hffnM JBS80 JafflBS On only life authorized b } her , and which wll not 1m a "Illood anil Thunder" story , ( inch an lia been RnJ will ho published , but a true Llfo hi the only p rson who It In po sosilon ot the facts a fit htul anil devoted wile. Truth li more Interesting than flctlon , Agents should apply lor territory at ono. Send 76 cti. for Bam pie Oook. J. H. Clmmbors & Co. , KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE The Moit Succeisful Remedy \er dlecov crod , as It Is certain In Its effects and docs no blister. IIKA1) PROOF 1IEI.OW. Also nxcollon for human floih. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN Washlngtcnvlllo , Ohio , Juno 17 , 1681. Da B. J. KK.NDALL , & Co : UcnU Readingyournd vertlseracnt In Turf , Field and Farm , ol your Kendall's Spavin Cure , a d having a xaluablo and speedy horao which Ind been Umo from spavin for eighteen months , I sent to you for i bottlu by oxprcsa , which In six wcolo rcmovcc all lamcneis and enlargement anil a largo spl'n ' from another home , and both horses are to-an ; aasound as colta. The ono bottle was worthlo ono hundred dollars. Kcepcctfiill ) II. A. B RTOLKTT , M. D. Bend for Illuatrato'I ' circular eUlng porlti proof. PrlcoJU. All Dmiritlsts have It or can getltfor jou. Dr. II. J , Kendall Si Co' , Pro- prlctore , KnoBburgh Falls , Vt. SOLD BY ALL , DRUGGISTS , d-wly " ItU theconcirrcnt testimonyorjtho publicunc thawctllclnal | ro'erelon ( hit Hoetctlcr's btom- ncli Hitters I amcdirlnnThlch chlovis results jedlv" felt , ( h'.rouuh and benign BetMa net fyinglhcrdisorder , It Itn'gorates thofceble , con qucrs kidney ani bladder rompialnts , and hia tens the convalescence rl Ilioso ico\crlngrom enfeebling illciic Moreover , It la the grain epc clflc for taer and iguo. For ealB by all dniK\iA ; and dealers generally Jl to al CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE rrtAnK.The.0rcntTrW.DE English rein- edy. An un failing euro for Seminal Weakness , Spormator- rhca , Imnot- ency , and all DlBcascsthaf follow as ft BEFCRETAKIHQ.sequcnco of AFTER TAKIHO. Self-Abuno ; as Loss of Memory , Unliorsal Lassl tudo , Pain In the Bact , Dimness of Vision , Premature mature Old Ago , and many other Diseases thai load to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture 0 rave. jarFull particular ! In onr painnhlet , which wo dcslro to send ftoo t v mall to every one. tSTI'ho Speclfl cMcdlilno Is sold by all druggist ! at 81 per package , or ( packages for 9 $ , or wll bo sent free by mall on reel ptof the money , by addressing TUEORA MEDICINE CO. , Buffalo , N. Y. orsaloi * octme-cod " NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dr. K. 0. Wcs8 Neivo nnd Uram Treatment A epoclflo for Hysteria , Dizziness , Convulsions. Nervous Headache , Mental Depression , Lous ol Memory,8ponnatorrhLa , Imnotoncy , Im oluntary Emissions , Premature Old Age , caused by orcr- excrtlon , sulf-abuao , or ovcr-tndulenco. which leads to mlvory , decay ind death. Ono box will cure recent ca > os. Eah box contains ono mouth's treatment , Ono dollar a box , or elx boxes for five dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.Vo guarantee six boxes to turo any case , with each order rccchcJ by us for nix boxes , ac companlcdulthflvo dollars , nrlll sind the pur chaser our urlttun guarantee t > return the money If the treatment dot not cfrct n cure. 0. f. Goodman , Dru 'let , Solo , Vholcsale and ful Agent , Omaha , Net ) , OrJ"s by mall at otallaurlco. d&wlv ' S'YPHILIS ' _ ln any stage Oatixrrh , ( EOZB.MA , Old Sores , Pimples , BOILS , or any 3 Skin r Dinea se Oures When Hot Bpr igs Fail Mivms , ARE. , iy . 1881 Wo hate cvica In onr owu town ho llvad at Hot Spring ) , md were finally cure ! with 8. a. B. i. UUBKT. IK YOU doubt.couio to ( oo us ailK WILL CUUK YOUK Oil chartro uothluJ I Write for lurtlculars and cony of little 1 lo the Unfortunatd Suffering .81,1)00 R wnrd aid to any chi-midt who ulll Und , on analji 100 rottle B. S , a. , one mitlcle of Ucrcury , jJlde Total tlum or any julnertl substance. Prop * . tUau Price of Small uUc , 11.00. Urjro ilio f 1.76. ' SoM by KKNNAKD EKCl k 00 , UeuerUlr. If jon suffer from Dyspepsia , use BUIlDOCiv 'LOOD DITTKKS. If jou are Mlllcted with tllloi ncw ! , use DUUDOCK liLOOD DITTnRS If you are prostrated with slcfc HradAchc , tAke UtWDOCK IILOOU U1TTKUS If your Bowels are disordered , rcglilate them lth UUUUOCK 1JLOOI ) UITTEIIS. If jour Blood Is mimre , purify It with UUllbOCi : BLOOD DITTEKS. If you HA\O Indigestion , you nlll hndan antidote In BWIDOCK ULOOU IlITTEHS. If you nro troubled with Spring Complaints , er adicate them with BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If your Lli-crls torplJ , restore It to healthy action with BUIIDOCK BLOOD HITTERS If your LHcr Is alTccted , you will find a sure re- storatHo In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If jou h vo any species of Humor or Pimple , fall not to tftlto BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If J ou hat o nny symptoms of Ulcers 'or Scrofulous Sores , a curatho remedy will bo found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and \ltality totheajs- tctn , nothing can equal BUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General DoblUty , tone up the system with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , 81.00 oei Bottle ; Trial Dottlei 10 Cti FQSTEB IILBURN & Co , , , , Props , BUFI-AIO. N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and 0. F. Ooodman. In 27 eod-mo Dlseaso Is nn effect , not a cause. Its origin Is within ; Its manifestations without. Ucnco , to euro the disease the CAt'SRmust ha rrmo\cd , and n no other way can a euro ever lo eflectid. "WARNER'S SAFE K1DNDY AND LiFVER CURE is established on Juat this irlnclplo. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. if all diseases arize from deranged kidneys an Ivcr , and It still cs at once at the root of the dllllculty. The elements of which It is composed act directly upon these Krcat organs , both as a oonai.d HESTORXK , anil , byplaclDjt them In a healthy , condition , drho disease and pain from bo system. For the Innumerable ' troub'cs caused by un- icalthy Kidneys , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for the dtstroisInK DIeordersof Women ; for Malaria , and physical derangements generally , this great rcm. dy ha ? no equal. Ben are of Impostors , Im- lUtlou * and ooncoctlonoaald to be Just as ( rood. Dl ADBETES CUR7 1 11'5 SArE For ealo by alUlcalors. H. H.'XVARNER & CO. , m ° RoohoBtor N. Y The Great English Eemedv " T ll Never falls ta cuie 1 Nervous Debility , VI- Dial Exhaustion , Emls- I Ions , Seminal Wcak- | ncsscsLOSTMAN ilHOOD , and all the svll cflects of youth- mul follies and execs- j < es. It stops permo. Silently all weakening , linvoluntary lossisand I trains upon the eys- 1 m , the inevitable re- i77 -"suit of these evilprac * ices , which are BO dcstruetl\o to mind and body and make Ilfo miserable , often leading to Ineanl- y and death. ItstrcnKthons the Nervcs.Braln , memorjf Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Rcpro- ductho Organs , It restores to all the organic unstlcns their former vigor and vitality , ma- ilng Ilfo cheerful and enjoyable. Price , $3 a "lottlo , or four times the quantity $10. Sent by express , secure from observation , to any address , on receipt of price. No. O , O. D. sent , except on receipt of Jl as a guarantee. Letters rj- [ ucstim ? answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Miatie's Dandelion Fills are tbj best and cheapest dyspepsia and bllllous cure lu the market. Bold by all druggists. Price 60 ccnUi. Dn lIiNTin's KIUNBT RBUXDT , NEritKncnK , Cures til kind of Kidney and bladdercomplalnte , : onorrhua , gleet and loucorrhea , For eale Dy all lauirgltits : yl a bottlo. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by C. F. OOODMAN. Jan2&-lv ir joiiar * iiun i-iiod | iy tl'fl ' Hr'uin or jour ilutlrs molt' lit norlt , to r s fttuiuilantxaid us * t tor brnin itcrvrnuc. Hop Bittern. vaMu Ukl > Hop D , If jouar > ouriH j ttoti j If you arv rUc : ur ftnil * , old or , -ouiitriuircrlc ? fret I > our > > ratU ! ur link-mill IIIKou a Uxl " . ttek. - - nljr on Hop Dltterfl. ) iinjiunos aie c ftt. [ nuul ! from ik mc tbaVy'ouf system j form uf f ! o ri ell > noixi cUnnslne. toa- : ll c fO lliot nilk'liS Inir * * tlnuil tln , vMioutintoilcatlny , I I Ijf timely u > or t U Hop k HcpStter : Ultte > . O , I. O rruxnui acorn- U an ibscluU anit irrttsifct * ' . iMi-tli. Hood. no ? Lie o u r oo > drubWnues * , t in * trot turn ate ot bilum , You will De tobacco , u' cureJKyouuse narcotic * . Hop Bitter * Ifyouarertm Boldbydrng fly weak and ; l tj. 6ciUu < tow HlrlUdtry NEVER Circular Hi It muy nap mrrint eave your FAIL life. It hnt fro to. , eaved hun- HMkMtf.H. T arocJs. , Oct. To Nervous Sufferers THE OR EAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J , B. Simpson's Specific It Is fc positive cure for Spcrmttoirhca , Bcmlna I < ffeoinwj. Impotancy , and all dteeaso * resultloz frcin 8el.'Al > u c , u Mental Anxiety , Lossi Ucmcry , 1'alr.j In the l ci or Side , and dlseaeei that lead to Contumptlon U Uln ; t Nd cs Witt tOAdtf. _ _ jnt free to all , Write for ItNn wU itl full p * | . culars. Price , SpcctBc , 11.00 per faktft , or lx pvi. for ti.OO. Addr wo Ul urdxi to B. K1UBON UKPICIKE CO. H No . 101 and lOdllalu ft EiHalo , N. V SoH In Omaha by a t , Oxxuan , i , W. Hell , K. lib , tud all ara latuverj'whfre.i . i .itiw W.B. MILLARD. ' * JOUNSON MILLARD & 'JOHNSON ' , Storage , Commission and f liolesale Fruits. 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED Agents for Peck & Baushers Lard , and Wilber Mills Flour' NEB OMAHA , - - - REFERENCES ' OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO , , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. . CT. CT. ZBIRCTWIsr < Sc GO Boots and Shoes OMAHA , NEB. O. IF1. GOOIDIMIIN" , VtrBCOXJEE3S.Zk.XilEJ : XOak.3C.OE3IEC T3XT DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. f2TAnyone contemplating building storebank , or any other fine will flnd It to their ad * vantage to corrcs end with us before purchasing their Plato Glass. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - NEB. IF. O. 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha. i-S WHGLESALE- On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS HALL'S 1 Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS AD IAMACTUEED TOBACCO. Agents for BBNWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & BAND POWDER (0. ( JOBBER OP IP-A. IF IE IB , AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA J. A. WHOLESALE AND HETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BUNDS , MOLDINGS , LSME , GERSEMT W6TATE AOEIII FOR UILWAUKKK CKUKMT OOUPAH7 * Near Union Pacific Depot , - OMAHA NB JPOWBR AND HAND ' 0 Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , UAOHIKKBV , BELTINO , , HALLADAY WIHD-iVIILLS CHURCH AMD SCHOOL BELLS Cor , Far i j ( Omaha , Neb ,