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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1882)
* , /J wJ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. , . , , , . TWELFTH YEAR 03UAHA NEB. MONDAY MORNING JULY 10 1882. A CONFLICT OF TONGUES , The Powers and Paslias Guntiimo Exchanging Harmless Bawls Spiced With Hatred , The War of Words Liable to bo Continued for nn In definite Time. The British < \diniral Blows Hard but the Ports ore neb Levelled. And Huge Cannons are Being Mounted Where They Will do the Most Good. The American Fleet Polishing up Their Parrots to Talk Back. Another Twenty-Four Hours for Repentance Given the Mound Builders. The Vacillating Action oi the British Stiffens the Bachhono of the Arabs' A Careful Examination of the Fort ifications Induces Seymour to go Slow. National Associated Pros ? . SBYMOUH'H LAST SAY. LONDON , July 9. The Engliah floor made a careful reconnoisanco to-day of the harbor defenses of Alexandria. It is reported that heavy eutia are being - ing mounted on Marbout Fort at the weatprn entrance of the harbor. Ad miral Seymour is preparing a procla mation charging the Egyptian authori ties with breach of faith , and demand ing the surrender of the fortification within twelve hours , and notification that in the event of a refusal to sur render tha English Hoot will begin a bombardment , after n further period of twenty-four hours Tlio Egyptian ministry announces its determination to resist the demand. KEsrECTFUI.LY DiiCLINKl ) . ALEXANDRIA , July 9. Arabi Boy has boon formally summoned by the sultan to Constantinople. Ho refused to obey. ruNDS ron WAK. PAKIS , July 9 In the chamber of deputies yesterday afternoon the min ister of war asked the chamber to vote the government a credit of eight million francs to defray expenses of war preparations now going on to sus tain France in position she haa 4aken in Egyptian affairs. A DENIAL. Low DON , July 9. ' .Jho Rovernmont denies the report published yesterday that 20,000 pounds reward were offered for the apprehension ot the murderers of Cavandiah and Burke. STILL BLOWING. LONDON , July 9. The British con- Bui ( { onoral at Alexandria has warned other consuls to withdraw their sub jects from the city within twenty-four hours. A messenger from the Brit ish contul visited the khcdlvo nnd offered him safety on board an English wnr ahip , but the tender was declined. Admiral Seymour's twenty- four hours' notice to the military governor of Alexandria begins at 9 o' lock Monday morning. Thousands of Bedouins are READY roil 1'ILLAOE 'he moment hostilities bo in. The 'Bedouins outside Alexandria wait only the signal of bombardment to begin. The Egyptians nro now openly working at the forts nnd earth- worka. Evidently the intention of Arab ! Bey is to force the hostilities , despite the warning of the British admiral. A HEMONSTKANCE. The war oflico has issued orders to the Indian government to dispatch a contingent of ton thousand troops to Egypt forthwith. Said Pasha had an interview with Lord Dulferin at the British embassy at Constantinople and remonstrated against the bombard ment as unjustifiable. tl THE AMEHIOAN VLKKV , tlN The admiral in command of the N American Hoot at Alexandria ha ? warned the governor that if the forta 11 open fire upon American vessels ho will roturu the fire. I Nt THE AMEHIOAN FENIAN. LONDON , July 8. Curiosity is ex cited over a dispatch from Alexandria vc alleging that Arabi stated they 111 expected to secure eullicient moral j" support from the United States to compel England to negotiate with Egyptinn nationalists to the hitter's ad- Nt vantage. Thia seems to corroborate Ntmi the statement that American fenlana mine | are assisting and advising Arabi , no hPANISH 1NTEHESTS. Je > Spain has ordered two frigates toga in ! [ at once to Alexandria in conjunction peNal itvith three iron-clada , to protect Spanish interests and affairs in all ijuestions arising during the crisis. Nal THE PERFORMANCE TO I1EOIN. ALEXANDRIA , Juno 8. The powers wa Ihavo completed a plan of dealing with vei [ Egypt. Operations are expected to tie begin on Thursday. The porto will poi asked to take hold of Egypt and lav tore order. If ho hesitates acting tin alone then 25,000 , foreign and 10,000 sot , native troops will bo concentrated in 'Egypt ' in divisions ; ono division will [ go overland and ono by trans ports The destination will bo \ "Abouker ; thence by land , the reti 'division to go to Kafir Devar , The roc . 'foreign ' fleets will cover Abouker. fie The expedition to Kjfir Dovar will Spi iukvo for Its object taking possession doi * " " the railroad , This plan proposes Eii _ absolutely cut Arabi off and comboi iel'hia ' surrender. The above plan ia Th ed upon aa the ultimatum of It i the powers to the porlc , nnd ho will hnvo till Wednesday to answer THK KIIKM'H KOlttT. PAIUH , July S. French ship yards are working nt night with olcc- trie lights. The French expeditionary force to Kgypt will consist of twenty- two ships , carrying seventeen guns nnd 400 troops oncn. COLLISION OK CAUS DUBLIN , July 0. A frightful colli sion took place-on the railway between Cork nnd Youghal. Both trains were wrecked. THE WELSH AND HUSH. LeMON ) , July S ) , Serious riots are reported nt Tredgar , Wales. Welsh minors sacked the Irish quarters. Several persons were killed , and troops were called out to preserve or der. CRIMINAL NEWS N&tlon&l Associated I'rcm SENTENCED TO HANO. CHICAGO , 111. , Juno ! ) -James Tra cy was sentenced yesterday to bo hanged on the 15th of September , for the murder of police officer Huobnor. An appeal will bo taken to the supreme remo court. A SUMltEIl OF HOUGHS were maneuvering about a car of merchandise on the Chicago , Burling ton & Quincysido track , an oflicor approached preached , nnd the party took to thotr heels , whoroupoa the oflicor fired killing instantly n hard character named "Dutchy Keefo. " DEAD FUOM DUINK. FALL HIVEU , Mass. , July 9. Mary Clinton , aged 31) ) , wr.s found drunk in a wheelbarrow last iiL'ht , with n 0 > year-old girl by her side. She was taken to the station house , where she was attacked with delirium tremens and she was found dead in the cell this morningi MUIIDEK AND noIlllEUY. CHICAGO , July 9. About 1 o'clock this morning Dr. Joal Prescott , , \ well known citizen living at No. 101 South Dcsplnines street , was found in the basement of his residence in n pool of blood , and his head pounded to n jelly. The memborspf his family , re turning from the theatre , broke in the door and were terribly shocked by the horrible sight. The murderers had robbed the doctor of $100 and made good their escape. The victim's head was crushed by some sharp instru ment , but no trace of the weapon was left , and no clue could be obtained of the fiends. The affair is wrapped in mystery. The doctor lingered in an unconscious state until 3 o'clock this morning , when ho diod. SUICIDE. PHILADELI-HIA , July 9. Thos. Glreenoif , Sr. , aged 80 , a well-known Farmer of South Country township , Chester county , committed suicide by hanging to-day. 11LOODY YOUTH. PHILADELPHIA , P. . , July 9. Her- nan liorto , a lad , killed his stepFather - Father , Wilhalm Kramer , last night , by stabbing him in the neck. Heave ; ave himself up to the police to-day ind was committed to await the coro- lor's inquest. A cucjK7i' TiirsrrcMrroa.Kir ! . NEW YOUK , July 9. After a chase ) f four months , Canon Bernard , chan- icllor of Bishop Tournai , in Belgium , vho embezzled § 340,000 , has been : apturod nt Havana by a Now York [ elective and hold for extradition. Now York Groonbacliors 'atlonal Associated Prcee. ALBANY , N. Y. , July 9. The state onvention of the national labor roonback party will bo hold here nn lie 18th inst. It is rumored that the icket will bo as follows : For govor- or , S. S. Cox ; lieutenant governor , amuol Cary ; congressman at largo , loorgo 0. Jones ; judge of court of ppoals , Dennis'0. Feeloy , Marluo , atlonal Associated Press. NEW YOKK , July 8. Sailed" , City Richmond , Nevada nnd Egypt for ivorpool , Egyptian Monarch for pndon , Furnesia for Glasgow , 'edorland for Antwerp ; arrived , aayrian Monarch from London , onnland from Antwerp , Dannati om Bremen , Canada from London , rittnnjc from Liverpool , Canada om London , Ililso from Aspinwall. ANTWKHP , July 8. Arrived , Vador- nd from Now York. BKISTOL , July 8. Arrived , Now ork City from Now York. LiVEitrooL , July 8. Arrived , Scy- , ia from Now York. HAVUI : , July 8. Sailed , Servia for ow York. B ( QUEENKTOWN , July 8. Arrived , htl upublicfrom Now York. tl IiII II QfOoinl Vote on the Amendment. tlonal Associated 1'rcsa. CMHi BUHLINOTON , Ia. , July ! ) . The total HiW Hiul te cast was 280,201. For the amend- ul W jnt , 151,851 ; against , 125,431 ; ma- rity for the amendment , 29,4118. cc The Iowa Legislature. Ns tlonal Associated Press. DUJIUQUE , July 9. Governor Shor- in stated last night that ho would so t call an extra session of the Iowa [ islaturo and that ho would not bo so luoncod on thosubject by the pro- BU jed temperance convention. frado and .Labor Con volition , lonal Associated Presa. I'HILAUELI'HIA , Pa , , July 9. Acal mi s issued last nit/ht for a state con- th ition of trade nnd Inbor orgnniza- BUTl Tl n August 28th , to take stops to ro il the state conspiracy act nnd frame rs lognluing trades unions. Thirty anmi lusand trades unionists are repro- bo itcd by the call. foi The Scintu DlHuttor. col looal Associated tne . > TKU1IENVJLLE , 0. , July 9. TllO lains of the following persons wore Nil overed and identified yesterday m the wreck of the Sclotn ; C. E , rnguo , Hammardsville ; Belle Bran- th < i , Vollsvlllo ; Mrs. Maggie Shears , ate it Liverpool ; Edward Duffy , Steu- pn iville ; Daniel Thomas , BOH of Capt. esc amas , commander of ( ho 'Sciotn. of ofbit s probable that Bomo bodiea are bit yet on the lower dock. The Sciotn will bo hauled nearer thoro. WELLSVILLK , 0. , July 8. Intense excitement was created by the arrival of n train Inst night with the bodies often ton victims of the Miugo disaster on board , as follows : Lottn Smith. Chas. Davidson , Samuel Hunter , Denver Shannon , We.iloy Cross , August Bod- man , John Mnrsh , Oco Grntulo , Win. Woods mid David Freed. All were buried last night. Of the twenty- three persons missing from Wollsvillo , all but three have been found. The latter are Arthur Honqland , Stewart Piper and Frank Smith. In addition to the nbovo there were iivo funerals here yesterday nml eight moro to-dny. Thirty-nine bodies have boon recov ered and sixty-one were lost in nil , Poinorod Wntor , National As oclatod from. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , July S.j-Con- ) sidorablo excitement has boon created by the discovery that the Schuylkill river , upon which not only the greater part of the city , but also the river front residents up to Reading , depend for wntor supply , has been poisoned between Beading and Potts- town by refuse from old copper mines. The matter was brought to the atten tion of the board of health and the park commission , and immediate in vestigation has been ordered. Thou sands of fish are floating dead on the surface of the river. POTTSTOWN , Pa , July 9. For sev eral days past the water of the Schuylkill river has been impregnated with some poisonous matter that com pletely changed the color nnd ia kill ing fish by the thousands. The water ia of n color similar to that produced by placing a small quantity of indigo into n tub of water Various causes are assigned , though as yet nothinc delinito has been ascertained , the most plausible story bolnt' the pump ing of poisoned or sulphurous water from some abandoned mine in the coal region , which finds its way into the Schuylkill and is gradually mak ing its way towasd the Delaware. Considerable indignation is felt by our citizens , who are , or will bo , com pelled to uao the wator. Not only does the present condition of the water unfit it for use , but the decom position of thousands of dead fish will add greatly to its impurities. Hun dreds of people yisitod the banks of the river to-day. Crop's in Illinois nnd Iowa. National Associated Ptcsa. CHICAGO , July 8. A Springfield special says : The winter wheat crop throughout the state promises moro than an average yield per acre and in southern portions of tha state is in good condition. In central Illinois the harvest has boon greatly delayed by rains. Corn is generally in poor condition ; from the present outlook there will not bo over two-thirds the average yield. The beat outlook is in the southern part of the stato. Oats nnd rye are above the average. In Iowa the wheat harvest will begin - gin about the 20th. Glowing accounts : ire given as to the condition of this srop ; the yield per aero will bo CO per cent moro than last year , and the 31tiro } " , nverago 50 per cofit _ T"--pr. ( Corn" has suffered from excessive rains nnd cold weather , but is growing Inoly. Now calculations are made on , wo-thirds of n crop , although the icroago has increased 10 per cont. SPRINGFIELD , July 9. lleports of ; ho wheat crop from all counties in ; ho state , July 1 , ahow the condition 0 bo six per cent nbovo the average , nd fifty-seven , per cont. bettor than it the Bamo time last year. In the outhprn and most of the central onnties the crop has been harvested , nd the quality is excellent. Much of t is already being prepared for narkot. In the central past of the tate thorp is some alarm on account if sprouting , nnd the soft condition f tlio ground grently delays harvest- ng , it being impossible to use reapers 1 many placea. Wrooltcd iu a Fog. atlonal Associated I'rosa MILWAUKEE , July 9. The Btonm arjjo Helen ran ashore in a fog near Whitehall , Minn. , and two of her row were drowned. Burned to Death. itlonal Associated Press. GUAND HAVPN , July 9. List night 10 house occupied by Kelly , near oopervillo , burned , and two children tln jrishod in the flames. tlt t < Booohor On Holl.ll a itlontl Associated I'rew , NEW YOHK , July 9. Boechor in a h Tinon to-day defined his ideas of u javon nnd hell. Ho did not believe In loy were localities. Ho did not bo- InOl jvo In any place of endless torment , OlBC o thought there must bo BOIIIO deep - tc ep of punishment extending for n tl nit into eternity. That punishment Ii ill bo remorse for sin committed , but Iidi timatoly peace nnd happiness will diw mo to the souls of nil. en endi Indications. tlonal Associated I'rcss. tliw WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Juno 10 , 1 n. m. in w For the upper Mississippi nnd Mia- uri valley , partly cloudy weather , ci : al rains , variable winds , mostly nthorly , stationary or lower pres to. Pauper Corporations. tlonal Associated I'rcss. N > ALIIANY , N. Y. , July 9 , The ru- ir that three hundred operatives in a Harmony mills , Colioes , will rome - an mo work in the morning in untrue , II ioy will not return to work under th 3 reduced rate. Trouble exists an long the members of the Harmony Us company , on account of the JOi aka having been taken to Now York 1 investigation. Fifty strikers have ofwi jn engaged for the Chicopee ( Mass. ; wi ion mills. toi K t nvodl > \Vhivhy. . Bti loiul Associated hrtbs. NEW YOUK , July 8. Professor nti ) rth , professor of the muaoum In Et > Bowery , whoso hand was lacer- its d last night by a rattlesnake will , CO ! ibably recover. Ho attributes his on ape of death from a liberal supply SUl whisky taken immediately after the tin THE CONTINGENT CROOK , Majora' Machinations Winked at by Alexander tlio Great. A Dnto iu Blank Filled Just to the Tnsto of Tommy the Trick iter. Our "Si" of the Seal Explains the Muddled Census to n OoininitioV ( The Olooo of the SoBBiou Still Lingers in the dim Un certain Distance , Outline oC the Work yet to bo Diiposail or Before Adjournment journment- Contested Election Caaoa Moro Star Koutora--Mr\BOi B Cnso Con- eiatihn.1. CAPITAL National Associated Vretn. NKI1KAHKA WASHINGTON , D. 0. , July ! > . The evidence before the houao judiciary committee in the Nebraska } election caio , show that Majors lusutl his claim as coKRrcsaman-nt-largo on the census of 1872. .Majors Boat a mes senger to Lincoln , Nob. , foi'a certifi cate which was furnished by the sec retary of stale , and proved tn bo for the cenaua of 1874. Secretary Alex ander tcatifiod ho was naked to make the date 1S72 , but refused , but did leave the dnto blank. The messenger said the date was filled in when the certificate was delivered to Majors. Members of the committee believe Majors supplied the false date. THE MJWllt'KO OELKIIKATION. The congressional delegation ap pointed to attend the celebration at Nowburgh , N. Y. , consists of Sena tors Ilawloy , Miller , Hill , ll.iyard , Hampton , Representatives Dcach , Kotchurii , Curtin , Burrows , Knott , Townahund , Ellis nnd Kasaon. THE UEPOHT OF THK n.XPKUTs , Marlor , Rhodes nnd Homer Leo , on the Doyle bond plates , made public last evening , assorts positively that the Doyle bonds are spurious , nnd so unlike the genuine as to bo promptly detected by experts. MELLVILM : AND PAHTV. Secretary Chandler telegraphed Melville yostprday , giving him nnd party permission to return home. THE UEPUIILICANH liold a caucus immediately after ad journment of the house and discussed the propriety of taking up the con gested election cases next vuck , but ) wing to n division of opinion and the nuall number present , no decision was reached. The p . * j.l unpreusln.t ' : nat it" would bo dUno'uH to juorum of republicans at this time. MAHON. Judge Advocate General Svraim has iearly completed his report on the iaso of Mason , who shot at Guitcau. "t is said that the report will hold hat the troops were stationed at the ail without authority of law. Ma- on's friends claim thin report will oad to his release. It is reported tlmt the star rnuto aso , for which the grand jury haa loon summoned for Monday , is that onnoctcd with the Saulsbury con- racts in Louisiana and Texas , with rhich it is nuid Senator Saulsbury is oncornod , and Brady , Dorsoy , Bro- hen , John Walali n/id others. THK WKKK'H WOUK. The work of the coming week in ongrcsa is looked forward to with onsidorablo anxiety , as on it will de- end the question of adjournment , 'ho senate will probably puss the ivor and harbor bill on Tuesday , hwuld it than decide to take up the itornal revenue bill and pen a gen- ral discussion , an indicated by the ro- ublican caucus , there is no telling lion the end will bo reached. After lia bill is disposed of there will yet jmaln the navy and sundry civil bill i bo acted on , which must consume t least another wook. In the house it Is expected Hourly itlf the coming week will bo expended [ > on the Sunday civil bill. Then the Ht regular appropriation bill will bo it of the way. Than will come the ir mate amendments to the bank char- 1) r and nvor and harbor bills , BODIO of 10 senate amendments to which are j , koly to cause noma protly vigorous , , ( scnssioim Whether the republicans al ill attempt to take up the election sos is rather doubtful , -owing to the fliculty of gottint. ' a quorum It is ought improbable that adjournment ill bo reached betoro .Inly 24th , if , deed , until Aaugust first. TJio ( 'resident expected to leave the .v this week or next for a rest in the untry , but will not do so until con- cas adjourns , d ( CONQHESd. tlonal Associated Pruan , ( | HENATE PHOCKEDINOS. WASHINGTON , July 8. The river I" d harbor bill uns taken up and the onnopin canal project discussed , enD tli D amendment for additional surveys tli d report of cost of construction. Ht Senator advocated the Htvc Logan pro- vc it. he Senator Williams ridiculed the idea ye a littla canal with twenty-one foot do locks , such us was now con- ro ided for , being sufficient. Ho ro- rdod _ auch work from a national llli tiidpoint as practically worthless. to Senator Windom , in reply to Son- teA < > r Williams , said the Now York and io canal had been a success , though ap width was but eighteen foot , Ho of lid not understand why a twenty- B foot canal should not bo equally : cetsful in Illinois. Ho denied ap it there was any warrant for what toi 1 boon assorted iu the debate as to the worthlo.iancss of the Illinois canal , and referred to the competition charges by rail lj show that lower canal r.xlos had exerted material in- llneneo In cheapening transportation. A like showing was npparent in behalf - half of canals in other portions of the country. Instead of deferring action until n great ship c.uml could bo con structed , the senate should respond to the demand of the weal for something practical. Senator Logan said it had boon charged that the state of Illinois wanted to get rid of the Illinois nnd Michigan canal bccauso that work wns an elephant on its hands. The facts were that the said canal had boon pro fitable nnd the stnto wanted to turn it over to the United States as a connec tion with n gront , wntor wny between the enat nnd the woat by wny of the lakes for the bonolit of commerce gen erally. Senator llutlor nskod why Illinois did not undertake the building of the proposed oxtonaion. Sonntor Lognn replied thnt by the recent amendment of her constitution , the atato waa prohibited from engaging in railroad or canal building. Ho quoted from the late report by State Engineer Seymour , of Now York , thnt in the item of lumber alone the tonnage nago of the Now York ami Krto cnnn Inst year wns moro than double thnt o tlio whole tonnage for the year 1811 : Ho thought the increase of value o canal business of late years furnished sufficient answer to arguments \vliic trould not hnvo boon moro zonloual ; urged if their authors had been pan attornoyn of railroads. Senator llnwloy maintained the In adequacy of canal catimntoa , and Mr Allison quoted statements of the on gineera who had measured the water pcwor of Rock river , to substantiate the accuracy of his previous assertions on the point. Senator Butler's amendment waa carried 29 to 21. _ On motion of Senator Logan , n pro yiaion wns added for survey of the Ill inois and Michigan canal and esti mates of the cost of enlarging th aamo , etc. The quo.stlon recurring upon the committee amendment ai lunt'iutcd , the ayes and nays were or derod. Senator llnwloy wnntod n delinito understanding in order thnt the ammo of the senate , as express , d by its vote refusing to bind the government to undertake the work until a full sur vey of the whole canal could bo pre sented , might not be nullified. Senator Allison criticised what ho milled the nervous anxiety of aoiutora in the matter , and explained thnt the [ ) rovlaion wns exactly similar to every jthor for survey Senator I'ondlolon moved to strike jut authority to the Bocrotary of war .o determine nnd locate the route of .ho canal , sq aa to avoid the possibility ) f the construction thai the govcrn- uont wns committed to the work. Carried. Of the 28 votes for Sonntor Butler's imondmunt , 23 came from .ho demo- xatic aido. Sonntor Davis , of Illinois , jlormnn , Pugh , Ransom and Wnlkor otod no , and the other negative ro- iponaea.vroro given by republicans. nodifiod , was adopted. It'provides' or the survey of the Honnopen canal onto with estimates of the coat of onstruction nnd annual coat of main- onanco and use when completed , and or the aurvey of the Illinois and ilichigan canal , and estimates of the oat of enlarging it , etc. , so as to male Is dimei'sions correspond with th lonnopin connection , and appro dates $100,000 for the purpose. Re ort to bo made next session. The omaining committee amendments - agreed to. c Discussion followed upon the ii mendniGnt offered nnd ndvocatod by 1 onator Fryo , prohibiting the oxpon ituro of nny part of the $5,000,000 ppropriatod for the Miaaiaaippi river JVCCB in reclaiming or protecting uids , or otherwise , than in deep ning the channel and improving nav , 'ation. Senator Jones quoted n provision i the bill to nhow that it expressly N rohibitod the building of leveeu ex ppt where , in the judgment of the Ivor commission , these are necessary 3 a part of the plan to afl'ord eaao lid safety to the commerce of the b ver nnd to deepen the channel. Ho n ) gardod the amendment as aubatnnk ally identical and much leas deuir- bio. bio.Senator Senator Kellogg argued that the nendment would unneccasarally reA rict and handicap a commission ant ; ilard them in closing gaps. Sonntors Harrison and Conger pro irrod the phraseology of the amend- : out to that of the bill , as lesa am guoua , nnd Senators Hoar nnd ayard opposed it , believing that the irwliction of the commission ought jt to bo restricted as proposed , The nondmont waa rejected by n vote of to'vW. ! A committee was appointed to attend 10 Newburg celebration , Adjourned. JIOUBU rilOUKKIIINGH. Mr , Crape submitted a report of to conference committuo on the bill enable national banks to extend - cat oir corporate existence. at Mr. Randall made the point ot or- tli ir that the report was not accompun- itwi i with the explanatory statement re- wi wih lirod by the rule. wiB Being sustained , the conference ro- B irt was withdrawn. or Tlio house wont into committee ono orwl wlC o sundry civil appropriation bill , ) C o pending amendment being that BU iking out the proviso restricting in dto stigation of the national board of dtvl alth to the diseases of cholera and vl How fever. II After debate the amendment was IIh looted. Mr. Poole offered an amendment ; luding small pox among diseases bo investigated by the board , lopted. Mr. Aldrich offered an amond.nont preprinting ? G1,000 for the repair the Chicago custom house , Ito- itod. Mr , KOBBOII offered an amendment preprinting 815,000 to repair the CUB- n house at Dea Moines , Adopted , Mr. Bayuo offered an amendment appropriating $25,000 to enable the president to carry out the provisions of the statutes authorizing him to ap point n commission to examine appli cants for ollico. After debate the amendment was rejected J5 to fi-l. After consideration of forty-throo of the eighty-live pages of the bill the committee rose. Oil motion of Mr. llifcock , the sen ate joint Resolution was passed author ising payment temporarily of certain employes of the war department. Tlio speaker announced the appoint ment of the couumttoo for the Newburg - burg celebration. Adjourned , SPOUTING , Nitlonkl AiwoclMwl Trent. ItUlllHTON 1IIUCH IIAOF.S , NKW YOKK , July 0. The races the Brighton beach association co tinned yesterday. First race , purse $250 , handicap , all agon , mile and three furlongs , was won by Mnliso , Brambnlittn , second ; time 2:25. : Second race , purse $250 , nil ages , mile and a furlong , was won by Bed ouin , Ida B. second ; time 1:5"J. : Third race , purse $200 , nil ages , seven furlongs , was won by Joe Mur ray , Sprague second ; lime 1JO : ! ] . Fourth race , purse $200 , maidens , all ages , ono milo , was won by Kloctor , Lord Kdward second ; time l-lij. : ( The fifth race , Btoolo-chaao , was de > - olarod off. LONO 1IUANUH HACr.S. LONO liuANiiu , N. J. July 8. The Monmouth Park association continued its mooting yesterday. First race , handicap sweepstakes , all ngos , was won by Oildoa , Fair Count second ; time , 2-ll : | . Second race , match $1,000 each , gentleman riders , ono mile , was won by Corsair , llospodar second ; time , Tliird raco. purse $500 , two-year- olds , live furlongs , was won by Wood- ( lower , Carlyle second ; time , 1OIJ. ; Fourth race , handicap sweepstakes , three-year-olds , milo and a furlong , was won by Infanta , Duplex second ; time , 2:01. : Fifth race , mammoth cup atrcop- stakes , all ages , two miles and n quar ter , wns won by Eole , Oirotlo second ; time l)7f. : ( ) Sixth race , purse $500 , all ages , selling allowances , one milo , was won by Marathan , Jim Carroll second ; time 1:45J. : Seventh race , Corinthoan stakes , handicap for gentlemen ridera , ono mile , was won by Arsenic , Bennie Oaks second ; time 1IL : ! ) Eighth race , purse $700 , handicap jteoplo chase , all ngos , ever loin ; course , was won by Felix , Kitty Clark lecond ; time f > :2A. : ( ! " 1L1IAI.I | , . At Chicago Chicagos I ) , Troya 0. At Now York I'rovidoiico 8 , Mot- opolitana 2. At Philadelphia Cincinnatis , Uhlotics S. At Boston Philadelphia 7 , Bos ons 0. Flroi. National Asaoclatod I'rcne. ? 50,000 ; fully insured. Bodion Rooovoroil. rational AwioclatcJ I'refls. MINHO JUNCTION , O. , July 8. The lodius of Miss Culp and a little girl lave boon rosovorcd ; also three moro .ot . identified. Coal Mliiors' Strlbo- utloinl AfHOcUtod 1'rois. ' CiiArrANoooA , Tenn. , July 8. The : ml minors' strike at tlio Pratt mines ( ) i Alabama continues. The strikers ave been replaced by convicts. Suioldo. atloiml Ind. , July 8. A. D. [ cCarthy , attorney , io have been larried yesterday , suicided by shoot- ig. Cause , unknown. MlncollniinGim ForolKti Nnwg. ntlonal AHtoclatoil 1'rutm. PAJUS , July 8. The steamer MOB- ra has passed through the Arctic Sea , laching Krainojkara. LONDON , July 8. The Hilladalos uat the Marlow crow at the Marlow igatta on the Thames by n cloai C ngth. ii RUNAWAYS.n B ( Butl Duy for Ownora of llorao iiC . C ( KlOHll. VI Lower I'lirnam ntroet witnessed an ; clting runaway just uftor 1 o'clock ti iturday , the active participants ling the team of I'oter Johnson , of ol vinglon. The horses slashed across olhi until street , the wagon making an hihi fonml racket , and the driver , Air. 01 ihnson , excitedly talking to thorn in 01di ; andiiiavian ICuglish. When In le out of Richards' restaurant they lem ok io thn sidewalk , and the way the ov 'destriuns scattered was ludicroun to ihold , Everybody oxpoclod the am would outer ono of the stores , it they didn't ; they whooped over the woighmastor'a ' ollico on Eleventh to root , turned gracefully and shot over de o scales , ripping up BOIIIO boards , pu id bounded off toward Harnoy , up enN liich they turned , and , again taking N ( o BidowulK , were stopped by Frank oh swors at Twelfth street. Mr. Bow- do H had just stopped to the corner ion the team cnino up , and ho grab- d the bridle of ono and hold him N ccosafullv. Mr. Johnson , the ivor , had become Boated on the bot- im m of the wugon before this , in un lich position ho hung on to the an ics , The roiiHoh ho failed to stop stc u riinawiiys was that the bridle was ta : ' ono of them. of oniKii IIUKAKH. ofbu A team brought up in front of iorgo I'aterson'fl coal ollico on Thir- mtli street Saturday morning , doing iht { damage , Di A runaway on Oipitol avenue fill rtod up Fourteenth street Sat- CO lay , but the driver steered the COCo raos into Henry Siort's barn , nick IJr an ick beyond , and the appalling catas- cai > pho that might have occurred was frtiV ivontod , tiV CORRUPTION FOR CASH. A Sickening Proposition From the Sister of the Assassin , The Body of the Murderer Of fered to the Highest Bidder. Loss Odorous Mementoes of "Qod'/s / Mnn" to Go Under - dor the Hammer. Stfirrntiou Sinrni Her in the Fnoo nnd Cimh Alunt bo Sqnoozod out of Brother' * Uonon. Tlio Indecent Drlbblo ot n Fomftlco llyona. The Crnnlc Family. National OiiiUAtio , July 9. The following letter has boon forwarded by Mra. Scovillo to Uov. Dr. Uicka , the spiri- lunl ndviaor of the late Quitoau : Itcv. Dr. 1 ticks : DKAH SinI hear terrible reports as to the disposal of my brotlior'a bed } ' . I undoratand it waa to quietly remain where it wns buried until it should bo thought snfo for us to remove - move it to n suitable plnco of inter- mont. The pnpor which I signed said that wo should hnvo the privi lege of . removing the body whenever wo desired to do so. That contract has boon violated by the removal of the body to the museum without my permission. I , for ono , earo most decidedly as to ev erything connected with his body. His life nnd his money I cnro nothing for. The doctors quarrelled on the . Dr. Lamb's nutopsy. report la con clusive evidence of his insanity , but aside from that 1 can , if necessary , call a witness who saw the autopsy and will loll the truth , and who says there ia not the shallow of n doubt of Ouitoau'a insanity , as proved by what ho Baw t the nutopsy. Of course such evidence destroys the will , the donation of the body , the book copy right nnd all. I think 1 understand why the copyright was wanted , why noti'H of his last hours nnd sayings were wamod , why the story of the poisoned pilleta nnd the poisoned bou quet were sinted. Some people think the Guitonu buainnas ia ended , but as the shout wont up from the crowd ns the signal announced that Charles duitoau was hanging in mid air , I said Lho Guitoau business has just begun. 1'ho stalwarts have "put their foot in it. " Why I Because many people bo- iovo that every official from the pros- dent down know ho wns as crazy ns a oon. It would hnvo boon cheaper for .ho Blalwarts to have taken care of Juitoau. Their purpose , ns I under- itand it , urns to allay any suspicion } ( any complicity anywhere in the nurdor of Uarfield. How hnvo .hoy succeeded ? f The courflo they , has , been the very one o' . < , , , [ appeal to you to take such a course is will protect the president , nnd hrouch him the stalwarts , from any uapicion in the future. I should beery ory sorry to hnvo the republican larty wrecked by a suspicion that my ioor , crazy brother was juat crazy nough to take a hint convoyed to im by artful politicians and to carry ; out successfully just crazy enough > impart his secret to ono rho would never bo suspected f being his confidant , and 'ho ' did not himself realize the im- ortanco of what ho was told , but ho mfossed to ono who did realize the hole purport of the revolution , ipccially when taken in conjunction ith Bovoral letters convoyed secretly y this iinmo person for the poor crazy inn from hit ) cell to his sister. Ho ink this way of posting her. "Murder ill out , " nnd this out after the : > or follow was in glory. I have imo lottora from Charles , which I mil very soon hnvo published. I ivo n mortgngo of $500 now over- jo on household goods nnd I am jgotiating with n clothing firm to buy harloa' lint , for enough to moot the itorest. Starvation nnd want stare io in the face , unless I can realize imothing from his effects. The moat uportant paat of his estate is the ipyright of his book , and the market iluo of his poor body. Nothing but , ro necessity induces me to think of y brother's body as an nrticly of aflic , but as it is , I have already boon jsocratcd. I now offer what remains ' his poor mutilated body to the ghost bidder for cash. My feelings ivo already boon shocked and lac- vitod beyond restoration. Now I > sire to have you surrender to my al representative in Washington y brother's remains , copyright , nnd urylhingluft by him. Yours' res'y , ( Signed ) FIIANOEB SOOVILLH. THK AUTOl'.SY. WAHIUNOTON , D. 0. , July t ) . Doors rs Reynolds nnd Murphy in n card ny the nllogation of llov. Hicks , Wished to-day , regarding interfor- co on the autopsy on Guitoau. utlior Sewers nor Ilartigan offered Sections or uttered a word to causa lay. TlioTolmooo Tax. .tlonal AsBOcIated Press. BOSTON , July 0. Twonty-fivo firms , porters of cigara and cigarette , have itod in n request to Sonatoni Dawos d Hoar , to make every effort to rc- ire the rebate clauses in the tobacco c bill , claiming that the reduction , tax without rebate will proatrato sitioss. _ _ A Genera Stampede. Never was such n rush inwlo for any : iiB store as Is now at O. F , Gomlinnn's. a Trial HoUlo of Dr. Klug'a New DU- , -ery for OoiiHUUiiitton , Coughs and Ids. All persons nUHcted with Asthma , uiicliltin , Hoamoneas. Severe Coughs , or y utfectioii of the Throat and Lmics , \ get a Trial Uottle of thin great remedy t , hy calllug at nbovo uoiued ) K