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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1882)
fr * x I HE MAHA I E rWELFTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB , , WbD'NKSDAY MOUISiXU JUNE ' ,21 , 188' , ' . 3 , THE SAGE OF SHAWNEE. Single Weft and Mono Ho Bat tles With Mouopoists in Their Own House. His Invincible Logic. Secures Support From the Enemy. The Land Grant Question Be fore the Commerce Com mittee. The Doctored Democratic Elec toral Bill Defeated in the House. Tlio Afmainin'n Claims for Llfoto lie Laid Before the President , A Variety of Other Events From the National Capital. CAPITAL NOTES. K\liorul Associated 1'rcss. UAILUOAl ) LANDS. WABHINOTON , Juno 20. The ac tion of the house judiciary committee- in the matter of the land grants of the Northern Pacific railway ia said to bo delayed by the firm stand by Richard W. Townshend , of Illinois , member of the committee. From first to last ho atood erect nnd immov able upon the equities uf the public. Other members of the committee pioparod a report in favor of the rail way company ! but Townshond drew up report in favor ot the people. At first Townshend's report was termed the minority report , and had not moro than ono adherent with himself out of the whole committee , but time nnd reflection brought recruits until at the present moment the issue is de layed by the custodians of the report in favor of the railway company for fear that upon the final test Towns- hond'o report in favor of the public would receive the sanction of the ma jority. The area of laud involved is greater than that of the united king dom of Great Britain and Ireland. THE OENEVA COMMISSION. The cabinet meeting to-day waa short and unimportant. The Geneva award commmii'in was considered and ox-Senator Harlnn and Judge Wells agreed upon. The third member was not selected. THE A > * HA SIN'K LAST noi'K. Guiteau'fl counsel called at the do- > fartraont ot j istico to-day , and had a 'long consultation with the pirdon , , clork. It is understood ho will ask [ I f the president to commute the uon- tenco to imprisonment for lifo. nOClOKS AND LUNACY. M , " llepd'haw' in lib -jtosatisioivu gteac mass 'of letters from prominent phy siciana throughout the country pro testing against the execution of Gui- trau on the grounds of insanity. Theao letters ho proposes to file with the president when ho makes applwi- fion for commutation of scntenco. Kov. Mr. Hicka says Guitcau will Viover repent this side of the grave. I'EUCVIAN IXljUIUY. Trcscott was before the Shipherd \mf \ committee to-day. Ho refused to tell Belmont whether ho drafted the dis patch to Hurlbut of Juno 15 , 1881 , on thu ground of a brenoh of ollijia ! confidence. After the executive ses sion Troscott was informed the ques tion was waived. Witness waa then discharged. KNIT .SHIftTS. Secretary Folgor aays ho will soon isauo a circular tocollectora of customs fixinz a spuoifio duty of 50 conti per pound on knit shirts and drawers. KTAP. ItOUTE TIUALS. The star route session was devoted to the testimony of clerks as to routoa and contracts. Defense objected to the examination of route 41,155 , as the only allegation in the indictment was that it had been increased on false petitions , and the petitions had been admitted to bo genuine. The court overruled the objection. An exception was noted , and court ad journed. TUB TAUIKK COMMISSION. The soiiito remained in executive session nearly two hours. There was a sharp debate on the composition of the tariff commission without any poiBonal objection to its members , - nd they woio finally confirmed by n of 32 to 22. 7k senate also confirmed ten of the nominations for justices of the pouco for the district of Columbia. John A. Moas ( colored ) , was objected to and ho wont ovor. THE HKl'UIIUOAN CAUCU.H was in session throe hours. The only subject of consideration was Kelly' ; ) internal revenue bill , about which there was great diversity ot opinion. It was decided not to take the tax off bank capital or whisky. The internal revenue bill will coma up nftor the li brary bill ia disposed of. The caucus i was fairly attended , but was no ; full , the nbaonno of Kelly being noticeable. CONGRESS. Notional Annotated Press. HENATE I'llOUEEDING.1- . WASHINGTON , Juno 20. Senate at two o'clock resumed consideration of the national bank bill , but made no progress beyond speeches by Senators } Hill ( Col ; and West. At 3:40 : p. m. senate > ent into elective session and soon alter adjourned. e if HOUfci ; I'UOC'KKIIINllh. j | tfhaaennto bill directing thn secrod _ .f.'y of the treasury to ascertain and n report to congress the amounts of Ii v-lnimi of certain states for repelling pi ( and suppressing Indian invasions , A passed. cc Seiute bill for public buildings b < awed with the appropriations re- tl uced $150,000. iu Mr. Kelley gayo notice ho would at ot call up the bill abolishing taxes fa in tobacco manufacturers until action of * ns taken on the presidential count bill. bill.Tho The committee on commerce report ed adversely to Belmont "a reduction of the tonnage- bill , on the ground thnt it would bo of greater advantage to foreign ship owners than to Ameri can. can.Mr. . Howard ( Ga. ) opposed the elec toral bill , saying , with all duo respect to the committee , ho desired to re mark that instead of the bill carrying into the oiled the provisions of the constitution regarding the election of president , it is n lull to organize hell in the United States , It ia n bill which would bring wnr , nnd the bit ter experience of the past few years show that this ia only the fitting word to expresa ita terrors.JJ- * Mr. llowitt apoko in favor of the bill , taking occasion to remark that if any man said ho ( Hewitt ) was ani mated in his course by other than pa triotic motives , ho said what waa faiso , nnd if ntiy ono Raid his course waa without the knowledge or against the advice of the one chiefly con cerned ( Tilden ) , that statement waa also false. The concluding sections of the bill , submitting the question of the claimant to the circuit court and a jury , ho admitted ho did not per sonally favor , but many thought it wise , and its provipiono were included iii the bill placed in his hands by higher democratic authority , nnd which hnd been largely drawn upon by the committee in framing this bill. Mr. UpdegrafT spoke in support of the bill. Mr , Brown's motion to strike out all that portion of the bill which refers contests to the court ? , was adopted without division , Mr. Updograff nlono voting against striking it out. A vote was than taken on the bill and it was defeated yeas 93 , noyslOO , democrats voting for the bill and ro- pubhcaim ayainstiit. The house also rotiiaod by a large majority" to take up for third reading the snnato bill for which this was sub stituted. Mr. Robinson ( NY ) gave notice that if the committee on toreigu affairs does ii'h.goou report on his resolution relative to American citizens in British prisons , ho will ask that it bo taken trom it and considered , Mr. Orth replied that the committee had prepared n report and would pre sent it on Saturday. The house then took up the bill ap propriating § 1.000,000 for a congres sional library building , and , after a speech by Mr. Rico ( Jlusa. ) in favor , the house at 5Lo : p. in. adjourned. Mai-iiio Nitlonal Asoclatod Pipo. Nuw VoitK , J'tno 20. Sailed : Abvusinia and Erin for Liverpool. LivKiii-ooL , June 20. Arrived : Wmtphiiha from Hamburg. GLASOO.W , Junn20. Arrived : Lake Winnipeg and Brooklyn from Now York. York.HoNTiiBAL HoNTiiBAL , Juno20. Sailed : Celtic for Now York. _ - , -A SptrrnAMI-TON/-'iinv SO.t SUt * tder ) from Bremen for Now York. Drowned. National Associated I'rciu WHITEHALL , III. , June 20. The son of Samuel Martin , aged 12 , and Andrew Mungor , were drowned m Hurricane creek , near Houpyvillo to day. The Dond DaXjoug niitl Pnrjy. National Associated I'-CSH. NK\V YOKK , Juno 20. A Herald cable thia morningaaya W. H. Gilder , correspondent wuh the Rojrerj , reports ports from Loi.a Doha , under date of April 12th , that the dead bodies of Lieut. DcLnig and ten of his crow ivero fi.und on the 2I1J of March , near the wreck of the siow. Tms Hat in cludes Ambler , Collins , Knock Dressier sier , Gorlz , Leo , Ivatson , Boyd , Alexia and Ah Sam. All bore traces uf in tense suffering and hardships. They were buried by Gilder's pirty and n monument erected with ilio timbers of the wrecked vessel. Blown to the Bottom. National Associated 1'rcea. DKTKOIT , Mich. , Juno 20. The barge Norway was cut loose from hur tow during a gale on Lake Huron Sunday last , nnd lias not since boon loard from. She had a crow of four nen. Tlio Ghost uf Lizzlo. ftitlonaj Associated I'tean. HAitvEYSiii'ita , 0. , June 20. Mrs. Darka Dakin died thia morning from 'right nt what fiho believed waa the ipeotro of Miss Liiwto Milligan , who -uicided nt the Daliin residence some veeks a o , and Mrs , Dakin nnd her lusband believe r > ho has haunted the louse over since. Toimossoo > omoornta < National A.-wocUted I'ro-b. NASHVILLE , Juno 20. The atato lomocratip convention assembled here o-duy with T. M. McConnell , low axoa , aa temporary chairman. Unl- od ( States .Senator llarria ia the nest favorublo aspirant for uovornor. Gene to Boston. Utlonul AsMcuud fiost. NJW ; YOHK , Juno 20.--Michael Davitt wont to Boston at 8 a. in. Indication * . [ atlonal As.ioclati.-a ficut WASHINGTON , Juno 21,150 : a. m. ' "or _ the upper Mississippi and Mia- ouri valleys , occasional rains , warmer outhoast to [ southwest wind * , jurtly loudy weather , stationary or lower aromoter. The Missouii will rise. The Father of Industries atloiul Absoclatcd 1'rcas. OATASQUA , Pa. , Juno 20. Tlio von- rablo David Tliomas , founder of the on industries in the Lohigh valley , led this evening after n lingering ill- ess , in his eighty-eighth year. Hia fo was identified with the birth and rogrosa of the iron industries iu merica , and la known all ever the mntry in that connection. Ho was Di-n in Wales in 17U4 , and came to lis country in 1830 to act as super- tondont of the Crane Iron company Catasqua. Ho hold the position r twenty years , and in 1854 was ono the founders of the Thomas Iron company , of which his son , Sjmuoli8 president nnd general superintendent. All his lifo ho has been devoted to the iron Industrie ? , and much of what han boon done towards perfecting the sys tem of iron making hoa como from him. Ilo was n prominent director of the Lfhigh Valley railroad company , nnd trustee of Lafayette college , lip look nn nctivo part in business until up to his last illness. CORN CROP. Not n , Very Fln-ttortiiff Prospect , OmrAcio , Juno 20 A prominent commission linn have reports from 1,400 correspondents. They say : "When our correspondenta in many sections of the great corn producing bolt of thn country , informs us this late date that corn is not nil yet plnnt- od , that much will have to bo replant ed , and with few exceptions report the crop in a very backward condition , wo confess it causea a good deal of ap prehension for the outlook of the greatest nnd moat important of our cereals. Many localities report a good stand , nnd wo nro pleased to note very general expressions ol hopefulness on the part of our cot respon dents that , with a Into nnd favorable season from now on , crops may yet como out all right. But , coupled with their statements of the present unfavorable condition of crops at largo , wo take it the "wish is father to the thought" rather than their hopes are based on actual belief that the corn belt will produce oven an average crop. The cause of the back ward condition is generally nttributod to cold weather. Tins has been gen erally succeeded by warm nnd grow ing weather , which begets now hope fulness. The outlook in Kansas is decidedly the most favorable of any of the loading corn growing states. The outcome nt largo can only bo de termined against it in the start. In pleasing contrast with corn are HUII.LIANT I'UOSl'KCTS now reported for perhaps much tlio largest crop of oats ever reaped in this country. The acreage is largely in- croaacd , and scarcely without excep tion our roporta are of the most prom ising nature. The hay or grass crop is now generally reported doing well , but a careful study of the field at large indicates very considerably shortage. Great damage was done meadows by thu unprecedented drought last year , and many sections report clover par ticularly badly winter killed. In ad dition to this quite eorioua damngo in portions of Indiana , Missouri and Il linois , from dreary , warm and cold wet weather also caused alow growth. Another largo shortage iu corn and grass crop ? this ycur would provo nl- most a commercial calamity nnd WA ) hopu may not bo experienced. SPORTING. National Aawclited Press. CONKY mii0tihg 0t the Couay Island jockey club con lined to-day. First race , all ages , nelling allowance , mile , waa won by F.iircount. Strathspog socoud ; time , 1:4G. : Second race , surf stakes for two year olds , five furlongs , was won by Jacobus , Gaorgo Kenny second ; time , 1:05. : ' Third race , all ages , mile and a quarter , waa won by Giraflo , Hickory second ; time , 2:13. : Fourth race , sweepstakes , all age ? , gentleman riders at welter weights , three and n half miles , was won by Vampire , Guasio BI second ; time , 5:2U. : Filth raeo , handicap sweepstakes , all ages , mile and n half , was won by General Monroe , Wartiold second ; time , 2:41. : bixth race , steeplechase handicap , short course , waa won by Ohio Boy , King Dutchman second ; time , 4:03J. : IIAHI ; HALL. Buri'ALO , Juno 20 Bulfiloa 1 , Troya 5. CLKVELAND , Juno 20-Clovolands 5 , Boatons 3. CnioAiiO , Juno 20. Chicagos 13 , Worcestors 3. DETUOIT , Juno 20. Datroits 3 , Providence 12 CINCINNATI , Juno 20.--0incinnatis 0 , Alloghanics 1. Tires. N..tloiul Associated I'rosa. PuiLADELi'Hi , Juno 20. It. Beobo'a woolen waste Btoio house. West Phil adelphia , and two adjoining- build ings , were destroyed by fire this morn ing. LJJS § 70,000. The utoam pick ing and lubricating works of McKon- : ihurn & Co. were totally destroyed by lire. Loss § 11,000 otock ; § 5,000 . building. The adjoining building of . Ooo , D. Hill's , bukory , was damaged 81,000. , ALIIANV , N. V , Juno 20 The Johnson harvester works at BrockjiDrt wo.o destroyed by incendiary fire this morning. Lees § 500,000 ; insured for 8200.000 in thirty-fivo companies. Four hundred and fifty men are thrqwn cut of employment. Kdward Heath is supposed to have perished in thnjUmop. N. Y. , June 20. The lestruction of the Johnston harvester .varies . at Brock port this morning was jompleto , with the exception of the 'urnaco and blacksmith shop. AH ho machines built during the winter ind spring for this year's trade were mrned. Two men , Kdwnrd Heath , nventor of the Heath binder , and a yood worker named James Boyd , were n mrned to death. The books and pa- iors of the concern were saved. It is iretty certain that the fi'o was of an ncondiary origin , and Ohas. McCoy , rho was refused work aomo time ago nd is known to have made threats , as been arrcatod on suspicion and Jdgcd in jail. ' The IKuights of Labor. ntlonal Associated J'rtef , PniLADELi-HiA , Juno 20. Mungor liter of The Libor World , organ of 10 Knights of Labor , declines to > nspnt to call for a convention to pininato a state ticket. The Grand 'nights have no business to interfere i politics. THE HURRICANE'S ' HAVOC. Pod Pictutos of the Appalling Destruction of Grinnoll , Sceuoa of Death and Desolation That Brlncr Tears From the Hardest Eoart. The Frightful Fury of the atorm DoEoribod by Bye WitnosQOB. A Grnphio Shotch of tlio Ruin It Appeared tlio Morning After . * Tlio Cosy lloraoa Wlpeh Out Near Malcom. Kyo witnesses of the destruction of Grinnoll , and correspondent who visited the city the day nftor , graphi cally describe the wrccki The Chicago cage papers of Monday'contain the following additional dotnils : A wall of sorrow hunga over Grin- neil "to-dny. A storm thnt has no counterpart in its awful sorority vis ited thnt beautiful village laat night nnd desolated many previously happy homos. Upward of seventyflvo houses iri1 the town nro destroyed nlono , nnd wild the devastation wrought in the cduntry the number will exceed one hundred. During the day the weather had boon unusually hot , and toward evening ominous looking clouds hung in the northwest. About 0 o'clock a deep nnd sullen roar like the approach of Bovoral rapidly moving freight trains was heard , but before the cauao of the peculiar phenomena was surmised the storm had burst in nil its fury. Striking the town upon the northwest quarter , it cut a sinuous path through the most beauti ful residence part of the town , carry ing death and destruction in its path. Every animate and inanimate object was picked up in ita relentless grasp and hurled to death nnd destruction. Houses were nnnihilatud , fences ob literated , trees broken elf like straw * , or in some cases the trunks worp loft .standing , stripped of every vontigo of foliage and peeled clean of Iho bark , leaving but a white monument of the fury of the storm. Sidewalks wore picked up and tossed about , each par ticular plank being converted ! into AN KNUINK 01' DKATIU in the circling grasp of thoat iu. In the lijht ( of the terrible danngc done it BOODIS almost miraculous i Hit tlu ro waa u it grautur loss of life.11 There can bo but one way to uccoun\iur \ it Many of the village people weroudown town < ) ! ? ing the usual. Saturday ' ing iftS gg Tliebtuio of the towiKjScapeil , and-in shia v/a greater loss of lifo was prevented. Th soono in the track of tlio storm beggar description. The storm was seen firs coming from the southwest , swcepin up to the northwest corner of th town , leveling Jingo trees in itu path way nnd taking A. A. Foster' * ) house and bar. ) , leveling both to the groum and carrying Mr. an4 Mrs. Foster am their two children thirty yards , pro eiitating | them amidst debris , al injured. Just east of FOR t-r's was II. 0 , Pitman's house also COMI'lKTKLY LiVHLKI : > , burying beneath it Pntinnn , hia wifi and their three children , tlio wife's aiator and hur little baby. Foster too ) out the . 'I year old girl , flattie , dead Tim boy , Harry , aged 10 , was fatally injured , and Arthur ulightly iujur , d Not fur .way was the residence of Mr , and Mm. Lewis , an old Kontleiuai : and lady , who were both killed. Charles , their son , wan atDja Monies , : and thus escaped. From here the storm puisued a zigzag direction to the north of the city , when , aftei : wiping out the finest residence portion of the city , it turned toward the col- logo. The west building was dumped into a heap of lath and plaster and broken timber , burying beneath it eight students who roomed therein , . all of whom were afterwards extri cated more or lens injured and one died. The west cullego. a five story building , was unroofed and a fire fol lowed. After completing its work of demolition at the college , the whirling lend &truck straight across the Ioi.ii Central railroad , and directly in its ; > ath lay cars. Thu great mogul engine .U-TJiJ : C'OMI'LKflJLV OKI- TUB THAI h ind thn trttin toppled on either siciu at .ho whim of the wind. Acrotu iln < .rack wan the building of Prof. . / . W Jhrunberl.un , ttvasurer of the colligv , vlii'ili was gathered up in section ! ) ittni lumped ia a disjointed hcnp , portion ! ) ipsidu dnvtn , irtolt lovably ruined , 3r. II. N. Scott'ti housewao turned ilmost completely around. 0.V , lobart's elegant residence and barn ire completely gone. Near by nncn teed the two-story homo in which Hiss Abbio Agard wes killed. There H hardly a sign loft of it. In the icinity stood the house of 11) ' Me- ) onnoll , who was going around almost lamented , carrying a lantern in which hero was no glass or light , shaking it ip and down in search of valuable pa tera which were blown away , 'Iho i louse was a pile of lath , splinters , nd plaster. Retracing our stops niong the ACUKl OK 11UINH 11 the vicinity , wo came to a block fhich contained nine houses , nil but no leveled to the ground. In one louse of this block four parsons were illod , Mr. Ford and wife , the hired irl and Mr. Tuttun , In this vicinity \ W. Willinms'u IIOUBU was unroofed , 'rof. llorrick's and Mrs. MorrU' two ai"I OUBOB were bunched together. Not "I ! oil stood Sanders' fine OC ; IT Lucy resi- unco , and what of it that is not scat- urod over the adjoining country is umpod into the cellar. There- wore 01 : n people in Banders' cellar , ' and ell BOca scaped. Mr , Taylor'a nnd Mra. Day's OUBCS are both gone , also the hoinu f Hon. 0. F. Graver , nnd also the ca irgo now residence ot Andrew Lnrra- is bee. The side and lop of H. 11. Olark's house were blown off , also his barn. The homo of Merrill , of Kimball - ball A. Merrill , is unroofed. Then fol lowed r.ow * OH HOVSIS : as lUt on the ground ai the NIU o will allow , niiioni * thtim John Ctrhnrt's , Hufus Ufol.or'8 , and 15 Shatra.edi'or of The Signal ; then Prof. lluck'n reoi- donee , and 1. . U. Pholns' , and the house biitonging to Mr. Hnyee. The hurricane look everything north uf President Mnifoun'n homo , leavtiii' that uninjutei ) . In the northwest corner of the city the storm lovcled the hi.uso of Wilnoit KHis , as alao tha of , ) . M. lloas. Hia wife WIM olitihlly injured , nnd the house i > f Henry Spanlding was leveled. Then the homo of Kimball , of Kinib.Ol & Mer rill , dry goods dealers. A. . ) . Pres ton's houao wan moved BIX feet from ita foundation. Thu residence of At torney Dunn waa leveled , nho that of G. H. Gruwull , n dry x ods merchant , and the now house of liruhani , a mer chant tailor. Near huto JIUS. (1K1&WOM ) WAH KILI.KII and her house demolished. , lohn Merrill's housu was blown a distance apparently in the teeth of the wind. Not a sign is left of the IIOURO of Madison Howard. The house of George llair.lin , cashier of the First National bank , is in ruinn. George Jennings' now $5,000 house is in kindling wood and broken plaster. Two houses belonging to Mr. U.ilo- ham , and rented by Misses Lewis and Dills , were obliterated , all the houses of James llanlan , Phillip Clendening , Henry Jamca , Henry Pitm n , Mar cus Wightman , William Oullison , Deacon Ford's two housec , W. Nea ly'u ' , nnd Mr. Hoilor's. The houao o A. E. Keihfrod was COMPLKTKl.Y IllMOI.lSBll ! : > , and himself and wifu taken from th ruins nearly dead , Mrs. Stewart's lama was blown half a block , the fragment jamming the corner of Jones' house Frank Carroll , stealing a ride froi Davenport , wasj on a Hock IMam freight train that wan carried oil' th track , ho lies at the Chapin houa with a broken shoulder-blade am nose. Ilonry Moore , the Hock Islam brakcman , is dying in convulsions a the Cliapin houno. The scenes arounc the ruins are heart-rending , familit wandering over the wrecks of thoi homes in a dnxed sort of way , roplj ing williiu'ly to all questions uskci and laughing in a pathetic manner a some ridiculous incident , while som near and dear friend is dead or dying Ono young girl was heard * to say 11AI.1' IV TUAKS AND HALF IX LAUilHTKl that she- believed nho had loiitid th frignient of her room , and was look ing lor Bonio article by which to kno\ it. Shu stooped and picked up a pho tograph nnd burst into team. It wa thu picture of her little sister , wholia bosn killed. Many ofthosq * ' ivhild IhrffhoMl-c were carried from over their" 'heads A. J. Preaton wua away from hi homo and saw the funnel fury coining IIo tried to roach his home , but th tornado caught up with him , nnd h kept himself from being blmwn nwn , by clinging to the roots of n tree. C F. Graver , whoso wife and three children dron were luckily away on a visit cared himself nnd hired girl by NiiKKiNa nui'uoi : IK THU Ho Bays before they wont , tliero h could see the air filled with Jlyin tinibom , AVJien they bcran ; to com iw easily through the woodwork a the window glass , ho sought under ground refuge. George Christian tool his wife nnd children into the cellar nnd all were saved. II in houao id somewhat dnniiiged , The en in house , where seventeen of the deat bodies are laid out , presents a sigh that brings back uriny days. Tin jther dead are around in the wrccki > f their homes , whuro enough was lef for fihelter , or sent to the houses o : friends. These who are familiar witl ho varied localities of this terribly-nf licted little city are nwaro that it was jrnamented with OTTONWOOI ) OH hOIT .MAI'l.K TIIKKH , Hundreds of thcso nro leveled , am .ho beautiful grounds are thickly imbedded with broken timber. G. 1. Stevens' barn and horse were car- led completely over his house , and ho animal escaped with slight in urie * . The hotels , school houses nnd own hall were converted into hos litals. In the town hall alone roro twenty dead bodies , rang- ng from the youth of ten or wulvo yeara to the man whose air had boon fronted by age. All round were grief ufriekun friundn nd relatives , and the spectacle wm no calculated to appall llui stoutest cart. The wreck in the early.'grny of 10 morning waa ono of Till ? M"HT IiAMKNTAUMifelUinH ? or prcBcntod to liuman oyes. The nth of destruction was about seven undred feet in width. On thu outer Igea of thu yath thu damage was the ghtest. For a space of two hundred iet in thu center scarcely a treu or irub escaped complete destruction. louses were picked up . and thrown ito the outer circle , noino to ono do and BOIIIO to the other , as thu oaka of the wind prevailed. In nuu cascH the houses were re-moved , whed to pieces , scattered broadcast fragments , and foundatation walls ivuled to the ground. Nothing was ived of thu contents. Stoves , lurni- ire , pianos , and all the various arti- es of household paraphernalia were issud about ns though they were but lildren'u toys. Articles of bedding id frAgmenta of upholstered furni- ire wore found miles from their roper abiding placed. The hunduomo Jildinga of the Iowa college were itnplotoly destroyed , ono of brick id another of atone , entailing a losa > on that inatitution of fully § 100- o. MALCOM. This little town was nestled nicely i a gentle knoll. To the south and lutheast is a beautiful valley , bo- jnd which is 11 stretch of undulating airio. Along on thin prairiu wore lo- led many neat farm cottauus. There nothing left of them. Standing in the streets of Malcom , considering the extent to which the p th of the storm had spread when it n ached Malcom , its fury ia phenomenal. The debris of the farm house * was scattered over the prairie for a mile or moro in a snuthweslerly direction from the points at which they were located. The lumber was splintered nnd frag ments driven into the ground with terrific force. lUrbed wire but re cently put on was blown from the fence posts and coiled nnd twisted into divers shapt's. Telegraph poles were snapped asunder ami spitefully stuck in the ground. AN Al'I'KAt. IVIl All ) . Dis : MOINKH , Iowa , Juno 20. An nppeal for nid for the siill'jrera of thu Iowa cyclone hat been issued , in which it is stated three hundred fam ilies had their homes destroyed , ono thousand persons made homeless and tlio loss of property nearly $3,000- 000. Grinnell alone lost $100,000. One hundred thousand dollars are re quired to keep thu autlorera from want. Di38 Monies contributed $8- 000 , MarnhallUnvn $1,000. lown City sent a largo cargo of nupplies to Grin nell , the first received by the relief committee. There has been no additional deaths at Grinnoll , Three persons nro re ported aa likely to die before morn ing. Tlieso nro Mrs. Shaokey , Mr. Sabining nnd Frank Carroll. The latter was n trnmp stealing a ride on the fated f eight train. KirOKTd : OK DAMAGES received to-day along the route of the storm show thnt previous estimates were not exaggerated. The destitu tion is very great and much auUjring will result. The Anti-Monopoly Convention * Special Diximtch to The 1oe. ! LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 20. The meeting of thu Anti-Monopoly league to-morrow promises well. A number of delegates hnvo already arrived. It is expected that two hundred will be present. LABOR'S DEMANDS. The Freight Handlers Embar- Business in . the Metropolis. Progrois or Strikes at Otlior Places. Rational Aftoclitcil I'rcss. Nuw YOKK , Juuu 20. In consequence quence of the feeling that the freight handlers' ntrUco will spread , the rail- "ay companicu aru declining to muko contracts with uhipporj. Wlieat , therefore , is advancing. of otrikcru uru acting Star . /urauy City , . ' 100 men joined the sinkers. The strike of the freight handlers 1ms now HO far advanced that three thousand men are now included in th movement. Tlio dilleronc railroai companies have determined not ti come to the termn demanded by tin strikers , and in order to bear out tin etatement havu hired gangs of Italians and other foreign laborers to do thu work left undonein consequence of the strike. They havu mot with very little success , however , in thin respect , and do not deny that the uiiiKo has begun to seriously em barrans them , and thu transpurtntioi of mdlinna of dollain worth of freight him been dulayed. Somu portion of this is pei'ihhable and will bo attended with pecuniary losa. None of the utnking type foundry men are at work yot. No change in thu uflairq of boiler nmkorn and liorso she re , PniLADHLi'iiu , Pa , Juno 20 It is stated that ono of the objects of President Hobertn , of the Punnayl vnnia railroad , visiting here , in to con fer with other railioad nion relntivu to the demund of the civil engineers for an ndvunco of 12 per cent. Thin de mand was made a few woeka ago , nl- inoat simultaneously with thu notice l > y the Ponnsylvnnia and Ualtimoro it Ohio rondo of an intended 10 per cent , reduction. It ia understood this afternoon that thu Pennsylvania road ivill give the advance , owing to the urgt ) amount of work which must bo completed at an tnrly day. Srni.NUUKLii 111 , , Juno 20. The triko of the iron and steel workers till continues hero without fli/jim / of change. The men aru beeoiring ilin- atielied. Ono of the li'udbrn said to- lay they might huvo to continue bii tveoKs yet. It ia undorMood that nn- en.i nn iidjimtmont is ruueliod soon thu roprieloru will tao ! otepa ( o e orco to ntarc tlunnilln. BOSTON'S OVATION. ho nocoptlon of Diwltt Hugo and Honrty. tttlani.1 Pru ; s Aiuiclatloii. HUSTON , Mass. , Juno 20. An audi- nco of 12,000 greeted Michael D.wilt o.night at Mechanic ' hall and ho van received with tremendous cheers , 10 audience rising , Ex-Mayor Prince resided and introduced Davitt , who poke upwards of two hours. The Jdrcbs wna a masterly review ot m uituation in Ireland , how its onerous soil hud been robbed of its roducts by landlords , decimating ts population ; how Irish industries ad been destroyed nnd poverty and niuory intailod on thu Irish people. To-morrow lie leaves on the 11 'clock train for Albany , where ho vill apeak in the ovenint. , ihonoo to orsoy City , Philadelphia , Chicago , lull'alo , PDvidoiK-i ) , Worcester , Hoi- okn nnd Troy , 11 the above order , nishing the American tour at tholui or place July 4th , John in Wlso. tlonol Aetfoclutixl I'tuttn. PIIILAI > ILIIIA : , Juno 20. John Wn- amnker forwarded a brief letter to lurriiburg to-night , declining to allow is name to bo used for Hie nomina- on of congressman at largo in the epublican Htato convention to-mor- ow. FOREIGN HEWS , The Egyptians Deciflo to Settle Tlioir Disputes Among TJiernsolvos , A New Ministry Formed nnd' 'i heir Programme Pro claimed , tVhUo 1Iio Power * will Confer To- Morrn\v According to Pro- vioiiH Pinnn. Germany PropnrliiR to Obaorro VomiB- En Dletmblllo. Ktt'.oual AtMdatcd I'lcnj TIIK h'BW MIN1STUY. AI.K\ANI > UIA , Juno 20 The Kgyp- tian ministry has been formed ns fol lows , after throe aiinferonccs between Arabi Hey and Itahib Pnshi nnd the khedive : President of the council nnd minister of foreign nflairs , Ilahib Pasha ; miniatur of war , Arab ! Key : minister of marine , Ahumed Naohed ; minister of finance , Obdur llnhman TIIK. rilOdHAMUK of the ministry is as follows : First , general amnesty to all persons otcopt those implicated in the Alexandria massacre ; second , the government shall bo conducted under the rescript of August , 1878 ; third , no person shall bo punishable except under law ; fourth , foreign ministers shall bo stole medium of the lolations of the government with foreign powers. It is understood the latter clause implies the abolition of Anglo-French control ministry. It is also intended to demand the return of the Khedive to Cairo and withdrawal ot the Euro pean ileot- Jf. Hocdo , secretary of the board of European control , blow out his bria im at tlmJiotel in this city to-day , Instructions have been sent to the English admiral commanding the Brit ish Ileot ot this pott to land n large- force of marines the instant there in any appearance of n renewal of the riots. Till : EOVl'TIAN CO.NKCKENCn , LONDON , .Juno 20 In the house of commons to-day Sir Chnrlea Dilko , under secretary of foreign affairs , stated that the international confer ence would convene at Constantinople on Thursday , without thu concurrence- of the onltan , and with the under standing that the sultan will not bo permitted to prcnidu or bo represented by any member of hiu cabinet. The work of the conference , ho said , would jlo oubt bo ditlicult : JtbiU the confer- , . , "insist' ' ' ' ' * " " - ' PS * onoo ryouTTPjJfobahSy on -tpo'-'MI eatablislnnontof nn Anglo-French pro tectorate ever the country , extoirdinif liberties to the people rather than the nominal rule of Ui/ypt , Sir Charles wont on to nay that Mr. Mallott had i ntimuted to the sultan that full reparation would bo de manded for all outrages which had been ii , llict"d on British subjects in Egypt. Mr. Mallet had been no party to the formation of the now Egyptian ministry. The English gov ernment through him or any ot its representative ? , did not at nil depart from ita original policy for the pro tection of every English intercut ia Europe. Auur.uiN or ur.NTrf. In the house of commoim this even ing , on n division , the motion to give thu arrears of rent bill precedence over all other biHiiu-aj with thu excep tion of the repression bill , wan carried by 2iit : to lift. VKNIJ8 IN TKANSIT. UiiULiN , Juno 20 Two German expeditions will bo sent to the United States to observe the transit of Venus in December next , one oliiurvatiou to bo taken at Stratford , Conn , , and the other at Aikon , S. 0. A Ootivt Opinion. National Atwocintod NKW YOIIK , Juno 20. In the suit of Augustus Jacobson aa receiver atrainst John Allen as executor and others , involving the defunct Ihnk of Chicago , Judge Wallace , in the Uni ted Ktitui circuit court , this after noon , handed down an opinion , in which ho holds that tlio bill bo bad because thu ritjht of action sought lo bo enforced does not mint in favor 'if the complainant. I'ostolllco CtninuoB. The following are the postofliou changes in Nebraska during the week jiding Jui'o 17 , 1882 , furnished by William Van Vlcck , of the poatoflioo Icparlmcnt : Eitabliuhpd Simpson , Holt county , [ lonry J. Simpson , postmaster. Discontinued Spring Grove , Har- an county , Names chanced Collinsvillo , Dun- ly county , to Bunklomun ; Fairview , ilod Willow county , to McCook. Postmaster ! ) uppulnted-Denklenian , Jundy county , John U. King ; Cin- linnati , Pawnee county , Peter J. uatonberger ; Clarion , Madison coun- y , Amos T. lleiglo ; Glen llock , No- naha county , Lucius 0. Matthews ; ilcCook , Hod Willow county , Thomas if. Scott ; Paddock , Holt county , Fohn T. Prouty ; Osco , Kearney coun- y , llobort II. Ohambers , Stuart , Holt ounty , N A. Hagonatein , IOWA. DiHcontinuod--Condit1Jonoa county. Poatmastora appointed Contnlia , Jubuqno county , Matthew Riley ; Hepburn , Page county , \V. H. Gor- loiij Ottorvillo , Buchanan county , 1C. J. Gates. _ Wrcolioil by loo- s'atloiuil AaiccUtcJ I'ruas. ST. JOHNS , N , F. , Juno 1 ! ) . The \iuurican fishing sohooncr Massachu- lotto , on Friday night , collided with in iceberg 100 foot high oil' Capo Bal- ard and sank , and live men are mis- ling and nro believed to have boon Irowned. Tlio mat escaped with dif- iculty in a boat ,