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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1882)
THE DA1LA BEE-OMAHA SATURDAY , JUNE 17 , 1882. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. NKW YOBK , June 16. MONFT. t Aloney closed nt 2@2J per cent , Exchange closed firm nt 4 8"i@4 00. OOTKUJiMENT BONDS Closed firm. Currency G's . 323 bid o's continued . , . 1011 U' continued . 91 41's coupon . 124 J 4's coupons . 120J ILVILRO.U ) BOims. 1'ftoifio ratlro d bonds closed M follows ! ! Unionists. . 1182@118J " , Union Lnnd Grwats . 113i@114 / Unlnu SinklnR Funds . 120l@121.J Ovatrals . Ul7 @ 117i ' - ' . ' BTOOR8. \ Th stock market to-day was Irregular during the BMrnlnj ? , with frequent lluctua- 14" tlom betwcea strength nntl weakness , but 5 toward 1 o'clock became buoyant and < strong , axfl under iv good buying move ment prices Advanced tltacply , the highest luoUtloM for some time past being made f . at the cecond call. Sttbscquently , however - ever , there were sales to realize , under which pdcei reacted fractionally , but in the firtjl dials a strong tone prevailed , and at the close were at or near the highest of the day. The following were the closing bids : Western Union. 85 Erie . . 3 < U Adnans . 13G 11 & Bt J . 40 American . U2 Preferred. . . . 81\ US . 71 Kansas & Texas 301 \ _ , Wells Fargo . 12 ! ! louia & Nash. . C7i * T OOC&I . 7 * LS . 10sS CU&IO . 8 LK&W . 2(5 ( OB & Q . 3001 Motrisft K..121 NYC . 13 I North wcstei n. . 120J N J 0 . 73t Preferred . . . . 1424 Mich Cen . ! ) J 0 & W . . . . 24f Ohio Cent . 13 Ohio & Miss. . . 32 N P . m Preferred. . . . 81 Preferred. . . . 78,5 , PM . 4\\ \ ; \ OenfcPac . "J05 II 1 . 130 UP . 1101 SanFrnn . 37 Mo. Pnc . U43 Preferred. . . . 4S J U'exas Pac . U ? St. Paul . lllj Jf Ynidvntcd..HO Preferred. . . . Ii5i Mct.El . OoJ StP&O . 37A k laniiev : . . 81 Preferred. . . . 101 ? > , A&TJ1 . 2SJ Nash. & Chat. . 55J > ' -Canuda S . f OJ M L S & W. . . 40 * * "O&A . 132 * Wnbash . 28J iD&ll . 10M Preferred. . . . 51 g i ) All li . 67. ) -jTATB Neglected. HALKS. Th ? following were the sa5ea of thr more active stocks'to-day. Total , .3 11,000 rfiarea : WU . 8000 Nn li&Chat. . 000 COiilO . 600 Wabaah . 1100 MC . C100 Preferred , . 200 Preferred .15100 N Y ' 0 . 1C30) CP . . .C30 NJC . 12000 MP . 11UCO D&H . 400 UP . 7SOO MI.&W. . . .16300 T P . 22700 DiKG. .391IOO ManKl . ! )00 ) Erie . 11100 OS . 500 HSStJ . 20 * LS . C1300 K&T . 3000 PM . 1500 O&M . 6CHI St P ul . 9700 Iteadini ; . . . . . . 1200 Preferred. . 800 1" referred . . . 1100 StP& 0 . 5200 CHICAGO JIONBT. CHICAGO , Jcnu 1 G. T'reston , Sloan It Co. , bankers , rooort : There was fairly active demand for money , but 3 the supply of fcnda has for Homo timo-ozcteded the rafluircinents , the market wao-cteady at 5@7 per cent. Eastern exchange between tcity bauka was off rrd > s.w GOc discount per , $1,000. Clearingft to-day tG.BOO.OcO. OHITKD BTATK3 UOMB'J. 4H Coupone . 1201@120' 4 J'a Coupoijo . ,114 J@114 \ SA'S Extended 5'a . 101isH01J 3J'a Extendecl G's . . . 99i@100 /2AILWAY DOSDC. C. 11. & Q. llowa div 4's . 8G1 @ 80' ' C. M. & St.iP. Dubuque G'sJOiii ON W. sinking fundtTa. . . . ! © 9'J- WabashS'd . 78 70J COMMERCIAL. OFFICE ov TUB OMAHA BEB I Fflt ay Eveninc , II I The only ah&cgeg reported in the market : to-day are ne fellow : Wheat No. :2 declined lo ; ljo. 3 de- .clined Ic. Bailey No. 2 advanced Ic , Tallow advanced Ic. The following cliangea have ecourred in tpaints , oilH , etc. ; Omaha P. P. advanced Ic. L. M. and D. ( blind and shutter .green advanced 2c. Patent dryer advanced 2c. Walnut , , cheitnct aud aah adv&cocd 3c. \Whitning gililcra advanced jc. Lampblack , ordinary , nd van CGI ! JTc. JVusdlan bine advanced lOc. i'nria gr en advanced 3c. Headlight oil declined jC. 'Castor oil , XXX ! , . declined 25c. > Cactor oil No. 3 , daslinod 25c. Turpentine declined 20c. derlinod 2c. decllnadlc. JJxtrt damnr varnish advanced 25C. Jlxtce Japan varnish advanced l c. Local QralnUiallngi WECEAT.-Cash No. 2 , 1.12J ; cash N > 8 , 03c : jrgjectcd , U5e. * . 2. 88c ; Mo. ; \ , . EYK. Cnfh , 55o. COKN.-Ca.ih No. 2 , SCo. OA.TS. CaJh,40 ; ' . ' . STI1KE5 ! PlUOhS Cora , C0a ; ( ; oats , Troduco and Provlfr'ons. POTATOKS-Old. out of miirtet. Homo ( , 'ioun out of market ; new , $1.(10 ii r l.ufhel , 1JKAKS Wax , 1.50 ( 3 OJ j r buK. box ; ftring. SI.EO@22.-i. ONIONS-41 50@200 per Jx > x ; new homo crown , per Aot Imncbed. 15(5i20c. ( JtAVIHIIKSHomo { frown , IBodu/ . PIK PLANT -Per pound , Ic. ASPAHAfJUS-Perdo/ , 40@Mc. LETTUCK Per < Jo head , -lOgifXIo. NKW TOi.IATOES-Pcr hex , 81.50. IJUTTEIt-Cliolce country , 13@l5c. < . JURATS llanix , Itip ; breakfast hioon , r. , . Hie ; clear baou , 13Vcfhoulder , ? , 9c : dried ' ' beef , IGo. iriotm-JOBBING Pit JOi ; Best f1 ' 3lltwecota { patent p. 4 70 : Jack Froat , 4 75 ; < t fibawueefancy. S 75 ; California "Pioneer , ' . . , 3 73 ; Triumph , H.irin ? . 3 25 ; rj'e flour , 3 2)j rye , Graham , ! i 60 ; wheat Graham * 3 25 ; t y. G 00@C : 10 per ton1jaled ; , 10 00 it chopped feed , 1 GO ; chopped corn , 1 50 bran , 1 < W per cwt ; etraw , ) 00 per tou ICOEP ; t GO baled.Grocers' Grocers' Ltat. COFFEE. mo , talr , lie ; Hio. good 2c ; Itio , prime to choice , 12Jc : Old eov't Java ; 2 i@28ic , Mocha , 28ic ; Arbuckle'g , 14Zo. 14Zo.TKAS .Gunpowder , good , 4 55 ; Choice , G0@75o ; Imperial , good , 40@45c ; Choice , CO@7Bc ; Voung IIy on , peed , SO ® 60c ; choice , 65c < g l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , 85c ; Japan , choice , 60@75c ; Colon ? , ijood , S5@40 ; Oolong , cbo.ce , 40@Co ; Houcoong , good. SWaiOc : choice , & 5@i5c. NEW riOKLES Medium , in barrel * , 89 00 ; do in half bbls. fl 25 ; Binalls , In bbl , 12 00 do , in halfbbl ? , 700 ; gherkin * , in Us , 14 00 ; do. in half bbli , 7 60. W VINKGAK-Puro appla extra , ICcj , 'c' pure apple , ISc ; Pruaainir pure ancle , IRo. 4 T tiUGAI18-Cut loaf , llcj Crvwhed , lie ; Granulated , lOjc ; Powdered , 11 ; Vine powdered , lie ; btnndard Oolfee A , 8Jc ; New York Conffctlonef's Standard A. lOcs Good A , 9Zc ! Pralrlo E.\tr O , 9c. HOPE Sisal , & Inch and larger , DC ; [ Inch. lOc. CHEESE FnH CTCIM , 13c ; P rt Skim , UJc. WOODENWAKE TVo hoop pallf , 1 95 ; hrca hoop pulls , 2 20 ! No. 1 tubi pioneer wwhlioftrtls , 1 W > Uoublo Crswn , 1 90s Wcllbuckottt , 3 W. LEAD Bar , $1 05. DRIED FRUITS Choice halvw , pexchcs , 7c : Salt Lake lie ; vnp- orated 50ib boxes , IRJc ; Michigan , 7o ; Now Vork apples , 7Jc : Prunes , old , OJc ; new , 3Jc ; Currnntp , G7c ; Blackborrlcs , now , Ua HOMINY New , 55 00 per bt.l. BODA. Dwlcht's It ) pajHsrc. ? 2 85 ; De- ftnd do , 82 85 ; Church's , f 2 83 ; Keg soda , 2c. BEANS Imported German $3 75 per bushel. OANDLKS Boxes , 40 Ibs , If. oz , 8s , lMoboxes 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Cs , IStr. . OANNKD aoODS-Oystors , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , nor case , $1 00 ; do 1 U ( Field's ) , ix > r case , 2 50 : do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , jxsr case , 3 CO ; do I Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 20 ; do 2 Ib ( slock ) , i > cr ca. e , 2 76 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) . per ca.oo , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 80@ , Ibp or dozen.l 00 ; do 2 U > , j > cr doon 3 652 0.5. Saniincs.smixll t'sh , imported , ono quarter boxes per box , 14c ; American , -iuart r boxes 1 er box , lie ; do half boxes , per box , 21&c. Lobsters , 1 Ib l > or dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 Ib per case , 290 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per case , S 10 ; soaked com , 2 10 ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per cane , 3 15 ; string beans , per ease , 2 10 ; Limn beans per case , 1 85. Succotash per case. 2 00. Peas , common , pcrcaeo , 2 00 ; POOH , choice , nor case , 8 15. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case , 240 ; Btrnwbcrrici , 2 Ib , per case , 2 SO ; raspberries , 2 lu , par caw , 3 00@3 15. Damsons , 2 lt > , i er case , 2 45. Bartlett pears per cnso , S CO ® 1 TO. Whortleberries per case , 240. Kgg plums , 2 Ib pcrcujo,3 30 ; Gmen gages,2 } b per case , S 30 ; do choice , T Ib per case,4 50. Pine Appleo , 2 Ib , pcrcsi'C , 4 005 75. Ponchos , 2 ID per caso. 3 10 : do 3 Jb . cnso , 4 50@5 00 ; cl ? , ( pic ) , 3 Ib , per cn ! > e. .275 ; do pic , 0 tb , per dozen , 3 50. IIICE Carolina , 749s ; LouMann , © 85) ) fair , e@CJ. . cinrrar house , bblf , 53o : ha ! { bis , 57c ; keps , IJ gnllcna , 82 CO ; table aynct ) , 53c ; half bbls , 55c ; kq ; , $2 & 0. 8TA1COH. Pearl , 4i Silver ll ! < i , 8i 8Jc ; Corn Starch , 8J@9o ; Kxooiaior urlona , 7c ; Com , 7Jo. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 83 ; Ash- ton , in locke , 3 50 ; blis dairy CO , 5 , 3 45 ; bbladnfn100. . 33. 8C5. SPICKS. Pepper , 10 ; Allrploa , 19c ; Cloves , * 10c ; Nutnieto , ? L 0026cu.issiu , Mace 01 00. MASVCllES Per raddle , COo ; round esen , ! ? 7.G5 ; squarocases , 55,10 SO.U\S Kirk's Savon Imperial , 830 , Kirk'n satim 88 ; Kirk's utandnrd , 3 Go , Kirk\j whi Kusslan , 500 : Kirk's EuUxja , 2 0 Kirk's Prau-io Queen , (100 ( cokes ) , 10 ; Kirk's matrnolia , 4 20. LriC American , 3 40 ; Greenwich. 340 Wcstarn , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lowis' lye. 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 276. POTASH Pennsylvania cani , 4 doz. , in cose , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 dr/z. in case , I 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doz in caso. 1 0. FSELD SEED Ked clover , ohoico uew , f G 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new , 6700 ; white clover , now , 51400 U a' fa clover , new , $12 60 ; olalke , now , 51300. Timothy , coed , new , $3 00 blue grass , extra clean , 91 50 ; blue grass clesj , $1 25 ; orchard grass , ? 2 50 ; rod top , clvi'-jc , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri 80c ; millet , German , $1 00 to 31 25 ; Huapmriuu. 80c. EEDCSKSEED Osage .ortn-'o , 1 to 5 b : hol , 85 00 ; osage orause , ' 10 buahelfl or over , f4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 100 Ibc. . C25 00. F1S .1 Ftmlly white fish , 80 Ib hi bblr * 5 ; 5 ; No. 1 white lish , 90 lb-fa bbla. 7 CO No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kite , 1 10 ; f amily 10 Ib kits , 85c ; Now Holland herring , per kc , 1 35 ; Kuaeian Eardiucs. 75c : Colum bia river Ka.iaas , per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; GeorgV Bank codfich , 6c ; Gen. boneleaa codjjA ; 9Jc ; boneless fieh , 5Je. filAOKEUEL Half bblwnesamnckoreJ 100 Ibe , ? 12 50 : hfbblNo.lez shore do , IOC Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbla , fat family do , 10J Iba , G 00) mcHB mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 2 No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 : No. 1 ohore 12 Ib do. 1 00i at family , 10'ib do 75o. PEANUTS Koasted , choice , rod Ton nenseo , lOopenlb ; fancy whlto , lOJo perlb raw -whito Vircinln taw. lOc ; roaatod , 12&3. Dry Qaodi. EEOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , SJc , A ? > lcton XX. Tc ; ' Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot Ft ; 6ic ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot. W , 7le ; Chittenamr.0 A , GJc ; Urcat Falls E 8 to ; Hoosier , GJc ; Honest Width , 7c : In diaa Head A , SJc ; Indian Standard A , 82c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , BJc ; Lawrenoe LL , 7c ; Myatic dliver , 7Je ; Pequot A , 8Jo , Shvymut LL , 7o ; Utica C , 5Jc ; Wachus cttB , 7jc : do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 12io ; Wnl- cott BB. 8Jc. KNE BllOWW COTTONS AUendalo 4-4 : 5T4c ; Alligator 8-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7So Atlcntio LL. CJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c Bennlngton C 4-4 , CJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , OJoo Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 6 0 : Lnconla C 39 , Cic ; Lehlgh E 4-1 , 9Jc ; ionsdalo 4-4 lOc ; Pepnerefl N 80 , 7c : do O 3 , 7io ; do R 3G. 72c ; do E 39 , Cie ; Pooaasst 0 4-4 , 7c Wmdsutta 4-4 13o BL3AOHED ( JOTTONS Audroncog cln Ij 4-4,9AcBlaokatonoAA imperial 8c ; do do half 1)leachoad-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,83 Fidelhy4.J , 9icVr lt of theLoom.lO ; do 4-4,13cdo WatcrTwistlOJc ; Great Falls' . lOio ; Indian Head shrunt 4-4 , 12o- Lonsdale , lOcj do ouubrio 87 , 12Jc ; New York Mills. 12c ; Pojuot A , lOc ; Pepperell N G Cwills , 12ic ; Pocahontas 4-4 , 9Jc , Pocasaat 4-4 , " 81o ; Uticn , Uc ; Wnmsutta O X X 12\c. \ , DoCPIS ( Colored ) Albany K brown. 8c ; do C , .lr\li , tic : do XX stripes and plaids , &c ; do XXX brown and drab , fitripCB and ] > lalds , 12&c ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brua.v.vicc ! brown , c ; Chariot fancy , 12ic ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall lllvor brown , osOrn heavy , 11 Jc ; Indiana A brown lit" Veuonset A wrown. 16c. i w . * * - " t.moBUcafl A U A 32 17ic ; do XX blue 32 , 18jc ; Arrowaceo , 9Jc ; Glaruinant B B , 15ic : Ciiiof > to'a ; , ex trc , 17ic : Ilmnilton 1) , llo Lewinton .v BO , 1f a ; ilitaiohcha 4-4 , 2Co ; Omega super extift'1.4t S 3j PoarlllUtr S2 , IGJc ; Put- earn XX hive stripe , 12c ; Shetucket 8 lOlc : do SS 12c ; Yeoman'u blue 29 , 8 Jo DKNIMS. Amoskeak , blue and broun Ifijc ; Andover UI > blue , lRoj ArlingX blue Scotch , lfi c ; Concord GOO , blue & w broun , 12ic ; do AAA , do do 13J ; doXXto da do 1-Hc ; llajiunker's blue nnd brown , JJc ; Mystic Kiv r UD Htiite , icic ; Pearl liiver , blue and brown , lojoj Uncaavillo , blue and brown. JSJc. OAMBKICS IJarnani , Cic ; Kddyotone lining' , 24 Inch double face , K.JC ; Gamer A pUu-.ed , Co : Manhattan glove finish , 5c ; Neu'iiort do Co ; do glazed , 5Jc ; Pequot do 5c ; Lockwood kid ( lulsh , Go. COKSEl1 JEANtJ Amory , 8cAndrog ; coggin eat teen , 8J ? ; Clarpndc n , C-.cCnnea toga cUteena , 7ic ; ir&Ilowel , 8c ; Indl i Or i(3rd ( 7ic ; Narr gaaHettiinprovedo Pt'pperill Battmm Die ; Itockport , 73o. I'JIIK'fS-Aliens , 6Jc ; American , GJc ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4e ; Cocheco , fc ; Coueatnua. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4jc ; Duimel ) , GJ7cj Kddystone. 7c ; Gloucester , Co ; Harmony , 5Jc ; ICnlckerbocker , ( ijc ; Her- rimao D. 7c ; Myutlc , 5Jc ; Bpracuei , Gc ; Southbridge , Gc ; do. Ginghamu , ? c ; Ilnrl- boru , fijc ; Oriental Glc. GINGIIAJfB Amoakeap , lOJc ; Amos- keagdrees 12Jri Argyle , lOJo ; Atlantic , Oc ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; Highland , 8Jc : Kenllwortb , 8Jc ; Pluu kett , lOic ; Bus- Hex. 8c. COTTONADES Abhervllla 13Jc Amto , We ; American , lie ; Arttalan , 20c ; Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; Clarion D aud T , 17jo ; Deccan Coetriima DandT , IGc ; ICey * stone , 13Jc ; Nantuek t. lOo ; Nonpareil , IGc ; Ocean 1) and T , WJo ; lloyal , 1GJ Suaaox , 12c ; Tloga. 12Jp ; Wachusott uhlrt- In ? } heckn. 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12io ; York , plain Nankin , 121o ; do.ch6clwst j > c and fancy , 12tc ; do , 8 oz , 20c. BHEETINGS-Androwogtrln 10-4,271cJ do 0-4 , 2ic ; do 6-4 , 22c ; Continental C 42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New York mills U8. 85c ; do 78 , SOo ; do 68 , 22Jc ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Penuot 10-4 , 2 4c ; do 7-4 , Iflo ; do 4'J , IGot Pepperell 36 , 29o ; do 67. 21c ; do B7 , 18c ; Utlca iHJ , SBoj do 68,22jodo48,17o ' Oleum nd Tobacco * . CIGARS. Seeds , 615.00 ; Connecticut , $25.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana , iSO.005 Clearltftvann , $76.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Knlr , 14 Ib , COc ; Our Rope , first quality , C2 < J Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , COc ; Horse Shoe , > oun < f , 21 Ib , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge , raunds , 21 Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Nary , raunds , C5c ; Bulllon.ljxnintis , 59c ; Loril- ard's Climax , pounds , COc , FINE OUT In palls.-Hard to Beat , ' 5c ; Golden Thrcnd , 70o ; Fountain , 80c ; ' 'nvorlte , G5c ; Rocky Mountain , COc ; fftncy , 65c ; Daisy , 50o. In tin foil 3nlllns O. S. , fi Ib boxes , i > or Ib C3c ; Ix > ri- lUrd's Tiger , G5c ; Diamond Crown , COo. SMOKING All grades Common , 25to 13o. Granulated Blnckwolls Durham , 10 IT. 61c ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz , 60c ; Scnl of Jforth Carolina , 10 oz. 46 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 10 oz , SSc ; Ixiio Jock , t oz , linen bags perlb , § 1.35 ; Marburgs' Puck , 2 oz , tin oil , 65c ; DOR Tall , G5c. Paints Oils and Varnishes. PAINTS IN Oil , White lead , Oronha ? . P. , fi c ; white lead , St , Louis , pure , Cji ; Unmlllcs greeu , 1 to 5 Ib cans , ! &o 'rcnch zinc , gi : < ; n seal. 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish nsst , 20c ; French tinco , In oil nsst , 15o ; ] { aw ind bunit umber , 1 111 cans 12c ; raw nnd jurnt Sienna , 13o : Vandyke brown , 13- ; cfincd lampblack , 12c ; conch black , lnc ; ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian > luo , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome ; rccn , L. M. & D , , 14c ; blind and shutter rrcen , L. M. & D. , lOo : Paris green , 18c ; lullixn red , 15c : Venetian red , Do ; Tuacnn In. , 22c ; AmcrfcAn Vermlliod , I. & P. , 18c ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. A ; D O. , 18e ; vellow ocbre , Oc ; golden ochre , IB ; patent Jryer , 82 ; graining colors : light oak , dark oac , walnut , chos'.uut nnd ash 15o. Dry ° lnts While lead , GJe ; French rino , lOc : Pnrb whltcing 2Jc ; whitlni ; gilders , Ijc ; com'l , lie ; lampblack Gcnrmu- ; pwn , 14c ; InnipmncR , oruinnry , lOc ; pinu blue , &K : ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , So ; umber , burnt , -le ; uniber , raw , 4cslenun ; , burn t , 4c ; dcnna , raw , 4o Paris trreen genuine , 25s ; Paris Rrecn com1' 20o ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chroin- green K , , 12c ; vorralllinn , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion - million , America , ISe ; Indiau red. lOc , itmo puik , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson'H 21o : veuotian red Am. , IJc ; roi load , 7Jc chrotno yellow , genuine , 20c : chrome yellow - low , K. , 12c ; ochic , rochclle , 8c ; ochre , French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehigii brown , 2Jc Spanish brov/n , 24c ; Prince mineral Sc OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , lljo ; 160 headlight , per gallon , 12Jc ; 175" headlight , per gallon , IGc linseed , raw , per ijalloa , Vf ; linseed , bollo-l , per gallon , COc ; lard , winter sti'U , portral- Ion , 90 ; No. 1 , 70c ; No. 2 , COc ; castor , XXX. ppr gallon , 1 00 ; No. 3 , 90c ; sweet , per gallon , boo ; spoim , W. B. , per gallon , 1 55 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , COo ; ncatsfoofc extra , per gallon , 75e ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri eating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; Bummer , 15o golden macblne , No. 1 , per tfnllon , 35o ; jfo 2 , SO ; sperm , signal , per g.illon , 80c : tor pcntmo , per gallon , Coe ; naptha , 74 , po gallon , 18c ; fir. 17c VARNISHES BaTcls per gallon Furniture , extra , 51 10 ; furniture , No. 1 51 ; coach , extra , $1 40 ; Coach , No. 1 Cl 20 ; Dainar , extra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70cpa- ; phaltum , extra , 8Je ; shollaa , S3 50 ; hari oil finish. SI SO. Drupe. DRU > 8 AND CHEMICALS Acid Carbolic , SOc ; Acid , Tartaric , } Xc ) ; Balaain Copabla , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , Sassafras , no Ib , 14c ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Ciuchonidia , pur oz , C105 ; Chloroform , per Ib , 100 Dover's powders , per Ib , 51 40 ; Epson : wilts , per Ib. 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , p r Ib SSc ; Lead , AooUte , per Ib , 24e Oil , Curter , No. 1 , per gal , S l 15 Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 3100 ; Oil ' Olive , per gal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , ! > 0 < Oplvun , W 50j Quinine P. * W. * R. ft S per oz , $2 10 ; Potastanxn , Iodide , per It 81 76 ; Bakcin , per or , 40c ; Sulphate c Morobine , nor or , 03 85 ; Sulphur flonr per Ib , 4c ; Strvcnnino. t > er oz. $1 35. Heavy t-Urdwara Llrt. Iron , ratcB , 3 40 ; plow steal , epecla cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; special or Ucrman.Cc cast tool do , 1520 ( wagon spokes , set 2 25@3 00 ; hcbs , per oot , 1 25 ; falloea , sawov dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles each , 75c ; snuaro nuts , p r ft , 7@llc wiudiere , per Ib , 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie coil ch.iin , per Ib , C@12e ; malleable , 8c iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Goharrow teeth , 4c ; horccshoer ( , per keg , 5 CO ; apiin steel. 7@8c ; Burden's horaeahoes , SCO Burden's mulesboes , G 50. SHOT. Shot , 81.65 ; Buck shot , 52.10 Oriental Powder , l ga , $6,40 : Jo. , ha' kegs , $ 3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.83 ; Blast last , koCT. S3.S5 : Fuse , oer 100 feet SOo. BAhBED WIIIB In car lots.,8 30 pe 100 ; in lesa than cr.r lota. 8 55 uor 100. Leather. Oak sole , 38c to 42c ; hemlock auo , 28c t B5o ; hemlock kip , 80b to 100 ; runner G5o to SOc ; hemlock calf , 85c to 1 20 ; hem lock upper , 23o to 2Gc ; oak upper , 2-le alligator , 4 00 to C 50 ; calf kid , 32@35c ; Greisenkid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 " 0 to 1 30 ; 1'rench kip , 110 to ] C5 ; Kiench calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- retts , 5 50 to 7 SO ; lining , G 00 to 10 GOj topping's , U 00 to 1050 B. L. Moi vurt > a U v v vt * v tsvj * jt A4 i | > to 85c ; iiebble O. D. Morocco , 35c ; simon U .rO to 3 00. HARNESS No 1 star oak , 42c ; No do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , C8c ; No. 2 do c ; No. 1 Mihvaukoe 37c ; No. 2 do , 31c Horsei and Mules. The market ia brisk and all grades arc nallin/jweil at slight advance In pi Ices The demand for good horsea exceeds th BUjiply considerably. Prioea range na fol Iowa : Fine single drivers , $150. to 300. ; Extra draft horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common dral horses , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses 8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horseu 90. to 6100. ; Extra plngri , SCO. to 7B. Commoa plugs , 620. to 940. MULES. 15 to 1SJ hands ( extra ) , S125 to 150. ; 14J to 15 hands , $100. to 140. 14 to 14 J hands , $75. to 100. ; 13J to 1- hand * . gOO. to 75 , LI uori. ALCOICOL 187 proof. 220 tier wine gallon ; extra California upti-itx , 187 proof 1 20 per proof pnllon ; triple refilled spirit * 187 proof , 1 21 per proof gallon ; re-diotlllei , 1001 f u ; fine blended , 150 ® 2 50 ; Kentucky bonrbona , 200@7 00 ; Ken. tuokv ud Pftiusylvanla ryes , 2 tO@7 00 BRANDIES Imported , 80 OOffllG 03 domeatlo 1 404 00. , . ported , 4506)000 ) ; domestic , 1 4Ua.i ( 00. RUMS Imported , 4 E0f 6 00 ; New Enprland. 2 0003 1 00 ; domottio , 1 50 3 50 PEACH AND APPLK BRANDY- l 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported pnr case. CLARETS Per case , 4 50@10 00 WINES Rhino wine , per case , C 20 CO ; Catawba , per case , 1 00@7 00. Lumber. WHOLKSALH. We quote lumber , otn and ohlnglej on ! AH at Omaha at the following prlcoHi JOIST AND SCANTLINC.ilO ft and jnder. 821 00 ; 18 ft. , $22 00. TIMBKRS 10 ft. ami under. 822 00. 'JTMBKR AND JOI8T-18 ft. ! 823 )0- C ft . 824 CC , 2 ft. , 827 60 ; 21 ft. , ? 27 SO * B ° -NO > Jt 4 ° ln' ; SHEETING -No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) . 818 50 ; No. 2 , 817 00. ST OOKJ BOARDS-12.In. D. 82300- 12-ln. O. 835 " 00 ; 12-n | ! B , 840 00.- ' ' PAPER "Straw paper , 3o ; rag paper , c ; dry goods paper , J0- manila paper , lOo ; news pojier. 8e. ' COAL Cumberland blockgmlth , 812 : tforris Run Blowiburij , 12 ; Whltebreaat ump , 80 f 0 ; Whltcbrewit nut , SO 60 : Iowa urap.SOBOjIowanut ? 060 ; RockBprinc 8i Anthracite , oil ulrt . 812 00 r)12 ) CO. NAILS-Rates , 10 to rxiy , 3 00. LIMK-Per barreJ , 81 15 ; bulk pa on * . 35a Cement , bbl , $1 73. Iowa ' plaster bbl , 8209. Hair nor bu. 85o ! 'a'ar olt 100 Ibs , 83 00. Straw board , 03 CC\ Wool. Merino unwarhed , light. 14@16o ; heavy.o © 1815c ; medium unwaahod. light , 18@20 waahed , choice , 82c ; fair , SOo ; tub-ifing nnd w. , 28c ; burry , blaokand ootted wool @Co lea * Hide * f-ur , Etc. HIDES Ureen butcLer' * bide , C@Gio _ * Ar . .dM&AAf.A . .A cured 7je : hides , preen wdt. p rl cured 7o hidw , tllcj dry flint , sound. 18@Hc | dry calf and kip , @Hc ; dry salt hides , aound , 0@llc ; croon calf. wt. 8 to 15 n * . , KNailc ' ; jreen cult , wt , under 8 Km , per skln.'GOo } rccn pelt * , 60@$1 23 ; rroen Umb Kkinr , 1 25@160 : damaged Lidos , two-third rule , ; ut scored nnd ono grub , classed two * LIrds rnt , ) branded hides 10 per cent. off. Joon sklnn , No. 1 , 45c : No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , > 'c ) ohort trii > o , 40r _ ! narrow stripe 25cj Iroftd stripe , lOo. Tallow 7e. Council Bluffs Mnrknt. Council. Ilujrrfl , Juno IS. Flout Crystal Mills Golden Sheal , J CO ; California Enraka , patent _ , 3 Sii ) best > rand of ICanpap , 4 00@ i 23 ; Kmmq nnil Missouri flour 3 60@4 25 ; graham , 3 7 < "j yo flour , 340. Corn M al Whlto. 1 70 per hundred ; ellow , 1 50 per hundred. Bran nnd ShorM 20 00 per ton Chop Corn CO 00 per ton. Wheat-No. 2 , 115. Corn f 5c. Oats No. 2 , 53c. llye 7fio. Barley SOo. Broom Corn 3jlj Hay LOOJC , 0 WjrjlO 00 ; haled , r > i-cr \Vood-G 00@ " 00. Wool 15@25. Butter Creamery , 20o ; In rolln , wrap , ped , IDc : rolls not wrapped , 12ic ; mixed colors , 1012Jo. Eggs IPo. Onions 1 76. Live Chickrna 3 GO per doren. Potatoes Scarce ; old nt 1 G5 ; now at J 2T . LIVE STO''K.-Cattlo-Kxtrn , U > 0 | 550. Vonl Cilvcfl-G 00. Ho.58-7001 7 50. Shccp-5 75 , ETOUuon. CinoAiio. Juno 10. Flour Quiet and unchanged. Wheit. Spring wlirat , very llttlo doing ; 1 3) ) for cash ; 131 for Juno ; 132 ? for July ; 1 00 for No. X ; 74@77o for rejected ; No. 2 wheat unsettled , cloning lower nt 1 13J@114 for July ; 1 03 for August ; 1 OOJ for the year. Corn Active , closlntr lower at CO c for i h ; Ciljo for June ; 70jo for July ; 70jjc 1'or AuguKt. OaU Qui'l ; CO@GOJc for cash ; 49Jo for June ? 4 < 4ofor , July. Hyo Qilet ; COo for No. 2 cash ; 70c tor July , Barley Nothing doing. Pork Mo < quiet , closing at 20 00 © 2005 forcnnh2o ; 70 for June ; 20&7J for July ; 21 OL'j23 03 for August. Lard Qulo ; nt 11 4f > @ll 53 for cafh and June ; 11 uij for July ; 1105(5)11074 ( ) for August. Bacon Short ribs firm at 11 05 for cash and June ; 1L 05 for July. Butt r Steady ; cholco to fancy cream ery , 23@23e ; cholco to line dairy , 14 © 20J. AVbisky Unchanged at 1 115. Iteo'U. Shlpm'ta Wheat . 11,734 ' .rir.'J Cora . 141,53 IfiU.fW. Oats . 77.4VJ G2.8J1 York Protiuue. NEW Yoni : . Juuo 1C. Dull and In buyer's fa\or : south cm ULchaneed. Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red , 1 33@l SO No. Ired , 1 42J@1 43J ; No. 1 white , 1 33 @ 1 3U ; Juno. 140Jsl ( ! ; July , 12fli © 127J. Corn Dull and heavy ; ungraded mix ed , 75@77c ; No. 2 , 77c ; No. 2 mixed June , 70 Jo ; July. 77i@78o. Oats ( Ja-h lota fiitn ; options opened abide lower , but closed Ktrorii ! ! Nn. whlti07jc ; No. 2 white. C2JU3c ; No. rntxtd , Otto ; mixed western , o9@/2c. / } : yo-lull ) at 83c. " Darloy Dull. 1'ork Stronpr and fairly actlrc ; ns\ meM , 2. ) 874@21 00. Laril Fairly active and firm ; 1127 for cash aud June. Wbisky-Nomlnal. Tetroleum-Qulet ; United , 52 c. Turpentine Market WILMINGTON , N. 0. , .Tune 16. Rosin Steady ; e train id t 1 62i ; gooc 1 CO. " * * * SplritB Firm nt 43c. Tar Firm nt 2 25. Buffalo JLlvo Stock. EAST BUFFALO , Juno 1C. HOJJB Dull and lower ; receipt ; , 45 care shipment39 cars ; Yorkers , 8 16@813 Butd medium , 9 40&9 50. Petroleum OI.KV > LAND , O. , June 1C. Petroleum Quiet and unchanged ; utan dard white , 110 test , Cic. Liverpool Produce. IIVEHTOOL , June 1C. Uroadftuifa Quiet. Wheat -Winter , 9a9d@10.i3d ; spring U = @ 10a. Coin Gs Id. l't > rk-87sOJ. l.ard 5UJ. Cincinnati Produce. Qismmuai , June 10. Mesj Pork Firm nnd more active ; jol lot- , 212."i@21 50. Lard Demand fair ; 12 50@13 00 fo prime ; 11 50 for tcam ; bulk clear Hide tuoro nctlve At 12 00. Uacon - Clear sides at 12 7u@12 80. Flour-Dull ; family , 5 750 15. Wheat-Kapler ; No. 2 red , 1 30@1 34. Cora Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed Oats In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 52ic. 52ic.Kyo Bull ; No. 2 , 7Jlc. Barley-Nominal ; No 2 fall 75 ® 100. Whisky Steady ut 1 11. I'Ulluanlphlu Prodnoo. 1'HILADKLriIIA , Juno 1C. Whpat-Steidyutl40l | 11 for cash auil Juno. Com iflriu at 62(48. | c for cash and June. Oatj-Stoidy at GO@G2c for cash ; " 'Ji fur June. Hyo Quiet at 85e. I'ronnco. TOLEDO. Juno Hi , Wheil Lower ; 1 20 lor No. 2 ca h ; 2i for June ; 113 tor July ; 1 07 for the y ar. Corn Unchanged. Oats Unchanged , JBultlmoro 1'rnaijcn. BALTIUOUK , Juuo 10. Klour Bull. Wheat Southern , firm ! fiiltr , 1 3:1 : H 3i ! ; lonKhfirry , 1 38 © ! 43 ; No , 2 red 'Inter ' weak at 1 3i@l 3IJ for cash and June. Coin White fouthein Nteady at OGej yellow : eaJy at 8Gt ; mixed weitsrn dull At 8lL' . Enotlilborty ilvo Stoct , UABT LiuniiTr , Pa. , June in. Cattle - Nothing d.jlng. JteicinU , 714 ; shipments , 1.3GO. Ho s Active. IlecelpU , 1.800 ; ship- mentg , ] ,500 ; Philadelphia * , 8 25@H 60 ; Workers , 770@7 80. Sheep Unchanged , Itecelpto , COO : ship. menU , 3,000 , Peorla Proilace , PKOHIA , Juuo 1IJ. Corn ] 5ny ; 7M@71' for high mixed ; Oats Quiet at SZiSfi.ta for No. 2 whit > . Kjo Dull and nominal. Highwliicg Unchanged at 1 17. Cliioatjo < lvu Htaolr. OIIIOAOO , Juno 1C , The Brover's Journal reports : Cattle-Steady ; Hale * ranced 2 85@3 15 for common covva ; 4 bO@5 23 for feeders ; 08 7 SO for fuir to good flipping Btefra , Hop Market higher ) sales at 7 iO@ S ( K ) , light tucking aud ehlppioe ; 7 85@ ' 8 40 , Rood to choice heavy packing ship ping ; 7 f 0@8 GO. Rood to extra nmoolh heavy ahlppinff lots. Sheep Steady nnd firm fttyentonUy's prices. llccetplii Hog * , 18fiOO , ; cattle , 4 , MO. Bt , rKnK Jtt-odnoo. ST. Ix > rjis , June 1C. Flour Dull nnd unchanged. Whent-lrtwcr t 1 205@1 21 for cwh No. 2 red ; I 20 $ for June } 1 071 ' r uly. Corn Lower ; 70l@70Ja for cinlij 70Jc or June ; 70Jo for July } f)6o for the year , Oats Tiowcr ; Wo for cashJOo ; for unc ; 103(3 fur .l ly ; 32Jo for the > c r. Hyo Nominal. Uarloy Nomlnnl. lycad Slealy nt 4 BO. llultcr Unchi > njed. ( V.aat Unchanged. WlilKky 1 15. LVo\Uioiia-Dnll nud nominal. > ll | * p Fa o money and order Ktlt Hlreot from ) HU I w\volilp pro-nptly by mil nt the owcut tiowlhlo v < h prlro to ell wct'ern ' poln . ] m lm TY1.KII SAl.TCO. , Sajl'i ' v Clty.Mlch WEEPING WATER , A Gay Towu With a Bad Name. The Future Sotvtof Cass County. "Thoro is power in rv nnmo , " SB nn old saying nnd in many \rnys n true ono. Weeping Wntor , Nob. , Ima tl > o d.vantage of mnny oilier towim in Hint t has n most romnntio nnmo , niut on hat account it 1ms nlwnya been n nvorito witli wtitora. Timantulnuain 110 story has been told of the terrible mttlo between two hostile bnuds of savages nnd how the conquered wore nasnacrcd on the Held of battle. Then came the Indian women , the wives nnd laughters of fallen warriors , year after year , to mourn over the dead llenco the niuno AVcoping Water , ivon first to the little crock tbix flowed through the batt'o field and nf ; erwnrd to the town built on la batiks. "Why can't flomo poc make nn opio poem from this bib o : romnnco and the newspaper men would bo oavod thu trouble of hanhing it up cvory few months. At first th name inny have boon appropriate , n < least to tlio Indian , for nothing can b inoro sad than n batilo iiold whercoi the ( lower of n nation or tribe has fal Ion , bill at present it ia far from bcin so. TJiuro is not the Isaat numblanc of weep in the town for how can mo weep when business is brisk and pro fits large. It is possible to distinguish a \Yoopitm Water man na far ns you can aoo him from the stuilo of cattsfnction on his features. The business men have reason to bu huppy for no town in the country is in H more flourishing condition. The statement mnde by a railroadman , who ought to know , may servo to fiivo eomo idon of tlio extent of business done at Weeping Water. Ho nay a that t.liuro is us much business done at tlinf. SMtion na at all others combined on tlio line of the Missouri PaciDc lti i/ov-n Omaha and AtchLion. This would neeni almost an oxoggoratiou , but it is pretty oloso f.o the troth. The railroad will be & great benefit to the town , us it mil supply the need long felt , of bat ter transportation to the larger mar- kota. The train dispatcher' * ] oilico haii boon transferred from Hiawatha to Weeping Wator. Eoh _ year the toirn ie bocomiog more important as H market for hvo nteck , aud it draws the stock rdisora from a largo section of country. Stock nro brought into Weeping Water and sold oven from the very suburbs of Plr.ttsmouth. The grain business Is also becoming very important. A now grain warehouse is being built by an Omaha firm , nud. two more elevators will bo built norno time during the summer. The pco- plo have not given up the old contest of making their town the county seat. and they are confident that they wil' ' succeed in the end. The county sea was taken to I'lattninouth by a mu jority of only ! ( ? 'votes. Woepinj \Vater being located near the cento : of the county , is certainly the bos place for the county seat. TJio nuni bor of now buildings that have beer put up within the past eight inouthi is something wonderful. The com bincd coat of thoao buildings amount ! to over § 1)5,000. ) A now hotel , th Gibbon house , him been built nn fitted up in elegant style , Mr , ID. K. Dunbar , formerly of St Joe , is the proprietor. Many towm much larger than Weeping Water are not able to show as good a hotel or ono that is as well kept. Plattsmoulh capitalists are about to start a now bank in the town , and will erect a very fine building for it adjoining the now hotel. There uro a largo number of other improvements under contem plation that vrill add still more to the town. It would bo doing nn inj'jxticp to : lie young men if wo should fuil to ncntion their bisu : ball club , which is n a nourishing condition. They uro iropariug to make it interesting for ho clubs of other towns. With much general prosperity on 111 sides , the citizens of Weeping iVater can well bo contented and ileased with their village. A. 0. D. Marino. National Afwdatud 1'rcon. NKW YOIIK , .luno 10. Arrived josaiun , from Stockholm , State of 'omiBylrnniii from Glasgow , Caldora rom ilaiseillos. Vadorland from Ant werp , JULTIMOUK , Juno Hi Sailed , Wies- ir tor liremon ; arrived , Mikado from . Soiled , Olty of llomo for New York. GLASUOW , June 10 Arrived , Prus sian from Baltimore , Luzerne from Montreal ; sailed , State of Indiana and Furnessia for Now Yotk , INCREASE YOUB CAPITAL , $10 Iincatorj o ( ( mill and ruullutn amounts In i/ialn 1'(0 > 1 < I < aud QJOfl tJticKn ni fully iirctcct'd M nifwt \l ) . \t xtuiikho und mftuentUI qi.ritjra Our * iun ( ul , t-il'y tried , o'd un- nrmn i m liblli id ii'iv i. 7llV JT UcjOltl YliKAT ic'Jt weekly.diiltl nd .uid ruon Il ly Hend at oiicu for cxphnutiry ilrculam mid pist iCLord , CBKK inn Dhldeiuli it'.lddii-liu mat thtiteoa lull months nn lhl fund 811.71 mr hlure , A dr < H4 KuKMMINC ti . . MEBUIAM , 141 aud US LaS ! Io mr TOOKS fct. Chlcnei , III. tai'Vfo want a local tfdit In every town Ktcellvnt induco- mtll'aUo.d jay tiu riipu' lblo , cntvrj > rlilii ; man , Wiltj ( or terms , BARGAINS , X2ST FIFTEENTH AND D01KMS STS , , notut'.tul ' luilUllnff ltoi on Sherman a\enuo ( lOtli Btrcit ) scutli of t'oppltton'ii and J. J , Uronn'B rirldoncti the tract boloiigt g toSona- lor 1'nUiloclc tor no mtny } cars being B3j ( act \ust Irontten on the Menu- , liMill SCO to CCO ( cot In depth , ruivnlnir cnitnard to tlio umahn & St. PAH ! K. 1L \ \ 111 neil lu utrlpi of fiO ( cot or more t onUfo on thrnvunua ttlth lull depth to Ilia rillrca' , " 111 ( t'll tfo nbovo on Rboil any tcinmtkat purchaser ran ] dealrc , To pnrtlnwliollltiKrcoto hulld linuKcs co-tin ; (1'A'O and upvaril * will ( cl with- cut imv pijtncnt down ( or ono jtnr , and G to 10 itml | aumial ptjiuinUUifrcklUr it"vcr | cent li.t * tst. To panic * wliciljiiot Inloid tmprar- lnr ; linnicilU'eiy wills 11 for I no > lxtlula\ and C ffnul nunual pij monUthcroatt.r at 7 per tent Interest. Cliol-u 4 aero block lu Smith's addition at w > t cndct r. > nnin ttrcot ill d\o nnj length o ( lima r iulmdnt 7 per ion' . Inter jit , Mta a uploiidl 1 10 aero block In Kmlth'a addi tion on tauio liberal terms M the ( orei ; Inc. No. SOS , Ilxt lot on lunl near ZOili uircct. n J. No C01. Lo' on ISIh ntrot near 1'aul , 812CO. No 302 , Lot 30xii ) ( cct on 15th wrcct , near v IchoKs. No 00 , Ono qiurtcr aero on Buri street , ntnr DuUon V50n. No 297 , T < voloU on Dlondo ncnr Irene Btrcvt , IO nnd.1SOracli. I\o2U6 , T o lotj en Georgia near Mlchlean ctroct , t200. No 05 , Tcho cholco roildcnco lots on llamtl < ton ttrcot In Hhlim'u addition , flue and sightly No 201 IkautHnl tmlf lot on Kt. llnrj's uv cnuo , MX ISO Met , Lear llishop C'Urktion'n atK Oth atruet. f IDCO ND 2112 , Five caolcolotaon I'arkaycnuu , COx HO fnch. ou Htrect railway , $ SOO otcb. No WI.HIx loU In Ulllard & Ca dncli's addltlnr on tiluTnun Avuiuiu near i'oiinlctoj'fl , trS.Oto $150 No 2:0 , Cholco loin on 1'nrk aronuo and 6 treat oar line on r ad to Turk , $ IM > to f 1000 each > o2 5 , Klovcii lots on Ikca ur aid Irene ttrccU , near Saundcrs etrcct , SJ.6 to $150 vach , No W2 , Lot on lUth nur I'uul ttroct , tTW. No 281 , Lot C6xt40 ( cut near Ht. ilury'd u\o.iuo No 210 , 1-ot ou Uoratur near Ircno ftrcct , 325 No i7ri ! , K. ur lota on Caluutll , ucar Sauiitlcn ttroit , * SOO each. > o 2o , Lot on Clinton Btrcet , near shot lower . No 27I > , Four lota on McLollan etrcot , lion londOjilairaii'a dJitli > u , ? JJ6oicli. No'J74 , TUrco loU no r race count : malct oO' ni. No CCS , iteantHuI comer aero lot on California H'rcot , oppotllo andtidjjlnlng Sacred Heart Coa < tcntKround , 9100. No iOo , l < otonMn < on , noarlCth street , 81.3CO 100 lotsln "Credit l'onclor"anil " ( Jranil View' addition , jiut nouth-uuit o ( V. 1 * and I ) . A M , allroad cpots , ianglnifroin ( ICO loilUOOcacl : aiu ou va y lerma. Ccnutlful Hesitlcnco Lots nt a liargalncrj liandy to nhops 1UO to KIQ each , G per u-nt down nd uierccntpir | month. Call and got plat and full | rtlcu'ara. No 25fl , Fiul corner lot on Jono ? , Near ICth fjtrcct , f J.COO. No 20) , 'inn lota on Center ntroot , near Cumin - in btruet , f.'OO ( or both or ( GOO carh. No 2.)1J , Lot ou toward , near King ttreot , (0. (0.No 219 , Halt lot on Uod c , near lllli street , ? 2.100 No 217 , Four bcautKul ronldonco lots near CrnlKhtou College ( or Mill separate ) g.OOU. No2U , 'Iwo lots on Center , near Cumlng street , 9400 each. No itlOJ , Lit on Idaho , nur Cumins struct , , DoautKul corner acre lot on Cumin ? , car Iiutton ttrovt. mar now Convent cl tiacrcd No. 214 , Lot on Far n am , near IS'h ttrcct , 'No13 , Lot CO Iiy 133 fu t on Co lego etrcot , near St. iUr > 'n ntcnuo , $700. No 211 , Loc on I'mimm , near 20th etroit , $1,000. NOS40 , Lot CO by 03 toot on Eoulh.acfiuo , near Mafcon street. $ OM ) . Ho W. Corner lot on Hurt , near 22d street , 42,800. t i Wo -233 , 120x182 Ject c J Haraoy , near 21th , utrcct ( will cut It U)82,41X ) ) > . ' ' No'SI , Lot on Wougloa ttrcct , near 21. th. 8300. 8300.No 232 , Lot on 1'icr street , .near Gcwaril , ? 5UO. 5UO.No2'27 No2'27 , THO lotscnDca-Uur , near Irene itrco' , J.'OOcach. Ao < 2J , Lot 143 by 441 foot on filicramn avo- ouo ( lOthnt.cot ) , lion Grace , 92400 , ulllUlvlilo , NoLVO , Lot iUxtiret on DoJgo , i.cir llitli btrtxt ; inaku > n tder. No-i" , Jxjt on ISnl nonrCltr , 8TOO. No 210 , Lot on llaiullton near King , 8OX No Uj'J , Lot ou 16th btroct , near .Mchohl 6COO.No No 207 , Two lots on ICth. near I'adfio itrcijt. ? lDOl , ) , ho'.CI. llcautlltil rcil'cine lot on lllvlulon etrnct , mar Cuinlug , $ CO. No lib } Lota ou 16th etrcot , noir fierce , .Val9' } , I.otson SauuJcu ttrcct , ncsr fiuvt. ard $ M > . Nolu4J , Two lota on ir.'J , near Oracoctrrot , 300. 300.o 102) ) , Tuo lots on 17th street , near v.hlto leuJ orkBYl,0 , ' < 0 , NolbX ) ; O/io full liloclc ton lota , near the No 101 , I-ot ) on 1'arker , ttreut , near Irene . NolS.TTHO lots on Cat ) , near 21st ttrcit ( Kilt ( dgo ) , $0,00 ; . No IbO , L-t on Tier near Boward , fflM. XolJ , IXD ; on IViinoatrott , near 14th ; miku oiler. Mo 100 , Six lots on Farnani , near 21th etrttt , . . Ko 103 , Tull blocl. on 2Ath fctrruot , near race LOiirie , ui.dtlinclotH In Ultu'i oidltlon , near baunderu and Coiumn btrt'ttn , W,0XI. No 127 , lot on Hill tttieit , nvar nbljo lead works , 6625. Nol123x182 ( ott (2 ( lots ) on 18th etreit , near I'oppltlon'n. * l.(10o. ( Noll'j , TblrtyhtlfAcraloU InMlllardfc Cal- dw ell B addition * on tthcruian aenuo , Spring and toratJua struts , near the end ol gnui btrctt tar track , fi to 1SOO , each. MufcO , Lot ou Chicago , near KM itioet , fit Ui\A Noti3 , Lot on CaldnoU street , near . No 80 , Oornur lot on Chat leu , | ncaHaund - del B lit nut , 7 00. No 75 , tfoxsis ( cot on Pacific , near 8tn elroot 83,000. No tO , Klghtecn loU nn 2Ist , 22d , 23d and ctauidtrJ btriols , ue r Oraco and Uiuuderii strict No 6 , Ouo ( ourth block (160x183 ( ( cct ) , near llmComrut of i'oor Claim , on llauillton utieut , uar the end of the rod etrwit car track , $1,050. REAL ESTATE AGENCY 15th and Douglas Street , PnOPOSALS , . Fen THR OoNTitucnoN of INPIAH . * i BoAnuiNO Bciioot. * , < U.tirno ETATH ItMAN SKRHCT. \ * muKiPOKAorscr , D kot , Junol 188J * J Betted propo l , Indorsed propos l . In trip licate , ( or the erection o ( n Indian bonrdlnp ichooUt thin ttRcncy , In aciordanco with plan. Mid mecincAtlons on fllowith tha Che ! ( Quarter- m fler , Deputmcnt PKtto , o ( the Om h , Noh. , und dlroctid to the undenlcned , o re o ( the Chlet OaMternia t r. Dfpsrtmenl c ( tha Platte. Omih * , Net > . , will ho rocotvoJ until 12 o'clock noon on Siturd v , July 1 , 18S2. ' 1 The contractor will bo ftllo c < I thenioof thg agency mill to cut etich lum cr as J > o may ilenlrc , not to ex oed 100,000 ( cet , nil th labor ol opcr- tine mill to l-o hired hj the contractor , t > e tim- lirr tolxxltnlncJ onhldi- the reservation , And tt e mill turned back la at good order M when re- cclxed h > him. Contract to ho iwariled to loww t rcjpOEWbln b'.ddir , nt < ] ect to tlio approval oJ the Itt- pfttttnftit tl > h Irtctior. ' Vreposils inns' ttn n length t ( tlmi rrfjulrcd ( or comptotton of bull Intr , ol the approval ot contract rurl mu t be accompanied by a certified ih Jk upon nome United Si U Icpo ) ltnry. jny- allotoUo undcreiftnM ( or at lex t Ra ( K ) per cent , it the amount tt the r-rosinul , which check th ! l be forfeited to the UutnlMatolIn rn'oany blddor rcce vlnz the rl I lull ( all to etecuta ptomptly ft contract with RO d and nuniclint mi rctus according to llu term * ot bin hid , other- wi 4 to bo rctnrnctl to tha bidder. No bid In oncon o ( 415 003 ill ha considered. to bo cf lumber , main pcrtlontobe bvistorj bO\IO ; ddltlon o bn ono story 82x100. For further Information addros the under- mSO-lSt United autoa In. l .n APOD t. ELTZE The Gcnllo Wavl De t. In dy > pcivila , Hver cninplnltit ( ind con < itiiutlon the diseased orpins ire oonsltiNO nnd tender. L'o nnt use thorn louithly. An nlic'atlvo llko TAUUAM'H Sr.uir.a Arr.KiRM that tone * . toircls and puilllci the KWtcm vltli' ut iinJu'y cxdtlntr or irritating cither lliu fto'i acn , tha lUcr , or the bowel ? . Is Iho truoipranain such ctw * . lUnion toaclioi this , and oxperlcnro conOrnis tt. SOLD 11Y ALL DKUOaiSTS. J7-Cm JOHN tmntti , " " sciuur , rrrildciit Vlrn 'fttfi 't W. B. Sec. and Treat. THE HEBBASKA CO Lincoln , Keb , MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Pl ntor . nnrrow , iArm Rotlert , ulk Hny Rakot , Duckot Elovntlne Wind ml Ac. AVe are priprcd to do Job work tnd nvannl " url.ic ( or other partlod. AiMroe all crdcrr NKHHASKA UANrrAOTtlRIKO CO. . T P'nol 1 Nt Iiirray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa. Soml Portable FOR CRKAM Cults , FAWi UI1.LH , Printing Dices , ' Etc. , I Bpeoialfcy , The Inrgect Iron Working Kttablish- mont in the Stvto. Steam Engines , AND , . GENERAL MACHINERY. Tlio Howard Automatic Cut-Off , ' Sfcoara Engine , Send'or Circulars. 11123-lUI W. B O E H L , Jtaimf c'urcrt ( thi NEW IMPROVED AWNIKC , COIl. 14th AND 110 WARD. Also JOBS til Vtudi ct raachln tt and lock Bailtti work. ] t-.m AHT1QUAR5A5 BOOKSTORE 1420 DOU'JLAH BTflEET HeaflgnartBrs of the Literati , The Clin est , Lir cot nnd choicest ifllln tlon ol , NEW AND .SECOND-HAND BOOKS In the vvost. SCHOOL BOOKS A SPECIALTY. O.tsh paid for Second-Hand Hooks or exchanged fur new. H. BOHONFELD , r,22.1y PROPHTETOH. JACOB KAUFMAN , Ota 802 IGffi St , OOP. of Bet Dealer fn All.KIMS . OF WMES. PP ! R HEIDS1ECK CIGARS. CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR , Tlio licit lii the country ; tur thu money. M , A. McNamara , SOLE AGENT. ourteonth Street , Omaha. Fancy ani Staple Brooories , AT BED-ROCK PRICES. BUTTEK AND EGGS , riiEsir 1'iioxi ran COUNTHY. fo916 North Shteeuth St , mn. in A. H. SWAH. Awning , Tent anil Wagon Oovors MANUPAOTOET. Cor. 14th and Howard Sts. A. CRUENWALD , Proprietor. SEGER & TONER HARNESS MAKERS ! Hate removed from there old Etimt , to So , 116 North Sixteenth Street NEXT TO OARUIAQB jrAOTOHY. Ha\o alwtya on Iiit.d a goo3 tsjortment HARNESS AND SADDLES. > nS6 tiir J P. ENGLISH , ATTORNEYATLAW ATTORNEY- - , 31uth Thirtoontli St.ith w