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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1882)
-A / ' . - HE 'AIL ' * EirS TWELFTH YEAR. OMAHA , NED. , MONDAY MMlNING , JUNE 19 , 1882. I. THE VALLEY OF DEATH. Unparalellefl Destruction of Life and Property by Cyclones , A Dark Night of Death mid De- vaataiion to tno People of Thr-e States. ThreaDis-ticcS Stormo 3yoop Down Like Mighty 'Buusta of Prey on Central IoV7n , Every Obstacle in Their Path torn From the Qrcund and Dashed to Pieces. TheTo-wna of Grlnaell tmd Mal colm in the Vorfcos of the Vengeful "Wiude. A Broad t wath of Buildings ( Swept Bodily Prom the Hearts of Botb , Killing Maiming and Bury ing the Occupants " Indiscriminately. The Dead and Dying Reach One Hundred , nnd tlio Half Can not lo "J Other Town * " and Farmn.Houaea and Property JDomplntely Ruined Leaven wortb , Atculson and St. Louis AwaKened By Fly- Inpr Timbers. Four Young Ladloa Killed In a Convent Near the Former City. DES MOINES. Special Dispatch to Tin : HUE. AN ELECTKICAL bTOUSf. DBS MOINES , Juno 18. A terrible tornado passed through Central Iowa last night , making a wide aw.ith o ( devastation and tearing down the tel egraph wires m every direction , mak ing it hard to gather uowa. f About 0:30 : o'clock in the evening /Rafter a very hot afternoon , the air suddenly grew moro sultry and cloBO and the sky became suddenly filled with heavy parple. Tlio wind fresh ened at once into n pale and the clouda grew blacker fast and scorned to be coming in all directions and gathering over Das Moines for half an hour. Ever one who had over Bosnia tornado waa fearful of the result. Suddenly the clouds began to divide and to pass off to the northeast and the sou the i at , , tor an hour and n half great banks clouda filled the southeast and the northeast. It was an electrical storm of great fury here. GRINNELL , . Special 1)1 pitih to Ice L'es. FlllOllTl'UL VATAUTV. DEsMoiNts , June 18. The follow ing was received from Kellogg , IA : "A cyclone struck Grinnoll about 9 o'clock last evening. Twenty-five por- aons were killed and CO to 80 injured. Send ull the doctors you can. " Upon receivine this no WB Su pt. lloyco , of the Rack Island road , summoned all the Burgeons ho could and started with a special train for Grinnell. Train No. 17 waa wrecked ono mile and a half ease of Grinnell and Con ductor Deignan and aomo of hia pas- aengora were severely injured. The head brakeman ia missing , Fourteen cara were BLOWN CLEAIl OYT THE TUACK. Telegraphic communication waa in terrupted BO it waa impossible to get any report until 8 o'clock this morn ing when wo obtained the following facia from that point. The storm came from the north west and after passing Grinnoll followed the track of the Rock Island road towards Malcom. About a mile and a hulfeat it came in con tact withu | west bound freight train conaistingiof 23 cara ; 22 of them were " \ up and thrown to the north of trie track and rolled down a ten foot embankment. Thu twenty-third car waa carried to the south and now lies over next to the railway fence. The cara are badly wrecked. THE FATAL CASUALTIES at Grinnell are reported at 7 P. m. to day aa thirty-two dead or only a few 'lioura to live , and about one hundred or more wounded. Deacon Ford and wife , Mr. Lewis and wife , Deacon Clements uml two children , Miss Eva Murton of Chicago cage , Henry , Pitman's two children , and Mr , Pitman , probably fatally in jured ; Afiaa Abbio Gard , photographic artiat , Cornell Chose of Htbrm Lake , the only student killed ; Husio Boyer , daughter of the dry goods merchant , also hia son , fatally wounded ; lire. Griawold , Mra. Tottcn , Mra. Cullson and her mother , Mrs. Alex ander and two children , Mra. Huff and child. Goo , Ferry's baby , Ferry is not expected to live , M , Howard's bojl a lady trom Codur Rapids visit- \rji \ at lloyer'a. Thrcfl persona are dead two milea weal of town , Henry Maaro , of Marohalltown , a brakeraau on the Iowa Central road , wua fatally injured ; John Deignan , n conductor on a Rock Island freight , fatally injured ; a tramp from Don Homes , iatally injured ; u traveling man named Barbuur , of Chicago , fa tally injured , ABOAT BEVENTy-riVK IIOU8EB , including some of the finest residences in the city , nro levelled to the ground Ono ot the collrgoa io complotolv demolished and the other is burned down , Somn oiqht of the students are b idly injured , having been dug out of tlio iiiitis The ChapSn house is turned into a hospital , some of the most dnngorous c\soa being cottod there. Dr. llan welt , the railroad company's phyaician , reached homo this ntternoon at. ) o'clock. Ho eays is is impossible to imagine the wreck. The storm struck the town in the northwest portion nuTl cut the orglnent of a circle out of the north part of the town , reaching down to the edqo of the public park and com ing out at the northeast corner. The people \vcr < 3 ALMOST STUI'IKIKD with the suddenness of the accident , mid do not yet fully ronlizo their Iocs , Ho accosted a young man on the ntreot find aekod him if ho know of any ono needing medical assistance. The young man replied mechanically that ho know of a jounglady who was badly hurt , and oiforcd to show the doctor the place. On their way ho remarked in a matter of fact way that ono of his sisters WHB killed and an other hurt. The doctor quickly sug gested ho had butter eno the injured girl , and they turned usldo to do to. The girl was POUND TO IIH DYING. After making her easy the young mm i , still unmoved , offered to go with the doctor. Ho was horror stricken at the nonchalance of the poor boy , and finally induced the young man to stay with his sister and started alone on his errand of mercy. The doctor says MALUOM SUFFEBBD MOUE in proportion to ita aizo than Grinnoll , being fairly gutted. FURTHER DEATHS. National Associated Preen. DBS MOINKB , Iowa , June 18 A tornado swept through central Iowa late last , night , the pith of it running from northwest to southeast , from twenty miles north of Dea Moinos. The town of Grinnoll waa atruck by it , and reports from there are that half of the town is in ruins. Some twenty or thirty people are killed , and over one hundred wounded , both the large buildings of Iow& college were bliwii to the ground. A train of cara was blown from the iraok in the vicinity of Grinnell. A special train of physicians and relief force have gone to the scene. A RUINED CITY. IOWA CITT , Iowa , Juno 18. Dr. Peck and Superintendent Kirnball , of the Rock leland road , have just ar rived from Grinnoll , and state that the number of deaths will reach fifty and there are marly ono hundred ivoandod. The resident portion of the city and the buildings of the Iowa college are completely demolished. The loss to propar y will reach half n million dollaro. At Malcolm , seven miles east of Grinnoll , many bouses wuro blown down , and iu the suburbs of the village seven persons were killed. There has been fullj x > .ae hun dred Jives lost in the path of the tor nado , which extends through Central Iowa in southeasterly direction to a point almost twenty-five miles south east of Grinnell. The storm began near Amos , Iowa. THE WAKNIM ! . MAUSHALLTOWN , la. , Juno 18 , The most terrific disaster iu the his- tiry of Iowa is ono of which the now desolate town of Grinnell is the vic tim. The peculiar aspect of thu aky was a matter of common remark on the streets yesterday afternoon , An hour or moro before sunset the north ern sky hung with a conical down ward pointing clouds the like of which none had over been scon. After sunset , and oven after darkness was gathering , the western horizon and western aky half way to the x.anith was lurid and BllILUANr AND UNKAUTHLY. Almost ere the brilliant apparition had disappeared the storm broko. It was accompanied by a roaring like thunder , or perhaps moro like a rum bling of a dozen heavy freight trains. Chimneys , trees , houses and. barns began to fly like leaves. The rain came in floods as if a water spout had burst , which in fact was probably the cause , and wind and rain and blinding - ing ightning continued so furious for nearly half en hour that tt was scarcely safe for those whoso roofs ntayod over them to opentho doora. But the damage was done in a very minutes and probably not moro than five. The northwestern corner of the town WAS LAID FLAT. The path of the storm was compar atively narrow , but scarcely anything was left standing within its limit. At first it entered the town from the west and moved a little north from oust until it reached Main street , then it curved to the southeast , whip ped up the college building and sev eral houses on the cast aide of the town. It then iscomcd to bound into the air passing over Mr. Snow and Mr. Perry's farm. It crossed the 0. R. I , & P/ about a mile and half east of this city whore it met the west bound freight , which it COMPLETELY DEMOLISHED , Aa it pasted southeast across the country it demolished farm houses , fences and barns. It struck Malcolm in iia north half , and wrought de struction as complete as In Grinnoll. The track of the atorm center , as it crossed the city , averaged two blocks in width. The damage outside that narrow track was comparatively small , although the tempest in this respect eoemed us freakish as light ning. Most of the buildings wcr * crushed like egg sholln , and reduced to uplintera , A few were lifted bodily and turned around. The marvelous loss of lifo WAB not greater than was the storm , which came up with such a roar that many betook themselves to collars. THIS WAVED THEM as their houses disappeared from over their heads. Kveu the foundation walls iu many cases were brushed off even with the aurlaco of the ground. A considerable number of cows nnd horses were killed. Fowls had their feathers entirely stripped off and tlio earth appeared as if beaten and lashed with indescribablefury. . THE LIST OK DEAD IS Mr. Phipm' child. Miss Ev.i Morton , ngcd 1)8. ) Mrs. Guss'son , 18 year * old. B. H. Burgctt , student , of ! ) privcr. E B , Chnsc , student , of Storm Lake. Miss A , Gyard , ptudent. W. H. Fryo , of B.ikemart. Mrs. Funnorbog. Oliva lliigh. Mrs. Elizabeth Ilounln Mrs. Vandcrbilt , of F.mfax , la. Ed and L'zzio ' Olcmont. Mr. and Mrs. Lnvua Deacon. N N. and Mrs , Ford , Miss Tipton , Mrs. D. B. Tomon , Mrs. Alexander's son , The infant son of Mra. Hough , ' Mra. Griawold , Miss B.tggtT , llattio Pitman , Mrs. Luber , Mr. Howard's little BOD , Air. O. D. James , wife nnd two dauclitera , Mra. 0. J. Eager , John Dolgnnns , a conductor , Mr. Guthrio's infant child. THE LITTCE VILLAGE OF MALCO.M and farms adjacent were aorioita ouf- forcra by the atorm. The Presbyter ian and Methodist .churches were both completely demolished. The Gazette office and the agricultural warehouse of J. H. Duppas and a number of rcsidencca were seriously injured. Where yesterday were lo cated twelve cosy farm cottages , to day not a vestige of them remains. There were five persons killed , as follows : Chaa. Wheeler. Mra. Ackers. Mr. and Mra. Vanmidones. Peter Ora't. The wounded arc : Margaret Mur ray. ray.John DufloB. Mrs Shoun. Delia Bohronfuso , the latter thought to bo fatally injured. The storm had someof its fury broken before it reached this point , still the tornado was one of tcrriflio force and hugo proportions. Reports come of several deaths south of Brook lyn , but the ramo and number could not bo obtained. THE DAMAGE at Malcolm and vicinity will foot up ? 10iCOO. The dumagn done in Grin nell will'oggrfgito SBOO.OOO. The ' total losa of life will foot'up fifty at least , while many more will be crip pled for lifo. Special Dispatch tl The tec. DEKTUUCTION AND DEATH. DES MOINES , Juno 18. There IB no furthc'r trace of the deadly woik of the storm along the railroad until you roach Malcolm , a little town of i about 1,200 inhabitants , twelve nitlun east of Grinnoll. Here the work of destruc tion waa continued. The Presbyterian and the Methodist churches were completely demolished. The agricul tural implement building of J. H. Duffdra , in which waa located The Malcolm Ga"z3tto , was blown down and the machinery scattered around. J. B. Adams' brick hardware store waa also partially destroyed , and a number of private residences were alto leveled. Seven people nro known to bo killed outright , and a great num ber injured. THE KILLED AHE ! Charles Wheeler , Mrs. Myers and her mother , Mr * . Middelmuy , Peter Craft , a Mra. Alters who ia a sister-in- law of State Superintendent Akora , and her boy Johnnie. Thereis a nad incident with the death of Mrp. Aker.5 and Johnnie. She had just closed her homo prepara tory. , to making a visit to a sister in Illinois , her husband being absent in the mountains. She wont out to Mra. Wheeler's to epond the night , taking her little boy and leaving her daughter Mamio with a young friend in town. Mr. Whoolor'a house was destroyed and Mra. Akers body was found in a ditch about ton rods away , a heavy piece of timber laying across her body and a horrible tja-h across her head. The little girl Mamio is atill ignorant of the fatu of her mother. AMES. Spcolftl DlrpatiU to TMK UBK. THE C'ENTEU OF THE UYOLONH. Di'.sMoiNEH , Juno 18. The follow ing nuws cornea from Amtn , Iowa : A cyclone patecd about four miles couth of horu last evening. There are three houses blown down sowth of Nevndi , the next station east of hero. It is reported that a family of five were blown away , and that they have not found'them yet. A farmer had his house and barn blown down and ho had his log broken in aoveral placee , The next heard x > f the atorm was at Grinnell , Iowa , about 10:30 : p. m. OTHER PLACES Special Disptch to the Doe. THn OVOLONKH IN BECTJONH , DEB MOISES , Ja , , Juno 18 , Brooklyn - lyn has also Buffered considerable dam- ago. No moro communication ) ] with them at preaont , Reports from Mt. Pleasant say that twonty-nino empty freight cara standing - ing on the side track were blown over on the main line. The depot and sev eral houses in the vicinity were un roofed , Several persons wore injured and a number are reported killed. The cyclone struck the town at J1 o'clock p. m. OTTUMWA UEI'OKTH the atorm as passing to the north and east. No wind or tain there. CKOOKEH , IOWA , reports they had no otonn tlioro last night. The cyclone gathered near Swede Point , on the DeaMoinesriver , and paaBod directly east until it dis appeared in the horizon toward the fated city of Grinnoll. There waa no damage this aide of Sholdahl , HHELDAHL , IOWA , reports ono cyclone paaaed about eight m'lm ' I itth nnd waa about 351 fct wit e. It swept cvoi-ylhing bolofpi , atripped tie ! b rk from growing (1. ( lot , * and took out email cutvils in the highwayc , dcalroyod thjo farm houses nonr Kelley and li ; d considerable stock. Another one IB- aed through Keller , Iowa , and dn- aged houcca , barns and corn cos lienrrAlly to the amount of ncrly § 2,000. Both were gointf nearly et and ut the aam'o time. No one Ltt a * far as reported. (10WRY , IOWA , rornrta throe cyclone * were visibhjl thia place from 5 to 7 p. in. Ilavo n jvporls from the county ynf. ' KF.LLoao reports the O5clono slruck llu'a ton last night , blowing T. F. Peal's hoito down , completely duatroying it , wli alight injury to the occupanla. J. \ > Jlurko'fl roaidonco wu considerably h jtirod. Quito a number of stables nil other out building * were blown dev within the cily limits. It i aafo j any thcru were ton persona killed ml thirly or forty moro or ICBB injunl between hero nnd Grinnell andagro many buildings completely dcalroycc OH AND JUNCTION reports the cyclone did not strike thii place last night , but passed to thi northeast , aouth of Ogden and dp atroycd two or three farmhouse * . TDK DEATH ROLL. A spacial train from Atlantic , cou taining Hon. J. B Grinnoll an .JHrfl Doicnan , the wife of Our Jstoi Doignan , nrrived at Grinnoll ot 7 o. m. Mr. Grinnoll waa shown the Hal of dead and wounded and aa ho rcac over the death roll great toara came ii hia eyes. Conductor Diognan died n D p. m. Thia ia all the particular' ' that can bo obtained at prcsOnl writing. ST. LOUIS. \ . SIXTY-SIX MILES AN HOUK. j ST. Louis , Juno 18. The BOVOMS ! storm that has visited tins-region ii ] f very long time puaod over the itj between 12 and 1 o'clock yoater laj morning. Thowind attained a velo it ) of sixty-six miles an hour , and lid very great aggregate daninga , but , BI far as now known no injury of muj ai < tudo occurred. Trees and fences wVrc prostrated in all Boctiona of the cily shutters , aigna , chimneys , etc. , wott blown down , and general havoc atnohf email things prevaila. Very huavj rain accompanied the wind , and th } streets , Bowers ar.d collars in mnrt parts of the city were flooded. f SEVERAL STEAME1U ) - at the wharf lost their chimnoya n ; had some part of their upper work : carried away , and birgoa aud smal , crafta were banged about a good deal , livery telegraph line in the city wai proatratod and at this writing com munication ia restored to only a ver ; few pointo. A good deal of plat ! glasa wua broken in the business porp lion , and a great many windows o' rcsidoncca were blown in. THE KTEAMEU Blub Lodge , the property of MacDor. nlu Brun.f lutnufr oiiaiors , UaUrosay U'is. , vilucd at $10,000 , was sunk a1 Pittaburg dike on the Illinois shore and ia a fotil loss with no insurance The steamboat Champion No. 9 , prop crty of Capt. Woodward , waa sunk ai the Gartsido dump , East St. Louis , and is also a total loss. Valued ai 810,000 ; fully insured. Capt. Dunn Silvers' boats , Bright Light and An < nia P. ( Sllynrn , unstained danvigo re spectively 81,000 and $1. COO. The Onarlca Ctmutcau lost her boom. Thu Grand P.iciQ.ono of the St. P.iul Packet line , io injured 800. The City of Helena lost both chimneys. TUB TOTAL LOSS on everything by the atorm ia ovdi $250,000. The atorm seems to havi buon moro severe in East St. Louie than on thia side of the river. Near ly all the southern part of that town was flooded with water , aud apmo fifty.housoij occupied by poor families were mbre or leaa injured and several blown down or entirely out of shape. Wumon and children left there houata aud waded around through thu mud and water for hours , seeking a safe shelter from the storm , filling freight can and occupying ether places of refuge. THE HOUND HOUSE of the Narrow Gauge railroad was nearly blown down and Koachor'e no iv mill nearly lost of the uppar atory and the engine house. About 150 toot of the Vandaliti line freight house waa caniednway. Thu East St , Louis elevator and the Advance elevator lost ( heir smoke sleeks or part of their roofs. Tao Hazjl milla aliio aurft'red severely. A score or more of other building ) , Borne of them hut > incs3 houses , lost their roofa or part of ( heir wnlln , and considerable Block waa dnmauud 01 dcotroycd by the rain Tha total lout cannot fall uhorfc of § 50,01)0 ) , and mny bo more , LEAVEN WORTH , K AS. A MIDNIGHT 11D1UIIUANE. LEAVENWOHTH , Juno 18 , At hall past 12 o'clock yesterday morninj Loavenworth wea visited by ono ol the most terrific wind storms cxpori enced for many years , otrowing the atreota with debris. The wind came from the northwest , and the mosl torrifio part of the gale lasted foi about twenty rainutoa , during whicl time a perfect pandemonium reigned. . At times the fierce wrath of UK storm would lull for a moment ; then , gathorinc ; fresh fury , it came dowr with seemingly greater velocity. Al the most violent portion the wind wai blowing over M1XTV MILEH AN UOUll , and the onomotcr in the signal oflici clicked with an ominous rapid H } which boded nothing but ill to tin city. The city waa astir ; lights wen flashing from every window. At tin hotels there waa a eccno of indescrib able confusion ; the guests tumblw out of bed and into the halls clad it scanty garments , and huddled togothei in a confused mass , uncertain whicl way to turn , many believing that thi next moment would bo their last. A private residences were the eaim acenoa of DIIIB DIHMAY. Wives were clinging to thuir hus lands , and the shrill erica of the little ones , Buddenly aroused from their in nocent j'umbors , was well calculated ti unnerve the stoutest heath As soon ns the Morm hiul iu a mo-xsuto subsided a reporter ventured abroad to see what diunino had been done. The affrighted citizens were just ven turing abroad } at the tvindowa wore women and children atill pale with fripht. The atroela worocoverou with roofa , bricks , uigno , boxes , trees everything mixau together in an in- . Scarcely n building in the city on- oaped without injury of some kind , but fortunately no injuries to person are reported. Tlio losses rtrd HO widely scattered that it in impostublo to give an estimate. A MAN DROWNED IN TUB 1IIVKR. Shortly after the ntorm commenced the operator hoard eriea for help , and thn muht engineer ol the yard engine , Buck RjbitiBon , ran down the track to BOO what wua the matter. IIo aaw a tntm in the water ju.H bulow the depot - pot , and attomptcd to reach him , but could not do so , and had to stand by and BCO the man go down , with great difficulty keeping from going into the water himself. The man had evi dently been blown into the river. Who ho was could not bo loaruoJ. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. NnUonal AwocUtcd 1'roan. LEAVEN WORTH , Kan. , Juno 18. After n aultty day and evening a , storm struck Loavonworth about 12:15 : rSturday | morning , doim ; great dam- . 'ago to property and causing loss ot t , life. The storm cloud came from the i .northwest and wan aooompaniod by i ( vivid lightning and heavy thunder. t The roar of the coming wind could bo jhoard whi'o ' the atorm waa several miles away , but before the few people who were awake could give the warn ing the wind struck the city with | TERRIDLK FORUE. The night had boon very hot and windows and doors were open. Bo- tore they could bo closed the atorm waa at ita height. The signal station hero rt parta that from 12:15 : to 12:2C : the velocity of the wind waa 72 milui an hour and the pressure 2G pounda tc the square foot. When the atom subsided the streets were filled will awning * , tin roofa , boxoa , lumber ant the ruins of houses with FRIGHTENED FEOPLB funning about in search of friondi inquiring after each others vclfitro. Several thousand dollarrf uorth of tin roofs were blown off , i fi\v ( residences demolished and other b4d'y ' wrecked. The Kansas Centra uluvutor , lately completed , and cost ihg § 60,000 , was wrecked. Tin 4' < autera' house , Odd Fellows' hall bernuthy's factory , court house tdioal buildings , cathedral aud stvcni residences were badly injured. Win LTainbettou waa buried in the ruina o hu house , and when dug out had hi shoulder and arm broken and was tei ribly bruised. Hundreds of f ruib and shade tree aru blown down and many of th t af > n LeJ-tJio oily wen ) Hturullj' OO\ ered with prostrate trees and ftui torn from the limbs. The extent of the damage of th atorm waa not known however unti this morning , when word was receive * that the storm had WORKED ATERltlDLE DISASTER at Mount St. Mary's academy , tw > and a half milea nouth of the city The news as firat received was tha the academy had blown down am many livoj were lost. The Standard reporter , who lira hoaid thn news , rang the fire bull and a few men woio gathered am wont out to the ncademy an fast a possible. Thu great brick cupola hiu blown down and crushed through thi roof of thu building into a dormatory , where there were thirty girls. Tin roar of the coining storm had awaken cd most of them , and they wore 01 their kncea in prayer when the cupoli fell : FOUR OP THE QIUL.S WERE KILLED. Their names are Mabel McLaun than , Ida Golden and Annie MoDon aid , of this cily , and Mary Austin , o Carrolton , Mo , Several pthe scholars were wounded , though no seriously. It required several hour to recover tbo bodies from the ruina Death appeared to have boon instan tunoous ia each case. There waa : pathetic aceno when the bodies won taken put in the presence of relative ) and friends. The fuuorala of the vie tima took place to-day , The dam ngo to the academy building irn 800,000. The atorm tore down Ihi wires , and telegraphic communicatioi waa not established until to-day From reports from tlio Burroundinj country it ia learned that but littl damage has been done to riponiii | grain , though fruit haa suffered con uiderably. _ NEW YORK. [ Nation * 1 Attoclaiud 1'reiw SARATOGA TAKES A IIATH. ' I SARATOGA , N. Y. , Juno 18. Tin storm that rcgod hero yesterday after noon and night waa ono of the aovorea over known in this region , and ai immense amount of damage was done There was a perfect deluge of water ii some atroeta. The water was fron ono to three foot deep. The hurri cane levelled a largo number of trees Several largo washouts occurred o : the Mount McGregor railroad , i course of construction. In the town of Ballston , Apa , Rock City and Gan zevoort , along Sacondaga river , th storm raged with relentless fury , an it is reported the hail proved ver dcatructive to vegetttion. It waa th moat severe etorin ever known here , BTORM MOl'ES. N ttoc l Associated I'ruw. IN ILLINOIS , GENKSEO , 111 , , Juno 18. A torribl storm prevailed night before laal Chimneys wore blown down , house and barns unroofed and many tree were blown up by the roots. HEIHLIA. SEDALIA , Mo. , Juno 18 , Theaton prostrated the Gorman Catholic churc and also the retort room of the g < house. PERSPIRING STATESMEN , Tlio Law-Makers Practically Earning their Bread and Sweating , I'ho Bald nnd Bronzed Brows in Both Houaea Fre quently Sponged. The JTorr Days Liable to Find a Quorum Wilting , Several Important Mnppod Otvt lor the Wooli A Variety of Evento BoUed Down. CAPITA ! . NOTES. N llon l Associated I'ro-f. ri.n'1'Kll'S FIKE. "WASHINGTON , Juno 18. The oecro- taty of wnr signed atid unproved the court martini dismisMiiir Lieut. Flip per from the army. The ptpiira are now iu the hands of the printer , and will bu acnt to the commanding oiHccr of the department at once. TUB 1'OLAR REGIONS. Lieut , Harper writca from Irkutsk under date of April Itth , giving an account of the journey from St. Pet ersburg , which place ho left February 23 J , arriving at Irkutsk March 25th. Ho haa contracted for the steamer General StinlninkofF for the journey northward , paying 4,000,000 roublca for the , uao of the boat. The last hoard from Melville waa on February 12th , when ho wna at Norchojouak. E. 0. INUKR80LL , a prominent District attorney , ia re- reported inaano to day. He boa boon acting as counsel for ex-Senator Chris tian cy in the divorce proceedings. T11K BUMMER CAMPAIGN. It ia said the aonato will adjourn Wednesday until the following Moiv day in order to have the catpotp taker up and mat tin u put down. Thia looki like a auirimer campaign. THE COLORED FRESH. The National Colored proaa nssocia tion , which hold its first conventioi ut Louisville in 1879 , will assemble it this city on the 27th and continue ii session three days. HEADS WIN. Secretary Teller , iu the mining cnsi of Gin ctaw county , I. T/ , decided tha the heada of the dupirtmuntu of thi government are higher than the court under the Ohoc'aw treaty. OU1TEAU AOAIN. Jiiaiice N. UradK-y admits that h has for eoveral days had under con side ration an npplicition for a writ o habeas c yjiujjiy.Rei d for Guitoauv IJAMv ) . The Frst National of Benton Tex. , capital $50,000 , waa authorize' ' to commence business. I'ENNBYLVANIA POLITICt ) . Senator Mitchell states in regard ti the published rumor of Cameron' , proposition to thu independents for i n < 3w Pennsylvania convention , that hi doca not beliuve Cameron over hat any auch intention. As to whetho : fiudi an idea would find fuvor among the hidupondenta , Mitchell declines t < say. HOUSE WORK. The house to-morrow , after the oil of atutuH , will act upon billa called u ] by coimuitteoi : under suspontinn o the rules. Mr. Williams ( Wia ) , wil attomot to pasa a bill nppropriatinj $1)0,000 for a iish exhibition a London. Tuesday the bill u propria ting $1,000,000 for the congreenionu library building will come up , afto : the disposition of which Kclluy wil call for the bill for § 30,000,000 re duotion in the internal revenue. Thii bill will bo followed by ono nppropri ation bill , In the talk about adjourn nient I ho belief ia that the eossior will hist until the third week of July I'llKSIDKHTIAI , 1'LANH. The president authomos a denial o alt stones as to hia summer plans. lit hopes to nnike a short trip us uaua to Canada iiahing grouiidn , and niovoi to the uoldiert ) ' homo next week. ' CONGRESS. I'.lovM Associated I'l.wi. HOUSE I'liouKKiiisas. AVAHIUNOTO.V , Juim 17. Consider at ion of the liver and hurbor bill \ctu resumed , the question beinir on thi ino'ion to ntriku out the i.ppropri * tion of $1)00,000 ) for reservoirs at tin head of the Mississippi. It wa adopted , The Mississippi river im provuinont clnuso waa reached nt \ o'clock and diauuascd two hours , Mr Moore ( Tcnn ) and ooveral Missiaaipp valley niombors spoke in favor of tin bill , An amendment uaa adopted di rooting the work to bo curried on b ; contract aa far as possible. The at tempt to engraft into the bill Cowdor'i achemo for lowering the waters of tin Mississippi by an outlet through Laki Borguo waa voted down without dc bate or division. A number of mine amendments providing for survey of various streams were adopted. J 8 vote waa taken on the bill at 0:15 : p in. , and the bill passed 110 to 4T. Roboraon reported thn naval appro priation bill from the committee Adjourned at 0:30 : p , in , NEWS. National AssocUtcJ I'tcn. LYNCUK1) . DENVER , Juno 18.A apcclal froi Rico , Col , , flays a party entered tli jail at two o'clock Friday night , too out the murderer ? , Thomas Wall an Trinidad Charlie , and hung them in mnull cabin near the jail , A tiiKE riuar. CHICAGO , June 18. ADallaaTcxa ( special saya a free light occurred i Llano , Texas , in which Henry Hatl IB waa killed , John Cogging mortal ! wounded , and three others more j loss injured. The buttle wan fought with \Viiiohofilor rifles nnd fifty or sixty shota were firorl. The district court Ins called tip u. the adjutant gei.cral to prcnotvo tha pcacet FKHITISU AT SEA. NEW YOJIK , Juno 18 The ship Frcnmnn Clark from C.xlontta arrived nt Drooklyn to diy. While the ves- BP ! waa elf Island St. Thrinis on the 27th uUM two Chiiinmon ( cook aud steward ) run a muck on account of the cnptaiu depriving them of the usual allowance of rpmm , murdered Cixpt. D right , of Stuiligfiuhl , Mnis. , ntlucking tlio ollbera and crew with hatchets nnd knives , severely wound ing the first mate and two of the crow. The fighting was draperato for about twenty mhiutea. Both China * men were killed nnd thrown over board , THE LEAGUE LEADER. A Hearty Welcome to Mich ael Davitt iu Now York. A Brief Talk oil Kindred Hid Health nilil Apprnrunco- KutlcBftl Anoc ! tcd I'rcfra. NEW Yoiuc , Juno 18. The Qerma- nia arrived ot the duck early thin morning , and the reception that waa arranged for Michael Davitt waa car- riid out to a ureat extent. The agitator tater stepped from the el earner at 7:30 : , and waa driven immediately to the Everett hou&o. In an interview ho said ho had not made nor sug gested a now departure. "My Liver pool speech waa not intended to an tagonize the viowa of Parnell or to awitch off the Land lenguo movomontn from the path it haa boon pur suing. It wna made in answer tea a challenge from the Troy prosa , which declared I could not define my idea of land for the people in a reasonable way. They put the onus of commun ism on mo and I aimply desired to re pudiate the atigmaand justify the idea in the oycaof reasonable people. " At three o'clock there waa a conference between the joint Land league com mit toea of Now York nnd Brooklyn , Boston delegations , representatives of lenpaers from other localities and Michael Davitt The diatiuguislicd visitor is appar ently much improved in health and spirits. IIo Bconis ready for a now and vigoroua campaign. Tno confer ence was a prolonged one. The reso lutions of the joint committuo were laid before Davitt , heartily welcom ing the father of the Land loagiio and expressing gratiUido and confiJenco fur \il \ ) punt and future. Dr. Walluou. D Ourran and othora entered into exhaustive statements on the matter at issue. Davitt expressed regret , before a conclusion had been arrived at , that hia presence waa wanted and his explanations sought about thb Liverpool speech , on which The construction . waa onoho could hot : \ \ ' accept. . The text waa given to suit , no doubt , the design of his enemies in the prcea and to further the one- mica' object of fomenting disunion. Do waa now , as ho had over been , iu thorough accord with the Land league ana ita object ? , and uiujunliGodly' in union with Pr.rnoll and other leaders. [ A'pplauso. ] Congratulation and hand-akaking- all around followed Una declaration. 33Z2C 3u I'ATKNTKD JVSK 30)11 , 170. CAUTION ! Cheap and poor quality gloves are * being extensively advertised as "Fos ter" Lacing Gloves , ' Foster" Hook Gloves , etc. , etc. , in a manner calcu lated to make it appear to purchasers that they are the qcnuino ' To prevent deception of thia charac ter , purclm-cra of laced gloves are in formed tlut all genuine "Foster" Gloves are made from the beat quality of real kid , and stamped with a fac simile ot the manufacturer's signature , thus : THOMAS imELL&00SoleAgt& , . 374 BROADWAY , N. Y. i > 'it'\i' \ ( ' < & ) l Kl l ' ' It < ) * $ # < I I .3 ' * t t * jnj _ M ft * * l I ? P . $ - . . i / \ if - - . Vfc f : . HU l- ; - Mft , , - f * vt i J r ' # * du rl v V.t , 4 Vr Summer uco ttusto Stove * yn < Ir.diHjwt Vt , " Thieocclebritoil8toviHlotJ laljvD , A' , P ore ; ' Omahk Neb. 9-lm-su : .tw , . ± _ J Keaitty , lu'iilth , 'ipil luippincas f r Jtidleri InVINE Or CAHniU"