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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1882)
/ " - . . ' < * OMAHA DAILY H ILEVENTl-l YEAR OMAHA , SATURDAYKG : JUNE 10 , 1882. NUMBER 300 About No. 2. DURHAM LONG Our No , 2 is intended for those who want a dime package of Long Cut To bacco. A great many people prefer Long Cut to Granulated for smok- ingandyot donotwantto pay the price necessary to secure thoflncstgarde. DURHAM LONG Cur No 2 is specially prepar ed for thcso folks and it is the very best that can bo _ made to sell at the price. You will notice two things about this package. First tlio namo.of W. T. Blackwoll & Co. isn't on it and second , the trade mark ' of the Bull is missing. Why is this ? Because our name and Bull trade maik stand ai guarantee that the tobacco contain ed in those bags or pack ages ia the very beat and purest that cm be rrmuo and this DURHAM LOMI CUT No. 2 is not the best and wo cannot afford to secure n temporarily larno tale by decoivint ! you , and so wo don't put our niitno or tr.xda mark on the ) package , but lot .it stand on its own merit. ' ' Don't think now , be- - cauao of this , DURHAM Lora CUT No. 2 is some poor worthless trash that you don't want , it is re ally good tobacco , a good deal bettor than some that makes creator pre tensions. Do you smoke . Long Cut , and do you feel that ten cents is all you ; want to pay for a package of smoking to bacco ? Then just tjot a package of DURHAM LONG CUT No. 2 and wo think you will have to \ that it boats any thing you have over smoked unless you paid a good deal higher price. You know the only GEN UINE DURHAM Touuico is undo by W. T. Black- well & Co. Nobody over Ihousjhtof manufac turing tub.xcco in Dur ham , or of calling their "ooih by that uama until wo hid created sucha do main' ' for our' tobacco . that every smoker o illed for Durham. Unfortn- irately , being the , name 4" , of the town vvo can't con trol it no wo cnn the Bull trade mark , and so there are imitf.tiona , o our Durham Tob-cco and to pievensous being imposed - V posed on wb will tell" you how .tr.knov that you gatJ the GENUINE DuRHAir LONO Cur Nt. . 2. ' * It is put up in tin foil packages and on ono aide is a picture of our facto ry and on the other a picture of a girl smoking a cigarette. Be sure you got Iho genuine it hasn't any manufacturer's name on the labal and you will moro than pleased with it. If at any time you want the very finest goods made ask for BLACKWKLL'S BULL DUR HAM LONO CUT , or GRAN ULATED , or BKACKWKLK'S BULL DURHAM CIGAR ETTES. CHOICE CIGARS. Imported and Domestic- Finest Selection in Town. 'Price * to Salt Everybody. From Haifa Dollar Down to 5a Schroter & Becht's MCCARTHY & BUEKE General Undertakers , .33 * < S ! ? 33E S ! 0 ? Bot. Farnam and Donglan. lloln'llc ' , Wood and Cloth Cocrcd ASEETS , COFFIKS , EOBES SHROUDS , CRAPE , &o. , onstantly on hand. OrJora from the coun ti ollclted , and promi t'y attondo4 to. m31 \ftTIQUARIAN300KSTORE 1420 DOUOLAS STREET leaflparters of tlia Literati , The Cheapest , Lar cat Mid choicest oolloctloi ofj NEW AND SKCOND-IIAND BOOKS , In the West. SCHOOL BOOKS A SPECIALTY Gash paid for Second-Hand Booki ir exchanged for now. H. SCHOHFELD , PROPRIETOR. Fancy ana Staple Groceries AT BED-ROCK PRIDES. BUTTEfl AND EGGS FRESH FROM THE COONTRV. llNo. 916 North Sixteenth St A. H. SWAN. TONER , _ : c ? .Xi MAKERS Have icmotod ( rom there old blind , to \ 116 North Sixteenth Street NEXT TO CARRIAGE FACTORY. \avo \ alwtya on bind a good uuortment { NESS AND SADDLES , to.16.6ta THE BESOM OF BLOOD. Its Force and Fury Keeping Pact With the Country's Growth , A Pow Hangings do Not So- riouely Retard ita Steady Flow. Quinn Bohanan , the Mardorot of Cook , Convicted at Lincoln Virginia and Texas Dispose ol a Bloody Pair with Hemp. Captnro of tbo Broaliflold - 1101)11001 mid Honorary of the Troasaroi A Tasteful Array of Human Plondo Bohtumu Convicted- Ulispatch to Tim UEK. LINCOLK , Neb. , Juno 9. Quini : liohauau's case wus ended to-day bj the jury bringing in a verdict of murder dor in the second degree , with rccora mondatiou to the judge that ho be nont up for lifo. The jury was oul twonty-fie hours. Sentence will be passed to-morrow. The murder for which Bohanan was tried waa ono of the moat cruel anO causeless iu the criminal history of the state. Ho had a dispute with a respectable spectablo young man named Cook , al v * avorly , about the spelling of the Word "peddler. " Bohanan gavb the lie to Cook , for which Cook slapped him in the fact * . Bohanan then drew a pistol and ehuot Cook dead. The oxciicmcnt was so intense that the murderer was secretly hurried tc Lincoln to prevent the enraged popU' lace from lynching him. Bo ha ! already served it few years in the state penitentiary , from which ho escipet' before his term' expired. A Black Fnll- National Assoiuiwl Perm. RICHMOND , V.i. , Juno 9. A Gray , colored , waa hanged at Powhattat court houao to-day for the murder o his little son for stealing some mo lasses from the cupboard. Knifed- Pa. , Juno 0. 1 Polandur named Buckwalk stabbec Frank Ball iu several places this after noon * Bell is seriously injured Buckwalk was arrested. , f * > A. Grand Send-Off. National Aisoaatud Prosit. BUOWNSVJM.E , Tex. , Juno 9 , Quincy Gordon was hanged hero to day for the murder , last August , o Sue Coutoraa. The gallows wai erected on the banks of the Itu Grande river anl the 'execution was witnessed by thousands. Tlio Boy Mnidorcr I > ynohod < National Awoaated 1'rosa. Minn. , June 9. Join : Tribbets , Iho boy murderer , who recently contly took the lives of two mer named Washington and Foterbich near Bed Eye , being incited therotc by stories m dime novels , was taker from jail lost night by twenty men ant hanged to the top round of a ladder , which they rested against a tolegrapl pole. A Bandit Bnruod to Doatl > National Associated frcne. GUADALAJARA , Mexico , Juno 9. Templadore , a bandit , was surroundoc in a house hero. Ho refused to sur .render and the house was fired and he was burned to death. Closing in on tbo Robboro- national Auwx-iated titm. BnooKFiELD , Mo , , June 9. A trait with largo numbora of armed men lofl this morning for Macon , Mo. , for the purpose of aiding in the capture of the bank robbers , who are surrounded a ! a point a few miles northwest ol Macon. The robbers have so far kepi the officers at bay , but a line will now bo formed and closed up on them. Orders will be given to shoot them dorm if they try to cap9. Two ol the pursuing party have already been injured. Tlio RoU'iom Captured. National . BuooKmu ) , Mo. , Juno 9 , The four bank robbers were discovered in a deserted cabin fourteen miles north of hero , The bandits had barricaded the doors and windows for a battle , but when they realized that they wore surrounded and that the country was alive with armed men , they surren dered , The robber * were heavily ironed and brought to Brooklield , Ono of them equealed and confessed whore the stolen money was buried , Marshal McArthur has gone with the robber's wife to find the treasure , Sentenced to a Second Term , National Associated 1'rean. ' COLUMBUS , 0. , Juno 9. T. Now- berry , lately clerk ot the boaid of public works , plead guilty to another indictment of forging vouchers and w s sentenced to a second term of three years. There are fifty moro in- dictmonta , With Another Man's Wife. National Associated 1'icta. STATEHVILLK , N. C. , Juno 9 , Place Wallace was shot dead by a bosom friend , .Bob Stimson , who discovered an intimacy between his wife aud Wallace. ABogna Pensioner. National Awoctttoa f itso. BOSTON , Juno 9. Wm. S. John on has been acquitted for drawing the pension of Wm , Ross for thirteen years through the use of papers lost by Ross. Ross turned up , exposed Johnson and sued the government for the amount , TKADE ANO CROPS. Increasing Buplnosa Failures Crops ' Generally Good. National Amoclated I'rcss. NEW YonK , June 9. There were 130 failurA in the United States re ported to Bradstrecta during the past wcuk , an incroasn of 2G over the pre ceding week , and 42 more than dur ing the corruspmding week last year. Special terrains from loading trade centers to Bradstreots point to duller nnd quiet markets in almost all linos. The weather in the went and south has on the nhplo improved , though from various points ill the cotton bolt there continues to como complaints of cold or wet weather. In the grain regions , while reports as to wheat are fairly satisfactory , iu refcronco to corn they tell of tno ravages of a wet spring nud delays which replanting has caused. Indiana crop loports point to an un usually heavy jlold of wheat. SPORTING. National Atsoclatod I'roes. BIliailTON BEACH KACKS. Nn\v Yonic , Juno 9 , The races at Brighton Beach continued to-day , First racn , ono mile , wan won by Chnrlio B , Nellie second ; time , 1:21 : . Second race , seven furlonfjo , was won by Liuro , Duke of Kent second ; time , 1:30J. : Third race , railo and a furlong , handicap , was won by Capias , Olarin- don eocond ; time , 1:57 : | . . Fourth race , mile and a quarter , was wan by Stathspoy , Shylock second ; time , 2:09 : } . Fifth race , mile and a quarter , handicap over hurdles , was won by Ohio Boy , Buzlor second ; time , 2:19. : 1 r. LOTIS HACKS. Sr. Louis , Juno 9. The St. Louis Jockey club continued their meeting to day. First race , for maiden two year olds , three-fourths of a mile , wns won by Pearl Thorn , Idle Pat second ; time -17J. Second race , brewers' cup , all agor , two miles and a quarter , was won by Checkmate , John Davis second ; time 4:01. : 4:01.Third Third race , for three year olda , ono mile , \\aa won by Monogram , Fiona second ; time 1:45. : Fein oh race , for maiden three'year olds , seven furlongn , was won by Glonarm , Lizzie McWhirter second ; time , 1:31. : Filth race , threo.quirters oS a mile hearts , was won by Pride , who took eocond and third heats , Bengon taking iirat heat and coming in second in the third , Jack Havtrly second in second _ heat ; time , 1:17 * " , 1:19 : , 1:40. : fBASK HALL. BosrpN , Maes. . June 0. Clove- lands 0 , Bostons 4. FROVIDCKCH , R. I. , Juno 9. Chica go 14 , Providence 4. WOKCKSTEB , Mass. , Juno 9. Wor- cuators 4 , Detroits 7. TBOY , N. Y. , Juno 9. Buflalos 2 , Treys 7. RACING IK ENGLAND. LONDON , Juno 9. Alexandria plate stakes were won by Fiddler , Foxhall second , Potioncl third , Foxhall was scratched for the Hardwick stakes race , which was won by Fustian , Sweet Bread second , Pontit third. i i Flvo Hundred Cattle Poisoned. National Associated Press MONTREAL , Juno 9. Five hundred head of cattle brought hero from the west for shipment to England were turned out to graze ou a farm near this city , and were all poisoned by eating noxious weeds. Seine may re cover. Roiorvolr Burst. National Aauotiatud i'roj < POKTLAND , Mo , Juno 9 , The city reservoir burst at 0 a. m. and caused $5,000 damugea. No ono waa injured. Terrible Gain. ' National ABTOcmted trim LAREDO , Tex. , Juno 9. A terrible gala aud sturm passed ovtr this sec tion last night. Glass doors and windows dews were smashed and houses blown away. Charles Masters was instantly killed by a falling wall. Trouble to Bo Adjusted. National Aenociated Press , CINCINNATI , Juno 9. Jarrott , the president of the Amalgamated associ ation , has arrived 'and says the troubles at Pitlsbiug will bo immedi ately adjusted and those al Cincin nati toon. A Bad Circus. National Associated I'rcMS. NOHTHWEST ClTV , Mo. , JuilO 9. MuUrido , a circus actor , was killed and all other actors of Brown's circus were arrested for riotous resistance to Deputy Sheriff Seaborn while execu ting the orders of the mayor to collect the license or move the show outside the town limits last evening. . I. A Monster Procomiou. National Aiuoclitvd 1'reea. THOV , N. Y. , Juno 9. Fifteen thousand invited guests are expected in the piradoof the landloaguaDavitt celebration at Albany , July 4th. Old Masonic TomploSold , National Anaociated 1'reag , PHILADELPHIA , Juno 9. The old Masonic temple on Chestnut street was sold this morning for § 225,000 to Wm , Singer. Died From InuallngFJamof. National Associated Trees. MENOMINKB , Mich. , Juno 9 , Robert - ert Stephenson , owner of the largest saw mill in the atato , died last night. His death was caused by inhaling Ibmcy from a slab pit near which ho was standing when the wind suddenly - ly shifted. Mr. Riflenstein , Boston , Mass , , writes ; "Your SI-IUNCI BLOSSOM has cured mo of dyspepsia , of four (4) ( ) years' standing. I have regained my normal appetite , can sloop well , and feel like a now man. " Price BO cents ; trial bottles 10 cents. 0-d-w EVENTS ABhOAfi $ h The Drops in Austria afii Ad joining rrovincos in Splendid - did Condition , The Egyptian Kickers Coldly Boooived by tUo Pesca ; Goiarnissionor. . Kownrd of 3,000 Offered for tU A * nsln of Walter Bnrie. r- V Other Items from * 'orolgn Pprta. AUHTIUAN ouora. VIENNA , Jcmo 9. In apito ofjtho repented nliarp ftoata jit niijlit and wintry temperature during tliOjinonth of May , crops in Austria nnd llun- ttnry nro gonurally in a very satisfac tory condition , and nt the present moment mont prospects nro that the harvosl of 1882 will 1)0 oicollmit and abundant In lower Austria , Bohemia and Moravia. whctv crops nro in excellent condition nm in other provinces of Austria they nro very ( satisfactory. In Hungary wheat crops in some districts have sut- fered , but in. the inost important wheat-growing countries of Hungary the condition of wheat is excellent. Rye was retarded , but promlsda a good yield. O.\ta are in very 'goo. condition. Barley nnd Indian 'corn suffered a good deal , but are rcco'vor- ing. Earlier potato crops were badly frozen last month , but later potatoes promise well. < A \VOKI > IK CAIRO , Juno 9. The Khedive * js urged to remove to Alexandria f'i prevent peril to his life , if Dorvisl PiZaha should ropndiato Arabi Hey. , CONST ANTiNorLK Tune 10. A dopu hition of Jewish refugees of this city hnvo tequcslod Gun. Wallace , Uniter States iniiuator , to use his need oflicei witli the nultnn lo facilitate the col- oniKation of rofuaoua in Turkey. A OOLD UEOKPTION. CAIHO , Juno 9. Dervish Pasha g.ivo a cold rocuption to the robil iniimtera who called on him to-day Ht ) oxprofsad the conviction of beim able to restore E ypt to her iiorma atite , and said lie was ready to au sumo command of the army or war portfolio at itny moment the khcdivo wishes him to do BO. A IlEWAUD I'Oll ASSASSINS. LONDON , Juno 10. The govern tnunt has offered n reward of 3,0i I for information that will lead to the conviction of the murderers of Walter Burko. ST. PETERSUURO. Juno 9. It is reported ported that tlio Czar intends to recil Gen. Molikcff , who. it is stated , wil take the place of Count Igaaticff , the latter retiring to private life. Oriental Itcmi. National Associate ! Prow ' . SAN FRANCISCO , Juno 9. Advice by steamer Coptiao from Bong Kong have been received. The Japan Gazette S.IJB trade is ii a doplor.iblo condition , but ; hope the now crop of tea will bring a revival. The census returns complete given the population of Japan at 18,428,5274 mah'B , 17,935,720 females. Fires in Inala and Ycchigo destroyed 100 houses in the former place , 321 houses , six temples nnd ono tchno house in the latter placo. A fire ii : Tokio , May 9 , burned 428 houses and seriously damaged twenty-nine. Dis astrous forest fires are reported in Ikulo Tajina. Another Strike. National AjuocLstoJ Frew. HEADING , Pa. , Juno 9. The strik ing welder. ) , rollers , crab tondoro nnd firemen who loft rhoir work yesterday at the Reading iron works on account of the BUparintondent'a notice that tor every piece of iron left over at the end of two weeks would bo deducted from their wagoa , held a meeting this evening. They nro determined to stand out , and will demand a now scale of wages. The welders want $5 a day , first utrnightcne'rs , $2 f > 0 , rol lers , 82 20 , crab tenders , $1.75 , fire men , first aud second. § 3.00 and $2.00. Marino Intolliuonorv National AincUtcd I'reex. NKW YOUK , Juno . Sailed -Tho Silhiia for Hamburg , Arrived The Plantyn from Antwerp , the Miunu from Bremen , the Adriatic from Liver pool. BALTIMOHK , Juno 9 Arrived The Phoenician from Liverpool. Sailed The Hermann for Bremen , BHKSIKN , Juno 9 Arrived The Albin m from Now York. ANTWERP , Juno 9 , Arrived- The Nederland from Nuw York. QUKKNHTOWN , Juno 9. Sailed The Germanic for Now York. LiVEiiroot , June 9. Arrived The Bothnia nnd the Italy from Now York , the Quebec from Montreal , SOUTHAMPTON , Juno 9. Arrived' The BrauiiBchwcg from Baltimore for Bremen , LONDON , Juno 9 , Sailed On the 3th , the Greece for Now York , GLAHQOW , Juno 9 , Sailed The JUte of Florida und the Gircaseb for Now York. Ohio Democrat * . National Associated 1 reel COLUMUUH , 0 , , Juno 9 , The demo cratic eUto central committee has de rided to call a Btato convention at Jolumbus for July 20th , Coming Homo to Die. National AwocUUd 1'roM , ATLANTA , Ga. , Juno 9. Senator Hill to-day reached this city on his return from the Hot Springs. The union , depot was crowded with citi- : ona to bid him welcome , but when 10 appeared ho waa so emaciated , foe- da and Bush a wreck of his former wolf that the crowd became subdued at the sight and atood with uncoTorod head us ho made hie way to the car riage and was drivtn homo. People hero have no hopes of the tcnntor't recovery. A Tariff Ui xnmiftftiouor. K tlon l AsaocUlod 1'row. SrittNomLi ) , 111. , Juno 9. A. M , Giuliuitl , of thin city , ono of the nom * Slices for the tarilf commission , ww interviewed to-day it ) reference to the charges made in Washington that he nnd llnyes , nlnu of the commission , wore nnlnricd ofl'icors of the ProteO' live High Tnrill'association. . Ho oaiil there " \vaa not a shadow of foundation for the intimation so fir an I am con cerned. I nm now president of the National Wool Growers' association , nnd have been uiuco 1878. In most inntancoi iu traveling in that capacity I have paid my own expenses , the orgimintion during my incumbency having confined its c-xpomUturo ; almost entirely to the nocoseury out lay of the oocrotary's ofilco. " Indication- National AmocUtoJ l'n- < . WAHIUNOTON , Juno 10 , 1 n. m. From the Missouri vnlluy , increasing cloudinesa nnd local rains , variable winds mostly from the northeast to southeast , stationary or a slight fall in temperature. Condition of Illinois "WTiont Kntlontl Ataoclatoil 1'rcnt. SnuxoriuLD , 111. , Juno 9. The state board of agriculture has compre hensive reports on the condition of Illinois wheat to Juno 1st , showing that while the army worm has done uamago in some of the southern coun ties the effect will not materially re duoo the yield. The condition of wheat in the norMiorn portion of the state is 4 per cent , above the average and 4L per cent , bettor than last year. In the central division it Is 1 percent , above the average nnd-It ) percent , bet tor than last year. In the southern 3 per cent , above nnd 50 per cnnt. better than a year nqo. Blniuu nud Puity. National Aasocltttd Proan. Nnw STUAITHVILM : , Ohio , Juno 9. BLuno and party are hero , it is ru mored , negotiating for three mincn in this r ° gion. Ait Old Friend. Ho woaafljictod with n Inmo bnck nnc general d-liili y ; ho waa recommen lee riiouAs' ] ; ci.icTiao : On- , which euro 1 hiu at IHICO. This fuiuuud Hpccilii ; is a punitive remedy for bodily pain. GilUv TBKAMAH. A Few of the Business Men of Burt County'a Metropolla Oorrcpp ndcliuo of Tlio Ceo. BLAIK , Juno 7. Nowhere In the state of Nebraska can bo found c more prosperous town than Tukamah , Situated in the southeastern part o : Hurt county , being the county ooat and the St. Paul railroad running through the western part of the town n/akcs / Tekamah a bustling place o : business. The town is elevated on a aligh .nccnding elevation four.milea fron the Missouri river , ono of the finosi valleys in the state , and is the central point of a fine agricultural country , whoso surrounding farmers are an in dustrious , hard-working claes , being above the average farmers. The town is finely laid out in streets ; the main street tunning north and south commands most of the buoiuess. On enoli side are fine residences of professional men and nurchantt ) . Back of the town , on a beautifully elevated blufi" , is the fine residence of J. R. Thomas , ono of Tukamah's most influential men. llopewoll , Harrington &Co's bank in the centre of the brick block , is n lone ; and well established bank. Thoeo gentlemen havu done much for the ad vancement of the town. Mr. Harring ton has been elected uhcriff of Burt county for seven consecutive terms , being much to the credit of his friends. Slade Bros , are young merchants iu the town , formerly from Boon , Iowa , are dealers in dry goods , boots and BUOPI" , which they add to the business credit of Tekimiah. J , Lilhe , keeping confectionery nnd ice cream , maktis the Reason refresh ing to thn inhabitants and traveling public. J. Orannoll , dealing In grain 1ms a fine elevator , being on advantage for the farmers wishing to Boll hcir grain. C , Coukling in the rral estate bu > i nces devotua most of his time in sell ing and locating lota for the advancement of the town. Adams & Jones , druggists , located m brick block keep a fine line of druys and Dr. Gilkerson connected adds muoh to the profits of their business. Oris Astor , proprietor of the Astor House , in the right man in the right ) laco. Ho has fitted his houao up in irst-olass style , and is abundantly pro- ? ared to accommodate those wishing jood accommodations , Adams & Go , in the lower end of town are well supplied with all kinds uf drugs which they aim to accommo- ilato tlio public with B , 11 , Folsom , Toknmah'n oldest resident , settled and located the present - ont town when everything was wild nd barren , living to see the present town in its beauty , ho has become ni od uid has settled down on a fine little Farm in the northern part of town , where ho is enjoying his old ago. Ho las upon his farm the finest piece of rye in the state containing fifteen vcros and average height six foot. The school is highly conducted > y Prof. Livingston who devotes us time and study to the advance- "nont pf the rising generation , The juvenile baud , under the in- truction of Prof. Early , is making fast progress. Wpbor Bros. , proprietors of the louring mill , are young men formerly rom Florence , but whoso energies vould not permit them to stay there , tartod in Tokamah last fall , and are upplyini ; the inhabitants with the ) o tof flour. Mentioning part of the extensive business of Toknnifth , I can say that Tekamah , na all our best western town * , began a few years aqojn in fancy nnd has risen on a level with the best , all owing to the industrious farmern who inhabit the country anil stirring business men of the town. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. Jnck Hivvrrly will return from Lnirlnml , by way of Mexico , in August , Mr. Booth nails for llngltuul on June 14 ; Mr , Biurctt on Juuu 21. Mine. GcMlnRnt' * nccond lonr in HUB country will begin next September. Mr. JcHernon Intend * to camp out this summer in tlio woo'l * of Mnluo , Helm Scilgnlclc Imi 1'ccn rngnRcti nti lend injj lady for the Mlunlo MnJilcrn com- I ny. It will coit SG'I.OOOtn mount Saint Snon's opera of "Henry VI II , " at the l'uU opera liouae. Linclon 1ms n tturmnrlnn pianist who UHIS only hU left luutf , nuil a jimnglAily nho u sen only the right. Stella lionlfnco of Wnllnck'n ii again tnlktug o ( stftrrlrp , and her father in mid to hvohittln play written for her next BCftsOD. t In CJcrminylt ? considered nn Ininlt to encoroorwvenftppUmi cxtrnvng mtly nt anopnrftof Wnsm-t' * , U "IntcmiptH tlio action of the pitco. " ( ins Willhina will iireecnt hia now play , "Ono of tlio rinoAt , " durine his ! x weeks' HOtson nt Unvctly'o Fourteenth Street theatre , Xo\r York , he iuulua Juno Oth. MnurlcoGrnu 1ms ensntcd Mllo. Then , ono ( if tlio bent pcri\'bouIt ( > ilngcra on the French ttikgc , for nixty ncrlorninnccB in lliln c.uinlry ntSoOO a ulght. The toason will begin Get. 9. Atinio 1'ixlov nr.yn that M'lien hixs one vcnr to ll\o. Then nhovnnU n i nw pl y. The American drnnmtUt cnn thrrefor iioRseai hiinRplf in iinlience. Ho ill nut bo ueotleil In this direction for n \sehc- - muntli ntost \ Afriqinl of UcuiDnyl , tlio vlnllnlat , HAJB that ho tins ju t returned from hU western concert to.irvlilch han been nn uninter- nipted BUCCIKH , both aitinticnlly unil liimu- cially. Hua U that ho IIIIH pot only fiddloil hiuiHclt into public fnvor , but into fortune alto , having Boyvrul luouthn n o InvcHleii toiun of his ciunlngii In Miniio- uota lauln which have appreclntod in Milan [ he-fold since hin purchiiBO. Iiucky fi.Ulor. Uartloy Campbell' * now play , "Siberia , will oi > cn tlio coining f canon ill JioothV. The Kiralfyn will nnvo tlio matter In charge , and promise to do ( ton n migntfi- cent KCJtle , with no lean tlmn 100 people , niul uovel nnd Imiideomo Bccnory , But ntrnngoly ciunii ; ! ) , there will bo no battle - wliicli for the Kiralfyaill bo soinetliinn like a Hiui'l.y ' inoinlng ill Koston withou brown bread nun beans. Clara Louiao Ivcllopcr and Kmma Abbotl with the afsihtiucu ot XeliUS guin , fftott C.mcFi' ( , tlu He-H Opoin company , Sigi 01 Tagliupiutra , William C.istle , Mnx Btrn koBcli , Max Maretzek , and otlier promt ncnt nrlibU a'o getting up a porformiuici for the lLiioh ( of the widow nnd children of thelalo Gecirgo Conly , the hnwjo , ant in mi'inory of tlio late II rumu Illetzcl , tin , wlio both lost their Hi CD by drown A priest of llivemm , named K ban constructed nn apparatu : which can bo net in operation by slmpl > pressing a button , end by which the doors of n largo bulletin , ; call bo iubtn.ntimeouB ] > opened. The apparatus was trie.t at the Alifjhiera theatre , iu liavenna , with tlu mobt Katlbfactury result. All the nlni doord opened tliiiultaueouuly , as if thougl sumo spiritual agency. The invento bnprn to improve liin appirVatuM Jvtli : . should n fire break out on the stf.go of n thcatio the r'eo in temperature woult itself set the innt-hinery In motion. Worthy ot Pralso- As n nile wo do not recommend Patent Mulicini'H , but \\lien wo knoiv of one that renlly i n public benefnctor. and ( lorn positively cu o , then wo consider it our duty to impart that information to all. Klectrio Bittern nro truly a inont valuable medicine , und will mirely euro liilioufmepp. Fo er and Ague , Stomach , Ijixer niul Kidnov Complutn H , eviii were nil other rcmodira fill. We kuow weroof woBpcnk , and KVII fieely recommend them to all. Kxth. Sold nt fifty cents a bottle , by 0. V. Goodman , Heal Eativto Transroni. . John L McOaguo , real estate agent and conveyancer , reports that the fol lowing deeds were recorded at the county clerk's oflico , on Juno 7th and 8th : J , B. French to J. II , Prcason , lol 11 , block n , Shiun'a 2J addition ; $500. John Fogarty to 0. H. Mock , part of lutl , block 24'Jj 81,150. , J , M , Patteo to J. Sullivan , lot 1 , block 10 , Ptfrkor'e add ; $450. Willis M. Y.itcB to 0. L Dart , lot U , Koyea tub-div. , lot 9 , Capital add. ; Sl.fiOO. John McCormiuk to Jtobecca 0. Slit-lion , loin 'iand 4 , block 11 , Me- Cormick nddtion ; S2CCO. II. D. Ejtabr.L'k , et al ro Btophrn J , Collins lot 7 , block 5 , lluduck's addition ; $200. II. Kohlniisch to Thnnun McQuiii' , lot ! l , block 2 , Io ! i3 & II ill H addition ; 6 GOO. If. D JOitnbrook , ot al to John Volk , lot H , block 5 , KedocVn sub- ulditition ; $ l , < iOO. I'1. B Lowe to Frank Parker , lots 'I , block U , Loivo'a first addition ; S100 , MAnitlBD. CON WAV A LUX ANliit-Juuo : tli , liy Itev , , T. W. Btowart. Mr. Then. J. CiinvMiv and Miss LuuUo Ora Ii , Alex- under , both uf Omaha , J01)KLL-I'KUUUSON-Ou Wedntw- dayovtnliiK , Juno 7 , 183. ' , at the house of the oill Itttng clurL-ymun. Hov , G. V , Ktl'in , D. U. , Mr. John liodell nud Mini Klizilicth Kcrguiion , both of Fre mont , ' IIGLKO.V June 8 , 188 ? , John K , Hlg- Jean , ugcd HI years. 1'uci ral Saturday , Juno 10 , at 2 p. m , , rom the rcUluiu.u of hU Htnter , M'rr , Wm , fity , corner of IKtli nml Mn ou Directs , SLA.VRN'8 ' YOSKHIT J3 COLOONE , ilndo from the wild ilowcrH of the KAU i'AMKi > YOSEJirnS VALLEY , t ia the most fragrant of porfumuB. kTanufiicturod by 11 , B , Blavoii , Ban ' 'raiiciaco , For sale in Omaha by W , f. Whitehouso and Kcnnnrd Bros , , to , i i Buoklia'u Arnica Salve. Tito Dm SALVK In the world for CuU , iruUeti' , Boren , Ulcers , Salt llheum , Ye- -er Bores , Tetter , Chapped liandD , Chtl- jlaina , Corns , and all ekln eruptloni ) , and Mjsitlvely curoa pllea. It in guaranteed to rive Butlsfuctfon or money refunded , 'rice , 25 benta per box. For lo by 0. ? , Uoodmao , THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , The Arch Assassin Raves as Death Brins in His Face. Lawyer Reed Ordered to "Let Up' by a Sol f Appointed " " "jReRulntor The Sin * lloutorn OontoUinj ; Ercry Fotniblo Point la the Trial. ProcoetllnRa of CongroeaMlecol - Innooua Items , CAV1TAI. NOTES. NftUomU Ajuorfntcd I'rcm OA11INI.T COU.NOIL. VAKIUNOTOX , Juno O. The cabinet lo-day was confined to iliicusaion pf the composition of the Utah commis sion and filling of the vncxncy on the tariff commission. NJ decision was reached on either point. TIIK fiTAll UOUTKUS , Attorney CSonoral MoVoi | > h was placed on the stand to Uetify to the ikduiissions of llansdull Unit can- spiracy existed. Defense objected , IngotHoll arguini * that bcforo the confession of a conspirator could bo received , conspiracy must bs ostob liahod. Jud e Wylo sustatnod the objection. Mr. Ktrr proposed to sub mit in evidence all contracts in ques tion , and Ingorsoll'B objection was overruled. The contracts were then read , as presented , and this took up the remainder of the session. HKCTION HKVKX. Ill the case involving the validityof section 7 of the act ot July 23d , 1800 , Secretary Teller holds that the section ia still in force , it not having been repealed. This will form a precedent in suvoral cases now pendingand elToot their decision. UUITEAU tolls Hood there is no use trying any thing elsa but the president , but Rood has determined on another move , which ho will make to-morrow or on Monday. Hoaocurod Guiteau'a signa tures for tint purpose to-day. Rood luw received nn anonymous letter advising him it was time to "lot up" on the assassin Ouitoau , and closing in the following words , with terrible underscoring : "Unless you come to a halt quito soon in this mat ter you may tool assured that your days are numbered. This is no idle throat , but moans just what ia said , BO buwar.i , bowiro. A word to the wise in sufficient. " This is one of many Buch , but no attention is paid them. I'UBLIO 1ANP HALER. Moro public lands were disposed of the present year than in any preceding year. TIUB. The house committee on foreign oflfuirfl agieod to the resolution pro posing an international congress estab lishing universal meridianttiuifl-s/S- * " " ' ' CONBULAH JUIUHDICTIO : * , / The aonato committee ; on foreign affairs will agree to the bill regulating consular jurisdiction in foreign coun tries. v > TOLEDO SWAMP. Teller refuses to reopen the Toledo- vI I swamp cuto. PatontH will ba issued : to purchasers , UBED AND Till ! CHANK. It was learned to-night that Reed's interview with Ouitoau at the jail today - day waaaviry stormy one. puiteau was muoh excited , shook his fist iu Reed's ' face and told him to go to Ar thur and demand commutation of een- tonco and ho would not dare to lefuso. After Reed had left it was some time before Guitcau could bu qutatcd. CONKI11MAT10NB. The senate in executive Hussion con firmed David A. Stewart , collector of internal revenue , Fourth district , Missouri ; Charles \V. Grampton , post master at OaboriiD , Kansas ; John Bowen - won , postmaster at Lousiana , Ky , ; Ditnel L. Shoots , registrar of lands , Durango , Colorado ; Louis S. Ilick- eon , receiver of public monies , Durango range , Colorado. UTAH \IISSIONKH- - It in reported to-night that ox-G jv- ernor Irwin , of California , will be a member of the Utah commission. CONGRESS. ftKNATK 1'HOrjKEUINaS. \VAHIUNOTON , Juno ! ) . The bill ro- finuliii iiitLnialroveiiiiutaxei illegally collected from the Detroit house of correction was passed. Tlio Japanese indemnity bill was taken up , Senator Merrill oiloring an amendmunt that the original amount only bo returned. Sanator Moruan made r. long apoeoh n support of the Jupanoso bill , There was a little spat between Sen ator Cockroll nnd him aa to whether any agent for Japan was working for or against the bill , Sunutor Morgan said no ono but an ordinary ropres'enUtivo was interested n the bill. Senator Cockroll retorted by eaying that the man ho had reference to was a citizen of the district , Senator Sherman spoke generally in opposition to the bill , and said ho would rather pass back the principal n gold. The debate was continued by Senators - ators Blaxoy and Windom , The senate wont into executive ses sion , and when the doora weroopened , at 4:18 : p. m , , adjourned until Mon day , IIOUSK I'llOCKEDIXaH. The house spent the onliro day in consideration of the judicial , execu tive und legislative appropriation bill , jetting over about ono-half of the bill. At 4:30 : p. in , recess was taken until 7:30 p. in. The evening session was spent in consideration of pension bills. Twenty-seven pension bills were passed , and at 10DO ; p , ni , the house adjourned ,