Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Be <
Pnblisbcd every morning , except Bond
Coo only Monday morning dally ,
Ona V ar 810.00 I Three Months.$3
Blx Months. o.OO | One - . 1
rHK WEEKLY BEB , pnblUtcd
ty Wednesday.
Ono Yfar. . . . . $2.00 I ThreoMooths. 4"
BlrMcUh 1.00 | One "
or NcwsdcAlcrs in the Uniteu '
l tiona rclatini ; to New find Edltori * ! m
era nhottld bo addressed to the EDITOB
Iiottcra nnd Remittances should be i
drosFcdtoTiiB OMAHA PunusniNa Co
rAirr , OMAHA. Druft * , Chocks and Po
office Orders to bo mnde payable to t
order of the Comprtny.
Ei nOSEWATER. Editor.
The publishers of THE DBF. Imve m.v
arranRements with llic Anicricnn Xe <
Company to supply News DtpoU in III
nol , Iowa , " Ncbrnekft , Wyoming M
TJtoh. All dealers who keep Till ! DAII
UKP.on s la should hereafter address the
orders to the Mannger wVmorlcan No >
Company , Omaha , ICeb.
WHKK a legislature faih to oxprc
public sontitnout it 1ms outlived i
COMUINATION nowadays , especiall
in transportation , is moro powerfi
than competition.
TWENTY Omaha sharks smell tl
spoils a board of public works. I
their works yo shall know them.
HAIUIONY , harmony , is still thocr
hut the republican lamb refuses to 1
down inside the corporation lion.
THE clerk of the weather does m
intend to lot Omaha forgot the fat
. 'i M that she is badly in nocdof pavemonti
QUEEN VICTORIA has just passe
her sixty-third birthday , nnd lu
scape-grace son is solemnly pondorin
over the fnct , that she is in unusual !
good health and comes of a long live
A KENTUCKY legislator was suddor
ly stricken lost week with pavalyaia c
the tonguo. That's the ailHctio
which Cams wishes had struck hit
before ho placed himself on record t
a corporation capper , and corrupt g
between in the interests of the mom
AHOTIIBU pool comprising all th
points in Nebraska reached by the I
& M. , Union Pacific and Sioux ( 'it
roads has boon agreed upon in Oh
cago. When railroads pool their ii
sues the people ought to meet thoi
more than half way with a detormin
tion to secure their rights.
SEVERAL of the members of the la
legislature , who propose to go on tl
stump during the comping campaigi
will go "up the stump" before H :
canvass is ended. Deeds not wore
is what the voters of Nebraska pn
pose to base their judgment of caud
datea upon.
TUB idea rules the man The soi
of Montgomery Blair is said to t
possessed of two absorbing idea :
First to make Samuel J. Tildcn tli
democratic candidate for president i
1881 ; and second to bo himself tl
democratic candidate for congrc
from one of the Maryland districts.
TUB newly discovered and wondroi
Warren county oil well is creating
panic among the petroleum bulls :
Pennsylvania. The well flows 8 (
barrels a day , and haa already demo
alizod the trade , the price of cruc
petroleum dropping on the strong !
of of its performances from $1.00 '
CO cents a barrel. Striking oil , f <
the Warren county drillers , moai
striking the bod-rock of disappoin
mont for a largo number of largo ope
atom who have boon holding how
stocks. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
PuoviDENOii smiles on Phinoas 1
Barnutn , and provides gratuitous at
yortising on the most unlikely oca
uiou. Last Sunday night the Ho'
Robert Collyer spoke in the Ohurc
of the Messiah , New York , upo
"Emerson , " When ho rose to bogi
his lecture , ho said : "I see P. 1
Barnum sitting in a back pow of th
church , and I invite him to cenio fo ;
ward and take a seat in my famil
pow , Mr. Barnum always gives
good seat to mo in his circus , and
want to give him as good a one in ni
church ! " Mr. Barnum took the set
amid the amilea of the congrogatioi
Mr , Collyor tbon began his lecture.
Church Uowo labors for railros
interests from pure principle , withoi
hope of reward , according to his test
mony. But ho frankly says that lit
ho boon chairman ot the railroad con
mitteo 6 ! the housa of represent
in place of J. 0. Hobborts , ho woul
have "niado the railroads como 1
time. " [ Seward Reporter.
Church Howe was chairman of tl
railroad committee three years agi
and after erndtboring every bill tin
had boon submitted to his committci
he reported b ok that there was c
uood of railroad Vjgfflla on. It io ea <
to ssy the'raUro d haa to come dow
handsomely for t Croport , in ni
dition to furniiuing Church aunui
over the'Cinaha bridge an
mile of the U , P. and B.
railroad eyitem ,
The Independent Republicans
Pennsylvania have mot in convonti <
adopted n ringing platform nnd not
natod an excellent elate ticket. Ev (
ono of the candidates is taken from i
republican ranks nnd is known M
staunch advocate of republican prin
plos. Stnto Senator Stownrt , t
nominee for governor is n lawyer
unimpeachable reputation. Gene :
Daft and Major Morrick , candidnl
for lieutenant governor nnd sccrotn
of internal aflairo , nro old soldiers
wide popularity and of known ink
rity. William McMichaJ , who ru
for congressman at largo , falls in i
Bcnso behind the rest of Hio tickc
With these men nominated by tl
best blood of the party in n convo
tion elected by the untrammcll
voice of the people at open primari
nnd caucuses , the independent ropu'
icans of Pennsylvania throw dev
ho gauntlet , to the Oamoron clan ai
ppcal to the voters of the Koystoi
tate for their influence nnd suppot
No now political organization c ;
ay claim to the popular oar withoi
urnishing sound reasons for its exit
mco , and sufllciont grounds for its o
ioaition to prevailing parties. Wh
s the basis of the revolt of the Pen :
ylvania republicans , and what end (
hey intend to subsorvo by broakir
may from the regular republican o
runization under Senator Oamorc
ind his followers ? Thr chief groun
or the warfare which the Pennsylvi
iia independents have inaugurate
ipon the regular organization , an
rhich sums uy all the other con
ilaintp , is a determination that ropu1
ican sentiment upon matters of pul
ic and party policy shall no longer t
upprosscd by an oflico-holding nndi
> lKc-dictating nristodracy. No eta
IBS suflerod morn than Ponnsylvan
rom the personal rule of a gang <
nscrupulous politicians whoso dev <
ion to party principles has boo
pleasured by their power of uocurir.
> arty rewards , and who have romors
csslyjusod the nomicatingand elector
lachinory of the state to furtlu
lioir own ends at the expense of
roe and unbridled expression of it
opular will. The Pennsylvania ii
opondonts differ from the rcguli
arty organization only in their a ]
roval of men and methods. The
onounca "tho insolence , the pcrscci
ion nnd the tyranny of boBsism" i
xomplifiod in the ( Jamcron syaton
'hoy protest that the party is only
ollection of individual voters , not n
tutomaton to register iho decree i
olitical dictators , and they doman
tiat its primaries , caucuses and coi
entions shall bo open to erory r <
ublican who can bo shown to bo sucl
ndopcndont of their views upon cat
Udates or loaders. The other declor ,
ions of the platform for civil sorvii
oform and the elevation of the pu
io service spring directly from th
lamand , the basis of the movomon
'iz : * ho free and conscientious oxei
iso of private judgment in politic ;
Public sentiment must no longer I
lirottlod by unscrupulous politic ;
jansgors. This cry the bold protei
f the Pennsylvania republicans wi
liortly ring in every atato which ;
uflforing under the same abuses. 1
ho party organizations are so flrml
ontrollod by men whom the poop'
ironld gladly repudiate if the oppo
unity only presented itself ; if tl
nominating and electoral machine )
of the party is usurped by aolGsh at
tronal politicians or controlled by co
porato monopolies , and if no oxcrci
af the popular will can shako the
; rip on the heart of political instil
ions , the only course which remains
hat adopted by the independent r
? ublicana of Pennsylvania. Wbi
jossism becomes so strong that
aughs at the protests of tl
voters , it is high time th
ho people should take the ma
or in their own hands and aocor
jlish the reform within the party
possible , and without it if no oth
ourso remains open. Freedom , unioi
lationulity , equal rights before tl
aw these are the foundation princ
ilos of the republican party which r
epubllcan will willingly surrondo
t is by reason of their adhorom
o these principles that ropublicai
nsist that ptrty sentiment must mal
tsolf felt in party councils if the cai
idatos there placed in noininatic
xpect to receive party support.
Prinoo Bismarck s aucccsain maua
nr { the internal affairs of Gorman
oos no appear in as favorable a ligl
a his ability to act as the arbiter i
ho difucultioa of Franco. lie hi
ilqnally failed in securing , as 1
aopod , sufficient parliamentary auj
) ort for his pet measure , the tobacc
nonopoly , to carry it through tl
Heichstag , The committee ( o wliic
ho subject was referred has voted an
oportod agaicst the govornmoi
iroposltion by a majority of 2-i to <
tnd the fate of the measure in tli
leichstag itself appears therefore n
onrfor doubtful. But Biamarok 1
mown as ono of these statesmen wh
lever acknowledge a defeat , and nl
hough it is given out that he wt
lot dhsolvo the Heichatag on accouu
f the rejection of lib principal meai
re , ho will bring this bill before i
gain and again , and have it argue
vor nnd over in parliament , and i
lection campaigns , until it is final !
put through by main force of per (
cranco , if ho hvca long enough to ti
out the opposition ,
The concessions which ho made
the Catholics by the repeal of the pri
cipal feature of the celebrated Fc
laws have BO far failed to produce t
expected results. They have r
elicited from the Vatican any jnlua. }
expression of satisfaction in the w
of nn nsaurnnco that , now the Chur
considers itself at peace with the sir
nnd will net accordingly. To n fii
will supported by atrongth , I
Church has aomoliinea bowed , woiti
for bettor times. But n yielding , co
dilatory policy en the part of ita o
pononts hoa nlwaya reanimated ai
stilTonod in the church the spirit
domination. The policy of "ov <
whelming generosity" with regard
the church question , which has boi
recently announced by members of tl
Gorman'governmont , will in all pro
ability only result in this , that tl
Vatican will always bo ready to tal
what it can got , nt the same tic
( juicily expressing its expectation
The arrears bill has boon introduci
n parliament , and discussion of i
'caturcs alternates with debate on tl
now coercion moasuro. The nrron
\ct is in substance identical with i
jmondmont suggested by Parm
nhilo in prison , and proposed in pa
lament by Mr. Redmond , April 2
md at that time warmly endorsed 1
ilr. Gladstone. It is now introduci
> y the ministry ns a separate mcaaur
[ t provides aa follows for the roli
} f tenants in regard to arrears i
rents : The tenant is to pay the ot
Boar's rent duo August 31 , 1881. ' .
the rent does not exceed § 160 n yea
md if ho ia unable to pay arrears fi
irovious years , ho may apply to
and commission proposed by the bil
xnd if that commission is satisfic
.hat ho ia so unable , it may grant tl
andlord ono year's rent , or an amoui
lot exceeding one-half the arrear
IB a gift from the government , to I
undo out of the church surplus fun <
! n thus adopting as ita own a propos
; ion practically originated by Poniel
jiving ample redress to evicted tei
ints and tenants in arrears , and , i
< ho same time , dealing generous !
irith the landlords , who will lese n
nero than a year's rent and that i
nest cases baok rent which they hav
lot excepted to recover the govort
nont demonstrates earnestness of il
tfforts to make the condition of aflaii
n Ireland moro tolerable , and do a
n its power to ensure peace and ha ;
nony in that unhappy land.
Bub when will harmony bo rostoret
tfot until self government is grantee
o the Irish.pooplo. English miniatoi
iavo tested every other method <
ruling "troublesome Ireland , " but tl
) no method of permitting her to rul
lorself in all that pertains to loci
( ovornmont. Irish landlording mui
; o. By this is not meant that thoi
nust bo no landlords in Ireland. Mi
) avitt never intended any auch cor
truction to bo placed on his word. .
ountry without tenantry is incot
eivnblo , Ireland for the Irish , c
i tralia ia for the Austrians , an
wda for the Canadians , bound the t
ho British .empire only in nam
uling themselves , enacting their ow
aws and fostering their own indui
The summary of marriage nnd birt
returns in Franco present a atartlln
jxhibit. At the rate in which th
French population grow in 1800 , :
would have doubled in 145 years. A
the rate at which it is now growing ,
would double in 4IU ( years , or , in othc
words , is virtually stationary. Thei
waa a alight increase in marriage
iuiing the two or three years follor
ng the war , owing to postponement
luring the war , but over since 187
here has been a marked decline , hot
n marriages and in births , illogit
mate aa well aa legitimate. It ia wit
ho Germans that the French writoi
now anxiously and for obvious roasoi
compare the national produotivcuos
> nd there is but little comfort to I
Dot ; in that way , for the Gorman birtl
ire I ) 01 par hundred of populatloi
wrhilo the French nro only 2.47. If
ivoro not for the Gorman emlgratioi
in fact , the French outlook would I
eery daik , The lowness of the doat
rate at first looks consolatory , but the
axamination shows this to bo duo <
he smallnosa of the number of ohi
Iron , who in all countries make tb
argost contribution to the bills i
The Egyptian crisis still alarms tli
sorto , and his khedive who tremble
jndor the protecting guns of th
English and French squadrons. Aral
3ey holds a firm hand on thu in
ional troops nnd refuses eubmisaioi
[ 'lio'alliod powers demand the exile c
\.rabi Boy and the entire ministry c
ho khedive , the ostablisment of 01
or under the late government and
uarantoo of the porte that th
; hodivo shall bo protected in his dc
liuion in Egypt ,
The political condition of Mexico i
otter than it lias been for yean
'resident Gonzale * is practically die
ator , and rules without any opposi
ion from revolutionary conspirators
rhllo the people devote thomiolvoa t <
asUting in the development of tin
ountry and the arts of peace , Gen
zalos keeps a firm grasp on the rci
of government. lie recently inform
the Mexican congress that "tho eli
tion for judges of the suoromo coi
nnd for nttornoy general of the nati
pass off very quietly. " The facts t
that the elections were n shalli
force , only n very few persons votiti
nnd no ono daring to oppose the gc
ornmcnt candidates. It is higl
probably , however , tnat this dictnl
rial reiffn of Ganzalos ia just wfc
Mexico needs. Despotisms nro oft
the nurseries of republics , and th
are always' preferable to annrcli
During the tyranny of Napoleon It
there wcro sown among the people
Franco seeds of liberty which ripen
into the present republic. It is
combating despotism and fighting <
their rights that men acquire the vi
tues requisite to preserve and dofci
them. The Mexicans nro not fit (
solf-govornment to-day. If Gonzal
can keep peace among them while t
material intoreita of the country a
being developed , the full onjoymo
of their constitutional liberties wet
ot belong delayed.
Imitating her great sisters DC
mark Is about tpymicnd $18,500,0
in building nUTfortifications for ti
protection of Copenhagen , nnd i
creasing her 'floetJfTho insignifican
of Donmnrk Mfajp'owor in Euro ]
make these oxpondituroslittlolcssthi
ridiculous. It is only bccauso of tl
jealousy and distrust of the great
power than Denmark still exists as i
independent country. It is the kite
to the Baltic and adjacent gulfs
Finland and Bothnia. Russia at
Germany , while on friendly term
MO mutually interested in loavii
Denmark situated as at present , but
trar between these powers would 1
jura to involve that little kingdom :
lifliculties , ns well as Sweden. Tl
lympathios of Denmark nro with Ru
iia , not from any special love bon
io that country , but because of Dai
ah hatred against Germany growii
> ut of the loss of their provinces :
188-t. Sweden , on the other ham
mpellod by her doalro to recover Fii
and , absorbed by Russia in 180
ivould ally horaolf with Germany.
In n war between the two coi
inontal gianta little Denmark woul
lot bo permitted to remain neutra
> ven if her doairo inclined that wa ;
md upon the defeat of either Russ
> r Germany ita national existent
vould bo imperiled. If Germar
ihould prove victor , Denmark woul
sertainly be absorbed in the great on
) ire. For Denmark to wait for son
riondly power to come to its asais
mco would bo an absurd idea. Dei
nark haa nt times foolishly aeslatc
ithora , only to bo deserted , rol
> cd nnd despoiled by ita protonde
A balance sheet for the yc ;
loa just boon published by the udmii
atration of Monte Carlo , from whic
t appears that the tables won in tin
imo the sum of 12,000,000f. Th
ixponsos for the oamo period wci
! ,800,000f , thus leaving a sum <
( ,200,000 or $010,000 , to bo d
rided amonij the shareholders. Larr.
is this sum is , it is declared by tl :
jondon World to bo more child's plo
soinpared with the money transa
ions of some of the cluba in Ni <
md Paris.
Turkey haa asked Englnud nn
Trance to withdraw tHcir fleets froi
Igyptinns waters. The sultan wishi
t understood that ho can manog
ils household when the family is poaci
iblo. When it is unruly ho will coi
inuo to call in the neighbors.
For the month of April the agraria
mtrasoa in Ireland numbered in a
182 , of which a clarification has bee
nadoas follows : Murder , 2 ; firing i
ho person , 4 ; aggravated assault , '
issault endangering lifo , 1 ; assault'c
milifls and process-servers , 1 ; incoi
Uory fire , 30 ; burglary and robbori
! ; taking and holding forcible posse
lion , 13 ; killin ? , cutting , or maimiti
tattle , Hi ; demand or robbery of arm
i ; administering unlawful oaths , i
ntimidation by threatening lottoi
md noticoa , 287 ; othorwiao , 30 ; a1
: acking houses , 2 ; resistance to log :
> roc03S , 1 ; injury to property , 2 !
iring into dwelling , 17 ; injury to <
attempt to injure or obstruct railwa
rains or hiahvv ays , 1 , Of the tot )
102 outrages , 105 wore committed 1
ilunuter , 1L 2 in Connaught , 110 i
Jeinstor , and 20 in Ulster. Tliei
core no outrages at all in Monaghn
md Down , and only ono each i
Armagh , Fermanagh , Londonderry
, nd Dublin , The largest number n
> orted from any ono county was 4t
rhtch wore from Kerry.
The English parliamentary retun :
if convictions for drunkenness o
Sunday present some curious figure !
lidfordahiro , with a population e
00,000 had for ton years ending i
881 only ono resident convicted c
ho olTdiiso , while Chcairo , with a poj
ilation only four times as largo , hai
18. Bedford is the first county ii
ho kingdom in the matter of Sunda ;
obriety , Pembroke has the nox
lace , and Cambridge the third
Ihcshiro , though making so bad >
liowing bcaiilo Bedford , is not thi
orst county by several. Durham
rith about twice the population o
hcahiro , had 070 of its own resident
ad 145 immigrants convicted , agains
10 118 of Uheihire. Staffordshin
had 578 convictions in n population
772,000 , nnd Glamorgan 210 in n o
I 352,000.
, _ _ _ _
Among the barbarous customs tl
British rule has not yet suppressed
northwestern India ia that of Samoc
or burying people alive. It appci
that the thakcor of a certain state sc
an officer to a village called Upni
collect certain revenues , nnd when
arrived the Sidhs refused to pay. ,
the officer insisted that they mi
pay , 150 of them , in order to intin
date him , collected before his dc
nnd threatened to commit auicido if
failed to give wny. Still ho hold 01
and thereupon they selected two
their number for the barbarous at
rifico a man aged 75 and n worn
aged OS nnd on land owned by t
thakoor , burricd them both nlh
Certain of the villagers tried to pi
vent the deed , but were roundly pu
ished for their trouble. Since t
event occurred , twenty-seven of t
Sidhs have been taken into custoc
and nineteen have boon sentenced
various terms of imprisonment. *
Kuches outrival ruffles or plaitlngs I
dress trimmings.
Thin crape is revived ns ono of the tni
fashionable innterlals in summer mtlllnei
The GaimborouRh hat , so long ia pc
mar favor , have lost their prestige entii
A maiden wants to know how to nvn
having n mustache come on her upper 1
Bat onions , daughter.
New embroidered lace fichus of bin
n t glitter with a dense covering of fino-c
jet bugles nnd pendants.
Velvet loops and large Alsatian bowa
velvet will be much used to trim even am
mer bonnets of delicate straw.
Ruchings which show pinked out edg
ire igaln in fashion , but fringed ruchin
ire most delicate and effective.
Large Wattcau fam are now painted
Qoral designs , matching those Been upi
iress fabrics of foulard or sateen.
An Indian woman applied for a diver
Realise her husband killed a nmd d
which was about to bite a good-Jookii
Siouxl City has n cariosity in n youi
flrl who goes boldly to the barber shops
) & shaved evoiy few days , drinka bee
md chews tobacco.
Polkn-dottsd neckerchiefs are a rag
The square is of mull , in some pale blu
? Ink , cream or yellow tint , and the "dot
ire as largo as a 25-ctnt piece.
In view of the demand for jeweled ci.
; orsitis thought highly probable th ;
Bathing suits will be in demand for eve
ng wear. Borne Sentinel.
What is more disgusting to the sig !
than a young woman in a state of intoa
: ation ? Country Editor. Two of 'em ,
iourse , Nothing easier ; come again !
A woman who feels tnat she nmit pine
ier waist , pad her hips , cramp hett fee
) int her face and wear false hair to secu
idmirers will find herself nowhere bcsic
i circus street parade.
The fact that n Sonth Carolina woms
iroke her neck by looking over her nhou
ier at another woman's bonnet will be e :
smed by the set on the ground that it wi
ast year's bonnet trimmed over.
A western young man , nged 18 , hi
sloped ivith a married woman of thre
core jearfl. This rasthetic cr z for m
iquities is becoming alto othi > r too gei
ml , and threatens to cause trouble.
A wcB'ern woman named her girl bit
if tor a noted lady , and wrote to her aboi
t. The lady sent a thick , heavy-seal *
b\elnf ) . "not to be opened until tl
> btV till tieth birthday. " It was a ten
jlo revenge to take. Philadelphia New
The fnUier cf two English girls throa
ncd to cut oil thler hair to keep the ;
iom gadding- about evom'ngn. They a ]
) led to a ju tice , * hn held that the
ather had no right to disfiifiiro his dasgl
: en < , and put him under 5 J bonds to kee
.ho peace.
Unnjo-plajing is daily becoming 11101
wpular nrnpng young society ladies of tt
laatern cities. Olaro 1-ralso K-llogg
; ivcn credit for starting the croze. Won
t be nice when "our girls" ba\o f
mastered the variety stas
justness that th y will entertain us wit
icrobatic eong and dance , nd soulful ill
iec , such a * "Duffy , You're Giving N
Slang , if used at all , must be used wit
; reat caution. Here , for instance , is
treat story and n wrong : She decorate
ier room with bric-iv-brao nnd picturei
md perched her husband's photo on tt
topmost nail. Then sat down to ftdmli
ier work , and blissfully remarked : "No
iverything is lovely , and the gooeo ham
ilgh. "
"When I married " said
, Bogijs tea part
if gentlemen who had been bragging the
ho successful marriages they had madi
'I got a fine house nnd lot. " "And J
rentlemen , " exclaimed Mrs. Bogg ? , entei
ng the room just in time to hear her hu
land's remark , "I got a flat , the top star
if whlchh , s always remained vacant. "
Veryjflfag stocki et glorea of pale golc
ilack , cream color , ivory white , mauvi
lee color , olive , flesh , pale bulf , or tai
fill soon replace the musuetaire | clove (
tid , feeing more suitable and comfortabl
or warm weather. Some of the ImiuUou
iat of these new gloves assigned for evei
ng dress have the tops edged with lac
md arc delicately embroidered with tin
aurel blossoms and pale green rose lea\e ,
It was a spring night. The fira ha
; one out in the furnace , the thermoineti
teed 30 degrees above zero , and the lo\ei
rero th * sole occupants of the parlo
Presently her motlior oamo to tha head <
ho tUirj , and in a volco like the Rcream (
i eteam whistle , cried : "Amandy , con
ip into tht ilttlng-rootn immediately ; I'l
.frail you'll eaten your d ath of col
town there.1' But Amandy answered i
i soft lute-like tones : "Don't make a fa
if yourself , ma. Charley's keeping me s
r rin as toast. "
Airs. 8. J. Dalzell , a fashionable youn
nilhner of Fort W yn , had trouble wit
ier landlord , Benjamin Sanders , and
iv l tenant , Oeorgo Uonter , WAS brough
o a leniationul inane Saturday. The tw
( sited the apartments of tha milliner am
rero greeted with n pot of scalding ho
v ter , which deluged them completely
landers is badly scalded about the breasi
boulders , and ariiip , and In under medic :
are , His companion was more fortunate
nd eactped with A few scalds. No nriesti
An exchange nay * . "Tho young ladle
f New Haven , Coun. , are peculiar , to ea
he least of it , A dispatch layn that i
be .Ii-nnin Cramer cam tha cross exaiiilm
Ion of n physician went far beyond th
oundary of delicacy. Old ladies left th
ourt room. Nine young ladies remainei
nd listened with bu\v d heads and 'cheek
eddened with fhame. ' 'Young ladies
ho attend court and listen to uuch trial
on't'redden with shame' to any extent
'hey ha\e usually passed 'the boundary o
.elicacy ' "
The new onttons uro small , and grea
umbers of them are used. Steel m
ra&a buttons are for the military lurore
ut small , round and nail-head shapes ap
tar moD the moro expensive styles o
10 day , Kniuielled iu colors on meta
lese are dainty littls ntfairs , Coloro.
iats buttoni , with n satiny sheen , conn
. pearl
ins with opaline tint are a wise purchase ,
nee they last indefinitely and ro nhvayt
indsome. A high novelty in buttons ii
i bell-ehapeil In tinted ui UI , with 8in ll
flowers painted on the closed month of I
bell ,
Oxtatla are quoted in the New Yo
rrmtket at only a dollar a dozen , and hi
It is within two weeks ol fly-tiitio. P
baps some Ynnkee ban invented a subi
"You are as full of airn as a innilo bo :
Is what n young man said to a girl who i
fusf d to let him see hcrhnmo. "That m
be , " was the reply , "but I don't go will
crank. "
A Texas boy shot n rabbit with a till
The ball passed through the animal , kill
a sheep , struck b stone , nnd glanced ti
hunircil yarjls and buried itsslt inauegr
"Yc , "iitil the country member ,
went to that variety chow because I w
sure thero'd bo nobody there who km
me. Dnrned if pretty much the wh (
legislature wasn't there 1"
What is the use ot trying to d
cov r the north pole ? If it were foui
it would be seircd by some telegraph
telephone company and hung witli wii
before twenty-four hours. Boston Trat
There is n certain way of distinguish !
a man from a head-waiter at n swell part
notwithstanding both may be dressed t
same. The waiter generally has a tenon
on his loft arm , and the man generally h
a young lady there , if he is agreeable.
After the circus Ii over , after the wl
beast show Ii done : iMrst son of tolc ! (
peclally ) "That was a bully show. D
you see the lion.tauier , hey ? " Second s
of toil "Didn't I ? I tell yon , it tak
him to boss a lion. Why , he just knock
that old lioness about aa If she had be
his wife. "
Mrs. ICwinr , n Chicago lecturer i
cookery , says that a chicken requires o :
hour of stewing for every year ct ita HI
At last the secret has been dlscorered wl
a boarding house chicken , which Is to '
served nt sis o'clock in the evening is nt
ally put on the fire very curlv in the mot
ing. Now York Herald.
A man livinp near Burlington , Vt. , i
ccntly got divorced from his wife , who
ho now employs as hired girl , but he cat
see what he gains by the operation. SI
demands $3 a week , the washing sent on
three nights and an afternoon elf , betid
the privilege of having company in tl
kitchen , and now threatens to Icavo if 1
does not Introduce into the bouso nil tl
modern improvements. Philadelph
A German , travel ing onthe Fort Wnyi
road , kimly volunteered to find some ii
" < ium blace on der drain" tor a party
jovial , wine drinking commercial tourist
When they wanted more the nccommoda
Ing Teuton went to find it nnd return *
with the sad announcement : ' Der pa
? age-meistcr let me hat no more. 11
lays rnein bruder in-law'a body von't kee
; ill \egcd to Phllidelha uf 1 dake an
uore Ice von der coflin. "
"Well , some men ara lucky ! " exclaimc
t Norristown man , upon reading that
icrsou in New York had been awarde
15,000 damages for the loss of a leg in
railroad accident. "Hero I've been trai
: ling on the railroad for sixteen years , an
: iven the company nearly one thousan
iollare , and yet I haven't been fortunat
moutfh to sustain as much as a broke
lose I Another man in my place woul
lave had hit neck broken and recovere
30,000 dunngep. " Norristown Herald.
"I'm sharing myself most of the tin
low , " said the young man , proudly , aa h
11 justed his head to the back of the chaii
The barker gazed thoughtfully at the gas
n the left cheek , noted the irreguU
Vlaltese cross in the chin , obutrved th
inely executed outline map of the He !
3ato excavations on the left side , hovere
> ver the piece of ear that was held ia plac
vith court-plaster , nnd pityingly scanne
he prizn collection of pimplesandblotche
vhlch ornamented the nock. "Yes ,
lotice you are , " he said , musingly , as h
oftly strapped his raror. Itocklan
And now the soft , sweet , balmy da ;
: pmo floating along , showering rcsoe in th
ields and rankingthe , birds sing on th
mduin ? boughs of the orchards. Th
> rp > ks nro beginning topurl , aud tbo Ring
Iriver ia laying aside his army overcoa
ind getting his straw hat in condition
I'he farmer is raising lettuce , and th
lotel man is raising his rate' . The wood
nan is cutting down the maple , the ol
ady is cutting down the paternal overcon
o make the boy's troupers , and the yellov
log is cutting down tha street v Ith a k t
After marrigge the question as to wh
hall be iptaker of the houo is spoedil
A young man of Seneca , ICan. , elopct
dth the girl bis brother was to have mar
ied next day.
A list of the presents to the Duke o
Ubany nnd his bride nils two columns o
he Londtn I'oat.
Georgia claimi a genuine Bluebeard in i
a an one hundred years old , who has hai
even wives and has killed them all. J1
onthern paper calmly adds that "he ba
tot yet been apprehended , but the officer
TO tracking him through the mountains.1
Mies Uattie Hurd , General Bntler'
lieoi , and Washington's most popula
lelle , whoso banuty lias given herolmoit :
tational reputation , will Boon marry Mr
j&nler Dunn , the son cf Assistant Judg
Advocate Dunn , of the war department.
The rumor is abroad that the Princes
Sentries is to be married to the eldest too
I the landgrave f Hesse. Tha Princes
i the sole remaining unmanied child o
ier majesty of linsland. ami as parliamen
otes the usual dowry it will heave & sig ]
f relief. A royal family is essential to i
icreditary monarchy , but it Is a costly lux
try. If Prince Albert had lived , the royn
xehenner wonlil have beenbankrupted , o :
he allowance to the youngsters woiili
i&vo been decreased.
Wagntr , the German componer. passet
he winter in Palermo , Italy. While then
no of his daughters , Blandina , was bo
rotbed to a you DC Sicilian noble. A
itilan newspaper says : "Wagner wiihtc
ill daughter to embrace the Itoman Cth
lie faith , havin/r / himselt t once recog
ilzed the necessity under the circum
tances. Before the nQlanced departai
Vngner made them kneel before him , it
he car h had encaged for bis family , am
ddrwsed them in very tender and affec
ionate terini , and gave them hit father ! }
dvice and bleuiog. which calltd out tean
iom all present. With his hands resting
n their neadi. he instructed both on thdii
lutlcs and obligations toward each othei
a n solemn and almost inspired tone. In
bis addre , which has demonstrated how
Vaguer throws his whole heart into every
king he doer , the maehtro had touched the
unst chgrds of the human heart , and
nded by invoking upon the couple whc
uelt before him the Ijord'a blessing. "
Nearly a Miraolo-
F. A Dith Hall , Blngharaton , N. Y. ,
rites : I snffered foreeveral months witli
diill jmin through the left lung nnd
[ lOiudcN. I lost my Rplrits' , flpputite and
Dior , unit could with dllliculty keep up al !
ay. My mother procured some BuntocV
Hood Bitters : I took them ns directed ,
ud have felt no pain since first week
tier using them , and aui now quite well , '
'rice ' § 1. rn23dlw
Too New Regent ,
chuyler Sun.
It ia said that C. II. Gore , an cm-
loye of the I ) , & H , railroad , will
jcoive the appointment of regent to
II the vacancy caused by resignation
f Carson.
Ucnf lui a , Muto.
MM. W. J. Lang , Bfthany , Ont. , Ktatea
.at . for fifteen months she was troubled
Ith a disease in the car , causing entire
lafness. In ten minutes nfter using
IIOUAH' KCLECTUIO OIL &be'found relief ,
id in a short time she waa entirely cured
id her hearing restored.
Can Be Handled By a Boy.
The box need never bo taken off the wagon nnd
Grain and Grass Seed Is Saved 1
H coslslcss tlnn the old tt\o ! neks. Krery
standard wagon Is told with our nek confylotc.
Or buy the attachments ncd applr them Io
) our old agon box. For lo in Ncbhwknby
J. 0. CI.AKK , Lincoln.
MANNISH & ilitiK , Omaha.
FHJD Prajit , Grand Island.
IlAoourrr & OniKt , llMt'mcrs.
UIIARLIH Hcur OIIEER , Co'umbus.
Er NoatB& Fl SK , Red C.oud ,
C. II. CIUSK A Co. , Ilcd Oak , bwa.
I * W. ItnBSFt.-.OIcnwoO' ' , low *
And < ncry llrstclais dealer In the wcnl. A k
them for Jcscrlpthc circular or eend direct
to us.
I , McOallum Bros. Manuf'g Oo. ,
Offlcc , 24 West Laic Street , Chicago.
may23 Iw
Burlington Iowa.
Engines , , '
Etc. ,
? ho Largest Iron Making Establish
ment in the State.
'heHoword Automatic Cut-Off Steam
Sand far Circulars. mZS-lin
The Man who Told the Doctor that "ho felt
i it no didn't want to cioanj thin ? , " wua accused
f lazlnces Yet thousands experience this feel-
ig especial ! } In summer In consequence of a
Bordered condition o' the ttomacb , which a few
jfrcihlnpdrau hts ol TARRANT'S SKLTZKR Al KB-
AT w ould bo turn to remedy.
TIU ; riiT AXD
ilvcry iiimtyhcrjxr fi els the want of
lU't.miK that Vfill ( wil ; tliu daily food
,1-i avoitl tha exm-mc Lent , dupt litter
id afiiw of n roiil or.ood Ftovc. She
LCtltcr C.H EtCVO Till do it , better ,
liekor anil clicutier than by any other
eans. J t ia the only Oil StOVO made
ith the oil rosorvou ? olovatoi at the
ick of the stove , away from the heat ; by
Inch arrangement HDSOlutO Bafoty is
cured ; as no gas can be generated , fully
) per cent more heat Is obtained , the
ioks arc preserved twice as long , thus
iving the trouble of constant trimming
nd the expense of new ones. Esamlno
10 Monitor nnd you will buy no other ,
Mnmifactured only by the
onltor Oil Stove Co. , Cleveland , 0.
Send for dcwjrintivo circular or call
i M. Rogers < t Son , solo agents for
obraaka. _
It plaits from 1-10 of a n Inch to
dth in the coaratet felt ) or finest si ks
It does all kinds and styles of I lulling In DM.
No lady that docs her own dreus making cu >
ord to do without one as nice plaltmc 1 *
vcr out ol fashion , If teen It fccIU itself. For
icblneo , Circulars or Agent's terms address
CONG All & CO. ,
11 ° AfUmN HLChleam
_ _ _
President. vice Pres't.
W. ti. DUSIUR , 8ec. andTreaa ,
Lincoln , Web ,
n rrow , p rm Rolleri ,
Ml Bueke > tlovntlng Wind
( ft are prcpred to do Job work and nuaut ' ' ]
tloc for otter partlci.
Iddroa all orders
_ _ _
Uohn Q. Jacobs ,
( Foimejly ol Qlsbfe Jacobs , )