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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1882)
THE DAlLf BEE-WEDNESDAy MAY 17 , 1882. NEBRASKA FARM. NOTES , Joe Duffy , of Schoolcraft , has orcr 200 acres of corn p'nnlcd. D. J , Coultfr , of Kvorctt , Informs us that ho will p Ant this year 125 acres of corn , Fremont Tribune. Henry Ream informs us that he expects to hnvn phut d un his fftrm , this spring , near ISO acres of corn. Dakota City Ar gus. Itepirts from all over the county are that the nhcnt ( slocking fine , and a better outlook for n large crop wns never more flattering , Brovrnvlllo Republican , W. C. WMlon bmight two pttc in Ye\ \ > - nury for S3. A few days ngo he sold them for Sfi.RO per cwt , realizing the ncnt little rum of 823JO for them. Dlair 1'ilot. The largest cornfield wo have yet heard of this season is 350 ncres in one solid body four miUs n est of Schuyler , planted by the Abart brothers nnd Jolm Smith. Sun , Mr. J. H Dauchy , of Stoekvilir. re ceived ten car loads of finoBtocktm 'IVs- day aftctnnon , nnd will take them to hli ranch on the Medicine. Indinnuln Cou rier. rier.Wo Wo have rcen nnd heard of the Colorado rado potato bug being found alreadv ( hav ing wintered well and ready for the first plant above the ground , Beaver City Times. Mr. Wilson left with us last week n sample of rye that measured nearly eigh teen inches in length , taken at random Mr. Chun. MungerV field of twenty-fivo acre. ' . Red Cloud Chief. MCSIM , 'ft , S. Buckman and 0. T. Wor- man , of Croaton , Iowa , have purchaird the old ncadeirn building ind grounds al the west tide of town , with the view ol establishing a creamery. York Tribune. Two young men working for Mr. A. C. Bctsio with corn i lantcr and one team , planted 38 acres of laud in ono and a hall days. This is what farmers would term a big d ty and a half's work. Kearney Jour nal. Last week W. N. Rlchard > on offered Mr. Partcr , of Salem , 10,000,0 0 for 100 head of cattle. The otter was declined , but the cattlawero subsequently purchaicd by Mr , Richardson at $7 perowt. If wo are not mistaken this is the highest price ever pata for cattle by a Nebraska shipper. Red Cloud Argus. I. W. Harvey , the great Chicago lum ber dealer , purctiaf ed a few days since the farms of Mes re , Amos and Peter Wellor , for something over 921,000. This property embracci two of the choice farms of Otoo county. Wo understand that Mr. Har vey wdl Boon ship a largo number of very fine-blooded cattle to be kept theron , Syracuse Journal. The four Now Yorkers mentioned else who o as going out on Mcnd y to look at the only two remaining whole sections of railroad laud in tha county , bought ono of the flections , aud on tlm next day pur chased 50.000 feet of lumber for building and fencing purposes , nnd ate preparing for extensive operations in stock raining. The location is in Wilson precinct. Schuyler Sun. DAtR-2 STOCK. MY OEOHOK n. toniNO , UNITED STATES CuMMISSIONKlt OF AOniCULTOllK. Uassaihusftts Ploughman. In seine remarks which I prepared a few weeks ago with regard to dairy atock , I suggested that the chonpoat and'm > 3t reliable method of securing good milch cowa waa the mixture of various bloods by cross-brooding. I expressed the opinion that no reliable dairy brood had yet boon secured a brood whoso dairy qualities were BO firmly fixed that the fnhoritanco was uniform , and in which wo could bo as sure of producjng.a-good dairy coir as wo are of producing a good beef ani mal by brooding shorthorns. The cross-brooding which I advised was the mixing of the Jersey with the milking strains of ahorthorns. Since that time my theory has boon con firmed by observation. In the great dairy regions of the wosh I find this practice to bo largely followed , and witroub the expanse of procuring puro-brod animals at great coat , the western farmers have established great herds of valuable cowa which far surpass the pure Jersey in quan tity , the Ayrshire in quality , and both iu their capacity ns milkers is not up to a Infill standard. The UBO of Jer sey bulls for the purpose to which I have referred is common and their value in this respect ia fully under etood. The failure of the wheat crop in certain tain of our newer states has compelled the farmer to turn his attention to the dairy as hia best branch of agricultural business : and thn pastures are now yielding their owners a greater profit in butter and cheese than the culti vated fields had yielded In wheat and corn. Quick to discover the most pro fitable , branches of his business , the farmer in every flection of iho United States has never failed to secure Irom hia land the product beit adapted to his soil and to the market which ho occupies , and ho has turned from his crops to hia herds with confidence and success , In almost ovcry section of our county , therefore , the , question of railing cuttle- and the best broods suited to different purposes , include * the whole system of cattle husbandry , and is a matter of the deepest import ance to every farmer. There is no branch of husbandry BO universal , none moro capable of yielding fair pro fits , none more important , none moro dependent on good funning , and none moro likely to bo attended by good f aiming when properly pursued. At the foundation of this vast in dustry lies not only good brooding but also good feeding. A fat calf seldom makes peed cow. A cow that car- rlea a superabundance of fat seldom inakca u peed milker , and the wholo- Dale statement so oftmi made that what produce milk , and vice versa , is shown to be wholly unfounded by a comparison of thocil'uotscf rowonhay , bruwora' ( { rains , line feed and green i food , wilh corn meal and oil cako. It is useless , moreover , to force a cow to early maturity. A dairy cow never readies perfection until eho lias be come fully developed , and this must be done deliberately and with a view to endurance rather than pre cocity. Her peculiar powers mature slowly and * depend very much on the strength of her constitution Iu establishing a dairy herd , therefore , early maturity with its accompanying evils is to bo avoided , nor should the young animal bo HO fed u to develop the bony structure , or the fat producing organs , at the ex pense of the muscular aystem , and of that dulicitp organization engaged in > the production of milk. In rearing ani- ' mala for the dairy , care should bo > takeu that the young ore not BO fed aa to develop a tendency to great sizu either in frame or adipoeo tissue. I would not advocate a deficiency of food for yount ; dairy stock , but I would argue against an excess of arti cle * of ajiighlr stimulating character. Avoiding , therefore , linseed meal or oottou seed meal and even corn meal iu exceM , heifers' calyw , heifers and oowa cu but be fed ou oatmeal , fine feed , roots , rowcn and chopprt | feed properly prepared. The business of feeding hit herd every farmer must learn for himself with duo regard for thrift and econo my. Animals in constantly good con dition consume less food than those that are not ; and of this the wise farmer must judge , remembering that good shelter M as importunt as good feed. It ia poor economy to lot a cow get into low condition cither in springer or summer. In feeding for the the dairy I have found that the best win ter food is good hay , with a supply , morning and evening , of corn fodder chopped and mixed with fine feed and corn monl , saturated with hot water and allowed to stand well covered twelve hours , Prepare the morning food in the evening and the evening feed in the morning. A daily supply of roots , Swedes or mangolds is very conducive to the health of the cow. Kind treatment in especially accept able to her nnd especial profitable to her owner. Poultry on the Farm. Most western farmers keep poultry , at least they have chickens about the place that keep themselves ; stealing their feed where they can , roosting where they are not wanted and hiding their nests when they lay. Now with the improved broods of poultry it is of practical importance to have n neat , clean poultry house , not expensive , but a place for the chickens to roost , where there are clean nests for them to lay in , and warm enough to keep the chickens comfortable in winter , with good ventilation in summer. Now get some ot the improved breeds or a pair of full blood roosters and grade up. Of course a few full blood hens will bo all the bolter. Now you will take care of thcso well , they will bo liberally fed and watered and given the run of the barn yard and orchard they will bo healthy , produc- tico and profitable. "I Don't Want Tlint Stuff. " Is what a lady of Boston said to her husband when ho brought homo some medicine to euro her of sick headache and neuralgia which had made her miserable for fourteen years. At the first attack , therefore , it was adminis tered to her with such good results , that she continued its use until cured , and made sn enthusiastic in its praise , that she induced twenty-two of the best families in her circle to adopt it as their regular family medicine. That "stuff" is Hop Bitters.- [ Standard , tf CRETE NOTKS. Correspondence ol The Uco. OIIETK , Neb. , May 1C. J. L. Tid ball , Esq. , has begun a fine brick rcsi donee on Cottage hill. The new dwelling house of Mr. James 8. Dick , in the same part of town ia nearly completed. Peter Buongor is putting up a brick building on West Thirteenth street. Last Monday ox-Mayor D. J. F. Rood , now a citizen of Now Mexico , arrived in town with the bodies of hia children , Clarence and Gertie. Ho has lost other children in past years , and none , are now loft him. Funeral services Voro conducted by Rev. Dr. MoNamara , of Nebraska Oity. Mr. and Mrs. Heed have the sympathies of all. Senator Wells , who was unable on account of illness to take his seat at the beginning of the special session , has recovered sufficiently to do so. These who propose to attend the Sunday school institute mentioned last week should send their names before - fore J uno first tp lluv. H. Bross , of Crete , if they wish to obtain .reduced railroad rates. Prof , and Mrs. 0. 0. Stevens , now of West Hartford , Conn. , liavo been visiting friends in Crete , The pro fessor cannot resume his duties in Doane college next fall , but hopes to do so ultimately. Charles Boswoll , Esq. , of West Hartford , Connecticut , lias given to tiio college § 100 as the beginning of a permanent library fund. The contest between representa tives of the university and those of Doano college came oil last Friday , May 12 , and was tocroto the event of the week. Wo enjoyed the visit of our Lincoln friends , tried hard to boat them did boat them by 30 to 11 at base ball were glad of their good work aa well as of that of our own representatives , and submitted as gracefully as possible to the decision of the judges that the result was a tie. PKOXY. Miss Oarr'fl Last Publication. From the Worcester ( Mus. ) Spj. May n. Mr. Stanley , the tenor , has been using every endeavor to engage Miss Annie Louise Gary for a concert here , but yesterday received the fol lowing which will bo road with inter * cst : MY DBAII Mit. BTANLIIY : I am sorry I am not able to give a favorable reply to yours of the 8th. My present angagomontH will toke mo up to Juno 17 , and then 1 shall hnvo nung my last public song , unless it bo at the end of the month , at throe charity xmcertij in my own utato of Maine. With boat wishes , sincerely yours , ANNIK OAKY , The manager of the liarnard man ufacturing company , Mr , Inuao L , Hart , No , It Anhton struct , Fullllivur , Mass. , gives thin aa his experience ; I have used that superior remedy , St. Jacobs Oil , in aoveru cuso of rheu matism in my arm , and its effect was wonderful , having banished all pain , leaving my arm as well us over. SELTZE ThoICinir of tlio Body t Iho brain ; the utomach iu niiliiiupjiort : thunurivitameiiV. | n- KC J the 'jo cl , the kldLvjiand thuparca Iti iwfe.'uardj. IndlKedlou create * a tbuitwoli iinonx thp e attaihciof Ihc rci'alorgau , and to JiluL' thi-m bulc to their duty , tuero 1 nothnu Ikulheni/uUtlnir , puilfilnf , liul omtlni : , cooU lug operatlou of TlttVAM'iibKlTziK AHERIK.NT Iff renovate * tt ititem aud rcitor.s to health Loth too body and toe uilud. BOLL. I1Y ALL DULJOQISTU. tuIO lia ch o t w Take " . " BLACK.DRAUOHT and yo - Will ueter be THE DAILY BEE MAMA PUDLIfiHIMOCO , PROPRIETORS. BIB Furnham , bet. Oth and lOIh Street * . TEUMS OF sunecniPTioN. Or * tlpy 1 year.In nrh n' ( pou t J ) 110.00 ) uuMtil " " . . . 6.00 month " " B.W ' < A.1LWAY TIME TABLE , cniCAffo , w. Mrt , misitrous AKD OMAHA RAILROAD , lo\r Oranh * ! ' pntet No. 2 , 8:30 : a.m. Ac- rrmodUlon No. 4 , 1:0 : tp. ru AlrlveOroMia l'aiwnjer ; No. I , 6.10 pm , < -Cf c S Ctlfttlon Kn. 8 , ] ( ) . [ / ) a. in. < \nia OMAHA nr on Mcti ICCKO , a , D. i. o. 7:40 : a. m. S : 0 f. ra. n. t W. W. , 7 : 0 a. nt. SiO : P. m. 0. , Ft. I. i 1' , , 7:10 a. m. 3:10 : 1 > . ra. . 0.St. J. 0. ! ! . , loaves at f 30 fx. m. And 7:46 : ra. Arrives at Et. I-oub At 8:20 it. in , and 6:12 in , 'V. . BtL. h P. . leaves IB a. m. and 8(0p. : Arrive * Bt. Louis at 0:40 : a. m. and 7:80 m wwr o oonrnw m . B. ft H. In Neh. , Through Kp e-f , 8:50 : a. m. IJ. & M. Lincoln Kiprow * ' 20t. . m. I ) 1' . Overland Kriittm , 13:16 : p. m. 0. b II. V. for Lincoln , 11:46 : a. m. 0. A It V. ( or Oscoolo , 9:40 ft. m , 0. P freight LS'o. B , BZO : a. m. 0. P 1 retail No. 9 , H-IO n. m. a. I' . frMzht No. 13 , 2.60 p. m. U. P. frelKht No. 7 , 0:10 : p. tu. emigrant. * . P. Denver r > iirc ? . 7Sfi : p. m. D. P. freight No 11 , 11:30 : p. m. U. P. IJenvot Irolzht , 8:26 : p. m , Mrt AH nooro. C D. k Q 6CO : a. m. 7:26 p m. 0. ti N , W. . 9:46 : a. m. 7:26 p. m. 0. II. I. A 1' . , 0:45 : a. m. 9:03 : p. m. K. C , . St. Joe h 0 B. , 7:86 a. in. d:46p. : m most THK wn JJID Botmrwnr. 0. fc R. V. ( rain Lincoln 1.08 p. m. V. P. Paclflo Kxprow 3:26 : p. m. B ; b M. In Neb. , Through Kxrrcm tU : p m , H. It M , Lincoln Kxprom 9.46 a in. U. P. Demur oiprow , 7:36 : a. m. U. F. Freight No. 14-2:60 r. in. U. P. No. 0 BiO : a. m. EmlR-ant U. F. freight No. 14 , 12:16 p. m. D. P. No. B 9.CO p. m. U. 1 * . No. 12 1:46 : a. m. D , I * . Denver ( r-'ubt , 1:10 : a. m. 0. R. V. mixed , ar. 4:46 : p. m. RtJXHT nums SITWIZH OKAttA AMI COUIfCIL BtDTTS. Ltavo Omaha at 3.00 , 0:00 : , 10:00 and 11:00 m. ; 1:0 : 2:00 : , 8:00 : , 4:03 : and 6:00p. : m. bare Council Blufli at 3:26 : , 9:25. 10:26 : and : a. m. ; 1:26 , 2:26 : , 8:26 : , 4:26 : and 6:26 : p. m. Sun-'ftj-n The dummy leaves Omaha at 9:00 : ind 11:00 : a. m. ; 2.00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Leave ] Council Dlulli at 9:23 and 11:26 a. m. ; 3:26 : , 4:26 ind 6M : p , m , Through and local passenger trains between Omaha and Council DluHa. Leave Omaha 6:16 : , : I6 , 8:60 : a.m. : 8:40 : , 6:46 : , fl.-OO p. m. Arrive Omaha 7:40 , 11:86 , 11:46 u. m , ; 6:40 : , 7:06 : , 7:16 : , p. m _ Opening ana Dieting of M lli , BOirri. orn , CLOSI. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. ChlctROkN. W . 11.00 90 6:30 : S:40 : Ohlcupo , U I. & Pacinc.lUOO 0:00 : 6:20 : 2:40 : Chicago. 11 , ti Q. . . . _ . 11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Wahaah . . 12BO : 6:30 : 2:40 : 4loux City find PftdBo. . 9.00 6:50 2:40 : Onion Facia ? . 4:00 : 11:40 Omaha in. V . 4:00 11:40 : 3. ft U. In Neb . 4:00 : 8:10 : Omaha It Sioux City. . . . 6.00 7:30 3. & M. Lincoln . 10:30 : 6:00 : U.I' . Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 : J. P. Denver Kxp . 9:00 : 0:30 : 0. . Hlonx City ft Bt. P. . .11:00 : 2:40 : Local usalU for State of Iowa loav but once a lay , vie : 6-30 a.m. Offlce open Bundayi from 12 m. to 1 p. m. . F HALL P M. IMPERISHABLE PERFUME. Murray & lanman's FLORIDA WATER , Best for TOILET. BATtH and HANDKERCHIEF. raon-wod-fr I&MJJ4 m i\m \ m West for being the moat direct , qnlckeal , an Bafoet line connecting the croat Metropolla , Oil ! OAOO , and the ElaTiuc , NottTU-KABTBRif , I ) r and SOUTH.EiSTntut Lrara , which termlnatclheri with Kiiiaii CITT , LHVISWOBTU , ATCIIUOB OotmoiL BLurn and Omui. th * CO M HOUI Cisnafl from which rodlato EVERY LINE Of ROAD that penetrate * the Continent from the Hlnoni Hirer to tbo Paclflo Hlopo. The OHIOAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA OTETO RAILWAY Ii the only lint from Chicago owning track la Kanau , or which , by It * own road , reachoa th polnta above named. No TBAHITIUI BT Cimauai No MI&UMO ooMRimoiiit No huddling In Ul ventilated or unclean can , u ererr pawenger carried In roomy , dean and ventUaUd oc chH upon fait Eipreaa Tralni DAT OAU oi unrivaled majpilflcenM , POUJIAI PALAOI Suvnia OAU , and ourownworld-faootu DDIUIO OAU , upon which rnoaU arc gerred of un lurpaaaed eiwllonce , at the low rate of Sivur-r Fun Cum ( Acii , with ample time for .heallhfn enjoyment. Through Can between Chicago , Peorlt , waukee and Mlsaourl River PolnU : and cloao cct nectloni at all polnta of tntrraectloa with otbi > < roadg. Oregon , Waahlugton Territory , Colorado , Arlioni and New Mexico. Al I beral arrangernenU regarding hvK'Rf any other line , and rateu of faro aluayi aik o * * oompetlton , who furnloh but a tltlia o the ao < r tort. tort.Dog * and Uckl of iportiinon free. Ticket * , inaim and foldori at all prlnclpa oalcoa tn the United SUten and Catiadt. R. R. UAULE , E. HT. JOHN , Vice I'rw'1 6 Oen. Oen. Tkt andPuu'rA ) ilanair r , Chicago Chlouo. Sioui City < fe Pacific THE SIOUX OITY BOUTK Hum a 8ollJ Train Through from Council Blulla to St. Paul Without OhanRo Time , Only 17 Hour * IT is S.OO UlLKS THE SUOBTKST ROUT ? rtOM COUNCIL BLUFFS TO 8T PAUL , UlNNKAPOUB DULUTII Oil DI3UAHCF. uuJ all point * In Northern Iowa , illancaot * ar.d " ' ' Thlt line Igcmilppod with thiiluproTti ! . ou Automatic Alr-brakv and Ullln Platform Coupler and Duller : and tor 8PKKD. b'AFKTY AND OOIIFOHT ' Pulluun Palace Ulvoplaf Our run thro'uKh WITHOUT OHANUR bjtwoen Km ilCltrand lit. Paul , via Council illuOi nd Mom City Traliiu loivu Union PaclOo Transfer at Oouu ell lilufts , at 7:95 : p. m. dAlly on arrival ol KauMi : ity , Bt. Joseph and Council llluOn train Iroai tha South , Arriving at Bloux Clt ) 11S1 : p. iu. . ii'J at the New Union Depot at SI. Paul at ! ! : noon. TEN HOURS IN ADVANCK Or ANTOTnB KOUTK.I | > SH"KZ2i a taking tha Ulaux City Ttouu rou jpot a Through Train. The Shortcut Una , ; he Quickest Ttuia mid a OowlorUtlo Hld In Iht Throuith Tar * botwiMn COUNCIL JiLUCrS AND ST. PAUU * tTbee that your IV ktti rood via tbo "Sloui City and PJ > IHc Unllioud " / B. WATIXUS , J.Jl. BUCHANAN 8iiierlnt-iinur.t. | ! Oen'l Paw. Ataat. P. K. UOUIh'KON , Au't Oeu'I PaM. J&\ . , Ulwotirl Vftllor , Iowa VT. K. DAVIS , SftuthwuttaruAKant. Oountl BloOi Iowa JTOW RHEUMATISM , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache. Soreness of the Chest , Goirf , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swoff' ings and Sprains , Burns and * Z Scalds , General Bodily Pains , tooth , Ear and Headache , Frostot Foot and Ears , and all other Pains and Ache * . 9t Preparation on earth iuali ST. JACOH On M a afti\re , limplf and cheap Exteraa ! ( Mmedy. A trial entails but the compiratlrtlr 4rtllnE outlay of 60 Onfl , and rery on iafTer- l f with pain can bav cheap and poiltlT * T ef t Its claims. J K Dlrtctlons In Eltven langnic1- ' KLD nr ILL DRUGGISTS ANIDBiimt IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER St. CO. , D. M. WELTY , ( SaoooMor to D. T. Mount. ) Manufacturer and Dca'cr In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANCY HORSE CLOTHING Hobos , Dusters and Turf Goods of ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Agent fa : Jos. R. Hill & Co.'s OXIX.3E1 IiSZC. L'XX1X > CONCORD HARNESS 'The Best in The World. " 14123 Te.AJKXajB SIX. SO1. ! Order1 ! Solicited. OMAHA. NEB moly FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , Ana\ \ all Poluti Eattand 8outh-E t THE LINE COMPHIBES Nearly 1,000 miles. Solid Smoatb Steel Tracki All ccnnectloni are m Jo In UNION DtPOTB. It hu a National Reputation aa beln ? th Qreat Through Car Line , ind Is universally conceded to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Rail road In tbo world ( or all classes of travel. Try it ami sou will Hud traveling A Inrurj Inetoad of a discomfort. Through Tlckcti via rhli Celebrated Line foi lalo at all nfficrt In the West , All Information about Hates of Fare , Sleeping Car Acocmiuo-lMloiu , Tluio Tables , &c. , will br cheerfully Klvon by api > lyluln < to T. J. HOTTER , 2d ' ' t . . Vlco-l'ton't < Gen. JUiia cr.CblcatfO , PERCIVAL LOWELL , ( ion. Pttsuctvtcr Agt. Clilcnjro , W. J. OAVKNPOKT , Ucn Agent , Council Dliiffn. II. I" . DOKLL , Ticket AR morn-eel ly IS80 , SHORTLHE. ! 1880 , _ KANSAS CITY , 3tJoG&OouncilBluffB u no osvi Dkect Line to ST. LOUIB AND TUn KAST From Omaha nnd the Wont. All triliu leave II ft M. Depot , Omaha : Nob. Hn chx-g cf can between Omaha and bi. i/ioli , aad but one between OMAHA and MCW YORK. DailyPassengerTrains KBAOUOVO AtL KASTKRN AND WKCTKIIN OITIE3 with LE8t C AKCiEti and IN AUVANCK of ALL rhl4 tot'ro line h < xiulpwii ) wllh VnllmanV I'alace Blotplcg Car * , PA ! : B Day Coacbon. lllller'i Jafcly i'Utfarui ted Oouiilar , and the cHglfritcl iwtln UoaM ) Alr-braka. X.V8tw that jour tlokel re dj VIA nAN3A CI1Y , hT. JOJIU'K COUNCIL BLlUrrS ll ll road , vU St. Jowuh * i.J Bt. Lculi. TloVitj for t\\a at til couion etatlont IQ | hr Went. J. ft BARNARD. a IAE3 , Gen. 3upi. , St. Josoi < h , M3 A Oen , 1U . ked Ticket Agt. , 6t Jowi > h , Ho. /IMDY lo i > , Ticket Arcut , 1020 Karnhua itrorl W , J UiVBxrciKr , a n rl AK nt , Clarkson & H , rntf Bacutt * o lllchJtdi Unut , ATTORH.BY3 - AT JJV.W , If yon suffer from Dyvpcp < na , use use'LOOD 'LOOD BITTEllS. If you are afflicted with lllllousncs" , use I1UIIDOCK DLOOD CITTEUS If you are prostrated with tick Headache , take nunnocK BLOOD BITTKRS If your Bowctsaro disordered , regulate them with I3U11DOCK BLOOD BITTEllS. If your Blood 1 > mpurc , purify It with BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have Indlgcotlon , jou will hnd an antidote In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you are trOHblcd v , Ith Spring Complaints , or- odlcaU ) them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If your Liver Is torpid , restore Itto healthy action with BURDOCKCLOOD BITTERS If your Liver Is affected , vou will find a euro re- BtoratU o In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any upoclca of Humor or Plmplo , fall not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , o , curative remedy will lie found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and vitality to the sys tem , nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the ( > stem with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price. * I.OO pel Bottle ; Trial Dottlei 10 Cti FOSTEK , MILBURN , & Do , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Bold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and 0. F , Goodman. jo 27 ocxl-me I f jou arti man fit To-Jnr- r nnvn vr Irt enrdbytl > o tr liipr * nlslit worl. , tu vour duties vo ! < rt tor braluniMf tf\A Hop Bittoro. ] ira t uw Hop O. If you arc younK nu iritfferinK from till ? * It * discretion or dhnpa - - inn- lira or nlBRlo , old or trci. notrhtaUu orlknKulsfl cess , n)7 ) ou Hop Whoorer you ore. whenever you feel that your system needs clcanslnir. ton- tnff or fttlmulatlnf ? , without intoxicating , laUo Hop DI1to' . ptps'a , oruj'nartfcom * rnatnt , disease of tli" nomaeh , Ixnrtl * . dloorf. llwrornerwal USD Of oplllbl You will bo tobacco. cured If you we nwcotic * . Hop Bitters Uyou are elm- jily weak and law spirited , try itt It may savoyour llfot It hn navod hun- dredeo Dincasf ) la au i fleet , not a cause. Its origin within ; Its innnlfcjUHons without. Hcmc , to cure the discieo the CAuanmust ba rcmo\cd , nnd in no otlier May can n euro o\tr o ifluited. WARNEU'S SAFE : KIDNDY AND LIVKR. CURE is established oa jutt tun liilntiilc. Icrtallzcsthat 95 Per Cent. of all diseases nrlzo from deranged kidneys nnd liter , audit ttilkcsat cnco r.t the root of the dltnculty. Thu eknitf t9 of wlikblt U rompoecd act directly upon ibi'so i/rcat organs , both us a roopaid Ri'.sroHKR , anu , byplaclrg them In a l cnlthy , ecindltlcii , drive dbtaso and pain from IlioHJttcni. For the Intmmerablo trrub ca caoscd by un healthy Kldne > s , Liver anil ITrloary Orlrans for the dixtruiMnj ; Dltordortof Woraen ; for Malaria , and phyelcil dcraogcuiehts Kcnerally , this great rcnvdyhat no equal. IKwaro of Impostors , Im- itatlors mil concoctions salrt tn be just as ( rood. KorDlabctes ai for WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES J3URE. For ealu by uU dealers. H. H. 'WARNER & CO. me Rochester , It. Tf- ffOSTETTElfc pi * CELEBRATED iA Among the medicinal means of arresting disease , ctoti'tUrs btoinaUi llttu-s tUuuU pro cmlntnt. It chucKatho further progressol all illsonlers of Iho stomach , HUT and loucU , rc\l\tstlio Utal nilim , prcnUandroi cdlcs chllU and focr , caxatheaitltltyof tli0Kldnc > , countcracUu : i'iijeiu'j to rlioinuutUm , and ID a ( feniiliio utay dbolace toagcil , tullruinndmr\oun pcn > ong. For'iulo by all ilrugx'lttnand dealers guierally at to ml BUSTER'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the United States for tha DUtrlct of Nebraska ; Faml. It. Hrudloy , ct. al.a. . William Finery , ct al. ; 'n Chancery Foreclosure of iiiortntu | . I'tiWIo notice I hereby irhen that In pur iiinco and b > t Irtuo of a Jecreo entc nil In thoatat c.eutno on the 2sth daof Januarj IS-:1 I , hills L. liter- jo er , i-pecial Master -hanccry In talil Court , 111 on the Itt daj of June , 1J - at the hour of ,0 0'iltxK In the forenoon of thvsAld day , a' ' tliu lortltdoorof the United tated Court llouso i > nd 1'ostolllco I ulldlng In Die t Ity of Omaha Iiouvlaa county , Hutu and District of Nebraska , till at auction the followingdcncrl id projxrty to u It : The tait half ul the emit Invest quartrr and the ttouthcast quarter of the northwest inarter nnd the tiurthwest quarter of the uouthnast quarter of ceutiou fifteen (15) ( ) ; ownshln twcutv-tliree (23) ( ) range ten (10) ( ) east of tno Sixth IVIuclpal Meicdlan unit situate and liolug lu the county of Burt , te of NebrMlcu. NebrMlcu.ILLIS ILLIS : L. liiEiiuowEH , Si < ejial Mauler in Ubaocery. W. J. CONNKLt , Solicitor for Cowiilanant. [ d&w.4w \VB. MILLARD. V. U. JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Oomiissioji anfl Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET. * CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. < Agents for Pock & Baushers Lard , and Wilber Mills Flour , OMAHA , - - - NEB. REFERENCES ' OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON tfc CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER ; 'u Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. . C. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Nb. FOSTER & GRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME , P * . On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo "V.A.TJJL.TS , O 3 3SKSS , 3a 1020 Farnham Street , STEELE , JJHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Coeds , and All Grocers' Supplies. Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGAES m IlUUfAGTUEED TOBACCO , for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER 1 HENRY LEHMAN JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. . 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods Receiving Daily and Stock very nearly ! Oomplete J. A. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , SUNOS , fViOLDiHCS , MTBTATE AQENI FOH MILWAUKEE CKMKNT OOUPANYJ Near Union Pacific Denot - OMAHA POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING MACHINERY , BELTING , II08K. BRASS AND IRON FITTINGS PIPE. CTE1U PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRANG 205 P1" " " St ; , Omaha & Wholesale Lumber , 1,1408 Farnham Street , Omaha ,