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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1882)
ID < Sc OO , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware House acixr 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET , OMAHA . NEB. J" . CT. BIR.O'WIsr &c O O- , WHOLESALE DRY GOODS , Boots and Shoes. OMAHA NEB. S. W. WYATT . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , SiSH , BOORS , BLINDS JID lOUUMS. 15th and Cuming Sts. OMAHA , NEB S DE 3ES.I 3XT 351882 Special Attention Is Once More Called to the Fact thax OO. Bank foremost in the West in Assortment and Prices of CLOTHI ' , ' ' , . FORMBN'S BOYS' AND CHILDREN'SWEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps Wo aro'propared to meet the domanda of thu trndo in regard to Latoat Stylet , and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring la Connection RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th Opera House Clothing StereO O . IF. LTJIsTID. Dally Arrlrala of Now Soring Goods in Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods GOODS MASKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , , And Sold At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE I" I am Belling the Celebrated Wilson Bro.'a Pine Shirts , known as the BEST Fitting1 and Most Durable Shirts Made. 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. tnlm EASON. Invites the attention of the public to his LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK 03E" New Carpets ! Embracing all the late pat terns in everything in the Carpet Line. Mattings , Oil Cloths and window Shades , In large quantities , and always at the Bottom Prices. LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. J. B. DETWILER ! 1313 Farnam Street. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA , STATIONERY AND. BLANK BOOKS ! We keep on hand a full and. complete line of FANCY AND STAPLE ! STATIONERY of eyery description. Pocket-Booka Gold Pena , Pencila. Inks , Mucilage , Envelopes ; Visiting , Playing Regret , Dinner and Birthday Oarda , &c. , &o , Give ua a cafi. GILMAN R. DAVIS , & CO , l 15tl1 Street ! ° PP- Business Directory. Abttrxct * nd Real Litat * . JOHN T , . MCCAQUK , crrosito Po t ernes. W. n. lUUTT.KIT 817 South 18th Btrwt Architects. > UrRKNK A aronLssoiiN , ARCHITECTS Room II Crclghton Block. 1 A. T LAtlOK Jr. . Hoom I , Ciclehton Block. ( loot * And Bhoet. JA.MK3 UiVrtK it. CO. , fine Booti Mid Shot * . A rood Mmrtmtot iDtnft work on hund , comer ISth knd IHrney. IOa. ERICK80N , B. R. cor. 18th * nd DongUu JOHN FORTUNATUS , $ ) ! ICth Ktrixt , rainuttttnrei to ordM rood woil \i Mt ptlcct. Remlrlnr don * . Bed Gprlngt. LA n nil ) EU ll nul tuter. KIT Dour U it Dookt , New * and Stationery. J. I. FHUEHAUF 1016 Fdtnhun Btrwi. Duller and EBB * . UoOHANK fc 8CIIROEDF.Il. the oldwt D. and K Mnw In Nebr k c tabU hod 1876 UKMTIlAli HKSTAU11ANT , MRfl. ARYAN , qtliwsrt corneT lethand IXxhro. Dsst Board lor the Uon j * . aatl fcllon Ouarantttd at ( Jl Henri. Board by the D r. Week oi Month. Good Tenna tot Caih mi Supplied. Uarrlafiet and Road Wagon * . 7TU BNYDER.14lh and Harner Street * . OlothlnK nought. J. HARRIS will rwy hlRheitCuh price for uooni band clothlnr. OorncrtlOth and Farnham. jewo era. JOHN BAUMEK 1814 Faroham Street dunk. H. DEBT-HOLD , IUri | and Uetal. Lumber- Lime and Cement. TOBTER & ORY corner Ith and DoogU * SU. Lamp * and Qlaatware J. CONNER 1C09 Dotulai Ut Good Variety. Merchant Tailor * . Q. A LINDQUEST , One ol oar most popular Merchant Tailor * U resolving - solving the latoet doslrna lor Spring and Summer Oood ) ( or ( r&ntlemons wear. Btyllili , durable , and prtcoa low aa over 21518th bet , Dou.4F m. Millinery. UK8. 0. A. HLNGKH , Wholesale and Retail , ran- ay Geode In great variety , Zephyrs , Canl Boards , Ucjlory , Qloveo , Ooneta , &c. C'hoapoit HooBe In the Woet. Purchucn rave 80 per cent. Order 115 Flltoenth Street. rounary , VOHH WKARNK480NB cor. HthA Jackaonitt Flour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham Ita. , Welihan * Broa. , proprietor ; . draco ra. & BTGTEMH , ! Ut bttwucn Cumin ; and lur ' C. A. HcSHANK , Corn. 23d and'cumtng Btroota. Hardware , Iron and Uteel. ULAN iV LANQWOKTQT , Wholesale , 110 ant1 1U Utb etrtat A. IlOUtEfl ccmo IWhandQUIfornU. Harneu , Saddle * . Sec. B. WE1ST iOlSlhSt. bo > Farn. * Barney. Hotel * illSlELD HOUSE , Oec. Canflold.SUi & Farnham UOUAN HOU3K , P II. Cory. BIB FamhamSt. BLAVEN'3 HOTEL. K. Slavco , 10th St. leathern Hotel flue. Ilamol 9th Jb Loaronmntb Kami * and Olio. KUHN & CO. t'term&drta , Flnu Vane Uocdo , Cor. Itta and Dmalt * .Irccti IT. J. WnrTEHOUPE , Wholeeale& Retail , 10th Ot. 0. FIELD , S02I North Bide Cumlng Street PARK , PruirrUt. loin and Howard Strecta. OentliU. OB. PA PL WlllUnm lllocte Cor. Itth ft PoJjre. ury Uoooa notion * , tie. JOHN H. f. LFjiltANN A 00. , < nr Tort Dry Ooodt .IMre , 1810 uid 1811 Vanv bain rtmet. L 0. Kntgold aluo boot * and ehoe * ft Pacific. rurumiro. \ f. QKOtJO , KCH aod K oond Hood Furnltnre d Stores , 111 * Doccla * . Hlgfaeit caeh price aid for second hand eooo * . OONNKH IBoa Doat-te M. Jflne rood * * o. f tree OHAUA FKNCK GO. SOW , rHIE3CC ISlSHarneySt. , Improve id Ice Boxoa , Ircr acJ Wood Fence * , OOoa tllcss , Ooantr ) " ? lna > nii Walnut. Pawnbroker * . IQjh St. . hd far. > Har , Uanileld'i Patent. flOOOVAN ItK t b < t. Firn. & _ Oluar * Kiid Tobacco. WKHT & riUTSCUKK , manulactnrer * ol Clgaro , tnd Wholot&lo Dcalerol n Tobaccca , 1BOS Douglaa. y. F. LORKNZKK manufacturer 1410 Fornham Florist. A. Donifrhne , plants , cut flowera , oeodi , coquet * eic. N. W. cor. ICth and Douplaa etreota. Olvll Engineer * end Uurveyor * . ANDREW ROQEWATER , Crelghton Block , Totm SnrroTB , Qrodo and Sewerage Syetoma a Specialty. _ _ Oommlotlon Merchant * . JOHN 0. WIL LIS.HU Dodge Street. D B. 13EEMER. For detail * eoo largo advertbe- inent In Daily and Weekly. Oornlce Work * . Western Cornice Workg , Uanufactoren Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate IlooQIng. Orders Irom any locality promptly executed In the beet manner. Factory and Office 1218 Barney St. 0. SPKCHT , Froprletar. OtTanUed | Iron Cornlcee , Window Caps , eto. , manoXactured and put up In any part ol the oountry. T. BINHOLD 418 Thirteenth street O rockery. J. BONNElt 1809 Douglag atreet. Good line. Otathlng and Furnishing Qoxx * . OEO. H. PETERSON. Aln Ilati , Cap * . Boots , Bhoet Notion * and Cutlery , 8M 8. 10th itreet. Show Oae Manur ctory , | 0. J. WILDE , Uconlachuer and Dealer In all kind * ol Show Ctooe , UpilRht Cased , ft ' . . 1317 Ca g St. FHANK L. ar.UIIAftD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , BIO South lethttroot , between Loavcnwortu and Utrcy. All good > warranted flnt-clan. eve * ana mwant. A. BUEMESTKH , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer ot Tin Hoofs and all klndi ol Building Work ' Odd I'ellon * ' Block. J. BONNER. 1809 DongUn Ht. oed and Cheap | 0eed * . ] . EVANS , Wholenle and Retail Seed Drill * and Cultivator * Odd Fellow * Hall Physician * and Ourgeoni. W. B. dlDBS , U. D. , Room No i , Orelxhton Illock , 16th Street. P. 0. tKlBENKlNO , tl. U. Uaaoulc illock. 0. L. HART , U. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. poitofflce DR. L. B. OHADDY. Ocnllft and Aurtet. 8. W 16th and Farnham BU Photonrapner * . QEO. HEYN , PROP. Grand Central Qallerr , 21 ! Sixteenth Street. near Masonic Hall. Tint-class Work and Prompt- nee * guaranteen Plumbing , Ua * and ( Steam Fating. P. W. TAriPY & CO. . 21612 Ht. , bet Farnham uid DouflM. Work promp y attended to. D. riTZPATUlCK. 140 i/oatla * Street. Intlng an aper anglng , HKNRY A. KOTTKH8. Ill Dodga Street. Ohoo Utorei. Phillip Lan 1820 Farnham et. bet 18th ft llth. Decond Hand Otore. PERKINS & LEAR , 1116 DoujtUa St. . New and iccoml Iland Furniture , llouae furnishing floods , kc. , bon/ht and sold on narrow mnrflni Undertaker * , 3UAB. BIEWE , 1012 Farnham bet 10th ft lltd. 00 Oent Otorea. P. O. DAOKDH Farnbarn Et , Fancy Onodt Ualoon * . IIKNRY IfAUFHANH , In toe new brick block on DougU * Btratt , lu Jnit opened a moat elcpuit lieoi Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 18 , Dveryday. ' Caledonia " J. FALCONER 67916U > 8Uc l. A KOBBEU'S CAVE- An Alle od Dlecovory of Dlnmondi Watches , and Jo-wolry by the Pock Moixauro. "Col. Jnmos A. Alexander , tin Onllatin banker nnd capitalist , rontei his farm near that place fire year ago , " aaya n correspondent of tin Cincinnati Enquirer , "to a line look ing farmer who gnvo his name na . P J. Howard. The rents have nlwayi boon paid promptly , and Mr. Alex under always considered him a goo < tenant. Howard was away from hoim a great deal , and the management o the place was loft to an old negro am his wifo. A month ago all three dis appeared , and nothing moro was hoan of thorn until Col. Alexander recoim the following loiter , postmarket Sodaliai Mo , ; SKDALIA , Mo. , April22 , 1882-CoL JAMES ALEXANDKB , G-illalm Do i Sir , I hare vacated your ] > roiniso forovor. I thank you for your man ] courtesies extended to your mystor ions tenant known as Howard. Visi the care on your farm , and you wil flud something to interest you. ] shall avcngo the death of my brotho : or die in the attempt. I am , air yours with respect , FIIANK JAMES , alias P , J. Howard. "Tho colonel was astonished to Tint that ho had boon on terms of ititi macy with so noted an outlaw as tin great tnxin-robbor , the moro so fron the fact that Howard appeared to b < a perfect gcntlortmn and a man of bus incsa. Half a dozen of his intimate frionJs and employes were called together gother , and it was decided to make f visit to the cave , they loft the towr that evening for the farm. To relict were procured , and the party set out , armed with revolvers and knives , the mysterious nature of the letter nnd their visit making thorn fool a little fearful that all might not provo 01 pleasant as they oxpcctod. On entering the cave , a place that does not seem to hare boon known to any one in the vicinity except the pro- prioter , and which had boon used during the war as a hiding-plnco for contraband goods , a strange sight mot their eyes. Lying on the floor close to each other were the skeletons of four horses from which the flesh had fallen away , and around them were blankets , saddles , brushes , and n math ess. Near by was a collection of pots and kettles that had been left with the soot nnd grease on thorn , just as they had been taken from the liro. The ceiling and walls were dry , and there were evidences on all sides that it had boon used as a hiding place for men nnd horses. A measure , such as is used by farmers to deal out food to their cattle , eat on a lodge rock be yond the skeletons , nnd was found to contain a collection of jewelry and ar ticles of value that looked as if they had been captured by the robbers in n raid on some largo jewelry storo. There were twelve open and hunt ing case eilvcr watches , sixteen plain gold rings , twenty-nine gold watches , nine solitaire studs , two diamond nooklacos , and four diamond ring * among their plunder , which is estima ted to bo worth over $5,000. Thcso were taken back to Gollatin and placed in the vault of the Summer Deposit bank to await claimants , n photograph of a young woman , bear ing the imprint of n IBardstown pho tographer , was picked up on the floor by ouo of the party. Five or six of the watches arc old1 ones that have boon used , and bear the monograms of their owners. Ono of them has the word * , " From Hughes to Tonoy , " engraved on the inner case. The discovery , which was reported by messenger , scorns to have caused a great deal of excite ment in the place , and a party con taining Judge Vetrols , Col.Tyroo Boll , Gen. Guthno , Cnpt. Withorspoon , and other gentlemen , have visited the upo't. The st'pry , which there is no reason to doubt except that Frank James does Hot write such letters , haa not been confinnod , but is generally believed. " Mr. lleubon Turner.No. 1230 Carleton - ton street , Philadelphia , Pa. , writes that his wife had boon a terrible suf ferer with inflammatory rheumatism. A physician whoso skill stands un questioned by any ono had been at tending her , but only did her a little good. She began to use St. Jacob's Oil , and experienced relief at the first application , and before she had uaod half a bottle she was able to come down stairs. Mrs. Turner attributes her remarkable recovery entirely to St. Jacob's Oil. The BOB * Milkmaid from Coulson Bottom. Helena ( Mont. ) Herald. A Yellowstone dairy hand struck on hin employer and quit work on the difference of $10 a month wages. Yesterday ho rolled in through the bottomless mud on the westward com ing couch , and to-day was looking about town and inquiring the nearest cut to the Priokly 1'our milk ranch. "I'm the boss milkmaid of Coulton Bottom , I ami" ho exclaimed to a crowd gathered about the foot of Broadway enjoying an after April shower sunbath. "What's that I hoar ? " put in a cor ner listener , whoso curiosity was touched by the rather queer remark. "I'm just what I claim to bo , you bet your squeezers , " replied the etran- gor , putting his muscular paws through what was taken for an exercise mo tion ; "I can strip moro milk out of a cow in loss time than any 'udder * man in those or any other parts , and don't my of you mnko the mistake to lay I can't. " An idler suggested that ho had milked cows to some extent himself trhon a youngster. "Likely enough , but you don't 'pear to mo to bo a man much in practise now , Down at Coulson I handled [ ifty COWB a day which went eight juarts to the head to the milking , and sold to customers 1,200 quarts every aight and morning. " "Twolvo hundred quarts of milk Dut of fifty cows ? That otrikos mo as ibout twenty-four quarts to the cow ? " remarked ono of the crowd , " 0 , I'm no liar , " retorted the itrangor ; "milk from the cow and Tiilk in the can ain't always the same rtlclo , if you hoar mo talk , Down tlong the railroad grade it's ono part ) f ono thing and two parts of another , ind the boss and the Scandunava and ; ho Yellowstone riyor all know it. " "That's a pretty thin story , utran- { or. " "Think BO , do you ? Wellit iau't near as thin as the milk that old n probate I worked for at Coulson fui tiishcd the railroaders. Ho gets 2 cents for water for every 10 conls h gets for milk. And the old frau wanted mo to work for 830 nnd I ar up hero for a now engagement. " The stranger stepped out towan the valley , repealing over again hi boast of being "tho boss milkmaid o Coulson Bottom. " Womnn'i Trno Friend. A friend In need U n friend Indcvil. Thii nonocanilcny , ( specially wnen M8lst no < ) li rendered when ono Is sorely afllicted will disease , more particularly these com plaints and weaknesses sj common to out female populfitloa. Kvery woman should know that Klcctrlo Ulttcn ro womnn'r tnie friend , and will ix > sltively restore hei to health , even when all other rcmedtet fall. A lncle trlnl always proves our as. scrtton. They are [ ilcixnnnt to the Unto , null only cost fifty cents a bottle. Soldb ) 0 , - uoodmnn A Oood Find. About a year ago a young mat named Conovcr had a dream that t largo lump of gold could bo found it a certain plnco on a farm then occu pied by his father in Limn township but took no notice of the circumstixnc further than to toll his father of it but about n week ago the young HIM again had the same dream , nnd in tin morning again told his father. Th young man remembered the oxnc location which ho saw when dreaming and the father proposed to the soi that they investigate. They proceed ed to the spot , and after sticking tin pick into the ground several times struck what they suppoaod to bo r rock. They dug it out , and suri enough it looked like n huge lump o gold , and when examined by thosi who professed to know , was doclarot to bo solid gold. The find weighed nine pounds , nnd contains $1,02 worth of the precious metal. It it probably some Indian rolio , as the shape of it is similar to the stone hatchets found in the mounds in this vicinity. The lump has boon soon by a number of people living in Limn township , and this find is particularly acceptable to Mr. Oonover a family , ua they are said to bo poor people. Quincy Whig. Buoklin's Arn 101 Salve. The BEST SALVE in tlia world for Cuts , BrutaeR. Sores , Ulcore , Halt llhoum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Clinppod Hnmln , Chilblains , Corns , RU'l all skin erupti6n8 , and posi tively euro * plloa. It Is guaranteed to elvo satisfaction or money refunded. Price , 25 ccnta per box , .For ole by C , F. Goodman Why "Baby Mlno" Fainted. Once , when Mine , llontz and her female minstrels were performing in San Francisco , a well known Front street merchant ouo ot the the front orchestra sent brigade , whoso head was more clear than level waited around the stage entrance to the Standard theatre after the perform ance trying to conceal n handsome bouquet under his ulster. For n long time ho kept peering at the different specimens of Mine. Rontz's sirens , as they put up their umbrellas and trotted away in the raim After waiting patiently for about an hour , ho approached an in dividual with a red scarf and n slouched hat , who stood smoking a cigar at the entrance , and said : "Can you toll mo , air , if Miss Chlorine has gene homo yotf" "Oh , yes , boon gene half an hour , " replied the slouch hat party cheerfully. "Those flowers for her ? " "Well or urn yes. " "I'll give "em to her see her later , " said the obliging man. "Will you ? That's very kind , surely. " "Oh , not nt all , " said the man , smelling the bouquet with the air of a connoisseur. "Anything else ? " "Well ahem ! yes. Just give her this pair of earnings. " "Certainly. What name shall I say ? " "Just aay that 'Baby Mine'-she'll understand sends love , nnd says 2:30 : , at the same place to-morrow. " "I'll ' just make a mom. of that , " said the rod-tie man , writing ou his shirt-cufT , " 2:30 : same place to-mor row. All right. Anything else ! " "No. that's all. Mure you'll BOO her this evening ? " "Oh , certain. " "And you'll cot n chance to speak to her when there is no ono around ? " "Oh , dead sure. You BOO , I'm liar husband ! " "Baby Mine" fainted , and was Bent to his home in a hack. A Renovating Remedy Is to bo found in BUUDOOK BLOOD BITTKIW. As an antidote for sick hoadaaho , female weakness , billions- ness , indigestion , constipation , and other diseases of n kindred nature , these bitters are Invaluable. Price , gl.OO. ni3dlw A Modern Baby Moses , From the Augusta ( Ga. ) Nowi. A few days ago Die ferryman at Noal's ferry , on the Chattahoochoo river , while putting some patmungors aver in hta flat discovered n box float ing down the river , The feiryman ioized a bateau and made way to the box , whiuh ho BOOH ovoi hauled. On reaching out his hand to grasp it ho was astonished to find that it con tained : v sweet little babe , which raised its head nnd smiled at its rescuer. _ It iraa u white child , well dressed , with plenty of good clothing besides. Some ) ld people who live In the neighbor hood have taken the little Moses. Mysterious , daramlo Boomerang , The following from this morning's Sentinel is ono of the spiciest things ) vor written by the pure-minded , Christian and chaste humoiist of that 'amily paper : "Peck's Bun states that 'plump vernon are coining into fashion again ind slim ones are to bo discarded , ' tnd asks 'if a follow is to change his ; irl and a man his wife every time the ashion changes. ' Wo can't answer ibout the 'girl , ' but wo know a wife vho don't need changing , She can ihango her figure from alim to plump is often as the fashion changed , and lon't you forgot it. " As no names are given , of course it s impossible to state who the doctor uspocts. A Vexed OJoruyman. Kveii the patience of J ol ) would become xlmualed were ho n preacher nnd endeav iriny to intercut Ida audience while they vero keeping up an Incrcanunt cmiL'liliiu imkinf ; itrlinpoauihlo for him to be heard. tot , how very eauy can all this be avoided ly Blinply using lr. ) King's New DlHcove- y for Cmuumptlon , Cough ) and Gelds , trial Hetties given away at C , P. Good- unit's drag uU/re. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF : Men's , Boys' and Children's CLOTHING Ready for Impeotion AT POLACK'S CLOTHING HOUSE. The Lowest Prices Guaranteed , 1131G Farnam Btroot , Near 14th. ; JEWELERSN ° MUS1C DEALERS. ) OMAHA , NEB- _ The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in RECIOU3 STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets. THK LEADING MUSSG HOUSE IK THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs solder or cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock oi Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES Large Stock Aways on Hand. WM. ROGER Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF THE- Finest Sliver Plated Spoons and Ms , The only andj htlonal plato that original firm of ] la giving for Instance Ilogoro Bros. 4W' ' 5flW , , , f , Vt v rvri " i stance single All on * Spoons , Forka and plated Bpoon a Knivoa plated triple thtoknoB * with the greatest plate nly on of care. Each the a o o 11 o. a lot being hung on a scale while where expo d being plated , to to wear , thereby iuouro ix fall deposit - making a single posit of silver on plated Bpoon them. wear as long aa Wo would call a triple plated oHpoclal attention one. tion to our DOC- Rival Orlout. Tinned All Oiden In the Wet should L Addressed to A. B , . HUBERMANN , Wholesale Jewefer , OMAHA - NEB Cor. 17th Street and St. Mary's ave. DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries , Fruits , Confectionary , Bread , BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO & fcOIGARS ; Having removed from the old ; atnnd on Ninth Btroot to our now store , wo arc now prepared to show our patrons strictly ( Irat-clasa goods , in great variety at lowest living prices. Call and examine our now and complete stock of goods. AH are cordially invited , dooda delivered free of clui go to any part of the city. Ot