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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1882)
1.JE DAILY JBEE : TUESDAY. APiUL 18 188 , \ H. E. SEAMAN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONARY AM PRINTER'S ' GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFFS - - IOWA. TITLE. IBS JJ AJJ JoF F 1 0 E , Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. B ° ALON COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. _ J. VOKH81 m MILLINERY STORE FOB STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs la. O. O. GO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Clly Market , Council BlutTi , Iowa , , General Azer.U for WHOLESALE the Celebrated _ Mills ol n. D. FLOUR Buih& Co. . Golden HOUSE lUffle Flour , , Lc renwoith , u f DdoUj ] Belerence , Salth & Crl tenden Council BluITi , It. MASONWISE , LIVEEY , PEED & SALE STABLE The largest and best stables in the west. Roadsters , Saddle and draft horses for sale , also aflne lot of mules just received which will be closed out cheap. SGOTT ST. , NEAE BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. HAIR GOODS. WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , Nets , donahs , Brushes , Face-pow ders , Bands , Hair Orna ments , &o. , &c. All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Prices Guaranteed. 337 W. Broadway , and 109 S. Main St , MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , Council Bluffs Iowa. ; - - - . c sac nn > sr. Office o\or saving bank. BLUFFS Iowa. COUNOlJj , - - - DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 1'carl Street. Houn , 9 a. m. to 12. , and 2 p. m. , to fi p , iij. Ileildonco , 120 IJancrbft street. Telephonic connection with Central ol'.lct. MRS. J. J. Manufacturer and dealer In HAIBGOODS' , SWITCHES , CURLS , PUFFS , WAVES , Ac. 29 MAIN ST. , Opp. Post Office , Council Blufl'u , la. HEAL ESTATE. W. C , Jamca , In connoctlou with hta law and collection butlncssbujs and sells real estate. Persons wishing to buy or ecll cltyVropcrty call at Ills office , t\cr nusbntll's book store , 1'carl street. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 4l6Broadway , Council Bluff's Del ceds and mortgages drawn and acknowledge HOWARD & ROBIE , BAKEKS AND CONFEOTIONERS. 227 S. Slain Street. Flrbt-clow white , srolum , r > o and Boston brow u bread lOnstantly on hand. A choice | a . sortment of pics , cnla'S , &c. , always on hand and freeh , JOHN STEINER , M. D , , ( Deuttchcr Arzt. ) ROOM 5 , EVERT'S BLOOK , Council Bluffs. Dtteues of women and children a spaclaltj. 517 8. 5th Street. We make the best bread In the city , aud em , ploy a first-clasi cake baker , specially for cajte and pastry , Wagons run through all the streets , Orders solicited. REMOVED without the CANCERS drawing ol blood or use of knlfo. Cures lunjr dlaoMos , Fits , Scrofula , Lhcr Cora- T II M fl R ft "sm | PM ai8orof , Fe\er i Dropsy > Erjalpclas and , llhcuma- Mcrcur- , Salt Rheum , Scald Hoiil , Cutvrli , wok. Inflamed and granulated Eyes , t'crofulous Ulcers and Female - male Disease i of all kinds. Aho Kidney and Vencrlal diseases , Hemorrhoids or Flics cured or money refunded. Ail disease ) treated upon thoptlnclplool > 9et- : able reform , without the uio of mercurial pois ons or the knife. Electro Vapor or MsJtcated Biths , furnished those who desire them. IlernU or Rupture radically cured by the ute of the Elastic bolt Trusa and 1'lastcr , which has notupcrlcr In the world. CONSULTATION FREE- CALL OK OR ADDRESS Drs , E , Rice anfl F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. MRS E J HARDING I D , , , , , , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate ot Elrctropathle Institution , Fhlla- ' ' . 'delphla , I'eniu. Office Cor , Broadway & Blenn Ave. COUKCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of nil diseases and pnlnful ) dlf- flcultlea peculiar to females a upecUlt } ' . 5 PRACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl street , opposite the pojtofHco. Ono of the oldest practitioners in Coun , cl ! luffa. Satlo- Iffnotlon guaranteed In all cases. GENERAL PIBE INEUflANOE AND REAT ESTATE AG'TS. MONEY TO LOAN. Boa d of Trade building , Council Muffs , la. DR , AMELIA BURROUGHS , No. 617 First Avenue. Hoursfrom 10 to 11 a. m. , and 2 to 6 p. m. BANKER'S ' LIFE ASSOCIATION , DESJIOINES , Iowa. Incorporated July 1st , 1579 , for the mutual benefit of bank officers and their customers , liaseil on principles of Kgi'itr , ECONOMY AND SK- CLRITV. A few experience ! life Insurance solici tors wanted. Addrutu , II. II. Stevens , district solicitor , Oltlco No. 7 , F.vcrtt's blocv , Council Ulufta , Iowa. KuluencoJIOl 4th avenue , P. 0. box 825. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , Will practice In all state and federal courts H | > tnlti German Lanjtuxo. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE The Most Successful Remedy ever dlscor. itlscortaln In its eltotts and does not blister. UKAU 1'llOOF libLUW. Also oicellent for human flesh , FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN WoehlnKtoiirllle , Ohio , June 17 , 1881. Da. II. J. KJS.-.DILI , , iCe : Oents lleadlnjr jour ad > vertUuiuent In Turf , Field and Farm , of your Kcndtll's Spavin Cure , a'd having a valuable and speedy her < o which had been lame from spavin for eighteen moutht , I sent to ) ou for a bottle by txpresa , which In six weeks removed all lamincHS and enlargement and a lurgt splint from another horse , and both horses are to-day aseound at colti. The one bottle was worth to me one hundred dollars. Kospectfully > o-irs , H. t. ISERioirrr , M. D. Send for Illustrated circular icivln ; positive proof. Price 1. All Druculsts ha > e It or can get It for you. Dr. II. J , Kendall & Co. , Pro prietors , f iosbnrgh Falls , Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS , d-wly P , J , MONTQOMEEY M , D , , , FKEE DISPENSAUY EVEKV SATUBUAY , Office In EKrtt's block , P arl stwt. Hc l- dence 623 Fourth street. Offleo hours from 8 to ZAW-I 2to < and7 toe p. m. , Council tluffs ORBdTON'S PROQRE3S , Steady and Sucstantlnl Growth of the Town Business nnd Por- eonal Notes. Correspondence ot Tin Bti , GKKSTOJ ? , Iowa , April 5 , It is n rainy tiny in Croaton , nnd yet the sidewalks scorn full and there nre many loams on the streets , so wo wander from street to atrcot looking for the news and noting the improvements monts and prospective growth of the city. city.On On the next corner from the First National bank a largo brick is being constructed ; the Summit house is to have a three-story brick addition on the west side with a 40 or 50 foot front , nt a cost of about $20,000. G. W. Cnrtlich will immediately begin to rebuild and enlarge his opera houso. Harsh & Burch nro to build two brick blocks , similar to nnd joining tbo ouo they built lost season , at a coat of § 25,009. Kelly will put up n now two-story brick , GOxlOO , for thico stores , just west of Do Voo's block , on the southwest corner of Mnplo ana Montgomery streets. 0. S , Ilex A Whipplo are to build n largo brick just west of the Eagle block , the foundations being already laid. The foundry business has boon bought up by eastern capitalists , and is being consolidated into n strong and working condition. The Cutler studio will soon bo in now quarters , erected especially for their higher class of work , which is fast becoming celebrated as the finest photograph and portrait work in Southwestern Iowa. The now car works and the now machine shops for the railroad com pany , now stores , offices , and fine residences without number are every where talked of , and the Royior houao keeps up its popularity under the management of Mr. Yancy , al though his has been "sick " partner on n leave" for some weeks. The now mayor , Mr. J. B. Harsh , brings to that oilico again a largo ex perience and executive ability , aa well as an unselfish desire fpr the prosper ity of the city , and in different qunr ters wo hoar of his efforts to secure and organize his executive officers into an ofliciont and thorough working force ; and there is every prospect that his administration will bo the moans of loading the city out of some of the dilemmas it was drifting into. The city will now have a thorough system of rowers , the plans having been already drawn and put into book form by Richard Stroud , the chief on- gineer ; and $10,000 , Of the general fund will bo used in addition to the private contributions. The water supply for the city will bo maintained by the railroad com pany , and the city fathers are about to extend all the works in the city seas as to bo able to furnish the whole town with water and moot the "firo fiend" half wa'y when ho makes his ap pearance. Senator McDill has been at his homo in Afton for a few days , and I only heard him spoken of in terma of the highest praiao , which is , in a meas ure , rather rare among our ambitious Americans , ( Plenty of Crestpn people and Ores- ton money are going to VVymoro , Ne braska , and among others , Brother J. J. Btcadman , formerly editor of The Gazette , but now the efficient postmaster , is pooling with some other substantial parties to open a bank there , while they are investing largely in real estate , and that yoimg city need not look ior better citizens or moro enter prising business men than this trusty "advance guard" of "Hnwkeyo energy. " i The city of Creston hns just boon captured oy storm by the followers of dimming and his religious views , and as every change should bo for the bettor , wo hope it will boar fruit in creating a moro healthy moral influ ence , which shall sweep the city until it un clean and orderly as the Park house of Corning , which is said to bo the most cozy and ploasantost hotel along the line. BUCKEYE. IMPORTS OFGRHBN FRUIT. The Arrivals Last Year Increase of the Trade at this Port. New Yorl ! Evening Post. Customs Inspector J. H. Boatwick aa just prepared his thirteenth an nual review of the trade in foreign ? roon fruit nt the port of Now York , It shows that in the year 1881 the im portation of Mediterranean fruit at this port consisted of 117 cargoes by English steamers , and 25 cargoes by Italian and Norwegian sailing vcssols , In nil comprising 819,223 boxes and cases of oranges , nnd 800,241 boxes of lemons. On comparison of these figures - ures with the imports of 1880 , the re sult shows an increase of 12 cargoes by steamers , and 0 cargoes by sailing vessels. This increase in the number of cargoes is represented by nnincrcose of 204,485 bozos and cases of oranges and 20,092 boxes of lemons. The total number of oranges imported in 1881 comprised 225,220,720 , of which 00,488,288 perished on the voyage , a loss of 40 per cent. , and thu total number of lemons imported in 1881 was 283,879,530 , of which 50,775,000 perished on the voyage , a loss of 20 per cont. As a whole , the Moditcr. ranoan fruit trade returned but little profit to the importers. There were 47tOOO barrels nnd 10- 000 half barrels of grapes imported , on which there was u loss of 25 per cont. Compared with the imports of 1880 , there was an increase of 5,940 barrels and a decrease of 400 half bur- rols , The importations of oranges from the West Indies in 1881 consisted of nine full cargoes and several parts of cargoes by sailing vessels ; also , 119- 497 barrels of oranges by 114 steam- era. On comparison of these figures with the imports of 1880 , the result shows an increase of 44,230 barrels , aud of 12,435,700 oranges , over the imports of 1880 , also an increase of 21 steamers engaged in the trade , ' and a decrease of eight sailing vessels. Of the increase of 44,230 barrels of oranges , 38,319 barrels were from Kingston. The orange crop of the Island of Jamaica the In lost year was very abundant , and oranges generally sold at remunerative prices , Some of the oranges imported from Nassau were seriously affected by the dcatruc tivo parasite which hna recently inndo Its appearance in that region. The oranges ' from Kingston were also moro or less hfleoted from the same cause. The importation of pineapples from the West Indies consisted of 33 full cargoes < by sailing vessels , and parts of < cargoes by 70 steamers , making n total of .050,010 pineapples , of which 514,004 perished on the voy age a loss of 25 per cont. On com parison of these imports with these of 1880 , the result shows n dccrcnsn of 20 cargoes by sailing vessels , and 1,181- 933 pinoaplcs during thu last year. The lorgo decrease- the number of pincaplcs is mainly owing to the failure of the productiveness of the soil on which the pincapptos are grown , its strength having become ox- nauslod from long nnd continued cul tivation , and also to the Urge number of pineapples required for canning nl different establishments in the Wcsl Indies. The deficiency was partly made up by the receipt of 255.222 pineapples from Florida , from winch state n largely increased number of pineapples is oxpoctcd the present 5 ear. The importations of bananas from the West Indies the last year consist ed of 92 full cargoes nnd parts of sev eral cargoes by sailing vessels , and 70 cargoes by steamers , making a total of 424,281 bunches , showing an in- cronso of 81,034 over the imports of 1880. Of the above , 84,850 buucho * perished on the voyage , a loss of 20 per cout. The trade in West India bananas did not prove profitable to the importers , but resulted in some considerable losses , A largo part of these losses was sustained by the im porters of bananas from Baracoa , nnd was principally caused by the lone and severe drought which prevailed in that part of the island of Cuba last season The importations of bananas from Aspinwnll largely exceeded those of any previous year , and consisted of 07 cargoes by steamers , comprising in all 460,901 bunches , of which 85,139 bunches perished in the voyage , a loss of 18.47 per cont. There was an in crease of 14 cargoes , nnd of 103,881 bunches of bananas over the imports of the previous year. Cocoanuts were imported from the West Indies , etc. , to the number of 11,378,829 , which constituted the cargoes and parts of cargoes of 114 sailing vessels and 92 steamers. Of the above , 907,200 perished on the voyage , n loss of 8\ ' per cent. Ou comparison of the ab'ovo with the im ports of 1880 , the result shows an in crease of 1,340,849 cocoanutsfor 1881. The importation of limes com prised 1,805 , barrels , on which there was a loss of 30 per cent. ; 1,110 shad docks , loss 10 per cent , ; 13,000 grape fruit , loss 10 per cent. ; 47,525 mangoes - gees , loss 05 per cent. ; 24,300 plan tains , loss 10 per cent , ; 3,330sapodil- laa , loss 40 per cent. ; 400 guavos , loss 30 per cent. ; 400 Avocada pears , loss 30 per cont. The following table shows the value of the foreign grcon fruit entered for consumption at the port of Now York in the last thirteen yoara , with the amount of duty collected thereon : < Total Value. Total Duty. 1809 81,881,681. $340,499.20 1870 , . 1,730,515 425,10045 1871 2,590,026 480,108.20 1272 2,904,415 4 509,138.rX ) 1873 2,085,840 * 474,201.70 1874 3,025,474 ' 211,911.90 , 1875 3,455,701 020,072.00 17G 3,001,003 " CS4.488.20 1877 3,148,992 5C4.H0.80 1878 3,735,050 600,010.60 1879 3,850,510 899,411.60 I860 4,192,831 745,437.20 1881 4,383,080 702,320.90 840,151,744 $7,023,038.8 Unmerited Abuse. To the Editor of The I3ce. A much abused citizen desires to thank you for the fair statement of facts given on your Council Bluffs page this morning in regard to him1 self. Durin the late campaign both seemed to serve as fair game for the partisan press. A reader of your newsy paper for two yoaro. I feel that you will allow all mo a biief space for a few additional facts , which fur nish n fitting addenda to your clover article of to-day , I was city marshal of Hamburg for some time and an acutionoor with a fair business. I came hero with my little family to estab lish myself as an auctioneer , and as a temporary expedient I took the restaurant near Dohany'e opera house , and added a small beer saloon to the west end. I applied for license as you state , which was granted , but subsequently enjoined by Dohany , who swore no saloon should come near his tomplp to the gods. The building I occupy is owned by Dohany's per sonal enemy , who was a candidate for mayor in the late campaign. During "show nights" at the opera house , questionable characters ot both sexes would visit my rcittiurant for lunch , and sometimes half-drunken men would npply at my bar for drink , which was always rafuaod. At another time a careless girl was thrown out of a buggy on Bryant street , sustaining severe injuries. She was brought to my place. I sent for Dr , Cook , nnd oho received every care , As soon as the owner of the build ing became a candidate for mayor , Dohany and a candidate for marshal on the opposition ticketnamed Htone , renewed their attack upon myself and business in order to obtain votes against the owner of the building , a candidate , as I have said , for mayor. Things mentioned abevo nnd other business transaotipns of less moment were magnified into crimes , nnd the police were made to believe by these ancient gossips that I kept terrible place. I have boon an ofilcer myself , nnd know how easy it is at times for police men to act thoughtlessly upon hearsay - say ovidonco. 1 was arrested , as you say , for keeping a saloon without II- conxo , but as the injunction was pond ing in the higher courts , and the money was always ready , this charge was dismissed , as wore all others in duo timo. I had no thought or intent of violating any law , and must hero compliment the marshal and his excellent cellent force for the excellent judg inont used in matters which must necessarily smirch the voracity of some of their beat friends. I had hoped tbia abuse and misrep resentation would end with the cam * polgn. I WAS surpriioa to find it re- nowcd In a recent issue of the tvrl Itjjlit twinklor. I now fed constrained to ask to bo lot nlono. My snloon has boon closed for over two months , nnd I have re sumed my old business as an nuc- tionccr. Now Hint the ill fooling of the Into campaign is over , I liopo by-Rones may bo by-tjoncs , while 1 try in my now business to tlcservo every man's ' good will. Truly yours , II. 0. Downy , Council Bluffs , In , April 17. Grateful Women. None receive BO much benefit , nnd none nro EO profoundly grntoful nnd show such nn interest in recommend ing llop llittora ns women. It is the only remedy peculiarly adapted to the ninny ills the sex is almost univorsnlly subject to. ChilU and fever , indiges tion or deranged liver , constant or pe riodical sick hondnchcs , wcAknoss in the back or kidnoys.pain in the shoul ders nnd diUoront parts of the body , a fcelinc ; of lassitude or despondency , all are readily removed by tlioao bit- tors. [ Uournnt. IOWA imMB. A contract will soon bo lot for the erection of a thirty thousand dollar normal school building on the state's grounds at Cedar Falls. The mayor of Oroston has warned the Ramblers , bunko men , etc. , of that city to show visible means of support or got up and git. "Support or slide" is the motto of the mayor. The \Vhitobroast mine , in Lucas county , is the Inrgoat single coal shaft in the state. In Pulaski , Davis county , over thirty now housv huvoboou built this spring , a flouring mill has just boon completed , nnd n cruitmory will soon commence operations. Lenox hns u nicely organized and * equipped flro comptmy of nineteen members. Olarinda claims the banner boom team of young ladies. A woman nt Ottunnvn , lost wcok , gave birth to five children , part human and part dog , The freak of nature is the subject of much wonderment nnd comment. The Milwaukee road is apparently ( i strictly temperance line , as they for bid the opening of saloons in any of their now towns along the Council Blufla extension. The Mayor of Creston has ordered the totixl BUsponfiion of all kinds of biiHiness on Sunday. The kicking Is loud atitl vigor ous. ous.Clerk Clerk of courts at Sioux City states that inoro thnn ! > per cent , of the marriage licenses issued during the past three months have been to foreign bora citizens , mostly Scandinavians. At Otlumwn peed horses rondlly Boll at fromSMOto S3& ) ; mediums , 88) ) to $120 , nd plugs from § 40 to SCO. During the first three months of the year the treasurer of Monona couuty col lected $56,054.43. / Theodore M. Davis , of New York , has made a gift of 35,000 to Utiswold college. Davenport. The money Is to bo kept in trust- and the interest used to assist worthy young men who , desiring an edu cation at the college , not the means to btain it. The recent fire in Manning destroyed thirtfion business housed , involving a loss of ,835,000 , oa which there was 810,000 In surance. ( FIRE INSURANCE. McKOON & STUBGES , Successor to M. 0. ilcKOON &CO. , Room 1 , Oreigliton Block , Represent the Following Companies AseKTO OVER. Continental of New Vork ? 4,200,000.00 Commercial Union of London 10,200,000.00 Fire Association of Philadelphia. . . 4,400,000.00 Gorman American of NmYork. . , . U,400,000 00 Imperial and Northern ot Knglnnd 22,000,000.00 National of Hartford 1,700,000.00 Orlcntof Hartford 1,400,000.00 I'houlxof Brookjn ] 2,800,000.00 Pennsylvania of Philadelphia 2,200,000.00 Kojal of Liverpool 23,300,000.00 .Springfield of Mu'sachusottB 2.20U,000.00 JllBeysatly. Arranged by Haraugarl Maon- norchor. C N L Y" $90 , j , In the .Cabin for { Round Trip , From .New York to Atnwor'p and Eoturn , /2TI > qavliiNowYork ) | Juno 10 , 1882 , on the the new and nplcniiid Mall Htoamcr Ilelgenland. f rKeturn tickets irood one year on any steamer of the lied Star Lino. ( tarRnllroad Faro from Antwerp to Paris , unly $1.6O. Ticket * , ( Prospectus nnd all Information Only to bo had from M. & . fl , BURQHEIM , Dookieller < , 404 Vine Street , Clnclnnattl , O. The Clnclnnattl Harugnrl Mannor- chor. apl-m&o-ev at-4t z/e < _ _ u2 1..Ctt-a ' .M-ftTtaB IMPERISHABLE PERFUME. " ' * - " riBirmarirr" Murray & Lanman's ! B. ? nd HANDKERCHIEF , 'CATARRH ' CURE. The Only Kuowu. Real GOTO. Clarkson & Hunt. Bncoeeew o Ukhndi fe Uw\ , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW B HlhSU" * ' Om ba H b DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS. PROPIUKTOKS TOWKf ' ARLINOTON. J , 0. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Net , . OARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. QTELLINIU8 , Mllford , Neb' . , ' MARSH HOUSE , E , MANS , BROWNSVILLE , Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Stromsburg Ns HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loulivllle CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb. ' QRANO CENTRAL E..SEYMOUR , Nabratka Olty , heb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping WaterNo COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb , GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. OTOREY. Olarinda , Iowa ENO'8 HOTEL , C. U END , Cromont , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , 0. D. HACKNEY , Aihland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E , L. QRUDU , Qulde Recd , Neb , SUMMIT HOUSE , OWAH & DECKER , Creiton , U. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , JUDKINS & DRO , , Red OaV , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO.OALPH , Extra , I A. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O.M.REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. DURGE8S. Neoln , la , CITY HOTEL , Dl D. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQS , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JU AVERY , Btnnton , MERCHANTS HOI EL J. W. DOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dlanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , BhennndoAh , M , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb. DAQNELL HOUSE , CHA8. B AON ELL , College Spring * , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vlltltca , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , I * , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , U COMMERCIAL HOUSE , D , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oseeola , Neb. DOUQLA8 HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarkt , N b. DEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QBEEN , Bedford la , ARLINQTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & SON , Marj-tvlll * Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb THE JELM MOUNTAIN G-OXiD AND d T T" CD JJ l Mining and Milling Company. Working CaplUH - 9300,000. 1,000.000 STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DIBTBIOT , DR. J. T. THOMAS , President , Gumming , Wjoinlnp. WM. E. TILTON , Vlcc.Proaldcnt , Cnmmlnj , Wyomlnsti B. N. IIAUWOOD , BecroUry , Cummlni , Wyoming. A. a. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummlni , Wyoming. Dr J. I. Tboruoi. toult Miller W. 8. Bramel. A. 0. Dunn. E N HMWOOdV Freucll Lo von > . Oco. H. Faloa. Lewis Zolman. Dr. J. 0. Watklni. noJSmoBm OKO. W. KENDALL , Antherlied Ajrent for Bale ol Stock ! Bo- o u .Neb. PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at LastI * n4 Ulcerated Piles baa been dlacovered by Dr. Wll- llMn , ( n Indian remedy , ) called Dr , Will un- | Indian Ointment. A ilngle box bat cured the worst chronlo CMOS ol Sfior BOyear * itandlng. No ono need tuOer five minutes alter applying thU wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions , Initru- mcnta and electuaries do more harm than good , William's Ointment absorbs the tumors , altays the Intense Itching , ( partlculaaly at nlgh alter gotttag warm In bod. ) acta as a poultice , giro * In- itant and painless relief , and leprepared only for Hies. Itching of the private parts , and for noth "Staid what the Hon. J. B , Cofflnberry of Cleye- and sars about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oint ment ! I have used scores of Piles cures , and It affords mop ooture to say thatlhave never found anything which gave sucn Immediate and pcrma nont relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment For silo by all drugglata or mailed on receipt price , OLIVIUSD , Omo. For sale by 0. f Goodman. OctlOdBOdftw owlv NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dr. E. 0. WenUfSono and ffraln IVoatment A specific for Hjstcrla , Dlulnesa , Convuleloni. Nervous Headache , Mental Depression , Lora ot Hcmory.Spormatorrhcoa.Impotoncy , Involuntary Emissions , Premature Old ABO , caused by over exertion , self-abuse , or over-Indulgence , whlo loads to inlsory , decoy and death. One box wl cure recent cases. Ka-h box contains ono month treatment. Ono dollar a box , or six boxes fo dvo dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. Wo guarantee six boxes to cure any couo. With each order received by us for lx bores , ac companied with five dollars , will tend the pur. chaser our written guarantee to return the money If the treatment does not effect euro. 0. f. Goodman , Drugplrt , Bole. Wholesale and ctall Agent , Omaha , Nob. Orders by mail Kular price. il&wly at United States Depository First national lank , OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sta , OLDEST BANKIHO ESTABLISHMENT W OMAHA. BUOOEOOORB TO KOUNTZE DROTHERBO BTA3U8UID 1166. Organlied u k National Dank AuffUBt SO , 1888. OAPITAr , _ . . . i 200iOOO ANJJ puoylTfl . | GO,00 omorus AMD pm noiJ I Mdrmti , president. . .JTDII Kotwr , Vlco PrcBidenl , F. H. inu , CiMhler. A. ) . I'orrunoH , JUUNA. CuiaaioH. Tat hank receive ) dtporitB wtthon regard to luueg time cortlflealoa hearing Interest. Prawa draftn on rVui fr nciico | tnd pilnclpt ] cltlio ul tlin United HUtcs , also Lon'Jon. Uuhlln KdlnUirharJ ( ; the principal cltln of tbooontl unit "i Ktirnr * mnvlrttt A , F , BERQUEST & BEOi , Manufacturers of Carriages , Buggiosi Express- Wucons , Spring Trucks , Road Wagons , 410 S , 13th Street. OMAHA ( NEBRASKA. kinds of Repairing Promptly attended to. All Worls Warranted. M2t-lm. d. L. WILKIE , IIANUFACTURKII0V PAPER BOXES. 218 and 220 S. 14th St , THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING HOUSE ' IN NEBRASKA. CALDWELLjHAMILTON&CO Btuiineu traniaotod same that of an inoorp'oratod bank. Account * Jioit in oarvencr * or old atjoot to eight ohook without no tice. Cortifloatoi of deposit Issaod pav- able in thrco , six and twalvo months , hearing Interest , or on de mand without interest. Advnnooi mndo to oustomors OB approved sooarltioi at market rntosi ofintoroit < Tho.intorosto of customers are cloudy guarded , and every facility comtmtiblo with prinoinlos of Bound baukinc freely extended. Draw slcht draft * on England , Ireland , Bootland , and all tmrU of Bar op o. 'Boll ' European paosngo tioltots. OLLEOTION8 PROMPTLY MADE. ( JREflT 1 0UTE EASTWARD la the old Favorite and CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA PALLS , , NEWYORKBOSTON , And all Poluts Eait and South-East. THE LINE COMPRISES Nearly 1,000 mllcn. Solid Smooth Steel Tracks AllcgtmoctlonBnroniaJotn UNION DhPOTS. It haa a National Imputation aa helm ; the Great ThrouCh Car Line , end Is universally ( .encoded to hj the FINEST EQUIPPED Half- read In thg world ( or nil classfs at travel. Try It and you II1 flml twcllns a , Inxuiy , Inetead of a discomfort. Through Ticki'tmU rhls Celebrated Line for BalentiUloUIccsln the W t. - All Information about Uatcs of Fare , Eleeplnff Car Acocmiuodatlons , Time Tab'os ' , 4tc. , will ha cheerfully t'lven by applying to T. J. HOTTER , 2d Vlce-frc 't i Qon. Mantr PERCIVALiUOWELL , Oen. Paeacncr , At Chicago , W. J. DAVENPORT , Gen Airent. Council Uluff * . H , I1 , UUKI.L , Tkkvt A | < t.omaha. | inorn-od ly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M. K. R1SDON , Gen'l ' Insurance Agent j . , Phoenix AMurunco Co. , ol London , CuuAeietU { 5,884,104.00 Weitcheraer , K. Y. , CiplUl l,000OOO.CO , The Mcreh at3 , cj Newark , N , J.f CapltW . . . . . , . . . . , , . . . 1,878,003.0 QlMd Fitu , PUIMelphla , Capital. . . . 1,800,000.0 Flremeu's Fund. . . , . , , 1,28 , -0 DrltUh America Auianc Co..1,600,000.0 Offloo , Boyd'g Opwi Horn ;