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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1882)
- C01NClLBLUETS. . IOWA TUESDAY APRIL 18 1582. THE DAIL5T BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tuesday Morning April 18 , SUBSCRIPTION RATES : nj : Carrier , - - - - - SO cent. tr week. By Mali , - - - - - - - JIO 00 per Ycr , Offlco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. 0. E , MAYNE , Unnsfrcr City Circulation. H. W , TIJjTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. The Round Table meets this evening. " Lltg nt millinery at RIM. pr 17-3t The best 25 cent hat In the city at Biles1. uprlTtf Joseph Keller mokes suits up In the latest styles nt 310 ] 5n adwaj. np4-U The largest line of linen and lace col lam in the latest styles at Bliss. ' The Young Men's Christian asuoda- hcld ft noclnl meeting atthoBaptlst churcb Jftst evening. * " Durlnx Mayor Bowman' * absence In 1 Texas , Alderman Shugart presides over . , ' the deliberations of the council , nnd prc- eJdcs well. _ _ _ _ _ _ " 'The city engineer is having many de mnnds for giving grades to these who are fanning to build. The Benson promises to bo n lively one. The concert nnd dance given by ( Uerry's Juvenile band last livening proved an enjoyable event and was well patron ized. ' There were 40,000 three cent stamps add nt the postoflico here last month , as compared with 30,000 tha month before. Loiter writing hero is en the Increase evi dently. ft The council made another attempt yesterday nlternoon to get ft quorum to finish up the equalization of taxes , but the attempt was in vnln and adjournment Jvs till evening became necessary. s A very neat motto has been placed upon the wall over the pulpit nt the Bap tist church , the letters being unique and attractive nnd the handiwork of Miss Warren. It reads "Welcome to oar Sab bath Home. " * B Steps are being taken to organize a Hi company hero for the manufacture of the stone of which Patterson and Hoxie arc the patentees , and an account ot which was recently given in Tun BEE. The outlook now is that the enterprise will become one of the lending ones of the city , Marriage licenses have been Usued for the following to pair off : George E. Smith , \ < of Adams county , Illinois , and Miss Polly Jenkins , of Otto , Neb. ; William Wad- ; . dlngfield nnd Miss Mcno Tent , both of Council Bluffs ; Bombard Brandt and Mits Mary Green , also of Council Bluffs. The postofBce hero has been instructed to pouch mail matter for Missouri Valley , lown , at this point. This will prove nn advantage to the residents at that point , and a convenience to the postal clerks. Under the old way there has been BO much matter to make up in the car that the Missouri- Valley mall would sometimes get carried by. Now it will have a pouch of its own filled here. It looked for a little time yesterday as though the "Blue Jay" and Beyhant house saloons were both ; to be closed. They are both run by Frank Grow and five attach ments were served yesterday altcrnoon , Amounting to $187. The officers took charge ( or time , but the financial dlffl culty was soon fixed up again and the xnaslc started up. MISSING MONEY. Dan Davenport's Employer la After It , and Has Caused Hla Arrest. The arrest hero of Daniel Daven port , on a charge of embezzlement , has causf d no little surprieo among his acquaintances in this city , of whom ho ban quite a number , having for about seven months boon con nected with the street car etablos hero. From hero ho wont to Boone , and bos boon thcro in the employ of Mr , Runnels , buying and dealing in stock. A telegram from there Saturday - ! * day notified the officers hero that bo WRB supposed to bo in this city , and if ( o , to arrest him on the charge of em bezzlement. Officer Brooks found him and arrested him , and yesterday the marshal of Boone came hero for him. It is claimed that Davenport was given about 82DOin ; cash to go out to buy aomo stock , Ho hired a horse at a livery stable , and. instead of goinrf out for stock , ho disappeared , and the horse and cash disappeared also. Davenport scorns to bo wholly un concerned about the final result , and Boerus satisfied that ho can fix up everything all right , when ho gets back to Boone. lie says tha horse is there , and the money also. It Booms from his statumont that ho left the horse at another stable , and deposited tbo larger portion of the mojiey , and was having a good time on his own account , and that ho only started oul lor a town near there , but falling in with a conductor whom ho know well , he concluded to run through to thii city for & day or so , expecting to re turn at once , but before ho had a chance to do so , was arrested. Daven port is well thought of here among those who know him , and his friondi Lope he will bo able to clear himsol' of the charge. V. M. O. A. At the meeting of the Young Men's Christian association last evening tlu following board of directors was chosen ; T. M , Ooyvdy , R , I , Lange Dt , J , 0. Hillis , J. H. Kflth , J. II Orcutt and 0. J , Officer. As chairmen of the several atandnt , ! ( committees the following were named jDevotional , O. W. Dunn ; sick and relief lief , Dr. J. 0 , Jlilli&j membership , H. M. Stevens ; visitation and mis- eionary , A. B. Hum ; printing , books ftnd. rooms , P. M. Pryor , j p.rl9Cwtgomery ) president , < Jolv- orod a pleasing inaugural and a social / * 4"f . : | ' a. Mr Adim1 experfencecame about Jve years later than uilno. " { S. J , Tilden. DISUNITED WORKMEN , A Conflict Between the Supreme premo Lodge and the Grand Lodge of lown. The lowans Bofuso to Yield nnd Establish a Provisional Lodge , The supreme lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen has in vain tried to collect of the grand lodge of lown , its assessment for covering the losses caused by the yellow fhvor , the amount being 810,000. The Iowa lodqo , which numbers about 10,000 members , dooms itself not liable for the amount and has refused to come down with the caah , whereupon the supreme ledge has suspended its charter , As a further atop in the conflict of authority , the following order has been issued by the grand master workman of Iowa , to all the lodges in this jurisdiction : ANOIJENT Oni > BU OF UNITED WORK MEN , OrncK OP QBANI ) MASTER WORKMAN or low A. By authority of the laws of the order , the supreme master workman Ancient Order Jnitod Workmen did on March 1 , [ 682 , suspend the charter of the grand ledge Ancient Order United rVorkmen of Iowa , thus rendering its acts null and void hereafter. For ho purpose of placing the members > f loyal lodges Ancient Order United Workmen and the loyal members ol iccodcd lodges in a position to pro lorvo their righto 01 members of the order , a provisional grand ledge has icon f ot mod by the appointment ol ho supreme master workman , as fol- ows : W. R. Howland , deputy R. 8 , recorder ; B. F. Murdock , deputy 8. receiver and acting grand master work man , grand recorder and grand receiver coivor of Iowa. How , therefore , by ho authority in mo vested as deputy upromo master workman Ancient Or- ler United Workmen of the United it at CB for the district of Iowa , and acting grand master of Iowa , I forbid , ho forwarding of official reports or remittances of moneys under the namoof the ancient order to any other torson than L. O. Howland , deputy upromo recorder and acting grand re corder , at Cedar Falls , Iowa. Fur ther , I warn all bodies heretofore and low working under a charter issued iy authority of the Supreme ledge Ancient Order United Workmen thai they will bo hold responsible for all acta performed since March 1 , 1882. Seven or moro loyal members of any edge will bo recognized as the ledge iropor , and as ouch should report im- nediatoly , and are authorized to elect officers and itako possession of the charter and all books , moneys one > roportics of said lodges. Given under my hand this 10th day of April , 1882. W. R. On AH AM , Deputy 8. M. W. and Acting G. M. W. of Iowa. At a recent mooting of the Potta- rattamie lodge , of this city , the fol- owing was adopted as expressive ol U position in the matter ; Whereon , There is an unfortunate * misunderstanding existing botwoor .ho supreme lodge. A. O. U. W. , anc the grand ledge of Iowa , which wo all regret , yet after careful considera tion of the situation and of the in terests of the order in Iowa , wo doom ; ho right to be with our own grand " "odgo ; therefore , Resolved , That Pnttawattamio edge , No. 140 , A. 0. U. W. , while disclaiming all sentiments of rebellion or insubordination towards tht upromo ledge , believe that our first duty is to the grand ledge of Iowa- tnd that as long as this conflict oxo sta wo acknowledge allegiance to the grand ledge of Iowa alone. 7 Ladies , ' Children's and Men's Dog Skin Shoes just received warranted , o out-woar anything made of leather , Jail and BOO them at J , P. FIL BERT'S , 347 Broadway. ap.5-5t TECHNICAL TANGLES. Specimens of How This city's Ordl nances Have Been Framed What Co They Mean ? A volume of city ordinances is no ordinarily very intorostinct reading matter , and the majority of the pub ' lie p'ay very little attention to it. I contains , however , some samples law-making which show What intrica oios can bo crowded into the courts and how blindly the ordinances are in some cases drawn. The ordinance should bo in such English that an or dinarily intelligent man could under stand what is meant by them , The following specimen is given fo the citizens to analyze for UIOIUSOOBA "That any person who shall sell o civo away any vinous liquors pro hibitcd by law , and for the sale o which the city of Council Bluffs can not grant a license , and the sale , giv jng away or traflicing in which in any way is prohibited by the laws of th state of Iowa to any minor , comma drunkard , spendthrift , or other per son whatever , is hereby prohibited and any person or persons so nifoud ing by himself , agent or other uin ployo , shall bo guilty of a initdo meaner , and on conviction shall b bo fined in a sum not exceeding on hundred dollars and costs , which eai fmo shall bo collected as now provide by ord inances in cases of imsdemoan oru. " The first part of the above eeotio U particularly worthy of analysis , an its moaning will prove a puzzle t most readers. Another section toke at random is also a fair specimen o how ordinances are blindly wordo and bungliiiRly put together. It reads "That this ordinance shall apply t all licenses of said city horetofor granted to any person qr persons a heroin provided when the quarter fo .whichv ' any license heretofore grantee , for'which the'city has received pa shall exslre. at'jwUch taaibJiconio s grsntooVilifQl cxplnT oildubb revoked and that for the continuance of aaU usinoss at the oxpirr.tion o said usrtcrly license as aforesaid a license hall bo procured from the council as rovidcd in this ordinance , any person r persons as aforesaid failing , nee- ccting or refusing so to do shall bo uilty of a misdemeanor , and on con- iclion shall bo fined in a aum not ox- coding one hundred dollars and costa , which said fine shall bo enforced as ow provided by ordinance. " "Under the charter of 1853 and the amendment of 1857 , with the enlarge ment of powers as well as the restraint and modification of powers by subse quent acts of the general assembly of own , has made it difficult of arrange ment and selection. Yet in our at- empt to fully state nil that belongs to ho charter power and various or- linunces ordained under the charter and enlarging and modifying acts above referred to , wo subm the ordi nances as heretofore ordained since ho incorporation of the city of Coun cil Bluflj in this compilation and our election of otatutcn , leaving to the courts the future determination as to heir applicability and legality , whore all such questions belong. " In view of such specimens it isnot _ ; o much a wonder that lawyers differ as to "tho construction of the law , " and that different attorneys take such different views. It would bo n blessed relief if ordinances could bo reduced n number and increased in clearness. BLADE'S SMOKERY. His Spirits Provo to Bo ot FJosh and | Blood , But They Perform Some Olovor Tricks. The spiritualistic manifestations iromisod at Dohanoy's ' hall by Dr. Charles Slado , Sunday eveningcaused largo audience to gather there , f hero wcro a largo number of "kick ers" about the admission price , which liad been raised when It became appar ent that there was going to boa crowc anyway. This novel feature in show management was not really relished ay those who were called on to pay ; wlco as much as others had been ad mitted for. There was another dis appointment , for Slado , instead of bo ng "assisted by J. Nelson Jefferson and Mary Holmes , two wol cnown mediums , " as advertised , hero appeared only Slado anc young man whoso duty t seemed to bo to wait on him. A committee was chosen from the au dience , consisting of Messrs. Fprman , Morohead , Smith and Faul , to inspecl ipparatuH , do the tyini/ and watch for trickery. Mr. Smith gave fair warn ing that ho would expose Slade , anc lie especially watched every movemonl closely. There was some of the work that was so slickly done , however , * 3i to defy the inspection of the com mittee , and oven puzzle Smith. There were some very clover sleight of hand tricks , such as pouring all sorts ol liquor out of one pitcher , and some good cabinet tests. Dr. Slado , while tied securely , slipped on and off a coat the front of which was sowed to gether , tossed musical instrument ! Etbout , etc. The committee pressed bin closely , and after having many ol the audience almost convinced thai the spirits themselves must have as sisted , Dr. Slado explained several ol the tricks , and told hew they perform ed by sleight of hand , knocking the spiritualistic supposition endways. Many of the manifestations were ok and such as are performed at almost every show of this nature , but thoj were quite cleverly done and soemoc to interest and amuse the major part of the audience. BEFORE THE BAR. The Offenders wno were Yesterday Oallod Upon for Explanations. In the superior court yesterday , J. D. Smith , a painter , was lined $5 anc coats for disturbing the ponce , his total bill being $0.50 , for the payment of which ho gave security. John Wittigslayor , who was arrested od on complaint ot his wife for smashing the tea tablp and decorating her eye , was fined a like amount for disturbing the poaco. Paid. Frand Smith , a plain drunk , was assessed $7. John Glenn , who has been running a shooting gallery on Broadway fo ; some time , was brought in for no having a license. His caao was con tinned to give him time to go before the council and explain his situation to that body. L. Phillips was complained of fo : taking orders for a patent chair , with out having a poddler'a licenso. Hi was in ignorance as to the existence of such an ordinance , and on iindiiif that there was ono , took out the needed od papers , paid up the costs of the ac tinn , and wns discharged. Ono colored man , who was Iatel > fined 80 , including costs , for disturb ing the peace , has boon out on parole promising to pay the bill at an early dato. Not having come to tiino , hi was yesterday brought in , and in formed that ho must give security pay cash , or work it out With the shrewdness of an old finan cier the durkoy commenced to calcu late. He learned that it would tak < six days of work nn the street at $1.5 a day to pay up the $0 , and that if h boarded himeolf he would bo allowm sixty cents inrro n day , making § 2.1 a day. By working on the street h could pay oil' the $ { > quicker than h could earn the money to pay it with Ho thought at first that ho would g to work on the streets and hire a mate to work in his place at the hote' Then ho concluded that ho could hir a man to work on the streets at les than the amount allowed by the clt and thus cut down his fine. Ho ha a whole sheet of paper covered ore with these calculations , Mid waan near through then , and so went outt got security until ho could solve th financial problem more satisfactorily A young man named Buttortioli who objected to being called ba names by a prostitute , and slappe her fnco in a very enthusiastic manner nor , was yesterday afternoon called o to pay 99 for the assault. Ho paid , Keeloy , the motor man , has had a Ion rope , but he h&i retched tht end of it a lout. A Philadelphia juJje decided , o Saturday , that he must wake known h ! "eecret'rto hit utockboHen , UGLY ASSAULTS. One Boy Knocks His Playmate Senseless With a Brick. An Ansrry Woman Orlorousiy Thumps B Neighbor's Child With a Club. Yesterday afternoon a boyish fight csulted rather seriously to one of the articipants. One of the boys is arned Jasper Adams , the other one 3urgess. There has been iomo ill- coling between the boys for some me , and yesterday afternoon when icy chanced to moot they had hard ords again , and the Adnms boy lirow a bnck at young Burgess , strik- ig him on the head'and knocking im insensible. The little follow , who s aged about thirteen , was picked up n an unconscious condition , bleeding 3ndly from the ugly wound , and was arricd to his homo. The result o ! Ho blow cannot yet bo determined , jut the wound was nt the best a very orious ono. The boy Adtims , who hrow the brick , was arrested and ocked up in the calaboose , where he pent the afternoon in wailing and crying for a chance to see his mother. Its story was that the Burgess boy lad been threatening to hit him with brick , < and had been carrying ono in his pocket for that pur- lose , Young Adams has , however , ; ained somewhat of a reputation for msscdness , and especially in stone- .hrowing. It waa only a short time ago that ho became angered because a man cleaning the street lamps object ed to his throwing clods of dirt at lira , and when the man spoke sharply , o him shied a atone at the street amp. The present lesson may prove a Bovoro one , but it is hoped it will } rove n healthy ono , to himself and ; hose boys of his stripe. CLUBBING A GUILD. Another assault case is reported from Hazel Dell township. It is charged that Mrs. Hankoy , who lives there , became angered at n neighbor's child , n ton year old girl named Sarah McCtviss , and that the woman hit the , 'irl across the head with a hickory club , inflicting severe injurhs. The case was stated to Justice Framoy yes' torday afternoon , nnd ho issued a war rant for the woman's arrest. It is said that the iri is under the doctor' ' * care , and is so badly injured that she will not bo able to appear in court to testify for some days at leaoh The Now Op oru Home. A site has been purchased at the corner of Broadway and Sixth streets for the building of the new opera liouso so long talked of , nnd which ia to bo built by a stock company , the work to commence at once. It is understood that J. J. Brown has perfected arrangements by which n largo hotel will be built on lots ad jacent to those used for the opera icuso. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special odtcrtUcments , 4Un tait , Found , To Lo&n , For Sale , To Rent Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low rate ol TEN CENTS PER LINE for the flrit insertion and FIVE CENTS E'ER LINE for each tubscqnent Insertion we adv ertlaemenU at oar office , No , 7 Fcatl Street , near Uroaduaj- . u to the Excelsior T-hotogr l > h gallery < o : the beit work In this city , lOOUaln St. apr7-0m ANTED lloy with rony to carry papers W Enquire at Bin office , T o or three pants rcaVers , mm WANTED - at JOSKi'II REITEK'S , 310 Broadway. apr8-3t To buy or lia\o built , a cotUce WANTED uibtal merits. AcMrera 1 * . 0. cx DBS or Inquire at Ihe Ik'oolllco. apr4U OOK BALE \\elbtr/rund , or Woman's J * Friend , the great German dlicoicrr 1'oBltivo euro for female ncaknees In all Its vatl ous forms and stnirej. At aprl3'lm DEUAVEN'S Drugstore rnO . HAI.i ; fcx-Major Vivugliun cttub the j "two stores" and "two eight-room rcsl dencea" ndJolnlDj ; Dohanj's opera hoii'o am oppotlto tha city market , for sale or trade lit < bargain. The lour buildings are well tula1 tfd tor a large boarding establishment , hote . hos pllfll. etc. aplTr I' CMl A bull pup ; leather coiLr witu kraJ Jj eet In It ; white with two brindle spots on JITs back ; answers to the name of "CapFimlc plcaio leiu e word at The Dec offlco. U "lJ ANTB1) Uooks to keep nh ro work rai Y V be doce morn Ing and evening alto copy Ing. AH Imnincu confidential. For lurtlic particulars call at 331 Broadnay , id floor , o address D. D. More. ul2 tf. "MrrANTED A good girl for peneral house YV work cm who Is north good wa < esand Is willing to earn them. Apvily at BKK cfllce I'earl street. olZ-tf. \T5 ANTED ActUe , Intelligent Solicitors fo YV theMutual Benefit Asioclatlon of Uouno niuffa for towns arid countks In lo n , Appl ; personally or by letter to the Secretary. aO 2iv A widow lady with four dill WANTED dren wants to kicp lioute on a farm. I'o particulars Inquire at lite Office. nOR BUiE largo brick wldencc , nln L' rooms. GOOJ lucitlon J4.60U. ) ) rl8-6t AUENT & 8IMS. 171011 KENT Furnlthed room ) , s. w. oir , 2w6th JJ and llth strict. ap'18 2w OU SALE Stcck and fixtures of a Mea Market located en Uroadnaj ; best locatloi and larircst cash traCe In Council 1 ! ufT ; o no has other busliuis. 1'q particulars aodrois 1' Obox. 127C , Council llluff , la. apilMf . W. L. 1'ATTON Pbjilclan arid Oculist DIt. turo any raw * of tore cyc < . It U enl a matter of time , and can cure ( .anerall ) ir from three to Qte wteki-It irala-a no differ cnco how long dlicaeed , Will straighten cro e ) s , opcratu anil rtmota Pryrft'iuun , etc. , am Insert artitklal tjn apMf T OH HEM' Two nlcvly furnished rooms tc J < tingle gentlemen , In > try desirable locution qm-tf J. W KENT. T oJO houses aid one itore FOU llroadway , Apply prjl-lm A SI. WILSON. OK BALE Beautiful realdcnco lot ) , tCC each ; nothlui ; down , and $3 per week only KX-MAYOB VAUQ11AN apl3.ll A NYONE WANTING some fine quillty broom , ! _ corn seed can L-ft tt by writing tn uplS-M 1' . I. ilAYNE , Council Bluffi. To bur houta&nd lot ou rooutbl WANTED . AUJru X , Jits oOicc. umrlS-tf. AMKU 'lo rent n mull Lctl r- at once. W Address U , M. , or eimulra s.t lire office , IcLJi-U \TTANTED Even body In Council Bluffs I VV to take Tu Bi , SO ccntK per weak , do lUereJ Vy carrion. Office , No 7 Pear ) Btroot near Broadway , TXTANTED To buy 100 tons broom corn. YY For particular * addreu Council Bluff Broom Factory , Council Ulufls , Iowa , 663-MU nOR SALE Old paperiSKo per iiundrvd , M I Tht m > e offlc * . Council Blufl * . ' MJT-U I10U KENT-UrKo bouse , < cutralbr located tiloo vrouadi. etc. . )16 per juottb. tenal atBuomco. ' apll-U TOO UTTERLY UTTER ! BOSTON TEA CO. Are Supplying the Aesthetic Vants of the Public in FINE GROCERIES. With Everything in Staples at the Lowest Prices , Fresh Roast Coffees , Chioce Drawing Teas , Boston Tea Co. 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTURER OF Road , Track , Coaoh & Livery I FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. II. SHERMAN , Business Manager. Wit. CHRISTOPHER , Mechanical Manager , 124 S. Main St. , Council Bluffs. la. GOLD ! GOLD ! GOLD Bright and yellow and hvd and cild , Molten , graven , hammered and roll'd , Heavy to pet and light to hold ; Hoarded , bartered , bought and sold. Stolen , borrowed , squandered , and doled Spurned by the young , but hugged by tin old To the very verge of the churchyard mould ; Price of many a crime untold , GOLD ! GOLD ! If you want to have gold you mus1 spendivourmoney to tha very bestadvaat nee. Dq business with cash men , and where only one price will be asked o taken , REMEMBER "A tree is known by its fruit " A store by its prices. ONE THING CERTAIN r Our prices are right. Our business is guarantee that fair dealing is our wntch word , XLORlaour motto. Our bnel ness ia iu n most healthy condition. Every department is doing good work. Canned Goods are going off very cheap. Teas and Coffees a choice assortment. Fancy Shelf Goods for the million. Come and see us , we will do you pood. F , J , OSBORNE & 00 , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OP ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA We give epccUl attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces HOISTERS AND MILL MACHINERY HOUSE PRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will recclre prompt r.ttentlon. A general aa eortmcnt ot Brass Goods , Baiting , Pining AND SUPPLIES POB Foundry , Pig Iron , Oolu , Ooal OHAS , HENDBIB , President , 2s OSCAR , -WILDE 2 GAS FIXTUKES. Bixby & Wood THE PLUB1BERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets- J. M. PALMED , DUALF.K IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Drs ; Woodbury & Son , Cor. Pearl & 1st Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MaOHER & ORAJGr , ARTISTIC POTTERY Klcb Out Qlaaa , Fine French China , Sliver Ware &c. , SIO B OWWAT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA MES , fl , J , HILTON , M , D.f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 882 BroJwav , Council Bluff * W , U. AUKflT. JAC011 BlllS AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & OouiiEollors-at-Law OOUNOIL BLUFFS. IOWA * HARKNESS , ORCUTT & GO. , RY GOODS AKD CAEPET HOUS E. Broadway , Cor. fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa , J. MUELLER'S Ghiokering1 , Weber. Lindoman , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burdott , Western Cottage , ; Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $60andupward. Musi cal Merchandise of every disoription. .A. . . Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , i'qys , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TJ \ tail. Pianos land Organs sold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com plete. Musical Journal ireo on applica s tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : o J. MUELLER , X 103 South 5th Street. a IE COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. F. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff and Willow Streets , Council Bluffe. , J , E. METOiLF & MISS BELL LEWIS , _ , B3S 3B3EtO. -X7-A.-ST , Dress and Cloak Makers and Manufacturers of Ladies Fine Underwear. Luces , Embroideries and Fancy Goods Constantly on Hand. IMC A FURNITURE HOUSE. Mirrors , Upholstery , Eepairing , Etc. . Wood and Metallic Coffins. No. 436 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Blufls , Iowa. M E T C A L FBROS. . , - WHOLESALE DEALERS ! IN - Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. OHIOAGO PRICES DUPLIOATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , alao , Railroad Lands , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , . OOUVOIlj BLTJFS THE VERY LATEST STYLES OF Wall Paper and Window Shades And the Largest Aasortment to Select tftom. , Paper Hanging and Interior Decorating Done in. the Latest Style of Modern Art * Geo. R. Beard , 11 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. C. A. UEKUK. W. KUNYAN , W. BEEBE- C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and Itotall Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Bluffs City Business College , Council Bluffs , Iowa , Hero .will bo taught o\er > branch pertaining to a Complete Business Education. rupl'B received ! at any time , and for any portion of the courtto. For terms or further Information , call at 831 Uroidway , HecocU Uooir , or address D , B. MORSE , Principle. J. JS. DAVIS , 13 PEARL { STREET , Dealer In ZEPHYRS , GERMANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS of All Kinds. A Tall .Lino of Canvas , Felts , Embroidery , Knitting iff Silks and Stamped GoodsNloo Assortnont of Applique Pictures FiRE AWAY FLANiGAN ! Or , in the language of Cromwell , we say to the little souls who deal in Shoddy Goods and Misreprepenta- tion by telling their handful of customers that Our Prices are abore their own , to "Fire Away Flanigan. " Our Customers know \re deal in Honest Made , Comfortable Fitting , Stylish BOOTS SHOES and SLIPPERS , And that our prices are aa low aa n la possible to sell good goods. Investl gate for youraolf. Z. T. 'LDfDSEY ' & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA And VEST SIDESQUAEE , CLARINDA IOW1.