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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1882)
.LJL * . -Ji > wi. . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. * i ELEVENTH YEAR , OMAJLA SATDEDAY MORNING , APEIL 15 , 1882. 254 JUST OPENED THIS MORNING CHICAGO HlBJ-Famun Street , The fluost line of Lafctico" OooliGCo and Paoiflo Lawns. Newest Patterns in Plane Olotlis , Dotted Swisses , Her ? Lawns , anil Oross-Bar Musliuo , most ex tensive line of in the oity. Also the latest Novelties and Shades in IMPORTED -AND- lave also for inspection in Domestic Department tlio late in FRENCH AND FOREIGN GIMGHAMS. ENTIRELY NEW PLEASECALL AND EXAMINE , , n VK f sateF / 4 ! Dm6FopgetroaT ( irB7rSfrook of Ladies' ' and Misses' . FINE SHOES. GaU and see what $ will buy in onr Shoe Depart ment , Opposite Dewey & Stone's Fur niture Store. Ilarchl8-ly THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING HOUSE IKS NEBRASKA. CALDWELL AMILTQN&CO Bniinciia transacted name an thnt of an incorporated bank. Account ! licit in onrreno- old abjoot to sight check without no tice. Certificates of deposit Issued pay able In three , six and twelve months , tearing Interest , or on de mand -without Interest. Advances made to customers on approved securities at market rates of interest. The interests of customers are closely guarded , and every facility compatible with prluolnles of sound banking freely extended. Draw sight drafts on England , Ireland , Scotland , and all varta of Europe. Sell European passage tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. United States Depository First National 'Bank ' , OMAHA. Oor , 18th and Farnam Bta. OLDEST BANKma ESTABLianaKNT IX OUAHA. BUOOCBSORS TO-KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) BT1BIJUUIID 1866. Orguilied M a NaUonul Conic Aujust SO , 189 } HUB PLUS AND PKOFlTd - 150,000 Omdttfl AST ) WJllCTOMt H xi KODHTZI , President. AcamtiDH KOUKTIF , Vlco I F. U. DlTU , dwbler. A. 1. i'orrunpi , JOtia A. i' Thl buk reoclf e depoeltj vrltboo legud tc wnountt. laraei tlm * certificate ! bearloe InUreot. Dnwi dnftt on Sao jTnnetaco and prlnclpu citloa of U > o Halted Statoi , also London. Dubun Bdtnburrh aol the ptiuclpal dtlM of thsoooU ntot Of Europ * . " BUtTldtf "WINE ! > F OARDUI" for LwU > THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , Yesterday's ' Proceedings in tlic Senate anil Honso. Senator Voorhoos Bitterly De nounces the Incarceration of Irish Ajnoricann To an Admiring Audience of a Qallery Poll of Laud League Delocateu. Mlvoellnuoous Note * of in National Character. CONGRESS National Auoclated ITCM. rjlOCKKUINOH IN T1IK HENATK. WASUINOXON , D. 0. , AptilH. Mr. Edmunds was back in Ilia scat nfter Bcvoi-al weeks' abacnco. Mr. Liphnm presented the petition of the Now York board pt trade against restriction of .emigration , The diplomatic nnd fortification bills were returned from the liouao with a resolution to di agrco with the senate , and a committee on conference - once was ordoiud. Air. Maxey picsontod n resolution that no retired nrmy oflicer can Jiold a government office. The cotnmitteo on territories re committed to the Bub-committoo the Vest bill to establish courts of jiutico in Indian territory , to amend by giv ing the Indiana the right to sit on juries when Indiani are on trial. During the morning hour sixteen pension bills weio passed and the morning hour beinc oxtendet ? the remaining - maining pension bills on the calendar , thirty-six in number , were passed. Voorhees addressed the sunato npon the resolution , recently introduced by him , declaring the conduct of the state department in relation ta the ar rest and imprisonment by the British authorities of Daniel McSwoonoy and other citizens as a violation of Ameri can law , inconsistent with the value ot American citizenship snd derogatory tory of the honor of the United States. A largo number of delegates of the and leaguu were in the gallery. Mr. Voorheos reviewed at length cho case of McSwoonoy und charged that the conduct of the state department in this case was a fragrant violation of American law. Ho charged that Lowell's conduct marked his total and absolute unfittnoss for the place. He denounced British arrogance and pusilanimity , and evoked soyflral , out bursts qf applause in the * .g dlerios. Mr. Voorhoea announced , at'an arly day.he would. - " - Mr. Sherman said ho went as far aa any ono in the protection of'the rights > f Americans , but urged it unfair in ho senate to take an ex parto state ment in regard to arrests in the ab once of full information from tbo tate department. On Mr. Sherman's ibjection the resolution was referred o the committee on foreipn'rclations. After executive session tly > sonatu djourned at 4:10 : p. m. till Monday. The senate confirmed the nomina- ion of J. K. Pitkin to be United States marshal ot the East district of Louisiana. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUKR. The omnibus bill for the payment of claims audited by the treasury de partment , passed. After the cull , the house went into committee of the whole , Mr. Gox ( New York ) " in the chair , on the private calendar. The bill to pay the claim of Ed ward S. Armstrong , suspected of dis loyalty during the war , was discussed several hours when Mr. Burrows ( Michigan ) took the floor , puncturing it m a few minutes' speech , by pro ducing proof that Armstrong was in the confederate army , when the enacting - acting clause of the bill was promptly stricken out. Mr. Flower presented the petition of n largo number of merchants of Now York , protesting against any legislation regarding the emigration of Chinese as injurious to our business relations with the country and the development of the industrial inter ests of the United States. The house at 4:35 : p , m. adjourned until to morrow , when the day is to bo given to discussion on the tariff commission bill only. CAPITAL NOTES. National Associated Press. MISCELLANEOUS , WASHINGTON , D. 0. , April 14 , The case of Fitz John Porter was nqain considered by the cabinet to day. Secretary Kirkwood took leave of members of the cabinet. The house committee on elections has adopted the report of the sub committee seating Bisbeo in place of Finlay in tbejsocond district * , of Florida. There is considerable comment on Speaker Koifor's removing Steno grapher Doyino oJ the house report-1 era. Tyson , his successor , is said to bo incompetent , and was only given the place to please Roboson , whose secretary he formerly was. In this case and that of Hayes , two week * ago , the speaker assigned no causu lor removal. It is understood to have bcon decided cidod at the cabinet meeting to-day that the pmwltiutwill taku no further stops in the John Porter case. | | Meesrs. Tuylor and Divight made a minority report on the Uonnepin canal. It doubts the right of the Kovernmont to construct works lying wholly in ono state , and holds that it is the policy of the govenimont to im prove natural water ways and not make now ones. It questions the policy of the government to enter into competition with a private enterprise and eays the canal , if built , would not fulfil the purposes of construction and would ultimately cost 820,000,000. A serenade WM tondtrtd Chandler , the now secretary of the navy , at Wi lard's lo-night. The republican caucus lasted thrc and a half hours. The nttondanc was neb largo , but the debate wn spirited and earnest. Hoboson presided sided and McCook was secretary. 1 series of resolutions were adopted nnt special injunction laid upon members An effort will bo made by diligon nttontion to bnsiuoss to make a goo < record for the session and secure curl ; adjournment. Flros. National AreccUted Presa. PoJiTtmoimi , Ohio , April 14. A South Crook the homo of Louis Kor was burned , his little daughter poriah ing in the ilames. MITCHELL , Ind. , April 14. Nod Outline's pork house at Tunnoltot burned. Loss , $7,000 , no insurance ' WOONSOCKKTT , II. I. , April 14. The Whipplo woolen mill at Greenville villo , four and n half stories , being n six-sot mill with improved machinery together with the boiler house nnc dye house , and five tenements , nl pwnc'1 by the Greenville Manufactur inp ; company , were destroyed by flro last night. The slock in the mill WAS suvod. Loss , -125,000 ; insurance , 875,000. They will bo rubuilt. Pirrsliana , Pa. , April 14 A spe cial from Titusvillo to the Loader snys : At 3:30 : this morning the rooi of the Pnrslmll house was discovered to bo on tiro. The firemen refused to respond to the nlarm under the liowly elected chief , Hnhn , Mayor Caldwoli then requested ux-Ghief Castle to take command and ho did with the entire force working uiidor him , but the 'Jamea had gained such headway that the buildings could not bo saved a'nd the entire block , valued at 8100,000 , was destroyed. It was 'nsured for $25,000. Loss on furnt- turo , $3,000. The hotel Brunswick vos gutted with water ; loss unknown. Watson's livery stable * wcro damaged $1,000. Alfred Hubbard , a fireman , was caugh by u fallling wall and so badly burned'that ho cannot recover. The colored cook of the Parshall house is misainy and is supposed to bo in the ruins. The fire is now under control. Mexican Matters National Associated 1'rcsi. CITT OF MEXICO , April 14. There is strong probability that the treaty negotiations pending between Mexico and Guatemala on the boundary difK eultios will fail. The Mexican gov ernment.alleges procrastination on the part of the Gnatcmalianauthorities , which the latter deny , and assert that the cause of delay is their claim that the district of Soconusco should bo in cluded within the line of Guatemala. This claim the Mexicans will not ad mit It k reported thki .aftnrnoon * the Guatemalian minister ia waiting instructions from the homo govern' ' mont. . Porfiriro Diac , governor of the state of Oaxaca , has re-established interior state custom houses , abolished four year * ago ; also the discriminating du- tins against the orange states to Oaxaca. Merchants have protested against the action of the government , nnd have sent a petition to the federal government asking legislation in their behalf and against the interior custom duty. Editor Huribut Donlos Shipherd. Associated I'reos UhpatchcH. NEW YOIIK , April 14.-Tho World in an editorial evidently written by W. H. Hurlbut , brother of the late Peruvian minister , Stephen H. Hurl- but , pronounces entirely false Ship- herd's statement that William H. showed him a dispatch from Blaine to S. A. , on the margin of which Blaine had written "Go in , Stove. " William H. says ho never saw Shiphord but pnco and then Shiphord through un intermediate begged an interview , and ho never had soon and never in timated to Shiphord ho had soon i dispatch of any kind from Blaine to S. A. Hurlbut. Failures. National Associated Pretu. NEW ioiiK , April 14. Failures in the past seven days , 122. Southern states 33 , western U4 , middle 1'J. east ern 22 , Pacific 8 , this city 0. Dun & Co. report the suspension of the Poughkeepsio iron nnd steel com pany , and the Now York and Boston manufacturing company. Dispatcchs received in this city to day state E. Thickman , dealer in dry goods at Stockton , Gal. , has suspended and is endeavoring to obtain n com promise at 05 cnnts on the dollar. Liabilities reported at 8120,000. The Buffalo Bank Failure. National Associated Prose. NP.W YORK , April 14. The Presi dent of the Fourth National bank says the First National bank of Buf , falo had a deposit there for a year- but on Wednesday and Thursday he refused to pay their checks because ho had no funds of the Buffalo bank. Hn received about fitty drafts yester day and the day before in amounts from $100 to $5,000 and paid none. Ho knew nothing aa to the reasons of the bank's failure , Its capital was 8100,000 ; surplus , $75,000. _ Indian Territory Dopeiadoes. National Aiociate < t 1'itti. OHKMOO , April 14. A special from Pat-noun , K.US. , says the attempts to wrix-k trains in Indian Territory and the attacks on engineers and brakemen - men still continue. A few days ago n brakeman was shot near Muskogee and another died the day before - fore yesterday from the effect * of a wound received from par ties in ambush , Sheriff Williams , ot the territorial police , stationed at Vinita , has started in search of the shooters , but as ho ha& not emco boon hoard of it is the general opinion ho has boon murdered. An engineer who arrived last night reports that a pile of ties were placed on the track' near Vinita , for the purpose of wrecking his train. As the engine struck the obstruction several Bnotu were fired into the 'cab by parties in ambush. The desperadoes were Marched for but escaped. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Bismarck Believes Froteotion Oood for Germany , And Will Endeavor to Prevent Agricultural Distress by Enforcing the Sumo. The Bloodthirsty Arobl Boy * Balked m Hie Murder ous Scheme. The General New * tkat Canto OvorthoCnulo. National Associated I'm * LONDON , AprilH. GervnsBO Smith Iho Wesloynn divine , is djing. Limson 8 solicitois Imvo asked for nn extension of the reprieve , nnd pre sented the nflldavitn of American tes timony. * ' LONDON , April 14. The Nowmar- kot International handicap was won l > y Bjrbo Blue , Brilliancy second ami Belfoy third. Ten run , including the American homo Mistake. There is a report that the King of Wurtemborg had embraced Cnthohc- sm. sm.BBKLIN , April 14. The distress in the agricultural districts of Gcrmrny still continuing , Prince Bismarck has announced that ho will at an early day , as ft measure of relief , offer a bjl ) n rcichstng , having for its object an ncroaso in duties on all agricultural iroducc. Ha thinks protection in his direction greatly needed by the trmors in Germany to enable them to recuperate from lossoa entailed from unprofitable harvests in the last fotf rears. OAIHO , April 14. Aiabi Boy , min ster of war , who caused the arrest of , Circassian officers in wonty-four con- icclion with the recant alleged plot , o assassinate him , has expressed his Iccision that several leading offices bo hot in the presence of assembled roops. The khedive is unwilling hat such nummary disposition bp made , and has ordered that the nrUo- icrs bo jjivon every opportunity tp luprovo the charges before a cour- martial , which has already bcon ort Icrod to convene hero. The finance minister has ordered all contractors doing business with , hat department to corrapond in Arabic. PAIUS , April ' 14. AmbroisThoraaf "Francasca Do Pvetnimi ' new opera , , was produced in the r Grand Opera Hotwe'in this city qUijfoaii a full and fashionable audience , } ukes D Aumttlo - and Nemours , Jambotta and all the elite of the cityf Che opera was a partial success. ST. PETEnsiuRO , April 14. The assassins of General StrolnikofF have > oen arrested and identified. 'One iroves to bo Jelneykoff , a student at he St. rotorsburg college ; the other , lalturin , who was wanted for con- icction with the plot to blow up the Winter palace. legislative Bribers Indicted. National AraocUted Press. COLUMBUH , Ohio , April 13 As a result of legislative investigation coin- nittco's report on bribery , the grand ury this morning returned indict ments against Wright , of Hocking , and Black , of Cayuga , members of ho houeo of representatives , and J , ) . Watson , lobbyist. Watson is now n jail. It is not known what other ndictmontsjwero found in the same onnoction , but it is almost positive hat several other bills have boon re- urncd and not madn public until the lartios nro arrested. More Desolation. National Acaoclatctl Press. NEW OJILKANS , La. , April 14. A pecial from Now Iberia says there is ; eneral destruction. A violent storm s blowing from the northwest since ho 12th. Jlousca have bcon torn to ticccH , toncco are all pone and every- hing saved from the flood is now do- itroycd. Great distress prevails and mmcdiato relief is needed. Tlity re- uest the relief committee to forward otions immediately to Loroauville , beria parish. At least 1DOO persons ro lef t homeless wi tliout moans of sup- > ort or shelter. Qnttonu and the Iiaud IieaQnori * fatlonal Associated 1'rew. WASHINGTON , April 14. Guitoau was visited by a party of land league elevates from Now Jersey. lie was reatly agitated until ho found they noroly wanted to satisfy their curi- sity. Ho thought at first they might > o Jotsoy avengers. It is expected ow that the bill of exceptions in his aao will bo argued on May 15th. Mariuo Intelligence * atlonal ANtocUtod free * . NKW YOIIK , April 14. Arrived 'ho Lofanto from Hull , the Peantyn roni Antwerp , the Kopublio from Liverpool , the City of Para from AHpinwall. BALTIUOKB , April 14. Arrived 'he Strassburg from Bremen. Sailed The Ohio for Bremen. ANTWKiir , April 14 , Arrived The Vaderland from Now York , LONDON , April 14. The Holland rora Now York. LIVEUPOOL , April 14. Arrived ho Bothnia from Now York. Coi-ENHAOKN , April 14. Sailed 'ho Thingvaala for Now York. Death of a Warrior. ( atlonal Aiwociatod f itan BURLINGTON , N. J. , April 14. Gen , [ , Seymour , Gansing , ot.Philadolphu , led at the Beldon house this morn- tig , aged CO , Ho entered the nor- ice in 18G1 us colonel of the Seven- eonth New York infantry , and was ttachod to Fitz John Porter's dtri- on as commander of Port Ells worth. n 1863 he chocked the draft riots in iew York' with five hundred men , ittvinjr sent twenty-one companies uid it btttary to mist the inrMion in J Pennsylvania. Ho WM broroted b President Johnson on his record. 11 was auditor of the centennial cxhibi tioti , A tniliUry order has boon is mi ml to the Loyal Legion to attend hi funeral on Monday. Gnitonu and. Kin Rilntirem. National Aimelatai 1'rtw. WASHINGTON , April 14. Guitsau has prepared Another statement to dny relative to his affairs , and gave ! to the press associations for publioa tiun. llo denounces Scovitlo for do Berlins his cose , and abuses him in the usual ttirms , Ho says ho gave Sco villa 8275 within the past two wookc but wants no more to do with him The conduct ot Mrs. Scovlllo i spoken of in the en mo strain as in the Grat statement. Ho is excited over her interference in his business matters tors , and declares ho is not a lunatic Charles 11. Reed , ho announces , i his cjunsel now , and ho has full confl deuce in his ability to deal with the case in the court in bino. The St. Jco Bond Rolibory. National Associated Press. NEW YOUK , April 14. A warran was received in this city to-day , signet > y Gov. Cornell , for the extradition o .ho iilk'ged robbers from St. Joseph [ Jt-Mnrshal Graig and Marshal JUehie , vuro at the Tombs court , and the irisonern , Wm. Scott and George Irvin - vin , were handed over to thorn , klurslml Craig said the piisoncta had undo n confession , implicating St. 'no ' city ofllcials lately in oflico. Who ho oiKcials were ho refused to say , > ut added , "Good arrests will bo uado when wo return to the city. " 'ho marshals , with their prisoners , cave for St. Joe to-night , Ohio Republican Convention. litlonal AModttej From. COLSMBUH , 0. , April 14 , The r - mblican state contrul committee , with ourtoon distiicts rcpresontod , fixed Columbus as the place , and Juno 7th as the time , tor the stuto convention , oprosontation to be ono delegate for very 500 votes cast for Foster and no for the fraction 01 or 250. Howgate. . . National Associated Prow. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , April 14. Do- octivoa fail to find a clue to How- jnto's whereabouts. It is now thought o escaped down the Potomac and has ono to Europe. The idea of collusion with government ofllcials is not fos- : ored. It is much thought the utter opolosaneaa of the case caused his ight. _ Wrecked Navigator * Roacuod. atlonal Anoclatod Press. GIU.KDHA.TKN , Mich , , April 14. laptain Williams , of the schooner Telegraph , bound for Thunder Bay , arrived here with O pt * | JAw enc c , which' ho found water logged and bottom tom . Up. _ v Hero's Your Chance- Kallonal Assoclatod Proas. NBW YOBK , April 14. The dry goods firm of A. T. Stewart & Co. has decided to retire from business. All stock , merchandise and the massive block at Tenth street and Broadway , nd the firm's manufacturing interests ire offered for sale. Polo- National Ansoclatcd Pretii. CHICAGO , April 14. An immense ludionco witnessed an exciting gimo } f polo this evening between the Gem Oity club , of Dayton , 0. , and the Star 3luY > , of Chicago. The score was Stats I , Gem Citys 0. The score in last night's game was Stars 1 , Gem City's I. The Chicago club being victorious in both games entitled it to the cham pionship of the United States. THE JOURNAL JOBBER. High Living at Public Expense Makes Him Vain and Windy. Clpton and Tnayor on a Talking Tour The Hoard of Trade Klolclnir. Special Correspondence of TUB liiiu. LINCOLN , April 14. Mr. Gore , of riio Journal , has so far disturbed his iquilibriura an to callyourcorrospond- nit "a commodious OBH" for venturing : o suggest that The Journal over made i "atraw bid" for public printing. It u a clever piece of strategy in Mr , jeio to try to flatter your correspond- jut by claiming a blood relutionship md thus diverting attention from the Jiftin facts , but the thing will not prork. There are some very uignili- ant facts to bo brought to light if an nvestigation'of this matter is courted. Ex-Senator Tipton was horoycstor- lay on his way to Hastings , where ho vos to lecture last evening , The Jghtlnit parson is perhaps following the example of his ex-colleague hayor ) , but the support of the five ir tix democrats who will have seats in the next legislature will not go rory far towards making him senator. The Grand Ledge of Knighta of Honor of Nebraska held their session it Boward yesterday and elected ofll- jors for ths ensuing year. The next lOBsion will bo hold at Fremont. The Marquis do Ilochambcau is in tending to publish an illustrated work in his impressions of America , and Gton. Hancock has written to the buo- ratary of state asking for a copy of the itnto seal of Nebraska to be included In the work. A committee from the board of trade waited upon Messrs Kitnball ind Shelby , of the Union Pacific road , ind made a supplication for bettor rates and connections. The board of trade is kicking viciously against the Q. & M. , which , they claim , 1ms done ill it could to injure Lincoln the post loir years , AKQUB. A. IrU package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT * ' HIGH-TONED SOCIETY. Another Notable Gathering at the White Houso. President Arthwr' * Seooud "Offl- clul" Reooptlon. ' /ccM to thfl ( InclnnAtl Commercial. WASHINGTON , April 12. The second end "oflicial" reception of thu stal wart regime occurred on Tuesday evening , between the houjs of 8 and 10 , to which the diplomatic corps , thu supreme court , army , navy and marine corps were bidden. The man sion WAS comfortably filled , but there was no crush ai at public receptions The parlors nnd corridors wore , na , usual , tastefully decorated with Hewers - ors ; the conservatory open nnd bril liantly lighted , formed part of the pleasant uromonndo from the east room to the extreme und of the house. The state nnd private dining rooms wcro utilized as cloak rooms for ladies and gentlemen. The red clonk Ma- rinu band were seated in the vestibule and rendered excellent music nt inter vals throughout the evening. At precisely 8 o'clock the president appeared , heralded by the fnmilini strains , "Hail to the Chief , " nnd me : : ho friends invited to nesist in doinj the honors of the occasion in the Blue Parlor , wliero the receiving party was arranged. It stood ai follows : Viral. Colonel Rockwell , who made forma ! introductions , then the president , with his little daughter Nellie , a child often ton years , with n little qirl from New York , by his side. The children vroru both simply but prettily dreeaod in white muslin , Miss Nellie's toilet being - ing garnished with rose colored ribbons bens , aud the other young lady's with Next stand stately Mrs. Froling- luyson , in black satin , white ostrich father in her hair. Then Miss hol ier , in white satin , the front of thu kirt richly brocao'ed in l.irgo colored owors. Mrs. Hunt , in a mourning oslumo of heavy black silk. Mra. kowBtor , in paid blue riocadu , vastly icooming to her blue eyes and golden mir. Her sister , Miss Walker , stood y her side , dressed in a hindsomo ilk , elaborately embroidered with jot. n the roar of those , who stood in line with the president , opposite the door tiat opens into U < o main corridor , were Secretaries Frolinghuyson , Fol- or , Lincoln , Hunt , BrawRtor nd Howe. Near by stood Miss jucy Frolinghuyson and hoc Bister , ilrs. John Davis , the former in porno , prnnato rod satin combined with some are oriental fabric , and the latter in loliotropo and pansy colored brocaded velvet ; Mis * Hunt in a becoming toilet of cream colored satin * and Spanish ' portdJ tollohj iUwBrewtWz' , _ tinted satin ana duchoeuo Iac6j Alien Arthur , the president's eon Private Secretary Phillips , of the ex eoutivo mansion ; Private Secretary Chew , of the state department , and Mr. and Mrs. Soyollon Brown. All the diplomatic corps were in at tendance , except these families in whom recent deaths have occurred. They entoaed the blue room at the appointed hour , headed by the Hawaiian minister , Hon. Elishn Allen , dean of the corps by sonority of service , accompanied by his daughter in a- pretty costume of white silk. The assistant minister from China and his secretaries were present , at tired in their most stunning costumes of gorgeous brocades worn in the "Flowery Kingdom. " The British minister escorted his pretty daughter , Miss West , who were white gros grain with duchesoo laces and Jacqueminot roses. Thu Baroness Do Fuva , who was with her husband , the Italian minister , were ono ot the most beau tiful di esses of the evening , a poach blossom moire antique , with point of Spanish lace. The Countess Lowon- huupt , wife of the Swedish minister , were white satin , brocaded with sil ver , with a diamond star in her hair and another at her throat. The supreme court was fully repre sented. Chief Justice Wnito brought his daughter nnd her two young lady guests , Justice Matthews was ac companied by hia wife and daughter , the latter in while satin , with lace over-dross. Then there were Juitico and Mrs. Miller , Justice nnd Mrs. Field nnd JUHMCO Gray. The latter is n noticeable figure and where by reason of his extraordinary height and magnificent proportions. Of thd court of < ; ! ninn there were OhU-f Justice und Mr * . Drake ; .Jud t > McAitliur and hn wife , of the uu- nr'eino couit of the district. JUrn. Drwko were n plum but rich black Lyons vlvot en train , wUhlwndaomo lacoa. Mrs. HJ goer , black sntin bio- cade , with jot , uiid duchesso lacoH. Mrs. MoArthur , pale heliotrope brocade with point lacci , The army and navy nnd marine corps were brilliantly represented. An oflicial circular from the war depart ment , issued previously , directed that all army ollicura should appear in full uniform , a custom which is generally observed at otlicial receptions. There were the venerable General Hunter , Admiral Porter , and his pretty daugh ter in white satin and Jacqueminot roses , Surgeon General Barnes and his daughter , General and Mrs. Hazon , General MacCauloy , the gal lant General Van Vliot with Mrs. Thackara on ono arm and Mies Rachel Sherman on the other , and many others. Considerable curiosity was felt to see the incoming secreta ries , Chandler and Teller , but they wcro not present. The wife of Senator Mahono , of Virginia , has recently returned from Europe. Her devoted husband wel comed her with a sot of diamonds valued at $10,000. She is laid to wear the handsomest jewels of any lady in public life , Apropos of jewels , Miss Emily Boalo has some which attract atten tion whenever worn , not BO much for their actual value ai their quaintnosa. They are an antique iet that once be longed to the royal princess of Bui- The juL&fortunM of war fore d their Hoblo owner to part with these treasures , which wcro purchased by the Russian governor of the province , who sent them to hia cousin , M. Dnkhmcliff , secretary of legation at Paris , for his American wife , the lovely daughter of General Boalo. Mtno. BakhmohtT afterward sent a largo necklace and bracelets of strange jewels in barbaric setting to her younger sister hero. UAD1L.LB IN IT3 GLORY. Some of tbo Orgloa that the Place Una Qlvou. PMUilclrhU PICM. The great iiicht at Mnbillo was on n Sunday. Up to 9 o'clock the strang er wandering in would have had no suspicion of the Snrdanapalian orglca enlivening its exquisite scenery n lit- Lie later on. The entrance , boyoud the flaming gaslight making the word "Mnbillo , cave no demure hint of the scones within. Nor having entered would the stranger suspect for totno time the wicked transports excited by the lightstho music , the company. It seemed rnthcr the park of some af- lluonb personage arranged en fete. iVt 10 o'clock sixty pieces crnshcd. the signal for the dance. Then from every direction dnmcs in such ci'ntomca is can bo soon only in a Parisian pub lic , or n "high-life" saloon , gathered on the waxed floors under the central pavilion. The inuiicinnn installed in the center hold the time for the group ment. Then , nil being ready , the ot- trnordinnry carnmnpnolo began. It was n paroxysm of gyrations for which the word dance gives but n fcoblo de scription. If the music were n waltz , the movement was an indescrib able interlocking of arms , legs , hands and feet , such as was n aver soon outside the contortions of Wnlpurgia night , or the uncanny doings that daz ed Tarn O'Shnntor at Alloway'o haunt ed kirk. Movement comes to most heels when the irrosistnblo music of the waltz strikes up ; to the French man , mndtiroo comes. Ho loeis his mint and titaniUms himself to the rap- 11 ro of the moment ; he embodies the jyuiniS judcwiont of Voltaire a uonkoy or a tiger. A WILD TANOLK OF LROS. la the delirious 'whirl there wore moments when the amazed spectator would have sworn that the rovelora ivoro a mirage , for their foot Deemed to bo in the air and their heads , if they had any , were invisible. Of late days , however , the dancing was most ly done by paid mon and women , who made it mare a gymnastic exhibition than a feta dansanto. These were the Amazons that electrified strangers by lightly removing the hat of an un suspecting looker-on by a sudden shot of the < foot. For when the dance begins - gins thevvi itor crowd around the , edge of the leer Mad the dancer * make jrjj g . _ - - .wildorcdj to the refrajiTof anrioka'ofi laughter ; then dismissing the discom fited partner by a neat kick on the rim a his hat , which would send it flying far away among the bushes , or perhaps under the foot of the dancers. In the latter case ' the price of regain ing it'was inovitab'Iy an invitation to the Amazon to have such a "consum- nmUon" ( refreshment ) as she might command. Shogenerally | commanded loaiething that increased the profits of the bar enough to allow her a handsome - some percentage. For this is ono of the terms upon which the cocottes are admitted , that they should keep them reasonably assiduous in their atten tions to the refreshment countora. AFTKU TK "OUAND PKIX. " Of Into the only nights that Mabillo presented any of its old-timo attrac tions was following the "Gfnnd Prix. " 1'hen dukes , princes , great dames and what not flocked to the godless scone. The dancing resumed its old gayety , most of the women masked , and the mon , too , if they desired to escape ob servation. The adrauuiion , raised to ton frances ( $2) , assured an audience equal to the enhanced prices of the night. The lights were doubled , two orchestras , instead of ono , kept up in cessant music from 10 to 3 , nnd the gnyoty was correspondingly feverish , i'ho winningH of the turf wont in sumptuous suppers in the grottoes and cabinets. The waiters , who paid high F prices for their places , made fortunes oa these golden nights. All that was famous in Parisian cocottorio could bo boon in toilets rivaling the Ministerial receptions. The manners and conven tion ! ) were simple , No introductions wuiu necessary. No ono was offended by trnUiititriui ftnd comments. The l'nr aian made it a point to bo present mi the Buiulny night of the Grand Prix euro of seeing ministers of state , inincea incognito and kings in exile , iiontondmi ; on equal terms for the vo- mil beauties of the tote. It-washia itevotion to Mabillo and its mysteries that brought the sybarite Plon-Plon in to disrepute. His party was scandalized it the Prince' * appearance there while the courts of Europe were in mourn ing for his hapless kinsman , Prince Louis , murdered by the Zulus. t Indications. WABIUSOTON , April ) 16.-For the lower Missouri Volley ; Fair weather , variable winds , shifting to the east and south , lower barometer and stationary or higher temperature. I Now String Beans , Wax Beans , Green Teas , Cucumbers , Tomatoes. Spinosh , Home-Grown Asparagus and plenty of other Vegetables from hero , at J. 0 , Wiemers' . CHOICE California Pitted Plums 20cts. per vtU pound. Cdliforniau Apricota SOcta. t per pound , at apr3-3t WM. GBNIIEUAH'S. A. D. MORSE'S A GUILD CAN BUT AH GlIKAr AH A WAX. Our stock of Shoes is first-class , and sold nearer manufacturers' ' prices than any stock in the west. Our profit la made in discounting our bills and selling largo quantities of goods. SBK OVa MARK DOWN NOTICE. A. D. MORSB , 14th and Fornom ,