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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1882)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FKIDAif , APKaL U THE DAILY BEE OMAHA. Friday Moraine April 14 , Weather Report- ' ( The following observations Are taken at he Mime moment ol time at all the sis , onsnamod. ) Wo DitMHnicn1 , U. B , 8m AL anuvrc * , ) OMAHA , April 13 , 1882 , (1:45 ( : p. m./ ) Btrer 7 feet 6 Inche * above high water mark at Omaha and 10 f et V Yankton. LOOAL BKEVITIBS. This weather h hard on the TJoleti. The ri er front U the busiest part of the city at present. A. light fall of rain began at an early hour yesterday. Fixtures for Bale and ttore to rent. 417 Douglas St. Final party of flio Pleasant Hours club Friday evening. Bomb KEN1S Houses , Lota , Farms. &f City property for ! by McU s u on third pogo. Last lecture of the Unity Lyceum lec ture coumo Friday night. J Beautiful Hestdonco Lots 8100 each , $5 down and 85 per month , Bemis , agent , ICth and Douglas streets , tf ( The second term of the Omaha , Acad emy opens Monday , April 10th. m. 31.1m. t No d to lijxs yet been oflic tally fixed for opening the Norfolk line to traffic and . f- trayel.The The notoriously dangerous crossing nt the intersection of Fnrnam and Fifteenth was repaired yesterday. " T. P. O'Connor , M. P. , went cast last . night without ( stopping over at Omaha , as jt&a expected , to lecture , The hospital fair competes more than evenly with the entertainments at the opera house for its crowds. - A woman , arrested Wednesday fordis- turblng the peace , paid one dollar and coats Into the city treasury yesterday. The Florence cut-off , which will short en the St. Paul track to Omaha by six miles , will not bo finished before Septem ber. , Leave of absence for ocrcn days , to take place on the 14th inst. , la granted Captain Alphom H. Bowman , Ninth In fantry. The funeral of T. 8. Jackson , the col ored man who died at the small pox hoe- pita ] , will Cake place at Prospect Hill to- * * * . . , The general court martial convened at Fort OmahaNeb. , by paragraph 1 , ope- ' dal orders No. 4 , current series , la dis solved. solved.Pure Pure Drugs and Chemicals at Saxe'a The annual election of officers in Mt. Calvary Oommandery No. 1 , Knights Templar will occur on Friday evening next. Five thourand fine imported cigars just received at Headquarters cigar store , 1003 Farnam street , and wo will sell them , at close figures. Small profits and quick returns is our motto. aprl3 It A literary and musical entertainment nnder the auspices of the Young Ladies' Sodality of the Holy Family Parish , will be given in Oielghton collegn hall on Wednesday evening , the 2Cth inst. A prize spoiling match cornea elf at the Business college 911 Friday evening , April 14th. Outsiders can enter the match by paying 50 cento. Admission to the school free , apr3 2t The thermometer ' < Max Meyer & Bro. , the Jewelers and opticians , from 12 M. Wednesday tol2m.yeatcrdavindlcatod the following ; 12 m. , 44 ° ; 2 p. m. , 42 ° ; 7 p. m. , 40 ° ; 9p. m. , 40 ° j7 . m. , 87 ° ; 10 a. m. , 48 j 12 in. , 48 ° ; 2 p. m. , BO ° j. ' Tiio officers of the Transfer Base Ball club are as follows : W. L. 1'ralt , presi dent ; W. > y , Sherman , vice president ; H. . G. Stripe , .secretary ; 0. A. Reed , troas- riirer | ; 11. 0 , Howell , manager ; K.W. Bur roughs , captain. , During his visit to this city yesterday Dr. Hart , who used to live here , but is now a resident of Omaha , Bold hia resi dence property on Ninth street near Vir ginia to T. J , Stone and T. It. Galbralth for $2,000. The property Includes u goad houaaand almost tv.o lots. [ Stoux City i * * Journal. Fred Lang , arrested for selling liquor to minors , was dinchaiged upou proving positively that he had given Btilct iujunc * , . tloDn against Belling to intoxicated men or minors , which hU barkeeper hod disre garded. A complviut w&s then made against the bartender , Henry Hahn , and his case came up for a hearing at 2 p , m , yesterday , In the police court yetterday four prlso&ra were arraigned for intoxication , one being a woman and one 0 , Piper , the colored man who broke the lamea in front 't Boyd'tf opera home Wednesday on pur. pose to be arrested. The latter was sent to the county j til for fourteen days , and , judgment In tjio case of the woman was suspended , as she pleaded tha necessity of her being at borne to cook the family meals. The other two Slocumbs paid their fines. The action of the negro , Piper , who committed an offense r to secure a lodging place , suggests once more the necessity of workhouse for city prisoners. In this case , as In any other , the man Is sent to the county jail to incur an expense for which he makes no remuneration whatev er. A tramp may knock a man down and bring about this result , and If it gets to be generally underwood that such means of wearing a home are legitimate we shall have a pretty state of affairs soon. The city officials have repeatedly urged the DC- eilty of providing good solid work for prison * * * to do , but their request baa thus far been entirely dliregarded by the coun- - ell. Let the fellows be worked in the Ireot commlidoner'f forot if nothing else GAB be dofit , iV , THE TROUBLED POOL , A Break for Omaha Liable tc Occur within Sixty Days. A Now Bridge nnd a Now Unlo Depot. A HER reporter , last ovnnlng , lint the privilege oi a talk with ono of th moat prominent railroad men in th west , an official known and recognize * AS ono of the leading spirits in rail road enterprises of all kinds , nnd from him learned seine importan news , As stated clsowhoro there is pros pects of an early disruption of thi Iowa pool , the 0. B. & Q. , with its through line to Denver , being now in an independent position , and it i probable that the next sixty day wil BOO all the trains of the pool lines now centering nt the transfer , running into Omaha. The first importan atop toward this result was when thi K. 0. St. Joe & 0. B. road began running its regular trains to this citj instead of to the transfer. When thi matter was under consideration the other lines tried to induce thi officers to give up the plan , as it would force the Burlington road to cotno in ever their own bridge and the other roads , in aolf-dofonso , would have to follow suit. It now appears that the now deal of the Kansas Oity road proves so satisfactory that is liable to result in a general move on the part of/ the lowu wads in the same directions. Our informant saya that the Bur lington road will undoubtedly come in via Plattsraouth in a short time , and that the others will then bo com pelled to got in the best way thoycan , which means cither by way ot the Union Pacific bridge or the now ono now in contemplation , which they will build , themselves , if the. scheme now on foot and presented' congress shall fail. - It appears that the increase in the number of Iowa lines demanding a share in the pool has made that com pact comparatively worthless , and the roads have for some time past boon anxious to cross the river and each hoe their own row. The great thing which has stood in the way of this has boon the Union Pacific bridge , the tell across which would have boon fixed by the ownars at an exorbitant price. Some titnn ago the Union Pacific reduced it * bridge rate for passengers from fifty cents to iwonty-flvo. This is the rate inow charged passengers who buy tickets between Omaha and Council Bluffs , but these who buy through tickets to an eastern point still have to pay the old rate of fifty cents. There has boon a big kick on this , and a determination on the part of the eastern lines to end the robbery. Oould they have obtained a reason able toll on trains across the bridge , they would have been in ore now and as soon as they do they will come. The increase i of business and the completion of the Burlington from hero to Denver ia li able to secure that result nt an early day , and the move made by the 0. B. & Q. to follow the example of the K. 0. St. Joe and 0. B. road , will bo fol lowed by a atampodo for Omaha on the part of all the lines. If they arc not able to'mako an advantageous arrange ment , they will combine to build a now bridge , and a big Union depot will boone ono -of the first fruits of the now deal. deal.Tho The value of the river front will then bo fully brought out , and it will become the most important , as it is now the largest railroad yard in the United States. A PROTEST. Tbo Seceding Flro Companies Appeal to Mayor Doyd. The bolt from the annual mooting of the fire department Wednesday night , was followed yesterday by a 'call for a meeting of the three seced ing companies , Pione6)r. ) ; Hqok and ladder No 1 , Omaha No. 1 , and Ne braska "No. 3 , which was hold at 8 o'clock last night at Firemen's hall. The meeting was not largo , about' forty to sixty members only being present , and there wore some dissent ers oven among this number. Phil. Dorr was chosen as president and Al bert II. Sander as secretary. There was some discuBBsion as to what action the mooting ought to take , and it was stated that Mayor Boyd had as good as said ho should act ao. cording to the decision of the bolting faction. The question as to whether a chief should bo nominated was dis- cusoed freely , but mot with opposi tion enough to kill it. On motion of Councilman Horn- berger it was resolved that a com- niittoo of two from each company present bo appointed by the president , to present to the mayor of the city the fact that it is the sense of this meeting that they do not approve of the election of chief engineer , held April 12th , and these companies will approve of any good roan , being a member of the department , who may bo appointed by the mayor and con firmed by the council. In pursuance of this motion the presidon appointed the following committee : Henry Hitter and J. W. Nichols , of 1 ; D. L. Mitchell and Henry Horborger , of the Hooks ; Sol Prince and G. W. Kotchum , of No. 3. After the adjournment of the meet ing the committee appointed Henry Hornborgor a committee of ono to arrange for a conference with the mayor , for 70 this evening if pos sible. Police Court Points , Henry Holton , the bar-tender arrested - rested for selling liquor to minors , was yesterday fined $25 end cost * . Ho gave security , and will probably appeal to the district court. A complaint was yesterday filed against John O'Connell for aanUmg a man with a brick and cutting up hi neck badly. floorgo Bolts , a colored waiter i Shaw & RatlifTs place , had a pair c shoos stolen yesterday , and had Joh Doe , a colored man in Higgins' place arrested. Another woman wan arrested las night on a drunk. The disease scorn to bo spreading among the female sex , A tolcphono call was sent in las night tor ofilcors to quell a row on fifteenth and California streets. BAZAAR BEAUTIES. Successful ProgroeB of the Fai : for the Benefit of St , Joseph's Hospital , Netr nd. Elegant Article * Added to th Va t Lilt. The announcement made in thcs columns on the morning after thi fair , to the effect that no fair eve hold in Omaha had received so sub stantial evidence of appreciation and encouragement , has since boon liber ally , enthusiastically substantiated The tables are covered with articloi as never wore fair tables in this city before , and the attendance since th opening has boon steadily on the in crease , while the receipts also 'havo boon keeping with the expectation of the management , Scarcely an hour passes during the day that some merchant or promi nent citizen does not send a donation to the hall. The consequence is thai the original number of articles has boon greatly incrca&od in number and value. Those donations aromadonow to this table and now to that , and as consequence a generous rivalry for the 'beat appearance and largest number of articles is engendered among the rb- spectivo tablo-workcrs. Amontj the articles that haVe attracted the atten tion of this scribe are the following. On the table of the HOLT FAMILY PARISH Is a most beautiful piece of black silk , donated by Mr. Win. M. Bush man and valued at $50. It has at tracted the attention of many a lady as she passed the table upon which it rests , and boon the potent causa of many suggestive sighs and heart-felt wishes as to whom they would like to have it adorn. The piece , however , is not for sale , as it would require to bring a heavy price to above its value , in or der to do justice to the cause and the generosity of the giver. It will therefore bo voted for the friends of the moat popular ladies of the city. On the table of TUB SACKED HEART a profusion of articles , which at tracted the attention of THE BEE man and evoked his admiration , while they effectively defied his descriptive powers , is constantly presented to the eyes of the visitor. The most artistic , in its kind at least , is a white silk stole , hand-painted throughout in a meat beautiful design. It is the work of a pupil of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart , whoso academy is on Ninth and Howard streets , and was but re cently valued at $300 It is a marvel of its kind , and nightly evokes con tinuous appreciation. On the same tnblo is a point laca handker chief , the work of Madam'o Dunne , of the same institution. It the result of many hours of patient and skillful labor , and it is certainly a chaste , artistic and valuable donation. The articles on this table will bo sold during the progress of and at the close of the fair. Many ot them at this writing have been disposed of but are not suffered to bo removed until the close of the bazaar. THE GREAT REPUBLIC Tbo Forthcoming School Entertain ment at Boyd's Opera House. This evening the first pre sentation of Prof. J. M. Hagor's . 'Allegory" will be made at the Opera house , the object , as is understood , being the raining of a fund to purchase an illuminated clock for the high school bwer. That the "Allegory" will bo well worth seeing is certain from the endorsement dorsomont ijivon it everywhere in the east. In Cincinnati last November it was given to the largest audience over assembled in Music Hall and the largest paying audience ever soon in a ever seen in a hall in the United States. The Commercial eays : "Tho people of Cincinnati built Music Hall with the idea that it would accommodate a full sized audience. But it proved entirely too small yes terday for the matinee of Professor Hagor's "Allegory. " The hall at 2 o'clock woo packed until n late comer searched the fringes of the crowd in vain for a point from which oven a partial view of the stage could bo ob tained. The bases of the pillars in the vestibule woru occupied by boys who clambered up throe or four feet as a lost resort to got a distant glimpse of the [ exhibition. Several thousand persons gave up the attempt to find standing room , and retired from the building. The sight ot the vast Au dience wo T wonderful. Viewed from the stage it Boomed a multitude be yond reckoning , and nas a massive and magnificent picture/ ' The following are n few of the load ing characters who will appear in the allegory to-morrow evening : Miss Eva Lowe , Goddess of Liberty. Miss Mary D. Day , Indian princess and Ohio. Miss Sarah McOhane , Illinois. Miss Tinoy McOhano ( pioneer tab leau ) , old lady. J. 11. Daniels , Columbus. A. D , R. Crawford , Gorman. Jay Northrup , Irishman. C. 1C. Crallo , chaplain and negro. B. D. Bent , warrior. States represented by thirty-eight young ladies. Fiity young ladles And gentlemen in Indian group. Thirty youugjadiea and gentlemen as pilgrims. Eleven young ladies and gentlemen In pioneer tableau. Major Andre and captors. One hundred flower girls. Three military companies , twenty in cch , Fir * companies of chorus singers , "THE GLADIATOR. " A Fine Audience Greets McCul lough on His Second Appearance. Ho Pays a Kent Compliment to th Proprietor of BoyU's Opera Houso. There was a magnificent oudionci in attendance upon the production o the "Gladiator , " at Boyd's last oven ing. It was largo mainly because o the reputation of Mr. McCullough who appeared in the title role , and the novelty of the piece , the presentation tion being the first ever given in thi city. city.The The piny is ono particularly adapted to the peculiar methods of Mr. Me Oullough. It is of the lofty hcroi order , in which the simulation o patriotism in its purest form , manl ; dignity , fraternal and uxorial levi alternate with intense hatred of over wrought power , injustice and wrong. It abounds in scones and situations which would almost irresistibly impo the average actor to appeal in loudest tones to the elements. And. thougl : Mr. McCullough finds himself not nl < together proof against the temptation , his offense , if offense it bo , of com mission , is of that kind peculiar to himself , so fraught with honesty of purpose and Intensity of feeling as to bo worthy oven of exceeding commendation. Nor docs the piece deny the actor the oppor tunity to display these finer feelings of manly and uxorial love , in the portrayal trayal of which , it seems to us , Mr. McCullough is uncqualod. Scones such as these in the first and second nctof "Virgiuius"atloastinsontimont , if not in treatment by the author , are to bo found in the piece , and it is in thorn that Mr. McCullough wins the approval of his most discrimi nating auditors. During some of these scones last evening notably the alternately stormy and placid ono between himself and Phar- Enriu8 | the audience was wrought up to rpitchof interest that is best char acterized by the term intense. It was in that scone and others of its kind that the starrecoived the appreciation , silent though it may have been , which his patient years of study have led to prize dearly. The stormier scones , it is true , were the moro demonstratively applauded , and but few of them wore deserving of it. The coliseum act , white backed with A drop accurately representing the historic edifice with congregated spectators numbered by the thousands , had not the illusive effect intended. The solitary combat was Lame compared with the tradi tional fights i of "Richmond" and "Richard , " and the subsequent up rising of the Gladiators too tame to merit even measured recognition.'ot the gods applaudedprincipally because wo suspect , of the semi-ludicrous scramble for some imaginary coin thrown'them , wo imagine , in which the supers took part , when the audi ence were expecting A grand hand to hand engagement. The sentiment of the concluding lines of the act , however , as also the manner in which they were delivered , took the audi ence , and Mr. McOullough was called before the curtain , as also Mr. Col lier , who shared the honors of the scone. 'Each gentleman bowed his acknowledgments , and the presence of each made the applause general , al most an ovation. Just as Mr. Collier withdrew , Mr. McCullough advanced to the'center of the stage and spoke as follows : LADIES AUI > GENTLEMEN : A few years ago. when I passed through Omaha , I little thought that I would play here in such a temple as this and before ouch an audience. 1 suppose you will 'admit , and some of you will remember that , Omaha was then a pretty tough place. There is no greater proof of civilization and ad vancement than a first class theatre , and such a theatre you have hero. I do not say this because I am an actor. I take great pleasure in paying this compliment to the gentleman who has built this beautiful temple. This theatre will do honor to any city in the world. It is needless to remark that the encomium was received with applause and highly appreciated , because of the man who uttered and the manner in which it was said. Mr. McOullough was in nearly every instance excellently supported. Ac tion aim elocution are essentials to the heroic drama. The greater part of the cast wore good in the former re spect , while in the latter , some notably defective. With the excep tion of an occasional indistinctness , caused by an effort to give exceeding dignity to his tones , Mr. Collier made an excellent Phasarius. Of magnifi cent physique and experience , ho ia a good support for the star to lean upon and ho is at the same time not altogether not promising of doing greater things. April Weather. The weather predictions by Vennor for the rest of April , are as follows ; A cold wind may set in for A day or two about the 12th. Very little rain so far on the 13th. On the 14th and 15th , Altogether , A fair , warm to hot week. ICtlr Change to cloudy and possi bly cooler weather , with showers or indications of rain. Navigation probably will open on the St. Lawrence river the second week in April. Latter portion of the week colder with rain , sleet and probably snow in the northern sections , And particular ly in lower St. Lawrence and New York state About the 20th or 21st. Fine , warm to hot and dry weather on and niter the 22d. 23d. Probably change to warmer and generally dry weather. Indica tions of storms probably with high winds , with cooler and stormy woath- in the west. Altogether A warm And dry week in the majority of sections. Not At All like usual April weather on the 27th. Change to cool and rainy weather after the 28th day. : 30th. Colder weather with rain and snow-falls in tome northern portions , probably ushering A cold and wet [ May. May.April looks as if might enter white In northern ctiona , and very black with frost in some western and south western localities. Thcro are indications of periods of unusual heat , which will cause rapid and premature advance of vegetation. GLato and severe frosts are probable in the south and southwestern sec tions of the United States and in portions tions of Canada. April will likely bo more of a springer or early summer month than May. SUBURBAN SOCIALITIES. Brilliant Amateur Performance by the Saratoga Lyceum. The closing mooting of the Saratoga Lyceum last evening was attended by a crowded house , including a goodly number or city people. The Ninth Infantry Band discours ed the sweetest of musio during the evening , adding greatly to the enjoy ment. The .first number on the programm was the solo , "I will llomembo Thee , " by Miss Emma Purtoll which was finely rendered , and follow ing it was A comical selection in the Gorman dialect by Prof. Rathburn The dialogue , "Aunt Polly's Lesson , ' was finely rendered and well received and the solo , "Only a Poor Old Tramp , " by Master Partoll , deserves especial mention. . The next feature of the programme was the "broom drill , " which , barritig the drama , was the attraction of the evening. It was very creditably car' ried out , the company going through the manuel of arms with the dexterity and promptness of regulars , which proficiency is mainly duo to the train ing rocived from Mr. J. H , Conrod , of the state university , under whoso di reotion it was given. The thanks of the lyceum are certanly due him for this Very entertaining number. "Tho Gypsey Countess , " a duet , sung by J. D. Rustin and Miss Since Rustin , elicited considerable applause and an encore was responded to. The bono 'solo by Mr Olmstead was also deservedly encored. The music by the quartette of male voices added to the length if not to the interest of the programme , the modesty of the writer preventing anymore moro comments on this numb9r. The Saratoga Dramatic club next made its debut in the ludicrous drama entitled "Toodles"and as an amateur effort the drama was a brilliant sue cess. It would be useless to attempt all particularize in the limited space allotted this communication. Suffice say that there were no sticks in the cost all did well. J. D. Rustin , as Toadies , surprised his friends by his excellence in that character , while Miss Emma Purtell , as Mrs. Toadies , was certainly his bet ter half in moro than ono sense of the word. The entertainment closed with a duet- entitled "Good Night , " by Messrs. Rustin and Patrick , and thus closed the meetings of the season of 1881-2 , A financial as well AS A social success. CUCKOO. LIQUOR MEN'S TROUBLES rhelr .Lot In Other Cities Worse than In this. In Lincoln the life of the saloon deeper is by no means A happy one. Ihe temperance element employ de tectives , compel the closing of places at 10 p. m. , And the putting down of all blinds , screens And so on in com pliance with A law that in this city has long been a dead letter. The Journal of yesterday says : "The saloons of the city opened out in full bloat at the usual hour yester day morning. The blinds and screen doors were taken down , and passersby - by had full glimpse of the inside of bar-rooms In conversation with a few of our saloon keepers they take the change good naturedly , and say the compromise was the best thing they could do under the circumstances. It was either this or an increase of the license to $2,000. The only saloon that the now ordinance seriously effects is that of T. P. Quick. Ho has always had a very largo trade from 10 o clock until midnight , while the other saloons only done an or dinary business during those hours. Mr. Quick informs us that he has frequently taken in as much between the hours ot 10 and 12 p. m. as ho has taken in during the antiro day. Especially has this been , so during nights that entertainments1 going on at the opera house. Should the blinds bo kept up during Sundays wo pine there will bo a great falling off in the Sunday , trade , ospecially'if it's known that the detectives in the em ploy of the temperance people are on iuty , as they will no doubt. " THE DENVER FOOL. rho Burlington Route to Pull Out of It The Northwestern Not Going to Donvor. It was stated to a BEE reporter by a prominent B. & 'M. man yester- la ythut at next Tuesday's meeting of the Colorado traffic association in Chicago the Burlington road will withdraw from the Colorado pool and that this action will greatly embarrass the affairs of the southwestern associa tion and also the Iowa trunk line's pool. This action arises from dissatis faction with the percentage allowed it by the pool and the fact that its Den ver line is so nearly finished that it can afford to act independently. President Keep , of the Chicago & Northwestern , states there ia no truth whatever in the report that his com pany intends to extend Its road to Denver. PERSONAL ! Mrs. Julius Loper. who with her hut baud has been engaged in missionary work t Yokahaina , Japan , has returned after nine year'0 absence , and Is now visiting tier brother , Win. II. Morrisen , of thi jlty. She intends in the course of a week to go to her old home in New Jersay , Her imsband expects to return to this counti y in about a year. Free of Cost. All persons wishing to teat the merits sf a great rtmedy one that will positively ur * consumption , coughs , colds , asthinr , lironshitli , or any affection of the throat ind lungt are requested to call at 0. I1' , ioodman'a drug store and get a trial tattle of Dr. IvingV nw discovery for xmiutaptlon , free l cott , which will ihow yon what a regular dolUr-nLw bottle rill do. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Adrertleem ni To Loan , for Sale , Loet , Found , Want * . Boardlne , &c. , will be In serted In these columns one * ( or TEN CENTS per line ; each nibeeqnent Insertion , KIVB CENTS per line. The first Innettlon never lens than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TO LOAN MONt . M ONKT TO LOAN-Oall at LAW Utnca ol D. I. . Thorn * * Boom 8 Crelihton Block. \t < > LOAA A 8 per centl < D/40uUUU es In turon.of J,600 an upwards , ( or S to 6 yean , on Or t-claM city ant farm property. Dims HEAL ERTATI and lau AOIKOT , Hth and Dourltg Sta HELP WANTED. 10 clrlt lor general housework WAN1KU . , Employment lltl street , near Farnam. C71-16' \TrANTED Kret-cUinlirlck burner , and on YY tetter. H. Mannweller , tmplojra Agt. llth street near Fatnam. 761-14 Job printer , or young man h _ WANTED understand Job pre i-work. Can iccure * ( rood city situation by tallln ; at 119 N. llth et , 770-Ut ANTED A good competent gltl ( or fen W cral hcu eworn. 41S K. Slut it betwte ana Chlcoge. 771-lfi ) ANTEDj-A good nune girl. Chan. Sht\ cilck , illGOnlcago St. 767-13 TTTJ ANTKD Coat makers , at J. 0. Vapor * AM EDUlrl to do housework. Call i W Atkinson' * Millinery Ktoro 777-13 ' \TrANTED-Two first-clwj T nners Immcdl Y Y ttolr to work in tha shop ot Iheo. Hustle & Son , Fremont , Neb. 765-15 } W 'ANTED One reliable cuntwsci , stcndj work , good acres. 410 Saiith 10th it. 74B-13f WANTEC A good girl for second work. Ap plv 1821 Chicago street. 751-U An experienced Shirt ami Orcr- WANTED . Apply Garrabnnt & Cole , 1307 Farnam St. 762-15 ANTED CJIn ( or general lioutooojk. II , W Mannwoiler , llth street near Fatnam. 7SJ-18' Competent elil ( orgeneral house. WANTED llu < t bo a good cook Mrs. JI Roger > , corner 10th and Icayonworth street * . CS9-tf airl about 14 to do light house work , during the day only. Apply at Bee office. C24-t ( D nlngroom glrUtthe Crelghton WANTED . 607-t ( SITUATIONS WANTED. \VANTED-By . joung m n SITUATION In ft store. F. D. Noltc , 'Em ' ymont Agt. JOthotrcctncarFarnam. 770-14' TTITANTED lly a younir Dane , who speaks YY German and Ln.llsh , a position In any business hcu e. He ii tniitwortny and diligent. Address L. Ucooffice. 771-15t " \T7"ANTED [ lly a young manot steauv hablM YY with good n ( orencea , position In a storo. Is not nfrald to work. Fnqufra of tchrotcr liccht , ono door uorth of Boya'i ftpera House. 769-14t IT7AVrtfD Emploinent bya > oung man in YY whu'esale store. II , Waunmller , Em ployment AgL llth ttreet near Far num. 762 14 * TTT7 ANTED Situation br n youn ; man In g VV eery store. U. > Mannwcllcr , imploy- ' - - By a young man a position as WANTED , or clerk , having bad prac tical experience. Write ] a good hand , Address 708 S. 16th steeet. 691-13' ATIONWANTED-Byayu German SlT to take care of horses or work on farm. In quire at Omaha Employment Agency , 1Mb st. near Farnim. 147-13 * MICELLAWEOU8 WANTS. A loan of $500 on good security. WANTED B. 8. Hoe office. 779 S4t 'ANTED To Rent , house convenient to W luilness. II , C. COLIC. 763-16 1307 Farnam St. " \T7"ANTED Canraaaers to cell household ar- YY ttclcs used In every family. Particularly good Inducements to camauiera , ( or patt culara apply between 12 and Z o'clock at 1111 Doug ai street. (73313) ( ) N. L. PRATT. * \T7 > ANTED 2 unfurnished rooms ( or man and VY wife , must be' moderate in price. Ad' ' dress II. , Bee oDce. 297-tf Boarddre at the Oarfield hoeae , WANTED corner 14th and Jackson Sts. 414 tf "TTTANTED To sell a barber shop , good lo YY cation , good business , ratlsfactory reasons for selling. Inquire At 117a. 16th street , Omaha Neb. 637-tf ANTED Basement In ex. for board. W Other boarders too. 003 N. 17th street. 6UOU 'VKT'ANTED 4 children M boarders in a select YY school , at 19th and California St. L. B. LOOMIS. _ _ 76T-U TF YOU WANT your yard nodded , line blue i grass. Leave ordeis S. K. at the Bee office. 705-13' Funding bridge and school bonds. WANTED Clark , BeHeTOe. ' Jfl-W FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. RENT Furnished and unfurMahcd rooms , TO reasonable price , alsorooma ( or housekeep ing. Appl ) at 8 oto 1111 Douglas st. N. L. i'ratt. 787-10 RENT One ( mulshed room for gentle FOR . 812'permonth. Enquire 1610 Dodge street. 772-15 . Furnished front room , 309 Far FOR.RENT between 10th an J 17th , brick house. 748-13 RENT Furnished room K. W. t-rner FOR and Howard st. 749 tf KEN ! -Om.oTn Jacob'.rill6ck. EOll 768-tf I710H RENT Furnished room corner 10th and X1 DouRlas. 730 tf FOlt ItrNl- Sixteen (10) ( acres of cholco land on Sounders ttreet , for gardening purposes lifstliiii ttto millsfrom Pottoflce. DAVIS & BliTDER , 739-16 1605 t amain St. RENT Three uifuinlllud ro nn iu't- FOR able ( or houic-kccplng. Inqu re for two ilayiiatim South llth street bit. fierce nnd Paiiflc. 72313" NICELY FURNtbllEI ) ROCJIS-One TWO north of Do ga on 18tb st. 717-16 RENT Furnjshod room , 610 10th it. bet ween California and Webiter. 6S4-tf RENT Two good rooms for rent , corner FOR and Farnam st > . Inqulio at Nlndel & Krclle'8 HaUtore. 707-tt . Pout * barn and 3 acre * of laud FOR.RENT Wh and lloward. EUJCMM 0Nlel | 690 U _ rnOlitNT Ono large ( uruUlied loom , with J board , on first floor , outside euirance. 1608 California et , 6 5 tt _ " | 7 OR RENT N. t. i6ec. " D.'f. 16 , U. II , un J } Improved Douglas county land. 1 } miles from IU 11. ttatton. Inquire at SUB Davenport ttreet _ 423 tf TGWR KtET atore room in brick building , N. J } E. corner 16th and Cumlng. 0. F CJood man , 1110 Farnhaai St. 203-tf IOR RENT Furmsneu uuu loom , N. E. cor. F Bth and Jackson. 62-U Oil BENT H turnunoa looaw over * u- chant * * KrchaBje.N. E. ecr. 10th and Dodg i89-U rent * bouaH.loU , farmi , ( tores , BEUIS * etc. Offices 16th and Dounlas fits OR RENT Nicely ( urnlihed room * with 01 F without board. Reasonable price * , soil FOR BALE BALE Hotel 'ln a good low * town , at EOR bargain. H. Uannwellcr , Real K t te Agt. llth itiMt Dtai Famam , 760-tf I710R BALK Cheap team itajorfind haioee * J * 10U South lOUt street , t ) . II. Willla. 7U-1V Tra6Rl8AJ F Home and ( oil corner let. N ? B. X1 cor , SOlh and Lake tnrcetoi (1000 OR monthly payments. ft)09 h lf cash , balance on time. AlcCague opp. pMtofflce. 7CS-1BJ3 SALE A fr'th milch cow and calf. In quire llrnry Cay , iouth 19th- street near \ \ bite Lead Works 764-HI SALD Good pony , Inquire at Drugstore corner 10th and Douglas. 7tf-tf ) 1710RSALE Ono Thourough-brcd Jersey ccw Jjj 778-15 T. J. BBARD. T710R SALE Three good buggy horses blood | J ed stock , 4 , / > , and 7 year * old , also 23 head cattle forsile cheap. ll.qulre at Edholm Ertckeon. J. WlCtKXBERT , 773-19 "T10R HALE Wlig's Restaurant--The French JL1 Coffee Ucune" No. .20Trnth strict , doing a butn ! M cf from $12,000 to (15,000 per nrmm. Call ar write to the above number or to.Vilg tt < Weatberg'i corner JOth and Jtekcon ttrcetn. 7T9-td&w TTIORSAtE A two-seated buy , nt ilynew , JL1 also one No. 2 Knowlcs Steam Tump. En quire J , turner's Barber shop , cor. IMh and. Dodge. 742,1 1TIOR BALE Team of ponlc , harnruand bufgy JL1 at Dlllrancos 8a'e Stables , 21010th street. 740-14 * FOR SAIi ; OK RKNT A two (1) ( ) story frame building 2lxCO. N. E corner 22nd and Cumlng etrcel. Inquire al Krug's Wwtern Urewery. 701-tf TilORSAI.E Houie and lot , houno 20x30 two J. story , good collar , summer kitchen , coal shed , chicken home and largeclnrcrn ; jrwrt fence Rud sidewalk , good location , only ? 1,6CO. Q , Pullman. 8th and Dorcas. 7CO-19I TJIOn SALE Small hnuo and lot , 27th ( it. J ; between Famam and Dcuiilai its. , twrlro ktjut , . _ . . . .U- . . . blocks from the - - - ' - - Opera House , Inquire at the house of James Cornlus. 73M7 FOR SALE ORIENT Five (5) ( ) acres of nlee land with dwelling , etc. , on Sherman A\- enuc , neat Sta'o Fiilr Grounds ; ono of the hot locations in ihe city ( or market garden , DAVIS fcexriEn , * 740-15 150 ! > Faruaia St. EMIS o'U houses , lotj , farms an < J I Office , 16th and Douglas 8U. TTIURNnUREFORSALK-Cbcap-ai elegant JJ tulle of Parlor Furniture , 12 feet exten sion r'ln ng table , dining cha'rr ' , lot kitchen ( urnlture , and other article * all cow. 2013 Cast otrejt , . 322-lf TJ10R PALE Cheap Desirable lot on Coll- X ? fornla HI root , trontago 132 feet , depth 5C ( eetj wl'l JMde. K. K. Ilajden. 72W6 T7IOR SALE 20 lota near Ilanscom Park , JC of Park. A\cnue. f450 to , $900 each , lie- Csgueopp. 1'OktofflCL' . FOR HALE House of 4 or 6 rooms and cor- nor lot on 19th and Muon 11.600. WcCiguo Opp , postofllco. CSS-tf T710RY Thoroughbred Jersey Bull No. 332 1 C "M. S. II. B. " , winner of priee at State Fair. Stands ( or service nt Nebraska Poultry Yards , We t Omaha. Graham t * . Browne , . , 885-lm POR SALK 14 loin In N. W. part of city on sightly location. (200 to J250 each , on monthly payment ! . McCague , opp. postotfice. 681-tf TjtonsAL > ; One second-hand 25 horse power JL1 engine , good as newalo twos horseIK > cr and two in horse pouer engines , BOW. Boiler * of all sized , new. Inquire Omaha Foundry an Uuchlno Co.U. P. lly. bet 17th and 18th onmha 562-lrn TTlOR SALE House three rooms and half lot.on Jj 20th street north of Crftk , $900 cash. On monthly payments $1,000. John L. McCaeue , opposite p06t"tllce. 63S-U "C10U SALE Five acres of land on Founders I ; St'cct , with floe residence , barn and other improvements. Price $2.500 ; terms oapy. 472-tf W. R. Bartlett , Heal Kstate Agent. T710R SALE A new house and lot , U&th and JJ Douglas St. Inquire to A. Bouman , 26th and Farnham bU. 418-ltu * OK SALE A Piano (6 octaves ) , In excellent cond'tlon ; very cheap. Inquire ft this office in UK HA LK Fit eucre u ( land , 2-ntory frame J ? house , barn 2 wells and other Improve ments , east side of Sounders street , near Fort Omaha. For partlculurs addicsi Geo. W. Brew- iterJDakland.Ncb. 401-tf TJEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE L0T6 $100 each. X > $6 down and $5 per month. EEJHS , agent , 16th and Douglas Sta. Tj OR SALE House with 6 rooms , barn and JC long lease of lot , on 16th St. , bet. Burt and Webster. Inquire at Edholm & Erlckson's. 365-U OR SALE Car load of ( at blackey mule * F broke. Apply of J. W. Skinner , Coin Ia , 828-lmo' SALE 32 residence lots on and near 16th FOR street. Price. $350 to ft60 tfeh. Term * easy. llcCAGUK , Agent , Opp. Post Office. 860 tf FOR SALE Bicycle , 48-Inch Standard Colum bia. Apply Union Elevator. 263-tf T OTS , 1100 each , 85 down and $6 per month Jj BEMIS , Agent. T71OK BALK Ur will uxcba go for Omaha pro. P I Iperty , an Improved sec OB of land adjoin ing a station on U. P. R. R. M. DUNHAM , 1411 Farnham St. , Omaha. 720 8mt RICK FOR' ' EAL.H. B EAL.H.ESTABKOOK 203-tf ESTABKOOK * COE. O/i A rounds of cho co country butter for sale OUU cheap ; also trash milk every day at lieal'a Qrocerj More , corner 10th and Dodge. 474-lmo' BRICK FOR SALE $12.0tferlOOO.T. . Murray. lltf-tf BALED HAY At A. II. Bander's Feed Stor 1013 Harney St. ' s9-tf MISCELLANEOUS. \ /"VMAHA EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Tenth \J street near Farnam. Business bouses , farmers and families can ba supplied with com ' petent htlp. Any grade of employment. Kail ; I-1' road anpMlolng outfits on short notice F , D. - Nolto , Kmplnj merit Agent. , 664-im * H/f / AMMOTII Cluster Black cap raspberries 1YL 60 coi.t a dozen , 82.00 per hundred , Slo.uO perihousand -'Idle-Wilde Place. " Leave or ders ar 1414 Dodge st. John 0. Willis. mch-25-ev sat-lt. EMIS1 NEW CITY MAPS , 10c. Mount * d B Maps. 82.60. O.EO. P. BEMIS. And first class table board , at 2011 ROOMS Casa St. inMm * AVE RKNT Choice of SO full lots to leaf * § near Crolghtori College ( or$2a per year , xter L. Thomas & Bro. , Room 8 , Orclghtoo lilook. . 20VH EDWAED KUEHL UAOISTER OF PALMYSTERY AND CONDI IIONALIHT , 49S Tenth Street , between Farnbam tndllamey. Will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtain ( or any ono a glauca at tha past and present , anil on certain conditions la the fn > turo. Boots and Hlioea made to jrdcr. I'erfcc ) < ' * ctlon puaraateed au2fl.lm POWDER r'l Absolutely Pure. This powder never varle * . A tptntl ot pa ty , strength and wholeMtneneM. Her * ccono- ulcal than the ordinary klndf , and cannot Weld old In competltlca with tl > multitude oil ow cut , abort weight , alum or uhonpltaU powdtn Sold only in can * . RotUfBiillt Pow av CO. , M Wall 8t , New tork