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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1882)
I OMAHA DAJiA BfcJBi WEDNESDAY APIdL 12 The Omaha Be Published every mornlngi , except Snnd The only Monday rnof TKUM3 BY MAIIU One Your 810.00 ( Th 8U Months. 5.09 \ One WEEKLY BEE , rrablUbod try Wednesday. T.KUMS POST PAID- : One Yenr. $2.00 I Three Moulin. . Hit Months. . . 1.00 | One . . CORRESPONDENCE All Commn tftUon * rcUtini ? to News and Editorial m or * should be ftddro&scd to the J'Diron THE lire. BUSINESS LETTERS AH Busln totter * and Ifemlttnncw should be i rfrwwed to THE OMAHA PCBLIRHINO Cc ? AKT , OMAHA. Drafto , Checks nnd Po office Order * to bo made payable to 1 order of the Company , OIAHAPUBLISHIHQOOProp'i , Ei ROSEWATEH. Editor. SF.KATOH Lee AN is said to bo in very critical condition of health , ai has gone to llot Springs to rocupc ato. Hot Springs is rapidly bccomii the medicinal Mecca of Amorici Htatcsmon. Mn. TENNYSON has just rcco von Irom a sharp attack of gout in tl right arm. This is the firat sat is fa tory excuse that has been offered fi the silly trash which Jfr. Tonnysc "has recently boon palming off on tl public for poetry. KAKBAS CITY is complaining thi the cedar block pavements , now bi ing laid in that city , is a fraud of tl worst water. Wood block p vomcnl offer the best opportunities for cot cealing inferior materials and worl manship of any in existence. HIAYV rains have grcatlyVrctardo early planting in Minnesota andDakot and croakers are already beginning t predict a crop as short as that of la ; year. Throughout Nebraska farmci report the prospect all that can bo d ( sired and planting is progrosain rapidly and satisfactorily. HENTH in Now York have advance < from fifteen to thirty per cent , thi spring and a house in the fashionabl quarter.cos s a handsome income fo a single years rental. Brooklyn an the suburban Now Joraoy villages at profiting in increased population fret the exorbitance of Now York rontah JIM BIII.HIJIN is In prin again with statistics of tlio locatioi and number nf the Indians in th country. There are 240,417 Indian located on 05 agencies , and J 5,434 ii small bands scattered throughout tin west and unaccounted for. Outsid of the Indian Territory , Dakoti possesses 150,000 , followed by Nov Mexico with 20,005 aud MonUn ; ' -wittf20,5ia. Nebraska is credltei withn'l agencies and 4,222 Indiana most of whom are partially civilized. GRANT WHITE' * third pa per on "Opera in New York" will bi one of the prominent illustrated arti cles of the May Century , which wil. . contain also a profusely illustrated pa per on "Tho Canadian Mecca" ( See , Anne do Beaupro ) , by W. G. Boors , Mrs. Mitchell's illustrated essay 01 "tho Hellenic Ago of Sculptum , " anc a paper on "Georgo Innoss , " bj Henry Eckford , illustrated by uovera ! of the finest engravings of landscape yet aeon in the magazine. A ST. PuTEusuunoir dispatch announces nouncos that a boat has been dis covered at Herald Island in the Arc tic sea containing several dead bodice and loose objects with the name ol "Jcannotto" upon them. This ie doubtless the last traces of the lost crow of the second boat which , undei Lioutenat Chipps , eoparatod from Do Long and Melville when some hun dred miles distant from the main land. Do Long and his party without doubt perished miserably six month ago m the desert waste between the mouths of the Lena. COLORADO , at least , scorns to have no doubt of Mr. Teller's fitness for the interior department , and the atato press overflows with approval of the appointment and notices of the life of the now secretary. Henry M. Teller vas born in Allegany county , Now York , -May 23 , 1030. For seven years of his younger life he alternated between teaching and attending school. At the ago of 25 ho entered the office of Juflge Martin Grover , of Angelica , to begin the study of law , Three years later ho moved to Morri. eon , the county scat of Whitesido county , Illinois , where ho began the practice of his profession. Iu 1801 , ho Trent io Central City , Colorado , whore he has since resided. Ho never hold a public office until ho was elected as a republican to the United States eon. ate on the admission to the union of Colorado as a state. He took his scat December 4,187 < > , aud was re-elected December 11 of the same year. His term would have expired March 3 , 1883 , Mr. Teller has been a member < > f the republican party since Us or ganization , although previously ho acted with the democrats , Ho made his first public rpnech , which was for Fremont , in the old court house in Angelica , N , Y , In 18CO ho took the Htuinp for Lincoln in Illinois. Mr. Teller is fUarga real estate and mine owner in Colorado , ' , , P-Aj , ft CHEAPER POSTAGE. Nothing is more certain than Hi cheap postage stimulates corrcipo donco and multiples the business the postofllcos. Rowland Hill's i form in the administration of Kngli postoffico nffairs in 1840 , rovolatio izod the postal business of tlio civ izcd world. In our own count every stop to cheap postage rates h been followed by an increase of bu ness , which has more than triaintnin the average of the previous income the department. In 1700 it costs 3 cents to carry a letter from Bavitnni to Now York , For nearly two go orations n twelfth of that sum lisa si ficed to pay for such service , "Wi the cheaper rates of postage has con a marvelous increase of businee Then 800,000 letters wore cariicd a year. Now over 800,000,000 lotte are transported annually in this cou try , in addition to a vast quantity printed matter. Roguery and gross rniammiagcmci liavo alone combined to prevent 01 postal department from being sc sustaining during the past four year The reform administration of M James brought cheaper postage withi the possibilities of the near futur Clio auditor of the treasury for tl x > stofllco department has prepared tatomoni of the receipts and expand urea of that department tor the qua cr ending December 31 , 1881 , con rnrod with the corresponding quarti of the previous year. From this stati mont it appears that the revenues f < hat quarter of the year 1881 woi $10,620,400 00 ; expenditures , 8 , 041 70.70 , leaving n surplus of rccoipl ver expenditure/ § G78,424.2 ( rhiF , the auditor says , is a remarkabl mowing , as it is the first quarter sine the close of the war in 18G5 that th revenues , of the department have cs : codcd the expenditures. For th jorresponding quarter of. 1880 ther wras a deficiency of § 058,015,04. Th revenues for this quarter are czcecdc by those of 1881 by the sum of $1 , 149,020.01. The increase of expend ; turoa during the last quarter was 8113 , L8G.81 , whence it appears that the re : oipta have increased in n much great ur ratio than the expenditures. Th iinount expended for star route ser nee during the last quarter of 188 was § 1,45:1,810.)8 , a reduction o 370,020 53fromthoamountoxpcndoi in 1880. The amount expended fo railway transportation during thusatin luarter was 3N 7,223,73 moro than ii L880 ; the amount paid for stcamboa ransportation was § 44,411.12 loai him in 1880 ; and the amount ox. ) ended for the use of postal cars wae $10,825.17 $ moro than for the corrcs > ending period of the previous year it is a question whether the time hai lot coino for n lightening of postage atos , A reduction of letter postage rbm throe to two cents a"half ounci vould give n now impulse tp the al oady prolific American corroapon lonpo pon. Ohoapor postage at the iresont rate would ba liiuch bottoi han an increase of the weight limit , nd the retention of the three cent ato. IT is an old saying that thd views f the heir apparent to the crown are cry difl'eront from those of the heir pparont when seated on the throne , 'resident Arthur has evidently hai oason to greatly modify his opinions n the patronage question since ho jft the presidency of the senate one ccamo the cliiot executive of the nu- ion. A few days ago ho was waited pen by n prominent member of the ouse , who insisted that it was all nportant to have a certain man ap- ointed post master in the district. In jply the president is represented to avosaid : "Whatovermay bo your lolings in this matter , and although 10 subject is of great personal inter- it to you , you must remember that I ave the appointment , in the end , to lake , and the responsibility is with 10. I cannot concede to lembm of congress the also- ito right to diotato appointments i .their districts. Ii is apparently 10 ambition of every member of con fess to bo deputy president in his igiou. I do not intend o bo dictated > in the future. I am willing to take 10 ropiesentations of mombora of ngreas as I would those of any other iputablo loading citizens , but 1 do Jt intend to bo guided arbitrarily by ie demrfnds of members of congress i making appointments. " Of course lero is a grout deal of sound nonso in iis position , which it must not bo rgotton was Gnrfield1. position in 10 ItoborUon contest. The only ngular circumstance is the rapid con- iraionof the president to the views his lamented predecessor under the emondous pressure and worry of Jm- > rtunato oflice soeken and their iends. THE now cpuncil has made a very > od bogiimim- | choice of ofll- > r . Mr. Homer tull , the now resident of the council , ia n gentle , tan who enjoys the popular esteem id confidonoo in an eminent degree id is in every rdspect wull fitted for 10 responsible position. Mr. Jowott has discharged the borious ond'complux duties of clerk uriiiR the past year vith marked lility and fidelity andhis re-election a meriteU compliment. MAYOR BOYJO-S ANNUAL Mayor UoytVn lirsl annual rejx is a creditable document. MBJ Boyd has the rare faculty of prcsei ing a compact array of facts a figures with his views of public poll cxprcstod in clear and terse torn Quito apart from the flattering < hibit of the cities financial conditi and substantial proofs of rapid a solid growth , Mayor Boyd mal some very timely and excellent rcco mondations to the city council , whi will meet the approval of largo majority of our tax payers a citizens. Wo have neither time r space now to enter into a detailed f alym of the mayor's message , 1 cause its text reached us at a h hour last nipht. Suffice it to sr however , that wo heartily cone with most , if not all of the suggi lions and recommendations Ma ; Boyd has made , and shall cheerful second any effort the council m : roako to carry them into practical i feet. MnrtUr in Frlomlvlllo- Corrtftdondcncc o ! Tux 11 . WiuiuiiNob. , April 11. The noi arrived lioto this morning of a murd liaving teonjcommittcd in Friondvil this county , yesterday. A Mr. Al rich of that place ( had some diflicnl with n boy by the name of Geor Kadford , aged about 10 , when t boy struck him on the head will mallet fracturing his skull in horril manner , from which ho cannot t cover. The boy escaped. Judge weaver is holding court ho and has done a largo amount of bui ness the past week ; There has be * number of criminal trialsand Salii Bounty will have three moro roughs itateB prison. D. The Now Find at Cummins. 3orrcnpondcnce ot The Omaha lice. CCMMINS , W. T. , April 7. Oni nero wo arooxcitod over a now strik rwo of our school boys , in the into * al of school hours , thought the nust do as the men did and BO the struck out with pick and shovel pro looting. They brought homo son ock which had a striking resemblam o that found by Mr. Frazier , of Co ) rado , some time during "March , an vhich made such a st r among minor Dr. Baker , the father of one of tl ads , sent samples to Salt Lake Cite o McA'ickcrand received thoostoune njj returns of § 10,189 in gold an 510.05 in silver. " \Ve Imvo heard that "children an oola always tell the truth , " and the mvo all the luck , although -Mi rrazior , who wan so fortunate in. hi ind , ia by no means to bo classc pith the fools. Our camp is by 'n nouns idle , although wo have th liggest snow storm ot the winter , an ho prospectors are numerously CD ourngod by the now results. The grass is some two or thrc iiches high and ntock is fat , and eve low almost ready for the market. Our now hotel is now ready fo uosts and had some ten comer estorday. Yours , &c. , AN OLD TIMEK. MERRICK MATTERS. orrcspondeucc of Tun BBS. N CKNTJIAI , CITY , Nob. , April 8.- 'cntral ' City is moving along as wol s usual , and in the line of improve lents keeps up with any town 'in thi : ate. John Hays is erecting a fine nov ; sidenco at a cost of § 1GOO. E. Hards has commenced to build i o\v residence. Ho will also put up t 110 business buildinu during tin ) ming season. Messrs. Boyd and Lpmnstera ar < toll putting up now residences. A. O'Doimell and Berryman Bros , ivo put now business buildings uilding is going on all over MerricV > unty.and the lumber dealers art 3tting fat. It is reported hero that the U. P. ind mill at Clark's blow down lasl plit. The Nonpareil 1ml moved into ite ) w oilico in the brick bank building , id has elegant quarters. Merrick county is to have a third wspaptrin The Olarksvillo Mes- ngor. It will bu independent. At the recent municipal elqction , Mitral City elected the cntiro prohi- tioii ticket by n good majority , cosing for trustees Messrs. Uoin- hl , Rtttclifl , McDonald , Aldrich and lyno. Prohibition has reignnd hero r the past year and the people up- ar to bo satisfied with it. Recent heavy rain * have given the mil grain a big boost. Less wheat an usual has been sown , and out the usual amount of other small ains , Farmers arefnow plowing for rn , u vast acreage of which will bo uitod. The season has thus far en all that could bo looked for in ei rick county this fall. Central City is looking forward to ; hiid railroad the Nebraska Con- il articles of incorporation ot which TO filed with the secretary of state netimo agojj | wg , - * A brick yard is one of our greatest ods. A Lincoln man ag oed to coino the cuaranteo of the sale of several ndrea thousand , but latterly backed wn , If a yard is established several 0 business blocks will bo put up. D want a coed live man , who will iko a good and merchantable brick. 1 such ait one this place oilers big lucoments. School mooting develops the fact t thorp are 278 school children in district and that its taxable prop * ; y amounts to $100,000 , u levy of mills was made. State Senator Morse is building a 0 residence at Olarks , to cost out § 3,000. / Hon. Schuyler Colfax delivered 1 now lecture , "Our Martyred IVes- in , " at this place on the 30th ult , was a fine eilbrt , and was well re- vod by the largo audience which > eted him. Now comers are pouring in upon A big immigration is looked tor s season. * . * ' . .s H. , bc'OIDBHTALt JOTTINGS CALIFORNIA. Chinft * art employed In ths Colon pow ! er oompsny. Th ] > cnlnc Star mine has earned i paid $1,000,000 In dlridimk Governor Tabor's vrcftlth of Ian minex , and real e Ute Is estimated &t i COO.OOO. The outlook for a heavy fruit crop v never mire flattering in the vicinity Fresno. The Chinc e are Intalng tin 8f.loi ke rer "LeAgtie of Freedom , " to bi theBtinday law The whtlewfttSt. Simeon have tnl only tlht ( whnlcx this neacon , which now about expired. The fueragccatc ) from fifteen to twenty. Tli Denver &Nc * Orleans rjilrnni' now 101 tnil'R from Denver , and bnlltil onwaril nt n lively rate. A Port C * < > llfna man , dressed in a i > h nd re oher , foiled two burglars workl at hU front door II in nttlre startled tin and they left suddenly. The Denver World , the brightest cv ( Ing newBi.iper | In the mountain ibctnpo ! hag cnlarsed to eight IURCP , tn ghe 1 advertiser ) achi < ncoto be tunnl. The tieople of San Dicfjo ore bccoml worried over the prevalence of sent fever and diphtheria iti that city , and t ladle * held a meeting to dhcum the si jict. jict.Tlie Tlie experiment ja to be tried at t state prhon of mftnufocturlncr chitlra fix the second growth of California on which. It IB btllrved , will be preferable the onk brought from the east. It in estimated that from 27,000 to 2 000 tcres ari planted to wheat In S Diego ciunty th n ca nn , and a yinld expected < if 600,000 orCOO.OOO centals , T outlo.ik for ( .ropa of nil kinds V/M nev brighter. Black's cannery at Martinez is putt ! : tip from 500 to 1,000 salmon daily , and t larga new establishment at lienicin about commencing operntlunn. Not f from a hundred boati are now erap oyi In the ttraits fislieries. Profeenjr Cnerrlc , who bui't a smelt at AnlmM Forks , San Juan county , aboi three year * ago. which has never turn * out a pound of bulll'in. Is at the presei time on inmate of the Tombi In Now Yo city , charged with Dwindling seveial Ne Yo/kers uut of 8250.00J. Capt. Daloon , of the engineer corps < surveyors of the Oregon & California rn ! road , no * ' In the field , states that tl tunnels through the Covf Creek' nm I Gra' Ci'cek mountains w II be about 1,000 at 3,300 feet , respectively. The hinge tunnel in between Gruve Creek and .him Off-To. Two trains of the Southe-n Pacific rai road col tiled on the Tch.ichi-pa inou ; t in , completely dcrnoliehed the cngim and wrecked nixtcm cats. It ia Htate that RU complotti is the wicck that no a tempt will be made to save anything , bi the whola will bo set on fire nnd burnei No one was injured , A "Jew fish , " six feet in length , ) h feet round the body , and w eighinjr U. pounds , was chuf.-u iu near shore at Sunt Alonica , .he other day , by sotnu Heals , an cnptuted. It is provided witii tigl separate jaws , all net with rather BO : teeth , nna ui der its pill-Haps were fet Bills each Ita eycbalin were about t\v nnd a half inchea In diamo or , mill th mouth measured about a foot. It * lie : is white , nn t gonuwhat io mbles tn coi but is > upe > ior. MONTANA. liny ha ? dropped toSlSatanin Helena Butte has a total of 42 telephones In an lilt of use A valuable mine of copper has been dif : overed uear Butte. A four foot vein of silver h.ii been un : overed in the "Original Butte" mine. The value of all the rohea shipncd fret Montana for the year 1881 la § 148,533. Miles City expects to have atwenl housand dollar cuxirt housa the comin ; lummer. The U. P. C > mpany are goinf ; Into th lewder biuineas. .V company with SiOO , 100 has bten organize 4 with bldncy Billo M president , to manufacture that articl lear Butte , ' The bonded debt of Beaverhead count' a S2J. 51 , and the outst-miling indebted lerts , loss the money In the treasury , Hwcll ho county debt to S37,38J.42 on tlio late ttaich. .During the year the county's it lebtednesu has been reduced $1,510. " 2. NEVADA When some of Ithe property of the Cen ral Pacific Kailroad Company iu Nevad ouoty WBM offered for Bale recently , fo leliniuent | taxes , there weio no bidders. Nevada stock men predict that the com ij ; spring will bo an excellent oue fo rnss. The ground is well BO iked witl fater. There la plenty of snow in th louutaluE. The licenses imposed by the State o Nevada upon commercial travellers fo allcltiug trade are si > heavy that drum iers have in abveral icwtancea jmid the ex ensea of Virginia City merchants t. 'ruckec , where they exhibited their earn lea and took orders , th it courao beiii ( lieaper than paying the license , In a competitive trial between tw < utchera at Kremo , the other day , one o ! icin killed aud dressed a Rheep iu iivi ilnutea ana twenty econds , and a beef in m inlnutea and twenty seconds. Anothei ntchor who wai prenent , but not one ol le competitors , killed and dressed n Hheej- i thr o minutes and twelve seconds. COLORADO. A wife beater in Dcmer was fined § 21. . Travel toward GutmUon is on the In. ease. There wen 105 deaths in Denver durioc l-Jfdi. Trinidad baa u woman who is called the Denver IHH HO phvlcianir. One hua- ed aud twenty of thetu are ullopatliH. It ia claimed the temperance movement Denver Ima enlUttd 1.200 young nun. There are eighty teachers and about IKK ) pupili in tha | ubho schools of Kaot enver. The collections of internal revenue f r a state of Colorado during the month of atch were $10,21)3.77 ) against 87,060.74 r the corresponding mouth of lant year. The pony expresn on the Ledville and spcn road lost a gold brick elf of n pack dale recently. It was the property of o Farwell Consolidated mines and was Jued at S 10,000. The wife of 1'helms , and the brother * id ulsters of McGrow. the men who ire recently lynched at Pueblo for cittle inling , will- sue I'ueblo county for S ' , ( > , 0 in ach case. The jailer has jumped e town , , The Western Union telegraph company a utretcbed two addition * ! wires between > lorndo Sprints nnd .Manlton. Last > ec ! a line was built from Canyon City tu kk Creek coal mines , Toe vompany ex > ct to put up 400 miles of wire In the ttothia summer , WYOMING , The total amount of money gathered iu the city urirohal of I.aramiu duriug the mth of March far city liceiws was 9303. Dheyeunttea are ninkini ; aa effort to ie- ro a couuty hospital. Contributions re already been received. It U propoi- to Inveat $10,000 iu the build ng. Sheriff Miller , of Carbon county , ara a reward of 503 for the arrest of Her , who eicapod from Itawlini jail ring the excitement ou the morning of 3 1 inching in that towu. There ia a new mineral discovery on the ramla river , about n'tti-eu milea from rt Laramie. The nuartz U crcainish dte , uud carries gold tu paying ii\iautl- s at least the Bpecimeus did that wtro iiyed. Stuck.growrri do not approve of the ilx joter us part of a cowboy' * outfit M they formerly did. At the meeting of the st < association n : Cheyenne , a resolution v Introduced and carried strongly condor Ing the uu or carrying of fire arms stockmen or their employes. The snow storm of lnt week WAI I fevtrcstof tno winter. It came just the proper time , M without a storm nome kind the supply of gr IM nnd all kit of feed for the herdt of cattle which ro the plains , would have been very limit Th' stockmen are now In high spirits01 their prospects and feel confident that I coining Beaten will bo one of the mi prosperous they ever had. DAKOTA. Iledficld tv'H have ft $3,000 school ho' before long. A new ? 23,000 hotel will be built Mitchell thh season. Six revolvers were flourished at A row Hochford the other day , but no dam ; done , . Total expense of procuring the towns of Deadwood amounts to the sum of S 181.10. It is natdby old scttlera in Aurora CM ty that sod corn is good for forty bush tu the acre. Bonds to the amount of 81MX ) have bi voted for the erection of a school house Mt. Vernon. Ono hundred stamps will be added the crushing capacity of the Junction n this summer. The Homestako hns declared ! U for third dividend of 530,000. Total paid March 25th , $1,290,000. A gold brick weighing 1,400 ouncci \ the result of tha clean up of the Hot stake SJ-sUmp mill from a fourteen da run. run.A A strike of ore that ( roes $500 to the t haa been made In the HomesUk ? . It 1 been an open secrnt for some time that tr > e drifts have been extended south t ore ha ? been getting richer. The cattle firm of Sturgls , Goodoll Co. . on Cheyenne river , have n con which contains 24,000 ares. and which i quired 100 milca of barbed wire to fen two sidei of it , the remainder being fenc by a mountain. COXQKKHS with an extra session congress without it , is the problc with which Governor Nance is wrof ling. AND now lot us sea how heartily earnest the city ofnciala are in the howl about enforcing the laws Omaha. A BALbuON IN THE SEA. Mr. ( Simmons' Account of His Attorn ] to Cross tbo English Channel. New York Herald. It will be remembered that the a tempt in Colonel Bride and Air. Sin mons to cross the English Channel i i balloon tailed. In a description i the voyage Mr. Simmons says : " \V itnrted under conditions so favorab ! that neither I nor Colonel Btide fe the least misgiving as to the resul tVftcr one of the most successful a : : pntu I have ever made , with wind an light and everything in our favor , w jot fairly away at 11:30. : As wo passe jver Eirl lSondes > estate at Nuckinj ion , the aneroid gave-our altitude : L18 feet , and the aun was very hoi it 11:35 : we were a milo southeast c Lower Harded Rectory. At 11:3 : ye had risen to an elevation of 30 'cot , and were three and a half mile m our way. At 11:37 our altitud ivas 1,000 teet. ' A minute later w massed over a mat-nificent lake. A 11:40 : we wore coming down azain kVe were over a field , and got so lei .hat we could distinctly hoar soin joys , 'cry out , 'They are comin Ipwn on our Held,1 I consequent ! discharged ballast , and wo shot up i 100 feet. At 11:42 wo found oui iclves again descendincj.but by throvi n < * out more ballast , wo went up the , ho same height as before , and re named at that altitude for three rain ites. , Wo were advised before start ng to keep low , and wo tried th 'orco of fho difl'eront currents. A 11:50 : wo lowered the grappling-iro ind went up to 1,800 feet. Up t Ilia moment the atmosphere was pei ectly clear in all directions. A .1:59 : vessels out at sea were in fu riow , looking like small pilol balloon iitho , air , and not appearing to be o ho water at all. We could also sc ho Goodwin San 's , which prcsonto ho appearance of soles in the water U 12 o'clock wo had Dover in f u iow , and heard the noon gun fire rom the castle. At 12:01 : our cours , -as straight for Folkestone. Our a itudo now was 2,100 feet. Up t 2:04 : I had not had occasion to touc ho valve. At 12:20 : we were mid my between- Dover and Polkestone r on the western side of both towns , Ir. Simincns then describes what h L-rma A r IIF CT rUOTOaKAPH > f the balloon and car soon on a clothe hich had then surrounded them , th ( feet produced being so remarkable s to strike the voyagers with a feel i > j o , awo.Vo could see our owr allection , " continues Mr. Simniuns and every detail , even to the unty ig of a knot which 1 was ongagad in oing. It was a perfect portrait 'hero ' was at this moment a beuutifn linbow surrounding the car not the alloon about ten feet in diameter nd the beauty of the whole scene wai irikingly grand. At 12:30 : wo hac lined an altitude of 2,400 feet. At 2:31 : Colonel Bride asked , 'Are you itislied with everything ? ' and I re lied , 'Yes ! ' At 12:40 : wo wore over hakespeare'e ] CHIT. Wo lobserv- i that the eeaj was very green. fo passed over a largo residence on ie summit of the Cliff , andon iti it roof wore assembled n number ol : people who cheered were it more than five hundred feet above iejr heads , and wo conversed with A Lion Tamer's Death. svnnt Herald , From the Australian papers wo arn that a shocking occurrence took ace at Albury recently at Wilson's rcua and menagerie. As the show 13 being packed up to go across the ver some country visitors crowded ound the lion's cage , and a man lined McPherson , one of his keepers , ho wns Buttering from the effects of juor , put his arm inside the bars , rince , one of the quietest of the uni- ftls , caught the limb and pulled it rough the bars up to the shoulder , id bit it clean off at the elbow , The an , who bled terribly , fell to the ound insensible , while the lion lawed at the detached limb. Ed- ird , the lion potformer , immediately ido the animal give up the limb , ncli he secured. The man was ken to the hospital , where' he soon id. TOMMY JjEB'S ARRIVAL , A Foatlvo Occasion Among the Coli tl&ls of Now City. The festive gathering was made of member of the Loon Yo Tong , United Chinese Brethren , who we invited to "cat , drink and bocxcec ingly morry" by Tom Lee , of No , Molt street , whoso particular case joy consists in the fact that ho is t fathar of a rousing baby boy , w will hereafter bear the name and i horit the money when the proi time comes. Tom Leo is the bi kuo A'n and richest Mongolian in t city , being worth in the ncighlx hood of $50,000. His wife is a pn ty little American lady of German d scent , who is as proud of the now quisition as her licgo lord is. T couple have one other child , a tw year old girl named llosy. Yestc day little Tom , wrapped up in clothes , was the object of much sold tnfrion , and a group of women fro a surrounding neighborhood stood the door of the Oriental fathoi house , clamoring for a peep at tl hero of the banquet. "Och , b ; luck to them , " said a withered lee ing dame , "but it's queer doings h been gain' on to-day , Shuro they' been catching rats for a month ai it's laahin'a d of aiting they have. But she was mistaken. The never was a moro tempting and daii : lor meal spread than that which w laid out upon the shining plates ai saucers at the banquet yostorda Apples , oranges , vegetables , due chicken , crisp morsels of Mongolii moats , salads , spiced preserves , rii jams , confectionery , besides a scor of little appetizing knick-knacks , ai over all there pervaded a gratifyii odor of well brewed tea it might 1 ailed a Jpoifumoiy. The foato who turned their celestial toes und the banquet table wore clad itAv riety of customos. There were jac ots of brown sorgn'and "sues" of sil ! caps of coarest wool and those mat of hair woven into the most intrica designs , shirts of sky blue and i shirts at all , pantaloons of every co ccivablo description , and shoes th : liad soles from half an inch to half ; oot in thickness. But no sunllowo no lily , adorned the luxurious scon John Chinaman has no mithoticism i iis soul. But the walls blazed wit } arbaric splendor. Banners of bit and red and yellow , , covered wit nysterious hieroglyphics in goldhun all over the room and glittered in th gaslight. A largo picture depondc rom the wall. It represented uom nighty Mongolian dignitaiy , covere with an abundance- rod paint an insel , receiving an infant from th arms of what was evidently suppose o bo a wondrously beautiful woma according to .tho Chinese idea c omolinoss. The frast lasted abou wo hours , and then the company Ii iijars , ahook hands , and departed ome of them remembering to cal ind pay their respects to the chubb ; ittlo baby on whose acount all th eremony was being made. Coughs and Colds ure often over ooked. A continuance for any longtl f time causes irritation of the Lung r some chronic Throat Disease BROWN'S BitoNcuiAL THOCHES" ar n effectual Couou REMEDV. aprlO-d&wlw BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE Friday and Saturday Evenings nw.OE 3EC3:2L. 3.-3t nttd 3.S. Matinee Saturday April 15 at 2. p. m Fort TIIK PUHCIIASK OF AN ILUDIIN A'l'Kii CLOCK rou TUB Hian SCHOOL TOWKII. Committee : I Ebcn K. Long , C. F. Goidman . I' . Tukcy. L. KIclmrdBCii , 0. J. Grcan , tiupt jino J. J. 1'alnts , V. L. i'erlne , Max Meyer i -ro. . fhos. Shherlck , II. P. J t-uhl , J K. Boyd V. N. Kc'cuson , C. K. Yoat , J. C. COM' n , How ird Keimoly , Clark Woodman , J. a. Caulllcld I. M. Dennett , A. Crulcki-lmilt , George L. Mil IT , f. . Itosewatcr , I > . C llrcuku. I. U. Ilager'o Ortat Illutorlcal Drama en titled THE GREAT REPUBLIC ! ALLEGORY AND TABLEAUX. 100 Characters Taken by the Young People ple of Omaha. Ldmlgsion , GOc. Reserved eeatj 25c extra. IU cr\ed seats can bo smirud at the OpcrA iloux ) ox offlco on Friday morning , April 14. Door lion at 7 o'clock. To commence at 8 o'clock , iurttos ( or eale at the Opera IIouco.Oox otllce ilw aturdiy ftemoonAprlIl&tli at 2 o'clock. Ad- nlssi n children Gc , adulU tUc. Doom open at o'clock , commoncoi at 2 o'c'ock. The Siclnway& Sou'j Celebrated Flano used a thla occasion Is kindly ( urnlBhed by Max IcycrilJro. , General Agtuti ( or the State ol ; ebras o. Jnited States Depository ? irst National 'Bank ' , . - OMAHA. - Oor. 13th and Furnam 3ts , LDE3T DANKINQ ESTABLISHMEKT Ui OUAUA. IUQOE080R8 TO KOUHTZE BROTHER8.1 BIABLlaUlB 1856. rg nlted u Natlonil Uaok Autpiut SO , J865. APlTAr , - . B2 nnon UBPLU3 AND PKOKIT4 - ICO.OOO ADO DIKBCTOM I UXAI EODKTII , Presment. Acunerra Kotn < n , Vice Proaldonl , P. n. Divu , Ouhler. A. J. Vorrmov , Jon A. Cuiamcy , Tbl b&nk rculve * depotlt * wlthon regard to aount . luucitlmo certlflcAtea bo rlo ? Interwt. Drawi dratta on Ban Francisco and prlncp ! l tloa o ( the United States , also Lon-lon , Dublin llnburahanl the 'principal cities of uincnnll int ot Kuropt _ [ Alter uf Application ( ii Guild if 1'ctre for Liquor LIcentC. NOT JO K. Notice is given tliat Guild k Pel re did , ion the lOUi day of April. A. I ) . 1882 , e hl application to the mayor and city luncll of Omaha , for license to sell malt , ilrituous , anil vinous liquors , at No , G South Tenth etreot Third ward.Omaha eb. from the IMth day of April , 1882 , to o SJUh 'lay ' of October , 1882. If there be no objection , remonstrance , protest ii cd within two 17 cks from the th day of April , A. D. 1882 , the eaU : riuo w.ll bu granted.GUILD GUILD &PKTiir , Applicants. TIIK OMAHA IJi.u newspaper will publish B above notice ome each ueektnrtwo leks at the expense of the applicants. luiity of Ouiahaii not to be charced . j. j , L. C. JEWKTT , City Clerk. OUNSELOR AT LAW J. H. McOULLOOH , loom I , Creljhlon Clock , Fifteenth Street. For Sale By fffTEEHTH AND DOUGLAS SIS , * No. 187 LAHOK FISH Horn * AND CORXXR Loi- near 22nd and Webster streets , 10 room * , stable and splendid order , A Imrcaln at $0000 , 17s , House B rooms , full pot ou I'Icrco nea 2Ulh street , Jl.OW. 177 , House 2 rooms , full lot on Douplas Bca 26th street , 8700. 17G , Beautiful residence , ( all lot on Caw ncai- 19th street , S12.000. 174 , Two houses and } lot on Dodro near 9th. street , 91 00. 170 , House three rooms , two closets , etc. , halt- lot on 21st i ear draco street , VfOO. 172 , One arid one-half story brick houjo an two lota on Douglas near 26th etre-ct , 61,700. 171 , House two roomi , wellcistern , stable , cto full lot near Pierce and ISth street , S050. 170 , One nnd one-hall story house six rooms , and well , halt lot on Convent street near St Mary's avenue , ? 1,8SO. No. 170 , House three rooms on Clinton street near shot tower , $325. No. IftS ) , Ilouxo an-l BSxlKJ ( eel lot on troct near Wcbst * r street , 83,600. No. IDA , Ilouso of 11 roons , lot 83x120 feet on. 18th mr Hurt ttreet , $6,000. 'on 107 , Two story house , 0 rooms i elosetsk coed celiar , on 8th street near 1'onplcton'n 4WW. No , 166 , Now house of fl rooms , hall lot or > hard nar 19th street , $1,550. No. 10i , Ono nnd oo6.h l ( story house 8 roome. on 18th street i oar Lcnvctiworth , S3,600. N. 161 , Ono and ont alf titory Louse of b rooms near HanKom Park , Il.tXX ) . No. 163 Two houses B rooms each , closets , etc on Utirt street near 25th , 83,600. No. 167 , house 6 rooms , full lot on 10th strceb near Lcavcnwortb , $2,100. No. 160 , House 1 largo rooms , 2 closets halt acre on Hurt street near Dution , 81,200. No. 16C , Two houses ; ono of 6 and one of t room * , on 17th street nearMarcy. $3,200. No. 164 , Tbrro houses , one of 7 and two otE. roon'o each , and corner ot , on Coaa near 14th street , $ \000. Nr. 163 , sniMI house and full lot on Piclfl near 11th ttrcot , $2,600. No. If 1 Ono story hoaso 0 rooms , on Leaven north near 16tb , $3,000. No. 160 , Hones three rooms and lot 02x11 gear 20th and Farnham , S2.6CO. No. 148 , New house of eight roome , on ISUi street mar Ixavcnworth , $3,109. No. 147 , House ol 13 rooms on 18th street lear JIarcy , 85i > 00. No. 141) ) , Hou-oof 10 rooms and IJloUon 18th itrcet near llarcy , $8.600. No. 146 , Hounotno larga roocis , lot 07x210fee inHheraan a\euuo(10th ( street ) near Nicholas * No 143 , House 7 rooms , barn , onOth Etrcct , tear Lca > enwortb , $2,600. No. 142 , Hou-o B rooms , kitchen , etc. , on 10th. itrcet near Nicholas , 81,87C. No. 141 , Houio 3 rooms on Douglas near 26th treet , $ fl50. No. 140 , Lnrpo houfd nnd two lots , on 24t icar Farnbametreet , $8,0 O. No. 139 , Huure S rooms , lot GCxlCCJ feet , Jouglaa near 27th street , S1.600. No. 137 , Ilouso 6 room * and half lot on Capita \cnu9 near 'J3 < 1 struct , $2,300. No. 136 , Uoubo and half aero lot on Cumluc troet near 24th $560. No. 131 , House 2 roctns , full lot , Izart * icftn 21 t 8'rcot , S00. . No. 129 , Twuhr.uscs ono of G and one of 4. OOIU9 , on leased lotou Wobetor near 20th street. No. 127. Two story rouse B rooms , half lot on Vcbjter near lOtb 3,600. No. 120 , House 8 rooms , lot 0x120 feet on Oth street near UouzUs , $076. No , 126 , Two fctory house ou 12th ncir Dodge- trect lot 23x0J fecit $1,200. No. 124 , Largo house and full block near 'arnham and Con ral tirett , $ SOOo ' No. 123 , Ilouso 0 roo'uiatnid Urge lot on Saun * . [ era street near Barracks , $2 100. No. 12J , House U rooms nnd half lot on W b- ter near 15rh street , $1,600. No. 118 , House 10 rooms , lot 80x00 feet on. 'apitoi avenue near 22d street , 2,060. No. 117 , House 3 rooms , lot 30x120 feet , on tapltol avcnuo near 22d $1,600. no. 114 , House 3 rooms on Douglas near 26tb trcet , 8760. No. 113 , House 2 rooms , lot C6x09 feet on ir Cuinlng btrcet , $760. No. 112 , llrlck house 11 rooms and half lot on lira near 14th street , $2,8uO. No. Ill , House 12 roomsjon ( Davenport ncr 4 2th street , $7OvO. No. 110 , Brick hous anc ot 22x132 tee on 'ass ' street near 16th , $3,000. NO. 108 , Largo house on Barney near ICth .cut. su.Koo. No 100 , Two houses and 26x132 foot lot MS urar 14th street , $ J,600. No. 107 , House 6 rooms and half lot on Izaid car 17th etrcet , $1,200. no. 100. House and lot 61x188 feet , lot on 14th ear Pierce street , $000. No. Ii6 , Two story bouse 8 rooms with Ii lot n Sen art ! near Saunders street , 3 , tOO. Nn. 103 Ono and ono haif story house 10 rooms 'ebstor near 18th street , $2,600. [ No. 102 , Two bouses 7 rooms each and i lot on. Ith near Chicago , * 4OO ) . No. 101 , House 3 rooms , collir , etc. , 1 } lots on. Duth avenuonear Pacific etreoi , $1,650. No. 100 , House 4 rooms , cellar , etc. , halt lot j Izard Btrcet near ICih , $2,000. No. 09 , Very large house and full lot on Uar or near 14th street , $0 000. No. 97 , Largo house ol 11 rooms on Sherman tenuo near Clark street , make an olfor. No. 06 , Ono and one half story house 7 rooms it 240x401 feet , stable , etc. , on Sherman ave- ue near Grace , $7 ( 00. No. 1)2 , Largo brick house two lots onDaten * jrt street near 10th 918,000. No. 00 , Largo house and full lot on Dodo- sar 18th ftre.t , $7,000. No. 89 , Largo hause 10 rooms hall lot on 20th. .r Calif ornlu street , $7,600 No. 88 , Largo house 10 or 12 rooms , bcautltuT irnerlotonOaaa mar 20th , $7,000. No. 87 , Two story bouse 3 rooms 6 acres end nd cu Sanndim street mar liarracks , $2,000. No. 66 Two stores and a rculuimo on loosed ) ill lot.noar Mason and 10th street , $ SOO. No. 84 , Two story hou-o 8 rooms , cloauU , etc. , Ith 6 acres ol ground , on Saunders street near maha Ibrmcks , $2 600 No. S3 , House of 0 roo-rB , half lot on CapKol enue near 12th street , $2,600. No 82 , Ono and ono hall story louse , 6 rooms- 11 lotou Pierce near 20th street , $1,800. No. 81 , 'I'M o 2 story housca , ono ot Band one rooms , Chicago St. , near 12tb , $3,000. No. tiU House 4 rooms , closeto , etc. , large lob 118th street near Whlto Lead works. $1,300. No. 77 , Large house of 11 rooms , closets , eel- r , cts. , with Ii lot on Farnbain near 19th street , .oca No. 76 , Oreanl one-half story houto of 8 room * * t66x81 feet on Cats near 14th street , $4,600. No. 76 , Ilouso 4 rooms and basement , 'ot 1x132 feet ou Uarcy near Sth street , $076. No. 74 , Large brick house and two full loU on ivenport near 16th street , $16,000. No. ,3 Ono and one-halt story house and I lot 132 feet on Jacuscn near 12th street , $1.800. No. 72 , Largo brick house 11 roomi , full lot Datoi port near 16th street , $6 OJil. So. 71 , Largo home 12 rooms , full lot on Call- Till near 20th street. $7OOU. fo. 66 , Stable and 3 full lots on ran In street ir Saunders , $2,000. < o. C4 , Too story frame bulldlnir , store below i looms above , on leuod lot ou ilougu near b struct , $800 ( o. (13 , House 4 rooms , basement , etc. , ] o ; 2JOfcct on fbth ttreet mar hall Work * . HO. HO.fc. . 02 , New house 4 rooms ono story , full lot a. 6S , lloiifo ol 7 rooms , ull lot Webstt * .r 21st street , $2,600. Harney near 21 l street , $1,760. To. 01 , Largo home 10 rooms , full lot on Buit- r 21 t street , $5,000. 'a. 00 , Uouso 3 ro mi , bait lot on Dvenport r 23d strett , $1.000. 'o 69 , Four houses and hall lot on Cans near istroU $2600. 'o 12 , House I ) rooms acd lull lot , Harncy r 20th street , $2COo. b , U , Ihreohoutcaand full lotou Cans near EAL ESTATE AGENCY 16th and Douglas Street , 1VIC./V3F3CA , - - 1