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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1882)
' .D.AILY JBEJi ) : WEDNESDAY" APEIL U 1882. \ THE DAILY BEE CMAHA PUBLISHING CO. . PROPRIETOR 10 Farnham , bet Oth and 10th Streets. TERMS OF SUnsCRlPTfON. O .e copy 1 year.ln dvanccpo ( tpald ) (10.00 0 _ isontns . . fl , , * . * . o.OO " 8.00 3A.ILWAY TIME TABLE , cmoAso , ST. rn , , utssuroua USD lOMlIU > . OniaU-Piwentcr No. S,8:30 .m. Ac- insinuation No. 4 , 1:0 : ( p. m AirhtOmMif. PaMciiRor lo. ! I , 5SO p. m. Ace : tr : : iUtlon No. 8 , 10SO : a. m. l\in OMAtU IUT OR POCTO OUSO. C. , B. Jc o. 7:40 : a. m.-R : 0 p. m. . H K , W. , 7 : < 0 a. in. 8 : 0 p , m. p. , R. 1. k P. . 7MO a. m. 3:40 : r. m. K. 0. , St. J , h C. B. , leaves At 8 ft. m. and 6M : rw. Arrives at St. Louis at 0:30 : kt. ro. and 5:52 : m , W. , St. L. A P. , IO.IVM At 8 . m. and 8:10 : p. Arrives Bt. Louis at :10 : B. m. and 7 : 0 to wirar on gouravmn. D. ft M. In Nob. , Through Exprew , 8:10 : a. m. B. ft M. Lincoln Enprcss 8JO : p. m. U P. Overbad Sxpru , 15:15 : p. m. -0. ft n. V. for Unioln , 11:15 a. 01.1 , .O. & V. V. for Oeccola , 0:10 : a. tu. C. P freight No. C , 6:30 : a. m. 0. P I rolRlit No. 9 , 8:20 : a. m. D. P. frditht No. 13 , SUV ) p. ni. 'O. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. tu. mtirant. . . P. Domcr express , 7:35 p. in. t' . P. freight No 11 , 11:30 p. m. U. P. Denver freight , 8:26 : \ > . tn. ( AST A B fOtTtn -C C. A 0 6:00 : ft. re. 7:2f > p m. -C. * N. W. , 0:45 : a. m. 7:25 p. m. .C. R. I. AP..9t5ft. : m. P:05 p. m. a. C. , Bt. Joe &C 1 ! . , 7JOa. : m , 6Mp. : m ixBJvrjta rnox TUX irn > T AKT > sonrnvur , 0. ti R. V. from Lincoln 1:03 : p. m. U. P. Paclflc Expre3:2S ! p. m. B A M , In Neb. , Through Exprusc 4:16 : p m , n. A M. Lincoln Express 9:10 : a m. .C P. Denver exceed , 7:36 : a. m. U P. Freight No. 14 2:50 : p. m. U. P. No. 6 6fcO : a. m. Eml ; ant U. P. freight No. 14,12:12 : p. m. U. T. No. 8 0:00 : p. m. U. T. No. 12-1:46 : a. IT. C , P. Ddrer freight , 1:10 : a. m.l 0. Si R. V. mixed , ar. 4:45 : p. m. BOTV4T TBAINI PHrWUBN OMlltA AMI council. XLcrn. Leavf. . Omaha at B:00 : , 6:00 : , 10:00 : and 11:00 jp m. ; 1:0 : 2:00 : , 8:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. L-av Council Blufls at SI5 : , 9:25. : 10:35 : and 1:55 : a. in. ; 1:25 : , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:25 : and 0:25 : p. m. BunJi The dummy leaves Omaha at 9:00 : and 11:00 : a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : nnd 5:00 : p. ui. Leaves Ocnncll BluHt at 9:26 : and 11:26 a , m. ; 2:35 : , 4:35 : .and t :1t > p. m. Throjgh and local passenger trains between tOmahn nnd Council BluIIs.Leavo Omaha fl:15 : , f45 , 8:50 : R. m. ; 3:40 : , 6:45 : , O.-OO p. m. Arrive .Omaha 7:40,11:35,11:15 : : a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:15 : , HO . u > . p. _ _ - _ _ _ Opening and Closing of Mll * . BOUT * . OtVS. CWJSI. a * m * p. m. a. ns. p. m. .Chicago i N. W 11.00 9:00 : 6:30 : SUO .Chicago , R I. & PftctBc.ll X ) 9:00 6:30 : 2:10 : Chicago , B. b Q. . . . , . .11:00 90 6SO : 3:40 Wabaah 12:30 : 6:30 : 2:40 JWoax City and Pacific. . 0:00 6:30 : 5:40 : Union Facia : 4:00 : 11:40 : Omaha & R. V 4.-00 11:40 : B.&M. InNeb 4:00 : 8:10 : rOmaha & Sioux City. . . . 0:00 7:30 B. AM. Lincoln 10:30 6:00 : U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00 J. P. Denver Exp 9:00 : 6:30 0. , Sioux City & St. P. . . 11:00 : 2:10 ' Local malls for State of Iowa leave hut ones a day , viz : 0:00 : a , m. Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m. c ! THOS. F HALL P M. 1 Business Directory. Abitrnct nd Real Estate. JOHN L. MoCAOUB , oppoalte Post Office. W. B , BARTLETT 817 3outh 13th Streei Architect * . 9UFRK3E & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITKCTS Room 14. Crelghton Block. A.T. TjATtOE Jr. . Kcom2. Cicluhton Block. ' Booti and Uhoe * . JAMES DaVINE & CO. , [ Slat Boot ) and Shoes. A good aamrtment jbamo work on hand , corner 12th and Harnoy. IH08. ERICKSON , S. E. cor. 18th and Douglaa. JOHN FOETONATUS , )80510th street , manufactures to order ( rood work F At fair prlood. Repairing done. Bed Spring * , f .LARRIMER Manufacturor.,1517 Donrlaast. Books , News and Otntlonery. J. I. FUUEUAUF 1016 Faniham Street. Butter and Eg * . MoSIlANK & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and K. UQOM to Nohranka cxtabll hed 1876 Omaha. 0 tlAli , RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , .juthwe t corner ICthand Dodie. Beat Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. He l ! t all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terras for Caah , Fnrnlshwl llnnma RiipplW. UarrlnRe * and Roaa Wagons. WM 8NYDER , 14th and Harnev Streets. Clothing bought. .J. HAKRId will pay hlKhootCashprlca for second B htnd clotbtn ? ' . Corner 10th and Karnham. jcwo era. JOHN BAC11KE 1314 Farubam Strc t. n OUHK. H. BEBTHOLD , Ra(8 ( and Metal. Lumber Llmo and Dement. FOSTER & QR.iY corner 6th and Lamps and Ulatiware. to J. BONNKR 1809 Boiujlas St. Good Variety. or pal Merchant Tailors. n.u 0. A. MNDQUKST , Olio of our most popular Merchant Tailors ! s re ceiving the Utest deelpns for Spring and Summer , Ooodi for Rcntlemeu's wc&r. Stylish , durable , and prices low as ever 21fi 18th bet. Douir.&Faru , Pi Millinery. Una. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan PiD cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Can ! Boards , Tu.Uoglery , Olovts , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House In D ' % the V/ost. Purcliasers save SO per cent. Order < bv llall. 116 Fifteenth btrcct. Foundry. JOHN WKAUKEiSONH cor. 14th 4 Jatkionsts Mourand Feed. OMAHA OIT7 MILLS , 8th and Farnbim proprletorB. Urocers. Z. BTEVUNS , Slst between Cumlng and Itai T. A. UoSnANB , Corn. 23d aud Cumlnf Btrccta. nurawnic , Iron nu otoei. OLAN & LANQWORTIIY , Wholesale , 110 and 112 litn street Til A. UOH1K3 corna IMhand California. ill rmrnei * . B. WRIST 201SthSt. bet Karn. & Uarney. ; ANFIELD noUSE.Ora. Caufleld.Btbb Farnhaw iORAN IIOUSK , P II. Gary , 81S Farnham at. SLAVKN'S HOTEL. F. Ulaven , 10th fit. octhern Hotel flux. Hamel fith & Lcavonwortb r < int unu Ulis , KUIIN & CO. Fine Vane Uooda , Cor. Uta and Dee I I ttreeU , W. J , WniTEUOUfK , Wboleeal & ReUU , l th Bt. 0. FIELD , 2021 North Side Cifmlug atreet. PABR. Drugylst. iota and Howard Btrceta. Dentists. OB. PAUL Wllllamn' Plock Cor. Uth' & Io.lge. Dry Qooot Notions , ttc. JOHN H. F. LEilMANN & CO. , Hew York Dry Goods Store , 1810 and 1818 Ftrn- ham itreet. Ii. 0. Knowola al a boors and chooa 7th & PadOix ta , ruruuuro. A F. GROSS , Now and Seoond Hand Furniture ni Stoves , illi DcuiclM. Illgheit caih price kid for second ban j ceooi. .CONNER 1BOB Damrl * at. Fine goods. &e. r tree Works. OLML'A FENCE CO. BUST , FRIES 4 CC 1218 Harney St. , Improve d Ice Boxen , Irrr acd Wood Fence ! , Offlca ll'ng ' . flonclf i yino and Walnut. 1 Do Pawnbrokers. . B08ENFELD 10th Bt. . bet far. 4r Har Refrigerators , Canfleld's Patent. . GOODMAN llth SL bet Faro. & Haroey. t Oe ! r and Tobacco. fTKST A FRITSCnEn , nuinufactUMMOf CtR tJ , ndVh9l ( t l Dealorsl n Tobaccos , IMS Douglas. tr. V. LOUENP.EN mannUcturcr 1116 Farnbam Florist. A , Donvha , pUnt , cut flowers , ecedt , ooqnett etc. If. W. cor. 16th and Douflu gtretta Civil Engineer * and Curveyon , AKDUKW ROSKWATEtl , Crclfthton Block , Town Survey , Uraile and Sewcrairo Syetomi a Eroclaltv. Uontmlttlon MerchanU. JOHN 0. WIT , US.1414 DoJire Strcel. D B. BCR.MRR. For details we large advertise ment In Dilly anil Wocklr. Oornlce Work * . JVcilcrn Cornice Wcrku , Manulactnrtr * Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Koofflo . Orders trora any locality promptly oxociitoa In the bMt manner. Factor > and Oflfce 1218 Hatney St. _ . , C. SPECHT , rroprictor. OaKanlicd Iron Cornices. Window Caps , etc. , manufactured and put up In any part of the country. T. SINHOLD 416 Thirteenth street Crockery , 3. HOyyKR irofl Dou IM otrret Good line. CluthlnK xhd Furnlahtnc Ocxv . QKO. II. PETERSON' . Alee Hatfl , Caps , BooU , Sbocs Notlous and Cutlorr , SOi S. 10th street. Show Cate Manufactory. , 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds ol Show Uoai" , Upright CMO , A1317 Can St. FKANU L. OKUIIAIID , proprietor Omaha Show ( Jasominufactory , 813 South IBth street , between Leavcriworth and Uarcy , All warranted first-class. tltovto ana mware. A. UU1UIESTE11 , Dealer In Htovcs ar.d Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roof * and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellows' Block , J. ROVNFn. mrta TVmtlum. nivl nd Ohrm. J. EVANS , Wholeule and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivator * Odd Fellows JU1U Phyilclarw uni Suraeons. W. S. GIBBS , M. D. , Hoom No i , Crelghton nioct. 16th Street. P. B. LEISKNU1NO , AI. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp..poitof9ce DR. K B. ORADDY. Ofiillit and Anrlft. H. W Uth and Farnham Bt fa Knolotrapnen. 9 OEO. HEW , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Slitocnth Streei. uoar Miuonlc 1111. rirst-cUw Work and Prompt. es > yuaranteon PlumDlng , ua na Oteatn Fitting. P. W. TAUPY * CO. . 216 12th St. , bet. Karnham tnd Douglas. Wort promptly attended to. H. 7IT2PATTtKK. ! 1403 DouitlM Street. alntlriK an aper angina. TKNRY A. KOSTKU8.141 Dodge Street. Bhoe Stores. Phillip Lan IMP Farnhara et. bet. 18th & lilh. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1416 Douglas St. , Now and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , te. . bought and sold on narrow man-Ins. Ualoona. HENRY KAUFMANN , n tne new brick block oa Dotulaa Streei , has Ju t opened a most elegant bee > Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 19 every day. 'Calndnnl "J FAI/FONKR 87P IfHh Street. UnQertaKer * . HAS. : RIEWE , 101 * Farnham bet 10th & lltd. 00 Cent Stores. O PAOKT7B 196 Frnh ni S . Vanrv Oooil * FASTTIME ! t ; _ In going East take the t iViinnrvn Pr Northwestt \ - ' a jhicago& Northwest- ay ah 8Pfl a s Trains Icavo Omaha 3:40 : p. m. and 7:40 : a. m , 'or lull Information call on H. P. DUEXi , Ticket i igcnt , 14th and Farnham fita J. BELL , U. P. alhvay Depot , or at JAMES T. CJjARK , Qener- 0i Aifcna , Omahn. _ Jal7m&9 tf 0ii : ii J.C. ELLIOTT & CO. iit tailing , Steam & ' Gas Fittingl 1o > Aaia FOR 1h Furbine Water Motor. } t ; JOBBERS IN tti ti himps , Pipe Goods. rittinc and Brail titi lor. 14th and Harnoy , Omaha , Neb , > A WAiHR UOTOR Ix Cox TAvr OPRR \ W. S. GIBBS tiP tid PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , d Loom No4 , Croichton Block. 15tli n Street , ai ai"I OKTAHA. NEBRASKA. "I OFFICE JlorjBS.lO to 12 A M. 3 to B P.M. la phone e onacUfl with Ovj .ral Oflice } enins Rewarded ; OK , JIB Story of tlio Sewinglaoli G ! hi A handsome little pamphlet , blue and goU' t.hi ire , with numerous engravings , will bo hi hiP P GIVEN AWAY \ \ d < any auiilt pere-n calling for It , at any branch dti Bub-oillco of The Singer Manufacturing Coin- ti : my , or will bo sent by mall , post paid , to P IV person living at a distance from our offices. it ; The Singer Manufacturing Co , , Dm cc rincipnl Office , 34 Union Square , ai NEW YORK. to foblS di di'D ' lexterLsThomas&Bro , reW WILL BUY AND SELL [ T ] AND ALL IBAK8ACTIOS ai : CONNBCTBD Tasniwira. in ay Taxes , Kont. Houaea , Etc , inbe Icr yon WANT TO BUT OB nsu be Offlc Room cu on all an ah Railroad. Ontflt on Short Notioo- Kt .llth St. , Near Farnbam. ml-aod-t CO d. L. WILKIE , in i MANUFACTURER OF til APEE BOXES br , dc J18 and 220 S. 14th St. bu bivr xfc. TPT w - - 3XTX1EE- BU wa foi pr ofwe we Hi ! IP Trt Trtmi Geo. P. Bern is du mi IEAL ESTATE AGENCY ofY < , I5th and Dodge 8U. , Omaha , Neb , at ! Ibli geucy does srsicitra brokerage buslneis wi t speculate and therefor * any barralni ou onokt are Insured to nm. ( rmtcad fu nc Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and yon be a ill nuver be biu u , he o A BLOODLESS DUEL. How a Slav aiicV Teuton Waged War Against Each Other. An A flair of Honor Sixteen Vearn ARO , In Which the Prtnctoloa ' Were Sndly Duped by Tholr Seconds. San Kranctico Call. Thnro liavo been periods in the his tory of Sim Francisco the events of which Imvo coino down to us embalm ed in a record written with blood. Sometimes it was when the sterling men of the community , wenry of 4tho fnrco of nn administration of law nt the hands of bad or wonk ollicinls , rose tip with strong inn and nssortpd their supremacy over misruio. Sometimes it was when v conflict of interests brought about personal collision , and sometimes it wna when wounded honor Bought to indicate itself by the arbitrament of n the duello. Tliuro was n vein of chivalry running through fho rugged sentiment of those days in California , which once iti o. while showed itsulf above the surface of thing ; , crystal- izcd into an ac ! . of refined euntimont , under the o'hics of the code of honor. Tlio latest recorded of these affairs of honor took place in the fall of 180(1. ( The principsls wore me'n both of wham could point with complais ance to their unsullied escutcheons. Ono 'was an exiled Polo , tlirough whoso veins ran the hot blue blood of nobility a ionuiuo ; count , disguising his rank iu the humble parb of a tai lor. His ni mo it was Dabronziki Count Dobronziki. His antagonist was the youngest son of the Tittol brothers , a Prussian by birth and an asonyor by calling. They were both members of the San Francisco Schuct- zen club , and friend. But there was one thing that threatened to engender bitterness between thorn , and that WAS one was a Polo and the other a Prussian. Every time they mot , af ter the most friendly greetings , came THE INEVlTABLi : KEPULSION Over the subject of nationality. The Schuobon olub had their target , range and shooting stand in the vicinity and a little to the west of the Mission Do lores. There was a range of ono hundred and fifty yards with a target at ono end and a shooting stand and ahed at the other. There the club assembled every Sunday and exer cised their abilities as marksmen , und there the tailor and the assayer , by the aperient of gunpowder , brought : their mutual relations to a healthy itato. The members of the Scliuot- on club had watched with regret this growing jealousy between the two men , and had had more than jnco interposed in a friendly way to wert a collision , but there seemed to si DO something in them that was be ' yond the influence of moral suasion dormant rancor that would get itirred up betimes , and which noth- ng but blood would mollify. It made light inevitable , and the members f the club at last Booing this , de- > orminod that they should have their tl ill of it. Never were two men bet- tlhi . -or < friends than Dobrenzlki and hicl Cittel , so long as they conldbo togeth- tl r without one telling the other that tlai 10 was a Pole or a German. Ono aist Sunday in September , 18GG , the mom- stsi ers of the Schuotzon club were at sitl heir range for their usual Sunday di argot practice. It was pretty certain sc hatDob renziki and Tittell would bo scVI hero , and it was na certain that Do- VIm ronziki would tell Tittell that ho was VIw German , and that Tittoll would in- T ' imato to Dobronziki' that ho was u di Colander , and the result would bo the die isual quarrel. So a plan was ar- hi anged to bring the matter to a head nd forever cure their little national pite. hi A SUCCESSFUL .SCHEME. hiw < The two men wore on hand , as an- w icipatcd Slov and Teuton and , cc Iso , as anticipated , each motaphori- so ally flaunted his national colors in ptm sept lie face of the other. The Franco- m erman ws.r was yet in the womb of ar .istoryand Germany had not yet won H liat privilege which she won when he er canon thundered at the gates of 'arip. William was simply Koesig Vilheim von Prusso , and that was a egreo of insignificance that precluded lie homaizo ' of respect from the fiery 'ole , and'Dobrenziki told Tittel that me was so. Whereupon Mr. Tittol told foi lobrenziki that if the general cut and onTl take-up of King William didn't ac- TlCc 3rd with his views of what was great CcPi nd glorious , it was because ho was we o dull to appreciate exalted human at lerit. This was an impeachment of Sc lobronziki's acumen that had to bo isented , and ho replied that "Koeuig Sp 'ilholm was a scoundrel , " whereupon r. Tittol slapped him in the face. Jiings had progressed charmingly , th id just such a crisis as the other bii lembers of the club desired and had we rovided for had come about. It had all 1 eon determined that the feud should qu ilminato in a duel. A BUT- fu ion had been brought to ab lie ground with his case of cmN ninoua instruments , bandages and N 1 the necessary concomitants of an ab fair d'honor. ' The moment Tittle re < re"t apped DobrOnzki's fucc , Mr. Sio- "t ; ist. ono of the famous acrobat tin inily that was then performing at ofWfi Woodward's gardens , and Philo Ja- Wfi : iby , now the publisher of The Herald B0 ( this city , sprung in , and without Tli ving the two men any time to settle 10 matter in their own way , told Do- OS ( cnzki that an affront of that kind COIi smandod blood , and that there was i it ono course for gentlemen to pur- coi 10. sec ADUKL AlUIANOIiD , de : olc They muat dociclo their case by a bit agor of battle. A duel must bo VO ught. Everything , of courno , was gai econcertod by the other members thi tlio club. Dobrenziki and Tittol bane ere allowed no time to discuss pre- ninaries. To them there was an palling transformation acono. In a rlnkliny they wore , from being mere no sputams on the verge of fisticuff , shi otamorphosod into principala a iol , with all the dread paraphernalia on death and carnage around them. onmi ot their reputation for valor was ai su nke they dare not flinch Both tic ould liuvo given worlds to have boon ric it of the scrape. Tittol piti- tin illy suggested that ho was but do awly married , and that it would foi D. terrible blow to his young wife if all 1 ahouhl get hurt. Except this op- tei ponl , and the cropping out of n half- concealed trepidation , ho bore himself with a commendable degree of forti tude ; wrote his will on n piece of brown paper , bequeathing everything ho possessed to his dearly beloved wife , nnd was ready for Ihn fray * Dobrenziki , on the other handscorned oppressed with a terrible nichtninro. Yet there was no escape without his showing the white feather and con fessing himself to bo n coward. To prevent nny such a letting down of his heroic spirit , ho was plied with brandy and inspired with resent ment by hiU'iiiL' the ntlront ho had re ceived magnified. If ho fitltorcd his honor wim gone , and ho would leave that spot , with the brand of coward blazoned on his frontletr , to bo spat upon and insulted by everyone. Ho had bolter bo dead than this. Ho was told of his courage nnd so sur rounded with barriers against .retreat that there was no cscApp. Ho also spoke nppcalinily of his young wife , to whom he had been but recently mar ried , and lie grew pale and Tlir.MJILGI ) LIKK AN ASPEN , but this only brought an additional dose ol brandy to bolster him up. Two pistols used by Sicgrist in his legerdemain performances were pro- pared. Those pistols wore used in the well known trick , in which the performer , after loading them with powder aud ball in the presence of the audionc , nllows himsoh to bo shot nt within short range , and appears to U > bullet proof. The ball , when drop ped into the muzzle , fails into a recess at the bottom of the bnarrol. wh'ero the powder docs not act on it. The pistols wore loaded by Mr. Jacoby , nnd both the combatants were made to see that powder and load were put in and rammed homo. The distance was then measured oil' forty paces from muz zle to muzzle. The surgeon spread Ins case of instruments on the ground. For want of u regular surgeon's saw , a carpenter's hand-saw was provided for use in the event amputation should bo necessary. Mrs. who wii prtsont as a participant in the plans , camu out with u hugo roll of lint , and everything was mudo to look aa appalling us possibles to the ( principals. Mr. Jacoby was Tittol'a friend and Siegrist was the second of Dobronziki. Siegrist hud provided liimsolf with a anmll bladder ot red lluid , the usu of which will become apparent further on. THE FIOHT. The principal * were placed in posi tion. The seconds stood close by ihoir principals. Before the word waa ; iven Tittel told Jacoby that ho had > Dotter stand further away , Dobren- iki'a ball might hit him. "Never will I desert my friend in ' ho hour of his peril , " waa Jacoby'a Jucoby then gave the word Ready ? " Dobrenziki , pale and trembling , aid nothing , Tittel responded 'Ready. " "One ! Two ! Three ! Fire ! " At the word "firo" the report of wo pistols rati ( ? out on the air. Sim- Uaneously with the report , Slegrirat eized Dobrenziki in his arms , and ricking him in the breast just over ho heart with a sharp-pointed but .armless instrument ho had prepared , lapped the bladder of rod paint over he spot. Dobrenziki felt the wound nd aaw the blood on the hand of his licond and oh bin clothes , and thought uro enough he waa ahot. He fell to he ground , or rather was gently lot BO. W .own by hia second. His last words , BO.ct o to apeak , were "Mein Gott , das ITl an aa the vay I vaa murtort. " In a Co lament the surgeon and the lady Ci ith the big roll of lint at his aide , Cihi ( hi 'ittol aaw Ma antagonist fall , and , HI [ topping his pistol , turned and Cod , 0 ] claiming "Oh , I haf kill a man , I af kill a man. " Pear of the conse- ucncea of this dreadful murder lent Kno no imwings , and his comrades had n noNc alf a milo chuso into the sand hills vei ofore they overtook him. He ( m > as , nearly dead with terror. Of jurao both of the principals were Du ) on made tn understand the true BUI osition of affairs. From that mo- Fn lent they were staunch friends. Both o now dead , but they died without wane word of forgiveness for those who no ad played the rascally trick on them. Do Not Bo Deceived. In tlicao times of quajk medicine advcr- m seincntH everywhere , it In truly gr.itify- t \ > to find one remedy that u worthy of an ; aise , aud which really dues ai recuin- coi ended. Klictno JJiitera we din vouch for I r as being a true aud reliable remedy , 1 id one that will do ai rncommomk'd , 09 ! iiey invariably cure Stomach ami Liver I jrnplftluts , LHne.ises of I ho Kidueyn and VliU rinary dltncultieH. Wo know wheieof U speak , nnd can readily Hay. pivu thorn trial. Sold at fifty cents u bottle fry ihrotcr & U < "cht. A Countryman at the Metropolis. J Travel on the elevated roads in ew York is quite as dangerous as in .0 jungles of Africa or in train-rob- ng countries , Little girls , young D omen , crown men , and humanity in its forms , are readily nnd fro- lently crushed to death in the drend- 1 cla h of the iron gutcn nnd inuxor- i ile rush and mercilessly pinch of the r against gratings mid barriers. ever were human beings driven D > out in masses with such fury mid cklessnoBs. Passengers not . only EA ako their lives in their hands , " but .ey trust thc-m to the hands of n lot T overworked and hurried employes I'ai io , by closing a gate too coon or not Bud ' on enough , may take life or limb. Wa lese employes themselves see euch CI1 constant round of hnir-bro.tdth roajT capes that their first answer to any Wft mplaint is : "Were you killed ! " If A I negative reply must be iivon ; , the ' mplaint is dismitmed as of little con- quonce , and in fact a deplorable * evi- inco of the ingratitude of the trav- or , Of course the L. road * are a but to Now York in- g thing , a trip - living trawl on them should bu re- P : rdod oa incurring vastly greater rial ; an the Atlantic voyage , out and ick. I Grateful 'Womou. wld ! wldII None receive BO much benefit , and IIN t N mo arc BO profoundly grateful and atfo ow such an interest in recommend- nev g Hop Bittora as women. It is the Ua < ily remedy peculiarly adapted to the any ills the sux is almost universally ibjoct to. Chills and fever , indiges- 3n or deranged liver , constant orpp- odical sick headaches , weakness in bet 10 back or kidnoys.pain in the shoul- the irs and different parts of the body , a qul olini ; of lassitude or despondency , are readily removed by these bit- rs. [ Oourant. FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON . , And All Polutt Entt and Soutli-Eajt. TIIKUMECOMPRISUS Nntrly 4 000 miles. Solid Smooth Stcol Tracks All coiiiu-L-lloni loin aroma UNION DtPOTa. It hua a NAtlon l UcptUatlon a brln ; the Ortnl Through Oar Ll < . Btid Ii tinlverolly ronceJcd toll , the FINEST EQUIPPED Hall , rtadlnthn Motld fjrnll classfsol trntcl. Try 11 and \on will find tra\cllnir a Inxury Inntwid nf K dljcomfort. Through TlcKptU Wj Celebrated Line for s le at all itllc i In tlio West. All Information nbout Katc < of Fare , . ' IccpliiK Car AcoemuioiUtlon , Tlmo Tablet , &o. , will bo cheerfully e\ven \ liv niiiiljlnlnf to T. j. HOTTER , Sit Vl-'e 'ro t & Oen. Mmi sorChtcazo. PEnCIVAL LOWELL , Oen. t'asscnr.or A t. Chicago , W. J. DAVKNl'OHT , Ucn A'ent ) , Council Dluftj , It. I1. 1)JKLI , , Ticket morn-cil ly To iMervous Winterers THE GREAT EUTOPEAN REMEDY , I Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a po9titecuru | for 3 | > ortQatotrbca , Semlna VeolrcM , Itnixjtoacy , and all dloonnw ) rwiillloj fruui Aclf-Abunti , M Mental Anslnty , Lom Hemory . , Talna . In . the liack or Side , and dlteaoet ' " " IktUU ( hat lead to , 'K CondirnptlOQ intanlty . ( an. $ f % Medicine The oarlygrare Specific Is being ; nscd with wonder- lul SUCCCM. I'auinhlet * ai Hue to ail , wnie tot them and get full par- Prlro , SpeclOc , Tl.OO pet package , or ilx pack. gcs.for6.00. Address all ordcra to B. SIMEON MEDICINR CO. Nba. 101 and 106 Main St. Bn3alo , N. T. SoH in Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Boll , . K. lah. and all < frucKl t evoryvrherc. f Mti" : bcln ? . the most direct , ijalckmt , an Lfcit line conncctlu ? the great MotrcpolLi , CHI AGO , and tlio ElaiKRN , KoRrn-KianiBK , Or ! id Somm-EAaTiaM LIMIW , which Urmlnate t bore , 1th KANHAB Cm , LIAVRNWOKVJI , Ainmsoii , nuircii , BLurra and OUAIU , the CoMMiBOlit unu from which ra4ltt ' EVERY LINE OP RWAD lal penetratce tha Continent from the Ulmonr vcr to thn Ptclflo H'.orw. Thx HIOAGO ROOK ISL/IND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY the only line from Chicago ewnlui ; track la ansas , or which , by Itt own road , rcacliuR tb lnta above named. No TUA.NBFHRS IIT CAK&rAai o uuttsa COXNKCTIOM * ! No hnddllng- 111 initiated or unclean can , aa oven' paaacnger rrloi | < In roomy , clam and ventilated crtchei wn Fait Expro-ta Trains DAT CARS ol unrlvalod niajrnlflconce , PCLLKAIS LLACI UWSPJNO CAEH. and ourowuworld-fanioiu txiKU CAIU , uiion which mcalgaro nerved of uu < irpasscd oxccllence , at the low rate of SIVKX-T an Cum KACU , with ample time far bealthfu ijoyment. Ifirough Cart between Chicago , Peorla , Mil lukoo and lllaiourl Klver Points : and close con ictlona < at all polnti of Intereectlou with otho ad ) . Wo ticket ( do not forget thla ) directly to even ace of Importance In Kanao * . Nobrtwka , Dla-i I1U , Wyomin ; , Utah. Idaho , Nevada , Callforr. > , rc on , Washington Territory , Colorado , Arlioni id New lloilco. Aill beral arran omrnti regarding baggo o M ly other line , an ] ritfl of fare alua8 aal otf at mpetltorarbo furnUh but a tithe o the com- rt. rt.Don Don and tackle nf itporttmrn free , Tlcl-.eta , maiw and Icldcra at all prlndpa llcos In the united fit tc < nod Canada. U. It. CAULK , E. 3T. JOHN , , co Prca't & Gen. Gen. Tkt tndPtea'rAj fanairor , Ohlcn'rn JOU. SHOfnjLINh. 1880 , KANSAS CITY , t , Joe & Council Bluffs U IIIJ ONLT iirect Line to ST. LOUIS AND THK EAST Prom Omaha and the West , change ol cars bstwoeu Omaha and fti. ixiuli , and but one between OMAUA aid NEW YORK. aily PassengerTrains SIICUINO 1U. iBTKRN AND W TEUN OITIKS with LESB CUAKOES and IN AIJVANCKflf ALT. OTH EH LINCs Phil entire line Is equipped with fullman't lace SleenlnK Carl , Palace I > ayCoacbc tUlorl { | 'cty Platform and Coupler , an d the inieb'rated tetlngboiue Alr-lmkn. CVhce that } our ticket > cadn VIA nAKBAS fVT. . JOSKPU & COUNCIL BLUVtB Ua II 1 , via St. Joncph and St. Louis. I'lcketd for 61 e at til coupon tatloni In the * t. J. K. BAHNARIJ , O. DAWKS , Oen. bunt. , St. Joseph , Mo Oen. Pain , and Ticket Agi. , lit. Joiepn , llo , ANOT BOBDIN , llcket Agent , 1020 Farnbim itreel. 4 , B. DlMiRD General Agent , THE KENDALL LHTII& IAOHIIE I BESS-MAKERS' OOHFAHIOH , U plaits Iroji MO of a n Inch to th In the coarnost fclU or fimwt silks does all kinds and styles of | lulling In use. -to lady that docs her own dress-making can 3rd to do without one u nice plaiting Is rer out of fashion , If scin It eclls Itself. For chlneu , Circulars or Agent's terms addrost CONOAR & CO. , 11H AiliunsHt. Chfcacn 111 , SAJT3P Ye are prepnrcd to furnish cand of the very it quality lor bulldlu < uriOes to any part of city , at reasonable prltcn , or at the pit. In- Irt it the pit 35th and Oalifornia Sis , ) ook & Isaacson DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL * . JIOTELS. 'PROPRIETORS TOWXT' ARLINQTON. J. Q. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Net. SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. STCLLINIUS , Mllford , Neb , MARSH HOUSE , BROWNSVILLE , Neb. J COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Gtromtbure N HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Louliville CITY HOTEL , CHENEY A CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. 0. MEAD , Nollgh , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL e.8EYMOUR | , Nsbratka City , Neb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , We ptnBWAterN COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. 0. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , Q. W.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Hab ) COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnda , Iowa ENO'S HOTEL , E. L. END , 1 Eremont , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , 0. D. HACKNEY , Ashland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atkinson , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , C. L. GRUBB , Guide Recd , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , BWAN & BECKER , Oretton , I * . JUDKIN8 HOUSE , OUOKINS & ono , , Red Oak. I * . HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO.CALPH , Ex Ira , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLC8 , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 0. BURGESS , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , DI B.WILLIAMS , Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQ3 , Corning , ' NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.IU AVERY. Stanton , MERCHANTS HOI EL , J. W. BOULWARE , Durllncton Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blancliitrd , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Shenandoah , la. COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS. Dayld City , Neb. BAGNELL HOUSE. CHA8. BAQNELL , College Sprlngt , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , OALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , IdaJQrove , I * COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON , Oolumbut , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Oiceola , Neb , DOUQLA8 HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarki , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Athlnnd , Neb , THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND TH Mining and Milling Company. Vorklnif Cupltal1 , - 8300,000. Capital Stock , 81,000,000 lar Value ol Uharo , t- 125,000. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMEL MININGDISTRICT. . Oil. J. t. THOMAS , Preildcnt , Cummins , Wyoming. W1I. G. TILTON , Vlce-Pretldent , Cummlni , Wyoming ! i \ E. N. UARWOOD , Secretary , Cummin ) , Wyoming. M ' ] A. 0. LUNN , Troaiurer , Cumintni , Wyoming. I it ) r. J. I. Thoniat. Louts Miller W. S. Bramol. A. O. Dunn. . N. Uarwood. Francis Leaven ) . Goo. II. Falou. Lewis Zolman. Dr. J. C. Watklni. OKO. W. KENDALL , AuthorlJod Agent for Bale of Stock ; BI" " ° " - > h . o. . . I ' WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , N b. * * s IPOWHR AND HAND ZtSQC Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , UNINU MACHINERY , BF.LTINO , HOSE , BRASS AND IRON FITTINOS PIFR , STUM PACKING ) , AT WIIOLKSALK AND RETAIU2I2J 4ALLADAY WIND-MILLS. CKUROH'AND.SGHQOL BELLS A SRANG , 205 Fo 1" " St. , Omaha Opera House Clothing Store ! cr IP. LTJisriD. Daily Arrivala of Now SorlugGoodi In JlotMng and Kent's ' FurnisMng Goods GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , , And Sold At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE I" JI am eelling the Celebrated Wileon Bro.'e Fine Shirts , known s the BEST Fitting and Most Durable Shirta Made. ' .V 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. rnuodlr , SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK [ _ OF rlfflen's Boys' and Children'sj , , / , I'xl CLOTHING Ready for Inspection -AT- Palace ClotMng House. THE LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED 1316 Farnard Street , Near 14th. MirlC od. & Wholesale Lumber , No , 1408 Farnham Street , Omaha , M.