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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1882)
OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. MARCH 27 188 * . DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL ! ! . PROPRIETORS TOWKf /T\ ARLINQTON , J. Q. MelNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb , SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. STELLINIU8 , Mllford , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Stromiburg No HALL HOUSE , A , W. HALL , Loulivllla CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL 5.JSEYMOUR , Nabratka City , Neb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Wftter.No COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. 0. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , 0. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb' , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnda , Iowa ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. END , Eremont , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , 0. B. HACKNEY , Athland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atklnion , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUBB , Guide Recd , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER , Cretton , li , JUDKIN8 HOUSE , UUDKINS & BRO , , Red Oak , It , HOUSTON HOUSE , OEO. CALPH , Exlra , la , REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER. Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S. BURGESS , Noola , la. CITY HOTEL , ' Dl B.WILLIAMS , Horlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. CUMMINQ3 , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.JL. AVERY , Btanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL , J. W. BOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dlanclinrd , la , PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Shenandoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb. B&CNELL HOUSE , CHAS. BAGNELL. CollegoBprlngt , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , , VM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , In , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , IdaJGrove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , D , F.STEARNS , Odebolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON , Columbut , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Osceola , Neb , DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Clarki , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Athland , Neb. OF MISSIOUBI PACIFIC EAILROAD. "Reed Bros. ! fc Co General Merchandise and Postoflico R. S. Vilkinson. , , Cashier > Veoping Water Bank P. S. Barnea . Uruga and Books Fleming A Race General Merchandise Pitchio & Ashman , , Hardware and Agricultural Impliiuonts Marshall & Son Boots and Shoes Potter & Webster JoVelry , Musical Instruments and Sowing Machines Joe F. Parkins , . . , Agricultural Implements . . Hatch & Micklo. , , Boots , Shoes and Clothing S. Clinton Figuring Mills , Thomas & Orton Drugs J. B. Meiklo Attornoy-at-Law P. L. Thorp. , Missouri Pacific Hotel J. A. Matthews , , Editor Recorder W.B.SIILLAKD. ] ? . U. JOHNSON. MILLARD & JOHNSON , 'Steage , 'Oommissioi ' and fliolesale Fruits , 1111 FABNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents tor Peck & Bankers Lard , aufl iller ) Mis Flour , OMAHA NEB. , - - - . . REFERENCES : OMAHA KATIONA-L BANK , STEEliE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. HENRY LEHMANN , JOEBEE , 'OF ' AND. WINDOW SHADES. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. > > 1I08 FAR ' AM ST. - - OMAHA. I. OBERFELDER & CO. , IHOMSfl , ! HLLDKRT IP lOHQM , * 1308 .and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring fioods Receiving Daily and Stock very nearly. Complete STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN , V vnSfcur , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. \ A Full Line of the Best Brands of ClfiAES MAMACTUEED TOBACCO , Agents for BENWOOD MILS AND LAPLIN & EAND POWDER 00 Special Attention Is Once More Galled to jthe Fact that Rank foremost in tne West "m Asso cement PriceB of CLOTHING , . : y FOB MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S < WBAK / ' ( * ALSO A COMPLETE " LINE OF . ( furnishing Goods > Hats and Gaps flVe are prepared to moot tlio demanda of the trade in regard to Latoat Btylvt and Pattenio , Fine Merchant Tailorinjr in Conneotion ' BHSPBOTPULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 31,2 13th Si THE STATE CAPITAL. Seeking a Railroad in Vam New Newspaper Talk Other Notes. SpeclM Corrcspomlcnco of Tim bRK. LINCOLN , Xob. , March 24. A dele gation from the Lincoln board of trade has just boon to Atchison on n visit to Superintendent Tnlinndgo , of the Mis souri Pacific road. They petitioned him , in the name of the city they represented , to build n branch of his road into Lincoln , Mr , T.ilmndgo is reported to have said that personally ho would like to build such a branch , but gave no indication of what the company's intentions might bo in the promises. The articles of incorporation have boon filed with the secretary of state for n railroad running from Arlington , Washington county , through Dodge , Douglas and Sttundcra counties tc Ashland , The incmporators are all citizens of Arlington , and the capital stock is put at § 500,000. . The Union Pacific company is now makiim its fifth survey between IIPIO and Beatrice. It is conceded tlmt this line will bo built immediately. The new printing office in this city is now open and doing a good busi ness. Rumor now has it that a num ber of Lincolni'.cs , nmong them Guy A. Brown , Walter J. Lamb , and Post master McBride , have concluded that another newspaper is a long felt want and that § 8,000 has been raised for that purposo. The rumor lacks bottom tom for several material reasons. The vacant store rooms which have boon so conspicuous in Lincoln all winter arc gradually filling up. Anew now furniture house , and ( lour , wall paper , millinery , and candy stores are the latest accession. A bicycle club has been formed here , with about ten members. The spring vacation at the univer sity begins to-day , lasting ten days. Auous. Throat Disease Olton Commence WitUn Cold , cough , or unusual exertion of the voice. These incipient symptoms are allayed by the use of Brown's Bronchial Troches , " which if neglect ed often result in a chronic trouble of the throat. mar22-dw-lw LOST TWENTY-ONE YEARS A Valuable Tlmo-Pleco Long Missing ; Strangely Recovered. 8. F. Call. Thirty-one years ago a gentleman now occupying an important place in Masonic circles in this city , thi-u re siding in an interior counlry of the state sent an order to London for the manufacture of a fine gold watch , of English make , a duplex movement , heavy gold magic cases and appropri ate movement scroll work. During the following year the watch , a mas terpiece , costing § 400 , was received , and was carried by ita owner for the next nine or ten years. In 1801 a friend started for this city on a visit , bringing the watch with him , since which time 'nothing lias been seen or hoard of him , the supposition being that ho was murdered and plundered by some of the hard characters that wore so prevalent hero at that timo. The missing man had abundant means , and left behind him a piece of mining property worth § 30,000 or § 40.000 , which , by the lapse of time , and the local mining laws , passed into other hands , showing conclusively that , t loaat , soiuo accident had overtaken him. The owner of the watch mourn ed the loss of his friend , and regretted the missing time-piece , and oftersomu years moved to this city , where in time the above incidents became to memory as a dream. A few days ago he was conversing with a friend in a jewelry store , when a stranger stopped up along side of him , laid a watch on the .counter end asked the proprietor to purchase it , and to thu astonish ment of the whilom interior resident ho recognized at the first glance the missing time-piece ho had l"st twenty one years previously , and of course inuiiodiatoly claimed it. The stranger explained that he was simply dispos ing of the watch tor a lady in destitute - tute- circumstances , and naturally in sisted upon having some proof of the claimant's ownership before recogniz ing .yie claim , The two , by agree ment , ivcnt to another jewelry cstab- ment , tko proprietor of which had cleaned the watch once or twice twen ty-odd .roars before , The watch was tianded , him , and befoio anything had boon sai'd in reference to it ho said , "Why , , thin is your watch ; the ono pou lost.1' Another friend who had ast soon th a watch in 185G recognized t at first HI'glit. ljubzequont investi gations rovtvitad that along about 1801-2 a gen titman of this city had purchased the * watch of a man , posai- ) Iy one who ha 4 murdered the visitor roni the intoriVw , for 350 , and had sarried it up to tko day of his death , vhich occurred to Tucson , Arizona , tbout a year and a Jialf ago. In the ottlomcnt of his es Vfcio the watch waa ippraiscd at the low valuation of § 125 , , nd the sister of the a'feoased , knowing t to bo valuable , too k it as a , portion if her interest in the pi xiporty. liecom- nf > reduced in circumu tancea she put t in the hands of a frioi.'d to null for icr , with the result as abe ve narrated. Jot wishing to involve the Judy in 16- nl proceedings , and ayn tpatbking nth her destitute condition , the luased owner of his newly , sund treasaro magnanimousi'v ur $100 for thu rutum of hia pi y , which wis found to ho in us f uaditiuu an thu Uay u waa bought. Tlio Country Who ( hat has ever lived anytime In Urn juntry but must have heard of the vir- jes of Durdock an a blood purifier. Dun- OCK ULOOD I-ITTEIIS cure dyai > ei li . iliouEnegg and all dinonlera arlaing from & * X .WM > * mch2Mw Early Pansieo. Ick'i Tansies can bo brought along so as j bloom this spring , and verbenas my bo made fine , strong plants for lanting out when frosts are over. ow the seeds in boxes or pots of ght , fine soil , and cover very lightly. I'ater gently , and it will then bo best to cover the eurfnco of the soil with n piocoof coarso-toxlurod paper , auch as brown wrapping paper. The water can bo given on the paper. Th water can bo given on the paper , nnt will then slowly filter through without disturbing the surface of the sul ; be sides , the paper will chock evapora tion and holu the soil in a moderately moist condition. As soon as the plants appear the papercanba removed. When the young plants nro well up and have made two or three loavot they can bo pricked out into frosl soil and bo given room enough to continue their growth until another shift maybe bo necessary , or they are planted out. Give the plants plenty of light when they begin to , irow and are occasion ally , so that they may bo stout and stocky , and not weak and spindling , as they would bo with n lack of lighter or air. ( Jerrymander. BulTMo Exprrsi Apportionment and i o-nrrangomont of Congressional 'districts bring into frequent use the term gerrymander. This is a designation invented 70 year * ago. In 1811 , for the first time in many years , the Ilopublican-Domo- crats of Massachusetts elected a Gov ernor and both branches of the Gener al Court , and to preserve their power they re-arranged the Senatorial dis tricts and made them of irregular shape so as to vivo themselves a ma jority in as ninny as possible. The scheme met with opposition , and Elbridgo Gerry , then Governor , came in for a share of the wholesale denun ciation of its promoters , Ono distric was made of a line of towns on the westerly and northerly sides of Essex County , forming something like an ir regular letter F. The Boston Centi- nel was the lending Federalist paper , and llus ell , its editor , to show what was bt ing done , took H map of the county , colored the ton us on it in- eluded in the peculiar district , and hung it up in his ollico. Ono day Gilbert utunrt happened to see it , and saying that it resembled eonio monstrous animal , took n pencil , and with a few strokes indicated upon thu head , and cluws , so that th" now distiict lo ked like some kind of a anango dragon. "There , " lu > enid , "Hint will do for a salamander. " "S il imuderl" exclaim ed Itussoll , call it n Gorry-manderl' The ulcclion in the spring of 1812 revealed voaled the efficiency of the scheme , but it created such an uproar that the gorrymunding was not allowed to stand. Before you begin your heavy spring work after a winter of relaxation tion , your system needs cleansing and strengthening to prevent an attack of Ague , Bilious or Spring Fever , or some other Spring sickness that wil' unfit you for a season's work. You will save time , much sickness and great expense if you will use ono bottle tle of Hop Bitters in your family this month. Don't wait. Burling ton Hawkoye. mar7d2w AN EDITORS'EARS. Which Enabled Him to Learn Some thing of Prohibition In Kansas. Mr. George R. Stevens , editor of the Mt. Ayr ( Iowa ) Record , writes of Kansas prohibition as follows : On reaching Kansas I expected to find the cities and towns free from the blighting influence of the saloon and the grog-shop. But in Atchison , the first city I entered upon crossing the Missouri river , I found saloons open on every street and apparently doing a thriving business. Upon en quiring about the matter , I was told that Atchison has seventy saloons , Topeka - poka twenty-five , Emporia seven. Florence nine , and this in the same proportion all over the state. I cannot vouch for the numbers , but I know they are logionall kinds of stimulants being sold as plenty as though there wore no law against it. This is the programme in cities of two or three thousand and over. In some places it is sold "on the sly" by druggists , or shipped in by private individuals , with such labels as oil , turpentine , syrup , etc. , and the law is poworl , ss. The courts are full of whisky cases , which crowd out the regular business , and the litigants are clamoring for atten tion. The result in the business of the courts is very much retarded , and the whisky fellows having given bonds go on soiling as before. Before the enact ment of this law n great many of the saloon-keepers wore passably good men ; while now very foV but thugs and footpads care to engage as open violators of the law. And further , while in Hutchison , I ran across the roTonuo collector , and learned from him that before the now liquor law came into force ho had issued but nine U. S. pormitsand had issued sev enteen since , -and ho said other places were pretty near as bad. conversed with dozens ot men on the subject , among whom were a number of strong tototolera and friends of the temperance cause , who said that thus far the now law waa a decided failure , but they hoped in time to see thostato of things improved. Thisarticlo on the temperance law of Kansas is not in any sense my opinion , I have carefully refrained from giving other than a true picture of the hold this viper has got upon the commonwealth - wealth of Kansas. 1 sought informa tion and give it as I got it , and uncolored - ored by comment. Fortunes for Farmers and Me chanic * . Tlioiuamlti of dollars can be naved by utinB iiroj > er judgment In taking care of the health of yourself and family. If you are bl IOUH , have Hallow coinnlexlo , poor appetite , low and depressed M'lrit * , mid t'riiorally UtbllitateJ , do not delay u mo incut , hut go nt oi-ce ; and procure a hot lie of Ihose wonderful JJUc'r'u ' IJitteiu , which never fail to cure , and that for the [ * ' { > JK ' of fifty cents.-lTribune Bold by Schroter & Uecht. L F , BERQDEST & BROi , Monufooturera of Darr.'agea , Buggioj , ilxpress- Wi eouB , Spr ng Tmoks , Road Wagons , 410 S. 43th Street , OMAHA NEBRASKA. Kindt of Itepalrlutr P/omptly attended to. All Work flrrsnted. ! > . A trill package of "BLAC.K PnAUGHT" " " " ' ken of charge. tf . l ' Wt t tor helm ? tlm i.imt lifoct , qnlPkt t , vi Mlmtllnt connoctltijr the to > t Metropolis , C'il OAOO , nd ( ho KACIRHN , KORTII-EAHTIIRI , 1 1 ! nd SOITII-KAWIHIM Ltt , which tonnlnutt * ho- < , with KASHAS CITT , fiXAVXKwoKTii , ATOIUDPII , Onincu nuirra ft-id OMAIU , the I'nmutru Cixtnw from which rill.U EVERY LINE OF RAD lh l ) wn tr t i the Continent from the Vlanmu Hl\ r to the PicHlc HloiK > . The OHIOAOO ROOK ISLAND P OtFIO RAILWAY Ij Iho only line Irora Uhlcnw owning > r ckn \ Ktnva. or which , by It * own road , rrtthoe Ih point * lx o named. No t A ! srmui RT CACKIAOH No VIMIVO poNMictiONSl No huildlln , , * In 111 TcntllttrJ or unclean cr.r , an cxrv pnmrniicf tarrtal In roomy , clean aid ventlUtei ! " ch ( , ' upen K il K > nrc < ui Trains IHr CkRsohinrlMiIo'l luA nlficctiCd , I'oLLKtN PO.IPK ? uxm < i CARS , mil curewnworlJ-lMtiom DIXIMI CAR * , muti wl.lcli tnrahite ( orrcri ol un mrpiMcJ excellence , l Iho low f t ol SHTRV\ Fisi CUNTS HACK , * lth ample tlnio lot hpOthfti nlojincnt. tlirouph dm liot Wen Chlc&Rb , fMiU , i utukco nn ] Mliwrml IlUct Point * : ntut clew v i. nation * at all jtoInU ol lnt t % tlotltt ul'.i Wt > tl < Ut ( do not ferret thl ) dtt ! .tlji to o\ui ,0 , ce nf UnportAMCA In nAMfuia , Nobrrt bA , Bla 'V ! tv''i iiuiiURimicii in nnrirtsa Ai'it'rn Mn i > ia . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . _ tin * * * ' llll ! , W\omlnn , Utah IiKhu , Vex * . .i. . . , tvitfotr OrcKOii , n'MhlntflonlrnUnr } , " " w ! ! n < . Artacnft ! i nil New Mexico. As tieral arrauKumerit * ttvrumni ; bWKKe it any other line , an'l rater cl f-wo iMi\6 < cw n mropctlUirj , who turnlnh but * tube o the crtr ( art artDogs and tackle olrtamoti Iron. Tickets. mam and lolilcru at all prlncli't ortlcca In thu United stuff * anil Ounada. 11. U. OAUI.K , E. 8T. JOHN Vice FrcVt ft ( Un. Ouii. Tkt imlPiKs'rA , . Chlcam Ctiluico I880. SHORTJ.INE. I880 , .KANSAS CITY , 3Uoe& Council Bluffs U Till OKLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST F'rom Omaha and the West. No clinic ol cars between Omaha nncl m. ixiuli , tnd but onii bctwouu OMAHA mt , NBW .YORK Daily Passenger Trains IIACIIIMO iLL KASTKrtK AND WESTERN C1T/ES with LV.Br CHAHQES und IN ADVANOK ol AIL OTHKK LINKS. rhli entire line U cximmxjilvltb fullmkr t PMaco blcppInK Cars , Pnhco JMy Coaohen , JllllcrV I'lstiorni anil Coupler , nd the C2lar > rntrd lSTi.ce that your ticket rcftiln VIA AKSAIr orry , T. JOSEPII fc cou ciitau. 8U n rowlla St. Joniijih and St. ' Ixmls. Tickets lor wlc t nil cou | ) n etat'To In tl Wert. J. F. BAUNAIv. ' , C. DAWKS , eti. hunt. , St. Joseph , M rita I'Mj ind Ticket Ait. , bt. Joseph , Mn ANMV DOEDILN , Ticket A 'iiat 19201'crnhnmutrcct > ( l , DiKt'iuu Flnneral Azunt , OIIAIIA. MB Sionx City & Pacific . THE SIOUX OITY KOUTB Runs a Solid Train through Irotn Council BluttB to St. Paul Without Change Tlmu , Only 17 Hour * IT is AtOO MILES THE ] SHORTEST ROUTE FKOU OOUNOIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTO OK DI8MAHOR unj ill polnta In Northern low * . Minnesota and Dakota. Thla line la equipped with the Imnrot o.rl WcBtlnKhouae Automatlo Alr-brnko > n < I UJIIn Coupler and Du.lcr : anil ( or BPEKD , SAFETY AND COMFOR1 la unsurpassed. Pullman Palace Sleeping CM run through WITHOUT CIIANOE between Kan Bag City and St. Paul , via Council Blud * and Sioux City. Trains loiuo Union 1'aclllc Transfer at Coui. ell liliida , at 7:36 : p. m. dally on arrival of Kansan Ity , St. Joseph and Council liludfi train from the South. Xrrhlnif at Sioux City 11:36 : p. m. , and at the Now Union Depot at St. Paul at 12.30 noon. TEN HOUnS IN ADVANCK OF ANYjOIHEB ROUTE. J3rRtnicmb r In taking the Sioux City Routv you got a Through Train. The Shortest Line , the Quickest Time and a Comfortable Hide In the Through Cars between COUNCIL BLUKKS ANU HT. PAUL. tSTSea that ! our Tickets road \la , the "Sloui City and Pacific Railroad " J. B. WATTLES , J. H. 11UUIIANAN Superintendent. Otn'l Pam ) . Ageni. P. E. ROBINSON , ABB'tOcu'J Pans. A 't. ' , Mlvsourl Valley , Iowa. J. H. O'BRYAS , boutlmcstcrn AKent , Councl llluffi Iowa DexterL.Tlioinas&Bro , tVILl , IIU\ AND HIvLL AMI ) A 1.1 , IKA IXISNKOntU TIIFKHWITU Pay Taxets Rent Houutio , Etc fir T00 WAKT TO UT 0 > "l > [ I 0 Office Kooin 8. Orelr" w'fiu > n hu AND Store Fixture Work lid French Double Thick Flat and Dent Show Case Olacs 0. J. WILDE , 1315 and 1317 Oass Street , . United States Depository First Natiial Bank , OMAHA. Oor. 13th and Furnam Ste , OLDEST BANKING ESTAIIUSIIUKNT IN OMAHA. BUOOE8SOR8 TO KOUNTZE BROTHER8. ) OMtUMIIKO 1E66. Organized * k NatlonM lisnk Auiruil 0 , Ibflb BUIU'LUl ANI > I'HOKHfl - I5QOOO Kou iz , Afai'iit'8 Koi'NTZJi. Viet Tic.lU.3t J f. D Vli , 0 ! llrr. A IP ic .CUi AlkMUlV * rhl bank tecelvei ileposlti ! thoi > 'i M t inounU , luuea ( line certlf.cntiii hcarlui ; liittiu t. Drawi draft * uu San i'riu.liiuo ucj ( jrlcuix. : ltleu o | tbv Uottod Statti , a ! o I-ciulon , Dubun idlnburgb and tbo iirlncljnl cltlca of too cnnll orint o ( Europe nnvM < W. S , GIBBS , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Room No * 4 , Grollitou Block , 15tli Street. O&TAHA , NEBRASKA. OmcE Houita : 10 to 12 A n , 3 to 5 P.M. lephone cannectsd with Caa'.ral OUlca d. P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW i UP Houth TMtWpntb Street , with CIGARS ! CIGARS ! CIGARS ! IMPORTED 'AND ' DOMESTIC ! Largest and Best Asserted Stock of any Retail Cigar House in the City , FINEST 5c ANU IQc MRS In the Market. STOCK COMPRISING OVER FIFTEEN WELL KNOWN AND POPULAR-BRANDS , WHICH WE OFFER , ZtsTOT _ AT COST I 3E5TTT TT3EI3E1 LOWEST POSSIBLE MARGIN. 11 Special Discount By Box , " SOHROTER & BECHTS "OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY , " F-rst Door N. Opera House , FiDHOLM. & ERIOKSoN WHOLESALE AND KETAIL JOBBERS OF JEWELEES' ' TOOLS AUL MATERIALS ALSO WESTERN AGENTS FOK THE SEVilTH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS. Spectacles of the Celebrated STAR TINTED MAKE are solfl ex elusively by us , DIAMONDS IN L HUGE VARIETY full line of Sheet Musio , Eastern Prices Uuplicated EDHOLM & ERICKSON , WHOLESALE JEWELERS , Opp. the Post Office NEB. OMAHA , - - - WHOLESALE * BOOK SELLER AND S FATIONER -AND DEALER V- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. WM. ROGERS1 Manufacturing Company , MAKERS OF THE Finest , Silver Plated Spoons and Forks , The only undf ! Jtionul plato tlntl firm of | original ia givini ; for In- Roh'orH liroa. stancn * dinglu All ou > Spoons , plutud Bpouu a Forks and Knives platud triple thickness with the Brontes ! plate only on of cnru. Each thu a o c t i o a lot buint ; hung on a scale while where expo d plated , U to wear , thoraby niaiiru a ml ) do making a single plated Spoon them , wear BB long na Wo wpuld call a triple plated ebpecial attention one , tion to our BOO- Rival. Orient Tivood All Orders lu the West should be AdJrwed to A. B. HUBERMANN , Wholesale Jewe'er , OMAHA , ' NEB.