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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1882)
THE BEE--COL4TCiL BLUJ PS , MARCH 2T i882. me i molt III hi DAILV BKE. 'COUHCIL BLUFFS. Monday Mo ping , March 27 sunscuiPTio.v IUTESJ Ily Carrier , - - - - - ZOccntupor week ByJUIl , - - - - - - - 810 00 per Year Office : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadwny. C. E. MAY.NK , JTuniifcr Mty Circulitlon. H. W. TILTQNt City Editor. MlNO't ' MENTIONS Sunday , yc terifay , Tlie city council mccti ogsln thl evening. Bishop Perry officiated at St. Paul's church yesloidny morning and confmnei seven persona. Some ne k thlel helped lilmeelf to a rorolvor from Mrs. DaviV puwnshop on upper llroa wny , The musical convention under tlio di rection of t > if s Mitchell , opens thin even- in ? ! u tlio Preobyteiinn church. Simon Klicman is covering one whole aide of hia store , corner of Uryant und Broaaway , with big lettering ! ) and pic ture * . A in irriigo license was issued on Sat urday afternoon to llobcrt M. Leah , of Ilarriton county , and Mary A. Hann , of Crescent City. ( f Mr. StudelMclcer , who was so grlev- ounly sliot and rubbed iu Kef Oreek , is now n le to bo up and around , and hl full recovery id assured. The funeral services of tholateV. . J rhilH..s weio held yesterday afternoon and wore very largely attended by friends and by u-cmLeru of the. organizations to wlich he belonged. Another meeting ii to be held this evening in the Baptist chuich to perfect tha organization of a Young Men's Christ- Inn association , There should bo n full attendance , as it is an important enter prise , For the fifth time M. O. Griffin' * big Isowfuundlaud dog has been stolen , and its owner in now on the hunt for both thief and uog. The dog has made nulto a record , having once chewed up a burglar who was attempting to enter Mr , Grif fin's t.uiihe , and having shown pluck and Intelligence on ether occasions. ' The additional room given ( Or post- office purposes by the removal of the book store is now too great. Yesterday morn ing it was well filled with applicants for letters and papers. When the carrier sys tem i established , which will probably bo by July , much of this rush will bj -avoided. Tno fact that the city needs a new bulldli'K and the county needs n new court house has called forth the suggestion from several that the city buy the present . -ourt house from thocouuty , aud that the latter proco.d to put up a building mure Ituituble for its purposes. Twi > larly Sunday morning drunks reeled down Broadway opposite the police station. BO Ulcer Moored yelled across the street at theoi and invited them Jo como over , but they only topped Ing enough to hoar what ho h'd to say , and then reeled on w thout further intorferenca , The cloud ; -if .duit which iweern up and down Broadway , Mala and other streets have caused much anxiety for the street sprlnklrrs to get ubreud in the land. The subscription papers have been circu lating with a view of Blurting up the water cart , an J yesterday's showers laid the dust BO as to give relief in the meantime. Saturday night it shot was heard on Plasuner street , followed by a groan and much [ tumult. The police were mys tified but the explanation is simple enough. Some dogs chasing a cow excite I the ire of a would-be ulumboier , and he blazed away with hia liun , wounding one of the'cows ' which went away with a terrible head. A saloon keeper named Lanthropt about two mouths ago handed a five dollar bill to Hobort MoArthur for the latter to go out and get changed. He says the young fellow got It changed so successfully that ho neither taw either him or the money , nt when he spied him in town ycs- terday he hut him looked up , j The young man , Robert llyman , of Cincinnati , who WHS found at the transfer in it half oraznl condition , hai got his head quite clear by his stay at the Jail and the medical treatment received there. He now tab g rtrAlght and acts calmly , and it is apparent that too much bail whisky was the cause of his troubles. Ills mother has telegraphed that she will como at once to are for him. Tha city calaboose has hud its un- cleanliness called attention to by TllKllKU and an to it insecurity there is no need ol calling attention to that , for two deliver ies in a week Is enough to convince the pub lic. The fact Is , this city's lock-up is n pen only fit for keeping men who are too drank to walk oil and to ) drunk to care for themselves or their surroundinge. There is need of Bema placa where prisoners can Le kept decently and surely , Dowdy , the man who has had so much trouble a out Belling liquor without license , keeping a diiorderly house , violating - ting the revenue law ? , etc. , appeared Sat urday afternoon in n new role. He wjs serving as auctioneer and disposing of a tovn of dorses on the street , when he WAS arrested for not having an auctioneer's license. It appeared that he had appllo'i for one , and the officials were not read } to grant It , and hence he was releasec Again.Tho The examination of John Plenon , charged with perjury , occupied the after noon in Judge Ayleiworth's court on Sat urday , and will be concluded to-day Pierjon , a will bo renuunbered , tentlfiei that ho saw Snodderly follow Mrs , Hub tiard , and saw him knock her down am rob her. It appears that Mm Hub'ian did not go alonj the route which Piersoi cUimi he saw her go , and that In mauj other particulars his testimony was at va riancd with the facts. The motive allegei against him li the hope of cecurlng the $5 reward offered for the conviction of th nreal offender , The Nonpareil came out yeutenla morning in a new form and gave a wile whoop calling upon all to acknowledge i as the champion and embodiment of enter prise , and yet only one it earlier it al ieindted to throw cold water upon an eu * * . . . . terprlne of great Importance to the city , the building of a foot and wagon bridge acre s the liver. The Nonpariel seems to be the champion of only such enterprise ! as it is personally in erestcd in. It hai been the champion of the He relic * , a new street mil way tine , and the waterworks and not one of theia has made a ntngle move toward the practical. Kntor prltei which never amount to anything fewin to be Hi chief pride , All men are not ungrateful , One eli gentleman was found by OfficerBrooks the other night on lower Broadway , unable to find his way back to Die Pacific huuse wl.eie ha was stopping while in the city , He chimed that he had been drugged MM hid got lil' head In a whirl so that h h d lost hi * hearings. The officer guided lilin to the hotel and when the old man l ft town the next day he depoiited with the clerk a dollar to pay the officer for his trouble. One of this city's business men has a very small , Hgh , open buggy which he delights to use. As ho wai f pinning along lively over a country reid the other day , 10 was hailed by a po. tlcnl but tipsy far- ner , whose bla' lumber wagon looked like a giant In comparison with tko trim little > uggy. "I say young feller , " yelled the ruiolists , "hare yer weaned it yet ? " The msincss man raised up , listened to a repe- Ition of the question , looked puzzled and finally asked , "Weaned what ? " "Why , hat llttlo thing yer a riding In. " The msincss man and his little buggy rolled apidiy out of sight. They tell a good ono on Officer Morse. L'ho police business was quiet , and no ar rests were belug made. Finally Morse run in a man and locked him up for irunkeiinoHS. i-oon after as Chief Field vas sittim ; In the office , tliero came a rap roiii the calaboose , and the chief opened he door , was asko I by the prisoner what to had bee'i nrrcstcd for. The chief Oiiked on the bonk and told him. The insonor seemed sober en irgh , and insisted n being let out , but the chief waited un- ill Morse came In and qtustloned h"m , at ho same time telling him that ho did not oo as the man was drunk enough to bo arrested. "That's so , " said Morse , "ho sn't much drunk , but he was the drunkest could find. " PERSONA ! . . Tom Frazer , a ent for Annia Pixley , wat at the Ogdeu Saturday. J , H , Wheeler , the popular clerk at the Ogden , Is olT duty making n desperate ight against neuralgia. Mr. McFadden , representing the Odd 'cllows' Journal , was iu the ciiy yonter- ay visiting hU brother , Deputy Sheriff Vail MoFadden. Mrs. T. A. Clark left yesterday on the Jnlon Pacific for Kvanston , Idaho , to i lt her husband , who i < chief engineer n the Oregon short lino. Maj. J. S. Wood , of Ottumw1 * , Judge H. H. Trimble , of Burlington , and J. W. ilythe , of Burlington , attorney for the 0. ) , & Q. , bpent Sunday at the Ogden. Miss Blanche O. Oliver has been ton- ered a complimentary benefit concert , tie date to be fixed upon hereafter , the nterpriso being supported by a number f citizens who thus desire to express their ppreclation of her powers and promises s a ° vocalist. Mr. . 0. W.I Munger left for Council ) lulfs last Saturday whoie ho will make is future homo. The business of the firm f Evans k Young not being quite closed p , he > may return In three or four weeks or a brief period. Mr. Munger has o fl ue ted himself in an exemplary manner uring his brlet residence here. His ricnds regret to gee him leave. Mace- onia Tribune. BUKNED BRISKLY. A. Dwelling House on Washington Avenue Gooe Up In Smoke and Down In Ashes. About 10 o'clock Saturday forenoon ho alarm o ! fire was sounded , caused > y the discovery of einoko ensuing roni the residence of Mra. North ) on Washington avenue , near Bryant troot. That lady had boon ever to a idighbora and on her return found ho house ou fire and gave tlio alarm it was too late to aavo the building , ua he 11 nines swept it away before a stream of water could bo put upon it. Df the contonU of the house Mrs. tforth saved but two chairs and what clothing ; she had upon her person. The loss of house and furniture falls icavily upon her , as she was uninsured ind destitute of moans. The cause of .ho fire Is supposed to have been ado- fcctivo fine. The fire department ou the sounding of the alarm were sent on a wild cluao down Main street , in nu opposite di rection from the blaza , and did not ind out the mistake until too late to je of any uee. Tlio present plan of Bonding in ilurina needs to be modernized surely. Dip city is largo enough , and the fact of its being HO scattered is another reason for establishing an extensive electric alarm system , BO that prompt uctitn on the part of the firemen may prove of some avail. THE Y. M. O , A. A mooting for tlio j/urposo of oiled- ing a permanent organization of n Young Men's Christian association in Council Ulutl's and the election of of ficers for the same will bo held at the Baptist church Monday evening , March 27 , at 7:30. : All wishing to become charter members should report - port to the committee or bo present nt this mooting. By order of the committee. 1J , MONTOOMKUY , A. P , HANCHETT , II. M. STEKNS. Took a Ticker. Phil Williams , a colored man at the transfer , had his room robbed Satur day by tome one who piftcoa n iadJor ( up to the window and thus secured an entrance. A lady's gold hunting cose watch WM taken and also a gold neck chain. Suspicion points to a man named Henry MacVel as the thief and ho is being looked for iu vain BOYS' PLAY. How the Lawyers and Justices ore Playing1 Foot-bnll with CMOS. The peculiarities attending changes of venue among the justice courts o this city hnvo already boon presentee to the public by THE BEE. Affairs ore getting still more complicated. Thcro scorn to bo potty jealousies bo twcon some of the justices , and eacl has friends who stick by them am denounce every ether justice. Nol long ngo the cases of the young inoi charged with raising a row nt Ander son's saloon wore brought before Justice - ice Abbott. The defendants demand ed a change of venue , and the prose cution having subpcunaed Justice Fraincy as a witness , the court refused - fused to solid the cases to him though lie was the next nearest justice , ThQ ctiscs wore forwarded to Judge Aylcsworth , and ho decided that the fatco of subpoenaing a justice to prevent his trying the cases , was not good law. Ho sent the cases back to where they came from , claim ing that the theory of the law was that the defendants alone had the choice of justices , aud that the state ought at all times bo willing to try its costs before any of its justices. The papers , boimr. sent back to.Justice Ab bott , wore tucked into a pigeon hole mid there allowed to rest easy , as neither prosecution or defense acorn disposed to press the matter for the present. Friday afternoon , and the foot ball , 'iimo was started. S. Bernstein , of Dmaha , caused Laura Sheldon and Louis Bashaw to be arrested and brought before Justice Frainoy , charged with conspiracy in trying to ot away with some household goods 3n which Bernstein claimed a mort gage. The defendant took a : hango of venue to Justice Abbott. The prosecution , represented resentedby Attorney Holmes , was not ready for trial , and asked for a continuance. Attorney Lind , for the defense , demanded 'an ' immediate trial. The accused were discharged , Justice Abbott deciding that the state ought to bo ready for trial , having liad twenty-four hours in which to prepare. Attorney Holmes wont . directly back to Justice Frainoy , and took out new papers , causing the parties to b'o rearrested. Justice Abbott was this time subpcunaod as a witness to pre vent the case being sent to him , should the defendant ask a change of venue. Saturday morning the cases came up and a change was asked for. Justice Frainoy hold that the sub- icuna prevented him from sondimr the : ases to Justice Abbott , to whom they would otherwise have gone , and iont them instead to Justice Baird. fho latter , following the course nstitutod by Judge Aylosworth , sent the cases back to Justice Frainoy , whore they came from. He , in turn , sent them baok again to Justice Baird. 3.0 refused to pay any further atten tion to the matter , and the constable was , at last accounts , wandering about vith * the papers in his pocket' ' , hunting or'somebody to try the cases. In ho meantime , the accused are at arge , and without any bonds. > This sort of shuttlecock game 'may ' > rove Very amusing to attorneys and ustices , ' but the public cannot but'bo horoughly disgusted , at such boy's ) lay. In the meantime , a citizen rom another elate is in vain trying to ; ot a hearing and justice under the aws of Iowa. It would bo difficult to lotormino who boars the most of the jlame , and who is in error , but the result ; is evident , it i being a more arco , which makes all participants appear ridiculous. BXPKESSLY FOR EXPRESSMEN. The Standing Places Sot Aside for Thorn Must be Occupied In stead of Broadway. There have boon a number of com plaints lately among merchants and ) U3inoB8 men on Broadway regarding expressmen , to the effect that by standing idly on that street they > lock the way for regular trafllc. The ordinance provides that they can only stand on Fourth street und on all streets on the west side of Broadway except North Main street , on which they are allowed oniy to stand north of the alloy. During Mayor Voughan's administration this ordinance became k dead letter , as that oiliciul thought t would bo rather a good thing to mvo the express wagons start on Uroadwuy and give a bu y look to the street in dull times. Just how empty u'flgoiis and idle men standing on i principal Htreot would give a busy look to the city wtxj never satisfactorily explained by him , but such was his theory and it was put in practice. With the com ing in of the new administration n , ohimgo was made and an ollbrt start ed to enforce the ordinance. Several warnings were sounded , und the ox- pressmen not heeding them com plaints were filed Saturday against James Jacoby , baker No. 51 , W. Mar tin , No. 31 , H. Boocwjt , dray No. 15 , Daniel Carey , and Oharlus Prino , No. 40. It is understood that the ac cused have consulted attorneys and are satisfied that they are entitled to stand where they may choose as long as they pay license to the city. They propose to fight , therefore , Saturday afternoon there seemed to boa suspicious compliance with the ordinance , A number of expressmen stood on Fourth street , just oil' from Broadway , which the ordinance fixes as a standing place. There were so many tliero that the street was nearly blocked , and other teams found their way along with dilliculty. The whole matter in dispute is at tributnblo to a few persons , There are some business men , if an express wagon chances to bo in the way , have aucli nu insolent manner of ordering thorn to movu on as to awaken opposi tion at once , and call out obstinacy on the part of the expressman , Ordi narily , if an express wagon is iu the way , a request made iu a gentlemanly manner will result iu adjusting the matter satisfactorily ; but when an oxprossman is snapped at as though ho was an outlaw , ho naturally resists. Then again all oxpreumen are not perfect , and some of them have boon aggravating , so that there is foelin ; aroused on both sides. It is to be hoped , though , that the sudden start up for the enforcement of ordinances may apply to all cases , and that those regarding saloont , gambling houses a'icl houses of ill-fame may not bo allowed to slumber , while such enthu ftiasm is directed toward the express men to obey the law. FAY TEMPLETON. Tbe.Charming Young Actress and Her Company Delight Council Bluffs. The Fay Tcmploton troupe viaitec Council Bluffs on Saturday , playing at a matinco and evening performance. The company were on n Hying trip for which the good people of DOB Moines vcre happily responsible , and in which i' was thought boat to not cross the Missouri , To say that the charm ing Fay and the company supporting her are favorites with this city and Omaha is unnecessary. They belong especially , perhaps , to the latter city , where they opened Uoyd's opera house in two splendid performances of "tho Mascotte , " which seemed to inaugurate a season indeed full of "good luck , " and it is evident from the praises of many en thusiastic admirers of the beautiful dark haired "Bottina , " in which Fay lias no equal or superior , that there is nothing considered too good for thorn there. The company , which still con- sibts of the veteran John Tom- ploton , his estimable wife .as "Alice Vane , " Fay , Little Lady Lee , Seth Orano , and many ot : hn other favorites with them on ; heir trip through hero last fall , has aeon strengthened still further by the addition ol two or three splendid ar tistes , among whom is Mr. Armour , ono of the finest tenors on the Ameri can stogo. They have been making an extended southern tour , and came ; o DCS Moines to play a week's en gagement upon a very Mattering offer. They return east by way of Sioux City , St. Paul and Chicago , and will open in Brooklyn May 1st , with the "Mascotte , " for which Mr. Temploton has purchased entirely now and splendid costumes. These dresses will include ono now being made in Paris expressly for Fay's bridal cos- unio in "Tho Mascotte , " which will cost $1,500. The company presented "Pinafore" and "Tho n the matinee performance 'Mascotto" in the evening , both to overflowing houses. Miss Fay ap- icared only in "Tho Mascotto , " and trengthoned , if that were possible , ho admiration she had excited by her first visit. If there be ono thing more than another on which the be witching Fay deserves a premium it 3 her stage kiss. Like Emma Ab- ratt , she stands not upon the order of tor kissing but kisses all at once. And such a kiss ! If the "nectars of leaven's dew" can bo sweeter , ambi- ious masculine humanity has not as yet found it out. The company will return westward n the fall and will meet with such a ocoption as they deserve in both Council Bluffs and Omaha. Strlbo of Coal Miners. Nationa Associated Press. WiLKESBARttB , Pa. , March 20. A trike of miners in May , or Juno is iractically decided upon , unless there s an advance in wages. The work of organ'zing the union of coal diqgers goes quietly but steadily on. The Anti-Cameron Clan. National Asjociited Press. WitKESBABUE , March 20. Re organization of the anti-Oamoro'n caguo , which came first into being in 881 , threatened to be proipi'aled ' by ho confirmation of the postmaster of VVilkesbarro , A. S. Orr , whoso ap pointment was resisted by the gov- irnor and about all ether republican ) OSSOB. * Railroad Matters. NfttlOQaLABr Delated 1'resB. DALLAS , Texas , March 25 , Several attachment suits were entered to-day against the Chicago , Texas Mexico railroad company , by the Anglo-Amor- can Land companytho real builders of ho road. The amount cannot bo as certained , but it is probable that a receiver will bo appointed. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Vantu , Hoarding , etc. , will be Inserted In thli column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PUR , INE for the first Insertion and FIVE-CENT * > ER LINE for each subsequent Insertion , oa\uad crtl9eraeiita at our otllco , Room I , ! crctt'ii lllock , llroadnay. 11 K would recommend JV > o Handel aatho bo t \ > hand In the cltv at eettlnir out trees. Ho MI a u-ry Una lot of map ot , loxelderu and tther * h 'io tree * on handy I OIl SAI'K ? 5\ i > ieM * xle ii N--- . . , . J. coupon bond , value and history ifiknown A. I ) . I'ACWrUtl ) , , uJO-7t Weton , Iowa ANTED To buy houfoand lot on monthly W mjnunU. Addri)8 X , Uce olllce. marlS tf - who will take hU p In monthly Installments , to build two mall cottages. AdJrojs M. 0 , , nee ctllce. TTIOU KENT-Nice front oltlcc , up-stalrs. EP. L' quire at Bco office , Council Mlufls. marlS-tl 'ANTED. tllrl for general houte work Apply at 117 Vine ttreet. inatlOtt V7-ANTED To rent a imill cottaga at once. Y Addrww O , M. , or enquire t Ii olHco. feMMf \A7ANTED-To rent-A ten room house InV \V some good neighborhood or two sm\Jler * hoiuei Bide C/ tide , AddreM P. O. Ho * 707. Council Bluffs , or apnlp at UE office , Council Uuffi. 4C- " tTTANTED Even body In Council Dlultl Id YY to take Tun DIE , SO cents vet week , de Ivercd by carrier * . Oitke , No 0 Pearl Strwt near Urod ray. \TrANTED To buy JOO ton * broom corn. W Tor poTtlculari address Council UluB. Broom Factory , Council plufli. lov * a. 6S3-20H i SALE Old paperi 40o per hundred , at FOR Bea QlBco , Council Blufl * . e87-tf _ TXrANTED Bov. with pony , to carry r V W Inquire Btuii office , Council 1'IuBi. octt ? Beauty , health , ami happiness for ladieij tn"WINEQFCARnill' TOO UTTERLY UTTERI TETJSM7 0700 BOSTON TEA CO. Are tu plying the Aesthetic Wants of the Publ o in FINE GROCERIES , With Eve y thing m Staples nt the Lowe.t Prices , Fre.h Roast Coffees , Chioce Drawing Teas , Boston Tea Go. 16 Main St. and 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , W.W.SHERMAN - MANUFACTURER OF - Road , Track , Coach & Livery HARNESS ! FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. H. SHERMAN , Business Manager. WM. CimiSTOPHEa , Mechanical Manager. 124 S. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. The Leading GROCERY HOUSE IN THE CITY. We keep every thing you want' n First CLss , Choice , Clean s and PEOVISIONS i will pay you to look our es- iablishment through- Every thing sold for Gash , and at the rery closest margins. We have i line of lOo CANNED GOODS , And we also sell the finest Im- wrted Goods , Eastern andWest- irn Goods put up All Canned Seeds rrduced 10 per cent , Send for our Prices , i triot atte.tion ; paid to Mail Orders , Agent-- for Washburn's Super- ative Flour , F , J , OSBORNE & GO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Offlco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. We give special attention to Stamp Mills , SmeltiBg Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK rill receive prompt attention. A general as sortment of Brass Goods Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooko , Ooal. OHAS. HENDEIF , President * Mrs. Smith , where did you t.o thoaafiiio Chandeliers ? ' " BIXBY & "WOOD'S , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth btreets. ) J. M. PALM&K , DE.VLEH IN REAL ESTATE AtfO LOAN fvGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA- & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Bleb Out Glass , Fine French China , Silver Ware &c. , 310 BROADWAT. . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOVVA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN ' , Marble and Granite , North Fifth St. , Council DluC' Drs. Woodbury & Son , Cor. I'etrl A l t Avt > . COUKC1L ULUtTB. W. B. AMKNT. JACOB 8U1S. AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Oonnsallors-at-Law , COTJN OIL BLUFFB. HIWA , HARKNESS , OBCUTT & CO. , DRY GOODS AFD CAEPET HOUSE. Broadway , Cor , Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa , inar-2-Sm J. MUELLER'S Whickering1 , Weber. Lindoman , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burdett , Western Cottage , ; Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $6O and upward. Musi cal Merchandise of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , J-'oya , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re tail. Pianos and Orcans sold for Cash and on Time : Stock is large , full and 0901- plete. Musical Journal tree on applica tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : C J. MUELLER , 103 South 5th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , EOHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , A PURCHASING AGENTS And Dealers In all kinds ol Produce Prompt attention siren to all consignments. N08. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. "W" . ZEE. IFOSTEIR WILL SUPPLY ON SHORT NOTICE > ' Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable i Plants In their season. Orders promptly filled and dclhcrcd to Express office free of charge. Send ( or _ _ Catalogue , : BX u Jbvt's , - - X SL. FURNITURE HOUSE. Mirrors , Upholstery , Repairing , Etc . Wood and Metallic Coffins. No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. FbWA WYOMING COAL , f HANDLED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , " 3 STARR & REYNOLDS. 107 Main St. ] M E ' Hats , Caps REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lan $ * and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska" . / Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , CPU VOIL BLtf FS ELEGANT ! ELEGANT The New Styles for I88i. WALL PAPER ! X Largest Stock in Western Iowa. SEND FOB. . SAMPLES , ' Geo. R. Beard , 11 PEAEL STREET , COUNCIL 8 .UFFS , IOWA. L WE CAKKV THE LARGEST STOCK Of FINE BOOTS ! SHOES , ; Slippers , Etc. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs All Mail Orders Promptly Attended Toan ; | 1 Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , whid has Begun to Arrive. ; i Z. T. 'LINDSEY ' & CO , , , * 412 BROADWAY , COUKCIL BLUFFS , IP , And WEST SIDE SQUABE , CLARINDA IOWA ,