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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1882)
fJUE OMAHA U/UJLi BE < F.RIDAX .vrABOtt mi' n\nv Mm. Friday Morning March. 24. Wontlior Koport. ( The following obi.ervftUon Rte taken l tha ame moment ot time at nil the st - UoiunAtned. ) , W DMAurmwT , U. a , Er < i At. SHRTIM , j OMAIU , March 23,1SS2. (1:46 ( : p. m. ) I ! l § | i'-ISc' ' ( AM01- I IE" I hi ' " - ! | A o Otn < er. . . . 0.4S 8t IE LltM Cleir Cheyenne. IX 8 82 j.V i- lr Woshaklo. Plltte . . 1 } 44 f.s NB tlrl k i Itar 4 Itrl-k Clear Yankton so'sz nvn Frenh Clrir H.4U llrUk icar N\V Urisk Cloir 8U Paul. . . JO.H vw llrhk Ht. Louis . Fair Uoorhefc'l. 3K6I N'N'W llrgk Pair Vlnwnt. , W.fli N'W F-lr' j ) C4 NW llrlik - Uuford 39.71 NW Cloudy CusUr. . . . ) U. ( & Cloudy n.8j XI ! Croih Lt. Hnow Amlnlbolno VE Fie-h Clear Rh cr t feat 1 Inche bn a high w tcr m ik. The City trcatuicr Is after p r onal tat payers with ft sharp etick. The tlnoit Key Went , Uomeitlc nnj itn I orted citfara nt JCubn'a. Try them. 1m. There wore no overlnnil p iiiengorn on tlio U. L' . train cant lait night. Dr. Clmlos , DcntlBt , 1314 Farnam ttrcot. I'he ladlriuie Kie bent judgesnd they all Hi y Wado' candles are the best nd freshest. OJil Fellowa * block.mch222t mch22-2t Stephen Rjbhuon his rccol cd th contract for ( jra ling I'nrnain atrect. Wright , Jones and Thompson were each fined $10 In police odurt yesterday afternoon for cruelty to n hnrie. The CaUlerwood Concert nt the opera U hou o to-nlbht will bo n fjrcit nodal eient In Dunlin. The train from the west Inst was on Urns. On . were Hovcrftl overland - land pamieiijert who had been nnowod In fur two dayi. 1 - A. II. Sander hogan work on his brick block on Cumlng and Sounders streets ycsterdnr. It will l > a 25x80 , two stori s high. Yuss wiiu the urchltcct. b ' J. L. McConnell , one of the hc vi U j 'i do K < < Hl merclmuta i.f Lincoln , nasacd 'iu through the city yesterday on Mi way u home , after purchasing his apring stock In the cnat. if , Fiva hundred dollnw oanh will buy. the iitock and fixtuics of tlm Mlclrgan Tobac- oa St re , 1417 JouilaH Btrcot. lluslncM good , unt low. Salisfuctor , ren'oiiH given for Belling. IXWT A pucket-book orf .treat. It contulnod cumncy , pensiou Q.QIU und diafu on thu Siwutd lank. ! A total of abe it $200. J-'iniler willplente return - turn the anmo to Tootle , M ul & Co. , nnd bo rewarded. mm22 3t - Biuutiiul Ho idonco LoU-$10) ) o.ach , 55 down and $5 per month Dun ! * , agent , 15th and Douglaa strccti. If The Green Tree Birbershoii has re- moveil AcrosH the street from the old , lit nd , iu23-3t It ! s said that the regulars nt Fort Omaha are under marching orders for r mp Dump In aso of emergency. The S i > y county district court ad journed "Wodnosdny , and Judge Savage 3d the lawyers returned to Omaha. Bids for lowering the Farnim street grade were opened , by the County ) Com- mlsalonert this afturnnon. In the case ofF . 0. Festner for vloU- tion of the fire Jimita oidinnnce , the de fendant won fiuod $50 and took BII appeal , The window * wcro put in the second story of the I'axton Hotel yesterday and work on the Inteiior has actively com- jnoiicod. Mrs. 1) . 0. Brooka , of thla city , will lectura before the utudonta of Browuell Hall and thtir friends Fnoxt Friday oven- lnj ) on the subject of "Botany. " The prnpoity owners and tax payers inp \ Diiuglas street are kiokins ; to-day became the du-t is not laid on that thoroughfare - , oughfare , when they have Hubscrihed for The , vacancy In the postal sorvlco of the 6muha and St. Paid road : caused liy the death of Mr. Hulle'hn ' < beou'iillud by the appointment of Capt..John S , i\Voxi , th&u whom no better nmn could have been jilokcd up. ' * ' Interest in the operation of the Slo- oumb hlfiliiconno liquor law 1 < rovlvod liy the filltik' of appltcalloni to r now li censes auJ tin authorizing of a teat as ia tlioo oijpUon.of ; whokual dcalcrH. Tuord were two coxa , of disturb nice o ! Iho p before .Tudgo Ucijilie yester day. ICuch paid $3 and con'-S. Tjireo Slocuinbi khowo 1 up. Two were liru out of town and the tulid Into the juj , State ng iita are wanted fur Hnwtuorna' Centenulal , Hoof Paint , frtr Col. oradti , Novuilu , Kminac , Dajiotu , Montnim , Utah , Idaho 'nnd ' adjacent tcrrltoty. The reput ution of this pulnt Is national and it * Invtnturp , thu HnwtlioruH , are nuw to ha fount ! nt the WHhncll Homo. The ktrcct sprinkler i begun lnuluen > yesterday and lulil , the dust on 15th anil Farnam streets quito aurcesadil'y , The opo ntlqn of filling the huge cylln- driial tnnka from the hulrnnt nt the W ba h tlckot oiliou corner attract ) quite a crowd each time. Where U the cruelty to nuhuul toclu- * ty ? Why U there no olligial cognizance taktu of the cooking tuului which are froi quently ocurng ! in the city ? From 0114 to a dozen game chickens are killed every week , to gratify the tastes of patron * ol the barbarous custom of cock tightlug , The announcement that Mini HUB tin , the accomplished planlbtaud Mr * . Ktta- brook , Omaha' * favorite contralto , will participate In the Benefit Concert , this erenhi ? , at Boyd' < opsra house , will of Itself call out a large uttemlanco. The Concordla Society gives a gram : subscription Hatter hall , In Turner'n Hall , Monday , April 10th. The committee Is opbpoxed of the following gentlemen Q o. K. Stratmann , II. BoUu , J. II Krck , J. 0 , Weliner , M Becht , Jullua Meyer , ADorinsnn. . The ball will bo a reiy Cue affair Now Hoaiery at the "Boatot iStore. ' A RISING STAR. Already Bpnrkling on the Horizon zen of Legitimate Drama. The auccoaaful Career of Frederick Wardo-Supportmir Chnrlotto Cushman , Booth , McCul lough nnd Others. THE iinu was jostcrday lionorcc br n pleajant call from that riaini , young Blar of Iho tragia atagu , Mr. Frederick Wardo , whoso appearance at Uoyd'a Opera houae laat cveninj , in hia favorite play of "Virginlus,1 domonatrated to the audience the strong claims ho holds to future prominciico in the ranka heretofore occupied by such men aa Booth , McCullough , Ihrrott nnd othora. In converaation with Mr. Wnrdo THK UKK reporter learned some focta concerning his _ carour which will prove extremely interesting to thoac who now BOO him for the first time aa well as those who have become fa miliar with hia name for years pa&l in connection with thoao of some ol the befit actors on the American atagc. Li'iio.M iiKunir. KNULAND : Mr. Wardo is an Eii liahman by birth and played through all the prin cipal cities of the United Kingdom before ho came to the United States , which wa in 1874 , aovon ycara after hia adoption of hia proftaeton. Ho opened ut Deoth'aThoatre , Now York , Auguat 10th , 1874 , ua leading luin and remained there thioe years. He aupporteJ Ohurhttto Cushman on her farewell ung.igemcnt in the metrop- olifl. Mr. Warde'a auocoaa wna aa- aurcd from the first and he went through all the routine work of such n position , being prominently connect ed with the revival of llunry V , after ward pupporting Booth for twenty weeka ; and next playing Marc An thony with Davenport and Barrett. AN INDEPENDENT TOUlt. The nctor'H next move was in the direction of a atart tor himself pur chasing , in connection with Morris Barry-more the play "Diplomacy. " This was an unfortunate move how- 3vor , and ended , alter the disastrous jusiiiuss ut MarshallTCXUB , where Porter ter was killed , in the IMS of $7,000 iccumulatcd by years of hard work. Wardo was now compelled to atart again whore he had left off and ac cordingly joined John McCullough , with whom he nmdur hia FIIWT VISIT TO OMAHA. Thia was about two years ago nnd the company appeared in the old Acad emy of Mtisio but without Mr. Wardo , who waa sick with u aovero cold. In that ho "Icil- season was appearing as - ius" to McCullo'ugh'a "Virginiua" and waa conaidorcd almost if not quito aa ; rcat an attraction aa the atar him- lelf , with whom he took the juvenile ending pirt in all their plays. The , wo were together for two yeara and only parted in April last , at the end > f the season , when Mr. Wurdo de- ; ermincd to make another start for limaolf , which he did on the 5th of September last , appearing at St Louis AH A UTAH n ILimlot , lagp , Richard HI , Shy- ock , oto. Ho plnyoil there ono week and won the encnniums of the prosa and public from the first , and from .hat time to the prnacnt naa received , ho most flattering oxproeaiona of ap- iroval on all sides. Ho has traveled hrough the west , Texas and up the Atlantic coaat , and will fnlish hia first easpn in about four weeks , after com pleting this western circuit TIIE LONE HTAll BTATE. In response to a question as to the : haraoter of the thoatera and audi- 3iiccs in the south , Mr. Wurde said : 'I am very fond of Texas. The buai- icaa there ia very large , the theaters ine , and the audiences us cultivated \nd apprccicative aa would be found n Beaten , Now York or any of the urgor oitioa. In this connection Mr. Wnrdo aid he must oxproaa hia ad- Tiiration for Boyd'a Opera homo , vhi h conaldered , c ndidly ( without i superior in the east. . Ho was do- ighled with it. f jNEXT HKABON will , bo opened early in September , vhen Mr. Wardo will visit the linger : itios of the caat and south , adhering tiicjtly to the le itimnte drama. Ilia jrinoipal rqli-n are : Virginius , llioho- iou , lliclmrd III , Damon und Pythias , ) thollo nnd Shylouk , the two Iirat bo ng his favorites , and apparently moat ipprechtod by the public. The first season him boon a most 8atinfiictory tine both t ) the actor and iia manager , Mr. John J. Collins , with whom he ia under engagement for four years. The public have recognized Mr. WaruVn riuht to the : iOBiton ! which ho aapirot to , and ivhich lie liaathoronuhlydomoimtriiti'd hia ability to fill , Ho will in all prob- ibility return tn Oniihii in the fall ind wjll bo assured of a hearty rocop- lion when he does come. Mexican boiula wore quoted at the unprecedented high price of 40 cents on the dollar by the Chicago Times nf March 4th. As those cucuritioa dniw T per cent , thin will brint' them more nto public favor thun they were dur ing the recent ( strife in Mexico m-o-23.3t THE GRAND CONCERT. Onldorwooa at Boyrt'3 Tlilu Evonlnar. While n lartro number of people gave up a whole round American dollar lar laat Tuesday evening to hear the longhaired disciple of llunkin toll them a few things they , had rend , and other things their common BOIIBU teaches them nlmoab every day the concert on this evening next waa nwuiting them full of promise of an evening of rare enjoyment , and coat ing only half the amount. Now , it may bo that many people prefer hear ing an ovontng'a talk from a stranger of ethereal idoaaj but it strikes ua there ia no oorapdriaoti between Uond the excellent programme given below participated in by aomo of our boat homo artists , whoso interests , tastes , labors , and aympathie * are in common with our own. Much heartier would . -1 wo commend to your attention th < in or i In of the protniaintr young vocalU in whose poreonol interest and pccu niary benefit this programme hah bout carefully prepared . She ha * grown tip among us , goner ounly given linraaiiBtnnco to churche nnd entertainments without numbe during those- years of gulhood , n which her talents and ambition hart been forming. Now that she sees he way clear to the preparation for n higher degree of excellence in lie chosen art , wo can coiiflietontly do lit tle less than join those who bid liei God speed by their presence at Boyd'i opera Jiouso this ovenitli , ' , L'llOUUAMUK. PART PIK8T. 1. Chorun "Comraden In Arms" . .Adnn Olce Club. 2. Qunrtrtte "dun-ct" . . . . . . , , Ooldbecl Mm. SnulreMr * . KiUbrook . B Wfrklns nnd H. I ) . K Ulro.k. 3. Soiig-"The Flo ver Uirr..UcrIgnftn fiO"Nvcaio1e".nn ( .in . tci ! 4. 1'lnni. . ole < ( l > ) " V l e Caprice" , . . . . I SherwenV. " MiSS Iltlstltl. PAKT HECONP. 6 , Song "WhenSnnrrow Uulld".Onbric Mm , Kntibrook. 0. Male quartette "lowAro".Grschnei ! Messrs. F. 3. Smith , W. B. Wllkin. , T.V. . Wilklns nnd.1.0.Smith. 7. N.iultcal'bnllnd ' "Jack Yftrii".Dicii Mr. H. D. Kstabrook. H. Song WaltlngnUholJrookiildeViVrrj IMIssCftlilerwood. 0. Song and Cliorua "Tha Id Kentuckj Home" Foste GlteClub. PllOMPr PAYMENT. How a Member of the Royal Arcanum Provided for Hlo Mother. Among the various secret organiza tions of this city is the Itoyal Area iiuni , represented by Omaha counci No. 118. Thin council wua organizot some years ago , and has flourishcc from the otart , including among ite members aomo of our best and meal substantial citizenn. In Augusc last a young man naniotl Win. II. 1'otterj tv headquarters clerk joined the lodge and subsequently removed to Denver , where ho died January 8th , 1882. The Arcanum provides for the payment of a cnrtain bum upon the death of ita members , and the deceased , after a moiubeishii of five months nnd a pnyincnt in all of $ ( J 72 in dues , loft a policy vrntlh 3,000 , which was payable to his Hgud muther , Mrs. Mury JM. Potter , who r sidcH in Newport , Now Jcriiey. Mr. A. H. Sanders , the treas urer of Omaha council No. 118 , and through whom the negotiations for the settlement of the claim were carried on , yesterday exhibited to a BKF/reportor Mrs. Potter's receipt for amount of the policy in full. 'The papers to subRtantiuto the death of W. H. Potter were received from Denver by Mr. Sanders , .February 2d , the chock for the amount was received by the aamo ofllcer February 10th , and the receipt of the money from ; ho supreme treasurer is dated Alarch 2d , which is pretty quick time , and bpcaka volumes for the reliability of the order. LOOKING FOR DAN. Four Porkora Carried Away to Their Death by Dan Stundoa and , "Whisky JOCK. " Four pigs of considerable size were atolon the other day from certain 'par- ' ies in the northern part of the city. [ fc was discovered that they had boon driven to slaughter , nnd sold by Dan Jtundon , and Jack Connolly , familiar- y known as "Whisky Jack. " Connolly nelly was arrested on Monday , but ho assorts that hu didn't know that hey were stolen ; that Stundon mot lim on the road and hired him to help drive them to the slaughter honae ; liat when they arrived there Stundon old thorn and gave him $2 , which was tay for driving them ; but that Stun- lon represented that they were his and that ho ( Connolly ) thought that was the case. Stundon has not boon caught yet , nlthough the officers hero mvo been looking for him diligently. JIAUY flTlULS A WATCH. The tendency to borrow the prop erty of others without 'returning it ,001119 , to run in the Stundon blood. Mary , old Dan's daughter , was ar- rentiul ycsterlhiy on the ohiirge of atcftling a gold watch and chain from \lr \ * . Hill , tlui bu.irdiog house kaopor on Sixteenth street. Mary hud been washing there , und went around to get another job. M.B. Hill stepped out of the room to neo whether more waihing was needed to be done , and vhilu aho was uono Mary corralcd u ; old watch and chain which lay on lie table and lit out. Ycaterday norning the girl returned the etolui iroporty , nnd llui oomplaiiit icr wan withdrawn. The Union Hpv , Preparations for the production of "Tho Union Spy , " under the uunp'-is ttl the 0. A. H. of UIH city. it lioyd'n Opitr.t houeo coutinuu to bn liuHhcd. The date" ) fixed nro March 27th , 28th and 29 h , The boys are deter mined to do oyer > thing in their power to give their ft lends from other po&ta an opportunity to conui aiid BOO the grand npcctnuul.a * military drama , nnd have accordingly Bouurod special rates on the Union Pacific , giving all visitors on the dates named a rate of one and one-fourth fnro for the round trip from the following points : PAplllion , Fremont , Schuyler , Col umbus , Grand Island , Central Oity , Wahoo , David City , Lincoln. It is expected that that the B. it M. will do equally well by thum. Other negotiations nro in progress which wdl suouro u very largo attend- unco if successful. WOMAN'S THUE F1UEND. A friend in need ia a friend indeed. This none can deny , especially when assistance is rendered when oim is fiproly uilhcted with disease , more par ticularly thuso complaints and weak nesses no common to our female popu lation. Every woman should know i hat Electric Bitters are woman's true friend , und will positively restore her to health , o\on when all other reme dies fall. A iinfilo jtrial always proves our assertion. They are pleasant to the taato ' and only goat fifty couta nor ' ' ' ' ' bottle. Sold by lah & MoMshoa. (2) ( ) SMITH DONT SMILE. At Least , Not Bo Much as He tJaed To. Arrett of Sydney Smith , Fonnoi Whcoler Sc TV > lton Agent In CHy , on the Charge of Eiubcalcmcnt. The iiamo of Sidney Smith , whicl became known to the people of Oma ha throuuh certain curious business transacliotiH while ho was in Omahn as agent of the Wheeler & Wilaoi Sewing Machine company , has been n ain brought to public attention. A the time when Smith left this city he did it Burrcptlciously and it WAS then discovered that ho was about 6500 behind hind in his Accounts. Ho disappear ed "between two days" and probably on Saturday night , ns that was the last any one naw of him. lie hat promised to bo at the oflico on Mon day morning to give aolno information to his succeisor in the agency hcronnc lua absence Was i.ot noticed until that time. Inquiry failed to disclose any track of his whereabouts , nnd after p.onio vigilant watching by the pollen , it was determined that Smith hat "folded his tent like the Arab and si lently stolen nway. " H.U1IIKD. But \vasiiotforgotten. . Although loat to eight , in the niinda of the Wheeler& ' Wilsonuion ho WAI to mem ory dear , and they have laid for him. About a week no it was discovered that ho was in Little Rock , Arkansas , and the business he was in fairly took away Iho breath of Iho oflicera , when they weru informed of it. Smith has boon living there under the alias of Ludlow , and for some weeks has been engaged at an agent for Uio solf-samo company which ho is charged with beating in this city. As an instance f aublimo and chilled atcol cheek this is doubtless the clumpion c.iao on record. Wliothor tliero , there was something about the so-called "Lud- low's" peculiar habits as an ugont nt Little Hock , or whether ho f&vo himself away , ia not definite , but it is certain that his identity was discoveredas ho Was arrestdd in that city yesterday af ternoon on a dispatch to the chief of lolico there , sent from Omaha. OOMINO IIOMK. Smith will bo detained in Little ilock until an oilicor frein this city can go there and bring him homo , smith's disappearance and the mat ters connected therewith did much to strengthen the belief of iruny of P. B.Garrigrm'a friends that the hitter in now serving a three years' sentence in ; ho penitentiary because of perjury on Smith's part. It will be remembered .hat Garrigan'was arrested on charge > f embezzlement , and finally sent over the road for alleged forgpry , which in dictment was found against him after lis arrest. OAUUIOAN'S CONVIOTIOW. At the time of Garrigan'a arrest he claimed that ho had not ombeziled anything , but intimated that there wore some other crooked transactions which ho might give away , in which Smith was interested , but it ia aup- ) osed that the manipulations referred o Troro of anch a nature that by their ovoalmont Qarrigan would criminate limaelf. Ho alleged that his arrest and prosecution were instigated by Smith for the purpose of getting him out of the way , and not because the cjjont had any special doairo to pro- ect the company's intereato. Tha embezzlement charge didn't pan out sufficiently to.sond . Garrigm over the road , but a forgery indictment was prungion him and he was convicted. SMITH BEUKVED. Whether Smith breathed easier af- or his asaistnnt in the ngoncy bu3t- noas was behind the bawis not known , ) ut he seemed to swing out n little nero , and presently moved the oflico of the company to ita present location n the Opera houao block. His no- ounta won ) quito frequently acvnral iaya behind hand , and ono day u leas ) f § 300 was announced , of which Smith claimed to bo robbed. At this , .ho present agent wus sent on and Smith rolioved. Uo was expected to omain about n month , but he diaap- leared , as stated , arid the doficionciei n hia accounts wura discovered , upon vliich th6 preiicnt , el nrgo iu baaed , KEEHE'S COMING- 'he Bonppoaranco of the Distin guished Tragedian What Ho Will Play. In a few days ono of the most im- > ortuit ; dramatic evcnta of the BO'ifi'W vill occur in the rwppcarancu of L'JiDinaa W. Keone. Mr.-Kyeno'a por- ornmnc/s in this city n year ngo nm remembered vividly by the pluy-goor of Onudia , and undoubtedly Hid ouor- nouii biuincsi done hete then by him will bo rdj > OR.t"il. . Mr Kecno'w pui- { 911 nmong the tragedy stura of iis time in no longer a doubtful one , or since his appearance in this city 10 has tilled onangcmonta in every mportint American city , und ho has received the unqualified endorsement of the leading critics of the country , locontly ho played u three wooka1 on- jagemontin Boston , where hia artistic ia well na finuncial aucceas was of the nest unqualified kind. From that point through the Now England states ind the vest'ho has , na ho did last theaters wherever ho , -oar , packed the iloyed. M r. Keene , of course , has iddled to hia repertoire Macbeth , in he interpretation of which ho h eaid : o bo quito na great ns hois inllichurd III. The company , with the excep tion of a few alight changes in the oading parta , ia substantially the eamo na last year. Mr. Keene will bo eeon hero in lUcheliou , Macbeth and fiertuccio , in "A Fool's Rovongo. " There will bo a mooting of the Dan ish Lutheran church on St. Mary'a avenue , Wednesday , April B } 1882 , to conaider the question of raising the aura of ? 1,000 by mortgaging the Bhurcli property for the purpoao ol building a parsonage. Th sat4t * V . TEAMSTERS' UNION. An Enthusiastic Mooting at Keaslor'i Hall Last Evening. The teamsters hclct n l.irgo and en thusiastio ntcctnig nt Kesalcr's Hal last evening. About one hundrcc teamsters were preaont , besides i largo attendance of friends nnd ajm pathizers in the labor catino. Iho president of the Teamster * Union , Mr. Molio , occupied the chair and briefly stated the object of the meeting. Jamea Kniuht , of the Iron Mold- era * Union was the iirat speaker called on. Ho ntatcd that ho was glad tc addteaa the Teamsters' Union or any bthcr new organisation in the inter est of labor , lie thought the toamstore hud the best show for winning a con test for higher wagca , aa they had the means and material to hold out. Hu appealed to them to atand by theii resolutions and to keep their organization intact , and alao te atand by the woihingnion's ticket this apring. At the mention of the ticket three cheers were heartily given. Speeches were then made by John Carroll , of the Iron Moldors1 union , who road lengthy resolutions from the Tradca nssoaibly of San Francia- co ( > in which they encouraged tnu workiiiBtnen of Omaha to aland out for their righta. Ho told them to stand firm and organize. President Walsh , of the Labor Pro tective union , spoke at aomu length , Mid advised thum to perpetuate their Union and they were bound to win. A mention was made of the mass meeting to morrow night , which is to be lield in Central Hall , at which all Trorkingmon are expected to a'.tjnd. Saratoga. J. J. Points , superintendent of niblic instruction , delivered his elo- itiont nnd aoholnry address on oduca- ) ion before the Lyceum laat evening o a largo nnd appreciative audionco. The following was adopted unani mously : Resolved , 1 hat a vote of thnnka bo ondcrod Superintendent Points for ho able nnd cultured lecture ho lias lad the kiudneaa to deliver this even ing. ing.Tho uaual programme was aomo- what shortened to allow time for the lecture. There will bo no meeting next week. The final meeting will bo on Wednesday , April 5 , which it ia expected will bsunusually interesting. A special committee have it in charge , J. D. Huatin being chairman , which guarantees success. The Union Sunday nchool have an mniversary concert Sunday , April 2 , : or which oxteuhivis preparations are icing made. Our Bchool , which has boon success- ully conducted by Mr. A. W. Me- Phorson , closea Friday for the apring vacation , after a continuous session of six months. CCCKOO. fatiick Counclly , residing at No. 703 'forth ' Seventeenth strict , died Tuesday at 8 a. m , , of Bri.'ht'rf dUoute , aged sixty- Bii years. Tiie deceased wa ? an old resi- tent of Omaha , having came hither from .ho east in 1855. Ho leaves four eons and daughter , two of the children , Lewis and Mary J. Connelly , still residing here. The others are now1 living farther we&t , and he remains will be hold until their ar- ival , the time of the funeral to be an- lounced hereafter. At the time of his eath Mr. Connolly was an imnito of St. o eph's hospital. * " " Army Orders A general court martial is hereb jr ppointed to meet at Fort Douglas , U. T. , on the 27th day of March , 882 , or as soon thereafter a-j practi- wble , for the trial of Private * Dauiel Vlurray , Company E , Sixth infantry , ind such other prisoners aa may bo ) rought before it. Detail for the court : Major Orlando I. Moore , Sixth infuntry ; First Lieu- enanta William H. H. Orowoll , Sixth nfuntry , David L. Graft , Sixth iu- antry , Thomaj C3. Townaond , Sixth nfantry ; Second Lieutenants Bernard L. Byrne , Sixth infantry , John J. Shaw , Sixth infantry , Reuben B.Tur- icr. Sixth infantry ; Firat Liouton- nt Richard E. Thompson , adjutant , Sixth infantry , judge advocate. A greater number of officers than hoae named cannot bn uaacunbled vithout manifest injury to the ser vice. vice.A general court martial ia hereby appointed to meet nt Fort Laramie , W. T. on the 20th d > iy of March , 1832 , or aa Boon thereafter HI practicable , 'or the trial of private Fred. Hcidlor , Troop O , Fifth cavalry , nnd euoh nthor prisoners as may be brought bo roit. Detail for the Court : Major Vor- nig 1C. Hart , Fifth cavalry O.iptnin Jdward M , Hayes , Fifth cavnlry , Ai-at Lieutenant Robeit London , i'ifth cavalry. Second Lieutenanta bunozvr Swift , Jr. , Adjntunt , Fifth ivalry. Fiod. W. Foster , Fifth cav- i ry. Luther S. Wclborn , Fifth cav- d y. Second Lieutenant Henry Do I. Waite , Fifth cavalry , judge ndvo- c.ito. c.ito.A greater number of officers than hose named cannot bo assembled vithout manifeat injury to the aor- vice , Important Notice"Worda of We defilra to ( 'ivo tht < < friemily word of warning to whom it in ty concern , that nil loruuua who have I ee. > , or are now deulfng u a preinrfttlon call * i "Olnytou k Ilut- lell's CV.ebrntel Httimich Ulttern. " tin' -Ydunu k Co. of New ij > on the market byYdunu , YurU , rendur tlioinielvt's ll > In to prosecu- ion nnd dim RO < , as t-ai'l artlolo hn't beou irnnounced by the 7. S. Circuit Court , jotrhern DUtrlct , New York , in i dec- ! tlou rendered ItyhU Honor , Judge JiUtoli- ; enl , Februiry. 188' ' . as being an Imitation of Hohtetter'H OeleVrateJ Ktumunh Hitter , and who granted a decree of perpetual hi- function with dutiiaCH , against the said Adams & Co for violation of ourTrade Mark In the promise * . The prhiclplo o" ihli Important dechion appliei with eauil force to any nitioU ol UHtera. the labels of which bear a t'enural reiomblance to our Trade Mark , oa we'l ' ai to the re-filllngof our old bott ! i with enurioua xtufT , or nell * lag In bulk any wtlclo purporting to lie our preparation , and hence this iriBtidly word of caution. We neverfalHocomflct , KH the Court Records of New Orleans , St , Loult. Now York and otKer polntt fuUy Offlrui. 1IOSTETTKB & SllIIll , 1'ltUburgh , March , 1882. The Only Known Real Core. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONt . "VI'ONEY TO LOAN Cillal L irOmcnof D. JA1 L. Thomas HOCI-J S Crelchloii Block. At 8 per contln traw.ot ? 2l < and ujiwirds , for 8 to 5 fentt. on flrbt-tlwn city nod lanu property. Hnuig ilRAt EnTAtk &nj AOKNCT , 15th nsil Vaurc ! SU. HELP WANTED. > ANTED-(3cod girl at northai rorner W Chicago and 17th street. (927 ( S3 WANT t-ltuatlon In private fMiilly or grocery store. Can Uo bo't of refer- etice , null undo stnndthiwto ake care other- sol. AiidrcBl Jl. S. , n. O. city. 828 20 * WANI'KU-Oooi s'out Rlrl nt Ilia candl- ni\ln Hotel llth street. co-21 : > ' U limutUiatcly t.vo K"1' iu n to WAM' . 0 > lt north lOtli t-trcot south of fair ground * . Tously Ilicu. 623 21 Olrl to dor general honsjwork. WANTKD at 2015 California s . 62S 28 * WATTED A rood experienced nurc , lo talco care of Intent. Hefirenco rt quired. Apply at south west corner it. MatiV Avincir 20th. 62-i 24 W ANTEDBoy.brUhtactlohoy about 10 jtarsold for oinca work. Mustwrlta Adtlrcsi Merchant lim olllco. 821-24 WANTED-To Ko t a hoa u ul o or 0 m ms Addre B X. I , ' , thh office. 816-80' WANTEO-Nureo girl M fcolotronslS04 F irnhara street. 4 57-23 "ITT-ANTKD-A'girl for geneiol housework. VV App'y toitfi' . D.V. louzjilln , Chlcajto st. between slut and 22ud. 816-21 * WANTED Boy about 18 joars old. Apply at the OmaVa BhUt FJ torj. 214-24 WANTEC Family ol good landing to adopt a chill without any compensation I - htiirnat S. I hrlstlansnn , M'dnlfe , No. ROflieth stioit , between Cumins aim Burt. 813-8' ANTED-60 Men for Hailroad work , II. Mudnbilor , Empioymo t Agent , llth st. naar Fernam. 807-24' ANT4U-100 team * for Kailr/ad work. $4.00 per day. II. Ma nvtcler , Emiloy. ment Aycnt llth s > t. ninr Karnhnn. fQl-2t- ' TEI > Situation a book-kecjcr hy n WA withfioicr.iljoin cxtu io en Thor oughly undarstardi s nglo aid doiiblu , andUu rapid and cornet arroutint Aililrca Uook keeper tl.U olllce. 5.0-21 " \TrANTED Dining ro m girl at Maus' ! > f YY taurant , HI1S Jodgifl 01-2 ! \ for kltcbea wjiV , mu t bo a 1.0 d cook , Waalivi uua Ironer , and a1 no a PCcorid girl want d. I ofcranco rcquiruJ. Host of wnci-H. Apply south-ca c corner o 2 th and Cillfornla ttt > . 81IJ-24 Situation by girl to do gen- em ! housework or cook In prlrnto fiml- ly Call 1201 Chic.igu and 12th sireot 49C-23 First class ccat nnd pants WANTED Ucicalf liros. Council li.uita. 500-30 * A good man , willing to make WANTED useful aliont a hotel , one who has had some experience prcfered. Good wages paid. Apply t Newspaper Unlnn , cor. 12th and Howard street. 501-tl * To rent an Improved farm nenr WANTED . Address , COS J3th. ' 400-23' \TfTANTFD-Oood pastry nnd meat cook VV at thi Niagara house. Tenth street , be- twef n Far. amanrt Douglas. Apply Imme diately. 464 31' 'ANTED Boardrra at the Qarfield hoose , W N. W. cornet 14th and Jackn StH. 414 tf tTT Mrl. At > ly at 10SO North W Iflth street. U8. J. M. COUS8MAN 308 tf "tTtrANTED A gouu in irr general housj- YY work , also a nurse girl , northwest cor ner 23d and Hurt streets. 333-tf 'ANTEDKuiiiliv bndei i.nd chool ina i H. T. CUtrU. Iicll ! ) > Tie. 26-tf 4 cliildroit as b .ardors In a select WANTED , it 19th nnd California St. L. B. LOOHIS 767-tf \T7AHTKD Situation as book-deeper , by a "V gont'oiian , 21 joars old , who speikt Oeriran n d Engllnh U a very good peniran end book-Vcofir ; as engaged In Ua hlng In an eahtcri bUfiniBJCOllegeJ can goo bo t if refer ences. Alsn a voungmin 17 years old , who is a student ot the Davenport Iluslncau College , wlllgo to work In Omaha. Addrcsj F. O. , IKJ4 W. Fourth street , IU > euporf , Iowa 480 24" / 1 UOCEItb * BOOKS WANTED To keep even- \Jf IIIKS In return for trade. P. 0. Box 802. 3J > 2 t i On RENT HOU3EB AND LAND KENT Furnished C3ttag . six ro3in . POK California Hi Mis. Hall. 82Mf TTIOIl IIBNT House , 6 roatiu , clonols well , 1 } c'stsrn , cemented collar. Inqu ro I2'i7 l' - iltlc street. 6SB-1M' NICELY furniklicdr > am fur rent , 1410 Ch A ca o utrctt , butuein Mill and 18th.830tf 830-tf 171011 IlEST Kr-int fnrnUhed chamber , closet jj andbiy lndowC03N. 17lh kt. fili-221 BENT IIuunc J rooms , loulh end lOlh FOH 00 pi r month. Enquire of J. B. Me- Ungup , opposlli1 pobtofllce 4liy-li "ijTl'IINISIIP.UKUOM ' 10 IlKiT At S.O-JD St i1 Marj'a Avenue. I7\OR \ I.nNT forty acrcn of land to rout , three P miles Irom court IIOL , lltll < fc Amt , 1800 ' g * Farnam. _ runts housf.lota , forms , utorm , BEMIS etc. Office * 16th and Douglas Sta. TT10U HK.NT-N. F. 1 , c. 0 , T. IB , H. 11 , un- L4 lmpro > cd Douglas county Und. 1 j rollo. from U. U. station. Inquiru ct ! 118 Davenport etrtct. 171011JIENT f Jie front room , furnished ; at V S13 N. 17th Ht. , east side , bet. VMtnfOit , and Chlngo. A. aoapo. P9i-tr ! 171011 UE'-T Nicely furnished room. Apply at Jj 1220 Fornhaiu at. 21S-tf KFET Jtoro room In btlck bulldln ? , N. FOH . toriier 10th end CuminK. O. F Good man , U10 FarnhMn St. 203- " 71011 Hr.NT House on bneruivi , , eim , 1 ' roonw. with liable A'ply to N , > Ur Till. 307 H. m'l Bt W "moil KENT Furuisnuu iiun incut , K , K. i-ar I' fltli and Jad > oii. 62-tf ' 71OK UbM llouee of light IOOIHD. Mmuifi < J. Thlpm Hoe. 1518 H. Fifth 8L 77-tl 1-iOU IlKNT S furnuaoU ii > im - \ t s > j' rh t.l 'EicU > Uk. , N.E a > t HU i. . m tirtu'-fc. - - < f 171011 VFNT Nlaly Jurnlahod rooms with i' P Mltoout tio-iril , llc&souablo prices. U"I1S " " > " Caw Ft. lT\URNlSIIElTlOOil8 \ roil KENT 8. W.Oot. 1 } 1Mb and Davenport bt OQfl-tf lURNlBUED UOnMS Within three blockn nt Inquire at 1819 Dod/o. Btfl-tl UAUt SALE. Fine family mare ; jouog oH FOR . Box 424 , Ctuncll Ulua | . la. li-2t TTIon BAi E-n6tu ) nd lot on MT fcrmi. Jj APPIJ t 511 Wk'nnt ttr et between tin Mi Oih Uieati bmnh of U. P. depot , a no enllM household ( roods. 631 M . A gwdwctk ot K'nprnl metr TJOIISAI.E 1 . will Involc * between four nrj' five thoiiniml dollar ! of will Mill u I in d AilJroi , S. 0. Tuo'nm , IMrlmrt SALB-Ono almost new Organ > EOIt . Inquire at SU South 10th SALE 3 1ooi itorfc and flxlme nd 171011 gher > , iroodloc ( Ion. Enqolre ot U. II. Epsncer , notthtaft crn. r llth and ilarney. ipt 4-C It OH IlKNT Uuildlnn eultaule ( or retail but- E Inosi In irood location-cheap. MoOAOUR Opp. pottofilco I71OH SALK-JI.Us and horiei at ReJnwn'i J ; 16h ( direct barn. pl 477-21" HALE Fix arrei ot land on aumlo i POil cct , with One rctdence , barn and other Improvement , Price t .BOO : turns < .a y. , tll-lt W. II Hart ott , Heal IstaU Agenl.X SALE. Horses at auction. A lei of I * youn * Norman CljdotdUo Stillion" . the bestc\ttoffered In 'ho cit althoKrlik Datn , nppoiltetho Oglen Hou o. Council IlluCN , Thurj- divUirch3 , Tcinncf sule , eight mouths time nlth approved security without Int rcitlt paid when due. tire per cent of ! tor cash. ml84F V. II. SEF.LY. OTS , HO each , 5 don and 95 per month , Agent. SALE A new houeo and lot , I8th and FOR St. Inquire to A. Bouman , 20th and Fornham Ms. 418-lm * , ml e ndtou ; crycllo p Inquire nf It * _ _ _ _ tf _ | .IA. O LIL * Attv. . . .u t.1 IAHU , 4 tUry lltluitf J ; house , bam2 wells and other Improve ments , ia < t side of Saundcrs street , near Fort Omaha. Call at this office. 401-tt " 171 OH HALE Large hou < " > , t Ml , 61x133 each J ; Inquire Mb and Dorcas , rcir C. F. Good man srtsidcnce. Oco Fullman. SS24 * FOH PALE lloueo and corner lot , ihoap Price , 81000.01) cash or $1100.0) on time. XicOAOUB , Opp. 1'os' Oinco. 289 U 17101VSALE Houae with 0 rootna , barn and ; Jong lease of lot on 18th St. , bet. Burt and Webster. Inquire at EUholm & Ericsson's. 355 tf 1V-OU SALK Cr load of fat Mickey mules U broke. Apply of J. W. Skinner , Coin Ia , 820-lmo * SALE 32 reeldcnco lots on and near 10th FOR . Price , (380 to $ JIO each. Turmi easy. McCAOUB , Agent , Opp. 1'oct Oflico. Kflltt T > E\UTIFUL KE3IDENCE LOTS100 c.ich , Jj $8don and $8 per month. BKMIH , aftrnt , 16th and Douglas Sta. " Ull HALE At HollB rted InM , ntftr illlltury Bridge , 78 tons of No. 1 biled hay Will be dtlhtrcil to any patt of thoclty Alsj ground feed at the lofttt-tcath price W. II McL'tY. ITIOK SALE Bicycle , If-lncli Standard Oolum- JD bla. Apply union Elevator. 63 U FOR SALE A No. 1 span of htrary dr f ( % horses. Enquire of Q. T. 1'aulscn , at 1'etor Uoa * . ' HALE House and full lo : In vood IOCA 1 } tlon , cheap. Price , J1250. liisy tcnnl. SIcCAQUE , Opp. post Lfflce. 15tf SALE Dest building lot in bli H10U . 142 feet cast front by 120 feet < lcpth. SlcCAQUE , Opp. post office. 14 tf , SALE 2 nice counteri and a Dili er ji.nttd I,10n 1 casoH , at Ou ) . II. Peterson's , 804 Pontb 10th St. 741-U T71O11 SALE Orwlllcxcha eo for Uuinhi pi. , , y. i ? llpertj , on Improved ecc OB ifland adjoinvf nit a statfon on U. P. U. U. Jl. DUNHAM , 111S Fornham St. , Omaha. ' " _ _ _ 720 Smi T > wch ro" n/.tiiT' n ' - " : ' " RglABItOOIt fe 001. pi IA 1'ou til o'cho co couury but'er for sale OvU chimp ; nlso finsh milk e\ory dty at Boal'a fl cccrytore , corner ICth aril D r'tte. sells hon cs , lots , farms am4 ' " BEMIS Otllco , 18th and Druzla * &td. l KICK KUi : SALE 1. Mtirruy nil n T > A I. El ) HAY- ' . H ' vndor'fi Food St" t > 11113 Hamey < ; lit- ' ' MISCELLANEOUS. K'3 Celebrated blua grasd pasture two LN and emu-half milcOouth east of Fort ( -al- noun Mlllh- i pen for colta ard hoitrB attbe Id tales Yearling per month 80c , Ttwo year old l'i 7Sc , three } ears old and uowards ono rial salt included. S oeon from Apiil 15th to mber 18th. Special rates to utra talua ! lock. Dirrld Noale. Q TBAYED Light bay horse with black 7) ) i main and tall and white Nee , abiut 4 years oTd.lwo round rings branded on left hip. t indfrr will receive a Jlbrral reward by return ing the same to UcShane's llreiy stable.602M 602-M 3 colts : lat seen In Omatia ; One STRAYKD . face and onejblnd foot white weighs about 780 ; one 2 yearg. bay , star , and one hln't foot white , weighs about 78U ; one lastiutn- mer coif , sorr 1 , white fioe , very email , i for- mixtlon of them will bo rewarded ilvcu at no- man's Llviry stable , Omiha , or to Val ey Nei' . , 470d2twtt E. ( ; oloi' . OK f\\\ Scf maple trees f rsilo , 10 I (40.UUU feet high , one mile west of Omaha. Address W. C. Aluswortb , Omaho.Neu. 470-1 * - vVI11 biiv half Interest In an e - IKtw \ / taollshed bu lnts , paj ing 40 | > er cent For further cformatlon apply or address W. C. B. Allen , 1110 Fanitm street , Omaha , Neb. rpO UUrcilhllsAND aiOCKMtN My cattle y.t. L -aloi are ogaln in jcrfoct order. Ojll on Mr. Vni O.nittti at stock jo ds , 10th St. , Oct. Lapllol a\enua and Daten arc S' . Plenty of 5 anl room And stibllnif. Bri ght etraw In halo or bed ticks. E ESTABHOOK 428 tt TDIANO AND'OltQAN Instruction by Miss E JL B. 1'arfl't , H. 20th Ht. , below Plerco. D4-tf 1EMI8' NEW CITY MAJ'B , 10c. Mounted B Uapa , 82.80. CIEO. P. BEMIS. And first cl * s table board , at SOU J ROOMS Ht. ml 1 m' * * * AN I El ) t unturnithc-1 rooma for man and wile , murt ba modaiato In price. Ad- ilrrm n. . II e office. 07-tf J are in froq'uert rcc Ipt of applications for operator * . BELL & AMI-IS , 1600 Famhom , A.'cnte Ucmlnicton T } po-\S rlter. febl8-apl ' 1 AVB UFNT Cholco of 30 full lots to l 5 nuir Crolghton C"llfgo for 32o p r year. wxtcr I. Ihopjas & nro. , Uooin 8 , C ilock. EDWAKD lA'JI&TKK OF PAt.'l .r T 7 AAl C'OMUI rjONAIJST , 4f3 Tcntl , ' , twc < " I > t ndHaiDOy , Will , with tucId c > plnt'J , obtiln fnt Bi } ' jni1 eliii ir ihi r.U prjjuut , ami on ccitaln condltto-H tr. iuv uro , HootH Mid Rhocu in ' ! r ruir Per' - nvrHf n uariiittr 411 tw Absolutely Pure , This powder utter Tories. A msn'el of pur Ity strength and uholoiomeneu. More eccno- mlcal tbtn the ordinary kinds , and cannot be sold In competition with the U'liltltudo oflnw test , short weight , alum or phouphate podtr . Bold only ID cans. HOT At , Biu * f OWBM Co. . 10J Wall Bt. , New York