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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1882)
" 'VII OJMAUA DAIi , BEE : EMUAY. MA.RCTT 24 188 * . STELE , JOHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies , A Full Line of the Best Brands of L- CIGARS MANUFACTURED TOBACCO , Agents for BKNWQOD NAILS AND LAFLIH & HAND POWDER CO , TH1F T T M TWflTTWT A TW nL 11. Jla $1 JUs.iJilTl IVIU U H J. JiJLJLi AND ft < * " -jf Mining and Milling Company. Working Capital - fSOC',000 Capital S'otk : , 81,000,000 Par Vnlua ot faharcs , $25,000 STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. OJe'-tVEGIEJEtlESr - Dn. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummltio , Wyoming. Wil. K. TILTON. Vlco-Prosldcnt , CumuiIr.B , Wj-omlntr E. N. IIARWOOP , Secretary , Cummtns , Wyoming. A. 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wyoming lr. J. I. Thomas. bouls Miller W. S ? Bramel. A. 0 Dunn , K. N. HarnooJ. Francis Leavens. Qco. II , Falos. Lowla Zolman Dr. J. C. Walking. 'dStmcSra GEO. W. KENDALL , Author'zed Vgent for Sale ol Stock : Ik- " > o . -WHOLESALE- On Eiver Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS IN- Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 FarnhamlStreet , I&TJE JfcJJLa. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DEALEH N Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha. Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , .OO&RS. filiKDS , l OLO Ci& , UKE , UEMEJrt . < r < jr&T/iT AURNJ FOll MILWAPIC B CKIONJ1 COMPAfl ' Near Union Pitcific Detiot , OMA.UA ri' ; IPOWfSP AND HAND J * * Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MIfa'fM * CA I > l.r f " ' Kt-M.I' HALUOAV mfrWL' ' . nHURP H ? W\ml \ , ) ELLS A , L. SBANG20 ) F St. , Omah PILLSBURY 'S BEST ! Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA PLOUE , always gives satisfaction , because it make * superior article of Bread , and is the Chear est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded/ ; W. M. YATER , A BOLD. DAD BROTHER. Lust and Liquor Alleged to bo the Fallings of Hov. Mr. Hlnman. Chlenfo Times , NEW YORK , Mnrcli 20. The witnesses - nesses in the libel suit of the Jlov. Mr. Hinnian who Imvo R very un complimentary opinion of that gentle man's character appear to bo inox- luustiblo in multitude , The opening of the third week of the trial to-day brought another batch of them. Alary L. Graves , formerly of Hinman's household nt the Santee ngoncy , was questioned about finding Ilinmnn in the room of a servant , Luna Olson , llinmaii , she said , slipped out of the room and went down stairs , and then Lon said to the witness : "Mr. 11 in man followed mo up here. Ho saiil he wanted to talk to mo. " "It's all very wrong , " the witness rejoined , as she went out of the door. Lena said "Oh , I s'poso he was after me. anil I'm not the only ono he's nttor. Amelia lyes , house mother of St. Mary's school at Santee agency , said Hiummi's reputation before July , 1872 , wna infamous. Mrs. Lucy llosi had told her that Mr. Hinmau kisscc her , and that she felt very badly about it , The Hov. Burl's testimony \ \ as read. Ho said ! "I say very roluo'- antly thnt Mr. Ilinmnn's mputati > unonn the various tribes of IndiiuiB t whom I Imvo preached for nearly tun years was bad before 1872. In August , 1870 , I went with him to Niobru t on business , and wo drank liquor together at Weateniian's oilicc , and at thu huul olHce. On the way homo Mr. llin nun showed Higns of intoxication. Ho became very talkative and found it difficult to keep his seat in the car riago. After wo arrived homo Mr. Uinnian wont into the house and soon afterward went out again. I judged that ho did not feel well. I liaro of- tun drank with Mr. lliunmn , but 1 never saw him HO much intoxicated. " Question. You kept sober wliilo ho ho got drunk ? Answer. Ho was very much under the influence of liquor ; and was pretty far gone , while I was but very little under the intluonco of drink. Q. You have boon very much under the iniluonco of drink ? A. Perhaps. Q Have you ? A. Y s , sir Tlio deposition of William J. Olovo- land , who married Sister Lizzie ; and is a missionary , was to the following effect : "I heard at Spotted Tail agency and Yarkton agency that Uin- man had been intoxicatud , and thai ho visited Indian women. In 187f Mr. Hinman and my wife , then Sister Lizzie , traveled 130 miles into the Indian country , camping out in tent. " Bradford , Pn. Thou. 1'itchnn , Iliadford , 1'a. , writes I enclose UK ney for Sl'ltixa BLOSSOM , .IB I said I would if it cured mo. Sly dyspep sia has mulshed , with all its Kymp'toniH , Many tlmnkn ; 1 sliull nu\cr bo without it ill the house. " Price CO cents , trial Lot ties 10 cents. inch21-lw SENATE SNUFF. Captain Bassott's Romlnlsconcos. Fifty years ago Capt. Isaac N. Bas fiott entered the service of the United States senate as 11 page. Ever since that time ho has romuiucd in the tervico of the senate. From u page ho has become the captain of the senate - ate pages. Ho is one of the beat- known figures in the senate. Ho occupies , during the session , a chair at the right of the prodding officer. There ho is always ready to attend to the confidential messages or errands of i ho senators , and it is from this post that he trios to direct the uuruly pages supposed 'to bo under his con trol. His tall , erect figure , flowing whits beard. and dignified manners , give him the appearance of a patrl arch. For years this old gentlonmi has boon hard at work collecting mate rial for a book of rcminibconccB of nis fifty years' employment in the senate The senate snuff-box , ono of the an cient institutions of the senate , is alio in charge of this faithful subordi nate. In memory of the day when his fifty years of service was reached , the senators have united in present ing through Senator Bayard , to the venerable captain a handsome golc muff-box valued at $200. It bears the following inscription : Each member of the United States senate has joined in presenting this testimonial to Isaac Bassett , on the completion of xho fiftieth year of his orvioei as an oflicor of that body , ii recognition of his personal worth ant official fidelity. Doc. 5,1881. In acknowledgment of this valuable gift , Capt. Bassott addressed Mr. Bay rd as follows : I have this day received from you , as the organ of your uBiuciato tona- tors , a beautiful snuff-box , tondera to mo , as you are pleased to express it , for my fidelity in yojir service as i subordinate ofliccr in your body. ; fully appreciate the gift as not only in trinsically valuable but for the Hotter ing terms in which it has buon pro Bunted to mo. I accept your gift am the kind expansions of good-nil which you BO touching ! } ' imd feelingly express , and BO long ua life luats alial rptuin it nit n souvenir of the ontiina tion which the members of the aonato Jiavo placed upon my poor Hurvices JIH one of their biibordinato officer * ! , and , when death ahull ttill my heart's hmi emotion , I shall transmit uuimpairur not only the token , but the kind ani graceful exprenaioi.s of your foolinps accompanying thei/ift , tomy children's children , to the J.itest generation , Permit me , in this ronnoction , to re call BOIIIO rominiscenccH of the aenato nd its prc iding officers in the past. When Martin Van Huron WUH vice president ho was poasesscd ot a gold snuff-box. Ho gave it to mo in oliarao , to keep wull-fillcd with onujl , und see tln.t ic KMB piao on ilia vio' firoidiii < t'a ' ( nblo ovury lay that tliu HCiiitto WUH in suesiun. At the end of every week thereafter ho handed mo 50 cents to pay for the snuff. When his term expired T give liitn the snuff-box. Ho lofc the city soon after , and forgot to h'ivo mo the 50 cents that ho hud always given mo at the end of each wouk. Henry Clay was very fond of a pinch of snuff , and enjoyed it much. Ho would often stop in the midst of u speech and call a pugo to bring him u pinch of snuff , and if ho could not see any ono of the wges ho would leave hia Beat und Talk up to the vice president's table , take up the gold snuff-box , take a > inch , and , returning to Jus Boat , re * sumo his speech. Richard M. John son and John Tyler were neither of hem snuffers , and therefore I Imd to urnish my .jffii snuff-box ; but when George M. Dallas WAS vice president ho brought with himn Tory handsome pold snull-box and gave it to mo in charge , and after his term expired I returned it to him. When Millard Fillmore was vice president ho ob jected to having n snuff-tox on the table of the vice president , because , in his opinion , it interfered with the business of the senate. Senators would como up and slop to converse with each other , and disturbed him so much ho could not hoar what twas going on in the etnutc. Ever since that period there has been placed , on each side of the sotiato n small snuff box fastened to the wall. Concerning the Urows. W , T. Hamilton , an old trapper of the Yellowstone country , contributs the following views to The Bozeman Courier on the Crow question : The Big Horn river was formerly , the western boundary line of the Crow hunting grounds. Twenty years ago Fort Union , opposite the mouth of the Yellowstone river , was their trading post. Afterwards Snrpio itltandoiiod the posts on the Yellow stone. In regard to the "Irioiullt- ness" of the Crows , I can prove of their killing nine white irton and niralmg hundreds of mules and horses. You , ns wells all old citizens of Hozotcau , know thai in 1808-0 , if it had not beun for Cap L.i Mete and the force under his command , the Hottlcra of Gallium v.Uley would liavo had trouble with thu Crow Indiann. The land mil a'dy wnn granted , to tlte Northern I'ltcilic r.ulr-vul company ill 18C4 , and the Ciow treaty .TUB not made until 18G8. It was concluded at Fort Liramiu - ( .ions. Auger , Sherman nnd othcis represent ing thu government , and Perry Chion and John llonahaw , reproscntinu tlio Indinns. It was stated to the government commission ers that no pot tion of thu present lands ceded to tlio Crows was ocou- pied by white men , or mincra. If t at portion of Montana Torritoiy hud been fairly nnd truihly repre sented to the commissioner ! ! at Laramie - mio , neither Boulder , Stillwator , or any other portion of tha > mountainous - ous country west , would Imvo boon ceded to the Crow Indians. In re- U.ird to the Ctown ! > i nj desperate fighters and a general terror , I will admit that , should i h. y Incak cut in open _ hostility , thej mny kill n fe > v white men iiud steal a few horses , but I will vouch that , insulo of twenty diji ) after a declaration of war , very t'i'W Crows would ba left in Montaun. The ( Jrou-j , ui si nmo , huto every white man in Montium , mysclt not cxcoptod. The cream of Montana ia the Crow reservation , ivud it nouldbo only justice to I ho citizens of the eastern portion of the territory to have it thrown open foraiMtlument. AN HONES'J1 MEDICINE FREE OF COST. Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the Throat , Chest or Lungs , wo know of none wo can rec ommend so highly sis Du. KINO'S Nr.w Discovinty for Consumption Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis Hay Fever - vor , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , loss of voice , etc. This incd- icino does positively euro , and that where everything else has failed. No medicine can ohow one-half so many positive and permanent cures as have already been effected by this truly wonderful remedy. For Asthma and Bronchitis it is a porlect specific , cur ing the very worst cases in the short est tiino possible. Wo say _ by all menus give it a trial. Trial bottlea free , llogular sizo$1.00. Forsaloby THH & MoMAiiON , Omaha. Who Xiocntod Dos Molnoa Oskaloosa Mandard , , In the pleasant office of the most perfect livery barn in the state , wo sat with some of the old citizens watching with some interest the con test in the Fourth ward , Oskaloosa , as to tlio straight republican and citi zens ticket. Among the rest , aud the oldest Roman of thorn all , was Hon. M. T. Williams , who incidental ly roaiarkod that ho chose the spot whereon the Iowa hub and axol rests. In other words , was ono of the com missioners to locate the county seat of L'olk county. Ono , a Mr. Pinnoo , was sick and did not go out to look thu country over , and the other , whoso name wo have lost , also tarried with the snuff , or nt homo , while Mr. Williams with about a hundred sol diers rode all over those hills and vales to determine by the topography of that howling wilderness pnd by compass and chain the very best site for the capital. The captain of the pout ( Rico , wo believe ) furnished Wil liams with a finely caparisoned "cali- co" hoi HO to ridoj and most patiently did ho with his escort and surveyor look the country over for some day . "At last , " nays SVillianw , "We found the finest natural i o in the world for a great city , an amphitheater ot hills , gently sloping to a nearly circular vailoy , where the ntakes were driven mid wo decided to root. " A few people were centered near the forks , or rather 'the function of the 'Coon und DCS Monies rivera , then. This tvas about September , 1810. Yet there wcro enough to take u weatorn interest in do impurtunt un event ns u county scut locution ; und that evening Mr. Williams mot Homo two-hundred of those nour the river by nomu kind of a shed where a good man } ' burroln worn piled , and from ono of these ho nmdo a speech , giving his reanonu for locating the county Boat ihurn , and further ulated that ho not only had chnaon the place for thuir county flout , but "also that of the luturo capital of the state , " whereupon they hoisted him higher than the barrels , and on their shouldoM bore him about us the luno of the hour. Timu Jus fulfi' ' ' i < 1 hiii prophooy , J. L WILKIE , MANWAUTUllKU OF PAPER BOXES. P18 aud , ' 320 S. 14tla St. CLBVES BROS , ARCHITECTS I'ubllc lIlu'lJinM. ' ChurdicB , btoiejln cvtry btylo. Attention flven to I'atcnt Ollice Drawings. Offlco Room 10 , Crelghton Dlock , Omaha. Nebraika , Dexter L , Thomas. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Room eurelghton Bloo ? & & / ' & ' . ; " tnt bi\iit iho s.if < wt lno ! cnnnpctlni \ ropa. ( JAQOn < \ ( he r.virmi , ? ir > imi'KAMiit , Ii anil I anitii.KMTfsi tNTS t , hloh ter-nlnMd he-r , Kith KK tl O.TT , l.nArKXKOKTn , ATTtlHON , Ofitucii "irrrs ami OMAIU , th Uowvvnni1 i n. 'f , , nhch ! fUlnlc EVERY LINK OF HlTAD cfi i iKtiotrntiw tlio rortlnml Jion' the MKwiir * tr tl.p r rlfl ! . | ojw. On- f'HIOACO HOOK IHTiAND A P oino UAILWAV ! tlm-in'v l'io from 0 ! > ' .cyo ownlnj ln'k In Knimxi. nr hlrfi , l > j lt own roa < l , imoSii * th i > olt | ] nltfve n/\innl. / No iHA < i < fi'i nv CAmti m. No 'iivisa i\i.\snoilnK t No lilidilllni ; In U vtntlln 1 or unelcon carp , M c\trf rnwiyfT r trUsJ In looiny , clmti nml roiililniod Bftchd' Ujxin Kvt Kxinuin Trains HAT c m itNl > i ) CH.H , iinon which tnoali tie outvvi ! at sn rnn vJ mretloiKW , ftt hplow ri\'e of * \ ' * \ ' VIXH CKSTII ttni. irtth anirli tlip r - ( > ILIU . . cnjoj-mcnl ITinjiich O i iHlMt-an i Utnv \ 't"ntiv , M1 w ukf i > tiH Mlivuil Rlvrr Points : rnd c'o.i noctlor' t ll points of IntomiTium ' llh > ' rcr'r ' rtr . ,1i not f.ifgcst tlilH ( < Vr. tly \ , , i i u.i rUnro ID ICanim. N "nkft. Ill * . ! Iill , Wj or line . Utih. Mihoe * . > , O llforr > , ' ' ' As 'icral ' KrriKKt'inonU ip ntdini ; * ny elli r line , an > l tAte nl l rf ' " > ) * vA o < v compctltnrg , who furnish but t t.iua o tlir ro'n tort , Pee ind tftcktc ol n ) < utlfiii < n freo. Tickets , taara .MH ! tolilcm nt nil jitlnclrv orceii : In iho Unltol 'lt\tc Mid Dinflit. 11. K.CMJLK , K. ST. JOI11I Vice I'rcd'l ' 4. den. Of u. TKt AnJI't'i'r A. U nirrr. Chlcicti Glilinio 8880 , 8KORX.LINE , I88Q , KANSAS CITY , 3ti , Joe fiBoecil Bluffs 13 Till ONLY Direct Line to ST. LOUJS AND Til K HAST From Onmha and ilj ncol ( : cAts between On\nh nd at. > inl lint one luilwccn OMAHA * ud NhW YOUK aily Passenger Trains KKAt'ltlSO Alt CAHTKllH AND WESTKIIN C111KH with lKSf OUARAK3 d IK ADVANOU of U L OT1IKK LINK" . Tinculli > > linn IK e < | inm > oil wltti I'nllini.i o irrrung Can , P l --o t'Jij Ouhis , M U n' ty Plutlotiu anil Co'ii > l r , an-Hhe joi tati ( It houoo Alr-lrnltp. : AF ce thst your tliVt-t IIS.-JD VI * iNSA ! UITV , 'I. JOHlIVH & OOUNOII. UP 8 'U ' rckvl , xln [ ! t. .Utopli ami St. LuuU. 'flikcts lor t lc fci "I ! ooupoi , jtM'cii" ' It ) t > > e \Vott J. F. lUUNAi - , t rA WUi , Ucn. Niiit..Bt. | Jitatnh , V" ' ' < in r'rj , " Lai 'HcUut At , , St. JlUCJill , > tc \M > \ iJoainw , l1ckctA.ii. . 1020 r rnliMU ttrtiii " , < * u cn Odnrrnl ArmX , > > 1IIA. HK STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF TI1K UNITED STATES BRANCH OKTIIR QUGBII Iiisuranco Oo , , of Liverpool ONTHE3lstDAYOFDEOEMDER , HJOI. Capital" . .7. $0,733,00000 Capital 1'ald 870,140,3:1 : ASSETS IN UNITED STATES. Casli Items 125,483 CO Itual Estate Unlncumlicrod 351,391.30 Unlt d States Hands : 1,118,040.00 Other Securities iO,017.tW $1 674,030 01 LIABILITIES IN THE UNITED , STATES. Losses Unadjusted and In Suspense. .8 170,241.07 All other Claims Against the Com pany 3,1)12.40 ) S174.1B7.13 Amount necessary to reinsure all outstanding - standing Klsks $742,481.61 Ncj Surplus In United States 758,207.27 ? 1,074P30.01 Income in U. 8. In 1881. . 1,330G4D Expenditures In U. H. in 1882 1.212.05D. Oross Receipts In United Blntes..812,370,111 OIOKB ExpondlturcH Including Los ea In U. 8 10,743,207 STATK or NKBKASKA. INSUIIA.SCK DKrAKTMr.NT. ) AVDITOR'H OFKICK , LINCOLN , Feb. 1 , 1882. f It U hereincertlflod that tlie Queen Insur- Company of Liverpool , In the Kingdom of Great UllUln , has complied with the In surance law of this state , and is authorized to transact the ImalncsH of Klro Ins'jr- ftnco In this utato for the current yrar. WltncsD my hand and thu oal of the Auditor ol Puhllo A < counts the day and year above written. JOHN WALUCMH , Auditor P. A. , In Charge of Innuranco Dopartmunt. 3t Sioux Biw ti Run * u S.illu Train Through from Council Bluilu to t. i aui Without Ohnngo Time , Only 17 Hour. - ir IH 'I-OX * MILKH TUB BHOKTKBT KOUTH OOQNOIL BLUFFS tttXV PAUL. MINNBM'OUH 3ULUTI1 Oil HIHUAHUI. ijiint ! pbUu in Northern Iowa. UlnucwoU ud InUoti. 'iTila llnu l i/iu'l'l"'J ' " ' ' ' ' " ' " I'uprovbO Wb'.tlu | > hnu.iu Autonutlu Alr-Iiralio ml Sllllc I'lit'orm Courier and Itnlcr : nd for Sl'RKV , HAKI.TV ANf ) COMKOK'I Is uriBurpiVisod. Pullman falaco Hlocjilni ; Oat run through WITHOIjr UIIAA'OK littwoon Kail at < ; ity anil St. Paul , VH Council Hluils MjU Sl&ux City ' lnlorI'aclllc / Tmiridr at Coin , ell liluits , r.t 7:35 : p. ni. rUlly on arilyal of Kanna City. fit. Jo-wph ami Council Hlulli truln from tlio South , Arrhlntf at aioiu City 11:36 : p. in. and at the tluw Union Iicpot at St. I'nul at 123t ; > iionn , 1K HOURS 1JJ ADVANCB Ol' AMTtOViiCi KOUTK. larUouienibcr In tr.klns the Sioux City flouti 5 ouifot a Through Train. The Hhorlc t I.lnfl , the QulckuatTlma and a Comfortable Klclo In tlir Through i ar bolwion COr'Ni'lL I1MJIKH AND BT. PAUL. I hit j our Tlckttn rcaJ via the "Slotu City ami 1' lUllroad / . B. WATTLK3 , J. U. HUOHANAN Biipoilntcndcnt. Ocn'l Paun , At'ont , P. U. KOIH.VHON , APu't Oen'l Piua. A t. , MIsBOiirl Valluy , lena , J , II. O'BKVAN , SouthwMtern A ont , Ccuiicl lilatli , IOWA A , F , BERQDBST & BBOi , Manufacturera of Carriages , Bupgioj , Express- Wacons Trucks , Spring , Road Wagons , . 410 S. 13ch Street , OMAHA NEBRASKA. kinds ol Iltpaltliifc' 1'roinptly attondld to. All Work Warranted. MJI-lw , Olarkson & Hunt , Hucco6 < v to Klchtrcli fc Ilunl , ATTORNEYS - LAW. B Ull8tr l Omb * Neb OT IIA3IHUKG BUANOH OK THE 0 , n. & Q. lJr. . Wilson . Ciishicr , , M. Webster's Il'ntik N o it Mcioro . , . OcinTal Morr.hfiiuliso A. M. .lonca . , . Gunoral Mcrclmndiao Tolni Limkrholin . , . Gcnurnl IMorcliindiso I. 0. ICiPlnmn . , . . . General Morclmmliso Inluiscn vi Donaldson . General Merchandise ) losopli 'I'uvornor . . . . Grocpries Ni'ldon llros . . . . . . . Groceries & Moat W. C. Mitxwull . , . . . HcsUiirant nnd Confectionery Charles Hcnienovor . . . . . . . . Uostatirnnt fttid Confectionery D. E Brooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hcstniirnnt nnd Confectionery \ \ ' N. Malony . , . . . HimUvnro ntid Fnrm Iinplenionta Dt'Loo it JJosi . , i . llixrdwnro nnd Farm Iinplenionts L' ' . Nichols . . . . . , . , . . Drugs M Hurliiw . , . . . . .Drugs N. S. Urninburg. . . . . . . . . .Drugs lames Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'ackinir House I'oarson A' Hurt man. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harness W. 11. C. Moon < , M. D . . . . . . . . . . . Phyr.ician Kclfcrson , M. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'hysicinn O. M. Ihirhank , M. I ) . . Physician Steams Uunnur . . . . . . . . . . . , . Homeopathic 1'liysicinna G H .Ittmmigi . . . . . . . . . . . Li\v 0. W. Clnirchill . . . Essex Imkx 1) . A. Too . , , . . . . . . , , . . . , . Lumber nnd Coal Oco. \lmur 1 t Co . . . . . . . . . . i. . , . . .Lumber and Coal I'oiulk'ton it .Co . ' . . . . . . . . . . . Elevator 0. M. I'Vlk . . . . . i . . . . . . . . , , . . , . , , i . . , . . , , . . Steam Hlnvatnr and 21111 0 W. film-chill . , . Nursery .1. M Ili's-u'll ' . . . . . Nursery H. C KII slor . . . . . . . Coal M L .y . ; . Grain and Stock Latulon it Lindorholm. . . . ' . . , . . , . Stock A mod < J Mnl < mi . . ' . , . Stock A. H. ] 'MV . , . . . . . . . . A , A. H i dou . . . . . . . . . . . Hlodu'i'it . , . . . Lindell House .1. F. Kinney . . . . . Boots and Shoos S. A. 0'iUinii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Livery .1. 0. 1 horn . Harbor Gi'orj o Stitt . Darber U.V. . .lonuM . Cronmcry LEHMANN , JOH1JER OF AND HADE S. EASIER ? ! PRICES DUPLiOATED. 1108 FAR AM ST. - - OMAHA. I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE IILLfflERT AM HOTIOHS. 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Roods Receiving Daily anil Stock very nearly Complete gs o jo. M & Iff P"S $ bYvU 9 XMMvililull rfii * S * 4 p THE &k o jw ra S a Pi5" KF 4 4d H 1309 Farnham Street. "We will Not be Undersold ? " "WHAT NEXT ? " PETS ? " Williams We will Show in our NEW "Car- pet Department" a full line of the best makes in Oil Ole hs n all wi ths , raw ml rJoooa Matting , Al oaal HI oj-ant - flsso liueiit of "Smyrna Rugs , " "Moqu ti Rugs , " "Velvet Rugs , " "Brussels Rugs , Etc. " Cornices , Curtain Poles , and Window Fixtures. Cloak ana Carpet Department on Second Flpor. . New Style Dress Ginghams , 12 l-2c. Ribbons ! Ribbons I Ribbons I lOc Per Yard. We Will Hot Be 'Undersold ! L B. WILLIAMS & SONS , 1422 and 1424 Dodge Street ,