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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1882)
TJlJti OMAHA JLJAluY BEE : WEDNESDAY. MARCH/22 .682- NORTHERN NEBRASKA. Minute Description of Madison Knox , Cedar , Holt and Antelope Oounties. Magnificent Farming or Stock Halslnj Lund to bo Hnd for Almost Nothing. Correspondence of The Bee. OMAHA , Nob. , March 20 , 1882. To ono who for a number of yours hav lived in the Platlo valley or on th level plateau iri Southern Nobrask between Ashland nnd Kearney , nnt has got ] accustomed to the monotony of the level prairie with its hundred of sections of fertile Innd , which cat hardly bo told ono from another , i is hko making n trip to another stat to visit Northern Nebraska. At present tinio when not only al the homestead land has been taken b'ut also nearly all of the best rail road land has boon sold in the former mentioned district , n correct and im partial description of this hitherto stop-motherly treated part of our state mpy bo of public interest. In this hope I have taken my pen in hand , but even if I should bo mis taken in regard to the value of the in formation , I think myself nblo to give in regard to'this part of Ne braska , I shall still consider myself well paid for my trouble in writing this letter , if I only thereby should guido ft few of my fellow-citizens to a selection of a good future homo on Unolo Sam's domain , and thereby free themselves from the necessity of strikes on account of ill-paid labor. Lot mo hero remark that since 18G5 when the writer first behold the Ne braska pr.n'rins in their virgin beauty , I have boot ; u comtant and zealous advocate of the advisability for people without sure incomes , to take up pub lic land , and by their own effort work themselves up to bccomo independent owners of "hapny homos" sooner than to swell the throng of applicants for labor with its fluctuating supply , which often forces them to travel from town to town , nnd every winter almost v invariably compels them to spend the last dollar which they , even with the strictest economy and dili gence , were able to save during the summer. How enviable compared 1 ! with such a fate seems to mo even the struggles of the homesteaders. It is not my intention to undervalue the desirability for nnyono under taking to obtain a now homo on pub lie land , to have at least n few hun dred of dollars to start with ; but on the other hand I have known nnd can mention cases where people wh6 started with nothing but empty labor , hardened hands nnd an unconqnor- ' able will ; ovnn to succeed bettor than others who had their hundreds nnd even thousands to start with , nnd I bolioro that what has boon clone can bo dona again. The homestead law does not prevent anybody from working for others until tlio owner has hia land in culture , and then is able only to work for himself for the balance of his life. From thin long transgression lot mo proceed with my theme : The main difloronco of Northern Nebraska from ics half-sister oouth of the Platte river is two-fold. 1st. It has as a general thing moro rolling land , and second , a great many moro running streams , and on account thereat also less depth to water than Southern Nebraska. Both of those scorns only to bo in its favor at the present iimo , when Nebraska farmers . are going largely into the raising of corn , cattle and hogs , and lots wheat and other small grain beautifully alono. In other regards Northern Nebraska stands very far behind its sister half. I mean in the number of its inhab itants. The cause thereof is obvious. Until of quito a late date it has had no railroads , and consequently it has boon moro trouble and expense to hunt for a homo there than in Southern Nebraska , 'and the north part of the State has had no corporation influence used whatever trying to bring residents within her borders. Still another cause for the poorly settled condition of a good deal of thd best land in Northern Nebraska exist , to-wit : It is owned by speculators , who have bought it for a trifle direct from the government , and who unlike the rail road companies are unwilling to sell or improve , and far loss will make any effort or expenditures to that effect , A single honorable exception to this rule 1 shall mention further on. MADISON COUNTY. What a change since I was hero several years ugp , I involuntarily ex claimed when I stopped from the cars of ono of the railroads tlmt centres at Norfolk in Madison county. I was so much moro able to notice this change as in former years my own humble little log cabin gave shelter to my8"lt and my family not tar from where Norfolk stands to-day. I shall not dwell long on this tmbjoct , or go into poetic eruptions by the remem brance of the tirao when I walked barofootodbehmd a pair of oxen break ing Nebraska land. Suflloo it hero to say that Madison county is traversed by the beautiful Klkhoru river and its north branch , Union crooks and other strpamii , and is ono o ( the best and best settled counties in all of North ern Nebraska. Only little railroad and speculators land remain unsold , in Madison coun ty nnd homesteads are out of question to obtain , I found my former neigh- bora all in very prosperous conditions with fine frame houses and barns for which the moro modest log or sod houses had given room. Norfolk with ite net of railroads will in my estimation in the future become what Bastings is to-day in Southern Nebraska , ono of the largest und most prosperous of the towns. PIBKCE COCHTY. 'North of Madison county comes Pierce county and connected there with by a branch of the Sioux Oity & Pacific railroad running from Norfolk to Grelghton in Knox county , Tlio land in JPieroaconnty varies very much , from some of the richest in the State ' to some almost worthless sand land. In the east half of the county there is a great deal of speculators land and some railroad land. From Hndar , the first station north of Norfolk , and north , only few houses are scon nnd quitn lot of good land may yet bo obtains at fair prices between there * nt Pierce , th county seal. From Pierce north the train runs through fine bet torn lands traversed by small atreami but hardly n house is in sight before you come near to PJiunviow , n fine little new town. For miles around this plnco the country was well sotttlcd on accoun of no speculators land being founc hero , as the west half of Pierce count ? was never in market , but wasreservec for the use of actual sotlors. From PJainview I wont northeast into Knox and Codnr counties. In the north eastern part of Pierce county I fount quite a number of now built , roomy houses with adjoining barns on differ ent quarter sections of land and with considerable now breaking on oacl quarter. I learned that they wore al owned by n Mr. Thompson , of Driven port , Iowa , who is n wealthy lam owner In the district. During 188 : ho had over 4,000 acres broken (81 ( acres on each quarter ) , nnd built tin aforementioned houses on the farms which ho now rents out , mostly t # German farmoro. If other specula tors would do likewise they would no only benefit themselves very materi ally , but also the whole district whore they have invested their moans. In Pierce county some vacant government mont land remains untakon. KNOX AMI ) CKDAll CONTIES. As far as I saw and could ascertain , joth of those counties are very much iliko in their general feature. Both lave excellent land and an uncom mon number of fine email crooks , rippling near the undulating surface , and also some larger streams carrying the water into the Big Muddy ( Mis souri river ) , which forms the north : rn boundary of both counties. In loth counties arc nlso found some fory rough land , especially where the loads of the creeks are found , and in act land so rough that it is unfit for anything but stock railing , for which it probably is even better idoptcd than the most level land , as loth the soil and grass is good. Some fine settlements are found in > oth counties along tholargor streams ; iut the cold weather forced me to re- urn before I could visit tlioso settle- nents , which was my intention when ' . started. The whole part of those counties I visited , that ia the south- vest part of Knox and the southeast > art of Cedar was only ( next to the nnd as described nbovo ) remarkable iy the almost total absence of settlors. ? or over 20 milca I only found two louses , and the same solitude reigned , as I wns informed , for at least 10 miles 'urthor cast until the trawler reaches Smithlnnd poaloflico , located in about ho center of Cedar county. As a storm and very cold weather c.imo upon us while \isited those nt > rcsont inhospitable regions , wo wore ndeod lucky in finding two dnya good quarters by the family of Mr. A. M. joe , who lives clone to a very fine lot imbor on ono of thu branches of Bow rook. The residence ia located on oction 33 , township 31 , range 2 west , on the south line of the suction. A roll-built frame house and a kind ; rooting moots the traveler who is uoky enough to got sheltered by this very estimable family. Mr. Leo wns ibsont , but his wife , with the help of , wo nearly grown up sons nnd a [ nugjitor 13 years old , took carejof the > lnco and its business , which consisted > rinoipally in stock raising or which the place wns cmarknbly well selected , not only on ccount of the shelter oflbrod to [ took in the rather largo grove of Urn- > or along the creak , but also near by , is the oldest son informed mo , that or five miloj around there was run- ilng water on each half section of nnd. Mr. Loo's postoflico address is Jlyvillo , Knox county , Nob. Only very little and this very rough ovornmont land remains in the part f the two counties I visited. A. good enl of land is vacant in Knox county is well as in Antelope county yet , > ut I also learned that quito a lot of oed land was offered for sale on long rodit at the quito reasonable price of 13 per aero. AB this very likely ia lolocted land , and part of it probably iaa running water , I hardly see that ny hotter place for engaging in stock- aising in Nebraska can DO found. Mr. 0. B. Nelson , of Omaha , was aid to bo general agent for the land fferod for sale in the two counties. I forgot to mention that in the whole thus far described part of our Into no failure of crops is said to invo occurred on account of drouth or the last thirteen years , or as long as the county has boon settled , end ho vicinity of all the land to the Mis- ourl river Booms to insure an abund ance of rain each year , AKTKLOrii , WIIKKUill AND HOLT COUNTIES. On another recent trip to Long 'iuo , the present terminus of the Sioux Oity & Pacific railroad , I stepped - pod off nt Noligh , in Antelope county , where the U. S , land office for this iistrict is located , in order to obtain ull and correct information about the vacant government land , and I am iluasod to state that all information ' . desired was cheerfully given by the gentlemanly oflicor of said land office , which also was the case at the land office of North Platte , where I also iiquirod for information , It is my duty especially to mention this , as quito u different treatment woa offered no at another U. S , laud oflioo which also visited. Ono of the officers hero was entirely too big for his toots , and when I asked for informa- ion about his district , in place of Hiving it himself or through his clerk , was handed the written address of wo different persons , both living iinny miles from railroads. The whole affair , as conducted at this office , struck roe as a partnership con cern with outsiders to make extra nonoy out of the business , nnd I ihould be very much mistaken if this s not the case. This would seem nearly incredible but for the fact that I BOOH other complaints in the Omaha > apers , moat likely from the oflioo lero apokon of , and that the addresses of parties living miles off from the office , to whom I there was directed , are still in my possession. As before stated , I passed through Antelope and Holt counties on my way to Long Pine atntion in the uii- oryanirod territory weat of Holt ounty. The Elkhorn river runs n a southeasterly direction hrough both of sail' counties , and n both sides of it is found some ex- client bottomland , hcwevorsparcoly ottlod ynt , and consequently it ia cither owned by railroad companies or npcculators. The bluffs are rather rolling , nnd in some places oven rough. It struck mo that already in * ho west part of Holt county the country , if by no means unfit for genera farming , won still better adapted to etockraising in its various branches. At the head of Elkhorn river then is a very largo area of bottom lent Mibjcct to overflowing in the rainy seaion , but containing excellent grass well adapted for being made into baled hay for shipment , especially BO as it lays right close to the station Stewart , and two next stations west A largo portion of this hay land is yp vacant government land. It lays it the Niobrarn land district. A careful examination of the town ahipplata of Wheeler county ( Wheeler county has double the amount of town ships of ordinary counties in No brnsl ; _ , or 32 in place of 1C ) , rcvealoc the fact that hero is still a largo portion tion of the land vacant yet or subject to bo taken under the pro-omption , homestead or timber culture laws , and , also , that there is quito n lot ol good land in said county , n largo portion of poor or sandy land , especially in the west part thereof , and this , I believe , holds also good for all the lands further west. It is spotted , or good land surrounded by bad land , or vice versa. It will hero only be just to add that while the land in Wheeler county , and also in parts of Antelope and Holt counties are , at present , rather situated some distance from railroads , that there is moro than a prospect that the branch of the U. P. railroad now running to Albion in.Boono county will , before lone , bo extended into this very district , and most earn estly do I consider this part of the state to contain the most valuable vacant government land in Nebraska , nnd well worth n trip of the land duntcro , ns hundreds nnd even thou sands of good claims can yet bo taken icro. LONG I'INE AND THB COUNTRY AROUND. Still further west , in the unorqan- zed territory west of Holt county [ judicially belonging thereto ) , the Sioux City it Pnci fie trains lands the passengers at Liing Pine Station. It is after inidni lit when the trains arrive here , ns.d passongorp have to wait till next day before they can sat isfy their curiosity in regard to the surrounding country nbout which en much h"B been Hind lately. The first ghinco will surely cliunp- point the beholder , for the land around the now town is very sandy , and yet lie will find a cornfield not far off , which shows thnt good corn was rained hero. On my first visit to Long Pino'I icard BO much about the good land urthor west , six to eight miles , at- [ leone and Turkey crcokH , that I con cluded to make n moro careful exam ination of the country , nnd therefore ' . visited it n second time. I found nest beautiful lajim : land there , ovol or slightly rolling , xtending over at least 'throo townships , nnd the soil was nil that could 10 desired , or from good to rich , nnd resting cither on clay subsoil or gravel. I rtho s\\\v \ some smaller and argor creeks with nrystnl clear water running winter Und summer. Besides , on the LOIJK Pine creek there wns considornblo timber growing in the nrgo canyons , which uflbrds most ox- collect nhdltor for stock. In regard to farming , or whether , his wast * of far-west territory of our state in the near future bo n well set- .lod and prosperous part thereof , the only question that can arise in the nogutivo is : Does it rain enough for uccessftil farming ? Many , and among them the oldest settlers , claims lint it does. Others nro doubtful 'ot. ' It seems to bo a proven fact hat all kind of vegetables grows hero to perfection , also that corn especially the earlier kinds ) can bo aieod , while many still doubted that ho largo and later ripening kinds would mature hero. In my estimation the whole country rom Long Pine north to Niobrara md Koya Palm rivers , and west to Snake nud Minichadusa rivers , which s mostly vacant yet , is wonderfully well adapted to stock-raising , ana may in time also prove to be a very ; opd farming country , but I hardly bink it advisable for anybody to go hero and at onop break up a lot of and for extensive farming. Rather ; o slow and _ fool your way ! In cno hing is the district hero decidedly ahead of other parts of Nebraska. I mean in regard to timber fpr fuel and pncoa , nnd nlso partly for buildings , "n spite of the nearly total destruction of the codara ( for fence posts ) which s daily going on , where they can bo reached in n day's drive from the sta- ion , there is still pines , oak and elm trees enough loft as a supply for ho eventual settlers for n good many roars. The destruction of the cedars sould bo called shameful , but for the act that poor men make a living horoat who else could not have sot- led in the district and supported their 'amilios. . The question in my mind and why [ have written this long latter is : Can wo , at the present time , when BO ox- raordinary ' efforts are being made , by 'air and foul moans , to draw not only the foreign emigration , but also the native Bottlers , to far off northern states and territories ; can wo hero in Nebraska sea this without at least to ; ivo the hint , that a far bettor coun- : ry may bo found ' nearer by , and n lountrythat a't least , in regard to loalthy and pleasant climate , is all , hat can desired , nnd whore thou sands may yet find happy homos on vacant government land. The an swer to this question ought to bo "No. " To the boat of my ability I have .riod to give this hint , ami in accord , anco with the atrioti t factf. and at east for a part of the hero described ; erritory ( the eastern part ) can I witji i good conscience advise anybody to ook fpr a future homo and to receive as a gift from Undo Sam ICO or 320 ' acres of free land under the homestead and timber culture laws. In conclu sion I will aay that it ia my most ab solute conviction that land which to day can bo had for the takiug , will , ere many years passes , bo entirely out of the roach of the poor man or those with only moderate means. means.FAITHFUL. . John G. Jacobs. tFoi.airly of Qtah ft Jacobs , ) OPEttA IK HEW IOBK. By Richard Grant White , In one of the richly Illustrated articles in the April A remedy with such a representation as Hos tel tcr > Stcmtich Hitters descries a fair trial If i < m are dygptptlc , jour malady will eventually ylo d to It ; If you itre fecblo , lack flcnh and feel ilenponilent , It 111 lioth build and cheer you up ; It i ou are conttlpnti d It will relieve you , and If bllloua , healthfuletlmulkte jour liver. Don't dcapo n but make this effort In the right direc- Jon. Jon.For sale by all drugrlstaand dealers generally , feh'Stoml Gentle Women Who vrant glossy , Inxnriant and vrnvy tresses of abundant , beantifm Hair mast nso LYON'S EATHAIRON. This elegant , cheap article always makes tlio Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cores gray- DCSS , removes dandruff and i clung , makes the Hair E Jong , giving it a curling U udency and 'keeping it in aiiy desired position. Beau- nful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathairon. TRUTH ATTESTED. lonxalmportant&tatomorxts ofWcl KJIO-GTOPooplo "Wholly VeriUod. In order that the public may fully rctllte the genuineness of , the statcaicntu , A3 well as the tower and value of the article of which the ; peak , wo publish her.with tlio fac-elmllo turos of parties whose sincerity la licyon.l qu tlon. The Truth of the e testimonials Is ahi luta , nor can the facts they announce bo Ifr- norca OMAHA , NBB. , May U , 1881. II. n. WARMER & Co. : DKARSIR : I have frequently used Warner1 * Sato Kidney and Liver Cure for local aOcctlori * attendant upon severe rheumatic attacks , and have always derived benefit thercffom. I have also used the Safe Nervine with satisfactory re sults. I cousldcr those medlclucs worthy of conUJeurn Oeputy Treasurer OMAHA , NKB , May 21 , It81 I. n WARNKR & Co. , Rochester , N. Y. : GKNTS : I hav * DM lyour Safe Kidney and .Ivor Cure this spring as a Ivorlnvlgorator , and find It the best remedy I over tried. I tmvt used 4 bottles , aiid It haa made mo feel bolter nan over I did bcforo In the spring. U. P. R. Bhops. OIIIIIA.NBB. , May 24,1S81. I. II. WARNKB&CO. : SIRS : For moro than lo y-ara I have suffered r much In' onvenlonce from combined kidney and Iver diseases , mid bavo been unable to work , my urln > organs also being affected. I riod a ; reat many medicines and doctors but I grow . erse and worte day by day , I was told I had Bright * ! Disease , and 1 wished myself dead If I could not have speedy relief , I took your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure , knowing nothing dec waa ever known to euro tha disease , and I have not been disappointed. The medicine has cured mo , ' and I am porfec ly well to-day , entirely hrough your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure 1 wish Wti all BUCC BS In publishing thli valuable mcuythrough ( tin world u. r.n. n. shops. of equally strong endorsements many f ti cm In caecs where hope was abandoned bave > ecn voluntarily riven , BhovUnu the remarkable vowerof Warner s afo Kidney and Liver Cure , nail dlsca esof the Kidney * , liver or urinary or- ran s. If any one who reads this hasanypnya- cal trouble rein mber the great remedy , roe DRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK , " ' ? " 'TRADB . MARK EnRlUhrcm. - - cdy , An un failing ; cure I for Seminal Weakness , Spermator * rhca , limxit ency , and all DUcaseethaV follow as a * BEFtXETAKINQ. equcnco of AFTER TAIIKQ. ielf-Almio ; as Lota of Memory , Universal Lass ) , ude , 1'aln In the Hack , Dluiiiesa of Vision , 1'ro- nature Old Age , and many other Dboa es that ead to Insanity or Consumption and a I'rema- ure Oravo. XJTFuU particulars In oar pamohlut , which wo desire to send free I r mall to everyone. fdTTbe Specific Modlclno Is told by all druggists it f 1 per package , or 6 packteca ( or 5 , or will e tent ( roe by mall on reo > iitof the money , by , , _ . , . , . . . . ' ,1,1 i. - addrewlng TIIEOIU IKDIP1NK (1O Buffalo , N. V. r lib \ ' I , t Ooodr oo7mc-ecd FAST TIME I In going Ease taLe the GMcago & Northwest- 'Trains leave Omaha 3:10 : p. m. and 7:10 : a. m. 'or full Informatlou call on U. F. DUEV. Ticket Agent , Utb and Kurnh m sta J. BULL , U , P. Hallway Depot , or at JAMB3T CUAIlK , Oeaer Aifciu. Omaha laUrote tf BOSTON MARKET , Cuming Street J , J. NOBES , Propr. Fresh and Salt Meats of all Kinds , Poultry , Fish , &o. , in Season. O03VE3FJ yon suffer from D ) irperxna , urn nunnocn. 'LOOD DITTEUS. If you are afMlcted with Ilillousncn , usa BUnDOCKULOOD BITTERS If jouare prostrated with sick Headache , take BU11DOCK BLOOD niTTERS If your Bowels are disordered , regulate them with IlUllDOCK BLUOD niTTEUS. If your Blood Is mptirc , purify It with I1UKDOCK BLOOD BITTEHS. Ilyouhaio Indljrcitlon , } ou will hndan antldoto BIJUDOCK BLOOD BITTEUS. If you are troubled with Sprlnp Complaints , er adicate them with IlUllDOCK BLOOD BITTEKS. If your LU crls torpid , restore It to healthy action with BUn OCKBLOODBITTEn8 If your Liver Is affected , you will nnd a sure reiterative - iterative In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any species of Humor or Pimple , fall not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. It you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curative remedy will he found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS , 'or Imparting strength and vitality to the sys tem , nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the ttstem with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , 91.00 pei fictile ; Trial Bottlet 10 Cts FOSTER , MILBUEN. . & Go , .Props . , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and O. F. loodman. Je 7 ood-mo Tola great upcciflc cures that moat loatniomo disease "Wliotlior In its Primary , Secondary or Tertiary Stage- Removes all traces of crcury irom the sj s- teui , Cures Scrofula , Old Sores , Rheuma tism , Erzcma , Catarrh or any lllood Disease. Cures Wlion Hot Springs Fail ! ' Malvcrn , Ark. , May 2,1831. \Vo'havo casei In our ton n who lived at Hot Spring ! and wcro finally cured with S. S. S. McL'AMMON ilURKT. Memphis , Menu. , May 12,1881 Wo have cold 1,290 bot'lea of U.S. S. In n year. It ban glv en universal satisfaction. 1'alr minded phjelclana now recommend It us a positive specific. S. MAtiBFliLD & Co. Louisville , Ky , , May IS. 1881. S. S. 8. has given better sail faction than any medicine I hav o ov cr sold J. A. FLXZKBS. . Uemct , Col. May 2,1881. Every purcha or ( peaks In the highest tirmt of S. S. B. H L. Molsjetcr. Richmond. Va. , May 11,1831. You can refer anybody to us In regard to the merits of S. S. S. Polk , Miller &Co. Ha-e never known S. S. S to fall to cure a case cf Syphilis , when properly taken. II. L. Demaril. ) . , . , . n. . EHWarren. [ Terry , The above signers are gentleman of high stand- Ing. A II COLQU1TT , Governor orfleorgla. F YOU WISH WE W Mi TAKE YOUHSE OA TO BE PAID FOIl WHEN CURED. Write for particulars and copy of Ittle took 'Munsago to the Unfortunate. 81 , OOO Kownrd will be paid to any chemist who will find , on analysis 100 bottles S S. 8. , ono particle of Mercury Iodide Potaa- lum or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. 1'rops. Atlanta , Oa. Frlce of regular slio reduced to 91.76 per I nt lo Small size , folding half the quantity , price , 1.00. Sold by KENNAUD & CO. , and Druggists Generally. The Great English Remedy , NoYer fails to cuie Nervous Debility , Vi tal Exhaustion , Emls- lens , Seminal Wcak- cflm , LOST MAN HOOD , and all the avll effects of youth ful follies and ezcea- ' tea. It stops perma nently all weakening. Involuntary loss sand drains upon the ejs- com , thr Inevitable re sult of these OTI ! prac- Ices , which are BO destructive to mind and body and make life miserable , often leading to Insanl- y and death It strengthens the Nerves.Draln , momoryf Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Reprp. ductlre Orir ns , It restores Vt all the organic unctions their former vigor and vital ty , ma king llfo cheerful and enjoyable. Price , ? 3 a bottle , or four times the quantity 110. Bent by xproas. secure from observation , to anyaddress. on receipt of price. No. C. 0. D. Bent , except on receipt of 81 M a guarantee. Letters re questing answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are tt i best and cheapest dyspepsia and blllloua ure 1 1 the market. Bold by all druggists. Price 0 cents. DR MINTIK'S KIDNKT RKIIBOT , NMTIKTICUM , Cures 1 11 kind of Kidney and bladder comnlalnte. ; oiiorrhca , gleet and leucorrhea. For tale i.y all iaueir eta : il a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE , TlSOllvoSt. , St. Louis , Mo. JanZ6-lY To Nervous Sufferers ( Hi QHEAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Rimpson'e Speoitlo It U > [ cutttvcvuru tor ttpermatoirtu , btuili > Weakens , bnpoUucy , and all dlseuct rouiltlon rom Sol'-Abuso , M Mental Anxiety , LOHSI -loiuwr > . I'ultia In tha HM-h or Hide , anU disunion " > ' - - = rr - that load to .uEianlty an _ earlyurai * Tie Specific Mudlcln * U xituj luod with wondur- ' " nl ' ! < " ' ' - ! . -V'l' foi in < .m ltd itl full par * lo i v , . out ) * tor < ft.wJrii. . 4 uia. n. II. tmttiON MKDlUINfc , OK , Not 104 aid 10H Main Nt. OuBalo , ti. i Bol-l 111 Omaha br O , f. Uonitmau , J. W. Hell , J , K. tsb. and all frtiil * v rrwber . ' M. R. RISDON , Gen'l ' Insurance Agent _ Phoenix 4uurauco Co. , of London , CashAtsctts . 5,864,601.00 Westcbewcr , K , Y. , Capital . 1,000,000.00 The Merchants , of Newark , M. J. , Capital . , . - . 1,876,000.0 Olarditra , Philadelphia , Capital. . . . 1,200,000.0 Firemen' * Fund . . . . . . . 1.259,016.0 British America Assurance Co . 1,600,000.0 Office , Boyd'B Opera Honse , DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTELS. ARLINQrON , SARATOGA HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTEL HALL HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTE. , GRAND CENTRAL MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOUSE GREENWOOD HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , ENO'8 HOTEL , EXCHANGE HOTEL , METROPOLITAN HOTEL , tf ORGAN HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , JUDKINS HOUSE , HOUSTON HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , WALKER HOUSE , . COMMERCIAL HOTEL , CITY HOTEL , PARK HOUSE , NEBRASKA HOTEL , MERCHANTS HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARKS HOTEL , COMMEROAL HOTEL , D4QNELL MOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , JUDKINS HOUSE , DALL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , GRAND PACIFIC , WOODS HOUSE , DOU4LA8 HOUSE , EXCHANGE HOTEL , PROPRIETORS J. 0. MctNTIRE , J. 8. 8TELLINIUS , JOHN HANNAH , A. W. HALL , OHENEY & CLARK. J. Q. MEAD , ' . 'SEYMOUR , P. L THORP , A. O. OAARPER , O. W. MAYFIELD , E. STOREY. E. L. END , O. D. HACKNEY , FRANK LCVELL , E. U GRUOD , SWAN & DECKER , JUDKINS & DRO , , GEO. CALPH , O.M.REYNOLDS , D. H. WALKER , 8..DUROE88 , Dl D. WILLIAMS , MRS. M. E. OUMMINGS , J.JL. AVERY , J. W. DOULWARE , F. M. PARK , HENRY WILLS , CHA8. DAGNELL , WM. LUTTON , FRANK WILKINSON , H. H , PERRY , B , F. STEARNS , J. NORTON , JOHN ECKERT , J. 8. DUNHAM , O. B. HACKNEY , TOW A' } Lincoln , Net Mllford , Neb. 8tromurg > Ne Loulivllle Blair , Neb. Nellgh , Neb Nabratka City , Neb- Weeping Wnter.Ne Hardy , Neb. Greenwood , Nebl Clarlndo , Iowa Eremont , Neb. - Athland , Neb Atklnton , Neb. Guide Recd , Neb. Oreiton , la , Red Oak , la. Extra , la. ' Atlantic , la , Audubon , la. Neola , la. Hnrlan , la , Corning , la. Stanton , Durllngton Junction , M Dlanchnrd , la. Shenandoah , la , Dayld City , Neb. Oollcgo Springs , la , Vlllltca , la. Malvern , la , IdalGrove , la Odebolt , la * * ' Columbui , Neb. ? Ooceola , Neb. Olarki Neb. Athland , Neb. W. B. MILLARD. F. B. JOHNSON. MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Mesale Fruits , 1111 FAENHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTUT PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Baueliers Lard , anfl Witter Mills Flour , OMAHA , - - - NEB. REFERENCES : OMAHA 1NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. -MAKERS OF THE- Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks , The only undj Hional plate tluit original firm of 1 ia giving for Instance - Rogers Broa. stance - single All ou > Spoons , Forka und plated Spoon a , Knives plutud triplqthloknoKs with the greatcnt plate only on of caru. Each BBS the sect in o lot being hung on a ecule while where expo d boinji plated , tc to wear , th r 3by insure a full do 7 making a single po.iit of Bilvor or plated Spoon them. them.Wo wear aa long asa Wo would call a triple plated especial attention one. tion to our aoo- Rival- Orient , Tlnoorl All Ordtra In the West should be Addressed to A. B. HUBERMANN , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , . . . . NBB. CLOTHIER ! Is Now Located in His New Store , 1308 FARNHAM STREET. One Door East of the New York Dry Goods Store. AND OPEN FOR BUSINESS. NEW STOCK OF SPRING SUITS ! LARGEST VARIETY OF BOY'S ' AND CHILDREN'S ' SUITS EVER SEEN ! aa o"WKr. GALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK L BRASH , - - 1308 FARNHAM ST. tues-thvr-sat " FASHIONABLE HATTER R. J. SAXE , Has oioiiot ) ( a New Hat Store in Opera House Blook on 15th St. , where can be fonnd'all the desirable Styles at Moderate Prices , A comDleto Spring Stook has been bought and will arrive in a few days , A Full LI no of Gents' Furnishing Goods will be added soon , R , J. SAXE , FASHIONABLE HATTER. EKC.OG :