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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA TUESDAYxAlORBTTNG , MAECE21 , 1882. BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE JAULSG L'OYD. Provtlctor. n. U MAH3IIIu In ( : ilUn if r. TWO MIGHTS ONLY , Wednesday and Thursday March 2M nd S3. Enjijerfent of Mr. Y FREDERICK WARDE Tragedian- Support * ) by HENRY * AVEUNO , Leonard fl Ontram , Jsmes n. Curra it O. > V , Alake , w. s Marlon H MIS UnlonP. Cllfton nd FLOHKNOF KIJ10DE , and other artiste of ( tceltence , unde Hiemnaiemento | ( Mr- JOHN J. COLLINS. Wednesday Night , March 22O , Jaa. Sheridan Knowle's Orand Tragtdjr , . THTJiSDAY NIOIIT , MARCH 23d fctnkttpear'i Oreatrat Trag-cdf , JHCJA.ItX > XXX. ) on dale Uondiy , March , ZOth. mon-ta-wen United States Depository NationalBank - K OWAUA , - Cor. 13th and Fornam Ste. OC.UEH7 HAN KINO RSTABLISIUSEMT Ui OMAHA. , BUOOE08ORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. nU LiSUEO 1B68. OrK nUod M * Nitlon&l B&nk Augnii SO , 18B& OAPITAl * AND PKOFITS OVUI 300 000 KOUNTTII , President. AQOUBTCS KouJmn. Vice 1'tosldonl. n. W. YATHS , Cashier. A. J. PorrLino.i , Attorney lee * A. CKIHODTO * ) . F. II. DAVIS , AESI. Cahlei Tbt bank receives deposits wlthnn regard to amounts. Ivnios time cortlflcatoo bearing Interest. Draws drafts on San Francisco and prlnclpa cltica of the United States , also London. Dubflr Edinburgh anl the principal cUlca of thecontl nent of Europe. Bella pagMnicer tickets for emigrant * by the in canllnf mavldtf THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING HOUSL IN NEBRASKA- GALDWELLHAMILTON&CO iccted Rnmo a > that of an incorporated Tbonli. Aooonnt * kept in ourvoncy or gold sa'hjoot to sight ohnok vriUiimt nO- tioa- Certificates of deposit iuaod parable - able iu three , six and twelve months , hearing interest , or on demand - mand without interest. Advance * made to onstontora on approved securities at market rates ofintorost. The interests of customers are closely guarded , and every facility compatible -with principles of sound hanking freely extended. Draw light drafts on England , Ireland , .Scotland , and all -oorts of Europe. Sell European passage tickets. COLLEOTION8PROMPTLY MADE. . WESTERN CORNICE WORKS C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB. MANUFAOTDBERS OF GALVAIIZED ION Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON § SLATE ROOFU Speoht'fl Patent Metalio Sky light. Patent Adjustable Ratchet Bar and BRACKET SHELVING. am the general State Agent lor the above no ol gooda. ' ' IRON FENCING. Cresting * ! Balustrades , Veranda , | Onic end Bank Railings , Window and Cellar Guards ; also GENERAL AGENT Peerton and Hill Potent Inside Blind. Real Estate 3,000 PIECES * , , OF P ROPERTY i For Sale By JOM I , GLAME , 8. W , cor , Douglas and 14th Sts. fubJJ-ood tl J. G. ELLIOTT & CO. Plumbing , Steam & Bas Fittmgl 1QKKTU Turbine Water Motor , 'ALSO JOBBERS | M Pumps , Pipe Fitting and Brass Goods. Cor. 14th and Hurney , Omaha , Neb , A WiT i THE OCCIDENTAL d. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , NEB. .Two Dollars For Day , LABOR TROUBLES. latest From the Striking Mill at Lawrence , Twenty-five Hundred More Operatives Went Out Yea- terday Morning. Probability that the Pacific Mills Must Close for Want of Help. Orer Five Hundred Monldem is .Troy on a Strike. The Striking Mill Men. National Anodatod Press. LAWRENCE , Mass. , March 20. Eight hundred weavers of the Con trot Pacific mills refused to work tin morning " nnd assembled at the mill Ono thousand moro quit , which seven hundred , moro also did at 0 a. m They complain wages were roducac 10 per pent. , patterns changed , in creasing work , and that they are com pelted to'work ton and ono half hours a day , . .and spend two and ono half hours cvory week polishing looms. * , Mass. , March 20. There ace now 2.COO Pacific mil operatives , ono-halfof the whole num ber employed , engaged in the strike and their idleness necessitates cessa tion from work of a largo sLaro of the remainder. The mill authorities say that to-day will decide their plans for the nextfow weeks the strikers will return to work or all these remaining will leave. Much depends on the result - sult of tlio arbitrary commission's con ference with the treasurer and direc tors at Boston. No concession is expected - pectod trpm this source and in that event further argument with the strikers of course would bo of no avail. A muss meotiiiR of about 500 , four- i fills of which were girls , was hold on the commons this afternoon , but ; he meeting lacked organization , and ip speakers had been provided. The girls were very undecided as to what course to pursue. A committee was appointed to wait upon Superintend ents Stone and Parker to see if my concession could bo gained. Superintendent Stone said that 10 concession would bo granted. It s understood Mr. Parker will make a similar reply. The committee , con sisting of Mayor Breen and two others , who were to interview Treas urer SalatonstaU'at Boston this even- ng , started for there , but were deliv ered from going by a message that the reasurer would have nothing to say o them. Both sides remain hrm , but .ho striken are utterly disorganized. They have no union on which to rely , no.jJi adjonj , and no definite " dea < of thelF future "oourso. Probably the Central mill will ihut down entirely to-morrow and the argor part of the machinery of the other mills probably will also bo stop- ted. This can hardly bo avoided , as about 2,500 hands , almost half the whole numbetof opor.tivos uro now ngagod in the strike , and their idle ness enforces that of hundreds of others. TROT , N. . , March 20. Five lundred and twenty-five moulders truck this morning. The Jounnetto Expedition. 'itlonal ' AiaodatoJ Prcsa. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , March 20. lelvillb's report of the Jeannette xpedition has reached the state do- lurtment , in substance as follows : DoLong's instructions , dated Gape Smma , Bennett Island , August 0h , 881 , were that forty should go nouth o Magnetic , if over ice , and if in teats to the Siberian roast and make or the mouth of the Lena. If the > oats got separated the undorstand- ng was. to go to the Lena and ip the stream to the settlement. The mats separated on the night of Bep- ember 12th , 1881 , fifty miles north- abt of Bukia , and Melville readied lie Lena on September IGth and Bukoff September 2Gth. Tried .o ; at up the river with native guides , jut the ice and exhausted condition f the men compelled their return , 'ho natives gave them quarters and a uanity of fish and decayed geogo. ictoberSthn Human exile discover- d them and divided liin fund and wont buck and told the commandant. October 29th the exile returned with supply of food and word that the ominandant would bo at BukofF No- ember lat with deer and sleds to ros- uo the party and take them to Bolnia. 'he oxil on return mot two of tbo rat cutter's party at Kumurt. Mel- illo at once started for Belnia to in- erct'pt the commandant , but missed lim by taking a difieront road , leaving ) anoriliovvor , whoso eves had recov- red , in charge of the party with in- ( ructions to follow Melville to ielnia as soon as possible. Melville cached Belnia November 2d nd found the men in an xhaustcd condition. From them 10 learned what had occurred fter the separation np to October 1 , lie latest anythiag was hoard of Do jong. Do Long's party crossed the ena to the west banks'on October at , to a summer hunting ledge called Jatordn. The tooa of Erickson being mputatod because they were frozen. 10 was drawn on an unprovisod sled nd hauled by his companions .who wore hardly able to walk because of rozon feet and logs. They proceeded , outli aqain , crossing the Lena and laving to wade. Edckson died Go ober 6th , and was buried in the jena. The party was then in a de plorable condition , having lost their tog meat and being on an allowance of three ounces of alcohol per man per lay , but they proceeded south until ) ctobor Oth , wherf Do Long sent fyordorraan and Neros ahead to seek relief. These two men after fourteen days of terrible suffering reached Bol < oour and were cared for by the com- mandant. Hero they sent a dispatch to the United States minister at St Petersburg. The commandant after wards supplied Melville Novombo 5th , at Btinanloup t upper Bolnrn the natives giving Melville Do Long's records loft there by Do Long. Melville villo says from all the circumstances ho believes Do Long and party are northward of the Lena , between Bis tor Ancck and Bolcour , and asks au thority to send Ny order man am Noros ahead to their relief. to Death. Special to TDK UKK OouNcir. BUJFFB , la. , March 20. Fred. Bochor , while coupling cars in the Northwestern yard about 1G o'clock last night , was caught and badly crushed about the head am breast that ho died instantly. Booho was yardmaster at Missouri Vallo ; last summer and was in the employ o the Union Pacific , but was last nigh helping at the Northwestern , ono o the men being too sick to bo on duty Bechor was a single man , nnd hnc a mother living in Aplolon , Wis. A Plea for the 'Dond. Denver Tribune. It is not claimed that General Our- field was a perfect man. There are no perfect men. It is not claimed thai his is the greatest name m American history. Among superlative men it is difficult to decide. It is simply claimed that ho had heart warm for his country and a head clear for its welfare Road by the cold light of history of his ns- sass nation did not add any artificial aids 'o his reputation. It simply em- ahat-i/.ed the qualities ho possessed. Before it , ho had boon a notable igure , but not a central figure. When ill eyes were turned upon him with an ntorost which had never been iu thorn jeforp the world learned that ho had ; hat in him whiok is not common a all men. It saw him as a splendid ; ype of American manhood , with a vista of struggles and trials strotoh- ng behind the present which had so suddenly become darkened. I bean - ; an to appreciate the lovcablo- 1C83 , the manliness , the endur- ug consistency , the sturdy liberal ly , and the intellectual integrity of a lito which had been as bracing and as sweet and as healthful as a naming in spring. There was also shedding ever this its atmosphere of regretful tonderqosa , the pathos of lopes unfulfilled and of dreams that lad faded into the darkness. Sunset and sunrieo touched hands ever his irostrato form , It is not intended here to dwell upon the weariness cf the summer of lain through whoso sultry , silent lays his noble heart throbbed its way nto eternity. This has boon written of often enough before , and it seems o jar harshly upon the feelings of hpso who are now planting woods so hickly over his memory that the iaisies can scarcely struggle to the ight. Jt ia only intended to saysomo lungs about the "dead man -\hich came often enough while ho was living from ips that have since sworn a quick allegiance to the newer administrator of the presidential effects. In the ull which followed a great tragedy men were just and truth struggled oven from the reluctant tongue of elfishness and egotism. But the re public has turned from Ood'c aero into the world again , and malice , shrewd to understand our volatile and careless na- ional temperament , cries out with angry voice at the voiceless , and there are few , to cross their swords in pro motion over the grave around which , mt u few brief months ago , the na- ion stood with bared head and rev- rent mien. The baked moats of the uneral have boon warmed ever for he marriage ceremony , and the bolls myo ceased to toll and learned a mor- ler tune. The warmest admirers of our late > resident are not so foolish as to ask lint the republic shall forever wear ablos for the dead. In the coursn of aturo sorrow doffs its woods , and what had been a poignant grief bo- omos a pensive memory . They can sk , and they do ask , however , that 10 no longer bo made the target for do narrow , selfish faction which termed against his administration while ho lived. The fight now is a award's fight. 'When ho was living 10 gave back blow for blow. Now nit the silences have enfolded him , is unmanly and ungenerous to oon- IHIO the warfare upon his memory , 'ho great , strong brain is dust , the loquent tongue is silent , tlio warm curt throbs no moro at the cull of ny emotion , the arms which had town sturdy nfc bittlu with the world ro norveluBs and motionless. Only craven would ntab now. Garfield hnd his faults , Hit they vero faults of the heart. H'-s nature was emotional and suntiinimi il , and o him friendship meant inoie nun it oes to most people. His ullVction vas always frank and ready of speech. t never concealed itself , and its trust was boundless. Because of this ho was sometimes betrayed , but his son- imontul regard for what had boon Iways , closed his mouth to complaint. lo was a largO'imturod , enduring man , with much charity and a boyish aith in his kind. In his relations to ho public ho was always honest with limsolf and to his unusual attain- louts , There was nothing of the emngoguo in him. A wide range of tudies and a stirring experience in a ihangeful era of the republic's history lad given him a thorough knowledge of the science of government and ho vas always true to his convictions. It iaa boon said , in testimony of his narvolous capacity for work , that his pooches during his almost score of rears' work in congress would , were here no other data , constitute a hie- ory of the period , Something butter han this can bo said. His utterances luring that formative time ouibody what is now the financial and cnoral ) olioy of our government. It in true if him that ho was right on ovury question which carao up foe debate during his legislative career , and this muoh can be said of very few of our publio men. lie may b < j belittled in the slums of faction but ho willalway stand in hi * true Attitude nnd in hi modest greatness m the purest air o truth , * " Miioellaiaf ona Telegram * . National Amoclated frvna. CINCINNATI , 0. , Mutch 20. Samuo Pierce , an old merchant of Pierce Gould & Co. , diodlMt night. PjiULADftLritiAj Pa. , March 20. McCftlmotifs counsel hftvo agreed to withdraw opposition to the issue o Heading deterred bo& & SAN FAA CISOO , 'March 20. This morning several hundred warrants were sworn out Against violators o the Sunday law. A delegation of fifty , consisting of mc fers of the Sat Francisco ministerial union and tem perance societies , Vailed on the mayor , chief of police nnd diatricl attorney , asking strict enforcement ol the law. NEW YORK , March 20. Ksthcr Liv ingston , gcd 54 , of No. 309 East Fifty-second street , fell dead at 2 a. m. , after alighting'frnm a street car near her residence ; while returning from a wedding fijirty at a friend's houso. T CitIOAOO , MarchflO. In the cose of Smith vs. Barclay-Judge ) Gordon of the superior cert decided their afternoon certificate * of mombaiship in the board of trade must bo re garded as property and subject to levy to satisfy creditors , and in bank ruptcies must bo lakcn as assets by assignees. ' , DETROIT , Mich.March 20. Manager agor Pratt , of the Emma Abbott com pany , sued Manager Pond , of the Kellogg companytoday , and garni- sliced the box office receipts for n con cert this evening on an action of debt of 81,000. INDIANAPOLIR , Ind. , March 20. lion. Henry W. Harrington , a load ing and well known lawyer and dem ocratic politician , dropped dead while seated at his desk in his law oflico in . Cause heart dis this city to-day. , ease. Ho was a * delegate to the im- ional democratic conventions of 18GO , L8G8 and 1872 , and a member of con- press from this , state in 18G8 and 1864. PniLADKtrHiA , March 20. The supreme court this morning granted a low trial for Albert Goorson , con victed of the murder of his wife by > oisoning through arsenic , on the ground of errors ; in the lower court. John Frame ( colored ) , who boat hi * wife to death last November , was convicted of murder in the second loirrco , and sentenced to eight years. Wolfe , independent , has issued a manifesto to republicans of the state , urging aggrossiveiaction against ring rule , calling for popular support for a convention on the 4th of May , which hey say will decide the destinies of loth parties ai the November eloc- ion. The movement is lifo or death o the cause 6t political independ ence in Pennsylvania. NORFOLK , Va. , March 20. A wreck ound at Fry inn'Pan Shoals indicates .hoprobrtbHfirn > > th all on board of he steam yaint Siduoy Fr Wriishti } apt. Grossman , from Port Orico for iTow York. She was rocjntly * re- aired hore. < EABTOW , Pa. , March 20. Liout. ) ol. Jacob Lachrodtlo , of the Fifty- .bird regiment , Pennsylvania volun- oora , who was w utided in the right arm May 2d , 1863 , at OliaKCollorsvUlo , to-day received $5,079 back pension with notice that ho will receive monthly $30 during his life. This is ono of the largest pensions over paid n this state. BREAKS PROM 'BLAIR. Opinion of the Correspondent of the Boo on Omaha Labor Troublea. Correspondence ol The O iaha Boe. BLAIR , March 20. The usual earao ne s and quiet reigns in Blair. Noth- ng startling or sensational has oa cur rod since our last. There is noth' ng to interrupt the oven tenor of our way. Our church people are conduct ng themselves at present in a manner that deserves no comment. No social caudal ; no matrimonial event of ape- ial importance ; no riot , nor any con- romplatod , gigantic scheme on hand , 0 that the nowuniongor wanders aim- esaly around in search of items for his uper or articln. Our local editors tand around on the corners and pull own their vests to correspond with heir countenances. Our furmcro are > usy with spring work , so that their oiuns are not scon on our streets , and n consequence of the scarcity uf IIOWB ho papers uro discussing the terrible iot ( / ) in Omaha. While I do lot approve of strikes , I must ay that never have I read of 1 atriko consist ing of uo many labor- tig mciij and made up of eo many lationahtioa that was us law-abiding > r moderate as the ,110 ia Omaha has ) uon , or was before the militia wore called iu , the culling in of the militia > y tftn authorities being to say the past very promaturu. The author- ! io.i had not demonstrated in uny way hat they could not preserve order , and the death of the old gentleman Armstrong will ever bo an unpleasant risioti to the eyes of these city author- ties. After the strikers had peaca- > ly paraded the streets for several lays , there could certainly bo no ; round for the presumption that vioi enco would bo done. The course of TJIK BEK has been as conservative and much more sensible than that of either the Herald's or the Republi can's , It lias simply advocated higher wages for the laboring men. and has not in a single sentence uphold them n acts of violence or luwlessuos. As George Morton , an engineer on the Sioux City & Pacific railroad , was coming from the river to Blair last night , owing to the dampness on the track , the engine coujd not get through with the long train of cars , and to start the whcoU on tho. track ho goured e'and on it , and kept the drive wheels moving , and completely atiipod. the engine , Hir. A HARVEST FOR HUNTERS The Waters Driving Qamo to Sure Destruction , All Blerntod Plncoo in tbo Flooded Region Crowded With Wild Animus , Which are Mercilessly SlauRh- torod by the Nitnrodo for Their Hidoa. The Mttalitlppl About to Fall and No Farther Danger Fdorod. The Flood * . National Amoclateil L'r M YAZOO CITY , Miss. , March 20. The river is swelling very little now ; it is about at n stand. At least 3,000 rofugcoa Imro poured in within the last three days. Tito court house , jail nnd engine liouso arc tilled with honi , nnd n camp n tnilo from town tccomtnodato * nuvural hundrud. All mvo to bo fed by our citizens. Ono third of the business houses are do * sorted. NKW OIILBANH , Mnroli 20. The area inundated in the lower Delta is constantly widening though the wa- or is falling. At all points above Vicksburg and on the It.-il river dis > riots it continues to iuurunso. The osa is incnloulablo. It i estimated that in Mississippi 247 000 acroa of cotton land are overllovvttd ; Louisana , 203,000 ; Arkansas , 185,000 ; all hav 111 ; an avoraqo productive capacity of , hroo quarters of n halo per acre , rho sugar crop outlook is magnificent whore untouched by the Hood. Ono- liird of the suzar acreage is ondang- > rod. The water here is at a stand , fho crevasse is now 2GO foot wide and .0 foot deep. No further efforts will 10 made to cloao it till tlio river falls , t has all the descent in six miles hat the river has in inoro than one lundrad , nnd itis therefore unman ageable. LITTLE HOOK , March 20 The leeds in the overflowed tliitricta have rowdod came of all kind * into nor- ow districts , and partii-H of hunters organized at various points uro , it is oporttd , now camped .ilong Crowlios idge and other dry slopes of land laughtonne deorj wolves , foxes , > oavur , mink'and voihor animals by lie thousand. The doqr and other amo are so exhausted by hlinger and ho struggle with the il > ods that they an bo shot down in droves. They re killed for the hides which are ship- log hero and the other piints for Mo. The meat of the slaughtered amo except enough to food the hun- ere is thrown away. There is no amo below this state. MUXIONS IN IT. or tuo Family The presence of Mra,1 W. F. Oody and daughter in the city , the family of Hon. Win. P. Cody , ' , bettor known as "Buflulo Bill , ' * brines to mind that the gallant ex-scout ana author and actor has aa important suit pond- ngin Cleveland , O. , which will come up in April , and which ho will bo > reaent in person to prosecute. This oui t is for the possession of ifty-iive acres of land in the heart of ho city of Cleveland , the value of which property is estimated at81,000- )00. ) The suit h brought by Wra. P. 3ody and his aunt Mrs. Elijah Oody. Hindus Cody , one of the heirs , now cumos forward and alleges that ho dis covered years ago a forged deed por- _ ) otratod by Joe Cody , son of Philip Jody , which forged deed disposed of > art of the property at present in 'olved in this suit. He was present when Joe Cody died , and is willing to ostify to a deathbed confession which v ill go to show that Joe Oody was guilty of the forgery , and cruelly vrongud the loaitimato heirs of the > roporty. Phillip Cody died in 1830 , ind was unquestionably insane. "Buf- ilo Bill" hus placed § 5,000 in a bank n Cleveland to meet preliminary awyere1 fees. Should ho bo successful it will add considerably to the comfortable for- uno ho has already amassed without my thanks to his ancestora or any- lung but his own genius and nerve , t is hoped that his expectations are nero substantial than of Col. Sellers' , although fully as bright in heir outlook. _ Foul Murder. fotloiial Axaoclatud I'ron * , FORT KKNO , March 20. An atro- ioua murder was committed near the > est last night. A pirty of four men vero in camp when uno of them , Jim Morgan , adzed a pistol and levelled t at the others Baying ho had gene with them far enough. One of the men named Stevens , being sick , said 10 would just as BOOH die as live , when he was shot through the heart. Horgan secured valuables , horses. etc. , and decamped. The body was brought to the post and 8173 ; discov ered on his porBon , the murderer es caping. The robbed men were in the employ of M. A. Ciunpbull , Wioheta , and en rouio to Foil Worth , tatlonal AMocbtod V row. Tnov , N. Y. , March , 20.0. . H. [ ) uthy it Bro. , oils and pints , wore lurnod out this morning . Loss M ,000. Bredstroot's agency oflico and the ollJeo of Dr. Cooutry were each dumaood ? 50CX Loss on build ing $200 ; fully insured. MINKOIA , Tex. , March 20-FJro broke out in the opera house block at 3:30 : vhis morning , destroying a num ber of buildings. Total loss , 880,000 partly covered by insurance , The origin of the fire is unknown. Fatal Railroad AmdcUaV YkUonal FtoM Auoditlo * . Pi. , March JO. A MI attached to a west bound freight train on the Pennsylvania railway , jumped the track at Downing late last night , and ran into the east bound freight nngino. The latter and uight cars were thrown thirty-three feet down an embankment. Bovoti other loaded cars wore wrecked. Filloy , engineer of the east bound freight , and Choo ser , fireman , were instantly killed , and buried under the debris. Both belong in llarriaburg , T. M O. A. * Special to Tim Bun. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , March 20. At a mooting this evening it was decided to organize a Young Men's Christian As sociation hero. Dr. Montgomery , Dr. llanchott , and II. M. StoTons were appointed a committee to secure members. Twenty-three names were liad to start with. The samp commit tee was instructed to draft a constitu tion nnd present it at the next moot- HIT , to bo hold on Monday evening text , at the Baptist ohuroh. THE BL1ZZARX > Wonthor Probabilities NoDtvncror of n Flood. Sunday was the first rainy day in iho capricious month of March , so ar. Three feeble attempts made iroviously , viz : on the 8th , llth. ind 14th , were effectually frustrated > y n sudden change in the direction of ho wind. Sunday , however , and , lirout hout the night , the wind blow steadily from the southeast , and the rain , though ceasing several ! hues , as f to stop , continued until 8:20 : ai mi yesterday , about an hourlatei the wind r-eored from the southeast to the lorthwost , and in consequence the . arm high temperature coli pitd more han 20 * before noon. At the uamo imu old boroas whisked ( Kuril to the ively tune of 30 miles per hour , elms- ng the hugo black clouds across the lorizon in great haste. Owing to the bsenco of heavy rains , the Missouri Ivor at this pointhas remained pretty tationary during this month , the av- rage height being about six font bovo low water mark , and no such ostruction as is witnessed south ) or von as occurred hero last spring , eod be apprehended. . This storm of yesterday is what it amilarily known OB a "blizrard , " and s peculiar to Nebraska. Signs are reaklng , hats flying in mid-air , and glit-weight persons walk at an angle f 45" to keep from blowing away larch came in like a lamb and is ap- laronlly going out like a lion. "MY REST A STONE. " fho Uncomfortable Bed a Wonderer Struck on Saturday Night. The usual dry-goods box and hall way rackets which are practicod'by wraps when . ( hey are in search of edgings al wluWr"i/Rr'o / is u i traodi ito necessity of registering and' ' put- ing up the "sugar , " was improved upon by on individual bearing the name of J. P. White on Saturday night. Aa Officer McOuno was stroll- ng up Douglas street , on the lookout ) or wandering drunks , ho heard a po- uliar noise back of the Omaha Na- ional bank in the vicinity of ) a atone lilo. Ho investigated it , and wan justs n time to porooivo a dark object rawlinc- into a very small holo. Bo Iropped a small rock through the iporturo , which ohctod a grunt in ividonoo that the atone had struck oih. Jpon the officer's summons to "got ) ut of there , " another noise like the rst was hoard , and presently a woo- jogono individual without a hat merged and inquired' ' what was panted1. McOuno looked ) the fellow vor , and came to the conclusion that 10 needed a lodging place and accord- ii > ly lugged him to the calaboose. Yhcn oearchod the man was found to iavo about $25 in cash , and a checker or $300 , which he claimed was goodi lo gave no reason- for claiming BO un comfortable a resting place and it is upposed that hu had been attending revival meeting and had become im- iresaod with the beauties of 11 atone ) ilu as n lodging house. Ycttur- ay ho was discharged' on the ground hut a mm IHIB a right/to sleep whuro 10 chooses. Mnriun Intolliijonoo. National An-oclatod 1'rim. NKW YOHIC , Miircb 20. Arrived ? huLiko Mutiitobr , nnd the Celtic , rorn Liverpool , the State of. Ne- > raskn , from OluBgow , the City of ork from Liverpool. QuKCNHTtWf ) , March 20. Sailed ) ntho 10th , the Aii < cona and. . the iotlinis , for Now Yoik. Lnj'.iirocL. March 20. Arrived rho Ourmania , for New York. PLYMOUTH , March 20. Arrived [ 'ho Sili'Hiu ' , from New York , fo > lamburg , IlAVKK , Mftrch 20. Arrived Tha 3t. Qormoin , from Now V&rl . ' JLLifclit Sentonop. National I'rciH Association. COLU MIB , 0. , March , 20 , Now- iorg , the defaulting uosistant cecro > tary of the bourd of public works , was Bontonced to three years. A stay of thurly days was grunted , pauxliug appeal to thu supronw court , Doatli of AuoUtcr Vloiisi , l Atsoclatod I'ruw. March 20 , William Curuthors , the twelfth victim of tin explosion on the stoaiunr Sidney neat Purkenburg , Wwt Virginia , on the 10th iiiat , died hero yesterday after gr.eut Buffering . Ho woa an eatimabk youiig man and leavoa a wife but nc luiu'Uy. Tko Country. Who that has ever llvnj anytime iu th country but must have heard of the vit tuua of Burdock an a blood purlfi'r , Ben DOCK JlWOD ! iTTHUtt cure dvupeuiiii bllloukuow uud all dUuriien ariamg Iroi liuimre blood or deranged llv r or kidneyi 1'rlco f 1.00 , trUl bottle * 10 o nta. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Yesterday's Frocoodings in the Senate and House , NothiCG' of Importance Trans acted in Either of the Honorable Bodies , Except that the Houao Goto to Filibustering and Delays Adjournment. MUocllanecma Noton of Charaotor. CONGRESS. NktlotnlAiMcUtod I'rotf. rROCEEDINOB IN THH BKNATZ. WASHINGTON , March 20. Th bill Admitting Dakota as a state waa fa vorably reported. Mr. Miller ( California ) , introduced a resolution calling for all informa tion in the possession of the nav de partment relative to the Suez canal. Tho- tariff commission bill was taken up. , Mr. Beck made a long speech op posing ono recently made by Mr. Mop- rill. , Mr. Sherman offered an amend ; . mont to the life saving service billfr giving a qualified pension to persons injured in the service , which wont over till to-morrow. Mr. Beck Biid in speaking on thoi tariff commission bill ho would prpO- ably ofibr ft substitute for the resoln. tiou that all taxes and custom duties impoaod by the existing law on imports - ports froi.l foreign countries bo re duced at least ton per cent up to Juno , 1863 > and afterwards further discount of tvot lesa than ton per cent. cent.Tho senate- then went into oxoou- tivo session and adjourned at 5:20' : p. m. T THE HOU8K. in' communication The president aont a tion saying troops were used in Oma ha because the state government had requested their Borvlco to preserve peace and' ' protect the property of the * nThe bill appropriating § 160,000 for the reliefof Mississippi sufforora as amended : and passed by the Bonoto waB concurred in. The following bills were intro duced : . . . . . .nn By Mr. Kin - Appropriating 5500- OOO'for ' relief of Mississippi valley suf- forora , . . . . . By Mr. Ladd Authorizing substi tution of trcoeury notes for a portion of national bond circulation ; appro priating 85.000 * tor a monument to Thom s Jefloreoivj A memorial WOB presented from tne , Maryland legislature asking an op- . propriation for a monument to Key , author of the "StarSpanuled Banner. The congresBionel library bill was - - M orfw , whenever the * Adope . house goeTTnto tool wMw > frUia , . whole neb to be aatagonized by the oppronriotion bill. This motion waa antagonized by many domocrato , but ' passed by a vote of 150 to 62. At 5-orclook .a motion to adjourn waa-oppoBod by the republicans , who . desired to fi * a day for consideration . re-establishing the Al . of the bill - bama. claims commission. The democrats - - crats filibustered. At G:10 : p. m. a cell of. the house was had. At 7 p. was sent for m. the Borgcant-at-armB absentees. , , . Mr. Clements asked' to bo excused aa word WM brought him that Mf. Black , hifl colleague , was dying. Granted. CAPITAL NOTES. N Uon I A socl t d Prew. OnHMlTTKE WOKK. WA8HiN Tow , U. 0. , March 20.-- 111 The house District of Columbia oom- mittoo baa- agreed to recommend 50 [ lercont. reduction of the tax on drummers. h The Bonato judiciary committee has agreed to favorably report Blatohford lor the supreme court. Shiphord will bo examined at 10 a. m to-morrow. MISCELLANEOUS. . The president's dinner on Wednea- day will include thirty , persons , Grant and. wife aunng them. i There has boon such an increase in applications of telephonic , inventions at the patent office that the examiner of electricinvomions isjolioved from all- work oacopt on telephone applica tions. TrciiBioy offloials dany the alleged mistftkea in Bending out interest checkn wid ay the cited case woa the result 08 a wrong address furnished by owners. Railway Commissioner Armstrong , . in a letter to Secretary Kirkwood , ro- viows. the government casca against the Piveifio railway ? , f-ivoring vigorous. prosecution , showing that the roada are heavily in dobfcto the government , and criticizes tha- action of OoimniB- Bloaer Fronoh , vrfioso reraoval was on the clmrgo that ho had aold out to th.0- ro da. The later will poesiUy bo made public. . Ohondlec- A ropublioaa BonatoB-.aya will surely liavo a cabinet position in all probability th navy , Score. ary Hunt tolls his friends ho expect * ; o retire from the navy and go woat. A porconal friend of ; Ounkluiga says the latter has no ambition but to , make money for three jfoara , then ro- tuni to the senate. Deputy SVe National Awocli4 tl Pruw. MKMHIIS , March 20. Albert H. Thomas , u lawyer and special deputy sheriff , wa loully assassinated last night while on his way home. Sus picion points to several who have been indicted by him for gambling , but particularly to Clint Hillard , who uworo vongence because of his indict- niont for waylaying and robbing Wm. Young. There ia great excitement vTgihuioo ooro itt e Ulk ,