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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1882)
OMASA ! > AUiY BEE : THUBSDAY. MAEOH 9 188& POLK COUNTY POINTS. Farmers Preparing for Spring Work Corn and Cat tle Rule , McCnno'n Madness nnH Methods. Correspondence of TIIR SrnoMsnono , Nob. , March 3. Wo nro now enjoying very pleasant weather - or , mid farmers nro improving the time in preparing Uioir ground nnd Bowing wheat nnd onta. There will bo more corn planted in our county than over before. The people liavo .wisely concluded thnt corn is king in Ne braska as well na in Iowa and Illinois ; farmers arc paying more attention to cattle and hogs And loss to email grain. A few of our leading farmers are in vesting in sheep , but ns this is n en terprise that is not so well under stood , farmers are ftomowlint back ward in taking hold. " Broom corn is also an important factor in this coun ty. This is mostly cultivated by our Scandinavian citizens , and pays , them handsomely as their highly cultivated farms will testify. " The "citizens of Strornsburg and vi cinity wore favored with a very able address by Judge Morris , from Crete , on- the subject of universal Buflrago. The judge gave many reasons why ho believed in the doctnno of female suf frage , and I have no reason to doubt lila his sitcority. It was , however , sug gested by one of our citizens that lie in could do much bettor if ho would talk on the other side of the < fuesiion. I 3 know of no converts from the result , 0 unless it is JJoach , of the Republican , ul and this is only gucs * work. I am ulAt not able to substantiate it At by any Atwi moans. wiw The editor of the Osoeola Record w has undertaken to wino out the Alli ance in Polk county by. some means , as Ho has discovered that ho had underan estimated his task , and , judging from bu his editorials the past few weeks , ho It is feeling exceedingly uncomfortable. Tl ' His feelings coma on him spasmodic- t ally ono a week. Ho fools exceedingly Nr t wrath and makes short work of every foi person who is taking any part in the nu Alliance movement. This fit seems to affect him with such terrible power that ho slobbers clear over. Ho is not satisfied with attacking Alliance dn mr men in our own county , but also oponb wij his wrath on the members of the State clii Alliance and their proceedings. This week the lion is transformed into a hoi lamb. Innocent dove ho > as a comes sin creeping into the committee room , S6 where a committee are receiving ifl propositions to publish an antimonopoly nopoly newspaper and meekly offers nro his services to I ho" dear people" and tolls them of his wonderful love for thorn. The committee very uncere cifi moniously eat down on our friend of ate the Record and his profession and the froi result was to produce another spaim , a and the lion of a week ago was once bio iiioro on the warpath. I have desig roe nated these sudden changes in our pre friend McOuno as periodical spasms because it seomn hardly reasonable for ANA a rational man to change so often in A so short a time. However , uomo of Roi our best citizens who have boon aiei acquainted with him for years past stal say it is natural for him to say ono the thing and do another and that ho nnc used to got head marks ( no doubt to with a rod ) at school for hid abilities hav to change his mind in' loss time than Lig any other scholar. stripes I notice The Hocord has nominated pos Mr. Hill from Butler county as a can didate for state treasurer ; Now I 1' have never mot Mr. Hill and know of about him and ho is nothing hope a wpc ( rood man , but if the remainder of win his backers are like The Ilccord ho is i certainly a goner. The only show her that the gentleman from Butler coun larc ty has in our county is for him to the proyo that The Record made the an ( ? ) nouncement against his will , which I vor trust ho will bo able to do.HAWKEYE. / HAWKEYE. wid isn ter BLAIR BRIEFS. : wit witI Business Plans for the Season-Tho cidi Death Record.UnuBuaUy Largo. 1 or Correspondence ol Tin Ban. BLUR , March 0. The usual bisy ) are and active throng soon on the streets 1 of Blair have boon somewhat lessoned mu of late on account of the spring-like tel weather , which keeps the farmers busy at homo preparing for spring Booding. Quito a number of our largo farmers are already putting in went. Nevertheless , the stranger coming to AC Blair flue's an active , thriving , busy little city , where the rumbling of trains and the hammer And saw of the carpenter can bo hoard from early Nor morning until lalo at night. With I the close of this season Blair will hav'o , wCn cou at least three now brick blocka and an cuti opera house second to none in the pen Btato , outside of Boyd'a. These build IUU ings are already contractad for. plans an drawn and material bargained 'for. nosi The 8. 0. & P. Railroad company low are preparing to build , machine ( the hero , it is also rumored , that they will theo ) noon commence the work 9 ! rip-rap neil ping the river banks at this place. one Frank T3uveu , living near this place by made a visit over to Modalo , Iowa , the last week.Vhio \ there ouo of hia trio .friends RQt into a , row with ono of his ftQl : companions , which Boveo tried to hav quiet wkon , hia iriond drew a revolver attt : and attempted to shoot his antagonist , oft but the ball hit Bovoo , entering hin woi tomach andpassed , up , coming'put the near the heart. Bovoo lias since died. the i > A large number of Masons and on friends of the late Ncvyton Clark , attended - lull tended the funeral at Calhoun from clov clovI this place. I HTho | representative * from this place stai to NYoshiujftou to look after the bridge ju&i matter , write tliat "tho proapoct is cou good. " Wo are in doubt as to what cast prospect they refer to. mot > A gentleman by the name of John * motI BOM is buying largo numbers of cattle boy in this country , and paying a good dow price for them , J. 8. Stewart sold to tat him one day lost week fifty head of tug. f /at steers , averaging in weight , 1,835 five pounds , mostly coming two yeara old , pcai Rev. Lypa is now preaching at the get ! Baptist church in thu city. Lypo is/ / him rr- nn inlorcsting gpcnkor nnd draws good ftudloncoa. On Sunday norning a child of D , J. Lo'e , nged about 12 years , foil deaden on the floor of A neighbors' house. Heart discaso is said to bo the cause of its death. 5-his morning at seven o'clock , Air. Plilllco doid at his rcsidenco on Uolfar street. IIo was ngcd about seventy years , and was the father of mi ? townsman , R. Phlllcb. ' Mr. I'hillco was A highly respected and nnorgotic old Rontloman. llix. RENO REFLECTIONS , Passing Events Cast Their Shadow's lu Print. ne ol Ih RENO , WAHHOU'"CO. , Nov. , March 2. Though your correspondent's pen has boon sheathed for sometime she will now rcsumo her duty , and by the aid of ono of our Wanhoo "aophyrs" will waft you a few jottings from thin ' far-away mountain burg. It is just Lhieo years today since our interesting little town was de stroyed by the fiery element , during 3110 of the strong sea breezes that . iwoop through the Sierra Nevada's ' prith so much forco. THE WKA'CHElb , To-day is a delightful spring day ; riolots have boon in bloom for soino- imo , though the grand old moun- .ania are covered with snow. Farmers will soon commence plow- ; ng hero if the warm weather keeps ip ( which they are already doing at Jig meadows ) , but 'in our sinter state , California ; , roses are in bloom and .Imnnd trees are in blossom , as well s other ( lowers , fruits and 'Vegetables , rhich wo import hero on short notice rho ! needed. . located about n milo from Reno , nd is a very largo nnd handsome tri uildiug completed a few days go. clt will soon bo ready for occupancy , tin 'hen wo are to take care of ourmsano lift homo for it is sad but true that the raj a and Stockton naylums of Call- irnia are filled ( to overflowing. A ck pn jmbor of patients are from Nevada. the COMSIOCK NOTES. ma The water in , ho "Yellow Jacket" ino was up to the 2,300 level Mon she ty ; and still rising. The company dig ill have to buy now pumping ma- mi linery or abandon the mine. ma In ] Gold Hill they are raffling effuses loc uses and lots , which , a few years nee , were valued at from $2,000 to 1,000 each. The number of chances each < rnfllo are from 200 to 800 and o sold for $1 npicco. Hoi STEAMBOAT Bl'JUNOS. There are no finer baths on the Pa lo coast than at the iamoua boiling ore oatnboat Springs , about seven miles so , , im Reno. They are conceded to bo gen specific for rheumatism and other the > 31118 at a hotel or cottages , as they [ ufor. D KLKCTUia LlJUT ( COMPANY FOU HENO. Articles of incorporation of theme mo Electric Light company wore d in the oflico of the socrotasy of ito a few days ago. The object pf corporation is to furnish light d power to Reno and vicinity , and is ) exist fifty years. The company vo contracted with Edison's Electric ght company of Now York for con- on Auction of works hoio. They prose - so to use water for power. bed 0 ih Itonb will bo favored with a number tim first-class i troupes in the next few ati : loku , as she has boon heretofore this whi ntor. * and "Alice Gates' " Opera BoufTo were on , ro in January , and entertained a unt go and fashionable audience , oven the ouph the diminutive Alice's little dev kick ] did corao in the performance mal ry ofton. con A Mr , Sludor who married a grass him dow of Carson some two wcoka ago , stol now-rushjug around , ' wild-oyod af- "V\ a divorce. She has disappeared hoa th $450 worth of Studor's wealth. claa U. 8. Marshall Ash committed wi " le in Virginia City , Monday night. as r There is to bo a military company firsl zauizod in Rene shortly. bou The trout have begun their annual grimago up the riv.r Truckoo and wpr nigl being caught in largo quantities. the ; The Indian Princess , Bally Winna- icca , has gone east with her husband Xoi ngn lecture in the largo citios. XoiU Xoi agai BWIFT JUSTICE. son mat crin Culprit Indlctlod , Tried , Convicted the i and Sentenced. In Loss Than mar Four Hours. anci com ovei tth ) I'UtU Telegraph , March 2. thai In those days when cases drajj their at o iary length through our criminal com nrtsimpodod alike by court , prose- tor tiou and defence , and enormous ox- to " asps are thereby ontitilod upon com- chin initios ! , it is refreshing" to note such P instance i of justice's celerity in dis- and sing of t , criminal , as is related bo- our , Judge William Qaalia , of this and Oth ) district , has over som iii noted for two proini- ncc lit traits , but unfortunately , wee oa that are now .iioru honored we i the judiciary , in the broach than thoi observance , viz ; celerity in the but t al of criminal cases , and severity in and ixing the penalty when the accused vo boon adjudged guilty. Forthoso 01 ributoa ho has received the plaudits the bettor and maledictions of the sum irso element of his constituency , but mod overwhelming majorities which rcac , district has given him ropuutodly Bam election i day IH a testimony of their lout approval , and haa but tended to won volop his dispatch and ri or. owe Perhaps the most noteworthy intive nice of his rapidity in dispensing Coli liico , ooourrod at Ogallala , Keith Fov uuty , on last Monday. He had two the 1 ics to try there , but it is of the at est st important wo will treat : or w Last September a couple of cowto b VB named Gray and Jaooby came whu wn the line of the Union Pacific , earn Ttinc from Ft. Fetteriuan , Wyomdrui Gray U a fellow of about thirty- trial yearn of ago. His unsavory up- > Inc ininco and questionable acts , toful i her with his history as given by Jar t prove ! him to bo on caper-1 sulo i ionccd villain of Iho low order Jac-1 oby , his companion , is n young Dane no.t vet out of hid terns , with awk ward , but withal , honest ways. Ho had about ? lrT on liis person , nnd when nbdut ' milo nnd n half west of Alkali station in Keith coun ty , Gray covered with a six shooter and compelled him to "givo up. " On securing the money , ho werit lo Denver , and was preparing to leave there for ms homo in viroinia , when Sheriff DoPriest , of Keith county , captured and brought him back to Ogallnla , where ho has lain in limbo awaiting trial. Judge Gaslin decided to hold n spe cial term of court in Keith county , for the disposal of Grny's cnso nnd n couple of lessor ones. On last Mon day ho reached Ogallnla about 10 n. m , , being accompanied by lion , Wil liam Neville , of this city , who in the nbsonco of District Attorney Bier- bower , had boon employed ns prosecu ting Attorney , Judto G. W , Hoist , af Sidney , rcprcsentingGray'a defense , traa also on hand. His honor nn- nodiatoly opened court , and impau- iclod n grand jury , which straightway 'ound an indictment upainst Gray for ho oflotiRo with which lie WAS charged. 4.n udjournment was then made for lintier , after which the court rapidly muannelod n petit jury. The case vas speedily pressed , though neither > roseoulion nor defense bmilted any- lung ' which would benefit their re- poctivo sides. But the evidence ras overwhelming ngainst Gray , nd despite the remonstrance if his counsel ho confirmed lis guilt , by n statement to the ourt.The case was with the jury mt n few minutes whan n verdict of uilty was returned. Not many nomonts elapsed from its announce- noijt , until J udga Gaslin sentenced 3ray , imposing a term of ton years mprisonmont in the penitentiary , as lie ponnlty for his high-handed rime. Thu condemned was hurried rom court , and then the spectators , n consulting the clock , found it was ot yet thrco o'clock in the after- oon. In a little over throe hours stual work , the man had boon iod and disposed of. Before con- uding this recital wo wish to remark mt both grand and petit juries that indlod ] thu c.iso , were composed prin- pally of cow-boys , nnd although the isoner belonged to that much-abused ass of men , .i natural 'sympathy for eir kind did nut deter them sum- arlly visiting upon him the consc tic iences of hm crime. In this they nm .owed a respect for the peace and f gnity of thu community , which dllUl iglit ( be emulated with profit by ( Ul Hr my : A more civilized and pretentious boi ality : and class uf people. CX on on qui BURNING THE JONAH. arc w a Theatre Company Dodged Two cur 0 Dreadful Omens. n'York Sun , "Superstitious ? Well , yes , actors gen usually very superstitious ; more "an I think , than sailors , " said an old ntloman formerly connected with stago. ' 'Even the groatjjtars ar < ro or lose nfluctod by superstition , { > ugh they will not admit it. But poor prnvmolal players are steeped it nnd niiih no secret of the fact. "Rocontly I met a young follow 10 had been traveling with A com- ny in Ohio last season. I asked pcuc m if they had done a good business. " 'Wo did first rate , ' said he , 'but Ihnc nc had two very narrow escapes. ' InV " 'What were they/1 / I asked , V " 'Well,1 said ho , 'when wo opened the third night at Dayton , wo wore 00 nhead of all expenses and evory- dy was in good spirits , I was at if box oflico taking in the money , as boUt lad not to ( jo on the stage for some UtYi no. The lirot person who naked for s ? ickct was A cross-eyed man. I know mt that meant 1 Death and ruin , A d disaster to the company ! I went ffl [ however , without saying anything r.1 . itil the performance was over , and r.1i on the manager-seeing that I was di wncast , Asked mo what was the ( JH ittor. "Matter enough , " said I , JHT nsidoring whether I ought to tell n or nut. "Is the money box ilon1) ) " ho asked , growing very pale. Vorao than that , " said I , "In nvou'a name , man , ho exclaimed , sping my arm , "what it it ? " Wee ( It 'And then I told him. Ho wua 'ron much upset as I had been , and at .fin wo both thought wo were in duty und to toll the company ; but we re billed for Xonia on the next ht and our ndvanco agent had aroughly prepared the town , so wo rood to nay nothing until after the , mia engagement was over. fk "Well , sir , everything wont well at ttcul in' mia until the last nigjit , when I was I'r tin in the box oflico The first por- to comu for n ticket was A colored ) : . I know then tlmt it would bo So minal J.K negligence to delay warning company of the danger. I told the linger , nnd as soon ns the perform- 30 was over wo called the npany together nnd related irything.Yo supposed , of course , TB they would insist on disbanding TBC once , but it was A good , intelligent C npany , and , talking over the mat- wi for ; a couple af hours , wo ngrood "burn the Jonah" nnd take our incoa. So tlmt night , wo burned everything scenery , properties , some of thu lace nnd tinsel from TOd costumes. Wo crossed our fingers 1 blow on the flames. It took us no time to get a now supply ot stage , Weil ruti ceisaries , but wo still had several oks of the season before us. When If uc started ngaiiij I confess tlmt I rue i mcht wo were doing a foolish thing , tllou the Jonah was thoroughly burned ' uoooisful , " dill wo were everywhere City the i REATEST REMEDY JCNOVYN. i Dr. King'fl Now Discovery for Con- noor N nption is certainly the "roateat dical romody'ovoi , > lttrodn-it iin Iho you ch of suffering li uiiamty. 1hou- ! thai i ids of once helpless sutrerora , now Ton idly proclaim their praise for this - ndorful discovery to which they City their lives. Not only does it posi- , ely euro Consumption , but Coughs , P. Ids , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay vor , Hoarseness und all affections of Throat , Chest and Lungs yields alice to its wonderful curntivo pow if by nuigio. Wo do not nsk you Plu buy a largo bottle unless you know ut you nsu gutting , Wo therefore neatly request you to cell on your igginta. Ian & MU&IAHON. nnd got A Tt bottle free of coat which will con co the moat skeptical of its wonder Pill ments , and allow you what ft regu- ono dollar size bottle will do. For Coi by Ish & McMuhon. (4) ( ) . A remedy with nuc'i a rcprcwnUtlnn M Jloa- tcttir'n Stomach nittcri iVccrvcs & fair trlixl If } ou nto djBpcptlc , jour malady will eventually jlod to It ; If jou Bro fr < Mc , l ck flesh nii ( ocl ilct | > ondciit , It will both build and chrcr } ou up ; It ton nro constipated It " 111 relieve jou , And If hllious , healthful stlmulfcto jour liver. Don't ilcspo n but make thli effort In the right direc tion. tion.For sale by til drugvlata and dcnlers generally. fcMSto ml BRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK Th , ° OrentfllADB MAftK English rcm- eily. Anim- falling cure i for Seminal Weakness , Spermator- rhca , Itnpot- ency , and all Discascsthat' JEFORETAKIHQ. uTnce"ol AFTER TAKINO. lolt-Atiuso ; M loBiof Memory , Lassl- udo , Pain In the Hack , Dlinnew of Vision , Pro nature Old Age. Mid many other Dfocisra that cad to Insanity ot Consumption and a Proma- ure Oravo. jtarFull particulars in our pamnhlot , which ro dcalro to icnd free trmall to < n cry one. 2TTho Specific Medicine la told by all druggists 181 per package , or 0 pick tc for 98 , or will o > ent free by mall n no' ' ptof the money , by ddrculriff TIIKGHA 1BDICINGOO. , Buffalo , N. Y. or mlo by O F Ooodr oo7m .r > od The Great Eugiish Kemedy t > i Never falls to cuio Nervous Debility , VI- Itftl Exhaustion , Emls- lilons , HcmlnnlVcak - lnessesLOSTMAN. ilHOOD , and all the javilclTccta of youth- Ilful follies and execs- 'liti. ' It itops'pcrnia Inently all vvcakenlntr , llntoluntary loss sand drains upon the sjs- Item , DIP Inevitable re- . , , , , "eultof tlieBoevilprae. ccs , which nro BO dcstruoilvo to mind and body nd inako lifo miserable , oltcn leading to Insanl- and death It strengthens tlio Nene.iDrain , nctnorjf Blood , Muscles , Plgtatlvo and Rcpro- uctlvo Oritjns , It restores to all the oreanlc inctlf-ns their former vigor and vitality , ma- Ing life cheerful and cnjojablo. Price , # 3 a otile , or four times tl.e quantity 310. Sent by prirs. ] ftcnra from observation , to any address , receipt of price. No. 0.0. D. cent , except receipt of 81 as a guarantee. Letters rj- lostlng1 answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie's P" adehon o tl i best and cheapc j Bpcpsla and bllllous ire 11 the market. So y all druggists. Price cer i. PR. UlKTIK'8 KlDNET KKIHIDT , QKFHBTICUU , uexi.Il kind of Kidney and bladder complain to. inorrhca , gleet nnd leucorrcea. For tale ty all tUzgsU : 81 a bottlo. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. Jan26-lv ' If yoiiarn'mianV ncilbjlhestrnln or rour duties nroti1 _ .Klit work , to Tfi ton ; hrolnncrTmrO Hop Bitters , . jwoate , UM- Hop D , ; IfyounroyouriBnd f fnttcrlag from any U lljcittlon or iU Mwl | { Hunt it younruenar Jci ] or Blnrie , old or a younfT. TOiTerlnv free raorbealtb or laiiuiii.-n BlnB oa a IfO * t lcV ilttern. Ilicuunut mo M trjaJly from Bime I Jonu of K ( Qne > pcUacue tlmt uiJtrli' . have bfenpr euuv. ) W'M ' ' / r0. Hop ' . Pel. O I rladu , ducnie li an ttbooln' * uomacA , and Irreslirta oirrfft titf , Olooit , no ? drunkenness ble cure fo. Iver noresj or me ot opium , rou will be tCbacco.O" urtdlfTOUUjo narcotic * . I Hop Blttere Ifyouarailm Bold by drag tlr weak and Msts. Bond f 01 \ftplrltnltnr Circular tt It may nvoyour Ife. ft has ( inved hurt * Ireda. b Nervoys Siutterers THE CHEAT EUnPEArJ REMEDY. r. J. B , Simpson's Specific It & l > 08Urortirn | ( or Hpurroatoirhrn , Bemlna ' , and alii dlaeoaM resulting m Relf.Abi5 e , lui Mental Anxiety , Loaai . m.ny , Piiai tn th * e at filJ * . and dlseasci ' 'that load to fiSv " Coniumptlon tueunlty an &Vi i 6 CArlygrare Thu Specific y& Medicine li ; > g being iwod with woiiJor- lul aucccaa. _ . . . . frto iu Ml. WrHc tar ( horn nd tret full pt > 'rlca , HrocIJ , jl.oo par packiiro. ur ilx pck < ig.for t'.LO , Addrt > 3n all nnlera to Wi D. SIHSON MI-.DICINK CO. eal Ncs 104 0-jd 100 Main St. Duffalo , N. T. CA lol-l In Omahi by C. K. Goodman , J.V. . Bell , am . Islr , and alt , fruzK'IJ''Votywbore. wll Co CK ioiix Oiljy & .Pacific tba Itli _ . - 01 3B SIOUX OITY KOUTB ' Hunu j Holld Train Ihrouijtirom Is' i Council Bluffs to St. Paul Kft pol Ohango Time , , Onlv 17 Hour * No it is rei UILE8 TJ1K 8HORTE8T ROUTK cai COUNCIL BLUFFS PA HT. PAUL , II1NNKA1'OU3 Pu BUI DULUTIJ OU BlbUAUOE U palutd lu ilorthcrp lovn. llliiuesou and Fit coU. Thla line ID equipped with the lmprovn < * BtlDgbniiM Autoinollo Air-broke nd UUla tforra Courier uid Uufler : * oJ lor Wk nci BritKl ) , HAKETY AND t SIFOBT roj inonrjiabswl. rulluuui PaUco Hlooplng Cai through WITHOUT CIIANOK lictwocn KMi nil City and St. l' ul. T ! Council llluflt and til ux City. Or 'ralniluue Hnlon Paclflc Transfer at Coun llun , at 7.S& p. ni. diUy on arrtt al ot Kanun , St. JoMiih nnd OAUnctl ISluffa tnln ( roiu South. I Arriving at Sioux Pity 11:35 : p. in. coiler a ( too Now Union Depot at Hi. Vaul t It. W lor ' in. fOUBU IU M'VAKCB 0 ? ,4JVOTIIKI ' lu iM K tuu aloun City Kom < get a Through Train. The HhorUtt Line , Quickest Tuna uj a Comfortable Ulda la th rouih Cora between COUHCIL BLUFFS AND 8T. PAUL. -STKfv that ) our TlckeU road Tla the "Bloux ud I'nclSc lUllTOttd ' rB. WATTLU3 , JH. BUCHANAN Superintendent. Ocn'l 1'au. Agenl. ) . S IlOUlKhON , Aw't Oeu'l Vui. APt. ( . Ulieourl Volley , Iowa J , II O'lJll YAK , South * Mtorn Agent , _ CViunci UlutTj. Iowa J , C , ELLIOTT & CO. a limbing , Steam & ORB Fitting ! ron urbine Water , Motor , AUO uapt , Pipe Fittltig n d Brncs r. 14th and Uornoy , Omaha , Nob. I A WATU Uoioftla CotnTAK pr Burdock ) on fuller from ] ) ) sptpula , use IIURDOOK hLOOD DITTEUa. II you nro afflicted with Biliousness , ii9 DUUIKCK BLOOD niTTEUS If jouuro prostrated with tick Headache , tabo BUKDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Bowels arc disordered , rcfulatu them with I1UKDOOK BLOOD BITTERS. ( jour Illoodls mpure , purify It with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. f you have Indication , you will hnd an antidote n BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. t you nro trembled with Spring Complaints , cr- adlcfcto them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ( your Lltcrla torpid , restore It to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your IJrer U affected , > ou will find a euro ro- ( toratlvo In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. It you have any species of Humor or Fimple , fall not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. K you hae any symptom * ol Ulcers or Scrofulous Sorci , a curative remedy will bo found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting Btrcngth and vitality to the eye- tern , nothing : can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General Doblllty , tons up the system with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , I.OO pel Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Ott FOSTER , MILBURH , & Do , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and 0. F. Goodman. 1o 27 cod-me Tnts great ipcclflc cures that moat loathsome disease - f SYPHILIS Wkethor i Its Primary , Secondary OP Tortlnrr StaRo. Removes all traces of iicrcury irom the sys tem , Cures Scrofula , Old Sores , Rheuma tism , Eczema , Caiarrh or any Blood Disease. Carol When Hot Sprinca Fail ! llalicrn , Ark. , May 2,1S31. Wo liava cases In our town who lived at Hot Springs and were finally cured with S. S. S. MCCAUXOX & HORRT. Memphis , llcnn. , May 12,1881. Wo have sold 1,290 bottles of U. B. S. In a year. It has pivcn universal satisfaction. Fair minded phslclans now recommend It as a positive specific. , S. MANSFIELD & Co. Louisville , Ky , , May 13.1881. S. S. S. has given better Ball-faction than any medicine I hat e ever sold. J. A. FLBXHKR. Don vet , Col. , May 2,1881. Evcrypurcha cr ipcaka In the highest term * DfS. S. 8. L. lleisjetor. Richmond. Va. . May 11,1881. You can refer anj body to us In regard to. the Merita of S. 8. S. Polk , Miner & Co. Hao never known S. S. S. to ( all to euro a cose f Syphilis , when properly taken. II. L. Dennard , . lp-rrv n. - Oa. Ell Warren. ] Perry , The above signers aregcntlcmon of high stand ing. A U COLQU1TT , Governor of Georgia. IF YOU WISH WB'W ' LLTAKE YOURSE CA TO BE PAID FOR WHENiCURED. Write for particulars and oopy of Ittle rook 'Message to the Unfortunate. SIOOP Raword will bo paid to any ihomist who will find , on analysis 100 bottles 8. S. , one particle of Mercury , lodldo Potas- ilum or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , Go , Prlc * of regular size reduced to f 1.7S per bet Je Small size , holding halt the quantity , price , (1.00. Bold by KENNARD & CO. , ind Druggists 0 nerallY. c rent for belnff the most direct , qulckttl , an ifeat line connecting tlio preat Metropolis. CII ] B ACO , and the EUSTHRN , KoBTn-KABTBU , f > if ud Sotrrn-RuiHiui LINU , which torrainatck here , llh KANEAB CITT , LXAVBHVTOBTO , ATOIIIBOS , ODKCib BLurra and OUAIU , the COMUIBOIAI UT1U8 ( rom which radiate EVERY LINE OF R9AD iat penetrates the Continent from the Mlwonr Iver to the FaclRc Slope. The IHIOAGO BOOK ISLAND & PA. OIFIO RAILWAY the ' only line from Chicago owning track In ansaB , or which , by IU own road , reacho * th olnts above named. No TBANSFBRB BT Oinniion uiwiMa coNaionosa 1 No huddling tn 111 entllftted or unclean cart , aa every pajsengor irrled In roomy , clean and ventilated coaches pea Fa t KxuruM Train * DAT Ciaa ol unrivaled magnificence , > ALAOI SuuriNO CAM. and our own world-tamou * IMIKO Clu , upen which roeala are tervcd ol un > jrpamed eicellen < " ' , M thn low rate ol SIVUITT INI CxNTa ucu , with aniilb | t'.mu tor beulthlu ajoymont. Through Can between Chicago , Peojla , Mil aukce and Missouri Rlrer I'olnta : and cloae COD ectlont at all point * of Intersection with othxt We'Ucket \ ( dp not Jor ot thli ) dlrectly to even ad New Mexico. Ai.l beral arrang mi.nt > regarding baffsw > * ay other line , and rate * ol f ro aljtay * art , ow at linpetlton , who furnish out atltha o the com irt. ' Vain ami tickle of > portmeu troa. ai 1 ioUn , ii < atni nd foMom nt all | > rlndi < * la f 'r th " lt"1 * * " ' " " ' f1 < i" > H' > H. I'At K 1 Jl" " % r r.ChlcaifQ Chlcmro. UROPEAN RESTAURAMT , OnFarnhamStlBt , ) , U&12 , PBN DAY AND NIGHT. MEALS OR LUNOH > * J CjiXji Iftdfw MJ iwEi > AGENTS FOll JT AM BREAD BAKERY. GEORGE HOUGH , < b4-im Proprietor. John G. Jacobs , , Koi. < lyof aUht Jacobs , ) JNDERTAKER81 DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTELS. J PROPRIETORS TOWW ARUNQTON , J. O. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb , SARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU8 , Mllford , Neb. OOMMEROIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , , etromiburg , Na HALL HOUSE , A. W , HALL , Loultvllle OITY HOTEL , OHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. 0. MEAD , NellEh , Neb- GRAND CENTRAL SEYMOUR , Nebraska City , Neb- MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L , THORP , Weeping Water.Ne COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , O. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb } OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , E. 6T < DREY. Clnrlndn , Iowa. ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. D , HACKNEY , Athlnnd , Neb. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atkinson , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUDD , Guide Recd , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Oretton , li. JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS & BRO , , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. OALPH , Extra , In , REYNOLDS HOUSE , O.M.REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , DI D , WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMING8 , Cornlnc. la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.'L. A VERY , Gtanton , PARKS HOTEL , Shenandoal ) , In , MERCHANTS HOTEL , J. W.IBOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , In. COMMERO AL HOTEL , Dayld City , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , In , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , ldaGrovo , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , D , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON , Columbui , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Osceola , Neb. DOUQLA8 HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarks , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Ashland , Neb. * . O. IVTOT ? . A "N WHOLESALE GROCEE , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , ATTENTION ! BUSINESS MEN. We have in Stock THE FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OP BLANK BOOKS ! Of all Kinds Qualities and Grades in Omaha. ALSO BARGAINS IN Give us a Call and be Convinced. GILMAN R. DAVIS & GO. , ( Successors to Wooloy & Davis. ) 105 South Fifteenth Street Opposite Postoffice. fcbO-lm-ood We Will Fet Be Undersold ! L B. WILLIAMS & SONS , 1422 and 1424 Dodge St ARE MAKING SPECIAL OFFERINGS OIF DESIRABLE GOODS ! Linen and Housekeeping Department All Linen Towels , lOc ; a Fine Knotted Fringe rowel 25c ; Table Linen , from 40c to $3 50 per yard ; Crash , 5cjup. ' EaiidMade Russia Crash In All Grades , Napkins , Sheetings , Table Covers , Eto , 7EEY DESIRABLE PATTERNS IN CREAM AND WHITE , DOTTED AND FIGURED SWISSE. Exclusive Patterns I CARPETS I CARPETS , ! Wo will opeu in about two weeks a full and complete stock of On Second Floor , Which is noTrbeinfr prepared for them. ' LOOK FOB OrjB OABPBT DlilPABTMENT. Gents' Furnishing Goods , British S ( x , 5 paira for $1.00 : Unlaundried Shirts , 60o , OOo tnd 860 ; Sut-penderf , 25c , up ; Fancy Hose , 60 up ; Linen Ool- , $1.50 i or dozen ; Linen Cuft * , $2 5O per dozen. New Sty les. , i ar L B. WILLIAMS & SONS , 1422 and 1424 Dodge Street , "WILL NOT .BE UNDERSOLD. " I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Ipring Goods Receiving Daily and Stock very nearly Complete < OXdX > XIXCS 'SO3C IO3."JL"33D. ' ' ' ' \ \ l -i U , U