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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1882)
* , G// ; ' * .r ; aV&tff , g&M Ji i > -4 " / , If j THE OM DAILY BEE ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA THURSDAY MOUNTING , MAECEO , 1882. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. 'Tho OlifoGSO Bill Still Before the Senate. 'The Principal Action of the . Day Being Voting1 Down Amendments. "The AntiMormon Bill Reached in the House , but Froze Out. JMlnoolltinoons'Notos of a National Character. J CONGRESS. National Associated l'rc * . PROCEEDINGS IN TUB SENATE. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , March 8. Bills wore favorably reported providing for the sale of part or the reservation of the Omaha .tabu of Indians in Ne braska ; to provide for the sale of cer tain Chickapoo Indian lands ; to pro vide for the allotttnont of lands in Boyoralty to the United Poorias and Miamias of Indian territory. Mr. Conger called up the bill to provide for a commission on the sub ject of alcoholic liquor ( radio. A mo tion by Mr. Bayard to refer to the finance commit tee was lost 10 to 2G. The debate on the Chinese bill was resumed by Mr. Platt , who declared that ho could not vote for the measure because it violated the spirit oi the treaty and principles , of right and Justice. ' In concluding a two hours' speech , Mr. Flatt said that ho could vote for the bill to prevent the Chinese com ing in such numbers as to endanger our political and social institutions or tend to ruin and degrade labor , but could not vote for the bill whoso only -act was the exclusion of Chinamen and to strike a blow nt free trade. Mr. Ingalls1 amendment limiting suspension of immigration to ten years was lost by a vote of 23 to 23 , as fol lows : Messrs. Bayard , Beck , Call , Cam eron ( Wis. ) , Coke , Fair , Har- Joy , .Garland , Miller ( Gala. ) m Morgan , Slater , Geerfjo , Halo , Hampton , Hill , ( Col. , ) Jonc. ° , ( N. N. , ) MoPherson , Maxoy , Miller , -N. Y. , ) Ruisom , Vest , Walker 23. Yeas Messrs. Aldrich , Allison , Blair , Brown , Cockroll , Conger , Davis , ( Ill.D. ) wes , Edmunds , Frye , . So well , Teller , Harris , Hoar , Ingalls , Jackson , Lipham , McDill , McMillan , Mitchell , Morroll , Saundcrs , Sher jrii.wo man 23. ' wo After debate by' Messrs. Hoar and Edmunds on the bill , Mr. Ingalls sid offered another amendment to the mi cficct that iho act should not go into to force until sixty days after its passage oni had been coimnunicaied to the gov ma ernment of China. Then came a tilt wo botvwea-Mossrt.'Iiifjulls and Daweson -we which , the latter lost his temper but bai did no , harm. ' goi /The proposed .amendment was op ma posed by Messrs. Farley and Miller. dei Mr. Hoar then offered the following bet .addition : ma "Providing , that this bill shall not cat : -apply to any skilled laborer who can establish that ho comes to this coun try without any contract by which his Nat labor is the.- property of any person other than himself. " Lost yeas 17 , Au nays 27. ' ' tur On motion of Mr. Miller ( Cal. ) the to- fourteenth section providing for the of. > removal of Chinese unlawfully in the ice country was amended by adding the Me words : "To the place from whence ho pec came. " ng I"/ Mr. Hawley took the floor to speak Me -on Mr. Parity's amendment to pro ini hibit state naturalization and at 0:10 : wh .the senate adjourned. a i PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. Mr. Harris reported favorably the bill for the improvement of the navy - and asked the house to fix a date for its consideration. Referred. pas bill Bills were favorably reported to enable - able Importers to use metric weights oxe and measures ; providing for carrying cou of ocean mails as amended this bill provides for payment by mile for bill monthly , semi-monthly or weekly rrai Sioi trips ; amending the shipping .laws by the placing foreign vessels in American > Pai ports under the same rules governing PaiT American vessels , making vessel own ers liable1 for double the amount of bor their stock only and reducing fees of past pilots and engineers. The bill to purchase the Freodmon's bank building for the department of Nitti justice and court of claims was passed. | A communication was received from ob the secretary of war suggesting an in- fay o.rjaso of 500 in enlisted men in the hun navy. Uoforred. mui The house spent the afternoon on con- bills on the speaker s desk , passing a yea number , among them .being the bill whi -authorizing the secretary of war to pro pay the army of the Cumberland aut 47,500 to aid in the erection of monument mo ment to J , A. Garfiold. rero A communication was received from him the postmaster general conveying a Qui draft of the bill authorizing the post boa master general to retain from the pay inc of contractors any sum which they deti agree to pay sub-contractors for carry to a ing the mails arid which they have re fused or failed to pay for two quar Lid ters , and to contract with subcontractors Nat tractors at no more than the original B contract piice. day At 4:15 . . the : p. in. anti-polygamy cou bill was reached. bre Mr. Converse ( Ohio ) made a point hoi of order that it provided for expendi is u ture of money , and should go to the To. committee of the whole. mtl Pending decision a motion was to made to adjourn , which was carried. dia At 4:35 : p. in. the house adjourned. As : Set CAPITAL NOTES. Nat 'National AwcUted I'raii " \ -i LEAD LETT U. low WASHINGTON , March 8 , The post foil master general has directed that after also \ July 1st no allowance will bo made wit postmastots for advertising dead lot- ten unless authority is first obtansto I'om the first assistant postmodod general. HlSOF.LLANr.OUS. The president ijivcs a Btato dinner to the judges of the aaprcmo court on Wednesday next. Representatives of the National As sociation of Orapo Sugar manufacturers - ors appeared before the ways and moans committee to-day to oppose the proposed legislation manu facture of glucose. They claimed their manufacture to bo n pure and harm less production , giving employment to fifty thousand poisons , who would be fufced out of work by the passage of the bill. It is reported that Secretary Folgor will soon iBsuo the 110th ( call for bonds. The Chinese minister , who is taking great interest in the dobat4 on the Chinese bill in the sonatoJhas ex pressed himself in favor of the pro posed bill of ton years limit being established. One of the points made in the Sco- villo bill of exception is that shortly after the assassination a aocrottacssion ol the cabinet wai hold , nt which Dis trict Attorney Corkhill and a ; detec tive officer wore present , at" which conclusion it Was unanimously ex pressed ' that Guitoau was crazy , not withstanding this , and Attorney Gen eral McVoaqh'a frequent stati'inont of his belief that Guitoau was insane as Corkhill persisted in the prosecution. Corkhill denies that &uch n conference was ! hold , 4 , Hon. S. B. Hollistor , of Cincinnati , is mentioned as likely to bo { made is minister 'to the Sandwich Islaids in case Minister Comley is recalled * The president's dinner in TO turn for courtesy received was attended in the private dining room at the White COM House this evening by Secretary and Mrs. Frolinijhuysen , Sucietary and Mrs. Hunt , Secretary Lincoln and ex- 8p Secretary and Mrs. TMaine , Vice- is President Davis , Senator and Mrs. ro Edmunds , Senator and .Mrs. Halo , Senator and Mrs. McPhcraonand Senator and Mrs. Hill , of Colorado. Attempted Suicide- " National Associated Press. att .KANSAS CITY , Marcn 8. This morning a number of school" children while on the way to school , discovered od the body of a man covered with Nat blood lying in the snow near Twenty- first street on Charlotte street. They flaj quickly gave the alarm and people pro > who came found that the man was six Theodore Sobbe , a German shoe not maker , and that ho was still alive , pus though his throat was terribly cashed , but showing . no less than six difloront ing wounds had been inflicted. A razor fall wa > found lying. , by his Tin lido , and it was quickly deter lob mined : that he had attempted strc take his own life. He attojnpMJd dev ince before to kill himself and hws devS made repeated declarations that he bui ivould yet accomplish it. About tjwo ty nrceks ago ho sharpened a knife -met bade his family adieu srying ho was joingto cut his throat. Sobbo is a Lai nan 57 years old and has been a rest- and lent of this city 1G years. Ho had insi ieen on a protracted spree just before naking the attempt on his life. He annot recover from his wounds. Natl [ ' Mexico and Canada. IB fotlon&l Associated Press. the OTTAWA < , Ont. , March 8. D. A. are \usellan , importer , who has just re- the urned from Mexico , had an interview last io-day with the premier and minister tah customs . relative to trade with Mox- tan . Diplomatic relations between ed Mexico and England have been SUB- tagi ondod. The United States is obtainp. . control of the Mexican trade. ' p. Mexico is now desirous of establishing ntorcourse with Great Britain , in Nat vhich : event it is proposed to include NatF commercial treaty with Canada. cor city Iowa Legislature' par Associated 1'rces. Kin [ DKH MOINKH , March 8. The house con lassoi the following : The senate will to exempt sowing machines from othi xecution , the house bill to lesson wor ourt costs by reducing , the number oflic jurors in civil cases ; the house to legalize sale and Natlc ransfor by the St. Paul' and NatlcP lions City railroad company St. Paul and supi Minneapolis and St. aul and Omaha proi railway company , bo i The senate bill to increase the nurn- of of judges in certain districts was assed. | alld doec Taking a Prisoner to Jail ! all 1 atlonal Associated Fiesa , doet LiTTLK HOCK , AUK. , March 8.In obastian county .lost . October , La- tyetto < Bland was sentenced to bo Natlc ung January 27 , for the culd blooded NatlcOi mrdor of Dr. Cathoy. The governor Bon ommuted the sentence to twenty Amt oars in the penitentiary , ranp rhich created a f storm of whic retest all over the state. The Blot uthorities : since then were afraid to love i him from the jail. Parties organized to capture and lynch NatloGJ GJ the to the on way state prison , juiotly this morning ho was placed on youi oard of tho' steamer atFort Smith was charge of n deputy sheriff and a pliei etachmeitt of militia , and is expected day arrive hero to-morrow. by | ! Dot husl [ of the Tax Collecting Sheriff. 'atlonal ! Associated Preu. ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 8. A few HatlcD ago Sheriff Healey , of Choteau D ounty , Mont. , was arrested by half of : I ireoda on the Milk river , among whom la i , had boon collecting taxes. Hoaloy uttl ; also deputy United States marshal. o-day application was received at ntlitary headquarters hero for froops L rescue | the sheriff from his custo- liana and detachment mix a stationed at oft [ Usinaboiuo was ordered to the spot. of f I Serious troucle is threatened , ) gal SUBS Indication * . pric fatlojul AuoclaUd I'tetf. \ colt WASHINGTON , March 0. For the tl ewer Missouri valley : Rain or snow Pol ollowed by clearing weather , Blight fir in temperature and variable Mo rindi. hem Extra Sesulon of the J > Rl lntnro. Special to Tim HitK. LINCOLN , March 8. Though no official announcement has been made , it was ascertained this morning through private and pDrfcctly reliable snifters that the governor would soon , issuea call for the extra session of the legis lature to moot about April 1st. He is only waiting to know the exact wants of Omaha on the bond question. A FiomUili National Associated I'rcfw , MT. VEIINON , Ky. , March 8. An unknown man wont to the house of Mary : Sigman , walked into the room w she and her fire children with In mother wore sleeping. Ho first shot dead Mary Sigman and then loft the room , but shortly returned and sent a fatal ball through the body of her < mother , about 80 years old. Tlioro wore nine wounds in the body of Alary Sigman , five of which wore sufficient to cause death. The assassin fired fif shots in all. There is no doubt th ho had confederates. Jas. Bishop , a rough : looking character who came hero last Friday from Tennessee , has been arrested charged with the nmr dor. Ho is now in jail and his pre liminary trial is sot for Friday. HiHi Railroad IMon Striking for Baolc Pay. a National Associated Prona. CuioAQO , March 8. The engineers and train men of the Illinois Midland road arc on a strike for back pay. No freight trains are allowed to run , but pnssongor t radio has not yet been in terfered with. It is assorted the road isTh two months behind in paying off , The lookout at Peoria still continues ' IiinsoodOll Manufacturers. National Associated Pros ; . in CiticAO > ; March 8. The consolida : ted linseed nil companies are holding a special ( meeting in this city to-day. I'hq meeting is strictly private but it understood i the purpose is to discuss s revision of price lists. There are 55 col : linseed oil manufacturing houses rep cht resented in the consolidation , the ter ritory ' of which covers the entire west. rot At the mooting now in progress 3G abt "nunufactuiors have representatives 20 ittonding. E. M. Wood , of Dayton , Tei Dhio , is , president. me tioi Flro. the National Associated 1'icsi. JACKSON , Tenn. , March 8. A conW0 lagration occurred hero destroying to- W0 roperty valued at $50,000 , ' including ix business houses. The fire origi- tated on Market street and is sup- nui lused to bo incendiary. The people cou lurnod out wore small dealers , carry- ing ng but light insurance , and the loss stnt Alls more heavily on the sufferers , pos 'ho city seems to bo in the hands of a ' who scorn fully determined to do- Cal troy it. A mass meeting was held to .eviso means of protection. . Natl ST. _ _ PAOE , _ Minn. , March 8. Iho ) luildihg at Faribault gro , occupied chiefly the R. J. Liel , boots and shoes , burtt- Th ar TLbss , $22,000 ; insurance $7,600. Th The ware house of G. D. Post , at all. City , burnnd with three thous- the nd bushels of wheat. Loss , $12,000 ; j nsuranco , $9,500. Small Pox- ' 'Natl ' atlonal Proas Association. GALLIPOUH , March 8. Small pox " ern prevailing to an alarming extent in Ma vicinity of Morgan Centre. There the forty or more cases reported and sur here have been four deaths in the tots three days. The disease was the ikon for chicken pox and other'eu - capi incoua affections and has boon treat-1 'cax ; with simple remedies with its con- igious character unsuspected. ' Nntl . NntlV 'kiladolphia Dotootivp Bureau Abolished. Met rational Associated Press. j ' pflr PHILADELPHIA , Pa. * , March 8. The the arps | of central office detectives in this brui has been disbanded and the do- artment ! abolished by order of Mayor ing because of charges that the olli- Katl of the department wore in league S. ith and controlled by burglars and moi bher criminals. Official detective thoj ork will be hereafter done by special will Ulcers of each police district. It The Sprnguo Estate. spor ktlonal Associated Proas. fight PUOVIDENCE , R. L , March 8. The beet ipiemo court to-day decided that all sorv roperty of the Sprague estate should sold at auction in bulk. The date A the sale has not yet boon fixed. It Natlc NatlcE agreed the trustee should prepare E submit to the court the form of new , ho thinks . ho can give , so that IOUB bidders may know what kind of u ton' they bid for. nort Straw Bond Manufacturer * . itlonal Associated press. CHICAGO , March 8 , The Straw N Manufacturers' association , of Shoi merica , mot hero to-duy and ar- this ngod details of the annual meeting land liich will bo held at FabyunV , White steal ountuins , Juno 21. pros suit A Truant Husband , itlonal Associated Press. ' CHICAGO , March 8. A prepossessing Natlo mng woman , Mrs. W. Gales , who NatloE recently married in Denver , ap- men at the police headquarters to- ropr , claiming to have been deserted tool her husband and loft penniless , agoi ; otectives ! arn searching for the truant vest isband. leas Small Boy Klllnd- rotu ( itlonal Associated fteao , wou DKI MOINKH , la. , March 8. A son mor Hon. S , G. Minchoater , of Eldora , any agi < d 14 years , fell from the cars It that place to-day , and was killed. day Btol Graveyard Insurances. the itlonal Associated Press. Eur LEBANON , PH. , March 8' Bomo trib nxiety is felt among policy holders the late World Mutual Aid Society Lebanon on account of proposed Natl proceeding for collection ofos - NatlC lissinonta on all deaths that occurred ourt to dissolution of the insurance side ompany. Receiver MeXJarroll is said mo have promulgated the movement , vill 'alley holders are distributed all to 'trough the states , and it is said that the ilcOarroll has a good case against & ] , pul RAW RATIONS. The Sufferers .Oonlfln't Wait to Oook the Supplier But Gobbled Thorn ns Soon as | Issued and Ate Thorn Raw. | Well Off a Short Time Ago.'bat ' Now on 'the Verjo of Starvation. Very Iiittlo Hope for th Future in the Cotton States. National Associated Prom LITTI.R ROCK , Arki , March 8. InHi an interview this morniii ( ( , M. L. Harris , agent for distributing BUM plies to sulForc'rs from the overflow in Dosha county , reports the destitution as hcartTondiiifr. When tlio supplin * wore landed at Arkansas' City , ho found hundreds of ravenous people waiting. Some on receiving rations commenced eating them runTho ration ai distributed was , ior adults , T. quarter of a pock of meal and four pounds of bacon ; thin to lost one week. The destitution is not confined to colored people ple , , and many white farmers , well off a short titno ago , are to-day on tin verge of starvation and s mo have died from hunger and cold , j The aid , distributed revived the hearts of all- roa 'mt the continuous rains Unvo little of > liopo in the immediate future , and lovoral ether counties in Arkansas are od an equally destitute and starving ofPit ondition ; also portions of Tennessee , Pit Mi and Louisiana. jTho pov- plai en must do more for Immunity's woi lake. The greater portion ) of the woiS itock is drowned or has died from Clo old and hunger and the situation is the iheorlcas and frfghtful. hay WASHINGTON , March 8. The soo- fian etary of war has boon informed that Jan ibout 18,000 persons in Mississippi , mill 10,000 in Arkansas and 50,000 in line L'enncBsoo are without supplies or low neans for stcuring them. Thra - will ions issued by the war department at huso points will probably last until text week. Twenty thousand rations roro ordered to be sent to Tennessee Natl' o-day. LITTLE ROOK , Ark. , March -The lie lumber of destitute families in Desha sayt alone has reached GOO moi ounty , amount- to souls. Later thai iig 3,500 reports tnto the is still th Moi water rising , w no ossible prospect of early abatement. wor . California Train Wrookor Con- rem vioteJ. cam atlonal Aneodatcd Praxs. The ' _ SAN FRANCISCO , March 8. In thereat Jan roat case at Auburn , Cal. , StcJuogal ; poii train wrecker , was foumlguilty. . mot 'ho ( jury returned alter th.&Tiour l Jau .lie < prompt verdict was a surprise to Ed. ! . Steinegal's attorney will appeal cabi case to the supreme court. was tryi Western Union Earnings. cabi atlonal Associated Press par NEW YOKK , March 8. The West- Jan Union's quarterly report for rosii larch 31 , 1882 , issued to-day , gives bloc revenues ai $1,550,000 ; January Ed. urplus ] to be added , $1,035,273.20 ; that 3tal , $2,585,273.20. It requires for nun dividend of 1A per cent , on the wou ipital .stock $1,109,500 , which will surf ave a surplus of $1,259,073.20. ion cadf The Panama Canal. one atlonil Associated Piciis. tern WASHINGTON , March 8. Captain berate leade , commanding the United States to i Learner Vandalia , reports that the 'anama canal company have , cleared of entire route of trees and undor- n i rush for a width of 300 yards. poss Triumphant Mormons. man itlonal Associated I'rese. . , SALT LAKE , March 8. The Mor Itw ions : are now openly boasting that have captured congress and there bo no anti'Mormon legislation. if estimated that the Mormons have Natlo lent over a million dollars in their NatloN ht this winter and the money has St. ; placed whore it would do good St.brl irvico. dam damA FaTjulously Rich Gold Mine. live itlonal Associated Presl. livePi EUUKKA , Nov. , March 8. The The has reached Piocho that a fabu- TheH usly rich gold mine has boon struck , ho' n'miloa buloir Eldorado Canyon in ho'Q' jrtheastern Arizona , Q' The ; ThoG Departure of Father Skoeliy. G itlonal AasodaUd Press. Stat NKW YOUK , March 8. Ilov. Eugene Ausl loehy , the Irish priest who came to 'roni country in the interest of the 'roniL league , sailed to-day in the Doni earner Germain for Pans. Ho ox- 'ossod himself satisfied with the re- of his visit. B tatlo The Silver Minors' Strike. tatloAl g EOIIEKA , NOT. , March 8 Throe is , headed by Hamuol Reynolds , e presenting themselves as a comra'.t- i from the mines , waited upon man- Probert , of the Itichmond mine , o istorday , and informed him that un- lion ho acceded to their demands and turned to the old tribute priceo ho ould bo obliged to leave campto iorrow. ProberL refused to make concessions. s has leaked out within tho. last few the i that G30 sacks of ore have been Prii olon from the Albion , taken trough Richmond and ducnped into .the and Eureka Consolidated. Homo of the Mc [ < ibutora are charged with the theft. int and Railway Affairs- whc atlonal Associated Press , ho hoEve OHIUAOO. March & The supreme Eve of the United States has set oed the decree made by Judge Drum the iond ; , under which the Chicago , Dan- J'ri & Yinceiines railroad waa Bold life the bondholders for 81,500,000 , the purchasers organizing the Chicago all Eastern Illinois , which seems to bo owi > in an embarauing position by the con ; decision. Mr. F. W. llindekopor , ox-president nf the Chicago it East- oni Illinois , nald to a reporter that ho did lag foreshadowed in those dispatch s and ho did not apprehend any serious trouble for his company. His com pany had bought the Chicago , Dan ville A Vinconnos in good faith and jjj ho had never hoard whore a party tnado n purchase in good faith and was afterwards deprived nf the same. When the foreclosure was rendered by the United States circuit court it rcnuirod a bond of $500,000 to super sede the execution of the decree. This the company failed to give and accordingly the decree was executed bj judicial sale. The title of the old company was diverted and the proper ty has coino to third parties , whoan rights therein would doubtless bo fully protected. LAIIKDO , Tex. , March 8. The moat important event in the railway history ofTli America transpired here to-day. The first Inuirimtinnal & Great North- on trnin crosiod the Ilia Grande river. This is the first staiidaul guaga track tu enter old Mexico. The river banks on both sides wore lined with enthusiastic spectators. The party was chaperoned by Superintend ent Joseph Korwiu , of the Interim- lional , and consisted of General W. T.Me Sherman , General Hoc , Colonel Morrow , visitors ; Major Sunnier , lost commander , and who and attend * nits , including the Misses Teal , of Syracuse , NY. . , and Hughes , of Bridgeport , Conn. BriI BALTIMOUK , March 8. At a moot- ing of the Baltimore and Ohio rail- oad directors to-day the resignation f Jno. * C. D.ivis , master of machin- cry ot the road , \yas road and itccopt- d , and Nathan E. Clutpman master machinery of the Cleveland and 'ittsburg road , was elected in his ilaco. Complimentary resolutions of core passed to Davis. : ST. PAUI/ , March 8. Railroad cir- los are agitated over the report that lie Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul ave decided to build a road from Do- unco on thti Council Bluffs line to amostowii , Dakota , a diMtanuo of 450 ules. The object is to secure a short no between the Jim Kiv-r valley bo or rn Jamestown and Chicago. Work 'ill begin this season. he he Jcma JnmoH Killed Again. atlonal ' Associated Prcsn. CHIOAGO , March 8. A npccial to bo ° Daily News from Kansas City iyu a passenger who arrived this nai lorning on the Wabash train , relates Th iat while the train was waiting at fan ' Eoberly Junction a sheriffs officer , orn out ana spattered with mud , ar- Me ivod from the west and told a most emarkable story , which , if true , will iiiso rejoicing in railroad circles. 'ho officer' referred to said that Jesse I"01 amos was captured last night at some b''G ' oint in Kansas he could not re- Pal lombcr the exact location , .Teeso the ; amca nda comrade , supposed to ba , . Jliller , word Turrolindbd iri a log am thin in heavy timber. The relater in as one of the pursuing party. Wliilo ron ying to force an entrance to the Col ibin from the outside novon of his gu arty ! were killed and three wounded , the amos and Miller made a desperate unc sistanco. The fight wan brief but hot loody. The shonfl'fl officer claims . Miller was instantly killed and hoi iat Jesse James received a largo umber of bullets and is mortally me tax oundod. The attack was h complete ado ax irpriso to Jesse James ana compan- bill , but they were so 'securely barri- dev ided that the attack was a disastrous dovt tor the sheriff's po&so. An at- impt is being actively made to corro- chn jrato the statement given above and tra obtain fuller particulars. five KANHAS CITY , March 8 Thostory _ | atc f the bloody fight with Jesse James which seven men of a sheriffs win sso wore killed , is a fabrication strcS anufacturod by an evening paper 3ro. It caused no sensation hero , as wai was not oven an "able bodied lie. " gov was badly crippled , der Du add Marine Intelligenoe. has itlonal Associated Press. dec NEW IfoiiK , March 8. Sailed The ale Germain < for IIavro , the Parthia PagC Liverpool , the Edam for Rottor- . v con Arrived The Lake Ohaniplain from bor ivurpool. mo PHILADELPHIA , March 8. Sailed moi British Crown for Liverpool. I ha HAMBURG , March 8. Sailed On mal 7th , the Indian for Now York. cau QUEKNHTOWN ' , March 8. Sailed City of Now York for Now York * GLASGOW : , March 8. Arrived The NatlE of Florida from Now York , the ustrian from Boston , the Scofmt &I Now York. 27J LONDON , March 8. Arrived Tfho Rot unmark from Now York. Lia ! Reduction of Mia r " .tlonal Associated Piess. AKUON , O. , March 8. At e. moot AlB of mining operators of lAucaro- valley it was resolved to. reduce price of mining from 95 aunts to cents , to go-into effect to-day. A 1 ineral strike in not anticipated and Pitt minors at Camp crook iii Uio Mas- iow district are working at the re. < the iction. dir Old Prince Potoanod. icy ert Some < wretch poisouzd old Pruico , Ru depot dog , yesterday. Old Vo rinco was a fine blooded , pointer , \in\ the property of Councilman DC cGavock. For yeans ho 1 &a been ofCo the habit of watching iho trains Co being on the depot platform , Erie hen they came in , us tegular as if Lure wore an employe of the road. Iverybody know him aud his fat nuturod appearance was always re signal for fun among the bova wlmi 'rinco never did & mean thing in his mi ifoand his honest eyes would look in chwl faciia of those whomjho know with wl the intelli-jonco of a human. His wnor and C/oorgo Hall are bath in- the oii8olublo , i FoundDoail. t Siwdal to Tin linn. , MHSOUUI VAI.LKV , IA. , March 8 , Goo. B. Wooston ! , n young man from the cast , known in Omaha , was found dead in' a water closet of the Com mercial hotel. Ho had evidently been dead twelve hours. The death is as yet n mystofv. His father is rich and lives in Washington , Now Jersey. Elootrlo Brief * National Amoclatod Prem. RKADINO , Pa. , March 8. Edwin Shatter , a prominent attorney and di politician of this county , d ! at Tuckcrton this morning from , , an overdose of morphia taken by mis take. laE ilAKUisntnia , Pa. , March 8. Goo. E Mopes thin evening denied any ki of the alleged coalition of th continental republicans and the Wolf independent , repotted as hnv ing taken ulaco at Philadelphia to day. Considering that Mapos is Wolf's right hand man , the denial has some weight. ST. PAUL , MINN. , March 8. In formation reaches hero that th Manitoba Colozination company of London secured two million acres of Luid in the northwest territory and will bring twenty-five thousand set tlors. The Canadian government de- Cray a portion of the expenses of set tlement. MOMWKAL , March 8. Lord Ennis- killen writes from Ireland warning the public against a young min trav eling through America under the name of Cyril Lostrun o , carrying forged letters of recommendation fro in the Archbishop of Armagh and Lord Enniskillen. RICHMOND , March 8. The house f John Mussiu , a highly respectable itizon of Charlottavile , Va. , was on orcd last night by thieves. Mr. Mas- sio mid wile wore murdered and all f.kluahles belonging to thorn carried No arrests are made yot. ° WiNNii'BO , Iran. , March 8. Leroy ] Hooker , a workman on the Traffic bridge now building over the Rod riv- c hero , waa instantly killed this morning by a fall of 80 feot. His lieud : was mashed to a jolly. Ho caino iioro : from Cleveland to superintend erection of the iron superstructure , liaving been in the employment of the Dluvclund Bridge company for a nuin- jor i of years. ATLANTA , On. , March 8. A man mined Bean and a woman named L'hompson , both married and having 'uniilios , eloped together. MONCIK 1 , Ind. , March 8. James McNumara had an arm torn off in n lax mill this aftornoon. DALLAS , Tex. , March 8. Adams & Lioonard , bankers , have sued the An- 'lo-Amcrican Land and Ciaim com pany for $15,000 for work done on . ho Chicago , Texas & Central railroad , OuibAffo ) March 8.Olef Strong ind Chaa. Peterson , Swede * and uu- narriod , were walking on the rail- oad track between South Chicago and 7olohour this evening when a Michil' 'Mi Southern duinmy engine struck hem.Peterson waa instantly killed nd Strong will die. Both men wore lorribly mangled. COLUMBUS , O. , March 8. In thoU louse , Jones' constitutional amendJ J t ] nent : embodying local option and , was discussed nt length and dopted. The sonata passed Hughes' iat for the sale "of estate free of Fr ewer in certain cases. Q of CHICAGO , March a R. W. Bu- 'tin ' Imnan , a member of the board of ab rado < , who it is alleged sold thirty- 10 vo car loads of clover seed adultor- ted ( with Hungarian seed at n profit " $10,000 was "expelled by the board , , rhich caused a sensation on the troot. . . Si'KWUXiELp , Ills. , March 8. A ro 'IB ' mrd of $200 has been ofl'orod by the Big ovornor for the arrest of the tnur- grt tlu erers of Lake Ransom at Uinndiilo , ; Page county , February 15 > In exi ddition to the state reward $1,000 pu boon oflerod by a brother of the eceaaod , $500 by the village of , Hins- am , and $500 by the county of Du wl 'age. wloi p CHICAGO , Maseh 8 , The insurance pS unipanies having risks upon the Os- roi warehouse burned two erne reaper , po lonths i ainro , c for $00,000- sottlo- ; pome icnt , but Mr , Oaborne refuses loea me lian $140,000. It is oapootod the Tli latter will gp to the courts and the pai nuscs of the fire bo investigated. BO eal Failed. Kf bor atlooal AasoilaUd Press. BOSTON , , March 8. A. W. Pt > rry , tal Best , alux > nmnufaciuror , oflico No is Summer streui , factorial at coi . failed . ok E looklond. and Hanover , to-day. abil&a > , 975,000. me of ofha ha UNION 9ACIFIC. wi Tl ataijol Election of Dlreotoro-iaMew to. wi Yoek City , out The annual mooting of the Union bjm rW.fio Railtvad company was hold ia m York yesterday and resulted in a ro election of the present board of lie lirectors Jo/ the ensuing year : ' Sid- ; Dillon , David DOWB , T. T , Eok- , Jay Gould , Solon Humphrey , 0 } Sago , Augustus Schell , of Now . ; Elisha Atkins , Frederick L. I ina , E/ia H. Baker , F. Qordon Dexter , of Boston ; S. H. H. Clark , Omaha ; Uroonvillo AI. Dodge , of Council llluflsj Win. L. Scott , of , Pa. and John Sharp , of Salt Luke City. G , A. Linquist , Merchant Tailor , removed to 1200 Farnltum street , whure ho is fitted up in the modem style , rucuiviiiK a largo and choice selection of spring goods.among which ave special novelties , m-2-m a The EUPEKOU has cornel Chief of Minnosotaa , FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Nihilists in Switzerlantl Threat ening Vengeance , If tho' Bxeoutiona of Those Re cently Condemned Take Place. Turkey Said to be Seeking a Wnr Alliance With Austria. MUoollanoonn No-nrn thai Cnmo Ovortho Cable. -S National AwocUtctl Prcm. ( IRRMAMY TOUNTINU OH1UKBHS. LONDON , March a The czar has sent congratulations to the now king and queen of Sorvia. The establish- nont of the now dominion is regarded with favor by all European powers Bavo Turkey , The czar in this com munication expresses publicly h in good will and friendly relations with Ger many , but at the same time German newspapers and associations openly disouss the probabilities of war with Russia and point to whni , advantages Germany might gain in auch a , conflict. The Kleino Gazette , inspired - spired sometimes by the Prussian foreign dfiico , proposes the annexa tion liy Germany of east Siboriajjnd Snglmlien in tho.o\ont of a victorious war with Russia. THK AMKH1CAN MURDERER. The trial of Dr.'Lamson opened this morning The prisoner was very 'ner vous. rilTUHB TUIKli1 CONV1CTK1\ At the Old Bailey to-day James Harris , aged 38 , painter , was con victed of Htcalinir from the residence of John Derby Aller.ifr , nuar Lan cashire Gates , Hyde p il.- , the picture known , as "Monarch 06 the Meadows , " value 5jOOO. Tlwi > ioturo was cut from the frame on the 14th of September , 1881 , while the .hous'o wa ? being repaired. Harris waa ; , - employed therein at the- time ' TUNIS , March 8. Arabs have mur dered nine European traders and have renewed fighting around Kaiwan. * 'I ' 'IM NIHILIST THUEAT8. M GENEVA , March 8 , Russian nihilists of this city have issued a declaration that if the execution of the recently condemned nihilists which is to take place shortly at St. Petersburg is not averted their deaths will bo avenged. CANADA AND XIIANCE. PAJUH , March 8. Sir Alexander Galthaa arrived in this city for the purpose of negotiating n commercial convention between .Ctnada and T0KKET ANI > AUHTlirA. CoNHTApiNorLB , March 8.--The Porto , it is aaid is Booking an offen sive alliance with Austria in the event of war with Russia. MIHOUtLAMIiOOS CABLKC1UAM.S. The select committee appointed by' the ] Gorman Reichstag has rejected the whole of the ecclesiastical bill. Mr. Houston , the new French min ister to Washington , will not leave Franco for that city until the middle It May is rumored that the pretender to the Spanish crown , Don Carlos , has abdicated in favor of his son , * who is years old. The Modern Dinner. tfew York Times. Nowadays , an invitation to dinner like a draft. . It is to bo honored at light , but usually with a three days' race. Unless' the receiver honors ho demand , or farmahos n reasonable 3XCU80 , ho may bo said , to have re \ pudiated his obligations. It is purely business affiiir , this dinner-giving ind. dinner-accepting transaction. Most' families keep a sot of books in which all dealings of the sort are posted witlu mathematical accuracy. Single men , who have no helpmate Oiu'I remind thonii ot their engagements , post their dinner cards whore they may bo soon every morning , stern monitors oF th < > day's "pleasures. " Then there ia , the call which must bo > paid by the invited guests within von ) days of tor the dinner has boon oatouiOE declined ; and when this obli gation l is disoharged the honest mom * ; of society thanks his stars andl bakds courage. How different all this. r fromi i tho- visiting and the un- onstraiuud' social intercourse of the ldoB timel The country knows no more tlw hetrty and natural manners i otluii days. Country festivities have iaken on the "ain" of the city withoui their comnlotanoss andpoluh. There is no heart left in the city "en- . tortainment . , " as wo oall it , with un- wilting sarcasm and- the freedom , and genuinau of counts ? living are going1 > with the good old customs. Anui aud by , wo ahull como to auch a.M melancholy pas& that when one enters. house without A ticket ho aliall bo. ignominiously Landed ever to thopo lice aa a social tramp. THAT COUGH. If you use sufl'oring from a Cough , Cold Astlom , Broncliitis , Hay Fever , CoiiBumi > iion , loss of voice , tickling of the threat , or any affection of the Throat or Lungs , use Dr. King'a Now Discovery for Consumption. This ia the wieat romoiry that ia causing BO much excitement by its wonderful euros , curing thousauda of hopeless oases. Over a million bottloa of Di. King's Now Discovery hayo boon used within the lost year , and have given perfect uatisfactioji iu every instance. Wo can unhesitatingly aay that this ia really the only suvo cure for throat and lung aflocUaus , and can cheerfully - ly reconnnoua U to all. Oall and got trial bottle free of coat , or a regular size for $1,00 , Till & MoMahon , Oiu >