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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1882)
MMOMMMMBBIWMH M. 4t * TH1OJIIAULA , DAILY UJilE : THURSDAY' MARCH 3 , 1882. THE DAILY BEE OMAHA PUQUSHINQ 00 , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnlmm , bet. Oth nnd loth Street ! . TKIIMS OK SUnsCRtrTION. no copy 1 y irln advancenoitmld ( ) 110.00 0 months " ' . . . 6.00 month " " . . . 8.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE , inm CARD CIMCAOO , * T. wet , MINSKAI-OUS AND ( OMAHA HAILIIOAP. Leave Otnahv PaMoiiRer No. 2 , 8:30n. : tn. Ac commodation No. t , 1:0 : ( p.m AtrUn Ora h.P.wotiucr No. 1 , 6:20 : p. to. Accommodation No. 8,100n. m. LKAVIKO 0 > IAItA r.ART OS fDIJTM > 0" ! D. C. , B. A Q. 7MO n. ru. b:40 : p. ra. C. & K. W. , 7:40 : a. m. 3:40 : o. m. C. , H. I , ft r. , 7:4(1 : ( a. ra--3:40 : p. ra. K. C. , St. J. .t C. 3. , lea\ca nt H n. in. amt 6:80 : , m. ArrhMOtst. Loufcut 0:30 : n. m. and 6:62 : p. ni. ni.W. , 8t. L. ' < P.lca\MntS \ . ra. and 3:10p. : Arrives a St. Loul * At 0:10 : n. m. anil 7:30 : i m < CM OH tCUTimitSTS. n , > f M. In HcK , Through KxprciA , 8:10 : . IB. D. ft M. Uncoln Kxr > r ( * < 0:20 : p. m. U 1' . Orcrbml K\prct * , MM p. in. 0. 4 U. V. lor Lincoln , 11-15 a. n. O. A H V. lor Osccola , l ) ' " n. in. U. P freight No. C , 6v : u. m. U. P ! roljrht No. 0 , SM : a. in. U. P. trclifht No. 13 , 20" : . m. U. P. Irilsht No. 7 , lllu : ji. ni. rinlnront. .IP. Denver exiircsc , 7:3r : , p. m. D. P. frelrht Nn II. U-Su p. m. U. P. Icm cr Irclcht , BiJrp. . m , ARRIVING FROM AI-T N1 > KOUTII. 0. B. & Q " 6:00 : n. m. c'J.'i p ui. ,4 N. W.,8:45 : n. m. 7.i6 ! p. m. C. R. I. A : P. , 9:45 : n. m. 11:05 : p. lu. K. C. , St. Joe & U II. , 7:4 : ! ) r. . m. KM p. m rnoM TIIR ivr-st < sn SOUIIIWKST. 0. * U. V. Irom Lincoln l.iM p. m. U. r. PaclEo Kxiire-w 3io : p. m. n * M.ln Neb. , ThtciKKxjireM : < : U p > . B. ft M. Lincoln Kxprom 9:40 : a in. U. P. Denver express , 7:3S : n. in. U. P. Freight No. H2.50 u. m.lj U. P. Wo. 0 Bi.O : a. in. Kmle ant. U. P. freight No. U , 1MB p. in. U. P. So. S-0:00 : p. in. U. P. No. 12 1:45 n , ni. U , P. Denver frnlKlit , 1'W a. in. O. & K , V. inlxcil , nr. 4:45 : p. m. &U11UY 1RAU > H HKrvtKK. * OMAHA AND cou.icii , Hi.nrrH. Lce Omaha nt 5:00 , H:00 : , 10:00 nnJ 11:00 'm. : 1:0 : U:00 : , n.OO , 4:00 : tnd 6:00 p. m. Leave Council IlluCTo at 8:26 : , 9:26 : , 10:25 : and 1S6 : . in. ; 1:25 , 2:25 : , 3-.V6 , 4:25 : and 6:25 : p. in. Sundays The dummy ICI.NOS Omaha at 9:00 : nd 11:00 : a. ni.J 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 5:00 p. m. Leaves Council 111 u ( la at 9:25 : and 11:25 a. m. ; 2:26 : , i:2J : nd 6:25 p. m. Through and local pinsciujcr trains between Omnha and Council lllutla. I/caVo Omaha 0:16 : , 7:45 : , 8:50a.m. : ; 3:40 : , 6:4B : , 0:00 : p. m. Arrive Omaha 7:40,11:35,11:45 : : a. ra. ; 6:40 : , 7:06 , 7:16 , 140 p. m. Opening nnn Closing of Mrlla. BOLTS. , i. . in , p. m. a. m. p. tu. Chicago &N. W 11.00 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , U I. ft I1aclllo.llt' ' ( > 9:00 0130 2:40 : Chicago , D.&Q II-MI 0:00 6:30 2:40 : Wabash 12:20 : 6:30 : 2in : Glouz Citv wul PivclBc. . 9:00 : 6:30 2:40 : Onion Faclllo 4:00 : 11:40 : Olliohl & II. V 4:00 : 11:40 : B. kSl. InNel 4:00 : 8:10 : Omnha & Sioux City. . . . 0:00 : 7:30 : B. & M. Lincoln 10:30 : 0:00 : U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 : U. P. Denver Exu P:00 : 0:30 : 0. , Sioux City & St. P..11-00 ' 2:40 : Local mails for State of IHA i. Ivave but cni.o day , viz : 6:30a.m. : 022co open Sundays frcni 12 m. to 1 p. m. TIIOS. P HALL P JI. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stock holders ot the Omaha Publishing Co. , will bo held lit the publi cation olllcc of TIIK OMAHA Ur.K on Monday , March Oth , 1882 , nt 7:30 : p. ni. . fortho election of officers and transaction of such other business ns mav como before it. A. It. SOUKR , Scc'y fl-4t Business Hirectory , Abitract and Real Estate. JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite Post Office. W. K. BAKTLETT 317 South XSth Street. Architects. DUFBENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room 14. Crelphton Blotk. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2. Citlshton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DsYINB fi CO. , Finn Bcota and Bhocu. A goad aeaortmeni o : homo work on hand , center 12th nnd Harnoy. IHOS. ERICKSON , S. E. cor. Ifith end Douel a. JOHN FOUTUNATUS , UG 10th street , manufactuu'i < to order good work at f lr prices. HenalriiiK donr. Bed Springs. J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Douplaaet. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street. Butter and MoSUANE & SCIIUOEDKK , the oldest B. and E house ID Nebraska cntaliUhheJ 1876 Omaha. CKNTRAL RESTAURAT : , MRS. A. RYAN , . onthwest corner ISthand Dudgo. Best Board for the Monuy. R li5fwtlon Ouaronteed tteala at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Tcrma ( or Cash Furnished Rooms Supplied. UarrlaRot anct Road Wagons. WU SNYDER,14th , nnd Ilarnoy Streets. Clothing Bought. J. HARKlj will ) > hlghestCoeh price ( or eocond band clothinr. Corner 10th and Farnham. ijev/e ers. 1'ff JOHN UAUMER 1314 Faruhim Street. Junk. II. BEKTIIOL1) , Ra2s and Metal. Lumber , Llmo and Cement. FOSTER ti GK AY corner Oth and Doughs tile , Lamps and Glassware. J. EOKNKK 1S09 DooulM St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. 0. t > MNflqUEST , Onu ol our most rcpuSar Merchant Tnllora In rc- celint ; the latest ikiriens ( or lijirin and Summer Goods ( or Kcntlciumo wuar. Stylljli , durable , * od priroa low na ever 216 18th hot. laui ; . & Fnru. Millinery. JURS. C. A. niNUEH , Whuleoalo and 1UUII , Fun * v Goods In grunt variety , Zephyrs , ( Janl Baircls , Jlofllery , Glovrd , Coraetf , & . ; , C'hvaiKijt llou e li 4be West , rurchascrs cave 80 per cent. Order by Kail. 115 Flltoonth Struct. foundry , JOHN WKARNi : & SONS , cor. llth A Jarkuou 6t3 Hour and ( Teed , OUAUAPITV MILLS , Bth and Farnhntu SU. ' jiroprtetsra. Urocers. 1. . ilKVENS , SUt between Cumin , ; an. ) Irar T. A. MoSIIAUK , Corn. Cdd and Cumin ? htrocU. Hardkaire , Iron and Steel. OLAK i lAMQWOUTHV , NVholanale , 110 ni' 112 Uth GtrVet A. r/OLlina / corner 1'rXh and California. Hirnots , . WKIST J ISth St , lict FarnHarntiv Mottle J ANFIKLDIIpU3Eaeo.Cwjncld , , boHAH IlOUaB , P H Cary , 913 Tamham fit. SLAVEN'S JIOTKL. K. HUven , th St. Southern Hotel Qua. Htmcl Pth < M , < momvortb Drugf , Paints and Oils. KUI1N & . CO. Pharmacists , F1a Vane Uooda , Uui , iitu anl Douel. " otrtcU W. J. WHITEHO UPK , WhoUwlo & Retail , 16tb St. 0. FIELD , 2022 North Sldo Cuminj Strtot. PARK , Uruetriat. lOtfi od Howard StrceU. Dentliti. DH , PAUL. Williams' Clock Cor. 16th & Dodge , Dry Goods Notions , Etc. . JOHN H. F. LEuMANN & CO , , New York Dry Ooodi Store , 1310 and 1813 Fam < him itrcjt. L. a Enewold. also boo'I ' and eho a 7th & PadSc. r-urulturo , I r. ( ItlOSS , N w cd B onA Hand rnrnlliuo oJ Stoves , ill * Dcuciu. HlfhMt cMh price lid tor nocond hiDJ trooo * . nONNF.U 1909 Danrlk It. Hno oodi , Ac , ferco Works. OUAIA ! FKNCE CO. UET , FRtRSftCC K1311nrncj-St. , rt Ice lloiclicr and Wooil Fence * , OIT.e * R illnr * . Conntc i Plnn nil Walnut. ' Ol&ars and TODACCO , ' , VBST FHITSCnER , niftnulftcturtrii ol CUar , \Vholoiklo ! Dfalcml n Tolwccos , 1805 DouRlJi ) , V. F. umKNZKMjnumfePturrr l fl Farnrmm Florlit. A. Ionatriu ; , pUnt , ci\t Howcri > , etc. KV. . cur. l Civil Engineers Knri Surveyors , ANDREW UOSKVVATF.II. Crclchlon Block , Town Survey * , Dnde and Hcworaire Syttomg a Specialty. Uommlitlon Merchants. JOHN 0. W1I. L1S,14H , Do.lto ( Street. D B lir.KMI'.K. ror.lctalln i oo hrgo ft > U.citl o. racnt In Dally and Weekly. Cornice Works. Ho.'tiru Cornlco Works. JUnulacturcrs Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and SlixUj Rooniiij ; . Orders Irom any locality promptly executed In the best aiMincr. FMtorjr and Olllco 1213 llnrnoy St. 0. SPROUT , 1'roprlctor. OalrnnUoU Iron Cornlcoa. Window Owi , etc. , oii'inncturi ( l nnd put up In any part ol the country. T. BINHOHI 410 Tlilrtcfnth etroct Orockory , J , CONNER 1309 Doueias street. Good Hue. Clothing and Furnlthlng Qoods. OEO. II. PCTERSON. Alno Itata , Cajw , Boota , Ihoes , Notloin and Cutlery , jOI 8.10th etroct. Refrigerators , Cnnfleld's Patent. 0. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Fnrn. & Harnoy. ( ihow Ca n Manufactory. ) O. J. WILDE , Manufacturer nnd Dcncr ! In all kinds ol Show Upright Uasos , A ' . . 1317 C.v St. FRANK L. ( IKIUIAItO , proprietor Oumha Show Case manulactory , R13 South 10th street , between Lcnxcnworth and Mnrcy. All ( jooiia warranted llrst-ulsuH. _ Pawnbrokers. R08KNFELD. 10th St. . het. Far. A liar btoveiana inware. A. HURMESTER , Dealer I n Storoa and Tlnwixro , and ManutactUi-er ol Tin Rooa and all klnda o ( Building Work , Odd Follows1 Block. J. BONNER. 1300 DouclM St. Good anil Cheap. Qoods. J. KVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd Fcllowa Hall. Physicians and Burgeons. W. 8. GIBDS , M. D. , Room No 4 , Crolhton Block , IGth Street. P. S. LEISHNIUNO , J. D. Matontc Block. 0. L. UART , M. D. , Kyc and Ear , opp. poetofllue DR. L. B. GRADDY. Oculist ami Auriat. S. W Uth and Farnham Sta Photographers. GEO. HiVN , PROP. ' Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. Ftret-cKes Work and Prompt' ' Plumbing , Gat and Steam Fitting. P. W. TAUPV & CO. . 21612th St. , bet. Karnhira and Donijlas. Work promptly attended to. D. i'JTXl'ATHlCK , 1409 Douglas Street. an aper anglng. UENUY A. ROSTERS , 141 Uod o Street. Shoo Otore . Phillip LanK 1320 Faronain at. bet. 13th & 14th Oecona Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR , 1416 Douglas St. . Now n j Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Gooda lie. , boueht and sold on narrow tnnrdna. Ualooni. , HENRY KAUFMANN , In tne now brlcV block on Douglas Struct , h ] uet opened a most ului tnt BCCJ Uall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. " Caledonia " J FALCONCK 070 16th Street. Undertakers. COAS. RIEWB , 101V Farnham hct. 10th & 11U 00 Cent Stores. P. C. BACKUS 1MB Farnhuin St. . K ncv Ocod NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Cum Gnarantoorl- Dr. E. C. West's Ncrvo and Brain Treatment A specific ( or Hysteria , Dizzincs * , Convulsions Nervous Headache , Mental Depression , LOBS o MemorySpcrmatorrhiDa , Impotcny , Int oluntary Em'ssioiiB Premature Old Aeo caused , , by ovtr- oxortlon , sol ( abuse , or over-indulgence , which leads to misery , decay and death. Onoboxwll cure recent cases. Ea h box contains one month'i treatment. One dollar a box , or nix boxo * (01 five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt o price. Wo guarantee six boxes to cure any case with each order received by ua ( or six boxes , nc companled with Qvo dollars , will send the pur chaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment does not en ct a cure. C. F. Goodman , DriiL'gUt , Solo , Wholesale am Retail Agent , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall a regular price. d&wly Genius Rewarded ; OR , The Story of the Sewing Machine , A handsome llttlo pamphlet , blue and jf cover , with nunicroua engravings , will bo G-IVEBT AWAY to any nuult IK-IS n calling ( or It , at any branch or Hub-ollkuol The Singer Jlai.ufacturlngCom . pany , cr will be sent by mall , post pnld , to any person living at n distance ( rom our olllccs The Singer Manufacturing Co , , Principal 0(13cu ( , 34 Union Square , NEW YORK. MilH iKtw FILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Lastl No Ono Need SaiTorl A mirucuru lor Ulind , lilouJInp , Itching anr Ulcer te-l 1'lles h.i9be n discovered by Dr. Wll Ham , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. Wllllam' Indian Ointment. A ningla box tint cured the worutchronic casciiol US or SOjranetnndlng , No ono neal nuOer live minutes alter applying thl wonderful euothlng nuxik-ino Lotions , , Initrii- monte and elcctuarluu do mere harm than goixl , William's Ointment ab arb the tumoru , ullnya the Intense Itching , ( particularly ut night alter getting uarm In bed , ) acti an apoultico , gives In stant and jialiilos'j rellt ( , and la prepared only lor L'llos , Itchln/ the private paria , and ( or not * . Ing olao. Head what the IIou J.Y Ccfflriherry o ( Cluvu < and ea > a about Dr. Wllllaai' * Indian Pile Oint ment ! 1 ha ; o lived scores o ( fllej curei , and II afford * mup eaniiro toHiy thtt Iluvc never fount Anything ublch ga > o vuch ImtiujJiitu and peim t9nt relief as Dr. Wiliiini'fl Indlaji Ointment For sale by all dru 'late or malUrl on receipt ( , ite , 11.00. 11.00.HENRY HENRY & CO. . ffeop'ea. , < , Ul' IJND , OHIO. you win curudlf you UK Hop Diners If jou reelm tl It llfo. It hut gavoil hurt- a reds , r FRENCH DETECTIVES. . - . . Secret Police Who nro Really Soorot Who Actually do Detect. An Incident Showing How Neatly and How ElVoctlvoly THey do TUolr Work. lacMillan'B Sonio live or six years ngo , boitjg on visit to Pixiia , I wont tu scon friend , French gontleuinn 1 had known fur iuiy years , who , with his \vifo and > nly diniglitor , lived on Second in a nnnll house in thu Funbonrg St. C3or- niiin. I found the family , ono and all , in the ( jroiitent jiossiblo oxcito- nont. During the night their domi cile hnd boon broken into , and prop erty to the value of about ! K,000 ) 'rixnca ( ill'JOO ) . consisting ot plate , jewels , money and bonds , had buon stolen. My friend was by no means a rich man , and thu loss was to him n rory serious ono. The stnuigo part of the ull'iiir was that no ono scorned .o have the slightest idea by whom or H > \v the lost things had been taken. They were kept in n largo iron-clampod chrst , which was never moved out of the aclle n manger , and which was found in its usual place next morning , but with the lock forced open. Thu servants of the family were only two in number nnd consisted of an oldurly man and his wife , who hnd been in the siiinu aorvico lor more than ten years. They did not sleep on the aumo floor us their master and mis tress ; but , aa is usual in Paris , occu pied a a room some stories higher in the mansard or attic. They had a key by which to lot themselves in from the back ataira to the kitchen in thu morning ; but nt the time of the robbery neither enio nor the other had boon in the dining room where the chest was kept until aftar my friend's daughter had found out what had happened. The lady of the family had locked the chest - it was her usual habit before she hnd retired to rest the previous night. The key was found hanging on ti nail at the head of her bed , its usual placo. The theft must have been committed between 11 p. m. when the chest wna locked and 8 a. m. when her daughter discovered the loss. The concierge declared that no ono save these who lived in the house had passed his lodge during those hours. The door of the apartment opening on the main staircase was found locked and thu key on the in side. Altogether it was a most mys terious business of which no ono could make anything save that the property had vanished ; therefore , it must liavu boon taken by some one. LK UUi : 1)K JIMIUSALKM. My friend resolved to go nt once tt the Kuo do Jerusalem the Scotland yard of P.xris and ask the authorities to inquire into the matter. I sug gested an agent do police or police man from the nearest station might bo called , but was told that that was not the way they did things in Pans. The policemen that kept order in the streets , and those whose business it is to discover what has become of stolen property , arc two departments per fectly distinct from each other. Be ing anxious to see how our neighbors managed affairs of this kind , anc whether the } ' were better up to their work than our London detectives , J accompanied my friend to the Pretoc- ture de Police , where ho sent in his card , and wo were nt once ushered into the presence of n quiet-looking elderly gentleman , ono of the sous- chef a of the department , who looked nioro like n bank manager or head clerk in a largo mercantile house , than n man whoso occupation was to indi cate whore the thieves and others who Wbro "wanted" could bo laidhandson. A Frenchman is nothing if ho is nol polite. The individual into whoso sanctum wo were shown welcomed us with a civilty which nothing could ex ceed. Ho heard my friend's story from first to last , made a few notes with a pen i > > a kind of diary which ho had on his desk , and now and then asked a question or two respecting the house nnd apartment which had been robb"d , the servants , visitors and other masters. But he did not detain - tain us long. The interview was over in twenty minutes. The sous-choi then told my friend that ho would send ono of his subordinates to see the chest the next day. In the mean time would my friend prepare a list and as minute n description as possible of the property that hnd been stolen ? As n rule Frenchmen , no matter to what rank of life they belong , have the greatest possible respect for all whouro in any way connected with the police and never dream of disputing what they eay ; but my friend somewhat annoyed at what ho deemed uaoloAii delay , nnd asked whether the police acnt could not bo sent nt mice. Thu fious-chei , however , overruled lih ob jection , and was best for many reasons thu agent should not go to the house till next day. "Tn the first place , " ho said , " 1 do not wish anyone ono but yourselves to know that the gentleman who will call on you to morrow is in any way connected with the police , 11 o will send up a card nnd you will bo kind enough to receive him na a friend tulk to him of the robbury in the presence of your sorvantH as you would to any casual acquaintance. " Ho then turned to rno and said , laughingly ; "Wo du not manage these iill'.urs at ) you do in London. Wo don't allicho our police : wo don't fiend constables ( he pro nounced thu word 'conuatabol' ; tonnko u fuss and put every ono on thuit guard ; wo lilut to do tliinpH quietly , the rbu't ' i. < betUr. " Ho ( liui r > .n J ua out aul wo tuul ; our departure , not over nhsurod an to what the upshot ol tlui affair would be. A I'AUIM URTKl " . ' > ' . "Un monsieurqui desire vous voir , " said my friend's man servant next day , putting a c.ird into his master's hand , juat as wo vruro finishing our midday meal , and a gentleman-liko middlo-aged man wn uhown in. Ho wua close shaved as to the chin and upper lip , but wore mnnll whiskers , more liku an Kngliblmmn of business of tun years ugo than u native of lu belle J'rnnco. Ho wa ) wnll , but not fashionably droBsod , and carried n ainall cane , with which ho kept gently tapping his boot when not speaking. Wliiln the servant was in the room ho confined his conversation to .ios , and jjavo his opinions freely on ho political subjects of the day. When my friend upoko of the robbery and pointed to the chest out of which .ho property had boon taken , ho ucroly glanced nt it , looked nt tl.o ock for n moment , aiiil turned thu conversation. Ho asked miulamo to call her maul and talk to her on some indiHoroiit subject. This was done , nml 1 watched hia face during the time the woman was present ; but ho merely ookud nt her once , and continued .nlking to mo. The only point on which ho seemed really nnxious was to obtain a fuller lescription of thu articles lost than h\t : ho hnd been already furnished with , My friend ollbrcll to give himdotails hen and there , but ho declined to ivait for it , on the plea thnt by pro longing his visit ho might arouse sus picion amongst thosorvnnts , We sug gested mooting him near the line do Jerusalem ; but hu laughed nt Ihoidvn , saying that it ho were once seen near the police ollico his occupation would bu gone , as he would bo no longer of any great nio an an agent of the police. So an appointment was inado to meet at the Cafe du Holder on thu Bou levards , where a more detailed descrip tion of the lost property should bo given to him. llo then took his leave , but asked mo to accompany him down stairs , so as to improtm the concierge with the idea that he was an acquaintance of soinoatniiding. He- fore arriving nt the bottom , I found my friend had managed to dirty his coat in a manner which necessitated his turning into the concierge's lodge to borrow n clothosbrush , thereby gaining an opportuity of ousting an uyo round thu small room and on its occupier. To me , being initiated , thu object was palpable , though quite un suspected by the individual in ques tion. When the brushing was over wo walked out together , and in thu course of conversation wo touched upon the way in which nome persona can so disguise themselves as to hide their individuality from their must intimate - timato friends. KFPKUTIVI : nisouisi : . I expressed myself as being tlotibi ful whether this could bo really done , provided the parties to bo ilecoivcd were on the lookout for such decep tion. My companion ditlereil from me , and offered to disguise himself effectually that he would in the cour.iu of the next twenty four hours speak to mo for at least ton minutes without arousing my suspicions. I accepted the challenge , and staked the price of a dejounor at any cafe ho would like to name. Ho agreed , nnd the very same day won the bet in the following manner : Shortly after leaving the detective I met an old friend , who asked mo to dine with him at Versailles that even ing. I agreed to do so , but could not leave Paris as early as my friend in tended to do so , nnd therefore told him I should go down by the 5tC : ! train by the Oaro St. Lazaro. I die so , and as I got to a first class carriage T remarked n short , gentlemanly-look ing man , with white hair , who followot mo into the sumo compartment. Frenchman-liku ho began to talk about things in general , niu" we chatted , more or less , nearly all the way to Versailles Whci within ten minutes walk or so of our destination my now friend ( juiotly took off hin hat , pulled off n wig , go rid of a moustache , and to my ntto amazement sat revealed before mo at my friend the detective ! How ho hat managed to find out that I was grin [ to Versailles which I had no idojv o" myself when I left him or how h < had so effectually concealed hia np pearnnco that I , sitting within thn o feet of him , had no idea that ho was the man I had left eomo four hours previously , are problems which I not solve. The detective himself only laughed when I naked him how ho had contrived i' . . He was evident ! } greatly flattered at the amazement' displayed ; but beyond showing mo with some pride his wig and mustache tacho , ho wns very reticent nnd would enter into no details. That ho hiu fairly won the breakfast there coulc bo no doubt , but ho said ho wouli rather put off the event until ho couh sco his wny ns to whether or not ho should bo nblo to recover n part or the whole of the property which my friona had lost. Wo then parted , hi taking the train buck to Paris , nnd I going on to thu house where 1 was engaged gaged to dine. ' THE nnuuisnv ulsuoviniKi ) . This was on thu Thursday evening On the Monday , nbout 11 a. m. , the waiter of the hotel where I was stay ing told mo that a gentleman wishet to speak to mo. Ho was shown up , and this time thu detective wna nol disguised. Ho told mo that for re a nous which I would learn latter ho thought it batter to como to mo thai to go to my friend'a house in the Fauburg St. Germain. Ho uaid ho hnd good news ; for that ho believed the greater p irt of thoiilolcn porporty had been tecovered , and nskud mo to go to the prufoctiiro do policu on the following dy , nbout 3 p. m. , and t < take my friend with mo. Wo did BO aud found that what the du tectivo had told mo was true. Among other valuables that hud been stolen wna a canvas bn [ , containing between two and three hundred napoleons. These had dis appeared ; but the jewelry , thu plate , and what wan still more surprising , the bonds , puvitblu , as nl' ' such docu ments uiu in France nil portourto ( thu bearer ) , hud been found and were ready lor my friend to identify. This was easily done , but nothing was al lowed to bo touched for the present , as it would have to bo nworn to nt the trial which wuuld shortly tnko place. Wn'i | > my fiii nd returned homo hi found that , while lie vwm ut the prcfic turo the concierge hnd been arrested for conniving ut the theft , and in thu lodge tvero found , in a hidden cup board , the bag containing the money. In u word , without fusa , publicity , or loss of time , thu whole of the prop- Ji'ty which had been stolen the week before wns in the hunda of the policu. fn ton days more the trial was over. The conciergoand two of hi relations were each condemned to five yearn ol travniix forces ( penal servitude ) , my friend got back the whole of his prop erty , and , what to mo OH an English man seemed much more extraordinary , thu total expuiiBo of the proceedings cainu to something liku JOO francs ( 4) ) . Even this payment was nearly all voluntary , for my friend inflated upon niaking n Binnli preopnt to tJll > lotoctivo who had done his work so well. AND KNOMHH MKTIIOU8 , To give nny details ns to how Iho nhtnblea were found , or how the rob > cry was traced to 'the conciuigo , islet lot in my nowor. Thu Kronch police ire invariably very reticent , parncu nrly in cases like the ono 1 have at- empted to describe- . They hfc/o a heory that publicity on such occa- Ions is a very grout mislako nnd lindera juatico. I called , with my ricnd , upon the soua-chtof to thank inn for the trouble hu had taken. Ho Vila a very intelligent person and evi lontly n man of education Hi- md been in England on husim-s connected with his oilier , nnd spols ory freely nbout our iwhcu md their wny of doing bmmcas lo considered that such of the force la wore employed in maintaining pub- 'io order na among the very host in fiuropo. Uutof our detective system in hnd a very poor opinion. As ho 'iiitl ' very truly , no poonor is a rob- aory committed in England than the iMuost publicity U given to thu whole ilf.iir , nnd the thieves are us well awaru of whnt steps aru being taken 'o unravel the matter as the police hemsulvcs. It in true that a cor'niu lumber of our police weie plain nlothes instead of uniform , but it is cei tain that these are as well known , o the criminal classes of London ns Jioir brethren who wear blue tunics nnd helmets. In Paris the dotoctivu who is on- ; aged in trncitii ; crime is , so to spuik , lidden from public view llo rnioly oes even to the prefecture do policu ; lie has his order yivon him either by \ confidential nuont or by n hitter written in cypher , llo mixes in noci- oty aud niee.ta all HOI tit and conditions of men , but his occupation in known to very few persons indeed. So much is this the case thnt thu French detectives very seldom know each o'her ; that is to say , Mosieur A. mny lo ) very well acquainted with Mon sieur B. , but neither of them know that the other is omployo.l by the po lice. I was told by ono of the author [ ties in the Ruu do Jerusalem that in London the undiscovered robberies nro to those that nru discovered in the proportion of three to one. If thu Kronch police nro right in their statements - ments tuo l.iruer the robbery thnt takes place in P.uii the greater chance tlieie is of its being found out , whore- is in London we Know the exact con trary to bo the ease A Short Roml to Health- To nil \\lio am MilTering from boiln , ul ih , fccrufutii , carbuncles , or other ob.sti natc ( li'CRhe.i of the blond unit skin , i course of BuitnoeK ULOOD BrrriniH wil bo found to be "u nuo road to health,1 I'rico SI 00 trial size 10 cents. fob'-VSilcodtw Til AT COUGH. If you are sullbring from a Cougl Cold Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fuvor , Consumption , loss of voice , tickling o thu throat , or nny affection of tin Throat or Lungs , use Dr. King's Nuy Discovery for CoiiRumption. This i the great remedy that is causing s > much excitement by its wondorfu cures , curing thousands of hopoles ; cases. Over n million bottles of Dr King's Now Discovery have boon usoi within the last year , nnd have give : perfect satisfaction in every instance Wo can unhesitatingly say that this i really the only sure euro for throa nnd lung nflcctions , nnd can cheerful ly recommend it to all. Call and got n trial bottle frco of cost , or a regular size for $1.00. Ish & McMnhon , Oin- KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA I I 1 i ii I a BITTERS ELER & 00 , . dole Manuftiotiirere. OM < VHA. NeteskaLandAgeit DAVIS & SrJYQEn , ifiQ5 Farnhixm 81. , . Omiha , Nebrit , \ > iri'.ulljwltH'tml land in hnnturn NolirwiUa lei < AO. Gnat Bargalno ID luiuruvuil lurnn , and OiL-alm cll proi irtt o F DAVIS wiwrrr ryy ni - TIIK KW ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY , The Demand Still Incrouning. 76,000 Copies of No. 3 Oa led for , Among the content * ( ( nuinberU , whlchUnow ( n' y and ( or Halo ever ) whuru , will bit ( omul con tributions ( rom prominent uiuliors unl'hlllii Koiirku Jliirstou , alary .N. t'rcBcotl , I/nalI : ( / . Mltilicll , Julian llawthormt , l.'ilward Cvcrett i-alo , I'ro ( . HenriK. . Hlicplicril Makel C'ollhm , George I'arHona Jjxtlir p , Ir , 1' . U OsnaM , ilri > . K , A llui.Hon and Harry CVitlcmon. botddci all thopojiulur edit rae ( our \arloun dvpartnientJ , All nuMhdcalerii booKmllom and rallroail agcnU keep on hand fi'os. 1 and " . Hpcclnicn copicn loiit/rcu , Addru-xu , Our Co'iunout ' Publishing Oo. , PHILADELPHIA. Real Estate OF P ROPERTY I For Sale By JOHN I , CLAEKE , S , W. cor. Douglas aud 14th Sts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ John Q. Jacobs , ( Foi.'ierly of Pt h & Jaco > , ) UNDERTAKEN INVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AMD CLOCKS TO HE KEl'AWED ZEDNTG IR-A.'VIIN-G- ! TO 1JE DONE OK tObe be While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others 3C.-A.SMC ST-A-TIE ! I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. . For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. liuvinu Intoly onlurgud my worksliops utttl putting In now niid improrw. ohinory , 1 liopo to still inoro iiuprovu the Duality nnd finish nf our ork nnd fill ordurn with inoro proinptnuaa than is usual. My Mclto hns nlwixjn boon and alwixyn wJM Ho : "First to gain aupunor tiea mid then nuvurtino the fact not pororou wild lulvortiaoinonta Seme unprinoiplod dealers being in the hubit of copying my aiMiouncomontfl , I would beg you , the reader of tins , to draw a line between Hitch copied nJvortisomonts and these of Yours very truly , .v , . : $ A. B. MW The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , Sign of the St-rildng Tovr BASWITZ & WELLS , OPERA HOUSE SHOE STORE , Under Boyd's Opera House. The Season is advanced and in orrtt-r to make room for an Im mense NEW SPRING STOCK , Wewill , for tki next 30 days , offer our entire stock You will do Well to call at BASWITZ & WELLS' I Palace Shoe Store of the West. ' | an31-d3m I -WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DKAI.CK N Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. ,4.,0 , JCWEL ffSMrfMUSie DEALERS. V * . OMAHA , NEB. The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SILVER ' VER WARS. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , uhe Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets THE LKADING MUSIC HOUSE IN TUB WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. \ Pianos and Organs so d for cash or installments at Bottom Prices A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , aud other makes. 'Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smitb American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur- uhasine * . MAX MEYER & BRO , Is MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW CASES m Large Stock Always on Hand , JlSo ) ,1