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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1882)
JDAiLl BE1D THURSDAY MARCH 2 I P. T. MAYNE Manager iCouncll Bluffij Circulation , , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. SUBSCRIPTION EATEP , , . Dy Carrlor , - - 20 Cents per Woote COUNCIL BbUi'FS , IOWA By Mull , - - - - - $10.00 per Year COUNCIL BLUFFS. Offlco : Room Plvo , Evorott'a Block , Broadway. H. W. TIL/TON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS Iowa Wyoming o ml handled only liy .7. W. llodefcr , No. 20 I'D rl St. Klllf. The river is rhlng. Ono night recent * ly it raised two feet by nctunt monimrc- mcnti Atlait nccnuut * Theodora Hturton- backer , the victim of th ) ro'ibery in Keg Creek , wss still nlivo. 1'rank Cotton , supported by n good coupany , is 11 nppcar In "Our IJoyn" at JDnlianoy' * next Monday evening , Tlio Congregational church folk nra to meet thin evening nt the resilience of Mrs. Bndolct on Oakland avenue. Tlio Baptist church In arranging for n Sunday evening concert by the school at > n early date , which it to bo followed by others. In the circuit court ycs'orday ' In the | case of Slnj tar vs. Keel n motion for n now trial was nrgued , and taken umlor ad- vincment until this evening. Some lotterH , receipts nnd other papers were found yo-tcrday with Jolin Boylo'a name upon them , Tlio party Interested can learn further by calling at Tim BKK office. office.Jack Jack Walton , an important wltnc . < ( fn the Keg Creek ofxault nnd robbery , is now In custody at the jail here , where he will be kept until the trial of Uotts , the chief actor in the crime. The street crossings are In many parts of the city setting paipaMydry , but nlim ? the main streets there Is a sen of mud , and in some place < signs of "no bottom" would not he inappropriate Among the arrivalat * the Ogdan yes terday were two Inwans , Oich of whom stood over six feet two. They were utran- gent to each other , but eyed each other suspiciously , an though they felt n tiugo of rivalry. The famoui Anglo-S xon nni Danish I TOW was o have been adjusted by Justice Abbott yesterday morning , but n continu ance was had until Wednesday the 8th , > Ly .which time the election would bo over. Frank Crow in complained of by Beaurfgnrd Miller for assault. Miller ays that in a fuss over a game of cards Crow struck him. The accused has been Invited to call upon Recorder Burke this morning. Vaughan tells the workingmen that the banks refuse to give him credit nnd' ' that ho has tu borrow money of toamnterH when .he wants any , and j et he says he ia worth § 25,000 worth of property. There's a hitch somewhere. Among th8 latest marriage licenses Are those Issued to George Echorn and MLis Ida C. Wilson , both of Avocn ; also toC.BechtelnndMlss N. W. Couch , of ATOCA ; D. W. Roberts and Miss Hannah JT. Krrick , both of Ilardla townthlp. There are many street assertions that an attempt will be made here next Mon day to run in a swarm of illegal voters. BUpa are being taken to prevent any im portations , and if that sort of a game is tiled there ' will bo some Hvely.Hcenen about the polls. The registry books contain the names cf nearly 4,000 voters , a larger number than were over booked before. Many of these are the names of persons not now Bring in the city , and the actual number of voters will on election day probably brink one-half , Cranky Bill , of Omaha fame , was ar rested in Council Bluffs last night for cor- nling a valise which belonged to George ycrguson. Ferguson was at the North western depot , ready to go to a wedding , Cranky. Bill resitted the efforts of the offi cers to arrest him , but was finally jailed. The chairman of the Vaughon meet ing and the head of the Vaughan ticket an > In such frequent conferences In the Nonpareil editorial rooms , as to account easily for the tenderness with which that paper treats that faction , the lukewarm- ness with which It supports the republican ticket , and the prominent pluco it given the Vaughan ticket in UH columns. The alleged friend of the wumingmeu who Is so detirnus of keeping the nwyor'd cha'r ' , not only says that they are too ig norant to read the papers , but c .nnot trust them to hold a regular convention and make out a ticket to suit themselves. He fixes one up with himself us the head , and then calls on them to vote it. How do the woikinginen like to have a ticket forced upon them ! At the first meeting at the court hnu e 1 Yaughan said in regard to being mayor ; ' 1 do not seek the honor , neither do I mhiilclt. " At the next meeting , nut having hoird that France is a tcpublia , bo ex- elolmedi "I would rather be mayor of Council Bluffs than king of Franco. " If , in the course of ten days , his eagerness for the position increased that much , It will be wild by nexi Monday. Some drunken rowdlei indulged in a dirty hit of malicious mischief at the cor 1 ner of Broadway and Pearl streets Tues day night , They daubed with mud a bul letin board on whioh was tacked a list of registered voters , and not content with that , daubed with mud the French plate window * of several stores nnd offices , Thi hief of police will give $10 for the detec tion of the mud throwers , and if c might it is pretty certiin they will be dealt with ar from gently. The case of Bollwiller Broi. vs. Tar- ker was brought to a close yesterday afternoon , the jury at the close of the ar gument disposing of the matter in leus thc.n five minutes , by Uniting for Mrs. Tarker , It appeals that whllo G , W I'arker was doing business here , he became Indebted to the plaintiff , and that some time before he left he made n sale ol Ids property to hi * wife. The creditor claimed It was not a straight salii , till levied on the property. Mrs , Parker in tervened and resisted the lien sought to bi fixed on the property , and the Jurydesldei ledT. in her favor. N , At , 1'uuey and A. T. Vllcklnger were tliu attorneys for the plaintiff , and Sapp & Lymnu for Mri > Parker. MERITORIOUS MUSIC. , Miss Fnrmy Kellogg Given n Honrty Welcome na Introduced In Con cert by the Cocillu Club. ' The cincort given under the auspices of tlio Cecil in club caused n hrgo j nudicnco , composed of tlio very beat ' classes of society , to gather in Doha- noy's 1ml 1. The Cecilia club is nn ntnateur organization which has justly won for itself much local popularity , and it was originally intended to make this ontortninmont a aomi-public musii cnlo , but tlio advent of Miss Fanny Kellogg on n visit to this , her old homo ] , , nnd the general dcsiro of her many fnonds and admirers to hoar her sing , caused n change in the plan , Tlio club prevailed on her to take a placij nn the prourninmo , nnd in order to accommodate tliu public , so eager * to hear her , n larger hull waa selected ami the musicale thus developed into . n full concert. I I It was indeed n musical treat. Miss Kollogu acquitted herself grandly , mid fully met the high expectations of her friends , who have watched with much interest her rapid rise toward fume. She was most cordially received - j coivod , and her numbers c.illod forth enthusiastic ! applause and encores. j ! Ho audience seemed to feel that her every ' success was also a fresh laurel I for this city , in which * her childhood iW win passed , and as she showed forth ' her powora of song , by which successes had bean won , the delimited I hearers could not check their enthusi- hias astio oxpioiaions of admiration. Tlio rest of the programme proved | u worthy support to such an artiste , appearing in what mifjht lightly bo termed ! a homo cntertainmpnt. Mr. ' 1'easo gave an excellent violin solo , fem wliicR ho waa rewarded by an'car - noot encore. Mr. Tulleya gave a very pleasing tluto solo , showing much skill in handling that inatrun inoiit. Miss Julia Ollicor deserves' ' much credit for her part taken in a duet with Mr. , and later in the ' programme ! by her excellent rendition of Raffs Valso do Juliette. Miaa i Morklo cave "Tho Day is Done" in u I manner which called forth hearty apn pluuso. Piwi Miss Kato Pusoy joined in a duet with Miss Kollogf , her voice blending very closely and sweetly with that of the popular artist. Miss Blanche Oliver gave a pleasing solo , which was evidently appreciated by the audionco. The closing number given by MUs Kellogg waa "Proverbs in Song , " which gave a happy finish to a delight ful evening of song. Taxing the Worklngmon. Great stress has boon laid upon the unequal burdens of taxation by some of these who think that on this wave they can ride into oflico. There ia no doubt that the burden is unequally d ° - vided , and that many n humble cir cumstances pay moro n proportion than many who own much property. A man who has only a ttlo homo cannot escape the assessor , and can not hide away any of his property , while ono'who ' has largo and varied property nterosts can cover up some , and avoid the full as sessment of other property. This is so in all cities , and moro or loss so in this. Some of those of meagre moans have felt the pressure of injustice. They feel that jiome men of much more wealth nro not taxed as much as they should bo , while they are taxed ' more. It is bad enough to have such ' a grievance' , but it is worse yet to have some cunning politician , under the mask of sympathy , try to dupe these same burdened souls , for the sake of securing personal power. The present mayor has heard those complaints , and seeing a chance to make n point , cries out , "I will bo your Moses. 1 will slay the Egyptian task masters. Vote for mo. Ho proceeds to the worthy task of show ing that the workingmon's griovn co is a real ono , but evidently does it for an unworthy purpose. Ho hasknown tliuse grievances nil the months of his administration , b"t has not done a thing towards righting them. Ho has kept us mum aa a clam until tliu election drew near. Then ho cries out , " 1 would rather bo mayor of Council liluHs than king of Franco. Veto for your little Vuuglmn , and ho will BOO that taxes are equalized.1 Ono of the oldest and best ways of judging the future is by the past. has not oven by voice , much less by action , attempted to right these wrongs in the past , and his sympathy finds words only oii'tho approach preach of an election in which ho is concerned , and while ho makes promises now. the election will soon bo past , and the promises in any event will pass away with that. Tno simple fact is ho has had just as good a chatico in the past as in the futuro. Ho has done nothing to help the matter - tor during Ids term of oflico , and can do nothing in the futuro. He cannot > y any hocus-pocus transform himself nto u board of equalization , and his > rontis a are about on a par with lii > romisoi about the Hurdles. A man who is BO very ambitious for oflico inevitably fulis into inconsist encies in his eagerness to catch at every straw , Ho pretends to bo & friend of the workingman. Ho claims that the bulk of the money comes from taxing the workingman , and yet In the next breath ho urges the spill ing of this money like mater , in order to make the city boom , Ho , the pretended - tended friend of the workingman , Ill other words , is red hot to spend their . The fact is irt' money. and the willing . promises knows it , the only way to so- , euro t most just distribution of taxes is through other channels than that of a mayor , and especially so when that mayor has shown by ono ( crm in o&co hia inulHcioncy in righting the * ' wrongs . complained . . _ . _ of , THO workingmen . . ' ! * * shall 1- If - 'Bes men show him by their votes : - that they are not so ignorant as ho says they aro. < . Ma on Who's new livery stib lo i li . progressing well. It Is 33 by 0(5 ( feet Infer In dimen lens , and is to te o model for tmtnessand couvenltiico IOWA LEGISLATURE. 8 | > IMtoTllK IlFR. HKXATK. DBS MOINKH , Iowa , March 1. De bate brgan on the prohibition ntnuiid- mont I to the constitution in the sonatu this | morning and will probably reach a i final vote to-morrow. Its friends claim the vote will be ten majority for the | amendment , nn increase of seven votes over two years ago. TJIK IIOu'SB to-day ( , with but ono negative vote , passed j the bill providing for a gold medal for Miss Kato'Uholly , the hero ine j of tlio Northwestern railroad wash out last summer. , An Town. Mau Found Doiul lu N > w York. National ? Associated 1'riss. NBW YOIIK , March 1. Richard II. Strykor i , of Jefferson , Green county , Iowa , was found dead in his room nt the t liridgo hotel , Chatham street , having 1 boon suilbcated by gas , which ho 1 had left turned on before retiring. On his person wore found n watch and chain , n pocketbook containing $100 , mid several letters. IOWA ITEMS. Iowa Mipports over 315,000 ho 8. Ulenwood nee Is another school building. Company 'K , ' at Hed Oak , are building nn armory. 1'etty thieves torment the good people of Musc.iUne. Thr crup of c.induhlo * in Sioux Ulty to unusually large. An arte ian well project in be'ng ng- ! tated nt GK-mvood , Olidden has a building HSU iciation which in ! in a flourishing condition. DM Mninos has cintracUd for eight milei of cediir block pivcmcnt. "Two men with "gidd bricks" to soil nro resting if the Burlington jail. Thus far Got crnor Shurman has xigned nineteen nets of the genur I assembly. The Ifed Onk orcmnery will be in opera tion by the 1st of April. Sac county hna nn own 100 school houses and 100 school teacher * actively engaged in touching. One thnmiind doll.trH n foot front has been j offered for several Dos Moinej busi ness , lot' , and refused. The board of supervisors of Wapcilo county have awarded the contract for the erection of a S12f > 'J4 poor luni'a. Bishop McMiilIen intends building a hospital In Burlington this year , on the plan of the Mercy hospital in Davenport. TAO attempts to wreck coustructiwii trains , on the Milwaukee road , have been made recently , near Coon Hapida , by some unknown ( lends. The tenth nnnnal Sunday Kcliool con vention of the Fifth district will bo held , nt Yinton , Bontoa county , on Wednesday and Thursday , April 5 and 0. The C. B. & Q. , shopmen at Crestcm clubbed together and purchased $350 worth of groceries in Chicago , and enved SO per cent , by the transaction. The Northern Iowa Dairymen's associa tion has dropped the wnni "northern" from its name , and proposes to spread itself out over tlio whole state. The new water power company ot Du- l.uquo lifcs Increased its capital Btocklf m S30,000t < > SUO.OOO. It is resolved to ) pu h the work with vigor in the spring. Sioux City has the most { esthetic fire men in the buahiQrH. They keep their engine house supplied with a grand square piano and otherwise furnished accordingly. Alexander Peddleof EmmeUburg , has gou to Scotland in the interest of the Scottish-Ameiican land company , which IB bringing many substantial settlers to Northwestern Iowa. RiN. M , Let IP , a wealthy farmer of Louisa county , has purchased 11,000 acres of land near San Antonio , Texas , and will ruirio young cat ) la there i.nd bring them to his , Louisa county farms , to be finished up for 1 market. , Nathan C. Huynes , aged about 45 yean , dropped dead at Layton't ) conl yard in Cherokee on the 23d , to which he had just came from Cedar township for a load of coal. A moment before-he was in appar ent health , lie leavea wife and two children. There is u bill pen-ling in the legislature to require county recorde'R to keep an ab stract showing chain of titles and incum- branco on ronl estate , to be accessible to the public free of charge. This is causing excitement among owners of abstract books , BH the passage t'f this bill would damage their busineux and depreciate the value of their abstract books without ma tbo public. The Iowa legislature contains , in the xenute : 11 farmers. 1 stock farmer , 1 general bushiest * 0 merchants , 20 lawyers , 1 plasterer , - doctorx , 3 bankers , 1 under taker , 2 preachorH , 2 grain dealers , undjl lu ; d agent , of whom 19 were soldiers. HOUHO : Forty-five farmers , 23 lawyers , 3 b.nkerp , 10 merchants , 0 doctors , 1 Block farmer , 2 .lumber dealers , 1 grain dealer , 1 live stock dealer , 2 insurance- ng nts , 1 editor , 2. general business , 1 builder , 1 Khoriil , and 1 cheese maker. Ono duy last weetCBome parties at Battle I Creek discovered a cave on the banks of the M ple river , which investigation re- voaloit as the iibodof human beings. It wan fitted up in fine style a-d'comidnod 1 ninny articles of UH- , such M old clothing , Bonio canned fruit , crackers , lo id , a small fnrnaco and ladle , a large block of wood , etu. After further search the patties found , nearly covered up , another cxowa- tlnn adjoining the first , which proved to contain moulds and other appliances sutfi- clen' for carryiue 011 a thl d rate counter- felting den. The parties brought the artlu es to town jd reported the affair ti the citizens , who took the matter in ham and teen ferreted out the whole affair. It was the work of a few boys in the place who had bunded togetner for the purpos of carrying out the work * revealed in tlie cheap nnd trashy serl < n of Buffalo Bill or T : > ck llurkaway , the rood agent , and were tying to carry it out in actual life. The toys were i nested , hut there being no evl- lenco moro thau the moulding of a few nickels , they were discharged. At the last day's session of the Northern [ owa Dairymen's association , held in Cedar llaplds , the discussions covered n wide range of topics. The subjects dlncussed were the milk supply , best fertilizers , food lor st ck , best grasses for dairy pasture * , methods of butter making , condition of cream , oto. Colonel CurtlK , of New York , gave an address on "How to make the beat butter , " in which he advocated sweet cream. The exhibit of dairy products is excellent in quality. The committee have awarded piemiumsaii follows : Bst butter > , Hartmun & Hanford , Amber , Town ; second : end best , O. B. LaWBon , Traerj third best , Vlnton Creamery company , Favorable mention was made of roll butter from - Kansas. Mart > halltown was belected ns the place of the next meeting , II , H Markley , of loiva FalU , was elevted presl dent , and Colonel H. M. Littler , of Da\v oiiport , secretary for the ensuing year The association resolved to offer threi premiums ixf $150 , § 100 and 850 for tin Is best results of dairy honin , to be awardei next year. The name of the a socli\Uoi Is changed by dropping out the won "Northern , " making It the Iowa Dairy meu'a PBiocUtlou. A Woman's Business Success. New Yor * I lfcr to lloiton Traullcr An immense business success has been reached by the proprietress of the largest nnd most respected Oer- man daily paper in Now . . ork. This lady was loft a widow with six nnmll children , and a little newspaper which slm desired to sell. Only $500 wad the largest sum oflored for it. Hop ing to find a more generous purchaser later on , she persuaded its editor to remain at its he d for n shut t time , but no ono wanted the little journal. Its editor was a clover writer and a. judicious selector of news , and month by month the popularity of < the little sheet gio\v and grow , nnd nt last , after n year or two , she icHtiquishcd the plan of parting with it at ull. She married the editor , but she txlnays , kept the business of the publication J under her own care , learning by each experience how to purchase paper with moro intelligence , employ workpeople - people , manage money , nod yet find time to watch over and direct the education of her boys and girls. After a time she bccamo rich , fell into the habit of driving down to her handsome and retired ollico daily at 10 o'clock , to return again at J in the afternoon to an elegant homo , fruin which her accomplished daughters wore happily married , and from which her honored sons went forth to homes of their owli. She has erected with her earnings one of tlio handsomest buildings in New York. Slio recent ly gave § 50,000 to uu old ladies' homo ( German ) , nnd during nil these years of prosperous toil she has never been prosecuted or oppressed by men. In deed , they have not oven dusired to rise in her path or stand in her way , and ahu has never ceased to be uludy of high bleeding and swcot womanly sympathies. Dor Staats-Xoitung is the leading German paper , and Der Xeitung building is the most beauti ful monumonfof woman's capacity to do the very best bread-winning work in the world , provided she gives her mind , heart and enthusiasm to its ac complishment. This tender mother , who must needs provide for her young , wrought with surrh materials as she had within reach , and aho never cried out to the world to ask if she might. LuHos in the Clouds. Deiircr Tribune. * The Colorado Alps ( the Sangro dt Cristo ) with their symmetrical , , point ed peaks , their cloud-clapped , snow- crowned summits , present u nover- tiring feature of the landscape. Fac ing Silver Olid' , and about eight miles to the went , the iye follows tlioir vase length until at last it sees them swal lowed up' in northern or southern horizon. Nestled high among the lofty pines of these mountains are the three lakes known as the Likes of the Olouda. Thousands of feet above them tower bleak and barren peaks , while reflected in their waters is the sunny dome whose brilliant sunset clouds melt into-ouch other by such slow degrees that they almost seem akin to some fair , unchanging canvas. The lowest and largest ot these lakes covers some fifteeu. or twenty acres ; the aecoud is only iboufc half as largo , while the smallest and highest is scarcely more thau three acres in ox- Uit. Uit.A A simple trail wern by melting snow and impaired by fallen limbs and trunks of trees has long been the only avenue of approach to this desir able resort , but the Silver Cliff and San Juan. Valley Toll company , lately incorporated , are building a toll road from Hooper's ranch at the foot of the range direct to the lakes. The road is about three-fourths completed , and will be finished early in the spring. It has thus far coat the company about $1,000 Another company , also incorporat ed , called the Lake of the Clouds Lumber company , have possession of tno laiid adjoining the lake , upon whioh cabins have already been erect ed , and where they purpose building nccomodations for tourists and excur sionists. They will also put boats upon the lake a. Iowa occupies the following rank among the states in the various ar ticles mentioned : Corn second , hay. second , oats third , barley fourth , wheat fifth , potatoes seventh , hogs second , oxen oud cattle third , milch cows third , horscu fifth , mules fif teenth , sheep twenty-second , coal fifth miles of railway fifth. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOflUK. bpociol ndvertiuurnuuu , Bucn Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Want * , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thli column at the low ratool TEN CENTS I'Kl LINE lor the tout Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for ench subaoquont Insertion Leave advertisements at our ollico , lloom 6 Kvcixtl's lllock , Uroadway , fTIOll SALE OK 11EI T An alnic t new pee JJ taUofoistlo or rent. AddmH L. , Uox 12 0 , Council lUuOl , Io a. 23-3tod - coitaga t onto WANTEU-Torcntaamill , at Hxx ctllco ( rUl.K3 KOil HALE. Twenty 3-year MU1.K8 , fiom ID ) to 16 handi hlh' also ( or tale. Mw . WUo , llry btablo. _ _ \X7ANTED To rentA cJTroohi housela VV some ( rood nclihborhod [ ortwoim IUr houses Bide C/ side , Addecu C. O. UoxTOT. Council Itluffo , or applp ad VKK ottlce , CGUIICU lllufr * . - U Council lIluHn ute WANTEU-Kvcrybody cents per week , .1. llvurod by carrion. OlUu , lloom 6 , lllocit , Uroadway. To buy 100 tons broom coin WANTED address Council Ulufit Broom Factory CouncU Katt , Iowa. 668-29U A llmtibjia broom tl . Stivni WANTED Council Biugi ) , Iowa. 6CO-M1 Oil BALE-Old i jwr 0o Inir liimdrml , The Uco olBce. Council lllufln. sa27-tf OUICK-MAKXRS , FOll BAtE 6 acres or TiO i oreof land aJJo'nlng tlio brlck-jard ot llaiiner & HalnsV on Upper Risoalway , For i > artlculara cpiil > to David llalittt or to Hanner's ollico at the BoMdolTrado rorixs. Council Blutls. 92 3m - , lth jwny. to carry , . . , WANTKU-Boy ollico , Couudl lllubt. octlS-tl * * 'Notice , . , Onlng to the Immense suoocei of thQ new Oelallne Dromlda Instantaneous Process at U Excelsior Cillery , Filth ntrc .Ooun ell Dlulfs , the puprictur dcslros thaw Uhln ) Children's 1'ktuvM to ( All between ti bourse 10 and 12 o'cloU a , MI , , as oif \ \ U * the "i . of Dullness tuA ima euient U ucctiry t < tvolil delay. 20-lm 0 , BARKS , PrOprletQ FACTS WORTH KNOWING. [ "Good morning , Mr. . Jones. ( You seem in | . good < j humor thio morning. I " "Yes , I have been to the BOSTON TEA STORE , nnd flnd anything1 and every thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I tell you , I can Save Money now out of my salary , and Live First-Glass , too. It pays to go there. " "Where did you say it was ? " mm TEA coin FINE GROCERS. 10 Main St. and 15 Pearl St COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. DONT FA L TO SHE TJIK STCC1C OF W. W. BUCHANAN DIAMONDS , WATCHES , JEWELRY , CLOCKS. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 21B Broadway , B9UNCIL BLDPFS , The Leading GROCERY HOUSE IN THE OFTY. We keep everything you want ia First 01 , ss , Ohctoe. Olea t GEOCE IE1S and PRO VISION 3 It will { ay you to look our es tablishment through- Every thing told for Cash , and at the very closest margius. We have i line of 10o CANNED GOODS. And we also sell the finest Im- sorted Goods , Eastern ana West- irn GoodH put up All Canned Goods reduced 10 per cent- Send for our Prices , Strict attei.tion paid laMail Orders , Ageciti for Washburn's Super- .ative Flour , F. J , OSBORNE fcOO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS- ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Offla * nnd Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. . Wo give special attention to Stamp Mills , SmeltiBg Furnaces * HOISTERS AND GEEBBAL MILL MACHINES , HOUSE FJtONTS. G-BNBRAL REPAIR W0RK wilt lecolvorompt ; attention. A k'-.ur l Bortmwit ol Brass Goods , Belting , AND 8THPPL1ES FOR. Foundry , Pig Iron , OC&B , OoaL OHA& HENDRIF , President. & OR A JO , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Bleb CiitOlasa. Tin * French China. Silver Wwo &c. , 340 1IKOWWAT , COUNCIL IJLUFKS , JOVVA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN , IVIarble and Granite , North Flftb 8t. . Council Blu * ' Drs. Woodbury & . Son , Cor. Pt-arl & l t A\e. COUNC'IU IH.UKKa. W. S. AUKNT. JACOU SIMS AMENT & SIMS , I Attorneys & OounBellors-at-Law I COUNCIL BLUFFS , JUWA , W. W. SHERMAN , OF ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY Fine Work a Specialty. K. II. SI I HUM AN , Uuslness Manager. WM. CHHISTOI'lIEK , Mechanical Manlier. 124 South Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. Jtiickering , Weber. Lindeman , J. Mueller IP and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burdett , Wontera Cottage , ; Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $50 andupward. Musi IM : cal Merchandise of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Sheet-Music , Toys , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TT ' tail. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash' and on Time. Stock is large , full and com plete. Musical Journal ireo on applica s tion. Correspondence Solicited. .A. . . Address : .A.El J. MUELLER , i El 103 South 5th Street. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA , BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Comnjission Merchants , PURCHASING AGENTS And Dealers In all kinds ol Produce Prompt attention trlrcn to all consignments. NOS. 22r 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL DLUFF8 , IOWA , " - IBL IFOSTIEIR WILL SUPPLY ON SIIOHT NOTICE Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Planis In their season. Orders prompt' ' } filled olid delivered to Express oflicc frco ol charge. Send ( or Catalogue , COTTZVTGXX. 33 : HI. IE. -DEALER IN- PAPER , BOOKS : STATINERY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Buyer ami Shipper of tain and Eiiovisions Orders solicitodi Jn Iowa and Nebraska. BEFERENOES. Eirat National Bank , Stewart Efoa. , Council Bluffs ; \Villiam P. Harvey & > Co. , Culver & Co. , Chicago ; E A. Kent it Co. , St. Louis. M. . E T C A L F BROS. , WHOLESALE DHAi.2B8 IV Hats , Caps , Straw Goods > and Back , Gloves. CHICAGO , PRICES DUPLICATED. BX JJb'S , , REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sulo , Town Lots , Iiaprove'd uad UnimprovedalBo , Railsoad Landu , , and a number ot Well Improved Forma , both in Iowa and.IT braska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - COUNCIL. BLUFF1 HAEKNESS , , ORCUTT & CO * , , DRY GOODS AMD CABPET HOUSE , Broadway , Cor , Foil * St , Co until Bfcaffs , Iowa. . nmr-2.3m I WECAUHY T11E LARGEST SZSOltOF F1NB BOOTS ! SHOES , Slippers , Etc. , Withia One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs , . All. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. Call and See Our NEW SPRING STOCK , which , has Begun to Arrive , . Z. T. 'LINDSEY ' & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW1 , And WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARINDA IOWA ,