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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1882)
OMAHA DAILY SH THE ETO / . ELEVENTH TEAR OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , JANUARY 1-1 1882. NO. 176 A DIREFUL DISASTER , * * On the Hudson River Eailros Last Night , An Unusually Lengthy Tra Containing Senators and Assemblymen Detained on the Track by tl Failure of the Locomo tives to Pull It , Is Run Into by an Express ar a Number Killad and Icjured. State Senator Wagner , the Pi ace Car Inventor , Burn ed to. Death. Probability that the Tammai Crowd is Materially Less ened by the Accident. As the Oar They Occupied Telescoped by the One Behind It. Fait Particulars of the Drond ! Occurrence- NatlonM Aii-oclatwl I'rcss. NKW YORK , January 1J. ! A frig ] ful collision occurred thia evening the New York Central and Iluda Ilivur railroad at Spuyten Duyvil , small villngo at the head of ti island. Six persons , and porlu more , were killed , among them bei State Senator Wagner , the invun und owner of thu Wagner palacu ci A number of senators and aasumb men were returning from Albany Now York , the legislature having i journed till Monday. The weate express took on tittcun cars ntAlbai and at least 500 passengers were the train. The horrors of the ac dent were increased by the two n cars of the Albany train taking f immediately after the accident. Soi of the occupants were roast to death in sight of hundreds w were unable to rescue them. T people of Spuyton Duyvil went to t wreck and tried to quench the Han but their efforts were useless. T1 women were seen clasped in en other's arms between the framewc of a car and the colliding engines , t flames wrapped around them , a amidst the groans of the spoctati they died. The \V stern express from Chicn to New York reached Albany 23 m ute * Lite. Owing to the crowd legislators and others , fifteen ci ( eight of them palace coaches ) wt added to the train and two extra c ginea were attached. In the cars we all the notables of thu republican ai democratic parties interested at 1 bany. Tammany men wore in t rear car. At East Albany anoth ar was attached in which were abe ten passengers. Tlio train ran rapid to make up lost time , but owi to Us length some diflicul was experienced and there seemed be something wrong with the f brake. Just after turning the cur at Spuyten Duyvil the train stoppc as thu engines could not pull h ' 1 ahead. The trainmen examined tl air bnikes. Senator Wagner starti for the rear car to see a friend , i he stepped on the platform a whist startled everybody and instantly tl Tarrytown train crashed into the rei car of the Albany train. The rei car telescoped the car in front of and men wore sent tumbling over eat other. SeToral men were unclosed i the telescoped portion. The , roof f * and flames broke out. The engine the Tarrytown train had forced i way into the center of the rear ca The men in the telescope were cut 01 with axes , but the party hi to be dragged out throng the windows. Two ladies were re cued in this way. The cries that fo lowed were appalling. Men at ; women rushed about , many shriekin with the pain of injuries , others lool ing for friends. The cars bunu rapidly , and at tirjt it was not know who wan H.ife. The most intense excitement pn vailed when the news reached th city. It waa known many leghlatoi were on the train. Only inno of tl : New York delegation remained i Albany. The length of tbo train caused block on i ho New York Central. Th Tarrytown train crashing into th rear cars , wrecked throe of tlion leavinu.tho others free to coino int thu Grand Central dupol at Nui York Tlio Hudson River road remain cd open and thu western express cim in on that roadlat 10:30thirty : minute late. Superintendent liissel , of th New Haven road , loft for the ecen with a wrecking train as soon an tli news reached the depot. The acciden waa between 7 and 7:30 : p. m. , am occumd between Spuyten Duyvilaiu King's Bridge. Thu occupants of tin forward cars woroall inoro or less in hired by the force of the collision The ' Idlowild , " the last car , con taincd Senator Wagner , who wai crushed and then burned ; in this cai were also Mr. and Airs. P.irk Valentine tine , who wont married in Troy 01 Thursday night , and who were ei ; route to Florida. They were in < slnntly killed. Tlio father of tin bride had gone forward and was saved , Two unknown women were also lojl in this car. Ambulance * were sen ! from Helluvuo nnd other Now Yorli hospitals , Alderman Haws , who wai aiiion the pausengerd in the forward car unci i who was only slightly hurt , said : "II bwas an awful moment , I can toll you. iWo wcro all happy and cotucrainy [ pleasantly , not dreaming of danger , when the collicion took pl\co like Hash. I was fortunate in being at on end of the forward en. and 1 manage to got out. The roar cars were a ready burning and people were rut ning around frantically. No one coal tell who were killed , but soon the bodii of two women wore taken from tli wreck. I saw Mr. Van Allen , of tli Seventh assembly district , Hori pretty badly scalded. GoorgoWilliai Curtis was also on board , but ho wr not hurt. " Alderman Levi , another pasaongt on the train , said ho was sitting i the car "Kmorald , " toward the fo ward part of it , talking to a frioiu "Whon the collision occurod , I foun myself all of n heap not many yarc away with class and timber flying n around , Picking myself up i quickly n possibly , I saw I hnd o caped much bolter than many other I was badly shaken up , but not othe wise injured. "Wo got out of the ca after helping out several who wo crushed in butweon timbers , nnd 1 that time the cars were on fire. Sen tor Wagner hnd passed through tl car , and entered the rear car about minute before the accident took plac It was an awful time , and I witnessi Bomo scones which 1 wouldn't care look on again. " In thu excitement of the city is i ported Senator Gradyfand ox-Sontit WagstafF were terribly injured , b the rumor is not continued. Ti Grand Central depot affords litl news , as it is closed to > reporters. Chauncey M. Depow , counsel for ti Central railroad , was seen , but d clinud to give any i formation. It is ascort > ain < that two wrecking j-trains ha' ' boon sent up , and that the passengo were brought to this city in n sped on the Hudson river. Many poop visited Senator Wagner's residonc but nothing watt to bo learned ther The loss of life is variously cstimati at from six to sixteen. The passengo say that the sight was oiTo of the mo horriblu ever witnessed while the tv cars were burning. ALIIANY , January Kt.Thu fir rumors of the accident on the lludsi llivtr railroad reached this city at o'jlock , when Mr. Lolund , of tlio Dt av.xn house , received a tuluphoi message asking for particulars. Nea ly all of the legislators have left tl city , and therefore no messages Inn been received. The only senators ; Albany aru Messrs. Grady , lioyd at Treanor. The aascmblymon hero ai Messrs. Costullo and Green , and son others who ooard in private house A dispatch was received here by Mr John F. Smith , stating her busbar was safe. A great numbur of poop assembled at the depot to meet tl 10:20 : train , but that had jwisst Spuyten Duyvil before the acctdei occurred. Central railroad omployi and telegraph operators refused to a swer any questions. The first news of the accident r ceived here was in the shapd of a di patch fron John F. Smith' to his wi stating that Senator Wagner w badly burned , a later dispatch a : nouncing his death. Great conate nation ensued , which was intensilu by the rumor of Senator Kornau death. The source from which tl information was expected was to all inquiries , out the conductor i the10 : train , who came up on tl 10:25 train , was heard to cay 1 had seen four bodies in the ruins. According to thu report of the pi lice captain in charge of the wrocl nine bodies have been recovcriu Twelve are supposed to have bee killed. Mr. George Williams was o thu train , and is reported killed. 0 the train were Police Coinniissiom Nichols , Edward Kearney , Senate Browning , Assemblymen Culler Sheohy , llobb , Costolloand MeMan"i and cx-Assomblyman F. M. ilalorai Assemblyman Levy , Commissionc Ulrich , Assemblyman Chapin , < Brooklyn , H. F. Pinnoy , A. Abel ( rupprtur ) , Joseph Doyle and tw ladies of Albany , names unknown Commissioner Herbert O. Thompson ox-Assemblyman Keeiian , Senate Fitzgerald , Senatoia Daly , Kernini Jacobs , Kovert , Assemblymen Mur phy , Meagher , Mel n tyro , A hern , Pat ten , Itobb , Gideon , Cooper , Morrison Cullen , Costello , Slioohy of No\ York , and Assemblymen Shanley Nichols and Kearney , were badly though not dangerously bruised. Sen ator Wagner and son were killed ; alsi Mary Daniels , used . ' )8 ) , of Troy ; Parl Valentine , aged 21 , oj nennington Vt. , and Mtuy Valentino , his wife ii''ed , 21 ; A. ICellogif , a'/ed III , o Spring V.iliey. Onu or two othori nee supposed to have been killed Two more were family injured. A H'cond report BHVH M.iry Uiniuls was not killed , lair , Herionxly injured , four bodies wcro bnriie.l to u eii-ip , [ tv.n a t-pucial tram and not tin ivestern expictii that HU tiered the no' iident. am ns usual conlliotina storiet IB to thu catino of ld ; ifHpoiiHihilil.y 'or thu accnlunf. Geun.'tt lluidford , : onduct < ir nt the Alhuny train , nu > e hat when the train rounded thu urve and came to a sMiid Htill lie told . brakunian to go back on the track vith danger signals to warn any coni ng truin not to advance. Some say 10 did not leave the train at all , 'hilo others claim he went back only short distance , and that he remained n this aidu of thu curve so that thu looming train could not see his uig- al until it was too late to avert u col- sion. Marie B Tutolligonco- atlonal Auoclatod 1'rcs * . NHW Vouk , January I ! ! . Arrived 'ho ' Elysia from M arseilles , tlio Jason om Amsterdam. , January ! { { . Sailed ho Uohonzollorn for JJremoii. ' Coi'KNHAOKN , January -Sailed - J ho Griser tor New York. GI.ASOOW , January l.'l. Arrived ho Furnosaia from Now York. SorTiiAMiTo.v , January Kt. Ar- ved The Leipzig from Ualtimore > r liremeii , LIVKUI-OOI , , January -Arrived -The Like Nopigon from Now York. QUKK.SHTOWK , January 12 , Sailed -Tho City of Boston /or New York. FINAL ARGUMENT. Daviilgo Closes Ilia Oponii to the Jury , A.nd Picking Up Thread I Thread tbo Line of Da- fonao Disposes or It. Io the Great Wrath of the A sasBin and Discomfiture of His Couusol. Rood Expect * to FiiiiftlxHU Spoo Thin Aftornoou- N/itlonM / Associated l're < . \VASIIINOTOM , l : nimry lfl.--As seas as court wan opened Giiito\u ; HHSIIT thu umliencu that ho mistaken in t opinion hu yesterday expressed Mr. IJavidge , Tlio expressions wi based upon a letter about t lawyer which ho luul received , but now buliuvud Mr. D.ividgu was high-toned Christian gentium : "But 1 still have a very poor opiui of Corkhill. [ Laughter. ] I am ti I am right on Corkhill but wrong Davidge. " Davidge , resuming bin nrgnmoi recapitulated tlio points of yestord and di posed of Mrs. Scovillu'a tes inony by remarking it could bo on ly accounted for by any ono wlio : nlized how blood was thicker th water. Thu fact tbat Jo W. Guitoau , brother of tlio prison testified hu was convinced by anint yiuw with tbo assassin in the jail tl thu latter hadbucomu iimiu > , ulthou before that thu witness h always considered him as nai .should bo remembered in connect i with thu fact that the witness wai brother with a brother's natural c sin ; towards his blood and of ahiol ing the fat.iily name. While all t prisoner's family were willing to shii him and ward oll'tho family disgracu claiming ho was mentally irruspunsib every one of tlium when pressed i luctantly admitti'd his entire lifo 1) ) buen one of evil and wickednc ; Rather than cut oil from tlio faun tree this rotten limb and cast it in the lire , they naturally preferred shield him. "That's all said for money , " int < ruptcd Guitoau. _ Proceeding to comment on the tt timony of the assassin , D.ividge BI : his perception was keen a : acute , his logic was got was considerably above t average man in intellectual abilii ho was capable of writing ; lectures ; was ft lawyer ; ho practiced law , tri cases ; he went lecturing to ma money. " "That's false , " cried the prison. . "I went inte it to serve the Lord. " When it was intimated that wished to work in Uio ame field wi Moody , Guitc-au cried : "I wasdilFi out from Moody , lie was an eva gi'list. I was a theologian. " Duviduo said : "It was not un the law claimed him as a sacrifice i the altar of justice that wo heard his insanity.T' < ere is no , doubt tli Guiteau is sulliciontly responsible bo hanged. " Davidgo hero referred to the pr oner's declared intention to oinula Wilkes Booth to gain notoriety , ai said ho had the ambition the wretch who tired the Ephoaii dome and outlived in fact the pie Fool who built it. The assassin w iftor immortality , and ho has aocun to himself an evil eminence ai in evil immortality. In regard he Inter-Ocean project 01 if the witnesses said that there w. . lothing wild about it , and that carta lortions thereof had been subsequen y adopted. " ' 'Tis,1 aaid Guiteau , "they a tinning that paper on my brain now The fondness of the assassin f ihurch services was next describe louiisol remarking Guiteau knew tl 'aluo ' ot stealing the livery of hoavc 0 serve the devil in. | "That's very pretty , " was the pri mor'a sneering comment. The evidence of Mrs. Dunmiro wi oinniontod on as that of a witno flio ought , from her intimate associi ion with Guitoau , know of win ho waa speaking when she poaitiyel leclared him aano. Mrs. Scoyillo , who had boon res JPH during the entire morning an rhisporod remarks uncompHnientar i ) D.ividgo when ho made a particulu oint against the piinonur , but lau he tevury _ remark of her brother , n Ilia point npoku out loudly and us itodly , Raying : "If she said tliatwh 1 a liar " [ Sensation. ] Davidge then called attontio j the evidence of Spilnka , wh renounced Cuitenu a morn loiistrosity but admitted that h new the dilluTi'iico between right am rong , It liad buen mated by thi itneas that the prisoner had a one dod head. The ono-aidodnesf wa i his soul , "I have a square aoul , " oxclaimo < uiteau. "If you have as good i 10 Davidgo you are all right. " Duvidgo pronounced Spitka's test ! ony a miserably monstrous effort tt nld up a wretchedly rotten case. KeccHS. After recess Davidgo , resuming , id hud thin crime happened in con < nontal Europe the authorities would ivo crushed tlio prisoner like an in ct. In this land of law and libertj o assassin wau allowed to siiminoi : itncsses ut tlio expense of . the "ijov- ninent , The prisoner claims hf mmitted thu crime under divine cssuro. Where Guitoau used thu rd "God" if the word "devil" was Imtitutod his claim could bo allow- . The Now Testament says : "God nipts no man to do evil ; that wick- ness springs from his own heart d that sin bringoth forth death. " Guiteau busied himself writing ion this pm-sago was quoted. .Some commotion was caused by the inting of a man in the audience , uiteau cried ; "Wo had butter huvu some more Mr. It is cloao and pe pie are f Milting away. " Mr. U/ividgo / wont on to road ' coj ous extracts from the prisoner's tool mony , commenting on the striku passages , GuitoAU interrupting all t time. Once ho exclaimud : "I nlwn lived in good style and I always pa my bills when I had the mono ' Corkhill lUu-j That's more than - Some of his remarks were unmiml blasphemous nml served to shock t : Indies. With regard to the prisoner nnd li conception of the foul deed , count said that any Christian who fein such a thought in bis mind won have rushed to the nanctunry , rushi ton friendnnd asked aid to dn nwny the wicked thought. "Tlml'n not the way Paul did shunted the prisoner. "Ho coufnrri neither with flesh or blood. Keith did 1. 1 tn.ulo stiro of the Deity at 1 put my life on it. You don't km anything about thu Deity. Thixt'a tl trouble with you. llo will probab know you some day , down below When his repeated violations of hi wore tonehod on , ho Raid : "ll < about those Mormons out in Utnh [ L'Uiuhter ] After u long review of thoprhonoi career , D.ividgo aftid : "In all the things yon have the outcome of tl name boundless egotism and tht a-ui indeecrib ; blo love of notoriety , order to gratify his cgntiatn , in ord to secure u bad audience in the ivor now and hereafter for n' b audience was better to In than none -I say , ns I s at the beginning , that this man co ceivod thin infernal idea , the mult lying element of which was simp tliat other men were as wiokud himself , and that the men who shun be benetlited by it would find son way to relieve him from the friglrtf situation in which ho would bo pluc < by its perpetration. " "Thu money you get for thia bawled Guitoau , "will burn in ya pockets , and God Almighty will cur you. " Mr. D.ividgo then discussed t evidence of General Reynolds , statr that it was damaging proof of t prisoner'a sanity at the time of t shouting of Piesidont Garfield , ni revcalrd the nafo advancement he e peeled from the crime. "Tho milli of the Gods grind slo ly , " said the prisoner , when roforon was made to his cominunicuti to thu American people win Reynolds suppressed , "bnt tli grind sure , and will kill Corkh yeK. " [ Uughtor ] In closing , Davidgo said : "I to you in the beginning that I did u come hero to maku a set speech , told you I came to help as far nf could and help honestly a jury of 11 countrymen in the discharge of : hnpoitant , und Hnlemn duty. ' I bug ; my remarks without an exordium ai close them without perorationvt xce ( and hero the counsel raised hisrvrii 1 and spoke earnestly ) to s y trt that your countrymen and christo dom are waiting for your verdict , thank you gentlemen , for your atto tion. " "And I tliank you , Mr. Davidgc said the prisoner. "That is a ve light speech. I hope Porter will alow , too. llo bettor see Preside Arthur before ho talks. I wrote hi a note on thin the other day. " Mr. Heed announced he expect to finish his argument by 1 p. in. t morrow and cuurt adjourned. Mrs. lilainu and Gail li.unilti wore in the court room during t ! afternoon Tlio Route Trial- National AiMociuUtl t'roxH. WAHIU.NCITON , January lit. - Ti trial of the Mar route cases was r ( turned befortt .Judge Snoll this afti noon and counsel for the dofen made all argument against the adini sability of the contracts presented 1 Col. Hlias , Col. W. A. Cook replied on bohn of the government , claiming that conspiracy did exist and citinsr autho ity to support the opinion hi < ld by tl prosecution , Judge Knoll , in un elaborate opink in ao an good intent was concurmx decided that the bids in question , N < 10,173 to 13,100 were admissablo i cvidenci ) . Col. Blisa put the bids in as ov ilonco and tried to make an arrangi inent with thu defendant's CHUimel t to details , but Mr. Wilton stated the defense intended to have all tli jast'H ( Jt 'lOO ) produced in court an iirovun. A disuuHHiiui Hjirung up lietwuuiitli ounscil an to taking the caxe to th rand jury 111 il Col UliHH expreaHed Jojiro Io have it go there. .f. K , ( jntlium , a notary public dentitiud ceitiiin paj > ers an inivin oe sworn in before him by Cabeli Hinnix and DickHon , WilHnn mud tliu testimony olloroi VHH not uompeteiit , Ifo WHB interrupted by Col. JUiBH vlw Htatnl tint CHMiii inuler cnnsldera ton worn but a few nf thf 3,200 , O.IHO ; g.u'nst Cabcll , withMinnix and Dick on it * sureties. Col. Totti-n addn'ssedhimiiolf to tin urBtiou of conspiracy , holding tha hero was no proven mooting am once could be no conspiracy. L. G. Ilini'H continued in the SIIIIK train and Williaiin cited the law gov ruing thu cusu under consideration , Cup < tiU Notes. atlniial AH K | iti l I'rru. WAHHI.VOTON , January 13. The ju. iciary committen did not meet bo- lUfiii if the illnuds of Senator J5d- uindx , Only routiuu uutters were din- usHed in thu cubinet niueting thin ftoriinoii , with one exception -tho icretary of presented certain jcoinmondiitioim regarding hmannual The house judiciary committee hold meeting to-diiy and appointed nub- jmrnittees. That on thu Mormon ueation it composed of Messrs. WH. Its , , Taylor , Kiiott and ulburcnn , On bills relating toDeur- > rn park , Chicago. Mesaw. Robinson , rigHB , Taylor , Knott and Ham- loud , The coaimitteo decided to r < > favorably bills for the relief the First National bank , of ItosU nnd to establish two district courts Georgia , nnd also decided to hear p sons on tlio GOIIOVA nwnrd claims TuoaiUy , Wodtioadny ami Thtirsd of luut week. The comniiftMonor of public Ian tO'dny appointed the following su comtnittoos : HomcstwdH nnd pi otnptions , MU.WS. Uico , Dwight nt Mutrhler. Swamp and ovortlow lamh , Messrs. Holiord , Watson ai Phiater. Lund uranU and forloitun Meanc. Hepburn , Straight and Mute lor , Schnol landfi , timber lands ai trou culture , Messrs Dwight , Ui and Cobb. Hoservation and niiiii'i linid , Messrs. Wntsou , llolford ni Crnvo' a. L.uul otlicoa and survoj Mossr- . Straight , Hoplmrnand Plii ti Claitua of states to not procooda of t s\lo : of pitbliu lamU , MOASM. C > ! > ' Holford , Straight , Cravens and Hi > The appropriatiuiiH et.nnniUi-odoci cd to pontpono for thu present t coniiidoMtion of thu pension approp ntion bill , and probably at thu ne meeting tuko up thu consular a : diplomatic and fortification approp Htion bills , The committee on war claims In a nii'oting to-day and adopted niuo other rules onu providing that claii audited by and reported from u il paitment of the government or a t hunid authorized to adjudicate t aanui will lie reported favorably fn. the committee where 1111 error is p. out on thu face of the paporor upoci eaiiae is shown ag-.kinsl t same on behalf of t government. Argument will n be allowed in any case. Now York Rntlroud Now- NatloinU Aiuwcuttutl I'cum. Nr.vr Y HK , January in , Itv nlatod on thu authority of Coiniu Mionur Fink yeaturdny afturnoon tl thu itnnounceinent will bo made wii in twonty-four hours that the tru line trouble him beuii nettled and ra will bo restored in forty-eight Inn afterward. It was further report tit the Windsor last night that informal meeting i f W. 11. Ari derbilt , W. 1C. Vimdiirbill , C , H'itt , Druxel and Hli H had be held in the afternoon and anotherei furence took place at which time waa expected peace would bo dechu and it might bo announced this iiiirninu''s papers. The oxlrac duntry largo buying of Trunk li stocks yesterday by thu pricipal brt ors was regarded ns sullieiently sign icant of the end of the wi The general Hentimont v bulliph last night ut t Windsor and nt the clul and a further greater advai was expected to-day. Hiram Sib ] said last night that Vanderbilt had formed him that thu Reading elect ! would go to the courts for decinii The largest foreign bankers forward cables to London last night to buy t Vanderbilt stocks this morning. Vanderbilt , iu conversation will Presa .reporter . last night , declared had made up his mind to do as mt to restore harmony as any other ; tl ho would meet other mails half wi und finally said the Now York Cent managers would not stand in the w of an honorable compromise on a fair terms. The Illinolx Ritllroad Auootatic National AxxodaMid Prcvm CIIIUAIIO , Januiiiy 13. The lllin Protective Kate association eonclud its labors for the timu being to-dr but failed tu accomplish any of t purposes for which it was called , j the roiids nipresunted nru ugreed the coniiiiisHionurs' tan IF , but the : i sencc. nf many thus negatives it i forcement. AiKJther olfort will made to bring all Illinois roads t guther and wii n this is accomplish unanimity of action will follow. j C. Ditthl , of the Indianu , Hliinmingti it Wusturii , was ulectud preitident f onuyi'ur ; J. M. Osborn , of tlio W bash , vice president ; II. 0 , Canliel socrotaiy , with headquarters at I'onri TJie association was joined by tl Jjako Kno & Western. The socruta 'as imtructed to invitu the other ] l.inuh . r.iilrmuls to join the associatii and an adjoiirnmi'iit was taken to tl call of the chairman. Failure * ThU < Wet > k. m IHMJ I'rtuw. NKW YOHK , January 13. Roper rocuivwl at Drudslruet'a ' Plate that Ut Failures wore reported in the Uniti States during thu pant week , tli argcst iiumlier for any one wt-ok f < nero limn u year. Thu increase ovi ist wuc-k in lifiy-oiii ! , and over tl : ; iiruapohding wuok last year twenli ivo Thm largo 1'icruiMo wnn untiiei n the wuHtcni and Hutilhoni sl.itui I'ho nnddlu and Now Jjngland stutt loth shuvv a docrt'iiHoof f.iilureH. Tli i.ini H ittlributed for Piust of thci vi < rt- tint failure of crops in thu soiitl iir o | iuiijuuo ( , an open wjntur an igfit irado in other HCctioiiK. Tli niddlu matca had three fniliirun , No' ' ugl'ind HUVUII , Honthern eixly-livi a'uturii Hixly-six , California and th ( . rritorti'H fifty eight , Canada four. ThnPitutiy liivuittuiktion. 'ktlotml AxtuKlktul l'ri M. WAHirimiTON. January 13 , Th rt-asuiy investigiitiiig committee ex mined HOIIIU local traduiiteoplu whi ad dealings with Pitney whilu. h a custodian. Nothing was brough tit The testimony , when published rill show grave irrogiilaritioiand mi HO of public money upon thu part o 'itnuy ' and Hiibonlidates , and collu on with him on thu part nf sevuni unions who huvo furniHhud artiult' u his ordur. There will bo nothini > show that knowledge of the Iran' ictioim reached Hhurman while hi 'as ' Bocrutury of the treasury. Tim Readluu Elootloti. ) rK l < oniluiico ul 'I'lir. Jinn , Piiu.AHiii.riiiA , January 13Tin ( Milin tailroad election turiiiinutoi i-day by the HUCCOSH ot Gowen , wh ( elected | iroHJdont by a trillu ovu : ) ,000 uliaros majority. The decid ig vote wiw cast by Augustun Schull ho prodtiucd n proxy in thu name o Hey and Dorrutt for fi.IIOO alutrcH id other proxiuH , onu from Vander It , tor 40,000 Bharos , all of whicl ere cu t for Gowen. BU3BRIDCE AGAIN , in a Letter to the Public Qoi orally , Replying to Blackburn's Latei Epistle Intimating He is a Coward. Ho Refers to Confederate Ai thritioa to Sustain His Statements. Anil Acnlii Somlft tbo Coitrc | imn to Xivtlotut AMnrlntix ! I'tivM , WASIIINOTO.S , January lit. ( Jenev Hurbridi > o to-dny furnished the f i lowiui ; letter for publioition in iq > to iMr. HliickUiirn'rt of yesterday. To thu PiiUlc. " Ir. IMuckbiirn liavinj ; uswiiled n in an open letter , 1 am compelled I respond. Dn recuivini ; his letter I nu > , dated January ! ) , 1 returned it I him with a fitting endorBement , whic ho lu\d \ not the inanlineRn to publinl Ho ] irofennort to tool no intoros.t in in ? oinmuiiicatiniiH , notwithstanding in otl'ortH to maku them an interesting i po.iMblo. The detiancu to formulate clnirgo ( prcnumably against hitusel an being engngud in the darnimb ! crime of ! clothing infocto with yellow fever into the norther cities during the war was as silly as would hixvu boon to implicate him i an accomplice of Ouitean in tl murder of President Oarfioli That the corienpondoncu was con muncod by mu is true , but that tl present insult was boguii by him txpially true. In the light of th correspondence , whii 'i 1 am not nu priied to find tlmt ho regrets , I ei well allord to dfopenso with bia goti opinion. The sop which Mr. Itlauh burn has thrown to thuHiildiurH of tl union army comes with a noor yra from a man who on every occttnii vililios the holy cause which they re resented on the battle tioldn und no disohunw bin intention not to rest u til ho had wiped every vestige of r publican war legislation from tl statute books. To his complaint tin I preferred to vindicate my joc ; namu when aspersed by men like hit Belf tiily by referring people to the c timation placed on iny Hcrvic by the only citizens < my native state whose opii IOIIH I value those who wo loyal to her best interests 1 have this to say : If the ailly twat die about formulating charges to il plicate him in thu yellow fever pi could bo suppressed , it is enough the mock heroics , in which ho atl'ec to regret that I had not at once calli him to account for the insulting Jvi in which ho referred to mo in U presence of Dr. Onsly. If his pc risting in the opinion as thorp c : pressed in shared by Union men in tl state of Kentucky , after the recoptic of thu lettorn , written by the mo eminent Union men in the state , i whicn his opinion is emphatically cot tradicted , is satisfactory to himself < to bin friends , * it' certainly cannot I to all honorable men. I dismisst him from any further controversy 1 returning his letters with n endorsement thereon. A dccot regard for the opinion of maiikiii which 1 suppose , in hm estimatioi means 'the linages by which the guntl man has buen governed , ' could hav prompted HOIIIU gentlemen to ruoort I a method less mild than an open le ten to Ralvu a wounded here. 1 luu a higher duty imposed on mo than I Hond n chikllongo to Mr. Itlackbun and Hottlu the 'personal phase of tl issue by a reHort to arms. ' I am ui gaged in collecting evidence froi rubnl sources of the atrocious charai tnr of the iniiii with whom lilackbtir claims tha' I duult iiihiiinanely mu wh'i , in thuguiHo of confederate BO diers , not only dotted hia district , bu the entire state with th graven ot Union men. N threats ot violence or challenges t test , my courage on the 'field of honoi nliivll interrupt this most in portant work , We will there fore continue the exorcise i ii few days by reading from Duke' ' history of Morgan - huw , after I di Coated Morgan's forces , July 1H , 181 ! I toiiii ) nf hm ninn scattered over Hi < iaiu and became thiuven and gum 1'illiiH , whoso conduct was abku obnox HUH to confiideratu noldiurn and citi ' . 'us. The ruhel archives will bu eallei ip to testify to the charged mad iL'iiiiiHt these guerrillas byeonfudurnt illicurs in u iniinand to the provoH nirHhal general of thu confederat itates , who , acting on them , orderei he arrest of John Morgan and hm iu .urn to Itichmond for trial. This ] > or ion of confederate hixtory new t < nest puOilu- ] -is from the original doc imuntH , and will afford itmplo proof o hu primu necessity of exterminating i clusn of men who , having desurtut nun thi ) confederate Hurvico ; bucauu irguniKud bands of robbers uiicJ nurderH. If in the coure of their ex- erininalion a rebel soldier occasion lly met his death , it might bu purti < lent to the occasion to nsk how tin : iid Holdiur camu to be outside he enemy's linn and within the dis < rict whloli I had the honor to coin- Hand , 1 used all legit imato meaim tu liHcriiniaatobutweeiiHoldiorHand iier' illas , but in many ciiseH it was a din- inction without a lUlle.rciiuo. To hoiiu who can see in Mr , lil.icklnirn'u .usault on me no relluction in my haruuter which could nut hu settled y a resort to arms , I have nothing to iiy. If this reply to his letter j thu public Hhotild ] iro. uco the impruEBion in the lindii of my friends that Ire ro deterred from affording Mr , liluck. urn this purHoinil satittfaction which e alfuuts to desire through fear of the ( iiinrqiiunco , 1 Rliall deeply regret it. t certainly c-innot be egotistical in iu to uay that it if hardly at this late ay necussury lor mu to offer proof hat I urn not a coward. In any case 1 will not jeopardize my lifo until I have shovrn up in their true colors the men whose disregard tor all mien of aiviliznd warfare render them fit sub * joctn for the hangman , ( Signed ) " 15ifuuint > o . " News. Aw < x-l t\l I'rcM. Spain , January 13. The palace bull Insl night waa a great sue- ce. s. s.Kow 1'orttigi'Ro believe in the prox imity of the reixlixation of nny royal nmrmgo between the sister of Alfonso and the sou of King Louis , who are about the Mine iiije. Thy idea of such a nmrriaKO , they sny , would not bu popular hero. I'Wignora and Portugese boliovu that the roynl visit and the mngulnr regird Miowu for Senor Sag.xitti by Don Lui * are likely to lend to closer relations nnd pi < rlmps to the early advent to ollieu of the Portugese hlieralu to combine with the present Spaninh cabinet in n policy of mutual eomwsioiirt ] niroly in uommer- mevci rand interior allair.i. All call attention to thu marked nllmioim of both kings in their biecelio ] , toists and privatu eonverrtation to Piirtngese independence and Spain's deuire to respect it. IXINIXIK , January 11. ! A dispatch from Homo Hi\n povural eminuiit phy- aiciuns nu'ldunly ' loft Naples in a gov ernment dciip.Uch for thu inland of Cnprern , on roporls Iniviii ! ! been received of the serious illnesa of Gen eral Garibaldi , Hon. W. K. Gladstone , in speaking nt Iladarden in reference to English land reforms , slid that to bring about the rviuired | reforms it would not only require the legal aid found necuaonry in Ireland , but that security mint bo given for the unex- Imuated improvements made by the tenant and also provisions mndo for the chi'iip , treu and rapid transfer of thu land there by enabling tenants in u rluirt timu to becomu land ownorn. A Madrid dis ] atch niyn : that 1 1 err Nocediil , an ultramontane deputy , and Mpaiiish bishops areorgftiiii'.tng. n iiilgriiunifo to lU-mu , and will nnder- t.iko to abstain from all political mani festation. PAIIIS , January lit. Thu French government , has intimated to the rail way companies that the statu will fore go the duties levied on condition that u largo reduction is madu in paasen- yer fares and freight rates. Br. Pi'.Tinismriui , .January l.'t. - The iifiO portions tliatwarolatoly'iirreHtcd in > Varnaxv have boon brought to this city for trial. It is behoved that if the trials weru hold in Poland it would sliow their connection with the nihi lists. lists.M. M. Tlurgo him been appointed min ister of finance ill place of M. Vanor- sky , roaiLMied. _ _ Dnvlltry In the Nation. National A odatil 1'rcnn ST. IxtiiH , Mo. , January \ , ' } . A special from Parsons , Kansas , eaya conaidorablu apprehension is felt among railroad men on the Miasouri , Kansas A Texas line who run through Indian territory , becavso of many ob structions placed on the track of late of such nature to wreck nny train coining in contact with them , Hard ly a night passes that some train is not stopped. Patrol in on haven been put on duty , and two of them mysteriously shot. Abrakomau named Maynard Coates recently ( IL through u freight train and wan cut to pieces. It is now believed hu waa shot while on top nf his train. Engi neer Hussol came in from Muskogee yesterday nnd reports that at II n. in , hu saw the flash of a gun on the prnirio and un umlaut later a bullet struck thu cab near his window. In dian turritoiy now uwnrms with cut throuta and thieves , Hanged. National AKXOI latinl 1'runH. ST. LoriH , January 13. Tliaddouu Itaber nnd William Ward ( colored ) worn hanged at 8tO ; : o'clock this morn ing in the jail yard. Uoth men wore buoyed upby religious fervor. Neither had any remarks to make from the jcuflbld. OTTAWA , Out , January 11 ] . The Frenchman Moreau wan hanged in the jail yard at Uimonuki at 8'iO : thin' morning for the murder of liin wife lost full. Thu fall wan nine feet nnd luath was instantanuoiis , his neck being broken and ttio head learly Hovered from ilio trunk. Found With H r Throat Cut. Vitlmiul AKHOciatnl I'ruin. ALTON , 111. , January I ! ! . Firemen vho untered tint burning building for he purpose of extinguishing the fire 'omul Mrs , Aiiniu Garrett , a white votnaii , on a hud with her throat cut. iliu wai hiniHo keeper fur Quo , Whitu colored ) . It is not known whether hu was murdered or committed mii- ide. Inotlior CoiiHtruotiou Frnud Ar- rmtod. lutlonal AH-toilntiul l'rt > > M. KANNAH CITV , January Kt. An ther important arrest has been made i the CIIHU of the Atuhiuon , Topeka it anta Fo Uailway building , the party rro U'd being Kdward lohorty , a lorokoupor in Wimt Kansas City. It i claimed he ha.i swindled the road ut of 820,000 on forced time checks. Murderer Respited , Axtociatvit Vtuta ATLANTA , Ga. , January ll. ! Jesse liirhur ( colored ) , Hontenced to bo aiiL'od at Winiisboro , S. 0. , to-day , as respited by Gov. llaygood for lirty dayu. Ho was convicted of the lurdur of MoPorry , also colored , Ohio Tjf ( ; lnliitiiro. itlnnal Ai ooUtfd I'n'Mi. COI.UMIIUK , Jiiuimry lit. Thu logia- ituro adjoiirneil till Tuesday. In the IIIIHO , Mr. Ali'kulf introduced a bill lureuaing thu aid.irirn of supreme iurt judgtm to 9-ldOO and common leua to ? : J,000. Afrnlil of Botuc Lynched. itlonul AHDoclatcil Vivua . . . , Ind , , January Kf , arrutt , the alleged instigator of the ' anaaHjinution lit St , P.iul , was urriodty brought here on the expresu jjt evening for fear of lynching.