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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY JBKK : SATUKUAY , UEUEMBBK 2i i he Omaha Bee , VnMMied OTcry morning , eicxspt Sunday Tiiv only Alond y morning dully , j TKKMSUYMAILr- One Year.$10,00 I Thrco Months.J3.0I Six Months 5,001 One . . 1.0 WEEKLY BKE , published or HEUMS POST PAID. One Year . $2.00 I ThrceMontlm. . & BixMontlm. . 1.00 1 One . . 2 COUUESPuNDKNOK All Communl CftUon.1 rclntinu to Newsond Editorial mat tern ulionld bo oddrcmed to tlio l.Diron o THIS BFK. BUSINESS LlSTTERS-All Brulnc * Iiettcra nnd Rcmitlnntroa ulionld bo ivl droKKnl toTiiE OMAHA rcBLnitiNa COM rxHT , OMAHA. Draft * , Checks nml Pent office. Ordet * to lx > uuulo payable to th order of tlio Company. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO , , Prop'n 13 tReSEWATER , Editor. CiirtisTMAH trees ganornlly lool < "spruce. " IT IB now or noror in tlio innttcr o : purifying the city of licr nhnnB. SDMI : grim wit has aunt Scovillc n crape to put in Guitcnu'a ntocking , WITH the mud nix inches ilucp all over the city , Santa Clans will nmk ( his rounds in rubber boots nud wagon. Ax exchange suggests that "inoril always finds the nlippory pole of BUG cosa well groaned with the oloomargftr ino of.BUCCUSB. . . " Siiu > , the last of the Delmonico'i < lied lost week in Now York from ex- ccssivo cigarette smoking. In those days the cignrotto is mightier than the sword. KANHAH CITV is revelling in mud sii inches dcop. Omaha is immersed it A deluge and her people are calling foi a line of good substantial arks , war ranted to wear for at least forty days PHKHZDENT Ammonia cautiously bu uroly winning and holding the confi dcnco of hia countrymen and his recent cent appointments arc generally ac- ooplnblo to fair minded men in hot ) parties. OVKU two hundred congressmen arc mortally offended tit Speaker Koifor'i appointments. Ninety of them thought themselves particularly fittec for the chairmanship of the committei on ways and means. TIIK grand jury has adjourned without indicting that Mo-called don TOUS nihilist and socialist , Augua Arndt , who isnow deprived of his liberty ty and hjld under exorbitant bail to an awer to tlio murderous charge of con tempt of court. The last election in New Mosicc was not in accordance with the laws o iho United States , and without congress gross enacts remedial legislation , it i said that the territorial law-makut cannot legally 'nasomblo on the firs Mo iday in January. THE LAW AND THE LICENSE ! The true inwardness of the attack of TIIK BKK upon Mayor Boyd is o amusing as it in clear to all businec men. ' * Th6 otliciul paper of the city counted upon a big bonanza throug its charges for publmhing license IK ticos daily for two weeks , and the flri trouble camp when some of the disaal isQod advertisers wont to the city attoi iiey and learned his opinion that on insertion of the "ad" each wcok fc two weeks in advaucu of the time fu issuing license was snlllciont. Ono o the advertisers , Mr. Brandt , t Turner hall , who had Riven a choc in advance for two weeks' daily at vortisomcut under THK HKK'K inisroi rosontaticn , ordered it weekly an stopped payment at the bank ; an upon thm TIIK BKK looked back upo its files and found some report uboti the Turner Hall theater which n n portnr had written voluntarily , an which had boon published as nowi and a bill for this was nmdo out an Hunt to Mr. Brand. Herald. The law regulating the nnle liquor in Nebraska which pawed th last session of the logmtaturo prc vided that all applications for 1 icons should bo accompanied by u bond ! the euro of 85,000 , which bond an application should bo lilcil in the pul lie records of the city or county whoi petition was nmdo. Its further provided that the fa < that euch application had boo made kand ouch bond tile tihoula bu published fur t\v weeks in the paper liaving tli largest number of readers and th publication as above should bu awor to by the publishers. \ Furtlier provision wa inado tht when Huch terms' had Ixwri oumplie with , in coso no objection or remoi utranco was filed against the grantiu of the application for license , the license might bo grunted by the pn perly constituted authorities. Th concisely stated is that portion of tli Hlocum lair which boars upo iho granting1 of licciibo. It i over the disputed interpretation of il meaning that the railroad organs c Omaha are engaged in questioning tli utand taken by this paper upon tli subject. The tint notjcpi wf applicatipn fc licenHOBunt downcto TJIK ] ] JK : ofllc by City Clerk Jo'vvott Acquired an ait ! davit from this paper "tlufc they ha boon "inserted in Tji Iiti.Y ! BKK feT T iif * . . v . ory precedent of iulvertuiii ( in every pnpor in the country thcs words incnnt twelve innirtions , am wore BO interpreted , charged and paii tor by the parties in whoso favor the , drawn. Subsequently a notice w.i brought to TUB Bnr. for publicalio ; with the nllidavit worded in the nam terms , and the attempt wan nmdo t secure itn Insertion twice in mir col umnH. The husincHS manager of Til BKR tlatly rohinod to swear t thu accompanying allldavit unices th application was published for the tint icqiiircd by its wordin- ' . Under th ndvicoof City Attorney Mandersoti who had drawn up the original alllda vit , the wording in those of subsc qui'iit applications was changed t "oiuon week for two wocks , " am Tin : IJr.K then consented to inner them in its columns and swear to th linio an thus stated. TIIK UKI : made no attempt tooxior from thu liquor dealers nny guate sum than that required by the lengtl > f time cnllod for in the application [ t rejected no license advertising 01 dered bythu clerk. But it did refus to inaku allidavit to two week's ptibli cation in it's ciiluimm when but t\v day's iiiflortions had been made , am > y no doing it compelled the city nu thorilies to clmngo the face o he applications to a wordiii ] n accordance with the cit ; ittorney's interpretation of the lav A number of the most roputabl iquor dealers in this city Htipportui , lie position taken by TIIK BKK in in dialing that their applications shouli ) o published for the full length o ; imu required by law , and in rofusiin , o tnko advantage of the change ii ho wording of the ailidavit. Futher moro , to show "true indward less" of the position taken by tin taper , the business manager of Tn : BKH suggested to a number of liquo dealers in thin city that they couli comply with the law and sav .lioniBtlves the larger part of the ex lanta by uniting in the publication o ono general application , signed by al .ho dealera , and securing ite insortioi with a Binglo accompanying allldavi 'or the length of time required b ; aw. By Buch a plan there could b no question aa to complhncu with th aw and the crsttoouchdonlerwouldb can than two insertions of asinglo appli cation of ordinary length. This show tow much a moro money considem ion entered into the stand taken b I'HK BKK upon the license ndvortiiu ment question. So far as the dispute between on ( irandt and the collector of TIIK Hi : ifl concerned , the facts are the o : O October 25 the following advcrtim ment WAH given by the clerk of Job Brandt to the advertising Bolicitor i TIIK BKK : JOHN O. BRANDT AT TUKNKIl HALL , HOB a line assortment of Wine liqours , and cigars. Also a pleaaai pool and billiard room. It was inserted for one/Jirno as o dorod and the bill was made out an placed in the collectors hands on tl first of December , When prcsintc Mr. Brandt refused to Bottle becaui ho asserted that it was a matter ( news given to TIIK BKK by his clei and the Omaha Hcralil echoes Mi Brandt's opinion. Will the Jleral please copy it into their news columt and keep it standing free of cliarf for Mr. Brandt ? . Finally , THK BKK ia making ti fight against Mayor Boyd. It Bimpl calls upon him to do his duty. He not doing his duty when ho ordoi public records to bo removed froi public inspection , and in so doing d < feats ono of the most important ii tents of the liquor law. Ho is not doing hia duty when 1 permits it to bo understood for 01 moment that every applicant for 1 cense in this city with wha over record w a keeper of erini mil resorts and moral hell hoi will bo granted licoimo if ho tileD $5,000 bond. And ho [ is not doit his duty just as long < m ho pormi it to bo understood that ho dnos m intend to enforce both the letter ui the spirit of the law under who ; provisions this city c.m bo purged its Hlumu and uinks of iniquity. Tin : BKK auks Jiiniou E. Boyd reply to the appeals to which 5 editor has boon making * him pu soimlly for over tw o inuriths past i behalf of lav and order in this cit TUB value of provisions and talk exported in the month ended Noven bor ao , wat 87,705,818 , against 81C 514,590 the tiamu month laitt yea Tlio value of dairy products exportc in the seven months unded Novemb 150 waa 814,3Gt08 : , against $18,0r > 2 787 in Hftmo months 1880. Thu tot value of provisions , tallow and daii products exported during the olevi months ended November III ) was 1'J ( .147,087 , against ei28,007,78U aau period 1880. i.v iNuwMAX , wlio iimpuctt the consulates during tliu proaidouc of his pamhionur flonernl ( Jlrant , tn become pastor nf thu Madison A v nuo Uonyro utioiiiil church at No York. The general will KO with hi from thu Central Muthodist church c Seventh ftvonuo ; nnd Dr Newman o : poets "to Uko onouah wealthy inoi to pay off tbo 80.000 debt of bis no church/ ' * s - OTHER LANDS THAN OURS. Affairs in Ireland show no nignn o ( liiictude. The organised ntriki against paying rent scorns to bo grow ing more formidablo. though the lead crs give no intimation ns to wha good results may bo expected fron such a course. Lists of persons who have bcci Horvcd with notices and of those BUS pcctud of paying rents are posted a the chapels and at other places when they are likely to bo BCOII , and although the police tear thorn dowi they are noon posted again. Con nldurablo ditaatisfnction in felt nnioiii thu Irish constabulary in Cork at tin now movement of the government it recruiting their force from the militii and soldiers whoio terms of scrvici have expired. So strong in thu feel ing that the men will refuse dut ; with the new recruits , and a genera .itriko is apprehended. It is ntatoi' that a prison especially designed fo females in in coitrno of preparation fo the reception of nirmbern of Lndicn Land League , mid that the arrest o ftovoral prominent , member * of tin Dublin branch of that organization ii expected. In England there appears to bo i [ { rowing hatred on the part of Irish inun towards the liberal party. Join Moray , editor of The 1'all Mall ( ia. xutto , who ban been a most vigorou nnti-coorciomV , wan recently hissec from the platform while attempting b speak on behalf of the laud bill , ant is reported as being completely dis courngod at Iho outbok. It look very much aa if powder and ball wil 1)0 the next argument used by th zovornmnnt , and Ireland , with th exception of the dynamite fiends , whi are trying to blow contributions .frori America into their own pockets , wil utter greatly from the change 11 policy. Bismarck's attempt to- , scare th Gorman Reichstag into complianc with his economical programme hn not boon entirely successful , and rti morn are current of the approachln dissolution of that body. The Nort German Gazette insists that the attitude tudo of the Reichstag , since its open ing , has boon inimical to the unit of the German Empire , and says the -affixing their signatures to the fee oration treaty the Gcrmnn Princes ir tended that Germany should bo ur dor the leadership of Prussia , but nc that she should submit herself t shifting majorities in thu Reichstag It adds that the Gorman profesnoi and provincials once doatroye German unity in St. Paul's ' church , i Frankfort , by a disregard of monarcli ical dynasty , and that it is , therefore the duty of the nation to uttoratimi ly protest. The now cabinet of Franco is th youngest in ago that the country hn over had. Ita oldest member is only Ci itn youngest , 35. H Gambutta himso is only ! ) . The 12 members count i total an ago of 012 $ years , or an avoi ago for each of 51 years. In En ; land the youngest man who possessc a portfolio is Mr. Chamberlain , an ho is 10 years older than the youngoc minister in France and 2 years th senior of M. Gambetta. Mr. Glac stone's ago oxccods M. Gambotta's b 2ft years. Franco has not always ha so young a cabinet. Fifty years ag the average ugo was CD years ; 24 yeai ago it was GO. The resignation of Perola , the n moval of Calderou , and the death c General Kilpatrick , ought to roliov the Chili-Peru controversy of some c its perplexities and asperities , an unable our special commissioners t hiiug about a friendly inidoratandm even if nnablo to nngotiato for it poac in terms moro favorable to Peru th annexation. The popularity of young Don Alfoi eo grows apace in Spain. Ho recontl passed his twenty-fourth birthday and the lovco given in the Madri palace to honor the occasion was a tended by dologutcn from all tl ; oflicial bodies in thu land , and I representatives of the varioun.politia organizations. Some time ago fnu was found with thu king's extron youth , but thu cummontH now houi refer to the old head that rests upo his shoulders. As a speaker he i called able , even in a country whoi oratorical gifts are pri/.od , and prodii tions are made in London nowspapei that ho will ere long rank next ( Queen Victoria us the most popuh constitutional sovereign in Europe. Tin : Italian government obtains large part of itn rnvenuo from u lot tory. Every Sunday a drawing talct place in every largo town , and tl poor people everywhere deprive then selves of thu necessaries of life in o dor to buy chances fur thu big prh which is to muke them rich. Tli drawing takes place at the mayor residence. Thu people have intinii superstitions as to how to play th numberrt , and the scheme is mo carefully protected by law , Seven mun who recently perpetrated a frau on a' drawing wuro sontoncml I twitlro years imprisonment. The London Times is euro that u timately a Panama canal will bo lite ally a part of thu coast line of tli United States , through the absorptio of Mexico and Control America. Mi Walters has seen enough in the Uni ted States to make hia faith in thinga an yet unseen , tlattcring to Yankee greatness and creditable to his own judgment. _ _ _ _ _ It is now proposed to rnxe the Rin I heater , at Vienna , or what remains of it , and erect a monument on the ito to the memory of the hundreds who perished there. It seems that n superstition exists that the curno ol ( ! od rests upon that particular spot. Thirty or forty years a o the city executioner - cutionor dwelt thcio. After the revo- nlion of 1817 Robert Blum , the rov- iiitionist , was shot thoru. Many others were cither hanged or nhot on the same pot ; and so tragic interest baa uing about it , which is dccetipcd and made indelible by thcjlato catastrophe. Republicanism is becoming pro' mmiccd in Greece , not because the Monarchy per BO is oppressive , but > ucaU8o King George has lost some of iin former popularity. Ho has been 'rcquontly accused of Into of brcakiuu lia word , and using his prerogative tc enforce arbitrary measures. Tht country has a constitutional pirlia < nent of one chamber , whose rucenl sudden diBHolution by the king 1ms excited ill feeling Some of his most iilluontial subjects are plotting hi : overthrow , and tlio c.stabliahment of n republic with a constituent assembly , Placards have nppearol inscribed , ' 'Down with Iho promise-breaker. ' The foreign relations of Greece arc not exactly orderly and peaceful , though internally , rapid progress in thu assimilation of modern material improvomomonts is recorded. . Rail road construction is going on at c great rate. A successful road now connects Athens with its port , the Pira > UB. A canal is in course of con struction across the Isthmus of Cor inth. Singularly enough the republican lican sentiment is also gaining grounc in Italy , the historic adversary and conquero'r of < > recce.- A few years ago it was the fashiot among most of the upper ten thou sand iin England to denounce Sii Charles Dilko aa a republican and revolutionist. Now , aa under foroigr secretary and representative of foreigi affairs in the house of commons , he n exceptionally popular. The Prince ol Wales lately breakfasted with him tc meet Gambotta. Protection plays an important par in thojtinancial policy of Austria-Hun gary , as well as in that of Germany but it is made incidental to revenues Though the two branches of tin monarchy manage their custom allair , independently , the proceeds of dutiei are applied to the maintenance ot tin joint army , navy and foreign service Ilencn there is , in the main , a com man scheme of taxation. Tin ministers of' both kingdoms heldTl cabinet council at Vienna some tivi weeks ago , , and harmonized thei : views. Botli nations showed fmuncia deficits , and it had to bo rccom mended that taxes bo increased. Im ports , however , could not bo availed of to anything like the extent whicl is possible in countries with moro di versified and extensive foreign trade The tobacco , spirits , wines and suga consumed in' Austria are mainly o domestic manufacture. Petroleum i subject for duties , but the oil wells o Galicia are rapidly increasing in pro ductivonesi , and their oil is excluding the foreign article. Moderate pro dmctivo duties wore finally agreed 01 for gram and flour , not so much because cause Austria is at a disadvantage ii agriculture M because she lacks trans portation facilities which German ; and Russia enjoy , or rather bocaus there are certain discriminations ii through railway charges against several oral Austrian provinces. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC ( ieriiter incry fond nf Ji.inton. Albanl 5 coining In October under Oyo' rjuiiinfeiiicnt ; A now op ra liouso is beiu liui t i 1'ourin , lllinuiH. Loiiisu I'titneray IH playing in New Xe laud to gruat bu hiCHS. IIuverly'n colored inhmtrclrf will icinaii in Kngland fornijoiit nine niontliH. Annln" I'ixley'a * younnnr slhtpr , J.tic > has joined tliu Uatf troup * in 'J-'rifco. John K. OWODS ha closed IIIB H'lisn and Huttled down iu hln Marylnud home , Baruh IJonilmrdt will reapiieariu Vonic njxt inontli , Shu wan received thevo > vitl llartlov CainpljoU'ri [ new play , "Tli \Vhito Slave , ' will bo pr.'duccdut Hooley thf atro , Chicago , in tlio tprln . Chicago and lioiton are htrickeu wit Uncle Tom H rabiu Comlilnatlons , and i Clilcago they ! iivu hiiuill l.ox beaiilfM. Kdwla Ilooth \ nnpoarod \ \ M Hhvlocl Hamlet , Ulchard III. , I , oar and Kichelle tldn Wi'tl : at the l'jrk Tlieiitv , Baston. According to Mnnnger Davie , Joaeii ! Murphy' * r in | > ; iny IIRJI been out 12 weoki traveled 3,010 iiiilen , and played to refill pet plo. Pauline Manrol , who Intolv nuvrrrd fit conuoction with the Kninia Abbott Onor comptiny , will nppear next season In Ita ! iun opera. JdhuT , Ituynioud celebrated the ' . ' 'Otl performance of "Freeh , the American , " a .it. lion K , with ( atlit programme * uud good time genorully. The Piula authorltiei have nurReedcd i rxT/iiading two theatre * to close until the ; can pnnit.u U-ttir nrrangemvnts forth Hufety of their niuliencen. Mi * Kmtna Nevada ( Mixs Wixom ) i now flntflu with brilliant hticroxx n 1'Noi enue. Later in tbo BCU.SOD ho , { ; eon t Milan to fulliill an ruK cment at 1. Scula. Clara MorrU it to aimear at the Uuioi Sii re Tlieatri' . Now Vork , later iu tld feaaou In u vorMonof "The New Manila len " lint In liu not ( 'ettinj , ' nithe rold fo that ! ' Hurllngtou'n now opera house will (001 ha flnixltcd , 'and on tha furinal openiii ) , ' , t huw 9prcxlation } ) : of tlio rn'crprlsc of th owner , It -\pcctcd to fill the home nt ilO n ticket. Mad. Marie ( Seltttnger , ft Mod l > y it rrnnd J.iieri Iroiipo and orchestra from th' i'halla Thrntor , .New Vork , commence irief emM'emcnt ; in opera at Cincinnati , Monday night. Maggie Diiwnn , who was the lil li ticker of the S ddcne Troupe , In now piny , nt ; t odoiibretlc pirU with tlio Cli.irloi Inrkiiifon Cotnlilnatior. , and now onlj elfkn for mnro nalary. An c.\clin.nio Hayi that "Catnpaninl'i , > rruH with MMplc on are $ . " ,000 n month 'InglnR ' tlnce time * week. " Cntnpanin IM dona nlinott HR well an if ho had ( roni ntn journillsiii early in life. Mine. PalU receives , it IM stnto < l. $7,0M ( f rhcr nin in In the "Mei < inh" nt C'ln clnnati nt CiiristliiOH time. TbU in proba ily llii-larKO'it Mini ever paid a pritnr lonna for it uln lo evening's engagement Mtw Mnmln ( SrnnBcr Mt the ( lallej ilavc vomblimtion after tha p r'ormanci ' n Ch'ciRo lait weoU. Hho glvcit an a ten HOD of tlilt rcHignallon thnkhe U in'goo icaltli , nnd tlint nntntnnd plajinf nio-lii'ht _ ( trnvtu. It ban not been finallj leclrlod ho will tftkw her jilaco , in prniahly MrH. Kvatm will ba hei BUccmaor. An aclri'm nt Albany Ia8t week II erillj ironght down the hniife. The lone emi onn man who orcnpied the gall ry weir .o flci'p unl : fell over the rail down inti tin ) tilt , knock iiu ono of tli orchcitn chairncrary When they picked him up cxpe ting to find him a gory coipxr , hi rubbed hh slctpy ON o' , nml nnrnently in lulwd : "Wit tac'.inlt ! ' Mint Knto f'laxUin nnd her comnanv 5 now in New Ihigland. On tlio 2iith inst Mini C'nxton ill appear in thin city n JJootli'n Tlientre , ana slio will then bo nuei nuain in ' The Two OriihatiH. " Tim rns in tliii Deration will includoMlfH Clavton Miss Ida Vnmon , Mrn. Marie Wilkinn Mr. ( J. A. Stovenwii , Mr. James O'Ncll and Mr. Kdward Thorno , Mr. Thoma M uWattHW in now seiving IM MIsB Clnx toti'it ImeincHH managur. WngnerianH ill read witH Interest tin following nnnouim ment : "Itichanl Wag tier's 'L'ft'-'lfal' at Kayrenth. Two privnti [ lorfornian en for the mcml era of the I'.av routher 1'atronntvcrein exchmhely wil tnke t lace on tbeUith and 23th of July 188' * . Fourteen public perfonnancoH wil bo given on July 'M. A n t 1 , 4 , G , 11 13 , 15. IS , li ! ) . 22. . ' . , 27 ami i ! ' , ms'2 Seats for thu public performance * at I1 ! marks ( J.1 10. . ) each , tn&y bo had in application to the Verwaltungsrath dc BnliuenfeHtpiele , Hayieutn , Bavaria. " Annie I.ouiso Cary dutifully write weekly leHers to her tttep-lnothor nnd he ulster in the little t .wn of Durham , Me One of the lett rs caine dated at a city ii Ohio. Hho writes that her throat , whicl lias bfcn troubling her of late , ii nov mnch better. She occasionally alludes t ( her approaching nrirriago with Jame Lorrillard , in Now York. The weddini will occur ea > ly next fall. The last tim she will ting Iu nubile will lo in Jun next at City ball , Portland. The ngo o Anuio Loulae ia forty-one yearn , and tha of the bridegroom-elect ia thirty-five They will reside in Now York. A bam gentleman , who wnx one of Mi Gary's neighbor * and HchoolnmteH , said " 1'liero wasn't a boy or u girl m the whnl school that could climb a tree ur ium ] over a feneo so well as Annie Louisa Bare-headed mid bare-shouldered , obe one took a wild colt to break , and ho ran will her to the borders ot Auburn before ehi stopped him Shcciimo back laughiug. [ Boston 1'ost. PEPPERMINT DROPS. _ If mm really wants to know of how little importance he is , let him go with hi wife to j tlio dressmaker' . [ iturliugloi llawkeyc. A Peunnylvania man who was clawed b a w lldcat , says that the feeling was somt thine llktt having a dozen buzz-saua turne loose ou him for a high old time. A Vermont young woman who Hutferei n disappointment in love died last wecl from a pane in the stomach. She broke i into MH > U fragment ! ) and swallowed their Uncle Mose Bays vomcthing : "PoliU nojn kin bo unrricd too fur. Tuther day lifted my hat ter a 'omau an' lo-t tlo hand kerchief ontcn in' " [ Now Orleans Timei "I Dee that a couple of C ncinnati aldei men have ibcew indicted for rcceivin bribeH. Is it possible that thoboysinOhi do not have an agent ? " [ Chicago A der man. ' There is a noticeable improvement i canned goods this year. We huvo see : Homd Ubels on peach canrt which inun i.ive cost all of half a cent aiccc. ] Lan year they got 'cm ten for a cent. Man-who-wantx-to-wallap-us ; When ca : wo spare the time to receive yon ? Oil any day you like ! Time is of no value t us. We never saw the occasion when w couldn't spare about twenty seconds to d nfavor for our friend the coroner. [ Hostoi Post. Post.There There is nothing which HO forcibly re minds a veteran soldier of old times on th Chickahominy nu when nn ex-mayor g n era ! of v liinteors buttonholes him on th street corner ; and i nka him for the loan i a quartiT. It recnlla the days when thcr was no ( juarter.N. [ . Y. Com. Adv. These uro tlio sort of "ads" the Ken panem publish foi live cents a line : "Luc & Atarkhaui's hcnilipiarlerri saloon in uoi provided with all tbo popular gamcs- kcno , high ball , faro , twenty-one , et < Kvery game run on tlio dead i > iuiare. Kyi times won in an hour , do in amd ttcc " Who put the Halt in the migar bow ! Mamma its aiuiotH to lind out. Willie I busy looking out of the window. Can vo guess wbul Iiu Is thinking about ? t'e\ \ hap < lin is wnnduring uhut mamma wi glvo him.before lie go-s to bed without hi supper. If wo wore Willie wo would fei safer with a Latin ( ! rammer in the scat < i our pants. Denver Tribune Primer. An important Hitit was recently begu in the went oxer n lake which two cirpor : tions claimed. The judge become wcai with tbo uuo , and laid : "What is th mo of making mich a futs over n littl wateri' "Vour honor will eco the nsn n iS" replied thu claintiff'i uttorncyvh i I Inform you that both parties to th suit atti recently organi/ : railroad coir " -Pitt Commercial Cinzctti pantoPitt burg "How much will thii coat in your pt iwri" n-ked i > ijuiet looking man , as h handed in the following ndvurtUetnent a 'Die KtiL'lu'u counting-room yesterday : SMITH-Bunted n trace , in thin citj Friday , jnit alter dinner , Mary Smitl wife of tno undenigned , and daughter c old Ham 1'ratt , the leading blacksmith c Denver , The corpse was highly n unected by the high-toadest famlllrx , bu Death eot the drop on her , nnd oho too up the Inio'et with Jierfrct coi.iidcnci tha she w onld have it square show on thu otlic side of thi } Divine Tlio plant trunnpirn thi afternoon lit her boarding house 01 Willow uttvet. ( 'om one , come all ! Dearest M try thou bast left us , 1'or you on earth tliero wasn't room ; lint 'tis hca\en that lia bereft us And Hnutdied our darling up the llumi Demer p.pora ploiiKe copy nnd hen bill , or draw at flight. lly her late husband , P. SMITH. RELIGIOUS. TlieCerman Baptist * , or Tunkern , liar 710 churcho * , lt > C'J inlniMtuiH , nud Ul',1.0 ' communicant * . In 187 the pilgrims to tlio Vntloan nun bero < lI3JMD5 ; in 187H , ] 3.0''r > , in 1871 10 , ,71 , mlla > > t year , 1V.827. A church in Duuder , Scotland , hua telephone attached t'llio pulpit forth licnclit of invalid * who cunuot coiuu t church. A new bell for St. Paul's Cathedral London , Ihulau' t boll iu the kinjidoir has I t'cn iticctbifiiUy cant Ita weight i 174 tun * . 'llie Keformed lUpUcopul Church ha been in cxlutencu eight yean , bei-iuniu with 9 cU'ivymen , Including Jiuhop Cum , ufiil M laymen. Ituuw bus 110 clei rymcn a cl nbont 7,000 communicant- IM church iimpcrtyallied , nt 81115,000 , cxilm > Ucnf Incumbrntic i > , Tlio Third I'robjtorian diucrh ol Chlcafo , iSundny , Docombcr ) , rccci\oi "fty-tlino inrmliers by profciMon , nnd t largo n .mb r by Ictti r. The total member'hlp of the Luthernr ch'itch ' In'liii country , aa gtntutin Th'1 Lutheran Calendar for 1RS1 ! , N 78.1,30' ' , n gain In the past year of .H,88I. , The Southern Presbyterian chur h atv pnar * to ba g.iining fatter in cities than In the country , hi seventeen cities its nel gain in live yea A ba < i been 10 | xir cent. ; IE tlm country , H percent. Dr. Courtney , of Chicago , In n rccen ! pennon , evprrsteil hi < regret tint tbo we of liKcnnFO cxpre ivj in lt ymlloll m was ropycdnfter the Kcformntion fiotr the ritual of the I' Church. Thu Moravian * report IT miKsioii' , : ! OI inltsionarlo , Ii8ttitlons with 15 out-ata. lions , lISl native ngenti , ! ) ! ) 77" tiaptt7Cl a hilt' , 2IKH ! , baptized children , timlei nit ruction M , 110 , an incrcaru of 1,044 , All the mission * rnport nn increaw rnvc .lamaca nud St. Thomas , The fnrmei lo-t f,0i. , ! tli latter 12. Tha expenditure ! \\oroS9jr.70. Tbo Christian Intelligencer rcportn thai "tho free chnrch sy tom nuiong the Kpii- copal churches of MaH9nchu etta Imw ml va > ced KO fur that tliero are now nboul forty parNhex whcio the Hittings are en tirely fice ; iomo partly through endow , mrntr , Homo through vlllt , but many car rled on in cntirdependmcft upon what the people con'clenllouHly con'ribute frotr .Sunday to Sunday t tbo st-rvlcoi. " The Protestant Kiiincnnnl Church Alma' me for IKS ! gixes thu f illoiving Ntatistlcs ! clergy , 2,10i ( : Ordinations Deaconp , I5C ! l rlests 112 ; cliurcbcH consccratod , 75 ; bap thins , l'J,01l ! ; ciiniirinntioiis. 2.1,1)07 , ) ; o mi municnntn , . .12,590 ; n nrrlagc" , 11,875 bur a'K ' , 22,511 } ; Sunday school teachers , 2t,508 ! ; scholars , 2,88. > , rWj ; contributions , ? 0,7-1U,0 3.20. The gain in clergy for th < year was 111 ; in C0'iiinunifantn1,157. . In the Xorway Bapti-t union there nn thirteen churchf A with 578 member * , ani ten pastors. On of th so churches U nl Trom op. the most northerly HapliM church ia the world , being above the Arc tic circle. Ouingtotlie Influence of thi gulf stream and the bonding of the line ol Uothoriniil temperature , to the Boaloi Watchman eayv , no dlfllculty ! * cncoun trred in bapti/in ? bclieVetH after the New Testament model According to a Berlin row. < paper thi work of revising the Lutheran translator of tbo IHblo hai just been brought to t close. The Cuustoin liiblo society hat do cldo I to prneecuto the printing of the en tire Bible at itx own coat , with the under standing that at many cuoiex as po sibli are to bo circulated by the other Bocia'lios It tins been decidtd to follow the new or thography in the printing. Durinr thi next two years the congregations nreti _ ex mine and judge of the revision , whicl is the fruit nf mor than ten yearn of 1 < bor. Then on tbo bnu9 of the criti cisms mude public the commincion wil incoipoiato such chaogcx or corrections ai m y ba advisable , and thus the extent o the Germ n Bible will bo presented fmu and complete. CONNUBIALITIES. Tlio Attorney-General of Indiana _ hai decided that any Mayor of any municipal ity in that State who performs the mari - i iago ceremony is li.ible to ( iua nnd impris onment. Two instancea are cited in which younj girls have ro en'ly marri d old beggars foi tlio purpo o of travelling about to see tin country. Ono of tl.u husbands is a blini man r > 0jears of a.e. Keokuk bad a queer ma'rimoninl jum ble the other dav , wh'en a father's son mar ried a father's divorce 1 wife , the fatbe having pecurcd a divorce in order that hi might marry bis wife 8 sister. A boy under eighteen years of aire wish cd to marry a woman ten years hia senio : in Vancouvrr , Washington Territory , re cently , and as ho had neither father no : mother in the Territory , n guardian wa appointed by the Probate Court togi\o thi requisite council t to the union. John Pilgrim , of Musatino county ha be n granted n ilivoict ? . He was awidowe f 70 aivI married a buxofii young woman who refused to sh'ire his bed though shi 4,1 Id not object to his board. After impor tuning his uifa for several days to com plete tbo marriage , and she sleotliSy refua ing , John got mad , w cnt into court am got a divorce on the ground of desertion There wns a man iago by tele hraph ii the southwest on the evening of the Od inst. The bride nnd groom were at For Sill , and as tbore was no parfon authorize to tip tha knot in that viuuity , the nnupli hail iccourxe to the wire. County Judgi Jonee , of Jncksboro , Tex. , pronounced thi word" , and Lieutenant W. A. ( tloKsford o the United Str.tes slghal corpn transmitter the lightning Hash that made two eouli one. one.The Shenandoali ( Iowa ) Kepublicar tells of n divorce case there as follows "Ono of the applicants for divorce in thi present term of the ci cuit court of Pagi county , was a woman who baaed he : pplicatiun for a divorce on the ground : that her hnrband wns too familiar will nthe females. She proved her aljccatinn by ona witno Ha man and in five min utes after the decree was granted she woi the wife of tin witness aforesaid. Per haps it is nil right , but It smiicks a littli of H put-up job on the old inun. " At Dee MoinM Mary E Bartlow lini commenced it nuit aga n t John Crnbtree sr. , for $ 3,7 D damage * . The plain if nil Kt-'S tlmt hu wan married to the defendant fondant October 1 , 1874 : tlmt nbo was prior to that , an unmarried woman o good repute ; tlmt when she married Crab tree she supposed he was a binglo man nnt u t whole orahard. Since then , ( the avers , she bus diiscotertd that ho had nl that time another wife , lUthel , witl whom ho was not living , nnd that a tci the second nnd bigamous wedlock be wai cruel nd illtreated her. Hio i-skH X'2i- 000 forctuel treatment ; SO. I.H liO'iteki'eper ' , and $2UO for pronerty taken away from her. Bradford , Fa. Til'man ' Fiicli.-iu , Bradford , Pa , , writes "I enclose money lor Si'iiiNd Bi.onrtOM , ft I fa ! I \vould 1 if it cur d mo. My dya lepniti hai vanished , with all its pymptoiim Many tliuuks ; I ball no\er bo without i in the IIOUHD. " PiicoAO CCII'H , trial bottle ! 10 centB. deol9-codlw PROPOSALS J'OU OKAISf. IlKAtxifNUTrn'o IiEp'roriiiB I'IATTH , ) ClIIKK Ql'ARTKKMJlKThR'n Ori'lCE , V OUAIIA , Nib. , December 20 , 14S1. J Healed proposals. In trlpllutte , mibjcct to tin usual conditions , \ III be rcci-lvtd ut thin ollki until 12 o'clock nonii , on Kami-day , Jmuan 14 1582 at which time nnd place the > will b < opincil in pirwmv of bidden , fnr luniUliln M di'llvvr ) In quantities RI rfiulrid , up to Juno BQ Ut > 2 , at Omaha di-pi't , Ncbnska , or at ( .tatlon on tbo Union I'an tic ralln ad , uait of Koarnc ; Jiinitloii. ol 'J.tOO.OtW jiounda Corn and 1,000,00 poui.di Oats. I'ropobaU for nuantUlen IrM than the uhnli \ > \ \ ( lie roci-hi'd. Dilhery of the itralnwlll , 1 riiiIrrJ. | eoinrntncti February 1 , ISdS. Prefer ulien will tucUin to urtlrlt * of ilonuntlo pro diu'tlon , tx > ndltlon ol prlcti anil quality bclni vqual , uiul moli | irif < .rcinuull | } M ( jhi-u tear I dm of Anurlcan produitlon prodiiixd on thi 1'ai'lllo coaat to tbo rvtent ot the fonsumptloi rrnulnd b ) thu public eenli-o tliiTi1 , The vo\- vriuucnt ri-aerioD tin- right to rtjn t anv or al propo ih , llldathould uttle the rate per 1CM pounili , mot IHT biulelai l the inulopi'a i n- talnliu them should be cndorsi-J "Illdi lo : drain , " and oildrcMid to the undemlgncd. Hid iltri uro rnpjestcO to Hihmit propo Ala lor ili > livery of tlied > rn In IILW rmi'wuil u'Uiihy sauki u ( 10J pound * i-iuh and for dclncr.v of the tt > n ( > aU In new rc ' td burlap fack al ICO pound tacii. tacii.Coplii of UiU adtirtlMnicnt nnd of tlmclr fiilnr of Inntrut'tlonii to hlddir * i .m l-o obtiv IJIH CM application totliiNoillcc , ami mid louv t U of baliiniltirtliitinvutuiid circular should \xi \ at Imbed to or awoippany im'ti proposal ami Icru a I irt hcruol , M. I. I.UDINCrOX , ilca6t Ohlfl ( 'imrternui.ti r. C. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW S rirnhws 8 * H . HOUSES \ Lots , FARMS , Lands. For Sale By BEMIS , FIFTEENTH AND DODQL&S SIS , , , No. VIM , full lot fenmland with ramll build- lux on Capitol Axi-nuo near ' 'Jth > Uc t , 8700. Mo. S7 , I awe lot or Mock 29S liy 270 ( cit on Hamilton , near Irene Direct , 2r > 00. No. SCO , Fi.ll iQrner lot on Janet , nr-ar l&th street , $3,000. No. 263 , Two lots on Center strtit , near Cum- Ing Htrcct , 8'tO. ' No. S52 , Lot ouRpruco street , near Oth etiwt , 8050. 8050.No. No. 251 , Two lots on BewarJ , nciur Klntf ptrtut , No. 2J1J , Lot on Reward , Bear King itreet , $3W > . 'n. 240 , Half lot , on Dodge , near lltlt street , Ko. 247 , Four beautiful reaklcnoo Iota , near Crelifliton College ( or will nolle , parate ) , R3,00t > . No. V ! Ifl , Two loti im'Chatle" , near Cumin.- etrctt , 100rm-h. No. 240J , Lot Di Idaho , near Cumlng street , so. 245 , Otoai-rc lot on Oiimlr. , n arDuUoo tr tt17DU No. 214 , I ol en Fornhai- , near Ibth strtet , 4,0 < M. Xo. aii. : lotW by ] St : ( etton Oo I car St. Marj ' \Vi nuc , SS5" . Xii. t ! < 2 , n.r on DoUKtu > , nv&r Stitli ttrtvt , Nu 241 , hot on parnluro , near SrJiU * nut , 7)0. 7)0.No. . HH' , Lot tW bv 09 ( oat on .Hoti'h Axcnne , ncv > r Ma > on si rc < t , * i5ti , Ni . 2U' ) , corntr Ii t on I'.ur , nmr i J .trect , ire o. aw , l0\iaj ftet on llarnvv , near 24th strte IH 'Ml it - . ' . l " Up ) , S-,400. No. 2115 , 71\aiu TuU ( in Sliprninn A > eauo ( Kith stritt ) , Cirato , Sl.OOO. No , 04 , IjOton IoiilaH ) ; pirect , neariJJ ( f7. > 9. X . 2Hi , I ot on I Icr rce % tinir Hownrd , .fiyO. No. S31 , lot-11700 feet , mar C lit 1 . .venue anil Sid ftrcct , SI OO. .So. i'J7T o ! tHun Dcratur , n Jr n-nuttivct , ( fJWi > < I7 u.uli. No. 2-3 , i rt , 1 , ! IlO-nii t441 In t on Sliennin AM'lJllu lllitli lr tt ) , ticr omce , < R,4wl. No. 22" , L.OI3 \ ti ( etton UoJjjt , no r I3tb vtrett , nuke un ciTtr. -Vo. 217 , Lot u.i 2 < d street , mar Cl.rk , * iO ( ' . NoHi i ot on Ilaiulkor , Mt-arK-i > , ' , ft/1. * No. 2 U , Lot on Istli , near .Suholu ktuvt , soo. No. 2o7 , Two Iota on 18'h , near 1-aclOo btroct , ? 1MX , > . No. 205 , Two lots on Castellar , near 10th ttroot. V 160. 160.No. . 201 , beautiful residence lot onJMUelon etrrot , near Cunilni ; , $ SW. No. 203 , Lot bn Saundcre , near Hamilton Btreot , * WM. No.l 9i , Lot 10th Btrctt , near Paciflc , S500. No. 108) , Three lots on SauuUerj street , near Boward , 81,300. No. 1'JJJ ' , Lot on 20th ttrect , near Sherman , No. 194 } , Tuolo90n22d ! , near Draco rtrtt-t , tW > e ch. No. im } , tno loto on King , mar Uamllton utrect , S.1.SOU. No. HIM1 ; two lotH on 17th Direct , near Whtto Lead W rKu , ldM. No. lWl ( , one tM block , ten lota , near the bar * racks , 8400. No. KM , lot on Parker , near Irene utrect , (300. No. Ib3 , two lotn ou Cog8 , near 2Ut ( rtrtx-t , No. IHl.lotou Center , near Curulnff street. $300. $300.No. . ISO , lot on Pier , noir Sewanl street , < P' C. Ko. 175 , lot on Sherman avenue , near Izard btreet , Sl.4 0. No. 174 } , lot on Cast , near 14th , $1,006. No. 170 , lot oil Pacific , near llth etrct-t ; mtlta No. ICO , fix lota on Farrham , near 21th street , 81,45 > to 82,000 each. No. 1(13 , ( nil block on t'JOth ntreet , not race course , and thrco lot In Glee's addition ncarbaun era aid C.tMus ktreitx , ? ,000. No. 120 , lo * on CalUornla etreei , near Crciffa ton concur , 8125. fo. 127 , acrulot , near the bead ot St. Uary'i avenue , $3,000. No. Vii , bout two ncrei , near the head of Bt Marj 'fl & \ enue , 91 ,000. No. 126 , lot on 18th streit , near Whltu Ixvl Workp , J520. No. 124 , sixteen lota , near ( hot tower on the Belle\uo road , 87C per ot. No. 122 , ! S2xl3 < ( ectS ) OH ) on 18th street , near Poppleton'B , * ljwa , No. Un , thirty lialtacre lotrt In Mlllard and Calduell'ii additions on fihcrinrvn avenue , Spring and K'ratogi sttcits , near the end of green btrict car traek , WO. to jl,200 each. No. b' ' ) , lot on Chicago , nmr 2id etri'"t , * ltOO. No , bS , lot on ( 'i'tlilue.l , near Snuudern Htrt-ct , < JiOO. JiOO.No. . 68 , comer lot on C'barlex , near Sauiulera Btnet , KOO. No. Hi , lot on Ilard , near 21nt , with tno email non e , ? i , 100. No. b3 , two lotn on 19th , near Pioroo street , ,5W. No. 78 , thrvo loU ou Ilnrney , near 10th Htroet , ,0 4) . No. 70 , 00x132 In ton Oth Direct , nea \\orti. stroit , . No. 76 , tXJxW Icet , on Paolfle , nearbtb Htm > t , ili.l 00. No. C9 , 1 > C\1S2 fret , on Uouglas ttrect , nuar 10th , M.500. No. UU , eighteen lotrj on 21flt , 22d , 23d and Hauiidpn etreeta , near Once and Saundont ftrttot br dfe ( , IJ400 each. bilui No. ti , one-fourth Work ( ISOxlSS dot ) , noaruii Content of I'oor Clalru on llainllton street , n3 thoenitof red tr. o car tr.iik , t0. . No. 5 , lot on ilarty , near 9th Mi out , $1,200. No 3 , lot on Culilcriiia , near 2lNt , 1UO' ' . No. 2 , 1st on Cas- , near ilA ttieet00. . No. 1 , lot . n llarney , uenr 18th , * . 00. Lots In Harbacn'H first and sieond additions , i * > n 1'arker'n , Milim1 * , > elBOpV , Ttrrow , K. V. M lth' , Hfdkk'H , ul.e'u. UkB'n , and all otboi addition ! * , at a < y pucex and terms. 3ui low In llanicom I'lace , mar Ilan < coui Park ; prlits Iroin JUDO to $300 each. Ono hundred and Qftv-nlno beautiful rv t- dtnte low , located on Hamilton utrtwt , nail way between thi ] turn talila ol tliu red street car line and thownterworicsie.enior nnd addition , and just went ol the Content of the butters Poor Claire in Shlnn'a aduillon. Prlcm IBIIKU from & to 8100 each , and will bu told on m y t rm . Tracts 0(6 jn , 15 , 2J , l or bO cn-s. with \ JdlnR and other lniirovrinent | < , and ud/olnlnR city , at all | rices. , HKol ) the be t resldinro'cin In thu city of maha any location you do In * north , ea > t , outh or it , nd at bed-rork priceo. B'J O choice liunliifNi lot * lirtall thu princljtl liuslnem Htreeta of OnuluuTlvg fioui $ X > * o $7.000 each. Two hundred hotu < tM and loU ranulnff from MO to > fl6OUl , and located in u > cry purt cl the city , Lareo number ol excdlentfamiK in DauaUK , Harp ) , Suundew , Ihid u , VS'abhlntftnn , Hurt , fcud othtr good . ouiitUi In lantern Nebro l.a. Bemis' REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 15th and Douglas Street ,