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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1881)
\ r 1 HE OMAHA DAILY BEE ELEVENTH YEAE.OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 26 , 1881 , NO. 160 "YOU CANT DO IT. " When wo came to Omaha to intro duce the DUKE OF DURHAM Ci- jrarctte , sonri people said , "You can't do it , " as so many others have tried it and failed , mid the trade are dis gusted , etc. Wo never had any doubt that the DUKE OF DURHAM Cigarette - otto would meet with popular favor and sell rapidly , knowing it to bo made df the BEST North Carolina Tobacco , wrapped with the BE-VT nco paper , and AIJSOLUTKIA" frco of DRUGS. You BCO , wo give consumers credit for knowing a good thing when they have tried it , and then wo thousjhtlnw comfortable the fooling ( when enjoying a leisure smoke ) TO KNOW that you are not absorbing injurious drug ) . Wo are mutually interestedAjm this matter of puru Cigarettes. If the DUKE OF DURHAM are tju- PUR EST nnd BEST , of course , ! will continue to use them ; if not , yon wont. So wo concluded to call your attention to tljem through the nows- papcrs and toll you frankly all about thorn , and induce you to try them and then lot them speak for themselves. IVo know those are pleased who have tried them , aa they continue to buy thorn , and wo are getting most flatter ing reports from dealora as well aa con sumers. Wo promised moro roporta from ( Jealers yesterday , but wo mot with ono who cooled pur ardor tem porarily. Guess it will bo no harm to tell what he said , but wo withhold his name , street und number. , 'Haven't got them ; don't want them , and shall not keep.them. Can buy and Cigarettes for 50c per 1,000 less and Cigarettes for § 1 per 1,000 less than the DUKE , and I can retail them at aamo price of tlio Duko. " AVoli , wo have somewhat , recovered , and since we have thought the mutter over don't feel much worried , as ho doesn't ' sel'ininyand | hia limitod'sa'os will not affect ns much. Wo appro- bond that it'a because ho docs not keep the bost.but instead tries to palm off nn inferior article at same price , that his trade is BO small. With this exception , wo find most of thu trade disposed to handle the DUKE OF DURHAM Cigarottoa and Tobacco becauio they ARK the BEST and PUREST on the market. Consumer , if you have not tried them yet , you should drop in the first store and buy a package. Shot by a Prostitute. National Associated 1'ioti. ST. Louis , Decomnof 2-t. The inyatery attending the shooting last Sunday night of a man named Fred. Tonkin in the yard of the Second I'rewbytorian church has been cleared up by the confession of KittyLaraont , xi woman of the toivn , who acknowl edges she did the shooting. She claims Tonkin "insulted" her on the street and ahortly after she mot a man to whom she related the circumstance * . They weru on the church stops at the time. As Tonkin approached them her companion handed her a pistol saying , "Hero , give it to him. " After the shooting they both fled. The v.oman claims not to know the man , never having seen him before. From her fltory ho is supposed to bo a drum mer for some wholesale dry goods bouse. Indians Captnrodlhy Mexican * , Natlana Associated 1'rosn WASHINGTON , December 24. Capt. T. II. Baldwin , of the Tenth Calvary , under date of Nov. 2Gth , informs the War Department that about four days before the commanding ollicor of the Mexican forces at and near Del Norto surrounded and captured 44 Indians onAho Don Carlos reservation in Mexico , and that they were out hunt ing at the timo. The other sixteen Iidiana composing the party escaped capture. Thrco of the latter returned and were captured. The rest the Mexican officer expected to capture. Hostates that he docs not know of any Indians being on the American side. Swindlers Arrested. National ABDOO tttod I'rew. BUFFALO , Docouibor 25. Claude L. E. Strong and his clerk , George Schenior , have boon arrested by the United States marshal , charged with using the United States mails for the purpose to defraud. Strong has boon advertising in eastern papers under the name of the Buffalo Rubber com pany that ho would send watches and jewelry on receipt of ono dollar. Rations for Quarantined Indians. National AwodatcJ 1' . eu. PKMIIINA , Dak. , December 24. Captain Collins , commandant of Fort Pombina , bos forwarded 1,000 rations to the Chippowas , who are reported starving on their reservation on account of the small-pox quarantine. Guilty oi Trespass- National AtsucUted 1'rew. MADISON , Wis. , December 24. II. B. Mills , a prominent citizen ol Millston , this state , has boon found guilty of trespassing on government timber land to the extent of nearly ? ; } , ooo , - -n follow Fever in Yucatan- BROWNSVILLE , Texas , December 24. The Mexicin Nowa says yellow ever is raxing in Toximecua and Tojiak , Yucatan , many soldiers dying oil' . Secretary National Amociat d r'8- . WASHINGTON , December 2 --See- - rotary Folgor leaves for homo to morrow , or on Monday at the latest having been detained hero by pressure of business. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. The House Committee on Elec tions Preparing for Worfc , Ex-Senator Sargent , of Califor nia , to be the Man for the Interior Department. , Several Changes to bo Made in the Diplomatic Corps nt Washington. tfiioollnuooni Note From the Na tional Capital * CAPITA ! . NOTES. National Awocla'til 1'n-M I'OSTKSTBD KLKCTIONa. WASIIISOTON , December 25. Bo- 'ore the holiday recVis fairly aot in , yalkina , chairman of the house com uitteo on elections , got his committee .ogotliur , appointed clerks and set the iiachinery in motion to prepare work 'or the committt.'o on the reassembling of congress in the contested olcnlioii cases. Thuro ia a great deal of print- tig necessary to be done before tlu-j- can bo taken up for consideration , even by ' sub committee. These .tapers lib clerks are now engaged in irrauging" ' nnd Bonding to the printer aa rapidly as possible. Nt ) mooting of thu committee will bo held during the holidays. EXOllfH Ol' MKiHIKllS. It has bean the nubjcct of comment by the oldest inhabitant , that he has never before aeon Washington so without members of congress during the holidays. This goueral exodus is duo in the main to the increased fa cilities and comforts for winter travel , which bus been introduced , in the past few years. With the exception of the gentleman from Oregon , there is not a member who could not'reach homo and return. It is not surpris ing that with thu comfortable palace cam that most ot them prefer avail ing themselves of the oppor tunity , to remaining hero with little or nothing to do. TUB I.OWKU DKl'AUTSIRNTS , as the postollico and interior depart ments are called , have been ummially dull in tlio past week. In reality nothing baa been done , owin to thu uncertainty that prevailed as to who would bo Called over them. This un certainty has bocn removed aa to ono department , and Hon. T. O Howe will , it is believed , bo sworn in aa postmaster general on the 2d ot Janu ary. At present Postmaster General James is away spending the holidays in Now York. First Assistant Iluttun has gone to his Iowa homo tor the holidays , leaving Second Assistant Elmoro in charge. Secretary Kirk- wood's tenure of oflieo in the interior department is well nigji run , and the best informod-sources ira'mo Hon. A. A. Sargent , Formerly senator from California , as his successor. A num ber of vacancies exist in the depart ment to bo filled upon the appoint ment of a secretary. The commis sioner of railroads is now temporarily filled by Assistant Attorney General McCammon ; the ollico pays 8tf > 00 per year. A like vacancy exists in the patent ollice , owing to the recent resig nation of Commissioner Marble. For both positions there are numer ous applicants. Several vacancies ex ist in the board of Indian commission ers , which are , however , but honorary positions. The census oflice , which is attached to this department , has so nearly completed its work that a goii oral'dischargo is expected between the 1st and IfIh of January. A few clerks will bo retained , however , and the ollico kept running to prepare work. FOIIKIGN JIEI'IIKSEKTVTIVKS 1)EI'AUT1N . Tlio number of foreign ropio on- tativcs about to take tlioir dopurt- uro renders the duties of the state department partmont somewhat more burdor.some than usual at this time ot year. Uiiron Schosser. the German minister , who has represented the Gorman em pire in this country for the past ten years , will sail for Italy January iHh. Ho will in future represent hii coun try at Home. M. U irtholomew , the Russian minister , will in a few days leave the city for Philadelphia and Now York , and in January will s.iil for Europe. It is not likely ho will return to this country as the repre sentative of his govern munt. The Japanese minister leaves in a fuw days , as does also Chin Lan Pin , who has ropresanted China hero so ably for some time. MISOELfcANKOUH NOTK.H. After the holiday a it is expected 'i o action lookingto entering suits against di/faulting contractors will promptly bo taken by postoflicc of ficials and the attorney general. At the White House nothing in business waa done save to send to the president in Now York a number of commissions for signature to make good thosonato'a confirmation. It ia stated that Representative Kasaon , of Iowa , will bo inado chair man of the inter-ocoanio committee , when appointed by the speaker. Now Railroad National Auoi-Utod 1'rtbi. SFRINOKIELD , III. , December 25. The secretary of state issued papora licensing the incorporation of the Paris , Montezuma & Northeastern railroad company. Tlio principal of. fice is to be at Paris , 111. Capital , $250,000. The road ia to be extended from Peoria in a northeasterly direc tion to the Indiana atato line , A Hard Old Man. AMOi-tetoU I'IBW. LOUIHWJ.B , Deconibr 25. Dr. 11. Morton attempted suicide hero yua terday by severing a blood-vossol ii the log with a ra/.or. Ho was discovered ored in time to prevent blooding tti death. Ho is .seventy years old , with a wife from whom ho has been seeking a divorce , und fourteen children ! Since leaving hia wife ho has twice akon a woman of ill repute to live with him , but hia family drove the woman away. Uoforo attempting sui cide ho wrote hia will nnd gave it tt > R Catholic priest , but ho was known .o have no prjpcrty. Ho is boliored to bo insane. The Troa ary NktlonM A ocUtc < l Trcm. WASHINUTON , December 24. The treasury anborditiatcB , whoso nomei invo been identified with the contiii- ont fund Hcandal now being invosti- iatcd ; , nro asking for an investigation with open doors. They insist that it "s only fairness to them that they { now what in being said of them in .ho senate. Hon. NVarrou Ilatonmn , of Cincin nati , who was recognized as Slier- nun's political manager , arrived hero : his morning , presumably at a call of ; ho committee and at the name : imo aoo after other matters connected ivith the investigation. WAHIHNOTON , Uocmnbcr 25Tho senate committee investigating the iroamiry expenditures hai bad before thoni Mr. Moultnn , a brotlior-in-law f ox-Secretary Shennin , nml W. A. llatemen , the men who nvinajjcd Sherman's canvass prior to the Chicago cage convention. The stricteit se crecy is maintained by the noiifttors and witnesses , but from the earnest ness with which the iiivi'ptigation is oswd , the sessions lasting live or six hours a day , an impression pre vails that more than was brought out by the Melino committep , has been disclosed. It is rumored o-day that inquiry will bo directed to. thu rela tions existing between Sherman's campaign bureau and the treasury de partment. Sherman waa at the capitol - tel to-day , and placed his couimittee room and library at the disposal ot the oilicflr in attendance awaitltfgioxamw- nrttigp , ndvrenittinod with thorn1 some tinte' \ Postoi&oo Cloiioil nn Account of Small-Pox WASHINGTON , December 24. An order was issued by the poatotlico fttf- ' partmcnt closing tbo postoflico at Walla Walla , Washington territory. This action is made neces sary because of the prevalence of small-pox there in a very malignant form. Some three weeks ago the postmaster waa stricken down , and his sureties were placedjin charge. Tr.- day the post master general was in formed that ono of the sureties bad died of the disease , hetico the order cloMnir tbo ollic'i for the present. NKW YOUK , December 25. It was stated last night that ono of the cash girls in ono of the largest and most popular stores in tnis city waa sent away Buffering with email-pox. CHIUAOO , Docombi'r 2-1 , The ar rival at New York of the steamship Westphalia , with twelve hun dred ateerago passengers infected with smallpox , nearly all of wlv-mi are , booked for points weat of Chicago , haa caused considerable alarm here nnd has boon the subject of a lively telegraphic correspoiidoncti between Health .Commissioner DoWolf , the State Board of Health , and the medical ollicor inchargo of the quarantine at Now York. If the pro tests of the Illinois authorities against the scattering of these CSBOH through out the West are not heeded , the state board will use all its power to protect itself. Rifle Shooting in Georgia. National AHocfato < l Pram * . ATLANTA , Ga , December 25. Thor r flo tournament under the auapicca of the Gate City guard closed yester day after a five days' contest , during which seventeen matches were de cided. The prize presented by the American Watch company of Waltham , ftl.ifls. , for the 1000-yard contest , was won by Capt. J. F. Burke , of the Gate City guard. The Tiffany trophy for lonu range shooting was won by the ITion Iliflo club , of Now York. The diamond badge of the K Jaccard Jowi-lry company , of St. Louis , was won by W. L , Haynie , of the Gate City guard. The Howe Scale com pany's prize was won by Col. W. N. S. Hurgwynp , of Babimore. The riflemen were entertained last night by the Gate City guard. They passed flattering resolutions of thanks to Capt. Burke and his command and others for th' , ' admirable manner in which the tournament was conducted. This movement inaugurated long raniio shooting in the south , and the Piedmont rifle range will bo enlarged for a contest between the riflemen ot Europe and America next August. The visitors leave for their homes to day delighted with their visits Ohio Crniadori- National A > o < htt-U I'rem XUNIA , O. , December 25At 3 o'clock yesterday morijing the villatro of Codurvillo , situated on the Miami river , eight miloa from here , was visi ted , by a band of masked men sup posed to bo eighteen , being composed of villagers , and every saloon with its contents was completely demolished. The excitement is intense , OH the damage - ago will roach into the thonsvnda. There waa great havoc played with the flxtuicH of the saloons ; liquors wore poured out in the sewer , and the build ing ] almost torn down. The proprie tors of the places were unable to pro tect their property against thu inva ders. Arreit of a Fur Thief. National A * oclat < vj I'rvni , CINCINNATI , December 25. Oscar Byrne * , the fur thief arrested in Now York for the theft of $5,000 worth of furs in Grand Itapida , in the aamo man arrested here some time ago for the Hurkhardt fur robboiy und re- Icasod for lack of evidence , Chief of Police Hiley , of this city , informed the authorities at Grand Ilipida that Byrnes was in the latter place at the time of the robbery , which informa tion Byrnes' arrest. Railroad Attauliud. National A-noolatuil I'run SAN KiiA.vuJhUO. December 25. The Nevada & Oregon railroad waa attached for 817,000 yesterday by Messrs , Manning & Berry , on account of supplies furnished. GRAVEYARD INSURANCE. The Oiirse That Das Been Best ing on Eastern PonnsylTania. ADiogustod Policy Holder Or- eaninoB a Grand Expose of the Swindling Schorao , And InvltoB Hia Follow Swindled - dlod Prom All tbo Ad joining Regions. Ami tlir Bopi Have I ot of Fun nt tbo Funeral- Nttlonil AiMOclnUxl fro * ) . UHADINO , Pa. , December 25. The graveyard insurance business of Kuat- urn Pennsylvania is dying out because of the failure of many of the friuulu- lent organizations to pay tlioir death losses. In this county alone there linvo boon put in operation thirty 6f thoao fraiulufuut companies , nnd aomu of thorn paid but tivo dollars upon policies of n thousand , and after deaths hnvo actually figured thuir policy holders into their debt. Thus. Iloydt , nn influential nnd prominent poliiician nf District town * ship , this county , has been vury badly swindled. Mr. Iloydt i a rotiroil farmer residing near lleydtstown , a celebrated tavern in Eastern Berks county , midway between Head ing and Allontown. Uo held policies on a number of people from 80 to 85 'years ' of ago , amounting in all to S. > 0- ' 000. Ilia assessments averaged on jthcao $ 150 per month , .ind often reached § 50 per wook. Being wealthy , ho paid his asscssmontn promptly un til they had reached the sum of sev eral thousand dollars , when ho begun to grow uneasy about the returns. The other dny one of his risks expired , the subject dying at the ago of 8. ) . Mr. Iloydt had $4,000 in this policy and had paid assessments upon it for live months , and two weeks after the death the insurance company made some technical objection to a settle ment , and these grow so exasperat ing that nt last Mr. Iloydt , taking witnesses to establish thu death , went to Lainsburg , hoadquir- tora of thu company , to collect Jiin claim. The company was the Penn sylvania Mutual Insurance company , und after Iloydt'a board bill had run beyond that sum , the otl'tco of the company gave him $197 in full for his claim. The settlement opened his eyes , and lie started nn investigation which convinced him ho had fallen into the trap of a eiganlic swindle , and ho determined to publicly expoao the whole business , nnd burn bis re maining policies. Upon his return borne he sent out invitations to all persons hu know who had been invest ing in graveyard policies to attend a meetingjbfor the purpose of bear ing tho'Btory of his experience. The discussion which it engendered opened the eyes of hundreds who were Dwindled and his invitations wore for mally accepted by scores. When the nrran emeiita for the meeting wore concluded it was determined to have nt the tavern a grand cremation of fraudulent policies with proper cere monies and such full exposure of the graveyard insurance business as might crush it out forever. The committee of arrangements found reason to believe - liovo that policies amounting to 2- 000,000 would bo surrendered for ere' mation. The features of the demon stration were canvassed in all adjoin ing counties nnd every possible thiiifj was done to make it successful fatted bullock was bough I by subscription by the swindled policy holders and was roasted , pnrtol the feast to bo served to the assembled mourners. Yesterday morning all roads leading tollcydt's were thronged for miles with people afoot und in nl sorts of vehicles , making their way t < the insurance funeral. At noon then were assembled delegations fron Herlca , Lohigli , Northampton am Montgomery coudties , nnd from tin cities of Heading , Aliunlowii and L.uiciiitor , and from nearly every vil lage in Southeastern Pennsylvania Soon after two o'clock u number o policy holders who had assembled ui I luffs churc'i , two miles away , ar rived with n cornet bun at thuir head. Four blncl horses gaily companioned drew th ( chariot , and in the rear followed i long procession of vehicles. Tin arrivnl of this largo delegation eannoi an outburst of enthusiasm which win prolonged and loud. A meeting wni promptly organi/ed in the hotel bj calling Thomas Iloydt to thu chair The following additional oflicors won oilmen : Vice-Presidents , Charloi Boyer , tlelTorson Itanch , Jacob Fron hcisor. Joseph Kemp , D.miol Hong Comud Ely. Abraham Bunfiold , Join Iloydt , U. II. Land ! * , Jerome Reich err , Samuel Herbert , James Sclmfor James Koippurt ; secretaries , Naihanio Iloydt , Peter Dotteiro , Adiim Monch The policy holders delivered their pol icica , traiiHfor certicatos , assussmeni rolls , and all other paper * in their pps session relative to the assembly in sured secretaries , who arrayed then in proper shape for cremation. A pine cotlin which had boon ijrovidec in which to burn them WBB discardci for a unique proposition nmdo b ) President Iloydt , who suggested ( pole dance , a la Indian , viz , the burn ing of policies suspended from a pole while the policy holders ar ranged themselves in a rinf around thu same and engage ) in thu wildest antics. After u pro cession had buen formed nnd u rotiti passed over , the pole , with the pnli cies attached , wan raited in the centei of the cross roads and a lighted tore ) applied. While thu pupers wen shriveling up and burning , nyoll o delight echoed from hill to lull , mu the wild dancu of joy commenced ti the music of thu band , who playei the popular tune known us the Kul/ town Uoel. The 5250,000 soon did appeared in the winds , and thu itsaom aembly repaired to thu hotel un < thronged the festive board. The jol lification terminated by n grand frolic , in which dancing wna the principal feature , and in which nil the lads and lasses of tlio vicinity participated , W Vs BiutnMtH in HailotMl AiMKUtut PrvM. OIIIOAOO , Docombcr 25. Notwithstanding - standing aomo rnthor serious draw backs , Chicago has experienced an other remarkably successful week and the amount of husinoM transacted In the majority of the prominent depart ments of commerce 1ms greatly ex ceeded nny previous year in the history of the western metropolis , The banks and the Chicago stock board hare greatly enlarged their operations , while the real estate Intoreiils luvo taken a boom that has astonished thu most aanguino. To a vary large extent the prosperity has been perfectly legiti mate , and a tendency toward conservative vative methods of doing business 1ms been steadily increasing over since the memorable 18711 In thu general mer cantile trade of the city there has boon a noticcad bsonco of the rash anoc- nlation of aomo former years. The increased aatcs of the great ntnplo ar ticles of life , endi as dry goods , gro ceries , lumber , etc. , have bocn mainly duo to an increase in consumption , for the vast western country bus buen in creasing HH population enormously. In thu banking line , the patronage enjoyed has nlso undergone a nub- ttlantial increase. During the twelve months ending the 1st of last October the deposits of thu national banks Imvo increased from $ Mt > 0\15r ( , in 1880. to $0(5 ( 57G.2H ; in 1881. On October last the deposits of the banks belonging to the clearing house wore 80liOi,8U2 : ! : in oxcoas of the amount returned on the same dnto of 1880 , the nggrogato Ikniroa being SJt > 0-17lV 708 in 1881 , as against § 59,075,800 , in 1880. The clearings so far for th year 1831 were 82.190,011,081' , against Sl,72o , < ! 8V-2J : for 1830 , and the balances $ i03filKi,4-M ! against 01 7,4n ,4H4 for the your 1880. In the grain trade the business was by no means discouraging , though the nggrogiito amounts will ahow n falling oil'of twenty million buahols , but as the receipts last year wore specially largo , this reduction can in no wise bo construed an unfavorable for the city or its future trade. With thosinglo exception of 1880 the arri vals in 1881 were the heaviest in the history of the city. Local puckers and the general trade in the hog product Imvo hud many un favorable intluoncos to contend with during 1881 in the prosecution of thuir business , but they have met them in good spirit and are able to close the year with no loss of ground. A falling oil' in the supply of hogs , ns compared with preceding years , very naturally reduced the number slaugh tered nnd makoa the returns less grat ifying Ha far us magnitude- con cerned. The receipts for the year include - cludo 1,474720 cattle , l ,400,7 , 7 hogs and 48,79r ! ) > sheep. There were 1,305,000 hogs slaughtered during tin year. The killing capacity ia now 71 ,000 daily ; _ The Latcmt Walking Match. NjtlonM Awoclated I'rv * * . NKW YOUK , December 25. All preparations for the six days' walking match at the rink were perfected last night. The entries comprise Frank Hart , Fred Krohno , Harry Howard , Uenj Cnrran , John Cox , Richard Lacrosse , Pat Fitzgerald , Alfred Ebon , George Florence , Dominick Oottinge , D J. Henry , Peter Edwards , Wil liam Waldo , John Ennis and Large Filiold. Hurt and Howard are the fav ' orites , the bookmuking b.iing to U tt 1 agninst Howard , 4 to 1 against Kn- nis , 5 to 1 : nrainst Krohuo and Fit * gerald , and from 8 to 1 to fiO to 1 , ucainat the others. Hart , Krolmo Fitzgerald and Howard have all covered ored over 5'JO miles in six day * . Obituary- National Aiwoclatml I'ross. NKW YOKK , Dccomber tJii. MIB John Hone , sister of Mis. .Angus Bclmont , and daughter of the latt Commodore Culbrnilli Perry , coin miindor of the United States expedi tlon to Japan in 1852 , lu-ico of Com modoio Oliver Hazard Perry , the hen of Lake Erie in ICoU , und grand daughter of Christian Itityinond Per ry , cnmnmmlor of nn American priva- tuer in tin ) revolnl'on , and olio of tin early American naval captains , died wired 05 at her homo in Morriiitowu N. J. , yesterday. Mnriiin Intellisonon- National Associated Prim. Nuw YOUK , Ducomber 21. --The Olymjiia for the Meditorrnn ean , the City of Uorlin for Livnr pool , the Canada for Liverpool , tin France for London , the Circassia to ; fJlnsgow , the Odor for JJromen , tin lielgeiiland for Antwerp. Arrivi'd- The Hhytdand from Ant wurp , the Doran from Bruraon , tin Denmark from London. HAVKK , December 24. Arrivod- The Labrador from Now York. Schooner * Iot. Kfttlontt Aiwuclkted I'imt. OTTAWA , Out. , December 25 , Tin schooner Young lirothors , of ( Jodrey N. F. , from St. John'n , waa lost a Miquolon with tlieontiio crow. The schooner J , Morton from Mel ighum , was wrecked and lout at Potor' Island lodge , Friar's Island. Tin ) schooner Exponnu , from [ Liver pool , N. 8. , on Wi-dnfsday , with tw passengers , was driven by the atom into Itay Cross , and capsized off Hhicl Hock light , and sank with all uboard Daatlt of an Old Postmrmtcr. K tloiul A oci to I'rww. SCKA.NTON , Pa. , December 25Join Moore , the first postmaster of Scran ton , died hero yi stcrday , ugud aovunly four yuan , Mr Moore was appoints postmaster in 1850. Stro t Murtlur , Nut ooul AxHndittvil l'ruH , LOUIHVII.M : , December 21.On th htreots of Lexington * Ky. , wJfilo th strt-utH wore crowded with jtuoph John Stevenson was shot and kille by Joe Lawson , who eawpod. Hot parties are colored , ST , PETER'S SUCCESSOR. Substance of His Address at tlio Cardinals' Reception , Ho Claims That Hie Situation in Becoming More nnd More Intolerable , And Throatous to Leave Rome if Thorois not a Ohau n of AfTt\ira Soon. The Mlioollnnoon * Novro That Cnmo Over the Cabin- THE POPE. cUtrit I'ITRX. HIS AtUlltKHH TO TIIK O UOMR , December 25. The Pope , n bin address to the Curd it mis at his recaption of thorn yesterday , npoko bitterly of his situation. Ho said hia position woa hrcomming moro and more intolerable. Hu had boon so ru- ducod in hia ollico , ho Raid , ho WM compelled of noccessity to pnrform the recent canonization without. much of the accustomed splendor , and was personally insulted through thojo cnnoni/.jil. If ho continued ho claimed tompnral power for the purpose of defending ilia spiritual porogativoa. Ho was tu- cased of being a rebel against his stale and the enemy of Italy. Cath olics who petitioned for guarantees of freedom for the head of the church were branded with the H.UUO epithota. The press and populace com bined to insult the pilgrims to the Holy See. It was nat ural , therefore , that'tho bishops should reach the conclusion that the existing position of the successor of St. Peter waa altogether incompatible with the dignity inherently holonuini ! to the head of the Church of Christ. The address was intornroted to moan pus * itively n threat to leave Uomo if the appeal to Catholic power failed to Kocuro a mitigation of thu civil em- barrasatnont now undoubtedly sur rounding thu papacy in Italy. FOREIGN NEWS- NfttlonM Amoclatctl lrutu. OSCAR Wll.DR. LONDON , Doccmbor 25. Oscar Wilde , the chief representative of iitstlioticism , sailed from Liverpool Saturday on the steamship Aii/.mm , bound for Now York. Lorillard'n scheme for rapid transit between the United States and Eng land has buen under consideration hero tor some time. An Entdisli company have taken it up Milford ford has boon uhoseii as UK port by an inlluontial association , headed by the earl of Dunruvon , who has nmdo : i special study of the sub juct , and is well informed as to tin details. Dunravon'a 'project won It nmko the passage in abuul seven days. At this momon 1 however , capital could not bo oh tainod , but a strong desire is now expressed - pressed to see thu plan carried out und it is vury likely < thai Lorillard's scheme will bi amalgamated with Dunravon'a KCBSIAV MA-rrr.iiH. Sr. PKTIIC.SIIL'IU : > , December 2. i. A man was soi/.od while picking pockoti in Holy church at Warsaw , when tin cry of lint was raised , which created i panic among I ho congregation , win rushed for the doors which hocanu blocked with a dense mass , Thirt ; pursoni were killed by being cruihei , and trampled upon , and hundreds > chietly women , injured. Last night a woman pick-pocket , , caused a riot by making ai outcry when arrosted. During th riot numbers of Jews' shops am houpcs were gutted. Thu police wur unable to put down thu people , am were badly injured in iho attempt The military then appeared and anp pressed the rioteni , nnd are still pa trolling the disturbed ( | imrt ( > rn. The nihilist mooting that was bull in a suburban quarter of St. Peters burg was broken up by the polivu yea ( onlay and a hiimber of nihilists ar roHtud. The plot revealed was to as Bitssinato the c/.ir . while ho wax goini through Karavan street from th palace to St. Michael's riding school Thuro is great indignation felt ovc the conduct of the president of th Eastern Siberian administration , wh refused to telegraph thu arrival of th survivors of the Jotinnotto bucaus they had no funds to pay for the inei sago , The result ia that the lire nowa of their safecy waa two month and a half on the way. HUHl'KCTH IN JAIL. DUIIJ.IS , Ducomber 25. Thoru nr UDO prominent Irishmen in jail witl : out trial , but the talu of agrarian ou ! rages doou not decrease , althouc tliero are now , counting the constal uhiry with the military , 59,000 anne moil in the country. ( { KHUN , December 24. The Prui iiiaii cabinet council has agreed to th principle of u bill for the revision ci the May or Falk lawn , newly d < Tilling the relations whic shall in future subsist between 111 state and the I Ionian Catholic churcl ThiH decision on the part of the cab net hua boon brought about by tli personal influence of Prince liismarcl I who has boon nmdo to undurstan that ho could count on the support tlio Catholic party only on thu cond tion that the rights of the churn should bo revered to her if the bi passes , which is very probablo. Tli most obnoxious and stringent pn visions of thu many laws whioh ai practically now a dead letter are to I renewed LONDON , December 21. Thu lion secretary to day decided advnmnlv I thu petition of 40,000 eiti/.oiis of Km land praying for the remission of tl remainder of the aontenco imposed c I huso found guilty of bribery in tl Handwich and M > iccli > sliold election Di'iiUN , Docombor2t. Tliol'nno i > Hto\rn \ races at which the chiuf IrL meet takes place , Iwrbceii abandoned by threatened attaclm of the "No Uentora. ' NUtontl AmocUloJ I'tww. CINCINNATI , December 34. By fire this afternoon in Pcrin & CO.'B matt hoiine. 1'J.OOO huihclff of barley and 0,000 bushels of malt \ ere dam aged. Lom , $20,000 ; covered by in surance. NKW YOUK , December 24. A fire at 10:110 : in the largo bonded warehouse - house of Covert Acker t Co j 71 and 71 ! South atreot , destroyed Roods of an estimated value between § 400,000 and 8CiOO,000. The goods were in bond owned by Many , Mnnrhcnd-ifc Co. , and Frank Griswold. Merchants also occupied the building , and lese by the lire. A tire occurcd thin oronttu in the building nt Hroadway and Franklim occupied by Tr.wors it Colgate , W. 'I. Moore t Co. , dealers in fancy dress goods ; Alvah , Hall it Co. , nunufacturors of uinbrollaa ; John Stewart , dealer in ailk and linen , and Samuel Rirnn , mannfacturor of knit Hoods. Total loss , nearly 3250,000 ; fully insured , Heavy N'ntlntinl AuiK'I ItoaioN , December 25. In the unit of Mary K. Parker against the Boston it Albany railroad , tried in the super ior court , the jury retuinod n verdict of ? : iUOpO for the plaintill1. Thin was a suit to recover damages for per- so-ial injuries received by tlio plaint'lF ' while in the act of stepping oil" tho. defendant's cars in Newton. Arrival from Avonnil the Horn- National A intlntl rrr i SAN FitANCtM'o , December 25. The ship , Lady Liszard , two hundred and fifty days from Amsterdam , and eighty-four dayn from llio , where aho rapaired damages , arrived San Diego , \ Cal. , with ono thousand two hundred and seven tons of atoi'l rails for the California Southern railroad. Wreak Reported. National Awmchtml I'riin. Sr. Joii.v , N. B. , Ducomber 25. The schooner Tvico , which put into this port for harbor , reports thtbrig - nntino Annie Bogart , from Parraboro , coal laden , was wrecked at Grind Sti no island , in the Hay of Fundy , on Thursday night , and three of her crow drowned. hy au Auditor. Natlonnlwnclv.ixl frcm. NKW AUK , N. .1. , Djcomber ' _ ' . " > . Saturday a ! ? 10,000 forgery by Auditor Piilmor win discnvorod. Ho forged the name of Andrew Kirkpatrick to IL bogus claim , an alleged Washington iissossmunt , and indorsed the warrant "F. A. Palmur , attorney , as author iV.od. ' - Jack Havoi-ljr in Frisco. N attonal AuroclaUtl ITOM. SAN FitANOiHt'o , Decombpr 25. The California theatre , , thoroughly renovated , owmod [ last night ( with ; Michael Stro oir to ono of the largest , houses over had. It ia now under tht ! ownership of .1. H. Haverly and man aged by Charles L. Androwa. Fotally Bnrned. National AMoflatcil 1'n-M Bumroi , , Pa , December 25. Michael ' the man-of-war St. ael O'MiloH , of - - Louis , now at Philadelphia , while on leave of alienee , was found yesterday lying in the bottom of a canal bout fa tally burned , his leg * being charred to thu knees. Indication- National Av-odatoil I'd m. WAHIHNOTON , December 2C. For the lower Missouri valley : Fair weather ; northwest winds , generally backing to southerly , stationary or i lower temperature in the south portion ' i tion and higher in the north portion. Hold Thrnn Yearn and Then Die churned. National Awoclntvd 1'ruuB. NKW VOIIK , December 2-1. .ludco Doiiohnu in the supreme court to day discharged William K. Gray , who nearly three years ago wan charged. witb altering county bonds of tho- Htato of | Now York. 1 T " . Electric Xjiftht In IionUvillo- National A-isoclatoil I'ri'HH. December 25. Ar- rangumonta are now compluted for the fntroduc ion of electriu lighto. Light waa turned on the first time last night , and a largo number of buildings illuminated. Slipped Off the Roof. National Annovmtort 1'runn. RIUHMOND , December if ! > . James T , Tyroo , superintendent of construc tion of the now grain elevator , acci dentally slipped from the roof of tlm building yesterday , und was instantly killed. The Canadian Parliament- National Awoclatixl I'rooi OTTAWA , December 25. Parlia ment is called to meet Thursday , Feb ruary Oth. _ FACTS THAT WE KNOW. If you arc sullunng from a rtor ro cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con sumption , loss of voice , tickling iu , the throat , or any direction of thu throat or lungs , wo know that Di : . KI.NII'H NKW DIHUOVKKV will givo-you immediate relief , Wo know of kttri- ; , dri'd.4 of cases it baa completely cmtd ; } idof and that where all other niedicincH of hail failed. No other remedy ctin lijh ahow ono half as many pennanunb jh cures. Now to give yon satisfactory ill proof that Dr.'ri Nr.w Dwoov- 10 KUV will euro you of Asthma , Ikon- uhitis , Hay Fuvur , Consinuption , So- robe vuro CoiigliH and Colds , IhmrHuntwi , bono or any Throat or Lung Disease , if yon will call at .1. K. IHII A ; MoMAVON * note Drug Store you can get a trial to fruo of coat , or a regular ni/.o bottltv fur § 1.00. _ ianllly(2) ( ( ) hu nn Coinu ami see my etoek and com ho pare prices. Firm new iowclry ntorofc is. ooutlioaat coruor of Eleventh WM. NfcVE. I