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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1881)
G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : T UURSDAY DECEMBK 15 , 1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS. A Gorman Floonoil of S100 or tlm Northwestern Train , The "Bnggatfo Master" Qauic Worked on Him to Por- fuctiou. Mysterious Proceeding Con cerning a Hack and Its OccupauU ? . A Pocket Picked by Three- Card Monte Men on a Train. Grand CnmldR P.irty Tjy the AO. . ol II , , nucl Hcsono's Prlzn Bnll > John , si reRjiuctnlilo looking and apparently well infunnuil ( toniinn from Clar/t , Mtirriclc county , Nebraska , got caught by nhurpurn in this city ycBtcrdny morning while in transit to kochustor , N. Y. , who , us Morse nayi , Hcomcil to bo well acquainted with his friunclfl thuro. florae fools cheaply enough ovcrtho affair as ho snpponotl lie was nblo to dotuut linneat inun nmongftt rogues. Uo sayn it was only about two or three wccl < u ngo that ho read an nccount in TUB UKI : of n con- lid unco KIUIIO Buccussfully carried out in this city and ho niado up ! iin mind lo keep out of it ; but , alas ! his human niaturo was too weak. Hu wit's taken in and now knows how it is hiniHolf. Ho nrrivcd at the depot in thin city Tuesday night , , but too late to liilco the NurUiwnstern train houiiil cant , . Ho waited until yealordny morning , wlion ho camu to Council IJluHri , and with n friend with whom he hud bo- coino ocquaintud on thi'ir way to Omaha , ho boarded the train and took a neat. Before the ( rain ntartcd u man came through the train having upon his cap the words "Buggnqo Mas ter N. P.jU. U. " Hofltoifpudup to Ins' friend and wanted to know how it wim iibuut the freight. The follow jumped y/ > , "Freight , whyg - d it , I shan't ipajihut until I got to Chicago. That was the understanding when I shipped it. " The baggage man replied that it was only billed to Council BlullU and before it wont further the freight must bo paid , amounting to about § 1-00. T ho follow liondod him -u ii&aclc on a bunk in Kansas City , Vigncd by "Chair and TuMo , " icquost- ing him lo take his money out of that. The pretended baggage man said ho did not want it , whim hi * friend re plied : "You don't ' dispute that chock- do you ? " The follow to the trick ex amined the check and returned - turned it with tlio remark that it was as good as gold. Ho know the bank well but ho could not" chan o it. Mr. Sharper No. 1 then turned to his friend from Olnrk , Nob. , and asked him if ho would bo kind enough to loan him the § 100 , remarking - ing that ho could keep the chock for security until they got to Chicago , where they could easily got it ciuliod. Mr. Morse looked at "Baggagemav tor" on sharper No. ii'w cap and con- eluding , ' 'Wull , really , now this looks ull light ; the § 1,800 check is ninplo security. I nhun't need my money until we got to Chicago. Corlainly a U.'J1. baggnjjonuistur would not say thai tuo check was as 'cootl IIH gold if it wasn't truu , " mid buforo the mihor pncond thought was upon ho pamod Slmrpor No. 1 the . $100 , wlio iiumudiutely passed it to Sharper No. 2 , who had "Bug ago Muster" on his cap. The two thun passed out of th'J train to attend to shipping the freight , while pur Clark friend , wlio wns not quito sharp enough to bo a oluirpur then , but who Hinco has become a little "slwrnor" than he was , rouminud in the car. About the time the train began to move ho had como to tlm conclusion tluit a firm by the niiuiu of Chair & Table might poRnibly need some provisions - visions to initko it puifectly stable. "Chair & Tnblo , Chair & Table , " ho repeated several times ; "certainly Iheio is a mistake1 , " 'Ho rushed frantically out of the oir : and cried for the baggage-master , who could have the heart to deeuivo him. One hundred dollars never looked BO largo to him before. It was all ho had excepting three or four dollars in change. He came to police headnuartors and reported the case and in company with Otllcor Otisii returned to try if possibhi t < > identify the rascals. Not being nblo to do so _ 5Ir. Moreo , from Clark , took the nux train back to Omaha , where ho raise < a Ruflicient num to unable him to visi friends in Michigan , having uban doned his Now York trip. Now it does look as if Ihoro wmt i very important screw loose somuwhoii .about the maniigemunt of a trail whim two mot ) , one wearing in plan view a "biggaan man's" insignia , cai ilueco in such" iimiiuur n too eredn tloun and unsuspecting passenger , \Vo are informed tlmt tlio cit council ims exi ressed u willingness t COUNT THU VOTB AT ONCII , provided the city inn't put to the ei pcii&o of two electioiin ; that is , if tlu can bo assured that a now eleetio -won't bo called until spring. Th may bo the quickest way out after al IN TUB 1IUSHKS. A hack wa i soon out on the button i ; near a cornlield the other nigh Homo jiiirtiuM watched it and from tl inunuvering of a man near the dee < oul play waa suspicioned , Present ! two men left the hack and ran towai the approach to the ( J. P. bridg while the Imek was driven back11 town. What the outcome of tin * pe formanco wa * , wo have not as y learned. If the inmates of the hai were robbed und then thrown in the Missouri , or put out of night uoine way , we in all probability nuv , ahall learn. Then again the who nll'air might have been legitimate , b it certainly was n strange ami stis pioious proceeding , to say the least. ONE OK TIIKfir.AMI RVKSTM of the season will be the firt nnnua' Iwll given in this city at Dolintiuy'r- opera hnuso by the society known M the- Ancient Order of Hibernians i : Tuesday evening , December 20th. Already three hundred tickets hiivo been sold in this city and Oinixlm. A apccial accommodation will bo run , nnd it is expected that a Inruu nutnhei from our sister city will avail tlienv selves of t'io opportuniiy for enjoying , the grand allair. Music will bo fur nished by the Hibernian cornet land of Omaha , in connection with Olkorr. Tickets , admitting uentloinan nnd lady , are placed at $1 00. MOUB AIIOVT MOHSI : . Wo underslaiid that the two hlinrp' ers got a double deal in on Mr. Morse from Clark. Thry not only "confided" him out of $100 but nlso h'H ' ticket , which cost him & ' _ ' < > . It was done in the following manner : Slmrpor No. \ asked Morse how much ho paid for his ticket. Ho replied 82ii. "Why , " said lljo sharper , "I procured mine for S''O. " They then exchanged tickets for mutual examination and the sharper mixed ilium up Hit that poor Morse couldn't toll " 'tother from which. " rii'i'iu's : : rorKirr MCKCII. A man by the name of Pepper from Nanco county , Nebr.iBka , adjoining Morrick county , where Clark is located in which Morse lives , also got salted in this city yesterday. While on the train ho noticed some threo-card monte men roping in it couple of greenhorns , Ho stepped up nnil whispered to them not to take part in the game. While in the act one of the men purloined poor Pepper's pocket-book containing Wo. rni/.i ; LIST. The following is the list of prizes to bo drawn at the grand hall to he given by the ROBCUO engine company on the evening of Januarv 11 , 188L' : HI f'i't un MitiH i | ) htruet , ] , . 18 OIK plat . . $ tiO I. U 1)1 1 I IlnylltH & I Vlmcr'rt mid. . . K : > Jj'lllkl ' " " . . . ] " lifililki ! " " " . . . 150 MOblkir. " " " . . . ILT. l < I blk I. . " " " . . . liio I , ioiikt : " " " . . . 100 | j ± ! hlk ' 'JliuniH' iud ! . 100 I , n blk 10 .Mulllnt' nnb-llvisi ( . 100 JjlililU-IO " " . HO 1,7IIU10 " " . 100 h-l hit : ! " " . 100 IcnsliKl't ' . . 100 f > c.mli gif U , 8.V ) ouch . 2. > 0 10 cash Kifts , .4- ; : ! , um-h . J.'iO ( i' ' cash ( 'lfU , ? . " > each . 'J.iO lOOcinliKlfts , 5.cuch . 'JOO 1L' . " . cash ( , 'iftK , § 1 cadi . 125 M : , r > oo ticket . < : < , ooo The price of amnitHion will be ? ! , and holders of tickets will stand a chunco in the draxving , I'tlAUITY. W. U. Viiuidiun , Ksq-Doar Sir : I wish to make my report of the money collected by the different religious de nominations in this city nnd through you placed in my hands , to relieve the poor that suffered from the overflow of last spring. With the funds placed in my bunds I liuvo relieved forty-four families , with the funds placed in the hands of Hov. Father McMonomy twelve families received aid , making in all fifty-six families. There is still a balance of dollars and twenty-six eigh teen cents (20.18) ( ) on hand which I think should bo placed in the hands of the Odd Follow * of this oily and 1 know they will sue that it in properly spent in relieving the poor this winter. I merely maUo this suggestion on my part. If you think of any bettor way that this money can bo expended for the benefit of the poor I will bo ( > ! < used to pay tlio same over to your order. Hoping this report will bo tiatisfactory to you and the other gentlemen that assisted in collecting this fund , 1 remain moat respectfully yours , A. C. GUAIIAM. THE MAYOU'S IlEl'LY. E.V-ALDKHMAN GIIAHAM : You will please accept my thanks for your ; trouble anil the micccssful distribu tion of the money placed in your hands by mo , which win HO goner- oiiily donated for our unfortunate people by the Ohr'mtiaus of this city. I heartily concur with your sugges tion in hamlini ; the balance ot the imiuimt , S'.H,1S ! , to the Odd Follows' fund , HO iv being raised for the poor of our city. W. II. VAVUIIAN. HIMinn. . Miss Floienco Herbert carried the house by storm in "Littlo Dateitivo , " on Tuesday evening. j-iYixn TUB 1'inni.Kit. In the district court tlui ease ol Scot & Piilmor vs. Mayor Yiuighnn and members of the city couucil tt recover the money expended for wince that Justice liaird pronounced so good , defendants wore granted time to lilt answer , and case postponed until latoi in the term. I'LT Ml' . Tn the case of district township of Minden vs. Kllia et al. to recovoi funds alleged to liavu boon wrongfully expundod by dofmulint while uctinj as trubtees , tlio court found for plain till' in the Bum of 5024. Supp i < Lymiin appeared for Minden , am .lohn Liiull H. 1' for defend ants. ants.Tho The Florence lluibcrt compan his u I.AKS COMKIUAK in the person il Hobt. V , Ferguson Thuro nro worse ways 115 or Til ) cunt can bo spuiit than by attending then uiit-rtuiiiniuiitH during the week. A couple ( if YOU.NO IIKMAI.i : lll.OODS created considerable attention froi tliu hystaiuluri on .Main street yostui day by parading the street , swingiu u dainty Jittlo ivory-lmndled cano un Binuking ciguruttcs. " 'TISN'T ' .so. Olllcor Ousio says the statomunt i Tin : HKK that the school cliildn were exposuil to the smoke from tl old clothing that win burned U mistake ; tlmt ho gave ordorri f Ilium to remain in the school rooi : Huifni'ther status tlmt the dolhii claimed to be infected was not ; it In not been exposed ; it wns only liurm to prevent a. potsibility of any of t ] needs of the disease surviving. Tl liouao occupied by Joe Wise , tlio tin who tended Ira Smith , hns lienn the ( Highly cleaimed and whitewash throughout , 11001) FOU .101I.V , It ie said tlmt John T , llaldw very kindly and generously defray the expense of Ira Smith's sickness and burial , OUANtl AllMY NOT1CK. ( I. A. II. CAMI--FIIIK , ) Am : Li.vroiAPOST No. 2\1 \ , C. 11. , \ D.iparMnent of Iowa , ( J. A. H. will have nn old-fashioned (1. A. U. c.-unp. lire ut their h.ill on Fridny evenitig , December Kith , 1831. All old soldiou nru cordially invited to bu present. Look out for n. uood time and a revival of the old boys in bhio generally. Hill of faro I'ork anil beans , hard tack and codec , BOW bclljnnd salt horse , etc. : also plenty of music , songs recitations , army reminiscences , short speeches , etc. Now brace uj > , vets. IJy order of general committee. C. II. HAUIIIMIN , P. C. PKIISONAL. T. W. Ivoildell , of Cmston , Iowa , wns in thin city yo.itorday and called ntTiiK Hw : ollico. Mr. K. topriBeirts the Patteo plow company , of Monmouth - mouth , 111. NIIW STOf'K YAKIIS. The KOC'K Island railroad have com pleted their -new stock yards , which wore destroyed by thu dynamite ex plosion. TRUTH ATTESTED. SonioImportnutbtatonirmtsorWo Known PnoplnVliolly Varlflod. In order the ) > uilic ) may fully rcillzo 'the iinliivncoH n ( tlio iMa iiL rit < , ,14 ui > ll ni thu > fr ami vnlno nf the nrtlclu of liiih tlioy uilcuomlilMi htriiwltli tto lni-.i < liiillo ' n | > , ) H'ltna- turuDof purllcH wlioio ktuccrlty \ * lion < l ipiov tlnn. Iho Trulli of tlicro t'KtllnniiltN 14 nlnO' lute , nor can thu l.utn they antionncc 1mg \ - norul. OMAHA , Nn : . , Mn ? 31 , 1881. It. It. WARMiitJicCa : Ir. nHinI : II-XVB frc'iuciitly m t Wnrncr't Hau ( Klilnuy ntid Il rr Cnru fur tao. > l affecllnuk nttcnil.iiit upon Butcru rhciiinatl attack * , nnd lii\ < nl ' nyn ilcriinl lieiicllt therefrom. I have iilso iH'il thu Safu Ntrrinolth ratl > f > < ; lnry re- Hiilti. I coiiililor tlii-nu nieJlcli.iH wcnhy of coiillilo ce. Deputy Trraiunr. OWAII. % , NXII , Vnv 21 , 1-81. II. V. W.tRitrii&L'o. , liiM.-hi ttcr , N. Y. : O > MH : I lia\e iisiil your afu Kldtiuy and I IMT C'uro tUn Hprlfiu'iu al Her liul enter , nnd 1 llnil I Uw liiHl leint'ily I ever ( I lin\ d 1 linUtei n it It has mndu 11,11 fret huttei than i'ver 1 ulil lieforo In the V. I' . II. Shopa. OMAHA , Nn , Mtt > - 21 , 1S81. II. it. WARIKH & t'o : Sins : Kor nioro than IF , y nr * I Imvo mtlcreil miuh la oiivenlcncc from rtuulilncil klilncy nnd llMir ( ilstu us. id have IKII.I nn litu to work my nrlii y orjf nsnho bclni * ijficled I tried a nnnv nibitlclnrH nnd ilottorg , lint I ( fiew woriu nnil wor u day by ilay luaitoM I had llrli'ht'H Dlniu-ic , ami I ulHhinl n y-rlf itcnd If I foiilil not hniu spociiy rulicf. I took your Hafo Kulnc'.v nnd Mvcr < uru , ln" lij ; nothing d-u ua1oier knoun tocurutha iHni'nii * , aint 1 hav not Ixrn diviiiJiiolntid. Tn luxllcinu ha enrol mo , ami I nm perfee ly well to-ilnv , entirJy thro KI ) your Sale Ivlilncy and IhurCure I wish jou all slice HS in | iiilillliln ; ; thU valuable rcmoivthruuxh ho win hi. V. V. II. K. Hhop . Tltnnsanilx of < .iiinlly | sironif endoiHemcnts manyofthem In IMHOI vhero h po was ahan- iioni'd hix\u licen voluntarily nln'ii , vhowliiK the ruiuaikalilu iwivver of Warner'i ) Safe Kidney nnd I.htT Cure , In nil il ncasu nf tkv liiilnu > B , liver or urinary oiRanu. If any onn whn reads thU 1m any phy cnl trouble ru < uij.liui the t dilay SOLOMON'S GASH PRICE LIST ! 1204 Farnham St. , OMAHA NEB. , - - - . Preserve It nnd CortiD.iro Prices With Other Ulipper HleiiH lllrlb' ' Upper Sleds o t 41 0 \V.uo i in Uliy ' 'I\JU Chromot W'liiut b'l lAll ) Curved U' lnnt FIUIIKH . JV.I ! Cnnwl JJolto rime * , \Yalnilt . UxllWulnut I'riuiUH . llniultO'l'O Vrhrt Kllilue * . lloom .MoiiMlu , Unliuit or ( lilt , 1 Inch lur loot . Uo m Mnnldlni ; , Wnlimt r ( lilt , U Inch I tr foot . ItrwN Hook * for K MHII MrniMlmi , pirioir. . , I'M ! lloom lvn | > , Ooinpli'lr . I l < u il I.niniH , Coniplitv . hrati llnna Lamp , CiunpUto . . . . I TOM i : : tl Iliu-ket . . . . . Hi oil llroom . , . . . . lli'Ml llroom In Market . Chllit' " liroou. . Hpltt on - , . , , , . l.ltiarv II ( Hai * Uohlct. ( in io n't ) tl d'ai 'Itimhlcrd ( ono > ct ) 1,1'i'ji Ch nn < e.\ < lliiod Uuitir i. . . . Ouu Gallon Oil fun Low Prices for Iron Stone China Ware Unhandlo Tca , per not ( IS pievcn ) . f I Ucmllo Teat , per n't (13 lilivoa ) . . I linlmncllc ColIiT , per vi't ( l''ploi.i'i ) . ( llnndlv ( JolTeiv per net (12 ( piece * ) . i Ono So I'lo Plattu ( II pluvv * ) . < Cue Hit Tea I'latct 111 ploi-en ) . I . nu Hot lrraUist ! : I'lato * ( II plvvcj ) . I Ono Set limner l'lati'4l plocui ) . , . t Co * srwl Tim vim . i Uri-ain I'itchor . . . ; Waih llol anil I Itihur , . I Chambers . ! Tollit SCIH for tint llooim ( it piece * ) . 2 i IHikt 1'ai.i . Sli'ilo DUinondi . , ; I , nkliik. Ol ; t < i , ull Trice . Conduetr > ' lautcrin. jtarTho nlKiToprlrcs KOIl 0 SII , ami you llnd them at Kant 10 to W pr cent. ItiU th : i-liowhero , wo piirdia > c for m li , at the lo\\i ruten. and n-ll lor 0 h Only My cUHtomerB n not olilljiwl to ) y for IOKD of Lad tlobts. a * \ keep no liookH and no c"iir/i' nro , 01' ' ut a trial and be ' convinced , I' | nsiica1l ni prleo ourllootUatuu liavu lliou aiid < | artle ! not inentoimdciitliU bill. n ! , uAorNWelcoine' . w' ' ' ther They Wa HOUSES , For Sale By FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STS , , No. yI'lill : lot fc-nccil and with nnnll build- Inon Capitol A\eiiu * now Sfitli ttrctt.STOO. No. 2i ? , Largo lot or block 20 : > byJ70 feet on Hamilton , ncarlrenu street , iir,00. ! No. 'J. ' < \ Full ecrncr lot on Janes , near ISth utroct , viUXX ) . No. 2KI , Twolot * OH ( 'tutor street , mar Cum- Inir street , > .o. No. 2S2 , lioton Sprucettrcct , ncarO'.h street , 040. 040.No. . 2.11 , T oloti on Sc-narJ , near King ( treat , 9850. 9850.No. No. 2SU , tot on Seuarti , near Klnjf Jtrcct , i--O. > . 211) ) , llaU lot on Dodge , near llth tlrect , No. 21" , Kent beautiful ra > l < IciiM lots , nuar rclKhtnn Colleuor ; will null f'pnrattO.Ji.O' * ' . No. 'Jill , Two toti on Uhaife , near Ciiiu.ii.- struct , glliOuai'h. No. 24(11 ( , Lot on lilaho'near Ciimlnir utrtut , ? 100. 100.No. . 2I.Oi.uaorc lot on Ciiinta ) , ' , ntnr Dutton etreet , iTJO. No. 'JH , Lot on Fnrnliam , near 18th street , if 1,000. No. 213 , Lot ( ill by 1SS Ictt on College streeX. iii'arSit. .Mary's Aviime$550. N'o. 212 , Lct on UJUL'Kw , near -'llth ttrc-et. W6. W6.No. No. 211 , Lot on Karnham , nonr litith t rcct. , * 7GO. 7GO.No. . 2in , Lot ( in by 90 feet on South Avenue , ie r Jla'nnstreet. W > . No. 23V , Corner Irt on llur , ncaj 2'd utruct , J2r.ur. .NO. 2.H. 120xl32 feet on liar 'V , near 24th itrco ( will cut It up ) , ? ,400. " No. 2:15 , 71\U1U feet on Hlicrnian Avcnuo (10th strict ) , GTMO , il.OOO. No. Ill , Lot on Uou 'in street , nca 23d J75C. No. 23' ' , Lot on I'lcr slrcef , near Sewaril , i-UioO. No. tl , Lot40/.CO ( cut , near C pitolvenuu a-vl SjiiUtrevt , SI , ( iO < > . No. S27 , Two lota on Decatur , liinrJrcnustrcct , No. aa , I ot 1 13 39-11(1 ( by 141 feet on Sherman venue ( Kith str et ) , ncnr Urnce , < 2,400. No. 22 , Lot 2.1vu fec.t on Dodge , near loth ttict , maku nn oiler. No. 217 , Lot on 2d wtrcct , near Cl .rk , WOP. No 21(1 , Lot on Haiulttor , near Knii , ' , tbOO. No. 2t > , Lot on Ibth , .Nitholan utitet , IV ) . No. 2j7 , Two loU.on 10th , near 1'aullli : street , 1J.OO. . No. 203 , Two lots on Castellar , iionrlOth.ttreet , IVJ. IVJ.No. No. 201 , beautiful residence lot on Division teet , near I' ( lining , i'S.'W. No. 0:1 : , Lot on Saimilcr * , near Hamilton Jcct , * S.r,0. No.llW ) , l/Dt 18th > trcet , near I'.nlli8500. . Ao. 1U : , Thrculots on bauiulerj struct , near .aril , rl,3i < u. No. 1WJ , Lot on 20th ttrcet , near Sherman , No. 10IJ , Two lots on22d , near Grace street , ( . ' 00 u eh. No. lillt , ttvo lots on KbiK , near Ilamtltoii , , , . No. Hi : J , two lots on 17th street , near \Vlilto e.KlV.ri,8 , $1,050. IMI. 1M ) , one full Mock , ten. lots , ucac the bnr- k , J40.I. No. Ull , lot on Parker , near leone street , iOP. ) Nu. lb'3 , tuo lota on ( Jii a , . near 2Ut street , .Vn. mi , lot on Center , near Cumln Hlrcct , Jti > . ISO , lot on Pier , neir Sewanl ( .trcet , S < )50. ) No. 175 , Kit CM tilicriiian avenue , near Izanl rat , P1.4 0. No. 174 J , lot on OHS , near Uth , Sl.fllO. No. 170 , lot on I'aclll'j , llth btnet ; uiako Hun. No. 103 , six lots on Karvbam , ncarSlth street , ' fin. It ; : ! , full block nn ; 0th street , nvnr tiu course , and thru ) luH in ( iUe'.s uddltluii , car S.iun CM ami Can < lm btruitK , $ iUuO. No. 12) , lot on California btreut , near C'rJ li in eollcii-SI'J5. . o. 127 , aerulot , near the hcail of St. Mary's venue , 8 ( ,00 J. No. 12S , bout two acres , near the head of St. laiy'sa\cnucsl,0ji. No. I'M , lot on IStli bticct , near Whlto Lcail Vorkx , f5iS. No. 121 , sixteen lot.i , near thot to'Aeron the kllcMie roail , S'Sper ot. NIL li'J , 13J\ia ted (2 ( IOH ) on Ibth street , ' ' No. 11 , thirty 'imlf-a'cru lets In Milhnl nnil 'uMuell'sailtlltuniMon Shirnau atennu , mil SitntDK" trectn , near the cnil ot triet car track , > fyh lo Sl-i 0 each. No. bl > , lot on Cnlenyo , near 2iil tr .n t , 81.100. No. b , lot on C'ulthvvil , niur .Sauudii'a fctnxt , .NO. SO , corner lot on Chariot , rear i'ami'lcrj itieti,8TCll. No. 8. , lot on l/ard , near 21stlth tuo tin.ill IOII9VH,4 IOU. No. bU , two lots on 10th , near 1'icrce street , Jl.fiOU. No. "S , three lota on Ilnrney , near lOt.ibtrett , Nci.70,00x13-2 feet on Oth streer.neir Leaven- iiurt stio , t , $ Hyo. ) No. 7 , ( HKS'J ( cet , on rncllkncartth street , iil.lW. No. ( il ) , (10x132 feet , on Douglan street , near 10th , ? iKK > . No. UO , eighteen lots on 21st , 22il , S3ii nml uiniUiM etrects , near ur.ituaud .S.iumlcrs strri't nilBi."ilOOcach. . No. ( I , unu-fourth liloek ( K-Oxl3.'i Ictt ) , near thu Cum cut ut 1'iior Claire en Hamilton street , near thu in.lot led felfiK car tra k , & 0. No. , lot on Maiey , near Uth ntim.t , ? 1,200. No 3 , lot on Cullfcrnta , near -1st , $ ltiUi > . .No. J , lut on CiS" ; , iit'iir'M vircut , V'r,00. No. 1 , lot in llarney , near IHh , ! . . 00. Lou in llarbicii'n llr t nnd mcond adilitioni , al-o In I'urker'H , ShlnnV , > el on'f , Ternim , I1. . > . Multh'n , ItedUkV , ( iUu'H , Lake's , anil nil other niUhloiiH , nt n > y pruc * ami teniM. itir. ! lotn In ilansconi I'latw , nuar llanscoin I'ark ; inkes ironi 3UO tn ijiuo cuch. One hundred nnd llfty-iilnu hiautitul rush demo Uili > , loi'iitnl tin Hamilton ktrett , naif way lictwei'ii thu turn tahlo ol thu red htiect enr line and liu atcrtt'urHHic erflor and addition , nnd Jii't ui-nt of tilt * Com cut of the bittern 1'oor L'Ulro in bhlnn'ii inluition , l'rlei'4 iiuijju from 7.r > to. iOi > tnch. nnd will bu told on UIHV Icrinu , Tnutnof b I'1 , IS , ' - > , 40 ( if M ) crt"i , uitli IlilluKo m l other improvement * , and inljolnhi ; thuc iat ull | rke . S.VKol thu lint nwlituii'o "tn In the city al Onmlu - iiny locution joti de Ire noilh , vat , nautli or went , unit nt bdl'ivek ( irleea , ' . ' ) cbalio liuslnc " loU in all tnu prlia'lwi' | ' uMiU'U ttrvetH of Oinaha , var Inf fioni e' . ' ' > J tc 7.HOU each. T o luindruil liousr ; ) mid lot ? uiiylnv ; Iron ST.Oo to 615,1X0 , mid I cntitl III uvcry p'irt ut tin city. Uuic nunilwr nf uxu-llcnt farms in 11 aim Ian Sarp.Siiluderr , Dod \Vn.-hliii.rtoii , Hurt , nu otiur iiooJ eonittli's In K. stern NcliMrku. 12 UJU acres l > uit UIIIIK In l)0uilai , 7WiO fur i he t hiulj Inarpy county , unit hr0'o tric-u li all the cattiru tlern ol eountUn. UurlUOOOOacrui ) ftthu licit laiidn In Nebr.u ka < or nalo'hv thl < ( uenej. Veryljivuuniounin of buliurhnn jiropcrty li one t J tun , twenty , forty aero plccix , locatd wltliln onti to thtcu , ( our or five inllu * of tin pwtolllc'o HOIIIUcry clieap pleceH , NK\V I'IKHKT MAI-S OK OMAHA , piibUkiitd by U 1' . Html' tenlucenUeach. Money loined on lin | > io\ed farms ; ho on 1m property , at tbu lo uitr ted ot. in Uri' t. House * , utorc" , hotel' , farm ) , lots , lancr ! olllrcn , rooni * , iU' . , to rent orU' ! e , Turn mid , rcntu oall ftod , clwds , mortira ) ; * nnu all kind * or real e-ttatu iioouuicnU made cm em khort notice. BEMIS1 REAL ESTATE AGENOY 15th and Douglas Street , ORAT'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE : TRADE MARK . .The < ' " * TRADK MARK Knilihrttn | > t < iy An un- ( ailing euro lor Hemlnal Weak nc , N | > ori rlitn , liiii cmy , nnd all follow M n wincneo or AFTER TARIHQ , Hnlf AtnKu ; Ma \ * ol Mcmorj , I nl versa ! Li tl > tinlo , I'aln In the It.V'k , Mmncfuof Vl lon , I'ro niaturo Old Aan. nnd nuny other Ii ) tiv- < that ' ' t > Intanlty or Coiuuniiitlon nnd a I'rcnm- turonravo X rKnll particulars In < nr jminnhlct , which wo ileiiro to send free I . mall to every ono. itarThe Specific lledlclno In told by nil ilruinditi nt } 1 | icr jiacknirc , or 0 incVl e-t tor 85 , or will > ic lent frco liy mall mi res j.tof the money , l > y niJJrWHlhic TIIGOIIA IKDICINK COi , IJulTalo. N. V. Per ta\f \ l.y . C. V Ooo'l ' I -vcTnic-fdl KKSOLUTION OUDBRTXO SIDH- WALKS. Ioltrc > 1inl h.v tlio Clt.v Council tl the illy of Oinalia : That a Mldimalk tic , nltliln tlftn-n days from thtadnte , jirep'ired nnd laid to the teni orarv urailc In inld ritp , In front of nn < l wljolnliiK the followIn < li-M-rwil ! ) ireiiil > e , \lr. : lx > t 1 , wmtwileol SniiniJcn bt. , In l > lockLI3 S Inn'HaiUtitlon. 4 f. . U wide. Ixjl 1 , venslfkolHailiideisSt , In lilrck 12 , SI Inn's ailiinioI feet wide. Lit 2 , \ e t HldeotSaumlcr'nSt. , In Wtick IS , Sliltin'x addition , 4 led wide. Lot 11 , wt > t nidi r/f Haunden St , In Mock 12 , Slmiir-f.vt'Utlmi , ( ( ect vUdo lAt 12 , citidduof Hannders St , In Mock 12 , Shliin > addition , K'ulwi.le. t.otfi , north Ma of Uuniln St. , In lik > > k 207. ) , flfectwldu. IxitO , north Me cJ Viiniln ? St , , In Ido i 20j , ( I lectuldu l. t" , iiothsldeoCVtmilii ? , In hlojk 207 } , feet wide. Lot 8 , north side of Cumin ? St. , In block 'J07J , 0 feet \ * Ido. Ixit ! ) , wc t. side of Humilm St. , In Ideek 1 , Annttroii'/ti llntnildittoii. 4 feet wide. Lot 4 , \\vti > l'o ! of Aiutidcra St. , in liloiJi 1 , ArmalroiiK'H llr. t addition , I feet wide. l.otfi , Me t fide of S.vtndors St. , In hloi' 1 , A rnntroiif'H lift addition , 4 feetwloe. Ixit t ) , wit ldu of Mh-inilvrii St. . In block 1 , Aarinitro"v'i * flrntadilitlun , 4 led \\ldc. Miehsidewalk tn lie r-jyalrtd of 'J-lneh flno 1'1-iiik nnil to be In ixliovo ; ; i' : llleill id the rupcctKo owner or av ran : f t.i3nlio\rdo- rarilittl prcnilsea aic Inushy riUlreJ | to lojalr thft vunu fa-ved U.c. 0 , 1SS1. Ji a i , . n. j i\virrr : , City CleK > , ATLANTIC & Gxn.r FLORIDA ! &OKKE- ciionnr. Issno of 50,00 $ SImros oJ'SlOoaoh t jjiir , Vint IIONU.S on 40 AOUKS FOR XAUK 10 SHAKES , rarot caoicrt i.vN)5 OF TUB "Dl.ShTON 1'UKCHASM. " IFF O TlllRII Mill ClIfST.Mjr tTH. , . I'-IUAIlfl.- MIIIA ; ItKiiMiv.vMf , N. Y. . ItO'MHirj , 113. Jetnlleri lii'usientiiH with ili > hori-Sivi ] ! mails mailed to npijlicnnts The Old eat BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. 'aldwe-31 , Hamilton & Co. , nrtvcled uiain mt.iajol tn Inwir iXr.\tuil uank. Accounts keiit In currine ) ni ycJd subect | to ncht ! cheek without tiotiw C'urtlllcatUM ol Uex | it tuny , yn.ykt > lH In thrui , ilx and twt'lvo month * , jucu-iaj Interext , or or leiuand without Intercnt. AJvancM m.vlo to cu.tUiniiis on approvnd HOCII Itlcn nt uarkot mtus of into * * * . Buy nnJ null polJ , l > lll cl rxeh > ne | , govern nont , tte , county nml cldj fcimilo. Draw ttlght ilrit-i ( on Sli < U d , Ireland , ScotLand - Land , nnd lUl pnrtj ol KIIM * . Sail European p < w ; e tlckctn. COULEUTIONS PH01trtr MADK. United States Depository/ NationalBank \f \ OMAHA. Oor. 13th and Fnruam OLDKST IIANKINU F.XTAIII.I HUia U OUAIIA. 6UOOE88OW TO KOUNTZE ORO7K R8. HKHVHIIIID I't'iO. Onr ntl ( l Nttional lUnk AuviMkSA , IfBS CAPITAL ANU PKOrmoVKU * COOIOOC IIiiMAjt Kocsru , Provident. Auwr.Tiia Kocxni , Vlco Preul&it IJ. W , YiTKa , CaHhler. A. J. I'OfPLKTON , A tUU./ . JOIIH A. CKIIOIUUI. r , n. Ant. Thl bink receive * deK | > lU without regmil t tunountg. Isiuc tluio certlllcatei Ikvuinu Intoreat. Draw * ilra ltd on San Praad co and ( irlnclfM cltloH of Uiu Unltiul SUUt , hlso Lomlou , DuU.n r.dlnliiirf h and the yirluiljial cities of thu wit iient of t man Hue. ouvldtl rnox RKKD. BYRON REED & . CO O1.H8ST Real Estate Agcac ] IK NEBRASKA Keep complete abstract ol title ( a Re KUU ID Oimui * u Doutlu countY. miy MANUFACTURERS OP PLOWS , MOLIHE. . ILL , Wholesale Dealers in Council Bluffs , Iowa , MoliDo Wagou Go. Farm anil Spring Wagons , Deere & Mansup CoOorn Planters , Stalk flutters , &o. , Molina Pump CoWooil and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Sesfler OoFiamtain , City Drills and Seeders , Meclianicsburglaoli , CoBaker Grain Drills , , Shawm Agricultural Co- Advance Hay MBS , Joliet BZanufaotarinff CoEureka * . Power and Hand ShelM , Whitman AgBioultnral Co , Shelters , Bead Sorapois , fto. , Moline Saile Oo , Yictor Standard Scales , A , . 0 , Fish Raoine Buggies , AND DEALERS IX ' All Armeies Required 1o Make a Complete Stock. - Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Itowa. dlc3ra. THE JELM MOUNTAIN JLiAND IE Mining and Mi I ling , Company , Working Capltil , " , . - S"M ,000. Capital ! i 'OIK , Sl.l'CO.iOO ' far Vnluo of Sharw , 25,000. STOCK SULLY PAID UP AND , NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BEAMED MINING DISTRICT. VH. J. I. T1IUUAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming. WM E. TILTON , Vlcc-Prcsldcjil , Cummins , Wjou'mg E. N. HAItWUOS ) , Secretary , Ciimialm , Wjomlnff. A. G. LUNN , TreasiiroB , Cnmnilns , Wjo = jig. N. < 3C'.TEC.TCnSjC > 3ESDB S r. IJr. J. I. Thomaj. Louis Ulller W , & . Unmcl. A. 0 D-JUU. K. N. Harwocd. FrancLeavens. . (5eo. II . Knl e. Lewis Zoltuan. Dr. J. C. Watkins. GZO. W. KENDALli.Author zed Accnt ( or Ealo o ! StoA ; nox 442 , Oniata , Xeb. FEARON & OOLE , Commissson Mershants , 1121.pQrnhani St. , . Omaha , Nab. Conslu'ninents niado UH will receive prompt attention. . , Ueferoncoa : State Bank , Omaha ; Plat * fc Co. , Italtlnioro ; Peck & Baiwhcr , Chleaito ; M w .u t fn fnocruutl. ; | O. 1213 Farnham St. . Onrtaha , Neb. ISM & McMAHON , Il-JO'8 DOUG-LAS STREET OMAHA - - , . , JTho ( Ctoly Excluciro Wholasole Divg House in , Nebraska , SPECIAL ATTENTION PAIDTO MAILORDERS. WHOLESALE LUMBER , COAL & LIME , On Khxar Bank , , Bet. Farnham and Douglas 8ls. , HEADQTJ AE T ERS -FOll- MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Wo desire to call tha special attention ot the trade to oui elecantlinea ( at BOTTOM PKIOBS ) of Underwear , OardUran Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Ovemllfl Hosiery , o. , now open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts , 1-5 - WHOLESALE - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DKALEIl N Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. -me-iy B. D. MCLAUGHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And Notary Public , ock Ototltt D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AKUACIt BLOCK , DougUi *