Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1881, Page 5, Image 12

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YOIIK , December S.
Ml IN El.
Money was ilriu ont to-day nud lo.uicd
at G per cent. , coumik ! ou ranging from
I'M to 1'3'J.
Kxchangc * closed itcady at I 8N5 ?
\ 4 S ! > .
Governments bonds elosnl ctran u
follows :
Currency fi' * 130 lijd
4'a coiiHii3 | 11 I bill
U'swuipons 1 H4 bid
Mi continued 1 02\ \ Mil
C'H continued 1 00' , ' bid
11A1MUI.MI I.OM > .
Pacific railroad bomb closed , as { nllnwHi
Union first' 1 ITjC * ! ! I" ?
Luna grants 1 111 (811 ( l.'l '
Sinking fund' ' 1 U'JJ1 -1 !
CVntlals 1 10
'I'hc nmket to-day was very iiulet , but
finn. thu strini'cnt market checking bin-
iu.- , to n great extent. Tlio features of
to-day'H dealings Merc Uiclimouil it Dan-
rille , nnd Manhattan llencli , which w < ru
reception. * ly dtrong Mid underwent wldo
iluc'uition' . Tlio riming quotations for
the icn ; > r. l list were | to li par cent abo\e
I ho lowest prices of the day , mill in spec ! > 1
C.TM'S i * gre.vter advancs was recorded ,
Tlia following aio the closing bids :
A * Tit pr'f. . ! IM&StL . . . . 2 ! )
li.1 O IShi 1'iL-futrol. . . . Oil
O O .t I C' . . .Mi 3Mo 1'a
CcdnrV 1N . . . 1 .T c ir.t
Central Pacific. .H ? NYC . im\ : \
O& A 1.13' . Northwest 1H. . V.7J
( JCC&l. . . Hli Preferred. . MO
c.strJ& N. . . . : ) Xor 1'ac . ; ; u j
1) Lfc W 127i Preferred . . . . SO
Adams 3 ! ( I'lKVE S'J
Ammican ! )7 ) .Stl'aul 10C.J
U.K 77 } do preferred . ! ! ! <
H.tSt.T U.V , San Francisco.13
1'rcfemd. . .110 , ' do preferred till
TO 133J- do first pfd .105
lli&W 514 TeuwPioiflo. . . 53J
K&T 10 ? Union Pftcihc..llH
T.S . . . . . .llllft Wnbaih 421
L k y 7-1 Preferred . . . . S2
Michigan Ccnl'l 'X'i ' Western Union. S5
Following are the highest price * on
mining stocks at tiiu X w York milling
liiingu :
llulwer . . . . . . . tX ! > Ivor licllo. . . . i
Uoatun coil HHIIIL' " ? nn. . . ! IO
1'illnlmrij. TiC .Silver Cliir. . . . 23.- >
llradiluw , , . 70 Sutro 110
California. . . 100 Stormout K'O
in SouthPu 3J5
< ! recnMt . . . . " ! )0 ) Union con. . .1330
Little Pitta. . . 100 Virginia 2i"i
CHICAGO , December 8.
There in no let up in "thu demand for
money. Kntes were iitm ftt C(57 ( per cent ;
sums were loaned nt 8 per cent ,
exchange between city banks \\as
"ife.'O cents di ; > c > iiiit per § 1,000. The
cle-nings of associate baulaere $7 ,
Omaliii WliolnhnZo Morlcot-
Thnr ilay Evening , December 8. )
To-day'ti loports fiom the diffeiont
himcRMiow very little changes in in ices.
Wheat No. "unchanged. No. ; t declined
Jo Rejected declined Jc. BarJy nd-
raiiced i" . Kjo uiichiing.d. Csrn ad
vanced iv. Oats advanced Jc.
In dings htryihnino declined Cc.
15y nit error of the typo a decline of ] ( [ / (
Jc on all grades of wugar was not noted in
ruuew ycstciday.
Local Cr.\ln Uealmcs.
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 101 ; cash
No. , ' ! , ! tb' : rejected 74 ' .c.
_ _ 15AllLiY. : Cash No. 2 , 9IJc ; No. It ,
' °
KYK Csieh , S..c.
COllN. C'osh No. 2 , 47c.
OATS. fnnh. .Ilic- .
HAY § 7 OOfeO 00 per ton.
FLOUR Spring xvheat , straight grade ,
6325@375 ; "Pioneer" California , &J 25 ;
patent , S3 7o@4 50 ; winter wheat straight
radc S3 S3@4 25 ; patent , J4 fX4 ) 00 ; gra
ham rye , 82 73 ; Wheat , 3 00 ; Queen
liae. SI 75 ; Jasper , 8150 ; 15ii { Siuiix ,
RYE FLOUR 83 25.
MILLSTUPFS Bran , per cxvt. 80c ;
screenings , per cxvt. 80c ; shorts , per
cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20 ; meal
bolted , yelloxv , 1 40 : white. 31 00.
POTATOES Salt Lakes , 1 25@1 35.
Keb-aika , 1 00@1 10.
tine , Ife.'ic per Ib.
I'llAlKIli CHICKENS ? 3 00@3 59
per dozen.
QUAIL Per doz. . S2 00ffl2 50.
WILD UiiSD : : 2 60@3".r)0 ,
EGGS Finn at 30c.
BUTTJil : Choice , * carcc at 2l@2ic ( ;
poor , tioniaikot ; fair , 18@21 ; creamery ,
APPLES Good , hound , x'ery
at SI 75"i 00 pur bbl.
HONlJVr California xvhite clover in
coinb , 21@25c.
LEMONS Stonily ; per box , J7 SO ®
MALLAOA GUAl'ES-Pcr bbl.SS r > 0 ;
per half bbl. , : SI f.O.
BEESWAX yellow , 2022c.
ONIONS 1 r.n@l ( JO per bushel.
CAUHAGE-iaOO@200per dozen , ate
to rniality.
OUANBEUItIKS-1'er bbl. , ? 10 00 ®
CELERY Per dor. , f.Oc.
DHESSKDGKESE-Per Ib , , 9@llc.
GYSTEJIS SelectHr > Oc ; standanlH , 40c.
Qroceri Llt.
COFFEE.-lUo , fair. ISJc : I o , good ,
licKio ; , prime to choice , 14Jc ; Old gov't
Java ; 26i@281c , Mocha , 28Jc ; Arbuclcle'a ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , fjood , 4.'i@5.'icj
Choice , GO@7Sc ; Imperial , good , 40Col'c ) ' ;
Choice , fiO,75c ( ; Young J Iy on , gooii , 30 ®
Me ; choice , G5c@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
STCj Japan , choice , C0 i75c : Oolong , ,
35@40 ; Oolong , , ' 10@55 ; Souchong ,
good. IlfjiinlOc ; choice. 35u)4f ( ) > c.
dUOAKS. Cut loaf , 103o ; Crnhhwl ,
lie ; Granulated , lOJc ; 1'oxtdemi , llo
FineK ] vdered , lljc ; Stnndanl Coffee A ,
lOlc ; New York Conftctlnner > Standard
A , lOJc ; Good A , lOc ; Prairie Extra C ,
SYJIUPH. Sugar hoiw , bbl * . JRc : huf !
bin , COc ; kegH , 44 gallons , 82 H5 ; choice
table uyrup , f,0c ; halfbbU , r > 3c ; kef , ? 2 31.
SODA. Dwicht'H Ib papew , M 00 ; De-
land do , § 3 00 ; ChurchV , $5 < X > ; Keg soda ,
STARCH. Pcnrl , 4Jc ; Silxer Gloss , 81
@ 8Jc ; Cum Starch , 8Jic ! ; Eu-dbior
, 7cj Corn , 7Jc.
SALT. Dray load * , per bbl , 1 95 ; A h-
ton , in kackH , 3 f > 0 ; bbl > < dairy M , & , U 15 ;
bbls dairy. 100 , 3i. ! ) 0"i.
D1UKD KUUlTrf-Cholce hulvcK ,
l > eacheM , nuwcnin , lOc ; J'vaimrated j\nnle > ,
fi IbbincK , inj@llcMichiKan,8lc ; ; Xcw
Yorkapplen , 8ic ; I'rimM , old , 7c ; new ,
Re ; Currants , 7@7i j hlackberriei , new ,
l.r < ic.
CHKKSR-l'nll C'raini , He ; Pait
SVIm 11 Jc. v "
WOODKmVAlli : Two hoop palls' ,
1 95 ; tlirea houti jinlli , 11 VO ! No. 1 tub"
pioneer w , hbo.ird , 1 S5 ; Doiiblo Crann.
J90 ; Wellbucketv , 325.
LKAD Bar , 5H .
SPICKS. PeplHT , 20 ; AlUpioo , 20c :
Clove * , I5c ; Nutmeg , 91 tW : Cas in , L'ooj
ftco SI ( > 0.
MATCHES Per caddlo , ! " 0o ; round
cac - < , "
PllOVlSIONS-liroikfaHt bacon , 14j.
'holco lard , 13ic ; dried b.-of , ISJc ; Mi'Mtld
er < , cnux'a 'ed I'c ' ; hanis , lie ; bacon , sides ,
12 o
oKrW PtCKLES-Medium , In barrel ,
? 10 00 ; do in half l.WsJS " : ; mall , In bblN
12 ( X ) do , in.lfbbh. ! . 7 CO ; KbcrUins , in
bbls 11 00 ; iU ii half bbl. , 7 50.
VJNEOAK Pure npplo extra. 10 :
pure apple , 13c ; Pniuine imro anule. llc. !
HOMINY New , S5 ? 73 per bbl.
DEANS Medium. Imnd pioltod W 75
per bushel ; navy , § 3 'iO ; c.iM navy , $3 i0.
HOPE Slial , J Inch and larger , l'\
; i inch , lojc.
SOAl'S-Kirk'sSivon IiiijioriM , 330 :
Kirk's Mtlnet , : > MKirk's ; standard , S TO
CaSX > , ' Khk's uhito Kiwlan , fi "fift" 00 :
Kilk's Kutoo. , 2 05- Kirk's Pr.drie Queen.
(100 ( cixkes ) , a 10 ; Klrh's nininiulln , I MC" !
I 40.
CANIH.121IJoxes ? , -10 Ihs , 1(5 ( or , 8s
lUebo\cs401b : . , 10 oz. , I'M , lic. )
TA'K American. i 40 : ( Jroeiiwlch , 310 :
Western , 2 75 : North Star , 2 f > 0 ; howls'
lye , I GOj.lowell lye , 2 "ft.
POTASH PemnylvauK cans I do * . ,
In cn'e , I ! o."i ; lUbbitt'a I'.ill , 'J doz , In caxe ,
I ! K > ; Anchor Hall 'J dor. in 1 SO.
KIELt ) SKi : lied clover , ch.ilco
nc-v , f ( ! IX ) per bu hul ; mammotli clo\or
new. 6700vhiti clover , now , 81100
.d nlfa clover , now , $12 M ; aliilce , ncv\ ,
61300. Timothy , t , < .oil , new , C 3 IK ) ;
blue gras , uxlM , 150 ; blue grat' ,
clean , 01 2"i ; orchard grr.s .Si ) oO ; red loji ,
rhoioe , 1 03 ; inillut , common orMI souti ,
? 0u ; millet , , SI 00 to § 123 ;
Hungarian , 80c.
HUDUKSIJIJP 0ago oranci' , 1 to
bii'hcl' , STi 00 ; osngo orange , 10 bushel i or
o\ur , S-l TO ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per
100 lb . § 25 00.
KIS1I Vamily white fish , PO Ibhf bbl ,
83 7o ; No , 1 white llsh , 90 Ib hf bbls , t ! HO :
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , I 00 : family
10 Ib kit" , 7. > o ; Now Holland heniiiK , per
keg , 1 Id ; ItiKsian Rardines , 7i > c ; Cobii"-
bia river milinon. per 100lln , 8 00 ; Gcor7'o'H
l > .iuk codt'iKh , Gc ; ( Jen. boneless codtinh ;
! ) Jc ; bonelcnH ( lull , . 'ijc.
MAOKKUKIj IlalfbblrtmoHsmackcrel ,
100 Ibs , 81260 ; hf bbl No. 1 ox MKUO do ,
100 Ibs , G 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibs 3 85 ! 'ness mackerel , 12 Ib kite , 2 23 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do , 7."c.
CANNED GOODS Oj-btors , 2 Ib
2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
per case , 2 00. Onions 3 80. Salmon , !
Ib , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; do21h , per do/.en
2 5" > . Sardlnrs , Hmall 1'hh ' , imported , ono
quarter bo\cs per Lov , lljc ; Ameiican ,
cpjnrtcr boxw jmr box. He ; do half boxes ,
per box , 21 Jc. Lobsters , 1 It ) per cto/.eu ,
1 SO. Tomatoes 2 30 : do 3 Ib ] > or
case , 310 ; Corn. 2 It ) ( Mountain )
per case , 370 ; soaked corn , 210 : do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 37" ;
string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beans ,
per case , 220. Succotash ] > or c.iso , U25. _
Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas choice ,
per coae , 1 50. Blackberries , 2 Hi , per case ,
250 ; straxx'boirics ' - Ib , per case , 2 75
tospbenii-s , 2 lt > , per cane , 2 7W < M 00.
Damsons , 2 IN ] IT case , 2 4.1. Bartlett
pears per case , 30o10 ( ) . Whortluber-
lies percaie , 2 SO. Eij ; plums , 2 Ib per
ci e , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 .TO.
< Jn'en gages/J Ib per case , 3 fiO : do choice , C
Ib per wise , 1 50. Pine Applet , 2 Ib , per case ,
4 00 5 75. Peache ? , 2 11 > pur , 3 10 :
do 3 Ib , cahe , II 00u ( ( i 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
ca e.38i ; dojiie , G Ib , ptr dozen , 3 fiO.
HICK Carolina , S@8ie ; l.ouiaiftim , i
( SS'c " ' ; fair , 0 7.
"PEANUTb Hoastetl , choice , red Ten
nessee , ! ) c per Ib ; fancy white , lOo prr Ib ;
r.vv while Virginia raw , lOc ; n.aited ,
Dry Goods.
7Jc ; ChitteiianKo A , GJc ; breat Falls K ,
8Ac ; Hootiiur , Gic ; Honest Width , 7 c ; In-
ilmn Head A , S''c ; Indian Standard A ,
S3c ; Indian Orchaul d. xv. , 8c ; Lavx-rence
] JL , 7c ; Mystic Kiver , 7Jc ; Pefjuot A , S'/c / ;
ShaxnnutLL , 7cUtica ; C , 5'.c " ; Wticlius-
ctt B , 7ic : do A , 8'.c ; do E 48" , 12 0 ; Wai-
cwtt BB , 7.c. }
4-4 ; 7.\c ; Alligator 3-1 , 3c ; Argylo4-l , " Jc ;
Atlaiftic LL. ( lie ; Badger State X 1-4 , 7c ;
Bcnningtnn C 4-1 , G'c ' ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , ti.\ce \
Indian Orchard AAH-8 , S/c / ' : Laconia O
30 , 8\c \ ; Lehiffh E 4-1 , ' . ) > & , Lonsdalo 4-4 ,
lOc ; I'epieiell N 30. 7c ! do 0 32. 7jc ; do R
3(5. ( 7 c ; do E 39. SJc ; I'ooaM't 0 4-4 , "Jo ;
Wamautta 4-4 , 13c.
fiu L 4-1 , 10cBlackstoncA ; A in perial ! ) c ;
do do half bleached 4-4 , ! > c ; Cabot 4-I.8J ;
Fidelity4-4 , 0cFmit ; of th ] x > om,10J ; do
can brie I-4ltodo , ! ; WaterTttist,101c ; Great
Falla Q , Gc ; Indian Head nhrunk 4-4 , 12'c ' ;
L iiwlalc , lOc ; do cimbriu 37 , 13c ; Iv exv
York MillH. 13c ; Peqnot A , lOc ; Pepp.-rell
N G Twills , 12Jc : Pucabontai 1-1 , 9Jc ;
Pocaits-t 4-4 , file ; Utica , He ; Wanmutta
O X X , 13c.
DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 oz. ,
17c ; Baltimore do , llic ; Lone Star , H oz. ,
12c : Sav gc , 18c.
> ( Colored ) Albany E brown ,
8c ; do C , ilra" lr _ lp V v , stripea and
plaidf , 12jc ; do XXX brown and drab ,
Ktripes and plaidH , 12Jc ; Arlinh'tim ffincy ,
19c ; L'runswick bioxvn , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy ,
12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River
brown , cxtia heavy , lUc ; Iniliiina A
blown , 13c : Neponsct A brown , 15c.
TICKINGS AinoskeaK A 0 A 32 ,
lic ; do XX blue 32 , 18ic ; Arrovvnnna ,
SJJc ; Clarcmont B B , 15Jc ; Conesto'a , , OK-
tra , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , lljc ; Levvision A
30 , Ific ; Mlnneliaha 4-1 , 20c ; OHICRII mp"r
cxtia-l-l , 2Hc ; JVarl River 32 , IGjc ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetiicket S ,
lOJc ; do SS 12c ; Ycotraii'ri blue 211 , 8Jc.
DENIMS. Amoskeak , blucand brown ,
IGJc ; Anilovcr DD lilue , Ifjjc : Arlington
blue Scotch , 18no ; Concord OOO. blue and
brown , 12Jc : do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX
do do 14 Jc ; Haymaker's blue and brown ,
9Jc ; Myrtle RherDDntrl | , lOJcj IVnrl
Kixer , blue unit brown , 15Jc ; UncasvilK- ,
blue mid brown , ijc. ; ;
OAMBPJCS-Barnard , 51c ; Eddynlone
lininp , 21 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A
glazed , Co ; Manhattan glove fmlfch , tj'jc ;
Newjrart do tic ; do glazed , 5"c ; Pe < puot do
Oc ; l .i.kwood kid tiniah , Cc.
COHSET JEANSAmory , 8cAndroi- ;
cogtfin satteen , 8c ; Clarendon , G'/c / ; COUCH-
tojja fiatteons , 74c ; Halloxvell , 8c ; Indian
Orchard improved , 7ic ; NarraKansett , 7ic ;
Pepperlll Battccu 'JJr ; Jtockjiort , 7'C.
PRINTS Alien" . CJc ; Amcricau , OJc ;
AliV'ld , "c ; Beixvick , 4'iV ; Cochccn , 7c ;
Coneitof-a. OJc ; DunkiilI'c ' / ; Dunnell ,
CJu,7c ( ; Eddyitoiu1 , 7c ; GloucpHter , lie ;
Harmony , Sic ; Knickeibochor , lijo ; Mur-
rimac I ) , 7c ; Myntlc , .r > Ac : Sprat'iuv , lie ;
Southbrld it , Oc ; do. Gin " huiiM , "c ; Llarl-
lxro , % ; Oriental % .
( JINGHAMH AmnHke.i , lOJc ; Amos.
keai ; dre-m 12 ' Arcylo , lOJc : Atlantic ,
9c ; Cumberland , 71c ; Highland , 8Jc ;
Kcnilworth , flic ; Phin kett , 10\cj \ SIM-
ccx , 8c.
COTTONADESAbbenille 13 c ;
Afftte , 20e ; American , llr ; AitMnn , Wo ;
Cairo D and T , injc ; Clarion I ) anil T ,
17ic ; Deccan Co.rtri ) > c DandT , Hc ! ; Key-
Bfconv , 13)c ' ) ; Ni'ntueket , 1'Jc ; Nonpareil ,
llic ; Oce'in D and T. I3jc ; JJoyal , IGJc ;
SUMCX , 12c ; Tioga. 12'.c ' ; Wachunott uliirt-
inr sbeckB , 12jc ; do , Nankin , 12Ac ; Yuik.
plain Nankin , l-'icj doclK'cl:9 , Htrijiei anil
fancy , 12ic ; do , S o'JOc. .
SHEETINGSAmlrocostin 10-J.27Ac ;
do U.4 , 2lc ; do 8-J , 22c ; C
12 , He ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 274 ; New
York mlllH ! W , Me ; do 78 , 30c ; do W , 22Jc ;
Pembroke 10-1 , 25c ; Pujuot 10-J , 28Jc ; do
7-4,19c ; do V ) , ICc ; Pcppcrcll W , 29cj
do 07. SI o ; do 57 , 18cj Utica 'JU , 3.1o ; do
58 , 22je ; Uo 18 , 17o
Bulldlrg Malorlal ,
LTMVPr b-irrM PI " " , i H- - < - .
bW , $2 fiO. llnir per bu , 3.V. Tantd
felt 100 Ibs1 M ) . Stiaw board. 5' CO
PAPKUStinw paper , Si'c ; ras IWJXT ,
4c ; dry goods iiapor , 7c ; uianila paper , lOc ;
noxvfl imjirr , Sc
t'OAlr-Oumbprlnnd blackumith. $12 :
MoriN Itun 151osburij , $12 :
him' , ) , 8fi f > 0 ; Whitobuvnt nut , GI > W : low *
lump , ? 0 Mi loxva nut SilW ) ; Ko
§ ; Atithracitc. nil Mzw. 813 00.
Lumber ,
FENCING -No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $20 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. . Ill 00 ; slnvthiK div sed ,
No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 1 ! , 10 00 ; common boards
dre , od , 20 00.
FRAMING in ft. and tinder , per M ,
20 ( X ) ; 10 ft. ntuddhig , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 IX ) ;
21 ft. 'it 00.
FINISHING No. 1. finish U , li and
2 inch , $50 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch Sir. 00 ;
Xo. 2. finish H , 1J and 2 inch , 84500 : No.
2 finish , 1 Inch , StO 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 In.-li . ,
$3500 ; O. G. battens | H't iOO feet lln. ,
? ! CO : well curbing , S2200 ; loush Jautl 2
Inch battens per 100 feet lit' . , fiOe ,
STOCK BOARDS Adlix-k , $1000 ;
$31 00 ; 0. SIW CO : common * loclc , S22 f.O.
FLOORtNlt No. 1. SK ) IK ) ; No. 2 ,
$35 00 ; No , 3 , $22 00 ; yellow pirnNo. . 1 ,
SIDlNO-No. 1 , $2-1 00 ; No. ? , $22 W ;
No. 3. § 18 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , $2200 ; O. G. No. 1 ,
$3200 : No. 2. $22 00.
kliiiiilc8. { S3 KI , No. 2 , $2 fiO ; No. S , f 2 00.
Lath , S3 M.
Paints Oils And Varnlsiicn.
PAINTS IN OIL White Irmi , Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; xvhito lead , O. 1' . & C. Co.jmre ,
IMaru'lllos ! ; Kreon , 1 to fi tb cans , v0o ! ;
1' , qix't n seal , 12c ; French /inc ,
rodeeal , lie ; Frt < tich < lnc , in xarnish axst ,
-Or ; French 7inco , in oil asst , Ific ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 Iti cans 12c : r.ixv mu !
buriu Siunna , l.Tc : vandyke broxvn , 13. ;
rotined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , Vc :
l ory blaek , lc ( ! ; drop black , Ific ; Pius inn
bine , IlOc ; uUrnmarino blue , ISc : chrome
green , L. M. ft I ) . , 14cs blind and nliutter
green , Ti. M , & D , , 14c : Palis Krei'n. ISc :
I"dlin : ix-d , ir > c ; Venetian red , ! > e ; Tu can
it 1 1 , 22o ; Ameiican Vermillod , I. itP. , ISc ;
chrome yelloxv , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ;
yelloxv ochre , 9n ; golden orhro , 1'5 : patent
dryer , Co ; graining colors : light oak , dark
oa ( , walnut , chestnut and aih 12u.
Dry "flints
While lead , GJc ; French /inc. lOo ; Paris
xvhiteing 2jc ; whiting pildcrs , IJc ;
v\hitiii | ; com 1 , lie ; lamiiblack Germantown -
town , 14c ; lampblack , onilnnry , 81 * ; 1'rus-
siun blue , 45c ! ; tiltiamariiit > , ISc ; Vandyke ,
brown , c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umlior , raxv ,
tcisicnna , burn t , 4c ; Kicnna , raw , 4c
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'l
J5c ; chromu green , N. Y.4 20c ; chrom-
green K. , 12 ; yennillion , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion -
million , America , ISc ; Indian red. lOc ,
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , CookMm'n
' 'io : xenetian red Am. , 13c ; red lead , ? 4c ;
chrome yellow , genninp , 2uc ; chrome ycl
low , 1C. , 12o ; ochre , rochcllc , 3c ; ochre. .
French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , l\c ;
Winter's mineral , 2Jc ; lehigh broxvn , 2jo :
spaiiKh blown.c ; Prince's ineial ! 3c ;
VAUNISJIK8 IS.iricls per pallon.
Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
SI ; ftnniture , U , 83c ; coach , extra , SI 10 ;
Coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damnr , SI 50 ; .Tnpan.
70c ; iisplnltum , 70c ; shellac , 6350 : hard
oil linMi. SI 30
OILS 110carbon , per gallon , llic150' ;
hoaillight , pergillon , 12 Jc ; 175 headlight ,
Iiur gallon , Ids ; crvntuline , tier gallon , 20c ;
Misted. IMW , per gallon , ( ili ; lin-ced , boiled ,
ner g.illon , ( ISo ; lard , winter st 'd , jierqal-
lou , 1 05 ; No. 1 , SOc : No. ! ? , (5"ic ( ; uv > tor ,
XXX , per gallon , 1110 ; No. 3 , 111" ; sweet ,
per gallon , S"e ; sperm , AV. 1 ! . , pergillon ,
1 3" > ; fish , W. 1J. per gallon , ( JOc ; ncat'foot ,
c\tp , per gallon , 75c ; No. I , IMC ; lului-
cating , rent , pur Kallon , HOc ; nummer , 15c ;
-"i den machine , No. 1 , per gnllon , 3."ic ; No.
2 , .10 ; sperm , signal , per gallon , SOc : ter-
pcntinu , per gallon , Gle ; iiaplho. 71" , per
gallon , IlOc ; G\ \ ' , -'Oa.
Clears and Tobaccos.
CJOAItS. Seeds , § 15.00 ; Connectiunt ,
S25.00 : MixedS0" .00 : Seed Havana50.00-
Clear Havana , 875.00.
TOIJACU9 PLUG. Golden Hulc ,
21 Ib , GOc ; Spotted Kawn , Glc ; Our Ilopc ,
1 ( juslily , Gl'c ; Stnr , pounds. 21
Ib , buttn , GOc ; Horde Shoe , pounds ,
2J Ib , butts , GOc ; Purity , 21
FINE CUT In pails. Hani to Beat ,
75a ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ;
Favorite , 70c ; louky ? Mountain , liOc ;
Fancy , f > 5i ) ; Daisy , fnc. In tin foil
Catlius O. S. , 5 Ib boxes per Ib ( ! 5c : Lori-
illard's Tiger , 05c ; Diamond Crown , COc.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
Sic. Giaiuil.atod Black wells Durham , 115
03 51c ; DukcB Durham , 10 oz , fiOc ; Seal of
North Carolina , 10 oz. Hi ; Seal of Nebras
ka , 1C 07 , 38c ; Lone Jack , I oz , linen bagx ,
per Ib , ? 1.35 ; Marburffs' , 2 oz , tin
oil , .r)5c ; Dog Tail. G5c.
Heavy Harnware List.
Iron , rates $3 50 ; ploxv steel , cast , 7ic ;
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon m > okBH , set ,
2 25@3 00 ; hubs per set , 1 25 ; felloew , saxved
dry , 140 ; tongue ? , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; snuaro nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ;
washers , peril ) . 8@18c ; nx-cts , pr Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , So ;
ron wedge" , Go ; croxvbars , Cc ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horboahocH , per keg , 5 00 ; spiing
steel. 7C S8c.
NAILS-10 to 20d
half kegs , lOc extra.
SHOT. Shot , Sl.S-i ; Buck chot , § 2.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs 6'iMO ' ; do. , half
kegs S3.48 ; do. , ouaiterkegs S1.S8 ; Blatting -
ing , kega , $3.Vi : : FUHC. u r 100 fuott 50c.
Horses and Mules.
'Hie nmrkot is brisk and all grade' are
Helling xx ell at a slight ailvanco in p iccn.
The demand for good horscn exceeds the 1
supply coiwlderably. Piicon range a , fol.
lows :
Fine nlnglo drivers 31M ) . to 300. ; Extra
draft homes , $175. to 225. ; Common draft
lior-es. SI00. to 150. : Extra farm hornos ,
S110. to 125. ; Common to good farm liorHCH
S90. to S100. ; Extra plugn , ( > 0. lo 7fi. ;
Common plugs , ? 20. to 440.
MULES. 15 to 15J haiulu ( extra ) , 8125.
to irX ) . ; 1IJ to 15 hands $100. to 140. ;
14 to 14i hands 870. to 100. ; 13i to 14
hands 800. to 75.
Hldet r-urt , Etc.
HIDES Green butclier'n hide , 7c ; green
cured hides 8c ; green nalt , pptt cured
hides 7@7/c ! / ; dry Hint , Mmml , 13@llc ; dry
calf and kip , 12i$13c ( ; dry wtlt hirlesKonnd ,
ll@12c ; green culf. wt. K to 15 IK. 10@llc ;
green calf , xvt , under H IDs imt skin , Mte ;
KrcMi j ltn , 81 00@115 ; green lamb i-kinn
if 1 lOfellM ; datnagud hides txvo-thhil rsije ,
cut Hcorcd and ono rrub , clasyixl two-
; chort Htrljie , lOo1 narroxv tiii > o
lnad : stripe , lOc , Tallow , 5Jc.
Uarbolic , KOc ; Acid , Tartaric , file ; BalBam
L-'ojiabla , i > er Ib , 72c ; Hark , Hancafriw , iier
Ib , IJJoj Calomel , pur Ib , 7l5c ; Cinchonldla , :
IHT or , hOc ; Chlorofonn , per Ib. 90c ;
Doxer * i > oxvdeM , iwr Ib , $1 JO ; Jipsom
lulls , per Ib , 3Jc ; ( ilycciine , jmre , per II ) ,
48o : Lead , Acetate , i > r Ib , 21c ;
O . Vir > ° ' .1 > ier * * P1 !
0 , Cantor , No , 3 , per gal , SI25 ; Oil ,
Ollvo , per gal , SI 40 ; Oil , Origanum. Mo
Oj.ium . , W 40 ; Ouinine P. ttV.k ] | . AS. . ,
per oS2 00 ; Poturfsluui , Iodide , per Ib ;
3240 ; Salacm , per oz , lOc : Sulphate of
Morphine , per o/ , ? 3 W ; .Sulpmir fluur ,
per Iblie : Slrvx-hcmc. uur oz , 81 45.
ALCOHOL-187 proof. 225 per xvlno 1
gallon ; extra CallfoinlaHpirlts 1H7 proof ,
1 3J per moof gallon ! trpln ! refined KplrlU.
10 * v n > 1 "t - ' " . " ,4- ! I
2 SOj Kentucky K > urlwm , 2vXV 700 ; Kn
lucky nud Penim Ivnni ryes. i.HH ( 70 < )
llKANmKS--Iinportcd , Sti IX11 > 00
domc'tle 1 4IVUH 00 ,
GINS -Imported , 4 fiO000 ; domestic ,
I 4 ( > ( 'f.3 00.
HUMS Imported f > 0 ( < ir , 00 ; New
KneLind. 2 COM4 00 ; domestic1 , I aOffiil M )
CIIAMPAGNIIH Jir.ortc.t | . per < < > ,
2 < i OOfS1 * ! U1J * iav.i , case , 1200@
> spr.
01. U5KTS Per case , 4 M > M"lrt 00.
WIN'KS Khlno itu > , per ei c , G OOC.fl .
W 00 ; Catawlu , per ease , -I WXji ? 00.
Merino unwashed , light , U@0ci } h-nvy ,
13MHf > o ; nicdlum uuwaMicd , Itght , IfCf-'Oo
tuli-washed , choice , 3''c : fair , ; Xe ) : dlng >
and w , , 28cj hurry , black nnd coiled wools
ilf Ge less _
Couucil Uluffs Mnrltct.
I'oli.Ni'll. UI.UKKS , IVn-inlvr 8.
Vlour lluniifaclured by ( . 'rjf-tal am
City Mills. 3 75r < f I TO ; Kni ) as nnd Mli-
Mmti ll > mr , 3fiO@ < l ' > ; grahain , 3 75 ; ryi
lloui , 340.
15ran nud Shorts 17 00 per ton.
Chop Corn 22 oO per ton.
Whoat-Ko. 2 , i120 ; No. 3 , 'JJvix :
jeotcd , 70c.
Corn-No. 2 , S , roJccU" 5.
Oat Ko. 2 , UV : rejected , n.
I'.nilev No. 2. Wo : No. 3 , 7oe
Hav-700vW8M ) .
Wood G OOG'.S ' W.
hi-.ollon's-ft30ri0. ( ;
Cattle Sldpinnr , I 50fflr. 00 : milch
cowi : IJO OOCull , ' 00 per bend ; butcben *
stock , 3 OO a fit ) .
Sheep J OOSiTi 00.
G llidt-s Tijc : t ! d hidic , "ic.
Wool li' © 5.
Butlerii35fl. : ; ) ( ! .
Potatoes-1IKKTM 26.
Onions-1 2all ( 40.
Gruiicl Jttuotiun
Oiuxu JUNCTION1 , In. , Urccml'cr S.
Butter 10@lgc.
ChloARO IToUnoo.
I'lttcAdo , Deoeinbor 8.
On 'Chnngi1 ' the markets xvtre nervotiM
and loxve- . The receipts of grain were
! 157 car loads , cmbraciii ) ; 8fl of xvlu-at , 181
of corn , 31 of tals , 12 of rye , nuil 47 of
b.itloj- .
FlourIJuled ipiiel and markrl without
Kpccial change ; common to choic nprin
wchtern , 4 fiOLi ( 15 75 ; Minnesoln , f. 2.fu)7 ) 00 ;
patents , 7 fiDfe' ! 25 : winter xrhciit , ! > f > 0@
7 75 ; rye Hour , 2 50 ( ! 3 10 ; huckxv heat ,
8 5W.7J8 . 75.
Wheut No. 2 , prinjr , lower early , but
trading aclix o and tloted Btrongor. .Spec-
ulativo offerings v ere liberal nm4 createil
a xxcakcr feeling , but OH the olletingii vv > rc
nb orhcd , a iiriner feeling xxns dexeloped
ami prices fluctuated fivquciitlv xxitliin a
inoileiato range of p ices The mark t
op ned at about the closing llgnres of yes-
teiday , and after uome flight lliictu.vtuin-
rallied vve.vk and declined Ho below oaily
prircs , then rallied c , but ugain xveaUcned
and llnctuated anil finally closed a out
iuo ( ] higher on the rogulir bo.ird and
i n call a ; 1 ! ' 8rt for D eembor ; 1 2SIK 1
t 2.1 $ for January ; 1 "Oidill 30 for 1-Vn-
riiary : 131 fur Jlarcli ; No. 3 ,
in fair rcquu-t at 1 l. i ; i ejected ,
ivccouling to location ,
Coin On'y ' iv miuler.tta tmsine.i xvas ncteil and llio iceliny xvas Httady du -
ing thr giviiter poitiou of throbi'ii. .
Th tradiiu' xvas mainly of a lojil cliai.ic-
ter. Out idcra vveie smaller than mini.
I'ricos Ihictn-ted xvillif. i ) r.ingo of idifc
and loxvir , inoto pniticulaily foi
the m ro deferr il delivuiii'.s Shipi > hi'4
demand iin.dei.iti > . No 2 and hi.h mixed
ciiwcil on call t l02 ! for Docemler ;
Ij'lc ' f r January ; lilgc for Febuiury ;
C.0)c ) for May ; d ( o foi > June ; rcjicted ,
id toh r.ibly ittcady ; luisj.
no-t inodeiittv ; No 2 closed on cull at 4."iifi
for December ; tlji ( ll.rji : for .lainniry ; IGo {
for ISluy.
lye ! Steady and linn ; light tratoae-
tiiius No. 2 , 'Ma for .Inmiaiy.
Jiailey hii'elem ami entiicly nounnul ;
No. * , I Oll ! OC i for .Jainniy ; 1 09 for
l'or Srodcratvly active , but iirognl.ii ;
mess closed mi call at 1G OOG617 25 for
ild and new fur DccMiiher ; 17 17i for
Jaimaiy ; 17 47J for Fehruary ; 17 G2ili ( )
17 Ii5 for March ; 17 ! > 0 for Jlay.
httid Active , freely tilfeicd nud easy ;
closiui ! at 1105@11 (7i ( for tlm year ;
11 42J for J-'ebrimiy ; 11 fi7. } < ) ll CO for
March ; 11 82J for May.
IJullcMeats Iiregulai ; fbort ribs closed
at K 75 for January ; 8 'J'2' ' , for February ;
' . ) 10 for March ; ! ) 27-1 for April ; ! IG2. for
Whisky Quiet at 1 17.
Hnttoi Chiefly of loeal charieter and
in choicu with a few sales of medium in
fiech Htock , olfcringH weru nmplo and
price * steady. lEoll met with n good de
mand , when choice , but common , and
old were not wanted. Choice to fancy
common to good hullo packed , lit(2)18c ( ) ;
rol. 18@21c.
lggn In good Hiijiply nnj moderate dc- B
maud nt 25c pur do/en for htrictly frtHh I
and 1S ( , 'JL'tor piuvk-d.
liec'ts Shlpin'th d
Flour . 17,050 ir.,130
Wheat . 37.02 ! ) 20,0 3
Corn . 111,123 ' .13,778 "
H.05C : , ! :
Uyo . 3 , 83 721
42,003 Ifi.lUS
tit. Xiouln Froduoo-
ST. I/JIIIH. Dfcei1i < > r 8.
Floni Lower ; family , ( i OOfeO 20 ;
choicu to fatiry , ( i ! 5g/,7 ( JO.
' Wheat No. 2 rod , 1 31) ) , for cahh ; 1 3l !
'or ilauniirv ; 1 42 t < t I'Vhinury ; 1 4H for
March ; 1 Wn(3 > l 18J for May ; No. . ' ( do ,
211 'id ' ; No. 4 do , 1 20V < ' 1 HI , ' .
Corn -Slow ; ( ilJC'/.li o for cash ; Ml'Jo for
leciiiubcr ' ; lil OIJc for Jaiinart ; C51c
'or " February ; lJI > ic for Maicb ; UUl
"or May
Oatrt Slovr nt 40 ! ; ( 117Jc for cash ;
for January ; 17io ! for Febrnarv.
ilye Ilighci at 'JBtfllKUc bid.
Barley-lJull nt 85cfel 10.
I/ead Steady at 4 85.
Butler Unchanged ; daliy , : X 533c ;
creamery , 35S)10c. (
Eggs Unchnigcd at 2-lfe25c.
\ \ lanky - Steady at 1 IB. 1
Pork Slow ; 17 071 bid for January ;
17 CO for March.
Lntil Nominally 11 P.'i.
Jleo'ts. Shipm'tn.
I'lour . 0,000 10,001
Wheat . 20.000 40,000 4
Corn . 33,000 117,000 6
Oatii . 7 , < W ! t,000
Kye . 1,010 4,00 J
Barley . 12,000 nonu
bt Lotil * ilvo Stoolc- 3
Hogs Adive ; xu y light , 5 OOfo.5 40 ;
Yorkem , 5 r.r > feO 75 ; packing , . " . H0tf ( ( ! Ifi ;
butcbeiV to fancy , I. 20r M > r,0 ( fiitHldu
irlt.i'H for lotavciaging 11H poundx. Ite-
colj tf , 1 l.BOO liead ; fliljJiiients 'MX ) head.
. .
- - - -
Dry Gooil * .
NK.V YOIIK , Dtcemberfl- diy goods W
bor II.IH IfOt'il rather moin animation In
ihu jobbing branches uf trade , a lalrdintri-
liiillon of puieiuiablu goodn mi i fancy holi-
lay ( ; oois | having bctn nmdo by dry good *
iobbeiKund jeadlng nolion lniUHC'H. Thn
Unmnd ot filHt hands ho * I ecu relieiLi ! C
lln'ht.aH xvas generally exiicttcd , butagcntu
continued to maku cunxiilurabli ) < l"lvt'rItM !
in former onleri1 , and the tonu of the mar *
kc-t reinaiiH linn.
Toledo ProanciB
TULUDO , Dec mlior K.
\Micat I'iimcr and fniiet ; No , 2 rtd ,
3'J | for January ; 1 ! lj for 1'olinury ;
143forMaith ; 1 lllforApiil.
Corn ( Julet ; No , ! , ffta foi ca h aicl
. . . . ' , . .
KaniiiR City Pro
K iN-m CYrv , December S ,
\\heftl UecclntltSUI ; withdrawn ,
" .SIGsiu tore , lOI.OiX ) . M rr-l Mo * nud
\\c.\kd ! No. I ra h , Stjo I Id , V.'c ' vk tl ;
Deert lier. SI : No. 3 rah , ! l7n > % : IV-
ceiob-r , li.'e hid , ttiije nskrdjdnn ary.l ( O
d'M ( OOJ ; IV riury , I 03j No. 2 emh , 120 ;
ilamiary , I 21 i id , 1 2,1 inked ,
Corn-Heec ip . . 2,132 ; vIthdnu'n , 8.12. ' ;
in stoio 70.321. Tlio mnrket opmed
opcno hiuln-r I , but weak : No.
ci b , lilacs Di'ectuber , Glfii'G1je ( ( : ilnnn *
nry. fiOjfo bid. GIJ a ko I ; I elitmry , iAc | ;
May , iMjo bid. ( . % a ked : No. 2 mix.-d ,
Ph , G2c blil , Ohio n keil : December , G'JJe
bid : Glc nskcd ; ttiji'cted , ? i"c
OnU Weaken 'No. a cn h , tie bill. I.V
asked ; I ) remhrr , llo bid , ll'fe a kf , ir > Je bid
City Lire Stooli
KASHAS OITV , lenibcrS. .
Calllu-IJcco pis IDS hpail Mnrket
vtcadj ; MVtixii cows , ijoml , 3 OOvlCil 10 :
fair , 10 goml , 2 12) ) ( " 3 CO ; sod ovvags 1 M )
( "VJ ( K ) ; natho fi-ideiv , ,1 80 ; Coloi.ido
stor-i-s , 3 3 fil.
Hogs - Itcceipts3I ( ! Mnrlcel blglior
mm ft'llrrs dimnn inu an mlvnnro ; kales
i low ! i-h lei > : 2 li.XciYi or. ; ( HI 1 , . " > 75 < i ft DO ;
Hinge , . * . 25C" > 05 ; bulk , T. r > ln ) ( 5 110.
Poorln , 1'roilcicc ,
PKOIIIA , Dccptnber 8 ,
Coin -Sioaily ; ljBh , mixed , OUo ; mixed ,
111 Jfi''l > l'c. '
O.iU Stonly ; No. 2 xvhilo , IMr.f . ire
Ityc Nominal : No. 2. 1 00.
Hlghwliiis Khin at 1 15.
Itoc't * . ShipV ,
\\lieat lVX ( ) noin
Coin 38,512. ' . 'J'J.'iO < i
"nts i : > , rM , ) f , 125
1'50 ' 3.000
Cincinnntl Prailuoo.
CINCINNATI. Do-n'iiber1 *
Pork Mos , cm'et ' nt 1HOO
Urd-qulrtatll IT.
Hullc Meats Fiimcr ; ile.ii MJcn , ! ( X )
( n , ! ' 121.
Hneon - Klrmclear : siilt i02.TrllOO.
Flour ( Juiel : family , ( I T0u)7 ) r > 0.
Wheat Dull ; No. ' . ' . red , 1 32 ( )110. ) .
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mhed , liijo. !
Oats Firmer : No 2 mi\ed , 4S.l9c. ! ( .
Kye-F rm ; No , 2 * pnt 1 CSV
Hailoy Slow at y36B1 li'
Whisky Firm nt 1 1I > .
Bnltimoro Produce.
lUuivioiiii , Deoembcrfi
Vlniir-Til m.
Wheat No. I'leil winter , fumer : 1 33
( Iil3i ! ; for eii-b : m I Dcjcmber ; I 41 ?
1 12 for Onuna y.
Coin MUcdvu'btiiru , firm ; G'Jjc forca .h
nnd Dectmbcr.
PhllnaolpUia Proilnoo.
I'lllI.MiKi.rniA , December S.
Wheat Hn-l-r ; 1 40 < iMtl'J ' forjciuli nud
December ; i 41'J@14S for.lauu ry.
Corn IOatier ; Wl foGHlc for ca h nml
December ; 71 J't2ii'for.liiuunry.9 ) \ ) .
Oats hewer ; 53o for c.isli ; 5i/53o } ( ! foi
llyo Ijuict at USc.
I > i\'orpool Prodtico.
IjlVliiii'ooi. . December 8.
Flour- American , 10n liliijiN. ( ( :
Wheat -WinUr , Khr.lMUniliilo ( , 10s
7dn ( > 10- < lid ; fpiim' , ! ' < UldG'TlOii fid ; club ,
10s 11 ( f'll-Hd.
Corn , rn IJd.
IVr Jfi
l < ai ( ' r7s M
Ttirpontinn Mnrlcot- .
Wll.MIMlTDN , N. ( ! . , Dl'Cl'lllllM-fi.
Sp'i its Turpentine 1'iim at 52 . hard ,
2 2"i ; .soft. 3 i"0.
WII.MI.SRTO.V , Dol. , December 8.
] to > in Fiiinei ; Htruimil , 1 ! IO ; good ,
1 ! ) " .
.Spiiils Kinn at r > 2c.
T.uQuiet nt 2 15.
Tin-pi ntineSteady ; Imnl , 2 25 ; mifl ,
350iiyiii ; , 2 HO.
Clovolaud Markot.
Cr.K\T.i.A.-i > , Dcccmbw 7.
1'ctroleiim Wiaker and uncbnuged ;
htnndiiiduiiite , 110 ° test , 7c.
Buffalo Live Stocli.
HA r JiurrAi.0 , December 8.
iro0n Sir n.'et ; leceipts , Gl uiNsbip- ) ;
tnents , G3 cau ; YinkeiM fairtu giiixi , G 0 ;
good medium weights , 4 lOfeG 25 ; good to
Lhuicc Lcavy , G . ' 15uG ( 50.
ntLlborty Live Stack.
KAST hlliBUTV , Pu. , December S.
Cat le Fair anil unchanged ; best , G 00
( L'G25. Kccciplp , Tilil heal ; nhipmcntu ,
310.Hogs Active : receipts , 2,800 head ;
Hhipincnts , 3,100 beuil. PliilidelphinH ,
li : K > @ ! i 5.i ; Yoikeih , 0 75mD ( 10.
Sheep -Dull ; nothing doing : rcceiptn ,
400 ; nlilimeuts | , 200.
Maw X orb Jfrocluoo
NKW YOIIK , Dncomher a.
Flour--Dull , nnd in biijerx f.ivor , Mln-
ncHota extia , 5 10@D 00 ; ciiy mill uxtra
00S,7 ( 75 ; Bnuthcrii flour , ( jniet ; common
to choice c\tn , 5 R5 ( ! ,8 37J.
Wheat UiiMcttlid ; opening higher , Kiib
xerpicntly declining , im > l rloMng Htrong nt
BlWit rine ; No. 2. 1 43r ll 43J ; No. 1 white ,
10l 1J ( ) ; No. 'f. Milwiiukce , 1 3(5 ( In
store ; No red. December , 141J ( )142 ) ;
January , 1 l7Sffl ( 48 [ .
Co-n - Dull nnd heavy. Ungraded
niixi d , t'8n ( 72c : , 70 } ; No. 2 , ilamiary ,
"Us72jjc ( ; do Feb uiuy , 73J749.
OntH Ijcst ncti\c ; No. 1 white , rifijo ;
No. 2 do. , filid/I.V.'c. ; No 2 mixed , 51 r ;
mixed western , l52c ! ) ( ; mixed wtuU' , r > : Wn )
64 c.
c.Jljc Dull ami lieavy ; % ( ,07 ( ! .
1'arley Dull and \ !
Pork Dull and heavy ; old IIICKH on spot ,
17 2.1 17 50 , new ilo , 18 ODfrllH 25.
Lard Dull and weaker ; 11 , ' ! ( ) lor caxli ;
II 274 for December
WhinKy Nominal ,
Petroleum Market dull mid nomliiil ;
united , 83Jc ; em e , in baueb , < i@7c | ;
relii'ud , in biirifls , 7Jie jinked.
Chicago liiva Stoob.
( 'HIOAOO , Dicember8 ,
Ue > 'B lieciiptH , lO.OOO. % mrket ktiung-
cr uin4 rioruauti\tiearly in tint day but
finully uuak , ipiality Ki'iiurnllv bcttoi ;
common to goixt mixed , 5 G.r ( i/G 10 ; heavy
packing ami uliippiiig , 0 l.WO 35 : light
mlxod hogH 'i Wfaifi ( JO ; hhipjiciii nnd cull ,
25(5,5 ( 25.
Cattle HeccijiU , 0,400 heud. Jiar-
kit guiierally fntinfiictniy and idiout mi-
tbanged , olUringit include butt few fancy
ca U' , khlpplng graijen Hell about dtendy ;
common to fair xhipjilni ; cuttlr , 3 75@
7.- ; good do. , ft 50i')5 ( ) 75 ; elioicc , 5 Hjl )
lOjexpoitii , fi 'I t(7i.O ( 85 ; mixed butcher * '
itock , 2 50f < $ ii 75.
Sheep-lUceiplH , 2(00 , huid. Market
good for cholca fut wellivrri but COIMIIIOI.
fair for mheii IOM | and thin HI" | < ' | I in
abuiiilnnt Hiiiiply nnd not \Mintcd ; fair
75 ( 3 DO ; good , 3 Ollg-l 10.
.tuition irUvn IP mllwtioin In iiutlci
\ . ' . MK.H M. MKIIIIK'.I.
, E , YIUUS & CO , ,
125 Lagallo Street , CHICAGO ,
Grain nnd Provisions Bought
and Sold on Margins.
Dexter L , Thomas ,
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to the Fact that
Rank foremost in the West in Aaso rtment and
Prices of
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps.
Wo iiro'pri'purrd to moot thu diunnmV < of the tr.ulo in rcy.ird lo Latest Styler ,
mid I'jitti'rim. Fine Merchant 'IVilorin ; , ' /oiiinjuhdM
1301-1303 Fattiharn and 300 to 312 13bh St
Is the first to make the announce
ment to his customers and
the general public.
Always sold at the lowest Market
Wecarry the largest stock and
make the Lowest Prices.
Orders promptly filled and every
attention given to patrons.
fl . JB i
1313 Farnham Street.
Omaha , A PHI-AfTR" Collins
Cheyenne Jt xa = . A wJ'JZXV/Jla. ' , Colorado
Fall and Winter
_ <
Hate , Gaps , Tranks , Valises.
f nU ' '
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all i
f *